#I can’t say what pre-existing Cookies they’d be shipped with though
quibbs126 · 1 year
I feel like people will end up shipping Capsaicin and Prune Juice at least, if not possibly adding the third cookie
I know it’s way too early to tell, but I’m placing bets now
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shadowsong26x · 6 years
On the subject of Korkie Kryze...
Inspired by a post I saw elsewhere when I checked tumblr on my phone earlier this afternoon.
Anyway, I don’t want to wait to get my thoughts out til I backtrack there now that I’m on my laptop where I can actively tumblr, (also don’t want to take the thread off on a wild tangent), but I do have some (many) Thoughts on the subject so I figured I’d make my own post!
Behind a cut because we all know I like to ramble sometimes...
So, I do actually subscribe to the headcanon/fanon that he is Obi-Wan and Satine’s biological son. I think it makes sense; I think the political fiction of her being his nephew makes a lot of sense; I think he resembles Obi-Wan a fair amount, both physically and in terms of personality, so I like the idea. But I’m...not actually all that interested in the Obi-Wan Has A Kid part of it?
(...I mean, apart from as a means to get to Rey Kenobi, which remains my favorite theory but that is an entirely separate conversation.)
Like...all right, especially at the point where we meet Korkie, I don’t think either of them is really interested in a relationship with the other of the father-son variety (which I think came up in the post I’m thinking of). They have their own lives, which are separate, and neither of them really needs/wants this.
(...that being said, I’m pretty sure Korkie did have a few Moments in the way that all teenagers who are fighting with their parents do, especially when they know there is at least one potential parent who is Not In The Picture whether through adoption or divorce or w/e, where he Thought About It, whether or not he knows who his actual biodad is (though I think he does). But not in any, like, serious way.)
Now, if Obi-Wan and Satine actually got back together, it would of course be a Thing, but I honestly don’t see that happening without further action from some external forces/further encouragement of some kind. That ship, so to speak, has sailed. While they still love each other and always will, that time in their lives has passed. A part of them will probably always wonder what might have been, but they have their separate lives, and can’t go back to where they were fifteen-plus years ago.
But as for Obi-Wan and Korkie--I think there would be that moment of awkward “here is this person I have a biological connection to, but not an emotional one. What does he want/expect from me?” And then they will both be very relieved when they find out neither of them really feels or wants the parent-child bond. (And then they’d probably be friends because they would be, and given the generation divide/age gap there might be something of that dynamic? But it wouldn’t be super pronounced/on the level of found-family/etc. If that makes sense?)
Okay, to be fair, I am kind of interested in it in that sense--Star Wars deals a lot with adopted and biological family, and what each of them means. But there hasn’t, to my knowledge, really been a dynamic like this--where the bioparents and biokids are alive and connect/known to one another somehow, but don’t...really have that kind of bond? They’re certainly not indifferent to each other, in part because they both love the person who connects them very much (though obviously in different ways), but it’s not...you know what I mean? Where the bioparents don’t matter as parents, even if they matter as individuals.
But beyond the sort of concepty part of it, I’m not actually super interested in that story. I’ll admit, I have toyed with the idea of using the contrast with the biological-but-not-emotional connection as fuel for a Eureka Moment about a found family/actual emotional bond, but that’s about it.
And now, having spent quite a bit of time on the part that I’m less invested in, lol...
What I’m really interested in? Is the other end of this thread. I.e., not Obi-Wan as Korkie’s father, but Satine as Korkie’s mother.
And, even more, how Bo-Katan and their relationship plays into all this.
Because, look. Barring the existence of a third unknown Kryze sibling (which is certainly an interesting story in and of itself and God knows I love me my OCs...)
...anyway, barring that, Bo-Katan is Korkie’s legal/actual--if not necessarily biological--mother.
Don’t get me wrong, Bo-Katan as biomom is also a really interesting idea! In terms of...as Korkie starts drifting closer to Satine’s politics, how Bo handles that, why she chooses to leave him behind when she and her sister have their final falling out and she leaves for Death Watch...plus, the question of who Korkie’s father would be. Someone we know (Pre Visla? Please no. Fenn Rau? ...interesting...)? Someone we don’t?
But let’s talk about Satine as biomom, and Bo-Katan having adopted/claimed him. And what that means for their relationship--both at the time when they make this choice, and when they have their aforementioned falling out.
Look, we don’t know a whole heck of a lot about where Bo was during this whole year, other than not with Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon and Satine (because Obi-Wan clearly doesn’t recognize her except through context/that is pretty obviously a first meeting). We can also assume that, much like Satine’s experience on the run during this civil war situation, Bo’s experiences,whatever they were, profoundly shaped her and her politics as an adult woman.
But all that comes later. In the short term, after it’s over, they reunite. Satine is pregnant, and for a variety of personal and political reasons, she cannot openly have/claim this child. Her throne, while more or less secure now, is not necessarily stable. Plus, she has massive reforms planned. She can’t afford a Scandal right out of the gate.
And the personal reasons are just as strong--if Obi-Wan came back to her, she would be thrilled. (She can’t ask him to give everything up for her, but if he chose it himself she would accept in a heartbeat.) But if he came back out of a sense of obligation to her and to their child...no. No, she can’t let that happen. That would be very very bad for all three of them.
On the other hand--again, political and personal motivations for wanting this child to exist.
So, Satine asks, and Bo-Katan takes the child. Claims him as her own. She agrees to this, and why? What goes into this decision? Is she protecting her sister? Protecting the child? The future of Mandalore? Does she simply want a child herself?
And then, after the decision is made--what is her relationship with her son like? What is Satine’s, especially after Bo leaves? At what point, if ever, do they tell Korkie about any/all of this? Plus, all the above about Bo’s decision to leave him behind when she breaks away still applies because she’s the mom who raised him.
Give me all of the Kryze girls and their complicated relationship. The politics and war and trauma that first bind them and then drive them apart. This boy who, whichever of them is the biomom, in a sense has both of them for mothers.
What kind of man does he grow into, assuming he survives Maul/Death Watch’s takeover?
(note: whatever confirmation we do or don’t get about Korkie’s parentage, I would like confirmation one way or the other on that...)
And that’s not even getting into what this would say decades later, when Bo turns up in Rebels. Whether or not Korkie is still alive at that point.
...yeah, for those of you who also follow my writing tumblr, a lot of this would be the plot of the first huge chunk of Our Faces Like a Mirror so I’ve been thinking about it A Lot. It’s been kicking around in my head for a while, but pushed into overdrive the last couple days, lol...
(also anyone who can guess the reference in the working title gets a cookie. virtual cookie. fic prompt? something.)
So yeah. Those are my thoughts on Korkie as Obi-Wan’s son. I like the idea, I think it’s plausible, even likely, Bo and Satine, guys.
...idk, what are your thoughts?
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