#I can't imagine you're allowed to eat in an ambulance but whatever
softquietsteadylove · 2 years
Hello :D love the thenamesh Doctor au so I would like to make a request. Hope it’s ok :)
Thena hasn’t heard from Gil the whole day and is kinda worried that something happened. She calls him but he doesn’t pick up so she calls Kingo and she can hear the stress in his voice and loud noises in the background. They are helping with a mass crash but 2 towns away and Gil is helping them without a break and because his strength is very useful. Pretty late around 9pm he comes to the ER to visit Thena and bringing her lunch and to apologize to her for not getting in touch with her trough the day, looking very exhausted and looking like he came out from a crash himself.
Some soft and very sweet moment between them? Thena taking care of him this time! With a little kiss? You decide if on his cheek or lips 👀
Gil plunks himself onto the bench seat in the back of the ambulance with a groan/sigh. It's been a hell of a day, and it's not even over yet.
They got the call to help out with a crash outside of town. Massive multi-car pileup on the highway between cities, had multiple casualties, even more injuries. It was chaos, and the ambulances from the town closer to the site already had their hands full, as well as their ER.
Kingo is briefing the nurses on their run, updating their equipment stock and everything. Gil asked for a minute just to catch his breath. He's been dragging people out of cars and pulling doors open and using the jaws of life all afternoon.
He sighs as he pulls out his phone, seeing multiple texts from Thena that have gone unread. At least Kingo managed to communicate to Ajak what had kept them away for so long. But he was sure that she had been worried when she didn't hear from him by lunch.
His eyes drift to the mini-cooler beside him. He packed lunch for him and Thena today. He had been looking forward to enjoying them together.
Gil looks up, and there she is: his Thena. She leans off the door to the ambulance and steps up into the bus with him. Obviously she can read how tired he is. He smiles, "hey."
"Good day, today," she comments lightly as she sits beside him. He's leaning against the wall, slouching, hands in his hoodie pockets and legs stretched out. "Everyone who came in to us made it."
Gil nods. That is a good day, and he shouldn't take that for granted, remembering the panic he and Kingo had arrived to a long thirteen hours ago.
"Kingo was telling us about it," Thena continues to speak in her soft, velvety voice, soothing the aches that are rippling through his whole body. "You pulled more than a dozen people completely by yourself. I'm surprised you could lift your arms enough to drive back."
"Kingo drove the last two runs for us."
Thena smiles, running her hand through his hair. It helps to unwind the tension collecting in his forehead. "Good--you need some rest."
Gil sits up, just to pick up their lunches. Before he unwraps the bentos he looks at her, "tell me you ate something."
"We were busy here too," Thena shrugs, but laughs faintly at Gil's pout. "I'm kidding. We were busy, but I managed to grab a sandwich from the cafeteria between waves."
"Fine," Gil sighs. It's not ideal, but he will have to accept it. He opens up her bento first, "I made your favourites."
Thena lets him set the bento on her lap as he unwraps his own. Her hand runs over his bicep, so tired it practically hurts just to bend his arm. "Have I ever told you that you're too good to me?"
"All the time," Gil answers easily as he stuffs half his katsu into his mouth in one big bite.
Thena rolls her eyes at him, holding back some hair as she much more carefully takes a bite of her katsu sando (he always tries to make her food as handheld as possible).
"I was worried."
She says it between bites, the quiet stretching between them. He digs into his rice, ice cold but at least with a healthy dose of curry sauce on it from sitting under his cutlet all day.
"I know," he sighs, and he knows that she knows he knows. Thena isn't really chatty, and that's no different when it's through text. By the third text gone unread - let alone unanswered - he can imagine she was confused at the very least. "I was worried about you here."
She shrugs and picks up a cherry tomato. "Sometimes you get swamped. I did feel bad for the other boys running around. They have a lot more trouble with the heavy lifting than you do."
Gil chuckles, although his rice is starting to build up in his oesophagus. He's barely put his chopsticks down before a bottle of water appears in his view. "Thanks."
Thena lets him have as much as he wants, watching as he chugs half the bottle. She frowns. "Gil, you were out there way too long, today."
"It's okay," he excuses, and he knows he sounds like a hypocrite given how often he's insisting Thena take more breaks and go home earlier. "They needed me, Thena."
She looks down at her lap, and it's because she doesn't have an argument to that. Her fingers tap the side of the box, "...still."
Gil collects all of his pickled radish in one bite and crunches it loudly. And just like that, his lunch is done. But that's the job; he wraps his box up again, watching Thena pick up the second half of her sandwich. He tucks her hair back for her as she takes a bite. "How much longer, do you think?"
Thena lets out a long sigh through her nose as she chews. "It depends, but I don't think we'll be done any time soon. Even the batch that came in first is just getting moved upstairs for more serious cases. No one is walking away from this one unscathed."
Gil sighs as well. He also isn't off for another few hours, and that's if they don't have to work a sickening amount of overtime.
Thena holds up the sandwich for him. He shakes his head but she pushes it closer until she's practically pressing it into his lips. "I know you're still hungry."
"So I'll go to the machine," Gil pushes her hand back to her. "I made it for you."
"And it's delicious," she quickly concedes. "That's why me sharing it with you is so generous."
Gil's chest loosens in an instant as he lets out a real laugh from his belly. Thena is actually quite funny, even if she doesn't think she is. It's one of his favourite things - of a long, long list - about her.
Thena smiles as he bends his head down, taking a perfectly reasonable sized bite. "You should get to enjoy your own hard work. Especially because I'll never be able to return the favour."
Gil chuckles again as she holds up a piece of broccoli this time. Every time, he packs something green in hopes Thena will eat it. And every time, she finds a way to avoid it, or pretends she was full, or does what she's doing now: pawns it off on him.
Thena lets him take the entire thing from her hand in one bite, like a dog accepting a treat. She just laughs. "Maybe it's a good thing Kingo went to find his own food. He gets so jealous when you make lunch for me."
Gil shrugs, utterly without remorse for not cooking for his driving partner, "Kingo's a big boy, he can make his own lunch."
"Ajak will just give him some of hers," Thena shakes her head. "She spoils him."
Gil picks up a slice of carrot he cut into a heart, offering her half, "that's why I have to spoil you."
Thena accepts the bite from his hand this time, taking it delicately between her teeth.
Gil gives her a sympathetic look as her pager beeps on her hip. She lets out a sound that he thinks would make him wake out of a dead sleep. "They need you."
"It seems," Thena laments, handing him the last bite of her precious sandwich and brushing her hands off on her scrub pants. She turns to him before tearing herself away for who knows how many more hours. "Take care of yourself. If I don't see you before you're off, just text me when you get home?"
"Yes, dear," he promises with a grin, holding onto her last bite.
Thena hesitates, floating around in the threshold of the ambulance. She turns back to him, leaning over the end of the bench.
Gil blinks as Thena leans over, leaving a quick but unforgivably soft kiss on his cheek. Her lips feel like lying down on a soft pillow.
If she's thinking of saying something else, she tries to get it out, then gives up on it. She turns around and opens the back door, hopping out of the ambulance and trotting back into the ER bay.
Gil can't wipe the dopey smile off his face. He looks at the last little bite of sandwich she gave him, sighing as he replays the moment in his head over, and over, and over again.
No matter how hard any of his days are - or have been - they always seem to fade away as soon as he's with her. Today is no exception, and he's going to be thinking about how cute she looks when she's flustered, all night.
"Gil, will you quit making eyes at your sandwich and help me load this?"
Gil stuffs the sandwich back with one bite, dusting his hands off before standing to help Kingo with reloading a new stretcher.
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sincerelyasomebody · 4 years
Give An Inch || Oscar "Spooky" Diaz
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(GIF Credit: @merakiaes)
A/N: Not proofread, apologises. Feel free to point out any mistakes with the Spanish translations. Thanks!
Pairing(s): Spooky x Reader ▪︎ The Core 5 x Reader (platonic relationship) 
Summary: A helping hand is mistaken for something else. 
Warnings: fluff, language, mention of smut (very light), mentions of a baby, sexist comments, 
Word Count: 1815
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"Come on, (Y/N)." Jamal begged, trying to snatch the bag filled with candy, "just one more and I promise I'll stop asking." 
"No, Jamal," she reprimanded the teenager, "you've eaten enough candy as it is."
He huffed, the rest of the group laughing at his misfortune. Oscar shook his head, wrapping his arm around her shoulders, clicking his tongue, "eh, just give him one." 
She looked at him, "and have him throw up on himself? I don't think so." She glanced over at the group and back at him, "besides, he keeps grabbing the (flavour) ones and there's hardly any left." 
With a laugh, he kissed her forehead, "so it's not about his well being? It's 'cause he keeps taking the ones you like?" 
"Shut up," was her response. 
That made him laugh harder, causing the group of teenagers to look back at the couple. Cesar smiled at how carefree his brother looked whereas his friends were still surprised, despite knowing of the couple's marital status. 
They and their families, the Santos and (Y/N)'s family were present at the courthouse, a simple but elegant affair. Despite her mother's protest about a big wedding, (Y/N) was more focused on spending the rest of her life with Oscar and Cesar (they were a packaged deal). She didn't care where they got married. 
It had been months since that court appearance and (Y/N) and Oscar had fallen in love with each other more everyday. Yes, they had their disagreements, but before the sun set apologises were said and a round of cuddles were given. He may have been a tough Santos leader, but Oscar was big on affection. 
A relaxed date night for the pair turned into an eventful group outing. (Y/N) didn't mind, having grown accustomed to having the teenagers around (even Jasmine with her big personality, something she really admired). Oscar was annoyed, but adjusted to having her attention shared. 
The teenagers began to disagree on whether to try their luck with the games or grab a bite to eat. The girls wanted to play some games and the boys wanted to get some more food. (Y/N) decided to make the decision for them, looking at Oscar, "you go with the boys and I'll go with the girls," she laughed, taking note of his unimpressed look, "they're not that bad." 
Right on cue, Jamal and Ruby began arguing about the most problematic person in the 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days cast. Cesar stood by, saying nothing and somehow got dragged into the debate. (Y/N) shook her head and pecked Oscar's cheek, "good luck." 
And with that, she walked off with the girls in tow. 
The three walked around for quite a bit before deciding on playing Whac-a-Mole; no lines, reasonably priced and the prizes were really good. (Y/N) handed the attendant the money and watched the game light up. 
"How do you plan on winning?" Monse asked, knowing that a bunch of the games were rigged. 
"By imagining something that pisses me off," she replied. Both girls quirked an eyebrow and watched as she hit almost every single mole that popped out of its hole. When the game ended, she glanced over at them, "see?" 
They laughed at her chosen stuffed animal being a wolf, knowing her obsession with dogs, when the attendant asked about her prize. Taking a step back, she allowed the girls to decide if they wanted to play a game. 
Unbeknownst to her, a figure had been watching from afar and decided right at that moment to start up a conversation. 
(Y/N) felt a presence move closer, she smiled thinking they were passing by, but instead stopped right in front of her. Her eyebrows furrowed, as she took in the person; solid build, tall and tanned skin. 
"The name's Damian," he introduced himself.
She nodded, "hello, Damian, I'm (Y/N). Did you need something?" 
Before he could reply a mallet hit the side of his head. She covered her mouth to stifle her laughter, eyes looking at the direction of where it flew to find Monse nodding towards Jasmine, the girl giving a sheepish grin. (Y/N) turned back around to find Damian rubbing his head.
"Well… uh, that was… something," he muttered, picking up the object and holding it out. 
"Sorry," Jasmine apologised, taking it and giving it back to the attendant.
(Y/N) noticed his cheek darkening, "you might need some ice for that," she held up her finger, "follow my finger, please." A couple seconds later, she concluded, "you don't seem to have a concussion, but you should check out the medical tent." 
He smiled, "you in the medical field?" 
"A nurse at the local hospital." 
"Beauty and brains," he complimented
She shook her head, "come on I'll take you," she glanced over her shoulder, "tell the guys where I'm going, okay? I shouldn't be long." 
Monse and Jasmine nodded at her instructions, sharing a look when she walked around the corner, hopefully Spooky wasn't nearby. 
But of course, luck wasn't on their side. 
"You girls win anything?" 
They turned around and found Cesar walking ahead of the group, a grin plastered across his face holding up a teddy bear and handing it over to Monse. Jamal and Ruby holding a slushie and a churro in their hands. Spooky took notice of the missing figure, his eyes staring at the pair, "where's (Y/N)?" 
Jasmine piped up, "at the medical tent," when she noticed their concerned faces she quickly added, "don't worry, she's not hurt. She took a guy there 'cause I hit him in the head with a mallet." 
"You hit him with a mallet?" questioned Ruby, taking a sip of his slushie. 
"Sí, pero no propósito," she gestured to the truck, "I was using it for the game, they really need to tape that shit down."  
Jamal's eyebrows scrunched together, "aren't those things attached?" 
"Yeah, they are," Monse replied, "well.. one used to be." 
As the group got on the subject of other carnival games, they didn't notice Spooky slipping away to find (Y/N). Always being down to help whoever with whatever, it didn't come as a surprise to him hearing she had walked the guy over to the medical tent. It was a trait he loved about her, but of course it had setbacks. 
With a heart as big as hers, there were some people who liked to take advantage of her goodwill. 
If the guy fell into that category, then he was in for a rude awakening.
He walked around the corner, avoiding a bunch of kids running with their parents trying to keep up with them. Passing by several tents he found the one he was looking for. It wasn't that hard as an ambulance, cots and paramedics stuck out among the food trucks and carnival games. 
His eyes focused on her, her hands clutching a stuffed animal, a smile crossed his face taking note of it being a wolf. She let out a laugh and continued talking to the person next to her. He moved towards them, his pace picking up when he noticed her twiddling her thumbs, a subtle sign that showed she was beginning to feel uncomfortable. 
"Cariño." He called out. 
Her head turned in his direction, a big smile on her face as she rose to her feet. When he was close enough, she wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her head on his chest. When she released her hold, she pecked his lips. 
Quickly bending down to pick up the wolf plushie.  
After shaking it, she held it up to his face, "say hello to the new love of my life." 
He kissed his teeth, "new love? The only new love of your life is gonna be the baby I put in you, esta noche." 
She gasped and hit his chest, laughing when he pulled her in and kissed the top of her head. 
"Uh… you're taken?" 
The couple turned to the figure holding the ice pack to his cheek. (Y/N) nodded, "yep, happily taken." Holding up her left hand to reveal just how taken she was.
Damian shook his head, "you're married and walking around as if you're single? Wow, aren't you a great catch." 
Her eyebrows furrowed, at the switch in his tone, "excuse you?" 
"You led me on."
"Led you on?" She scoffed, "how?" 
He gestured to the tent, "you brought me here." 
"Yeah, I brought you here to make sure you were okay," she replied, "and before you say anything about me staying with you, I thought I'd keep you company before your friends arrived." 
"You have to train her better," Damian shifted his focus to Oscar, "can't have your wife leading men on like some bitch in heat." 
Before (Y/N) could blink, Oscar gripped the front of Damian's shirt and pulled him close their nose centimetres apart, "don't fucking talk to her like that, understand me?" Damian just blinked, causing Oscar to give him a shake, "I asked you a question." 
He nodded, "yeah, I won't. Ever again." 
Oscar loosened his grip, nodding towards the bruising on the side of his head, "next time it'll be a bullet," at the scared look he received, he smirked, "now, apologise to my wife, pendejo." 
"I'm sorry." 
"She has a name." 
"I'm sorry, (Y/N)." 
"What are you sorry for?" 
"I'm sorry, (Y/N) for calling you a bitch and assuming that you were interested." Damian apologised. 
She nodded, "thank you." 
"When a woman is interested, she'll make it clear that she's interested." Oscar explained, "if she isn't interested, back off." 
"Right, got it." 
"But with your obscured view on women, I doubt they'd be interested," (Y/N) snickered, "all that muscle on you and you're nothing but a punk ass bitch." 
Oscar held her hand in his, giving the back of it a kiss, "come on," when they were about a metre away, (Y/N) called out, "enjoy the rest of your night, Damian. You sexist pig." 
This received a few stares from those surrounding the other tents but the couple kept walking as if nothing had happened. (Y/N) allowed Oscar to lead them back to wherever the group of teenagers were. When she spotted them, she stopped her movement, causing Oscar to halt in his.
"What's wrong?" 
She smirked and moved in close, fingers fiddling with the button of his shirt, "do you wanna get started?'
His eyebrow arched, "get started on what?" 
"On putting that baby in me…. Unless, you've changed your mind and -" 
She laughed when he gripped her hand and dragged her in the direction of the car, throwing a comment about texting Cesar that she wasn't feeling well and to stay the night at Monse's when she asked about the group noticing their disappearance. 
- ♤ - ♡ - ◇ - ♧ - 
Spanish Translation(s): 
Sí, pero no propósito - yeah, but not on purpose
Cariño - dear or darling 
Esta noche - tonight 
Pendejo - asshole or bastard
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