#I can’t 3x01 hug party flashback
mikereads · 5 months
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Just wanted to share this with a few song lyrics;
“Keep on whispering in my ear. Tell me all the things that I want to hear cause it’s true. (That’s what I like) That’s what I like about you, (that’s what I like!)
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Is it wrong to have high hopes for season 3 episode 12 after season 1 ep 12 and season 2 ep 12 being literally nothing but RinHaru? I kind of just want a repeat of the Australia episode hah, I can dream!!!!
I myself can’t quite place how I feel, like I guess I didn’t lose all the hope, because on the back of my mind it’s still “but they wouldn’t put ‘romantic, right?’ and Rin being his light in credits just because, right?”, but on the front of my mind it’s “they put small rinharus angst there and it hasn’t been addressed” so yeah.
It’s just…. doesn’t everything that’s going on give you like a very weird feeling? I mean, to me except for 3x01 swimming scene and Rin/Natsuya sequence nothing gave me any romantic Rinharu vibes I usually feel when I watch them. I’m basically trying really hard to come up with everything that would make a great explanation, but it all seems very stupid when I look at it, because I know that canonically they’re way past this emotional range of a spoon. It’s Rin and Haru who love to rudely tease each other like “what happened to you? you used to smile like an idiot all the time”, who came up with absurd romantic gestures like kidnapping Rin and putting Iwatobichans head on him or coming unannounced to Haru’s apartment to take him to another country, who fire each other up to the point of undressing in front of the dry pool, who both think that the other one is incredibly beautiful and making each other’s pupils dilate.
I’m like glad we got at least some casual scenes with them last episode, it soothed me a little bit after the “reunion”, but man, compared to even same scenes from previous seasons everything is so fucking dull, I just.. I can’t explain it, everything seems so very like “that’s it?”
Do you like feel the usual excitement for the upcoming tournament? Because I still really find it hard to believe that next episode will decide their future lives! I mean, that’s like huge and I’m feeling like its some casual swimming contest. I’m still like on my theory that Haru just can’t allow himself to relax right now, so he’s holding his feelings back. I still have hopes for him to melt after All-Japan, he seriously hasn’t enjoyed no swimming, no Rin, no mackerel much this season. Draw him a bath seriously. Rin gives me weird vibes, because I know he’s very competitive and he’s always very excited about those things and I’m very confident in his skills too, but isn’t he even a bit nervous, why it all seems like his future doesn’t depend on it or he’s already made it to the team. I’m just not feeling the All-Japan vibes. Idiots that ruined first half of the season legit disappeared, now they’re probably just gonna spring them on us out of nowhere again?
In ideal world they would put the flashbacks of Haru swimming for the first time and how he found his passion, then go to the present when he forgot how to be really happy in the water because of all the events, them losing their first races, them finding the meaning and inspiration into each other again, like Haru learning to do both: compete and not losing the feeling of freedom during this (the way he feels when he swims with Rin), them making it to the team, Haru being finally happy, both smiling and crying like when he found his dream standing on the edge of the pool with Rin in Australia, Rin also crying of course, the hug, THE HUG, then OVA of all the gang celebrating the fuck out of it, and losing Rinharu in the middle of the party.
But sadly this season proved me that they can’t write FEELS feels. I’m just very very scared about them not putting any effort in the Rinharu racing scene, because swimming scenes don’t exist this season. My only hope is that there’s a theory that since the unit director (is that what they’re called) finally came back from the dead (idk maybe he didn’t chaperone the much this season), we might get something, he did episode 1 that contains the only good swimming scene this season which was ironically rinharu. So I kinda don’t really have hopes for any romantic things because why hurt myself like this again, but I do hope they at least make their dream coming to reality a justice, otherwise it’s gonna be just absolute fail.
I don’t think it’s wrong to hope xD, it’s just I wouldn’t fly too high as Australia, because it’s gonna be real painful to fall after that. Even if there is a continuation we won’t see it for a while so better safe than sorry, best scenario they’re gonna surprise you (I have serious doubts tho), worst case scenario you’re gonna be like “oh well, I was ready for this”.
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themostrandomfandom · 7 years
hey jj! i'm incredibly late to the party but i recently rewatched seasons 2-3 (i've watched till the end once before) and i was wondering if you have any thoughts about where brittana stood both off screen in between those two seasons and in the first few episodes of season 3, till "pot o gold" when they become official. i feel like by season 3 a lot is different in comparison to the end of s2 and i'm really fascinated by their relationship in those first three episodes.
Hey, @deleteee!
So here is the thing: 
The hiatus between S2 and S3 is kind of a lost period in Brittana history. As S2 ended, fans had high hopes that we would see a lot of Brittana development play out in S3, but that’s not really what ended up happening. To be sure, things, as you say, were most definitely different for Brittana once S3 started. It’s just that we didn’t get a lot of answers as to how that difference came about. So much was left open to interpretation and introduced through insinuation.
The bad news is that because the show kind of glossed over this transition in canon, we can’t really say, “The Brittana relationship specifically underwent X, Y, and Z changes between S2 and S3.”
The good news is that we have a lot of room for imagination due to the lack of canon evidence—which means that this time period is open for a lot of headcanon.
If you’ll allow me a good jabber, I’ll do some recounting and offer my take after the cut, okay?
When episode 2x22 “NewYork” originally aired, spoilers per Brad Falchuk suggested that Brittana would end S2 “with abang.” 
Many fans hoped that this “bang” would take the form of a first onscreenBrittana kiss and/or Santana coming out of the closet and/or the girls finally decidingthat they were officially dating.
Instead, the “bang”played out as the Heart Locker, a scene which gave us a reaffirmation ofBrittana’s best friendship, a really sweet hug and a pinky-link, and Brittany tellingSantana that, for them, “anything is possible” because they love each othermore than anything else in the world.
Initially, therelative quietness of this “bang” left many fans feeling underwhelmed. For allthe ups and downs that last six episodes of S2 had provided, Brittana had neverthelessmade very little in the way of measurable progress towards dating. No one wasexactly sure where they stood or even if TPTB at Glee were going to continue topursue a romantic storyline for them come S3.
During the summerhiatus between S2 and S3, rumors and fears abounded. Some fans worried that thewriters might introduce a new love interest for one or both of the girls comeS3. Others worried that once S3 started, Brittana would once again be relegatedto background status and all forward development for them would cease.
As the summercontinued, hopeful spoilers started to leak out, and the fandom allowed itselfto imagine some more favorable scenarios: Maybe Brittana would kiss or startdating in the season premiere. Maybe Santana would begin S3 out. Maybe she andBrittany would already be dating by the time S3 started. Maybe we would seeflashbacks to what they did with their summer vacation or at least hear aboutit in a JBI retrospective.
But, again, thingsdidn’t unfold exactly as the fandom expected.
Episode 3x01 “ThePurple Piano Project” was not the Brittana watershed we were hoping for.
The S3 premiere sawBrittana back on the Cheerios for the first time since episode 2x11 “The SueSylvester Shuffle,” with Santana being awarded dual captaincy with Becky.
In Brittana’s firstscene together, Santana got a lunch tray for her and Brittany to share andwalked with her arm-in-arm to their seats. They did talk to JBI but not abouttheir love lives, only about Santana’s plan to rock her senior year andBrittany’s efforts to assemble a functional time machine.
There was no explicitconfirmation that Brittana were dating each other—but, then again, there wasalso nothing to say that they were dating anyone else, either.
They tried to re-recruitQuinn to the New Directions and Cheerios together, but it was unclear what, ifanything, Quinn knew about their relationship.
The girls were onceagain a two-shot, appearing in almost every scene together. They danced on thetables with each other during “We Got the Beat” and sat side-by-side followingthe food fight (“Those are your nipples”).
Later on, Sue seemedto intimate that she knew the truth about Santana’s sexuality and used thatknowledge to blackmail Santana into sabotaging Will’s piano project. Santanadid not appear to be out, but she and Brittany were being awfully chummy inpublic. When Santana got kicked out the glee club, Brittany appeared noticeablydistressed, to the point that even Finn seemed to notice.
Everything was,frankly, ambiguous.
There was nothing tosay that Brittana had made progress between S2 and S3. There was also nothingto say they had regressed.
After working throughsome initial feelings of disappointment, the fandom held its collective breath,waiting to learn more. 
Some fans, myself included, wondered if Brittana werealready secretly dating and suspected that maybe a big reveal would come about at somepoint later in the season. Other fans fretted that maybe we would never see anymore mainline development for romantic Brittana at all—that this “Are they oraren’t they?” ambiguity was all we were ever going to get.
True to form, Gleestrung us along. The next two episodes of S3 tiptoed around Brittana’srelationship, with each new episode offering tantalizing clues but never delivering anything definitive.
In episode 3x02 “I AmUnicorn,” Brittany seemed bound and determined to make WMHS a safe space forLGBTQ kids, and she attempted to use Kurt’s campaign for the senior classpresidency to achieve that end. When Kurt rejected Brittany’s designs,Santana made a point to compliment her genius and encourage her to believe inherself. Everything was very sweet and seemed significant, but, again, nothingwas explicitly explained.
In episode 3x03 “AsianF,” Brittany showed up the Booty Camp, seemingly in support of Santana. Later,she performed “Run the World (Girls)” with Santana singing backup. Theperformance was definitely sexy and suggested Santana’s devotion not only toBrittany’s cause but to Brittany herself. However, it was perhaps lessintriguing, from a Brittana perspective, than Mercedes’s dream sequence performanceof “It’s All Over,” in which Mercedes clearly identified Brittana as a powercouple and talked about Santana “knocking off that piece who thinks she’sbetter than everybody running for president”—i.e., Brittany. Once again, fanswere left wondering what, if anything, was the deal with Brittana. Were theydating or what? If so, did the whole school know about it? Or was Mercedes aspecial case?
Finally, episode 3x04 “PotO’ Gold” provided some answers—though, again, not the answers fans perhapsexpected.
It turned out thatBrittany and Santana had been going on dates—eating out at BreadStix, takingromantic baths together, etc.—only Santana wasn’t sure if that meant they were actuallydating. Brittany reassured her that they were, in fact, dating if she wantedthem to be dating (“I ordered shrimp”). And Santana did want them to be dating, just with the stipulation that their relationship remain private (“under thenapkin”), at least for the time being.
This developmentfilled in some blanks for the fandom:
Santana was not yetout.
Brittana had spent the summer and early school year going on dates but notdefining their relationship.
Brittany was fine with taking things at Santana’s pace.
Santana was ready to date Brittany and be in a committed relationship with herbut not yet ready to make their relationship public.
What it didn’t tell uswas how, exactly, Brittana had spent their summer vacation or to what degreethey had discussed Santana’s coming out process to date. Did they have a planfor how they were going to proceed or were they more playing things by ear?
To this point in showhistory, we, as the audience, still had yet to meet Santana’s family on screen, soquestions remained as to how accepting or unaccepting they might beconcerning her sexuality. 
There had been some hints to suggest that Santanafeared their potential reaction to her coming out but nothing had beenexplicitly stated. 
Fans wondered to what degree the Lopez family would figure into Brittana’sstoryline going forward. 
They also wondered how much or how little Brittana’sromantic development would feature in the show throughout the rest of theseason.
When spoilers startedto leak for Santana’s “coming out” arc, set to feature in episodes 3x06 “MashOff” and 3x07 “I Kissed a Girl,” the fandom hoped that maybe we would learnmore about the nature and history of Brittana’s relationship from the end of S2until present.
But that’s the thingabout Glee: The writers very rarely examined developments in retrospect. Thingshappened off screen, through insinuation, and in passing and were never againrevisited. No new details or developments were made, and the story clipped alongat its same heady pace, full steam ahead.
So was the case withBrittana’s relationship.
We got developmentsgoing forward in S3, but the narrative never looked back or provided any newinsight into what had happened to get Brittana from the Heart Locker in 2x22 to “Iwish you’d hold my hand” in 3x04.
That being the case,there just aren’t that many concrete answers to be had about the summer S2-S3 hiatus period in Brittana history. All we can dois make inferences and write fanfiction.
My personal inferencesabout that “lost summer” are these:
I believe that,following the Heart Locker conversation, Brittany and Santana’s relationshipachieved a state of new equilibrium.
Things weren’t thesame as they had been pre-Hurt Locker, where they were friends who slepttogether but never talked about feelings (even though feelings were obviouslythere). Things also weren’t the same as they had been throughout the Back Six ofS2, with so many stutter steps and hesitations and backslides andcomplications, each new week trading heartbreaks and triumphs.Neither one of the girls was dating anyone else, and they weren’t desperately tryingto maintain the image of heterosexuality, as they had in the past.
Instead, Brittana achieved a new normal.
They spent timetogether—probably lots of it in each other’s homes, as we can infer from thefact that they occasionally bathed together—and they gradually resumed theirphysical intimacy, only this time it was different, because the feelingsunderlying it weren’t being suppressed and secreted anymore.
Though fans hadoriginally inferred that Brittany wouldn’t be ready to date Santana untilSantana came out, the truth was that Brittany was ready to date Santana as longas they were exclusive with each other and there was no more obfuscationbetween them about the nature of their feelings.
They didn’tnecessarily have explicit conversations about the nature of their relationship,hence why Santana remained uncertain, even going into the new school year, asto whether or not Brittany was actually her girlfriend. Brittany, on the otherhand, knew that she and Santana were steady dating, but she wasn’t about toforce Santana into labeling their dynamic before she was ready, so she just playedthings cool, waiting for Santana to come to her.
In the meantime, thegirls decided—together—that they would rejoin Cheerios and attain leadershippositions in Sue’s organization.
They also decided thatthey would try to reform the Unholy Trinity and get Quinn to rejoincheerleading and glee club with them.
When the school yearbegan, they essentially hid their new and improved dynamic in plain sight.Santana didn’t come out to the school, and she and Brittany didn’t tell anyonethey’d been going on dates. However, the girls also made no efforts to hide theircloseness or to beard with boys, as per their m.o. in years past. If people sawthem together and made inferences, then so be it. They just weren’t going tomake any public announcements themselves—and especially not before they haddefined their relationship between the two of them.
There was perhaps somesense between them that they were gradually working towards “going public”—thatSantana was trying to become more comfortable with herself and that they werebuilding up the kind of social capital that would afford them the freedom to dowhat they wanted within the walls of WMHS—but I don’t think they had a stricttimeline on coming out or even a real plan as to how that process might unfold.
Things were still newbetween them, and they were still figuring out how to bridge the gap betweenwhat they had been in the past and what they were now—hence all the ambiguityduring the first few episodes of S3.
Honestly, this periodin Brittana history is one of my favorites to imagine, specifically because itis so open to interpretation, so I’ve written a lot of fic about it. If you are interested, you can find my main “summer between S2-S3″ stories here: 
AndEverything is August You
Can’tHelp but Fall Just to Land
Of course, these stories are just my take on this particular period in Brittana history, and other authors have imagined things in delightfully different ways.
As stated above, we don’t have many hard answers about how Brittana made the transition between S2 and S3. We just have the sense that things were keenly different between Brittana, starting their senior year.
In any case, I have jabbered a lot now.
Thanks for the question! If you continue with your rewatch, I hope you enjoy it.
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