#a little at a time
georgiapeach30513 · 1 year
A Little At A Time, Part 12
Summary: And baby Barber is a... Laurie just can't leave you alone
Pairings: Andy Barber X Reader
Rating: explicit
Warnings:  explicit language, explicit sexual content, unprotected sex, PIV sex, creampie, teasing, D/s dynamics, Laurie, fainting, Soft!Andy, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 5.6K
Series Masterlist
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“I need you,” Andy says with a determined face to his coworker. Mike jumps up immediately grabbing his jacket. Andy never demanded anything of him. You give him a tiny little wave before your hand lays on your stomach. Your eyes never leave Andy as he grabs up a few things from his desk.
“Well, come on,” he declares exasperated towards Mike.
“What is happening?” Mike asks, following Andy out into the foyer of the office. Andy is right at your side, arm wrapping around your back, and his hand presses up against your stomach. You lay a hand over his, a pretty glittering ring shines in Mike’s eye.
“Are you showing off the ring or…”
“We’re getting married. I need you to be our witness,” Mike shakes his head no as he walks back into his office, “Hey, I need you to do this for me.”
“What is the rush? You guys haven’t even been dating long, and…” you step behind Andy, a calming hand lays on his stomach before you push him aside, “I’m sorry. I just don’t think you need to rush into things. If you really need a witness I’m sure there will be others.”
“There is. My cousin is meeting us at the courthouse. Do you believe Andy and I love each other?”
“Of course, but Andy falls fast, and you seem new to relationships. I’m sorry, I can’t condone a shotgun wedding,” you continue to smile at him as you step closer, grabbing up his hand and you press it against your belly. “Oh god, now there’s a baby involved.”
“There shouldn’t be a timeline involved in marriage or love. I love Andy. And I know that he loves me more than he even loves himself. Our sweet little pea was conceived in love, and is a miracle. This is just something non formal so when we go to our doctor’s appointment tomorrow my last name is Barber. We want you in our lives, and our baby’s. I know you have reservations, but do you think that what Andy and I have is different than before?”
Mike shrugs, but he does nod his head a tiny bit. “Mike, please, Andy wants you there today. Of course we can find someone else, but we want you there. Can you not find it in your heart just to be present with us today? Please? I’ll make you some more of those cookies that you love.”
“And the funeral potatoes?” Cracking a smile, you nod your head. Whatever it took to get Mike to be there with you and Andy. It’s all he wanted, and you were going to make sure your fiance had the people he cared about with him. If he wanted potatoes and cookies, it’s what he was going to get.
“Fine. Fine, let's get you two, and baby Barber hitched. There’s really a baby in your belly?” You giggle, moving to hold tightly onto Andy’s arm. But you were ready to be legally Mrs. Barber.
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“Who is that?” Mike whispers in your ear when he sees Poppy waving at you and Andy, and you give him a knock in the ribs, shushing him. “I need to know.”
“That is my cousin, Poppy. Come on. We’re running late because of you.”
“I told Andy not to go through downtown. It may be a shorter distance, but you always have to fight with traffic. Are you having a party afterwards or not?” You shake your head no as Andy’s hand goes behind your back to walk the two of you upstairs. On stairs he was either behind you, or a hand on your back. Always.
“No, but we do have plans to go back to Georgia for a formal wedding, and you’re invited. Getting married in a clearing where magnolia trees grow. Because of what I feel the due date is, this baby is still going to be inside me, but it’s okay. My Mamaw wants to have a baby shower for her grand baby anyways. Now, shh. No more questions, and no more talking. Poppy!”
Poppy gives Andy’s friend a glance over before mentioning how you were late. It isn’t like you weren’t aware of not being on time, but it didn’t matter. Today you were becoming Mrs. Andrew Barber. And today has never felt more right in your life. You have never questioned Andy or your relationship. It finally felt like you were home.
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“Alright, Mr. And Mrs. Barber,” you look over to Andy with a cute little smile, as the doctor scoots in between your legs, “are you ready to see your baby?” A squeak slips out your mouth, and you squeeze tighter to your husband.
“Sorry, she’s a bit overwhelmed.”
“It’s okay. We’ve talked about your concerns. But let’s look at how baby is growing,” rubbing the wand on a little bump, you can’t look at anything but the monitor. Unblinking until the tiny image of your baby comes on the screen, and another squeak pops out of your mouth.
“There ya go. There’s your baby. When…when did you say you think you conceived?” You give him the exact date that you believe a miracle happened, and he turns to look at you oddly. “Why has it taken you so long to come to a doctor’s appointment?”
“Doctor, my wife was told she most likely would never have a child on her own. She was scared to, and…what is that?” A steady rhythm now makes Andy chirp. Getting closer to you, and he presses his lips against your forehead.
“That is your baby’s heartbeat, and she’s growing right on time. You guessed the date, and that’s what is reading up on the screen it’s just…”
You squeal. Pulling your husband down to pepper kisses against his lips over and over again. The doctor wasn’t slick. “I shouldn’t have said that.”
“But you said it. You said she,” you remind him, still clinging to Andy’s hand when the realization finally hits him.
“We can do a blood test with you to be sure. Mrs. Barber, you have a lot of scar tissue, I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that. You said you worked at a daycare?” Both you and Andy give him a nod while he starts cleaning up his work space. “If you have the means, I really think you should quit working. You’re at high risk. Your baby is fine, so don’t panic. But you shouldn’t be lifting any children. I don’t want you under too much stress. Baby needs to grow in a healthy environment, and in order to do that I think it would be best for you to be at home.”
Andy’s mind was made up instantly. You were going to be at home. He wouldn’t even take you back to work. He knew the director well enough, and she would understand. You and the baby were his priority. He had more than enough to take care of the three of you.
“I don’t want you to feel trapped. Walking daily would be a great low impact exercise, it’d get you out of the house. Going to the library, doing social things. Have lunch with friends. You’re not on bed rest, but I have a feeling you are one who wants to hold your students, yes?” Giving him a nod, you know this was a done deal.
You were never going to lift another thing during pregnancy. You don’t even have to look into Andy’s eyes. You know he’s already planning what needs to be taken care of to make sure the baby stays safe. The baby girl. “Mrs. Barber, you want a healthy baby. I want you to have a healthy baby.”
“Baby girl.”
“I shouldn’t have said that. This is a bit too early to tell, but in my personal experience, that peach in your belly could be a girl.”
Your bottom lip juts out, and you turn to look at Andy. You had told him that the baby was measuring the size of a peach. His hand covers your belly. Spreading his fingers wide, and splaying them out as he gives you the sweetest kiss to the top of your head. That was your baby peach, and you knew exactly how you wanted to decorate her bedroom.
“Okay you two, Susie, up front, will get you another appointment scheduled. You’ll be coming a bit more than the normal person because you are at high risk. Next time I see you, I want you to be a practicing stay at home mom, walking the road in your suburb, and have read a few more books, okay? You think you can do that for me?”
“She will. Don’t worry. I’m going to make sure that her and the baby are safe and sound. She’ll have some new hobbies, too.”
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“Hey, baby,” Andy’s raspy voice, wakes you up from a peaceful sleep. He was down by your belly, holding it, and talking to her again. “I guess I can official call you my baby Peach Blossom. You are indeed a girl. Your daddy always wanted girls. Especially if they’re going to be as beautiful as mommy.”
He gives your belly kisses all over, and you chuckle at the tickle of his beard. He loved her so much already. You didn’t have to worry about Andy not wanting to be in her life. He was in. All in. Was counting down the days until he became a father.
“We woke your mommy up. She’s snorting like a piggy. Did you know that you make her gassy.”
“Andy!” You groan, running your fingers through his hair. You didn’t care what he was telling your baby girl, it was the fact he talked to her all the time. His bond with her was already so sweet, and you couldn’t wait to see him hold this itty bitty baby in his beefy arms.
“Well, she does. So today, you and mommy are going to have your overnight oats she made. Then you’re walking to the library, so she can pick up some new books. And then, daddy is getting off work after lunch. We’re going to go out to dinner for our first date anniversary. Do you know what your mommy did on our first date? She wet the bed.”
“Would you stop it!” Andy looks up at you with the brightest eyes and biggest smile. He was so full of manure, but man if he wasn’t the most handsome thing. And the way he loved your daughter already. “Daddy you know what tomorrow is, right?”
“Toenail painting day! Ma’am,” he presses his whole mouth over your belly. An animated deep voice as he continues to talk to the baby, “You are getting in the way of your mommy’s feet. We have only just begun to sprout your belly, and you’re in the way. But I also think mommy likes her foot massages more than me painting her toes. I’m horrible at it. But I will rub her feet, and paint her toes whenever she wants me to. Because it’s what mommy deserves.”
“So when she’s born, what are we going to call her?”
“Baby Mae Barber.”
“Daddy, our baby has to have a name. She can’t have everyone calling her Baby Barber. You by all means can continue to call her that, but she needs a name,” he blows a raspberry on your belly shaking his head no. “Andy! Her needs a name!”
“I thought of something, but…I don’t know if you will like it,” he had been thinking about names, and for some reason that man thought you wouldn’t like it. You were sure whatever he had come up with would be the sweetest thing. “Magnolia.”
“Oh, stop it,” it was the sweetest thing. It was the best name, and you didn’t even think about it yourself.
“You hate it,” crying, you shake your head no. “Oh, honey, what is wrong? The tears came on so fast this time. Normally I have a bit of a warning if you’re going to cry,” you couldn’t even make words. An overwhelming feeling of pure love washes over you, and it makes you speak in high pitch nonsense.
“So you don’t hate it?” More shakes of your head as you try to say real words. You sound ridiculous, and you were sure you looked even more ridiculous. “Honey? What is it?”
“It’s — it’s perfect,” your cries turn into screeches as you pull some tissues out from the beside table. “And — and — and can we call her Maggie? Maggie Mae Barber?”
“Of course we can,” sobs. Obnoxious and ugly sobs. “You and your hormones. Maggie, you have made your mom speak another language,” you begin to wail, pulling him up the bed for the wettest kiss. You didn’t even cry this much on your official wedding day.
“Listen, I should be home by the time her crib gets delivered,” more tears. They never stopped. You are sure this was going to end in divorce if you couldn’t get it together. You are crying over her name, and now her crib. “And the reason I told you that is because you do not touch it. Don’t move it. Don’t slide it. I’ll get it. I’ll get it made. And then we can have more than wallpaper in her bedroom.”
“Andy, I love her bedroom. Can we just put our bed in there, and let me just sleep in there?” Sitting up straight, he motions you to sit in his lap, while he holds you tight. He feels so good. So warm, and perfectly comfortable. “Why not?”
“Because both her beds should be here. You know we got the round bed to be in here with us. And then she’ll graduate to her own bedroom,” the tears get louder as you think about your baby not sleeping next to you, and then in a completely different room sounded nonsensical.
“Honey, her room is down the hall. We don’t have to think about her being anywhere, but growing inside her nest right now. That is where she needs to be, and that’s where she is. Besides, don’t you want to hang her mobile over her bed? The one with the tiny little peaches?”
“Her bedroom is going to be so cute, and I just can’t stand it. I’m so tired of crying. I just want our Maggie…aww, Andy her name is Maggie!” You give yourself a moment to think about how the one thing you always wanted, and were told you could never have; now she was growing in your belly. You could feel her. Could even feel how she reacted to Andy’s voice. “Andy, I’m ready to hold her.”
“I know, Peach Bottom. But maybe she should sprout up a bit more first. Okay. Come on. Breakfast, and then shower with me. We’re trying to conserve water, remember?”
“Oh, you mean a nasty fucking in the shower is conserving water?”
“When you say it like that, it sounds awful. We don’t always fuck. Only sometimes when I can’t help but stare at how sexy you are with me growing inside of you. Fine, I won’t fuck you this morning.”
“I did not say that.”
“I’ll save my fucking for after dinner. Just like our first date, but I still expect you to shower with me.”
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You peruse through the shelves of books. Most of the time you weren’t even looking for something to read, but it was nice to get out of the house and to see people. Grabbing your belly, you grunt out as Maggie kicks you hard, “Okay, little lady, don’t be so rough with mommy. I think me and daddy are going to have us a sassy girl on our hands.”
Scratching at your neck, you turn and look behind you. You felt weird, as if someone was creeping up on you, but there was no one. Continuing to walk down the aisle further, Maggie kicks you again. You had a ways to go, and you felt like she was already running out of room. She was active. You knew you would miss feeling her with you always, so you hate to complain.
“Mmm,” you make an uncomfortable grunt as you head towards the sofas. You need to sit. Braxton Hicks contractions were kicking your butt. One emergency room visit later, and just to know everything was fine and normal, you finally took it as a sign your body was preparing for her birth.
You take slow inhales and exhales as you rub along your belly, finally sitting down. Counting your breaths, and checking your watch. That same prickly feeling runs up your neck, but you are focused on the short moment of your insides tightening up. Holding your breath as you open your eyes, you flinch.
This was where the prickly feeling was coming from. Standing up, you grab your bag, and start to leave. You didn’t have to deal with this. “I — I mean no harm.”
“What do you want, Laurie? To tell me that my husband is a piece of shit and that I will eventually see?” She shakes her head no, walking closer to you with her arms outstretched and low, “You’re not touching my belly.”
“Did Andy even talk about why we got divorced?”
“You cheated. It’s what you deserved. You don’t get to hurt people, and think they’re going to stay.”
“I was the one that filed. I was unhappy,” you shake your head no, taking a step back from her. She was lying. Andy had never lied to you. “I didn’t want kids, and he pressured me to have kids.”
“Well, he’s getting what he wants now, and with me.”
“I want you to really think about your relationship. Is this what you wanted? Or did you allow someone that was handsome to manipulate you into thinking you wanted this? Why the rush to get married, and then pregnant. Or are you one of those people that get married because you’re pregnant? Please tell me you’re not that dumb.”
“I’m not dumb,” you blink a bit too long as a cloud interrupts your vision. “I wanted her. I wanted her when…when I was…” why were words so hard. Why couldn’t you think or process what was happening. “I always wanted her. And Andy, he…” you exhale slowly, holding onto your stomach as your vision goes completely blurry.
“He was…he was — mmm — Laurie?” Your vision completely blacks out, and a scream echoes through the library.
“Oh god, someone call an ambulance! Hey, hey,” she slaps at your face. Rolling you to your back. “Call an ambulance! Nonono,” Laurie presses her fingers up against your neck, feeling satisfied with feeling your pulse before grabbing her phone. “Andy, don’t hang up. Your wife…she…she fainted.”
“What do you mean?” His protective veneer rolls over his skin as he grabs his keys, and walks out of the office. “Laurie, how do you know this? Is she okay?”
“She’s at the library, and I saw her pass out in front of me. She hasn’t woken up yet, but…hey, hey, you see me. Andy, her eyes are opening.
“Daddy? What’s going on? Where am I?” Why did Laurie say his name? And how did you get to the floor?
“Laurie, keep her awake, I’m almost there,” Andy has never driven this fast in his life. He isn’t sure why Laurie was with you. How she was the one that was watching over you, but right now he couldn’t process anything, but getting to you. It hurt him that you sounded scared. That whatever happened, happened without him there.
Feeling like it took too long to get to the library, he bolts up the stairs. Beating the ambulance as he rushes to your side. “Daddy, I don’t know what happened,” you cry as he wraps his arms around you. Burying your face in his neck. “I just wanna go home.”
“Shh, baby, I’m right here. I’ve got you, but we have to get you checked out. Laurie, what happened? Why are you a part of this?”
“We,” she starts. Not daring to get any closer to the two of you. You had an odd bond with Andy; one she never had with him. “We…we were just talking,” she stutters out, unable to look Andy in the eyes. “And then she struggled to speak, and fell.”
“I wanna go home,” you whisper onto him. All you need is his arms wrapped tightly around you. It was all that you desired right now. Have Andy rub along your little princess. “Please, can we go home?”
“What were you talking about?”
“I’m happy for you two,” Andy can hear you whisper no, but you cling tighter to him. You didn’t need a scene. You need out of here, and away from Laurie.
“She’s high risk. She doesn’t need stress,” he knows that Laurie is lying, but the need to comfort you was higher. “Baby, hey, look at me. Hey, honey. Everything is okay. How’s Maggie?”
“What if I fell on her?”
“You didn’t. You’re holding her. That’s our baby, and you protected her,” you look down at your belly, giving the swell a squeeze. As if on cue, Maggie rolls around, and you and Andy both look at each other smiling.
“There’s our Maggie. She’s okay. We’re going to let them check you out, and,” your head starts to violently shake back and forth. You just want to be at home with Andy holding you.
“Daddy, please can we just go home.”
“Why the fuck does she calling you that,” Laurie snarls, looking at you still softly clinging to Andy. Your husband turns around to glare at her. “You sick fuck. You finally did it. Found a woman with daddy issues, just so you could get off. Had to find you a young one, too. Manipulated her into your perfect submissive housewife. She’s going to get tired of you, and this life you’re making her have.”
“Laurie, not now,” if it wasn’t for your fingers soothingly running over his beard, Andy would have lost all self control. His attention did not need to be off you right now. “Do not say another word. My wife does not need stress, she needs to get to her doctor. Go. I appreciate the call, but it would be in your best interest to shut up, and go.”
Her mouth starts to open again, and Andy’s body tenses, “Go!” Drawing out the word until she slowly back away, and he turns to look at you, “Hey, Peaches, I know you don’t want to, but we’re going to get you and Maggie Mae looked at. And then, Daddy is going to get you home, and rub your feet until you fall asleep okay?”
“Okay. Daddy, I’m scared,” he knows you are. That nickname for him never was said outside of your home. You need his comfort. Going completely into a submissive state, and letting him lead you. He is more worried about your in subspace in public now that he could feel Maggie.
“I know, baby. She’s still kicking. Our angel is telling us that she’s okay, but I need to know both my girls are okay. You understand, right baby?” You nod your head, hearing the paramedics come in. “They’re going to check your vitals, and if they say it’s okay, I’m going to be the one to take you to the hospital. Baby, I just need you to breathe. You can do that for me.”
You want to. You want to make Andy proud, plus, you know that your daughter needs you to be calm. Needs you to not stress. Your daughter needs you.
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“Mr. And Mrs. Barber,” you didn’t think you would ever get tired of hearing that. It is like you were born to be Mrs. Barber. The doctor looks up at the monitor, and back to you and Andy with a smile, “Your daughter is fine. But I want you on bed rest.”
“Why?” Andy gives you a soft kiss to the top of your head. He knows you won’t actually go against what the doctor says, but you also are someone that needs to know what is going on. “If she’s okay.”
“Your fainting could have been bad for her. I don’t know what caused the fainting. Your blood pressure is fine, there’s no swelling. You are doing everything you can for your daughter, and doing a great job. I’m assuming you had a stressor?”
“You could say that,” you didn’t even know Laurie, and you still despised her.
“You can go out with someone. But I want you mostly on bed rest. Have you some meals prepped and ready to go. Get you some reading done. Nest. Don’t rearrange her room, but setting up her books, toys, and clothes will be fine. Mrs. Barber, I’m sorry, but this is what is best for you, and Magnolia. And you want to do what’s right for her.”
“Yeah, of course I do. So…no heavy lifting, and I can’t go out of my house alone?”
“No,” Andy is already nodding his head, wondering if he should ask someone to stay with you. “Phone on you at all times. Mr. Barber?” The doctor looks towards Andy when he clears his throat.
“We have a trip to Georgia planned. Her grandparents haven’t seen her, and…we were…that’s…”
“We were going to do a small ceremony for my family. Is that still possible? It’s just in a couple of weeks, and…I wanted…we’ll do what you suggest though. She’s what is important.”
“Yes, you can go. I’m not keeping you from your family. I just don’t want you to be alone. Now, Mr. Barber, go pamper your wife.”
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“Andy!” You giggle watching him carefully paint your toenails. But his pinky finger was tickling you. “Stop stop stop!”
“Honey, you can’t see your toes, so I am doing this before we leave for Georgia,” your mouth turns up into an o, as you gasp at him. Andy can’t help his chuckles, but keeps painting. “You can’t see because Maggie Mae is getting so big now. She’s growing right on time, and you are doing the best job, and…Peach Bottom, I don’t think I have ever found you more sexy than this.”
“Oh, stop. You’re just saying that,” Andy slowly puts down the bottle of nail polish, and pulls your legs apart. Sinking to his knees. His hands hold onto your belly before sliding to your hips, and then back again, “Ands, what are you doing?”
“I don’t think you realize the rush I get knowing that I’m the reason you are swelling like this. Seeing these men stare at your belly as you hold my hand, and they know I’m the reason that you are growing our child. They know that I am the one that fucked you so hard and deep that I started growing inside of you. I wake up, and I see our daughter rolling around, and I know one day she is going to be out of your belly and on my chest.”
“Daddy,” you gulp as Andy’s hand dips under your dress. One hand was rubbing over your bump, while the other sinful hand was rubbing over your covered center.
“Shh, I need you to listen because I think you doubt what I mean. You’re sexy. You always have been, but now you are always so full of me. And our Maggie Mae,” your breathing hitches as he peppers kisses over your stomach. All over her temporary home before starting to drift lower, “One day, this baby is going to be in our arms, and people are still going to know that you take daddy’s cock so well.”
“Only Daddy’s cock,” you give him a wicked grin, pushing him away from you with your foot, “Andy, my whole body is yours. Every part of me you have had, and filled.”
“Where are you going?” He asks as you head towards your bedroom, turning to the side, you take off the dress you had been wearing. The only other thing that covered you was panties that were barely covering you anymore.
Running your hands over your skin, you let Andy see the side profile of all your new curves. Your breasts were slowly becoming another favorite thing of Andy’s. You could literally see his eyes glaze over into a dark pool of lust as you cup your belly. Holding onto his and your daughter.
Biting at your lip, you whimper, “Daddy?”
“Yes, baby?”
“Can I ride you tonight?”
“Of course, Peaches, whatever it is that you want, honey,” as soon as he gets close enough to you, you cup his bulge, moaning out his name. “You better get in the bedroom. Tomorrow we go to Georgia, and you’re not as quiet anymore,” just a graze of his body on your hardened buds, has you mewling. Starting to walk backwards into the bedroom.
“I don’t think so. Turn your hot little self around and walk correctly into the bedroom.’
“Yes, Daddy. And you get naked and on the bed. Want to see what’s mine,” a guttural moan echoes off his lips, and his gait picks up in speed. You were basically undressed, while he was fully clothed.
Slipping out of his clothes quickly, he doesn’t head to the bed, but instead turns to you. Tenderly he slides your panties off you. Making you step out of them without getting too wobbly before laying on the bed. His fist pumps his pretty cock in his hand while you crawl over to him. You don’t even have to try to be sexy, you just were. A belly perfectly round and housing his baby.
Throwing a leg over him, he squeaks as your drenched core sinks over him. His thick hands immediately go to rub over your bump as he stares up at you with the most loving face you have ever seen. He loved every inch of you, and every stretch of you. He was thankful for what you are sacrificing to give the two of you a child. And you were thankful for him.
You always wanted a family of your own, but could have never imagined you’d get the most perfect man in Andy. Didn’t think it would happen as fast as it did, and yet, it felt like you had known Andy your whole life. He was your best friend. He took care of you like no one else ever did.
He has never seen anyone more beautiful than his wife, full of him in every way possible, making the most amazing sounds. You just got him. You, too, wanted a quiet and simple life. Being a family was good enough for you. Being a mother and wife is what you wanted, and felt born to do.
“Peach Bottom, I’m not in a rush,” he coos up at you as your speed skyrockets faster. “My lord,” Andy grunts as how tight your walls were constricting him. Pregnancy was doing you wonders. “Baby!”
“Daddy, I can’t stop. It’s so good. So good. Daddy! You make me feel so good and full. Daddy!” You pant out. Things just feel much more intense, you couldn’t stop. Wouldn’t stop. It was the best feeling in the world. His moans make you want to come undone immediately, but you didn’t want to yet. You wanted to just ride him all night.
The way his fingers dig into your ass with such harshness was such a contrast with how he rubbed over the belly softly. Almost as if he was already holding your daughter, but also wanting to make sure that you knew who was boss.
“Daddy, I’m going to come.”
“Me, too, baby. Just don’t stop. Daddy is almost there. I’m right there. Right…right there! Honey! Peaches!” He moans as his seed spurts out, and you keep going. Going right until the damn breaks, and a beautiful euphoria rushes into every inch of your veins. Slowing down right until the moment you stop, and you smile down at him. His own dopey grin pulling up his lips.
“She’s going to sleep in here with us for a while,” Andy loved how you went from being so needy and dirty for him to wanting to talk about after Maggie’s birth. “I want one of those beds that attach to ours before we put her in the bassinet.”
“Okay. We’ll put her right here,” he taps on the bed, smiling as he watches your face turn into a grimace.
“Andy, that is your side of the bed. Wouldn’t it be easier for her to be on my side of the bed?”
“Nope. Her will need kisses from daddy before I hand her over to you to feed her. I can even change her diaper, while you get like a minute more of sleep, and I can have some time with my baby girl. You know she’s going to be a daddy’s girl, right?”
“I’m hoping for it,” you turn your back to Andy, and reach behind you, “Alright, Daddy, come hold me and your baby. She needs her daddy’s hands on her.”
“Whatever my princess needs, she gets,” he whispers on your skin. His hand slides around your belly, and he gives her water bed playful squeezes, “Maggie, you keep growing, but I can’t wait to hold you. Me and your mommy have waited forever for you. Peaches, she’s going to be so spoiled.”
“Just like her mommy. Mmm,” he shakes his head, burying himself further into the crook of your neck, “And this weekend, we get our wedding ceremony,” you smile as sleep slowly starts to take you over. Your Mamaw and Papaw were going to get to dote on your miracle. Get to officially welcome Andy to the family. And you couldn’t wait. Life was everything you had ever dreamed, and still so much better, and definitely so much sweeter.
Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @pono-pura-vida @sstan-hoe @missusbarnes-rogers @peaches1958 @seitmai @smile1318 @andydrysdalerogers @sarahdonald87 @patzammit @elrw24 @redbloodedgurl @cjand10 @calwitch @sebsgirl71479 @midnightramyeoncravings @mrsevans90 @xcinnamonmalfoyx @kmc1989 
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ultimafangirl · 7 months
So I was telling my mom about some of the scary stuff in Death Mark and she was like "why are you playing this? Don't these things have an effect on you"
And I'm like "Nah, I'm fine as long as I only play a chapter at a time"
And she looks unconvinced and tells me that I shouldn't play stuff like that cause she thinks I can't handle it. The reason this is funny is cause she bought me Death Mark II for Mario day (I know this cause snooping) and I could just tell she was thinking she should've picked a different game
Edit: I let slip that I know she got me the game (they know I snoop) and I did the whole "No, of course not. Cause if I did that you might return it and get something else"
And she's like "I might do that anyways"
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eriquin · 1 year
The Prophetic D&D Game, Part 12
Wrapping up the session with a quick trip to fight some spiders.
(master post)
Part 12
Eddie wrote down some things for Lucas in particular. “So what’s your next move?” he asked as he wrote. 
“Well, we need another lead,” Grant said. “That was helpful in saving Sadie, but we don’t really have more to go on.” 
Eddie folded up the sheet and passed it across the table to Lucas. “Well, I wouldn’t say she’s totally saved yet,” he said.
Lucas opened it up and read it. “Oh, crap,” he said. “No, she can sense that she’s still in danger.” 
“Better keep your bard handy,” Eddie said.
“My magical song is at the ready, milord,” Dustin said. He snickered and turned to Lucas. “Sorry, milady.” 
“Yuck it up,” Lucas said. “Okay, so are you asking what we do immediately?”
“We should rest and reset our spells,” Dustin said. “We have a place to go, right?” 
“Of course. You all have houses in town. Though, there’s always the chance that the guards are going to be looking for you as associates of Quinn, so you may want to generally lay low.” 
Gareth let out a long sigh. “Okay, so let’s stay away from Gaten’s house, then. And probably just generally keep out of the thieves’ quarter.”
“We can go to the ranger’s station,” Grant said. “They were investigating this separately from the guards, so Natalia should report back to them. You can all rest there while she does that.” 
With that plan in place, Eddie said that they got a good night’s rest. Lucas told them about Sadie’s hallucinations.
“She had to run through a nightmare recreation of our past adventures,” he said. “All the pod people that we failed to save were chasing her. One of them was our guy. He’s a new kind of monster. He looks like a human, but all his skin has been peeled off or melted away, and he’s covered with the twisted plants of the demon realm.”
“Gross, Eddie,” Gareth said. Eddie grinned at him and shrugged.
“Anyway, she thought she got away from him at the end, but he was just herding her towards this weird place with floating pieces of a house all around her. He was going to dig into her brain at the end, but that’s when Gaten’s song broke her out of it. She remembers some things about the house.” Lucas turned the paper over to them and showed a line drawing of a rose. “This was in the stained glass on one part of the house. Anyone recognize it?” 
“Should we roll for it?” Grant asked. 
“Yeah, give me some rolls.” Eddie mentally added context to their rolls, but coincidentally Grant was the only one to roll high. “You remember seeing that symbol when doing your research about Sir Englund. It was part of his family’s crest.”
“Nice,” Grant said. “So after we rest, we should go check out his ancestral home. That’s where the first murders happened, right?” 
Eddie confirmed this, and they moved on to the next part of the investigation. The Englund mansion was at the edge of town, and had been abandoned since the patriarch had been committed.  They broke in, but then they were attacked by giant spiders on the ground floor. Jeff cheered about having real combat to deal with, and they made short work of the spiders. 
“What are you using to explore this mansion?” Eddie asked. “It’s dark inside.” 
“Are we likely to be eaten by a grue?” Gareth joked. 
Eddie rolled his eyes at him, while the other kids looked confused. “Fuckin’ nerd,” he said, tossing a crumpled piece of paper at Gareth’s forehead. “Moving on. What have you got to see?”
“Most of us don’t need it,” Dustin said. “Sadie and Maya are half-elves, Natalia’s an elf, and I’m a halfling. Caleb and Joe are the only ones without infravision.”
“So, torches, I guess?” Jeff said. “Maybe a lamp?” 
“I have a magical lamp,” Gareth said. 
“Why? You’re a half-elf,” Dustin asked.
“For Joe!” Gareth said. “We go everywhere together. He needs to be able to see what we’re fighting.” 
“Okay, so we have a couple of torches and a magical lamp. Why?” 
“As you’re making your way through the upper levels of the house, your torches all suddenly go out, one by one,” Eddie said. “Maya’s lantern takes on an eerie red glow.” 
“Oh shit,” Lucas said.
Dustin chuckled. “We really should’ve predicted this. Okay, I ready my dagger.”
“And just like that, the torches come back to life in the same order they went out. The lantern returns to normal, too.”
“Wait, what?” Gareth asked. 
“Lucas, Sadie feels extra creepy. Like she’s being watched.”
“Wait,” Lucas said. “Maybe the monster is here, but like... on the other side.”
Dustin’s eyes like up. “Like in the up—” He clamped a hand over his mouth and glanced at Lucas. “I mean, in the demonic realm. If it’s parallel to this one, then maybe the Englund mansion is where the demon makes its nest.” 
“And maybe he just walked by us,” Gareth said. He shuddered. “Damn it, Eddie.” 
Eddie grinned at him. “Well, are you going to stand there? Are you going to run away?” 
“No,” Lucas said. “We light up a few more torches and go looking for him. Figure out where he went and then follow him with the lantern.”
“Excellent. It doesn’t take you long to find his trail. It ends at a wall.”
“Sadie will look for a hidden door.” Lucas rolled his dice and came up with a good enough score to find the door that was obviously there. They made their way up to the attic, which had a dusty altar in it. 
“That’s it?” Grant asked. “No creepy portal to the demon realm?” 
Eddie raised his eyebrows at him and shrugged. “No creepy portal,” he said. “Just a lot of dust. But as you get to the center, the torches go out. The lantern turns red, but it get brighter and brighter—”
“Oh, I’m putting that shit down and backing away,” Gareth said. “Hiding behind Joe over here, thanks.”
Eddie snickered. “It overloads with bright red light, leaving you all temporarily blind. When your sight comes back, the torches are lit again and the lamp is back to normal.” 
The group looked at each other. “Is that it?” Jeff asked. “No fight or anything?” 
“Doesn’t appear so.”
“Did Sadie get any more sense of what happened?” Lucas asked. 
Eddie nodded. “You could feel a surge of anger and despair right when the lamp overloaded, but then it vanished. It didn’t feel like you were the target of it.” 
Lucas grimaced. “Oh shit. But maybe someone else was,” he said. “We should check what happened with the rest of the town.”
“Yeah, and maybe check up on Quinn again,” Dustin said. “We kind of abandoned him back at the alchemist’s hideaway.”
The group all decided to get out of there and check up on the town, then check on Quinn. Eddie hid his smile, content in the fact that they were following all his hints. He talked them through the town, stating that the only news they heard was about most of the town guards riding out into the forest. This was alarming, and they carefully made their way back to the alchemist’s house. They found it surrounded by guards, but they stayed out of sight. After a quick vote, they sent Natalia to find out what happened. Eddie didn’t count this as them splitting the party, so he just told them all what happened.
“The captain of the guard says that Quinn has killed again, and is ranting about him having demonic powers. He’s gathering up everyone to hunt through the forest for him.”
“So, he got away?” Grant asked.
“The guard is pissed about it, but yes. He was in a boat in the middle of the lake, rowing away, and both he and another guard were swimming after him. He says that Quinn attacked the other guard with his demonic powers, pulling him out of the water, breaking his bones and shattering his skull. He was dead before he hit the water again. This guard pulled his body back to shore, but Quinn got away. They’re searching the perimeter of the lake and the surrounding forest for him.”
Grant nodded. “And when did this happen, exactly?” 
Eddie chuckled. “They don’t exactly have watched, Grant. But he gives you a vague time based on the angle of the moon or some shit. Don’t make me figure that out.”
“Out of character, I’m just trying to figure out if it matches up with when we were in the attic of the Englund mansion,” Grant said.
“Oh, it definitely matches with that,” Eddie said. He checked his own watch. “And with the mention of time, we are running late! I think that’s a good place to wrap up.”
“Well, shit,” Dustin said, checking his own watch. “Lucas, we gotta get home.”
Lucas jumped to his feet and started packing his stuff up. “Great game, Eddie,” he said. “And thank you thank you Thank You for not killing Sadie off.” 
“Yet,” Eddie said with a wicked grin. “Not killing Sadie off yet.” 
Tagging by request: @weirdandabsurd42, @10moonymhrivertam
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me: makes a playlist of my most favorite badfinger songs
me months later: listens to one of their full albums that i haven't listened to all the way through in a while
album: plays a song not in my favorites
album: plays another song not in my favorites
album: plays another song not in my favorites
repeat this until the entire album is in my favorites
playlist of favorites grows rapidly
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telebeast · 22 days
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unoriginal joke
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yeepof · 3 months
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I understand that tall men are our POV characters, but surely being like a foot taller than everyone around them would have some occasional consequences
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inbabylontheywept · 2 months
so once me and my wife were watching a documentary where a snake ate like a million eggs. that snake just went to fucking town on eggs. and the snake made the eggs look so good that i kept thinking about it, and thinking about it, and thinking about it, and eventually it was 11pm and i ran out of willpower and decided to eat one (1) singular raw egg just to prove to myself that the snake was surely a liar.
the snake was not a liar. texture is like, super important to me and raw eggs are very Texture so i had another one, and then another one, and then another one, and eventually i ran out of eggs.
i had like, fifteen raw eggs.
i didnt really know how to explain this momentary madness to my wife, so my Plan was to put all the eggshells into a grocey bag, and then throw that grocery bag in the dumpster, and if she never noticed that would be Excellent and if she noticed immediately i could lie and say that the eggs went bad.
except i cant lie very good, and of course with murphys law being such, i got salmonella.
so i threw up a lot and my wife asked me what poisoned me so and i tried very hard to dodge the question but i was oozing shame like oil from a room temperature cheese and eventaully i gave in and told her everything and to her enormous credit she was more flabbergasted than actually upset. she did make me promise to not eat any more raw eggs, which i have stuck to, and she gives me weird looks during nature documentaries now as if desire was the only thing keeping me from eating thousands of pounds of krill anyway i made a joke earlier about being able to eat my age in eggs and my sister in law in law made a drawing to comemorate the moment and also because it was my birthday. she's excellent. thank you 10000000% @cintailed. you should all visit her page and admire her work.
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vamprisms · 6 months
i feel like a lot of the 'i hate kids' crowd would be more tolerant if they understood that due to a kid's limited experience of the world that 4 hour flight might just be the longest they've ever had to sit still for or that trapped finger might literally be the most pain they've ever felt in their short life or they might not have ever seen a person with pink hair ever so of course they want to touch it or nobody's told them yet that they can't run around the museum and they only just learned cheetahs are the fastest animals so of course they want to put that to the test. how were they supposed to know etc etc.
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butchfalin · 10 months
the funniest meltdown ive ever had was in college when i got so overstimulated that i could Not speak, including over text. one of my friends was trying to talk me through it but i was solely using emojis because they were easier than trying to come up with words so he started using primarily emojis as well just to make things feel balanced. this was not the Most effective strategy... until. he tried to ask me "you okay?" but the way he chose to do that was by sending "👉🏼👌🏼❓" and i was so shocked by suddenly being asked if i was dtf that i was like WHAT???? WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME?????????? and thus was verbal again
#yeehaw#1k#5k#10k#posts that got cursed. blasted. im making these tag updates after... 19 hours?#also i have been told it should say speech loss bc nonverbal specifically refers to the permanent state. did not know that!#unfortunately i fear it is so far past containment that even if i edited it now it would do very little. but noted for future reference#edit 2: nvm enough ppl have come to rb it from me directly that i changed the wording a bit. hopefully this makes sense#also. in case anyone is curious. though i doubt anyone who is commenting these things will check the original tags#1) my friend did not do this on purpose in any way. it was not intended to distract me or to hit on me. im a lesbian hes a gay man. cmon now#he felt very bad about it afterwards. i thought it was hilarious but it was very embarrassed and apologetic#2) “why didn't he use 🫵🏼?” didn't exist yet. “why didn't he use 🆗?” dunno! we'd been using a lot of hand emojis. 👌🏼 is an ok sign#like it makes sense. it was just a silly mixup. also No i did not invent 👉🏼👌🏼 as a gesture meaning sex. do you live under a rock#3) nonspeaking episodes are a recurring thing in my life and have been since i was born. this is not a quirky one-time thing#it is a pervasive issue that is very frustrating to both myself and the people i am trying to communicate with. in which trying to speak is#extremely distressing and causes very genuine anguish. this post is not me making light of it it's just a funny thing that happened once#it's no different than if i post about a funny thing that happened in conjunction w a physical disability. it's just me talking abt my life#i don't mind character tags tho. those can be entertaining. i don't know what any of you are talking about#Except the ppl who have said this is pego/ryu or wang/xian. those people i understand and respect#if you use it as a writing prompt that's fine but send it to me. i want to see it#aaaand i think that's it. everyday im tempted to turn off rbs on it. it hasn't even been a week
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just-spacetrash · 8 months
the 'what if you played it a little risky' post literally Changed my life but i cant fujkign find it in my blog because its. a tiktok screenshot
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dendrochronologies · 8 months
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maya angelou saying the funniest thing anyone has ever said about editing, which i can never let myself forget EVER AGAIN [x]
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georgiapeach30513 · 8 months
A Little At A Time, Part 13
Summary: back to Georgia
Pairings: Andy Barber X Reader
Rating: Fluff
Warnings:  Magnolia Mae Barber, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 6.3K
Series Masterlist
*dividers created by @firefly-graphics
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You struggle to sleep anymore. Things are reaching an uncomfortable space of pregnancy. But she is healthy. You gulp, as your fingers weave in Andy’s on your belly. He was always touching your belly. He is going to be the best dad, and you already see it everyday.
He didn’t just come home and greet you, but also made sure you squat down to kiss Maggie. Letting his hands move over the of your belly, telling you how beautiful you are swollen with him. The that came out of his sinful mouth are both ridiculously sexy and the sweetest thing. He followed you around sometimes with his hand on your belly because he needed to hold his daughter so much.
Maggie. You haven't met your angel yet, and you are so in love. You didn’t know how you could love someone you’d never met, but here you are, feeling her roll around in your belly, while her daddy and your husband snuggle up so close to your back. This is the heaven you have always dreamed about. All in one king sized bed.
Even the way he sniffs the back of your neck, as he nuzzles in closer is blissful. His soft little snores behind you, relax you a bit more, despite not being able to sleep. She is perfect. Perfectly yours and Andy’s. You couldn’t wait, and also fear the day that she’s no longer growing under your heart.
The worry you already feel about having a part of you wander around in the world is something that you are working on. Andy is great at trying to calm you down. Makes you look into his beautiful blue eyes as he asks you to count with him. Assuring you that you never have to leave Maggie if you don’t want to. That he would take care of both of you, and he would sleep better knowing you feel more comfortable.
You don’t know what you did to deserve Andy, but you aren’t going to complain. You wanted to hold him as close to you and your daughter as possible. Keep him there forever. Your childhood fears had been wiped away the moment the doctor said that while Maggie needed to cook a bit longer, she would survive if she came early. You were finally going to be a mother, and you would never leave her.
Maggie gives the center of your belly a hard push, making sure that her daddy knows she was in there. Andy’s snores turn more into heavy breathing as his hand pulses under yours. She was always the one to wake him up. It’s like he had a sixth sense that his daughter was moving and being needy. She is hungry, and you’re ready to grab the açai bowl that she had been craving.
Currently, you enjoy hearing your husband in various states of awakeness. He didn’t need an alarm, but he didn’t wake up quickly. It was a weird drawn out process. And since he could feel your daughter, mornings were that much sweeter.
What you didn’t know is Andy prolonged these moments. He wants to engrain every bit of these memories deep inside of him, so no matter what, he couldn’t forget. It is apparent to him that you don’t realize that you hum made up lullabies as the two of you hold Maggie. God, he could listen to your soft whispers to your daughter for hours.
Even with your rumbling tummy, you still thought of him, refusing to do anything that might wake him up. You are the most selfless person he’s ever met, and he wants to protect you and give you everything. Every part of him. And still even that doesn’t feel like it’s enough. You had a man in your life that didn’t understand your worth. What a perfect and amazing human that he had. And he treated you like shit. But because of that, you’re laying in bed with him, his wife, and growing his daughter.
It is almost too much for him to even think about. Those little feet that are pushing up on your belly were your daughter. You two fell in love fast, but it is true love. And Maggie is the product of the most beautiful part of his life. He doesn’t regret the quick marriage, but getting to see you all swollen with him and all dressed in white is something he couldn’t wait for.
After breakfast the two of you were on the road. The car is already loaded up, and he hoped you got some sleep. He tried talking you out of driving down to Georgia, but you insisted. It was going to take a couple of days to drive, but it was a new adventure, you promised. The one where you two, and almost three drive back to those Magnolia trees, and your Papaw ceremoniously gives you away.
When you make a sound of discomfort, Andy knows that he can’t keep prolonging this sweet moment when you and Maggie are hungry, and ready for the small breakfast. You had to eat in increments now. If you ate too much, you swore to him that Maggie had no room to move around.
“Daddy,” the sound of your sweet voice has him fluttering his eyes on your neck. His lashes brush over your supple skin, and you give his hand a hard squeeze as he peppers kisses on your skin. “Your Maggie Mae is starving right now.”
“You can’t blame just the baby. I think my sweet girl is pretty hungry, too.”
“Mmm, I was letting you sleep a little bit longer. You’ve got a long drive.”
“As long as I have you and our girl, I don’t care how long it is. Come on, Peach Bottom, let’s get you and our girl fed, and then daddy will wash you in the shower,” you whine, turning back to look at him. “Honey, just because I want to see you naked doesn’t mean I’m expecting sex. You know being inside of you is just one perk of being your husband, but it’s not the reason I love you.”
“I want to have sex with you though, my body just doesn’t. I have no drive or energy. But I do like watching you,” you tuck your bottom lip into your mouth, and bite down a bit. Andy had become a different beast since you’ve been pregnant. His eyes scanned over your body like you are a work of art. You wish you had the drive or energy to have him, but your desire was to have his sweetness.
“And, you’re getting no sleep. Maggie, do you think you could not press on mommy’s belly so much, and let her sleep?” Mommy. A name your thought would never be uttered in regards to you. And Andy makes sure to call you that every day. Every day he reminds you that he is making you into a mommy, and you’re making him into a daddy.
You groan, trying to sit up before Andy gets up first, and helps. “I’m fine.”
“I know you are, Peaches. You just want me to help you. I get it. Come on, let’s get our coffee and bowls. No more caffeine after this morning, are you sure this is when you want to drink it?” You giggle, pulling yourself out of the bed. He was a stickler with caffeine, but morning is when you always wanted to drink your coffee. It was the best start to your day. Along with watching Andy smirk over his mug.
“Andy, I love you,” your lip trembles as you look at your sexy husband pulling on a shirt.
“And I love you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and you’re giving me all that I have ever wanted in this life. A home, a family, and now a baby.”
“And our dog,” you’d settle for a family of 3.5.
“Yes, the one we’re not getting until Maggie can name it herself,” he responds before kissing your lips softly. Leaning forward, he presses his forehead against yours, looking into your eyes. “And she can have whatever kind of dog she wants. But of course, you said no cats.”
“I have this thing against them.”
”And one of these days, you’re going to tell me what it is you have against them, okay?” You whisper out okay before taking his hand in yours, and pulling the two of you into the kitchen. Rolling your eyes when he makes you sit down, and he pulls out the stuff to make your bowl. He keeps his eyes on you while he starts the coffee. Pampering you when normally it’s reversed, saying that you were doing all the work in the pregnancy, and he was going to do all the work in the house. You can’t even believe he’s yours.
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“Hey, girlie,” Andy smiles. Your hand had dropped out of his own, so now he holds your belly. “Shh,” he coos at your tummy, keeping his eyes on the road. “You keep mommy up too much. We gotta let her sleep when we can, okay?” He gives your belly a few pulses, and smiles at the countryside.
It wasn’t too much further of a drive, and if you are still asleep, he’s going to drive past your grandparents’ driveway. You look peaceful, leaning back in your new mom car. It had more room and is perfect for the drive down. Not to mention, he you look so sexy in it. He kept imagining what you’ll look like with Maggie in her car seat in the back.
“You know, you and me, we are the luckiest people in the world, Maggie. We get to have your mommy in our lives everyday. I wouldn’t have asked her to stay at home with you, but I’m glad she wants to. You’re going to get to see mommy all day, and when daddy comes home — Maggie Mae, I can’t wait for you to run towards the door screaming for me. You better be a daddy’s girl. Mommy’s best friend, but my girl, do you understand?”
He gives a smile over to your sleeping form; Maggie is reacting to his voice. She isn’t kicking, but she stretches out a bit. He couldn’t wait to meet her, but also loves being able to watch you change for his family.
“I never thought I would ever remarry, Mags. Wanted to. But I couldn’t imagine anyone more perfect than her. I’m going to spoil you two. And maybe, we’ll give you a brother or sister. But we may just think our family is complete with you. And you have woken your mommy up.”
You don’t open your eyes, just giggle, placing your hand on top of his, and the two of you rub over Maggie’s temporary home. “Andy, I think she’s getting a perfect daddy, too.”
”I hope I am. It’s what you both deserve. You see that, honey,” you lift up your seat to see that old dirt driveway come into view. Further away was the entrance to the magnolia field, and Papaw had got everything cleared up nicely. You love your life in Newton with Andy, but there is something magical about coming back here.
”Maggie, one of these days, you’re going to run through these fields, while me and your daddy have a picnic. Waiting on you to just grab a quick bite, and go. Oh, daddy, look!” You point towards the house, smiling when you see Mamaw and Papaw out on the porch. Him with his Swisher Sweets, and a new coat of paint on the house. “Mamaw finally got her wish. I love our life, but it’s refreshing to come back here, right?”
“Yes, honey. It’s nice to get out of the suburbs and come to the country,” he takes a peek past the house, happy you hadn’t seen the clearing. Your eyes are only on your grandparents. Putting the car in park, your Mamaw squeals when you get out. Running towards her, and she screams again.
“Oh, Tip, look at our baby! Oh, this is Magnolia Mae. Oh, baby, you are positively glowing. I am so happy for you, Mrs. Barber,” she gives the biggest smile over to Andy, whispering thank you as she starts dragging you towards the house.
“Mamaw, Andy can’t get all the luggage out.”
“Honey, you go on. I’ll get it, even if I have to make two trips,” he pauses to watch you walk up the stairs, giving your papaw a big hug before you and Ruby walk into the house, leaving Tip to look at Andy. “It looks nice over there.”
“Yep. Just where do you think you’re going to sleep?” He takes a long drag from his cigarette, and Andy smiles, gesturing his chin towards your room.
”I figured I’d sleep in the same bed as my wife.”
“Good man. I got a building crew set up to pay you two a visit. They won’t start until she knows about it. She needs to get a say in that.”
“I wouldn’t think of taking her say out of our house here, sir. I plan on having a picnic in the clearing after the wedding. I want her to be just as involved as I want you and Reba.”
Tip takes another drag of his cigarette before putting it out in the ashtray, “Mmm,” he responds before walking down the stairs, reaching in to grab a suitcase out of the back, “You’re a good man, Andy. I’m proud to call you my son…grandson-in-law. What my baby wants, she gets.”
“That’s usually my philosophy on my wife. She’s never done me wrong, and doesn’t ask for much. Giving her what little I do is the least I can do,” Andy would give you the world if you asked for it. But you rarely asked for anything. Although, you were buying a lot of things for Maggie, she had to be dressed.
“Just so you know, Ruby has planned for a baby shower down here. And maybe that guest room has been turned into a nursery for Maggie.”
Andy laughs, hauling the last of the luggage out of the car. Tip could be such a hard man to read. He seemed to want to act like a hard ass, but in reality he was the softest, especially when it came to you. Andy never got the feeling that he was trying to intimidate him, just that he wanted what was best for you.
Ruby might be the one that was loud and full of laughter and love, but Tip was who held the family together. Stepped up to be a father figure to you when your dad passed away, and even made sure you had as normal of a childhood as possible. Made your life full of fantasy. You wanted to know what peacocks would like on the farm, so he bought them. He would sit on the porch and tell you stories about the old gods of the mountains. Andy wanted to hear those himself. Tip was your rock, and the reason you desired to have a strong, but soft man.
Taking a deep inhale he looks over the property; despite what you thought you had missed, your grandparents made sure you had everything. He had built you and your cousins the cutest little playhouse, and you never did without toys. But what you had the most of was love, so much love and imagination. And while the three of you wouldn’t be living here, you would have a place to call your own. Andy wanted to make sure that the three of you spent so much time here, starting with the building of your own home.
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Your mom sits in the corner of your Mamaw’s bedroom, watching as her mother gushes over you. Giving the zipper of your dress quite the tug to get it up, and wouldn’t dare think of blaming ‘that sweet baby’. It’s bittersweet having her mom get you ready for your wedding, but it’s a role she deserved. You never once called out your mom not being present in your life, and maybe you should have.
You keep looking back at her through the mirror, but when it’s your Mamaw, you beam up at her. Giggle when Poppy and Anna Kate say anything. Poppy’s eyes usually look down at your belly, and softly touches it. Both intrigued and scared of you being pregnant. Smiling up at you all the same, and knowing just how happy you are.
“How did this happen so fast?” Your mom says, and you don’t bother to look at her full on. It happened, and the legal part was already completed anyways.
”I fell in love, mama. I think it was love at first sight. Andy is everything I could ever have dreamed of, and then even more. He’s going to be so good for me and Maggie,” you take a deep breath as you look down at your belly trying to calm yourself.
”You gave everything up. Your education. What about…?” your grandmother clears her throat, and you finally turn to look at your mom. A soft smile on your face, and you rub over the swell of your tummy. “You just were with Cole for so long, and this never happened.”
”It wouldn’t have. I never slept with Cole. I was a virgin when I met Andy. Did you know that Cole cheated on me our whole relationship?” Your smile gets larger and you laugh when your mom attempts to interrupt, “Accused me of cheating. He pushed and pressured, and gaslit me throughout our relationship. I bet you didn’t know about that. Maybe you should look at the dent in my wall that Papaw kept there. He liked punching walls, especially if it was beside my head. I’m not sorry that Andy and I went fast. He’s perfect for me and Maggie.”
”But he’s not here.”
”And neither were you,” Mamaw’s mouth sets into a straight line, and she places her hand on the small of your back. Pressing a hand over your belly, before staring at you a bit dumbfounded. “Don’t act like you miss me now. You never did when I was a child. We’ll be back and visit. But I won’t hunt you out to see Maggie. We’ll come here, and if you want to see your granddaughter, you’ll come here, too. Don’t make me hate you. I spent too many years hating you, and I finally forgive you. Andy helped me with that.”
”He could leave you,” you shake your head no, smiling softly. “You don’t even know him.”
”You can’t say that when you don’t even know me,” grabbing your Mamaw’s hand, you turn to look at her with a smile. “I trust this woman more than I trust you. She adores Andy, and never cared for Cole. If you can be around me and Andy and not think we’re in love, maybe it’s because you don’t believe in it. I do. And I’ll be okay. We’ll be okay,” you say with the most severity you can muster. You and Maggie would be okay. “She has a good daddy. And I don’t want to talk about this anymore. I’m already married. I’m Mrs. Barber right now. This is for us to celebrate our marriage and if you can’t…”
Looking over to Mamaw, you also turn to look at Poppy and Anna Kate, inhaling deeply as you close your eyes slowly. Speaking silently to your daughter before looking at your mom. “If you can’t respect my choice of husband, I don’t — I don’t want you here. I want,” deep breath. One. Two. Three. “I want only people that love us.”
”Peaches, you okay, sis?” Poppy asks, and you press your hand up against Maggie harder, nodding your head. She can sense something off in your face. It isn’t just irritation of your mom picking the worst possible time to talk about this. But something else. Maggie would be born early. “Okay, then,” she whispers before waiting for you and Mamaw to walk out the room. You need something to drink before walking down the field to Andy. Maggie is also hungry.
��Auntie,” Poppy walks closer to your mom, squaring up with her. “I know you love her, so let her have this. I saw this relationship from the beginning. It was fast, but that man broke down all her walls that you and Cole put up. Yes, you. So if you can’t be happy for them, then leave. She’s having his child. She’s already married, and I have never seen my cousin happier, and I have spent time with her, and them. Can you say the same? Honestly. Be happy. That man adores your daughter, and granddaughter.”
”They don’t even know each other,” tears well up in her eyes as she looks up at the ceiling. She missed all the time with you, and knows now she’ll never get it back. “That’s my only child.”
”Now think about how Mamaw and Papaw feel,” she looks back at Poppy, her chest heaving in pure sadness. There are few memories she has with you, and most your memories are with her own parents. “Either you be here to support their marriage, or leave. Just like you always do. I don’t have to be nice to you, Peach Blossom does that enough on her own.”
Anna Kate nods her head at her aunt, stopping at the door as she looks over her shoulder, “He takes care of her because she takes care of him. She’s not a little girl. She’s about to be a mom. You’ve already missed out on raising her, do you want to miss out on getting a relationship with Maggie?” No one ever says another word to her. Letting her walk around her parents’ room as she contemplates the decision to let them raise you. She was just never meant to be a mom. And didn’t even want children.
And yet here you were, completely perfect to everyone. She doesn’t want to get too close or get too attached. It would never last. As much as she knows it’ll hurt you, it’s better this way. She lays down a letter on her mom’s vanity, and hopes everyone is right. “It’s better this way,” she sighs, walking out on you for the last time.
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“You okay, PB&J,” Papw looks at you with worry, but your eyes look through the blooming magnolia trees, and all you see is one thing; the most beautiful man you have ever seen. “I could tell you that we could run away, but you’re already married.”
“She left,” you look up at him, and he leans to kiss you on your forehead, “And I’m not sad. She doesn’t like him.”
“I do,” you giggle as you look up at your Papaw. He was the best dad that you could have asked for. “He’s a good man to put up with your stinky ass.”
”My ass is not sticky,” you lean through the trees trying to get a better view of Andy. “Papaw, I love him so much, but I do really like to look at him, too.”
”I can tell. You two are obsessed with each other’s asses. What is up with that? Is that normal?” You shrug your hip into him before pressing your hand on your stomach, trying to hide the wince you’re making. “Your Mamaw mentioned something.”
”I don’t want to hear what Mamaw is mentioning right now. I drove for hours to get here, so I could walk down this meadow to my husband, and our daughter is going to be right with us. I did this for you and Mamaw, too.”
”I know, Peaches,” he says softly, kissing the top of your head. “I’m just trying to prepare you. Where is your Mamaw? Ruby!” You shush him quiet as people turn back to look at the two of you, hidden mostly by Magnolia blooms. Of all people to make you late, Mamaw was worth it.
“There you are,” he shakes his head as Mamaw kisses both your cheeks. “What took you so long?” With a shrug of her shoulders, but no words, she sniffles, grabbing up your other arm.
“We don’t have much time. Let’s do this,” she could sometimes talk in riddles, but she meant well. Papaw takes the first steps out into the meadow, and you watch as Andy’s face instantly changes. His brows furrow, and he bites at his lip. Trying not to cry before his smile gets so large. Mouthing I love you as they guide you down to him.
There he is, your husband, and this feels like getting married all over again. There isn’t going to be anybody officiating over the ceremony. It is just you and Andy saying your vows. You already did the legal stuff, now it was just your feelings. But now you’re speechless. He’s so handsome, and he’s yours and Maggie’s. She stills in your belly, obviously understanding how important this moment is with her daddy.
The moment where everything melts away in the world. You don’t regret an early marriage, or even being fully full of Andy. Getting to have your daughter during this time is precious. You can’t even feel Mamaw and Papaw walking you to him. It’s just him, and you, and Maggie. The world is blurry except for the three of you. Nothing about your relationship with Andy you regret. He is worth every second you had to wait for you.
“Hey, honey,” he smiles, wiping at his eyes, and you give him a scrunched nose smile, reaching up to wipe away his tears, “You have a few, too.”
”I know. I don’t care.”
Taking a deep breath, both of you press over your belly. Using Maggie to calm both of your nerves. “You okay?” You are fine. You want him, want this to be over, and for him to properly hold the both of you. You give him a pained and sweet smile, and nod your head, “I feel you’re not being honest, Peaches?” Not entirely. But there is limited time now.
“Daddy,” you whisper for only him to hear, “I’m fine, let's just…I just need you to hold us.”
You know exactly what to say to make him feral. The need to protect you and Maggie is so strong and ingrained in Andy that he just wants to make sure the two of you are okay. Holding your hand, while the other holds onto your belly, he gives a quick glance to your grandparents. Pausing as he looks out in the distance.
Of course that little creep wouldn’t want to miss this. If he was a glutton for punishment, Andy and you could show him exactly how happy you are, and have everything that both of you wanted. And the best part? The two of you are so happy, and even more excited to bring Maggie into the family. His hand scoops down on your belly, and Andy has a great desire to kiss you so hard. Everything that he is going to say, he’s told you. You deserve to hear those things often.
“I know,” you give him a whisper. You didn’t even need to hear his words. But you don’t recall seeing Andy ever this tongue tied. “You want me to start?”
“No,” he sighs. He just wants to hold you. You look stunning. Your dress blowing in the breeze, eyes shining with the happiest of tears, and only one person that mattered to him. He whispers your name, and has to use the hand on Maggie to wipe away his tears, “No one ever gets this kind of reaction out of me, quite like you do. And I know that the little blossom growing in your belly will bring on tears as well, but it’ll be different. I waited a long time for you, Peaches. And I couldn’t wait anymore. I’ve wanted this life with someone, and it was always you. I knew when you were confused looking at ice cream that you were meant to be my wife.”
You laugh, looking down at the ring on his finger as you recall that first night that you met Andy. He was attractive, and you wanted to see him again, but you never thought to ask about that night. “I stopped at the end of the aisle watching you. It must have been minutes, but it felt like an eternity. I’d never seen someone more beautiful, or someone who was thinking about ice cream as hard as you were. It was such a careful decision, and you needed it to be perfect. I didn’t see a broken woman, but one that knew what she wanted, she just hadn’t found it. And then you looked at me. And I realized immediately, that you had found what you were looking for and it wasn’t ice cream, huh?”
“The Andy special was such a good ice cream though,” but the man in front of you is what you had been looking for.
“I thought about you every day after that. Wondered when the next time I ran into you was going to be. Looked around the grocery store everyday. Yes, I was desperate to see you again, and I’m not ashamed to admit that now. My grown ass wandered around that stupid grocery store everyday before I went home, just so I could see you again. And then there you were. Wine. You continued to tell me too much for a stranger, but still I fell harder. I needed you. And one night I had an urge to look for you at Poppy’s bar. And I saw you in a different light. It was the first time I had seen you a bit more defeated. Why?”
This isn’t like any vows you had ever heard, nor did you think that talking about that time was appropriate for where you are, but you’re curious. “I didn’t want to be there. I wanted to be on the couch watching Supernatural, and pretending you were Dean,” Andy’s eyes close as he laughs so loud that it echoes off the mountains.
“You had me hooked from that first meeting with ice cream. That first time you looked up at me, I felt this instant need to wrap you up in my arms to protect you. I’ve never believed in love at first sight, but I have no other way to explain it, Peach Bottom. You instantly completed me. It was like I had been walking around with a part of me missing, and now I’ve found you, and we’ve made such a beautiful life. And our daughter is quiet, but needing so much attention right now. Maggie Mae, it isn’t your time, darling. She takes after you. Trying to steal daddy’s attention. Peaches, I have no words, just I love you. You have given me everything I have ever wanted. Wrapped up in this beautiful amazing peach blossom.”
“You’re a butthead,” you sniffle, having to remove your hand from Maggie, and wipe away your tears. “A big butthead. You know how sensitive I am, and I didn’t know all of that, and I love it. I love everything about us. About our life. All of our life, you are what I’ve always dreamed about. When I talked about my perfect husband, it was always you. Right down to the shape of your nose, and the bit of green in your eyes. That first time I saw you, I craved you.”
“You can’t say that in front of your family, Peaches,” they knew anyways. You are pregnant. They’re well aware how much you crave Andy. They could see it in your eyes every time you watch him for doing the most mundane things.
Reaching down to his hand on your belly, you can’t help but giggle. He is everything you’ve ever wanted. And your family would just have to deal with how much you loved him, and also how you love him. “This is our life, Ands. I don’t want to spend one day without you. I had saved so much of my life and experiences because they were meant to be memories with you. And now memories with – with our…our,” you take a deep breath, looking down at the two of your hands that lay on top of Maggie. “Our…Andy, I love you, we’re married, and I’m not okay, and I can’t lie anymore.”
“Honey, what’s going on?” panic, strikes Andy’s face, and he looks to your Mamaw, “Baby?”
“I think she’s coming,” you pout up at Andy, giving his hand a bit of a squeeze. You were about to become parents. Maggie is at a safe weight, she is almost here, and you have no panic. The man that is always your steady rock is the one not okay.
“I knew it! Ruby! Poppy!” You smile at him. A bit of a wincing smile through the pain. “Baby, why are you so calm?”
“We’re about to be able to hold her. Just promise me you’ll breathe. We won’t make it to the hospital,” if there is one thing that always freaked Andy out, it was yours and the females in your family’s ability to ‘predict’ things to come. “Daddy, I’m okay. I want to remember every second,” you did, even the pain that is racing through you. “Mamaw, can you deliver a baby?”
“No, Peach Blossom. We’re going to get you to the hospital. Everyone here, thanks for joining us, but things are having to wrap up unexpectedly. Oh,” she say, pressing a hand up against your belly. Trying to give you a soft smile through her tears, “Andy, get her to the house. Poppy, you and Anna Kate get everything cleared. And,” her eyes scan the group of people retreating, and yet one is walking closer. “Not the time.”
“I know the basics of delivering a baby. I…”
“Absolutely not,” Andy growls, his protective body covers you, but his hand never strays from yours. His anger radiates through his blood as he squares up against Cole. “We don’t have time for this. Please, leave.”
“I’ve already had Lee send an ambulance here, but you’re too far away. Peaches,” Andy gives a growl again. His brows furrow deeply at Cole, and all you want is to have Maggie out of you. Your head presses up against Andy’s back as a slow and pained grunt exits your mouth. “If you don’t want a baby to be born in this field, get her to the house, and let me help.”
“Why are you even here?” Andy wraps an arm around your waist, and motions for your Papaw to come and help get you the short distance to the house. Using them as support you have to cling to your stomach as you growl out again.
“I just…I needed to see her one last time. I was never going…each time I talk it stresses her out.”
“You stress her out, you asshole.”
“Stop talking about me like I’m not here!” Your voice raises with a raspy timbre. “Get me to the house. Andy, he knows the basics of delivering a baby, we don’t have a choice. Cole, stop talking, I hate the sound of your voice. And Maggie!” You scream, looking up at Andy, using his face to calm you down, “Your daughter is impatient! Tell her to stay in there!”
“I’ll take her being my daughter during the bad, just know that when she gets sassy, she’s your daughter,” his smile. Even with the tears in his eyes, it warms you all the way to Maggie’s bubble. Such a daddy’s girl. She already wants her daddy to hold her, so she didn’t wait until after the ceremony. “Okay, squeeze me, if you can’t make it up these stairs.”
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Cole leans back on his heels, staring as Andy’s lips press hard against your forehead, and you cry holding the most beautiful little baby he’s ever seen. You were a rock during the delivery, and now your emotions pour out. He doesn’t know when it happened, but eventually he accepted you were never meant to be his. And the way that the three of you are in a safe space, acting like no one in the living room with you, and not one person is disturbing you. It is a testament to how everyone knew that you had found your person in that stupid lawyer.
Mamaw cries, hugging her husband, while Anna Kate and Poppy cry watching a couple turn into a family. Poppy’s pinky reaches over towards Andy’s colleague, Mike’s hand, and he turns to look at her confused. Your wedding dress is ruined, and you didn’t care. All you cared about is the baby you thought you would never have, and the man that was whispering what a good job you did. Maggie’s cries fill the room with so much hope and love for the future.
Cole presses his hand on his knee as he nods his head to Andy. He looks at your grandparents, motioning towards the door, “I think the ambulance is here. Does she and the baby have hospital bags?”
“They do. I’ll go check her room,” Poppy fully grabs Mike’s hand as she heads towards your room, “Help me. Papaw, they didn’t bring her car seat.”
”Shh, Pops, your Mamaw and I got the same one that they do. Not that she’ll be down here a ton, but when she is, Andy wanted us to make sure we had something for the car. Just go get their things. Go on,” he nods to her again, looking back at your little family. Nothing going on in the room registers to you. Nothing but your husband and daughter. Nothing else matters.
She is here. She is yours. He is yours. And you're finally a mom. A mom to the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. Everything about her is perfect. The last twenty minutes of pain are gone because you have her in your arms.
“Daddy, we did it. We have our girl.”
“I know, darling. We have our beautiful Magnolia Mae Barber. But you did it, baby. I was just here.”
Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @pono-pura-vida @sstan-hoe @peaches1958 @seitmaii @smile1318 @andydrysdalerogers @kittycatcait219 @sarahdonald87 @patzammit @elrw24 @redbloodedgurl @cjand10 @calwitch @sebsgirl71479 @midnightramyeoncravings @atoosa22 @mrsevans90 @xcinnamonmalfoyx @bbylim @kmc1989 
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nariarts · 2 months
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Spent a ridiculous amount of time last night obsessively editing my hand written zines in Photoshop to take away any tiny blemishes so they were definitely readable.
Whatever. Understand or don't.
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redstonedust · 5 months
i appreciate the attempts a lot of game devs are making with gender neutral character creation, and i appreciate that it's actually a very difficult task to implement that depending on the game's base code. but it's so funny to me when you hear an uproar because some game has "entirely removed the gender option from character creation!!!!!" so you go to check it out and its just like
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cork-run · 4 months
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the names of certain mob-involved trans women have been changed
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badolmen · 9 months
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