#I couldn’t draw the flag for India that small so I just copy pasted it </3
buggyboyizhere · 10 months
RAHHHH MY BBGS!1!1!1 ( these are months old I just forgor to post em )
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rein-ette · 3 years
If you still fancy a drabble prompt, I've always seen Canada and England having a very warm and comfortable relationship- if it interests you, maybe a prompt could be one going to the other for advice about something?
It does indeed interest me, thank you for the prompt! I've had a bunch of Mattie-Arthur scenarios swimming around in my mind for a long time, so I'm glad to have a chance to put one of them down on paper. As always, this was supposed to be a "drabble" but magically lengthened itself the more I thought about it -- I don't think drabbles are supposed to have historical notes.
"Come in."
Matthew shifted his pile of papers to his other arm and pushed through the door of Arthur's office. Inside, the fading afternoon light illuminated the rich mahogony floor and danced on the spines of the hundreds of books that lined each wall. Remembering the excitement he felt when he was first allowed to peruse these shelves, Matthew couldn't help but smile softly to himself.
Arthur himself sat at his desk, one ankle propped up on his knee as he stared idly out the window. Matthew could just barely see a white trim of bandages that peeked out from underneath his collar. That dimmed his smile. It had been more than two years now since the war had ended in Europe, but Arthur still looked as gaunt as he did during the days when engines still roared over London and — though Matthew had not thought it possible — even more exhausted. The worn smile Arthur offered him said as much, and Matthew pushed away a twinge of guilt.
Arthur jerked his chin at the seat in front of his desk and Matthew sat, stacking his documents in a neat pile in front of him. Instead of immediately going through them, however, he gazed worriedly at his old guardian.
"How are you feeling?"
Arthur sighed and shifted in his seat, dropping his leg and turning to face Matthew. He stared at the ancient, ink-stained wood of his desk for a while, and Matthew could almost see the warring emotions on Arthur's face as his desire to be honest fought with his lingering instinct to conceal and protect Matthew from the worries that plagued him. But because they were past such pretenses, he finally murmured, "Tired."
Matthew hummed sympathetically in response. There wasn't much he could do or say to change that, and he expected the reports he brought would only exhaust Arthur further. So he merely asked, "Are you remembering to apply the salve twice a day?"
Matthew flushed a little when Arthur rolled his eyes at him good-naturedly, realizing he was fussing like Arthur was his child, instead of the other way around. Thankfully, Arthur spared him further embarrasment by only answering a tad dryly that yes, he was actually capable of following simple instructions. Matthew mumbled out a reply before deciding that he might as well get on with what he was actually here for, knowing Arthur had never been one for small talk. Clearing his throat, he slid the top half of his stack of papers across the desk.
"They sent you a copy of Lord Mountbatten's plan, I think with annotations, though I haven't gone through the whole thing. And this part is the proposal for the national flag. Also," he pulled a cream letter from the pile and passed that over as well, "India asked that you be there personally, in August," he finished.
Arthur hummed and rifled through the papers. Matthew couldn't quite read his expression. After a few moments, he stacked them again and placed them to the side, with the letter on top. "Thanks. I'll go through them later."
Matthew nodded. "And here I just summarized the letters and stuff from the others. I've left them back in the box, in case you wanted to read them yourself. There's not too much going on really. That you don't already know."
"Yes. Thank you. This is a great help, Matthew, truly."
"You're welcome," Matthew murmured, and watched Arthur scan the notes before setting them aside as well. His eyes traced the shadows underneath the other nation's eyes, before dropping back down to the cotton bandages around his neck. He wondered if Arthur was sleeping at all.
"Is there anything else I can do? I'm heading back to Ottawa next week, but if you need me to take over some stuff for a bit, I can stay longer —"
"No, no, it's fine," Arthur cut him off. "Like I said, I'm just a little tired, that's all. But all this," he waved a hand at the documents , "isn't anything new."
Matthew frowned. "Isn't it?"
"I mean, I know the paperwork isn't new, but, these," he drew a breath, "reforms, and the war, of course. That's — I mean. No one's, you know, had to deal with that, before."
Arthur frowned, and traced a finger along the edge of his desk, before sighing, "No, I guess not." He turned again to look out the window behind him. After several long moments, he said, quietly, "But it's not entirely unexpected, either. I just—" The corner of his lips jerked down, and for a moment it seemed as if he was almost in pain. He drew in a breath, and said, "It's just. Difficult. That's all. To—but." He stopped again, grimaced, as if at his own ineloquence. Finally, he said, slowly, as carefully as if he was embroidering the words onto the air between them, "The world is changing. Let us not stand in the way, lest they make us out to be fools."
Watching him struggle, Matthew found himself at a loss as well. Never had he imagined that Arthur — sharp-tongued, quick-witted Arthur, who could neither be bullied nor silenced, who could quote from more books than Matthew had ever read — would be scrambling for words. But then, as he watched Arthur's shoulders curve in towards himself like Matthew had seen a thousand times before in another stubborn, sandy-haired nation who also seemed to have endless words but never quite the right ones, he knew what he needed to do.
Smiling again, Matthew stood, drawing on Arthur's arm so he would turn to face him and said, "I think you need a hug."
Unnecessarily Long Notes are Unnecessarily Long
I didn't state the specific setting of this scene, but the timing of the historical events mentioned means it has to have been sometime between June and August of 1947. Despite the fact that Mattie says "not much is going on", my lord, a lot was going on in 1947; hence why Artie is doing his best impression of the walking dead. Besides the Indian and Pakistan independence movement, officially achieved in August 1947 which is alluded to (Mountbatten, or 3 June Plan, was the precursor to the Indian Independence Act of 1947), Europe was also going through complete social upheaval. To mention just a couple highlights: Germany was in such ruin it was said to have returned to the Roman ages, Britain was rationing harder than ever despite the war having ended, and of course Mr. Truman and Mr. Stalin were gearing up for the Great Showdown. A quote I like which captures the feeling of the time is from H.G. Wells: "[where] other civilizations rolled and crumbled down, the European civilization was, as it were, blown up." [quoted by Tony Judt, Postwar]. Also directly concerning Arthur was the issue of Palestine, which as we all know was and is contentious, to say the very least.
Arthur's attitude to decolonisation is...complicated. Clearly I went with a softer view here, but certainly not all (or even many) British held the view in 1947 that the Empire should be decolonized at all. Hence Arthur during this time was probably a raging hypocrite and, if he wasn't already, at least 50% psychologically unstable. However, I allowed Arthur a little dignity here, in part because he's 2000 years old and as such should have a tiny more perspective than us humans, and also because the weakness of the Empire was much more evident to those in government and the army. Even if it wasn't popular opinion yet, anyone with half a braincell could see that every day Britian didn't decolonize was costing them more than they could afford. Additionally, Britain did decolonise much, much faster than all the other powers and in a relatively peaceful and orderly manner, though what ensued in the countries they left behind was neither. I should also add that Matthew is not the most objective of narrators either -- Canada, despite being a former colony, was still strongly Anglophilic, especially right after WWII. Still, I hope ya'll won't begrudge Arthur a hug.
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theblendedfun-blog · 7 years
War Zone -  Short Story - Drama / Adventure
The only thing that humans don’t learn the lesson of is war, they keep developing weapons to kill each other instead of helping each other, They think it’s safer when they have the most advanced weapons. 2 year ago, the world started a war, you can say it was the world war three. USA allied with The European Union, UK, Japan , Canada, Israel and some south american countries against Russia allied with China, India, Arab and Muslim Countries and asian countries. Humans used every weapon they had in this war, chemical, biological, nuclear weapons, regular weapons, dirty bombs, it was like if the earth planet was suiciding and it did. Dead bodies everywhere, destroyed cities and countries. A few people and animals could survive the war but sooner or later they will die, biological and nuclear pollution in the water, air and on the land, the planet earth is no more for living.   Location Egyptian-Israeli border, Taba City, Egypt. The small city at the red sea surrounded by the desert was completely destroyed, covered by the contaminated gray clouds that were blocking the sunlight. Hummer military vehicle was being driven in the abandoned city, the Israeli logo was on it. The car stopped at a destroyed egyptian military base, The driver got out of the car wearing Israeli army uniform and a gas mask and carrying a backpack. You can tell from the rank patch on her uniform that she was a major. She was holding a machine gun walking slowly toward the command building. The building wasn’t fully destroyed. She went to the command room, the room wasn’t too big, few desks, computers and big screens on the walls, papers and maps on the desks and on the floor, she looked like looking up for something on the maps in the room but she couldn’t find it, she got mad and threw the maps away. A voice came from behind her “put your gun down!”.  She turned around slowly. “I think you, don’t want to die to night” the voice said, it was a male soldier wearing a gas mask pointing his rifle at her. He was a private and the patch on his shirt says “The Arab Army” and at this point, She knew that she was going to die that night. She slowly put her gun on the ground. “ that’s right” the man said. - “what seems to be right, could be wrong sometimes” the major said. - “what are you looking for?” - “Just a map.” - “map for what?” - “ Are you alone, private?” - “Answer my question?” - “ Listen, I’m not gonna hurt you, you’re alone here, aren’t you?” The man was hesitated to answer her question, she continued “I know, everything out there is gone, your army, country, whatever you think about to come here to help you, am I right?” The private was still hesitated “But you're still my enemy and I can shoot you” he said. - “C'mon man, There’s no people, countries or anything to fight for, you maybe the last human I talk to before I get killed by the contamination” the women said. - “Did you got infected?” he said. - “Yes and in few days, I’m gonna to day, How old are you?” - “19.” - “You started it big, the world war three, that’s f@#%ed up, dude!.  I’m 31, anyways, do you have a safe place, I just wanna take this mask off.” - “First, answer my question, what were you looking for?” - “I was looking for a place where I can find people to live with.” - “It’s been six months since I have talked to someone….  Let’s go to my place” Location Egyptian-Israeli border 40 KM (25 miles) outside Taba city - Underground Facility Storage of The Arab Army. “Welcome to my humble home, Gila.. you can take off your mask” The private said. The major took off her mask, she was blonde with short hair, grey eyes and a few small lesions on her skin of the infection. The place was very wide, very high and empty except at the left back corner there were  three metal beds next to each other and 2 small tables to separate them at the wall by the beds there were some lockers and  in the front of them there were a stand drawing sketch and a small chair, drawing materials and tools on a small table. On the wall there were about 12 paintings of soldiers and people. “You drew them?” Gila asked. The private with a black hair and eyes, dark wheaten skin answered “ yes, it’s my favorite hobby” while taking off his shirt that shew some muscles of his 190 cm (6.2) body  for wearing a clean one. He was taller than her, she was 168 cm (5.5) with slim thick body that makes her hot. The private name was Tarek, he handed her a baked beans tin and a spoon from his bag and he took one. Everyone sat on a different bed. Tarak said ”These people in the painting are real, these three soldiers are my brothers in army, they are heros, we stayed here for helping innocent people. The man on the left, he is an italian, he was a civilian, he came here to help the refugees before the war and he got stuck here when the war started, this another hero. This little girl, she was 8 years old, everyday she was looking for food in the destroyed buildings to feed her injured parents, they got infected and died the girl stayed with me for a while before she died. These two men and women in this painting were a palestinian, israeli and the women was an american they had van, every two days the came to the refugee camp I was serving nearby before the camp  got bombed and gave them free food until one day their van got shot and they were inside, it’s a war zone! Everyone of these people is a hero that refugee camp was for israelis and arabs they were living together in peace after they know they lost everything!. Soldiers are not real hero the real heros appear after the soldiers destroy and leave a town! ” -“You remind me of my younger brother, he refused to join the army believing that helping innocent people is more important than killing them following stupid orders of dump selfish politicians... I’m a war machine, I believe that there is always bad people out there who are waiting for a good opportunity to hurt us so we should be prepared.” Gila said. -“And you ended up staying with your enemy in one room, eating, talking as if we were friends” -“yep.” -“So what happened to you?” -“ I’m an elite soldier, I was in the hardest deadly missions of that war in Russia, Iran, China, Jordan, I always was behind the enemy lines, I have seen cities getting erased by nuclear bombs, I was professional having no feelings just a war machine until one day I found myself pointing my gun to no one, there were no enemies and no people, family, friends or country to fight for. it was just me and my gun and all I believed in were disappeared” -“It confused us, we all walked on  the wrong path, we thought it was right. Fear and hate controlled us. I was lucky that I joined the army and the war was ending.” Next day, Gila was lying on the bed, sick and tired. Tarak was sitting to the bed next to her “Tarak, get my backpack, please” he did. “Open it” there were papers, books and  notes.”This research is about the contamination and how to ride of it and find a cure for the infected people. I found them but I won’t survive to find someone who can make the cure of them.” Gila said. Tarak held her hand ”You will be okay and we will find someone who can help us.” he said. “Open that pocket, you will find a vaccine that can prevent the infection for a month. I wanted to give it to the one who will make the cure but it’s yours now.” -“Gila, why don’t you take that vaccine, it could do something with the infection”. She was a little sweaty “it will do nothing with me because I’ve already got infected” she said. Tarak came closer to her while holding her hand tighter “you are a fighter, you could survive deadly missions, now you can survive this.” he said. She smiled at him then her eyes wept and said “I wish I could, I was a reason of destroying this world.” -“Listen Gila, it’s not your fault” -“I just want to save the people before I die.” she said while she was crying. Tarak laid next to her and hugged her “it’s gonna be alright.” he whispered. No one hugged her before, she felt so comfortable and safe, she put her head on his chest and let him hug her tighter. She was so weak. She never felt like that before in her life, she was strong, tough with no feelings, love is for weak people that what she used to believe in but now she was like little baby between his arms, listening to his heart beating, feeling the human love, she closed her eyes and slept.       Two days later, outside the facility storage. That cloudy windy weather outside with dust in the air made it hard to see for long distances. Tarak was standing wearing his gas mask looking at the ground where were few graves. These were the graves of people he buried himself. He used a piece of lambert for every grave as a gravestone for drawing their country flags and writing their names on them. He looked at a grave that looked new. The israeli flag was drawn on it and the name was Gila....He prayed a muslim prayer for her. he turned around carrying her backpack and walked away. Inside the facility storage, It was empty arranged everything was in its place and clean. At the wall where the paintings were, there was a painting for Gila smiling. The End. Thanks for reading, follow me on social media to get updated for all new stories and tell us your opinion. If you like it please share it with your friends to support us.     Copyright: This story is free to read online on this blog only, you can share it via sharing link to this blog.  You're not allowed to copy and paste my f@%king story to any motherf@#king blog, site or anywhere or f@#king selling it or using it for any other purposes.                      
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