#I can do anythung
orangecoffee1010 · 6 months
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this is gonna take months but i am READY
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based on this
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angelpuns · 11 days
Imagine being able to drink a full glass of milk and its great and dandy and everything is fine and then adding chocolate milk is what gets you.
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hairydykecunt · 2 months
i love weed okay. i’m never gonna stop smoking it rver. but sometimes i wonder if it fucked up my intelligence. and i can’t remember if i was like this pre smoking but i feel like i’m just really really stupid in like an annoying way 😭 like i know thiughts and i have opinions and i know facts but if my friends ever engaged in an active conversation that isn’t about weed i can’t follow or understand. horrified one day someone will try to argue with me and i’m gonna be too fried to reply coherently and just mumble a bunch of ‘what? what are you talking about? what does that even mean?’
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inkquill256 · 1 year
I love those old Barbie movies in an undeniably masculine way
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catastrxblues · 3 months
i’ve been planning to study chem since like 3 am yesterday what happened.
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nogchompa · 7 months
Oughhhh it is in your best interest 2 b unshameful n sillier and free of heart it is good 4 yr soul 2 not gaf abt what anybody thinks or feels abt u as long as u kno u r doing what is true in yr self aaagHHHHH and do it all in the face of everything GGGGG
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ohhhhhh im premenstrual
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voidcat · 1 year
God its kinda stupid that one message threw my mood off as if I wasnt in a bad enough headspace already
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trophygony · 2 years
Warning to all 4.5 of my followers i am about one week away from going apeshit over amphibia
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astral-catastrophe · 1 year
Feel like it’s worth noting this is the fourth or fifth weekend dad’s been out of the house
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cosmicpoutine · 3 months
I'm not a TimKon anti by any means, but I lovee him with Bernard and I absolutely love seeing you draw them. (I know a lot of people are against it, finding Bernard irrelevant or boring, (or just perfering him with Kon and being upset about another love interest) but I really like it.)
oh boy ive been waiting for this one lol
i started with timkon. both tim and kon were my first direct contact with dc (childhood stuff doesn't count) so like, im a little attached to them emotionally
but i love how much of an idiot bernard is, and i think tim needs the normalcy of dating a civilian. i do think bernard should be better used in the comics. the first half of tim drake: robin was pretty boring and gave bernard no depth. but non-hero characters can be relevant and useful in the story too, just gotta know how to use them. (for fucks sake bernard is majoring in biology and physics, hes not dumb)
but i think tim needs someone normal (as much as bernard can be) and at the same time, he can't let go of people that mean so much to him, so the solution would be tinkonbern lol
(i also love his dynamics with steph, so rly im here for anythung)
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Alr so-
I'm chronically online, its an obvious fact, but recently due to uhh a lot of work load I've been. Tired to do anything. If i havent been responding to reblogs and mentions, Thats way. Im so tired rn i can barely type. So ive decided that this blog (and all other blogs that i own) will be on a semi-haitus. You all are free to message me here on tumblr, I'll still open tumblr a few couple of times per day to check notifs and stuff but i don't have the mental capability or the social battery to really do anythung rn lol so uh. Yea thats what i wanted to say.
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P-pleeeeeaaaaaase I NEED more wenclair, i know you said you wouldnt but PLEASE give me ANYTHUNG, headcanons???? Pls ToT
Anon, I have done nothing but break my word. Here is some silly headcanons because NOV 23RD CAN'T COME SOON ENOUGH
Is a Swiftie AND Harry stan (a child of divorce)
But Ms. Swift owns her ass
Also obviously a big BTS fan (pretty sure that's canon, no?)
Has never once ate a healthy thing in her life
Her metabolism is through the ROOF
Big shirt, small pants person
Night person
Stay up until ungodly hours
Has 1000 alarms set 5 mins apart
Brings a 5 course meal to class
Will NOT share
Will always sing in the shower
Does not care that she's in the dorms
Everyone can get a free concert
...she may be a fanfic writer
Will say she's Gold Rush
But is really very Mirrorball
Once her and Wednesday are friends
She calls her weirdo, very affectionately
100% buys Wednesday a phone
Enid: "Listen, I know you're going for the whole edgy, emo thing but, you don't have to be a fucking caveman"
Wednesday: "I told you-"
Enid: "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I have tiktoks to show you tho and I feel like that's more important"
Wednesday: "...you were put on this earth as my own personal hell"
Is very confused that Enid says she's a "child of divorce"
Her parents are still together?? She saw them on Family Day???
Is obviously a lover of Horror films
She'll fall asleep to them
HATES not being good at something
Will NEVER ask for help
Which is why she hates Enid giving her a phone
She just DOESN'T know how to work the damn thing
Loves photography
Has a legit old style polaroid
Theater nerd
Has just a wild assortment of random information
Beyond touch starved
It's not that she hates it
She just doesn't know what to do
It's a lot
Her skin tingles and she gets a sense of warmth through her
It's almost overwhelming
So she just tells everyone she hates it
Is always cold
While Enid is a whole ass furnace
Wednesday *currently curled up to Enid's side on her bed*: "Tell anyone of this and I'll pluck each follicle off your head"
Enid *smug smile*: "Mmm, sure. You know, you can always turn up the heater in here-"
Wednesday: "Enough. I. Am. Reading."
Enid *under her breath*: "Been reading page 32 for the last 20 minutes..."
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nrcbookclub · 7 days
trys! i made you some pride jewelry! i made you some demigirl earrings and necklace!
i didn't know if you had your ears pierced, but if not, i have a license and i can do em for you!
happy pride month!
Happy pride atamai! I didnt expect to get anythung from you or anyone really but these are awesome!
I do have pierced ears, i just dont wear earrings a lot :3
ooc: she is def like halfway to tears rn she didnt expect this
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lil-deach · 2 months
Okay so I feel the need to say this because for some reason a decent amount of cotl fans are a bunch of weirdos
I hâte proshippers i hâte hâte hâte them I Hope they all get what they deserve because if I say what I REALLY feel I’ll have them on my STUPID feed like ‘ugh, these ANTIS and their HARRASSMENT’ then maybe don’t be okay ant actively condone weird shit like pedophilia, incest and gross shit like that? Hm?
Darker media can be explored in a way that is nuanced and explores how it affects the minds of people who are victims/abusers without having to actively say ‘DONT FORGET, THIS THING IS BAD’, that’s what context clues and media literacy is for.
What ISNT okay is using darker media to jack off, yes we COUOD have a nuanced talk about S/A in fiction and how it can be portrayed if done respectfully, but NO. You have to GET OFF TO IT and be PROUD OF IT and get ANGRY when people DONT LIKE IT because god FORBID someone thinks that *gasp* writing/creating art of darker media in a way that shows it’s normal and you’re into it is BAD!
Anyway yeah proshippers and the like dni <3
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bugs-cg-service · 2 months
welcome! ^^
pronouns; he, they, bud, zey, it, skell
I’m Stampy/Gabriel! You can just call me Gabby if you want; What do you wanna talk about, little one? please ask I want to get to know the community and I love answering you guys! Mostly anything sfw is allowed, if you are venting or talking about something triggering please put a warning! Just know that some venting things like hospitals or doctor stuff is a triggering thing for me. And if you have anythung relating to other kin,alterhuman, or stuff like that; feel free to ask!
~Anon list
*Will add as I get asks*
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