#but considering the three are in a tournament against each other
quibbs126 · 1 year
I feel like people will end up shipping Capsaicin and Prune Juice at least, if not possibly adding the third cookie
I know it’s way too early to tell, but I’m placing bets now
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yesimwriting · 4 months
you write art and patrick so well im literally foaming at the mouth for more
yes yes everyone pls ask me about my boyfriends that are also boyfriends to each other 🩷 (i have two extra drafts for them already)
breath in. the pad of your thumb presses into the side of the ball. you give yourself a beat to feel the weight of it, to embrace the familiar feeling of felt against your palm. breath out.
you bounce the ball once. breath in. you squeeze the ball, knuckles briefly straining beneath your skin before letting it hit the concrete again. breath out.
finally, you raise the arm holding your racket. every joint in your body is locked into place. there's a science to a sharp serve. the ball will land where you will it to.
you release the ball, arm stretching forward. a total follow through. the ball hits the center of your racket. the force of your hit propels the ball through the air until it hits the center of the other side of the court.
ugh. the night before your qualifying match and suddenly the precise serve you spent years perfecting loses its edge. what happened to the serve that media outlets have been calling 'the ultimate point guaranteer'? why is today the day that you can only manage a perfectly average serve?
you groan, letting the disappointment's weight settle against your chest. you suck. with a sigh, you start walking towards the extra tennis balls you left near the net. your dad is so never going to get over you not qualifying for the us open.
"there she is." the voice surprises you enough to force you to still. patrick...and a few steps behind him, his doubles partner, art. "the princess of modern tennis."
you turn your head enough to glare in patrick's direction. he's referencing a title some journalist used in one article that your dad decided would be perfect for marketing materials. "don't."
normally, you like seeing patrick and art more than you can justify. you don't know if you can consider yourself their friend, it's not like you guys see each other outside of coincidental run ins at tennis events. the three of you have been to more and more of the same tournaments these days. they're familiar in a way that settles you, like the feel of tennis ball in your hand.
you try to tap into that usual warmth, but you can't quite get there. it's not their fault you're frustrated.
art gives you a look that feels like an apology. he walks forward, opening the gate to the fence and stepping onto the court. "i told him not to."
you bend down to pick up a spare ball. "i appreciate the effort."
"what?" patrick follows art onto the court. "it's on billboards."
he's seen your billboard? you don't know why you feel the need to dwell on that. you weren't the biggest fan of having a picture of yourself blown up and pasted everywhere, especially with a caption that makes potential losses extra embarrassing, but you've never been truly self conscious about it. now, you're trying to picture it in your mind, trying to remember the details of your expression, the way your hair was styled, what you were wearing.
you let go of the ball in your hand, bouncing it against the ground so that you have something to look at. "it was a charity thing."
"i know." you let yourself glance up at patrick. he's closer than you thought he'd be. you catch the ball before releasing it again. "for the youth outreach program thing, right?" before you can answer, he extends an arm, catching the ball before you can reach it. "you looked cute in it."
art looks at you again, something a little more distinct than apology behind his eyes. he reaches for the tennis ball still in patrick's hand. "patrick."
he twists his arm away before his friend can steal the ball from him. art follows him, leaning forward and grabbing his arm. "what?" their play fight grows in physicality, with each of them pushing and pulling at the other. you'd worry about the game losing its lightheartedness if both of them weren't smiling. "you stared at it for more than five minutes before getting out of the car."
art freezes, his hand squeezing the only part of the ball patrick's left exposed. "it was a good billboard, you look pretty--looked pretty." the implication of his correction hits him a second too late. "not that you don't look pretty now, you always look pretty, but you looked really--" he cuts himself off with a sharp breath, "but that wasn't the point, you also looked like a strong role model for underprivileged young women."
the compliments paired with his uncertainty make it difficult not to melt. you beam at him. "thank you, art." you adjust your hold on your racket, both hands resting on the grip. "i think you're pretty, too."
he smiles, head briefly angling itself downwards. art manages to steal the tennis ball from his friend. you can't tell if he pulled it out of patrick's grasp or if patrick chose to let go.
"you know what the best thing to do is the night before a big match?" patrick's question feel rhetorical until you look at him. he's watching you like he's waiting for something.
despite knowing what you should be doing, you also know that you're incapable of not playing along. "what?"
"doing anything that keeps you from getting in your head." you stand a little straighter, chin angling itself a fraction of an inch upwards. as nice as the local doubles duo is, advice offered from other tennis players comes with its own sort of tension. saying that you know best implies that you see yourself as the best. "that's what's wrong with your serve."
your eyebrows briefly pinch together. "you think i'm in my head?"
he takes a slight step forward, body angling itself to make the distance between you feel even smaller than it truly is. "i think your serve is technically perfect." patrick takes a moment to press his lips together. "but you're tense."
patrick's going about this the nice way. he's focusing on what you're doing right. you technique is objectively precise, your dad made sure of that. he's coached you since you were old enough to securely hold a racket for a reason. but tennis isn't just routine and muscle memory.
there's an art to the sport, and you know the difference it makes when you're playing. you can feel when your heart is in it, and right now, all you can think about is that your retired tennis champion dad watching you in the stands.
the feeling of something warm on your shoulder pulls you out of your train of thought. you blink. patrick's hand is on your shoulder. "you need to relax."
"i'm..." it's instinct to argue, to insist that you're fine and that you'll push through, but something tells you that that'd be pointless. he'd know. "i'll work it out."
his fingers briefly press into your shoulder, the squeeze assuring and gentle. "that's your problem--work." you look at him skeptically. "you're overworking yourself, and it's putting you in your head."
art angles himself a little closer. he extends an arm, placing his fingers on the edge of your racket. "that's why you're supposed to rest the night before a match."
the thought of not being in motion isn't appealing. if anything, you feel like you have too much energy in your system. but objectively, you know they're generally right.
art gently tugs on your racket. "you should come hang out with us."
"yeah," patrick agrees with a slight hum, "you're in the hotel down the street, right?"
okay--you know the right answer. your dad would be mad if he found out you snuck out the night before a match to practice, but if he found out you ended up in a hotel room with some guys--he'd die and then come back to life just to kill you.
"um..." your eyes briefly fall to your racket. "yeah, i am." okay, you need to think of an excuse that doesn't make you sound like a little kid with a curfew. you twist your wrist slightly, a halfhearted attempt to free your racket. "but it's kind of late...and i have to be up early tomorrow."
art pulls on your tennis racket again. there's nothing overly forceful about it, but it's enough to make you look at him. "yeah, but you were going to stay out here for a awhile, right?"
"and it's good to take your mind off of things." patrick tacks on his point. "i mean--we always do something fun before our matches."
patrick stretches out an arm, the back of his hand softly hitting art's shoulder. "yeah, yeah, we do."
you press the nail of your thumb against the side of your racket's handle. "really?" you're mumbling to yourself more than anything else, "something fun."
it's risky. if anything goes wrong, you'll never hear the end of it. and if you mess up tomorrow because you're tired or distracted, you're not sure you'll be able to forgive yourself. you've already taken some risks tonight. you should quit while you're ahead.
then again, you like being around them, and they're in the same hotel as you. it can't be that bad of an idea.
you let out a reluctant sigh before finally looking up. you glance between them, too aware that it's too late for you. "okay," you breathe out, "i guess going up for a little bit can't hurt."
patrick grins. "can't hurt at all."
art lets go of your racket before taking a few steps forward. he stops once he's at your side before throwing an arm around your shoulder. "you know us." art's hand settles over patrick's. "we'd never do anything to hurt you."
warmth crawls up your chest. you're comfortable with them--maybe too comfortable. "yeah," you hum in an attempt to dismiss the feelings bubbling in your chest, "let's just go."
im thinking of writing a part 2 to this so if you’d be interested in that and/or would want to be tagged pls lmk :)
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Announcing: Tumblr's Strongest Pokémon Tournament!
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It's been one year since Mimikyu was crowned Tumblr's favorite Pokémon, not only on this blog, but independently by a bunch of different Pokémon tournaments across the site. One question still lingers: who would win in a one-on-one battle tournament?
I will be again running a tournament on this blog, but instead of answering the question "which Pokémon do you like more?" we are asking "which Pokémon would win in a battle?"
This tournament will again follow a 1v1 knockout format, and it will be seeded according to base stats.
Arguing why your fav would win the battle is highly encouraged. Both joke voting and seriously considering how each battle would play out are encouraged.
Why are the polls all coughing baby vs. hydrogen bombs? That doesn't seem fair!
That's because the polls are seeded by base stats. This way, we ensure that the very strongest pokémon don't face off until the last few rounds, AND if a weaker mon causes an upset in the early rounds (defeats their much stronger opponent), they have a good chance to make it further because they have to face relatively weaker opponents, keeping the tournament exciting!
Why is X form included/not included? Why do some male/female pairs get separate polls?
Forms are included if a) they have different stats or b) they have different types. The exceptions that aren't included are the forms of Aegislash, Minior, Eiscue and Palafin, because you can expect both to occur in the same battle, and the forms of Arceus and Silvally, because there's too many and they, especially Arceus because it's the 8th strongest, risk overwhelming the tournament. The exception that is included are male and female Meowstic, because they have such different movepools.
I found a poll with a wrong image/images in the wrong order/set to only 1 day/something else wrong with it.
Please bring it to my attention, I will fix it asap! The existing poll will be declared invalid if the poll time is wrong.
What happens in case of a tie?
We go into a one-day sudden death poll where the winner moves on to the next round.
What happens if there's an odd number of pokémon in a round?
The three last pokémon in the round will each face off against the 2 others. The one to win both polls will move on to the next round. If each only wins one poll, the one to win by the largest margin will move on.
How should I vote?
Anything that makes you think that the Pokémon should win in a one-on-one. Stats calculations? Valid. They would win in the anime? Valid. They would win in smash/TCG/pokémon pinball? Valid. Vibes? Valid.
Shouldn't you have... [weeded out the weakest pokémon first / included more information in the polls / only included fully evolved pokémon / encouraged people to vote more seriously / something else]?
Yeah probably, but I'm not going to restart the entire tournament over it. I always encourage more people to do tournament blogs though, so feel free to run your own tournament the way you want it!
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leletha-jann · 7 months
Headcanon on reasonable evidence, actually: Every Heterodyne gets their own specific pack of Jägermonster guards.
Yes, the Jägermonsters are all sworn to the family in general, but Heterodynes do unreasonable and dangerous things on absolutely no notice, and it's helpful to have a specific set of personal guards who know them as individuals well enough to respond immediately. (Of course, Jägers think this sounds like fun.)
Agatha having Dimo, Maxim, and Oggie on more or less permanent assignment to her isn't unusual; it's normal. They know this, and have encouraged her to fall into a pattern they were expecting, actually, and she didn't take any steering at all. On some instinctive level she was expecting it too. Even if Dimo keeps his promotion to General, he'll be a General on the move, from wherever Agatha happens to be. They'll be with her for the rest of her life.
Consorts get their own squads, too. At some point in the future, Gil and Tarvek both acquire a handful of their own personal Jägers, sottle-like. (They notice it happen anyway.)
Jorgi is absolutely one of Tarvek's squad, because there's no way he wasn't designed to be Tarvek's personal guard Jäger, and it will be hilarious.
I'd also love to see Agatha assign Jenka to him, because Tarvek's recently on record as missing his personal spy network, and he and Jenka would have that up and running in no time flat. They'd have fun. (Jenka doesn't hold "being Andronicus Valois' descendent" against him, because Tarvek's loyalties are firmly with Agatha, and they share a "to hell with that family in particular" attitude.) Also, it would be a neat little parallel with Tarvek giving Violetta to Agatha. Agatha could give him a sneaky lady who can kick his ass (and will if when needed) right back. For maximum humor, Füst should take to Tarvek exactly the same way the wasp eaters did.
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(this, but with JAGER BEAR)
I don't know if Gil ends up with Vole as one of his pack, because I don't know where the Foglios are going with him. But I nominate this guy from book one:
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And this guy from book 14:
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to follow Gil around and be reassuring to him periodically.
Higgs has sort of ended up as immediate supervision of the entire triumvirate. Whichever of them is in reach, or all three of them at once. Insert Higgs looking really deadpan tired here. This face. Forever.
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Jägers get EXTREMELY excited when they learn a new baby Heterodyne is on the way, and start campaigning to be on the baby's personal guard squad immediately. Of course, being Jägers, there's a lot of biting involved. I imagine months of Jägers challenging each other, not just to fights, because they did all that already, but to increasingly ridiculous and pointless challenges that they're both making up on the spot and obsessively keeping track of. The only real rule is that if you challenge someone to something, you have to do it too (otherwise how will you know who won?) They challenge each other one on one, or everyone in sight. This leads to things like most of the Jägerhorde running a screaming, pushing, biting, brawling egg-and-spoon race down the longest street in Mechanicsburg. The townsfolk line up to watch and cheer. (They're considered a course hazard, so they get to throw things.) Whoever's currently winning (don't ask me how that points math works) when the baby is born gets assigned to the baby.
Bill and Barry both had their own Jäger squads and never knew it, because their guards weren't allowed anywhere near them. Theodora was pretty much out there with a shotgun if she heard even the hint of a Jägermonster accent. Those Jägers still resent it. They feel robbed of their (most recent) chance to be trusted favorites. They might get special-pleading rights in the next tournament-to-guard-the-new-baby, assuming their brothers aren't completely fed up with their whining about it by now.
Klaus Barry had his own guards, but Bill didn't know because the Jägers were barely even allowed in the Castle by that point, so they just didn't tell him. Master of Mechanicsburg or not, the Jägers didn't trust him not to send them away even further (and rightly so).
Nobody volunteered to guard Lucrezia. Bill didn't understand the insult in that, and the townspeople didn't tell him. But every single one of them NOTICED. Ho yez.
There are only so many Jägermonsters, so by this point everyone who's still alive has been in a personal guard squad at least once. Collectively, the Jägermonsters know all the gossip, going back centuries. They'll never tell. If pressed, they suddenly lose the ability to remember last week, much less 1528. They can't be bribed, not even with alcohol, although they encourage people to try.
Canon: Jenka was in Euphrosnia's personal guard.
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Seen elsewhere on Tumblr but I forgot to reblog it: Vole was one of Saturnus' pack, which is why he tried to kill Bill and Barry. Saturnus had tried, after all, and Vole was most loyal to Saturnus in particular. (If this was your theory, let me know! Credit to you.)
TL;DR: Jägers running an egg-and-spoon race through Mechanicsburg. There. Now you have the highlight of this post.
Also: ä is alt-132 (using the keypad). NOW YOU KNOW. (hopefully I also now know, because this is like the fifth time I've tried to memorize that)
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faebaex · 1 year
Tangled in Wonderland - Fighting Fire with Fire
author note: aaaaa this is so late! Sorry, sorry – graduation happened and then I was very busy with misc things x-x but this instalment is a little longer to make up for it! Hope you enjoy, Scarabia is up next!
characters: Azul Ashengrotto x GN!Reader
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You had only given yourself two objectives when you had realised that you had been transported to the world of Twisted Wonderland.
One: figure out a way to get back to your own world, preferably in one piece.
Two: keep a low profile and avoid the game’s named characters as much as possible.
Unfortunately, none of those objectives had been going well.
Despite your best attempts, you had already run into the game’s first two housewardens. Chapter one of the game had pretty much run on schedule, culminating in Riddle’s eventual overblot. You ran into Leona by fluke, and whilst the encounter was not as terrible as you thought it would be, you still found it less than ideal for your plan to keep a low profile, especially now that Leona would give you the odd nod here and there if you passed each other in the hallway. That caused you to get a few more stares than usual. There was also another curious issue that had caught your attention.
Even with you laying low and keeping yourself out of the main story as much as possible, Leona’s overblot still happened. You had noticed that Crowley had not asked/threatened you into investigating the odd accidents that had been going on around campus in the run up to the spelldrive tournament, which you assumed was because he was still avoiding you so you didn’t hound him about getting home. So even though it wasn’t you who helped uncover the truth about the incidents, the truth still came out and you, through fates untimely intervention, ended up on the Savanaclaw spelldrive field to witness his overblot.
Regarding your attempts to figure out a way home, research had been slow. Whilst Riddle was a great help, he could also be a hindrance. With midterms on the horizon, Riddle had been visiting not to assist you with your research, but to make sure you had been studying properly for the upcoming exams. Because he considered you an honorary member of Heartslabyul, Riddle deemed it his role to make sure you succeeded in your academic endeavours, even going through the effort of making you a study schedule and notes in order for you to maximise your study time efficiently. Although you appreciated the gesture, getting more sidetracked was not what you needed right now. But you figured there were worst things that could happen.
But as usual, fate decided to show you that there were definitely worse things.
You had just gotten to the library, tote bag full of study materials that Riddle had generously lent to you swinging behind you as you weaved through the bookshelves and desks, aiming for your usual table at the back. You figured you could continue your own research and if Riddle showed up, you could just swap the books over and he would be none the wiser.
Of course, you had no idea that a whole bigger problem than Riddle Rosehearts was awaiting you. Because when you rounded the corner that enclosed your library table, the devil himself was waiting for you.
Or in this case, Azul Ashengrotto.
“Ah! There you are prefect!” Azul exclaimed, slamming one of your research books shut which he had clearly been nosing through, “I have been waiting for you. I trust your classes went well today?” He smiled at you, that usual picture perfect, business smile affixed to his face. All you could do was stare blankly at him, willing every muscle in your face not to react so that you didn’t give him an opening.
Why were you running into Azul?! Chapter three started after midterms! You still had some time before then, brain already working overtime in an attempt to figure out what was the best way to lay low against a whole dorm that excelled in subterfuge and deceit. You were shaken from your thoughts by the sounds of chair legs scrapping against the floor, as Azul got to his feet.
“Say, prefect… Midterms are coming up and it seems to me that you have all the wrong content here,” Azul started as he gestured to the table with all your research materials gathered, “why don’t we take a walk and we can discuss exactly what I can do to help you…”
Oh no. No, no, no.
Without a word, you span on your heel and started to march out of the library, not looking back or faltering in your step. It seemed like you’d actually be studying for your midterms back at Ramshackle today. Riddle would be thrilled.
“My, prefect where are you going?” Azul called after you, and you didn’t have to imagine the predatory smile on his face now that your back was turned, “I only want to talk!”
The library door slammed behind you and you hightailed it back to Ramshackle dorm.
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After classes ended the next day, you took the risky decision to return to the library. But this time, you had a plan. Having called in a small favour from the library ghosts that you have become friendly with, you began your walk over to your usual table. Unfortunately, but as expected, Azul was waiting for you, his perfect business smile fixed on his face.
“Prefect, so good to see you.” Azul said, voice smooth as he leaned against one of the chairs. You had to wonder how long he had been standing there, posed like that, waiting for you to turn the corner. You ignored him as you slipped your tote bag of your shoulder and took your usual seat, pretending like he was not there. There was a beat of silence as you found your bookmark and continued reading your book in the place you had left off on, but of course the silent treatment wouldn’t work on someone as adaptable as Azul.
“Ahem, prefect, if you would…”
“Three.” You said loudly, not looking up as you turned over the page of your book. In your peripheral vision, you watched as Azul freeze.
“… Prefect?” Azul enquired, smile frozen on his face.
“Two.” You continued, eyes glued to the book in front of you. The other books rattled on the table, one even flipping open, the pages flapping dramatically before slamming back shut. Azul lifted a hand to adjust his glasses in his usual move to mask the surprise and unease that threatened to destroy his perfect smile. “Why are you—”
“One.” Finally, you looked up, looking directly into his eyes. You were satisfied to see he looked appropriately unnerved, but the best was still to come.
Azul jumped so hard that his glasses went askew, and you couldn’t help the amused smirk that spread across your face as he flapped to regain his composure. The library ghost that had popped out and spooked Azul cackled mischievously and flew around the table a few times before disappearing, giving you the chance to mask your face back into an indifferent expression when Azul turned his attention back to you, still looking a bit shocked. You only offered a small shrug in consolation.
“Those library ghosts can sure be cheeky sometimes.” You said nonchalantly, flitting your eyes back down to your book without another word. Silence fell again, and you swore you heard a small, disgruntled huff before Azul took his leave.
Today, victory was yours.
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You had one full day of peace from Azul before he was back again like nothing had happened. You shouldn’t have been surprised, Azul had a tenacity that sometimes made you wonder why the Dark Mirror had not placed him in Pomefiore. And for whatever reason, he had decided that you were very interesting.
He began popping up everywhere. You kept seeing him in the corridors, flashing you a smile that could be fool anyone as being kind. He’d somehow appear behind you in the lunch queue, even if he wasn’t there a minute before. You even decided to avoid the library for a few days, punishing yourself to study for midterms in the creaky Ramshackle dorm, and even then you saw him on your walk back, conveniently placed near the hall of mirrors or the botanical gardens, giving you a friendly wave when you passed. Well, for what passed as friendly with Azul. It was becoming increasingly clear to you, Azul was not going away.
You wracked your brain as to why Azul had taken such an interest in you. You know that when the main character made a deal with him in book three, he had his sights set on Ramshackle dorm so that he could open a branch café of the Mostro Lounge, and it was obvious that this was his agenda still now. But he had never come after the main character this… fiercely, so why was he pursuing you with such aggression?!
You chalked it up to another one of fate’s cruel pranks.
Determined, you continued to ignore his constant presence. With all the studying for midterms that you had been doing, you were convinced that you might actually get a decent grade this time round. Riddle expressed his pleasure at your diligent studying, having been miffed that he had not seen you at your usual spot in the library but delighted to know that you had finally knuckled down on your preparation for midterms.
But you couldn’t continue studying at Ramshackle forever. With Ramshackle came Grim, and with Grim came Ace and Deuce. And when you threw in the Ramshackle ghosts, you had an environment that definitely wasn’t suitable for studying. So inevitably, you ended up back at the library. Once again, you had one day of peace before Azul’s channels of information got back to him that you were back at the library because the very next day, Azul was waiting for you.
“Ah, prefect!” Azul said cheerfully, going so far as to pull out your chair for you, “I’m glad to run into you again. I must have missed you the last few times I have come to the library, I haven’t seen you here!” Azul’s business smile was out in full force today, and your lips pursed as you took your seat, ignoring Azul as he tried to help your push your chair in, not that it phased him at all. Azul was in top form today.
“Now, I’ve have something that I’d like to discuss with you…” Azul began as he took a seat opposite you, folding his hands in front of him neatly. You ignored him as you reached into your tote bag and opened one of your study books, deciding to brush up on some alchemy terms.
“It has been brought to my attention that…” Azul cleared his throat delicately, and leans forward slightly, lowering his voice, “now, I know that your situation is a little… delicate, but please be assured, I can help.” You continued to ignore him, trying your best to memorise the endless amounts of alchemy components that you had apparently learned this semester. A hand gently placed itself on top of your textbook, and you looked up to see Azul with his perfected faux expression of mixed pity and sympathy, which you were sure had won him over many clients in the past. For you, it just made your stomach turn.
“I know you’re failing. Multiple subjects, in fact.” Azul said quietly, and your eyes narrowed at him. “And who told you that?” You asked bluntly, and Azul pulled his hand back, holding up in the air in a gesture seeking peace, “now, now… You know I have to abide by client confidentiality… But you know how friends talk…” Azul purred, a predatory glint in his eyes as he smiled at you.
Great, so somebody had talked. You wondered who it could be, Ace? Deuce? Grim? Not that it mattered. Now Azul was determined to get his claws sunk into you, and you needed to deter him. Fast.
“While I appreciate your concern, I’m doing just fine. You could say that I’ve got friends in high places where are looking out for me. One even gave me a study schedule. You may know him, he’s at the top of the second-year rankings, after all.” You retorted with a sickly-sweet smile, feeling glad to have gotten that dig in, knowing Riddle and Azul’s competitive history. Azul’s smile never faltered, though his eyes did harden slightly.
“Ah, but you have so many subjects to learn in such a short amount of time. Midterms are next week.” Azul pointed out, a hand moving to rest on his chest with a flourish, “with a copy of my notes for each subject, you are guaranteed to improve your grades, enough that the professors will not give you a hard time over it. I know I could never understand, but it must be so difficult being the school’s only magicless student. You poor, unfortunate soul. I would rest so much easier at night knowing that you weren’t struggling unnecessarily.”
Your eye twitched at that, the urge to throw one of the heavy, leather-bound tomes at your side directly at Azul’s head growing thick and fast. “I said I wasn’t interested.” You responded firmly through gritted teeth. You had hoped the sly mention of Riddle would get Azul off your back, but clearly you were being naïve. Your eyes fell back down to your textbook as silence fell between you again, hoping through some fluke that ignoring Azul would make him leave you alone, but of course it wouldn’t.
“Well, if you don’t want to make a deal based on a grades perspective…” Azul mused allowed, his smile turning a tad more sinister, “how about this? Think of all the time you’ll have free to spend working on your interesting little side project if you don’t have to worry about your grades?” Azul’s fingers stroked along the spine of one of your many research books and you froze.
Now, you knew that one of your main goals was to keep a low profile in Twisted Wonderland until you figured out a way home. And if you deluded yourself hard enough, you could believe that to some extent, you had. But whilst you could tolerate Azul’s stalking, his faux friendly behaviour in the corridors and in the lunch line, and his many attempts to solicit you in the library and rope you into a predatory deal that you had no hopes of ever completing, there was one thing that you would never let slide.
And that was someone attempting to foil your plans to get back home.
Your eyes hardened as you gazed over at Azul. You needed to get rid of him, to deter him so strongly that he’d be hesitant to ever approach you again so lightly. And you knew just the way to do it.
You didn’t want to do it to him, but in your defence, he had started it. And in the types of games that he liked to play, you had to fight fire with fire.
Your pursed lips melted into a smile as you leaned forward. “Why don’t you make a deal with me instead, Azul?” You offered, crooking your finger in a motion to call him closer to you. Whilst he seemed hesitant, he was clearly intrigued by your suggestion and leaned closed to you as you looked him dead in the eye, speaking in a hush tone.
“You’re going to leave me alone. Because if you don’t, I’m going to tell every single person I walk past that they should take some time to visit the Atlantica Memorial Museum in the Coral Sea. I’ll tell them ‘hey! I know there is a really cool statue that catches your eye as soon as you enter, but you should really take a moment to check out the photographs right by the door. There are some very cute pictures there, especially one with the prince of the Coral Sea!’ You never know what you might find, right Azul?” You watched the colour drain from Azul’s face with every word you spoke, barely able to mask his horror at what you were telling him.
“H-how… Who…” He was flustered now, recoiling away from you like you had slapped him before leaning back closer to hiss at you, “how do you know about that?!” Azul was incredulous, so shocked at the dirt you had on him that he couldn’t even begin to deny it. He had to— no, he needed to know how you knew, like his very life depended on it.
“You’d be surprised what I know about you, Azul.” You responded cooly, leaning back in your chair and levelling him with a severe stare. “Things you’ve worked so hard to keep secret. I’m happy to keep them secret for you too, but you see, the thing is…” Your eyes narrowed at him now, and if he could have gotten paler, he would have, “when I get irritated, say by being constantly bothered by someone who can’t take ‘no’ for an answer…” You started to raise your voice with every word, “I get louder, and louder and…”
“Okay, okay!” Azul recoiled from you with an audible thump against his chair. He looked frazzled; pale faced with sweat beading on his forehead, “l-let’s not be rash, prefect. I see now that…” Azul cleared his throat, desperate to claw back some of his composure as he quickly stood from his chair, not even bothering to tuck it back in, “I see now that I’ve disturbed you during an incredibly important time. I apologise. I’ll take my leave, and I hope you can use your… Discretion not to act impulsively on this… Sensitive matter?”
You flashed Azul a serene smile that was not at all genuine, and he knew it. “I’ll try my best. There’s only so much I’m capable of. You know, being a magicless student and all.” You uttered with sweetness, and you thought you heard a low whine from Azul before he quickly made his escape, hurrying out the library with his dignity in tatters.
You smiled to yourself as you slowly pushed your study textbook aside. You knew it was a very risky move to threaten Azul like that, and there was a good chance that you might find yourself tied up and thrown in the sea by the end of the semester for so boldly confronting him. This wasn’t the last you would see of him, Azul too calculating to let you, a loose end that he never dreamed of encountering, go free. But for now, you could relish in the small, peaceful reprieve you had given yourself as you pulled one of your research books in front of you, finally continuing where you had left off.
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mountmortar · 3 months
i've brought it up before but there is genuinely something to be said about the fact that blue calls the hgss protagonist to say that they remind him of red and then he ALSO calls them literally just to ramble about pokémon:
"I'm Blue. When I look at Pokémon, I get a strange feeling—you ever get that? There's round ones, flying ones, swimming ones, flaming ones, freezing ones, shiny ones, dark ones—there are so many different types, and yet, they're all Pokémon. I mean, like Pokémon, there's not just one type of person, either… But it's still kind of strange when you think about it."
which is probably because. again. they remind him of red. and he's sad and lonely and misses his best friend (made obvious by his depressing mini-speech about nature being capable of destroying everything if it so much as twitches when you First Meet Him in gsc/hgss, daisy alluding to the fact that he "needs company" when she gives you his number, him literally starting out EVERY PHONE CALL where the protagonist is the one to call him by saying "Hello…Whatever… Don't worry about me. I'm doing peachy over here!" which. speaks for itself. nobody would have thought there was anything to worry about if you hadn't gone and said something, blue). but there's also something to be said about his OTHER phone call to the protagonist:
"I'm Blue. Anyway, you're really something. Traveling all by yourself, visiting all these different Gyms you find and beating them all… Well, you're not really alone…You've got Pokémon with you!"
i think the emphasis he puts on the hgss protagonist traveling by themselves in the beginning like it's some sort of marvel before he covers it up by saying "you're not alone actually you've got your pokémon" is kind of funny because it's so obvious that he's miserable being alone. even when they were competing against each other he and red still did their journeys together. gen 2 is the only generation where they're separate. they're both at the world tournament when we see them next in black/white 2 and even when it's mentioned in xy that blue went to study in kalos for a while you could also very much argue that red went with him (probably just to hang out in the background) considering they BOTH mega evolve their pokémon in sumo/usum where they've literally moved to alola and lead a battle facility together. these two have literally never been separated in their lives because they grew up together and apparently three years of no contact between them was enough to be like "alright well that's never happening again. i'm spending the rest of my life with you. prepare to be perpetually stuck with me for the rest of your life." and they are both absolutely delighted by this outcome. no complaints. it's THE funniest fucking thing ever.
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Broadway Divas Tournament: Semifinals
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Two-time Tony-winning, newly three-time nominee, dancer-extraordinaire Bebe Neuwirth (1958) is best known for her winning role as Velma Kelly in Chicago (1996) alongside her beloved Annie Reinking. After playing Velma off-and-on for some years, she then took on Roxie, and later Matron "Mama" Morton. Bebe has also won for Sweet Charity (1986), and is a two-time Emmy winner for, of course, Lilith in Cheers. Other credits include Here Lies Jenny (2004), Fosse (2001), and Cabaret (2024), which opened to glowing reviews for Bebe, and dismal reviews for basically everything else. In addition to her beloved stage, Bebe is a devoted cat-lover, and activist. She founded the Dancers' Resource program to provide support for injured and/or aging dancers. She is *THE* living Dancing Diva of Broadway.
Seven-time Tony nominee, two-time winner Bernadette Peters (1948) has a sixty-plus year stage career of monumental proportions. Considered the foremost Sondheim interpreter, their collaborative works include Sunday in the Park with George (1984), Into the Woods (1987), Gypsy (2003), and Follies (2011). She has a thriving concert career, and was a co-founder of the beloved Broadway Barks event each year in Shubert Alley. She has an honorary third Tony (Isabelle Stevenson Award) for her outstanding advocacy and philanthropy. A true Broadway Baby at her core.
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"Are you truly a Broadway Diva if you haven't appeared on the cover of the biggest queer magazine of its age? I am just over the moon with all the Bebe Neuwirth buzz going on now. She got her third Tony nomination for Cabaret, she's about to embark on a whirlwind press tour, she's the critic standout of that whole show. I need her in every magazine, newspaper, and photoshoot right now. And here she is, in the semifinals against the Bernadette Peters herself. She's swept every poll up until this point. It's been a lovely run."
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"I don't care that it's from a movie. This was my gay awakening. This song right here (along with "A Lovely Night"). At three years old, I saw this little redheaded bitch of a stepmother and decided, yeah, that's the blueprint. And it was. I proceeded to fall in love with Broadway Divas in movie musicals for the next few decades. I do love a petite, curly-haired, fair-skinned Diva with a unique voice... This poll hurts me personally because Bebe is my favorite and Bernadette was my first."
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cottonlemonade · 7 months
Stuck At The Airport
word count: 1057 || avg. reading time: 5 mins.
pairing: post-time skip Oikawa x chubby!Reader
genre: very suggestive, smut-ish, established relationship
warnings: mdni, nsfw
synopsis: you tease Oikawa over the phone while he is just aching to get home to you
a/n: I had a draft for Kuroo and Oikawa and liked them both, sorry if they’re too similar 🫠
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You closed the front door with an exhausted sigh, dropping your bag onto the floor. Looking forward to two weeks off you shuffled to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. The snow was whirling against the kitchen window and the frost settled on the sill.
You leaned against the counter waiting for the water to boil when you got a text from your boyfriend.
Tooru: Flight was canceled, stuck at the airport, I am so sorry, princess. I'll be home tomorrow, I promise. I love you ❤️x
Attached to the message was a picture of him pouting.
You groaned inwardly - you hadn't seen each other in weeks because he was away for a tournament and you were aching to be with him.
You missed him so much. This weather in particular called for serious cuddle time with your significant other.
After typing out a just as pouty response, you went to take a long hot shower to wash all the stress of the week away.
Oikawa was sitting at the airport, bored and antsy, bouncing his leg.
He wanted to be home with you. No stress, no hurry, just… you and him, cuddled up inside with a nice glass of wine, snuggling on the couch watching a movie and then spending the night making you forget your own name over and over...
He shook his head, trying to rid himself of these kinds of thoughts. It only made the wait seem longer.
He leaned his head against the wall, staring off into the distance, hardly registering the music over his headphones.
He closed his eyes trying to maybe catch some sleep to make the time go by faster.
A short buzz informed him of an incoming message.
At first glance it was just a picture of your bed, the headboard, slightly wonky from various intimate nights, decorated with fairy lights. It was cozy, sweet and made him feel warm inside. He wanted to be there with you.
For a minute he thought that you might snuggle up with a pillow and watch a movie without him, then he noticed something else that sent an electric pulse through his body.
On the inviting bedding glowed a small purple charging light that caught his eye. It belonged to a little something he gifted you before the last time he had to travel.
His throat suddenly felt very tight and he made sure to turn his phone so that no one could accidentally glance at his screen.
The line under the picture read:
You: Guess what I'm doing.
Tooru: My job.
Another buzzing announced a FaceTime call and swallowing hard he picked up.
You were smiling into the camera, hair damp from the shower, dressed in your favourite lacy nightgown, a mischievous glint in your eye.
"I'm guessing you're not alone."
He shook his head, his lips dry.
"Well in that case, baby, we’re gonna go back to the thrilling days of radio and you just gotta listen."
Oikawa’s eyes went dark at the implication and shifted in his seat, taking off his jacket and draping it over his lap. He wanted to tell you to stop, whine and complain that it was unfair and mean and not the right time but… the low hum of the small pink toy, your shallow breaths and quiet moans shut him up. He turned his phone around, so the screen was hidden from view (a crime really because he wanted nothing more than to watch you - but he did remember to make sure to start a screen recording), closed his eyes and listened.
You were gonna pay for this as soon as he got home.
It was a little before three in the morning when he finally unlocked the front door and stepped into the dark foyer.
The familiar smell of you made his heart jump and he hurried to take off his jacket and shoes, considering for a moment to take off his shirt to cut down on time. But he smirked thinking about how much you loved undressing him yourself so he made his way to the bedroom, anticipation tensing every muscle.
You were laying on your stomach, dressed in that short white nightgown from the afternoon, the blanket crumpled next to you. He swallowed, somehow his mouth felt too dry and too wet at the same time.
Oikawa sat at the edge of the bed, thinking about how to wake you without startling you too much. But he was also hungry… in the end he chose to run his warm hand along your plush inner thigh, while kissing your shoulders and exposed neck. His fingers just shy of where he desperately wanted to be he continued to rub, squeeze and kiss until you slowly woke up.
"Hey princess.", he said quietly, smiling against your soft skin.
"Baby, welcome back.", you mumbled happily. Turning to him you rubbed your eyes and stifled a yawn.
Oikawa licked his lips as he let his gaze wander over your body. The three weeks apart themselves had not been the problem. It was the promise of your warm form pressed against him and your teasing that made it insufferable.
"I missed you."
"I missed you more, baby." He leaned in for a kiss, bringing his hand further up between your legs and grinned at your moans.
"Do you wanna play a game?", he asked in that special teasing voice that he knew had you surrendering every time.
"What kind of game?"
He chuckled and kissed your neck again, applying more pressure with his hand, making you gasp for air.
"I like to call it Letting the neighbors know I’m back."
You let out the most adorable giggle that might have stopped his heart if all of his blood hadn’t already rushed somewhere else.
"Yes, sounds good."
"Good girl. But first, I think I should make you pay for what you did to me yesterday, don’t you think?"
He reached into your bedside drawer and took out the small pink toy you had teased him with.
"Be good, princess, and I'll reward you after."
With a devilish grin he pulled you towards him and leaned down for a deep kiss, setting the toy against your clit, pressing the button to start.
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bakugohoex · 2 years
part two | part three
he was later then normal, it wasn’t his fault practice had run over, it was tournament season. he knew you were busy anyway probably stressing over that essay you had been complaining about. so when atsumu miya finally walked through the doors of the apartment, he saw you sitting, stressed at your desk. said essay clogging up your mind as the textbooks and notes are spread across the wood.
the dim light illuminating your face, he could already see the lines on your forehead as you types away, having confessed earlier in the day to him that you were on the verge of tears.
he softly drops his stuff not trying to disturb you even though you have your headphones on, he remembers how he’s told you multiple times to leave the main light on and at least have some awareness, out of fear that someone will break in. he also remembers how you’d playfully hit his arm asking who would break into the 20th floor.
he softly walks towards you, putting his hands on your shoulder and kissing your cheek. you freeze before recognising the sensation of atsumu’s lips that you’re all so familiar with. he’s so soft as he he takes on airpod out, whispering softly an i love you before putting it back in and going to shower.
you had missed him all day, having had a long day of lectures and seminars and wanting to just sleep beside your boyfriend. it was unfortunate that the essay you had been staring at for the past month was now due within a matter of days. you had regretted not actually finishing it but now the stress of it had made you actually work on it.
you heard the water from the shower start knowing atsumu would be in there for a while, there was no dinner in the house and you considered ordering but as your eyes adjusted to the brighter light you saw just what time it was and became even more stressed out.
turning the volume louder to distract yourself as you continued to type away. you barely noticed atsumu come out in joggers and nothing else, he had moved towards the kitchen knowing you hadn’t had time to cook. he was grateful for that as he wanted to surprise you instead, he grabbed the pots and pans remembering how atsumu had made the chicken and rice. he’d occasionally look over seeing you bob your head to the song.
you continued to type away, finally getting onto the conclusion as you closed all the books and did a review of what you had written to at least be concise. as you types the last sentence you could smell something cooking as you turned your head towards the open kitchen, seeing atsumu’s back muscles on display as he peered over the stove.
you closed your laptop stretching as you tiptoed towards atsumu, wrapping your arms around his torso as you kissed his back. admiring all the muscles, you went to his side, “did ‘samu take over your body?”
“haha, very funny, jus’ tryna do somethin’ for ma girl.” he looks down at your pretty frame, leaning in for a kiss as you hold his cheek and neck, softly meeting him in the middle. his lips are soft against your split lips he licks it as he tastes the chocolate you had eaten an hour prior, “ya think this will be good.”
you look at the food, actually impressed as you grab a spoon quickly, putting it into the mixture, he takes it from your fingers. kissing each tip as he puts the spoon in the sauce, blowing on it softly before putting it in your mouth. as you hum in delight a bright puppy like smile appears on his face.
“looks like ‘samu really does have competition.” you lick your lips, wanting to eat more.
“as long as the prize is ya, ‘m already a winner.” your heart goes warm as you kiss him again, admiring how beautiful your boyfriend is.
you quickly set the table, atsumu bringing the pot to the table as you both began eating together. you both spoke about your day and enjoyed each others company, it was rare to have moments like this when atsumu was near tournaments. but it was the little thing that would make you always stay with the boy.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 7 months
Happy Birthday !
2- Will you ever consider writing for majo taisen , if so can I request Tomoe gozen , and joan of arc with a fem hrist reader from ror who is the valkyrie witch
-You were an oddball witch, a Valkyrie which was stunning enough as is, but it was your personality, both of them, that was the real kicker. It was like you had two different personalities, one that was soft spoken, polite, and just gave the vibe of a big sister, while the other was loud and violent, willing to crush all those who stood in your way. That made sense as your name had two different meanings, The Shaking One and The Quaking one.
-You kept quiet about your one wish, which was to return to your sisters, Family was your desire, as you feared that others might use that against you, but luckily none were brave enough to approach you, thanks to your more volatile personality that scared them off.
-There were two, however, honorable warriors, ones that you honestly believe would have made great valkyries, that weren’t afraid of your rapid change in personality, Joan of Arc, and Tomoe Gozen.
-Despite the three of you being from very different parts of the world, there was a kinship, as you were all honorable people, willing to do whatever it took to win your battles to make your own wishes come true.
-As time went on, the three of you were quick to realize something about this tournament, there was something wrong with it, as if someone behind the scenes were pulling strings to have certain people win, like there was a secret agenda.
-You brought your concerns up to your two friends, as you considered them close friends, and they agreed, so you began to plot in secret.
-When it came time for Tomoe and Joan to fight against each other, Agrat Bat Mahlat wasn’t expecting them to turn on her rather than against each other and charge at her with the intent on stopping this whole tournament after exposing the secret truth, that she was never going to grant the wish of the winner, but she was going to absorb the winner, absorbing her power and desire, to make herself more powerful.
-In a risky move, one that you knew that could cost you your own life, you soul bonded with both of these warriors, turning yourself into a pair of weapons, Joan with your calm personality and Tomoe with your volatile personality, making holy weapons that could handle a demon.
-Agrat Bat Mahlat wasn’t expecting the teamwork, as the two women were from completely different regions and eras, and their fighting styles were too different that she couldn’t defend against both of them. She wanted to strip them of the powers she blessed them with, but she had to focus, and with both of them going after her, followed by many of the other witches who were furious to learn the truth, she quickly fell.
-Those who remained after the death of the organizer of this tournament all agreed to make peace with one another and with it, they were all sent back to the moment they were going to die.
-You quickly ran to your winged horse, knowing the truth now, and crossed the rainbow bridge, after all in Valhalla had witnessed that you had done, seeing that this demon had tried to do.
-Brunnhilde gave you her blessings as you descended, going across the spans of time and you pulled Joan as she was being burned, into your arms and she smiled so brightly, “Y/N!”
-You grinned before wrapping an arm around her waist, “Hold on!” as you passed through time again, and you both saw Tomoe there on her own death bed.
-When you grabbed her hand she lit up, allowing herself to be pulled up on your horse, hugging you from behind, “You came for us?” your angry personality took over, “What kind of stupid question is that- why the hell wouldn’t I?!” but instead of being intimidated and angry, the two women both hugged you, happy to be with you again.
-When you were bonded with them, sharing your soul with them, there was such a feeling of joy and belonging, one that felt so warm, one they wanted to treasure forever, and you felt the same, which is why you descended, knowing they had been sent back to the moment they were dying, to rescue them, choosing their souls to return with you to Valhalla.
-There was nothing that was going to keep the three of you apart ever again!
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yen-sids-tournament · 4 months
Favorite Fairies Results and Final Thoughts:
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Tinker Bell from Peter Pan wins the Tournament!
A close final round as Rani, the Water Talent Fairy, gave our winner her closest match.
Now before we go any further, lets give a big round of applause to all the fairies and fae who were nominated and competed. Just because they didn't win we don't want them to think we don't believe in them!
Rani does get a few crowns of her own: she was the Favorite from the Disney Fairies series characters, and she received by far the most submissions. If you counted all the submissions (including the non-Disney ones) she was more than 10% of them!
We also don't want to go without recognizing a few other moments. LIlia Vanrouge! What a great fan base he has?! His and Maleficent's battle was the most voted in and decided by only 8 votes (less than 2%)! And we saw y'all trying again against Fairy Godmother making our second most voted in poll this tournament!
There were few other close first round matches as well, just a difference of 3 votes could have shanked up the tournament!
On the other side, Silvermist: She got on the bracket by being in of the top 5 submitted characters, yet never did anyone give us propaganda for her! She did get some support in the tags, and was able to defeat the Disney Fairies version of Tinker Bell to make it to the semis.
If you had asked us to fill out a bracket considering how we imagined the voting going, we had a very different expectation. We saw Tinker Bell's only real competition being Maleficent. And we must have been feeling a premonition for the horn aesthetic because we thought the Mistress of Evil was going to win it all...
Thank you to everyone who participated in our mini tournament with submissions, asks, reblogs, likes, tags, and/or anything else. We would not have been able to do this with out you.
Finally the results you have all been truly waiting for: Where do you prefer to watch movies?
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All of the propaganda was taken from the submission forms. The only character which had excessive amounts was Rani. Because she made it to the semis we were able to use all of it! Everyone else was the same each round.
The Art We Used:
We tried our best to use all the images which were submitted in the form. If a character had two different pics we used one for the bracket graphic and one for the face off graphics (eg Princess Marianne). Since Rani had more than three submitted pictures, we rotated through them for the face off graphics. (we added one on each side for the finals) For the few which had no submitted pictures we used pictures from the wiki (usually the profile picture).
The backgrounds: On the general fairy side and for the bracket, we took frames from Fantasia/Fantasia 2000's segments (like the Nutcracker Suite). On the Disney Fairies side they were all scenery from the Tinker Bell movies. These were lightened to not distract from the matches. The Finals background was from Pinocchio.
The font we found by googling. The site is fontspace.com and the name is 'Botanink'
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fritzes · 8 months
semifinals thoughts for every match that doesn’t involve a violent abuser (bc fuck him, I love writing these and the other three matches deserve to be talked about)
gauff v sabalenka: a rematch of the us open final! if you took coco’s quarterfinal performance and aryna’s quarterfinal performance and put them against each other, aryna would win handily. coco’s unforced errors, especially on the forehand side, are really bringing her game down. that being said, she had some shaky matches at the us open but when it really mattered, she found her best game, kept her cool, and won. aryna is known to be the exact opposite: she plays incredibly but often lets the pressure get to her in later rounds. I think the fact that she lost the us open final to coco will absolutely be in her head the entire time. since she lost from a set up, if she wins the first set here I don’t think that will be a comfort to her (in fact, it might make things worse). even if coco continues blasting unforced errors, I have more confidence in her ability to keep her mentality stable than I do in aryna’s. like I said before the quarterfinals, though, this is new territory for aryna. she’s never defended a grand slam title before, and so far it seems to be emboldening her. we could see a new side of aryna here that doesn’t get frustrated as easily, and that’s gonna be really dangerous for anyone playing her. I fully expect this to be a close, three-set match, but if one of them isn’t at the top of their game then the other one is going to take full advantage of that and win
zheng v yastremska: qinwen is the favorite, but I don’t think this is going to be as straightforward as it looks on paper. dayana is incredibly under-ranked (I’m not sure what happened, but I think she might have had some doping accusation issues?). she has been playing some insanely good tennis at this tournament, and she will absolutely challenge qinwen. the key for qinwen here is to serve well - that’s definitely one of her biggest weaknesses, but if she can do that it gives her a massive advantage because there’s really nothing else in her game that dayana can attack. this would be a first grand slam final for either of them, so whatever their unique ways of dealing with pressure are will absolutely come into play here as well
sinner v djokovic: the one we’ve all been waiting for… this match felt inevitable from the moment the draw came out. jannik has been playing the best tennis of his life in the past few months, and he absolutely carried over the momentum from last season. of course, novak is always going to be the favorite, especially at the ao. the big question for jannik here is endurance. his history in close five-setters isn’t great, and all of his matches so far have been pretty one sided. if he wants to beat novak, his body needs to hold up. if he does that and he keeps playing the way he’s been playing (preferably with a few less unforced errors), he has a real chance, especially when you consider how much time and effort novak has spent on the court. but, novak is novak, and he’s 10-0 in ao semifinals. if jannik wants to win this match, he has to be perfect
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mlmshipbracket · 9 months
Fourth MLM Ship Bracket Tournament
Welcome to the New Year everyone!
I hope everyone enjoyed the Third MLM Bracket Tournament and its outcome. It's not over though, there is still more to come. Remember, the Masterpost shows the roadmap for MLM tournaments held on this blog. Feel free to check that out in order to know what to expect.
Next, I would like to announce that submissions for the Fourth MLM Ship Bracket are now open! This is the last opportunity to submit your favorite men loving men ships to be pitted against each other and see who will be crowned victorious.
This Fourth tournament is going to be different from the previous three tournaments. This Fourth tournament is going to be the biggest MLM bracket held so far on this blog, up to 64 spots open, therefore there will be more time to submit your favorite MLM ships.
Information and Rules for submitting your favorite gay ships can be found below, along with the submission form at the bottom. Please make sure to read all rules and information. If you have any questions feel free to submit an ask and I'll be happy to answer.
Submissions must be made through the form linked below
Multiple submissions are allowed per person, but only submit an MLM ship once
Previous ships from previous MLM ship brackets will not be considered for submission [Found Here],  [Here], and [Here]
Ships will be added on a first come, first serve basis, ships with more submission will take priority
There are 64 slots open, any remaining slots will be filled by me
Make sure to mark any spoilers
Submissions will close once all slots have been filled
If you have any questions about submissions, information, or rules please use the ask button
Ships must be fictional
Ships must be male (cis or trans) or masc nonbinary /genderfluid 
Ships for this poll are couples only
Ships can be canon or fanon
Ships can be from a variety of fandoms and genres including but not limited to: TV Shows, Movies, Plays/Musicals, Games, Cartoons, Anime/Manga, Books, Graphic Novels, Comics, Webseries, Webcomics, and Podcasts  
No original characters (OC’s)
No Furries
No Bandoms
No Minecrafters
No real figures such as celebrities', youtubers, or streamers
Note: Any ships submitted which do not fit the above mentioned criteria will be disqualified from participation in the bracket
@tournament-announcer , @tournamentdirectory
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vecnawrites · 2 years
Patreon Reward: Begging To Be Bred
Jaune has a problem. He swears that the girls on his team are seducing him and his willpower is not strong enough! Fortunately, they have a mission out in the field soon, so hopefully they have a chance to cool off...
As the team leader, only male, and only human member of Team JNPR, Jaune was used to dealing with odd things.
Everyone had either given him the stink eye, thinking the worst of him due to him being the only male in a team of women (in a position of authority, no less), incredible jealousy, or given him looks of sympathy. He wasn’t really sure why, considering he dealt with seven sisters growing up.
Oh, don’t get him wrong, each of the three girls were a true beauty. Pyrrha Nikos, an apparent four-time champion in Mistral (he couldn’t say anything about that, since he knew nothing really about the tournament scene. It had never interested him.) who was a Tiger Faunus, her trait being a red tail with black stripes, with long red hair held in a ponytail and bright, expressive emerald eyes.
Next to her was Lian Ren, a svelte beauty of a feline faunus, her trait being the ears emerging from her hair (from the ear shape, he suspected panther), with long black hair, broken by a single pink streak in the front bangs, and surprisingly pink eyes.
The final member of his team was Nora Valkyrie, a bombastic and incredibly energetic (and curvaceous) cow faunus, her trait being a small pair of horns on her head (although a tiny part of his mind whispered that her trait was really attached to her chest, due to her bust size) who seemed to ignore any idea of the concept of “personal space”.
To be honest, it wasn’t bad. They weren’t too different than wrangling his sisters, save the fact that he, well, he wasn’t related to them, so it made certain instances more awkward as they got more comfortable with each other. So much more awkward.
Like the times that Lian needed help stretching after class! He had no issue with that (he knew he was always sore as hell afterwards as well) but the fact that she wore only a sports bra and thong of all things made it awkward! Never mind the moaning and pushing her rear back against his pelvis! He swore it was on purpose!
Or the time (times, it happened multiple times…) where Pyrrha had forgotten to take in clothes or a towel into the bathroom when she showered, and came out naked as the day she was born and glistening with water, her muscles rippling and sizable bust and bottom bouncing as she walked shamelessly to get a towel and clothes.
Or Nora asking him for help with something personal, only for him to get the shock of his life when she whipped off her top and bra and she asked him for help milking herself, as she had gotten ‘extremely backed up’ and needed to have her breasts drained. That had been a long and hard (on several different levels) two hours, as not only did Nora have a lot of milk in her chest, like she said, the constant quivering and shaky “Moos” she released were hell on his libido.
If he didn’t know those three so well, he’d swear that they wanted him to do something…but no, he knew that they were just lonely and somewhat forgetful girls. Lian and Nora were orphans and often looked over by everyone, and Pyrrha had been put on an unfortunate pedestal by practically everyone. They simply trusted him not to be the same.
There couldn’t be more to it.
“OH MY GOD!” Nora exploded, tugging at her hair as she fell forward, burying her face into Lian’s lap. “WHY IS HE SO DENSE!?” she whined softly as Lian gently ran her fingers through her hair, rubbing the base of her horns tenderly.
“Now, Nora…it’s not Jaune’s fault…not really. You know he has seven sisters, so what we have been doing is probably something that he’s seen before…that, and we honestly haven’t actually overtly said anything about our interest, so it’s just as much our fault, if not more, for not telling him.” she soothed, even though Lian’s cat ears were twitching in agitation at the fact that their team leader hadn’t taken them and dicked them down yet.
Pyrrha was pacing about the dorm, her tail flicking back and forth slowly like the predator that she was on the prowl, her eyes narrowed. Her nostrils were flared as she drew in the scent of the room, and more importantly, Jaune’s scent.
All three were currently agitated and on edge, as their heat cycles were upon them, and while this normally meant between one to two weeks of intense discomfort, they now had someone that they could trust to help their needs…
They just had to get the lovably dense man to realize it!
Pyrrha froze, her tail going straight and still as she tilted her head, a slow smile forming on her face. “We have a training mission coming up…” she purred, getting both Lian’s and Nora’s attentions.
She turned to them, her eyes almost glowing with eagerness. “Listen to me very carefully~”
Juane hummed softly as he set his tent up. They were in a rather secluded area, one that they had placed traps around to warn them of any excess Grimm heading their way. While they were still technically in the village they had cleansed the Grimm from, the inn had been full, so they were in a slightly secluded and isolated area away, but still close enough to get food the next morning before heading back towards the pick up area.
As he crawled into his tent and laid down to sleep, he was oblivious to three sets of hungry eyes watching him.
LIck! Slurp! Smack! Jaune gasped, his eyes snapping open and his body lurching upwards as pleasure filled him, emanating from his groin. He glanced down, sure that he’d be met with the sight of a soaked blanket and boxers that he would have to hide from his three-
JauneLancelotArc.Exe Has Stopped. Would You Like To Reboot?
Before him were his teammates. His three sexy teammates. His three, sexy, naked teammates, all their curves bared as they rubbed their faces against his dick, pink tongues slipping from their mouths and lapping at his shaft and balls, sending great amounts of pleasure through him.
He gasped as their trailed their tongues over his shaft, starting at the base and working their way up towards his leaking tip, their tongues doing a seeming tango against each other on the sensitive helmet, making him release a louder, choked sound, one that made their attentions turn towards him.
Emerald, Pink, and Turquoise eyes stared up at him in lust. Somehow, Jaune found his voice, shaky as it was. “G-Girls? W-What’s going on?” he gasped out as Pyrrha and Lian licked at the weeping head of his cock again, being able to tell that their feline traits were more than just external; their tongues slightly raspy and dragging along his cock in such a way that made him thrash, even more when Nora buried her face into his balls and audibly inhaled, a slutty moan leaving her lips.
“Jaune…we need you…our pussies are so empty…our wombs need to be filled…we want to be bred…please help us~” the fact that it was LIan who was begging threw Juane, just as much, if not more, than the fact that Pyrrha of all people was shamelessly sniffing and rubbing her face against his cock and Nora was happily sniffing his balls, wiggling her fat ass as she did so.
A gentle caress to his abdomen brought his attention back to Lian, who had sat up somewhat, her modest (but still sizable) breasts jiggling, her dusky light brown nipples hard as diamonds as they pointed at him. “We all want you, Jaune~ Please? We’ll be good girls for you, we promise~”
Jaune swallowed at the earnest, hungry looks that the three gave him. But…they needed him. How could he say no?
“AH! AH! AH! YES! OH FUCK, JAUNE! FILL MY TIGHT LITTLE COW CUNT! BLOAT MY WOMB!” Nora cried out as he fucked her on her back, her legs wrapped around his hips as he thrust firmly in and out of her tight, burning little pussy, feeling the folds of flesh tighten and loosen in a rhythmic fashion as he moved.
“YES! YES! MORE! OH, GODS! DON’T STOP!” Lian wailed as she arched her back as Jaune hovered over her, pounding into her pussy with great intensity, wet smacks filling the tent as his balls smacked into the underside of her ass cheeks as he thrust with everything he had.
“MORE! MORE! WANTED THIS SINCE I GOT TO KNOW YOU! WANTED YOU TO MAKE ME YOURS! WANTED TO MAKE YOU MINE! DON’T PULL OUT! I WANT MY WOMB FULL OF YOUR SEED! MAKE IT LAND ONLY YOU WILL EVER CONQUER!”  Pyrrha screamed, being the most animated of the three, thrusting with Jaune, her own hands not idle as she roamed his body, her hungry eyes glowing with joy at the fact that she finally got what she wanted. Gotten the man she wanted.
And some pride sisters as well, since her moaning and well fucked teammates were curled up on either side of them.
A Jaune came again, for what must have been the fifth time in their mating, Pyrrha tipped over the edge with a scream of passion, her womb so full she swore she could feel his cum swirling around inside her.
As she slumped down, she started purring happily as Jaune followed, gathering her, Lian, and Nora up and cradling them all close.
They might be tired now, what with their heats sated properly for the first time in their lives, but they were going to continue in the morning, no matter who heard them!
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Pokemon Card of the Day #3010: Crobat (Neo Revelation)
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Around when Neo Revelation was released, people were desperate to find answers to Feraligatr, a card that had dominated tournaments from the moment the first three sets of the game were rotated out. There were some where 7 of the top 8 spots were taken by Feraligatr, while the ones that weren't had quite the contingent of Slowking. People tried all sorts of Grass-types before, with Erika's Victreebel likely being the closest to getting somewhere back then, but even that missed a clean KO and had to worry about the one Fire deck, Typhlosion, running it over. Then Neo Revelation finally came out and a serious Grass contender was in it. Crobat lacked the Fire Weakness and had a 5/16 chance of getting to the damage needed to take out a Feraligatr. Even if it didn't, another 6/16 was setting Confusion while doing a solid 80. This, with some nice other stats, made Crobat the obvious anti-Feraligatr play. There, was, of course, more than Feraligatr, especially as the game moved forward, so only time would tell if Crobat could actually keep up once one card wasn't so dominant.
90 HP was pretty average for a Stage 2 back then. Most decks would be going for a 2-hit KO on that, though amazingly enough Feraligatr itself could often get to the point where it could take a healthy Crobat down, making the match-up closer to even than anyone had hoped. The Psychic Weakness was more of an issue once Neo Destiny came out with Dark Gengar, and in the shift to Neo-On people used Espeon a good bit. Fighting was a nice Resistance, mostly for Tyrogue, though you'd see Donphan and Giovanni's Machamp often enough for it to be notable. Crobat was also lucky enough to be able to Retreat for free. While that wasn't too rare at the time, it was still very nice and often made Double Gust into a risk-free Trainer.
Triggered Poison didn't do a lot of damage, at just 20 for a Grass Energy. While that would have been good on a Basic, Crobat was a Stage 2 and you usually wanted more. However, if the opponent attached an Energy card to the Defending Pokemon during their next turn, that Pokemon was then Poisoned. This was a bit of an anti-Steelix measure, though the real anti-Steelix measure was the Zubat that just guaranteed Poison. Said match-up was still pretty rough, but not impossible.
Cross Attack was the big one here. Sadly, it was all about coin flips, and that was a problem for a Stage 2 that needed 2 Grass and a Colorless Energy. The good news was that a positive outcome was more likely than a negative one here. 4 coin flips got you 20 damage for each heads, with 3 being the goal to get to 60 (or 120 against Feraligatr). That wasn't too likely but did happen just under a third of the time. The attack would have been worse if it wasn't for the added effect. If 2 or more of the flips were heads, the Defending Pokemon was also Confused. Confusion was quite powerful at the time, since retreating required paying the Retreat Cost first and then flipping a coin, with tails meaning no retreating for the turn while losing the Energy. A 69% chance of Confusion was enough to make this a rather scary attack, though also scary to use since the 31% chance of 20 or lower damage with no Confusion was pretty significant too.
Crobat got a solid amount of play just to mess with Feraligatr, while also being useful against the later Dark Feraligatr and any Fighting decks that came along. There were still times that it would fall flat simply due to variance, which scared some people off of it, and it was best described as a mid-tier deck all things considered. It's still pretty good in the modern version of Rocket-On, too, though its targets are somewhat less common now. Crobat could get away with some of its issues simply because so much of the game at the time was luck-based even for Pokemon standards, and it had a solid place in the game.
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ya-bug-boy · 2 years
Last time I asked for some emmet with goth reader, but now I come begging for ingo with a buff n tough reader
Just an absolutely intimidating beefcake of a man that goes all soft and gooey over ingo, just the idea of two normally strict and intimidating men getting all soft over each other is making me go all 👀👀
Especially if reader is not only physically strong but is also a tough pokemon trainer,power couple shit right there
Ingo x BUFF Reader
You're head of the security at the Nimbasa Gear Station. You take your job very seriously as there seems to be a fight or some sort of incident every day. With this in mind, you take you duties with the utmost care to ensure the safety of everyone. There will be days where you get into physical altercations, so you became stronger by working out and by taking fighting lessons.
You were hired before the twins became the Subway Bosses, you two are roughly around the same age. Sometimes the two get involved with your work which is normal, considering they're technically your bosses now.
Sometimes the subway station gets promoted to do battling tournaments, it'll happen in the central lobby of the Gear Station as opposed to taking place in the trains. This is a very rare opportunity to battle Ingo and Emmet without having to take on the train challenge.
But events such as these require a lot more security guards. To ensure that everything runs smoothly, you decide to be present as well, just in case.
After Ingo was done battling a trainer, the challenger gets pissed off having lost to him. He and his colleagues began to berate Ingo in front of everyone, causing a scene.
You swiftly make your way over there, to try and take control over this situation. Ingo can't be distracted in this tournament, he's playing a vital role. But with your presence, it only angers the challenger even more.
When you turn your head a smidge to talk to Ingo, you see his eyes widen as he looks behind you. You quickly turn and catch the man's fist in your palm, preventing him from punching you. You glare at him with a frown as you twist his arm and kick him in the knees, making him fall to the ground.
But after you take this first one down, his companion tries to challenge you instead, running up to you. You easily deflect his punch and by using his own momentum, you swiftly knock him to the ground as well.
The third knows he can't win a fight against you physically, so he throws out his pokemon instead, thinking he's outmatched you. But you being head of security secretly meant being just as strong if not stronger than your bosses. You summon your Pokemon and finish him off in a 1 vs 3 battle, your ace taking all of his pokemon out within 1 to 2 rounds. The crowd explodes with applause and cheers.
You call over your security agents to swiftly handcuff the three that attacked you. They're swiftly being escorted away. You scoff as you watched their backside, for it being three against one, they were wimps. You turn around and give a two finger salute to Ingo, ready to apologize when he suddenly claps his hand and praises you, "BRAVO! SUPER BRAVO! That was incredible!" Your eyes widen at the sudden praise, blood rushing to your cheeks. Ingo begins to asks excitedly why he has never seen you battle prior to this point. You tell him it's because you usually end fights with your fists, you joke as you flex your muscles. His face turns bright red.
You tell Ingo that you'll come back to make sure that the rest of the event goes smoothly after you ensure that the three attackers are taken into police custody. You needed to gather the video footage of the incident as well in order to press charges, which would take some time in the security office.
But after this incident, Ingo starts to take more note of you. He's enamored by you. You were physically strong and handsome, along with being a wonderful trainer? It's almost too good to be true.
You typically only battle out of necessity as opposed to opportunity, but on your day off you decided to pay Ingo a visit by challenging his train. The two began to talk after the tournament and an interest for Ingo grew inside of you. You make it all the way to him and his eyes widen when he sees you. You playfully act and pretend as if you have never met him before to which he plays along, pretending the same, implementing a rule that whoever wins gets to pay for dinner, should you agree. You never fought a battle so hard in your life but ultimately you won, cheering when your Pokemon was victorious. Though he's sad he's defeated, he loved the fight you just had and the two of you sit down to discuss where to go eat. You officially start dating after that.
During work hours, the two of you are strictly business professional, taking both of your jobs seriously with a dedicated passion. But as you grow to spend more time together, you two start to dissolve behind private doors in a tender bashfulness.
You and Ingo are somewhat alike in how stoic you tend to be. You have to be a strong and stern person due to your job and Ingo naturally is the same. But when you two are in private, it's as if you're two different people entirely.
Ingo is much more reserved than you are and you accommodate to his pace in terms of romantic intimacy. Not to say he dislikes you, but rather he feels the need to prevent drawing attention towards you in public, due to the estranged fans he has.
But in the privacy of either your offices or homes, he's much more needy. He practically melts into your loving muscular arms as you nuzzle against him, you help ease the tension he has by giving him back massages. He fell in love with how rough your hands are oddly, as he likes to hold it tenderly.
Ingo does get worried at some point, thinking he's too weak physically to care for you, so he asks if he could join you at the gym.
Though the circumstances weren't the greatest as to how you two met, through that event, you found one person that was your rival, your gym buddy, and your boyfriend.
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