#I can do the haircut I can buy the electric blue shoes I can learn the new language and pick up the new instrument
gottagobuycheese · 1 year
I forgot there was. a second part to this exam. in an entirely different format
#well the good news is I decided to start practicing that 2 weeks in advance#the bad news is it is pretty much entire time-based quick-decision free-response#which is like the worst kind of anything I've ever done#I changed my mind if I actually take this exam and survive I get to have every reward I ever promised myself#even if I don't stick to the study schedule I intended#I can do the haircut I can buy the electric blue shoes I can learn the new language and pick up the new instrument#I can apply to the fanzines and participate in the challenges#I can buy the new games and play the old ones#I CAN CONTINUE REREADING THE MOST NOVEL EVER#I can watch whatever the HECK I want I literally do not care#whatever whatever whatever I JUST WANT THIS EXAM TO BE OVER HOLY MOLY#Cheese's personal molasses#can't believe I will be doing this exam same process in approximately 2 years#but at least that exam doesn't have a super weird free response section...I think#I wonder if part of the problem (in addition to the like...horrendous procrastination) is that I never actually cash in these rewards#if I actually delivered would you do well#would you be motivated if I actually gave you the carrot#Idk it feels like every time I finish a Huge Thing I'm so overwhelmed by the sheer relief of having done it that I don't want to do anything#and then by the time I DO want to do those things the time has run out again and it has to be put off#oh well#This Time For Sure (lol)#anyways the good news is as long as I am alive and Take The Freaking Exam I can cross the continent and see my brother#AND rewatch the most favorite musical#maybe even with my family who have all had sufficient time of Not Watching It to have forgotten all the details and agree to see it again#(except my future sil who has never seen it)#(CAN'T WAIT)#god but this exam#this exam is going to kill me for real#never have I been so ill-prepared for this kind of exam#the threads I hang on get thinner and thinner every time...
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randomfandomfamily · 5 years
I’m Watching Kim Possible and Writing Down My Thoughts Letsa Go
What the hell is her outfit? What happened to the badass cargo pants and crop top long-sleeved shirt?
She got pinned down by two guys in less than five minutes, what the fuck.
Ron’s character is... surprisingly lovable?
Wait, where’s Rufus?
Okay, no, why is the transmitter on her chest, I don’t get it.
It’s sparkly pink goop. It’s just sparkly pink fucking goop.
Her identity is supposed to be a SECRET what is this MESS girl I do not APPROVE.
I’m not against Kim wearing different clothes, but a red head wearing that cherry nightmare with bright pink shoes is not working for me.
Open your own damn window, Jesus Christ.
She nabbed a stroller with a grappling hook, but it rolled up back up the hill instead of towards her. ‘Cause... that’s how physics works.
Dead ass just stood in front of everybody on the bus for a minute straight like she was somebody. Nobody is impressed with your shit, Kim, sit your ass down.
Drakken is pretending to drown Kim in the toilet and I’m concerned.
Shego is actually okay. She’s certainly salty enough. Her personality is a little darker, but I can roll with it.
Ron IS livestreaming your first day of school, let him live Kim. You’re parting the Red Sea of high schoolers, he can do what he wants.
I’m still worried about the lack of Rufus.
Why is Wade not in school? Did that question ever really get answered?
Ron, tie your shoelaces.
Wait, Kim’s not really going to try out for soccer instead of cheerleading just because Bonnie told her to, right?
I bet that inconvenient classroom switch makes them late.
Yep. Now they’re labeled on the first day of high school. That’s not in any plot about high schools EVER.
Does nobody have to stop at their lockers?
Kim! Ron doesn’t have a grappling hook! Don’t break into vents you psycho, just run in the halls like everyone else, damnit!
Eternity leave. I want this movie to be on eternity leave.
‘Slightly exploded’
Excuse you, Shego, but Ron was there which means Drakken was stopped by TWO puny kids.
This is Ron’s BEST first day of school? This soft, curly boi-
Kim do NOT try out for soccer! You are a CHEERLEADER!
Is that... a pink, crop top, COLLARED SHIRT? I am DISGUSTED with this.
I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
Kim was a cheerleader to set an example! She showed young girls that you don’t have to act all prissy and frufru in order to cheer and they just THREW IT DOWN THE FUCKING DRAIN BY MAKING HER CONFORM TO HER SCHOOL’S SOCIAL NORMS I’M-
Kim, oh my fucking god, stop showing off. The poor girl just had a bad day, she doesn’t need a fucking cartwheel.
I love Athena’s hair. It is a beautiful mess.
NACHOS!! Ron, you soft soft boi. Still missing a Rufus, though.
Ron Stop-PITBULL why is this the funniest thing in the movie so far, I’m cackling.
Tardy Party strikes again and Kim is STILL WEARING PINK.
Athena’s dancing is the most relatable thing.
Born to be Kim’s BFF? And Athena feels the same way? tbh, those lines were delivered very awkwardly. Suspicious 100%
If I see one more useless, out of context cartwheel from Kim I will scream. 
Damn, Athena got MOVES. I bet she’s been training to take down Kim. That’s gonna be the big twist.
Still think Athena is low-key a traitor, but what do you mean the best version Athena can be? Athena is already beautiful you piece of absolute shit!
‘Out-Kim’ Kim? Pippy fucking Longstocking could ‘out-Kim’ Kim. SUPER GROVER could ‘out-Kim’ Kim.
I know Kim ain’t about to get jealous of Athena even though she was the one that suggested the haircut.
Why the hell is Poppy Blue here now?
Kim is an expert in tax laws, has a head start on her midterms, controls advanced technology on a regular basis, and still didn’t know that WASN’T an apple tree?
She’s actually jealous Athena! This is bullshit! I hate it! I’m still suspicious of her, but STILL.
Wade’s not buying your bullshit, Kim.
‘Did you get demoted?’ Girl, I fuckin’ WISH.
Let Athena help, goddamn, she’s better at this than you are anyway.
Kim. Ron said he got it first. That means MOVE.
Go Athena, go! Go Athena, go! Shut the fuck up, Kim! Athena is busy kicking ass! Go Athena, go!
Shego knows what’s up. Athena’s WAY better at this than Kim. Definitely traitor material.
Aw, look at all the high schoolers playing with broomsticks.
Bonnie is a bitch, but Kim totally deserves it. Athena is just happy to be part of the team, she’s good at what she does, and she’s not getting a big head about it. Kim needs to step off.
So Kim is tryna learn the bo staff just because Athena used one. Kim, you jealous piece of shit.
Okay, now she’s crying. The producers are trying REALLY hard to make her relatable, but if she wanted to be her own person so bad then she would have tried out for cheerleading like she wanted, not shown off all the time, and she DEFINITELY wouldn’t have conformed just because some sophomore told her to..
She’s skipping school because she got an F?! What the hell is this movie?!
God bless Ron Stoppable.
School has been in session for, like, a month, and Athena has already been voted homecoming queen. Way to go, you.
See, Athena still asked for Kim’s help! She doesn’t believe she’s any better than Kim is, she just admires the hell out of her favorite hero. Either that or she’s still in the process of betraying her. It’s one or the other.
Throw her the damn staff!
Athena just got kidnapped. So either Kim finds her and apologizes for being a bitch or they reveal she was a traitor.
Ron asking the real questions. You wanted to save people by using a weapon you don’t know how to use? Yeah, how’d that go?
Did Kim just have an identity crisis and then fix it within the same ten minutes?
They can all just switch outfits in two seconds, damn.
And now Shego and Drakken are going to double-cross Athena because they’re the ~bad guys~ so spoopy yes with your painfully obvious manical laughter.
How long is this tragedy?
Calling Kim out on her shit, yas Athena! I know she’s technically a bad guy now but she’s still a better character than Kim.
A robot. I... wasn’t expecting that. I probably should have been expecting that. But I wasn’t expecting that. Hm.
Kim having a break down while staring at pictures of herself. Is that not a midlife crisis?
Ron hitting an electric cage to get to his friend is the purest thing I’ve seen in this movie so far.
Bet Rufus saves everyone though.
Everyone else: ‘Uuuuuugh the evil plan reveal.’
Ron: ‘Let him finish, bro.’
Athena will be destroyed. Double crossed. Can this stupid move be ANY MORE PREDICTABLE?
Oh of course, NOW she thinks of Athena as a friend. Just in time for some last minute character development to try and fix over an hour of bitchery.
Stay away from the side of the electric cage. Really? Ya think?
Rufus saved the day, wooooot!
Why is Drakken a cute kid? WHY IS DRAKKEN A CUTE KID? And how was that the side effect???
And the very original ‘Run the place is gonna blow’ bit in three... two... one...
Kim been a such a bitch to Athena this whole movie and she’s still protecting the little brat. I literally hate this movie so fucking much.
Rufus found Athena!
Shit. Rufus found Athena’s hand.
No wait! There she is!
A martial arts club? Are you fucking serious? What. About. CHEERLEADING?!!
Ron is a better character than Kim. Athena is a better character than Kim. Shego and Drakken are better characters than Kim. The cat obsessed teacher is a better character than Kim. Everyone is a better character than Kim.
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Ronan loves ASMR. It doesn’t help him sleep, but it lulls and distracts him on his worst days. Noah lies next to him on his bed and they watch videos together. (Noah must get the feeling, too, as his fleeting form sometimes sparks and quivers). They have different preferences, Ronan loving tapping and eye exams and Noah always opting for haircut roleplays. Ronan can’t stand mouth sounds and it becomes their thing. Noah does them in the BMW when Ronan’s feelings are peeling his skin off and turning his head cotton, just to jolt him awake. Ronan swerves his car violently as a retaliation and when Noah almost slides through the door, he has to remind his friend that he, unlike Ronan, is already dead. Ronan drives faster and faster after that. When everything has happened and Noah is gone, the car seems really quiet. Adam never questions it when Ronan plugs his phone to the car’s soundsystem and blares ASMR videos from Youtube.
Gansey has a thing for dancing. Not just any dancing but ballroom dancing and theatrics. In his mind, Fred Astaire is something otherworldly, Rita Hayworth taps dreams out in her dance shoes. He feels the rhythm pulsing in his feet and knows a thousand routines by heart, but he has never taken up dancing or never even dared to try. Next to Glendower, everything else felt surreal. So when he confesses this in a dark motel room in Rio, Blue rises up as fast as she can with three shots of tequila in her system and asks him to dance with her. Gansey looks up at her and takes her hand. They’re bad, really bad, Henry wheezes out between fits of laughter. As they reach Europe, they’re already so much better. Neither of them is surprised to find out that vaudevillian dance is something Henry excels at.
Adam wants to taste what other people eat and smell other people’s perfumes and scents. It has nothing to do with being hungry or wanting things he can’t afford to have. He has been doing it since childhood and he continues to do it after he is able to support himself comfortably. He doesn’t want alcohol, but God, he would love to smell and sip every single Margarita, Caipirosca and Daiquiri his coursemates order. He doesn’t really like coriander, but he wants to taste Blue’s falafel wrap. He goes secretly through Gansey’s and Ronan’s scents every time he studies in Monmouth. Adam never says a word about it, because he doesn’t want to appear hungry or poor. He doesn’t need to, not to Ronan; Ronan wants him to taste everything he orders “because I swear this tastes fucking funny, I don’t want a food poisoning”. Ronan asks his opinion before buying a scent or a shampoo “because I don’t want to smell like balls or grandpa Richard”. Later, Adam gets to pick every detergent in their home, gets to pick scented candles for their bedroom (“Fucking hell, Parrish, this place looks like it’s going to host a séance”). When Ronan cooks, he takes a small teaspoonful and feeds it to Adam, who smiles like the Sun.
Blue can’t pronounce an ŋ properly. It never bothers her and it never bothers Maura and it never bothers her teacher. This collective not being bothered results in her not learning it at any point. And so her life goes on just as it did before. In that sense, it can’t be called a secret. But it is also not apparent, since their dialect variant allows the omission of final ŋs. Adam does it, when he doesn’t pay attention or when he is angry or afraid or tired. Two thirds of the population in Henrietta does it. Raven boys most definitely don’t do it. One night, when Blue is taking Gansey out for a car ride and all is quiet around them, he finally has the chance to listen to every tone and lilt and sound in her voice. And that’s when he picks it up. And it fills him with flutters and light and electricity. She feigns indifference, but starts to enunciate words more clearly, just to see Gansey bite the corner of his lip and run his knuckles nervously against his neck. Adam is the first realise that there’s something in her speech that makes Gansey uncomfortable and happy at the same time and he can’t help but grin when it happens. Her nonexistent ŋ makes Ronan even happier. “Hey Sargent, say ‘Cheng gets a lot of bling for banging a fucking drum’!”. Henry is so proud that Ronan uses the word ‘bling’.
Henry also has asthma. It’s not bad, but enough for him to cough in dusty places and avoid homes with pets. Most often than not, his daily medicine is enough to keep the attacks at bay, so he tends to forget that he’s asthmatic. He likes tennis and he likes cricket, but nobody would call Henry Cheng very athletic, either. No exertion, no attacks. Days and months go by without any problems and he knows himself to be the type that starts forgetting his meds as soon as his health gets better. He also knows subconsciously that he has not told his new friends about his condition. A petty gnaw at the back of his mind. So when Henry actually gets an attack, in the backseat of the Pig, the general atmosphere varies between panicked and distraught. He finds his meds in the bottom of his 90’s Eastpak. Almost pure salbutamol. A quick inhale helps with the symptoms, not with Gansey’s confused and worried look. Ronan wonders aloud if he will ever dream anything else but fucking medicines for his friends.
Noah can choose where he travels - to a certain degree. Where he goes and what he sees is sometimes pure chance, but he can hope. When time gets fine and thread-like, he starts closing his eyes in the hopes of travelling. He goes to see Ronan often, Ronan in his room and angry. Ronan at school and angry. Ronan at the Barns and inconsolable. He sits next to Ronan in the BMW and through the hazy windows, he can see the boy with a blade smile. Ronan doesn’t smile, he doesn’t smirk, he just stares ahead emotionless as the race starts. Noah reaches over the console and runs his knuckles gently over Ronan’s cheek, finding solace in that in a year, Adam Parrish will be stroking the same cheek. He knows that there isn’t a lot left unsaid between them because Ronan isn’t good with words with anyone. All the same, he tells unhearing Ronan how seeing his hurt hurts Noah as well. How he should just sit down on that bed and take the toy and try to stop at least that hurt.
Noah goes to see Blue a lot. He sees how she longs for great things, an equal knight in the magnificent court of wistful children. She wants to achieve and reach things that are right now beyond her grasp. In that way, she is like Gansey and Adam. She wants to find a purpose, something that makes the sting in her chest go away. In that, she is like Ronan. But most of all, Blue Sargent wants to live. And that is what Noah wanted more than anything, what he wants so badly, but his time is getting thinner and thinner. He goes to see them on the bed where he kissed Blue. Noah is lying on the bed and standing next to it at the same time, looking at Blue and looking at them. When his lips touch Blue’s, he sits down next to them and puts his hand on their hands and kisses her cheek. He’s so sorry for what’s to come but all the same, he’s also happy to have met such a breathtaking person like her.
What to do with Gansey and Adam, he doesn’t know. He goes to see them often and at various stages of their lives. He keeps seeing Gansey on the ground, dying and desperate to survive. In a loop, he keeps whispering the same words in his ear, repeating the same pattern, saving him every time. It’s his favourite thing in the whole world. Gansey gets to live and they get to meet each other. But what comes after that is so difficult for Noah to understand. It’s the first round, where there’s a bee and a child. Not a young man at the side of the road. Gansey survives, but it takes years for him to find peace, running aimlessly around the world in the search of a king that never slept. Despite his appearances, Gansey is an unhappy child that is never comfortable in his own skin.
Adam is so powerful in so many ways and Noah feels drawn to him on the ley line. The magic has always been there, Noah knows it. Even when Adam is cowering behind the counter and praying his father to stop, there’s something growing inside those strong bones. Noah can’t always stay to watch, it is too much. He tries to make up for it later, tries to support Adam when others find his mission too relentless and severe. Noah can’t see beyond the end of his time, but he knows without doubt that there are also bright and kind days ahead of Adam, despite the terrible ones to come.
Noah ends up in Aglionby, on Raven Day. It is strange see one’s dreams played out. Most things he sees are shrouded up in mist, like a drug haze produced by the blunt force trauma and him being dead for ages. Days are dull and numb, like light sepia photos that he gets to skim through in someone else’s album. Not Raven Day. It’s the day when he’s grateful for looking for Gansey and Adam. It’s the day he gets to see Adele, standing on the stage and speaking for him. He had tried to tell his friends about him, formulate a thought that maybe something else was also taken with his life. A spark of some sort. The colours are so vivid and she is brilliant. Sometimes when Noah visits that time, he reaches out to her, just to feel the same spark crackling in her.
Raven day is not grey. It is full of ravens and colours and dreams. And amidst all that is Noah Czerny. He holds the most striking raven in his hands and he looks at the two boys standing next to each other. Many things happened and happens between now and then and there are times when Gansey and Adam lose each other for a moment. Wander away just to meet back in the middle, for good on that Raven Day. And Noah sees it and sees the bond between them. Strangely, that is almost the end of awful days for them, just a few more terrors to survive. And Gansey and Adam will always survive. They will end up happy and radiant. Noah looks up at the sky filled with birds
Time is getting thinner again, so thin he can see everything at once - heartbroken boys and a longing girl. Demons and a hitman and kingpins. Families. Blood that bleeds out of a forest and terrifying grief. He sees the love and strings that tie their beings together. He hears the bees and the great black wings beating the air. The veil is just too thin to visit anything specific anymore. Noah wishes it wasn’t a secret. He wishes it so bad. He wants them to know that he was able to move back and forth. He wants them to know that he tried to be there with them and that they weren’t really alone. But as the side of the road approaches his sight, he can’t get his voice through. There isn’t enough oxygen to carry out his secret. And so he kneels down and whispers the words in Gansey’s ear once again.
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doppeldonger · 7 years
Burn The Stars
The multitude of stars pulse across the midnight sky gracefully, but the light pollution birthed by one of the most populous cities on Eden-6 makes them hard to detect by mere eyes. Not unlike the stars, elegant tall buildings pulsate with the night life full of bright lights and loud cars; the city is up and alight with energy and excitement.
Two figures fidget in their chairs where they lounge lazily on top of one of the hundred-floor apartments to the east of the city, sharing the general mood. Rhys and Vaughn have less than a day ahead of themselves to get shipped to Elpis, the only moon of the planet Pandora that’s pretty much across the galaxy; they are amongst the select few who got accepted to one of Hyperion’s top universities, a great (and rare) honor and opportunity to attain.
The first spark occurs at this particular moment where midnight melts into the early hours of the morning. Rhys looks at Vaughn, his brown eyes sparkling with anxiety and hope simultaneously; the shorter boy returns the gaze just as fervently, hiding his emotions behind a brave grin.
They sure are nervous and afraid. This will be the first time they’ll leave their planet, let alone travel across the galaxy, leaving their families and friends behind for at least four solid years. But then again, they both worked hard to achieve this; they’ll learn and improve, getting closer and closer to their dream of working for Hyperion one day.
And they will do that together.
With a blush dusting his pale cheeks, Rhys reaches a hand out to Vaughn, fixing the strands of hair falling onto his face with his other hand so that he can buy enough time and be brave enough to look into Vaughn’s eyes.
Vaughn always thought Rhys has the dorkiest smile around, but he’s not the one to judge, as he smiles back just as silly. He huffs as he tries to catch his friend’s eyes, his fingers brush Rhys’s gently before the digits intertwine.
The city provides white noise in the background, the chilly, humid night air ruffles their hair; the stars shine just as bright, Eden-6’s two moons move across the sky without a care in the world, a burst of orange and a splash of peony blooming in the dark.
They have each other, and a bright future ahead. Their hearts swell with love and hope.
It’s almost ten years later that the same cocktail of emotions catches them off guard, blanketed by yet another starry night. Naturally, they have changed throughout the decade- they’re Hyperion now, like they’ve always dreamed to become, with fancy clothes and classy haircuts. Unlike what they planned all those years ago, however, they’re not in one of the grand plazas sipping whatever fancy drink they want. No. They’re pretty much running away from Hyperion after that failed vault key deal that cost them ten million dollars (and eventually, their heads).
Immaculate clothes ripped, fancy shoes covered with dirt and hair disheveled, Vaughn and Rhys pace through the desert, keeping the caravan and their weird ‘teammates’ within their sight while gossiping amongst themselves.
“Look at all those stars!” Rhys points at the sky, his mismatched eyes filled with awe. Vaughn finds himself marveling at Rhys’s dorky smile like he did when they were teenagers instead of the sky. “I guess the only pro of being in the middle of nowhere is the lack of light pollution, I mean, look at how bright they are!” Listening to the cyborg’s excited chatter, the accountant barely stops himself from making a cheesy comment like “None of them are as bright as your smile, bro.” He knows Rhys would love that and let out that silly giggle-snort of his, reserved just for Vaughn’s ears; but he simply doesn’t want to interrupt the taller man, he loves his voice and he loves listening to Rhys after all.
The cold, dry night winds chill them to their bones, so they end up huddling close to seek warmth and intimacy in each other. They end up walking hand in hand, watching the blinking stars, admiring the purple hue of Elpis and the ever-watchful eye of Helios. Winds take handfuls of sand and hurl them at the two man occasionally, and Vaughn ends up with a mouthful of sand because he happened to laugh at one of Rhys’s jokes at the wrong time. Rhys rubs his back and murmurs soothing words into his ear as he coughs up the unwelcome material, and finally takes a breath to calm himself. He lets out an unhappy whine as Rhys gently cleans his face from any lingering particles of sand with gentle hands, “You think we’ll get out of… whatever this is alive?” he asks, looking up at his friend’s eyes. Rhys’s eyebrows furrow as he considers the question, and Vaughn thinks there is nothing more adorable than that little pout gracing the company man’s full lips. Rhys smiles a moment later, and Vaughn is so lost in those pretty eyes that he doesn’t notice the arms sneaking around his waist for a moment. He gasps, but it’s too late and he’s rendered unable to move thanks to Rhys’s noodle arms pulling him close.
Not that he complains.
As Rhys buries his nose in Vaughn’s neck, they’re already blushing hard. The shorter man wraps his arms around the other’s neck and they stand there, as quiet as the night itself.
“We have each other, bro, of course we’ll pull this off.” Rhys mutters into Vaughn’s neck, his warm breath making the accountant shudder involuntarily. He hugs the cyborg close and sighs.
Even on a foreign planet, practically stranded on a huge desert, they still have hope; because they have each other. There’s that spark again, both Rhys and Vaughn can feel it deep in their palpitating hearts. It must be love.
“We should stop meeting like this.” Vaughn says with a downturn his lips, but his amused voice betrays his face. Rhys doesn’t respond, as he’s currently busy ogling Vaughn. Vaughn appreciates it, he really does; the whole Bandit King attire took a lot effort to come up with, after all. He’d just rather… Rhys did something other than just stand so far away from him, frozen as if shot by a powerful cryo gun.
But that’s fine. He strokes his beard and Rhys’s eyes follow the movement, Vaughn thinks liquid gold fits him more than electric blue. He smiles and takes a step towards the other man and that seems to snap Rhys out of his weird reverie.
The fallen remains of Helios remain a crooked mess in the distance, glowing in a shade of pale lilac in the night’s darkness. With all the lighting up Children of Helios done around the area, the makeshift town shines brighter than the stars glittering across the sky. Rhys ignores the scenery as he runs towards Vaughn, he knows he should be agitated by the mere sight of the satellite’s metallic corpse, but he has much more pressing matters at hand, like holding the Bandit King close.
Feet dangling in the air as he’s given a chest-crushing hug by Rhys, Vaughn simply chuckles and hugs him back. The cyborg finally lets Vaughn go so he can breathe and stand on his own, but that only seems to last a moment as they’re pulled within each other’s orbit yet again. Rhys grabs Vaughn’s face with both hands, silver fingers stroking his beard curiously; the shorter man fondles Rhys’s ass innocently and gets a surprised chuckle from the man.
“I’m gonna kiss you now.” Vaughn declares, nodding to himself. Rhys nods along, his dorky smile making the other tipsy; it never gets old, that smile.
The kiss is a decade late, they never felt any different when they were teens than they do now; but the experience crowning their minds, the sins on their backs and the friends they’ve made along the way make it much more wonderful than it could have ever been. They ended up in a place so much different from where they started off, they should be afraid and worried. But as their hands worship each other’s bodies and their tongues delve deeper into each other’s mouths, they’re anything but those.
When they finally break the kiss with silly smiles on their now-numb lips, they can hear the way people around them holler and cheer. It’s fascinating, how one can feel at home and ease in the middle of a wild planet. It’s weird to think how they hoped to become high-level Hyperion goons once and ended up a CEO of a once-dead company and a bandit leader who leads people with an iron fist and the heart of gold.
It is exciting. It gives the two man hope.
As they hold each other close, giving each other chaste kisses every so often, they’re happier than ever. And there’s the third spark, lighting their hearts on fire.
“I love you.” Rhys whispers into Vaughn’s ear.
“I love you, too.” Vaughn replies, just as calm and quick.
They always have.
For the lovely @nokikissa!
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You’re awesome and I hope you like this, my friend!
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