#also who knows maybe they did the whole song like Oliver said either way we don’t know
mikereads · 5 months
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Just wanted to share this with a few song lyrics;
“Keep on whispering in my ear. Tell me all the things that I want to hear cause it’s true. (That’s what I like) That’s what I like about you, (that’s what I like!)
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buddie911abc · 4 months
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Please forgive typos. This is too long to proofread.
I'm not entirely sure how to get this post started. There are several things I want to talk about and work out in my head. They relate to each other, but I believe they need their own space to breathe... So stay with me, folks.
*Buck is now canon bisexual. I know what this means for the community, so this post is offered with total respect for the experiences and representation of those who identify as bisexual. The purpose is to examine the storytelling and meaning while comparing canon and non-canon interpretations.*
Part I
With this in mind, I want to examine the character of Buck as he has been presented to us so far. As I said before, Buck is now canon bisexual. This means it doesn't matter how we interpreted the character before now. Buck has always liked men and women, but for whatever reason, he hasn't always been aware of that fact. I would like to go back now and look for the moments where I paused and thought, "hmmmm," and I want to look at the moments that the cast, producers, or writers have pointed to as examples of his sexuality. I also want to go back and look at how those moments were framed from the perspective of Buddie. Essentially, I want to know can Buck be canon bisexual without having canon feelings of love for Eddie. (Buck's P.O.V. only. Eddie's feelings either way aren't in play for this particular analysis.)
1- The first episode where Buck & Eddie meet. Season 2 Episode 1 if you want to rewatch and see if you agree or disagree: On my 1st viewing, I accepted the scene at face value. Despite the music playing in the background. (Whatta Man) I connected the song to Eddie's character introduction because he was fine as F#$k, I took the expression on Buck's face as instant dislike and jealousy. For a moment or two, I thought Buck had lost all his character development from season one. Oliver S. and many others took the music as a signal along with the fact that Eddie was in slow motion, and they interpreted the moment as evidence of a confused Bi-Buck. He didn't know where to put those feelings, so he channeled his attraction into something he could understand. *Now that bi-Buck is canon, my original interpretation doesn't mean S#@t. Buck is bi and the only interpretation that makes sense for him is the one given by Oliver. But what does that mean for Buck's feelings for Eddie? Well, Eddie and Buck had just met, so unless you believe in love at first sight, Buck's feelings were not driven by a love of Eddie. Instead, it was driven by attraction to him on a purely physical level. It also means that the show, at some point, should acknowledge how despite Oliver's or anyone else's hopes for the character, Buck is canonically attracted to Eddie on a physical level. [Unless I find the evidence while searching for my answer, Bi-Buck without Eddie, provides no evidence of Bi-Buck in past seasons.]
*Short Pause Here* I can tell this post will be too long if I do this with every moment I recognize. So I'm going to do a few more, and then if anyone has read this and cares to see more, suggest them in the comments (along with the season and episode #, and I will go back to watch it and provide the same analysis.) I'm going to call this post, Part I and do a series of them.*
2- The mechanic full of air 911 call: Another moment I noticed for Buck, in retrospect, was on a call to help a mechanic who fell on an air machine and pumped his body full of air. Bobby had Chim and Eddie try to get lines into him, but they couldn't. He told Buck to try another way, but when Buck tried to do his part, Eddie suggested a different location based on something he knew from the army. When Bobby gave him the go-ahead. Eddie asked Buck to help. Buck was mad but did it. The whole time, Buck watched him with a grim face, but when it worked, there was an appreciative smile that he quickly hid. His expression then looked like maybe he was bothered by something. It didn't have the same level of hostility as before. He seemed to be confused. Seen through a canon bi-Buck lens. It seems clear that he was feeling something and confusion was part of it. He wasn't sure about it or comfortable entertaining the idea with Bobby, Chim, Hen, and Eddie standing there. Later, he admitted to Eddie it was a good call, but he said it and walked away with no attempt to play nice. The moment went unexamined by me at first. Once I picked up the Buddie lens, I counted the moment as a personal headcanon. From a canon bi-Buck perspective what does it mean? If we erased the moment or took Eddie out of the equation, would the evidence still suggest Bi-Buck exists? At this point, Bi-Buck could exist without this scene, but only if we still had the previous Eddie-centered scene.
3- The gym scene: Buck was already there lifting weights. Eddie arrived and started punching the bag. Buck noticed and walked by him to get more bars to add weight to his lift. I originally saw this as jealous Buck trying to compete or trying to prove something. When Buck walked behind Eddie to get the weights, there was a moment when it looked like he may have checked him out. It could easily be overlooked and ignored based on how it was shot. (So this is a thinner piece of evidence.) Next, Buck decided to take a few selfies. This time Eddie noticed and made a suggestion to improve the look of his photos (not to improve Buck, but I don't think Buck made that connection) Buck rejected the idea, but Chim heard it and asked about it. When Eddie pulled out his phone to show him photos of himself, Buck casually walked by and glanced at them. He's tried to play it cool, but it was clear he only walked over to look because he walked back to his spot without picking up a weight, a towel, a bottle of water, or anything. Buck thought the photos were professionally taken and made a snippy comment. (To break that down further, Buck glanced at the photos, he thought Eddie looked d#$n good in them because he assumed they were professionally taken, and then was annoyed to learn a 12-year-old took them. I could keep going with this scene. Eddie confronted him about his attitude, and Buck had ready-made excuses. We learned some things that hinted at Eddie's feelings, and I'm dying to talk about them too. However, this is already a long a$$ Buck post, and I know I can't catch all the moments from just this episode.
4- 911 call for a man who shot himself with a live explosive grenade:
Bobby & Buck examined the man and prepped him for the Ambulance. Bobby tells Buck to ride with the patient to the hospital. Eddie was already inside from helping to load him. Bobby ordered Buck to go and then told him to play nice. As they were transporting, Buck returned to being a d#ck. Finally, getting a rise out of Eddie who asked Buck what he was trying to measure. This quieted Buck (a little) He started to realize how much of an a$$ he was being. When Eddie realized the round inside the patient was still live, he had the ambulance pullover. Once Bobby decided to allow Eddie to remove the grenade, Buck volunteered to assist him, and when Bobby said he didn't have to, Buck said he wouldn't let Eddie have all the fun. (aka He wouldn't let him do it alone. That was a return to the Buck I got to know the previous season.) He also told Bobby that he and Eddie just might get close. (I didn't realize this was foreshadowing at the time.) Fast forward Eddie saved the patient. He complimented Buck and told him that he was good under pressure. (Lord, it's killing me to rant about Eddie.) Buck responded by first blushing and saying, "me?" Then Eddie told him he could have his back any day, to which Buck stammers that Eddie could have his. This...This is the moment where I first went. Hmmmmm. At first, I couldn't make sense of why he responded that way. I thought about it and wondered about it enough to pay extra attention during the next episode, and by the end of that one, I was pushing the dinghy away from the shore and watching my little ship to see if would sail any further. Looking back with a Buddie lens, I see Buck developing a crush. Now that Bi-Buck is canon and there are equivalent canon scenes of Bi-Buck trying to talk to another guy he's attracted to (Tommy), there is no other way to read this particular scene. It is a major moment that proves Bi-Buck existed as early as season two. It also demonstrates what I believe to be a pattern for the way Buck approached men before realizing he was bi. He knows that he likes them. He does not fully realize it is a sexual attraction. He gets nervous and says ridiculous things to them and stutters over himself. He tries to learn more about them. He tries to do things to please them and make them like him back. In the past, I imagine that if he did this with straight guys, they either ghosted or became his friends. Buck didn't fully realize what he wanted from them and didn't pursue it further. In Eddie's case, I need another post to talk about it because I have to cover my interpretation of non-canon Eddie. In Tommy's case, Buck did all the things he had always done, but Tommy had the guts to kiss him. There is more I would like to say about Tommy. All of it is good at this point. Unfortunately, this post is too long for me to go into it here, but I know exactly where I would like to see Tommy's character in the future. If only I was a capable writer.
**TL;DR** The show, in season 7 episode 4 made Bi-Buck canon. Since this is a written drama, we can backtrack a storyline and say these are the facts, live with it. However, for everyone who tries to come at writers, actors, etc, and say it came out of nowhere, or for people who like to see canon evidence that leaves a trail, the writers can all clearly say. "Look. We have these moments to prove it. You may have chosen to believe or interpret something else, and we may have originally intended something else, but these scenes demonstrate Bi-Buck's existence as evidence.
The question I want to ask is this: Can the show back up Canon Bi-Buck throughout the series without including (at the very least) Buck's feelings about Eddie? Is Eddie essential to pre-existing evidence? I don't have the answer yet. (Keep in mind. It will be canon no matter what conclusions I make, but having the evidence and using that evidence to bolster the current story arc and the character going forward will determine how rich the story is. For me, it will tell me what is the better story.
I'm beginning to think I should have started with season one before Eddie arrived. It's too late now. lol, I'm not deleting this long @$$ post. However, if you have read this far and can think of some Bi-Buck moments from season one episodes 1-6, please leave the episode # in the comments, so I can take a look. I am still doing Reviews/Summaries for season one, so I will take note of the remaining episodes and post what I find. It will just be out of order.
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clouditae · 4 years
First Love | 13
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Yoongi x reader | 18+ | college au | tattoo artist au | angst | fluff | swearing
Word: 3.3k
You first saw him in the multi-purpose room. Later learn his name, and on your third year, as he becomes your neighbor, you discover his lifestyle. Knowing your crush on him was nothing but that, you wanted to find the courage to look for love. Asking your friend for help, you’re pointed in the direction of the expert. Your neighbor, Min Yoongi
Chapter Index
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“So you and Hanbin?” 
You jump and blurt out, “What?” You turn around to face the source of the voice only to meet gazes with Yoongi. 
“You. Hanbin. You’re a couple now?” he says in a nonchalant tone as he looks at you with a lazy gaze. 
You can feel the heat on your cheeks and stomach flutter at his name. “No,” you answer. “We’re just friends.”
“Just friends?” He walks past you and up to his door. “From what I saw, that kiss wasn’t “just friends” for him.” He leans against his dorm door, crossing his arms over his chest. “You got someone already?” The way he says the last word irks you. It’s like he’s mocking you—or something else but he just irritates you.
“Why does it matter?” you ask, walking past him to stand next to your door. “Plus, how do you know about the kiss?”
“Well for starters you always tell me you’re not brave enough to do anything. Turns out you’re either lying or you’re really good at getting someone like him to fall for you. And I know about the kiss because you were extremely loud.” 
“Well I apologize for the noise and you should be proud that I don’t need you anymore if I can get someone like him—whatever that means,” you state matter of factly.
He stares at you with that stupid blank stare you’re beginning to hate so much. “Yeah. Okay. We’ll see how long that lasts before you end up in the bedroom with him.” He puts his key in the hole and turns the door knob. 
He enters his room, letting the door close behind him but you’re faster. Slamming your hand on his door and pushing it open. You ignore the stinging feeling on your hand as you say in an outraged tone, “I am sick and tired of you belittling me. Ever since we started this whole thing, you've only judged and acted rude towards me. I’m sorry for what happened to you, but you do not need to push your anger towards her onto me. I am not your distraction and I am not the reason you’re so angry.” You release the door and make your way towards your room. You hear the sound of his door closing as you open yours and enter your room. 
Ari is staring at you wide-eyed as the door closes behind you. “What?” you ask, tossing your backpack on your bed. 
A smile slowly grew on her lips. “Did you just tell him off?”
“Tell him off? I didn’t tell him off.” 
Ari laughs, “You so did! You were mad and you let him have it with how he was towards you.”
Your eyes widened a bit. “You heard me?” You plop on your chair. “Was I that loud?”
Ari shakes her head. “You weren’t loud, but I could hear you a bit. I didn’t hear everything, but just enough to know you set him straight.” 
You shrug, grabbing your backpack that is luckily close to the edge of your bed. “He was rude to me, and I guess I finally snapped.” 
“I can’t believe you brought Sam up in the conversation,” Ari states in awestruck. “You go girl.” 
You can’t help but sink in your chair a bit. “I can’t believe I said that when he doesn’t even know I know about her.” 
Your roommate laughs again, “Fuck that, and fuck him. He treats you like shit, you make him feel like shit. That’s that, Y/N. No guilt.” 
You let out the air you were holding. “No guilt,” you say more to yourself than to her.
“That’s my girl,” she says in a cheer like tone. “No guilt just dick.”
You turn towards her. “What?”
It’s her turn to shrug as she answers, “I don’t know. I heard some girl say it at a party once. It doesn’t make sense, but it kind of does if you’re trying to get laid? You’re not trying to get laid right now.” She shakes her head. “Just ignore the whole thing.” You can’t help but smile as you open your backpack and pull out your items to begin your homework. 
You’re about two hours in of doing your homework, Ari giving up twenty minutes after starting, when your phone dings, the screen lights up and shows the small message icon. Putting your pencil down, you pick up your phone and unlock the screen, clicking on the message. 
[3:17 pm] Hanbin: Hey Y/N. Are you free later tonight?
You feel your heart’s beat pick up as you reply.
[3:18 pm] Me: Hey. I’m free later. What’s up?
Locking your phone, you put it down to distract yourself from your mind going crazy, but it seems Hanbin is a quick texter as your phone dings once again. 
[3:18 pm] Hanbin: Would you like to meet up and have dinner together? We could eat at the dining hall if you prefer.
Maybe it's because she's your best friend, or maybe it's because you let out the biggest gasp—it's probably the gasp, but Ari asks, "What happened?" You turn to her with the widest eyes you think you can ever have. No words are forming, so you can only stick your phone out to her. She gets up from her chair and takes your phone, reading the message. Her eyes grow big, a shocked smile growing as she says animatedly, "You better go."
"I can't," you blurt, taking your phone back.
"You can, Y/N. If you like him, and he's asking you to hang out with him, take advantage of this! Who knows! Maybe he'll like you back and the two of you will go out and act like a cute couple. The jock and the shy girl. It's your typical teen movie!" She sounds so excited, as if she’s telling her favorite book to you.
"What makes you think he's a jock? You and I technically barely know him."
"He looks like he works out. He could play baseball? He hits those home runs like he can hit your home run right after—"
"Ari," you groan, covering your ears, no longer wanting to hear her perverted comments.
She cackles, "Okay, okay. I'm done." It's quiet between the two of you as you remove your hands from over your ears. "But I do think you should go. You never know what could happen. It could turn into something more, but it could also turn into a friendship."
You let out a long sigh. "Okay," you mumble, replying with shaky hands.
[3:23 pm] Me: Sure! If you want to come here and eat, or we can meet at the food court on campus.
[3:23 pm] Hanbin: Great! I'll meet you on campus if you don't mind
"What did he say?" Ari asks, no longer by her bed but looming over your shoulder to try and read your texts.
"He wants to meet at the food court," you answer, thumbs hovering over the keys with no way of replying coming to mind.
"Tell him you'll meet him there! Pick a time and we'll dress you cutely," Ari chimes, voice in a sing-song tone. You can only ignore her happy toned comment as you reply to his text.
[3:24 pm] Me: I don't mind
[3:25 pm] Hanbin: See you at 5? :)
Your heart races.
[3:25 pm] Me: See you at 5 :)
Ari squeals, "My Y/N is going on a date!" Grabbing your arm she pulls you to your feet. "You have almost an hour to get ready, so we need to work."
You turn to her. "Why do you make it sound like it's going to be a mission to make me look nice?" you ask in an offensive tone.
She lightly smacks your arm. "You know what I mean. We have less than an hour to make you more cuter than you already are. I feel like Hanbin is into cute girls while Yoongi is into hot girls, so cute is going to be so much easier because you're already cute. We just have to find the perfect outfit and apply some light make-up. Maybe put your hair up in a bun?" she rambles, opening her closet to look through her endless line of clothes.
"I don't want to look like I'm actually trying," you announce, watching her as she pulls out a light pink tank top and holding it out towards you to see how it would look.
"This is cute. Take it." Grabbing the top from her, Ari goes back to her closet and digs through it once more. "You won't look like you're trying. I'm going to dress you like you were in school a few hours ago. Cute outfit, light to no make-up, and hair in a messy bun." Ari brings out an olive colored cardigan. "Put this on and keep the jeans you're wearing."
You roll your eyes, take the clothing article and walk to the bathroom. After a quick top change, you come out to see her setting up her make-up station. "Sit, sit." For the remaining short time that you have, Ari works effortlessly to do your make-up perfectly and get your messy bun to look obviously messy but cute. By the time she is done, you have ten minutes to make it to the shuttle stop before it takes off and you have to wait another thirty minutes. She looks at you with such satisfaction. “You are so freaking cute, Y/N. If no guy dates you, I will.” 
You chuckle. “Thanks Ari.” 
Grabbing your wallet and bag from Ari, she grabs you by your shoulders to spin you around towards the door. She pushes you as she rushes, "Now go eat and have fun, and call me if something is fishy! I'll get there in a blink of an eye and beat the shit out of everyone that hurts you." She opens the door and pushes you out, pushing the door close before you can say anything. You can only sigh. How long will it take before Ari realizes your phone and keys are still on your desk. The door opens, Ari shoving your keys and phone at you. "Love you!" she says as you take your belongings.
The door closes leaving you alone. "Love you, too," you mutter, putting your wallet and keys in your bag. Doing a quick dig you luckily found earphones. You do a small cheer and put in your earphones, connecting it to your phone as you begin your walk towards the stop. You mouth the words to the song as you leave the building, make your way down the stairs and once again follow a group of people across the parking lot and towards the shuttle and bus stop.
You enter the shuttle seconds before the driver closes the doors and takes off towards the campus. You take a seat by the window and watch the scenery go by at a somewhat fast pace. Your favorite song comes on. It’s a somewhat romantic song and you can't help but wonder if this is a sign. A sign for you to move on and let your feelings grow for Hanbin?
You shake your head. You don't know if he has feelings for you. He kissed your forehead—it's not like he kissed your lips or cheek. Plus he was drunk so he probably doesn't remember it or if he just did it out of a friendly manner. Maybe he kisses all his friends who are girls like that. Maybe all his friends.
The campus comes into view as the shuttle drives past the main entrance to enter through the side where the driver will stop at the first stop. A few get off as a few enter the shuttle. After a few seconds of waiting for the cars to drive by, the shuttle continues its route. As the second stop begins to appear, the vehicle slows down, coming to a stop behind a bus. You grab your bag and follow one other student off the shuttle, thanking the driver as you step off the last step.
A few people run past you to make it to the bus that looks like it’s about to leave. You hope they make it as you make your way towards the main food court. As you begin to pass the student union building, you wonder if he meant the food court next to the bar and grill, or the food court that’s on the floor in the building you are now passing. Turning the corner that will lead you towards the escalators to the higher level of the campus you meet eyes with Hanbin, who’s exiting the same building you’re walking by.
He smiles. "Hey," he says, slipping his backpack on.
Taking in a quiet, shaky breath, you say, "Hi."
He walks alongside you as the two of you make your way towards the escalators. "I wasn't sure if we were meeting at this food court or the one by the bar," he laughs.
You smile, relieved he feels the same way you felt just moments ago. "Yeah. I wasn't sure either, so I thought the main one would be where you would be."
"Me too. I was on the first floor watching people bowling and I spent a good five minutes deciding if I should just go to the second floor or meet you at the one up here." He points to the building at the top of the escalator. "Guess I chose correctly."
You giggle, "I guess I chose correctly, too."
As the two of you step onto the escalator, letting it take you to the top, Hanbin asks, "What are you in the mood for?"
Crap. He put you on the spot. Now you actually have to think about what you want. You don't know—you didn't have time to think about it. You were so worried about meeting up with him and the whole kiss thing that you totally forgot about what it is that you two are going to eat. What do you say? Greek? Chinese? Japanese? A burrito? A burger? What. Do. You. Say? "I'm not sure yet," you blurt. Close enough.
"Shall we flip a coin?" he questions, fishing out from his pocket a coin. You nod. "Heads are whatever is up here, and tails is whatever is on the second floor." You nod again, watching as he gets the coin into position and tosses it into the air. The two of you watch the coin flip over and over again before landing back in his hand as he does one more flip and reveals the result on the back of his hand. "Tails it is." He gestures to the escalator behind you. "Guess we should go back down."
You smile turning around and following the line to the escalator and going down. "So what are you in the mood for down there?" you ask him, hoping he'll take the bait and pick rather than ask you again because you still do not know.
Hanbin taps his chin in thought. "They have a sub shop as well as Mexican I think?" He seems to have a eureka moment as he snaps his fingers. "There's a pizza shop outside the main entrance. Are you in the mood for pizza?"
Ah. Sbarro. "Yeah. Pizza sounds great."
"Okay, we'll just go through the court and head outside," he informs, taking the lead and entering the student union building. You follow in suit, walking inside and following him past all the tables and chairs that are taken up by students eating and chatting. You enter the lobby of the building where in the center of the room is the student information center. Walking out the front entrance door, you see it’s a bit similar to the outdoor seating by the food court. Along both walls are different stores. Hair parlor, a bank, and so much more along with the pizza shop to your left. Running along the shops are tables and chairs for students.
Walking towards the shop and entering the small building, you place your orders, arguing with Hanbin for a minute about paying, but he pays and the two of you wait at a small table. "Uh," Hanbin begins, adjusting in his seat across from you, "The reason I asked to meet you is because I wanted to talk about that kiss."
You swallow. "Okay."
He looks at you guiltily. Oh boy. What is he going to say? There are so many ideas that are running through your mind, but you don't want to listen to it. You don't want to let that get to you any longer. That fear of maybe it isn’t meant to be. Hanbin interrupts your thoughts, "I wanted to apologize for kissing you. I know it was sudden and I should not have done that—especially drunk, but..." he trails off, looking away. Scratching the back of his head, he mumbles, "I have a crush on you, and in the heat of a drunk moment, I kissed you. However, that doesn't excuse my actions."
You’re frozen in shock. Did you hear that correctly? No... Right? "What did you say?" you ask, voice just above a whisper.
"I'm sorry?"
You shake your head. "No, after that. The... uh."
Hanbin seems to catch on. The color on his cheeks change to a pinkish color. "I"—he clears his throat—"I have a crush on you."
"When?" he repeats and you nod. "I guess since we met at the party. You were kind and pretty, and drunk you were even cuter." You're totally hallucinating. Right? "I just wanted to meet to apologize. I'm not looking for you to like me back or anything—plus we just met. I barely know you really," he rambles, and continues to ramble that you’re not even listening anymore.
Take advantage.
"I like you, too," you blurt, voice completely uneven.
Hanbin stops talking and is now staring at you. "What?"
You can't meet his eyes as you repeat yourself, "I like you, too." You look back up at him.
It’s like a weight is lifted off his shoulders and the slight fear in his eyes disappears. Hanbin smiles the biggest smile he can and it causes you to smile as well. "Shall we get to know each other more?"
You nod, and for the rest of the day the two of you sit, eat and talk about everything and anything. You discover his favorite color, why he decided to become a film major and so much more. From just his stories you love his older sister, and his mom is just an angel.
Sadly the sun is going and the shop is closing, so that means it’s time for you to go. The two of you continue to talk as you make your way towards the bus stop. When the two of you reach the stop, you see your shuttle idling by. Most likely waiting for time to go by before it takes off towards the dorms. You made it just in time.
"Well," Hanbin begins as you turn around to face him, "I guess I'll see you later."
You smile, acting like a schoolgirl as you twirl your finger around a loose string on your bag. "Yeah. I'll see you later."
Hanbin chuckles. "Bye, Y/N."
"Bye," you reply, waving as you turn around and enter the shuttle, showing your ID as you take the first seat. You can't see who else is in the vehicle, but you see a few heads. Thankfully they're all back seats kind of people so they can't see all your giddiness. Your phone rings and you quickly pull it out of your bag, forgetting you never put it on vibrate. You frown, answering the phone and looking out the window to Hanbin.
"Would you like to go on a date this weekend?" he asks, gaze towards the door where you had entered.
You chuckle, shining the light from your phone on the window. His attention is now where you are. "I'd love to."
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Manager!Seijoh IWA ROUTE
a/n: uwuwuwuwuwu my mans iwa chan :’)
uwu filo!iwa in this :)
and also, listen to lauv while reading this since i wrote this and that song was playing on repeat O_O and also this song
this is my self-request uwu
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onwards we goooo
hihihihihihi yey im so excited for this yall dont even know
when iwa first saw you, he thought you were just a cute little thing
your shorter height, your puffy cheeks, and the wide eyes you had whenever you saw someone, or him, do a really cool spiking move
he initially thought of you as a cute little sister hes never had
ehehe that finna change
then the,,,, bullying thing happened
if youd like to read this part, its right here
when he saw you bloodied, all battered,
dear lordie he was finna break some ankles
like that image of you will probably stay in his memory until he dies of the ripe age of 200
ngl it kinda traumatized him a little bit of how tired and pained you look with the tears rolling down your face and the blood that was escaping your body through your wounds
god you didnt deserve any of that
you deserved the world and the universe yet some people dared to take away your worth
ooo he was so mad
miyo was,,,, hurt??
can i say that??
i dont wanna,,,, explain bara arms iwa hurting a girl so youre gonna have to imagine that for yourselves
but at the end when they said slap, he didnt just ✨S L A P ✨ her
he ✨ B R O K E   S O M E   A N K L E S ✨
oiks is actually scared of him after that
like oiks had to peel him off of her and towards the infirmary where you and the team were
oof the first and last time oikawa tooru ever said that full name
he was breathing heavy and he was so ✨ A N G R Y ✨ with what she did to you yet he hears your soft scoldings, telling him off for hurting a girl
he wanted to see you
like right now
iwa tore himself from oikawa’s grasp and ✨ N Y O O M E D ✨ himself to the nurse’s office
there, you sat on the bed with the others scattered either on other beds or on the floor 
you smiled at the sight of him and he walked towards you and engulfed you in his arms
‘youre okay now. im here’
he whispered and you buried your face into his chest, breathing in his unique scent
lavender mixed with peppermint
he refused to leave your side so he ✨ M A D E ✨ some room on the bed beside you to sit and he wrapped his arm around your waist, holding you close
you held his hand while oikawa talked to you and as you shamefully bowed your head
but you were forgiven and everything was all good until the third years really got into plan
makki and mattsun promised to handle it all as they had family in the justice field while oikawa would go and get the girl suspended
‘but what about me?! i want-’
‘iwaizumi, you literally hit her. it’d be best if you’re not involved right now as you were the only one who physically touched her in a harmful manner like that’
ong when it come to y/n, the meme team is replaced by the assassin team
he tried to fight but in the end, 3 overpowered 1 and he was forced to sit back and opted to comfort you instead
he made sure you were safe to walk home but that day, you were the one who asked him to spend time with him
just you two
like after seeing him seethingly enter back into the room, you reached out and held his hand in yours, eyes trained on your fingers fiddling with his
‘iwa-san,,,, you said you downloaded the new godzilla movie?’
you whispered but he could still hear you and his heart swelled at your meek voice
‘yea, i did. and my mom bought those chips you like’
your eyes flitted up to meet his eyes and a soft smile spread on your lips and there was this thumping in his heart
maybe that was the first time that iwaizumi hajime felt differently towards you
a smile that seemed to be differently perceived than the rest
and it wasnt for the whole team
it was for him
and him alone
the trek to his house was quiet but you would hum nursery rhymes or the songs you heard earlier in the radio while skipping every few steps and tightly holding on to his hand
iwaizumi’s olive eyes watched you still radiate energy despite being so hurt for a long time
they then trailed to your linked hands and he unintentionally squeezed it, only figuring out he did it when you looked up to him and squeezed it back with a smile
he wanted to do something to make you forget of what happened
he didnt want you to think about the cruelty and pain so he was going to make sure you would continue smiling 
thankfully, his parents werent home so he wouldnt have to explain why he has a bandage-covered girl with him 
iwa led you upstairs to where his room was and your eyes widened when you saw what was inside
tiny action figurines of animes like bakugo from boku no hero academia or a tiny pikachu on his desk
there was a large country flag that you didnt recognize and a few godzilla posters and volleyball players decorating beside it
however, besides those normal things you wouldve expected,
there were many polaroids
polaroid pictures that were everywhere with no specific layout pattern and just placed anywhere that had room
iwa watched as you dazedly walked forward and entered the room to move towards the wall by his desk that had the most pictures against it
from pictures of him and oikawa to the third years to him and his parents or just the sunrise and human silhouettes
your fingers reached forward and traced the picture of him and the third years when they were still first years and took a spontaneous trip to the beach
‘mattsun stole his dad’s car and drove us to the beach without a license’
iwaizumi’s voice answered your questions and you looked back, shimmering eyes
this room,,, wasnt just a normal, teenage boy’s room
this was a room that represented iwaizumi hajime
from his natural character description like his love for volleyball evident in the volleyball player posters to the underneath description that was hidden like his love for godzilla and his love of taking pictures of the people he cares about the most
it was all that made up iwaizumi hajime
your feet took you to stand in front of him, still standing at the doorway, and you stood on your toes to try and be eye-level with him
‘youre really cool, iwa-san’
you whispered and his ears turned red, not from the compliment, but by the close distance between you two
iwa clearedhis throat and ruffled your hair roughly, pushing you down slightly back to the balls of your feet
‘i already knew that, brat. now go and sit over there and be comfortable or whatever while i go get the food’
he hurriedly turned to hide his growing red face but you stopped him
‘iwa-san,,, ano,,, can,, i borrow a hoodie?’
you mumbled, nervously thinking he might refuse 
but he grunted a response, not bothering to turn around
‘take your pick’
you smiled and thanked him before bounding over to the wardrobe that was pushed against the wall across his bed that was against the corner by his window
inside had so many hoodies and there were also shirts that were hung up on the other half
they were all graphic tees that either had american bands or anime or game references
opting for a mint green hoodie that says ‘SONIC NYOOM’, you had an undershirt under your button up and as you slipped the bloodied long sleeve off, he swung the door open, eyes focused on the tray of coke filled glasses
then he looked up and almost dropped it at the sight of you,,, like that
he shrieked and carefully but hurriedly backtracked back to the hallway
ofc you were shocked too but you quickly put the hoodie on and went to get him
iwaizumi’s heart was hammering in his chest and he was VERY red with embarrassment 
how could he see you like that?!
a girl who wasnt his shouldnt be seen like that by his eyes!
a touch on his arm reminded him of his position and he was still holding the tray but it was clear from the liquid in the cups that he was shaking slightly
‘iwa-san, its okay. i still had a shirt on so dont misunderstand’
you reasoned and he nodded, still not looking at you
the beginning of the movie was quite awkward as you both were sitting next to each other on the floor, backs against his mattress while the laptop played godzilla in front of yall
but it seems it was just him who was feeling this way bc you were intrigued at this weird monster that was squshing building under its foot and you continued munching on the food
iwa stood up and coughed
‘im going to take a shower’
you paused it and stared up at him, a chip halfway in your mouth
‘oh? you want me to wait for you?’
he agressively shook his head
‘no! its okay i watched it already. just,,,, watch it’
at the end, his words came out jumbled in his hurry to go and calm his heart down
you shrugged and unpaused the movie to continue watching
iwa spent his time in the shower, thinking and trying to think of stupid thoughts like the time oikawa almost choked on a peanut when they were in middle school to distract him of thoughts of how adorable you were
‘no, i said she was like a sister to me. and a sister she’ll remain’
okay ngl even though theyre not related, im worried yall would be like ‘iNcESt’ but bls a lot of people have tried to sibling-zoned people yet realized they liked them in THAT way
as he wrapped himself with a towel, he then realized
oh my god he didnt bring clothes
iwa frantically looked around and he saw his mother’s sakura themed robe and he paused, arguing silently with him if he should wear it
well, it was either that or he went back into the room and showed you,,,,,, this
sucking in a sharp breath, he kept the towel around his waist and slipped his arms through the tight arm holes and he awkwardly tried to keep it tied since he was so much bigger than his tiny mom
what is happening
you saw the door opening and excitedly turned to tell him about this one scene when your voice died down in your throat at the sight of him 
here was iwaizumi hajime, ultra muscle buff man who gets abs with a simple glance of the gym, wearing an all too-tight pink, cherry blossom print robe that was so tight the tie around it was shaking to keep it together
he whispered and that snapped your remaining surprise to double over in laughter
‘its so cute! iwa-san, youre so cute!’
you shrieked and he growled and hurriedly went to to grab grey sweatpants and a shirt before running straight back to the bathroom
when he finally came back out, his face was still red and he was pouting as he sat next to you back to his seat
he could feel you staring at him while looking constipated as you held your laugh in and the second your eyes met, your giggles fell out
iwa rolled his eyes
‘yes yes let it out’
‘hehe, iwa-san, i didnt know you had that style’
‘it isnt! i didnt want to walk in here practically naked with you in the room!’
he growled and you nodded, still not quite believing it
‘hai hai. just say you like pink, i wont tell’
you waved and iwa felt offended
‘what do you mean ‘hai hai’?! its really not!’
your lips pursed to keep more giggles in and iwa growled again before lunging to grab your sides and tickling you 
of course being careful to not touch your wounds
you shrieked at the ticklish feeling and iwa laughed as you made weak attempts to push him off
‘huh? what was that? whatd you say? cant talk anymore, can ya?’
he teased
‘NO!!!! IWA-SAAAAN!!!!!’
you shouted in between your laughter and he finally let up when you squealed out your apologies and promised to never say it again
you breathed air into your lungs and sat back up to recollect yourselves 
iwa saw the strands that escaped your bun and they were scattered everywhere looking messy with your flushed cheeks and teary eyes
oh my god you were beautiful
he was so happy that you still kept that smile despite what happened and he was going to fight to keep it there
it was about nearly the end when you finally realized how different iwaizumi’s hair looked
‘oi, iwa-san, your hair is not naturally spiky?’
he continued eating the chips while still watching the movie
‘what would you expect? even shittykawa’s hair is like this. did ya know that he wakes up extra early to curl it into that shitty mess?’
your jaw dropped
later, you asked him how he does his hair for school and he blindly reached for the gel that was resting on his desk before tossing it to you
you looked at it and flickered over to his hair and then you had the greatest realization
you pointed and he stopped eating, turning to give you a confused look
you shrieked in an another round of laughter
you doubled over to the floor, clutching your stomach and iwaizumi’s flustered expression made you laugh harder
he knew you were smart but,,, not this smart
you figured out his secret
the secret he’s hidden since he was practically a toddler
even his best friend, the guy hes known since he was born, never made the connection
yet here you are, figuring it out not even a year of knowing him
was this part of the many reasons he,, felt his heart beat for you?
oikawa was relieved that you had the bright twinkle in your eyes the next time he saw you and you were actively talking to iwaizumi in that early morning practice
‘oh? y/n-chan, is iwa-chan your best friend now?’
he tried not to sound jealous for his own best friend’s closeness to you and he added a teasing smile for extra measure
okay that hurted me a bit
iwaizumi snarled and blasted the volleyball towards his face before he could even yell or shout
‘iwa-san, dont do that’
you chided softly, small hands wrapping around his muscly arm
but iwa patted your head
‘deserving people deserve things to happen to them’
you rolled your eyes but smiled at him
‘hai hai’
the next week, iwa still kept a close eye on you in case someone else decided to mess with you 
but you told him that you swear youd tell him if someone did and he trusts you so he backed off a little
one day, he was eating lunch with the other third years in their classroom when you busted through the door, excitedly holding your phone
‘iwa-san! i figured out what country your flag was!’
he was halfway of shoving rice in his mouth when iwa looked at you
‘oh? you couldve just asked me though?’
you pouted and went to pull a chair from another desk to sit beside him
‘nooo. i wanted to work for that information. so you’re from the philippines, iwa-san?’
he nodded proudly
your eyes shone with interest
‘really?! you look japanese so it must be one of your parents. hey, iwa-san, which island are you from? i read about them and they have like 7641 islands-’
the others watched as you read through the article in your phone and iwa wasnt even following your words, instead staring at you with a dazed look and a lovesick smile
mattsun, makki, and oikawa exchanged looks of surprise because in all the years theyve known him especially oikawa, iwa was never interested in girls and such
he was a straight forward man with goals and straight sight to get them done with no distractions like relationships or love
yet here he was
slowly falling in love with you without even knowing he is
he continued to fall with the simplest things about you
from the perfume that you wore everyday to the way you would tuck your hair behind your ear when you were talking to someone
little quirks he used to miss was now being noticed even if you were right behind him and not in his line of vision
now, the boys were starting to see the difference of their precious ace
it was as if when he started to like you, they knew immediately by how he was acting
then one day during practice, you were late and they were all looking around for you and when they couldnt find you, they met back in the gym with nervous looks
iwa was already pacing around, a scary aura radiating off of him, and kindaichi, who went with him to look around the school, warned the others of iwaizumi’s worry
‘he was slamming doors open and he was walking so fast i had to run to even keep up with him’
then you busted through the gym door
you were actually picking up food for the team and sweets and you were held up when makki’s puffs were still being cooked
they rallied around you to make sure you werent hurt and you assured them but iwa pulled them away like picked them up and threw them off to the side and took you in his arms
iwa thought you were hurt and he was so worried something happened to you again
the hug was bone-crushing with how hard he was squeezing you but you felt his worry though and you freed your arms to wrap them around his neck
‘im okay, iwa-san’
you whispered in his ear and he nodded
‘let me hold you for a second’
he mumbled and you nodded
‘oi, theres food in the bags so make sure you eat it all. coach paid for it all so dont leave behind anything’
the mention of the food distracted them from you and iwa and they piled on top of each other to reach their food first
iwa was grateful that you distracted the others from seeing him being vulnerable towards you
‘i thought-’
‘shh,,, you have me right here, right now. safe and sound’
you knew how much seeing you all battered messed him up and his attempt of making you forget about it has been
and his worry of you being gone without no sign of where you went will forever be there and he will always have that thought in the back ofhis mind
the next time you came over, you actually met his parents
since you went home early before, you didnt catch his parents when they came home around 10 minutes after you left
but this time, they were already home with his mom cooking dinner while his father was sitting on the dining chair reading a newspaper
iwa walked through the door, shouting he was home, and you did the same thing to be customary
oof his parents were surprised
his mom turned around to share a look of surprise with her husband
sure they havent seen tooru in a while but they were pretty sure his voice wasnt that high pitched
‘hajime, did you hit tooru so much you ruined his-’
then his mother stopped talking at the sight of you holding iwa’s hand tightly when yall stepped around the corner
you sheepishly smiled at them and bowed your head in greeting
oh my
so this was why iwaizumi hajime-san was really really really handsome
his parents were freaking good looking
like his mother was aphrodite with her flawless melanin skin and doe shaped eyes with a mole under her left eye
and his father was like ares, so handsome yet still manly and his appearance was a special type of good-looking with his buffness and ruffed appearance
‘iwa-san, i didnt know your parents were gods’
you mumbled, still staring at them
iwaizumi choked and coughed, flustered
‘oh my!’
his mother placed a hand over her mouth
his father stood up to walk in front of you and held his hand out
‘i’m hajime’s father’
you let go of hajime’s hand to shake his own with both of your hands
‘really nice to meet you! i’m l/n y/n! seijoh volleyball manager! first year!’
you introduced then stepped aside to fully bow 90 degrees
iwaizumi thought it was so cute of how flustered you were at meeting his parents
‘ay nako! nak, i didnt know you had such a beautiful girlfriend!’
she squealed and hurriedly went to stand in front of you and gently grasped your arms to stand you back straight and took a good look at you
‘youre so beautiful, iha. nice skin, pretty eyes, ang ganda!’
even with your research of tagalog, you didnt quite understand what she was saying
iwa noticed your slightly confused expression and he laughed, tucking his hands in his pockets
‘sorry, my nay speaks in taganese when she gets excited’
‘tagalog and japanese’
you nodded in understanding
it was time to put your basic reserach to test
‘hello po’
you greeted her and nervously took her hand and pressed the back of it to your forehead before slowly lowering it down and letting go
her wide eyes made you think you did something bad or even offensive!
she shrieked 
‘YUNG-!!! YUNG-!!!’
okay im terrified
iwa noticed his mother’s malfunction and gently wrapped his arm around her shoulder and veered her back to her kitchen
‘sorry about her, l/n-chan. its just,,,, hajime hasnt brought home a girl before. and you doing that mustve done it in for her’
you worriedly watched hajime calm his mom down with a smile and talking to her hushed
in their perspective,,,
‘shes so nice, nak! marry her, okay? shes very pretty and she made an effort to please your nanay, so go and marry her!’
ohmylord im nervous
initially, iwa only wanted to go and hang out with you and watch a movie
not have a full dinner with his family
lmao i shouldve told you that youve been friends for months now
his mother cooked sinigang and adobo and more filipino dishes, adding even more when she saw you were joining them
the dining table was covered with a large plate full of food and you were so fascinated because this was a side of iwa that you wanted to know more about
you said, not thinking, at the deep-fried fish that still had its eyeballs intact
iwa genuinely thought you would’ve shyed away from it in disgust but your eyes were glistening with genuine interest
‘iwa-san! youre so lucky you get to eat this stuff!’
you told him, looking over at his direction
while mrs iwaizumi was lading in the soup into the big bowl, mr iwaizumi was sitting at the dining table, watching your interaction and hajime telling you what each food was and your noises of surprise
he watched his son laugh when you said the palabok reminded you of the orange boy hinata 
and he also watched his son look at you so lovestruck and exactly like how he looks at his wife
soon, his mother finished and they rounded the table before saying a quick prayer to bless the food and digging in
‘so, what do you want to start with, iha?’
mrs iwaizumi asked and your wide eyes looked around
‘hm, im not sure. whats your favorite iwa-san?’
you looked to your right towards hajime who was busy eating and stopped before pointing his lips towards a direction
‘that one’
you asked 
mrs iwaizumi laughed at her son’s actions
‘sorry, l/n-chan, my son has adapted my traits. he was pointing to this, adobo. do you want some?’
‘yes please’
the smell made your mouth water and you started to tuck in
maybe it was your managerial instincts, but you used your napkin to wipe hajime’s lips and he was also used to this and turned his head to make it easier for you then he went to grab the water jug and re-fill your glass
once it was done, you both silently went back to eating
his parents watched his exchange and it was like watching a married couple taking care of each other
‘so, l/n-chan, you said you were their manager’
mr iwaizumi started and you nodded, wiping your lips
‘yes. i have been for a while now and please, call me y/n’
‘hajime actually told us he had a new manager for his team and tooru told us too. but we didnt know you were a girl. its just so interesting for hajime to bring you home as he has never really had any female friends’
mrs iwaizumi’s comment made you chuckle and iwa’s eyes widened in embarassment
‘nay! of course ive had female friends! ive had friends from all genders!’
he reasoned but you teasingly smiled at him
‘ah, im not really surprised. iwa-san doesnt exactly have the appearance that girls are brave enough to approach’
he sent you a betrayed glance
‘hah?! what’s that supposed to mean?!’
you shrugged, going back to your food
‘im just saying that you always have this intense look in your eyes and youre always frowning. but its cute so its fine. and besides, i dont think theyve seen you laugh since you dont really smile a lot, iwa-san’
‘but you’ve seen me smile!’
‘eung. but its only to me. if they knew the stuff i knew like you being a godzilla fan or your collection of succelents, theyd see you like oikawa-san’
mrs iwaizumi held her husband’s hand on the table as they watched you both bicker and tease each other with a smile
hajime has always been on the rougher side of things and he doesnt really have many close friends other than the team and even then, tooru is the only one he can really be himself around
yet here you are, bringing out the boy hajime really is and making him laugh, a sound his parents dont really hear outside the house
and your eyes
god, your eyes held admiration, life,,,, and you might not know this yet,, but love
her eyes trailed her son who teasingly headbutted you and you faking a surprise and doing the same
then you heard his father’s cough which brought you back to where you were and the situation and the people that were there
you felt embarrassment creeping up inside you and you bowed
‘im sorry for acting like that, iwaizumi-san. i-’
‘no, dont apologize, darling. please, dont’
her soft smile made the nerves in you ease and hajime’s father winked at him and he knew exactly what his father was trying to say
after dinner, you volunteered to wash the plates but they veered you away from there and towards the living room 
‘oh my god, pops! stop her!’
hajime whined because he knows what his mother was going to do
she was going to show him his baby pictures
you sat on the beige couch and watched as she reached under the coffee table and revealed a few albums that had iwaizumi hajime written on the cover
‘now, y/n-chan, hajime wasnt always this pouty. in fact, he used to always have a smile on his face and laughed at the littlest things! like right here! a leaf fell on him and he-’
stories of his childhood was exchanged throughout the night and you were laughing so hard that tears were falling out of your eyes while hajime wrapped your shoulders with his arm and he would squeeze you tightly whenever you made fun of him
‘oh dear! iwa-san! you-!’
you didnt finished as you continued to laugh and he sighed
‘nay, can we go eat dessert now?’
he asked his mother and she was beginning to feel sorry for him so she smiled and nodded
‘okay. hajime, come help me’
‘iwaizumi-san, i can-’
‘no, y/n-chan. dont you worry your pretty little head about anything and just look through more of these pictures’
hajime followed his mother to their kitchen before she stopped and turned around
his mother’s height was around 5′1 so she had to look up to meet his eyes and her hands were clasped around his biceps
she is definitely beautiful and he cursed at how little he got from his mother other than her skin color
mrs iwaizumi married her husband and immigrated to japan to have a family and your polite action from earlier moved her as she hasnt experienced that in nearly 2 decades
‘nay, shes,,,, just a friend’
he reasoned, a wobbly smile to cover up his want for that title to change
yet mothers def knows best and saw right through it
she gave him a firm look with furrowed eyebrows and pursed lips
‘nak, dont lie to yourself. i raised you to never tell a lie and lying to yourself is considered lying to someone. she’s not your KAibigan, shes your kaIBIGan’
now, hajime knew a little bit of tagalog as his mother made sure he was able to at least speak to his relatives back home
so he got a hint of what she was saying yet was confused 
then he realized it
his blush creeped up his neck and he chuckled, ducking his head low to avoid his mother’s eyes
‘nak, listen to me. papunta ka pa lang, pabalik na ako. youre still growing and you may be confused right now, but make sure to think wisely and dont live with regrets. nanay doesnt want you to go through it all by yourself since she knows how hard it was. so please, listen to me and pursue her. shes special, hajime. she makes you so, so happy. i see it in your eyes, her eyes, god has fated you together. i feel it’
now if a filipino mother actually tells their son to go after a girl, thats a pretty big thing as its known that mothers are the hardest to convince and are fiercely protective of their sons, especially if its an only son, but mrs iwaizumi literally tells hajime to go court you because she sees how happy you make him and is willing to let hajime go to you 
definitely his mother’s words stuck to him and as he walked you home, he was busy thinking that he was quiet and you were worried as he would be talking right now
‘iwa-san? you okay?’
you asked and he blinked, taken back to reality from his daydream
‘hm, yea’
he answered to look at you
hes been pining for months now and he slipped his hand into yours, holding it tightly
uwu if you want to see iwa moments with y/n, read through the seijoh manager series as theres a lot of them in there
he wanted you yet, he knew it would be selfish of him to keep you in the future
he would be a college student while you’re in your 2nd year
would you want to be so far away from him?
could you handle it?
‘yanno, iwa-san, your dad told me something interesting’
you suddenly said, squeezing his hand and kicking rocks while looking up at the night sky
‘what was it? something embarrassing?’
he immediately feared that they told you that story when he was still potty training and he fell straight into the toilet 
‘hmm,,, no. he told me that he met your nanay when she was a high school student and he was a in an intern at your lolo’s company’
iwa listened and he had a smile at how you said the tagalog word for grandfather
‘he said she almost ran him over by her bike and she fled but they met again when she visited your lolo. through that, they became friends and then she confessed to him. apparently, he declined because she was younger than him, although just 3 years, and he was leaving for his own country in a few months so he didnt know if she would wait for him’
were,,,, you reading his mind?
iwa knew of his parents story yet with you telling it, it sounded a million times more interesting
‘yet she promised him. thats it, just a promise. that she would remain faithful to him, she would keep herself for him and when she finally graduates, she would go and find him and they could be happy together. he said it was the longest 3 years of his life yet when he saw in the airport, he felt like the wait was worth it. because he gets to hold the embodiment of happiness in his arms for the rest of his life’
you finished and he hummed
‘times have changed, y/n’
‘even you?’
you stopped walking and he naturally stopped too
‘would you wait for me like he did if i promised myself to you? if i promised you that despite the few years of waiting, i would still be yours and remain yours until we’re ready to be together?’
iwa’s heart was drumming in his chest and he wanted so desparately to look at you in the eyes but you were making that impossible as your head was bowed and your eyes were fixed on the concrete you both stood on
‘of course, i would’
your head snapped up and e/c clashed with olive eyes 
‘i would wait for you. we may,,, be young right now. and they might think we’re,,, being impulsive. but i dont care. because right now, all that matters, is you and me. we can think about the consequences later, but right now, i just want to kiss you’
he admitted, red ears seen by the moonlight
your body shook
‘do it, no balls’
well,,,, he has the balls
and under the moon, at 8:34 pm, iwaizumi hajime kissed you
it didnt come as a surprise to the team when yall announced your relationship
well,, you both actually didnt tell them outright until like weeks later
what can you say?
you and iwa are very private people and you dont really like to show off in public
even though yall lit rally are stuck to the hip and he does things that he doesnt even think hes doing but he is totally doing
you were only caught by,,, guess who
mrs iwaizumi
it was weeks when she met up with mrs oikawa bc theyre totally best friends and thats why their sons are best friends
she told her of her son’s girlfriend and how sweet you were and how mrs oikawa should be jealous that her son doesnt have a girlfriend like that and the standards for oikawa’s future girlfriend was raised just by that teasing
oikawa literally came into after school practice after a phone call with his mother, fuming
you were talking to kindaichi and yahaba with iwa beside you, arm around your waist totally not obvious guys
and yall just saw an angry oikawa stomping towards yall
‘y/n-chan, iwa-chan, why the hell did my mom just call me and tell me that im not allowed to bring home a girl if she doesnt have h/c with s/c (skin color) and e/c and h/m (height measurement)?’
you shrugged
‘oikawa-san, i’ve never even met your mom before’
but iwa had a hunch
‘ahh,,,, my mom mustve been bragging to your mom. yanno how they are’
oikawa shot him a disbelieving look
he ranted, completely unaware that he just outed your entire relationship to the team
tbh they werent even surprised
like they were all ‘damn now shes taken. but cant say i didnt see that coming’
they took it pretty well too
they know how iwa is and they literally respect this mans and if anything, out of the whole team, he is the best candidate for your boyfriend
dating iwa is totally normal and yall just have increased touches?? like i dont know how to explain like he’s constantly holding your hand or arm around your waist or shoulder etc
literally nothing changed
you still have dinners at his house and iwa also knows your family and all that
and the most important thing is,
he kept that promise
even when he was literally at the other side of the world,
he still remained yours and you kept your own promise and waited patiently for his return
a little girl with bouncing dark brown hair was giggling as she maneuvered herself around the tall people
a shout from her parents and little sister was only making her run faster until she crashed into the legs of the person she’s been looking for
his blue jersey was similar to hers and she raised her arms up with a bright smile
she yelled and he chuckled before hoisting her up to his arms
‘ah, reyna-chan, didnt mom and dad tell you to wait for them? look! tala-chan is crying because you left her’
she followed his finger to her little sister, who was in her father’s arms, crying and reaching out for her
she screeched
finally, her parents were there and you were scolding her for running off
‘reyna, just dont do that again’
you said and she nodded, pouting and holding her uncle’s thumb
‘thank you, tooru-san. i dont know what i would do if she got lost’
oikawa grinned then gently patted the hat-covered head of the newborn baby girl that was strapped to your chest
‘hehe, its okay, y/n-chan. after all! uncle is always there to save reyna-chan!’
she shrieked when he held her up and hajime shook his head in his antics
‘where’s the others? i saw them in the stands but-’
he was cut off when he heard the shouts and yells from the other side that could only belong to your boys
kindaichi’s voice echoed through the place and mattsuhana were rushing to greet their goddaughters
tala shyly accepted the arms of mattsun while makki was squealing quietly when darna was holding his finger tightly as she slept
‘taka-san, wanna hold her? she’s easier to hold when she’s sleeping’
‘oh can i?’
his eyes held the stars as the 11-month-old raised her fist then lowered it back down, sleep still heavy on her
‘waaa~ darna-chan is growing really quickly’
kunimi whispered, peering over his senpai to look at the baby whos eyes kept fluttering
you chuckled while looking at oikawa and him playfully bouncing reyna
‘tooru-san, congratulations on your win. it seems you’ve beaten hajime this time’
you complimented and the brunette smiled brightly at you, adjusting the little girls in his arms
‘ei, y/n-chan, i’ll beat him next time, and next time and the next time!’
every time he said ‘next’ he gave his goddaughter a kiss on her cheek making her giggle
your husband was pouting at the reminder of japan’s loss and you reached over to wrap your arms around him causing hajime to turn his head away from you
‘aww, my 4th baby is sad now’
you cooed and cupped his face delicately on your hands making him sulk and whine
the others, watching the scene, continue to be surprised at this side of their captain that remains to only be caused by you
‘ugh, nearly a decade later and theyre still sappy’
yahaba gagged and watari slapped his back
‘let them be happy’
‘come on! im in the mood for spaghetti! you like spaghetti, tala-chan?’
mattsun cheered with kindaichi and she raised her hands to share the same energy
once everyone was situated in a restaurant and ordered, small talks were shared around the table of the past
‘haha, spaghetti is how your baba found out about you, tala-chan’
yahaba’s comment made the walking group laugh at the memory of seeing the video you sent in the seijoh group chat
‘i wanted to be creative with my second child since my firstborn was revealed by this loudmouth’
oikawa winced at the indirect diss at him
‘y/n-chan! i was really excited to find out i was going to be an uncle!’
‘youre already an uncle, bakakawa!’
hajime has toned down the insults to keep it pg for the children
they started to argue, the oldest daughter looking disinterested as she sees this happening or hearing it whenever her dad and uncle video chat
‘it took me forever to find a ‘prego’ pasta sauce in the grocery store like i dont know why. was there a shortage?’
you complained, remembering the frustration
your fellow first years snickered at you and kindaichi prodded fun at you
‘is that why you just outright told him you were pregnant the day you found out?’
you rolled your eyes and watched makki and mattsun and tala watch the youngest as she wiggled her fists in the air and was awake enough to babble ‘makki’ over and over again
that was her first word and although she is now able to say a few words, she still repeats her first word over and over again
‘we had a fight and it just came out so of course i didnt have time to prepare!’
you defended and hajime finished his antics with oikawa just as you said that
‘what-what was your words again? ‘i really want to push you off the roof right now but i want my baby to meet their bastard father first?’‘
you gasped at that regretful statement and punched him in the arm
‘hajime! stop!’
you whined and covered your face with the sleeves of your his hoodie
‘hehe, y/n, you should do that again’
kyotani teased and you glared at him
‘shut up kyotani’
eyebrows were raised
‘eh? are you more hormonal?’
‘do you realize you already have 3 daughters?’
‘iwaizumi-san really wants to have a volleyball team family’
‘at least wait a year and a half, you animals’
‘so,, like hes that good huh?’
hajime growled and leaned over to intimidate but you snarled and jumped on your feet, being held back by the arms by kindaichi and hajime to stop yourself from leaping across the table to kill yahaba
‘keep talking like shite and i’ll make sure none of you become the godfather of this baby’
okay what
one, did you just curse
and two, this baby?!
‘im big sister again?!’
reyna ruined the surprised silence and then chaos ensued
you just realized what you said and smirked at the chaos you created and sat back down, leaning on the back of the chair and smugly taking a sip of your water
‘oh the power i hold in my hands’
you teased and oikawa pointed at you
‘when! how long!’
you looked at hajime who was so shocked that his eyes glazed over and a passerby wouldve thought he was dead
‘apparently 3 months’
oikawa started counting and his eyes widened at that thought
‘you-! you stayed in argentina! in my house! my house-!’
‘yep. both of them created under your house’
hajime fainted 
oikawa screamed
a/n: okay i admit i got a little too carried away with this one. i just love filo!iwa and this was mostly written in his pov bc cmon we all know we love iwa and fell in love w him the moment we saw him
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thiswasinevitableid · 3 years
if you’re still taking meet ugly asks, could you do 01 or 13 for sternclay? nsfw please
Here you go! I went with 1.
we were set up on a blind date but it went horribly, so now you message me every time you have a good date because you think your tips will help me in the future, you ass.
Joseph picks up his phone and regrets it before he’s even done reading the waiting message.
Barclay: See, this is how you dress for a date at a casual place.
It’s accompanied by a photo of a headless torso, sporting a Ramones T-shirt and blue jeans.
He deletes the message. He told that asshole he was in the suit because Hayes kept him late to finish a report and he didn’t want to be any more behind for their date than he already was.
No, you know what, he’s had enough of this.
J.S: He’s dressed like a college student. No one told me you were a cradle robber.
Barclay: Just trying to help you do better next time ;)
This is the same line he gives Joseph every time he sends one of these texts
“It was great, it felt like a real conversation instead of an interrogation.”
“See, what made tonight nice was he didn’t look at his phone even once.”
“Now, what made this nice is that he didn’t mistake another guy for me on the way in.”
He has reasons, explanations, things that could make him look more like a man who had a bad day and less like the poster boy for the horrors of blind dating. But the one time he tried sharing his side of things, Barclay responded that he wasn’t doing this to make sense of their shitty date, but to make it easier on the next guy.
It was the last date in a long line of increasingly desperate attempts by his loved ones to find someone, anyone, for him to be with; being married to his work fills all his needs. Leave it to his older sister to spot that it wasn’t meeting many of his wants.
Joseph tosses the phone away, retrieves his take-out leftovers from the fridge. As he munches reheated green mango chicken, the city heading out into Friday night revelry without him, he decides that while he’s not about to take dating advice from a guy who can’t pull his head out of his ass long enough to consider someone else’s perspective, Barclay makes one good point: there’s always a next time.
And there’s no moment like the present to start planning for it.
Barclay cannot figure out why Logan chose this spot; it’s one step above gay cruising club. Not that he hasn’t had fun at those before, but he was hoping for somewhere quieter. Also somewhere with better food; you can tell a lot about a guy by what he orders, and fuck all about him when the only meal to be found is chips or the olive from a martini glass.
Still not the worst date he’s been on.
As Logan steers the conversation in promisingly steamy directions, Barclay glances at the bar and locks eyes with his biggest disappointment of the year. Joseph raises an eyebrow, then his face goes annoyingly neutral as he looks first at Logan and then to the bartender for another glass.
His date excuses himself and Barclay weighs how much of a dick he wants to be against how good Joseph looks tonight. He’s in a v-neck and a short jacket, dark-wash jeans making it easy to picture how satisfying hooking his legs over Barclays shoulders would be.
Barclay sidles up to the bar, leaning on it and smiling at Joseph, “You finally decide to put my advice to good use?”
“No.” Joseph replies, tarter than a cherry, and goes back to looking at his phone.
“Suit yourself, and have fun going home alone.”
The black-haired man squares his shoulders, turns so that Barclay gets a full-on view of a stunning face and sharp, blue eyes, “At least I won’t be going home with someone who’s using me for a prank video.”
“Pfft, whatever man, you’re just-” Barclay snaps his mouth shut as Joseph turns his phone, showing a Youtube channel hosted by none other than Logan.
“His modus operandi is to have viewers vote on which gay man he should go out with and string along the whole night until he reveals he’s straight.”
“I, I uh, that’s” his heart is in his shoes, “that’s not very nice.”
“That’s not all. There are three cameras recording your date.” Joseph points to three separate guys, “they’re using their phones, makes it hard to prove they’re not just texting or something else innocuous.”
He might cry. Worse, if he cries, he might owe Joseph an explanation.
“There you are baby, thought you’d run off.” Logan sets a hand on his arm and Barclay freezes, trying to work out a non-humiliating form of escape.
Joseph clears his throat, “Are you aware that recording people without their permission is illegal in this state?”
“Uh, no, but what the fuck does that have to do with me?”
“You, and those three gentleman you’re having film Mr. Cobb here, are all at risk of being charged with a misdemeanor.” Joseph’s voice is smooth and clear, utterly in control, and Barclay gets goosebumps as he pulls out his wallet and flashes an FBI badge, “I suggest you get out of here before you do something you regret.”
The quartet disappears in a cloud of body spray as Barclay slumps onto a stool and Joseph orders two more drinks, sliding one his way. Whiskey Soda, his favorite. He’d ordered it during their date.
They sip in silence for three songs before Joseph says, “I guess I passed the dubious honor of your worst date onto someone else.”
“You’re still a strong runner up.” It’s mean, but Barclay isn’t feeling very chipper right now.
“Oh come on, I wasn’t that bad! I was trying to learn as much about you as I could while switching from work mode to a date.”
“You made me feel like I was doing all the work!”
“If you’d given me more than a half hour of your time I could have fixed that.”
“Nah, I know when a date is doomed. No point in dragging it out. It wasn’t going to be fun.”
“I can be fun!” Joseph knocks back the rest of his drink, “I’ll prove it.”
Barclay snorts, “how?”
“I want a do over. Right now.” Lights dance across his skin and Barclay gets a whiff of gin and mint as he leans so they’re almost nose to nose, “Unless you’re afraid you’ll be the dud this time.”
“You’re on.” Barclay growls, “but don’t get your hopes up.”
Either his pillow sprouted fur overnight, or Joseph isn’t where he should be.
He cracks his eyes open, squinting in the muted, grey light sneaking in under the curtains. The room, while tidy, isn’t his, and the clock on the wall tells him he’s starting his Saturday out with oversleeping.
Barclay is sound asleep beside him, his broad, hairy chest rising and falling soothingly. A cursory peek under the blankets shows he’s a naked as Joseph is. As the agent slips from the bed and hunts down his clothes, he starts to remember why.
They’d done something in the club bathroom, a blow-job, that’s right, and the instant Barclay dragged him into his apartment Joseph shoved him onto the bed, yanked his pants off, and returned the favor. He remembers, as he surrenders to going commando rather than wear his pre-cum stained boxer briefs, wanting to sleep with his head on Barclay’s stomach, cum still on his lips, but the cook made a very convincing argument to come up and kiss him instead.
His pants are back on when his phone lights up from it’s spot on the floor.
Alert: Snowstorm predicted to last until 5 pm Sunday. Travel limited, recommended for emergencies only. At least five feet of snow predicted.
“Shit” he whispers, pushing the curtain aside to discover a world of smooth, white roof tops and impassable streets.
He spins, startled, as what he thought was a black pillow shakes out it’s ears and rises from a cushion at the foot of the bed. It’s the single most absurd dog he’s ever seen, like someone smushed a corgi and a Rottweiler together. It blinks at him, cocks it’s head, and then shifts its attention to the bed.
“Please don’t jump.” Maybe he can still sneak out on foot, or find somewhere else to wait out the storm.
The dog launches it’s tubular body onto Barclay, who “oofs” and is laughing before he even opens his eyes.
“Hey boy, yeah, I know, I know, didn’t let you in until way after bedtime.” The cooks deep voice is scratchy with sleep. The dog wiggles and digs at the blankets on his chest as he turns his head, smiling Joseph’s way, “morning babe.”
“Good morning.” Throwing himself out the window would result in hypothermia. Also a broken ankle. So no luck there.
Barclay notices his jeans, “Oh, uh, if you need to go that’s cool. I, uh” he yawns “I have a policy of making breakfast after a hook-up, but if you’re in a hurry I can just get you some coffee for the road. C’mon Sass, let me up.”
“I, um, I can stay. I don’t have much choice.”
“What do you--oh fuck, I knew we were getting snow this weekend but no one said anything about a fucking blizzard. Guess you’re crashing here for the weekend.”
“I guess so.”
Barclay’s smile shrinks, “Is that a shitty outcome?”
“No! Or, um, I just” Joseph sits on the bed, running a hand through his hair, “I don’t want to impose. I was trying to get out of here so I wouldn’t make things awkward since I, um, I don’t do this much.”
“Gotta say that was kinda obvious.” It’s a gentle tease, Barclay’s fingers flipping through his phone, “huh, when did I take a video last night?”
“I think you--oh, oh my lord.” Joseph claps his hands over his mouth, blushing at the memory.
“What, did I talk you into karaoke or somethi--holy fuck.” Barclay scoots to where Joseph is frozen, holding the screen where they can both see it. The same face growing excited beside him is looking up at the camera, lips wrapped around Joseph’s cock as a voice urges him on.
“You like that, big guy?”
Barclay nods, pulls off so he can drag his tongue up the shaft with a grin. Then he swallows it almost to the base, Joseph’s hand flying past the lens to stifle a moan.
“That’s it, show me how much you like it, s-so the next time you feel like sending me a snarky text you can watch this and remember just how much fucking fun you had sucking my dickAH.” A laugh as Barclay sits back on his heels, pulling off the condom.
“C’mon blue eyes, bet, bet you’re gonna look great when you cum, fuck, think I ruined these pants just watching you. Heh, you like that, like getting me hard and wet on the fucking bathroom floor.”
“Usually it’s, it’s the other waAAaay aroundohfuck, shit.” Cum spatters across Barclay’s face. The cook licks his lips, still smiling, as the camera sinks to his level, Joseph giggling behind it, “here, let, let me clean you up.”
“Don’t want everyone else to see your cum all over me?"
“Nngn. I, I mean no, not in actuality.” Joseph’s hand returns to the frame, gently cleaning Barclay’s cheek with toilet paper.
The video ends there. Joseph is red from his hips to his cheeks, but not so embarrassed that he misses Barclay rubbing his thighs together. Then the cook meets his eyes and sets the phone aside.
“I can delete it. Know your face isn’t in it but if you’re more comfortable with it gone, it’s gone.”
The offer alone calms him, “No, no it’s okay. Thank you for offering. I, um, since I’ll be here awhile, can I use your shower?”
“Sure, it’s just through there.” He tips his head at the door in the left wall, grabbing a robe from the door and heading into the chilly apartment, Sass clickclick-ing on the hardwood after him.
As always, the world is more manageable when he’s clean. A pair of sweatpants and a thick, blue sweater are waiting for him on the bed, and coffee-swirled air coaxes him into the kitchen. It’s small but immaculately organized, Barclay moving from stove to cabinet to fridge and back again in an intimate dance.
“Coffee on the left is yours. I’m doing pancetta in the omelettes; most of my friends are vegetarian so I never get a chance to bust it out.”
“That sounds delicious.” He picks up the mug, sighs as warms his chest, “mmm, you have real cream somewhere in this house.”
“Yep. Remember you said you liked the real stuff when you could get it. I drink mine black, but really these beans demand cream instead of milk; sets of the chocolate notes really nice.”
“I can never taste those. Same thing with wine. But I guess that’s why you’re the professional and I’m not.”
“That’s more a happy coincidence. I got into this to help with the bills when I was in high school. I wasn’t, like, combining flavors and deciding to be a cook like in Ratatouille or something.”
“That’s a Pixar movie, right?”
“Only the best one ever made. Have you really not seen it?
“I, um, I only watch kids movies if I’m babysitting my niece. Which doesn’t happen as often as I’d like.”
“Well, now I know what we’re doing after breakfast. Ah ah, Sass, not for you.” He shoos the dog from where it’s valiantly trying to double in length to reach the table.
“Is his name short for something?”
“Awwww.” Joseph crouches down to scritch behind one, floppy ear.
“His whole litter was named for cryptids; Nessie, Champ, Yeti, stuff like that.”
“‘Bray’ feels like an obvious one.” He smiles, then remembers not everyone is a nerdy UP agent, “sorry, never mind.”
“Uh uh special agent, I’ve been waiting to ask you about this. You don’t get to say you’re ‘like Fox Mulder’ and then not share more.” Barclay pulls out his chair, kisses his head when he sits down. He then listens to Joseph expound on canine cryptids of the midwest for fifteen minutes, fascinated the entire time.
“Y’know, I had a line cook who swore he’d been abducted by aliens.”
“What was his proof?”
By the time their plates are clean, Joseph has generated three alternative explanations and Barclay is staring at him with an expression straight from a rom-com. The cook sets up the movie while Joseph does the dishes, then pulls him under a mound of blankets.
“The heat in this place is shit, but I promise I’ll keep you warm.”
He enjoys the movie plenty, the weight of Barclay’s arm over his shoulder and, eventually, his waist, even more. They watch Ramen Girl for the hell of it, spooning on the couch while the snow makes dunes out of the sidewalk.
When the second movie is done, Joseph rolls so he’s facing the cook, “What should we do now?”
“Could keep watching movies, or bake something. I’ve got some cards and a few games in the closet. Or we could just cuddle and talk. I’m good with whatever.”
“...Could I ask you something?”
“You’ve been so sweet all day. Why were you such an ass about our first date?”
Barclay shifts, discomfort entering his eyes, “I was having a shitty week and was hoping the date would make me feel better. I ended up so anxious after it, felt like you wanted to be somewhere else, that I kinda took my frustration out by being a dick. I’m sorry. I, um, I wasn’t even on that many dates between now and then; I’d just text you what I’d wished had happened to fuck with you.”
“I should’ve known it; no one has that many good dates in a row.”
Joseph cups his cheek, “And I’m sorry for making you feel that way the first time. I had my reasons but, well, you still had a bad time because I was flustered and couldn’t get my mind off work.”
“Think you’ve more than made up for it.”
“Can I try again anyway?” Joseph kisses him, slipping his fingers under the waistband of his sweats.
Barclay’s lips curve up, “Bedroom?”
Once Barclay is comfortably naked atop the blankets (space heater pointed at the bed all the while), Joseph asks if he has any condoms.
“Yeah, bathroom cabinet. But I’m not, uh, I don’t-”
“It’s not for penetration. You said last night that was a no for you.” In the reflection of the bathroom mirror, he watches him relax. If he ever finds out someone saw the tension in those muscles, heard the worry in that sweet, deep voice and pushed anyway, he’s going to set them on fire with his mind.
Barclay nestles his cheek on his pillow as Joseph fishes his swiss army knife from his jacket, puts his ass in the air and wiggles it expectantly as Joseph unrolls the cut latex.
“Is this okay?”
“Uh huh, I really love it when guys do this but, uh, it doesn’t happen much. The hair turns a lot of them off.”
“Cowards.” Joseph holds the makeshift dam in place. Barclay’s chuckle morphs into a moan as he presses his face between his asscheeks, tongue making an obscene sound against the latex. There’s a warmth to this angle that he loves, a tender sort of filthiness to the way Barclay pushes his ass back with little gasps of his name.
He doesn’t get to practice his technique often, but that makes it all the more pleasurable to re-acquaint himself with it now, find the ways of pressing and curving his tongue that make Barclay’s ass tense under his hands.
“Fuck, fuck, Joseph, I take it all back, every rude text, you’re gonna drive every date you get crazy, gonna make them wonder how they got so lucky to get someone so goddamn wild.”
“I don’t think I will. I think” Joseph kisses the small of his back, “I think it’s you. You bring it out in me, you make me want to do all the things I’d be ashamed to ask for the rest of the time.”
Barclay whimpers happily.
“I’m serious. There’s something about you, I feel like I can want what I want without shame.” He nips his right cheek once, gently, “or maybe it’s just that what I really want is you and everything else finds into line because of it.”
“Fuuuck, baby, please.” Barclays weight shifts as Joseph eats him out ever more messily, “wanna, wanna make you feel good.” He’s rubbing his dick, Joseph can tell by the sound.
“May I?”
“Uhhuh, fuck, c’mere” Barclay grabs him as soon as they’re both sitting up, “was gonna pound you into next week but I dont wanna waste time with the harness right now.”
“Then we can do that tomorrowAH, ohlord” his hand stutters on it’s way to Barclay’s cock as calloused fingers circle is dick, “god there is not a part of you that disappoints, you’re just a wet dream from top to bottom.”
“Aw, babe.” Barclay kisses his shoulder, groaning as Joseph thumbs his dick, “fuck, speaking of, you gonna tell me what you meant in the stall last night? About things being ‘the other way around.”
Now it’s his turn to hide his face, “Promise you won’t think I’m dirty?”
“Babe, your mouth was on my ass a minute ago. You’re dirty and I fucking love it.”
“I, um, I, when I travel for missions I look for, for places that have glory holes.”
“Oh fuck” Barclay ruts against his palm, “that’s a fucking amazing image blue eyes. You on your knees, trying to keep that fucking suit clean while a fucking parade of guys shove their dicks down your throat.”
“I, it’s an easy way for me to get off, I can edge myself until I’m done and then cum without anyone being the wise but, god, half the time I’d think about this, want this.” He speeds up his strokes, pumps his cock into Barclay’s fist.
“What, a hairy trans guy?” Barclay bumps their noses together.
“This” his free hand glides along Barclays arm where it’s holding him, “s-someone to see me, hold onto me, fuck the whole of me and not just the acceptable, easy part. But” he meets brown eyes, teases slick skin, “I, the other times I fucked someone like this it, it was like I was still in that fucking stall. Last night, today, I’m here, I want to be and I am.”
“Baby.” The word comes in a sweet rumble of understanding just as Joseph cums with a gasp. He holds on for dear life as Barclay joins their hands and guides his fingers along his dick, forces his mind to memorize the movements and shapes for next time.
Barclay cums with a groan, flinging his hands up to cup Joseph's head and kiss him. There’s cum on his arm, on Joseph’s fingers and now in his hair and he cannot bring himself to give a shit. Gradually the kisses trail to his cheeks, his neck, his collarbone, and then Barclay is nestling his head under his chin.
“I, um, I think it might have been a good thing. That first date. I can be overly focused on work, can forget to turn off the special agent questioning mode and just talk like a person. I’m glad you saw those parts of me and, um, and decided to give me another chance.”
“Hey, you saw that I could be kinda sensitive and stubborn when I think someone did something wrong and you still saved my ass from being humiliated on the internet.” Barclay sighs as Joseph pets his hair.
“Do you, um, want to keep getting to know each other? Good parts and bad?”
Barclay looks up at him. Sees him.
“Yeah, blue eyes, I do.”
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achliegh · 3 years
Yeehaw Leo… it's all because this song came on one day (I don’t even really listen to country anymore so it really is fate). Leo is based off that song, each chapter is going to be based off a yeehaw song too.
Characters belong to @lumosinlove
Beta: @the-most-slytherin-hufflepuff & @punkkkkboi
TW/CW: Smut, terrible yeehaw sayings and jokes, injuries, mentions of past death/suicide, minor character death, underage drinking, mentions of past arrests, cringe
Chapter Songs (listening in order is recommended):
Chapter 16:
Hours after Noelle Landed in Montreal, Thomas and Clay landed in New Orleans. A few hours ago Clay’s parents dropped his truck off at the airport so he could take Thomas around the city to see his favorite places. They didn’t bring much just carry on backpacks, so walking out the door and feeling the heat was what they did next.
“It’s Winter!”
“It’s so warm, I missed it.” Clay sighs happily and grabs the little dangly adjustment strap to Thomas’ bag and starts leading him to where his parents said his truck was following the directions on his phone that his mom typed out. It stayed in daily parking so they didn’t have to go inside the parking garage. Thankfully. Thomas was expecting Clay’s truck to be just like his one in Gryffindor, large bright red and loud, but to his surprise they start walking over to a teal blue old truck. It must have been from the 70’s or something. Thomas stopped a couple feet back just taking in the scene.
Clay, glowing under the sun just in a shirt and jeans standing next to a light blue truck making this all seem like a picture on one of those tiny calendars with old cars on them. The concrete around them was a bit off but he didn’t mind.
“What? Something wrong?” Clay looks at him from the other side of the truck after finding his keys in his bag and tossing it into the bed of the truck. “You can toss your bag in the back if you want, there isn’t a ton of room in the front.”
“I was just looking at something pretty is all.” Thomas acts all nonchalant as he tosses his bag in the back next to Clay’s and climbs in the now unlocked vehicle. Clay gets in on the driver's side and gives him a confused look, turning his head in the direction of where Thomas was just looking.
“All I see are cars, was there a cool one I missed?” He looks back at Thomas only to find his boyfriend a good inch from his face. He feels his cheeks heating up and hopes Thomas can’t tell. “What?”
“I was staring at you, Stupid.” Clay feels his cheeks get even more red and glares at Thomas a bit. Thomas has definitely stuck to his words recently in telling Clay he is ‘Pretty’ and ‘Beautiful’ all the time but Clay still doesn’t know how to react. Recently it has been smacking Thomas upside the head… then usually smooching him but that's besides the point. He has grown up his whole life being criticized for how he looks, then suddenly girls were throwing themselves at him and calling him ‘Hot’ and ‘Sexy’ but never the things Thomas or Noelle says.
It makes him feel vulnerable when they say stuff like that.
“Shut up.” Clay gives him a quick kiss and goes to pull away but Thomas holds him by his shirt to deepen the kiss, Clay doesn’t even try to fight against it. He smiles and kisses him more sweetly before they actually pull away. “I’m hungry, let's go eat!” He smiles a bit as Thomas laughs and buckles up, pulling out of the parking lot he starts to drive further into the heart of the city. Thomas watches all the old and new buildings mix together to make a wonderful blend of modern and historical.
It was so amazing, beautiful and fun.
He notices the buildings are getting more off the ground and raises an eyebrow, he goes to ask Clay what the houses are doing on stilts but the NOLA Native beats him to the punch.
“They are for when it floods during storms. Like hurricanes and flash floods, we have a flood wall as well but they don’t always hold up.” Clay has put on his dark wire framed sunglasses, driving with one hand on the wheel and his other elbow resting on the open window seal of the car, wind blowing through his hair. Just looking so in his element. “We are headed towards the harbor because they have the best seafood boil restaurants. My favorite is Mama Junes but Leo’s is Olive and Otto’s. So we tend to fight about where we want to go.” Clay glances over to Thomas who is just soaking everything in. Looking relaxed and calm.
They pull into the small broken concrete parking lot and park right in front. There are old buildings lining the narrow sidewalk just feet away from the docks. The sidewalk was poorly taken care of but it added character. Clay hop out of the truck and wanders over to Thomas side and opens the door bowing to him.
“Your highness.” Then he trips him on the way out making him stumble causing Clay to laugh hard enough he has to lean against the truck so he doesn’t fall over. Thomas rolls his eyes smiling and closes the door. Looking out at the docks he notices all the people doing their jobs and wonders what it would be like to be on a massive ship. He is knocked out of his thoughts by being hit in the side of the head by a pen.
“Where did you even get a pen!?” Thomas picks up the pen from the ground and starts chasing Clay around the truck for a good few minutes before he finally catches him from behind and wraps his arms around his waist picking him up, swinging him around to the other side of him, both laughing uncontrollably. Thomas' stomach lets them know that it senses food is nearby by rumbling loudly.
“That was weird I could feel your stomach growling, we should go eat before the fishermen get off work for the night.” Clay turns around in Thomas arms and just looks over his face for a moment, running his fingertips over the side of his face. He loves Thomas…
He should tell him soon and Noelle, of course Noelle. She is everything, beautiful, smart, sarcastic, and treats him like a real person. Clay didn’t know if he was ever going to date another woman after Ashley, hell, he didn’t even know if he would ever get away from Ashley. But he never expected to get so lucky. He never in a million years ever expected to be loved like two people.
Well, he hopes they love him.
They pull away after just looking at each other for a solid thirty seconds before Clay leads Thomas down the street a bit to a restaurant that looks straight out of the 60’s. Thomas was picking up a theme of stuff Clay likes… the theme is old. Doesn’t help that he and Noelle are older than the southerner either. They get a table, order food, and people just keep coming up to the table to talk to Clay like old friends. Men, women, old and young everyone wanted to talk to him.
When their food does show up it is something called a ‘seafood boil’. Thomas has heard of it before but always thought it was boiled right in front of you, which it is not. It also shows up in a plastic bag for some reason. Clay teaches him how to crack crab properly, only ending in one thumb being cut open by the sharp shell. Whose thumb?
Clayton London Bruss’ and he was annoyed about it.
They finish up eating and paying, Clay gives the young waitress a 50% tip because he can and wants to. They head out the door full and happy, walking past a group of old women who are playing poker at one of the tables out front.
“Well if it isn’t Mr. Bruss himself! Long time no see, Sugar.” The woman the farthest away from Clay smiles at him and Thomas is worried this is going to go bad. “Looking mighty handsome there young man, be careful one of these days I’m gonna leave my husband for you.”
“Mrs. Bell! You can’t say stuff like that!” He laughs and walks over to give her a kiss on the cheek, giving Thomas time to take a good look at her. She was an older looking black woman who has definitely lived a full life, she was wearing a lot of blush and eyeshadow but her ruby red lipstick is what really stood out. Especially when she gave Clay a kiss on the cheek.
“I’m old, I can say what I want, within reason. Now tell me where you have been these last few months! We miss you and Leo on Fridays.”
“You here to stay for a while before you take off and get yourself hurt at those rodeos?” The woman across from Mrs. Bell spoke up, she was a white heavy set woman with a shirt that has two hurricanes on the boobs of her shirt that say ‘Lily’ and ‘Katrina’. He doesn’t know how to respond to that.
“I assure you Miss Lila, I am only here for a day or maybe two.”
“Who is this hunk that with you Clayton, I wouldn’t mind getting my hands on him.” Clay smiles brightly and walks back over to Thomas’ side. Ignoring the hungry stares pointed in Thomas' direction by all four women.
“Sorry but he is off limits.” All the women make a mock sound of disappointment. “He’s my boyfriend.” They are stunned for a moment before they all gasp in delight and congratulate them.
“You always knew how to pick them, I always thought Your friend Leo and you would end up together. But I am so happy for you.” Mrs. Bell smiles at them.
“Everyone always thought Leo and I would get together but honestly, he's not my type.” Clay winks at the ladies who all giggle as they walk past, saying goodbye to one another. The ladies pick up their game from where they left off. Thomas was still in shock. Those elderly ladies.. Congratulated them! He was not expecting that. He was expecting to be chased off with a purse or something. Then again, Clay does seem rather close to them.
“How do you know them?” Thomas looks at Clay who is saying hello to the people he knows that pass them on the way to the restaurant. He apparently knows everyone.
“Well, they have a poker tournament every Friday at Mama June’s so Leo and I would volunteer there for fun. Other people would work to get paid but we never needed the money, instead we were the two who would lose on purpose just to give the people their money. Most people who go to the tournaments are on the poorer side of town and we always tried to give back. So that's what we did. We would bet obscene amounts of money just to make sure people could pay their rent or bills or do whatever they do to relieve stress after a long week of working.” Thomas stopped walking, Clay didn’t notice for a few steps and then turned but to look. The sun was sinking down behind him and it made him glow. Thomas has known he has loved Clay for a while now but Noelle and him had a plan to tell Clay together. But at this very moment in time, his heart was so full of adoration he couldn’t help himself.
“I love you.”
Noelle watched, she watched the entire interaction her father had with Leo. She knew it wasn’t going to be good. She had listened to his insult Leo while she was in the kitchen with her mother and honestly it made her feel sick with anger. Leo was exactly what they wanted for Logan. Yet, they brush him off because of something stupid. She was pissed, helping her mother get ingredients out for dinner but decided she didn’t want to help. She was exhausted mentally and physically. So she decided to go take a nap, walking out of the kitchen and up the stairs to her childhood room.
The biggest bedroom in the house. It was painted seafoam green because that was her favorite color in secondary school, posters of her favorite bands and pictures of her friends all over the walls. Little origami birds made by her best friend hang from fishing line over her king sized bed with pristine crisp white matching bedspread, pillows and sheets. Her full length mirror was next to her large white desk with a lamp that cost forty dollars on it. Her bean bag chairs of varying sizes and colors on the corner next to her TV and PlayStation.
She never noticed how spoiled she was. But being in this room and then thinking about her sisters and Logan’s room, it made her ears ring with guilt. She started going to therapy after she got out of the house because she didn’t understand why she would just be consumed by guilt or sadness whenever she was around Logan. They never had a good relationship when they were younger fighting all the time, Noelle just saying really nasty things that she regrets and now they are pretty much each other's best friends. Her therapist told her that it was because her father was a narcissist and raised her to believe she was better than all her siblings but as she grew older she knew that it was wrong.
After that appointment she called Logan to apologize for everything over the phone, he was confused but still listened and let her get everything off her chest. Then he invited her and their sisters to family skate. There is where she met Thomas, she was uncomfortable around him for a while but she couldn’t understand why. Then it hit her.
Her father would speak poorly of any person of color any chance he got… and she believed him when he said all those terrible things. Things that should never be said. So she erased everything he ever said from her morals and continued to hang out with Thomas, when he asked her out it was a no brainer to say yes.
Her father wasn’t happy but it's not his life to live, she paced up and down her dorm on many nights when she should have been studying worrying about what her dad would say but in the end she understood that none of it mattered… By then she knew she was in love.
Months later she started going to the Godric University in Gryffindor to continue her masters degree she told her parents it was to keep an eye on Logan, she moved in with Thomas but never told her parents. Logan was ecstatic. She hadn’t seen him that happy in… well, when their dad told him he was proud of Logan for getting drafted and “doing something with his life”. It stung but Logan couldn’t stop smiling.
Then there was Clay. Stupid, Charming, Challenging, Beautiful Clay.
He waltzed into their lives like he was meant to. Stumbling once but never stopping. She wasn’t expecting to get a text from a random number saying “Hi, My name is Clayton and I have been talking to Thomas over the phone for a few months. He mentioned he had a girlfriend but I think we have started flirting and I wanted to let you know, because I know Thomas talks about you all the time and is madly in love with you. I just wanted to let you know that… I think I have caught feelings for him and if you would like me to stop talking to him I will.”
It scared her at first not answering the message for days, letting it hang over her like a storm cloud, Thomas had never mentioned an interest in the same sex before and she was worried she would lose him. So they talked about it, Thomas showed her the messages willingly and hadn’t noticed the flirting until she pointed it out. She started messaging Clay. They got on really well and before she knew it, he was all her and Thomas talked about.
They both realized they liked him, together.
Meeting him in person for the first time was intimidating because how do you balance a relationship already formed and stable, to a relationship with a new person at the same time? Would they get jealous? Would they fight? Would they end up splitting up?
But instead, Clay made them stronger, happier. They were happy before but sometimes it felt as though something was missing. Noelle didn’t really know or care about Polyamrous relationships until Logan started talking to her about how it feels to love two people.
“It hurts sometimes but it is also something I can’t live without. One being wild and free and the other grounded and calm, sometimes they switch or we all switch in dynamics but… I wouldn’t trade either of them for the world. It's the most I’ve ever loved and been loved in my life.” and she wanted that as well but never thought she could do it.
Then it happened, she felt like she was on the edge of a cliff ready to dive off at any minute but she was worried she would regret it. She eventually jumped, landing in the water below of safety and love, never looking back. She never would.
Her and Thomas told each other they loved one another on the same day at the same time. A day she would never forget. They were stuck in traffic arguing about something stupid, probably about schedules because that was their main issue always missing each other on the way out the door, they stopped for a moment. Noelle was still fuming but Thomas was calm, he was always calm, he put his hand on her leg and she looked at him. They held eye contact for a few seconds before they said at the same time.
“I love you.”
Clay was stunned. He stared at Thomas letting the words he just spoke sink in. He never expected to be told that by someone other than his parents, Leo, Reg and Eloise. His heart suddenly started aching and his throat became tight as he felt a drop of something on his cheek. Looking up to see if it was raining he only saw a clear blue sky beginning to tint purple. Then he felt a strong arm wrap around his waist and a hand cup his cheek, turning his head to meet those soft dark brown eyes.
“Is it raining?” Thomas smiled a bit at him and wiped his cheek.
“You’re crying. Are you okay?”
“You love me?” Thomas smiles so bright, so calm and so lovingly at him that it makes him feel like he is about to burst with emotions.
“Yes, I do.” Clay puts his hands over his own overworking heart and squeezes.
“Why?” Thomas is a bit taken back by this question, his expression changes a bit to concern for a moment. Wiping away another tear that has fallen.
“Because, you make me happy. You are caring, sweet, kind and…” Clay squeezes his eyes shut listening to Thomas list off things about himself that he couldn’t believe were true. “You are beautiful.” Clay lets out a strangled sound from his throat and turns to bury his face in Thomas’ chest hoping he could hide. “You are so so amazing Clayton, I just wish I could show you what I see, what Noelle sees too.” Oh god, they have talked about being in love with Clay and he didn’t even know! Noelle wasn’t with them but it felt as though she was everywhere. She was in the blue of the ocean, the sound of it hitting the shore. The beauty of the city just so alive yet caring. She was everywhere and not there at the same time.
“Noelle loves me too?”
“Yes, but don’t tell her I confessed for her. She will kill me.” This makes both of them chuckle. Clay pulls away enough to look Thomas in the eyes once more and he says back.
“I love you.”
Judy was waiting by the door, the food for dinner was in the oven staying warm, Garland was outside on the porch smoking a cigarette waiting for the boys to arrive. It would be any minute now. Clay says they just ate but Judy isn’t one to let her guests get hungry. She remembers Thomas from when the team was down at the Knut’s ranch for a week. She remembers him being polite and helping her move the chair around the table to make sure everyone would fit for the meals.
He was also a very good looking man, he was tall, dark and handsome as Clay would say. She never in a million years would have thought that that would be the man Clay ended up with. There was also Noelle who she spoke with when some of the team was at the bar, she was so very sweet and funny as well. But again, never someone she thought Clayton would end up with.
She saw the dust down the driveway and knew the boys were moments away, Clayton knows she doesn’t like him driving at night. She remembers when Clay was just a young little boy, coming home after driving in the dark crying because he almost hit a possum. He was always emotional. She knows people like to take advantage of his kindness and use it against him, his vulnerability showed everyone he has ever met his flaws.
She can only hope that her son is being treated well up north. She prays they aren’t like Ashley.
The truck pulls up, parking in his normal spot across from the door, hopping out of the truck Judy watches as her son and Thomas link hands as they walk towards the door. Garland stands up slowly, his back and hips have been bothering him as he gets older, shaking Thomas hand after stubbing out his cigarette he leads them inside.
“Ma!” Clay runs over to hug her and lifts her off the ground making her laugh, he seems to be in a wonderful mood. “I missed you.” He starts sniffing the air and making his way towards the kitchen knowing his favorite is somewhere to be found. He was always reminding her of her puppy. Judy places her hands on her hips and shakes her head at him. She looks at Thomas and notices the absolutely love sick face he has on as he watches Clayton leave the room. She smiles. That was something she only ever read about in her romance novels, she wonders if Garland ever looks at her that way.
“Hello Thomas, it's good to see you again.” She watches as he smiles at her and extends his hand for her to shake, she playfully swats his hand away and pulls him into a tight hug. It takes him a minute to hug back but when he does it is tight. Clayton was in good hands.
“Long time no see.” He smiles at her as they pull away, a bit pink in the face. “You look stunning as ever, I might add.”
“Stop hitting on my mom! You’re gonna make my dad jealous.” Clay smiles at Thomas from the doorway of the kitchen with an oven mitt on one hand holding a large bowl of what looks like red beans and rice. Something he always tries to replicate at home but can never get it right. A spoon on the other hand and eating straight from the bowl. Judy laughs for a second.
“Clayton, please use a plate. How many times have I told you that you can’t just eat from the bowl.” Judy takes the towel from over her shoulder and takes the bowl from him, walking in the kitchen. A few minutes later they all sat around the table eating and chatting.
“I think I’m going to bring Noelle down for the two weeks we are back here before we leave for rodeo this summer.” Clay talks with his mouth full and Thomas rolls his eyes a bit. Smiling. Sharing a look with Judy.
“Clayton, have I taught you no table manners over the years.” Judy smiles at him and Garland snorts.
“Nope!” He laughs but moves to the side so Judy can’t smack his arm. “Okay, okay. You have but this is who I am mother goose. I can’t change it.”
Garland actually laughs at this. Thomas has noticed that Garland is a rather soft spoken man, old with a round beer gut but still jolly. Kinda like Santa with the beard, but he doesn’t think Santa wears work overalls. Thomas also notices a bisexual flag pin on his old beat up hat. That must be the pin Clay talks about sneaking onto his dad's hat that he ‘never noticed’ Thomas suspects he did notice. But wants to support his son in any way he can. That makes Thomas feel so happy that he can’t explain it.
Later in the evening before the sun has fully set but the stars are out and bright, plus there is a full moon tonight lighting up the area with ease, Clay had excused himself to the restroom to clean the lipstick off his face while Garland and Thomas went outside to chat.
“Has Clayton told you anything about his last relationship?” Thomas shakes his head no watching as Garland sits down in an old rocking chair and lights a cigarette. Offering one to Thomas. He declines. “Well, she got him into a lot of trouble. Being the Sheriff daughter and all. Plus she had a temper and if I’m being honest I don’t think she ever actually liked Clayton.” He takes a drag and Thomas furrows his brow listening intently. “She only dated him for status, he was one other the only people targeted by the sheriff and he is black so she thought of him more as a chess piece to her rebellion than anything. She is pregnant now and I have a terrible feeling that…” Garland shakes his head, deciding not to tell Thomas what his theory is.
Clay walks out the door and finds them chatting.
“Not giving him the shovel talk are ya, Pa?” He smiles at Thomas and puts out his hand for him to take. “I’m gonna take him on a tractor ride because he has never been before.”
“I wasn't giving him no shovel talk but I am telling him he best respect you.” Clay smiles at his dad and nods. “Go on! I’m not keeping you from counting the cattle.”
“Ha Ha.” Clay rolls his eyes and drags Thomas over to the old looking tractor sitting by the entrance to the gate to the pasture. “Come on! There is somewhere I want to show you!” Clay got them settled, the tractor wasn't very large and it was old so he sat on Thomas’ lap as he started driving in the pasture.
“You are a very nice cushion.” Clay smiles as Thomas scoffs and wraps his arms around his waist pressing the side of his head to Clay back. He was having a great time but he was getting a bit uncomfortable from the old seat… and Clay’s ass bouncing up and down on his lap. The drive from a bit before his hard on became noticeable.
“Thomas… are you hard?” Clay can feel his cheeks heating up as he feels Thomas dick under him, ever since Thomas told him he loves him he has been wanting so have some passionate lovemaking… not necessarily on a tractor though. “Please don’t tell me tractors are you new kink.”
Thomas laughs into Clay back and smooths his hands down Clay's abdomen to rest on the top of his thighs. “Maybe not tractors but you bouncing in my lap sure does get me going.” He laughs as Clay pulls off into a grove. Trees surrounding a pond or lake, just a body of water. Wildflowers everywhere, not blooming but he could still smell them. Clay turns the tractor off and stands up doing his best to turn around to face Thomas and not trip on the petals.
“Want to do something about it? We are in a place that Leo and I call ‘Secret’ so we might as well.” Clay straddles Thomas, his arms resting on his shoulders as their faces are just inches apart, only the light of the moon is making them visible to each other. Thomas wastes no time gripping Clay ass and pulling him in for a ferocious kiss. They made out for a while, Thomas smirking into the kiss every once in a while from when he grabs Clay’s ass making him gasp a bit. Normally Clay was very pliant when kissing, very submissive and soft, today he was fighting Thomas for dominance over the kiss and it was incredible.
Thomas felt Clay’s hand slowly fall from his shoulder down to his waistband, unbuttoning his pants with one hand and unzipping them. Thomas rarely ever wore jeans but he felt it was appropriate for meeting parents. Clay ran his finger up and down the bit of Thomas’ underwear that was just behind where the zipper was, teasing him. Feeling his breath hitch Clay smirks, pulling away from the kiss.
“You gonna fuck me or do I have to do it myself?” Clay barley finished the sentence before Thomas somehow maneuvered him so he was on his knees on the tractor seat, resting his chest over the backrest making an ‘oof’ when his diaphragm hit the rest. “Hand me my phone.”
“Think you are gonna get bored?” Thomas raises a questioning eyebrow but hands Clay his phone from the cup holder.
“No… just thought Noelle would Like a video of us.” He smiles looking back at Thomas with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Thomas is stunned for a moment, suddenly whipping out his own phone and pulling up snapchat.
“You’re so smart.” Clay’s smile goes from mischievous to soft in a second, just before Thomas yanks down his pants. “Wait… We don’t have any lube.”
“Check my front pocket, I’ve been carrying it around all day.” Clay is poking around on his phone looking rather uninterested but below the surface he was the most excited he has been in a long time, his dream was to have someone love him, fuck him, and want him in Secret. It’s finally happening.
Thomas reaches into Clay's front pocket, placing a couple small kisses on his back as he does, pulling out a packet of lube he is a bit worried. “Is this gonna be enough to prep you and fuck you?” Clay doesn't answer, just whistling as he kicks his feet a bit, then Thomas sees it, a glint in the moonlight. He looks down and notices… Clay was wearing a plug. He loudly groaned and pressed his forehead to Clay's back. “You’re gonna kill me!” Clay laughs a bit.
“I actually would rather keep you alive for now.”
“For now!?” Clay laughs again.
“As long as I’m alive at least.” Thomas smiles and shakes his head, slowly pulling the plug from Clay. He watches the screen of his lover's phone how his face looks tense but relaxed at the same time. Thomas pulls his own pants down his thighs and tears open the packet of lube with his teeth and pours it onto his cock. Clay zooms in on him.
After spreading the lube on himself he wipes the extra off on Clay’s shirt who is about to protest but gasps as Thomas pushes into him in one smooth glide, not moving just waiting for Clay to adjust. Holding his shirt between his teeth Thomas opens his phone and starts recording with the flash as he starts moving in and out of Clay, slow but deep. Clay’s own recording is on his front facing camera on his face with flash, he actually forgets he is holding his phone for a moment and closes his eyes just enjoying the jolts of pleasure through his body. His phone dips a bit so it isn’t on his face anymore and Thomas stops moving altogether.
“Phone Clayton.” Clay swallows because Thomas never calls him by his full name unless he is in trouble, he fixes the angle without complaining and is rewarded with the deepest thrust yet. Moaning loudly he pushes back onto Thomas a bit and feels him start to speed up. Punching sounds out of him as his diaphragm hits the seat and Thomas’ cock knocks the wind out of him. He is making sure to put on a show as he starts sending the videos to the groupchat of him, Thomas and Noelle.
Thomas’ video also start sending, he is making sure the angle in the video is right to see him fucking clay, sometimes pulling out slow and fucking in fast. Sometimes pulling out fast and pushing in slow. He was taking Clay apart in ways he didn’t know possible.
Clay was getting close, after his third video to Noelle he starts getting shaky, he eyes are rolling back and his mouth is constantly slack. He is used to Thomas tossing out degrading shit when they fuck, and he loves it, but tonight Thomas was completely silent and it made Clay realize just how loud he is. Thomas drives a good three more hard thrusts right into Clay's prostate and then on the fourth he says pressing on it and grinds into it causing tears to fall from Clay’s eyes for the second time today. It sends Clay over the edge, cumming harder than he has in a while and that says a lot because he usually cums hard when he is with his partners.
Clay clenches around Thomas as he starts cumming and it sends him over the edge as well, sending the last video he leans forward and grips Clay's hips tightly as his body tenses. Once he is finished he slowly pulls out, neither of them being a fan of over stimulation, they both wince a bit.
“We don’t have anything to clean up with.” Thomas is thinking about using his shirt but that might be obvious to the parents.
“You could.. Put the plug back in, then use the dirty rag in the bottom of the cup holder for the seat.” Clay isn’t looking at Thomas, he probably thinks it's weird that Clay wants the plug back in. “Just… Just til we get back home.” Clay's face is burning with how embarrassed he is. Thomas thinks for a moment feeling his own face heat up, Clay wants everything he just put in him to stay in him… it was extremely hot but he didn’t know if that's how Clay saw it, taking the plug from his hand that was holding his phone, he help it between his ring and middle finger to make sure they didn’t lose it. He gulps down all his excitement that is threatening to make him hard again and watches closely as he uses his free hand to pull Clay open again. He slowly inserts the plug back into his boyfriend and lets out a shaky breath. How is he supposed to talk to Judy if he knows Clay is walking around with his baby juice still in him.
Oh god.
Clay slowly sits up and rolls his shoulders out, they are a bit stiff. Thomas wraps his arms around Clay's middle after they both pull up their pants and wipe off the seat, Clay’s head falls back on his shoulder, smiling sleepily.
“Hey,” Thomas pokes Clay’s cheek with his nose in a way of telling him he wants a kiss, turning his head Clay gives him a sweet chaste kiss smiling when they rub their noses for a moment. “I love you.” Clay turns around in the seat clumsily, just about falling off but thankful Thomas catches him by his belt loops and pulls him back onto the seat both laughing wildly. Smashing their lips together they are still laughing playfully biting each other's lips and noses.
“I love you too.”
Noelle woke up from her nap in one of her bigger fluffier bean bag chairs, it held her and probably would hold Thomas as well. Her phone was going nuts, sixteen snapchat notifications from Clay and Thomas. She sighs happily, still having an hour until dinner she was excited to talk to her boys, opening her app she clicks on that little purple square and it's a video of Clay's face, but then it zooms in on Thomas… lubing himself up. Sitting up a bit too fast and making herself dizzy, thanks anemia, she starts watching closer. Watching all the videos in full she is incredibly hot and uncomfortable, she curses as she tries to take a screenshot of Clay’s face and accidently closes her phone.
She watches closely at all of the videos, Thomas’ of his cock fucking Clay and Clay’s reaction to this on his own videos. She scrambles to her bag to pull out the gift Clay had gotten her from a fucking tiktok video. It was a rose toy, the first time she used it she came in a minute and a half, crying from how good it was at the same time. She decided to take a video of herself getting off to them… they would appreciate that.
Stripping out of everything except for the hoodie Thomas gave her over a year ago she gets to work. Setting the phone up on the fancy footboard of her bed she gets a bit camera shy, sitting there for a moment thinking about how bad she wishes she was with them. She also was nervous to use the rose on her own because it was really powerful and she didn’t know if she could actually keep it on herself long enough to actually finish.
Then she starts thinking about how Clay and Thomas will react to the video, definitely would get them going again and she would love to hear or maybe even see what they did. She is starting to think she is a bit of a voyeur… She take a deep breath and starts the video, She awkwardly waves at the camera, noticing how her hair is poking out of her hood over her head and she laughs, taking a deep breath she holds down the button on the rose for three seconds and she feels it turn on, buzzing in her hand. She spreads her legs and places the rose onto herself, instantly she knocks her head back on her headboard. Putting her free hand over her mouth to keep her from making noise she scrunches her brows and squeezes her eyes shut. Pressing harder she feels her legs start to shake and her abs clenching. Her toes start to curl and her eyes roll back as she already starts to fall off the edge, already being so turned on and the power of the rose being too much she cums taking the rose off her and curling forward as she shakes, shivering violently. She is breathing hard and feels around for her phone. Stopping the video she sends it to them with a little heart emoji. She looks at the time and smiles as she still has twenty minutes till dinner, she cleans up and gets dressed in something a bit nicer. Her face is still red and glowy but she doesn’t mind. She gets a notification and it's from Thomas in the chat, three drooling emojis and
‘I love you’.
Later on in the night after Judy and Garland have gone to bed and Thomas was on his phone just scrolling on tiktok, Clay got him addicted, the man himself walks into the room with arms full of snacks, placing them on the table in his room. His room was the size of the living room in the apartment, it had two red walls and two white. It seems like Clay has never been one for monogamy in any sense of the word. It had a large king size bed, on a fancy mahogany bed frame with fancy sheets and bedspread that don’t match in the slightest. A walk in closet that was full of clothes and trophies along with a gaming system and boxes with names on them full of little trinkets that Clay has found. Leo and Eloise's boxes are the only boxes left in there because Thomas, Noelle and Reg have all taken their boxes with them. Judy and Garland have a room full of things Clay has collected for them over his whole life.
“Did you get cleaned out? I want to make sure we pack the plug for home, I think we could have some good fun with that.” Thomas moves to the edge of the bed to sit with his feet touching the ground, about to get up to get some pretzel sticks. Clay had gone quiet, he was just chatting about how he was upset that his favorite heifer was sold and his parents forgot to tell him.
“Ummm… yeah.” Thomas senses something is off and motions for Clay to come over to him with his finger, Clay shuffles over to him between his legs, Thomas rests his hands on Clay hips and looks up at him. Clay is looking anywhere but him.
“Clay, what's wrong?” Clay sighs and looks down, Thomas ducks his head a bit to look Clay in the eyes, he looks worried. This made Thomas worry as well.
“I just- it's embarrassing.”
“What's embarrassing?” Clay starts to fidget, pressing the tips of his fingers in between his other fingers. Thomas takes his hands and gives them a squeeze.
“I still have the plug in… because I want you in me. Always.” Clay feels his cheeks heat up and he is waiting for Thomas to get grossed out but instead Thomas smiles at him.
“I don’t think that’s embarrassing, I think that's actually pretty hot.” Clay looks deep into Thomas eyes before moving onto the rest of his face just to see if he is lying, he realizes he is being truthful and tackles him back onto the bed. They eventually stop rolling with Clay on top of Thomas, they are both only in their boxers so there wasn’t much between them. Clay grinds down on Thomas as he feels him getting hard. Thomas goes to put his hands on Clay's hips but is stopped short, Clay pins his hands above his head smirking down at him.
“I’m in charge tonight, keep your hands here. I’m gonna undress us.” Clay shimmies down the shocked Thomas’ body, yanking his boxers off and tossing them over his shoulder, doing the same with his own. He lays down and slowly takes the plug out of himself after scurrying over to get the lube causing Thomas to laugh.
“You’re so cute.” Thomas lays there buzzing with excitement, He jumps a bit when the cold lube hits his way to hard cock and makes a sound of offense when Clay snickers at him. Swinging his leg over Thomas and not even pausing as he sinks down on him. Humming happily. Thomas can’t help it when he goes to move his hands again but Clay pins them back to the bed.
“You should learn to- listen” Clay is moving his hips not even stopping to take a breath. Thomas was groaning under him. Clay has not ridden him yet and it is so different, Thomas was definitely not in control and Clay was so hot being so bossy. Noelle is teaching him things. He was the one gasping and begging for more and Clay was the one giving yet receiving at the same time. He was in his own state, yeah Thomas could put him into a submissive mood with just a simple gesture but he was enjoying this. Clay eventually lets go of his hands but Thomas keeps them there as he watches Clay just focus on fucking himself. His arms stretched over his head, one coming down to glide down his chest and to tug his own neglected cock every once in a while but he was dragging this out because he was in control.
Eventually Clay takes one of Thomas' hands and moves it to his dick, Thomas starts to jerk him off causing his rhythm to stutter. He was moaning and his head was falling back, Thomas started meeting his thrusts and he groaned. He was getting close, he was about to tell Thomas this when he suddenly felt a heat filling him up, his eyes snapped open and he saw Thomas’ mouth open and his head tipped back.
He just came… before Clay did! That never happens!
The feeling of Thomas cumming in him, and the thought that Clay made him come first for the first time ever. He spurts onto Thomas’ stomach, flopping forward and putting all his weight onto Thomas.
“We” Clay was still catching his breath as Thomas kissed all over his face, sweaty and breathing hard he smiled. “We can clean up, but I want you in me when we fall asleep.” Thomas’ heart soared at the thought, this new kink of Clay’s was quite nice, not gonna lie. They clean up and snuggle into bed in a spoon position, Thomas hard and in Clay as he falls asleep, driving him mad!
After Thomas is positive Clay is asleep and he has gone soft he pulls out and rolls over so his back to Clay and calls Noelle. A couple of rings and she answers sounding groggy.
“Noelle! So much just happened! Clay has a fucking warming kink! A WARMING KINK!” He whispers yells as she snorts at him but tells him to go on. “He just pinned me to the bed after having a plug in after we fucked on the tractor! He fucked himself on me! I Came BEFORE him!”
“And I missed all this just to see my dad kick Leo out of the house! That’s dumb! You guys better do it again when I’m home because I was to see that! Anyways I need to rest because tomorrow will be long and boring and tense. Goodnight I love you.”
“Good luck and Goodnight Sugar Tits.” Noelle laughs at him.
“I love you too.”
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munamania · 4 years
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happy hawkins holiday hiatus to @mikewheelerthepaladin !! here’s a lighthearted fic + a playlist of songs i listened to a lot while writing, i hope you enjoy 🥳
& a big thank you to @sevensided for putting this together, it’s been super fun <3
It’s the first time he’s been in over a year, really, but he’d entertained the thought of asking Will over the summer, for one last challenge before he left. It never happened, everything went by too fast; and, honestly, Mike didn’t know how to talk to him with the goddamn weight of everything - hi, we’ve barely spoken in the last year and we just almost died, again, and now you’re moving away forever - wanna hang out?
It’s the first time he’s been in over a year, really, but he’d entertained the thought of asking Will over the summer, for one last challenge before he left. It never happened, everything went by too fast; and, honestly, Mike didn’t know how to talk to him with the goddamn weight of everything - hi, we’ve barely spoken in the last year and we just almost died, again, and now you’re moving away forever - wanna hang out?
It’d never been that hard.
And it sucked. The whole thing. Now that Will is gone, it gnaws at him daily that they could have had more time together. Or a proper goodbye, at least. Instead, he spent a lot of time last summer sitting around, figuring out how to approach El and his feelings toward her, and most of all, alone.
But now the Byers are coming home for Christmas. And staying with The Wheelers, on top of it all.
So, seeking some sort of cryptic universal answer to his life problems, Mike returns to the place of a lot of younger memories, of crowding around machines with Lucas and Dustin and Will, a conglomeration of shouting and booing and cheering when one of them topped a high score, of frantically patting down their pockets for a few extra coins.
All of these wistful memories come to halt, however, when he finds a familiar redhead occupying one of their favorite games.
Max glances at him through the screen. “What do you want?”
“Uh, to play?” Honestly, he doesn’t care; he’s not sure he could focus enough to win much anyway. “Kicking your ass would be a plus.”
“Yeah, as if.” Her gaze fixes back on the colorful pixels dancing in front of her face.
Okay, well, she’s not moving anytime soon. He could probably just walk away, but a part of him wants company, even if it’s from someone hellbent on disagreeing with him.
Even when the Party hangs out now, Mike finds himself bickering with Max over what movies to see, where to eat, nearly anything, even when he doesn’t really give a shit. It’s the principle of the thing, and she gets under his skin. 
Maybe it’s a good thing.
Mike sighs, leans against one of the neighboring games, and shoves his hands in his pockets. “I don’t really know why I’m here.”
“Well, if you’re looking for me to throw pity money at you, it’s not happening.” After a beat, and losing the level, she kicks at the machine and turns to him. “Now look what you made me do. All your moping and talking - I could’ve beaten that if you would just leave me alone.”
He offers a quarter.
“Forget it.”
“I’ll buy you a pop, then.” She glares at him. “Seriously, okay, this is the first and only olive branch. Take it or leave it.”
After a moment of scowling at him, her arms folded, she slowly concedes, a smug look taking over. “Okay. I’ll take it, Wheeler.”
“So, you’re stalking me at the arcade because… of nothing?”
Mike presses his lips into a line. “I’m not stalking you,” he says, “and it’s not - it’s not nothing. I was gonna ask Lucas or Dustin to come, but… I felt like I needed to be here alone.”
Max sips on her drink. “That didn’t work out.”
“Guess not.”
“So you did need to talk to someone.”
“Guess so.”
God, this is borderline painful. Sitting in a shoddy little booth across from Max, whom he never once intended to have a heart-to-heart with, is a new level of desperation. But here they are.
With the most grandiose sigh he’s ever heard in his life, Max straightens in her chair. “Well, I don’t love giving advice to annoying teenage boys, but I’ve been told I’m good at it. Advice, you know.”
Mike raises an eyebrow. “Was it El who said that, by chance?”
“Bite me.”
Amused, Mike smiles, and he slides the near-empty cup between his hands like a little game, something else to focus on. “Okay, fine, give me some advice.”
Max frowns at him like he’s the biggest idiot in the world. “Maybe give me a situation to work with?” She mutters something under her breath that he doesn’t bother with.
“Well, the Byers are coming home and staying with us, and I wanted to come up with something really nice to do, you know. I know that they’re really nervous because it’s… the holidays have been rough, the past few years.” He finishes his drink and stares at the lid. “They almost refused. So, I dunno, I figured I could do something to make them feel like it’s still home.”
“Oh,” Max nods, finally breaking into a slight smile, “well, cool, you could set up something really romantic for El! She’d love it.”
Right. The girlfriend. 
He had no clue where the hell they left things when the Byers moved. About a month ago, Mike called to tell her the distance was confusing and they might need to take a break. He figured she would’ve told Max because, from his understanding, they spoke on the phone on an almost daily basis.
“Sure - yeah, yeah, that’s - it’s a good idea. For sure.”
Max falls back into a confused squint. “Was there something else you had in mind?”
Mike isn’t sure how to get it out without sounding like a total airhead. So he copes with it the best way he can. “You know what, this was dumb. I’ll figure it out myself.” He grabs his jacket and stands to leave.
“No, no, Mike - I want to help.” She’s looking up at him with a genuinely nice expression, holding out a hand to stop him from fully up and leaving. “I’m really good at this stuff, just let me know what I can do. No judgment. I swear.”
“I have to get home tonight anyway,” Mike says cautiously. “Told my mom I’d help with dinner.”
“Can I come over tomorrow?”
He frowns, and something digging at his stomach makes him respond with, “Why do you care?”
Max’s jaw sets. She stands up to meet his eye level and sets a look on him. “Even if I didn’t, even if I couldn’t care less about you, Mike, I care about El. And Will. And I want to be a part of their homecoming. So maybe you could figure out a way to not be a dick about it.” She snatches her drink cup and storms off from the table, leaving Mike to scramble after her with more apologies.
He’s gotta get better at this whole ‘girls’ thing.
He catches up to her outside. “Okay, listen - come over after school tomorrow. We can meet outside by the stairs.”
She barely turns to him, says, “Fine,” and then hops on her bike and rides away.
That’s how Mike ends up with Max in his basement, slowly walking and examining his things, but not touching any of them, thankfully.
It’s going alright, thus far. A part of him feels like he should reach out to Lucas and Dustin, too, since they’re also Will’s best friends. But something about this… works. He and Max can’t seem to stay entirely civil in each other’s company, but she gets something. And she hasn’t brought up El even once since yesterday.
“So, I’m gonna come up with a really cool campaign - well, I’ve been working on it, and I can tell you about it - “ Max lifts herself on tiptoe in his peripheral vision, “ - but anyway, we can pull an all-nighter, if everyone’s up for it, and make snacks and drinks and stuff, and we can have movies on for you guys, and I thought I might even look for some costumes because I really think Will would get a kick out of it. I can put lights up, too - “
“You draw?”
Max’s back is to him, as she’s looking over his wall of posters and pinned pictures. As he steps closer, he realizes her eyes are fixed on a sketch that definitely bears some resemblance to him.
“No, Will sent me those,” he says quickly, not wanting to seem like a giant narcissist, because Will’s drawing is - how can he say it - beautiful. “He’s been using charcoal a lot recently, he told me he got some new art stuff. I think he wants to send one of all of us.”
Max turns to him, and he can’t tell if she’s tearing up for some reason, but she quickly wipes any sign of tears away. “That’s so neat,” is all she says at first. There’s a small silence between them, and she’s just looking at him, and he has no idea what the hell he should say. “He’s such a good person,” she adds quietly, “I wish I got the chance to really know him.”
Mike’s breath hitches for a few seconds. “Yeah. I mean, he mentioned hanging out with you a few times.”
A smile lifts the girl’s cheeks. “Yeah, to bitch about you, mostly.”
“Hey!” he protests, but he can’t help but smile too, this time. This might just be their most pleasant interaction to date. “He never mentioned that.”
“I don’t know how he could, all you freakin’ do is talk.”
“Whatever.” Mike messes with some Christmas crafts on the table, holding them up in his vision to see where they might fit in the basement. He clears his throat. “You know, El and I, uh - we split.”
Max nods slowly. “She said you guys don’t call much.”
“No, we didn’t. I mean, I don’t even call Will, we just write.” He leans against the table, eyes glazing over as he looks over years of memories, dorky craft nights, and shitty school projects that he or his mom made a point to keep. “It’s too hard to talk - to either of them, you know. I didn’t think I could hear their voices without…”
Max cuts him off. “I get it.” She crosses over to the table, helping him pull apart old paper snowflakes. “I’m just the opposite. I’m scared if I don’t talk to them, I’ll convince myself it was all fake. And maybe it’d be for the better, but I’m glad I knew them. Even if only for a little while.”
Mike bites down on his lips, attempting to bury all the emotion threatening to spew out of him. “Yeah.”
Max finally looks up at him, and though they seem to have shared a moment, she snaps back out of it. “All offense, Mike, these are ugly as shit. I’m helping you make new ones, okay?”
“It’s for the memory!”
“No more living in the past.” She raises her eyebrows at him, and he pinches his face in annoyance, so she says, “Okay, you can put them up, in like, little corners, but we’re making new ones. Surprise. Work with me here, Michael.”
“It’s my basement, Max.”
“Did you or did you not ask for my help?”
Mike blinks. “Not really.”
She throws a crafty paper star at him. “Shut up, you’re glad I’m here.”
He shakes his head and moves on, but though he may never admit it, a part of him really is glad.
Weeks pass in what feels like a span of days or maybe hours, with Mike and Max sorting out their surprise plans with a typical amount of bickering - but hey, they get it done. Max has lots of opinions about decorations and music that make Mike roll his eyes, but she’s got a good eye and she offers to help with baking, which is not a strong suit of his. Yes, they throw a lot of streamers at each other, and threaten to storm out every other hour, but it gets done.
And the day is finally here.
Mike pulls himself into his best festive sweater and eyes himself in the mirror. He messes with his hair, though the long, wavy curls never seem to fall exactly into place - maybe growing it out was a mistake - and tugs at the creases of his sweater, letting out a huffy breath. None of it is working with him. When he can’t stand looking at himself anymore, he dashes down to the kitchen to help his mom with desserts.
She smiles when he plops into a seat. “You okay, honey? You seem a little tense.”
Mike jolts. “Uh, yeah, just excited.”
“Good! Joyce said the kids haven’t stopped talking about the trip for weeks.”
Great. “I hope we live up to the hype.”
“Oh, Mike. You know you don’t have to try that hard.” Karen stops frosting for a moment to look at him. “Will’s your best friend. El is excited to see you,” she nudges at him, and he coughs out a nervous laugh, “and Joyce thinks you’re an angel-”
“God, mom-”
“I’m serious. Don’t worry so much.” She leans forward on her forearms. “I know you think every problem in the world is on you, but it’s not. It’s enough just to be around the people you love. If anything, you’ve gone overboard.”
Overboard. Hopefully, it’s not too much.
Finally, he caves, exhaling slowly with a simple, “Okay.” He stays beside her, tapping his fingers, and eventually ruining a gingerbread man’s face until she notices and smacks his hand away.
There’s a knock on the door, and while Mike hops to his feet, his mother calls out, “Come in!” earning a panicked look from him. She mouths, ‘Chill,’ but he still half-jogs to the door and throws it open.
Nancy calls down the stairs, “Who is it?”
It’s Max, brandishing a few small wrapped gifts.
“Hello, sunshine,” she says. After a moment, “It’s great to see you too, Michael, allow me to invite myself in.”
“It’s just Max,” Mike calls back. He steps aside, and Max brushes past him, dropping her gifts by their tree and running into the kitchen. 
“Hi, Mrs. Wheeler!”
“Hey, Max, Merry Christmas!”
Mike’s mom seemed to think Max was one of the most charming people on the planet, something they frequently disagreed on, but he can’t be mad at their pleasant chatter right now.
Especially not when the next knock comes so soon.
Probably just Lucas and Dustin, dragging their feet as usual.
Mike opens the door, prepared with a quippy remark for his friends, but his stomach drops immediately.
It’s Will. Holding a bunch of luggage.
Mike is caught up in everything about him. He’s taller. New, floppy hair, tousled and messy in the biting snowy winds. His forearms exposed as his bags push against his jacket. Will.
The boy smiles at him. “Hey.”
“Hey,” Mike manages.
Will looks past him with a tiny wave, and Mike turns to see Max beaming and waving back, and then Max slips back into the kitchen and Will returns his gaze to Mike. “Can I come in?”
“Hey, Mike!” Joyce interrupts from the car, straining to grab something in the backseat. “Merry Christmas, honey!”
“Merry Christmas, Mrs. Byers!” Mike, finally catching up his brain-to-movement reactions, moves to let Will in. “Yeah, come in. I’m gonna, uh, go help your mom.”
He immediately forgets why he’s moved and attempts to step out as Will crosses the threshold, almost knocking him over, so Mike grabs his arms to stabilize with a, “Sorry - uh - whoops, haha, don’t fall,” and Will chuckles and shifts a bag to his shoulder, saying, “It’s alright,” and Mike spends his walk to the Byers’ car trying not to curse himself out.
“Oh, Mike, thank you, sweetie,” Joyce grunts, pulling a heavy tote bag from the floor of the car. “Can you carry this?” Mike nods and takes it from her easily, offering his arms out for extra luggage. Together, with Jonathan, who greets him with a, “Merry Christmas, man,” they manage to get everything inside in one trip. Mike hardly notices El rummaging through the trunk until she comes stumbling along with a basket full of gifts.
Finally, they’re all inside, and only a beat goes by before Nancy comes bounding down the stairs to greet Jonathan, and Joyce is grinning around at everybody, and then Karen rushes in from the kitchen with excited greetings.
“It is so good to see you,” Joyce says, opening her arms up to Mike for a hug. “You’ve grown so much-'' she looks at Karen and mutters, “-so much-” then looks back at Mike. “We’ve missed you all.”
“I’ve missed you guys too,” Mike says, “I’m glad you decided to come.”
“We couldn’t miss it. Figured it’s best that we’re together, you know.” Her expression falters, but she takes a breath and carries on with moving bags and ‘Merry Christmases.’
Joyce and his mom wind up chattering, and Karen takes off her apron to help transfer some luggage to the spare room. Nancy takes Jonathan’s hand and heads upstairs, grabbing one of his bags from the ground.
Will seems to have disappeared into the kitchen with Max, leaving his things behind, so it’s just Mike and El.
Mike takes in a deep breath.
It wasn’t an ugly breakup; honestly, El seemed unfazed. Their calls were little more than small talk about their days, most of the time, and even though he thought they might hold onto their past, everything they’d been through… it seemed to work best that they didn’t.
“Hey, Merry Christmas.”
El smiles easily. “Merry Christmas, Mike.” She lifts the basket slightly for acknowledgment. “Can these go by the tree?”
“Yeah, yeah, go for it.”
El nods and slips by the couch over to the tree, carefully laying out the gifts. After a few moments of Mike awkwardly leaning against the couch arm, thinking up something to say - thank god she didn’t seem too focused on him - Max walks in, her mouth stuffed with a truffle.
“El!” She darts over to the tree, and El jumps up, eyes bright, immediately throwing her arms around the girl’s shoulders. “I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too,” El giggles. “I brought you a gift.”
“You too. I can’t wait for you to see it. But first, you have to try one of these sweets Mrs. Wheeler’s making. They’re like frickin’ heaven.” She holds out the last bite of her own, and El takes it from her hand, eyes lighting up mischievously as she bites into it.
“It’s amazing.”
“I know. I think we should go sample some of the others.”
Mike calls out to their backs, “You guys better leave some for later on,” and in response, hears Max mimic him. He rolls his eyes and stands up from the couch.
And then it’s just him and Will, who’s beaming at him, seemingly amused by their banter.
Okay, Mike, now or never. “Uh, I’ll show you downstairs.”
“We’re not staying in your room?” Will asks simply, crossing over to retrieve his duffel bag.
“We totally can, I just have something I wanted to show you.”
Will nods. “Oh, okay, cool.”
Mike assists with a smaller bag and leads him to the basement door; before he runs down the stairs, he catches Max’s eye, and she gives him a thumbs up and mouths, ‘You got this.’ Deep breaths. At that moment, he’s incredibly thankful for her presence. 
He watches as Will follows him down, slower, glancing around at the familiar surroundings. His eyes catch on everything Mike and Max put together over the past few weeks, and his footsteps grow slower as he takes it all in.
Streamers of all festive colors and off-balance fairy lights hang along the corners of the basement, phrases of ‘Welcome home,’ hand-cut and pasted on the front wall; at the table, a game mat and figures sit in wait, silly hats placed in front each chair; even the TV is prepared with a Santa hat, the couch covered in blankets and pillows, a few sleeping bags folded on the floor.
“Mike,” Will says quietly, stepping in a small circle, “what is all this?”
“Your homecoming party.” Mike is all jitters; he leans against the wall and shoves his hands in his pockets to disguise any visible shakes. “You like it?”
Will finally looks straight at him, an indiscernible look painted on his face. “Yeah,” he says, nodding rapidly, “yeah, it’s great - but we, uh,” he swallows and shakes his head, “we don’t, um, have to play D&D. I mean-”
“I don’t know, Will,” he ventures to step away from the wall, taking slow steps over to the table. Will follows every move. “I mean, I was really excited to have you back, even just for a little bit. We all were.” He reaches the table and leans back on his hands. “Figured having our cleric back warranted some festivities.”
Will shakes his head, runs his hands along his face, and turns away. The bit of confidence Mike has slowly starts to trickle.
“Is it okay?”
Will shakes out of his stupor and chuckles. “It’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for me. You’ve truly outdone yourself, Michael.” He lifts himself on tiptoe to look at decorations on top of Mike’s shelves. “Are these from our big craft night, like, years ago?”
The horrible crayon work makes Mike smile - they made half of the snowmen evil, citing a Great Abominable Snowman War, and gave them wicked frowns and smiles, claws on their stick hands. “Yeah.”
“I didn’t know you kept them.”
“I keep everything.” An awkward chuckle breaks from his chest. “Not everything, like, a hoarder or whatever, but - “
Will simply smiles and pushes himself forward toward the back wall, brushing past Mike, to his different pinups. He fixates on the sketch of Mike that he’d sent about a month back. “You know, you should probably take this down. I don’t think you’ll hear the end of it from Lucas and Dustin if you don’t.”
“Screw ‘em.”
“Right.” Will quirks his eyebrow and moves to sit in his designated chair, right next to where Mike is currently resting. “So, they know about D&D?”
“They know.” Mike smiles, and looks at the floor, right where their legs brush up against each other. “They seem pretty excited to have the party back together. To remind you of how badass your first one was,” he adds.
Will peers up at him for a moment before quietly saying, “I never joined another one.” Mike meets his eye for a moment, then, threatened by the silence that follows, clears his throat and distracts himself with a particularly interesting notch in the wood paneling. “Did you guys find someone else?”
“No, no,” Mike assures him. “We haven’t touched any of this stuff. It’s not the same.”
A silence settles between them, one that neither seems to know how to navigate. But Will keeps his gaze steady on Mike, trying to breach some barrier, to fall back into their usual ways.
Something is different, though; it’s not uncomfortable, it never could be, but it’s something intimidating. Will seems more comfortable, at least; he’s not shying away from anything Mike throws at him.
And he tries to break the silence first. “Y’know - “
“Will,” Mike cuts him off, and he’s not sure what he’s saying, or where he’s going with it, but he knows he’s supposed to say this. His name. “I need you to know that I missed you.”
Will blinks at him, cocks his head. “I missed you too,” he says matter-of-factly.
The words are eating at him, right there on the edge of his mind, and Will looks almost concerned and now Mike just wants to drop it because that’s not what he wanted. But he can’t, not now. “I missed you the most.” It sounds so juvenile. “More than everyone else. I missed you before you even left. I just didn’t know how to say it.” He breathes in and out, focusing on Will’s cheeks, the tip of his nose, anything but his eyes. When Will doesn’t say anything, the rest just spills. “I missed you when our first first day of school apart came and passed, and I didn’t even call. I missed you at homecoming. And,” he licks his lips, not really sure where his speech is heading, “I know you had to go, it’s fine. We’ll figure it out. But I feel like we haven’t been on the same page in a long time. So, I missed you, and I love you, and that’s that.”
Will looks at him funny, and then his face softens into something like laughter, and Mike is genuinely about to run and throw up somewhere, but then the boy closes his eyes and says, “I love you too.”
Mike blanches. “I don’t think I said that.”
“Oh, you definitely did.”
“Oh,” he nods, mind spinning, “well, you know…”
Will stands to be at Mike’s level, leans forward on his knees. Mike stops breathing. “I do,” he says, “but tell me again.”
Mike swallows down a breath of courage and suggests, “I think I might like you.” His eyes flit to Will’s lips, then back to his eyes. “Is that okay?”
“Yeah, I’ll allow it,” Will says, a bright smile causing lines near his eyes. Mike smacks at his arm, nervous laughter coming out with a quiet, ‘Shut up.’ Will moves so he’s resting his fingertips on the table. Inches away.
“Same page, then?” Mike asks.
“Same page, yeah, for sure.”
Mike nods absently, distracting himself with the strings on Will’s sweatshirt. “So I don’t sound crazy?”
Will laughs. “I dunno. I always counted on us going crazy together. Figured we might have a few extra years, but hey, I’m all in.”
And then Mike is flashed back to a night on his couch just over a year ago. Knees knocking together, shared smiles. A promise.
So much has changed.
He wants to know what Will meant. A future of being in each other’s lives, maybe, getting old and senile and batshit crazy. Always being there.
He never dared to think about it before.
“So what now?”
Will shrugs. He dips his head to meet Mike’s eyes with his own. “What do you want, Mike?”
And finally, he thinks he might know.
Or maybe he’s always known.
He scoots forward, takes Will’s face in his hands, and kisses him. It’s just a quick press of their lips, but in that moment, he knows a few things for sure. His heartbeat is going a mile a minute, and Will must be able to feel it; it’s absolutely exhilarating, surreal, insane that he’s kissing his best friend; and, he is definitely in like, or maybe love, with Will Byers.
He’ll probably love him forever.
When Mike pulls back and his eyes flutter open to see Will, flushed, blinking back at him, slightly dazed, he doesn’t want to pull away at all. He did that. Mike’s hand remains on his jaw, lax, and he runs his thumb along Will’s bottom lip, curious to see his reaction, curious about a lot, now.
Will lets out a breathy chuckle. “Wow,” he mumbles, “that’s new.”
“Yeah.” Mike exhales shakily, takes one of Will’s hands, and says, “Merry Christmas, Will.”
“Yeah, Merry Christmas.”
The world doesn’t seem to fall apart like Mike thought it might if he ever got to this point, so, that’s nice.
“So…” Mike begins carefully, “you’re gonna have to be slow with me here. This is sort of a lot for me.”
“Me too,” Will replies simply. He squeezes Mike’s hand. “But we’ll figure it out.”
Will takes his cheeks in his hands and smiles into a very gentle kiss, his fingers curling into the hair at the nape of Mike’s neck. It’s soft and sweet and lingering - but not for too long, as moments later the door upstairs busts open and shouts of, “BYERS!” from their dear friends sound through the air, and Mike and Will jump apart, equally startled and laughing.
“Down here!” Will calls out. He looks at Mike, smiles, offers, “To be continued?” and as he walks past, he leans in, just to leave a quick peck on Mike’s cheek.
And all Mike can do is laugh and shake his head and run after him to meet their friends; Lucas and Dustin are horribly late to the surprise, but they collide into Will the second they see him, shouting over each other, ‘What’s going on, dude?’ ‘Merry Christmas!’ ‘You’ve missed so much,’ and everyone is grinning and chattering, and it’s awesome.
Max approaches him, watching all of the madness, smacks a hand to his shoulder, and says, “You did good, Wheeler.”
“Yeah, I did.” She punches his arm lightly, laughing, so he adds, “thank you for everything. Seriously.”
“I think we should work together more often.”
Mike scoffs into a laugh, and says, “Yeah, guess so.”
Max rolls her eyes, but at least now they’re actually laughing in each other's company. It’s great progress from just a few weeks ago.
After a minute of watching the boy’s shenanigans, Max smiles. “Well, Merry Christmas, anyway.”
“Merry Christmas,” he responds, and he watches as she jumps up onto a kitchen stool, chatting and giggling with El.
With everyone back together again, finally, Mike feels really alive; so, he jumps in with all the excited shouting and group hugs and bickering, and celebrates the merriest Christmas he can remember in a long time.
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weltonreject · 4 years
“look homeward, angel, now”
James lives and comes to find Oliver. Immediately post-canon. || Title and references from Milton’s Lycidas
I was crouched in my chair, looking for another pen, when there was a shallow knock on the front door. I paused for a moment, waiting for Meredith’s call to say she was answering. I pushed my chair back, remembering she was still out filming. I knew I had to stop relying on her for things, it was unbecoming. Felt like Dellecher all over again. Tied up between her and-- well, there was no other post to wrangle myself around. Just her. And still one end hanging lifeless in the wind.
“Coming!” I said, sliding my hand down the banister to keep myself from running. The knock sounded like it was a slow-response away from ditching.
Any other greeting I expected to say died on my tongue the moment I saw who had come-- who had found me.
Weep no more, woeful shepherds, weep no more, For Lycidas, your sorrow, is not dead
It startled me to see he was soaking wet, like he’d walked right out of the sea and straight back to me-- but how could he have heard me? I cried silently and angrily in the hidden shadows of sleep, and isolated moments when Meredith would slip from the house for days at a time. I noticed, finally, that it had begun to rain outside. The explanation felt like a lie. Not the whole truth, as usual.
He seemed to notice my staring, my long dragging glances over his clothes, over his body. He was so much leaner than I remembered, than I ever dreamed of either, but he was still James. How could I find him unfamiliar?
"I’ve been here for over an hour... Trying to see if I should knock.” James sounded unsure if he’d done right. I pushed the door farther back to tell him he had. He didn’t move. “Truth is, I don’t know what to say to you.”
“Whatever you would like.” I said.
I tried not to overwhelm him with the truth of what simply the sight of him was doing to me. The return of a sailor we all thought had been lost to sea. I wasn’t even angry that he had been alive for years without a visit or a note-- except the one Filippa sent to me-- I didn’t care about the life he had before. It didn’t really matter. His had only started now that he was with me. And I felt the relief with as much greed as I thought to.
“We aren’t friendly enough for that anymore.” He whispered and it nearly disappeared into the rain.
"James,” I sighed and held a hand out to him. He’d begun to shiver. He resisted and I sighed, catching the wind of the rain. I spoke between the falling sheets. “ For we were nurs'd upon the self-same hill, / Fed the same flock, by fountain, shade, and rill; / Together both, ere the high lawns appear'd / Under the opening eyelids of the morn.”
My verse stopped him, shivering and all: surprised but not put-off. It wasn’t Shakespeare, but then again, we were different boys than those that could converse with only another man’s words. We were lost-and-found men. It felt wrong, at such a raw and exposed reunion, to start putting up the thin veil of our old selves, our old routine.
He stepped inside and I grabbed his coat, hanging it on the doorknob. The wet bottom hem stayed on the doormat, staying with James’s wet boots, as he toed them off. I half expected him to start shimmying out of his jeans, getting ready for bed after a long rehearsal.
Oh, how I wish there had been one. Maybe I would’ve had better lines prepared.
“What happened, James?” I started for the kettle as I lead him into the kitchen. I wanted to distract myself, but also didn’t want to take my eyes off of James. How had I gone without a single real glimpse of him for years? How had I allowed myself to become so starved?
I remembered it hadn’t been me who had made the decision.
“What do you want me to say?” He was genuinely asking. Calling for a line prompt. “The guilt swallowed me, Oliver. And I thought once I hit rock bottom it would be over. But it kept swallowing me. Over and over, right over my head, like--”
Like waves.
He ask'd the waves, and ask'd the felon winds, "What hard mishap hath doom'd this gentle swain?"
“You’re alive.” I prompted him finally.
"After the hospital,” James spoke softly, easing himself into the chair. The pain on his face told me of the time he spent, most likely cooped up and staring his guilt dead in the face, unable to utter it. Unable to heal. “I went to my family but, mostly to keep quiet. Gather myself without you knowing.”
“Me?” Anger flared in my chest suddenly, the hiss of the kettle a whimper compared to my impending growl, ferocious and unhinged after years in a cage. “Does everyone else know?”
“Meredith isn’t filming. She’s with Wren right now. I told her... I wanted to tell you myself. Alone.”
I glared at him, nostrils flaring as I tried to grapple with the sudden exposed strings tied to me. I heaved a breath, ready to scream, to rally a fight, but-- I sighed, seeing the guilt etched, again, on James’s features. They’d never return to the ones I used to study on stage; from across the room; once, right under my nose.
I couldn’t be angry at him. Between the two of us, what good was it? There was no score anymore. Just an extended intermission. Unfinished verse.
My anger caved and washed out of me and I nearly collapsed into the seat across from him.
Who would not sing for Lycidas?
“I can understand not seeing me, but you could’ve, at the very least, told me you were alive.” I said, trying to remain firm. “That’s all I cared about. Not the-- not an apology.”
“God, apology.” James became distraught again. He looked too weak to stand, but panicked enough to express another desire to disappear. “What can I even say to apologize? You wouldn’t let me-- and now there’s nothing I can say to give you back that past ten years of you life. I mean,” he choked on a long sob. “what could I possible do to give you any of that back?”
“Tell me you know why I did it.”
“What?” He ran the back of his sweater sleeve-- already soaked-- along his upper lip, composing himself.
“Tell me you know why.”
“I--” The truth was right there, held in our own held breaths. In the way our hands were both flat against the table top, finger tips too far apart to be purposeful, but trembling enough to say they were missing another half. “I don’t know what you want me to say.” James said more desperately. The words were as unrehearsed for him as they were for me.
I, again, chose words not of my own, hoping to dislodge the ten years of rust I’d let form around them. Never spoken, never practiced.
“Where, other groves and other streams along, / With nectar pure his oozy locks he laves,” I blinked twice, looking down at my own hands. They weren’t as harsh red and thawing as James’s. I looked back up, knowing the rest of the verse, but changing it anyway. “And hears the expressive nuptial song, / In the blest kingdoms meek of joy and love.”
"I-I don’t know Milton this well.” Fresh tears had started in his eyes. One dangled over his cheek, his trembling body threatening his composure again.
I was pleased he at least knew the poem. I wasn’t just speaking in scattered verse, not just in a foreign tongue. It was code again. A secret layer of communication we could tuck between, like a warm blanket and firm mattress.
“Now, Lycidas, the shepherds weep no more:” Against my better judgement-- against all judgement, really-- I rose from my seat and reached to brush the tear from James’s cheek. My hand never retracted. It stayed on him, thumb gently braced on his sharp, jutting cheekbone. “Henceforth thou art the Genius of the shore, / In thy large recompense, and shalt be good / To all that wander in that perilous flood.”
Weakness be damned, James himself stood again. He reached for me over the table, my shirt too simple for his grasp and going for my shoulders. He nearly folded me over across the table, bringing me to his lips. He was fully weeping by then, no sparse or embarrassed tears to be found. These tears were hot and pitiful: only I, a lost shepherd staring out over the sea, would be so foolish to be in love with him. Would forgive him with a heart so light it could so easily be handed over, passed from lips to lips.
“Don’t ever do that again.” He said, finally finding my face with both of his freezing hands. “Don’t you ever do that again.”
I wanted to make a joke-- a note that it wasn’t my decision, not really-- but I kept my mouth shut. Or, otherwise pre-occupied.
“I’m sorry.” I didn’t mean it entirely. So I went on. “I wouldn’t have ever let you trade with me, but I’m sorry it meant you had to be with the guilt--”
“All without you.” He took my sentence and tied it up, keeping it ended. “There’s no one like you.”
“No, no,” he said, pushing my hair back and cradling my face like he’d gotten to touch a marble statue: intimately and with wonder. “fuck ordinary and nice and disposable. Oliver, there is no one on this Earth like you, and I can’t believe that I let you fall for me.”
“There’s no one else like you.” I said, stepping around the table to take him in my arms.
He was sturdier than I would have thought, but maybe that was just years of harsh reality building a shell around him. I kissed him again, ignoring his quiet whimper of disagreement to my confession. His hand laid flat against my chest, an echo of a memory never finished. His fingers pressed against my collar bone, trying to find my heartbeat. As if he needed a jumpstart to his own.
“No one else worth knowing, quite like you.” We were both breathing heavy, my words nearly lost in James’s continued shy nips at my lips. He was trying to stop me from speaking, but I could tell he was eager for absolvement. Not of sins, but of shame.
Finally, I brought him to rest against me. Fiery passion and frail relief encased us both. Our arms tightly tried to keep the other impossibly closer-- as if it would push the rest of the world away. I thought to myself, incorrectly but with a hidden smile:
But O the heavy change now art gone, Now art gone, and never must return!
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drawlfoy · 4 years
The Wonders of Ohio P.5
masterlist (check here for parts 1-4!) request guidelines
pairing: draco x reader
request: from 14 year old me babey
warnings: cringe, mentions of drug use, mentions of sex, language, and just bad writing
summary: y/n is in her senior year of high school when she is asked to take on an exchange student from britain that’s a little...different. this is NOT a nonmagic AU. draco is still a wizard and this will become and integral part of the story shortly.
a/n: heyyyy everyone. i graduated from high school this week and i’m posting this as my happy-one-year-to-me. as some of you may know, i posted my very first fic on this day a year ago. i’m really happy to see how i’ve grown since and i’m so lucky to have shared this with all of you. anyways, nittygritty--
this part is really the last slow exposition chapter. chapters 6 on will be a whole whirlwind beginning with homecoming and i hope that you guys are willing to stick around. i promise itll be worth the wait. y/n is going to get the story arc of a lifetime and also please do not hate heather she is just going through it ok 
tags tags tags  @gruffle1 @missmulti @cleopatera @hahaboop @accio-rogers @geeksareunique @eltanin-malfoy @war-sword @cams-lynn @itsivyberry @ayo-cowbelly @nerd-domland @erisdogwood @loveissupernatural
word count: 4.6k (;))
song recs: 
strawberry blonde -- mitski 
in your neighbors garden -- mimi bay
wishes -- beach house
ode to artifice -- samia 
pink in the night -- mitski
enjoy <3
The seatbelt buckle scorched the side of Y/N’s exposed neck as she turned to face the disheveled blonde in the passenger seat.
“Do I need to teach you to set an alarm?” 
Draco let out a huff. “Stop. Do you have a….a comb, or a brush, or something here?” His hands looked abnormally fidgety. Their actions were shaky, varying from patting his pockets to running through his hair. He seemed more and more frustrated each time his hands left his pockets empty. 
How curious Y/N thought as she racked her brain for any remembrance of putting a brush in her car. It was always a mess, and she honestly couldn’t blame Draco for assuming that anything could be in there.
“I don’t think there’s one here,” said Y/N, trying to sound at least a little sympathetic despite the fact that his tardiness had them 10 minutes late. “You can look around if you want, king.”
“What’d you call me?” His voice was suddenly sharp and awake.
Y/N rolled her eyes so hard that she thought they’d get stuck in the back of her head. “You don’t--ok. It’s a joke. You can call guys here that.”
“And it means that I’m…?”
“It means I’m acknowledging that you exist, I guess. It’s not like it has a strict negative or positive connotation. Like, I can say ‘Ok king’ to any man telling me something and it can either be sarcastic, or it can be because I don’t know what else to say and just want to let him know I heard him.”
Draco’s eyes looked a tad glazed over when Y/N dared a glance in his direction.
“I know it’s confusing. I’m sorry. I’ll try and ease you into the world of American slang.” 
He granted her a little “uh-huh” before opening up the glovebox with great difficulty and rummaging through the mess. Y/N would’ve felt more embarrassed about the tampon that fell on the ground in the process if he seemed like he actually knew what it was. 
Her attention turned back to the road as Draco continued to sift through things. Y/N couldn’t help but wonder if there was anything embarrassing hidden away in the corners of her car--after all, it hadn’t been organized since the beginning of summer--and decided that it was better to pretend it wasn’t happening.
It wasn’t the eerie silence that eventually prompted her to turn to look his direction--no, it was the weird energy in the car, like the feeling right before a thunderstorm. All the hair raised on her arms, and she shivered...but it was stifling hot in the car.
“Oh, did you find a brush?” she asked. His hair laid as perfectly as always, but his hands were lying shaking in his lap, palms to the sky. No hairbrush was in sight.
“Er... “ He was paler than usual, which was quite the feat for someone who looked like a ream of paper. “No. Just remembered a trick my father taught me.”
She tensed at the mention of his father--the very first time Draco had done so. “Oh. Okay. Glad you got it figured out, king.”
Her voice lightened on the last word, hoping she could coax a little smile out of him. 
“Don’t call me that.”
 There were many things Y/N thought she understood, but Draco Malfoy being in her Physics C class was not one of them. She took pity and sat next to him as he fumbled his way through the first lecture. His notes, while neat, were littered with crossed out portions and question marks. 
You do know there’s an eraser on your pencil, right? she jotted on a note that she sent his way. His brow furrowed and he seemed to tap at the end of the eraser for just a few moments before deciding otherwise and xing out another practice problem he’d done incorrectly. Symbols that she’d never seen before were scattered all throughout his notes. 
Maybe the UK kids just learn stuff differently.
By the time that Physics came to an end, Y/N was eager to get away from the storm cloud that was brewing over Draco’s perfectly smoothed and infuriatingly pretty moonbeam colored hair. The amount of attention he was getting from all the other girls made Y/N want to jump off a cliff--suddenly everyone was her “best friend” “just wanting to check up on what happened over summer”. She was grateful to see the face of Lizzy, grinning and looking mischievous during their break period.
“You must be Draco,” said the redhead, a glint in her eyes. He looked a little scared.
“Mind giving us some privacy? Y/N and I have some urgent matters to discuss,” she continued, looking him up and down. Y/N attempted to ignore the twist in her gut as she watched him swallow and nod, turning away to go brood elsewhere. Once he was out of sight, Lizzy grabbed her arm and yanked her into the girl’s bathroom.
“It’s so funny how he’s following you around like a lost puppy,” Lizzy said. “Also, he’s gorgeous. If you don’t at least try to get some of that, then I’m never trusting your judgement again.”
“But, Li-”
“The boy’s a fucking walking Wattpad story cover. Dark, tragic past, unbelievably sharp jawline, rich parents, exotic accent....honestly, Y/N, I don’t know what else you could want.” 
“Mom literally called him my host brother,” said Y/N. The bathroom was starting to smell suspiciously like cotton candy. “That’s wrong. On so many levels.” 
“But you’re not related!”
“But it’s gross! And predatory! The kid doesn’t even know how to do basic algebra! I’m all he has!” 
Lizzy’s eyebrow found its new home in the middle of her forehead. “You’ve gone absolutely batty if you think that every girl cursed with attraction to men in Cincinnati wouldn’t jump his skin at the chance. Use your head, queenie. He’s not alone. Shoot your shot.”
Y/N opened her mouth to serve back a retort--that was definitely there, thank you very much--but decided against it once she realized that the bathroom had become dead silent. “Um...maybe we can go over this later.” She flickered her eyes over to the line behind them that was now intently hanging on their every word. “I forgot I had to talk to the counselor.”
Lizzy was smirking as they exited the bathroom and began the search for Draco. It didn’t take long--the circle comprised of Heather and her friends was more than enough of a giveaway that he was about. 
“Draco, sorry to make you wait,” Y/N called out. It took all her effort to abstain from cringing as her voice rang out across the group. Heather turned to send her a big smile.
“Hey Y/N! You didn’t tell me that Draco was from London!” 
“He’s not,” she responded. “He’s from Wiltshire.” 
“Wiltshire. Of course. That’s what I meant.”
Draco’s smile was tense as he looked down at Heather--who stood roughly 4 inches below him--but he was smiling, and that wasn’t something that Y/N was on the receiving end of frequently. She didn’t know whether to be offended or relieved.
“I’m sure. Break’s almost over, Draco. I can show you where the English department is before the time is up.” 
 He paused, looking down at the blonde grinning up at him. “Er, actually, Heather already offered to show me around for the rest of the day.”
“Yeah, for sure. I’ll see you in French.”
Y/N was shocked at the sheer amount of jealousy that rose up in her throat as she turned away and made her way to Art History---the only class Y/N and Draco didn’t share. The walk was strange. Being in solitude after having a gloomy British boy attached to her hip was understandably eerie. Because that’s all it was. Adjustment. Nothing else.
She settled in at a table full of her friends, namely Sylvia. The tall girl was always a bit whimsical, but Y/N found that she was a breath of fresh air compared to everyone else. It made sense that Sylvia would take Art History--her dark academic inspired aura and the perpetually hot mug of black coffee just screamed history nut. 
“How’s your new brother?” she asked after the teacher had taken attendance. “I say that because I haven’t heard his name yet.”
“Ick, it’s gross to think of him as my brother,” Y/N responded. “And I know! We need to catch up. I’m sorry about not talking to you for a bit. The time difference was a bit weird during your trip.”
“It’s ok, I get it. I was away on family business, anyways. I didn’t expect you to spend your days staying up until the wee hours of the night to tell me all about your exchange student. Anyways. His name?”
“You’re gonna scream when you hear it, Vie,” she said. “Draco Malfoy. It’s so posh. You have no idea. It definitely suits him, though. He’s very...You good?” 
Sylvia’s olive toned face looked a bit paler than usual. “Yeah. Yeah, I just remembered that I forgot to take the trash out this morning. I’ll have to text my mom about it.” She adjusted the wool cardigan that hung around her shoulders and came up looking composed. “Draco, huh? His parents must hate him.”
“At the very least! He’s so rude. And uptight. I can’t tell if it’s just a Brit thing or if it’s because he’s an asshole.” 
Sylvia laughed. “I mean, when I was there over the summer, it was a different culture for sure. We’re by far louder. But I didn’t meet many mean ones. You must’ve just got a bad apple, then.”
“I guess so. He is pret--”
“Ladies, is there something you’d like to share with the rest of the class?”
“No, Mrs. Jensen,” Sylvia and Y/N said in unison. 
“Thoughts, king?” 
“I told you not to call me that.” Draco glared at her as he tried to open the passenger side door to find that it was locked tight. “Unlock? Please?”
“And I told you not to get cozy with ASB kids, yet here we are,” said Y/N as she slotted the key into the lock and turned. 
“What’s it to you?”
“Nothing. I’m just looking out for you.” She slammed the door shut and threw her bag in the bag. The line of traffic to get out of the school was long and stuffy, and she was eager to just get it over with.
The wait was so hot that Draco peeled off his stupid formalish jacket that was on thin ice of being called a blazer and probably worth more than her car. Y/N tried to look away as his hair became slightly ruffled, but she couldn’t pry her eyes away. It was endearing, almost, how someone who could look so posh and serious could have ruffly hair--and hair that naturally light, too. She had asked him one night if it was dyed, and he scowled at her and told her the grammatically correct term was dead, and that his hair was alive, just like the rest of him, thank you very much. She dropped it. 
Y/N finally rolled down her window after the AC simply refused to satisfy her, and the wind was a nice reminder to keep in her own lane. Draco was beautiful. There was no other way to put it. He had a feel of power to him, like he was capable of anything but just held it back. But he was just as inaccessible as he was pretty, and there was nothing she could do about that.
“Y/N?” He asked after a few moments of sitting in silence. “What’s Homecoming?” 
“Who told you about that?” 
“Heather. She asked if I had a date. Is that like a ball here?”
“She asked you if you had a date on the first day?”
“Fuck. ASB kids never do sleep, huh.” 
“Homecoming isn’t a ball. It’s like a...an…” Y/N paused as she saw Draco raise his eyebrows. “It’s, like, uh….Well I guess it is like a ball. An American one, though. Way less extravagant. It’s an excuse to get dressed up and run around the city. There technically is a dance, and all the ASB kids have to go, but literally no one else does but the underclassmen. Normally I go out with my friends and a date to somewhere fun and take pictures. And then get trashed afterwards.”
“Classy,” said Draco. “I think you can go now.”
A honk behind her emphasized his point as the space in between her and the car in front widened substantially. 
“Thanks. Anyways, it’s not really a big deal. I’d suggest not going with Heather so you can skip out on the dance portion. Or if you want to go with her, get her to come with us into Cincinnati because I am not going to spend my last homecoming watching a grind circle.” 
“A...what circle? And I don’t want to go with her.”
The relief Y/N felt was embarrassing. “Um...better if you don’t worry about it. You have a long time to figure it out anyways.”
He seemed satisfied with that answer, propping his elbow up on the center console. The pristine button up he was wearing had ridden up, exposing the pale skin and the bottom of the tattoo she had seen a hint of earlier. “Do you have a date?”
“Um. No, not yet. I don’t think anyone except for couples do yet. We have until the end of this month to figure it out, so I’m not too worried about it.”
He nodded as Y/N’s car finally left the school parking lot and began picking up speed. 
“I’m assuming you had balls? At your posh boarding school?” 
“Er…” Draco ran his hand through his hair, ruffling it further. “We only had one. It was when I was 14. We called it the Yule Ball.”
“Why only one?”
“It was for a special occasion. We had two other schools join us as well. It was quite a good time.”
“So every student only has one ball in their lifetime?”
“Of course not. Some of us--the ones from old families--have events like that regularly.”
“I’m sorry if this is overstepping my bounds,” began Y/N, noticing how he tensed up, “So you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to. But, I’m just wondering, what is your family like?”
“What do you mean?”
“Like are they nice?”
“Oh.” The line in his forehead relaxed. “No. They wouldn’t like you.”
“Glad to hear it,” she said. “Do you like them?”
She heard the breath hitch in his throat. “I don’t know anymore.”
“I’m sure it’s hard to think about it when you feel like they’ve just shipped you off without anyone,” she added. “I’m really sorry, Draco. I know I’ve been a bit mean to you. I know that I’ll never be able to understand what you’re going through right now.”
The slight smile that spread across his face would’ve knocked her to her knees if she wasn’t already sitting down. “It’s okay. I wouldn’t expect you to understand.”
The silence that awaited them for the rest of the journey was comfortable.
School began to pick up the pace after the first few days. Y/N got into the swing of homework and her extracurricular workload. Draco was having a bit more difficulty, she presumed, but he’d never admit to it. She took pity one evening and gave him her laptop opened to a Khan Academy tab for Physics and was pleased to see that he showed up to class the next day with completed homework. He asked to borrow her laptop on a much more frequent basis after that. 
The routine they settled into had her heart leaping into her chest almost constantly--they’d eat breakfast together at the table, Y/N would try to ignore how pretty he looked across the table as they shared a pot of black tea (earl grey, which Y/N was thrilled to learn was his favorite as well), they’d get in the car, she’d write him notes in physics to help him (even though he never asked, he always smile and give a little shake of his head before unfolding them and intently staring at her writing), they’d drive home together and bitch about their French teacher, he’d retire to his room and do whatever pretty blonde Brits do in the afternoon, they’d meet unexpectedly at the same time in the late evening to have a final cup of tea, and then they’d go to bed and do it all over again. 
It was difficult for her to admit, but Y/N was falling very quickly for Draco. It was gross, and wrong, and manipulative, and completely against the code of conduct for exchange families, but she couldn’t help but spend her days fantasizing about how his gold-spun hair would feel as she ran her fingers through it or how gently she’d trace her fingers around the tattoo on the soft flesh of his forearm…
But Y/N knew those thoughts weren’t right. And they would go away. Eventually. 
“How’s it going?” Sylvia asked, effectively snapping her out of her thoughts. The Art History sub told them to go into independent study, whatever that meant. Y/N was not very good at either of those words.
“Pretty good. I can’t believe it’s been 3 weeks already,” she said. “It’s gonna be Halloween before we know it.”
“I can’t fucking waitttt,” said Sylvia. “I’m gonna be Wednesday Addams.”
“What else would I be? I get a new high collared black dress every year. It’d be a shame if it were going to go to waste. What are you gonna be?”
“One of the thousands of students finishing their UChicago ED app hours before the deadline.”
“You’re kidding. Can’t you just finish it the day before?”
“Where’s the fun in that? And, plus, I don’t have an idea as cool as Wednesday.”
Sylvia smirked as she opened up her planner and began to jot down something. “How’s Draco doing? I haven’t seen much of him lately. It seems like he never hangs out with us at break anymore.”
“Yeah, I ended up getting him connected with the Physics teacher. He’s getting tutored now. He thinks it’s all bullshit, but I don’t want to be the reason he doesn’t get into a good school.”
“Is that all you care about?” She smiled at Y/N. “Lizzy was telling me that you’re interested in him.”
“First of all, keep your voice down. Second of all, I’m not supposed to be, so I’m not.” Y/N hoped that the edge in her voice was convincing enough.
Her friend raised her eyebrows so dramatically that her glasses nearly slipped off her nose. “Y/N, who’s gonna hear about it. You guys are both going away at the end of the year anyways, and I’m sure he’s not going to be writing to his dear mum about his love life. If it’s consensual, there’s nothing wrong with it. I think it’d be good for both of you.”
“I see that, but let’s put me in his shoes right now.” Y/N shuffled in her seat and clasped her hands. “I’m rich. I’m British. I’m very hot. My parents throw extravagant balls for me and I kiss pretty girls that say water like ‘wota’. I’ve spent my life in silk and I only drink the finest teas. My family is so important that I had to be shipped off halfway across the world just to be safe. And now my incredibly expensive life has reached a peak because I’m sleeping with a random girl in Ohio that has run approximately 4 stop signs since I’ve met her.”
“You’re sleeping with Draco?” 
Y/N turned to see Lauren, a wide-eyed, obnoxious, but well meaning girl staring at her. She heard Sylvia stifle a laugh behind her. “No. I was kidding.” The smile that she followed with was awkward and showed way too many teeth. 
“Oh, okay,” said Lauren. “Do you know if he likes anyone?”
Sylvia’s smirk widened.
“No, actually, he’s a pretty private guy.” Y/N sent her another tense smile, and Lauren finally turned away.
“Jealous, huh?”
“Shut up, Vie. You know I wouldn’t go for him. Even if I had the chance.”
She just raised an eyebrow and smiled. 
The afternoon brought its own set of struggles. Their French teacher had blown up at another student who had been caught cheating on their last test, and it was all Y/N could do but hold back her snickers until they were out in the parking lot.
“I can’t believe they still managed to conjugate their cheat sheet wrong.” Y/N was gasping for breath as she unlocked the car door and threw her stuff inside. Draco was watching from the passenger seat, his lips in a soft upturn. “Can you imagine? Oh my god.”
He just shook his head and turned to look out the window, but she could see the smile slowly stretching across his face. “Ridiculous. You could totally tell Monsieur enjoyed it, too. I bet he gets off on making kids like Joey cry.”
“I had a teacher like that,” he started. “He was a Poti-a chemistry teacher.”
“Oh? Did he ever attack you?”
“No. He liked me. Family friends and all.”
“Ah. I almost forgot that your family was rich and influential. Thanks for the reminder.” She reached across and lightly punched his shoulder. His smile, though still remaining, seemed to shrink. “Hey, what’s that in your bag?” 
Y/N motioned to the cardstock peeking out of his nondescript black backpack that always seemed to fit more than it was meant to. She could make out a few words written in what looked like a bright red sharpie--something that did not exactly scream Draco Malfoy aesthetic.
He froze up. “Er. It’s from Heather. I think she called it a Homecoming ask?”
Y/N’s throat dried up to the point that no words would willingly make the climb from her diaphragm to her tongue; instead, she settled for giving him a little nod and what she hoped was a convincing smile.
“I told her I’d think about it,” he continued. “I remember you saying that the school dances sucked. So I let her know that I wasn’t sure yet.”
She nodded again. “Super cool. You can do whatever you want, though. You can come with my group if you’d like, but you’re welcome to go with Heather’s.”
“What? So you aren’t coming with me if I go with Heather?”
“Fuck no, dude. I don’t hate her, but I would way prefer to spend a night with my friends than some girl from my French class that only talks to me because she thinks you’re hot.” 
The expression Draco made reminded Y/N that he would never get comfortable with American girls calling him hot. “Ok. Have you found a date yet?”
“Chad from Econ asked me yesterday.”
“Is that why my seat was covered in glitter?”
“Are you going with him?” Draco’s hand was clenched tight in a fist in his lap.
“I think so,” said Y/N, steeling herself and deciding to just go for it. “But, of course, if you asked me I would say no to Chad. Just out of principle. I am supposed to be your tour guide, after all.”
The only parts of him moving were the few stray wisps of his hair being pushed around by the AC going. 
“But that’d be weird. I’d only expect you to take that up if you really didn’t want to go to the dance itself.” She swallowed and pulled out onto the main street, putting distance between them and the school. He was silent for a few moments. The quiet, normally comfortable between them, was stifling and strange. She pretended to ignore the way he was fiddling with his cuffs. 
“Yeah, it could be,” was all he said before slumping against the window and closing his eyes.
Mrs. Y/L/N was sitting at the head of the coffee table when the two arrived home, carding between a stack of letters in front of her. The mug of something--probably that new decaf blend she hadn’t stopped raving about--was sitting lopsided on a coaster, just barely about to topple off the edge. She looked like she hadn’t moved for hours, the novel she had been previously reading sat face down to preserve the spot next to her no doubt lukewarm drink.
“Hey Mom,” Y/N said as she set her keys down. “Anything good?”
She looked up, her expression morphing from startled to happy. “Other than the college brochures? Nothing, except...hm, what’s this?”
Her well manicured hand pulled at a crimson envelope, with sloping writing that seemed to shimmer in the light. 
To the Y/L/N Family, it read. The loopiness of the writing looked like it wiggled at the ends, but that had to be a trick of the light. It was dim in the kitchen during afternoons, after all. 
“It looks cool, open it u--”
Draco’s voice had never sounded so loud as it did then as he lunged across the kitchen, snatching it out of her mother’s hand and clutching it to his chest. “Er, it’s for me. I recognize the handwriting.”
 “Cool, see you later,” said Y/N. She was up the stairs and slamming her door before either of her housemates could say another word. After the horrible embarrassment that was technically Draco’s rejection, she needed to be alone. 
Even burying her face into her pillow and squeezing her eyes shut didn’t keep the scenes from their car ride at bay. She had been so stupid, so stupid. Why did she even think he wanted that? He was her brother, after all. Oh god, does he think we’re all from Alabama or something?
She wallowed for a few more mournful minutes before deciding that she had to pick herself up and handle it like an adult. After all, she was going to be 18 in just a few months. There was no excuse for her to act like a child anymore. And, plus, it wasn’t like she couldn’t just play this off as a pity invite. Yes,that’s what she’d frame this as if he ever asked her about it again. She felt bad for him was all it was. 
Once satisfied with her internal dialogue, she rolled out of bed and made for the foyer where her bag was still on the table. She’d first walk on Legos barefoot before she had to let a stupid boy--especially one that didn’t know how to turn on their shower and had to ask for her help every time--come between her and her 4.0. Never.
Her thoughts were cut short, however, when she heard a new sound from his side of the hallway. She froze, listening closely. 
Draco was crying.
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gmwproblems · 4 years
Zay - Teaser
The chapter is 80% done. I just have one hodgepodge scene and that’s it. 
Yes, hello. What years have they been.
After school, Zay traveled to Farkle's house. He didn't have to be to work until 6 and something needed to be done about the whole Farkle situation. The Maya-Riley situation he was staying out of. Girl shit is best left to girls. The Lucas situation he was going to ignore for the time being. Maybe that was the wrong thing to do but time would tell. This Farkle situation though, needed to get sorted right away because out of everyone - even Lucas - he saw himself the most in Farkle. Zay could understand and sympathize with the betrayal he was probably still feeling. Sure, Farkle said everything was fine but it wasn't. And perhaps the Farkle situation was also a situation that was best left to time but Zay could only have so much patience when it seemed each of his friends were dealing with their own particular crises. Something needed to be under control.
The doorman was new. He looked Zay up and down. With narrow eyes, he called the back up guard, obviously in disbelief that Zay was on the list of welcomed guests. Zay rolled his eyes. He was doing his job, he guessed but there was always the thought. The doorman gave him the go-ahead and Zay straightened out his uniform, looking past him. He entered the elevator, rehearsing all the apologies and building olive branches for Farkle. Things were usually pretty easy with him, like on the phone but that was just Farkle's facade. It'd be worse if he wasn't still mad. That would mean he doesn't care anymore.
Zay approached the outside of Farkle's loft and the door was cracked. The rock music was raving, so he took that as an invitation. It seemed normal; Farkle always studied with a playlist loud enough to blow anyone's brains out. Zay eased through the loft and saw the bedroom door closed. Zay didn't think he had company. Even so, what could they be doing that is so private? Or he couldn't be apart of? Without hesitation, Zay opened the door and nothing could have prepared him for what was on the other side.
His wide eyes were welcomed to the sight of his dear, sweet, friend Riley - the girl who made up an apology song about eating his grandmother's annual cookie - graciously on top of his bookish and sweeter friend Farkle in pieces of her cheerleader uniform, who had one hand on her bare backside and the other on her naked back.
"OH JESUS! OH NO!" Poor Zay shielded his eyes with his arms.
Riley shrieked and found Farkle's pillow to cover herself. "Zay!" Farkle groped at his pants, pulling them back up.
Zay immediately turned around, giving them time although there wasn't enough seconds in the world to lessen their humiliation. "Don't worry, Riley I didn't see anything." He lied. "Farkle, I didn't see anything either." He really lied.
"GET OUT ZAY!" They yelled at him in unison and he did as he was told.
Zay ran out of the loft, repeating,"...fuck me up, fuck me up, fuck me up..." He went down into the subway and jumped into a train. He collapsed into a seat, his mind racing. He was never good at keeping secrets. Zay was feeling foggy and confused. They were all friends. Why did they lie to each other? Didn't they trust each other anymore? Zay felt that he was on autopilot all the way to Lucas' house. He climbed the fire escape and tapped on the window. Lucas was there to open it.
"Zay, what's up man?" Lucas casually greeted.
"Yo, you won't believe - " Just as soon as he started to tell his nightmares coming to life, he turned and saw Maya in the corner sitting at his desk.
"'Sup, fool?" She nodded.
Suddenly, Zay didn't know what to say.
"Maya, I... didn't expect to see you here." He had a nervous smile.
"OK...?" She shrugged. Maya was friends with Lucas too, of course Zay knew that. It wasn't out of the ordinary for them to be hanging out, especially now that apparently her and Riley were on the outs. Perhaps because Farkle and her were so very in but, it's clear that Maya was not aware of this. The Farkle situation has now entered a level of delicacy. Goddamn it.
"Dude, what's up?" Lucas said again, more concerned. "You're literally sweating." Both Maya and Lucas were watching him. He had to speak. Zay's mouth was steadily opening and then a barrage of chirps came from his phone. He took the iPhone out of his pocket to see text after text from none other than Farkle. "Who's blowing you up like that?"
"That would be Farkle. He was probably calling me on the train but he couldn't reach me. AT&T sucks ass." He put his phone away. "He probably doesn't want me to tell you about what I saw."
"What you saw?" Maya perked up.
Zay took a pensive pause, but continued. "I was going to talk to Farkle after school and his door was open. I went in and I saw... I saw things."
"Things?" Maya questioned.
"Zay, what are you talking about, man?" Lucas folded his arms, losing his patience.
"I saw... him and Riley... and they were..." Zay was amazed that he couldn't even say it, as it he was under some spell. "They were..." He began to gesture.
"They were what?!" Maya demanded, now standing.
"They were -" Zay was almost frantic, in a hopeless game of charades until he made a hole with one hand and put it back and forth around his other hand's finger.
Maya's thick eyebrows went to highest point on her forehead. "You mean, they were -"
"Yes! They were!" Zay said relieved.
"No! Nope! You're lying!" Maya was in disbelief.
"I wish man, I wish!"
"Shut the fuck up! I don't believe you!" She was shocked.
To further his point, he then showed Maya one of Farkle's abusive texts telling him that he better keep his mouth shut.
"That doesn't prove anything. Everyone tells you to shut up." Maya said matter of factly.
"Maya, I saw it with my own two, innocent until today, eyes! Riley and Farkle? They fuckin' on the low." Zay finally managed to say.
"This is unbelievable." Maya shook her head, realization and then disappointment washing over her. She saw the image but still couldn't absorb the concept.
"I know, man. I know." Zay fell into Lucas' bed, hoping for the opposite. Lucas just stood in a stoic silence. "I just don't understand. Why sneak around? Why lie?"
"I gotta go." Maya muttered to herself and made a break for Lucas' window.
Surprisingly, Lucas didn't stop her, Zay noticed. He only said, "Text me when you get in." He watched her carefully deescalate down the fire escape and closed the window, locking it, then shutting the curtains. Lucas turned back to Zay, arms still folded with a locked jaw.
"You haven't said a word." Zay observed. "So you knew about this." It wasn't a question. Lucas could always say so much to Zay without saying anything at all.
Lowering himself with Zay, Lucas made an exhale of relief joining his best friend and confidant on the bed. "Farkle told me when they first had sex and that was a month ago, about. I didn't know if they were still hooking up; we've never spoke about it since."
"Well, why all the secrecy? Why only tell you?"
Tension took over Lucas' demeanor again. "It didn't make sense."
"What didn't?"
"Apparently, Riley was talking to him about us getting back together."
Zay's eyebrows rose and scrunched together. "You and Riley? Oh lord, no. No. We cannot go through that again."
"Right, well, she had other plans according to Farkle... And the thing is Zay, he was right. The night of Darby's 's rave - the night they first had sex - Riley came to my house and tried to re-initiate things. She tried to have sex with me and I... I rejected her."
Zay bowed his head, "So, after that: Farkle."
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure."
"And you didn't tell him?"
"I didn't see the point because I thought they were going to become exclusive after that. And anyway, how could I? Even though he was crazy confused, he was also happy -"
"When Farkle's confused, he is most definitely not happy - " Zay came quick with the counterpoint.
"It would have devastated him, Zay." Lucas said finally and absolutely.
After thinking a while, Zay agreed, "Yeah. I get it." He exhaled sharply, rubbing the back of his dewy neck. "I'm guessing I'm the only one who knows about this."
"Correct. Please, please let it stay that way." The two friends looked each other in the eyes. Zay was deflated but held his pinky to Lucas. The boys shook on it.
"I got to get to work."
Zay collected his bag and stood in the doorway of the bedroom. He was about to make an exit before looking back at him, "We should be better than this, man."
Lucas' stare slightly faltered with a flicker of sadness. His lips thinned and he nodded quickly. "I know."
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harrysgoldrush · 4 years
and they were roommates {h.s.} i
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one of the perks of being roommates with harry is that he’s an honest audience.
you’re both writers, with him being the successful musician he is and you being a best-selling romance novelist which works out perfectly for the two of you when writer’s block takes over.
it there’s a chapter or moment you’re unsure of, he’s always eager to help even if he seems busy. you’ve always done the same for him when he can’t find the right word or turn of phrase to carry his latest tune, you’re quick to set aside your laptop to help. 
still, anyone who knows you two knows that you’re the two most competitive people in the world.
every bit of advice comes with its own witty comment.
harry never fails to find your weaker moments, suggesting that the youthful confession of love in chapter four should be shyer and that your main characters should struggle more when nervous to tell the other how they feel.
you’re quick as a whip to point out any misspellings or made-up words, or as he likes to call it ‘harryisms’ and advise a shift of words to make the flow of lyrics fit better when he has too many syllables.
its all good-natured, you’re both stubborn perfectionists in the end and highly supportive of the others.
but that doesn’t stop you from sneaking into his bathroom early in the mornings to bring harry asperin, having learned early on that he has a nasty habit of falling asleep in the bathtub with his typewriter when he needs a late-night change of scenery when struggling with finalizing a song.
its become a habit for harry to get you an espresso every morning in the weeks leading up to a deadline when sleep is chased away by nerves and procrastination. he hates to hear you fell asleep at another meeting with your publisher. 
still, the loving jabs at each other just serve as distractions.
he’ll loudly barge into your room at 2am to tell you your typing is keeping him up late as he slowly picks up the latest printed chapter of your book, tucking into his ridiculously fluffy yellow robe as he tells himself its just a much needed late-night read.
you simply scoff at him, not looking away from your laptop as you tell him you’ll stop as soon as he stops singing so loudly in the morning when he makes breakfast, carefully pausing your harry styles radio on spotify and hoping he couldn’t hear his music blasting through your earbuds.
it’s never been a secret you two admire each other’s work, there isn’t an unsupportive bone in either of your bodies.
and its been that way since the two of you met in a rushed coffee meeting in between business meetings in between work. he needed a ‘flatmate’ and you needed an apartment closer to your publishing house.
a friend of a friend had mentioned you at some point during a fashion show two years ago and harry was happy to reach out and ask to meet.
harry sat hunched over his warm coffee mug, his olive green jacket collar popped up to keep him warm as he watched you carefully sip your pomegranate tea, unbothered by the wind as you sat outside the fairly empty cafe.
his hair was longer back then, being relentlessly pushed into his cheery face with every gust of wind until you had graciously offered him a dark yellow hair tie. the two of you had instantly begun chatting like old friends.
“it’s freezing out here,” he exclaimed, his teeth chattering and his eyes wide as he held his mug close under his chin, ducking down to feel the steam on his face. after another particularly strong gust of wind, harry set his mug down and reached down to zip up his jacket. his brows furrowed and his face grew comically annoyed, making you stifle a laugh, before he shifted back in his seat and began to tug at the thin material of his white shirt which had somehow gotten caught in the teeth of his zipper. Once he successfully freed his shirt and fully zipped up his jacket, he smiled widely and grabbed his mug again, squeezing it between his hands.
his nails were a deep blue, his neat manicure both impressed you and caused you to curl your hands up to hide you last minute and very messy attempt to paint you nails red before rushing here to meet him. his ripped jeans and designer boots put your leggings and worn trainers to shame. 
but something in his kind eyes told you it didn’t matter to harry. he had seemed ecstatic to see you, practically leaping onto you once he took in your faded fleetwood mac shirt you definitely stole from your mom before going off to college, crushing you in a surprisingly comforting hug.
“sorry. i guess i’m stuck in the habit of sitting outside, i’ve only gone in to order.”
“you don't have to apologize, ‘sides, it has a nice view of the park.”
“exactly. perfect to people watch.”
he had laughed at that, nodding as you casually checked the time on your phone.
“sorry, what time is it?”
“one thirty two.”
“don’t you have that meeting at two?”
“oh,” blinking, it dawned on you that you did indeed have a meeting you were scared shitless for. “it’s okay, i can reschedule.”
“no, no its fine. we can wrap this up.” finishing up his coffee, he set his mug down and rubbed his hands together quickly. “jeremy hatcher said you were still looking for a flatmate in the city. my flat is far too big for just me and it’d be nice to not come home to an empty house; i haven’t been adjusting well to living alone. i don’ t have anything planned for the next few months but normally, i travel for wo--”
“i know who you are, harry,” you laughed. when he looked at you surprised, you added, “the whole world does, your band has been the focus of every tabloid for weeks since you decided to go on hiatus.”
seeing him grimace made you realize that you never wanted to see him frown again. 
“i am so, so sorry that was uncalled for.”
“maybe a bit.”
“you should make plans.”
“just because you don’t have a band anymore doesn’t mean you can’t keep doing what you love. i’m sure everyone tells you this but its a blessing in disguise,”  sighing, you rubbed your neck, unsure of why you were opening up so quickly to a practical stranger you wanted to live with. “i got laid off from my last job where i was cowriting mystery novels with eight other writers. i have a draft due in twenty minutes that i’m terrified to deliver because i’ve never published a book that didn’t have my name in tiny print. i’m scared people read my books because of the other seven authors but i’m also happy because this is my work. its what i want to write and if no one reads it, so be it because i know i’ll read it. maybe my parents will too. but i’ll have said what i want to have said.”
harry’s smile from earlier grew tenfold and he quickly stood up, startling you. “You shouldn’t be nervous about that meeting. i think you’ll be fine. and i’ll be happy to read it once you move in.”
“what?” you asked in shock, watching as harry dug through his jacket pockets before awkwardly shoving a hand down the tight pocket of his skinny jeans, pulling out a few crumpled dollars which he set on the table, placing his mug ontop of them to protect them from the breeze. “you hardly know me! you can’t just ask me to live with you after half an hour. i could be a murderer. don’”t ask me to be your roommate yet!”
stepping back, harry chuckled and shrugged, his hands moving up to grab at the drawstrings of his hood. “i’d like to think i know you well. besides, that’s the best part, we can’t rush getting to know each other.”
“you can’t just leave!” you exclaimed as he pulled his hood up and began to walk away.
“yes i can,” harry spun on his heel to take one last glance before frantically tapping at his bare wrist, “and you have a meeting to get to!” 
“i know you’ll do great roommate!”
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My personal connection with Taylor’s discography, part twelve: No Body No Crime
Basically this is just a series I’m doing where I write down my feelings on what each of the Taylor songs means to me personally on a line to line basis both for my own sake to have it somewhere and for anyone who wants to know anything further about me.
So with that in mind, let’s get started.
No Body No Crime.
So out of all the relationships to Taylor's songs I have, this one is by far the most abstract. And yet, it still does in fact involve me being accused of killing someone. Before we continue, I am going to note that I am not the infamous murder anon given this fandom's history. I am also going to give trigger warnings now that this part of my life, and hence post, includes suicide, homophobia and rape, so if you cannot handle that, now is the time to turn away. 
As a whole, this song reminds me of 2011, and how a group of boys who called themselves my brother's friends threw my life into a loop and the cost of unwillingly losing my virginity and the life of one of my closest friends, and how, in response to this, they ended up in prison with one of them dying in there.
He did it. He did it
The actions of these boys traumatised me and has lived in my mind rent free and repeated itself in the form of PTSD flashbacks for the last decade. This was particularly the case at the time where I was an 16 year old girl with undiagnosed and untreated PTSD and Bipolar Disorder.
Este's a friend of mine
A lot of my brother's friends had siblings my age and vice versa when I was a kid. As a result, most of us just formed one big group where we all hung out, and, on occasion, dated each other. One such instance of this was a friend of my brother's who I dated and remained friends with after he came out as gay.
We meet up every Tuesday night for dinner and a glass of wine
His coming out was not easy for him with his family kicking him out over it. So out of both guilt as I had pushed him to come out, and concern, I made sure to meet up with him as much as possible.
Este's been losing sleep. Her husband's acting different and it smells like infidelity. She says, "That ain't my merlot on his mouth. That ain't my jewelry on our joint account”
On one of the last occasions I saw him, he noted to me that these friends of my brother were seemingly trying to disown this friend, and trying to get others, my brother and another ex of mine, to do the same. We spoke at length about how him coming out had really changed the dynamic of his friendships and while a lot of the female friends and my male best friend at the time had still treated him the same, this group had certainly started excluding him from things because the 'ringleader' told them to. Unfortunately this included my ex who was like a brother to this friend, and my brother who was now seen as the 'new shiny thing' that took this friend's place.
“No, there ain't no doubt, I think I'm gonna call him out.” She says "I think he did it but I just can't prove it. No, no body, no crime, but I ain't letting up until the day I die”
At the time, I told this friend that they should call all of these so called friends and that I would if he didn't want to. But as teenagers are, and especially boys in my experience, he let his ego get in the way and said he wanted to get more 'proof' before calling them out. But even as that proof came in and he was completely ousted, there was no confrontation.
Este wasn't there, Tuesday night at Olive Garden, at her job, or anywhere
Not too long later, this friend committed suicide in front of me over the harassment of these so called friends and his family. While I knew he wasn't doing great mentally, it was literally the case that one minute we were there joking around and eating oreos and the next he was gone.
He reports his missing wife
Every single person that harassed this friend over his sexuality showed up to his funeral. Though I'm embarrassed about it now and realise it was not the time or place, that was the moment I chose to call out these so called friends, and in the process, I was accused of killing this friend. To this day I'm thankful that the place this friend died in had surveillance footage to completely rule out the notion.
And I noticed when I passed his house his truck has got some brand new tires
Despite showing up to the funeral however, it took these so called friends less than an afternoon to flip back to harassing this now dead friend.
And his mistress moved in. Sleeps in Este's bed and everything
I love my brother and always will. But he is not the kind of person who will speak up when something is unjust, and this was no different. For months he continued hanging out with these friends as if nothing had happened. Since then, I also found out that my other ex had endured severe racism at the hand of this group, and that my brother had once again said nothing.
No, there ain't no doubt. Somebody's gotta catch him out. 'Cause I think he did it but I just can't prove it No, no body, no crime, but I ain't letting up until the day I die
So the months went on, and with this and another friend's (unrelated) death also on my mind, I just got angrier and angrier. I did what I could to avoid my brother, ex and their so called friends, but the city I live in isn't that big and so of course, I ran into them (baring my brother and ex) at one point. Though I tried to ignore their provocations, they weren't having that. One altercation led to another and I ended up unwillingly losing my virginity to them. I've been told since that they were assured that they were going to get away with what they did to me because the court system is rough on sexual violence victims and proving the crime beyond reasonable doubt is near impossible. But even with how mentally distraught I was at the time, I just knew I couldn't let them get away with another crime.
Good thing my daddy made me get a boating license when I was fifteen, and I've cleaned enough houses to know how to cover up a scene
Most of my extended family growing up were cops. And while most of them were shitty in a ACAB way and a general human being way, I learned a lot about the system and exactly what to do and say if something like this happened. So I turned back the monetary bribes the 'ringleader's' parents offered me to keep quiet and we went through the system where they were sentenced to five months in prison, to which one of them never made it out. And while that may seem insignificant given convictions of rapes of my nature can be given up to 25 years imprisonment in my country, I'm definitely aware that it is far more than most people get.
Good thing Este's sister's gonna swear she was with me ("She was with me dude")
Within 24 hours of the rape, rumours were going around that I had willingly slept with these boys to get back at my ex and was now lying about being raped because I regretted it. However, upon hearing that from the boys himself, my ex came straight to me and apologised for everything because he knew they were lying, and that he should have left when our friend died, if not before then. Since then, we've become best friends and he's never left my side and testified at the trial to the fact these boys had made comments and taken other action to sexually harass me in the past and implied they had always wanted to do more.
Good thing his mistress took out a big life insurance policy
As you can probably imagine, with everything that happened, my mother didn't want my brother anywhere near these friends. So after the rape, he was pulled away from them, and, much like my ex, excluded from the social downfall they had with not only the conviction, but people realising the role they played in our friend's death. And while my ex still blames himself to this day, my brother has never said a word about it either way and somewhat got the reputation of the boy who got away with it all because of it.
They think she did it but they just can't prove it Despite this, or maybe even because of it, these now men have always accused my brother of orchestrating the whole thing from our dead friend coming out to my rape case in order to get back at them for the racism they showed my ex. Others have also accused him of being a part of it all but using me as a shield to bail him out to not catch heat.
She thinks I did it but she just can't prove it
On the other side of it, my brother has said things over the years to imply he believed I orchestrated the rape and legal situation that followed as a way to get him out of there in fear he'd end up like our friend, especially given his own suicidal history.
No, no body, no crime. I wasn't letting up until the day he died
As things stand at the moment, I have a restraining order on the men who survived prison. In the case of the 'ringleader', this prevents him becoming a cop like he wants to. Though he has made several attempts, both through breaking the restraining order and through others, to have the order thrown out, I've refused to budge on it and will until either all of them are dead or I am.
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voidcat · 4 years
– Gekka Bijin
Gekka Bijin, also known as the Beauty Under the Moon or the Queen of the Night, is a species of cactus and one of the most cultivated species in the genus. It blooms rarely and only at night.
Oikawa finds himself at a party he couldn't care less for, searching for someone he cares about a little too much.
word count: 1.8k
a/n: this is mainly inspired by the song Bodys, I suggest listening to it as you read. | ao3
The new song that takes over the place makes the party seem like something out of a mediocre America coming-of -age movie. Oikawa looks around, what was he even doing here?
The beat starts to change and what he assumes to be the main melody begins to take over the room. The chances of finding the one person he was looking for were low, very low. And he is sure he had spent all his luck in life already. Agreeing to attend chibi-chan’s party wasn’t the brightest idea he has had but he had to start somewhere, preferably night time; so the darkness and the dim lights surrounding him could hide his face in case his mask happens to slip. That’s not what I meant to say at all. I mean- I’m sick of meaning, I just want to hold you.
You and me both; he cannot help but think, sparing a glance at the unfamiliar faces and the clashing bodies around him. The whole place stinks of sweat, alcohol and a pinch of tobacco. He scrunch his nose at that. Is the chorus yet? No, it’s just the building of the verse…
“What type of idiot even comes up with such lame lyrics anyway? I don’t even want to think who listens to them...” he’s complaining to himself, again.
“Well I’d bet my money on that girl by the stereo who seems to be having too much fun.” Oikawa didn’t even realize he was complaining out loud until he heard the familiar voice reply to him. He looks up to the direction of the said girl. “Is she... holding an empty bottle of vodka as a mic?” He tilts his head as he tries to make sense of the scene before him, trying his best to ignore the owner of the voice deliberately.
“Holding onto the bottle, would be a more proper expression I think.” This time he looks back at the voice.
His time in California has done wonders on him, that’s for sure. His, now tanner, skin compliments his deep olive green eyes as always, his hair slightly ruffled and he can spot a little bit of a blush on his face. Could be from the alcohol, he assumes, if Iwai was drinking.
Everything around him is in a blur, his eyes do not see anything that’s not him.
“Long time no see Iwa-chan!” he says at last, one of his signature smiles decorating his face. “What brings you to chibi-chan’s party?” Iwa frowns at that, must’ve realized the smile is fake. “Dragged in by Mattsun and Makki the moment I said I was going to spend the night by myself.” Mattsun and Makki. It has been a while he last talked to them properly, and he hasn’t been messaging with Iwaizumi like he once did either, so that must say something. The distance between them put its toll on their life-long friendship. Reading, more like trying, his messages of “shittykawa” in his voice can never compare to hearing the awful nickname, even if it’s followed by a hit.
Interrupted from his train of thoughts, he watches Iwa’s gaze go down. “Nice tshirt.” Right, he forgot he was wearing that tonight. The writing ‘zacco platypus’ on his chest feels heavier than ever.
Another trademark smile. “What can I say, Iwa-chan. I missed ya!” He says in his typical singsong tone. The unsettling silence takes over as they stare at one another, both seem to be deep in thought.
The truth is Iwaizumi wasn’t the one avoiding Oikawa, at least not as obviously. Ever since high school ended and their lives got separated by an ocean, Oikawa was left with too much time to overthink the smallest things.
He realizes he hasn’t said anything nor made a gesture to show he heard Iwa yet. “So you’re here by yourself? No one new in your life?” He isn’t sure if he wants to hear his friend’s reply to the latter.
“Tried once or twice, didn’t stick long. I won’t ask you back the same question though, you’ve spammed me with all the gruesome details just as they happened.”
That wasn’t exactly true. Sure, talking excitedly about a date gone nice or the little things that attracted him further to his dates were something he let his friend know.
But he never told him how he tried dating men; how he was always searching for calloused hands, sharp green eyes, messy spiky hair; how he wished he could hear the mean nicknames instead of cute names of endearment or the silly pet names. How often he thought about what the two of them could have been, how he never acted towards this dream, the fear of ruining their friendship nagging his brain.
The drunk girl starts to sing along loudly: “Well, so what? We're young!” something he can’t put a finger on changes in her tone. “We’re thin, most of us.
We're alive-“ A pause. “Most of us.” She ends it in a rather sad tone.
“Well, they seem to be having fun.” Iwai spares a glance at the dancing figures around them, attempting to keep the conversation alive. “I’d be having fun too, if I consumed booze recklessly and lost myself completely I guess.” Oikawa says with a roll of eyes.
Then his body sets into motion before he can comprehend what his hands are doing. He puts his hands on Iwa’s shoulders, truly a sight out of a cheesy teen romcom. He wants to scoff at his cliché-ness.
 He can see the shock painted on Iwaizumi’s face.
“Those are you got some nice shoulders  I'd like to put my hands around them  I'd like to put my hands around them”
“Oi baka-kawa, what are you doing?”
“Following the instructions, and trying to have fun, assumed acting a bit more like them could help achieve that.” He points at the people around them with his head. They start to swing in an awkward manner, not exactly matching the song’s pace or rhythm. Iwa’s hands find his waist.
“So what’s with the sudden change of your messages lately?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about Iwa-chan-“ Oikawa tries to brush it off, breaking eye contact but it seems Iwa won’t let go of this any time soon.
“You know damn well what I’m talking about, I’m not in the mood for your games or blatant acting so you better explain to me what’s been bothering you.” His demeanor is stern but he can hear the concern in his voice.
He wants to turn his gaze away, avoid the piercing looks Iwa is sending his way, but if he’s really going to do it tonight, there’s a chance this may be the last time he will get to see his face like this, up-close.
Meeting Iwa’s stare wasn’t the sanest thing to do for Oikawa because he cannot find it in himself to blink. He wishes for time to stop and to stay in this exact moment forever. With his hands on his shoulders, Iwa’s hands on his waist, gazing into each other’s eyes and getting lost in them; everything besides them is a mixture of noise and colors. No longer resisting the demanding look in Iwa’s eyes, Oikawa opens his mouth at last:
“I was afraid I’d say something wrong, ruin something between us or cause a mess I couldn’t fix because there’d be this entire ocean between the two of us.”
He stops to take a deep breathe. “I guess I was afraid I’d do something stupid… (like this)” The last bit remains unsaid but it’s heavy in the air and they both know it. He speaks in a whisper and leans in for a kiss.
All he can feel is how warm and soft being this close to Iwaizumi feels. It feels different than any other kiss he has ever had and he knows nothing will be the same after it. He’s too focused on his worrying, he doesn’t even realize whether Iwa responds back to his kiss or not. And so he pulls back to examine his face and get a good look at him in this shitty lightning one last time.
“Oi, if the idea of the two of us is stupid to you, maybe you shouldn’t have gone in for a kiss.”
At that moment Oikawa is at a loss of words. He stands with his jaw hanging open, trying to process his words. He was expecting a shove, maybe an angry yell, a hit in the head or Iwaizumi to leave immediately without sparing him a glance. But this?.. This was not on that list, not even an option at all.
Having read him through his various moods all his life, Iwa seems to know what is exactly going in Oikawa’s head. So he pulls the idiot back to him, his right hand on his jaw, for a second kiss.
No fireworks, no explosions; all those writers and painters must have been wrong all this time.
Because the kiss he shares with the person he loves more than anything else in this world feels like something he long searched for and finally found. And in a sense, it is exactly that.
Kissing Iwa in that very moment comes natural to him just like breathing, eating, doing a jump serve or setting for him. It feels like coming home to rest after a long day, to eat milk bread after craving it for so long, to watch the sun set after a well spent day.
Kissing Iwaizumi Hajime feels like home.
He is sure somewhere far away a queen of the night blooms just as they kiss.
They pull away slowly. Every action they take together, they’ve grown accustomed to it, in perfect sync and tonight is no exception. They can see each other smiling faintly. One of his genuine ones, Iwaizumi knows. Oikawa rests his forehead on Iwa’s and they stand like that for a little longer.
I got so fucking romantic, I apologize.
A new song starts to play through the speakers.
“Seriously, what’s up with those lyrics?” Oikawa starts shaking his head, still smiling.
His whiny statement goes ignored by Iwaizumi: “What do you say, we go out and… catch up?” 
He’s met with intense and light brown eyes suddenly directing their attention back to him, there must be supernovas hidden inside them, he cannot help but think, a lump forming in his throat.
“And we can… put a name on what we are, if you’d like that, I mean-“ He is cut off by a quick peck on the lips and next thing he knows, he’s being dragged away from the party by the only person he has always loved and cared for with his whole heart.
As the obnoxious music they left behind fades into the background, Oikawa makes a mental note to send that girl a bottle of her favorite drink; marching towards nowhere in particular, hand in hand with the one he loves.
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multimetaverse · 5 years
HSMTMTS 1x10 Review
Act 2 was a great finale that capped off a great season though somewhat marred by Disney censorship. Let’s dig in!
Finally Ricky and Nini have found their way back to each other. Sweet callback to Ricky lighting Nini up with his phone as Nini does the same. Breaking Free was great though I had to keep pausing during the EJ to Ricky transition because it was so cringey. Ricky and Nini really do have the best chemistry on the show and it shines through this ep. Joshua did a great job improvising Ricky’’s confession to Nini as did Olivia reacting to it. Tim mentioned in an interview that originally Ricky was supposed to tell Nini that he thinks he kinda you knows in a callback to the premiere but on set he realized that it was too cheesy and decided to let Joshua come up with a confession based on memories of his and Olivia’s real life friendship. That was certainly the steamiest kiss we’ve yet seen on Disney + but it was well earned
 It speaks well of Tim that he recognized that his own writing wasn’t good enough and that he trusted his actors to take charge. It also goes to show how much of a difference it makes having the showrunner actually on set in Salt Lake, whether that was Tim or Disney’s decision. It’s a sharp contrast with Andi Mack where Terri the showrunner was based in LA and only rarely visited set while Michelle Manning was the producer in charge in Salt Lake, a split which I think hurt the show in some ways
That rainbow heart sign from the Mathew-Smith family was lovely. It’s great to see Seb’s family of Utah farmers being so supportive. This also confirms that Seb is out to his family, and since Miss Jenn seemed to greet Carlos’ father near the beginning of the ep it’s likely that Carlos is also out to his family
A historic first for Disney with a Seblos cheek kiss. Though of course while it’s progress it still isn’t equality. It’s not so much the Rini kisses that really drives home the inequality since they’re the main couple and were always going to kiss in the finale but rather it’s the Redlyn kiss. It’s not like Redlyn has gotten any real development nor did their story line really need a kiss so early. They got to kiss simply because they’re straight. That being said, it does once more show that the limits are looser on Disney +, we never would have gotten even a Tyrus cheek kiss on Disney Channel
Unfortunately Disney for the second ep this season released promotional photos of Seblos scenes that were cut from the episode itself. It’s not queerbaiting in the traditional sense but it is baiting the audience as they know that a lot of people are very invested in Seblos and seeing that rep on screen and Disney is willing to use that to draw in viewers while cutting the actual on screen rep down. What’s worse is that if it wasn’t for Disney itself letting us know that these scenes existed we’d never know that Seblos scenes were being cut. And of course, it’s a waste of time and money for the show to film these scenes only for them to be cut. A big complaint with Seblos this season has been their lack of development but that seems to be less on the writers who are in fact giving them more scenes then on Disney which is cutting them down to the bare minimum
It’s all shameless triangulation on Disney’s part, trying to be progressive but not so progressive as to alienate conservatives. It’s not like any homophobes are still watching the show after Seblos got together. So far it seems like the Disney censorship on HSMTMTS is coming mainly in post production like it was in Andi Mack S2 with the cut bash mitzvah scene and the edited look back which is awful but is still better than the much heavier censorship we saw in Andi Mack S3 that was coming in pre-production when things like Cyrus being able to talk about his feelings for TJ and vice versa were just never being written. Hopefully Seb being a main character in S2 means that the censorship lessens at least a bit or at the very least stays in the post production stage
In an interview done early on in the season, Tim talked about sometimes taking giant leaps and some times taking small steps in terms of the representation on the show and know we have a much better sense of what that means in practice. There was the giant leap of Seblos getting together at Homecoming and the small step of them kissing on the cheek. Afaik Tim hasn’t addressed the Seblos cheek kiss which is probably for the best and if he does I hope he has the good grace to not lie to the audience about his ability to have gotten an actual Seblos kiss approved. I do think we’ll eventually see a Seblos kiss though I think the earliest that could happen would be the S2 finale
Very telling that Ashlyn assumes EJ is behind Ricky’s exit and not a good look on EJ’s part to not tell Miss Jenn at least that Ricky left. . Good for him though for playing to lose and giving up the role of Troy to help Nini and Ricky. Confirmation that he paid for Gina’s ticket and we got our first Hell Yeah on the show. I don’t like it but it does seem like that scene was set up for Portwell in S2; at the very least it seems like Gina may have started to feel something for EJ
Pour one out for those poor audience members having to sit through that trainwreck of a second act. You know you’re really in trouble when you have to send your choreographer out there as an understudy
I loved Big Red’s little xylophone during the intermission 
Nice to see Nini and Gina end on a friendly, supportive note. Hopefully that continues next season
Kudos to Olivia and Matt for really selling the high school theatre actors barely keeping it together on stage aspect of the performance. Nini and EJ have so little chemistry that it’s almost hard to remember that they were dating for several months
Mr Darbus’ office set looked great. Nice touch to have Miss Jenn mouthing the lyrics to Wondering off stage
Lynne really sucks. Can’t say I’d miss her if we don’t see her in S2
Will be interesting to see how Miss Jenn and Mr. Mazzara save their jobs
Realistically I don’t think Nini’s performance was strong enough to earn a spot at YAC; someone like Gina or Seb would have been a much more credible choice imo. Nice touch to have the Dean leave through one door and Ricky the other
Now that the season is done it’s hard to see any traces of whatever more mature direction former showrunner Oliver Goldstick wanted to go in. The whole season seems very coherent and consistent in terms of tone. We did learn from Tim and Olivia that her song All I Want was a re-shoot so maybe it was a replacement for a song or scene that was pushing the envelope more than Tim and Disney wanted
One thing that may or may not be connected is that EJ’s panic attacks from the original character breakdown made no appearance this season and who knows if we’ll ever seen EJ having panic attacks or suffering from anxiety. Disney seemingly had no trouble showing Jonah’s panic attacks on Andi Mack which is doubtless where HSMTMTS took the idea from but it’s also true that Jonah’s anxiety story line was abandoned halfway through S3 and though it’s likely just the result of bad writing it can’t be ruled out that Disney got cold feet over focusing on mental health in both Andi Mack and HSMTMTS
Looking Ahead:
One benefit of this review being so late is that we now know the spring muscial! Beauty and the Beast which seems to suggest that all future musicals will be Disney owned properties
Tim also confirmed that they will still be incorporating songs from HSM 2 and 3 into the show which will certainly help pad out the 16 extra songs they’ll be doing in S2. Having 12 eps will be a big help to the show; 10 eps just wasn’t enough to properly deal with all the characters and plots
HSMTMTS really turned out to be a delight and while I think S2 will be as well there are definitely potential issues ahead that will need to be deftly dealt with. Nini either going away to YAC and then coming back to SLC or just not going to YAC is probably going to be wrapped up in an unsatisfying manner. In all honesty this kind of plot would have worked much better if it had been saved for Nini’s senior year
Whatever plan Ashlyn is cooking up to keep Gina in SLC is also probably going to be poorly done as there’s no reason Gina’s mother would willingly leave her daughter in another state
EJ is either leaving the show after he graduates or they’re going to have to contrive some way to keep him around East High in future seasons
Seb now being a main will be interesting, if nothing else to see what Disney’s limits are. Tim has hinted at their being drama for Seblos in S2 and I hope that it serves to develop them and is not just a means to keep them apart so there can be two gay mains but no gay relationship. As an aside Tim revealed that Joe originally auditioned for EJ which is wild; it’s funny that both Joshua Rush and Joe Serafini auditioned for EJ when neither of them had any realistic chance of being cast
I have no strong feelings on the cast list for Beauty and the Beast though I do think it’s likely that either Kourtney or Gina end up playing Belle as I think having a black girl play Belle is just the type of subversion that would appeal to Tim. Miss Jenn did say that she wanted Kourtney to come speak to her over break and while Gina is a bigger character I’m not sure if Sofia’s singing is quite good enough to carry the lead in the musical while I think Dara’s definitely is 
I’d say it’s very likely EJ ends up either as the beast or as Gaston since he’s in what should be his last semester. And if Gina also gets a big role it would make it easier to play with Portwell in S2. If EJ is the beast I could see Seb getting Gaston in another subversion of expectations. Regardless I think with Seb now being a main and with Joe having one of the strongest voices in the cast that he’ll play an important role
Until next season Wildcats
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hamitome--imagines · 5 years
Puerto Rican Koala
Lin x Reader
Modern rpf
Requested by anonymous
Request: Can I have a fluffy Lin x reader where he’s clingy drunk and accidentally confesses his love for her?
A/N: Done! Writer’s block sucks. But here is this one. You guys seemed excited for this one. Hope this is a good as you guys hoped! I want to give you guys a longer update about my ability to post more here coming up. Life is getting bust again, but I don’t know when that will be.
Also, I got the title from this [x] tweet.
Word Count: 5, 310 ~~
You luckily got cast as happy and bubbly Peggy as well as seductive and flirtatious Maria. They were two very different characters but most of the cast said that you embodied both of them very well. You had a hard time believing that at first.
Peggy was easy. Happy and charming, a pestering little sister. You had that figured out nearly right away. And you, Pippa, and Renee all got along great and easily slid into the sister role. It was when you put on that metaphorical red dress that you felt a little shaken. It wasn’t so much the character, it was the acting and the choreography. It was kissing Lin. The first few weeks of rehearsal, Lin and you got right up to those parts and just didn’t actually kiss. And you both stood near the chair, not quite rehearsing the moves just yet. But eventually you had to rehearse all the moves.
Lin was experienced. He was a lead role during In The Heights. You had acted before, but never as a lead romance option. So a kiss was already uncharted territory. And then sitting in Lin’s lap was another thing all together. The kiss went off mostly without a hitch. Lin took the initiative. You were a bit startled but relaxed and followed his lead. Sitting in the chair was a bit worse.
You and Lin either started laughing or it took too long to figure out how you wanted to go about it. Eventually, Alex Lacamoire suggested trying it through with only a piano playing the main tune and the two of you not focus so much on the singing, you knew the song after all. It helped, the two of you alternated between mumbling the words and humming just so you knew where you were and a few ensemble members singing as well. It is a very odd run through but you and Lin made it through with very stiff choreography. It was successful in getting the awkwardness of the first time of running through the dance.
It took some time, but you and Lin mastered the dance. At least without the costumes. Apparently it would be harder in the dress. Lin would just have a stiff suit. But still in sweatpants, you dropped into Lin’s lap and guided his hands to your body. His hands roamed and you fought a blush. The song ended and you exited stage right. You came back out as Tommy Kail wrapped up rehearsal.
“Good job.” Lin said, suddenly appearing behind you.
“Oh thanks.” You replied, giving him a smile. “You did good too.”
“Uh, so a bunch of us are going to get drinks. You wanna come?” He asked. You pondered it for only a moment. It wasn’t like you had anything else planned for the day. And tomorrow was a rare day off, you didn’t need to worry about being into work after a night drinking. So you nodded. Lin’s grin grew. “Great, we can walk over as soon as you’re ready.” So you packed your bag and got ready to leave before finding Lin and Chris. “Ready?” Lin asked.
“Yep.” So you walked to get drinks with the two men. One thing you really liked about this cast was the bond that nearly instantly formed. You were walking with two men who you knew were good friends. However, you were able to easily contribute to their conversation instead of feeling like merely an outside observer. You figured it was probably due to becoming friends with Lin rather quickly and Chris being a friendly person. But it made for an enjoyable walk to the bar.
You walked in and easily found your friends. They were all sitting around drinking and talking. Daveed, Oak, Anthony, Pippa, Thayne, Renee, Jon. That was just a few you noticed right away. You approached the table and were only slightly startled when Lin pulled out your chair for you. You chuckled at his chivalrous nature while you sat. Ever the gentleman it would seem. Lin sat beside you.
Drinks flowed as the night progressed. It wasn’t anything unusual. But Lin’s intake was a bit strange. He was drinking more than usual it seemed. “Hey, Lin.” You said softly at one point, drawing him into a small private moment between the two of you. “Maybe you should slow down with the drinks.”
He shrugged, his movements very slow and obviously drunken. But they were also very fluid, his limbs and muscles very loose. “I’m fine.” But the way his words slurred together conveyed otherwise. You gave him a small smile, clearly unconvinced. You turned back to the group and Lin did as well.
“Chris?” You called to the other side of the table. He looked at you and you tilted your head to the left, silently asking for him to stand and join you separate from the group. He nodded and you both stood.
“Hey, where are you going?” Lin asked.
“I’m just going to talk to Chris for a minute.” You patted his arm gently and walked off toward Chris.
“What’s up?” Chris asked.
You sighed and glanced back at Lin. “Lin’s getting pretty drunk. I tried to ask him to slow down but he didn’t listen to me. Do you think you could convince him to stop?”
Chris glanced behind you at your drunk friend. “Oh yeah, I’m gonna cut him off completely and get him home.” He headed over to Lin and mumbled, it seemed mostly to himself, “Before he makes a fool of himself.”
You walked back to the table in time to hear Lin whine, “But I wanna stay.” He sounded like a pouting child.
“I know, but you’ve drunk a lot and you should call it a night.” Chris suggested.
“Fine.” Lin conceded. You waved to the men as they walked off. Chris gave you a small wave while Lin waved happily. You smiled at him and his slightly amusing drunken nature. You already made the decision to check on him tomorrow.
So the next day, you found yourself outside on Lin’s place. You debated actually going in though. Lin knew how to take care of himself. He didn’t need you worrying over him. But he was pretty drunk last night. You could at least stop in and if he was fine tell him you were just passing through and wanted to stop by. He wouldn’t mind, he would probably even find it thoughtful. So you knocked on the door.
And no one answered.
So you knocked again, a little louder. This time a very tried looking Lin answered the door. He also looked slightly annoyed. “You’re loud.” He commented.
“You’re hungover.” You observed. He nodded and stepped aside to allow you into his home.
“How much did I drink?” He asked. You shrugged.
“I wasn’t keeping count. But it was more than usual. Chris brought you back here eventually. I figured I’d come check on you.”
Lin rubbed his head. “I don’t even remember Chris getting me home.”
“I’m not surprised.” You gave him a sympathetic smile. “Do you need anything?”
“Well I wanted some breakfast. I can cook it myself. Do you want any?”
“I came to check on you, and now you’re offering me breakfast.” You commented with an amused smile. Lin just smiled back. “Sure, I’ll have some breakfast.” So you and Lin talked. At some point he asked you to get him some medicine for his hangover from his medicine cabinet. He made you a great breakfast and you sat on his couch while you ate. And you enjoyed every minute of it. But eventually you had to leave and actually do things, and you told Lin just that.
“Oh right. Well, thanks for checking in on me.” He told you.
“Well thank you for breakfast. It was good.” You went to leave but paused in the door. “See you at rehearsal.” He smiled and nodded.
You stared at your costumes. A white “narrator” dress, a yellow “Peggy” dress, and the red “Maria” dress. All dresses. All wide. All inconvenient for dancing in. You knew Lin had a plethora of coats but they at least had pants. For today, you had to wear the red dress. You needed help getting laced into it. you walked out of your dressing room and played with your skirt. You heard a whistle. You looked to the source to find Lin standing there, in an olive green suit.
You raised your brow at his costume. He held his arms out and spun, showing off his whole attire. In response, you spun quickly, making your skirt flare wider for a second. “Well, we look good.” Lin said. “Though you look much better than me.”
“Thanks, but I don’t know how I’m supposed to dance in this.” You said and played with the wide skirt again.
“You’ll figure it out. You’re a talented dancer.” Lin said simply. You hoped he was right. And as you danced, you did figure it out. As you and Lin perfected the scene, the first kiss in the scene got longer and more passionate. At least the two of you acted like it was. But, as scripted, Lin had to pull away quickly and hastily as if he regretted the kiss. And you were sure Alexander Hamilton did regret the kiss. But you hated Lin pulling away from you like that. Even if everything is an act.
And as you pleaded with Lin, reassuring him you were unaware of the letter, he had to pull away and act practically disgusted with you. You understood why, but the act of it still hurts a little. Then he has to back away from you saying, “I don’t want you.”
However, as you went to sit on Lin’s lap, you nearly missed his legs entirely. Your wide skirt made it hard to tell where you needed to stop. Thankfully, Lin reached out and placed a hand on your waist and helped guide you down. You finished your scene at the end of the song and Tommy Kail called cut. “Thanks for helping me.” You told Lin, coming back onto the stage from the right.
“Well I couldn’t just let you fell. Maybe try gathering the dress and moving it out of the way in the future.” He suggested. You told him you would try that. You rushed to your dressing room. You put far too much thought into your performance and interaction with Lin tonight. There was a knocking on your dressing room door. “Drinks tonight?” Lin asked from the other side.
“Sure.” You said happily. You needed it. You found Lin outside your dressing room, ready to go. You looked around. “No Chris?”
“Nah, he had to get home to his wife and kids. I think one of his kids has a school function tonight.” Lin answered. So the two of you walked into the bar, side-by-side. Like before, Lin pulled out your chair for you. Often during the evening, you and Lin were having your own conversations. You sat with the crew from the show still, but the two of you got caught up in private conversations between the two of you.
However, you noticed Lin getting a large number of drinks once more. Chris wasn’t here this time to cut him off. So you’d have to be the one to do it. “Hey, Lin. Let’s get going.” You softly suggested. This time he made no protest and followed you from the bar. You easily flagged down a cab, not wanting to walk back to Lin’s apartment with him as drunk as he was now. You let Lin get in first and you climbed in after him. The driver started heading in the direction of the address you gave him.
Lin let out a sigh and leaned against you. You looked over at him as well as you could with him using you as a human pillow. “You ok, Lin?” You asked softly.
“Mm-hmm.” He mumbled and nodded with his face still leaning against your arm. “Just a little sleepy.” All of his words were slurring together and you chuckled at him. You let him stay leaning against you for the whole ride. When the taxi slowed to a stop and you paid the driver, you started to get out. Lin whined. “No…” He said, dragging out the word.
“Lin, we’re at your house. Trust me, you’ll feel better once you’re in bed.” You urged. He seemed unhappy but allowed you to pull him out of the taxi. He was stumbling, but seemed mostly able to walk by himself. However, he reached over and grabbed your hand with his left. You gave him a slightly curious glance but decided not to question it. You were friends so this wasn’t the weirdest thing, and perhaps he was more unstable than he looked. “Where’s your key?” You asked when you stood at his door.
He refused to let go of your hand, even though his key was in his left pocket and he had to awkwardly reach across his torso and fumble in his left pocket with his right hand. You immediately grabbed it from him, not wanting him to have to fumble with it and the lock. You pushed the door open and brought Lin inside.
You lead him to his room and pushed him onto his bed. His eyes almost immediately closed. You rolled your eyes and started to take his shoes off for him. You grabbed his comforter and tossed it over him. You went to leave but Lin grabbed your wrist and pulled you down onto the bed on top of him. He immediately wrapped his arms around you, holding you in place. “Lin, what are you doing?” You asked.
“Stay…” He whined drawing out the word.
“Lin come on, let go.” You tried. This was not a position you really wanted to be in. You could sit on his lap, even kiss Lin deeply, for a show. But you refused to deal with whatever was happening now. Especially when Lin was too drunk to even know what he was doing.
“Fine.” He relented. Even drunk he would respect your boundaries. “But I don’t wanna.” He complained. You chucked and sat on the bed next to him.
“Well I appreciate you letting me go.” You commented. You reached over and began playing with Lin’s hair. It was a bit tangled but you gently worked your fingers through until it was mostly smooth. You enjoyed his long hair.
“Y/N?” Lin voiced softly. His voice was practically a whisper at this point. You abandoned toying with his hair and laid down facing him. His eyes were still closed but he was apparently still awake.
“Yeah?” You whispered in response.
“I love you.” You absolutely froze. “It took me a while to figure it out. We were always dancing so close ya know. Then there’s the kiss too. But it’s weird cause that’s acting so I never knew how you felt. But I love our one song. I get to hold you close and kiss you. I get everything I ever wanted…just no way of knowing if your feelings are genuine. That’s why I swore to myself I’d never tell you how I felt.”
You actually smirked at that last part. He was drunk. He wouldn’t remember this in the morning. And you wouldn’t remind him. He startled you when he opened his eyes slightly. A small smile appeared on his face. Then he leaned closer and ever kissed you. Gently and softly and perfectly. You pulled away as soon as you could bear to break the contact. “Goodnight, Lin.” You said and quickly stood.
“Goodnight, Y/N.” You slept on the couch, just in case. But you woke up when you heard Lin moving around in his room. You left the apartment before Lin even emerged from his bedroom. You don’t know if he even knew you were there.
You messed with the mass of red fabric around your waist. You didn’t want to do this. Not today anyway. Not after last night. You had been actively avoiding Lin, and you were sure he noticed. There was a knocking at the door. “Y-Yeah?” You stuttered out, expecting Lin.
“Can I come in?” Instead Chris was on the other side of the door. You raised a brow. You didn’t expect that.
“Sure.” You replied. He opened the door and gave you a small smile, which you returned. You were a bit confused when he shut the door behind him.
“So…” He shoved his hands in his pockets. “Lin said you’re avoiding him.” You stayed silent, staring resolutely at your skirt as it blocked your shoes. Your silence was all the confirmation Chris needed. “Why?”
“Why weren’t you out for drinks with us?” You snapped instead feeling defensive. To Chris’s credit, he didn’t get angry. You sighed. “Sorry, I know you had to be with your family. It’s just…without you there, I was the one who had to take a drunk Lin home.” Chris’s eyes widened as he started to piece together what happened. “He said some strange things when he was drunk. And he most likely doesn’t remember a single thing.”
“What exactly did he say?” Chris asked cautiously, clearly worried how deeply his friend dug himself.
“We need all necessary actors to stage.” A voice called over the speaker, cutting your conversation with Chris short.
You started to walk past him but paused. “Well, let’s just say I have to go perform a very intimate dance with a man that I know, for sure, loves me.” You heard Chris swear under his breath as you left the room.
Say No to This was a struggle today. Lin tried to give you his bright, welcoming smile when he saw you. You could only give him a tight one on return. A smile he noticed. You cut the kiss short, very short. It left you and Lin a few beats off, but you quickly recovered. You paused for a moment before sitting on Lin’s lap, again getting you off beat of the song. It was one of the worst run throughs of the song in a long time. Lin’s touch practically made you jump out of your skin.
“Alright, we made it through…somehow. Look, guys you had this song down great. What’s wrong?” Tommy asked.
“Beats me.” Lin said, you noticed he also sent an accusatory glance your way.
“My bad.” You said sheepishly. “I’ll fix it. Can I just…can I have a quick break?”
Tommy looked a little annoyed, considering you just started, but allowed it. You stalked off to your dressing room. You paced your room. You didn’t need these problems. You were a professional, damn it! But you knew how Lin felt now. He loved you. It shouldn’t be a problem. You and him cared about each other. You supposed you could tell him how you felt. But what did that mean for you? That unknown worried you. You knew you had feelings but were they on the same level as Lin? Or maybe they only stemmed from the scene with Lin that was extremely passionate?
Lin suddenly barged in the room. “Ok, what’s up?” He demanded to know.
“Do you remember anything about last night when we went out for drinks?” You asked. Lin sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“No. I know I got wasted because I woke up with a massive hangover.”
“I know you got wasted to because I was the one who ushered you into a cab. I was the one who got you in your bed and took your shoes off. I was taking care of you and you told me you loved me.” You told him angrily.
Lin’s gaze snapped up to you. “I what?”
“You said you loved me. You had for a while. You were confused because of everything that happens in our song. And you swore you’d never tell me.”
Lin sighed. “I guess that explains why you acted the way you did. You have to kiss me and sit on my lap and a whole lot of other things. And you don’t feel the same.” You could hear the detection in his voice.
“Lin…” You began.
“It’s fine. And I’m sorry I was such an ass. I shouldn’t have gotten so drunk I couldn’t control myself.” He interrupted. “We can still perform, right?”
You crossed your arms and sighed. He deserved to know that you at least felt something. “No. I can’t. At least not yet.” Lin looked up at you in confusion. You took a step closer. He didn’t move. His stare went from curious to hopeful. Another small step and you were so close. You leaned in but Lin leaned back. You almost fell forward against him.
“I want this, so badly. But I need you to tell me it’s not because I stupidly admitted something.”
You paused and thought. “Honestly? I know I feel something.  I don’t quite know what it is. Because you’re right. We have very intimate moments on that stage and it makes this messy and confusing. But if just once, when we’re not acting and you’re not drunk, we can try this then maybe I’ll know. Because I want to know, and I’m very hopeful.”
Lin studied you for a moment then he leaned forward to close the space between the two of you. His lips pressed gently against yours. He didn’t pull away after a scripted time. He just stayed there, putting all the truth he could into the kiss. This wasn’t like his drunken confession. His confession when he was drunk was empty and meant nothing. But this meant everything. You knew in that instant that he meant everything he said. This was just a much better way of putting it.
And in that instant, you knew exactly how you felt. You grabbed the edges of his stupid, green suit coat and pulled him as close as you could. He hummed happily against your lips. When you finally pulled apart, he rested his forehead against yours with his eyes closed and a dazed smile on his face.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry that I was drunk and told you that I loved you. But I need to tell you now, completely sober, that I do love you. I wish I could tell you how long I have been or what it was that made me fall in love, but I can’t. I just realized it out of the blue.”
“Was it when we were kissing on stage or another part of the song we perform?” You asked jokingly with a small smile.
“It wasn’t.” You pulled back to study him curiously. “You were just talking to Anthony and Thayne one day. You weren’t doing anything special but that’s when I realized how completely I had fallen.” He shrugged slightly. “I don’t know how long I loved you before then.”
You gave Lin another quick kiss. “Let’s go. We have a song to perform after all.” The two of you executed a perfect run-through of Say No to This and a few other scenes before you were no longer required for rehearsal, there were no other scenes required for you. So you settled in the first few row of seats in the audience and watched your friends perform. At some point, Chris settled in a seat behind you. He leaned forward and leaned against the seat next to you with his forearms.
“So? Did you and Lin figure things out?” He asked.
“Yeah, we’re fine.” You told him. Better than fine, you thought to yourself as you watched Lin. But Chris, or anyone in the cast, didn’t need to know that yet. Considering you and Lin just figured it out, they could wait.
“Good. Lin was pretty upset that you were ignoring him. So he’ll be glad to get it figured out.”
After rehearsal, a group of cast members met up at a pizza parlor. You sat next to Lin, as usual. What wasn’t usual, was how close your seats were. Or the fact that Lin kept eating the pizza toppings you had removed from your pizza. Or when you wanted another breadstick and Lin gave you his, and you immediately tore it in half so you could share it. The two of you slid so easily into this new relationship.
The only one who seemed to take any notice was Chris. He studied the pair of you, very closely. Eventually, he grabbed Lin by the arm and pulled him off. You glanced over at the friends. You knew their posture pretty well at this point. Chris was asking him questions, lots of questions. Lin was responding with lots of hand gestures but he shoved his hands in his pockets after each response. A sure sign he was lying.
Chris crossed his arms and stared at Lin. You decided to just spare him. He was trying not to even look in your direction and hint to Chris that you were a couple. Lin wasn’t sure how you felt about people knowing yet. But you didn’t care if Chris knew. He wouldn’t run around telling people until you and Lin were ok with it.
You walked over and leaned your head on Lin’s shoulder. “What’s up?” You asked, injecting yourself into the conversation. Chris looked between the two of you accusingly. “What’s wrong, Chris?”
“Lin says nothing major happened between the two of you earlier today.” His tone said that he didn’t believe you at all.
You leaned away from Lin and shrugged. “I guess it didn’t seem that major, I mean it was bound to happen eventually. Right, Lin?” You leaned in and pressed a quick, soft kiss to his cheek. Lin froze.
“That’s something major!” Chris accused.
“You don’t care that he knows?” Lin asked you. You shook your head. “Ok. You know I drunkenly confessed and then Y/N told me she felt the same way. So completely sober and off-stage, we kissed. We’re dating now.”
Chris smiled. “You two are idiots if it took you this long.” Then the walked back to the table. Lin left the restaurant completely sober but you two still went to his house together.
The next drinks night was when the cast figured out. Lin wasn’t intentionally getting drunk this time. It was getting closer and closer to the premier of Hamilton. He was getting anxious. So cast member were buying hims drinks to ease his nerves or to congratulate the approaching premier. It wasn’t long before he slipped into his calm state with slurred speech.
“Lin, I think it’s time to stop drinking.” You told him.
“That’s probably a good idea.” He commented. “Last time I drank too much, I accidentally told Y/N that I loved her.” You started laughing at him. “But it’s ok because she loves me too.” He was smiling so happily.
“Yes she does.” You agreed in a whisper. Lin leaned over and let his head rest on your shoulder. The cast wasn’t suspicious yet. This was actually normal for the two of you. Lin managed to snake his arms around your waist and cling to you. “Lin, you realize you’re clinging to me, right?” You were still whispering to not alert the cast.
“Of course I’m clinging to you. I love you.” He said. He said it loud.
“What did Lin just say?” Anthony said, immediately leaning close to the two of you.
“Nothing.” You said quickly and evasively.
Anthony started to smirk, a shit eating grin. “Nah, I totally heard the L-word get said over here.”
“No you didn’t, Ramos. Drop it.” You warned.
“Oh, that was me.” Lin piped up cheerily.
“Shut up.” you begged.
“No.” he whined. “I wanna tell Anthony how much I love you.”
“Lin, stop.” You tried again.
“Do go on, Lin.” Anthony urged. “I want to hear all about it.” But then Anthony paused and looked at you. “Why aren’t you freaking out over what he’s saying? You should either be super excited or pushing him away. Unless…” You groaned as Anthony realized the extent of you and Lin’s relationship. “Holy shit, you two are together!”
“Did you need to shout it?” You grumbled as the whole table looked over at the two of you.
“What?” Renee asked with a smile.
“Knew it.” Groff grinned. And various other comments from the cast. You were able to detach yourself from Lin at one point. The two of you left the bar together, with whistles and suggestive remarks from your cast-mates. You got a cab and ushered Lin inside. He leaned his head against your shoulder and wrapped his arms around your waist. You played with his hair.
You got to his house and like before, got Lin in the bed. You grabbed some medicine for him when he woke up. But this time you pulled open the bottom drawer of his dresser and grabbed a pair of pajamas. You changed in climbed in the bed next to Lin. You felt his arm drape over you and pull you close. Your back was against his chest and he was holding you tightly there.
You woke up to someone toying with your hair. You rolled onto your back and found Lin propped up on his elbow, slightly leaning over you. He pressed a quick, soft kiss to your lips. “Good morning. Thanks for taking care of my drunken ass again.”
“What exactly do you remember?” You asked.
He sighed and dropped back onto the mattress. He flung an arm across your waist. “Honestly, not much.”
“I’m setting you a drink limit when we go out.”
“Fine. I wouldn’t mind waking up and remembering the night before.” Lin said. “So what did I do to embarrass myself this time?”
“Well you were super clingy, Lin.” He grinned sheepishly and shrugged a little bit. “But you didn’t only embarrass yourself. Lin, the whole cast knows we’re together now because you just had to talk about how much you love me.” You told him with an accusatory look.
He paled and his eyes widened. “I did what?”
“You told everyone.” You mumbled.
“Shit. I’m sorry.” He pulled you even closer and kissed your cheek. “How’d they take it?”
You shrugged. “Jonathan said he knew.”
Lin chuckled. “Of course Groff does. Everyone else?”
“They gave us shit for it, but they seem happy and ok with it.” You told him.
“Good.” Lin said. “Cause I really don’t want to let you go yet.” He emphasized his point by holding you even closer.
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aliypop · 4 years
Word Count: 2,225
Character Count: 11,925
Warning: themes of trauma mentioned, Mentions of Rape,  and all things Hannibal like 
A/N: I really really hope you guys enjoy this fic it’s a part two to Empatia and more of Shanel Mahone please let me know if you guys enjoy it! 
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"Sometimes I think the curse is gone...Days or even months, pass in peace but then, without warning it stirs... like malaria." Shanel said, her grip on the black leather seat hard almost causing scratches on it, It had been only a week since she and Hannibal had, had dinner together, and neither party wanted to bring anything up about it which made her think that maybe it was for the better, 
Hannibal watched her fidget in her seat, pulling at her clothes, specifically at her white buttoned-down shirt, almost as if it were choking her, "One month I can forget that it all," 
"That it all what.." Hannibal asked curiously as to what she would have said next, setting his notepad aside on his desk he could smell the fear on her, not from him but from something else though he'd push to even say that it was from somebody else, "Happened," she responded her tapping her heels and slouching in the seat making herself almost seem swallowed whole by the space around her which was already dark and bleak, she couldn't run and hide from the bad guy in her nightmares nor could she push the memories of what he told her didn't happen away either, 
"Our scars have the power to remind us our past was real.." Hannibal gave her a soft smile and a comforting handhold,
"DON'T!  do that..." she removed her hand away from his as quick as she could, to her it felt as if time was  frozen  and that everything she did had only slowly begun to catch up to her, standing to her feet like a rushing whirlwind only made doctor Lector's analyzation on her stronger, of course, he had known for her to lash out on  themes that he might have mentioned in their sessions, but nothing to the point that it made her end their discussion so early, 
"I really should head back to work.." she mumbled, walking out the door, "Same time next week?" she asked as he only nodded back in response. Her office, however, was only a door down from his, a bleak walk that felt like death row with the gloomy winter skies painting the background of her office she only felt more alone and swallowed whole by her own guilt and shame of her past, something that felt like an anchor on her life still she refused to tell her own therapist about these things, for example, her reoccurring nightmares, flashbacks, or how she secretly fell that she would never be enough and therefore became a lawyer in a country where no one knew who she was, 
"Ms. Mahone, are you okay?"
"Just another bad day, any calls Carlos," she asked, her breathing still shaky as if she had finished running a mile. Carlos was an intern of the Mahone law firm which dealt with sexually, heinous crimes and was more so a cover-up business for what she really did, but that was only a secret shared between her and Hannibal, 
"Not that I know of, but Will dropped off the files for the Hobbs case," he shrugged handing her the files her curled up hair pressed to her forehead, taking the yellowish envelope she rushed into her office, slamming the door behind her making it her sanctuary, one that tended to either blare 80's music and or classical operatic melodies, grew silent the only thing that she could hear was the robotic ringing of her office phone, in which she refused to answer until it rang for the tenth time, 
"Hello," she answered listening to the crisp silence of the call,
" la mia piccola puttana," 
"I.. I don't understand..." she began trembling and shaking under her desk as she repeated to herself that what she had just heard was unreal,  "The.. letters and.. the gifts.. you," 
"I wanted you to forgive me, to trust me... ya know ever since I treated you bad I wanted to make it up to you," a condescending tone in his voice, this, however, was the same man who had taken the wrongful liberties of turning her into what she was today a closed-in private life woman who didn't know what love was nor did she understand the purpose of trusting someone let alone think about it, this was the man who hurt her so badly she killed him, or so she thought,
 "I don't want anything from you," her voice gave out wavering, like a candle in the wind alone by itself. 
"I thought that maybe we could talk, go on a ride as we used to when you were 12, just me and my little puttana," he could feel the way she had nearly shrunk into herself every time he had even uttered the letters to the name that he used to call her, it still reminded him of the power that kept her down enough for him to use her again like old times, Shanel put the phone back on the hook hoping that it would be the end to his scheme, but like most, she was dead wrong, the side of her suit had vibrated, indicating that she had just received a text which read, 
"I see you," 
Peaking her head out from under her desk she could only see what looked like ebony black hair and an olive skin man standing in the parking lot next to her pink sports car, trying to steady herself using her office chair, keeping her head held low, walking down the hallways made her feel as if she were heading towards death row with a bag over her face and two prosecutors carrying her down towards the sweet electric chair which she could hear it buzzing like a song in her ear, 
" Lack of trust in other people increases the need for religion. If you can't rely on others, you'll have to rely on god,"  
She heard the voice of Hannibal say, looking around herself it was almost as if she had transported herself to a museum of  some sort where every picture was everything that she was able to remember some that were good and some that weren't, 
"Where am I... where are we?"  she asked turning to the blonde hair psychiatrist who was dressed in something completely different than what she had remembered from earlier, she too was also dressed differently, wearing red as he wore white,  
"Your mind palace, and as I see, you've built quite the wall around it... tell me Shanel will you let yours fall eventually.."  he asked her watching the way her features fell soft when she was around him, letting him see the sides of her that she wanted him to, nothing less and nothing more to it, besides what was a monster if you loved it she had always figured,  walking alongside him sitting down to admire the "art" around them,
 "About earlier I-" 
"Good you're up.." a hand caress her cheek as she was bent over what felt to be a couch underneath her, a knife was pressed against her leg as it slowly began to peel away her brown skin revealing what was under her skin the beautiful red of O positive blood rushed down her leg staining her tan heels, as he began digging the knife deeper into her skin as if she were a pig and he was checking for fat, 
 "Scream, and I'll kill ya," he grabbed her cheeks pushing her head further down onto the couch, she could hear him unzip his pants, and his satisfied breathing in her ear, silent tears fell from her face her body frozen just like it used to be when Christopher attacked her, though most times his buddies in the mob would join along with him, 
"Now be a good princess and let father Christoph-"  she took her heel gouging out his eyeballs blooding up her suit, 
"I can't see! " he shouted as Shanel then searched into the couch cushion finding a pistol in which she loaded and cocked the gun feeling his hand on her thigh crawling up further under her skirt as her finger found the trigger pointing the barrel at his head, then at his arm blowing a hole right between his shoulder watching him scream in agony, 
"That was how you made me feel, for 13 years !" she shot at him, "13 miserable years, and now it's time to make you pay for it all.." her voice was now a hushed whisper as she watched him beg an plead to her as if she were God, but unlike him, she was unforgiving, the murderess that killed those who hurt the one's who killed those who hurt in the inside, the judge of wicked the wrong and the unrighteous, 
"May he have mercy on your soul.." she mumbled under her breath, taking the final blow to his head, the FBI had then begun to bust into the room watching before them the renowned and loved lawyer covered in blood staggering back and forth as she in a blurry panic saw what looked to be Hannibal falling into his arms,  Will only sighed seeing the shoe that was lodged deep into his eye cavity and the other that seemed to show the deep scalping of his head, the crime was far worse than anything he had seen so far in his profiling classes, 
"I'll take her to paramedics.." Jack tapped Will on the back as he shook his head, 
Shanel laid there in the hospital hooked up to an IV and a heart monitor as well as a few other machines to check her breathing and her vital signs, as Hannibal sat there waiting for her spring to life he contemplated on looking at the wonderful spread of parts near him, but also the beauty of getting to know her true soul, thinking back go the night they shared dinner together made him think about how he wanted to keep her around as his and only his for as long of the time he could get the FBI off his scent, roses surrounded her, but still her beauty had out shown them all, Watching  her fingers move around his own chased him out of the scattering waves of thoughts causing him to  break away from the rushing noises around him, 
"You're up I see," he smiled up at the wounded lawyer, who this time didn't remove her hand from his own, turning her head slowly to look towards him she could sense a new aurora around him a gentle one that almost shocked her in a way,
 " I assume you saw everything.." she asked him
" I did," he squeezed her hand reassuring her, watching her turn away from him, 
"I assume you think me a monster then.." she suggested a chuckle leaving her mouth her bringing a new piece of music to be written to his ears, 
" Must I denounce myself as a monster while you still refuse to see the one growing inside you?" he asked her, taking her hand up to his lips kissing her knuckles in an adoring fashion, 
"I was nearly raped today, and you think by kissing my knuckles, I'll just fall under your charm .. and yet you won't even talk about our dinner.." she pulled her hand away from his "If I never see you again then clearly I would be -" 
"Lonely .. hurt again, drowning deeper in regret then what you already suffer in, feeling that no one will ever love you," he suggested watching her squirm uncomfortably from how correct he was, 
"I've already made arrangements for you to live with me, think of it a partnership.." he smiled,
"My apartment is fine.." she growled at him, turning away hiding her blush from him, she knew that she belonged next to him like Persephone alongside Hades. He was her match in every plausible way, but she couldn't let her guard down,  
"Not from the notes left there, let alone the state that you're in, and as I am currently  your doctor, I know what's best for you.." he suggested, hearing her become silent,
 "You only know what I allow you to know.."  she snarled at him, " which isn't much... besides, I hunt alone," she glared into his maroon eyes deep down into the very last inch of soul left in him, 
"If you want to catch an Egale you better learn to fly doctor lec-" she felt a quick peck on the lips her eyes wide as the very breath in her lungs was taken away from her eyes flickering, and lips puckering up for more, 
"Say you'll stay.." he asked her, as the taste of him lingered on her lips, he had a taste of honey and oak with the sheer sleek taste of iron on his tongue O negative to be exact, the blood of Christopher himself peppered over    rice,
 "We'll have an old friend of yours for dinner.." he suggested watching her nod in utter bliss, "You'll hunt, and I'll gather," he asked her 
" The wicked the wrong and unrighteous .." she looked at him,
"And the Rude.." He asked
"When feasible one should always eat the rude.," he smiled petting her curls taking in her scent, 
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