#also yeah it seems them being a polyamorous relationship is what people are going with
quibbs126 · 1 year
I feel like people will end up shipping Capsaicin and Prune Juice at least, if not possibly adding the third cookie
I know it’s way too early to tell, but I’m placing bets now
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novthewolf · 11 months
Two’s company, three’s a family - Part two
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Summary : As a cupid, an angel of love, your mission was to make sure everyone was paired up with the right person. Yet you couldn’t get your two most ancient clients to finally end up together. And despite the 6,000 years spent on the case, you couldn’t bring yourself to give them up, oblivious to the actual reason...
Pairing : Aziraphale x Crowley / GN!Reader x Crowley / GN!Reader x Aziraphale (polyamorous relationship).
Parts : Previous - Next
Masterlist : Here
Warnings : Language, mid-violence, near death, slight angst, slow burn, english isn’t my first language.
Words : +3k
(5 years later)
"Alright, Eden, this is how it's going to be : I'm going to help our dear friend with his little inconvenience while you stay here and eat every bit of grass you want. Okay ?" You said, deadpan.
And the only response from your white Dexter mini cow was a simple nudge against your palm. Aw, how could you resist her when she just looked at you with such cute eyes ? You just couldn't ! That's why you brought her with you in the first place.
"Perfect." You nodded firmly before bending down to kiss your forehead. You started to retreat. The sensation of tall grass touching your shinbone You loved it. Every sensation this world had to offer amazed you and urged you to experience everything. But right now is not the time !
"I'll be right back, sweetie ! Don't wonder off too far !" And you took off towards the meeting location.
Love angels are quite particular creatures with special abilities. As they say, love makes you blind, and even though you couldn't prove that statement, you knew that love allowed you to be blind in other people's eyes. You were capable of becoming invisible. Not all the time, but you could manage to stay this way for a few days if really necessary. You had a lot of free time.
This power was mostly there to permit you to supervise dates, gather information on your clients, and occasionally spy on a demon's secret meeting. If anyone asks, you never do that.
But lately, demons have been more and more pushy with Crowley's results, summoning him to Hell for his report. However, some lower-class demon got brave enough to come up on earth and confront him. They were jealous of the redhead; you smelled the salty taste, similar to burnt meat. And despite how stupid they sounded, they were really starting to cause trouble by sensing Aziraphale's presence and also influencing Warlock.
Thus, you decided to go help the duo by playing bait. Certainly those demons' boss would be thrilled to know they successfully scared off a love angel. Right now, you slowly flew towards the meeting point, watching closely for any aggressive behaviour. Crowley had called them to "calmly" persuade them to leave, as they were starting to draw too much attention.
It wasn't really the case ; Warlock's parents were incredibly lax. But you could always trick most of the supernatural beings since they don't spend as much time on Earth as you three. You gently leaned on a nearby tree, your expression fixed as you followed their movements.
"Go back to Hell ? So you can receive all the credit to yourself ! Don't count on it, Crawley !" The smaller one snarled vehemently.
"It's Crowley, and I really never meant to take your place in a mission you are so obviously deserving of." And he seemed to actually appreciate that; they weren't great at sarcasm either.
"What the.. urgh.. angels ? Have you had any trouble with one of 'them 'em sneaking around ?" The taller one almost gagged when he mentioned them. You knew that one, actually. You leaned in a bit more on your branch, Crowley glancing quizzically in your direction (he probably heard you), and you recognised the guy's features.
Yeah, greasy yellow-ish hair ; his right cheek was necrotic; his hideous teeth were poking out. You were just so glad Crowley had clean teeth; you honestly thank God every day for it. You've met him before during a lot of your missions; he's always there to fricking ruin every one of them. God, sorry, he was so annoying... But you loved tormenting him back. But he was getting really obtrusive in your monthly life, so today you would do your best to put them in a lot of trouble. And set his friend along; you wouldn't want him to feel lonely; you were not that mean.
"Angels ? Naaah, they are way too uptight and skittish to properly go against our forces... Why ? Have you been struggling ?" He was holding back his mockery. Which was a real struggle for him.
"Just that little wuss of an angel. They keep missing me, never brave enough to truly face me. Just waiting for the right moment to get at 'em." he growled. Oh, how strong-willed he sounded, considering he always gave up mid-chase. You looked over Crowley for a second and got almost startled at how dour his face was. You bit your lip and focused back on Bobby (not that it wasn't his name; you just didn't care enough to call him something else).
"Oooh, I'm sure you'll find the right moment to strike once you muster enough courage to step out of your mud puddle." He briefly laughed, sardonic as always.
Heh, the way some demons made their entrance was so flattering. Now, thanks to his taunting, the two have started to get aggressive. I guess that's my cue to go.
"What the fuck did you just say?" The greasy boy said it directly to Crowley.
"Oh, I think you exactly understood what I meant." Obviously, he wouldn't back down ; you didn't expect anything else from him.
Calling off the spell, you stood up. Your legs were wobbly, and you tried to stabilise yourself. And leaned casually against the trunk.
"Well, what do we have here ? Hiding away from the city, I see. Why ? Was I too intimidating for you ?" you bugged. You saw his sludge vest boil, his face scrunching, and his awful teeth showing. His little friend growled behind him, ready to launch right at you. How sweet. Crowley's eyes widened. He leaned back, arms crossed in front of his chest, observing what was going to happen next.
"You... I should wring your neck !" He was an impulsive little thing, so he wasted no time and jumped on you.
You dodged him, if you can call it that : you took off your branch and let him knock his head against it. The second came running in your direction; you decided to let gravity do its thing by letting yourself fall and firmly stepping on his bald head. Wow, I almost slipped there.
You jumped off and landed on the ground. You looked up at Crowley and mouthed to him "Eden". You didn't have the heart to leave her here by herself now that you were going to have a little fun. He rolled his eyes, sighed, but nodded anyway. You knew he had a soft spot for her. You smiled brightly and ran off.
"Don't let her near the Anti-Christ !" the shortest one bawled at Crowley, getting back up.
You halted for a second, quickly building up a plan B.
"Anti-Christ ? Is that so ?" You said, teasingly. You had to turn around, bending yourself into a position that conveyed every bit of smugness you could manage. Crowley's lips twitched upright.
"You idiots !" He snarled.
"Get 'em !" Bobby roared as best as his croaking voice could.
You burst into brief laughter before finally dashing off the scene. If your plan failed, you had a backup. You really liked running, but you couldn't let yourself drown in the feeling.
The smaller one sent an electric shock your way. You leaped up, flew for a brief moment, did a half-loop, and landed back down.
"Hey ! Don't get too flashy now ! You wouldn't want to be seen making an ass of yourself !" You mocked.
"Shut the fuck up !"
The town wasn't that far away, and you wanted to get to a more populated area as soon as possible. Because, you know, your weapons weren't lethal, so we depended on your miracles. You were used to the human environment and what they would perceive as coincidences, odd occurrences, and full-on magic. They weren't, and you believed they weren't that dumb to expose themselves too much or hurt anybody.
Bobby had summoned a huge pit right in front of your feet. Luckily for you—not much for them—you had explored everything your human body could do, including physical effort. You grounded your feet, flexed your slightly trained legs, and leaped over the trap.
You took a sharp turn, arriving in some kind of small square, and climbed up the metal fence, winning some time. Now that people could see you, you started running, but no one was in sight. Ugh. Ooh, expect those two wild geese, plainly walking around. You smiled, determined. You materialised your bow and visualised their bound. Mmh ! Better than you expected. You could give it multiple forms; get utterly creative. This time it looked like a mini-crossbow for stealth. You put your weapon on your forearm, aimed for their chest, and let go. The geese quacked, chocked by the sudden rush of emotions. Bound complete.
You skipped past them like an antelope, nearing the entrance of the park, leading into town. More people wondered in the street, and some intended to enter the square. Worry squeezed your chest ; your breathing was itching. Please don't hurt them.
They didn't bother slowing down, recklessly running in your direction. Your brows frowned, irrated by their stupor. Mud Pie ignored the cuddling geese and violently pushed a man's shoulder with his.
"Hey ! What in the bloody hell is wrong with you, man ?" The man yelled after him, holding his arm in pain.
You took a step back. No holding back. Two were too much of a handful right now; you had to get rid of one of them.
You took two steps back. So, unwillingly, you miraculously shoved one of the geese onto the second guy. Panicked and certainly repulsed by his slimy appearance, the poor thing started to attack the pariste with all its might. Without a second thought, the mate started chasing as well. The demon desperately tried to shove the two off, but so satisfyingly failed.
You didn't have time to further appreciate the show, as your dear friend didn't even glance in his companion's direction. He was like a bulldozer, ready to wipe you off the map. You took a step back and collided with an old woman.
"Oh, I am so sorry, madam ! I really apologise !"
"No worries, dear, but why are you in such a hurry ?"
The road was right here, and you saw a car coming your way. Go across and let the car hit him. Let's go.
"Mh... Life's too short ! You must enjoy it," you said, sending a happy memory orb her way. No time to waste !
You ran as fast as was naturally possible to the other side. You looked over to the other side. Everything was blurry. Great. He was coming. The car ? Not fast enough.
The black car seemed to accelerate at the last crossroad and was steering incredibly fast. Come on, come on ! Knock him out.
He was crossing the road ! ... But you gasped in terror when you saw him pulling the grandma with him. He had pushed her as well, in front of him.
His eyes snapped at the car and morphed into those of a deer caught in headlights.
He walked forward, taking the woman with him in the process. They both fell to the ground abruptly.
The car brutally stopped.
"Miss !" you cried, fright gnawing at your insides. You dropped to your knees and shoved the mud boy away from her, checking for bruises. Broken wrist. You winced and very discretely healed it. You scanned your surroundings and almost felt your ears peek up in interest.
The Bentley.
"Sorry, Madam, for the incident. I hadn't expected to so suddenly cross the road," he said, his glasses hiding the not-so-guilty expression. "You were lucky this man was here to save you". The smirk he wore was devilish; he barely hid his nature, and you were honestly surprised no one had found out his true nature yet. It was so obvious.
A crowd had formed around you, people helping the poor granny and the cunt up. Crowley approached, trying his best to correct his walk.
Oh, that's right ! Where did he go ?" A bystander wondered, searching for the mysterious, dirty man.
"Maybe he's shy and couldn't appreciate all the praise he would receive for saving a person's life." You smiled in your own charming way to dispel all suspicions. Still, the secret meaning behind it made Crowley scoff.
"Will you be alright, ma'am ?" you asked.
"Oh, don't worry, dear. It's always good to know that my heart can still go through so many emotions and still be up and running." Her lighthearted laugh brought a small, tender smile to your face. You parted ways and went to Crowley.
"C'mon, sweetheart, I'll give you a lift home," he said, looking away. He seemed upset, so you tried to humour him.
"Really ?! Can I drive ?" You beamed at him, your eyes eager to receive a refusal.
"Never. Again." His teeth were grinding so much that you wondered if they would break. You pouted but didn't insist. Suddenly, you remembered your little companion.
"Eden ! Oh, my poor girl ! Where is she ?" "You grabbed the demon's arm. You were actually much more tactile than Aziraphale and him, but they got accustomed to it.
He stopped, looked back, and rolled his eyes.
"Don't worry, I put her in the trunk of the car." He nonchalantly explained as he sat down.
Wait... W-Where...
You absolutely didn't want to live with your poor baby in a small, cramped place, so Crowley accepted to go back near the dear little Anti-Christ place to check on your mini cow and pick up Aziraphale. You quickly got rid of your seatbelt and raced out.
When you opened the trunk, you sighed when you heard Crowley complaining about your "brutality.".
Mh, at least I'm not a barbarian who stuffed a baby cow into the back of a car.
You stopped mid-thought when you saw what the interior really looked like. Crowley had manipulated the space inside and made it wide enough for Eden to fit in nicely. It looked like a small meadow, too.
"Aww, Crowley !" you squealed in his direction as he was pretending not to see you.
"Ooh, my dear baby Eden ! Are you okay ? Are you good ?" You reached out and pulled her out. She rubbed her head against your belly and mooed lovingly. You kissed her forehead.
"Ooh, you really took good care of you, huh ? " You quickly glanced at him and saw him tensing up. He knew what you were going to say, and you smirked, delighted. "Yeah, you're right, he really likes you ! I totally agree. What a nice guy he is indeed."
"Don't you call me that !" he exclaimed, literally fuming.
"Shh, don't scream this way at her!" you lightly scolded.
"Oh, like hell, I'm going to let you insinuate things like that," he groaned. So easy.
You started to jump around, going down slowly like a feather. Eden happily did the same.
"I'm solely stating facts! You are a good demon—ah!" you screamed, surprised when he started to try to catch you.
"Come down here, you little minx !" He snarled, frustrated at your agility.
You stooped your tongue out, Eden still running around cheerful as always.
"What are you two doing ?" A familiar voice asked, deeply confused and surprisingly joyful at the same time.
"Aziraphale ! Hi !" you waved as your feet connected to the ground again.
Crowley was right behind you, hands twitching and mumbling complaints mixed with threats. Even if you knew that the angel had already seen the upset and irrated side of Crowley, you still needed to point out his good deeds!
Every opportunity mattered!
"Is everything alright ?" No time to worry ; you've got to praise!
"Yes, yes, of course ! It's just that Crowley doesn't want to admit how nice he's been today." You got behind the raging demon and gently shoved him towards Aziraphale.
"Oh, really, Crowley ? How come ?" He teased and smiled almost slyly.
You slowly backed off, letting the two interact in peace.
"Argh, it was nothin'. Just some demon who tried to jeopardise the mission, and Y/N over there immediately jumped in and lurked them away." He looked at you while saying it. You smiled with tight lips before I tilted my head for him to continue.
"And, urgh, well, I followed them and helped get rid of the nuisance." It almost burned his tongue.
"Aaand, you made Eden a comfy little space in the back of the Bentley!" you said, in the most jovial tone, making him growl.
"Aww, Crowley ! So do you have a soft spot for her, uh ?" He looked so touched. He was so adorable, you couldn't help but smile. Crowley looked bashful for a second before turning away.
"Oh, shut up. I only did it because I know what an awful thing you two feed her, so I just thought she deserved a little treat." He calmly taunted.
Awful things ?! Wait up a minute, mister !
Aziraphale regularly accepted keeping Eden with him when you had to work for a long time. He even arranged a room for her; he was very fond of her. And the food you gave her was the most healthy grass and hay you could find. Aziraphale was the one who helped you pick up a kind.
"She's perfectly healthy and happy; thank you very much !" You sprinted his way. He held up his hands in innocence, though his smirk revealed his thoughts.
"Of course, but also utterly bored." He leaned in, his smugness emanating from his whole body.
"Sure." You crossed your arms. "Because you know everything about having fun, Mister, I will never let you drive !" Yes. You were pouting. No. You will not apologise.
"Ooh, believe me, sweetheart, you're lucky I even let you near it."
Alright, so Crowley might not have appreciated how you drove the Bentley, but you both ended up having a great time ! Well, you and the car. But since you had driven with so much energy, it actually encouraged the demon to steer a little bit slower. You just shrugged the comment away.
"She's not a kart nor a race car, for that matter !" He exclaimed, throwing his arms everywhere.
"Don't underestimate her ; she's capable of a lot of things." You closed your eyes and nodded slowly. "Ah, such a shame you don't realise it..."
Speaking of realizing...
Shit. Aziraphale.
Great work, love angel. You felt bad for neglecting him and a weight settled on your shoulders.
"Anyway ! How was your day, Azi' ?" You gazed back, ignoring Crowley's ramble. The angel was facing the horizon, his absence crystal clear in his eyes. He snapped out of it, though, and a tight smile crept in.
"It went perfectly well, thank you ! Now, can we please head back to the bookshop so we can discuss our respective summonings ?" His hands were joined behind his back as he went to climb in.
"Of course ! W-Wait ! I'll go behind; this way I'll be close to Eden." You laughed nervously. Damn, you were way smoother with your other clients than with these two.
"No problem, Y/N." He simply said and smiled at you sweetly. Ah, what an angel, right ? Unworthy was what you were.
You heard Eden mooing in protest as Crowley picked her up to stuff her in again.
"C'mon, big girl, in you go- no ! No ! Not the jacket !" You tried to suppress your laughter at the sight.
"Hop on in, dear."
Aziraphale was holding the door open for you. You overdid your bow and got comfortable on the back seats, with the guardian doing the same after you. You felt guilt watching you from afar, ready to slay your throat.
"Let go, Eden ! Let go ! AAARGH-"
"No need to overreact..."
"Overreact ?! She ate my jacket! Ugh... so ungrateful..."
Aziraphale shot him a disapproving look but didn't add anything; instead, he grabbed the torn fabric and fixed it.
"There. All gone."
The angel sat back on his seat but couldn't keep his eyes from rolling as Crowley kept on wailing about your mini cow's "betrayal". As for you, you enjoyed being the only one back there and having all this space to yourself.
You safely lay there, your mind drifting as you watched the pair talk to each other. A mushy smile painted on your face. The gentle melody of the song "Too Much Love Will Kill You", by Queen, gave the impression of a waltz in your small, confined space. Your hand was massaging your scalp to sooth you and your drumming heart. Your smile fainted with a sigh. Control your emotions, you repeated to yourself. But when you felt, you lived it thoroughly. And deep down, you suffered from it. You weren't supposed to be here. You weren't supposed to bring an angel and a demon together. And you weren't supposed to stand in between them.
Your hand slide down your body and firmly grabbed your right arm. Aziraphale was upset; you sensed it through your own emotions. He was hoping to spend time with Crowley alone without you teasing him for your own amusement. You couldn't stand in the way. You didn't want to ruin it for them. You were running out of time.
Stay away from them. Let them be...
Your chest ached as tears welled up in your eyes. The seats squeaked as you turned around, your back facing the road. Eyes shot tight, lips shivered, and a lonesome whimper crossed the barrier of your mind. The sound alerted the angel, his nature urging him to react.
"What's wrong, dear ? Do you feel ill ?"
His concern will be your death.
"Just worried, that's all," you lazily replied, seeking to close the conversation as soon as possible and give your spotlight away.
Don't worry about me...
"No need; I'll be there to help you ! Once we get to the bookshop, we'll plan out our side of the story and stick to it." You felt his eyes on you.
Forget about me...
"Don't fuss about it." Crowley said as well. "Y'know, they're... well, they're not very bright." He laughed in a breath. Aziphale couldn't restrain himself from laughing either.
A smile brushed your cheeks, not strong enough to remain there, but warmth at least tried to make its way to your heart. You looked up hesitantly, and your eyes met Aziraphale's... affectionate? You blushed involuntarily. Not affection, but compassion. Sympathy even !
Bashful, you quickly turned your eyes and looked at the interior mirror. Crowley must have sensed your eyes on him, because he almost instantly looked up at you through the mirror and winked. You rolled over again and hugged yourself tightly.
I didn't expect it to be so long, but if I continue it would really be way too long 😭
Hope you enjoyed it ! I'll try my best to post once a week !
Parts : Previous - Next
Tag list : @legendary-maddie @kpop-athena @drugs-for-memes @emo-queer-boi @cunning-girl @mochikofi
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WIBTA for not telling my partner about the other people I'm with when I plan to break up with him soon?
I (19) and my partner (18) have been together for a few years. We are polyamorous, to be clear. His only thing is that he wanted me to let him know & let him meet any new partners of mine. However, for the past year and a half or so, he's barely been around. I'm lucky if I get to talk to him for maybe an hour per month. So in the past 4-ish months since I have had other people ask me out, I haven't gotten to tell him much more than letting him meet 1 of them and telling him there was others I wanted him to meet. And even there, I'm not entirely sure he got the memo that these were my *partners* and not just people I was close to.
However, I know this relationship isn't going to last longer. From the beginning, my friends, other partners (not the same as the ones I am currently with, although my other current partners also hate him) , and family + therapist have said my relationship is not healthy or even abusive and want me to leave him. But I never had the strength to walk away. I loved, and still love him, too much. He's made it clear that if I left, he would be completely alone, and feel isolated. That's not something I want to do to him. On top of that, although he hasn't done it in several years now, at the beginning of our relationship he would regularly tell me how finding me saved him from suicide, how he would be gone without having found me. Treated me like I was his reason for surviving. I know he didn't mean that in a bad way, but it still stuck with me, and a part of me worries for what will happen if I leave. Plus, he knows everything about me. I don't believe he would, but I know if he wanted to he could easily make my life hell, and that makes it terrifying to try to walk away from him.
So I'm not sure when we actually will break up. Just that we will. He's talked about breaking up himself before, but when I suggested we just get it over with since clearly neither of us where happy in this relationship, he said it "wasn't time yet". So I'm just kind of waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Which makes me worry I'll be the asshole and cheating on him if I avoid telling him about my other relationships because I know ours is going to end. It feels heavy to tell him, between knowing we aren't going to keep being together, and the fact that he never reacts well to my other partners. Despite insisting he's okay with my polyamory and my relationships when I ask, he seems to almost always act aggressively when he meets my other partners. He acts rude towards them, and very possessive about me, often even siting how he was "here first". That's not something I want to put my partners through, especially not for someone I know is going to break up with me. Plus, a part of me feels guilty. Even though it's not going against boundaries, and I do really love all the people I'm with and do everything I can to make sure they all know that and feel loved and respected by me, it feels like I'm doing something wrong by being with so many people at once. It makes me feel ashamed to face my partner and go "hey so I'm with all these people too now! They all asked me out within the past 4-5 ish months yeah!" and like I'll have to find a way to justify it otherwise it'll look like I don't take our relationship seriously and am cheating.
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Hi! How was your day? Good,i hope?
Anyways,I found your account recently and I really liked your partner squad AU! It's so wholesome and funny 😭 And I love Polyamorous relationships (i guess that's what it is?)
Here's a little headcanon (?) request for them,because I read the 'loosing colors' HC and I think that was just my favorite thing out of the partner squad thingies-
Honestly,I just want some hurt/comfort. I like crying (/j)
I give total freedom to you about what angst it is,but if you want,or are out of ideas,here are some:
-Reader comes back home after being harassed (not s3xually,maybe just about the way they act? Maybe they just stick out a lot and some people don't like it??? Some people are bullies man..)
-Overworked reader (Maybe breaking down??)
-Socially anxious reader?
-the reader fainting suddenly??
Something like that! Anyways,I hope this isn't too vague of a description,and that you have a fantastic day!!
okey dokey folks! we've gots some ✨A N G S T✨ to go through so it's-a time to get-a cooking!
Here's the Loosing Colors post btw and I'm gonna use that one just for this first scenario (omg. a sequel, yes!)
💙♥️🖤Partner Squad Reacting to Gray!Reader getting harassed💙♥️🖤
💞 As a whole 💞
💞 Oh, they pissed. As soon as they find out that you've been having trouble with some inconsiderate trolls being nasty to you for having lost your colors, you can bet they're practically up in arms and very eager to have a talk with those bullies.
💞 (You're mortified and somehow manage to convince them to Not Do Anything To Harsh for your sake, though.)
💞 Lots of reassurance!
💞 Your partners won't allow you to sulk or dwell too much in the whole ordeal and they'll make a combined effort to always lift your spirits up whenever you start to believe the rude and flat out unnecessary things the bullies said to you.
♥️ Barb ♥️
♥️ She's easily the most outraged out of the lot. She hates bullies (kinda ironic, yeah, but you get the idea.).
♥️ Particularly, she hates bullies that joke and tease about such sensitive topics as losing your colors. Because, c'mon, that's just straight up professional huge a-hole behavior.
♥️ Whenever she wants to help you feel more comfortable with your situation, she'll take your hands in hers and raise them to your eye level, as if wanting you to take a good look of your laced fingers.
♥️ “Y’see? I'm sorta gray too, if you think about it. But I think you rock those grays way better than me, babe.” (She's intentionally corny to get a smile out of you and it works every time.)
♥️ She tries to get back at the bullies, but she's always too obvious and you never let her have the payback she's so adamant you deserve.
🩵 Branch 🩵
🩵 He can relate.
🩵 Oh, he can relate a lot. He grew up gray and, man, can trolls be cruel even if they seem to be all sunshine and rainbows. Not to say ‘he’s had it worse’ when he was younger, no, he's not the type to downplay a situation like this, ever, but he's definitely the best candidate to help you go through this ordeal because of his past.
🩵 Lot's of open-heart talks, venting, hugs and, yes, lots of tears from both sides as well (just don't go around telling everyone, please).
🩵 He's still devastated that something as awful as losing one's colors could ever happen to you but he can't mope about it forever (never in front of you, at least); he remains strong for your sake.
🩵 He also tries to ‘avenge’ you in whatever way he can, almost begging you to let him at least do something to deal with the ones that bothered you, anything, but you never give in and eventually he gives up (very reluctantly).
🧡 Hickory 🧡
🧡 Now, Hickory over here, he's actually the only one that manages to evade your suspicions and he flat out threatens the trolls that harassed you to buck off (in an eerily peaceful and very cowboy-ish manner, might I add).
🧡 After that, you don't ever get bothered again and Hickory lets you believe that those trolls simply had a change of heart.
🧡 His way of helping you go through this hardship is not by ignoring the issue, but he just rather not mention the obvious unless it's absolutely necessary.
🧡 It's not like he's in love with you for your colors or whatever, but he does care deeply for your mood and feelings. He just wants you to be happy, y'know?
🧡 When the time comes that your colors gradually start to show up again, he just smiles and he'll go out of his way to always remind you of how beautiful those shades and tones look on you even if they're still a bit dim.
🩷 Poppy 🩷
🩷 She's frustrated, very, very much so. Why and how can other trolls be so mean and nasty???? Like Why?
🩷 After finding out about the way you were harassed, she gets clingy. She gets clingy because now she doesn't want to leave you all on your own, exposed to more mistreatment.
🩷 Just like Branch, she's familiar with the subject of color loss and she doesn't take it lightly for a second.
🩷 You could even say it's a bit of some sort of guilt she feels about the way Branch used to be treated in the past that she's now worried 24/7 about you.
🩷 She refuses to allow anyone even think about ostracizing you; she'll go feral if she ever catches someone even batting an eye at your lack of vibrant colors, let alone comment anything on the matter in a negative way.
💚 Tresillo 💚
💚 He's still not entirely used to seeing you without those lovely colors of yours and he's not shy to admit out loud that he misses them.
💚 But he doesn't do that to make you feel bad, or inadequate or guilty on any level; he's just honest like that, and he hopes for the day that your beautiful colors return.
💚 Then, and only then, he'll know you're really and truly okay. And if you're happy, he's happy.
💚 Like Poppy, he gets overprotective and almost overbearing just so he can keep an eye over you so no one else dares bother you in the slightest about your color loss.
💚 He won't threaten anyone like Hickory did, but he will glare and give the worst of stink eyes at whoever steps out of line in his presence, and man, he can look kinda scary when he's serious like that.
💙 Trollex 💙
💙 Like mentioned before, Trollex once lost his colors too after the passing of his parents, but that particular experience he has on the subject is what gives him the reassurance he needs that you can get better, just like he did and just like Branch did as well.
💙 The thought of someone bullying you for your situation makes his blood boil but he's more concerned on how you feel and what you think.
💙 Forget those bullies, they don't matter now. Now it's all about you and how you feel and what you need.
💙 He becomes a bit of a mother hen, always asking about your mood and hoping that one of these days, your bright colors will shine bright once again.
💙 He's a great listener, so if you need a shoulder to cry on or just vent, he'll always be there, ready to give you advice and make sure you always leave with a huge smile on your face.
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polyamzeal · 5 months
Polywise Review
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When I first learned of non-monogamous, I seeked out as many resources as possible to learn if I really was it. Some of the most important resources were a few books. The communities I found made it seemed like you were not even allowed to have a license to be polyamorous unless you first read certain books. At that time, the holy bible of polyamory was More Than Two and before it was The Ethical Sluts. These were the books everybody recommended as a must-read if anybody wanted to learn more about polyamory, no matter what aspect of polyamory they wanted to learn more about. These books were hyped up like they would cover everything. Those books have fallen out of favor now a days and are hardly ever recommended and when they are people are quick to jump in to talk about their controversies as a reason why nobody should read them for them anything. So a new book had come along to become the new holy bible of polyamory. That book was Polysecure by Jessica Fern. How do I feel about Polysecure? I think it is a good book that is over-rated and over-recommended. Unlike the previous bibles, I do not see Polysecure as a polyamory 101 book. It does not get into the very basics of polyamory at all. It is much more of a polyamory 102 book, a book to read once you are ready dig deeper and study the more advanced topics. I think it is great we have 102 books! I am glad that every polyamory book out there is not just an introduction to polyamory. I often mention that "Love's Not Colorblind" by Kevin Patterson is a fantastic polyamory 102 book! Polysecure feels more focused on attachment theory than polyamory honestly to me. It is really interesting stuff to read but I never really felt like it applied much to my relationship, I rarely felt insecure in my relationships. I had other problems that needed working on in different ways.
So all that to say that Jessica Fern had a second book come out. And despite having some issues with the community worshipping the first book, I was ready to give the author another chance. It sounded like this book was going to be more of what the community makes Polysecure out to be. And yeah, I am happy to say it is accurate. Now I still don't think this is quite a polyamory 101 book. If you want an introduction to polyamory that covers all the basics there are other books I would recommend like "The Smart Girl's Guide To Polyamory" by Dedecker Winston or "Ready For Polyamory" by Laura Boyle. But Polywise is more of a 101 book than Polysecure is. Maybe Polysecure is really a 103 book with Polywise being 102.
Whhat do I have to say about the contents of Polywise? Honestly not much despite everything I prefaced it with. The book is good and i liked quite a bit! But like the last book, it is meaty intellectual topics that make your brain think. Which makes it a bit hard to summarize and untangle in a simple review without going page by page. I do like how much focus is put on how many little tiny things change when going from monogamy to non-monogamy that you wouldn't think of or plan for. Also the whole book has an angle of not just monogamy to non-monogamy but also one form of non-monogamy to a different form of non-monogamy. It is very thought-provoking. From my favorite chapter was on codependency & differentiation. It was amazing to have words for these phenomenons I had personally observed serveral times but didn't know what to call it. I feel like that chapter in particular will be really useful to a lot of people. Finally there was a lot of unpacking old habits that were once useful but are now harmful. It really shines a spotlight on the shift to non-monogamy being a really big change that I don't think a lot of newbies often understand.
I highly recommend Polywise: A Deeper Dive Into Navigating Open Relationships by Jessica Fern & David Cooley. I think it is a better book than Polysecure. My caveat is I don't know if it should be the very first book you read about Polyamory.
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It Seemed Like You Needed A Hug
Fandom: Harry Potter (Marauders Era)
Characters: James Potter, Regulus Black
Pairings: James/Regulus, James/Regulus/Reader
Summary: One of your abusive ex’s friends talked to you before going back to them. It triggers some bad emotions, and instead of going to get food or going to your classes, you end up hiding and inside your own head until James Potter and Regulus Black find you and comfort you.
Reader is gender neutral, no pronouns are used.
Notes: This account is anti-JKR and is a safe space for all.
Something similar happened to me and I decided to write this as sort of a comfort fic.
I would also like to note that it was my first time writing the beginning of a polyamorous relationship.
I do not give permission to anyone to repost or translate any of my stories. I also do not give anyone permission to feed my stories through AI or to be posted to any third party website or app. If anyone sees any of my work posted anywhere but here or my AO3 (simplyreflected), then it has been posted without permission.
Read on AO3 here.
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You woke up feeling happy. Most of the time, the events of the day kept you happy and sometimes feeling excited, but as the day went on, something changed. Out of the blue, one of the friends you had during your past abusive and manipulative relationship, came up to you, and called out your name, “What’s up?”
“Not much,” you sounded confused as you answered. Just as you were about to ask them how they were, they walked off with no warning to your ex, leaving you feeling confused, insecure and like you did when you left the abusive relationship and because of that, you lost a lot of the people you called your ‘friends’.
Instead of going to get breakfast, you opted to just skip that, and try to go to your classes. However, you got lost in your thoughts, and ended up missing all of your classes and lunch, because you hid and ended up reliving those bad memories, which caused you to question yourself.
You hadn’t been paying attention to the time, dinner was now being served in the Great Hall, but you didn’t realise and even if you did, you wouldn’t have cared.
You didn’t hear anyone approaching, nor were you paying attention, but when you felt someone wrap their arms around you, you looked up to see James Potter hugging you.
“It seemed like you needed a hug,” he told you quietly. You turned and hugged him back.
A voice that wasn’t James spoke, “are you going to tell us what’s going on, darling?”
You looked up and in front of you was Regulus Black. You held out your hand for him to take and he did, squeezing it lightly.
“I saw someone earlier,” you slowly opened up to them, not realising how much you needed someone to listen. You looked out the nearby widow as you spoke. “They spoke to me. It was someone who I knew through my ex. They acted friendly to me, before running off to my ex, right in front of me.” You paused, taking a deep breath, as they sat quietly listening to you. “It brought back all these bad feelings and memories. They made me remember all my insecurities that my ex made me feel.” You looked back up at Regulus and then up at James. “I hate the way they make me feel.”
James squeezed you tighter, making sure you could feel how much he cared about you and kissed the top of your head, and Regulus was about to join him hugging you, when your stomach grumbled.
James pulled back and looked at you, as Regulus asked you, “when was the last time you ate?”
You looked down again, and told them quietly, “probably dinner last night. I don’t even know what time it is now.”
James stood up, held his hand out to you as he told both of you, “we’re going to the kitchens and we’ll have dinner together, just the three of us, yeah?”
You took his hand and he helped you up as Regulus took his other hand and you linked arms with James. The three of you walked to the kitchens, as Regulus reminded you how brilliant you are and how proud he is to know you. You smiled at him slightly.
“You want the truth? You are so much better than them. You treat everyone with such kindness and support,” James told you as he stopped to look at you. “You make me want to be a better person.”
“You make me smile when I’m down,” Regulus told you. You were blushing from all the compliments. “I wish I could make you feel as amazing as you make me feel in those moments.” Regulus moved closer to you as James opened the door to the kitchens. You thought about what they told you, the boys being near you making you feel better and the compliments and how amazing friends they are.
You followed James in as Regulus walked behind you. James spoke to the house-elves as Regulus guided you to one of the tables and the two of you sat down, waiting for James to join you.
“I wish you could see what we do. You’re beautiful, smart, funny,” Regulus told you as James sat down on your other side.
“Yes, you really are. You deserve a love that is so much better than what they gave you. You deserve someone who’ll worship you, treat you like the amazing person you are, and will remind you of that at every moment they can,” James told you as the house elves delivered the food for all three of you and it was placed on the table.
“Thank you,” you responded quietly with tears in your eyes. “Both of you always know how to make me feel better.” You wiped your eyes with a tissue before they took your hands, James kissed your palm and Regulus kissed your knuckles, making you giggle. They let go so all of you could get food.
“We love making sure you know your worth,” Regulus told you before he started eating. “You deserve to be shown and told how special you are.”
“I wish I could find someone like either of you or a mix of both of you,” you said, as you looked at your food, missing the way the two guys looked at each other. “You-”
James cut you off, “why not date us? We love you and would treat you like royalty.”
You stopped what you were doing, “what? What are you talking about? You’re both dating each other.”
“Yes, but sweetheart, we both love you and want you to join our relationship,” Regulus told you as his eyes darkened. He got up and knelt by his boyfriend's side as you turned to face both of them. He took James’ hand and both of them held their hands out for you. “We’ve been talking about finding a third, and the name that kept coming up, darling, was yours.”
You started tearing up as you took their hands. “You-you both want me?”
James smirked as he asked, “Does this answer your question?” He let go of your hand, cupped your jaw and kissed you so passionately that you couldn’t deny his feelings. During the kiss Regulus had let go of your hand and moved to sit behind you.
“Yes,” you whispered as you slowly opened your eyes to see him looking at you with that exquisite smile that made you swoon. You could see how much he loved you in his eyes.
Regulus took your hand from behind you, which made you turn to face him. He held your jaw with both hands as he leaned in and kissed you with just as much passion that it made you melt. He pulled back, moving one of his hands from your cheek to take James’ hand as he moved firmly to your other side. “Will you have us? Will you become our partner?”
“How could I say no?” You paused, looking between them before adding. “Yes. I’d love to.”
They both kissed your cheeks, before James said, “eat up, love,” which made you turn to your food with a blush on your cheeks, wondering how you were so lucky that you ended up in a relationship with two guys who loved you and always made you feel more special than you thought you were and treated you better than you thought you deserved at times.
Every now and again, you looked up at one of them and they smiled at you. After you all finished eating, you told them exactly what you were thinking, “Both of you always knew how to make me feel special. I’ve loved both of you for so long and I never thought I’d have either or both of you. I’m happy. So deliriously happy right now.”
“We wouldn’t have it any other way, darling,” Regulus whispered as the three of you walked up to Gryffindor House and up to the Head Boy’s dorm, where you lay down with your boyfriends (you couldn’t believe your luck) on either side of you cuddling you, making you feel safe and loved.
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 11 months
hello sex witch
this might be long and ramble a bit but i’ll try to keep it succinct. 
so i’ve always thought that the concept of polyamory and having multiple partners sounded nice in the abstract, i don’t really date a lot so it hasn’t come up but i figured it was sort of a thing that most people would be open to or like the idea of (like me). this was until today when i saw someone objecting to the notion of being in a throuple or polyamorous relationship. i didn’t know that was a thing people did. i just thought we all wanted to date lots of people if given the opportunity. the fact that the other people in the couple were a man and a woman didn’t deter me. i’m now considering the fact that i might not be quite as heterosexual as previously assumed. 
when i considered sexuality before it was always a clear cut “yeah girls because i know i like girls” and also maybe that sex with dick seemed sort of weird, but upon further consideration it might just be that i think all sex is sort of weird. 
and now i’m not sure what to do about this, i don’t think that experimenting with people is right because i would feel so shit about it because they’re people and also the fact that i have some strong anxiety about sex in general. someone seeing my naked body makes me feel a little sick. and also i’ve never had sex so don’t really know how sexual attraction is supposed to feel or what i would do with myself if the occasion (sex) was to arise. i feel sort of similar / the same when thinking about sex with both men and women. 
i’m unsure if it’s all a desire for close male friendship or if i might be a little gay. 
tldr i might be polyamorous and attracted to men after a good 19 years of staunchly Not Thinking About It. would appreciate advice or help. 
i guess this isn’t as much a question as more of a asking for advice. this might not even be in your wheelhouse considering the sort of tangential connection to sex. sorry if not
hey anon,
boy, this one is a real buffet. it's legitimately very hard to decide where to start with this, but I'm going to do my best.
let's get this one out of the way first and foremost: if you're into guys that's totally fine. love that for you. if sex with men is something you ever want to explore I would encourage thinking bigger than the stigma that's currently associated with "experimenting." it has a very dehumanizing connotation, but there's no reason that trying out a new kind of sex has to be a cold or impersonal experience! it's fine to approach someone, either via the apps or in real life (honestly! the latter is better!) and be up-front about what your interests and intent are. people have sex without intending to form long-term partnerships all the time; it's literally fine and a thing that many people enjoy doing. so, like, this is my endorsement for respectful, mutually-informed experimentation lmao.
but hey, listen: I don't think that having sex with men is actually, like, a pressing issue for you, based on everything else you've told me here. it doesn't sound like sex is really a huge part of your life, and honestly that's great! it doesn't seem like sex would be great for you right now! can I point to some reasons why?
i think all sex is sort of weird
i have some strong anxiety about sex in general
someone seeing my naked body makes me feel a little sick
[I] don’t really know how sexual attraction is supposed to feel or what i would do with myself if the occasion (sex) was to arise
all of these are, like, perfectly fine things to feel, and also they are pretty good indicators that it's probably for the best that you're not having sex right now. genuinely I do Not do this lightly, because I have a whole thing in my FAQ about not wanting to tell other people their orientations, but has the possibility occurred to you that you might not experience sexual attraction at all? you can like people of all kinds of genders but not want to have sex with them.
let's maybe just take sex off the table altogether while we explore this "maybe you're a little gay" thing, alright? because it seems like that's just going to stress you out a needless amount. what if instead of thinking about having sex with guys, you give some thought to dating guys, forming romantic connections, doing things together that aren't having sex. would you date a guy? I mean, hell, would you date a girl? would you date anyone? does that sound good to you? it's nice to actually interrogate these things; the worst thing that can happen is that you get to know yourself a little more clearly.
you can date and love people without ever having sex with them. does that sound fun for you?
this is the most important thing: you're not under, like, any obligation to figure this out immediately or even soon. take your time, you know? there's no correct timeline for this and self-discovery is perpetual.
also hey listen this one isn't, like, bad and I'm certainly not addressing it as a problem but PLEASE I have to know where you grew up that you didn't realize that most people are actually not polyamorous. are you perhaps the spawn of the greater Seattle area polycule?
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aro-culture-is · 1 year
More of a question, hope it’s okay to ask this type of stuff but as a polyamorous fluitic aroaceflux person, does it seem valid to also have times where you want to date many people because you desire the many connections beyond friendship but due to being aflux fluitic, disabled/nd, and busy with personal life, you may not be able to interact much/do many activities that most people have expectations of in relationships? I’ve always found that so draining and restricting on me having the expectations but i want a relationship with people without the high expectations or worrying about seeming disinterested in the relationships. I just want an easy go with the flow wavership. Does it seem wrong if I were to have many relationships with my limitations, or is it understandable?/gq /nfta
(gonna be real, no idea what nfta stands for as a tone tag - probably not any of the various niagra related or trade association related things we found lol)
generally speaking: it is always valid to want certain types of relationships, but I suspect the question you're asking is if this is practical.
there's some good and bad news, in my personal opinion: first, yeah, bad news, that sounds hard as fuck to manage and find partners who want it. the good news though? tbh someone who is already good enough in your books with responding to shit as an a-spec disabled person is much more likely than the average person to at least consider it, if not try.
i think the best thing to say here is this: relationships are always gonna involve some exchange of energy and preferences. i'm not here to tell you exactly how to go about that, but i would advise that if you wanna be in any sort of polyamorous relationships, especially in a wavership, you're gonna want to brush up on communication skills, boundary setting, and conflict resolution. You're gonna need the ability to recognize that sometimes your partner(s) will want something like your time and attention when you really don't have the desire. You'll need to be able to respond effectively to that - in the moment, can you step back mentally, assess the situation, and say to yourself, "I think in this situation, even though it is uncomfortable, this is necessary.", or "I feel like I can't do this right now, but we've discussed alternate options like reminding them of a resource."
It can be hard to find the line between disability and comfort zones, personally. I won't try to advise you on that type of matter - only that you'll want to ensure that you practice awareness of discomfort that is bad for you and discomfort as your brain setting off unneeded alarms at something new, something that once was associated with bad things, or all sorts of "fun" little things. This is incredibly important when in relationships with unique formats or expectations, since you'll often be exploring territory without a map; learn how to navigate discomfort as a sign rather than a roadblock.
I hope any of this helps? it's mostly just... my thoughts spat out onto a page. Generally speaking, I anticipate that you know most of this, but it might be helpful to see another person's take on it. I wish you luck, kindness, and spoons.
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kinghijinx22 · 1 year
Top 5 Canonical Pansexual Characters
So I recently made a post about why one of my all time favourite characters Mae Borowski from Night in the Woods is amazing pansexual representation and how the way her feelings are portrayed felt very accurate to my own. In that post I also said that there isn't enough pan rep, which is true and to prove my point I made a list of the only 5 undeniably canon pansexual characters I know of also 2 of them are from Steven Universe which is almost cheating to pull examples from. This is my ranking of all 5 of those characters based on how good they are as rep because I thought this would be a fun list to make and it's still Pride Month so yeah.
5. Willow Park (the Owl House)
So the Owl House is my favourite thing out of all the things mentioned on this list and Willow is my second favourite character here overall, but the way her being pan is handled is non existent in the show. There is nothing that even hints at it and Dana Terrace only announcing after the show seems disingenuous. I'm not too mad because the show already has plenty of queer rep that is fleshed out and sincere, but in the case of Willow it feels like Dana trying to retroactively cover all her basis. Besides this Willow is still a great character though, very likable, plant magic is cool and she has a great arc of finding her confidence and following her passion for sports.
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4. Rose Quartz (Steven Universe)
An incredibly complex character that people with no media literacy love to hate. The idea that you witness her redemption character arc in reverse and how you only have word of mouth and flashbacks to go off of because she's actually dead throughout the whole show is kind of genius. As pan rep though, her orientation is left pretty vague. Like we know that she loved Greg and that Pearl loved her but whether Rose reciprocated Pearl's feelings is never answered. It's implied that she might have been polyamorous with a bunch of people and that it included Pearl but then Rose decided that she want a monogamous relationship with Greg and that's why Pearly became jealous of him. But again this is never explored beyond very vague hints.
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3. Sadie Miller (Steven Universe)
Most likeable human character from Steven Universe and easily one of the best side characters. I like her arc of really finding herself throughout the show like when she quits her excruciating job at the Big Doughnut and discovers her passion for singing. She also discovers who she likes throughout the show when she is shown crushing on guys, gals and nonbinary pals throughout the show, eventually settling down with her enby partner Shep. While Shep is only in one episode near the end of the show they are pretty cool and they are really cute with Sadie as a couple.
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2. Finn McNamara (Life is Strange 2)
This one is kind of weird to me because while I do like Finn overall and can sympathise with his backstory, the fact that they lock his romance with Sean behind making some morally bad decisions does have some pretty messed up implications behind it. Because there are 2 romance options in Life is Strange 2 between a girl named Cassidy and a guy name Finn and they make the Cassidy romance the one that's easier to get because it just shows up when you choose not to rob the weed farm guys, meanwhile you have to choose to go with Finn to use Daniel's powers to help them with the heist. Now the weed farm guys are assholes and you do need the money and Finn does have some good motivations, but he's also thinking selfishly and putting Sean's brother Daniel in danger and teaching him to use his telekinesis powers to get what he wants. By locking the same sex romance option behind the morally bad decision you are tying queerness to inherent deviance which sucks. Having said that, Finn does have a sympathetic backstory of being homeless after being used and betrayed by his father in his own drug business and I do believe he does want to make life better for his friends. Also the way that him being pansexual specifically is explained in the game is a very accurate portrayal. When Sean asks him who he likes Finn replies with "I don't see gender, I see people", which shows that Finn is genderblind when it comes to his orientation which has always been a pretty good way of explaining what being pan is like. I appreciate Finn for being overt Pansexual rep, the only dude pansexual rep as well and he is a likeable character overall even if his romance path carries some problematic implications when you compare it to the same sex option with Cassidy.
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1. Mae Borowski (Night in the Woods)
One of the best protagonists from one of my favourite games. I love how nonconforming Mae is in every sense of the word. She's openly queer and refuses to conform to societies gender expectations. She's a cool cat person who plays bass in a band with her friends. Always speaks her mind, does what she wants and is unapologetically herself. Also an incredibly nice person at heart even if her bluntness and inability to read the room sometimes leads to some not great situations. A heavily flawed but still amazing character. She also happens to be pan which is very accurately portrayed throughout the story which I wrote a post about. To summarize, she explicitly states in one scene that she doesn't care about the gender of a person but she just wants to date someone that is tough and cool and "GRRR." There's a bunch of other stuff that she says throughout the game but it's also revealed that she has an ex who is a guy named Cole and she develops intimate feelings for a girl she meets at a party known as "Bombshell." Mae is an amazing character who I deeply relate to on a lot of levels and also admire for her ability to be herself and not care what other people think.
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Picture sources
Mae Borowski - yorunowaltz on Tumblr
Finn McNamara - all ya faves are gay, matey on Tumblr
Sadie Miller - editsteven on Tumblr
Rose Quartz - Your Fave Loves And Supports LGBT+ People on Tumblr
Willow Park - (1) Daily LGBTQ+ Characters on Tumblr
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spidey-bie · 10 months
Ansi & Hobie
–Part 2
Here we go again. Y'all are so irritating.
(Actually loves them both with her whole heart)
I'm not going to @ them again but these questions are by @/the-cat-and-the-birdie
How did they meet Hobie? What was their first meeting like?
A long time ago when Ansi was a wee lass her father accidentally opened a portal to a neighboring dimension and low and behold a young boy. It wasn't the greatest first meeting (lots of tears from both sides). But over time it got better. They were together for 2 years before Hobie went back to his world.
Did they like each other right away?
Nope. Ansi thought Hobie was weird. Hobie thought Ansi was stuck up. (Little did they know they were both autistic.)
What was their first impression of each other?
Refer back to the previous question.
Why am I answering this section when I've already established that they're not in a romantic relationship. For fun 🤭. I'm gonna answer the sex one too. Let's irritate some allos today.
Are they 'together', committed, in a relationship, etc? Or label-less?
They're in a committed QPR.
Do they say I love you? (Or something else)
I don't know actually. I know they say they adore one another but it's not....like if asked they'll say they respect or admire the other but idk if they ever claim to love one another in public or in private.
Do they kiss? In public or private?
Yes. Everywhere but the lips. Honestly it's almost entirely on the hands. The hands thing started out with Ansi ironically kissing Hobie's hand. (It's not ironic anymore.) Lips are too much of a romantic thing for both of them.
Are they more likely to steal kisses, or make-out?
Neither. It's funny though because Ansi will run up and scale Hobie to give him a forehead kiss whenever he so desires.
What are their love languages?
Ansi's is quality time and physical touch.
Hobie's is physical touch and acts of service.
Emotional vulnerability should be a love language too but oh well.
Are they monogamous or polyamorous?
Ansi you ha- *giggle* I'm sorry but do y- *pffft* just answer the question Ansi. I can't.
Its not even that funny but, whatever. I barely have mental stability to manage one relationship in my life. You think I could handle more? IDC what Hobie does tho.
If they're poly - Do they have other partners
Thinking about marriage, or no?
Ansi laughed.
Kids, or no?
Ladies and gentlemen, enbys and everything outside and in between, Ansi is on the floor. She is not breathing. He's cracking up so badly that the air has left his lungs. And oh look, what do we have here? In a crazy turn of events seems Hobie has joined her. It looks like they're engaging in what the kids call, "Rolling on the floor laughing their butts off." Wow. What a show folks. They're definitely both gonna feel that later tonight.
Do other people know about their situation?
Close friends only. Everyone else can ask questions but they aren't gonna get answers.
Favorite date spot?
They don't call them dates. But they do chill out on Hobie's boat or Ansi's Aunt's house most of the time. If they're going out they're most likely going to the library or a record shop.
Who liked who first?
Hobie. Definitely Hobie. Ansi was like oh yeah he's cool but feelings didn't grow until they reunited again.
Who made the first move?
Ansi. Immediately realized their feelings and went, hey I kinda wanna have a deeper emotional relationship with you because you're really cool and I adore you.
Hobie could only nod because he was in shock.
Do they consider each other soulmates?
And further support amatonormativity and the idea that everyone must be connected to someone in some way in order to gain true happiness? I think not and also,
*Queue Ansi giving a whole spiel on amatonormativity and how it negatively affects society*
Your OC and Hobie are obviously on a date somewhere - someone begins aggressively flirting with him, and being rude to your OC - what do they do?
Ah yes let's piss off the pyromaniac. Jokes aside he'd be upset over the unplanned interruption. He'll just pick Hobie up and move the both of them somewhere else. However if that "unplanned interruption" tries to follow them that's when she starts to get really irritated. Now he's gonna act absolute fool.
A: "Bart the baby. I THINK THE BABY'S COMING."
Cue lamaze breathing
Unplanned Interruption: It seems like you're busy so imma just go.
After the person walks away he'll either claim it was a false labor or they book it outta there.
She's done this, a fake engagement, pretended to faint, pretended to almost throw up, etc. Once she did a whole scene from her favorite telenovela where he accused the guy flirting with Hobie of being his long lost cousin. (They were in Ansi's world.) He's a con artist. He does stuff like this everyday.
(A/N: This is so much fun to do. I come up with lore while writing these answers it's really nice.)
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ovaryacted · 1 month
nic !!!! hope the night is treating u well :^) could I get uhhhh 🫐, 🍋, and 🍇 smoothie by chance? :o
writer ask game
Hey Lune!! I’m doing alright, fighting a fucking cold and it’s making my chest hurt. I hope you’re doing good too!! 🫶
🫐 What’s your favorite underrated thing in your fandom? (A ship that only you seem to write for, a character there’s almost no fics about, a trope that criminally hasn’t been written yet, etc.)
Okay so it is actually criminal how little people write for Chris Redfield. Like I get people love Leon sure, who doesn’t, but even as a Leon girl at heart I can say he’s overrated sometimes. I adore Chris in a certain way that is solely reserved for him and I wish more people did write for him or expanded on him. Like, he was the og before Leon ever was, put some respect on his name!
Also all of the re girls, they’re always pushed aside and it’s a shame when there’s so much potential. Personally I blame Capcom, it will always be Capcom’s fault I don’t care. Jill tho…yeah…that’s mommy. Sorry not sorry. So shoutout to anyone that does write for any other character that isn’t Leon, I appreciate you and the crumbs you provide. 🫶
🍋 What’s your favorite spicier trope to write?
Anything revolving age gaps and the taboo of relationships like abuse of authority. School coaches or professors have always been a trope I liked, they’re fun to write or talk about. I’ve also always been a fan of the whole “dad’s best friend” trope like duh, it’s a guilty pleasure of mine. Especially when they’ve been involved with the female character or know of them for some time but not enough for it to be too much in terms of pushing the limits.
But recently I’m really getting into the whole “mom’s bf” dynamic where the male character is engaging with the mother & the daughter in secret but it’s a mutual type of thing. I don’t know what’s going on with me but my interests have been changing and it’s being replicated in my writing so yay for taboos! Hopefully I get enough balls to write these ideas out but when I do, be prepared. 🤭
Also, threesomes are my favorite dynamics too, especially polyamorous exchanges but sometimes they’re a pain in the ass to write.
🍇 Is there a particular scene/episode/book/etc that you want to just write a million fics about, over and over? Which one?
Hmm, I don’t know if I really have specific scenes cause nothing is coming to mind right now. I will say I love anything involving public sex scenes they are my favorite things to write, or just scenarios where there’s a lot of tension and the characters just can’t keep their hands off of each other like in an office workspace or elevators. Yeah, my favorite things ever.
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nrc-broadcasting · 1 year
i dont know if you're answering asks right now, but yeah haha, happy holidays and merry christmas if you celebrate it!
note: sorry for the horrendously long ask
Good day, Prefect, I've been thinking of sending a message for a while now, and I've finally gathered up the courage to do so. I'm a second-year student from Heartslabyul, and I'd like some help with some things. You see, there are these two cat twins from Pomefiore; they're first-years, and they're known to stir up mischief and cause havoc everywhere they go, and most people aren't exactly fond of them because of that. The thing is, I'm in a polyamorous relationship with the mentioned twins, and when word of that started to spread, people started to discourage me from continuing my relationship with them, telling me that I shouldn't associate myself with such delinquents. But the thing is, despite being mischievous and chaotic, they're actually quite sweet and know when to stop with their antics; they're also very caring at times too. But most people aren't aware of this side of them since they only ever show it to me. Now, Prefect, if it doesn't bother you too much, may I ask, how do I convince people that they aren't all bad? And what should I do if they continue to tell me to end our relationship solely due to their reputation? I thank you in advance.
~ Harlan
Been Under Scrutiny
Ah yes, I thought this would be perfect for February, so here we are. Is Harlan talking about the Pomefiore Siameses by any chance? I vaguely remember seeing a post about those OCs but I can’t seem to find it again so sorry if this took a while.
Here they are again, sitting on a comfortable leather chair(courtesy of Professor Crewel), a mic placed onto the studio’s mahogany table. A platter of snacks placed to their far right, beside a stack of canned tuna and a sleeping Grim.
Their school issued laptop with a tab already open to read messages from listeners and their simple phone case facing side up.
Stretching their arms and cracking their back to get their blood flowing, they finally turn on the mic with a muffled yawn.
“Once again,” Yuu fixes their tie even if they can’t be seen.
“Good morning Twisted Wonderland! We’re finally back after… sh-t I can’t remember—” They turn away and whisper in realization.
“—a long time!” They turn back, a strange look on their face.
“Today’s ask is… quite lengthy. But so are most of them these days.” They playfully roll their eyes.
“Hmm.” Tentative eyes skim the message, soaking up the information like a sponge.
“Pomefiore cat twins…” They give a thoughtful hum.
They strum the mahogany table with their nails for a few moments, racking their brain for memories of said twins.
“Cat twins in Pomefiore… might you mean Akanda and Akenya Siam?” They trace their bottom lip with their index finger in contemplation.
An…unfortunate encounter with another set of twins’ prank crosses their mind.
“Ah. Probably not.” They grimaced at the memory.
“Perhaps…Siddell and Amani? Sorry, I don’t know their last names.” Yuu smiled sheepishly.
“Yes, they might be who you’re referring to. I might not have the best first impression of them, but it’s good to see them treat you as you deserve.”
“Anyways, back to the topic at hand,” Yuu pulls their school issued laptop closer to them.
“Let me provide a little summary of your situation,” Their eyes travel back to the message.
“You, Harlan, are in a polymerous relationship with the Pomefiore cat twins. They are known delinquents, which makes people around you to discourage your relationship, and this led to the twins attempting to shield you from that scrutiny by asking you to leave them,” They twist the ring around their finger, eyes still on the message.
“Huh, they seem a fair amount protective.” They remark.
“So from what I’ve gathered, the main question here is how do you defend both your relationship and partner— sorry, partners, from people who want 1950’s sh-t from you.” They softly click their tongue.
“I understand the need to defend you from others, but why do they seem so willingly to give your relationship up? As delinquents, one would expect them to not give a damn about what other people think and fight for what they think is right.”
“So where did that come from?” They ask.
“Yes, it might be to protect you, but at the cost of your relationship?” Yuu raised an eyebrow.
“That hardly seems like a fair trade.” They narrow their eyes.
“I think you should deal with your partners’ pleads first. As for what to say when you do,” They breathe, sincerely hoping this doesn’t sound wrong or out-of-pocket.
“Just say no. You know they’re asking you because they feel bad and think they don’t deserve you, so tell them it’s just self sabotage and encourage them to fight for your relationship than giving up on it.”
“Taking the easy way out is never good, so fight for it, even if it makes your knuckles bruise like violets.” They shrug.
“Then, defending and/or proving your relationship to other people will be easier as you now have them help you to maintain the relationship rather than giving in to other people’s opinions and pushing your break-up.”
“As for proving the relationship, the only thing I can really suggest as someone who’s been single since birth:,) is crank up the PDA and encourage them to show their sweet side. Since you’re already together, I don’t see any reason for embarrassment.”
“If they make you feel comfortable, if they make you feel loved, if you want to stay with them, then stay! You’ll be damned if you give a damn what people.” They say.
“If you long for those melancholic moments, staring the at ceiling with them when they never say too much. When they don’t have to read into your melancholia…”
“Then stay in their lavender haze.”
Our fairytale has come to an end.
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synonymroll648 · 10 months
anyway. aro aunt story?
so!! i have this aunt that is, in my heart, my crazy aunt. specifically, my crazy fish aunt. she literally moved out of the house she'd been renting for 15 years because the owners were like mmmmmmm more than 7 big ass fish tanks is too much for us to be ok w/. and she went 'oh yeah? you wanna piss off probably your only consistent renter you've ever and will ever had? let's fucking GO, bitch' and moved out into a house that was honestly a downgrade in quality BUT because she bought it she gets to put as many fish tanks as she wants in there. when she was planning out where furniture would go, literally the first thing she figured out was where to put current and future tanks. as far as i know of, she has 9 big tanks and then 5 small tanks inside a few of the big tanks (containing baby fish). also they're all freshwater fish
ANYWAY. the fish part is actually irrelevant to the story. (i just like telling people about my aunt and fish.) what the story is actually about is her friendship with one of her many friends named- we'll go with jake - jake, but this jake is like. THE jake. the ultimate jake. and they've been besties literally since before i was born. and i remember being like 8 years old and i was like hey fish aunt. why aren't you and jake dating. you act all coupley but you say you're just friends. and fish aunt was like. we've been friends for thirteen years - if him and i were made to be romantic, i would've liked him like that by now. but i haven't. and so i went. ok then. fish aunt and jake are just best friend goals. sick! and moved on.
earlier this summer, my grandpa calls my mom while we're driving down to the river. it's just me and her in the car. and he's like. fish aunt just told me that she got a new boyfriend, and that this time, i'll actually approve of the guy. because i know the guy. and it's the ultimate jake. and so my mom and i are like :O because at this point it'd been literally almost 20 years of Very Platonic Besties. my mom was like 'it's about damn time!' because she's been nagging fish aunt to date this guy for literally forever since he's like. Quality Boyfriend Material. and so they dated for a while, and things didn't seem that different to me? but i figured that was just because they were toning it down since there were kids around and we were at an amusement park when i saw them together while they were dating.
now. i was at dinner w/ my grandpa tonight. and he made some offhand comment about joking around about some guy fish aunt went fishing w/ being a new flame, and my brain kinda stopped and went. wait a minute. either my aunt is polyamorous or she dropped jake, and i absolutely cannot see conservative grandpa being chill w/ polyamory. did they. did they break up?? and mom brought up what i was thinking and grandpa went. oh yeah they broke up a bit ago. fish aunt said they tried things out, but nothing changed when they started dating, so they broke up. they're still really good friends though. and then he moved on
idk if she's actually aro-spec or not, but either way, her relationship w/ romance is weird and she's been owning the single-and-satisfied lifestyle for years now. hearing about her go from "ohhhhh no we're just friends who don't care about male-female friendship 'standards'" to "ohhhhh we're giving it a shot, because if anyone's the guy, it's jake" to "ohhhhh yeah we tried but nothing changed from before, and we broke up but we're still close" as a lovequeer aro is like. miss, i only see you a handful of times per year but you are such an inspiration sometimes
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its-tea-time-darling · 9 months
teresa/brenda/thomas for the ship ask!!
hi! ask game for:
Send me a ship and I'll give you my (brutally) honest opinion on it
so, truth be told, i admit i've been putting off answering this for.. A While. the main reason being that i have a Difficult capital D relationship with book!brenda. severely dislike her, got a major problem with her behavior, think she's a very poorly written character, especially combined with teresa's storyline. i could go into more detail but i won't, unless someone explicitly wants to hear about it.
that being said, in bookverse i think a brenderemas angle and viewpoint on the whole story and the dynamic between the characters could only improve the whole mess. especially considering brenda was basically the og thomesa shipper in fever code - namely:
(rest put under a read more break bc it got Long lmaoo)
brenda brings up thomas doesn't seem to have been very nice to teresa lately. that teresa obviously cares about him, and basically she probes for whether there aren't any feelings between them. when thomas says "She means the world to me, and nothing will ever change that. but it's kinda hard to be romantic when you have a dying world outside your home and your friends are stuck inside an experiment.", this part follows:
Brenda seemed disappointed. "Yeah, but come on. People love, Thomas. Best of times, worst of times. People love. You should make sure she knows how you feel. That's all I'm saying."
(that's page 303 of fever code in my copy)
so if we take that to assume she thinks there's some sort of romantic feelings between thomas and teresa, and she wants for them to be happy, then the events of the main trilogy could be explained as follows: brenda liked thomas during the fever code era already when she first got to know him. catch being: she also started to like teresa during that the time.
so she's kind of put in a position where she gets to interact with thomas more once the scorch trials start--but her whole jealousy angle is not just a jealousy for the closeness she knows thomas and teresa shared, but also goes in both direction: she's not only jealous thomas likes teresa, she's also jealous that teresa likes thomas. (.. and not her)
insert a whole lot of internalized homophobia (thanks to trashner and his non-depiction of anything canonically queer we don't know how the sentiments regarding queerness are in the universe of course, but lets just go with a similar vibe to ours in this case), not understanding her feelings for teresa, the suppressed feelings turning to animosity and maybe that would shape up to a better image than what canon reading presents at first? that's really the best i can do for bookverse hah.
all of this being said, as you know your fic space for the traveling stars (linked so interested followers can access it easily, rated T) did somewhat change my perception of brenda, and gave me a point of empathy for why she could be the way she is, especially in the books.
then in the movies i think the whole thing is much easier. brenda's a (in my opinion) much more coherent and palpable character, with a genuine dynamic of care and closeness with thomas. the way for the 3 of them there would probably be that they'd blossom into an polyamorous relationship in safe haven. actually that could be a fun scenario to explore!
with thomas having a lot of confusing and conflicting feelings regarding the both of them, until there's some sort of realization that he can love two people at the same time. i'd think him and teresa would be a thing first, after the kiss and the forgiveness and all. but it'd probably be hard with how all the others think about her, so she might not have too much contact with the others. and thomas and brenda could grow closer on their own.
i always find the 2 outer points of the "V" in an ot3 connecting one of the most thrilling parts of it - makes me think of lots of possibilities where teresa and brenda could grow closer in safe haven. specifically brenda would have to need to wrap her head around a whole lot before she could come to understand and like teresa ("same dick who betrayed us?" anyone lol).
that was a nice thought experiment, yay!
finally, AUs are an entirely different thing: there i love the 3 of them together! i think their characters can have wonderful dynamics (though there, too, i i find the trenda part of the triad the most difficult to get into. thomesa and brenderesa just come much more naturally to me (which is probably also why it was easiest to write your tmrss the way i did, with us only getting to see trenda once it was already established and working).
which, speaking of! i of course can't answer this ask without linking said tmrss gift for you from last year (i was so glad you liked it!) for the curious follower: snow on the beach (9.3k, rated T) <3
now im curious for your thoughts!
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indigoipsum · 1 year
@docmartensanddietcoke @pop-roxs
Grelle Headcanons Time (finally)
Grelle seems like she would be polyamorous, but she really does want a steady relationship. She just craves attention and flirts with everyone to try to see if anyone will take an interest in her. Sadly, she’s treated as a joke, so deep down she’s insecure about others’ perceptions of her. She keeps falling for people who really aren’t interested. She primarily flirts with men, but likes ladies too! She’s in a weird spot where it’s easier as a feminine person to be into men than to pursue women, and then theres the problem of being seen as the “man” in the relationship.
Idk if this was official art but I keep thinking about Grelle and Angelina dancing together with Grelle wearing a gown and Angelina wearing a suit. The pair attended a few masquerade balls with Angelina pretending to be the “man” to help Grelle feel more comfortable. In all other contexts, Grelle had to pretend to be her servant, so as masquerade balls were the only way they could semi-publicly be a couple.
Angelina was the first and only human that Grelle has fallen for. Sometimes she visits Undertaker just to reminisce and talks about her. Undertaker always brings up new things that Grelle didn’t know about Angelina.
I think Grelle wants to settle down and get married, despite her wild nature. She also wants children in theory, but I think her main frustration is not having the option. She probably doesn’t believe that she’d be a good mom (which…. Hmmm yeah)
Grelle is only still working for the Dispatch because William genuinely cares about her and sees that she’s good at her job, she just lets the intrusive thoughts win. They’ve also been working together for so long that he fears what would happen if she’s terminated.
She doesn’t have any attraction to Ronald, but just sees him as a little brother. They grab drinks together and gossip. They have friend dates, but sometimes Othello sees them together and teases William about it (Grelle and William aren’t even dating but they’re in a weird will-they-won’t-they thing and Will gets super jealous).
She started liking cats after seeing Sebastian’s love for them. She never paid much attention to them, but ended up letting a stray into her apartment and now it’s her little baby.
She really likes spicy food! Agni always has to make his dishes milder for Ciel and most of his friends, so he’s always relieved that Grelle likes his recipes as they are.
She sleeps in corsets, trying to make her waist smaller. She thinks it’s working, but no one has commented on her figure and it makes her mad.
She actually has freckles! She hates them and covers them up with makeup.
As a human growing up in the 18th century, Grelle was working class and lived on a farm. She had little brothers and was the oldest, having to grow up pretty fast and become a mom to them as her mother died after her baby brother was born and her father wasn’t the nicest person. I’m sure he wasn’t happy with how feminine she was. She tried to move to the city to see if she could become a performer, but money was scarce and she truly had nowhere to go. Feeling trapped, she ended her life.
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magical-glimpse · 11 months
Hi ! I was wondering how can readers channel the fs energy ? I mean everyone have free will and to be the fs of someone both oh them should have consent, right ? Like… i can’t say i’m someone’s fs without them knowing and agreeing. Or maybe there’s like a « soul contract » by default for a person to be a spouse, but with free will it can anybody else ?
Hi ! There are multiple ways to do this.
You are right that sometimes, there is a soul contract which mentions the marriage experience. It is not default, and not even common in my experience. Usually, soul contracts are things your soul would be very happy to do, or agreed to do in your highest good, so if there is a soul contract written then i havent seen yet in my experience people who didnt want it to happen in the end. Of course it can still happen, cause free will. But yeah.
Now in the 5D, time is different, it is not as linear, multiple timelines coexist and can be observed at the same time, but they all depend on your choices in the 3D. Out of this, you can pick out either the energy of a specific person from one of timeline ( could be the modt likely timeline, or one that is present in many timelines etc), or a mix of the energies of all or many of the people invovled, or the characteristics which would be common to all of them etc.
Lets do examples :
I read for person A's FS. I find a strong and ongoing soul link which seem to have the vibe of marriage. I find person B. I write for B as A's FS.
I read for C. C is young but really wants to get married someday.I look into the timelines, but it is still very blurry because there are so many choices they could make. I see one specific person they could meet in college, and a bunch o others they would meet at other points, but overall meeting any one of them would require them to move out of their hometown. I write down a sort of raw drawing of who the person they could marry could be, being aware that its many energies mixed into one box called "FS", and i mention the moving out.
I read for D. D is currently in what they think is a hzppy longterm relationship and is thinking of proposing to E. E is not happy, but is also scared to break up that far into the relationship. D is about to meet F, which they will vibe really well with and has a great potential for a long term relationship with. The reading for D's FS could end up as a mix of E and F, or any of them, depending on if E is going towards the decision of breaking up or waiting it out.
You read for me. I dont actually care about getting married or not, but i would like long term, queerplatonic, maybe even polyamorous relationship. You may pick on a commited energy. Depending on the reader, they either pick out on my current partner, who has a very fighting spirit, with a very scorpionic energy. Or they pick on a person i havent met yet, who seem to be my twin or something, whose energy is a lot more light and tender.
I hope it made sense !
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