#I can't believe they actually were able to call local furniture store and they are going to donate a brand new recliner for my mom
hafwen · 5 months
My mom called the charity that was able to give me my hospital bed, wheelchair, and shower chair for free because when her neuropathy is really bad she wants to potty chat so she doesn't have to walk the 50 feet to the bathroom so she’s getting that.
But she also asked them on the off chance had someone donated recliner because the chair she relaxes to sit in was already not the most comfortable but now she's falling asleep sitting up and it's really painful. They didn't have one, she understood, and said thank you very much. She was excited about the free potty chair but they called her today and said they called a local furniture store and they're going to donate a new recliner for free to my mom and deliver it Thursday or Friday!!!
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