#it’s fucking exhausting
inchidentalmeowmeow · 5 months
Opens the bird app:
Leclerc and sainz fans again:
Closes the app:
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saintsir4n · 4 months
I have noticed recently that people (mainly non-black people) on any fanfic platform when they are reading a fic starring a main black reader, don’t pick on micro-aggressions.
I would say it’s disappointing but it’s expected, unfortunately.
In the UK mainly, racism is usually (not always) shown through micro-aggressions. In schools, through what classes you are expected to placed in or are in, the uniforms that tend cling to black girls bodies more than some and even just at the work place and how we are expected to be.
“You talk well for a black person.”
“You’re so articulate.”
“You always look angry.”
“You are very unapproachable.”
“Smile more.”
These are some examples that are most commonly heard. And I won’t even start on hair because that is a completely different matter.
To water down the meaning of micro-aggressions, They sound like racist backhanded compliments or watered-down racism.
So when I read a book/ fic and the character happens to be black or biracial I tend to pick up on micro-aggressions more than others, it’s blatant to me.
Because I have experienced both racism/microaggressions or just can read between the lines. I understand why people who aren’t black tend not to read books with black original characters mainly because they think it’s not for them… *sighs* an excuse that I don’t necessarily buy because mainly black people or non-white people have consumed white media for decades/ centuries we can watch whatever even if there are no people of colour to see.
But what I don’t like seeing is when people like to argue or are immediately jumping down the throats of characters that experience subtle prejudice and call them overreacting. And when the author explains what is occurring they claim they still don’t get it or downplay an experience. It’s honestly gut-wrenching to see and or read.
When I write my stories they always have black original main characters. Most of my stories are from different periods and I usually have to sometimes write things accurately or I tone them down because it can be traumatic to write. It’s fiction and I don’t always want to see my own experiences but I do want to be true to the time which is tough and something I have to navigate on my own.
So my main point is that I very much dislike how microaggressions are something that is glossed over by many readers or defended because it’s not understood or people do not care to understand them.
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im-the-lesbian-aunt · 7 months
Why can’t I find a normal girl?? 😭😭
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hellaephemeral · 10 months
i just wish i wasn’t who i was sometimes
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pizzaqueen · 1 year
Me: I’m having fun engaging with my hobbies the way I want to! Yay!
My brain: are you sure you’re doing it the right way though? Maybe there’s a better way? Are you sure you’re having the right fun?
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therealjammy · 1 year
Work has been a chaos show these last couple days and I’m determined not to let anyone ask me to come in early tomorrow morning because I am insanely over it and want to silently tell people “Nope, I’m coming in when I’m scheduled”
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mindmythorns · 2 years
it’s a special type of discomfort having to overhear my dad watch blatantly misogynist, racist, transphobic media
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vaya-mernda · 2 years
There are many things about being a child I don’t miss (uncontrollably anxiety, homework, school). But the fucking logistics side of being an adult fucking sucks so much right now.
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lavender-femme · 2 years
I’m so SO tired of always being the one who cares more
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mayhemchicken-artblog · 5 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
in the hour or so it took me to draw this op turned reblogs off
EDIT: reblogs are STAYING OFF. op was right and correct and i have never regretted making a post as much as this one. if you want to reblog my art you can reblog something else from my blog. or commission me, lord knows i deserve financial compensation for the nightmare this post has put me through
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>Join a union
>Hear people constantly complaining that the current union leadership is super corrupt, it's all just the same ten guys making all the decisions in secret and nobody else in the union ever gets to know what's going on
>Go to the monthly union meetings that are completely open to all 1200 union members
>The only attendees are the same ten guys every month, giving detailed reports about everything that's going on
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freshpickle · 2 years
please be nice to me, i'm in my twenties. do you know what that does to a person
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cut-n-snared · 4 months
i hate when people ask how i’m doing like.. horrible. next question
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emotionaleating · 2 months
when someone doesn’t wanna tell me what i did wrong and suddenly i’m 8 years old wondering what i did to make my mom mad again
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callisteios · 2 years
Would you like to find out what you would be the god of? Take my new uqiz to find out
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allofuswantgwinam · 10 months
i feel incredibly alone today 🤩 it’s 🤩 fine 🤩
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