#I check my ticket on my phone as I’m walking to security
starry-hughes · 9 months
holiday disaster (luke hughes)
day 22 of star’s ficmas
luke hughes x reader
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Jack walked onto the plane first, getting his ticket scanned and walking through. Before Luke could even have his ticket scanned he was stopped. The two brothers had arrived late to the airport and were last to board the flight. “I’m so sorry sir but this flight was overbooked and there are no more seats.”
“Jacky?” Luke called. The two were supposed to be traveling home for Christmas. “Is there another flight he can take? We are going home for Christmas.”
The attendant searched for a second and Luke was panicking. “There’s a midnight flight, last flight out.” It was noon. “Lukey, you can take my seat and I can wait.”
“No it’s okay, I’ll call mom and tell her.”
Luke made himself comfortable in a corner of the airport as Jack left on the flight. He had to break the news to his mom and call her. “I won’t be making dinner mom, I’m sorry, I’ll be home for Christmas Eve morning.”
You had been staring at the screen when the flight came up as canceled. You almost burst into tears when the flight attendant told you the only flight out was a midnight flight. You were convinced you might miss Christmas. All you wanted was to go spend the holiday with your family and now you were being delayed. Neither Luke and you wanted to leave the airport, the long security lines made you just want to stay, and Luke thought the same.
“Are you using the outlet?” you asked him. Luke looked up. “No, you can use it.” Luke watched as you hurriedly took out your phone charger. “Hi mom,” you called, “I’m sorry I’ll be late, yeah… eleven pm. I hope that flight isn’t canceled.”
Luke’s ears perked up as you said that. He listened to you end the phone call. The two of you sat in silence, doing your own things before Luke cleared his throat. “Can you watch my bag? I don’t really want to take it in the bathroom with me.”
You nodded and smiled as he got up. No one bothered you while he was gone. There were so many people in the airport but it was like the two of you had your own corner of life. When Luke returned, he had two bags of food in his hands. “Thought you deserved some food.”
Luke handed you a bag from one of the fast food places along with a water bottle. “I heard your flight was canceled,” Luke said. “Yeah, flying out to my parents and the one time I want to visit, it’s canceled,” you sighed, “thank you for the food by the way. Let me pay you back.”
He shook his head, “Don’t worry about it. My flight got overbooked. And my brother is currently on the way to our parents without me.” You frowned, “I’m sorry.”
The two of you ate quietly, hoping the hours would go by faster. “I have a laptop, do you want to watch a movie?” you questioned Luke. Shoulder to shoulder, the two of you watched a movie. Luke dozed off on your shoulder. As the day went on, there were less and less people in the airport. As the afternoon passed, both of you would get calls from family members asking how it was going. Luke told you about hockey and his job and his brothers. You told him about your own work and family.
“Hey,” you shook him gently awake, it was six pm. “There’s a restaurant down the terminal, do you want to go get dinner?”
In the airport restaurant, the least likely place to fall in love, you started enjoying time with Luke. You both tried random foods and shared plates. Laughing over dumb stories and joking about being stuck together. At the end of the night, Luke paid the bill and you tipped the waiter well.
You two still had time before your flights. Spending time sitting together and watching another movie or snacking on chips Luke bought. You checked your phone and realized you had to start getting to your gate. “I should get to my gate,” you frowned. “Oh,” Luke said, “I’ll walk you down.”
Luke dragged his suitcase behind him as he followed you. “You should get to your gate too Luke.”
He sighed and nodded. “Can I get your phone number?” You nodded and took his phone which he unlocked for you. You added yourself as a contact and took a picture of yourself for his contact phone. “Have a safe flight (Y/N), Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas Luke.” He turned and walked back to the opposite end of the terminal to his own gate smiling.
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blackhairedjjun · 6 months
flying home to you - c.yj
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pairing: choi yeonjun x gn reader | genre / tropes: angst -> fluff, non-idol au, friends to lovers | word count: 889 | warnings: profanity (just one "shit")
part of my 300 followers event (event masterlist)
prompt - CHOOSE: sender, realizing the receiver is about to make a huge life-changing decision (literally anything, accepting a job offer, accepting a marriage proposal, leaving the country, ANYTHING!) tells the receiver that they’re in love with them, leaving them to choose between the sender and their original path. (requested by @forevrglow - “Can you do the [CHOOSE] prompt with Yeonjun and make it kinda like the ending of Friends? Y/N got an amazing job offer in another country and just as she's about to get on the plane, yeonjun arrives to tell her he loves her and then she gets off the plane”)
author's notes: hi bri, thank you so much for the request! i had to watch clips of the friends ending on youtube for this, i couldn't make it exactly like it just because airport security has changed so much since the show aired 😭 but i tried to keep the gist of your request, i hope you enjoy!
(also to anyone else reading this, please do not take this fic as career or relationship advice!! lmao)
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neither the rumbling sound of your luggage wheels nor the roars of the airplanes overhead could drown out your nervous heartbeat. you approached the entrance of the airport terminal, bags in tow, and your nerves seemed to quake more and more with each step. as you found yourself in front of the glass sliding doors, you paused, inhaled deeply, and checked your phone for what felt like the hundredth time.
the electronic copy of your plane ticket was there, as were the email exchanges from your new employer. paris was at your fingertips and in a few hours it would be right in front of you, surrounding you, and even beneath your feet.
yet you still found yourself switching over to your text app and checking your messages with yeonjun. it had been a few hours since you sent a cordial “i’ll text you when the plane lands!” to him, and there was still no reply; he was typically the kind of person who replies as soon as he can, usually late at night before he goes to bed. he had read your text, but not responded.
this fact rattled your nerves more than the plane ticket, the email exchanges, or the flight. sighing, you pocketed your phone again and pushed thoughts of yeonjun out of your mind. maybe it got buried in his inbox...
you gripped the handle of your luggage again to wheel it over to the entrance, but your steps felt slower than ever. other passengers had to walk around you to enter the terminal. why were you so damn nervous? you knew that a new job in a new country was scary, but more than ever you felt rooted to the ground. at the back of your mind were images of your home, of downing beers with yeonjun in your kitchen, of his downcast expression when you told him about moving to paris...
“y/n! wait!”
you whipped around at the sound of a voice that made your heart beat faster. yeonjun stood in front of you as if conjured by your thoughts, out of breath, jacket hastily thrown on and hair tousled. 
“yeonjun, what are you...?”
“y/n, please,” he panted, “hear me out before you go...”
you were both in the way, and passengers shot glares at you as they headed to the terminal entrance. you moved aside, and yeonjun took the opportunity to move closer to you and take both your hands in his.
“i have to be at the gate by一”
“i love you.”
you felt your heart drop to your stomach.
yeonjun’s grip on your hands grew firm. “i’m sorry i never told you earlier,” he continued, voice cracking, “but i... i didn’t want to stop your dreams. i’m sure you’ll do amazing. but now that you’re leaving, and it’s real, and i don’t know when一 shit, i love you, y/n... i love you.”
you were trembling and yeonjun could feel it in your hands. he, too, was shaking, and it took every ounce of effort for him to keep steady.
your mind swam in a haze of thoughts, feelings, images. you remembered the way yeonjun held you when your ex broke your heart, the way his hands nearly brushed yours when he walked you home. you thought of home, of that tiny apartment where you’d stayed up with him talking about your dreams.
then you thought of paris. you thought of your dream job in your dream city. you imagined your new apartment overlooking the seine, and of the picturesque walkways lined with charming houses and old-fashioned streetlamps. your mind instantly created an image of you walking along them towards your new home, surrounded by fashionable locals in elegant coats... but you walked all alone.
where is your home? what is your dream?
then it all snapped together in high clarity.
you had been silent for a while, the thoughts too overwhelming for you to respond. yeonjun was still standing in front of you, and at your silence he dropped your hands. tears formed at the corners of his eyes and you swore you felt your heart break.
“sorry, i... i shouldn’t have said that. you should go...”
he turned to head back to his car. at first you couldn’t process it, and he moved slowly as if in a dream. then your senses caught up with you and you realized 一 yeonjun was walking away. your home, your dream was walking away.
you ran towards him, nearly bumping into several passengers heading to the terminal. he caught you in his arms and his lips met yours; you melted into his embrace, kissing him back. he felt warm and his lips were soft, and you felt the warmth spread to your chest and set your whole body alight.
when you broke apart, you could feel your heartbeat pounding in your ears. your eyes met yeonjun’s, shining with adoration,  and the thoughts and emotions swirling around you finally came to a still. 
“i love you too, jjun,” you whispered. “i can’t leave you.”
he pulled you in for a hug and you breathed him in, your face resting against his chest. his heartbeat fell in sync with yours.
“y/n, stay...”
you gripped him even more tightly and nodded. there was no way you could leave your home.
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loveemii · 3 months
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Kamado Trio x Afab - 3rd years (2)
SKIT: Hangouts after school are always untamed
“Y/n!” Mr. Kyojuro gently stopped Y/n’s shoulder, she turned around. “Yes Mr. Kyojuro?” She asked, “Be sure to turn in that digital assignment by tonight.” He reminded in a joyful yet stern voice. She smiled, “I will.” Y/n walked down the hall and was met by Tanjiro who waved her down the hall, next to him were her other friends Inosuke and Zenitsu.
“Hey guys! You ready for that super scary movie tonight~!” Y/n emphases ‘super scary’ in a ghost accent. Tanjiro giggles and smiles as he nods, “Yeah!” They all agree, Inosuke was obviously a little more vibrant when speaking.
They all walked to the movie theaters that was closer to the school and bought 4 tickets from the lady in the plastic booth where she slid the tickets to them at the bottom of the silver desk.
After they got the tickets they had to check in with another woman who stamped their tickets and the security guard watched them skeptical, especially the kid with the unbuttoned school shirt. Inosuke always did that after school since he couldn’t in school.
“Kid, button that shirt. You can’t be dressed that way in here.” The security stopped them before they walked in the theater completely. Inosuke didn’t want trouble but grunted in anger and annoyance as he buttoned his shirt.
They were allowed in, they got a huge bucket of popcorn and 2 large sodas. One for the guys and one for Y/n herself. Oh and a few candy bars.
Ads passed the time before the instructions to turn off phones had played on the silver screen, then the movie started. The lights started to dim and Inosuke was already reaching fr his candy bar, which Zenitsu was holding as Tanjiro had the popcorn.
Y/n took a sip of her soft drink, Zenitsu flinched away from Inosuke as he hand almost touched his face. “Look where you’re reaching boar!” Zenitsu silently scolded Inosuke, who slapped his face pretty good as the sound kind of echoed through the dark room. Y/n spit out her drink through her nose and tried to really hold in her laugh. Tanjiro was in shock on how such a thing could happen.
Inosuke got his candy bar, “Shh!” Someone in the back hissed, Y/n grabbed a handful of popcorn, turned and threw it at them. Inosuke went a little overboard and threw a handfuls at the person, the popcorn was still enough for them to eat though.
Later in the movie the popcorn was finished and Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Y/n ate their candy bars. Zenitsu screamed in fear a few times and cling onto Y/n who was just as equally as scared but tried to be brave. “Y/n I’m scared~!” Zenitsu quivered in absolute fear.
Y/n gripped his hand, “It’s ok Zenitsu me too..” She had pretended to be a little more brave than she actually was. Tanjiro made a few faces as some gory scenes came on screen, Zenitsu had to look away. Inosuke was into it, he watched without hesitation.
After the movie ended the dark lights turned on and we’re at a dim, they took their trash and empty cups out the theaters and walked down the hall to leave the dark room, throwing their trash at the end of the dim lit hall.
“Great movie right guys!?” Y/n again, tried to sound braver than she was watching the movie. “Yeah..great movie!” Zenitsu said in a shake, Tanjiro agreed and so did Inosuke. As they left the theater Y/n had realized the time and remembered what Mr. Kyojuro had said to her about her assignment.
“MY ASSIGNMENT!” Y/n shouted i fear as she ran out the theater and dashed home, confused as they were. Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu all looked at each other before running near behind her. Y/n shouted again, “MY ASSIGNMENT!”
thank you for reading! :3
- please excuse any spelling or grammar mistakes, thank you
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btsgotjams27 · 1 year
don't push your luck | knj
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you’re asked to present at an important meeting, but of course, your rival has to come along for the ride.
✨ title: don't push your luck | one-shot ✨ pairing: namjoon x f!reader ✨ genre/au: angst | ex college rivals, e2l, co-workers, one-bed trope ✨ rating: pg-18 | ✨ word count: 6.4k ✨ warnings: language, joon loves to call reader a lot of pet names, suggestive language, they're both kinda jerks to one another, they've also known each other for a long time (and slept together once), both are literary agents, mentions of surgery and cancer, banter, mentions of alcohol, they sleep in the same bed, there is a small hug, reader has misconceptions of joon, did i mention angst?, reader likes to blame namjoon for her shortcomings ✨ a/n: hi--so this was originally supposed to be out for joonie's birthday lmao and here it is a few weeks later. don't be afraid to let me know what you think. i love hearing from readers.
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“Hold the door!”
A heaving sensation fills your chest and you feel out of breath. Everything you could imagine going wrong before a flight happened—your alarm wasn’t set, the Uber arrived late and hit every traffic light, security ‘needed’ to rifle through your suitcase for suspicious items, and the stupid expensive carry-on you purchased has given up on you.
“You made it just in time,” the attendant smiles and scans your plane ticket.
“Oh, thank god.”
You’re grateful to be in first class and now you can finally relax. It’s even better when you look at your row and the seat next to you is empty. There are a few glares from other passengers, but you don’t care–you’ve made it, and that’s all that matters.
When you settle into your seat, you check your phone for any last-minute work emails. The flight attendant announced the plane was ready to taxi for take-off. They ask everyone to be seated and buckled.
As you’re ready to plug your earbud in, you hear a muffled bang from behind. Peering over your shoulder, you realize you’re in the row before the bathrooms. Great, you think, that’ll be fun. You can hear clinking and clanking from the bathroom door along with someone shuffling out as the door slam shuts.
“Sir, please take your seat. We’re ready for take-off,” the flight attendant says.
The man clears his throat. “Oh, yes, of course. My seat’s right here.”
You look up to see none other than the person who has become the bane of your existence, Kim Namjoon. They say keep your friends close, but your enemies closer and he loved to be so close to you alright–everywhere you are to be exact.
Your jaw clenches as he plops down beside you. A few seconds later, a woman emerges from the bathroom. She brushes past the attendant, holding a card between her fingers as she peers down at Namjoon. “That was fun. Call me sometime,” she grins while walking away.
“You’re disgusting.” A shiver runs down your spine as one can assume what they were doing in there.
Namjoon gives you puppy eyes. “You’re so mean to me,” he pouts, folding his arms against his chest as he looks down. Not a split second later, he turns to you with a smirk. “I can rock your world whenever you want, angel.”
If only he could see the smoke fuming from your ears. He would never let that one time you slept with him go, would he? It was a moment of weakness you wish you could take back.
You scoff at his comment. “I can’t believe they just let anyone on airplanes now.”
His eyes rake over you. “I could say the same about you,” he retorts.
“What are you doing here, anyway?”
“What do you think I’m doing here, darling?”
Your body cringes at the stupid pet name. “Oh, I don’t know, to annoy the fuck out of me?” you say, flashing a wry smile.
“Ah, yes. That’s on my itinerary too, but you know I can’t resist an all-expenses-paid trip when it’s offered.”
This was your chance to make an impression on one of the biggest publishing houses. But with Kim Namjoon tagging along on this little trip? He will consume your thoughts because you can’t think of anything else when he’s around–plotting and scheming ways to take you down.
“Just stay out of my hair tomorrow.”
Namjoon sucks his teeth. “Wish I could, sweetheart. But, whatever Ms. Davis wants, she gets.”
A part of you wondered if Namjoon was sleeping with her to get to the top of the food chain, like the vulture he is. You shivered at the thought of the two in compromising positions. Namjoon’s college shenanigans were something that continued even into adulthood, you guessed. 
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The blinking cursor in this blank Word document has been mocking you, thinking you’re a clown. But you blame Kim Namjoon. He’s pushed his seat back, legs crossed and reclined, hands behind his head as he’s laughing obnoxiously at the movie on his computer screen. Every stifled laugh and clap has you rolling your eyes.
You can’t concentrate when he’s around, and that’s how it’s always been since sophomore year of college. The countless conversations with yourself because you had to be ready with a witty remark in case he is a smart-ass about anything and everything.
It was a sweet relief when you walked across that stage to shake the president’s hand and retrieve the rolled-up paper. And when you lifted your tassel from one side to the other, you exhaled because you never had to cross paths with him again.
That is four years into your job, and who shows up sitting in your office? None other than Kim Namjoon–your old academic rival.
You’re 29. No man should have you gritting your teeth, ready to claw at him. Then again, he’s no ordinary man–more like the devil incarnate. He makes your skin crawl. His presence makes you want to jump out of a window–because he’s suffocating, and the air in your lungs doesn’t exist.
Okay–maybe you’re exaggerating. But right now, you want to spill your glass of red wine just so he’ll have a stained shirt.
Your mouth twists as you nudge the giggly goon head. He takes off the noise-canceling headphones. “What?”
“Can you zip it? I can’t concentrate,” you say, repositioning in your seat.
Namjoon snickers. “Aw baby, you weren’t able to concentrate before I even started the movie. What makes you think me turning it off will help now?”
With a click of your tongue, you’re unsure why you even bothered asking him, so you return to your blinking cursor and blank document.
“Ladies and gentlemen, we have begun our descent into New York City….” the announcement continues.
Guess it didn’t matter, anyway. You’ve spent two hours unproductive on a flight while Namjoon lollygags. At least you’ll have time to work on your presentation in peace when you get to your hotel.
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You notice the way he walks and the way his bag is slung over his shoulder-practically about to drop, and you can’t forget the stupid overcoat that’s a tad too big for his frame. The crooked black tie contrasts against the crisp white button-down, and you want to help him fix it, only to make it snug enough to choke him a bit. It’s the way his cheeks lightly push against his thick black-rimmed glasses when he smiles, and his crescent eyes disappear, then immediately he widens them. It’s the way his hair falls perfectly above his glasses, and he daintily moves it away like the unflawed prince he is.
You hate you notice all these details about Kim Namjoon, but you’ve been around him long enough to have your guard up in case he pulls any funny business.
He doesn’t even care to check in at the front desk. Instead, he runs off to the bar when he sees a beautiful woman walking the same way.
You’re third in the check-in line, and you can’t help noticing the crowd hanging out in the lobby. Everyone’s dressed as some kind of anime character. It almost makes you feel underdressed in your plain white tee that’s tucked into your jeans.
A nudge from the side causes you to catch your footing. You clench your jaw before breathing out a sigh of frustration. He’s like a fly that won’t leave you alone.
“Want a sip? I think you could use a drink,” Namjoon says, tipping his glass toward you.
“I don’t drink on business trips.”
“Damn, baby. Lighten up. One drink won’t kill you,” he raises a brow and smirks. “Maybe it’ll even warm you up to me.”
If only your eyes could shoot laser beams every time he opened his smart mouth. Facing him, you took a step toward him, pretending to pick off lint from his coat. “It’s cute you think I’d warm up to you,” you pout.
Namjoon gives a lopsided grin, licking his lips. “Don’t worry, love. I’m sure we’ll become real cozy.”
When it’s your turn at the front desk, the receptionist flashes a warm smile, asking for your information. “Is this man with you as well?”
“No,” you say.
“Yes,” Namjoon chimes in.
You roll your eyes, glaring at the man who is the bane of your existence. “No. Nope,” you say, shaking your head. “He is not with me. He needs his own room.”
The receptionist doesn’t respond. She types and clicks around on the computer, her eyes darting around the screen. “I’m sorry ma’am, but it looks like we only have one room left,” she says, avoiding your gaze.
“What do you mean there’s only one room left?” you articulate, gritting your teeth.
The receptionist clicks around her screen again. “Again, I’m so sorry, ma’am. But we’re overbooked because of the anime convention in town. We can book this room for the two of you or give you a free hotel stay for another time to compensate for the inconvenience.”
Free hotel stay for another time? It wasn’t an option at the moment. You needed this hotel room to prepare for your presentation tomorrow.
Someone cosplaying as Sailor Moon walks past you and Namjoon. His elbows are propped on the counter as he faces toward the lobby. He turns to you. “Guess we’ll just have to share,” he raises a brow and licks his lips.
“You cannot think I’ll sleep in the same bed as him. I’d rather burn in hell instead.”
Namjoon turns to the receptionist. “She’s joking. She doesn’t want to sleep in the same bed because she knows she can’t control herself around me,” he grins, holding his hand out for the key card. “We’ll take what you have, love.”
You grumble, muttering curses under your breath as you grab your things, heading toward the elevator. First, he shows up unannounced, and now you have to share a room with him. Let alone a bed? What’s next? He’ll take over your presentation, you bet.
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Namjoon whistles a cheerful tune while strolling down the hallway. How is he like a ray of sunshine right now? But to you, he is like a lingering cloud ready to rain on your parade.
When he reaches the door, he turns to you, still whistling, tapping the keycard against the sensor. The door almost slams in your face. You’re struggling to keep the heavy door open while dragging in your luggage.
“Really?” You huff with irritation in your voice.
Your eyes follow him as he makes himself comfortable on the bed. He’s lying down, his legs are dangling off as his feet touch the floor. And you hope the phone screen illuminating his honey skin drops on his face. You’re vile, you know. But Namjoon’s like an itch you can’t seem to reach.
Setting down your things, you walk over to him, slotting yourself between his legs, arms folded against your chest. “What are you doing in my bed?”
He chuckles, placing the phone beside him. He props himself up on his elbows, eyes raking over you. “Waiting for you to hop on, baby,” he sneers, patting his thigh.
How are you supposed to get any work done if he’s around invading the very air you breathe?
“In your dreams, Joon. You’re sleeping on the couch.”
“Oh, baby girl. You don’t even wanna know what you do in my dreams.”
His dreams, huh? You’ve wondered how many times you’ve shown up. “Let me guess, am I strangling you?”
Namjoon sits up, pushing himself off the bed to stand. It forces you to take a step back. There’s a moment of silence before he speaks, “Actually, you’re the one who likes it, remember? Not me, princess.”
You’re inches away from him and you hope he doesn’t see you visibly gulp. It’s like everything is stripped away when Namjoon’s around. As much as you try to hide it, you hope he can’t see through your bullshit.
Clicking your tongue, you try to compose yourself, tilting your head as you gaze into those dragon eyes. “Keep dreaming, Joonie because that’s the closest you’ll ever come to fucking me.”
“Again—” he corrects you. His gaze turns dark as he scans you from head to toe. He grasps your chin between his thumb and forefinger. “Come on, love. Don’t you want another taste?”
You roll your eyes, pushing away his hand. “Another taste of Kim Namjoon?” you tut. “Please—I eat boys like you for breakfast.”
A stupid grin spreads across Namjoon’s face. His scent invades your space again, making you step back. “Well, I’ll be sure to serve you breakfast in bed tomorrow. I hear the sausage is great.”
You huff a breath, glaring at the tall, beefy man. “I swear to god, Kim Namjoon if you don’t stay on your side of the bed—there’s gonna be hell to pay!”
Namjoon puts his hands up in defeat. “Don’t worry, baby. I’ll keep my package safe, but it's cute you think your mouth is big enough for me.” He raises a brow, gently nibbling on his bottom lip.
You scoff. “Don’t flatter yourself, Joon. Always talking a big game, but you gotta put your money where your mouth is love.” You almost retch as the last word rolls off your tongue.
The night you slept with Namjoon was a hazy one. You blame the wine that was coursing through your veins and the critique you received from your professor—it messed with your head and you wanted nothing more than to get your mind off it. Namjoon was in the right place at the right time—annoying you like always. Naturally, he wouldn’t shut up, so you shut him up. One thing led to another and before you knew it, you had slept with your rival.
Walking away, you grab your bag, breathing a sigh of relief once you’re out of the room. It’s a stupid game the two of you have played since college—he riles you up, and you retaliate, but you would try your best to not let him get to you. 
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You spent the last few hours sitting in the hotel’s bar, with headphones on as you clicked and clacked away at your laptop, finally getting your thoughts onto this Word document. There’s no music playing. You wanted to drown out the noise of the crowd.
As you’re facing out toward the lobby, you look up, glimpsing the bane of your existence, Kim Namjoon. You watch as he makes his way out of the hotel lobby, and now is your chance to sneak back up to the room and have some quiet for once.
When Namjoon’s out of view, you gather your things, making your way back up. As the door closes, a breath expels from your lips and you can finally breathe again.
Sitting down at the small table, your stomach growls, a reminder that you had ignored for the past hour because this presentation was more important than nourishment. You’re more than halfway finished, and your reward would be a delicious meal.
It’s nearly 9 o’clock, and your meal is nowhere in sight. The outline is finished, talking points are ready to go, but your laptop is dead, and with your luck, you forgot to pack the charger.
You want nothing more than to disappear and crawl into a hole and never come out of it. You’re ready to jump ship without a lifejacket—it’s practically what you’re doing going into this presentation. If only you had more time to prep instead of being thrown into this so last minute. Maybe you shouldn’t have told your boss you’re always ready for whatever’s thrown your way.
The rumbling in your stomach continues, but you’d rather wallow in self-deprecating thoughts than fill your belly with a delicious meal.
Why can’t things go your way for once?
As you’re sitting on the couch beside the window, a sprinkle of rain falls, and it’s perfect, actually–matching your exact mood. You place your chin against the jade-green velvet-colored couch, breathing a sigh of frustration.
How are you meant to get others to care when you're apathetic about why you got into this profession in the first place? You remember discovering your first author and how they made you kick your feet and giggle all night. The feeling of watching someone grow from a small audience into a commercial success made you love your job, and when you and an author are on the same wavelength and both so passionate about a story? You were unmatched when the stars aligned.
But this trip was a different story. You had been working with this author, but Ms. Davis asked Namjoon to chime in, and once something is in Namjoon’s hands, it’s never yours again. It was like a repeat of your college years.
So when Ms. Davis asked you to fill in for Namjoon, you jumped at the chance because you had missed this story and this author, and you hoped Namjoon didn’t distort the beautiful story and world that she had built. You get why everyone fawns over Namjoon. Admitting it crushes your soul just a tad, but he’s smart, charming, suave, and not that bad to look at. You just wished he’d let you have a win now and again. You’re tired of being second best.
When you hear a beep from the door, you sigh, throwing your head back. You don’t acknowledge your roommate for the night and instead focus on the rain droplets hitting the window. Pulling your knees toward your chest, your arms rest on them along with your head as you stare outside. You’re not in the mood to deal with Namjoon right now.
A delectable aroma fills your nose when Namjoon’s presence occupies your space. He sets something next to your feet while on the couch. You look at the box and then at him.
“What’s this?”
“You need to eat.”
“I already ate,” you lie, and your stomach growled, loud enough you’re sure Namjoon heard it too. You make a face, clenching your stomach, hoping it doesn’t do it again.
“Just eat,” he says, bending down to grab the box for you.
“Is this your way of poisoning me, so you can do the presentation tomorrow?”
Namjoon scoffs. “No, actually. It’s me being a decent human being. I saw you at the bar, and I know how you are when you’re in work mode. You forget to eat.”
There’s a fire rising in your chest, and you want nothing more than to be left alone. “I didn’t think the devil had a heart,” you quip back. It’s easier when he isn’t, makes you feel less of an ass—and so much for not being in the mood to argue.
He tuts. “Why are you always like this? Even when we were in school together. You’ve always hated me.”
Maybe it’s how everything’s been handed to him on a silver platter–like how he doesn’t have to work his ass off just to get a sliver of recognition. Maybe it’s because he could be the good guy, but he chooses otherwise. Maybe it’s because somehow he always shows up wherever you are, ready to take things from you.
“I don’t have to explain myself to you.”
“Fine, starve. I don’t even know why I tried.”
You groaned. “Can you just go away? You’re so annoying.”
“Me? Annoying? You’ve had a stick up your ass ever since you saw me on the plane, and I haven’t done shit to you. I’m here out of courtesy for our boss. What am I supposed to do? Say no?”
“Yeah! You should’ve.”
Namjoon shakes his head. “God–there’s no winning with you, is there?”
You ignore his comment, shifting in your seat, eyes focused on the rain again.
His jaw clenched as he backed off. “I was trying to be nice–break the ice, but it’s useless when I keep hitting a wall with you. See you later. I need a drink.”
Your eyes squeeze shut when the door slams. Sometimes you wonder if you’re too harsh or if you channeled your hatred toward something else, if it would benefit you more. But this was the circus of you and Namjoon–mortal rivals, nothing less, nothing more.
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It’s well past midnight when you illuminate your phone for the third time. You’ve been tossing and turning, panicking about tomorrow’s presentation. Maybe you’d have to forgo using a slideshow and go off your outline. Graphic design isn’t your passion anyway because Canva was your best friend for presentation templates.
You had prepared yourself for having to share a bed with Namjoon, but you can’t help but notice that he hasn’t returned from wherever he went. You wonder if this was it–if it was the final straw for him, with you and your bitchy attitude.
As you’re on your phone, going over your outline, a beep from the door alerts you that Namjoon is back. You quickly stuff your phone underneath your pillow, turning in the opposite direction with your back facing him.
“Yeah, mom. Don’t worry. I’ll be back.” His voice softens when he sees the lights are out.
An indistinct voice is heard from the other end, but you close your eyes, pretending to be fast asleep.
“Yes, I have it on my calendar and already asked for the days off. I’ll be back before your surgery.”
You feel bad listening in on his conversation and even worse when you realize his mother is having surgery.
Namjoon hums. “I love you too, Mom. I’ll see you next week. Mm–bye.”
He sets his phone down and cards his hand through his dark hair, but it softly falls back in place. You can hear him ruffling through his bag before he walks off to what you guess is the bathroom to wash up.
You turn over when there’s a sudden ache in your side. Your eyes open to see the light shining from underneath the door, and he’s pacing around as he brushes his teeth.
When the water shuts off, he opens the door, turning off the light. The darkened curtains eliminate all light sources in the room, save for the bit peeking through from the moonlight shining on him, revealing his broad shoulders and honey-skin chest. Thank god it’s dark, otherwise if Namjoon saw you ogling him, he’d have a field day. But the gawking ends when he slips on a shirt.
You shift back to the side that’s still aching and Namjoon slips under the cover, keeping his distance. You’re facing away from him, and you can’t help but hear the frustration when he huffs a breath.
Of course, the stupid ache doesn’t dissipate, and you’re back on your side, facing Namjoon. You peek an eye open. His phone is dimly lit before he turns it off, setting it on his chest. Both of his hands are laced behind his head as he stares at the ceiling, and you’re fighting the urge to say something.
What you overheard was personal, something you weren’t meant to hear. After all these years of being academic rivals and co-workers, you knew little about his life except that he was a trust fund baby and had a younger sister.
“Namjoon?” You quietly croak out.
He quickly gazes in your direction. “Sorry—did I wake you? I didn’t mean to.”
“No, I couldn’t sleep, and then I heard you come in.”
A muttered apology escapes his lips along with ‘Night,’ as he turns on his side, facing away from you.
His demeanor is different, almost as if he’s let down his guard. You’ve never seen him distraught before.
He hums but doesn’t turn around to face you.
“Is everything okay with your mom?”
Namjoon clears his throat. “Yeah, she’s okay. At least, I hope so.”
You’re nibbling on your bottom lip. “I couldn’t help but overhear she’s having surgery?”
“Oh—yeah, we, um, recently found out she has breast cancer and has to have a mastectomy.”
“Joon,” you utter. “I’m so sorry. Are you okay? How are you feeling?”
“Yeah, yeah,” he stammers, shifting himself into a more comfortable position. “Everything happened so fast, and I feel like I haven’t had time to process my thoughts. I’m trying my best to stay strong, you know?”
You place your hand under your cheek as you’re staring at his backside. The two of you stay silent for a moment.
“I get that,” you say, lying on your back, bringing the duvet to cover you. “Um, my mom also went through breast cancer a few years ago, if it’s any consolation, I suppose breast cancer is one of the better ones to have? If that’s such a thing—I mean, there’s a lot of research that’s gone into it, and there’s so much support out there if she wants it. So, um, yeah, just keep your head up. Your mom will be okay.”
Namjoon mumbles, “Thanks. I appreciate it.”
He doesn’t turn to you, and you don’t blame him. You have been a bit of an ass to him, but you’re not made of stone—there’s a heart buried somewhere inside.
Flipping on your side, your backs are facing one another, and you hear a sniffle. Immediately, you turn back, hesitant about being in this position. In the time you’ve known Namjoon, he’s never cried in front of you. There are more sniffles, and you can hear him holding back whatever’s caught in his throat.
Your heart’s racing, your breath is slow and controlled. You shift closer to him, removing the pillow you had placed in the middle to separate the two of you.
He wipes his nose and clears his throat. “Yeah?”
“Would it be okay if I hugged you?”
Namjoon hums in agreement, and you take it upon yourself to inch closer to him. Somehow he seems so much smaller when you’re this close. You snake your arm underneath him, wrapping it around his waist, pressing your body against his. It takes a moment for him to register what’s happening, and then his hand finds yours, entwining them together.
You’ve been where he has and any kind of surgery is scary, especially when it’s a loved one. Your mind can only wander to the worst-case scenarios.
Your bodies are in sync as you can feel his chest rise and fall. But his breath is ragged and shaky. You suppose he’s fighting off any tears threatening to fall.
“You can tell me to fuck off.”
He chuckles. “No, I like this. It feels nice.”
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Your mind finally settled during the night, and you could fall asleep. Namjoon’s snores were your alarm clock this morning. The weight of his arm draped over your waist. It was a familiar feeling—just like the day after you had slept with him. Only this time, all your clothes were on, and there was no accompanying headache.
Peering over your shoulder, he was still fast asleep, so this was your chance to sneak away. You were hoping to go over your presentation a few more times before your meeting today with the publisher. But as soon, as you decide to slip away, a buzzing from Namjoon’s side causes you to close your eyes and pretend like you weren’t trying to get up.
It buzzes a few times before Namjoon stirs awake, fumbling around to find his phone. “Hello?” he says in a groggy, raspy voice.
You shift away from him, snuggling underneath the duvet. The conversation is indistinct, and you can’t hear anything but Namjoon’s responses.
“Wait—” Namjoon sits up, turning away from you, his feet planted on the ground. “You want me to do what?”
He’s frustrated by whatever he was told.
“No, I can’t do that to her.” He quickly peers in your direction, and he sees you fast asleep. The voice on the other line continues along with Namjoon’s frustration. He’s rubbing his temple and sighs. “Please don’t make me do this. She already hates me as is.”
You can’t help but wonder who’s on the other line and who the ‘she’ is.
Namjoon shakes his head, and his voice quiets down. “She’s been working so hard on this presentation. I can’t just take this from her.”
Your heart sinks when you realize he’s talking about you. There’s no one else doing a presentation, and Namjoon was working with this author before they were handed back to you.
“Okay, okay. I’ll let her know,” he said dejectedly. Namjoon doesn’t even say goodbye. He’s crouched over, elbows on his knees as his head hangs low.
The soft chimes of your alarm go off. You wait a few seconds before reaching for your phone to silence it. Sitting up, you glance over at Namjoon who’s looking right at you.
“Morning. I hope I didn’t wake you.”
“No, my alarm woke me up,” you say before flipping the duvet over. You stand, smoothing down your hair. “Big presentation today. I should get ready for the day.”
You’re ready to run to the bathroom, but Namjoon stops you. “Um, about that.”
Slowly, you turn to him. “What about it?”
Namjoon’s hands are entwined, and his thumbs fiddled out of nervousness. “Ms. Davis called and wants me to do the presentation.”
You suck in your lower lip, gently chewing on it. “But I worked on it like a madwoman last night. Why would Ms. Davis ask me to do it and then go back to asking you?”
A buzzing from your phone interrupts you. The screen flashes ‘Ms. Davis.’ You peer at Namjoon, then answer the phone. “Hello? Ms. Davis?”
“Good morning, ____. I hope you slept well.”
You hum in response.
“I know I asked you to go to New York, but now that Namjoon is there. I think it’ll be better if he does the presentation. He just has a way with words, and I think he’ll be able to land this deal, don’t you think?”
Namjoon avoids your gaze by scrolling on his phone. You remember Namjoon’s words from the day before, ‘What Ms. Davis wants, Ms. Davis gets.’
You take a moment before responding. “Why yes, Ms. Davis, I agree. Namjoon would be perfect for this presentation.”
She continues about supporting him in whatever way he needs today, and you’re seething like a teakettle that’s ready to burst. You agree with everything she says.
“Mmhm, yes. I’ll make sure he has everything he needs.”
You bid her a chipper farewell before hanging up. Your phone’s clenched in your hand, and your chest is heaving. Thoughts are running rampant—you’re ready to quit on the spot.
Licking your lips, you look at Namjoon. “Well, good luck with your presentation today. Don’t ruin it for our author and Ms. Davis.”
Namjoon shakes his head. “No–you worked hard on it. You should do it.”
You scoff. “Don’t act like you don’t want to take this from me, Joon. It’s what you’re good at. You always get your way—just like when we were in school and now even at work. No matter how hard I work for everything, you’re there to reap the reward.”
His jaw clenches. He stands, walking to you. “You’re so fucking exhausting,” he spits out. “You think I’m some guy who’s out to get you or wants the worst for you–it’s like whatever preconceived notion you’ve fabricated has overlooked the fact that I’m a pretty decent guy if you could get past whatever thing that I’ve done to tick you off.” He sighs. “I’m telling you to do the presentation, but here you are blaming me.”
The warmth from his body is scorching as he nears you–it matches the energy firing inside you. Here he is, allowing you to shoot your shot, but you’re stubborn and temperamental.
Your gaze pierces through him. “Do whatever you want, Joon. I quit.”
Quickly, you gather your things, stuffing them into your carry-on. You know how ridiculous it sounds, but Kim Namjoon tends to bring out your foolishness. You’ve had seven years of him right by your side, which was too many for you. Maybe it was time to find a private island with no form of communication to escape him.
Namjoon doesn’t stop you, he lets you leave. He knows how strong-willed you are and once you’ve decided, there’s no changing it.
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You wash up in the hotel lobby’s restroom, rushing off to nowhere because well–you had quit and home was two hours away by flight and it wasn’t leaving until tonight.
Cars and buses screech to a halt along with the sounds of never-ending honking. Chattering from tourists and bicyclists whiz by your side. There’s never a dull moment so you can get your head on straight. 
A buzzing from your bag goes unnoticed because you’re too busy figuring out the next steps. You don’t know what you’re doing. Quitting, so suddenly? Was it out of spite? If you couldn’t even handle Namjoon, how would you handle the next prick that came along? 
You held your arm out, trying to hail a cab, but no one stopped. Well, it was probably the worst time to grab one, anyway. Checking your phone, you noticed a missed call and a voicemail, and it wasn’t from anyone you were expecting.
It was from Noa Skye, the author you were trying to get published.
“Hey ____. I know I’ve been working with Namjoon for the last several months, but when I heard that you’re doing the meeting with HarperCollins instead, I screamed! I know you’ll be able to pitch my book well because you love this story as much as I do. So, yeah, I just wanted to call and wish you good luck. You’re going to do great. Talk to you soon!”
Your heart sank to your stomach when you heard Noa’s voicemail. It was true–you loved her story, and you wanted the entire world to read it so they could laugh and cry along with you. Her book deserved to be on bookshelves and New York’s best-seller list.
Should you buck up the courage and walk in with your head held high? And for once, maybe Namjoon was right–that you were looking for someone to blame and he was conveniently the scapegoat.
Noa deserved better than this ongoing battle between you and Namjoon; maybe more you than him–but regardless, you needed to set aside your ego for the sake of your author.
Huffing out a deep breath, you pulled your hair back, ready to fight for this presentation.
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Namjoon was typing furiously, looking through his previous notes on Noa’s novel. He wished he had spoken to you about what you had outlined to get a better grasp. You and Noa had been working on her novel for a couple of months before Namjoon came into the picture. Surely, he knew how to charm the pants off publishers, but sometimes he felt like you captured the heart of these stories better than he did.
You’re jabbing the number seven several times, encouraging the elevator doors to close. Looking at your phone, there’s half an hour before the presentation. You hoped it was enough time to sort things out with Namjoon and go over your outline.
Turning the corner, you find Namjoon sitting with a laptop. He looks up, almost relieved when he sees you, but of course, he doesn’t make it known.
“Thought you quit,” he says when you’re near.
You flash a thin smile, sitting beside him. “I never waste a moment where I can rescue you, because it looks like you need my help.” A glimpse of a nearly empty page proves your point.
In normal Namjoon fashion, he’s ready to bite back, but he holds his tongue. “You’re lucky you’re cute.”
You scoff, rolling your eyes. “You can say ‘thanks’ and I’ll call it even.” He mumbles something indistinct and you cup your hand up to your ear. “I’m sorry. I can’t hear you over the sound of your ego.”
His shoulders slump, and he cocks his head. “Thanks, ___. I owe you one.”
Wiggling in your chair, you’re smiling proudly because this is the first genuine show of gratitude from Kim Namjoon.
“Here’s what I have. Can you tell me what you and Noa have been working on?”
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Even without visuals, you felt the presentation went well and did Noa justice with her novel. Namjoon was another surprise. He didn’t interrupt, waited until you finished before adding in his two cents.
Although the presentation and trip to New York were short and sweet, it was eye-opening for you because you had been toying with the idea of opening up a literary agency. The sound of being your own boss sounded lovely.
“We did good, huh?” Namjoon says as he stands beside you.
“We?” You quirk an eyebrow.
He tilts his head. “You. You did a good job.”
You stand proud outside of the hotel’s driveway as the two of you wait for an Uber. “I know. I always save the day.”
Namjoon chuckles. “Well, have a good flight back home.”
Whipping your head back to him, your brows stitched in confusion. “Are you not going back to Chicago?”
He shakes his head. “My mom’s surgery got moved up, so I’m flying straight to Seoul. I’ll be back in Chicago in two weeks.”
“Oh,” you mumble. “I hope everything goes well.”
“Thanks,” he flashes a small smile. A car pulls up to him. “Looks like my ride's here. I’ll see you.”
Namjoon grabs his carry-on, ready to leave, but you stop him. “Joon–” He turns back around. “I’m sorry about what happened this morning. You’re right. I haven’t treated you nicely and have blamed you for a lot of things over the years, and it’s no one’s fault, but my own. I hope things go well with your mom, and if you ever need anyone to talk to, you can call me.”
He lets out a soft chuckle. “Call you, hmm?”
“You know what I mean.”
“I don’t, actually.”
“Just–” you groan. “You know what? Never mind. I don’t even know why I tried.”
Namjoon lets go of his carry-on and walks back to you. “I’m messing with you.” He chuckles lowly, taking another step closer to you. He lifts your chin with his forefinger, his dragon eyes gazing into yours. “It’s our thing, isn’t it? You hate me, I hate you. We find some kind of common ground, then fall in love. Isn’t that in all the books we read?”
You lick your lips and nod, pointing to yourself. “Me? Fall in love with you? Don’t push your luck, Joon.”
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read 'under the mistletoe' (a don't push your luck drabble)
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joeshiestyslover · 2 years
save a horse (ride a quarterback)
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pairing: joe burrow x southern!reader
summary: joe goes back to texas to meet your family and ends up learning about a very important rule
warnings: language, suggestive content, joe smoking a cigar because yes, it deserves a warning
a/n: y/n’s backstory is pretty much based off my life bc i’m from texas and i have an uncle james that smokes cigars 💀
when you first met joe, you were very weary of him. you grew up in texas and the football players there, especially the quarterbacks, all thought they were hot shit. but joe was the total opposite, so you immediately took a liking to him.
in high school, you were a trainer for your football team, so in college at lsu, you decided to do the same thing. that’s how you met joe. one day after practice, joe came to see you about an ice pack for his wrist. while you were grabbing one from the freezer he asked you on a date. you were skeptical, why would the star of the football team be talking to me of all people? you think.
joe somehow noticed your skepticism, and said, “don’t worry y/n, i’m not one of those dumbasses on the team. i don’t sleep around and that’s certainly not my intention.” you ended up agreeing to the date, and you’re glad you did.
you two have been together for about five months now, and you’re ready for him to meet your family. your entire family lives in texas, and they all know about joe and are dying to meet him.
after considering it for a few days, you finally decide to bring up meeting your family to joe. you’re both sitting on your couch when you decide it’s time to talk to him about it. “hey joe?” you ask him. “yeah babe?” “how would you feel about meeting my family this weekend? my uncle james is having a barbecue and they really want to meet you. so what do you say?” you ask, a little scared for his answer. “are you kidding? i would love to meet your family! i thought you would never ask.” he tells you excitedly. you were a little shocked with how happy he was.
“okay so i was thinking catching a flight on friday because the barbecue is saturday. is that cool with you?” you ask him. “yeah totally. i’ll book tickets right now.” he says whipping out his phone. “make sure you put down dfw airport because that’s the closest one to my uncle’s house.” you remind him. joe looks up at you and nods before going back to his phone.
on friday, ja’marr offered to give you both a ride to the airport, so you and joe loaded your luggage into his car and got in. as ja’marr and joe were singing along to whatever song was playing, you were texting your mom, who was overly enthusiastic about joe’s arrival. her constantly making sure that he’s coming and will be on time. you reassure your mother that everything will go according to plan.
ja’marr pulls up to the airport and you all get out of the car to get your bags out. you and joe thank ja’marr as he gives joe “good luck” before getting back into his car and driving off.
you and joe walk into the airport and check your bags then go through security. while sitting at your boarding gate, you notice joe’s leg shaking up and down. you put your hand on his thigh to stop it and you ask him “is everything okay honey?” “yeah.” he tells you. “i’m just a little nervous. i mean, what if they don’t like me or don’t think i’m good enough for you because i’m just a football player and you’re so fucking smart and guaranteed a good job and-” “joe” you cut him off. “everyone is going to love you okay? trust me, it’s all they’ve been talking to me about since i first told them about you. and even if they don’t like you that doesn’t matter to me because i like you. and my feelings towards you are much more important than theirs right?” you reassure joe. “yeah i guess. it’s just that i’ve never really met a girlfriend’s family before, so i don’t know what to do or what to say. and doesn’t your uncle own a gun?” he asks you still a little bit worried. “he does, but he’s not going to use it on you joe. he might whip it out to scare you-” “WHAT” he all but yells in the airport. “BUT i promise he won’t use it okay?” “okay yeah.” he says much more relaxed than he was earlier.
soon after, you and joe board the plane and the flight ends up being very smooth with very little turbulence. one of the things you loved about your home state, there was never much turbulence when landing. you and joe order an uber to take you to the hotel you’re staying at after you both grab your bags from baggage claim.
once you both check in you immediately go up to your room and lie down on the bed, exhausted from the plane ride. you and joe end up taking a nap for a few hours until it was time for dinner. you ordered takeout from a five guys, which joe has never had before, much to your surprise. “you’ve never had five guys?” you ask him shocked. “nope.” “we are getting five guys right now.” you grab your phone and click on the uber eats app to place your order.
once the food got to your room, you and joe immediately sat down at the little dinner table in your room. while you’re eating your fries, you hear “oh my god this is so fucking good.” “i told you joe. nobody makes better burgers or fries.” you tell him. “you’re so right babe. i’m never doubting you again.” you laugh at him. “just eat your food so we can go to bed.”
the day of the barbecue, you start to understand joe’s nervousness. your family’s opinion of him means everything to you. what if they don’t like him? what if they think you should break up with him? you try to convince yourself that that’s ridiculous. of course they’ll love him. everyone does.
once it’s time to go, you and joe head downstairs to meet your cousin, savannah, so she could take you to your uncle’s house. once you see her, you greet her with a hug. “i missed you so much.” she tells you. “i missed you too. let me introduce you to joe.” you say to her. “joe this is my cousin, savannah. savannah, this is my boyfriend, joe.” “it’s really nice to meet you, i’ve heard a lot about you.” joe tells your cousin. “likewise, joe.” she responds. “you ready to go?” she turns to you. “yeah let’s go.” you say to her.
once you pull up to your uncle’s house, you’re holding joe’s hand tightly in yours. you turn to him, “you ready joe?” “as ready as i’ll ever be baby.” he tells you with a newfound confidence.
you both get out of the car and walk into the house. there’s nobody inside, so everyone’s probably outside by the pool and grill. you open the back door and walk out. the first person to notice you is your other cousin, jamison. “hey y/n/n!” he walks over to you and gives you a bear hug. everyone else walks over to you and they also give you a bear hug.
“everyone” you get their attention. “this is joe, joe this is my family.” everyone turns to joe and they look at him for a second. you start to become worried, and you can tell joe is too. then all of a sudden, they walk over to him and greet him. the men in your family including all your uncles and your father give him a firm handshake while introducing themselves, while your aunts and your mom give him a huge hug.
you suddenly don’t know why you were worried. of course they would all love joe, i mean who the hell wouldn’t?
“oh joe!” your uncle james exclaims. “i almost forgot, i have a little gift for you to welcome you to the family!” “welcome me to the family sir?” joe asks confused. “well you’re family now joe. you’re the first boyfriend of y/n/n’s we’ve had the pleasure of meeting.” your uncle james tells your boyfriend and you feel yourself start to turn red. your uncle walks back inside to grab whatever it is he has for joe as he turns to you. “so, i’m the first boyfriend they’ve met huh?” he asks with a smirk. “yes but don’t let it go to your head joseph lee. i just never had many boyfriends in high school.” you tell him as you walk over to the mini fridge outside to grab a beer. you offer joe one and he accepts. you grab a bottle opener and just as you got joe’s bottle open, your uncle walks back outside… holding a cowboy hat?
“everyone in the family owns their own cowboy hat, even y/n, so i thought it’s only fair that you get one too.” your uncle says as he hands joe the hat. “go ahead try it on.” your aunt says to him. joe puts it on and you swear you could combust right then and there. you never imagined joe wearing a cowboy hat before, but now you couldn’t get it out of your head.
“i’m about to fire up the grill to make some wings, but i heard that you smoke cigars, so you wanna sit down with me and have one later?” your uncle james asks. “yeah sure that sounds great sir.” joe tells him. “don’t call me sir, just james. i don’t need to feel older than i already am.” joe laughs a bit and nods at your uncle.
“well i think this is going very well.” you tell your boyfriend happily. “yeah me too.” he smiles at you. “so… the hat?” you ask. “i actually really like it. think i might wear more often.” “yes please.” you tell him. “oh? so i take it you like the hat then?” he asks you cockily. “you could say that.” you smirk back at him. you walk away to go chat with your aunts as joe goes to talk to your uncle by the grill.
after everyone eats james’ delicious wings, your uncle walks inside to grab his cigar box and a lighter. he sits down on the couch by the pool and gives joe a cigar. james lights joe’s cigar first, then his own. you suddenly smell that familiar smell and look over to your uncle and your boyfriend. you see joe with a cigar hanging out of his mouth while he listens to your uncle talk about something you can’t quite make out. you can’t take it anymore. you can handle the cowboy hat, but the cowboy hat and cigar combo? you’re done for.
you walk over to the both of them. “what are you guys talking about?” you ask. “oh nothing” your uncle says. “just guy stuff.” joe adds. “oh well, joe and i are actually gonna head out, i’m exhausted and we have an early flight to catch tomorrow.” you say with false regret. “oh well, i’ll see you during summer, hopefully you too joe.” james says as he stands up. you give him a hug as joe gives him a handshake. you and joe wish everyone goodbye and walk out of your house to wait for your uber.
suddenly, you gave into your temptation and kissed joe in the sidewalk. he pulls away, “what was that for? not that i’m complaining of anything.” “oh nothing.” you tell him as you pluck the hat off his head and put it on yours. “why’d you do that honey?” he asks cluelessly. “oh i forgot you’re from ohio.” you tell him through your laughing. “well there’s this rule around here called ‘save a horse, ride a cowboy’ you ever heard that before?” joe shakes his head. “well the rule says you take the hat, then you ride the cowboy.” you tell him with a smirk.
it suddenly clicks in joe’s head and you see his eyes turn dark. “oh really?” he asks. “then we can’t break the rules can we baby?” “no we can’t joey.” you tell him while slowly creeping your hand to cup the back of his neck so you can pull his lips to meet yours. it only lasts a couple seconds because you notice that your uber has pulled up beside the two of you. joe grabs your hand and swiftly pulls you into the car with him.
you were in for quite a night.
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robinette-green · 5 months
Late Night Day Dreams Chapter 11:
The Day After
You’re a Parts and Service Technician who’s been out for a week due to illness. An early morning phone call has you coming in at 6 am on your first day back instead of 10 pm like you had been planning on.
You just want to clock in, get set up and then seen your robot boys in the daycare but things don’t go as planned.
2,941 words
Princess Quest ending
Sun and Moon are 100% your boyfriends and it’s a secret but everyone knows
Punching my code into the keypad, I yawned, covering my mouth and squinting as my eyes watered.
6am was much, MUCH too early to be awake.
A phone call had startled me from sleep about 15 minutes ago. It was one of management’s automated voice messages, pre-recorded and riddled with breaks from a robotic AI voice.
“Hello, Faz Bear employee, NUMBER 13357. We are calling to inform you that you are needed to work MORNING SHIFT PARTS AND SERVICE TECHNICIAN. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your cooperation. Please arrive on time for your SIX AM shift. Thank you and have a good day.”
I’d been out sick for a week and today was my first day back. It was just starting much, MUCH earlier than I thought it would.
Jeff must have called out. He was the normal morning tech. It was odd though because usually he’d shoot me a text to give me a heads up if he knew he wouldn’t be able to come in.
Well if he was sick he’d probably be sleeping in so I’d text him later to make sure he was alright.
The keypad beeped, light glowing green for a moment before the large metal door that split the parking garage from the lobby started to lift.
Adjusting my bag on my shoulder, I took a long sip of coffee while I waited for the door to rise enough to walk under.
Neon lights reflected off the polished floors of the lobby, large LED screens played ads of the band on the pillars and walls, and staff bots mopped the floors and did security rounds. Everything as normal at Freddy Fazbear’s Mega Pizza Plex.
Well until I made it to the turn styles and noticed that the gates for the lower gift shop and the customer service counter were both raised.
They should have been lowered last night and the night guard wouldn’t have needed to raise them.
Okay, well, whatever.
Maybe one of the animatronics opened them and forgot to close them again.
Ducking into one of the ticket booths, I booted up one of the computers and clocked in for my shift. The computer played a little fan fair with children cheering in the background as the punch went through and I rolled my eyes. I don’t know who programmed it to do that but I wanted to have a conversation with them. We were just going to talk.
Taking another sip of coffee, I adjusted my bag again and started through the lobby and up the stairs to the elevators.
The plan was to go down to parts and service first and get set up then I’d check on the main four before going to the daycare to see Sun and Moon. I needed to at least pretend to do my job before I could see my favorite boys and once we’d gotten through the hugs and catching up I’m sure they’d enjoy coming with me on my rounds of the -
The elevator doors had opened and I was distracted by the upper half of Monty clawing his way across the atrium floor. Not even sparing me a glance.
“… the fuck???”
It took another long moment before I could pull myself out of my surprise and shock.
“MONTY!” I shouted, trotting to catch up to the torso crawling across the floor.
“Dude! What the fuck?”
He didn’t respond, continuing on his merry way, a growl periodically coming from his voice box.
I dropped to a knee and set my coffee aside so I could rummage through my bag. Luckily, my Faz wrench, a large, orange, two-pronged tool, was near the top.
Faz wrench in hand, I ran to Monty and practically tackled him, placing a knee in his back to press him to the floor. As the bot growled and scrabbled at the floor, ripping up carpet and scooting us jerkily forward, I forced the service hatch on the upper part of his back open and slammed the prongs of the Faz wrench into the slot I’d uncovered. With a twist of the wrench, Monty slumped to the floor as he rebooted.
What the hell happened last night???
As Monty started to boot back on, I moved to sit next to him on the floor, closing his service hatch as I did.
Monty blinked a few times then groaned, clutching at his head with what was left of his hands. Now that I was really looking at him I could see that the shells of his hands were also gone.
Did someone break him for his upgrade?
Were the others okay??
“Wha?” Monty shifted to look down at himself and then at me.
“What, in the swampy bottom Faz fuck happened to my legs!?” He demanded in his gruff cajun accent.
“Language. If I knew, I’d tell you. I just got here. Walked through the doors and found you crawling your way through the plex. I was hoping you could tell me.”
“ Hypocrite. You spend too much time in that daycare” Monty grumbled.
“Is everyone else alright?”
“Again, just got here,” I repeated, ignoring his jab at my own use of cuss words, before getting to my knees and grabbing the gator under his arms.
“Come here you overgrown backpack. Let’s get moving and find out.”
With Monty’s help and a good bit of struggle, I managed to get Monty into my back and stood. Turns out that he was still extremely heavy when only part of an upper body.
“You’ll grumble but we’re going to the daycare first.”
Monty did grumble a little bit, tightening his grip on my shoulders.
“Na, I get it. Need to check on your boys.”
Lugging the large gator along, I went back to the elevator to go back to the lobby. This route would be faster than going through Kids Cove and I wouldn’t have to walk as far with a heavy passenger on my back.
“Hey kid, put me down. I’ll crawl” Monty could tell I was already flagging.
“No. This is faster and I can have Sun and Moon carry you once we find them.”
The music in the elevator cut out and the announcer told us a Faz fact that was very clearly untrue.
Bears aren't extinct yet and most certainly don't eat pizza in the wild.
Monty and I waited silently for it to finish and now that we weren’t talking I could really feel his weight pulling me down, compressing my body.
“…Though if I change my mind you’ll be the first to know.”
Monty chuckled and the elevator doors opened and we were able to continue on.
We made it to the daycare check-in before I had to set Monty down but we were close enough that it didn’t matter.
I practically fell down, getting Monty to the floor without dropping him and my body felt oddly light and floaty as I stumbled to the 'side into fun' slide that went down into the daycare proper.
“SUN!” I called down the colorful plastic tube.
I’d been out for a week, they should be anxious wrecks to see me again.
The sudden crashing of an animatronic scrambling up the slide startled me and when Sun shot out, his arms wrapping around me I fell over, his weight crushing me.
“OH DEWDROP! I’m so glad, glad, GLAD! You’re back! So many things have gone WRONG! They made us get an upgrade WITHOUT YOU! It was HORRIBLE! And, and now Moon won’t talk to me! And he’s HURT an EMPLOYEE!! And we’ve had complaints! I’m not allowed to turn the light OFF anymore!! and, and, and OH MY GOD WHAT’S HAPPENED TO MONTY!!!” Holding me tight to his chest, Sun scrambled away from the torso of the gator that was crawling towards us.
“Woah! Easy!” I took Sun’s face into my hands, trying to calm him some.
“It’s alright.”
The large sunny animatronic melted into my touch, curling further around me.
Next time I get sick I’m going to let Sun and Moon squirrel me away in their room and let them care for me like they wanted because clearly I couldn’t leave for a moment without things falling apart… literally.
Monty sighed, resting his head on his hands as he looked at us over his sunglasses.
“We don’t know what happened to 'em,” Monty grumbled.
“I woke up like this. Your little human says they found me crawling through the atrium like this and gave me a reboot.”
It took a little longer to calm Sun down and after some coaxing and more hugs, I finally got him to let me go.
We decided that the first thing we would do was get Monty down to parts and service. I didn’t know what condition the others would be in and I might need Sun and Moon to carry them. That would be easier if they weren’t also carrying the gator.
I also wanted to check on Moon. From what Sun had said I had a feeling that something had gone wrong with whatever upgrade they’d gotten and I needed to make sure Moon was okay.
Sun scooped Monty up and carried him with one arm then snagged my hand, squeezing for reassurance.
Giving him a smile, I squeezed back.
I was going to fix this.
It didn’t take long to get down to parts and service. We placed Monty on one of the work tables and let him go into rest mode then I gently talked Sun into the repair tube. He was nervously pulling at a ray, the rest pulled into his face plate with worry.
“A-are you sure this is a good idea? Y-you haven’t seen the state of our room. H-he’s been destroying staff bots! I don’t want you to get hurt! What if something’s really REALLY wrong and he- and he-!”
“It’ll be okay, Sunny bunny,” I murmured, patting Sun’s hand as he sat in the large dentist-looking chair.
“You and I both know that Moon would never do anything to hurt me. We’re going to find out what they did wrong during your upgrade and I’m going to fix it. Promise. It’ll be okay.”
The door closed, sealing us in as I sat on my rolling stool and hooked up my laptop to the port in the back of Sun’s head.
“I’ll do a check on you first, then we’ll turn out the lights,” I said, already distracted by code as I dug through Sun’s files, Sun giving me a nervous affirmative.
They’d given Sun and Moon a battery that could outlast any of the other animatronic’s batteries but when they’d done this they’d turned off Sun and Moon’s ability to enter rest mode.
I grumbled something unsavory to myself as I turned it back on. Not being able to rest for a week was probably part of the reason Sun was so high-strung right now. Not resting on top of everything else going on.
Luckily everything else seemed to be in order…
“We’re going to take a long nap once we get everything sorted. Looks like you both need a snuggle and some rest.”
Sun took one of my hands in his, tilting his head slightly so he could look up at me with his white eyes.
“Please?” He asked, his voice so small.
I leaned down and pressed a kiss to his forehead.
Now it was time to check on Moon.
Giving Sun’s hand a squeeze, I reached over and placed a finger on the light controls.
“Ready?” I asked softly and after a moment of hesitation, Sun nodded.
The lights in the repair tube went out and dimmed in the rest of Parts and Service. Sun’s body convulsed and he made a pained sound that had me lurching forward.
“SUN?!?” I called out but as soon as it had started, it stopped, Moon’s red eyes glowing in the dark.
“Are you alright!? That sounded like it hurt!” I ran my fingers along the edge of Moon’s face plate where Sun’s rays had retracted, looking to see if something was impeding the change there.
A hand grabbed my wrist and squeezed. Hard.
“Ahh,” I hissed, free hand instinctively going to Moon’s fingers to try and relieve some of the pressure as my eyes flew to Moon’s.
“Sssss-starlight?” Moon growled, voice glitching.
Suddenly, Moon jerked forward, gripping his face plate with a hand and crying out, his eyes flickering purple for a moment.
“Moon. Talk to me, buddy. What’s wrong?” I scrambled for my laptop, clicking away with my free hand through Moon’s coding, wincing as I tried to ignore the way my other wrist was being crushed.
“S-sommmmme-thing’ssss. Ii-t’sss in-n-n-n-n my head. Connn-t-trolling-” Moon managed to get out, doing his best to fight whatever was trying to rear its ugly head.
“Hold on honey, I got you,” I murmured, typing as fast as I could with one hand.
There was something in his code, probably the same thing that had been affecting Monty when I’d first found him. Moon needed a reboot, that should clear out the virus like it had with Monty.
Moon growled, the metal of his face plate creaking as his grip tightened down, the grip on my wrist just as tight.
“J-Just a little longer. Hold out for me if you can.” I managed to say through gritted teeth, trying to ignore the way my bones were creaking.
Grabbing my Faz wrench, I was just barely able to get the prongs into the slot on the back of Moon’s face plate. With a grunt, I turned the wrench and Moon suddenly went limp, eyes going dark.
I pulled my arm free from his grasp and cradled it to my chest. By some miracle, it was bruised but not broken.
Leaning closer, I tried to see what Moon’s optics were doing.
“Moon? How are you feeling sweetheart?”
Red eyes flickering back on, I had to sit back as their head did a spin and Sun’s rays joined Moon’s hat.
“Happy Birthday!” Eclipse gushed and I sighed, smiling down at the grinning robot.
If Eclipse was fronting then everything must be working smoothly. This part of the daycare attendant could only surface when Sun and Moon were working in harmony.
“Not my birthday, Eclipse. Did the reboot wipe the virus from your system?”
“Sure did! We’re in tip-top shape! And we’re able to communicate again just fine as you can see!” Eclipse gushed as he sat up, reaching out to pull me into a hug.
“Thank you, Star Shine!” He whispered into my hair. Then in a much smaller voice, he asked
“Is it… time for that cuddle?” He sounded so anxious and sad, I wanted to immediately agree but we still had work to do.
But then I would cuddle my poor boys for days and we’d have a week-long sleepover. They deserved it after what they’d been through.
After checking on Monty one more time, Sun, Moon, and I set out to find Roxy, Chica, and Freddy and check on DJ Music Man.
We found Roxy in her salon, sobbing uncontrollably as she tried to hide her face. Her eyes had been ripped from her head, wires hanging loose from the empty sockets. Her hair had been thoroughly messed up and it looked like her snout had been bent giving her a permanent snarl.
The shock from losing her eyes had forced an auto reboot, purging the virus but it had left Roxy a wreck, sobbing and raging about the boy that had taken her eyes from her.
Sun and I promised over and over that she was still the most beautiful and that I would easily be able to fix her. I even told her that we could add whatever she wanted to her shell. New hairstyle, new colors, different earrings, whatever she wanted. We’d make a spa day of it.
This seemed to calm her down some and Sun and I were able to get her to parts and service, letting her sit in a chair near Monty’s table as she whimpered softly.
So this Gregory had taken Monty’s hands and Roxy’s eyes. I had a feeling I knew what would be missing when we found Chica.
And I was right but it was worse than I’d thought.
She’d been smashed by the trash compactor but was somehow still mindlessly wandering around and shoving food into what was left of her mouth. Someone had pulled her voice box out and taken her beak with it leaving Chica with a large hole in her face. Her shell was cracked in serval places and she reeked of trash.
I ended up having to have Moon hold Chica down so I could open the service panel in her back and force a reboot with my Faz wrench.
Even once she was rebooted, Chica seemed dazed and confused. Moon was able to converse with her via sign language but, just like Monty, she had no memory of what had happened.
DJ Music Man seemed alright, all things considered. He seemed to have the robot equivalent of a headache, holding his head, lying sprawled out on his stage. DJ had a vague memory of a boy running about the arcade but couldn’t tell us more.
No matter how hard we looked, we couldn’t find any sign of Freddy. He appeared to have vanished along with the boy that had caused all this destruction.
If this is what happens when I leave for a week then I guess I can’t leave ever again.
Not that Sun or Moon would let me.
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frenchlatte · 11 months
“You can call me whenever you want..”
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[Rengoku Kyojuro x Reader]
[Modern!AU][AFAB Reader][No smut only Fluff]
Sighing to yourself, you checked your phone for the time. 10:15 AM. It feels like time can’t fly any faster at your job.
You worked at the most popular green coffee shop, and today it was slow. Seems like everyone wanted to sleep in! Grabbing a cleaning rag, you rubbed the counter for about the 5th time in a row today.
Hearing a drink’s ticket print, you grew excited at the opportunity to do something. It was easy, a small iced caramel macchiato. Finishing quickly, it became evident you were back to square one again.
Hearing the door give a small chime caused you to perk up. Eyes scanning forward you saw your favorite regular! Well.. favorite was a word. He made you feel flustered every chance he could, especially if he had been super chatty while you worked on his drink.
He was incredibly handsome, and always had a small smile on his face when he spoke to you. He had his spiky blonde hair down today, while he wore a white button up, tie, and slacks. His sleeves were rolled up to the forearm. Woof.
You let you eyes stare probably a little too long, as he greeted you and went to place his order at the register. He definitely caught you staring, but again when does he not..
His name is Rengoku, his usual order goes as a large iced hazelnut blonde latte. Replace the 2% milk for whole milk, and light ice.
He always wears nice business casual when he comes in, and seems to drive a really nice car. You wondered what he did for business, as the only thing he tells you is security. You thought to yourself, no security guard makes that much money.
After placing his order, he seemed to scuffle over to you pretty quickly. He waved, and smiled bright at you. You felt your face grow a little red with the new attention.
“Hey!! Good morning Rengoku, welcome back. I got your latte coming out soon.” I smiled back at him as I prepared his drink.
He waited across the counter patiently, “No worries Y/N! I’m so happy you’re making my drink. It always comes out the best from you.”
The compliment made me smile for two reasons, I was passionate about my craft and it came from him. My eyes went back to him as he spoke again.
“Have you had your 30 yet, did you wanna come sit with me if you’re able..?”
His voice trailed off a little, sounding less confident but still with a bright smile. His eyes were soft, but still piercing in a golden hue. He sounded nervous to ask you.
Your lips curled into a smile, butterflies swarmed your stomach. Whenever you could, you would take your meals with him. It was so fun to sit and just talk about nothing. You watched him across the counter from you fidget waiting for your response.
You topped his finished drink with a lid, and handed it out gently,
“Let me go check to see if they’re in a good enough place for me to take a lunch now! I’ll be right back Rengoku.”
His eyes brightened and he nodded excitedly with small words of encouragement.
You turned around to walk and see if anything urgent needed to be done, and if your team needed you for those 30 minutes. Without any reason to stay, you walked back out to the lobby and sat down with him.
“Alrighty they don’t need me. What’s up Rengoku, I feel like I haven’t seen you recently.”
You sat down directly in front of him, leaning your head into your hands. Your eyes met, and you smiled. Focusing your attention solely onto him. His posture straightened as you sat down with him, and you watched his hands subtly twitch. He was a very well sculptured man. His shirt clung onto his arms tightly, and his pants were tailored to him exact. He had a nice and assumingely expensive watch on his left wrist. He always dressed so nice.
“I feel the same!!” He said enthusiastically. “I’ve been working so hard recently. You’ve been on my mind a lot though, so I wanted to drop in as soon as I was at a stopping point. I hoped you hadn’t forgotten about me yet.”
He let out a low chuckle and scratched the back of his head. He was blushing softly, and so were you. This man always made you feel so special. You broke the eye contact and averted your gaze to the coffee he held in his hand. Your face undoubtedly had a nice red hue to it.
You shifted in your seat uneasily , “Rengoku, how could I ever forget about you? Even when you don’t come in I still think about you and wonder how you’re doing.”
His eyes widened slightly and you could’ve sworn you saw him tense, grabbing his coffee a little tighter than normal. His face broke into a grin, and he laughed a little.
“ Wow Y/N!! I didn’t know you could make me smile this big .”
Your face erupted into a hot blush, and felt uncertain on how to respond. He seemed to notice his outburst and rushed out,
“ Ahh I’m sorry that came out so forward… you’re blushing like a rose… you just…” he trailed off smiling at me with half-lidded eyes. He brought up his coffee to take a sip.
“no no it’s okay I promise.” A few giggles came out of your mouth, and time seemed to pause for a moment while you two stared at each other. You couldn’t break the eye contact, it felt so comforting and alluring in that moment.
In that moment, it connected for you. You are attracted to this man beyond his looks, but how he talks to you and treats you. When he would come in, he’d show you goofy dog videos on Tiktok. You both would chat about random things like broken patio furniture and make it interesting. He cared when you would seem different, asking about what happened and how he could support. He was .. great. You wanted more of this.
“Uhh hey Rengoku..”
He snapped back to reality.
“Yes Y/N!” He answered with a smile. His hand came up to brush a few strands of spiky hair out of his face.
“ This is so awkward but..” you hesitated, huffing a little and blushing again, fiddling with the sleeve on your shirt. “ I wasn’t wanting a relationship recently, but since you’ve been coming in I just.. have realized I have feelings for you. You always make me happy to be around you and I want more of that..”
Your eyes were shifted down at the table, and you squirmed in your seat. Your brain focused on the soft music playing in the cafe around you two, and you tried to not think about the man in front of you.
“Y/N !! You’re the only reason I come here. I find myself just wanting to see you every day, and I’m pretty sure you consumed 90% of my brain! It’s not awkward please don’t say such harsh things about yourself.”
Your eyebrows raised hearing his words.
You felt a large hand caress your face, it encouraged you to look forward and meet the eyes of a love struck Rengoku. His face was equally as blushed except he looked so happy to hear your thoughts. His eyes were glowing as he grinned. The other hand of his reached out in an inviting way for your hand.
You slowly lifted your hand to slide into his, and leaned into the one on your face. A smile broke loose on your face, and you said softly
“I guess you’ll be needing this then..”
You reached into your pocket pulling out a tiny post-it note square and a pen. You scribbled down your number and passed it to the enthusiastic male across from you.
His eyes beamed with delight, and he nodded.
“ absolutely Y/N. I’m so happy to finally have told you this.. it removes so much worry off of me.”
A small alarm came from your phone, signalizing your break was over. A pang of disappointment washing over your heart and face.
Rengoku reached out and gently cupped your face, smiling brightly.
“Don’t be so sad my little flame!! You can call me whenever you want to!!” His hand slid to your hair and gently ruffled.
Your face glowed, giving him a smile.
You would.
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A Sweet Mishap - Chapter 12
Pairing - Jensen Ackles x Reader 
A/N: I just want to start by thanking everyone for all the love on this story so far. Here's the next chapter, I hope you enjoy. Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist.
A Sweet Mishap Masterlist | Main Masterlist
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Grumbling, I get out of bed at 6:30am, after shutting off my alarm. I have a brisk shower to wake myself up, get dressed in leggings, a sports bra and an old oversized hoodie, and have a quick breakfast; water and an over-ripe banana. I tie up the most comfortable running shoes I have, put my dollar store wired earphones in, turn on a lively pop playlist and jog down the stairs, instead of waiting for the elevator. 
Part of being realistic, I decided, is accepting that my loathing of gyms and exercise has left me out of shape and is a likely main contributor as to why my exes have all ended up in bed with other women. I accept that unless I get in shape, I’ll never be able to attract and satisfy anyone long-term. I also assume that it’s part of why I can’t secure any auditions, not that I’m allowing myself to consider that career path anymore.
Knowing I can’t afford to splurge on a gym membership until I get a more sustainable income I opt to just run. My mind keeps running in time with my legs (or maybe even faster). I try to remember when I first became so inactive. As a child and teenager I was always outside moving around, whether it was tending to or riding my horse, or hiking, I was always doing something active. I figure it was probably London that did it. I’d sold my horse to pay for the plane tickets and to help us get set up with an apartment. That had left me depressed for a while, in truth I still miss that beautiful snow-white mare even now. Then, there hadn’t been many opportunities to hike and none to ride in London, so I entered a state of stasis. I walked when and where I could, but the gloomy weather made even that difficult.
Then after the shit hit the fan the first time and I moved home, I was so depressed I barely left my parent’s house for months. That resulted in evenmore stasis, until they forced me to get a job. My dad had a friend that owned a bar and he'd managed to talk my way into a job there working the quieter weeknights. That had gotten me back on my feet, but it wasn’t quite the activity I was used to. Ten months later I moved to New York with a Wednesday regular that talked his way into my pants and subsequently my heart. 
A fresh start, so I thought, but it ended up being evenmore stasis. New York wasn’t much different to London; a bustling city with no hiking trails or decent outdoor spaces aside from Central Park. By the time that relationship faced an all too familiar demise I was left well and truly broken. Any hobbies I had were long forgotten. Though, I did have the pipe dream that Tyler had helped sprout after taking me to numerous broadway shows. So, not wanting to go back home to my parents again, I clung to that, even after countless rejections. 
Now, left with nothing but regrets and no clear path forward, I know I’m a hopeless mess. So, I do the only thing I can think of: run.
When I finally collapse on the couch, massaging my aching muscles, after another long closing shift, I force myself to continue browsing the local job boards. But as I’m scrolling, my phone rings and I accidentally answer too quickly before I can process who it is. But I recognise the deep, Texan accent immediately. “Hey Darlin’, you ok? I’ve left you like a hundred messages. I was about to book a flight to New York to do a wellness check,” he says with a dry chuckle.
Trying to act indifferent and uninterested – more to fool myself than him – I shake my head even though he can’t see me. “I’m fine. Just busy.” As I twist around on the couch trying to stretch out my tense muscles my eyes land on the box that I still haven’t sent back. I sigh. “Jensen, listen…”
His tone is more somber when he speaks again, cutting me off, “You changed your mind about us? I know it’s a lot, but I warned you that they would likely come out eventually. I tried to get my agent to get ahead of it, but the paparazzi are relentless. I’m so sorry. I get it if-”
I sit up straighter, paying more attention. I cut him off, “Wait! What are you talking about?”
“The photos from the cafe…the day we met. You didn’t know? Wait, but if that’s not why you’ve been avoiding me then what’s going on?”
Still in shock, I search his name on my laptop. My jaw drops along with my phone as the photos from that day pop up.
“Y/N? Y/N, please talk to me. I know it’s a lot, but please…I’m right here.”
I pick my phone back off my lap and bring it back up to my ear. In that moment I realise I have the perfect excuse, he’s giving me an out. I know this won’t go away and it could leave a blemish on both of our reputations, but if I break it off now it will just be a single meeting in a coffee shop. The whole thing would fade eventually, when they realise it’s nothing the paparazzi will move onto the piece of celeb gossip as would Jensen to the next female.
I put on my best facade and lean on my acting skills, despite promising I’d never use them on him. But again, this will be the last time I’ll ever speak to him, so what’s the harm. “I’m sorry, Jens, it’s just…it’s all too much. You might be used to this, but for me…this could be my career. I’ll never get a role without being labeled as sleeping my way into the business. Not to mention the hate from your fans. I just…I can’t.” He sighs and I could swear I heard him let out a sniffle as if he’s crying and my heart breaks. I almost take it all back, but I tell myself this is for the best. He’ll be better off without me; it never would’ve worked anyway. 
“I understand…” he says before going silent as if hiding his sniffles. After a few minutes he says, “I’m so sorry, Darlin’. You really are special, I did everything I could. I know it’s a big risk for you…”
“It was a risk for you too. But if we end it here no one has to know. I was just your barista…They’ll forget and so will you. It will be better this way.” I wipe away a tear as I hang up. I know I wouldn’t be able to stay strong if he tried to fight for me or comfort me, or take anymore blame, so I had to break free. With tears now streaming down my face I finally allow myself to read through all the messages he’d left over the past 48 hours. They start out normal and light hearted, wishing a good day and good night but they quickly take a serious turn. Since about 9am every message is a form of an apology or a beg for me to call him.
I then notice a message from Stella from the same time. Hers has a very different tone. There’s still the begs for me to call her, but her messages are all layered with excitement about how cute me and Jensen look together and how she can’t wait to meet him at the wedding. I want nothing more than to call her and let her tell me how much of an idiot I am and to let her convince me to call him back, apologise and work it out. But I don’t. I promised I wouldn’t be a distraction; wedding conversations only. As Nick pointed out, she has enough on her plate right now. She doesn’t need to fix my messes too. I’m an adult, it’s time to grow up.
As I stare at the photo the tears fall heavier. Feeling utterly heartbroken, and pathetic for feeling this way after such a short time I need comfort. I know it’s so much more than just the issue with Jensen; it’s Nick’s criticism, it’s not being able to call my best friend, it’s how little I’ve achieved so far, it’s the loneliness of my apartment, it’s the memories, it’s everything. Feeling the worst I’ve felt in years I do what may seem like the most childish thing – because I feel like a failed adult – and call my mother. 
“Hi Mom,” I say through tears. 
And like a true mother, she instantly knows something’s wrong. “Hey Sweetie, you want to talk about it?”
“Can I come home?”
“Oh, Sweetie. You know you’re always welcome to come home, but why don’t we talk about this first?”
“I’m a mess, and I’m so alone and I don’t know what to do. My life is going nowhere. I’m a failure.”
“You feel like…”
“You feel like all those things. But in reality you’re far from any of that.”
“No, it’s true. I’m all alone. My best friend’s fiance doesn’t want me hanging around them anymore because I’m an unwelcome distraction. My job is going nowhere and I barely get paid enough to pay my bills, I’ve been turned down from every audition I’ve done all year, I flunked most of my classes…I got my picture all over the internet with a guy I like and then I pushed him away…I’m such a failure. And I miss Snowball…and you and dad. I need a hug.”
“Oh, Honey…you’re still so young, it will all work out. You’ve had a bad run is all. But you truly have done so much. You’ve lived overseas, you’re living all alone in New York and you’re paying your bills, you’re eating, you’re working and you’re helping plan a wedding. You really have done so much. You’re the furthest thing from a failure. Your father and I are so proud of you. As for Snowball, your father still goes down and tends for and exercises her a few days a week. He wouldn’t let that horse go so easy, she’s over on Uncle Liam’s ranch. He just didn’t want you to know because he wanted to see you work for what you wanted and maybe pay a little price…learn a lesson. You know how he is…”
“Snowy’s ok?”
“I’ll get him to send you some photos next time he visits the ranch. So, tell me about these photos and this boy? They’re not nudes are they?”
“No, God, no. I would never! He’s famous and came into Mamma Jo’s. I was serving him and the paparazzi took a photo of us. But since then we became close, talking almost daily. But, I’m such a mess, how could I date again? He’ll probably just cheat on me anyway…I’m not good enough for long-term relationships.”
“Those boys still in your head? Not all men will be like that, and again, that wasn’t your fault.”
“It happened twice, with two different guys…how could I possibly believe it wasn’t because of me?”
“Because it just wasn’t. They didn’t know the gem they pushed away. You didn’t deserve what they did, but they never deserved you. But you and Trent were so young, not that I’m defending him, and then I never liked that Tyler kid. For better or worse, you know the signs now. Hindsight is 20/20, my dear. So, if you like this new guy, famous or not, just watch for the red flags you missed last time. If he doesn’t love you like you deserve, that’s his loss. Don’t settle for less than you deserve, but don’t shut yourself off either,” she says, and then as if trying to lighten the mood and make me laugh she adds, “Your father and I would like grandchildren one day. But only if you have them with a man who treats you and them right.”
“Thanks, Mom,” I say, tears finally easing off.
“That’s what I’m here for, Dear. No matter how old you get or how much you grow, you’ll always be my little girl. And no matter how lonely you feel, you’re never alone. And as much as we would love to see you, I know your life is where you are, right now. Don’t come home just yet. When the time is right we’ll even book your flights, but right now you need to stay where you are.”
“Ok…I’ll stay…”
“You’ll get through this, Sweetie. You always do. But until you do, I’m only ever a phone call away.”
“I know…Thanks, Mom. By the way, Mom, this guy…He’s from Texas…”
“That’s great, Dear, but I care much more about how he treats you.”
“I know…He treats me right, I think I hurt him more than he hurt me tonight. I need to call him back and explain.”
“Alright, Sweetie. I love you.”
“I love you, Mom. Good night.”
I hang up and go to the kitchen to clean my face. If I’m going to attempt to fix things with Jensen, I need to compose myself. Though, I wouldn’t blame him if he doesn’t pick up. After filling a glass with water I take it back to the couch, but before I sit down you stare at the box in the corner by the door. Still feeling unsure, despite my mother’s encouragement, and not knowing what I could even say to Jensen to begin to explain myself, I opt to start with a promise I made days ago instead. I bring the box back to the couch, rip off the tape and pull out the envelope. I start to read through the paperwork, determined to finally sign it.
I get through about a page and a half before the technical, legal jargon starts to jumble together. I find it harder to focus or keep my eyes open. I lie down to get into a more comfortable reading position, but it doesn’t take long for my eyes to droop closed.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Taglist: @stoneyggirl2 @hobby27, @n-o-p-e-never, @deansimpalababy
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Summary: y/n and Louis, who haven’t seen each other in a while, attend a concert for their good mutual friend and end up going home together.
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, alcohol consumption, flirting, super cute fluff beginning/end, unprotected sex, cream pie, oral (F), fingering, hair pulling, biting, filth
Y/fbf/n -> your friends boyfriends name
Y/f/n -> your friends name
“Are you guys ready yet?” Y/fbf/n says leaning against the door frame.
You look over your shoulder, “You can’t rush perfection.”
He rolls his eyes, “You can if you don’t want to miss a free concert.”
You sigh and shake your head, laughing, “Hey, those are my tickets. I didn’t have to bring you.”
You got tickets from your close friend, Niall. He’s doing some shows and teasers for his new album that’s coming out. (I started writing this before his album dropped so just pretend it hasn’t yet lmao)
“Don’t listen to him, we have plenty of time.” Y/f/n smiles and continues to do her makeup.
You arrive at the venue and walk in. You’re greeted by someone at the door and Niall cuts them off, “They’re with me!”
Excitement fills your body as the security guard moves and you see Niall for the first time in two years.
“Ah! Oh my god!” You hug him and bounce up and down, “I’m so proud of you!”
He smiles and shakes his head, “Oh stop it.” He looks up at your friends, “Hello.”
“Niall, this is y/f/n and y/fbf/n, her boyfriend.”
Niall reaches out to shake each of their hands, “Ni, I’m Niall.”
He moves back to you, “Come on, I’ll show you around.”
You follow Niall around the arena, talking with him and catching up. It’s going great until you walk away to grab a drink.
You turn back around and see Niall standing close with your friends, “Secrets don’t make friends.”
Niall laughs, “Yeah, no you’re right Um.” He glances over at y/f/n then back to you, “We were just trying to get the last minute plans together for your birthday dinner tomorrow.”
You squint and tilt your head, “Believable.” You laugh and look at Niall, “If you’re talking about Louis, it’s fine.”
He shakes his head and checks his phone, “Actually, I haven’t heard from him a day, so. I don’t even know if he’s coming.” Niall looks up at you, “If I would have known, you know I would have told you.”
You nod, “Yeah no. I know.”
You and Louis dated for a little while then broke up because of him wanting to focus on his solo career and you headed off to start your own business that is now very successful.
You miss Louis, honestly.
A part of you now feels like you guys could make it work, but another part of you is nervous because it’s been so long and time goes on.
You wanted to know if he’s seeing anyone, but you didn’t want to be upset the whole show, so you decided to distract yourself until then.
“Hey, anyone hungry?”
You grab a drink at the bar and make your way to the vip section of the pit with your friends. You smile and look around at all the people who came to support Niall.
You knew him for years before the x factor. He’s the one who actually introduced you to Louis.
Only after years of flirting and not facing up to the fact that there was chemistry there, you finally decided to give it a go.
It was going great for the longest time. You and Louis were inseparable until you couldn’t seem to find a solution involving your career paths.
The breakup was civil and you remained friends, but it left you with that unfinished feeling.
You always said that Louis was the one, and you still stand by that.
The lights go down and the volume is the room immediately gets cranked up to ten.
You smile and bite your lip, waiting for Niall to come on.
The beat of Nice to Meet Ya starts playing and everyone goes nuts as Niall walks out.
He starts singing and you dance with y/f/n as you sing along with him.
“I wanna blow your mind.. just come with me.. I swear..” you smile, “I'm gonna take you somewhere warm, you know j'adore la mer..”
You sip your drink, still dancing in your spot. You hum along to the music and y/f/n lays a hand on your shoulder, “Oh, um. By the way..” she lets out a nervous laugh, “Niall lied.”
She steps away and you turn to her, “y/f/n!” You shake your head, “About what?”
“Fancy seein’ you here.”
Your heart drops into your stomach and you turn towards him, “Louis?”
He smiles and holds his arms out, “Come here.”
You immediately fall into his chest, definitely not like you thought. He wraps his arms around you, “I wish I would have known you were coming, I would seen you sooner.”
He leans back, “Wow you still look good.”
You smile and shake your head, “Wait, Niall didn’t tell you I was coming?”
Louis shakes his head, “Not at all. Didn’t even mention ya.”
“Hmm.” You look over at your friends and they give you a thumbs up. You laugh and look over at Louis, “So you been okay?”
He nods and talks to you as he glances back from you to Niall, “Yeah, great actually.. you’ll have to come to a show.” He smirks and looks at you.
You nod and smile, “Please. Yes.”
Louis stares at you for a few moments, the same thoughts about making it work with you run through his mind.
Throughout the show, you and Louis have gotten physically close.
It feels like you guys picked up right where you were supposed to.
You feel whole again, just like he does.
You knew you and Louis were going to be the talk of the fandom because you spotted some fans snapping some pictures and what not.
But you didn’t care.
You had Louis again and this time, you knew you’d do anything but let him go.
Niall starts to sing Story of My Life and Louis wraps his arm around your waist, holding you as he watches Niall perform the song that they used to sing together.
You watch Louis, smiling as you quietly sing along with the crowd.
He looks down at you and without hesitation, he plants his lips onto yours.
The fans that are closest to you absolutely go crazy and you can tell you’re being lit up by phone flashlights.
“You got any place to be after this?” Louis asks just loud enough. You smile and shake your head, “No where until tomorrow night.”
He nods, “Good, because I’ve been missin’ something special of yours.” He watches as you close your eyes and fight back a moan.
You nod and slowly look up at him, “yeah.. okay.”
He chuckles at you trying to keep yourself composed, “Fuck, I missed you.”
He pulls you back into his body and holds you close to him as Niall works towards finishing his show.
Niall stands on the stage, looking out at everyone.
He spots you and Louis holding onto each other in the crowd and points, causing the fans to scatter to look around.
He smiles and shakes his head as he walks over to grab his guitar. The fans go wild because they know what that means.
It’s gets quiet and Niall starts playing his guitar, “I'm like a crow on a wire.. You're the shining distraction that makes me fly.. Oh, home..”
You and Louis sway slowly to the sound of Niall’s singing.
“And yeah.” Niall sings and steps back to let the crowd sings.
“I let you use me from the day that we first met.. But I'm not done yet.. Falling for you, fool's gold”
You smile and look around in awe. Your gaze slowly meets Louis and you smile even bigger.
“But I don't regret.. Falling for you..” Louis sings to you as he brushes your cheek with his fingers.
You wanted to hate Niall for calling you out like this, but at the same time you wanted to hug him and thank him over and over again.
After the song ends and Niall leaves the stage, Louis grabs your hand and leads you out of the pit, your friends following behind you.
You make your way around, to backstage and Niall dances as he walks over to you. He points at your hands that are interlocked together and looks up at you and Louis with a huge smile, “I knew it would work.”
“You are such a liar! And you lied to me! That’s even worse, Niall.” You fake pout but can’t control your smile, “Thank you.”
“See, I knew you wouldn’t be mad.” Niall hugs you and Louis, “Now go. Catch up.” He gives you a wink, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You turn to your friends and y/f/n bats the air, “Go. We knew about for the longest time so we made plans.” She laughs, “You deserve this.”
“Okay, love you.” You blow her a kiss and wave to y/fbf/n. Louis keeps your hand in his as he leads you out to the car.
Of course there’s fans waiting to see if they see us leave together.
And they do.
You laugh as you get into the car, “These fans are sneaky little things aren’t they?”
Louis laughs and raises his eyebrows, “Oh, you have no idea, love. But they’re good though.”
You nod and look out of the window, luckily the windows are tinted dark enough to where they can’t see in.
Louis pulls you over to him and attaches his lips to yours. You lay your hand on his chest and he cups your cheek, “I’m so happy to see you.”
Louis kisses down your neck and you tilt your head, “I’m so happy to see you.” You run a hand through his hair.
You bite your lip as he sucks a purple mark into your neck, “I don’t know why I let you go.” He looks up at you.”
“I’m back.” You rest your forehead against his, “I’m not going anywhere without you.”
He smiles and brushes his fingers through your hair, “We’re about to have the best sex ever, you know that right?”
You smirk and nod, “I do know that.” You wrap your arm around his neck and kiss him.
You and Louis break apart when his driver clears his throat, “We’re at the hotel, Louis.”
“Ah, thank you.” He looks over at you, “Come on, love.”
You get out of the car and hold his hand all the way up to the hotel room. You guys felt like teenagers again, running through the hallways to be alone with each other.
He pushes the door open and pulls you in with him. He kicks the door shut and pulls you with him to the bed.
His hands never leave your body and his eyes never leave yours.
You sit down, pulling him down with you and he falls into you. His lips meet yours and they move in a quick rhythm against each other.
“Fuck.” He groans against your lips, “Didn’t know how bad I wanted you back until I saw you standing there across that arena.”
You lay your hand on his cheek and smile up at him, “Well, you got me.”
He bites his lip and nods, “Fuckin’ right I do.”
He flips you guys over and you straddle him as you giggle. You lift your shirt up over your head and toss it behind you. His eyes move over your body and he tilts his head, “No bra? That’s sexy.”
You laugh and lean down to kiss him. His hands drag down your back and squeeze your hips.
You grind down on him, moaning into his mouth as the bulge of his cock pushes against your thin panty covered pussy.
He tilts his head back and groans, “Shit, babe.” He grips your hips and pulls you towards the bed. You lay down and look up at him.
He undoes the button on your skirt and pulls it down your legs. Your legs instantly spread for him and he slides his hands up your legs, “Ah, ah. Gotta get these off of ya.”
He hooks his fingers into the band of your panties and you watch as he pulls them down.
Once they’re off, his hands lay on your knees and push your legs apart. He waist no time diving in, pushing his tongue past your folds and pushing it inside of you.
You moan and arch your back, hands immediately going to his hair. He moans against you, pulling you closer to him.
You tug on his hair, earning a groan from him.
“Y-yes, baby.” You whine out, “Fuck, fuck.”
He brings a hand up, slipping two fingers in to replace his tongue and he slowly builds up speed as he thrusts them in and out.
He watches you you move your hands to the sheets and pull at them, moaning as you feel I’m bringing you closer, “Fu-“
Louis leans down, circling his tongue with your clit. Your eyes roll back and close at the added pleasure, “F-fuck. Fuck.”
You look down at him and grab his shoulders, “Come here. I need you.”
He pulls his fingers out and sits up. He quickly takes his shirt off, throwing it, “Anything you want, my love.” He gives you a smirk and pushes his jeans down.
Your eyes flicker down to his cock and back up to his eyes with a smile forming on your lips.
He moves up to hover his body over yours and he rubs the tip of his cock against you before slipping in with a groan, “Fuckin’ hell.”
He places one hand on your thigh and squeezes. You moan as he pushes his cock fully in, resting there for a second as he looks down at you.
“So fucking good.” He moans lowly and dips his head down to kiss you as he starts to thrusts his hips. He quickly builds up to a fast, almost punishing pace.
Your back is arched and your chest is pressed against his. Your legs tighten around his waist and you wrap an arm around his neck, “Fuck, baby. Yes. Yesyesyes.”
He moans into your neck as you tighten your arm and legs around him, clenched his cock as you moan.
You become a whimpering mess under him.
“So pretty when you cum.” Louis whispers quietly as he rubs your thigh.
He grips it and flips both of you over, “Wanna watch you ride me.” He smirks as he raises his eyebrows, “Always one of my favorite things.”
You smirk and reach down to hold his cock steady as you sink back down onto him. Your eyes flutter closed and your lips part as you feel him fill you.
You start to slowly move your hips and open your eyes and look down at him, “Louis.” You moan out almost breathless.
“What baby?” Louis strokes your hips with his thumbs, “Tell me.”
You whimper and interlock your fingers with his as he grabs your hands, “I love you.”
He smiles and nods, “C’mere.”
You lean down and he presses his lips to yours as he squeezes your hands, “I love you.”
You smile and kiss him again, moaning into his mouth, “Close again.”
He lets go of your hands and sits you up, “Go on then.”
You smirk and bite your lip as he watches you. His eyes slowly move down and fixate on his cock being swallowed by your cunt, “Fuck, y/n.”
You moan and reach down to rub your clit. Louis moans and lays his head back, eyes still on you touching yourself.
“Fuck, fuck.” You tilt your head back and let out a long loud moan as you cum around his cock. He places his hands under your thighs to hold you up and steady as he thrust his hips up from below you.
You reach behind you and lay your hands on his shins, digging your nails in, moaning as he fucks you through your orgasm.
After a few moments, Louis’ thrusts become slow, quickly. You look at him, tilting your head as you let out a small moan as he cums inside of you.
He lays his head back, taking a deep breathe before looking at you, “Could do this all day.” He winks and watches as you lay next to him.
You lay your head on his arm, “We might just have to.”
“Ah, yeah, but your birthday is tomorrow, and we have dinner plans.”
Your mouth drops slightly, “What else don’t I know?” You laugh slightly, “we have until then.” You look up at him and give him a smile.
He sighs and thinks for a few moments, “Sold.” He leans down and kisses you before he leans back.
His eyes scan over, studying your face, “I’ve wanted you back since the minute you left.”
You nod, “I know how you feel. I bawled for weeks.”
“Aw, babe.” He pulls you in and hugs you, “I should have followed you.”
“I should have came back, or called you at least. I didn’t think you wanted to hear from me.” You sigh, “I’m sorry.”
“None of that, ya hear me. It’s no one fault.” Louis runs his hand over your hair, “I gotcha now.”
You smile and nod, “And I got you.” You look up and he looks down at you. He presses his lips to yours and smiles within the kiss.
“Oh!” You sit up and get up to go grab your phone out of your purse, “Wanna see something crazy?”
He nods and moves the blankets for when you come back over and you unlock your phone, tapping on the twitter icon.
First tweet that pops up is about you and Louis and you look over at him. He looks over the screen and shakes his head, “That’s always been crazy. How fast stuff goes around like that?”
You nod, “Agreed.”
You scroll through with Louis, looking at the pictures of you guys from Niall’s show.
“Oh that’s so cute. I’m stealing that.” You laugh as you screenshot and crop the photo.
“Send that to me.” Louis says smiling,
“Of course.”
He presses his lips to your temple and watches you as you go through the #Y/NandLouis hashtag.
@/LOUISFAN01: Y/N Y/L/N and Louis Tomlinson were seen arriving to the show separately. Met up during the show got a little cozy, then they were seen leaving together. What. Does. This. Mean?! #Y/NandLouis
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@/LOUISFAN2: Is Louis and y/n happening again? #Y/NandLouis
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@/LOUISFAN3: Pleaseeeeee I pray to god that Niall brought this power couple back together. #Y/NandLouis
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Hi hello. I hope you liked this. Sorry for being a little MIA.
If you have any requests you can send them to me! Anon is on!
likes and reblogs are very appreciated! <3
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adorewo0 · 1 year
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SUMMARY : You are gifted barricade tickets to a Seventeen concert by your best friend. Woozi ends up taking your phone leading you down a slightly hectic and confusing love story with someone you never thought you would meet.
PAIRING : Ruby(?) Woozi x reader
GENRE : Fluff, delulu, idol au/smau(?)
FEATURING : All of Seventeen
WARNINGS : None :)
NOTES : This is my first story, so any feedback on things I need to improve on would be helpful. Also some parts will be set up like a smau. It’s all based on what I’m feeling in the moment/what I think is visually appealing. THIS IS PURE FICTION AND NOT RELATED TO THE IDOLS IRL!
Thank you <3
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Chapter I
I stare at the long line of bodies ahead of us in agony but also excitement.
“We should’ve come earlier,” Kya complains.
“I know but I didn’t want to camp. That’s too much,” I responded, cringing at the thought.
“Whatever we’re already here,” she says, agreeing with me. “Hold our spot for me I’m gonna go look at the merch.” I give her a quick nod and she heads towards the shorter line. In the meantime, I look at my phone scrolling through my Instagram feed. Okayy Hoshiii. The line continues to move forward at a slow but steady pace. I look around for Kya hoping she’s coming back soon because she doesn’t have her ticket with her. The line gets a little bit quicker and just as I am about to message her, she is standing right next to me huffing and puffing.
“You okay?” I ask laughing.
“Bro that line was no joke, I barely got out in time.”
“I know, I was starting to get worried,” I replied seriously. We go through security, check-in and then head to our barricade spots. We stand there for a little bit before the stadium goes dark and the concert begins.
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The concert is nearing the end and ‘Very Nice’ starts playing. The song gives the crowd that last little bit of energy to make it to the end and everyone is jumping along to the beat. All of the members are running around the stage interacting with different fans getting everyone hyped. I see Woozi, so I wave hoping to catch his attention. He waves back and thankfully I got it on video with my phone in my other hand. He walks away towards the other side of the stage, admiring the crowd around him.
A little bit later in the song they all come down to interact with the fans. Woozi comes to my side and takes my phone to take a picture with me. The song ends and he goes back on the stage to say goodbye, but the never ending loop of ‘Very Nice’ starts. Everyone is excited, wishing that the concert didn’t have to end soon, but they still enjoyed the moment.
The concert ends and everyone begins to leave. I start to put away some of my stuff but then I realize I lost my phone. I look for my phone around the barricade, asking the people passing by if they have seen my phone, but no luck. I then also realize I lost my friend in the big stampede of people leaving. I start to panic not knowing what to do, but then I realize that Woozi still has my phone from when we took a picture together.
I stick around a little bit longer hoping I can find a security guard or someone to help me get my phone back. As I’m calming myself down I see a figure walking towards me in all black. I recognized the figure as one of the security guards and he approached me telling me to follow him. I do as he says and I’m taken backstage to Seventeen's dressing room. Woah wtf I wasn’t expecting to be back here. I slowly start to freak out in the back of my head, but I try to keep myself as calm as possible on the outside. I see Woozi and he gives me my phone back.
“Sorry for taking your phone, I was really in the moment and forgot that it wasn’t mine or the staff’s,” he says apologetically.
“It’s fine,” I say politely.
“You want to eat with me, Wonwoo, Minghao, and Joshua as an apology gift?” He asks.
“Sure,” I say, smiling calmly, but still freaking out on the inside. I went to eat with them and surprisingly we had a good conversation and nothing was awkward. My friend texts me wondering where I am because it has been a while since we lost each other and we both need to get home. Meet me in the stadium, I text back. I say goodbye to all of them, but before I leave Woozi stops me.
“I need you to keep this a secret and tell no one that you were allowed back here, not even the family or friends you trust the most,” he says seriously.
“Okay, I promise. I don’t want you or any of Seventeen to have any controversies.”
“Thank you. Enjoy the rest of your night, and I am sorry about keeping your phone.” he says with a calm face.
“Same to you!”
I start walking back to my seats to meet up with Kya, but then my knee starts to hurt. My leg starts to give out but the person who was walking past me rushes to catch me before I fall. I look and it is S.Coups. Oh Shit.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah I’m fine,” I try to walk again but my knee is still not right.
“You obviously aren’t, let me help you.” I reluctantly accept and wrap my arm around his shoulder. He walks me back to the seats and sets me down.
“Thank you,” I say nervously.
“Do you need me to get anything for you? Is your knee okay? Why were you back there anyways?” he asks hurriedly.
“No. Yes. Woozi.” I answer simply. He straight faces me, so I guiltily elaborate, “No I’m okay, sometimes this happens because of a previous knee injury. Yes my knee is fine. And I got authorization to go backstage because Woozi accidentally took my phone.”
“Okay well thank you for the explanation. Do you need help getting to your car or anything?” he asks.
“No, I'm okay. I’m waiting for my friend.”
“Oh well I’ll wait with you. How did you like the show?” he asks with a smile.
“It was so good. You guys did great!” I said to him. We continue in a calm conversation, but I see Kya out of the corner of my eye. I get up and pull him with me and I push him away. I speed walk as fast as I can back to Kya after my knee failed me earlier.
“Hey!” I guided her back out of the stadium, making sure her focus was ahead. I look back at S.Coups seeing his confused but calm face. I pay no mind and keep walking, inherently keeping my promise to Woozi.
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
A Little at a Time, Part 1
Summary:   Small town gossip is rarely just that. But when your cousin and best friend catches the culprit in the act, you can no longer ignore it. Small towns rarely let you move on, so instead you move away, and to Boston where you can either wallow in your self pity, or get out…and that’s where you meet Andy Barber.
Pairings:  Cole Turner X Reader
Rating:  explicit
Warnings:  cheating, language, mentions of losing virginity, mentions of phone sex, face riding, mentions of blowjobs, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  2.4
Series Masterlist
*dividers created by @firefly-graphics​
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“Peach Blossom!” Your Memaw Leona Faye stomps her foot at the bottom of the stairs.  “Peach Blossom!  It is time for your sorry behind to wake up!” She takes one step up, and hears you groan.
Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, you bury yourself deeper under the covers, it was too bright and too cold out there.  “Peach Blossom!”
“It’s okay for you to say ass, you know!”
“Why I have never!  Tip!” She glares back at her husband, who shrugs his shoulders.  “You did this.  You gave her that vulgar mouth.”
“Lee, let it go.  She’s grown.”
“And still lives under my roof,” you bounce down the stairs, giving her a quick kiss on her cheek before walking into the kitchen.  Grabbing up a biscuit to pick at.  Memaw’s biscuits did not need anything in them.  They were perfect.  “What are your plans after work today?”
“Well,” you lay the biscuit down, and start twisting your ring around your finger.  A constant reminder that the only thing you were getting that you wanted was Cole.  Because this ring was not it.  
“PB and J, what’s wrong?  Ever since he slid that ring on your finger, you’ve acted funny,” you stuff a bite of the biscuit in your mouth, reaching around her to get a cup of coffee.  “Has Cole tried anything?”
“No! Oh my god, no.  Cole is a gentleman.  He’s fine.  I just…you know I wanted an emerald engagement ring like yours,” she gives you a headnod, and lifts up your hand.  Her finger traces the outline of your ring.  “I’m being silly.”
“You are.  You got a man.  A handsome one.  Future as the sheriff.”
“I know.  You don’t think I’m making a mistake?”
You look up at your grandmother, hoping she’ll give you an answer.  Instead she cups your cheek, “You have to make that decision.  What do you have to worry about with Cole?”
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Cole stretches, still laying in his bed.  His arms going high above him as he hits his alarm.  Reaching over to check his phone, hoping that you would give him something explicit to look at, but instead it was the usual, “Good morning.  Hope to see you today,” laying his phone back down, he slaps his hand down on an arm beside him.
“Time for you to go,” she whimpers, scooting herself down the covers, and he pulls her back up.  “I said, it was time for you to go.”
“Does this mean I get out of my ticket, Officer Turner?”
“It does if you keep your filthy mouth closed, and get out of my house,” sitting up in the bed, he cracks his neck, and looks back at the girl.  “What?”
“You act all noble in the morning, when last night you couldn’t wait to bring me here,” she looks over at the picture of you and Cole together, and chuckles, “She can’t be that special.  I’m reduced to being your little secret?”
“You’re reduced to fucking a cop to stay out of a ticket.  It’s not that big of a deal.”
“What happens when she moves in?”
He spins around, grabbing her chin roughly, before making her look up at him.  “I won’t have a need for you then, will I?  And if you think you’re special, you’re not.”
She gets out of the bed laughing.  Kicking her panties under the bed, “Is that what it is?  Your fiancé is holding out her cunt until you’re married?  Oh, that’s rich.  Does she know you’ve got a community dick?  Let any girl fuck or suck your dick if they get pulled over.  You think when you get married and she moves in that her cunt is going to be enough?  Cole, you’re the type of man where the new wears off quickly.  When did she start holding out on you?  You met at the campus when you were security.  Everyone in town knows this.”
“I said it’s time for you to leave.  Grab your panties from under my bed,” he stands getting his clothes, and laughs as the stupid girl angrily gathers her things, and slams his door closed.  He knew bringing her home was a mistake, but phone sex with you and your nudes had made him horny, and he knew you wouldn’t be up for a three o’clock in the morning blow job.  
You didn’t just start holding out on him, you were a virgin, and had the dream of your first time being your wedding night.  Cole presses his hands against the tile of the shower, and lets the water wash away his sins.  He knew it was wrong.  He didn’t feel anything for those women though.  And she was the only one that had ever come home with him.  She looked too much like you, and he couldn’t help it.
Hearing your ringtone, he scrambles out of the shower, and grabs a towel.  Nearly falling before he reaches the phone, “Hey, Peach Blossom, how did you sleep?”
“It was fine,” you were hesitant to tell him that you missed his breath on your neck, or even the way he held you close when you stayed the night.  
“Aw, you miss the way I feel next to you, huh?” He only takes a moment to look at himself in the mirror, before he turns to strip the bed.  He didn’t have a late night, and that meant that you would actually stay with him, he couldn’t have you sleeping where that girl was.  
“You know I missed you.  Was work exciting?”
“Riveting,” Cole tosses his soiled sheets into the washer, before he gives you his undying attention, “I’m not working late.  Do you think that…I don’t know maybe…”
“I’d love to stay the night,” he was adorable when he got excited.  You could almost see his nose scrunching up in excitement.  “About last night.  I shouldn’t have done that.”
“What?  Why?  No, I liked those pictures a lot.  They definitely made me cum,” it wasn’t entirely a lie.  Those pictures were seared into his brain as he gripped tightly to what’s her name’s hips.  
“Don’t act all shy.  Maybe, you could let my fingers play with you, instead of just yours?  Maybe I could get a little taste?” You bounce your finger on the steering wheel staring at the daycare, while you sit in the parking lot.  You weren’t sure, and honestly this constant waiting had built up too much fear and anxiety concerning sex.  “We don’t have to.  Don’t have to do anything.  I just want to hold you.  We’ll see where it goes.  Okay?”
“And if it just goes to falling asleep?”
“Peaches, you know I won’t force you to do anything.  I think it’s precious and amazing that I will be the only one that has that part of you.”
“Okay,” you smile.  You wanted to give him more of you.  You were going to marry the guy.  You push away any doubts you feel and chalk it up to nerves.  “I gotta go to work.”
“I’ll bring you by some lunch later, okay?”
“As long as you wear the uniform.”
“Is that for you or the kids,” you giggle, opening up your door, and getting a gust of wind kissing on your cheeks.  It was ridiculously cold for this time of year.  “Peach Blossom, who am I wearing it for?”
“Can it be both?”
“Yeah.  Can you suck my dick later?”
“I’m walking into the daycare, Cole.  I’ll see you around lunch,” you smile heading into your classroom, and get a big hug from one of your cousins and best friends, Anna Kate.
“Where did you sleep last night?”
“At Memaw and Papaw’s, and you are discussing private matters in front of children,” she snorts, starting to walk away.  “Not all of us are like you, and I am firm on my decision.  There’s nothing to tell you until after my last name is Turner.”
“You realize on your honeymoon, I’m calling you the next day to see if he murdered your,” she winks at you, and turns to set up for the day.  “By the way, Poppy is coming down from Boston next week,” You take a deep breath, putting your things up before giving the kids a smile.  
“That’ll be nice,” you tell Anna Kate quickly.  “I haven’t seen her in a year.  How is your sister?”
“Excited to be seeing you, and that giant ring,” you fake a smile.  Walking to the center of the room, before you sit down on the rug.  Each child slowly makes their way to you.  Ready to start the day, and you were ready for whatever today brought.  Leaving all your doubts and worries at the door, because these babies needed you.
There were so many things that you wanted to talk to Cole about.  Children were one of them.  Just assuming that he was going to be like most men in the area that got married.  But you not being able to openly talk to your fiancé should have been the first thing that made you question Cole more.  But instead, you ignored it, for a chance of blissful, blind, wedded bliss.
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“What about this?” You ask, giving Cole a bit of potential wedding cake.  He moans a bit, but pulls you closer to him.  “Cole, stop.  This is the last thing left to do.”
“I didn’t want a wedding,” taking a deep breath, you turn and scowl at him, “I know, you wanted this big beautiful wedding on your Memaw and Papaw’s estate.  Have your mom there, and a picture of your daddy on the table.  I know.”
“It’s more than that.  I like the ceremony of things.”
“We could have just had something quick, and then had a party.”
“Like Memaw would have went for that,” he was being silly, but it always begged the question if maybe the lack of sex really was bothering him.  “It’s a few weeks away, Cole.  Can you wait just a bit longer?”
“Three years is a long time,” you go to stand up, and he pulls you in his lap.  “I didn’t mean it the way you’re thinking.”
“How did you mean it?  Because if we’re just getting married for things to be physical, I don’t want this.”
“No, that’s not the only reason why.  But I’m a man, your blow jobs are great, but it’s not the same.  And I think you’re psyching yourself out, because you’ve built this ideal first time in your head, and it’s never going to be like it.”
“So maybe we should just have sex now?  Clearly, you think I’m being ridiculous.  Even though you were well aware of my desires when we first started dating.  You were okay with it, and now you’re not?”
“We’re getting married.  I just don’t see why it’s such a big deal. You live with your grandparents.  You won’t even stay more than two nights in a row with your fiancé.  I am okay with this.  I just figured by the time that we were engaged, and planning the wedding, and it’s okay three weeks away, I would get more than just…never mind.  It’s not that big of a deal.  I’ll wait the extra three weeks.”
You heard his words, but he slides you off him, and walks away from you.  What he was saying, and how he was reacting seemed to contradict as of lately.  You walk into his bedroom, and he lays flat on his back.  Arms behind his head, and eyes closed.  He seriously was a handsome man, and he was almost yours.  Surely something more, couldn’t be bad?
You quietly remove your leggings and panties and go to straddle him, “Cole?”
“I told you I was okay with your decision.”
“Cole, look at me,” he opens one eye, but sits up quickly, seeing you were bare on top of him.  “You’re right.  I should give you more, but,” you push your hand up against his mouth.  “It’s time for you to listen.  I am not having sex with you.  And if these conversations continue to happen, I’ll sleep at home, instead of your bed.”
“I wanna see,” he tries lifting you up, but you cover your core with his shirt.  “Peach Blossom!”
“You can see, but I need you to understand.  No sex, but,” you gulp, lifting up his shirt.  “My…pussy is yours to play with, until then.”
“Anyway I want to?”
“No, I don’t trust that, but…fingers.”
“What?” He nods his head, giving you a pout.  “Fine, fingers and mouth.  That’s it.”
“Come here then,” wrapping his arms around your hips, he starts pushing you up his front.  “Want you to sit on my face.”
“Don’t act so innocent.  Just,” he lifts you up above his face, staring up at your cunt, and try to deny it all you wanted, you were soaked.  “Sit down.”
“No, I’ll squish you.”
“No you won’t sit down,” you shake your head no, and look up at the ceiling.  “This is normal.  You will not squish me.  I promise you’ll enjoy it,” your fingers cling to the headboard, and you start lowering yourself over him.  Wrapping his arms around your thighs, he finishes your descent.  Letting your juicy cunt to drown him.
His tongue licks up and down your slit.  Guiding you to start grinding over him.  He was moaning more than you were, and you try to relax.  Try to enjoy this moment.  Closing your eyes just to feel him.  
Cole keeps his eyes on you.  Sliding his tongue down to your hole, he pushes it into you.  You were achingly tight.  There was no way that you were lying about being a virgin.  Especially the way you were slightly wincing.  Oh this was going to be magical.  Watching you come undone for the first time.  He could already envision you.  He was going to have to keep you in his bed for months.
You were responsive.  Your body moving over his face, arousal dripping down his cheeks.  When you whimper up at the ceiling he snakes his hands up your front.  Kneading your pert tits.  Rolling your nipples in between his fingers.  He could feel you getting close.  Your walls start to contract, and you lift up off his face.  He was only slightly disappointed, because he knew you could do more.  
“How was that?” You breathlessly ask.  Nervous to hear his response.
“That was amazing, sweetheart.  Perfect.  How do you feel?”
“It was a little weird.  I’m sitting on your face.”
“Yes, but my face loved it.”
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Cole lazily brushes over your hair with his hand.  You were exhausted, fast asleep and laying on his chest.  He had shown you there was several ways to stay close without sex.  Giving you a quick kiss on your forehead.  It was almost time for the two of you to become one, and he was looking forward to it.
He picks his phone up when it lights up, giving a quick glance at the text before responding, “Maybe tomorrow night.  I’m busy right now,” all of them would have to wait.  And would have to realize that you came before any of those girls.  You were always his number one.
Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @pono-pura-vida @sstan-hoe @infatuatedjanes @missusbarnes-rogers @peaches1958 @seitmai @smile1318 @andydrysdalerogers @kittycatcait219 @sarahdonald87 @roguediorxoxo @patzammit @elrw24
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gretavangroupie · 2 years
Bloom (Chapter 8)
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Chapter 7
Official Bloom Playlist
Warnings: Angst, Blood!!!, Fluff, Smut. 18+ ONLY. Minors DNI
A/N: Please make sure to check out the playlist above for the full effect while reading this chapter. As always, thanks for reading Merry Christmas!!
“You feel like home and everywhere I've never been, all at once.” - Butterflies Rising
You and Josh arrived back in Nashville the following Monday after a wonderful weekend in his hometown for Thanksgiving. You spent much of the next two weeks together, relaxing, cooking and planning your Christmas activities. Josh has been preparing for his first show back since they rescheduled them after San Antonio. He has rested and feels like he is back on top and ready to perform. Tomorrow the guys will all leave to play two consecutive shows in Atlantic City, New Jersey, returning home for a day before heading to Los Angeles for a week. 
Josh has begged you for the past two weeks to come with him and you reluctantly agreed since there is no bus travel involved. 
You are at your apartment visiting with Amelia, eating dinner, packing and catching up with her about all of the crazy things that have transpired in the last few weeks and promising to be around more. Your phone buzzes in your back pocket and you see Josh has texted you.
Josh: When are you coming home? 
Confused, you respond.
You: I am home? Im at my apartment right now? What do you mean?
Josh: That might be where your things live but I think you know where home is angel.
Not wanting to read too much into it, you reply quickly and shove your phone back into your pocket.
You: Soon.
Selecting your outfits for your trip you carefully pack them into a hard shell suitcase along with your toiletries and a box of tampons, knowing your period will be coming soon. Zipping up the case and bidding farewell to Amelia, you make your way back to Josh’s house. Walking inside you find Josh still packing his things meticulously in his suitcase, trying to shove it closed. 
“Ugh finally you’re back I need your help.” He says.
“You sit on this and i’m gonna zip it.” He says sitting you on his suitcase. The zipper glides closed with ease and you smile proudly. 
“See everything just works better when you’re here.” He says.
“Josh I was gone for like 3 hours, maybe.” You laugh.
“I know I just miss you when i’m here and you’re not.” He says.
Giving him a soft kiss on the cheek you change into one of his t-shirts and a pair of boxers and slide into the bed. 
“Tired, pretty girl?” He says placing the suitcase near the door. 
“Yeah, I am.” You reply knowing that its the fatigue starting to set in before the onslaught of your monthly visitor. 
“What’s wrong baby? Are you not excited for this weekend?” He asks sitting next to you on the bed.
“No I am, I just want it to be fun for you since its your first show back, but I am… about to have my time of the month and I’m not feeling the best.” You say nervously. You haven’t been with Josh while on your period yet, the time frames never lining up. 
“Oh, baby that's okay. Look if it makes you feel any better, that doesn’t bother me at all, in any way. I am going to make sure that you have fun this weekend and I will take care of you and pamper you the whole time. It will be great.” He smiles gently rubbing your hair. 
Leaning your head into his touch you nod yes. He gets up and changes clothes and crawls into bed next to you, spooning your body as you fall asleep next to him.
“Is that it?” You yell towards Josh who is in the house locking up before you head to the airport.
“Yep that’s it angel, we are ready to roll.” He calls back.
You have about 15 minutes to get to the airport to meet the guys before heading to Atlantic City.
As you pull into long term parking Josh asks how you’re feeling, you replying that you were doing okay today and him giving you a kiss on the cheek. You wheel your bags into the airport and check in at the ticket counter. You make it through to security where you see a girl snapping a picture of Josh as secretively as she can. You smile and laugh and push him ahead through the x-ray machine.
You both are pulling your shoes on as the girl approaches you both. “Hi are you Josh Kiszka?” She asks nervously.
“I am! How are you? Would you like a photo?” He asks the girl kindly.
“Oh my gosh, Hi, i’m great and yes if you don’t mind!” She replies happily.
“Baby?” Josh gestures as he hands you the girls cellphone. 
You take a few photos quickly before returning it to the girl who is absolutely gushing and thanking you and Josh profusely. You collect your things from the end of the belt and make your way to your gate, hand in hand. 
“Do you ever get tired of people asking for photos of you?” You ask as you walk.
“No, never… its sweet. They are always so nervous. I try to calm them down the best that I can.” He says.
He has such a kind heart, just one of the many things you love about him.
You approach the gate and see the rest of the guys and their girlfriends sitting chatting amongst themselves.
“Heyyyy I didn’t know you were coming!” Jake says enthusiastically towards you. The other girls clapping their hands excitedly at your presence. 
“Yeah, Josh wore me down” you say with a wink and elbow to his side.
“Good, we are gonna get into some trouble this weekend.” Sam jokes, his service dog Rose laying on the floor at his feet. Looking at her smiling, her tail gives you a small wag as a hello.
The flight in was short and sweet, only a little bit of turbulence from some bad weather moving through the area. You land and you all grab your luggage before a van delivers you to your hotel.  
As Lisa hands out room keys you wait patiently until she calls Josh’s name. He steps up taking the key and telling her thank you. He walks over to the group and asks them to meet him back here in an hour.
You and Josh make your way to your room and are immediately greeted with a gorgeous room overlooking the boardwalk. You can see the colorfully lit ferris wheel spinning in the distance. The room has a large king size bed, a full length mirror, along with a dresser, desk and a small couch. 
Josh opens his suitcase and begins hanging his clothes in the closet and placing his homey comforts on the bedside table. You excuse yourself to the bathroom only to find that, right on time, your period has arrived. You finish up and walk back into the room digging through your suitcase for the box of tampons. 
“Im sorry, baby. I mean, I guess it is a good thing.” Josh says sympathetically.
You nod your head agreeing before heading back to the bathroom to rectify the situation.
As you walk out Josh is sitting on the edge of the bed. “Come sit.” He says.
“Listen, you know I think you are the most beautiful woman in the world. I know you are not feeling good about yourself right now, but look. You are a woman. Your body is beautiful and is doing exactly what its made to do. Everything happening to you is natural and wonderful and you handle it with grace. I am going to continue to worship this body exactly as it should be. Including tonight…if you’ll let me. I want to show you how amazing it can feel to be completely consumed in each other in your most raw and natural state.” He finishes.
Jumping over his legs to straddle him you push him down onto the bed and lean over and press your lips to his. “Yes Josh, you can show me.” You say before standing up and going to look out the window. “We need to head back down there, they will be waiting for us.” You say.
You head downstairs and meet the guys in the lobby. Across the way is the entrance to the casino and you all make plans to try your hand at some slots after dinner. You enjoy a wonderful meal with lots of wine at the restaurant just down the street from the hotel. Afterwards you all head back and into the casino, most of you going for slot machines, and the others to the blackjack tables. 
An hour or so later you walk out with your winnings of $0.20, laughing at how Sammy lost $50.00. You are tired and smell like smoke from the casino but you remember what Josh has in store for the two of you as he slides his hand into the back pocket of your jeans.
“Still up for a little fun, angel?” He asks quietly.
“Only if you want to.” You reply.
He unlocks the hotel room door with the keycard and lets you in first. You sauntering across the room still tipsy from the alcohol with dinner, and the drinks in the casino.
He flops down on the bed with a deep sigh, “come here angel.” He says laying back.
You crawl between his legs, bending down and placing a kiss on his stomach, over his clothes. Feeling bold you unbutton his pants and hook your fingers into the hem dragging them down to let his dick be free. He is growing hard at the excitement of what’s happening, the soft kiss you place on the tip expediting the process.
You squat down off the bed and untie his shoes and remove his socks one at a time before pulling his pants completely off. with his legs hanging off the bed, bent at the knee. You sit up taller and grab the base of his length in your hand. He props himself up on his elbows to get a better look at what is happening. You make eye contact with him and as seductively as possible take him into your mouth, until you feel him at the back of your throat. You wrap your lips around him and slide back and forth never breaking eye contact. He throws his head back in pleasure a soft “fuck” leaving his throat. You continue and add a gripping motion to his base. Your other hand reaching up grazing your fingernails across his pelvis. As you continue to take him in, your tongue starts to swirl around the tip and he quivers under you. “Im gonna cum angel so pull off now if you want to.” He says urgently. You shake your head no, him still penetrating the back of your throat and with one good long stroke up his dick he cums spilling down the back of your throat.
“Jesus Christ, that was sinful." he says
You pull off of him standing up, taking your shoes and clothes off, leaving you standing in just your thong. Josh stands and takes the rest of his clothes off and makes his way to the bathroom, returning with a bath towel. He spreads it out over the sheets of the bed and turns back to you removing your panties. 
“Josh I have to go to the bathroom first…” you say and he nods understandingly.
You go to the bathroom and flush your tampon down the toilet, wash your hands and return to him. 
“Lay on that towel angel.” He instructs.
“The white towel?!” You say nervously.
“Angel they see this all the time i’m sure, don’t be ashamed.” He says rubbing his hands down your legs as you nod and lay on the towel.
“You know sex during your period is supposed to alleviate cramps?” He says. 
“I have heard that but, I've never tried. There’s never been anyone I’ve wanted to try with.” You reply.
“You’ve never had period sex before, angel?” He asks surprised.
“No.” You answer.
“I love you so much. I can’t believe you are mine.” He says. “Im going to be gentle, until you tell me not to, okay?” He asks.
“Please Josh…” you say, desperate for him.
He aligns himself with you, gently pushing into your cramping core with a groan.
It feels so good to have the pressure inside of you relieved by him. He begins to slowly rock his hips back and forth, the sound of your arousal filling the air. This is more of a wet sound than you’re both used to, and you feel his dick grow even harder. 
“God angel, this is something else.” He says as he continues. 
“Josh, you can be rough now. It’s okay.” You beg.
With that the pace of his hips pick up, his dick plunging deeper inside of you, the force of it pushing liquid out of you. As he continues you feel and hear a small spray leave you,  as you both realize that your blood has scattered across his torso. You feel embarrassed for a millisecond before Josh audibly indicates how much he loves it. 
Thrusting deep into you time and time again, liquid flowing freely from you, landing on the towel beneath you and adorning Josh’s pelvis. It all feels so good.
You do feel relief from your cramps as the coil inside of you tightens before your impending orgasm. You know that Josh isn’t too far behind by the moans he’s releasing. You can tell that period sex is something he is definitely into.
“My gorgeous woman. So fucking beautiful marking me with her blood. Fuck, I love you.” He says. Sending you rippling through your orgasm a small spray of arousal and blood hitting his base sending him into his own release. 
“Fuck, that was insanely hot. So primal.” he says pulling out of you, blood and slick coating his dick. “Stay there and let me watch.” He says watching his cum, tinted pink, leak out of you onto the towel. 
“Jesus Christ I’m going to cum again if I didn’t know better.” He says staring.
“Josh, stop…” You say blushing.
“You are a goddamn dream. Don’t ever think for one second that you aren’t… I will be damned if anyone ever does that to you, but me. ” He says getting up from the bed. He walks into the bathroom and turns on the shower before peaking his head out of the door  and saying “ready and waiting for you angel.”
He really is too good to you. That may have been one of the best orgasms of your life. Sitting up and swinging yourself off the bed, you hold the towel to your center as you walk, catching any excess fluids from dripping. You drop the towel on the bathroom floor and join Josh in the perfectly steamy shower. 
The next day when you wake Josh is gone but has left a note for you on the desk.
Went to find coffee…
x J
You smile at his cute handwriting, and set the note down and proceed to get dressed for the day. The guys will have soundcheck around 2:00 and Josh has demanded you come with him.
The venue is just around the corner in a different hotel. You straighten your hair and put on your outfit and lounge on the couch as you wait for him to return with coffee. You scroll through instagram and twitter and see nothing but excited comments from fans about the shows this weekend.
The door opens, Josh pushing it open with his foot with two coffees in his hand and a Starbucks bag hanging from his wrist.
“Its a good thing I love you…It was a mob scene at Starbucks, there were so many fans outside I had to send my mother in to get our order.” He laughs, “alas, here is your hot bean juice my lady.” He smiles.
Oh okay he is in a silly mood today. You love it when he is like this. He must be excited for the show. “Thanks baby!” You say happily accepting the large coffee.
“I also got you a muffin.” he says presenting you with a blueberry muffin.
“You’re the best.” You say kissing his soft pink lips. 
“Oh your nose is cold, how cold is it out there?” You ask.
“Uh frigid, I don’t know, wear a hat, a scarf, mittens whatever you have!” He jokes.
You laugh and kiss his nose.
Around 1:30 you Josh and the guys all meet in the lobby to head to the van to take you all to the venue for soundcheck. On the way the guys tentatively discuss the setlist for the evening and what they want to play for soundcheck. As you all enter backstage you see them check to see everything is set up how they want it and you and the other girls head down to the empty pit, your usual sound check spot. The guys play through a few songs, one oldie, according to Jakes girlfriend, and then they finish up and head back to the green room where you meet them. They will remain here for the rest of the day until it’s time for the show. You and the girls say your goodbyes and head back to the hotel to get ready. You all had outfits planned for the two nights of shows, coordinating to somewhat match color schemes. 
Arriving back to the green room later that evening, you are reunited with Josh and the guys who are now dressed in their stage outfits, and getting their rhinestones applied. Josh is walking around with his hot drink and cracking jokes for the girl who makes their social media videos. You hang out on the couch and he eventually makes his way over to you and sits down. 
“Are you ready?” You ask.
“Yeah I feel pretty good, my ear isn’t bothering me at all right now. Didn’t hurt after soundcheck so that is a good sign too.” He says, “I am so glad you’re here, the shows are just so much better when I know you’re out there watching.”
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world my love. You’re gonna do great tonight, and then you’re gonna take me back to the room and do whatever you want to me.” You whisper.
“That’s a deal angel.” He replies.
An hour or so later, the guys are stepping onto the stage and the fans are going absolutely insane. The energy the guys have on stage tonight is better than it has been in weeks. The crowd sings along to every song. They sway in unison to ‘Light My Love’ and you tear up knowing how much emotion that song causes people to feel. Your heart swells as you watch Josh and his brothers are living this dream. At the conclusion of the set, Josh takes a shot on stage with the fans and you use that as your cue and you and the girls head backstage from the sound booth.
A little while later the guys meet you back in the dressing room, they are all sweaty and ready for a drink. Josh walks up to you, wrapping his arms around you and dipping you down for a dramatic kiss. “Hello angel how was the show?” He asks standing you back up.
“Amazing as usual” you reply. You mingle with everyone while the guys take turns cleaning up and setting stuff up for tomorrows show. A while later you’re all bussing back to the hotel, tired from the long day.
You and Josh walk hand in hand to your room, both of you cold from the outside air. Getting into the room you can tell Josh is tired from the night. He hasn’t given a full on performance in over a month, the time off catching up with him. 
You change into your pajamas as you watch him. He grabs a pair of sweatpants walks over to the bed, slides his clothes of until he is completely naked, then sliding on the sweatpants. He goes into the bathroom and brushes his teeth before climbing into the bed. You scurry to the bathroom to brush your teeth and plug in both of your phones before getting in bed, turning off the lamp and curling into his open arms. 
“You know, you said I could have you any way I wanted you tonight? I want you to just hold me. I am so tired.” He breathes.
“I know baby, go to sleep. I'll still be here tomorrow.” You reply.
“Be here forever. Just like this.” He says before falling asleep in your arms.
The next morning played out differently than the first, Josh wised up and ordered coffee to the hotel from UberEats, thus avoiding the fans that knew he went there yesterday, and were inevitably waiting. You enjoyed your morning together reading in bed, cuddling and relaxing before getting ready to go for soundcheck again.
Josh told you that he had a surprise up his sleeve for the show tonight and to make sure you paid attention. After soundcheck ended, again you and the girls went back to the hotel to get ready. You made sure to look extra hot tonight since you and the guys were going out afterwards. A while later you and the girls walk into the green room to meet the guys before the show. Josh sees you enter and immediately jumps up and walks over to meet you. 
“Damn you look edible angel. I could fuck you right here right now.” He says quietly.
“Well that would be a mess, wouldn’t it?” You joke with a devilish grin.
“Ugh, you better stop before I get a massive erection before we go on.” He says.
“Wouldn’t be different than any other show, huh babe?” You say in a flirty tone.
His eyes about bulge out of his head and he runs his tongue along his teeth shaking his head. You can tell you are going to get it later.
The first half of the show was just as amazing if not better than the previous night. They played a few different songs and you were starting to form your favorites. After the drum solo, Josh talks to the crowd, and you see his eyes find you in the sound booth with a big smile and he says ‘ahh just like good sex…” before the lights fade to green and they play what you now know is ‘The Barbarians’.
You’re taken aback at his statement although you almost knew he was going to say something. This is the one he is throwing in for you and it is the sexiest song you’ve heard them play yet. You spend the rest of the show thinking about what you want him to play tonight while he has his way with you.
After wrapping up the show, and meeting the guys backstage, you wait as they get ready to go drink away the rest of the evening. You all end up at a bar close to the hotel, so that you can walk back when you’re ready. The guys are already pretty drunk by the time you arrive and you know that will make for a fun evening. You and Josh continue to make eyes at each other from across the bar all night. The guys are playing pool and the girls are sitting and watching from a table across the bar.  You down 4 gin and tonics before you start feeling fuzzy. Josh is taking notice of your loosened state and bids farewell to the gang before helping you up and wrapping his arm around your shoulder. As you walk outside the cold air slices through your clothes. It’s about two blocks to get back and it’s a fight against the wind the whole time. Once you step foot in the lobby both of you begin to thaw out. Your head feeling dizzy, the next thing you know the elevator is dropping you off on your floor. Then Josh is closing the room door, and undressing you. Flashing in and out of darkness you feel a little woozy. You try to pull yourself back into consciousness as Josh hands you a glass of water and sits you down on the end of the bed. You drink the whole glass.
“Maybe you went a little too hard baby?” He asks.
“No, I am fine. I just needed to sit for a minute.” You say. “I think I only had maybe 4 drinks? And I guess all the ones before we left.. okay maybe I did have a little much. I am feeling ok now I promise” you say as your hand slides up his leg. 
“Angel I need you to be sure you want to do this tonight.” He says. “I don’t know if I can be gentle and you're a little bit drunk.” 
“Even better.” You reply “but Josh?” You question. “Fuck me to that song.”
“What song?” He asks.
“The one you played tonight with the long guitar solo... towards the middle....” You say.
“Age of Machine?” He laughs out loud questioning you.
“Yes that one! It is pure sex, Josh. Especially after your little sex comment. Right in front of all those people! All I could think about for the rest of the show was fucking you to that song.” You replied confidently thanks to the alcohol.
“You want me to fuck you… to my own song…angel…” he says unsure.
“Please Joshy?” You say placing your hand over his bulge.
After an annoyed sigh he responds.
“Anything for you my love, but just real quick...you know it’s my brothers guitar that makes the song? I just want to be clear that you want me to fuck you while I listen to my brother playing his guitar?” He says sarcastically.
“Yep that’s right baby…” you say back.
“Fine. Strip, angel.” He demands walking to the bathroom.
When he returns he is in only his boxers with a towel in his hands. Grabbing his phone off the dresser and connecting it to a bluetooth speaker, he looks at you and shakes his head laughing. 
You hear a song start to play over the speaker as Josh walks over to you. He lays the towel down on the sheets and lays down on the bed laying his head on the pillows. 
“You’re on top first, angel.” 
You run to the bathroom and take care of your tampon before quickly returning to Josh who is laying on the bed gently stroking himself. You crawl over him and straddle his waist, your center sitting directly on top of his hard length. You lean over and and take his mouth with yours. Your tongues instantly finding each others tasting the remnants of the nights alcohol. His hands are on your hips pushing you down, grinding onto his dick back and forth. You can feel your wetness and it begins to slide easier. You push up from his lips and your hands are on either side of his head. He reaches his head up and bites down hard on one of your nipples. You scream out in pain. “There we go, that’s what I want to hear angel.” Josh says from underneath you. You lift up on your knees and grab the base of his dick aligning it with your center before slowly sliding down his full length. A moan escaping you from the fullness you feel inside of you. Placing your hands on his stomach you begin to rock back and forth in a wave motion, making sure you’re hitting your g spot with every forward motion. Josh grabs your hips thrusting into you from underneath with force sending a light splatter onto his base. He groans and as the evidence continues to marks his body over and over. As you feel your insides tightening you hear the opening notes to ‘Age of Machine’ and Josh makes a move to roll you over, still connected. 
You smile up at him and wrap your legs around him. He forcefully unwraps them grabbing them and pushing your knees into your chest just barely touching your chin. 
“You said you wanted me to fuck you to this song angel? Well, we are going to do it my way.”
He pounds into you in a thrust deeper than you’ve ever felt him before. A loud scream leaving your lips at the contact so far inside. 
“There baby, now that is how the song is intended to be enjoyed.” He says repeating the motion with force gritting this teeth as another scream leaves you. You feel the spray leaving your center and it seems to make Josh fuck you even harder as the irony smell fills the air. He brings one of your legs to rest on his shoulder and continues. As the guitar plays in the background and you hear Josh’s voice singing to you, you moan in pleasure.
“Hands and knees.” He says heavy breathed and sweaty.
Pulling off of him he is covered in sweat, your arousal, and your blood. You get on your hands and knees and he reenters you right as the guitar solo begins. He is rapidly thrusting into you at this point and a slap connects on your ass as you moan, “Josh, fuck I am going to cum.”
He grabs the hair at the back of your head grasping it and pulling your head back pounding into you twice more before your body shakes from your orgasm tearing through you. “Josh fuckkk…” you cry out. The sloshing noises continuing until he is cumming in side of you with one more hard thrust. “Fuuuuuckkk.” he moans. He pulls out and you stay in the position for another minute knowing he likes to admire his handiwork. “Gorgeous.” He says. You feel two fingers swipe up your slit and swirl around your opening catching the dripping release. He taps your ass, an indication that he is done and wants you to be comfortable. You are both a mess and Josh couldn’t seem happier about it. You both jump in the shower to rinse off the night and crawl into bed. You are laying in his arms as he twirls your hair. “You know I have never fucked anyone to one of my own songs before? That was a first for me.” He says.
“Really? I feel like you would have done that at least once or twice?” You respond.
“Nope, only with you.” He smiles kissing your head. He pulls the string on the lamp and you lay there curled together. “I love you so much Josh. I am so proud of you. You did amazing this weekend.”
“Thank you my love, it’s all because of you. My lucky charm. I love you more every day. I swear.” He says.
Kissing him softly on his lips you whisper your goodnights knowing you had a long travel day tomorrow before heading to Los Angeles this week. Thinking of your perfect man you let your eyes flutter shut and the darkness whisks you away.
You’re in the hotel room sitting reading a book on the couch overlooking the boardwalk. It’s night time and the room is dimly lit providing the perfect ambiance to your book. Josh isn’t back yet but you know he will be soon. You are turning the pages of your book and you hear a knock at the door. Figuring Josh must have left his key, you open it but to your surprise it isn’t Josh. It’s Jake.
“Hi Jake, what are you doing here?” You ask.
Leaning against the door frame his tongue slightly peaking out he smiles, “Lookin for you…”
“Me?” You respond.
“Indeed. Can I come in?” He asks.
“Sure, Josh isn’t here though?” You reply as he makes his way inside. 
“Not here for him…” he replies. He examines your body up and down with a smirk. You remember that you are wearing pajamas with no bra and get nervous, covering your chest with your arms.
“Its too late to hide now, sugar…” He says.
You stare at him shocked at what he is saying and shocked that you felt a rush of heat to your center. This is Josh’s brother, his twin brother. You shouldn't feel anything.
Jake speaks again, “Don’t be shy, I know you're turned on.”
“I don't know what you mean…I’m with Josh...” You stammer.
“You are so sexy you know that? The good girl thing really does it for me. Then you come out tonight with your tits all pushed up like that? I saw your glances all night, trust me. I noticed.” He says.
Your arousal growing heavier by the words leaving his mouth you stare at him. He stands up and walks towards you causing you to walk backwards until you are met by the wall.
“Your breathing is getting heavier doll, are you okay?” He says smugly knowing you won’t reply.
“Tell me, are you as good a girl as you seem? Because I don’t think you are… I think my brother got himself wild one didn’t he?” He asks tracing his index finger over your collar bone pushing your pajama top off to the side.
Your breath hikes as his fingers make contact with your skin. It is a similar electric feeling as that first time with Josh. Desire is swirling inside of you so fast that you know its getting to be too late to stop it. This is going to go one of two ways, bad or really really good. You didn’t want to admit to yourself that you’ve always found Jake attractive. Attractive in the way that he is your boyfriends twin, the forbidden twin. The one that brings the edge to make up for the softness of Josh. The one who brings the sex appeal and melts you with simple hand movements and fuck me eyes. You can’t say that you haven’t imagined this moment before, before quickly pushing it away into the corner of your mind. 
“I can see you thinkin doll, you want this to happen don’t you?” He asks.
You continue to stare at him. Knowing if you reply it’s all over. 
“Say it doll. You know you want this. Don’t think about what Josh will say. He knows. We all know. We can all see you want me just as bad as I want you.” He says. 
The thin string you were hanging by snaps and you reply “I do want you.”
In a fury his lips are on yours kissing you in a way so hard and so different than Josh. Its aggressive and needy and the exact opposite of your sweet Josh, but you kind of like it. The forbidden qualities shining through with Jake. 
“See I knew you weren’t a good girl. I knew you were hiding under there somewhere.” He says removing your top. He unbuckles his pants and unbuttons his button fly before pulling your pants off of your body. There you stand naked before him. Your boyfriends twin brother. Your boyfriends insanely hot, long haired, guitar god, twin brother.
You connect your lips with his again wrapping his long hair around your fingers and gripping tightly. His hands find your breasts squeezing them gently before pinching your nipples between his thumb and forefinger. 
A moan releasing from your throat causing his dick to grow harder against your bare stomach. 
“Damn and my brother gets to hear that whenever he wants? Criminal.” He says into your neck.
Suddenly he is picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder walking over to the bed before throwing your body down on top of the sheets. 
“I know you want me to fuck you as bad as I want to fuck you but we have to make this quick. Josh will only be gone for another 10 minutes. I made sure of that.” he states, pushing his boxers off, his dick hanging heavily between his legs. You stare at his length comparing when he stops you mid thought. 
"Not everything the same, huh?" He says, knowing he may have an extra inch on Josh.
Playing his little game you respond, “I'll be the judge of that.”
“There she is, keep going baby, make this memorable.” He says.
“Fuck me Jake.” You say with venom lacing your words.
His fingers run up your center collecting your slick before he coats the head of his dick with it. Lining up with your wet opening he pushes forwards and bottoms out inside of you. A groan releasing from your lips at the feeling of fullness inside of you.
“Jesus Christ you feel good doll. You are so tight.” He says as he begins to slow pull out and push back in. You wrap you legs around his calves and stare at him his bare chest adorned with a single pendant coin necklace. Grabbing the metal strand and pulling him closer to you, your lips capturing his and violent kiss. His tongue is swirling with yours in a way that you haven’t experienced. Again it’s very different than the way you and Josh typically kiss.
He starts to pound into you quickly. More aggressively and extremely vocally as a sheen of sweat begins to cover his body. “Fuck I can get why Josh never shuts up about fucking you…” he grunts “and I have to sit there and listen to it. Do you know what that’s like doll? Watching you with him, knowing that I can fuck you like this?” He says hitting your sensitive spot inside causing you to scream.
“Yeah scream for me doll. Let everyone hear how good this dick makes you feel.” He says continuing his movements. 
His fingers reach down and pinch your clit and the growing feeling in your stomach is starting to peak. “Ah you’re close aren’t you sugar, you’re gonna cum for me aren’t you? Say my name...I want to hear it on that pretty mouth.” He demands.
“Jake I'm gonna cum, don’t stop.” You beg.
“I'm not stopping doll, you just make those pretty sounds wrapped around my dick.” He says.
With those words you are shot into orbit, vision black and surrounded by twinkling stars. Jake's voice snapping you back as he moans at the extra wetness. “Your pussy is so tight doll I’m gonna cum, fuck. Do you want me to shoot inside of you or out…” he asks hastily.
“Inside…” you breathe
“Fuck, ok sugar. So bad letting me cum inside of you... All the while you’re with my twin. Goddamn your fuckin sweet.” He says grunting into you as you feel his release spray through you.
“Fuck you’re so good.” He says collapsing on top of you. “That’s what I always thought it would be.” He says kissing your neck one last time before jumping up and running into the bathroom. You lay there in shock.
He turns the shower on and peeks his head out the door, “Here jump in and wash this off before he gets back. Our secret huh sugar?” He says buttoning his pants. You get up and walk into the bathroom as he adjusts himself in the mirror. You get in the shower and by the time you get out, he’s gone. You get back in bed, and think for a while as you wait for Josh to return. 
You hear an alarm clock going off loudly and you can’t seem to find the source. You hear Josh’s voice echoing through the entire room and you open your eyes to find yourself in bed wrapped up in his arms confused at your surroundings. When did he get back? What's happening? Does he know?
“Good morning angel. Did you enjoy your dream?” He says smugly.
Oh my god, it was a dream. You had a sex dream. About Jake. 
“How did you know I was dreaming?” You ask.
“You were moaning, I thought you even had an orgasm there for a second.” He laughs.
“I think I did... Did I… say anything?” You ask nervously.
“No. It was a lot of pleasurable sounds to wake up to though…” he smiles kissing your face.
“Even in your dreams i’m taking care of you huh angel?” He asks.
Your heart drops into your stomach and you nod your head at him not wanting to think about what just happened.
As you get up and head to the shower you are filled to the brim with guilt. How could your brain do this to Josh. Why is this happening? Do you subconsciously have feelings for Jake? You push it all to the side as you stand under the shower spray. You finish your shower lost in your thoughts and come out to see Josh packing his suitcase up. You get dressed hardly able to look him in the eye you feel so guilty. Choking back your emotions you pack your suitcase up. You are quiet, and you know Josh can tell. 
“What is wrong angel? You’re not yourself?” He asks rubbing his hand down your arm.
“Oh, nothing baby. I’m fine. Just tired.” You reply.
“If something is wrong you would tell me right?” He asks with a concerned look.
“Of course.” You reply, knowing full well this is one of those thingse doesn't need to know.
As you check in at the airport for your flight back to Nashville you are handed your ticket and make your way to the gate. All of you chat amongst yourself until it’s time to board. 45 minutes later you hear them call your boarding groups and you head onto the plane. You suddenly realize that you and Josh are not seated together. He is 3 rows ahead of you sitting next to a stranger. He sits down and shrugs his shoulders at you. As you make your way to your seat you slide in next to the window and sip your water waiting to see who will be sitting next to you. Sam passes. Danny passes. The other girls pass. You make eye contact with Jake who nods at you and sits down in the empty seat. This is your living nightmare and he has no idea.
“Looks like we’re together.” He says.
You about choke on your water. 
“So it seems. I wonder why we are all split up?” You question.
“Ah, well it will be a quickie.” He says.
Your breath hitches again as you recall your dream yet again.
“Mhmm” you say reaching for your book.
“Whatcha got there?” He asks.
“Ahh its just a book I’ve been reading this weekend. I'm almost done.” You reply.
“Am I that boring that you’d rather read a book than talk to me?” He asks.
You feel the plane start to glide down the tarmac indicating take off.
“No, I just don’t want to bother you.” You say.
“Ah you’re not a bother darlin, you’re one of us now.” He says.
You stare at him, he is sort of beautiful in his own way. Stop it! You tell yourself.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” He asks.
“Like what?” You reply.
“Like you’re scared of me or something, I don’t know. I can’t put my finger on it.” He says.
You swallow hard and hold your breath as you feel the plane lifting off the ground. 
His hand pats the top of your arm, gripping the arm rest. And you suck in a breath.
“Nervous flyer?” He asks.
“A little bit today...” you say. Its not a lie. You are definitely nervous about this whole situation. You know he has no idea about your dream but god it felt so real you almost wonder if he had it too.
“Well, we will be fine don’t worry sugar.” He says with a kind smile. He leans over the arm rest into the aisle to see if he can see his girlfriend giving her a small wave and a smile. 
He sits back in his chair and blows out a breath. 
A while later he starts up a new conversation.
“You know, I’m really happy for you and Josh. I don’t think we have ever talked about it, but he really loves you and I’m glad you have each other. It’s a night and day difference for him.” He says.
“Thanks Jake, I love him too. He makes me really happy.” You reply. Still eaten alive by guilt.
“Good, he’s had a rough year, you know that though. When he is hurting so am I. So seeing him happy with you also makes me happy.” He says.
“Well I guess as long as he keeps me around, everyone will be…happy…” you joke.
“I don’t think you’re going anywhere darlin’. At least that’s what he told me.” He says.
“What do you mean?” You ask.
“Ah i’ve said to much. Just glad you’re in our life is all.” He says.
You let the conversation go and you turn to your place in your book and try to read for the rest of the flight even though your mind is racing through everything that has happened today. 
As you arrive back in Nashville you all say your goodbyes knowing you’ll be right back here tomorrow morning. You and Josh find his car in long term parking and get into the freezing cold cab.
“How was your flight my love?” Josh asks.
“Oh it was eventful, you know I was next to Jake right?” You say.
“I kind of saw that.” He laughs “I bet that was interesting, you two don’t talk very much.” 
“I always mean to, but I never know what to say.” You reply.
“Yeah he can be a little intimidating but I promise it’s all a facade. He is just like me with a tougher looking exterior.” He jokes.
“Yeah I guess you’re right.” You reply.
When you arrive back at Josh’s house you are met with the familiar feeling of home. It's smells, and comforts. You’re aren’t sure how Josh is able to do this all the time, leaving and returning. Its hard and you were only gone for 3 days, you can’t imagine it being months at a time.
Josh noticing you’re quiet again asks, “Baby, you are all in your head today. What is going on?”
“Nothing, Josh I promise. Just having an off day.” You reply. 
He raises his eyebrows at you, knowing you aren’t telling the truth but letting it go giving you a delicate kiss on the lips. 
He places an album on the turn table and you begin to relax and you sort through your suitcase removing the dirty clothes, replacing them with clean clothes and more outfits before you leave for LA tomorrow. Josh makes you both something to eat in the kitchen and you hear the song ‘Dirty Work’ by Steely Dan spinning, singing to your subconscious thoughts.
“When you need a bit of lovin’ cause your man is out of town, that’s the time you get me runnin’  and you know i’ll be around…. I’m a fool to do your dirty work, oh yeah…..I don’t wanna do your dirty work, no more, i’m a fool to do your dirty work oh yeah…..”
You feel a swirling feeling in your stomach like you’re going to vomit and run to the bathroom and sit on the floor. Why is the guilt eating you alive? You didn’t do anything wrong? Did you? You breathe deeply for a few minutes and collect your thoughts hoping Josh didn’t notice.
You hear footsteps and a knock at the door.
“Baby…” He questions.
“I'm ok.” You reply opening the door.
He stands there with his hands on his hips. “Quit lying to me. What is going on.” He says harshly.
Quickly running through all of the scenarios and what could possibly play out if you told the truth you decide on the the option with the best outcome.
“Josh I don’t know what to say…” You reply.
“Oh god what’s wrong?” He asks concerned.
“Can we sit?” You ask. 
You both sit down on the edge of his bed and you place your head in your hands.
“You’re scaring me angel what’s going on?” He asks nervously.
“Nothing is going on, nothing happened I am just…” you reply swallowing your nerve and telling the truth.
“Ok you know how last night when we had sex you were talking a lot, about your brothers and the music and we were so in the moment…” you stammer. “I don’t know if it was the alcohol mixing with my subconscious and your words or what… I just…”
“What, just say it…” he begs.
Taking a deep breath you respond. “I had a sex dream about your brother…” you say nervously looking him in the eyes. “It's eating me alive, that’s what you heard this morning. I feel so guilty and embarrassed and I haven’t been able to even look at you all day, I’m so sorry Josh.” You finish.
He stares at you blankly thinking about what you’ve said. Remembering your orgasm from this morning.
“Which brother...” He finally says.
“You know…don’t make me say it...” You reply.
“Say it now angel or it's only going to make it worse.” He snaps.
“Jake. It was about Jake. Im so sorry Josh, please.” You reply with tears in your eyes.
“Was it good?” He asks blankly.
“What?” You ask completely shocked.
“Was. It. Good. Did he fuck you real good in your dream, angel? Did he do all of the dirty little things you fantasize about?” He asks harshly shaking his head.
“I…Josh…” you say speechless.
Getting up and pacing around the room, he continues. “How long have you been thinking about Jake? Do you imagine him when I am fucking you?” He asks.
“Josh how could you say that? You know I love you…” you say, devastated he would even say that.
“Save it. I can’t believe the moans coming from your mouth this morning. All along I thought you were dreaming of me. Of course it wasn’t me…my own fucking brother. My twin. Why was I not enough? You are dreaming about fucking JAKE?!” he finishes teetering on anger. 
“Josh stop it” you cry. “Don’t you think I feel guilty? I love you. I don’t know why this happened!” You cry to him.
“Answer my question.” He says.
“What question?” You reply.
“Was it good? Did you like it? Tell the truth.” He demands.
“Josh, I…” You stop not wanting to finish the sentence as the tears freely flowing from your eyes.
"Answer!!" he yells at you.
You burst into tears, "Yes!"
A pissed off sigh coming from his chest he walks over to you, your face streaked with tears, taking it between his hands. “Go home…” he says behind his teeth, brushing his thumbs over your cheeks.
“I thought you said... this was home…” you say crying harder.
“Not anymore.” He says, releasing your face forcefully and walking away.
“What about LA?” You ask, scared to hear his answer.
“I'm going alone.” He replies coldly.
Throwing yourself back onto the bed your crossed arms cover your face as you quietly sob into them as Josh leaves the room.
Laying in his bed wondering if it’s the last time, you breath in his smells remembering this moment, You pull yourself up, looking at yourself in the mirror. Puffy eyes, swollen with tears. Your heart broken over something you couldn’t control. You’ve lost him. You collect your things and catch a glance at the polaroid tucked into the frame on his side table. A photo from Sammy’s camera that he took over Thanksgiving. A photo of you and Josh dancing in his living room, your smiles genuine and covered in love. Everything was perfect. Your heart breaks a little more.
You roll your suitcase out to the living room and Josh is gone. You see a plate of food set set neatly for you on the counter, remnants from earlier in the evening and you cry again. 
You call out for him, but the house is silent. His car is gone.
You load your things into your car and as you pull away from his house you wonder if it will be for the last time, another sob ringing out from your chest. The realization of how much you actually love him becoming evident. 
As you unlock the door to the apartment you see Amelia sitting on the couch watching tv and your eyes meet hers and she knows. You don’t even have to say anything and you she running to your side. 
“Oh god, pen. Is it really bad?” She asks.
You nod your head and collapse into her comforting hug and explain everything, so thankful you have her. 
You haven’t heard from Josh. It’s been days. You know he is in Los Angeles and you’re supposed to be there with him. You had a whole day planned together just you and him doing Christmas activities. Now you’re at your apartment alone and heartbroken. You check your phone constantly waiting to hear from him. But nothing ever comes. Checking social media, but he never posts. He’s completely silent. Amelia drags you out of the house to do some Christmas shopping and you can’t help but see a thousand things that remind you of him. As you walk around an antique mall you spot an item that you know was put there for you to find. Even though you and Josh are not speaking, you purchase the item, knowing that it is the perfect gift. Even if you have to leave it on his porch, you know it is destined to belong to him. You take the item home and wrap it delicately in brown paper. That night when you check social media you are presented with a tagged post. The guys are in a restaurant in LA and they are drinking and look so happy and you are crushed. He looks so happy. You miss him so badly but don’t reach out. You can’t.
You convince yourself to watch the livestream of the guys performance tonight even though you know it’s just torturing yourself. As you see them walk up to be interviewed your eyes fill with tears. Josh looks amazing and happy. It hurts knowing you are here like this and he is there completely unaffected. They all smile and laugh and are glowing together. You can’t believe you ruined everything. A while later they take the stage but something is off. Their moods aren’t the same. The crowd is almost empty and quiet. You can see the frustration on Josh’s face. He is tired, and out of breath. They are rushing through the set, and as quickly as they started its over. This was their last show of the year and you know he won’t be happy with how they left things. You feel for him and again want to reach out but don’t.
One, two, three more days pass. Still you have heard nothing.
On the fourth day you wake up to a text message.
Jake: Call me.
You feel like you’re going to throw up. You can’t call Jake? That is adding more fuel to the fire. Why is he texting you? You think on it for a few more minutes as your finger hovers over the contact and you hit the call button.
“Hello?” He answers.
“Hi” you reply shakily.
“Hi” he replies. “How are you doing?” He asks.
“I’m not great Jake, I think you know that.” You quip back.
“I do, and I'm sorry.” He says, “Have you heard from him?”
“No.” You respond.
“I figured as much. You need to talk to him.” He says. “Go to his house.”
“I don’t know Jake he pretty much told me to leave and was gone before I left. I haven’t heard from him since. I think he is done.” You say.
“Hes not. Just trust me.” He says.
“Okay.” You reply.
“So you’ll do it. You’ll go?” He asks.
“When I gather up enough courage, yes.” You say.
“Do it soon. Please.” He begs.
“Okay, I will.” You say.
“Thank you, we miss you, you know...” He says
“I miss you guys too.” You reply
“I hope everything works out. I’ll talk to you later.” He says.
“Thanks Jake. Bye.” You say ending the call.
Well that was odd. You think about what he said. You thought you and Josh were done, but maybe you weren’t after all. You talk to Amelia and she agrees that maybe you just need to go talk to him face to face now that some time has passed. You get yourself ready and give yourself about 10 pep talks to keep yourself from backing out. You get into your car and head over. The worst thing that can happen is that he can tell you he is done and to go home. As you pull into the driveway you see his car and get a horrible wave of nervous energy in your stomach. You try to breathe and center yourself. As you get out and walk to the door you are still shaking with nerves. You knock on the door three times and wait.
The door opens and he stands there staring at you blankly, fresh out of a shower, wrapped in a towel.
“Do you always answer the door naked?” You ask shyly.
“Well I wasn’t expecting anyone...” He replies with the tiniest hint of a smile. “Come in.” He says.
As you walk in it no longer feels homey you feel strange and uncomfortable. You sit on his couch, and he tells you he will be right back. A few minutes later her returns fully clothed and sits down in a chair next to the couch. 
“Josh, I….” You start, you are unsure of how to explain how you feel but you hope he will understand if he just listens. “Im so sorry.”
“I know you are. He replies. 
“I never meant for any of this to happen. I love you so much. Only you. I don’t even know why I had that dream. It meant nothing to me….” You say.
“I know.” He says. 
“Can you say something? Anything other than I know? I am trying to make this right. I'm getting the feeling that you don’t want to do that.” You say.
“What do you want me to say? That you broke my heart? That you broke my heart thinking about fucking my brother? And that you enjoyed it? I have given you everything I have! I love you, I wanted it all with you! I just don’t know how I can get past this… it hurts.” he says.
“You left me here. I didn’t even get a chance to say goodbye.” you say.
“I know. I had to know.” He says.
“Know what?” You reply.
“When I left here I drove straight to his house. I asked him if he had any feelings for you. To which he obviously said no. I told him what happened and told him that if there was anything going on he needed to tell me right then. He told me I was insane and that he would never do that. That I needed to go back to you before I ruined everything. When I got home you were gone.” He said.
“You told me to go Josh…” You say with tears in your eyes. 
“I know, I did but I didn’t think you would actually do it! I just knew I would get back in time but you were gone. I thought that meant you…” he swallows back his own tears.
“Josh no…” you say reaching for his hand. “I love you. Only you. Never anyone else. How could you possibly think…” you say fully crying now.
“I don’t know, I know you love me but I just… I over reacted and I was cruel and I thought I lost you. I almost came to you that night but I was afraid you would turn me away. And then I was in LA and I was miserable. But I couldn’t call you. I didn’t know what to say. Then Jake and I argued before the show because I just couldn’t let it go. I got too drunk that night and fought with everyone… everyone was pissed at me. My life has been a mess the past week and I didn’t have you, and everything just seemed really bad. Too bad. I finally talked to Jake last night and he helped me realize that I can’t do this without you. Any of it. I didn’t know how to make things right between us. I was going to let you go. Now you’re here and I still don’t know what to say other than I love you so much and I am so sorry. ” He finishes.
Launching yourself into his lap you sit straddling him and just cry on his shoulder. His arms wrap around you and pull you closer. 
“I'm so sorry baby I never wanted this to happen. This was the worst week of my life, watching you sing from my bed, heartbroken. I thought you were happier without me there. The pictures were so convincing and I was so devastated.” You cry into his chest. “I will never want anyone else, only you Josh. Please believe me.”
“I do believe you angel.”
Your lips reuniting with a passionate kiss, his hands desperately gripping you to him.
Pulling away, you say “You know he called me and told me to come to you right?"
He stares at you.
“He told me to come here, to come to you. He loves you so much Josh, he was devastated for you. He cares about you so much. We both do. How could you ever think…” he cuts you off with his lips on yours again, his tongue finding yours, telling you everything he couldn’t say for the past week and a half.
You lips connected, he stands up from the chair carrying you to his bedroom and gently places you on his bed. 
“Please let me love you angel.” He says.
“Please Josh...” You beg. 
You are desperate for his touch, to feel him again.
You both quickly remove your clothes and find each other again under the sheets. 
“I never want to feel the feeling I felt when I came back and you were gone.” He says kissing your neck. “That was the worst pain I’ve felt in my life. I thought you were gone for good.” 
“I will never leave you Josh.” You reply.
“Promise me.” He says lining himself with your center.
“I promise. Everything I have.” You say as you feel him slowly push inside of you. 
This sex is different, it’s slow and filled with emotions. There isn’t an urgent moment. Every single second is spent with Josh reverently worshipping every inch of your body and you his. You both work slowly towards your release, sharing with each other every raw emotion and feeling in between the seconds. After you both come down from your orgasms he whispers into your hair, “I will love you forever my angel. Please never go.”
“Never.” You reply.
You and Josh become absolutely inseparable from each other over the next few days. You and he sharing a new found connection that brings you closer than you ever thought you could be. The days are spent watching Christmas movies together and enjoying just being together. Josh has asked you to come home with him for Christmas with his family and you can think of no better way to spend it. 
Christmas Eve at Josh’s childhood home proves to be nothing short of magical. Everyone is here and you feel so much love for all the people around you. Karen and Kelly have decorated the house with lights, and the inside is just as beautifully decorated as the outside. You spend the evening around the fireplace laughing, telling jokes and stories from years past. Sammy and Jake are completely wasted on eggnog and playfully bickering with one another as you all cheer them on. As you watch them, Josh stands up and pulls your hand up with him. 
“Come with me.” He says.
You follow behind him as he drags you by your interlaced fingers.
He leads you to the Christmas tree in the basement, squatting down and retrieving two small boxes from under the tree. 
“Josh, Christmas is tomorrow!” You say.
“I know and there will be things to open tomorrow too, but these are special. For me and you only.” He says.
“Fine then you get to open your special gift too.” You say retrieving the one you brought for him.
He hands you the small box, and you both sit down on the floor. He nods at you to go ahead with a huge smile on his face. You slowly unwrap the package and open the little white box. Your heart swells when you immediately recognize what it is. Its a gold necklace with a ‘J’ initial pendant. It is the necklace he has worn every night on his tour. 
“I want you to have it. Every night when I would put it on I would imagine what it would look like around your neck. My name. You were always meant to have it.” He says with his hand on your knee. 
“Oh Josh, I love it so much. Thank you. It means so much to me.” You say with a kiss. 
You put it on and clasp it around your neck.
“Its perfect. Exactly like I pictured it. Even better actually.” He replies lovingly. 
“Your turn! Gosh I hope you like it.” you say nervously.
Josh unwraps the gift pulling out a vintage leather-bound notebook with a worn cover. Inside the first page you have written a note.
“For all of your brilliant ideas. Don’t forget to live your dream, too. I love you forever."
Wiping a small tear from his eye, he then pulls out of the box, a super vintage handheld film video camera with a bright red bow attached. 
“I hope you like it, I saw it when you were in LA and thought of you.It broke my heart and I knew you were meant to have it. I didn’t know if I was going to see you again though. I was going to leave it on your doorstep, but this plan works out better.” You say giggling.
“You are the most amazing woman. The love of my life. It’s the best gift I have ever received.”
“I'm glad you like it, I love you so much Josh. Merry Christmas.” you say.
“Merry Christmas my love, although I do have one more for you. If… you want it.” He says playfully.
“Okay, only if you’re sure.” He says.
“Never been more sure than right now.” He smiles, handing you the box.
 You unwrap it the paper and open the box and there is a gold house key with a red bow tied to the top.
“Move in with me…” Josh asks. “I know you practically live with me now, but I want you there all the time. All of your things. I want to come home to you. Every late night at the studio, every long leg of tour…. I want you. If you can’t be with me there, at least I know you’ll be at home. Our home. ” He says.
“Are you… sure Josh?” You ask clutching the key in your hand.
“I have never been more sure of anything in my life angel. I love you, I want this with you. All of it. Always. ” He says.
You kiss his soft warm lips as you respond throwing your arms around his neck. 
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sweetasmarie · 3 months
Sugary Sweet
Chapter 6: Concert Fun🎶
***Pics are at the bottom***
Johnny’s manager delivered the concert tickets quickly. I had barricade tickets, meaning I would be standing right at the barricade close to the kpop group I’ve been a fan of since 2015. So I was getting ready, doing my makeup and fixing my hair.
Of course, my parents and brother tried ruining my mood. I had enough of their demands and I just couldn’t do it anymore. The only reason I kept in contact with them was so I could talk to Nana Rose. But since she passed away, I didn’t need them in my life anymore.
After fixing my outfit and taking one final mirror selfie for Snapchat, I headed to the concert. It was pretty smooth sailing to get in. I even got to see them do a sound check! Woozi, who is of course my bias, walked past our section so many times during the sound check. One of the girls even said that it seemed he was checking me out.
“Nah, that can’t be possible. I’m sure there are other girls here that he would like better.” I said this mainly to deflect the idea that he might actually be looking at me.
“No, I swear it,” she stated. “He has come to our section so many times. The only other member who did that tonight was S.coups, who I also think was looking at you.”
I shook my head at her claims, not believing a word she said. I will say, I know that I am attractive. That isn’t a condescending thing to say, as I have worked hard to look the way I am. I will not lie, I have had a few NDAs from celebrities. Mainly they were C-pop, K-pop, and J-pop idols. But I still have a hard time believing it could happen.
Fast forward to the concert itself. I had to walk to the bathroom so I took a nice picture to post on IG when I was done. On my way back to where I was standing, the girl from earlier smiled widely at me and pointed me out to a security guard. I thought I was in trouble, but the man didn’t seem mad.
“You must be Charlotte Kim?” The man’s tone seemed like curiosity mixed with no playing around. “Wait here after the concert. We have a guest or two wanting to speak to you.”
I confirmed that I would wait before going back to where I was standing. The girl and I sang at the top of our lungs when IDUBILY was performed. I could tell she was a The8 fan just from how she swooned over his voice (totally understandable though). “아주 Nice” was played over and over until the members could barely move, which of course was the highlight of the concert.
“Hey,” The girl said to me before she left. “By the way, my name is Opal. I’m Thai by the way. I just wanted to see if you would like to be friends?”
“Of course, Opal,” I smiled at her. We exchanged phone numbers and WhatsApp numbers as we both figured that it would cost less to use WhatsApp.
When she left, I followed the security guard to the green room, where I saw all 13 members of Seventeen. Two of them got up quickly, making me realize that S.coups and Woozi requested to see me.
“You must be Charlotte…”
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headcanonsandmore · 10 months
"All Alone (For The Holidays)", Chapter One
Summary: Tegan Jovanka is heading up to Scotland for the holidays. However, after meeting Nyssa Traken on a busy train heading through worsening snowy conditions, her holiday plans may just have to change...
Read on AO3.
It was the season of goodwill, but Tegan Jovanka wasn’t feeling it.
London was, as always, super busy. It was mid-afternoon on the last Friday before the holidays properly began, and the streets were packed with last-minute shoppers, people running to catch trains, irritable commuters yelling into their mobile phones, and the occasional tourist looking horrified at the chaos around them.
Tegan pulled her suitcase along; one of the four wheels was playing up, and she wasn’t exactly in the best of moods regardless.
The rain had finally stopped, but the pavements were still covered in puddles of varying depths. Tegan was immensely glad of her trusty leather boots, and the warm socks inside them.
It was quite cold today. Tegan pulled down her woolly hat tight as she hurried along, looking forward to getting inside a centrally-heated train. Her breath clouded in the air.
Further up the street, she could hear the sound of a fundraiser’s voice. Mancunian, perhaps? Well, there had unfortunately been a growing need for food banks in the UK during the last decade, and that didn’t go away just because the holidays were drawing near.
As she approached the fundraiser, Tegan stopped, pulled out her wallet, and deposited some change into the bucket.
‘Thank you,’ said the fundraiser, giving a large grin. ‘Happy holidays.’
‘And to you,’ Tegan smiled back, despite her bad mood.
Feeling a little bit better, she continued along the pavement, heading for Kings Cross.
It wasn’t an awful lot warmer inside the station itself, but the respite from the cold afternoon air was something, at the very least. Tegan placed her phone down on the ticket machine, and stepped through.
Mercifully, there were no hoards of people dressed in striped scarves heading for Platform 9 this year, and Tegan was pleased for the change. It wasn’t unsurprising but appreciated nonetheless. The Australian checked that her ‘protect trans kids’ pin was still securely hastened to the lapel of her coat, and headed to the platform her train was due to depart from.
The Aberdeen train was on time, although the amount of people in the streets outside had caused Tegan to be a few minutes late, meaning that boarding was already commencing when she arrived at the platform.
Hurrying forwards, Tegan neared the nearest train door and-
Tegan stopped, and turned quickly.
A woman was stood a few metres behind her, gingerly moving on her feet. Tegan had clearly just run over this woman’s toes with her suitcase.
‘Oh, god; I’m so sorry!’ Tegan exclaimed, hurrying back. ‘My fault entirely; are you alright?’
‘I-I’ll be fine,’ said the woman, smiling weakly. She looked roughly the same age as Tegan, and was wearing a long wool coat, with a hat and scarf in the same shade of maroon. ‘I should have been moved out of the way.’
‘Can you walk?’
The woman gingerly tried to step forwards, and her face creased in pain. Tegan’s heart spasmed with guilt.
‘Oh, god,’ she said. ‘Here, let me…’
Tegan put the woman’s arm around her shoulder, and helped her into the carriage, before hoisting both their suitcases on board after her.
‘T-thank you,’ stammered the woman, smiling at Tegan. Her grey-green eyes twinkled in the light of the train carriage. ‘You’re so kind.’
‘No worries,’ Tegan replied, softly. ‘My fault for running you over with my case.’
‘Nonetheless, you’ve been very thoughtful, Ms… er…’
‘Jovanka,’ said Tegan. ‘Tegan Jovanka.’
The woman smiled, and removed her woolly hat. A long mane of bushy brown hair -greying slightly- descended to her shoulders.
‘I’m Nyssa,’ she said, cheeks dimpling. ‘Nyssa Traken.’
Tegan blinked, quickly. She suddenly felt rather hot under the collar; why was the inside of the train carriage so warm?
‘Nice to meet you,’ she said. ‘Er, shall I help you to a seat?’
‘O-oh, yes, thank you…’
Unfortunately, every single seat on the train had now been taken. And, since the train’s occupants seemed to be mostly grouchy commuters, none a single person volunteered to give up their seat for Nyssa.
Eventually, Tegan had to relent, and instead laid Nyssa’s suitcase down on the floor, and helped her to sit down on it.
‘Bloody typical,’ Tegan said, as she sat down beside Nyssa on her own case. ‘We’ve got the most expensive rail fares in Europe, and yet they can’t even put another train on to cope with demand.’
‘That’s privatised rail for you,’ Nyssa said, with a sigh. ‘Oh, well; I suppose we’ll have to make the best of it.’
‘Are you heading all the way to Aberdeen?’
Nyssa nodded.
‘I’m heading to the Orkneys.’
‘Gosh; talk about a long way!’ Tegan exclaimed. ‘Family get-together, I take it?’
‘No,’ Nyssa said, quietly. ‘Just… just me.’
Tegan felt her heart break at the quiet sadness in the woman’s voice.
‘Er… sorry,’ Tegan mumbled. ‘I… I should’ve pry-’
‘It’s fine,’ Nyssa replied. ‘Er, are you meeting family in Aberdeen?’
‘No,’ Tegan said, slowly. ‘I’m… I’m heading on to the Shetland Islands.’
Nyssa nodded.
‘I’ve heard it’s supposed to be lovely. Is it true you can see the Northern Lights from there?’
‘Dunno,’ Tegan shrugged. ‘I guess I’ll find out. You might be able to see them in the Orkneys.’
‘That’ll be nice,’ Nyssa said, smiling quietly. ‘Something to look forward to.’
There was a brief silence, as Tegan desperately tried to think of something else to say. Nyssa’s eyes were rather distracting, and Tegan was feeling distinctly hot under the collar. The Australian quickly removed her own hat, and shook her head, letting her short bop of dark brown hair fall into place.
‘Er…’ Tegan said. ‘Nyssa, eh? Welsh family?’
‘Oh, yes,’ Nyssa replied. ‘Both my parents were born in Anglesey, although I grew up in London.’
‘I’ve got Welsh ancestry,’ Tegan said. ‘Hence the name. I don’t think my parents knew what it meant, though. I mean, “toy” is probably not what they were expecting it to mean…’
Nyssa giggled.
Mercifully, as the train travelled further and further northwards, the various occupants began to disembark. After Birmingham New Street, the majority of passengers who had started the journey in Kings Cross had long since left, and there were a lot of seats now available.
Nyssa’s feet had, by this point, stopped hurting, but Tegan insisted on helping her to a nearby seat. Nyssa didn’t seem to mind this at all, although -maybe it was just Tegan’s imagination- her cheeks seemed to flush as Tegan gently put her arm around Nyssa’s waist. Now that both of them had removed their coats, Tegan was now rather aware that Nyssa was, in fact, a lot curvier than she had initially noticed.
Of course, Nyssa didn’t seem to notice Tegan’s flusteredness, and instead thanked the Australian as she sat down in the seat on the other side of the table from her.
‘You really are most lovely, Tegan,’ the Englishwoman said, cheeks dimpling. ‘When the food trolley comes past, I insist on buying you a hot chocolate.’
‘Oh, there’s really no need,’ Tegan replied, waving a hand quickly. ‘It was the least I could do after I almost broke half of your toes-’
‘I insist,’ Nyssa repeated, with a giggle. ‘Besides, I feel we could both do with a treat after being sat on our cases for all that time at our age.’
‘Oh, alright,’ Tegan relented. ‘You’ve twisted my arm.’
The two women chuckled. 
As the train rolled into the North of England, snow began to fall outside the windows, giving a cosy, warm atmosphere. By this point, the train had lost it’s grouchy mood that came with the London commuters that had joined at the start, and how the air around Tegan and Nyssa was largely made up of warm, relaxed voices, mostly in Midland, Northern and Scottish accents. It was a nice change, Tegan had to admit.
Well, Nyssa’s voice hadn’t changed, of course. But that wasn’t a bad thing. She’d never get tired of those gentle tones.
‘Oh, look; how wonderful,’ Nyssa exclaimed, pointing out of the window at some snow-covered hills, with the twinkle of houses in the valleys below. ‘Very festive, isn’t it?’
‘Depends,’ Tegan chuckled. ‘I grew up in rural Australia; the idea of the holidays not being boiling hot is still weird to me.’
Nyssa giggled.
‘I suppose so. Are you religious?’
‘Not really. My family’s Jewish, but I’m not really practising. You?’
Nyssa shook her head.
‘I suppose most people aren’t, nowadays. Most of my colleagues aren’t; I work in bio-chemistry, so most of them tend to be very academic-minded.’
‘Wow,’ Tegan said, awed. ‘Didn’t realise I was sitting opposite a scientist. You must be super-smart, Nyssa!’
‘Oh, stop it!’
Nyssa’s cheeks flushed pink, and Tegan leaned forward, feeling her heart beat joyfully against her chest. The fact that she could make Nyssa flustered and happy made the world seem cosy and filled with a soft warmth.
Tegan looked up from her book. Nyssa was staring at the cover, looking intrigued. The train had passed over the border into Scotland a little while back; it was now very late in the day, and Tegan had dug into her case to retrieve her book. Nyssa had been content to stare out of the window.
‘Yeah,’ she said, slotting her bookmark in and closing the pages so as to present a better view. ‘You ever read any?’
‘No,’ Nyssa replied. ‘Is that… a Golum?’
‘That’s Dorfl, yeah,’ Tegan replied. ‘You want to have a read?’
‘Oh, I wouldn’t want to impose-’
‘Too late,’ Tegan said, with a grin. ‘Never let a Disc-head know that you’re intrigued by these books, you’ll never hear the end of it...’
Nyssa giggled again, as Tegan began to read aloud. Everyone around them had earphones in anyway, so they weren’t disturbing anyone. It felt nice to simply read aloud, with Nyssa hanging on to every word and letting out a squeak of laughter at intervals.
Tegan could get used to this.
Good evening, everyone…
The driver’s voice echoed through the tannoid system.
Our apologies but, due to the snow, the Forth Bridge has been closed… the train will instead be travelling overland after stopping in Edinburgh… we do apologise for the added travel time…
There was a collective groan from the passengers around them.
Tegan looked over at Nyssa.
‘Guess you’ve got more of my company this evening,’ she said, with a chuckle.
‘Oh, what a shame,’ Nyssa said, with a giggle. ‘However will I cope?’
Tegan grinned, ignoring the excited spike in her heart-rate as she continued reading aloud. Normally, she would have been getting angry about the delay but she found it hard to complain at that particular moment. Something about Nyssa’s smile made it difficult for her to feel angry about things.
Attention passengers…
‘Oh, good grief,’ Tegan said, with a roll of her eyes. Just over an hour had passed since the last announcement. ‘What now?’
We are receiving reports that the snowy conditions have effected train lines for most of the central lowlands… as a result, this service will be terminating at Stirling…
There was a collective cry of outrage and anger from the passengers.
We apologise for this disruption to the service… if you wish to, you can seek a refund for your tickets at www dot…
Tegan let out a loud sigh.
Of course.
Not that she had anything against Stirling, of course. She had heard that it was a lovely place. But she had been hoping to get to Shetland sooner rather than later. Who knew how long the snow would make the journey impossible?
‘So… Stirling?’
‘I’ve heard it’s rather a lovely place,’ Nyssa said. ‘Although… I don’t know anyone living there.’
‘That makes two of us,’ Tegan replied. ‘Do you want to ring ahead and try to book a room?’
‘Probably for the best,’ Nyssa nodded, pulling her phone out of her pocket. ‘I’ll see if anywhere has another room free; save you using your phone as well.’
Tegan opened her mouth to politely decline, but Nyssa had already started punching in numbers. However, the first call ended very quickly, as did the next one, and the one after that.
‘Most of the major hotels seem to already be full,’ she said, her brow creased. ‘By the sounds of it, every other train heading north has been forced to stop in Stirling as well.’
‘In that case,’ Tegan said. ‘I suppose we’ll just have set out on foot when we get there and find a place. There’s got to be at least one place with some rooms free.’
Nyssa smiled.
‘Thank you,’ she said, softly. ‘You are… oh, you are ever so kind, Tegan.’
Tegan ignored the butterflies that erupted in her smile, and prayed that she wasn’t blushing.
As the train finally pulled into Stirling Station, the snow was already falling far heavier that it had been for a while. The scene in the station became more apparent. Nearby, passengers let out groans. The platforms through the windows were already teeming with people; it seemed as if every train north of Edinburgh has been forced to stop.
Tegan and Nyssa collected their cases from the luggage rack, and stepped out onto the platform, following the end of a large crowd of people heading for the exits. Neither Tegan or Nyssa were especially fast walkers, given how long they had been cooped up on the train for, and so they arrived at the barriers after most other passengers from their train had disappeared into the cold night air outside.
‘C’mon,’ Tegan said, as they walked out of the station. She was glad of her hat and gloves, as her breath hung in the air before her. The snow crunched under her boots. If it wasn’t for the stress she was under, she probably would have taken in the pleasant sights of a snowy Scottish city on the cusp of the holiday period. ‘There’s bound to be at least two rooms left in this city, even with tons more people stuck here…’
Two hours later, they had that question answered. After trawling through every hotel, bed-and-breakfast, lodge house and hostel (plus one glamping site) in the city, Tegan and Nyssa found themselves stood in the reception area of one tiny bed-and-breakfast on a half-hidden side-street.
‘Just one room left.’
‘Just one?’ Tegan repeated, slowly. She and Nyssa exchanged a look.
‘It’s fine,’ Nyssa said. ‘Tegan, I’m sure I can find somewhere else-’
‘I’m not bloody leaving you alone in a new city at midnight in the freezing cold!’ Tegan exclaimed, hotly. ‘Nyssa, you take this room and I’ll find somewhere else-’
‘Tegan Jovanka, you are not stumbling around Stirling at midnight in the snow!’
‘Er…’ said the receptionist, gently. A name-badge gave her name as “Yasmin” and she spoke with a Sheffield accent. ‘If I might offer a suggestion…’
The two older women turned, a little bashfully.
‘The room is for two people,’ Yasmin continued. ‘If you are willing to share, you can both have it.’
Tegan and Nyssa looked at each other. Tegan was startled to see that Nyssa didn’t seem alarmed by this suggestion. If anything, she looked somewhat relieved.
Tegan tried not to think of what that might mean.
‘I… Nyssa, if you’re sure…’
‘That’s fine with me, Tegan,’ Nyssa said, with a smile. ‘Are… are you fine with the idea?’
‘Well, it’s a better idea than one of us stuck outside in the cold,’ Tegan said. ‘If you’re happy with it, I’m happy with it.’
Nyssa smiled again, and nodded. Yasmin -looking rather weary but happy nonetheless- handed over two keys to room five.
There was no lift, so Yasmin helped Tegan and Nyssa hoist their suitcases up the winding staircase. It was a homely sort of establishment, with lots of paintings on the walls, many depicting highland landscapes and animals. Maybe it was just the weariness talking, but the effect was rather comforting.
Yasmin guided them over to the door at the end of the corridor, bade them goodnight, and headed back downstairs.
‘Poor love,’ Tegan said, putting her key into the door. ‘Night shift at the holidays; that’s rough.’
‘Agreed,’ Nyssa replied, with a yawn. ‘Hopefully, she’ll get as good a night sleep as I’m hoping to…’
Tegan opened the door, and Nyssa stepped through. Tegan followed her through, and closed the door behind them. The two women pulled off their shoes with similar sighs of relief, and placed them on the mat, so that the snow wouldn’t get all over the floor. With a yawn, the Australian pulled off her hat and undid her coat, hanging them on the pegs next to the door.
‘Nyssa, shall I hang up your… Nyssa?’
Nyssa was staring at the bed, and it was only at that moment that Tegan realised the situation that they both found themselves in. She took in the sight of the gorgeous oak of the desk and the lovely painting of a highland cow hung on the far wall. She took in the sight of red tartan curtains drawn shut over the window.
And she took in the bed, furnished with the same pattern of red tartan as the curtains.
The double bed. The solitary double bed.
Oh, Tegan thought, as her eyes met Nyssa’s beautiful grey-green orbs, this was going to get rather complicated…
Thanks for reading, everyone; hope you enjoyed the first chapter!
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mollyhw14 · 1 year
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🌻 My Favourite Part 🌻 pt 1
Ateez San Au: idol x reader
Warning ❗️ explicit language, mentions of sex
Today was the day. The day I started my travels to Seoul to visit my childhood friend. Yeji had been living in Korea for a year now, having moved back with her family after finishing her studies here in the UK. We’d been planning this trip for a while now, and I couldn’t contain the excitement I had for the next month I was away. Yeji had bought us both tickets to see Ateez whilst I was visiting as a surprise birthday present, and I couldn’t wait to hug the shit out of her for it.
“Ivy have you finished packing? We need to leave soon!”
Sighing, I grabbed the packed suitcase and made my way down the stairs. I’d attempted to pack for the month, but the suitcase unfortunately didn’t fit everything in so I’d have to do some shopping once I got to Seoul. I text Yeji to let her know that we were setting off for the airport, and got into the car whilst my mum put the suitcase in the boot.
“Are you excited for your travels?” My dad glanced at me through the car mirror, a nervous look etched on to his face.
“I am, I can’t wait to see my Yeji again!”
“I want you to make sure you stay sensible whilst you’re over there, don’t be wondering off at that concert with strangers.” My dad gave me a stern look and I laughed, my mum joining in too.
“Dad I’m 21, I can handle myself don’t worry.”
“Yes and you still haven’t moved out yet.”
The comment had my mum chuckling even more whilst I responded with an eye roll.
The journey to the airport took forty minutes, deciding against sleep, I checked my phone, scrolling through Instagram and Twitter at the recent updates. Ateez had held their final European concert in London the previous night. This was before they flew back to Seoul for the last concert of the World Tour, and as much as I’d have liked to have gone to London, I couldn’t afford the tickets so Yeji’s gift was a dream come true. We’d be seeing the final show.
Every update I scrolled past was San. Choi San was everywhere, and I couldn’t blame the fans. They’d performed I’m the One and fans were going wild at the return of the very much loved song. The previous concerts they’d performed had been very much PG, but looking at the London show I could completely understand why everyone was blowing up Twitter. The video showed San slowly and directly going up to a fan filming whilst he performed his famous part. However to everyones holy eyes, he had clearly made a hand signal pointing towards his dick before suggestively dancing his part with that stupid smirk on his face. A sexy sight for all eyes. He was ethereal, and he knew it.
Tearing my eyes from the beautiful view I had on my phone, I looked out the window to see that we’d arrived at the airport. Not wanting to wait much longer, I said fair well to my parents and ran with my suitcase from the car park- not without a “don’t run you’ll fall” comment from my dad. I was too excited to even think about that.
After what felt like the longest 2 hours, I had finally made it through security to the gates. Plopping down onto the seats, I got out my AirPods to listen to some music, having only 10 minutes before boarding. From a distance I could make out a group of girls giggling to themselves which I found odd, but not giving it much thought I kept my head down until my gate was called.
Not much later, gate 9 was called and I found myself walking onto the plane to find my seat. From what I’d seen on my boarding pass, I was at the back of the plane, situated at the window with another person next to me, which I wasn’t too bothered by as I had brought my drawing pad to keep me occupied.
Having found my seat, luckily the other person hadn’t arrived yet which gave me some time to get comfortable and put my seat belt on. I kept my AirPods in, blasting out Ateez Bouncy to distract myself from the take off. After a few minutes, I felt a presence sit down in the seat next to me and I took a quick glance towards the figure before glancing back to the window. The figure looked to be a young male, but I couldn’t get a precise look as he had a cap on covering the majority of his face. He had been looking down at his phone, so I took it as not the sociable type. Luckily I didn’t mind that as I usually found talking to strangers quite hard- embarrassing myself every time.
After take off, the pilot announced that we could take our seat belts off, giving me the okay to get out my drawing pad. Pulling out the small tray attached to the plane seat, I propped up my phone with a photo of Yeji and I which we had last taken, and opened the pad to my half completed drawing of the photo. Yeji had requested that I drew it as a present for letting me stay at her place for the month, so I couldn’t really complain about it. Getting carried away, I didn’t realise I had zoned out for the past couple of hours, until I felt a light tap on my shoulder. Pulling out my earphone, I paused my music and looked at the guy to my left.
“The lady wants to know if you would like a drink.” A rough voice spoke, the male keeping his head down, still looking at his phone. I glanced up, spotting the flight attendant smiling in my direction with the drink trolley in hand.
“Oh sorry, yes can I have a Pepsi please.”
Having to lean over to grab the drink, the male leaned back, allowing me to get a quick glance at his face. I almost did a double take, nearly dropping my Pepsi in the action. The cat-like eyes, sharp nose and extremely clear skin looked familiar- if not too familiar to a certain idol I’d been looking at over an hour ago on my phone. Convincing myself that it most definitely must be a doppelgänger, I quickly retreated to my seat and got back to my drawing.
No way was that who I thought it was. I don’t want to look again, what if he thinks I’m a creep.
A forced cough interrupted my thoughts, and I titled my head to look at the male next to me, who I’m guessing was trying to get my attention. Keeping his head low, he spoke in a low whisper.
“You know you’re music is quite loud?”
I looked at my phone embarrassed, had my music interrupted whatever he was doing?
“I’m sorry, did it disturb you? I’ll turn it down.” I felt bad for the guy, he might’ve been trying to sleep and there I was blasting music into my eardrums, forgetting other people can hear.
After a couple minutes of silence, with no reply in return, I took that as a sign to get back to my drawing. However before I could, he spoke again.
“So… you like Ateez?”
Shit, could he hear the lyrics too? He must’ve done to be able to know who I was listening to.
“Yeh I do, do you listen to them?” I asked, looking up at the male, I was curious and suspicious as to why he’d suddenly brought up my choice of music.
“I do, you could say I’m quite familiar with their music.”
It was then that he finally looked up…
I had never wanted the ground to swallow me up more than I did in that exact moment.
It was Choi fucking San.
The same eyes, nose and the same beautiful fucking freckles that scattered on his neck. I was in deep shit, he’d caught me red handed listening to his music and now he was going to think that I was an obsessive fan girl.
He chuckled at my lack of response, and I realised then that I had been staring at his face.
“I can see.” My voice came out scratched, and I coughed to clear it, turning to look anywhere but at him- face red with embarrassment.
I noticed he chuckled again, leaning back in his seat.
“What’s you’re name?” His low voice caught me off guard and I realised he was still speaking to me. I glanced at him again, his full attention was directed at me and knew there was no way of getting out of this one. Of course luck wasn’t on my side today.
“Ivy, and yours?”
I stopped myself, why did I ask that, he’s going to think you’re an idiot.
“I’m San but I’m guessing you already knew that.” He smiled, and I felt like I melted right there and then. His dimples were even cuter than on a phone screen.
“Yeah, maybe just a little bit.”
I glanced towards the front of the plane, feeling myself getting flustered under his stare.
“A little bit? You weren’t saying that when you were singing under your breathe to our song.”
My head almost flew off it’s neck as I whipped to look at San, gawping like a fish and eyes wide.
“You heard that!” I nearly screamed, but then had to quickly apologise to passengers on the other side of the plane that were sending me death glares for interrupting their quiet time.
“You heard that?” I repeated, speaking a lot more quieter. I could feel my cheeks getting warm with the amount of embarrassment I had brought on myself.
San flashed me a cheeky grin and leaned back, taking in my horrified state.
“Maybe a little bit.” He chuckled again, and I sighed putting my head in my hands.
“ Shit, I’m so sorry” I mumbled into my hands.
“Don’t be, always nice to meet a fan.”
He laughed and I glanced up at his perfectly sculptured face.
“I swear I’m not a weird fan, I genuinely didn’t realise you’d be on this plane-”
“You don’t need to explain yourself, we don’t usually sit separately but there was no other seats left when we booked the flights so it’s not your fault.” He smiled warmly at me, and it eased my nerves a little.
Then it hit you, and you gasped. They were all here.
��Yes we are.” San laughed. Oh my gosh did I say that out loud?
“Yes you did.” At this point he was full belly laughing, and I was back to feeling embarrassed at myself.
I gave the plane a scan and there, low and behold, two rows in front were Yunho and Wooyoung chatting amongst themselves. On the other side of the plane were Mingi and Seonghwa asleep; the rest must’ve been behind you both as they weren’t in sight.
“Did you come to the London concert?” San questioned, and I drew my attention back to him.
He was smiling towards you, finding it cute how you looked nervous seeing his members.
“No I didn’t unfortunately, I couldn’t afford it.”
“That’s a shame, you missed out.” He smirked and I felt myself getting flustered.
“I saw the videos, it looked amazing! I’m coming to the Seoul concert- early birthday present.” I tried to not to sound like a hard core fan girl, but it was pretty hard when Choi fucking San was asking me if I came to his concert.
“Oh really? How long are you in Seoul for?” He leaned forward, resting his head on his hand. He was too close now, so close I could smell the expensive cologne he was wearing.
“I’m there for a month, visiting a childhood friend.” I flashed him a smile and he smiled back. San pulled back, allowing myself to exhale the breath that I didn't know I was holding. Not really knowing what to do with myself, as I was very much overwhelmed with the man sat right next to me, I turned to proceed with my drawing and contain my inner fan girl, but I was taken aback when he asked the question that I had hoped he wouldn’t ask.
“So… what’s your very song Ivy?” My name rolled of his tongue so beautifully and I felt like I’d pass out from how hot it sounded.
“I’m The One.” I replied with all the confidence I could muster, looking him straight in the eye.
San smirked, he fucking smirked and I knew exactly what he was going to question me with next.
“How come? If I may ask.”
My prediction was correct. My mind flew back to the previous videos I’d been watching on Twitter. If I wasn’t already flustered before, I definitely was now, I could feel my cheeks growing warm and I could sense that San had spotted them from how his smirk seemed to get visibly bigger.
“ I love the chorus…” I hesitated. I wasn’t just going to out right tell him that the main reason was because I thought his voice sounded hot as fuck, oh and his body too.
After what felt like a hot minute, San leaned forward, this time our shoulders were touching, his face mere inches from my own. I could feel his breath fanning the side of my face, as his lips neared my ear.
“I see, of course that’s it… but your face says otherwise love.” He whispered into my ear.
My breath hitched, eyes wide, as he pulled away. By this point his smirk might as well have been permanently etched on to his face, and I was left with second hand embarrassment. He definitely knew exactly what was running through my head, and I tried to look at anything but Choi San.
“Please fasten your seat belts as we prepare for landing.” The pilots voice boomed through the intercom and I let out another breathe that I didn’t realise I was holding. My prayers had been answered, I felt like I was suffocating with San next to me, he was the definition of perfect and I couldn’t deal with anymore embarrassment on my end.
“Don’t worry I’ll stop teasing.” San laughed, I glanced in his direction to see him giving me an eye smile. The complete opposite of the San that just had me all flustered over a song.
“It’d be very much appreciated.” Smiling back at him, I moved to watch the landing out the window, getting excited as I remember I’d be seeing Yeji soon and I could tell her all about my plane ride.
“We have now landed in Seoul, have a nice stay.” The pilot announced, and everyone got up to collect their bags and head off the plane.
San got up first, grabbing his carry on and looking for his members. I noticed he had spotted the ones up a head, waving for them to get off first.
Before I could stand up to grab my own bags, San turned to face me, a smile planted on his lips.
“It was nice chatting to you Ivy, it felt nice actually speaking to a fan that didn’t constantly ask me for an autograph-” he paused, looking down and giving a small chuckle. When he looked back up however, he smirked for the final time, looking me dead in the eyes.
“I’ll see you at the concert… I’ll make sure my part of I’m the One is extra special for you… after all that is your favourite part.”
Giving me a wink, he turned and walked away, leaving me breathless and speechless. That did indeed confirm that he knew exactly why that song was my favourite. Choi fucking San, you’re going to literally give me a heart attack.
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l2bbocsstuff · 1 year
Take On Me
Here is a drabble from the discord I belong to.
Korra was excited.  She’d never been to an arena concert before.  Sure, her parents had taken her to see puppet shows and children’s singers when she lived in the South, but now that she was in Republic City she was bouncing up and down like a kid waiting for Christmas as she moved in line to enter the stadium.
Jinora looked back to her semi-adopted older sister and took her hand.  “Calm down, Korra.  We still have to pass through security and give them our tickets.”  Korra took a calming breath and tried to settle the butterflies in her stomach.  It took another ten minutes but the pair finally arrived at their designated spot.
“I guess it’s a good thing sometimes that your dad is on the council.  It was lucky he got us tickets for this show.”
“Today it’s a good thing but sometimes Dad being a high and mighty muckity-muck is just a pain in the ass,” Jinora answered, “some people just think I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth.”
Korra gave Jinora’s hand a squeeze, “That’s cause they don’t know how hard your whole family worked to get to where you are now.” Korra smiled at her semi-little sister and Jinora smiled back.  “I’ve never been in a building this large.  Even the hockey rinks back home don’t have this many seats.”   They looked around to see many other people arriving.  Korra checked the time on her phone and relaxed.  They got there early and they got really good seats.  Third row on the floor, right in the middle of the stage.
Since the three bands playing tonight all were 80’s icons, both Korra and Jinora agreed to dress up.  The girls knew that they looked utterly ridiculous being dressed in their 80s outfits.  Their big hair was backcombed and their fluorescent nylon track pants screamed retro.  Korra was wearing a muscle shirt with a photo of ‘The Breakfast Club’ and Jinora was wearing a t-shirt with ‘Boy George’ on the front.  The girls felt relieved that they weren’t the only ticket holders who wore outrageous clothes for the occasion.  They received lots of thumbs up from other people streaming into the place and gave lots of thumbs up back to others.  Both Korra and Jinora had grown up listening to 80’s tunes because both sets of their parents were fans of the decade.
There were still five minutes before the show was supposed to begin.  The lights began to dim and the crowd began to clap and whistle.  A roadie stepped up to the microphone at the centre of the stage. “Test, test, one, two, one, two,” came over the speakers.  Another voice answered back, “The mike seems fine.  I think we’re good to go.”  The crowd applauded again.  Just then Korra looked to the empty seat beside her.  She hoped that whoever was going to sit there showed up quickly.  At that moment she looked down the row and an extraordinarily beautiful girl with ebony hair was walking towards her. Korra was stunned and thought “Amazing!!! She wears green lipstick like a fashion icon.”  Korra knew she wasn’t completely straight and she quickly flashed to a fantasy of having this girl underneath her.
The girl looked behind her and said, “Opal, our seats are right here.” The raven-haired woman was dressed like Madonna with green eye shadow and her friend was wearing a Cyndi Lauper outfit with purple lipstick and eye shadow.  The two sat down and Korra just couldn’t look away.  
The first girl turned to Korra, “Is there something wrong?  You’re kind of staring.” Not that I mind one bit.
Korra reflexively looked down and rubbed the back of her neck, “Oh Spirits, I’m sorry.  I was just looking at your outfits.  They’re awesome.  Sorry if I was making you uncomfortable.”
Those arms are amazing.  The girl thrust out her hand, “No worries.  I love what you’re wearing too.  I’m Asami.”  I’d love to see you out of those clothes too.
“I’m Korra and this is Jinora,” she said as she shook Asami’s hand.
“Nice to meet both of you. This is Opal.  My best friend.”  
Opal said her hellos and remarked, “Man, these are great seats.  This show is gonna be so rad!!”
“Nice 80’s vocab, Ope,” Asami remarked.  At that moment, the house lights went off.
The crowd erupted in cheers and the first band, Dexy’s Midnight Runners, took the stage.  Their set was fantastic.  The second band, A Flock of Seagulls, was just as good and the third band, A-ha brought the house down.
The show ended after three hours and by that time all four girls were a sweaty mess from singing, dancing, and cheering.  Asami leaned over to Korra and Jinora and said, “Man, that was a great time.”
Korra agreed telling Asami and Opal that it was her first arena show.
“Do you want the fun to continue?” asked Asami.  She thought to herself, “Smooth, Sato, really smooth.  Opal gave Asami a knowing smirk.  Opal knew her best friend was attracted to Korra from just her body language.  “I know a great place that’s close where we can get some food,” Asami declared.
Korra looked at Jinora for confirmation and she nodded. Korra explained, “Food sounds great right about now.”  And you still look good enough to eat.
“Food sounds great to you anytime!!” Jinora quipped while winking.
Korra gently punched Jinora on the arm, “Hey, I resemble that remark.”
Opal looked at Jinora and Korra, “You two sound a lot like Asami and me.  Chucking shit at each other all the time,” Opal turned to Asami, “You said something about food.  Lead on lady, I’m hungry too.”
Asami gracefully led the three others up and off the floor of the arena to the mid-level and headed straight to an elevator. Korra and Jinora were confused but didn’t ask questions.  They trusted their new friend after spending the evening together.  All four women entered the elevator and when the door opened at their destination, they walked into an expensively decorated private box on the top floor.  They could see the stage directly across from where they stood, through the floor-to-ceiling windows.
Jinora gasped and Korra just gaped as the server spoke.  “Miss Asami, all the food you ordered is ready to go.  Would you like me to serve now?”
Asami answered quickly, “Yes please, Shen. That would be lovely.”
Korra didn’t understand what was happening.  “Asami, what’s going on?  Where are we?”
“It’s my private box.  I told the staff I was coming back up here after the show for some food.  It’s perfectly fine for us to be here.  Ask Opal.”
Korra swung her head and Opal just shrugged her shoulders, “It’s fine Korra.  She does this all the time.”
Both Jinora and Korra still looked confused so Asami went on to explain.  “This arena belongs to Future Industries.  It’s called The FI Centre.  The Republic City Rangers play hockey here during the winter.”
“I know that,” remarked Korra, “but I still don’t understand how you have a private box with a staff.”
Opal smiled and Asami grinned.  “I’m Asami Sato.  The CEO and owner of Future Industries,” Asami paused, “does it make more sense now?”
Jinora and Korra looked at each other still a little bewildered.  Korra spoke first, “It’s our honour to meet you.”
“Oh no.  It’s our honour to meet the two of you.”  Asami took Korra by the hand while rubbing her other hand up and down Korra’s bicep. She steered Korra to the table filled with more than a few delicious-looking dishes.  Opal escorted Jinora to the table also.  There was a very pleasant conversation between all four during the meal with Asami sliding closer to Korra every chance she got.
When their meal was over Asami called for her limo driver to take each of them home.  Once the car stopped by the ferry to Air Temple Island, Asami stated “We really enjoyed spending time with you guys tonight and I hope that we can become even better friends.” She gave Korra her best bedroom eyes and her cell phone number.
The only thing running through Korra’s head was the word – SCORE!!  
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