#I base large parts of Zelda's story and reactions to the world based on this headcanon.
umbracado-blog · 7 years
Throughout the Zelda series, the three GOLDEN GODDESSES who created the world of HYRULE and the TRIFORCE (DIN, NAYRU, and FARORE) are repeatedly mentioned and are shown to be both real and extremely powerful, albeit usually hands-off concerning their creations. That said, there are a few other entities in the Zelda canon that are comparable, at least in terms of raw power or significance. Examples include Oshus from Phantom Hourglass and DEMISE of Skyward Sword fame, but this theory will be focusing on the big players in TERMINA.
The FOUR GIANTS of Termina seem to have a role parallel to that of the three Golden Goddesses. Though they are never explicitly said to forge the world of Termina from scratch, Locals say they were responsible for creating the four distinct areas surrounding Clock Town, which make up a majority of the game’s world. The fact that four of them working together can stop a flying celestial object shot at the world by a vengeful deity also speaks volumes about their power.
In fact, three of the Four Giants’ regions can be seen as reflections of Din, Nayru, and Farore.
Din, whose essence is in the TRIFORCE OF POWER, is also associated with fire and theGORON people, who tend to eat rocks and live around volcanos. SNOWHEAD in northern Termina is where the region’s Gorons live, the local Temple rewards Link withFire Arrows, and the Temple also requires Link to use his physical Power in his Goron form to break obstacles to complete the temple.
Nayru, the Goddess of Wisdom, is also associated with Water, Magic, and the ZORApeople. The GREAT BAY in Western Termina is home to the region’s Zora population, has obvious associations with water, rewards Link with Ice Arrows (Ice and Water overlap sometimes in Zelda) in its Dungeon, and contains a Research Laboratory. The Lab’s location and its being associated with Wisdom could be a stretch, but note that LAKE HYLIA, a location in Ocarina of Time associated with Nayru and the Zora, also has a Lakeside Laboratory. Plus, the GREAT FAIRY of Great Bay Temple grants Link a Defense upgrade, similar to the Spirit of Wisdom in Phantom Hourglass.
Farore, the Goddess of Courage, is the relative oddball of the trio, being associated with Wind, Life (especially Woods and Plants in Particular), Green, and races such as theKOKIRI and DEKU.family of creatures. The SOUTHERN SWAMP in Termina is dominated by the DEKU SCRUBS, who are not only plants but also capable of limited flight, using Deku Flowers to launch into the air. The basic bow and arrows that are unlocked in Woodfall Temple have no special magical characteristics, but note that even basic arrows are just flying pieces of wood.
This leaves one giant’s location, IKANA CANYON, unaccounted for. Ikana Canyon’s recurring motifs are the presence of death and the contrast between light and darkness. Death examples are easy to come by, such as the graveyard and presence of undead GIBDOS andREDEADS. Though this is the only region without a corresponding transformation mask, the Song of Healing can be used to obtain the GIBDO MASK, which tricks the undead into thinking Link is one of them. The infamous Elegy of Emptiness (elegies are laments for the dead) creates husks of Link’s current form that are necessary for completing Stone Tower Temple. TWINMOLD, the big boss fight in this area, resembles a worm or maggot, animals typically associated with death and decay. As for Light and Darkness, the Mirror Shield is obtained here, and STONE TEMPLE TOWER features the Light Arrows. Also note that the Tower itself is light-based despite being surrounded by darkness and death, and actually doesn’t include the Gibdos and Redeads found elsewhere.
So, why do three of the Four Giants match one of the three Golden Goddesses so easily, leaving only one exception? Maybe there is something else in Hyrule that corresponds to the last Giant, associated with the themes of Death of Light. For the sake of both the canon timeline and real life release dates, let’s mostly focus on Ocarina of Time’s incarnation of Hyrule.
Ocarina of Time largely focuses on other motifs until later in the game, using settings such as trees, caves, and really big fish for its dungeons. The two last regular dungeons in the game though (excluding Ganon’s Tower of DOOM) are almost exact matches. Also note that either one can be completed first and that both require more time traveling than any other dungeon.
The SHADOW TEMPLE (plus the Well) near KAKARIKO VILLAGE is based around the themes of Death, Darkness, and Deceit. They are packed with undead enemies, including the same variety of Redeads and Gibdos that haunt Ikana Canyon, STALFOS, DEAD HAND,BONGO BONGO, and those flying magic skull things (you know the ones… with the things).
The most useful treasure found here is the Lens of Truth, which sees through illusions. The temple is also loaded with various references to death and darkness, my personal favorite being the boat that is a “ferry to the other side,” almost certainly an allusion to Charon the ferryman from Greek Legend.
The SPIRIT TEMPLE, which is on the exact opposite side of the world, focuses mostly onLight. This temple requires playing as both a child and adult. Child Link needs to collect theSilver Gauntlets and Requiem of Spirit to complete the temple as an adult. Note the oddity of a Requiem (prayer for departing souls) being used to reach the Light Dungeon. As an adult, Link collects a Mirror Shield to solve Light-based puzzles. He also fights three IRON KNUCKLE enemies, which are also found in Ikana Canyon in Termina.
If we look for connections between Ikana Canyon and the fourth entity in Hyrule, we can guess that they were likely associated with either the GERUDO or SHEIKAH, much like how other races were associated with other goddesses. Their color of choice is likely purple, based on the purple color of the Shadow Medallion. Purple is another recurring color in Zelda, ranging from Player 4’s color in the Four Swords games, the Element of Earth in Minish Cap, and MAJORA from Majora’s Mask.
Yes, we finally got to Majora.
Let’s review what we know about Majora and its Mask. A long time ago (“ancient tribe” is a bit ambiguous), this mask was used by a now extinct group for magical rituals, but any more details in-universe are largely guesswork. Even the HAPPY MASK SALESMAN doesn’t seem to know that much about it, other than hinting that the mask was the home of a dangerous spirit rather than being an evil costume piece. Majora is also unbelievably powerful, seemingly far more so than Ganon ever was at any point in the series. Even the likes of Demise probably couldn’t destroy the world in a three-day weekend while still technically being bound within the mask.
And although the mask is too alien to easily empathize with or rationalize, it is obviously a conscious being, based on some of the game’s latter scenes and dialogue. It is also aware of what’s happening around it, as seen with the four children wearing boss-based masks on the moon indicate.
One thing that’s often overlooked, however, is that Majora likely came from Hyrule. That’s where the SKULL KID and Mask Salesman were found in Ocarina of Time, a short while before Majora’s Mask took place. The Mask Salesman also seems to have had Majora’s Mask for a while, but he can easily be found in CASTLE TOWN throughout Ocarina of Time, suggesting that he at least had it with him in Hyrule for a while. The game actually begins in Hyrule, when Link is ambushed looking for his lost friend. And even though Skull Kid and Majora curse a bunch of people, these all happen a relatively short time before Majora’s Mask begins, suggesting that Skull Kid only started using the mask very recently.
Last, let’s see what Majora itself had to say, both in person and via the Moon and moon children.
I wonder, if you do the right thing, does it really make everyone happy?
Your friends… What kind of… people are they? I wonder… Do these people… think of you… as a friend?
When a body is used by another, it can be called nothing but a puppet.
OK, let’s play good guys and bad guys… I’ll be the good guy, and you be the bad guy, and when you’re the bad guy, you just run.
Everyone has gone away, haven’t they?
That’s surprisingly insecure for a destroyer of worlds. And considering how Skull Kid has been left behind by the end of the game, it seems that this can not all be the thoughts of the Skull Kid still echoing in Majora. It’s as if Majora itself has some deep-seated issues involving trust. It questions the morality of its actions, worries about being used by others, and seems very concerned with how others view it.
The Golden Goddesses once included four members: Din, Nayru, Farore, and Majora. Each played a valuable role in its creation and complemented another member of the four. Din and Nayru balanced one another, with Fire meeting Water, Power meeting Wisdom, and Creation meeting Order. Likewise, Farore and Majora balanced each other out. Farore would bring Wind, Life, and Courage while Majora would offer Earth, Death, and Peace (themes seen in Ikana Canyon).
The four of them created the world of Hyrule and its many peoples. Perhaps Majora’s favorite people were the predecessors of HYLIANS. Though a variety of humans exist in the Zelda universe, it should be noted that the ones with pointed ears (Hylians, Sheikah, and Gerudo) are most closely associated with many of Majora’s favorite points, as seen in OoT’s Spirit and Shadow Temples.
It is also likely that the four goddesses spent a while living in the world they made, much like the Giants of Termina. This would be a bit of a weird dynamic for common people, especially concerning Majora. Gods associated with accepting one’s fate and returning to the Earth are not always going to be popular.
The thing is, if there’s one thing the Zelda series is consistent about, it’s powerful beings able to be defeated by much weaker ones. Link defeating Ganon a bunch is the most obvious example, but even benevolent deities like the WIND FISH and Four Giants are shown to be vulnerable to something they should be able to take on. So it’s possible that the peoples of early Hyrule could defeat Majora with a well thought out plan and the element of surprise. This plan: trapping her in a mask, which would only be used for exploiting her power.
The remaining trio could react in a number of ways. they would almost certainly be upset, both because of personal safety concerns and the outrage at Majora being imprisoned by the world she helped create. Rescuing Majora would be a high priority, but being very powerful doesn’t necessarily grant omniscience. A mask is very easy to hide, and they wouldn’t even necessarily know to look for a mask in the first place. That said, it would be an utter waste to destroy the peoples they created. Not all of them were necessarily guilty. Nevertheless, Hyrule was no longer safe for its creators.
So the Golden Trio departed from the world, leaving only a portion of their powers behind to create the Triforce.
Thing is, without the Golden Goddesses, the world would soon be attacked by outside threats like Demise. This was bad enough, but worse was the fact that Majora could not contribute her efforts into maintaining the world’s balance. Thus, the nature of Hyrule changed forever. Without an entity that could manage death and ultimate peace, undead creatures would begin to plague the world. Worse, monsters like Ganon were literally unstoppable, since they were powerful enough to overcome any force that would make them face a proper death or ending.
And so, by trapping the Goddess associated with Death, the people of Hyrule allowed the greatest killer in their history to go largely unopposed. After all, even when a hero rises, he can not always stop Ganon immediately. The Downfall timeline is based on the good guys simply failing.
Majora didn’t see most of this. She was in a mask most of the time, wondering why her three sisters had not saved her. Did they know about this? Had they taken part? Why would they betray her?
So ages later, when little Skull Kid allowed Majora to see her surroundings for the first time in at least a few centuries, likely much longer, she was neither entirely rational or calm. When she saw Termina, she saw something resembling what the world she made might look like after X many years. So bringing the moon down? That was revenge.
Theory by u/salnax
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50shadesofmittens · 5 years
Special 6 Second Part- Custodisi and Captain General as romantic foils
Okay so this one is 110% focused on my OTP and NoTP and theories and head cannons I now have and have to adjust. Warning that I discuss Custodisi as a creepy character. Also this gets way way way too detail focused and there’s probably a lot of things I forgot while writing this, details I unconsciously cherry-picked to make my argument.
I kinda noticed that in some ways, Custodisi could be a foil for CG? Personality and story-wise they’re opposites:
Custodisi is almost never freaked out, no matter how bad things get (even when facing Cegoratch). Whereas CG- well...
There’s also their attitudes towards the horror of the world. Custodisi sees horrible things and although he calls people out on them, he doesn’t reject evil itself. He commits atrocities knowingly and willfully because he just doesn’t care. Contrast CG, whose attempts to improve the world kick-start the entire show, and whose belief in Emps has more to do with his faith that Emps is good than anything else. 
Both CG and Custodisi have the foresight and wisdom to understand evil in their own actions and in others. Unlike many characters they don’t delude themselves into thinking they’re acting for the benefit of the world (or the greater good some would say) or are justifiable. But their attitudes and resulting conclusions are polar opposites.
Both are fairly laid-back and willing to be led by others. However, where they recognize their leaders faults and how they draw the line is different
CG draws the line when he feels the consequences would be harmful for others or the rest of the world. He lets himself be thrown around and almost killed, but try to kill one’s own son and he’ll stand up and say no.
Custodisi draws the line when it suits him- when he has something to gain (such as being allowed to continue being naked). Even when calling out Emps about Uriah, he never showed any sign of actual disobedience beyond simply wanting to say what he had in mind
Also, when CG is defiant he only shows his defiance itself- he said ‘no’ and that’s that. At most he’ll discuss the details and facts of the issue at hand without cutting to the core of it. Custodisi, in our biggest examples of direct defiance that goes beyond petty exhibitionism and lust, goes on to explain why he’s saying what he is in full detail
Speaking of, CG can defy one order and still think the exact same of the person he’s arguing with- he does this with both Magnus and Emps, keeping his disagreement separate from his perception of them. Whereas Custodisi seems to actually respect the Emperor less and less each time he stands up to him, attributing his actions in The Last Church to flawed personality immediately. Perhaps this contrast is purely situational, but it’s still interesting that this is what the audience has gotten to see.
CG’s loyalty to Emps includes delusion and willing disbelief in his problems- albeit this aspect is slowly fading, as it does so his willingness to go behind Emps back increases. Custodisi sees and fully accepts Emps flaws, and his loyalty and willingness to obey isn’t changed in the slightest by this (though this might be because he doesn’t care about doing horrible things) (also note that not changing doesn’t mean he was always obeying- he still went around naked after all)
Their character development is both best shown through their willingness to defy Emps. However...
CG starts out unwilling to defy Emps at all but can clearly recognize the actions he disagrees with (even as he's in denial about them later) and slowly grows the will to disobey
Custodisi starts out fully willing to disobey Emps if and when it suits him, and slowly grows a more nuanced understanding of Emps faults and the actions he disagrees with
TL;DR: CG starts with comprehension and gains will, where Custodisi starts with will and gains comprehension
Both consider the emotional states of people around them when stressful situations arise even though their own emotions are running high, but in different ways
CG gets Boreale and Diomedes out of the room when he’s fighting with Magnus, but makes no attempt to comfort them
Custodisi comforts Whammudes when both are terrified by Cegoratch, but beyond emotional support he makes no attempt to make the situation any better or to do anything beyond emotional comfort
TL;DR: CG focuses on action correcting the situation when considering others feelings, while Custodisi focuses on emotional comfort
As Magnus’ “love interest” they’re pretty different:
Custodisi chases Magnus while Magnus pursues CG
Magnus and CG both help push the other towards the character development that they have in place and in many of my interpretations can’t grow close together until/unless they do said character development, while I think a genuine Custodisi/Magnus pairing would work pretty well even if all character development just stopped for both of them
The ways in which their respective character development as encouraged/assisted/pushed on by Magnus exists is parallel in it’s execution- both gain something that can or does help them stand up to Emps
CG gains more of a spine through calling out Magnus’ bullshittery- which we haven't seen come to Emps-related fruition yet but it does seem likely it will
Meanwhile Custodisi accepts and learns to recognize the sins of the Emperor. Most of this is through reading The Last Church but he mentions Magnus and the trial of Nikea specifically in his accusations
Speaking of, the character development that Magnus’ presence helps push CG and Custodisi towards parallels in how Magnus is present and plays an influence
In CG’s case it’s through Magnus’ mistakes, and his direct interactions traveling with CG
For Custodisi it’s the ways in which Magnus was wronged, and through observing his life as an outsider
In my more headcannon based world of TTtD, both CG and Custodisi start with purely lustful interest towards Magnus for his body. Custodisi falls in ‘love’ through observing Magnus’ past, and doesn’t develop any interpersonal relationship with Magnus prior to falling in love. CG meanwhile keeps the two separate for a long, long time, finding friendship and companionship in Magnus first, and from a narrative standpoint he’s kind of more attracted to ‘future’ Magnus in the sense that ‘future’ Magnus has to become reality before CG will be able to trust him with his heart (ie Magnus needs character development before CG can fall in love- again something I like in a fictional pairing that I can’t like in real life because fiction lets you orchestrate it so that character development can coincidentally work like that without any of the creepy aspects of one character changing solely for love or one character changing another into the kind of person they want to be with)
CG’s eventual attraction to Magnus builds in real-time from experiences and events they share, and is a result of their platonic relationship growing closer
Custodisi’s attraction to Magnus builds from his mental image of Magnus, and in his mind he slowly imagines a bond between them increasing in strength over time
Likewise in my headcannon interpretations of the characters, CG undergoes character development started by outside forces that Magnus contributes to by coincidence of personality types. Custodisi undergoes character development largely in reaction to his desire for Magnus
And on a 100% headcannon basis, I like to imagine both characters are Switches, both in terms of pitching and catching AND in terms of dom/sub. Both are, I imagine, are also fully willing to use sex for purely carnal pleasure and have done so
Custodisi has no sexual limits, isn’t bothered by immorality, and carnal pleasure is the end-game of his sexual goals.
ONE interpretation has him use sex without any acknowledgement of interpersonal bond-strengthening tied into it
SECOND interpretation has him use sex with bonds included, but sex is a required trait of all bonds. If he doesn’t want to screw you, you are a non-entity to him. Whether those bonds are brotherhood (other Custodes), servitude (Emps), superiority (implied to be CG), or ‘romance’ (Magnus) there’s no relationship at all unless there’s sex involved in some capacity
CG meanwhile has a firm basis of consent that’s important to him on both receiving and giving end, and he also uses sex also as thereputic activity- though that’s entirely separate from purely carnal sex.
CG’s behavior is the same, though the comparisons with Custodisi differ depending on my interpretation of Custodisi, so I’ll put both
ONE interpretation has CG also see sex as a bonding experience and a potential conduit for deeply personal relationships, as it was with Shadowsun
SECOND interpretation has CG hold sex as a potential aspect of interpersonal relationships, not a defining factor. Some relationships don’t need sex at all, of his some powerful bonds are asexual, and he can feel completely different about a person’s sexual appeal to him than he does to their personality (as with Magnus, and probably many of the people he’s slept with- perhaps even Shadowsun if they never did BDSM [as that would mean he trusted her with his heart and with his emotions and who he is, but they didn’t have and didn’t need a reflection of that trust to occur in the bedroom])
Of course there’s also just the fact that sex dominates Custodisi’s life in every or almost every aspect, whereas I imagine CG is actually freakier that Custodisi, but he keeps his sex life private
Also just to get this out of the way the entire next paragraph is a spoiler for my fanfic Three Times they Don’t so it’s behind the cut.
I’d had a plan for TTtD where Magnus and CG play a tabletop game and Magnus is the GM and is a terrible railroader- but CG is able to deal with that. Their campaign would be largely off-screen but the audience would see enough to know that it’s the plot of Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. It wouldn’t be until their second campaign, where CG broke the rail-roading by abusing pre-established time-travel mechanics that things got interesting for the game. When I saw this episode I was surprised Magnus wasn’t as terrible of a railroader as I thought he’d be, mostly trying to gently push the party onto the track he wants until the piss him off. As I wrote this ramble up I realize I can retain this without breaking fully off cannon yet, with Magnus having to loosen up a bit through the second campaign- although CG still lets him get away with too much railroading, which sets the stage for the cannon special 6. Yay, character development in-progress and fitting into cannon, I don’t have to drop the ideas I already had.
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Online Gaming – The Ultimate Guide
What else do you do when you need to pass the time on the Internet, but try to find some entertainment? If you’re bored with movies or surfing the web, the only remaining logical thing to do is play some games. There are tons of websites out there that have a large collection of online games.
Some game online terbaru sites are fit for kids while others are open for all ages. Some games involve shooting while others require a different skill like puzzle-solving or board games. Among these categories, and more, is what we can spend our time with when boredom kicks in.
Gaming is a unique art in that it punishes you and rewards you based on ability. Sure you can be good at critiquing other art, but you can't be physically bad at watching a movie, you can't fail to look at art, a song won't prevent you from listening to the rest of it until you become proficient at listening to music.
But games do. To enjoy a game, you must learn from it. And as (most) games are not made randomly, but are instead hand built by people, you are also learning a lot about those people as well.
If you play a game long enough, for example, you might be able to guess things on experience alone. In Zelda: Breath of the Wild, you can assume where things like shrines or collectibles might be based on where people would think to put them, because the developers did put them there. However, what's amazing is you have therefore worked out not only what someone would think, but how and why they would think it. It's an incredible piece of cognitive empathy.
There's a strange sort of power to pulling at someone's creation like that, and having it push back on you as you play. It's not just experiencing someone's art; it's truly understanding it.
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Gamers Vs Non Gamers
Gamers do have many advantages/ learn many things that you won’t come across so easily in the actual world. Let us break it down a bit.
Most gamers tend to be more open minded
Playing many different games, experiencing lots of stories, stand in the shows of other characters and see what they go through. Gaming tends to make you more open minded. You learn from stories that one side of the story is never just it. You learn about motive, the reason for someone to be so scarred, evil, happy, just about anything. Most people judge others without giving their situation or past a second thought. Based on our online game terbaru, we believe that gamers tend to understand situations like this really well. And that is very good for our society.
Gamers understand how strong a friendship can be
Sounds cringe at first right? But hear me out! Most gamers understand something that non gamers do not. Gamers learn that connecting/ feeling strongly about someone, can be build up without ever meeting the person! Attaching to another person behind a screen is quite real. We’ve met many people online that we still remember. I can bring up countless awesome moments we had in gaming. And we’d get a bit emotional when we dwell in those memories for too long. Because those days are over. It’s really something beautiful too be honest.
Gamers understand that e-sports is just as legit a sport as any.
Non gamers tend to stay stuck to their traditional definition of sports (because we’ve all been spoon fed that sports have to be physical) This however, is false. Esports is something gamers understand. We understand how much calculation and skill you require to get somewhere. We understand how hard pro gamers have to grind daily to get where they are. Non gamers think they aren’t something. That only physical sport players actually have it hard. This saddens me deeply sometimes, how people can be so close minded/ignorant.
Emotional connection to gaming/empathy.
People can’t understand how gamers are so emotional about their games/wins/loses. How can you get mad? it’s just a game right? Wrong. This is what gamers do understand. You game for hours to get where you are, losing does tend to get an emotional reaction out of you. Not to mention the great stories you follow with passion.
Gamers also have no problem leaving something they spend 100’s of hours on. We can switch to other things after such a huge time investment. That’s just showing how much we love gaming in general.
Gaming isn’t just about having fun. Sure, most gamers will play popular games to enjoy themselves, especially with friends. However, the moments that truly stand out are the ones where the game catches you eye, draws you into the world, and then either crushes your spirit, or elevates your emotions in general.
While most non-gamers consider berita game terbaru as a waste of time, there are countless examples of how these “wastes of time” can really engross the player, or even someone spectating, into its world, and hold the attention tightly. Most games have enough sounds to get the job done, with some catchy themes and pops in the effects. Some games will implement full orchestral works into the soundtrack, creating an awe inspiring feel.
Many people have discovered themselves by pursuing a career based on video games. Not only that, some of them have become incredibly successful at it. Video games are a modern type of art like literature and movies as well as a training tool. Videogames are in some ways superior to various arts, and in some ways not, as no one can beat a book when it comes to engaging your imagination. But they are certainly not, a waste of time.
With that said, we will not try and convince why you should play. You control your life and maybe video games is something you do not need entirely. But for many of us, it has been part of our life that we will never forget. Several of us have fond memories from gaming that are now treasures to us.
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ciathyzareposts · 5 years
My 10 Most Controversial Opinions
            Counting down to my ten-year anniversary in February 2020, I offer this quick retrospective on my 10 most controversial opinions. I base this on the number of comments I’ve received arguing back at me when I’ve made certain statements, as well as what people have said about me on other web sites.
I was originally going to title this article “10 Reasons to Despise Me,” but I feel like we have enough invective slung back and forth about fairly trivial issues. Indeed, if you find yourself “despising” me for any of these opinions, I would suggest that you’re taking the entire subject too seriously.
          10. I think there’s a “right” way and a “wrong” way to play even single-player games.
         In my entry on “Cheats & Liars,” I used an analogy with crossword puzzles. The “point” of a crossword puzzle is not to fill in the blocks with letters; it’s to use your knowledge, intuition, and puzzle-solving skills to interpret the clues and derive the only possible answer. Thus, you are doing crossword puzzles wrong if you use a crossword puzzle dictionary or some other source to help you finish the puzzle. An unfinished puzzle is preferable to a puzzle that you finish by cheating, because at that point you’ve sacrificed the ability to ever finish it properly.            
No one disputes that people should follow the rules when it comes to competitive sports. I can’t ride a bicycle along the route of the Boston Marathon and expect the same recognition–or any recognition at all–when I have the fastest time. Nor is there any other aspect of life where we say that it’s okay to break the rules if no one else is watching. A practitioner of a religion, an alcoholic in recovery, or someone on a diet does not get to argue “but I was alone!” when he (respectively) neglected his morning prayers, drank himself under the table, or ate an entire cheesecake. 
         Playing single-player RPGs may be a solitary activity, but that doesn’t mean there are no rules. Sure, breaking them doesn’t harm anyone but you, but then neither does breaking your diet. That doesn’t mean it isn’t at least a little shameful when you do it.
         9. I wouldn’t mind if modern RPGs still made us take notes and make maps.
             The other night, I was playing GreedFall with Irene. Some NPC was giving instructions to a character about a potion, and she said something like “note the ingredients carefully.” Irene immediately reached for a piece of paper and a pen, and I laughed. I don’t care what the NPC said, I knew there was no way the game was going to make a player depend on an external note to properly finish the quest. I was right, of course.
But I wouldn’t have minded if the game had required us to write down the ingredients. I would have welcomed it. I miss the days of gaming with a notepad and graph paper by my side. Quest markers have ruined modern RPGs. Even “hardcore” modes generally don’t turn them off.           
Playing Might and Magic involved a lot of real work.
            8. I don’t like music playing during my games.
That’s not the same thing as saying “I don’t like game music.” I very often admire the compositions; I just don’t want them playing during the actual game. I think this is largely because I’m very music-oriented generally, and I see listening to music as an active experience. I only want it playing when my primary task is listening to music. To me, “background” music is like having someone constantly talking at you while you’re trying to focus on something else.
So I play my games with the music off. Sorry. I know–I miss so much.           7. I don’t like games about rape.
You wouldn’t think that one would be so controversial, but on at least one site it makes me a laughingstock.             6. I don’t like Japanese graphics.
I don’t know if it’s because I was born too early or because I never owned a Nintendo, but for whatever reason I missed out on the era where Japanese animation and tropes became normalized among American youth. I look at the result and I’m baffled. (There was a time when I would have said “disgusted,” so perhaps I’ve made a little progress.) Part of the issue is the artwork itself, perhaps more of it has to do with what the artist chooses to depict–and what players are apparently okay with. If I’m going to play a racing game, I want to race racecars, not goofy little go-karts piloted by mustachioed plumbers. If I’m going to pit monsters against each other in gladiatorial matches, I want them to look like monsters, not characters from the Island of Misfit Toys. And if I’m going to play an action-adventure, I want to play a classic hero, not an effete little elf with bare legs and a pointy hat.
I have a lot of readers that want me to play Chrono Trigger. I’ve watched videos of it. It looks like a bunch of children running around. If I was a fan of the game, I would not be clamoring for my review.
5. I think computer RPGs are superior to console RPGs.
The primary issue is the nature of the input. A controller naturally limits the possibilities of a game. You cannot offer the complexity of NetHack‘s or even Ultima‘s interface with a controller (at least, not without annoying nested menus), nor can you move, look, and click with the same precision as a keyboard and a mouse. Entire styles of gameplay, such as Ultima IV‘s keyword-based dialogue, or text-based inputs for adventure games, or even most point-and-click adventure games, become impossible on the console. Nowadays, because successful games must be offered on both computer and console platforms, these limitations functionally inhibit even computer RPGs.
Then again, I do occasionally like playing a game on the couch, with my wife, next to the fireplace. If a keyboard is better than a console controller, a console controller is better than any attempt I’ve ever seen to make a keyboard, mouse, and PC setup work from a comfortable position with a television. So there are situations in which the console is better than the computer. I just prefer action games in those situations.
              Even I admit: time for a console RPG.
           4. I don’t care about voiced dialogue–in fact, I wish it would go away.
I’m convinced that voiced dialogue, more than any other factor, is keeping modern games from greatness. The necessity of getting an actor into a studio to voice every possible line of dialogue is what prevents developers from creating more quest dependencies, creating alternate endings, fixing bugs, and including a lot more NPCs in games that feel very sparse without them. It also keeps the character’s chosen name from ever appearing meaningfully in the game.
The Infinity Engine games had the perfect balance. Key dialogues were recorded with voice actors, but most of the time the text was unvoiced. It shouldn’t have progressed beyond that.
3. I don’t mind about re-use of engines.
I mostly want new content, not an entirely new gameplay experience. I grant you that a few series have taken it too far–the Gold Box comes to mind–but in general I think developers should be getting a lot more use out of interfaces and mechanics already developed. It never bothered me for a second that Might and Magic VIII had basically the same interface as Might and Magic VI. I doubt any fan agrees that the “upgrade” in Might and Magic IX did the series any favors. I think it’s basically insane that developers only issue two or three expansions for titles like Fallout 4 or Dragon Age. I would pay as much as the original game for a new story set in the exact same world using the exact same locations. Surely, I can’t be the only one.
2. I don’t hate Bethesda–or, at least, I don’t hate them for the same reason you do.
I love nonlinear, open world games, and there’s no one that’s shown they can do them as well as Bethesda. I don’t mind if some of their other features are a little rough around the edges. Many, many years ago, in the midst of the most addictive period I spent with the game, I opined that Skyrim was “perhaps the best CRPG I have ever played.” That got quite a reaction from my own commenters and commenters on other sites.               
I later had reason to regret the statement; I was basically high when I wrote it. It was the equivalent of telling some guy you practically just met, “you’re my best friend, and I love you, man” when it’s 3:00 AM in a bar and you’ve both been drinking gimlets all night. But having qualified the original statement somewhat, I have to admit that it’s still one of the best CRPGs I’ve ever played. If that upsets you, I’m sorry. It gives me what I’m looking for.
That said, I do hate Bethesda a little. Not because of what they produce, but because of what they don’t. Skyrim sold over 3 million copies in its first two days. It won “game of the year” from practically every magazine and site that offers that award. It ultimately made over a billion dollars. What the hell kind of management decision delays the next game in the series for over ten years?! I’ve rarely seen a company that financially irresponsible with its intellectual property. George Lucas before he sold Star Wars to Disney comes to mind, but even he allowed a generous Expanded Universe.
Sometimes I wish I didn’t have my chibi hangup and I could be a fan of Pokémon or Zelda instead. Lovers of those franchises must lose track of all the main series games, expansions, off-shoots, and remakes. You know who knows how to run a brand? Marvel Studios. In a decade, they issued 23 films and 11 television shows, plus associated web series, comic books, and novels, and still none of its fans are complaining of “oversaturation.” Bethesda needs to sell to Disney, hire Brandon Sanderson, or otherwise do what it takes to get their heads out of their asses and start producing.
1. I not only think Fallout 4 is better than Fallout: New Vegas, I think it’s much better.
I say this believing that New Vegas is already an excellent game. But I listen to its fans describe how much better it is than Fallout 4 and I don’t know what they’re talking about. How can they argue that it has more factions, when 4 has essentially the same number? How can the argue about role-playing choices when all your choices in New Vegas collapse into the same battle at the same location? Do they honestly think that Boone and Cass and Gannon are more memorable than Nick and Cait and Deacon?
         One of the 10 best NPCs ever.
          Every time I get into an argument about this issue with someone, I offer basically the same list of why I think 4 is a better game:
             No ridiculously low level cap–no level cap at all, in fact
The ability to keep playing after the end of the main quest, with bonus content depending on what factions you went with 
A much larger, more open world with more locations to find; the game really rewards unfettered exploration
Boston is a huge, dense city rather than Vegas’s three buildings
The Settlement/building/settlement defense system
A perks system that actually encourages different character builds
Better item crafting
Much cooler power armor (with jetpacks!)
No invisible walls
An excellent “survival” mode; I can’t imagine playing without it
Flying around in vertibirds
Along with the jetpacks and vertibirds, just a more “vertical” game in general; there’s a lot to find on building tops and elevated highways
Behemoths and mirelurk queens
A gun that shoots actual cannonballs
The ability to call artillery salvos on enemy fortifications
Can blow off enemies’ individual body parts, allowing for more interesting combat tactics overall
               Against this, I accept the arguments that the dialogue system isn’t very good and that whoever nerfed the deathclaws ought to be fired. Beyond that, Fallout 4‘s superiority is so obvious to me that I feel like I must be living in another universe when I get into a discussion with most fans of the series.
So there we are: my 10 most controversial opinions. Everyone will probably be enraged at something. Even if you don’t agree with me, I hope you admire my honesty and the risk I’m taking with my Patreon account. 
Coming up: Ten years of upsetting people with more controversial opinions, starting with fans of the Arkania series.
source http://reposts.ciathyza.com/my-10-most-controversial-opinions/
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
Nintendo's Doug Bowser Speaks Concerning the Way forward for Video Gaming
http://tinyurl.com/y57snron When presenting on stage at E3, one of many world’s greatest online game conferences, it’s straightforward for executives to get nervous. And few have extra causes to be nervous than Nintendo’s North America president Doug Bowser. Placing apart the same old pressures that include E3, the press conferences, the bulletins, the buyer reactions, Bowser has a legacy to uphold. He took over after his predecessor, Reggie Fils-Aimé, retired earlier this 12 months, and plenty of are nonetheless ready to see what precisely the brand new chief has to supply. But, Bowser seems calm whereas sitting in Nintendo’s sales space at E3, even when discussing the rising record of firms vying for dominance in gaming, and leaks that spoiled Nintendo’s bulletins at its annual press convention, Nintendo Direct, earlier that day. Fortune sat down with Bowser to debate the gaming market, its future, and the place Nintendo suits into it. The next has been edited for size and readability. Fortune: First off, I have to ask, are you uninterested in folks making jokes about your final title being Bowser just like the character from the Mario video games? Doug Bowser: No, under no circumstances. It’s a sign to me that we’ve an incredible, passionate following, and our followers are embracing it. It’s ironic that we share the identical title, and there are occasions when it’ll be enjoyable and we’ll play with it, however we’re two very, very completely different characters. I’m not uninterested in it in any respect although. Nintendo has been a frontrunner within the handheld market ever for the reason that authentic GameBoy. How do you see 5G [the high-speed wireless technology that is supposed to replace 4G LTE] impacting that? If the promise of 5G involves fruition, I believe it enhances that capability to play wherever. It should permit for a stronger connection, particularly for on-line play. That additionally leads into streaming, the most recent gaming pattern that enables gamers to stream video games reasonably than pre-downloading them. The place do you see Nintendo’s efforts there going? There’s a whole lot of discuss it this week. It’s attention-grabbing to see what numerous firms are engaged on in the case of tech and new expertise that might be able to improve gameplay. It’s clearly one thing that we’re carefully watching. For now, we really feel the Change [Nintendo’s latest console] delivers on a whole lot of these guarantees. It’s a tool the place you possibly can play wherever at any time with anybody. You’re seeing a whole lot of firms come into recreation streaming like Google, which is a tech firm however not a gaming firm. What’s your response to seeing them and comparable firms enter the business? I believe it speaks to the energy of gaming. I consider it speaks to the business. Proper now it’s the second largest type of leisure on the planet, second solely to TV, and that features each streaming and community TV. It’s rising. Firms are seeing it as a chance. Do you see Google as a competitor? We select to not use the phrase “competitor.” However I believe on this business as folks take part if extra customers will come into the business on account of that, it’s good for the business. There’s a Netflix recreation, Darkish Crystal, primarily based on the upcoming Netflix collection, in your lineup. How do you are feeling about Netflix here at E3 speaking about bringing its authentic content material to life in video games? It’s attention-grabbing to see how numerous types of leisure are capable of rework themselves onto different platforms. I believe it’s an thrilling alternative for all of us as a result of ultimately it permits us to proceed to increase our content material and produce extra folks into it. I believe it’s a optimistic. Nintendo isn’t thought of an e-sports powerhouse. However there’s a whole lot of aggressive gameplay particularly round video games like Smash Brothers, which had a brand new launch about six months in the past. Do you see extra e-sports alternatives for Nintendo or perhaps launching your personal league? There’s a powerful set of leagues on the market that help aggressive play and have the flexibility to license our product in these tournaments. However we’re not going to underwrite groups and create our personal match construction with prize cash and all the pieces else. We predict there are already channels for that on the market which are very robust. We simply wish to be part of it. It appears like final 12 months was a very massive 12 months for Nintendo after quite a few notable titles have been launched. How do you look again on 2018 now? The video games that we launched final 12 months fueled the {hardware} outcomes. Via two years we bought 34 million Change models worldwide, and we’re persevering with that momentum. Change is up 22% within the U.S. year-over-year. I believe a whole lot of that’s being fueled however the catalog of video games we’re creating. It’s this relationship between {hardware} and software program that has allowed us to proceed the momentum on Change by the 12 months. The closing of Nintendo’s Direct occasion at E3 was fairly impactful with the announcement of the sequel to Breath of the Wild. Did you might have any worry in following up on the large hit that Breath of the Wild was in 2017? I suppose the direct reply can be no. I believe our builders have executed an unimaginable job through the years, and I do imply years, discovering methods to take our iconic authentic characters and worlds and creating video games which are respectful to the historical past of the franchise that was there earlier than. I believe that would be the similar. The producers and the director which are engaged on this explicit model of Legend of Zelda labored on the Breath of the Wild. How do you are feeling now that the Direct is finished? I don’t know if I’m anxious. I’m excited. I’m all the time excited to see how individuals are going to react to our content material and the story we’ve to inform. Certainly one of our objectives is to shock and delight, and we take a whole lot of care to verify we maintain issues near the chest and within the vault till we’re able to launch. What was your reaction to the leaks, wherein an nameless Twitter person posted unannounced information from Direct, particularly because it’s so vital to you to shock everybody? I believe you answered my query. Our builders, our firm put a substantial amount of effort into creating our content material, in creating our message, and wanting the message to be offered in a method customers might actually perceive what’s coming. And we wish to have the flexibility to inform that story when it’s proper. Leaks take away from that. Extra must-read tales from Fortune: —Phishing hackers can now bypass two-factor authentication —Apple’s sign-in feature is a “shot throughout the bow” at tech big rivals —Uber’s CEO has absorbed the COO role for extra management —Google is altering its search outcomes. Here’s what to expect —Take heed to our new audio briefing, Fortune 500 Daily Meet up with Data Sheet, Fortune‘s each day digest on the enterprise of tech. Source link
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