#in the meantime send more asks :D
cloudy-osc · 1 month
Ok i have a few (alot) of asks so im finally gonna start some! The one i picked in particular is gonna take a bit so lets see how much i get done
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oikasugayama · 10 months
pt. 1 Dazai, Kunikida, Atsushi, Chuuya pt. 2 Ango, Ranpo, Poe
mentions of smut in Ranpo and Poe's!!
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He's a sadboi and once he's comfortable with you he's probably whiny and clingy. It's extreeeemely common for him to come home from work exhausted, change out of his suit, and silently drop down beside you wherever you are. If you're in bed he'll lay with you, if you're on the couch he'll sit with you, hell sometimes he'll get into your bath with you. He wont talk for a while--sometimes up to an hour-- while he decompresses from work, and then finally once he's started to relax he'll talk to you and ask how your day was. You're used to this-- you can't imagine the stress he's under on a day to day basis not only doing his job but knowing that he's incredibly hated among some very very dangerous circles. You promised him a long time ago that you wouldn't ask about it and would try your best not to worry about it. "I could be killed any day for a multitude of reasons," he told you once. "Let me worry about that. Please just let me feel normal and in love with you in the meantime."
He doesn't...have friends... so you get to spend ALL of his free time with him :D Not that there's a lot of it. He hates working late, but unfortunately it happens a lot (funny how it coincides with every time the Port Mafia or the Armed Detective Agency get involved in some big scheme). You miss him when he's late coming home, but as much as you want to be a cute partner and bring him dinner at the office (or stop by for any reason for that matter), you know you can't. Ango keeps your relationship EXTREMELY private, to the point of being secretive. You're not allowed to be seen in public together, for your safety. He doesn't want you to be taken and used against him for any reason, so it's better that your relationship is under wraps.
One time, though, you were at home with him and Dazai--okay, so Ango has one friend--invited himself in. You'd never met him before this moment, and he seemed shocked that Ango wasn't home alone. You've heard enough about Dazai to know that he likely instantly knew who you were to Ango when he saw you leaned against each other on the couch in the split second before Ango leapt to his feet and started yelling at Dazai for breaking in.
Ango honestly seems a little relieved to introduce you properly to Dazai-- you're the two most important people in his personal life, after all. Now maybe he can have his two favorite people in the room at the same time and feel a little normal for once.
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Don't even fucking pretend like you don't have a crush on him. The second you think "oh shit, I think I like him" he opens his eyes, quirks an eyebrow at you, and says "I didn't even do anything." If you didn't know better you'd think he's telepathic. He asks you on a date then and there (after a bit of teasing, trying to get you to admit to liking him before he outs you himself)
He fairly quickly decides that he wants to be your partner, having worked out in an instant that you'll make his life more fun and give him lots of things that he isn't used to (i.e. affection) that he desperately wants.
If you ask why he didn't date anyone before you came along, he says that he has dated a few people, but only if they've approached him, because he's too lazy to pursue anyone. It's easier for him to wait for someone to confess than to try to hunt for someone good.
He's not much for cuddling. He's kind of touch averse and isn't too fond of petting or random innocent touches or hand holding. He very, very much likes kisses and compliments, though!! You can smooch him and tell him how handsome and smart and good he is and it'll send him over the moon.
He doesn't have much of a sex drive, but you do have sex. He prefers to not do the work as much as possible. If you'll suck him off or ride him, he's more than satisfied. He tells you he used to think he could honestly live without sex, but then he remembers how good you look when you're blissed out and how proud he feels when he makes you feel good, and it makes him want to do it more. Throughout your relationship he gets a bit more sexually adventurous, but it does take a while for him to get used to all the physical touching and the energy it expends.
It's impossible to surprise him. You have to start warning him that you want to surprise him, and then he pretends not to notice any of the sneaking you do. You kind of knew this was going to be an issue going into the relationship, but you didn't realize he wouldn't know not to spoil a surprise. He gets pretty good at pretending he didn't know surprises were coming, though. His favorite ones involve you making him special dinners or coming to the office in the middle of the day to bring him lunch and give him a kiss right in front of all of his coworkers.
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He will buy you EX!PEN!SIVE! GIFTS! You want a rare first edition of a novel from the 19th century? $2,000? Pocket change. You want a beautiful gemstone neceklace and it turns out it's $100k because they're all diamonds? Easy spending money. He'd buy you a whole fucking town if you asked him to. Please ask him to. Please.
He is at your beck and call. Every second you're not with him he's thinking of you and moping. He cries to Karl that you must have forgotten about him and what if you don't love him anymore? He falls into a doom spiral and writes devastating poetry about never-ending despair and loathing--and then you text him and he's sunshine and rainbows and writes you a sonnet about how much he loves you. He's especially susceptible to sexts. If you send him a picture of your tits or your bulge, his mouth will be watering and he will call you in an instant, whining and begging for you to come see him as soon as possible.
he insists he can see through his hair and prefers it to be in his eyes to block some of the light--even if it's dark, it's still too bright for him. The first time you huff and reach up to move his hair out of his face, he nearly nuts on the spot. There's something about you grabbing his hair and forcing him to look you, unobstructed, in the eye that turns him on so much. He's very much a sub and wants you to take control and tell him exactly what you want any time you get intimate.
quality time is very important to him, just as much so as gift giving. He'd be happy to be in the same room as you even if you weren't looking at him or talking to him. All it takes is for you to be nearby for him to feel at ease. He's very prone to anxiety, but having you by his side, or just in his vicinity, makes him feel a bit braver.
He lowkey gets jealous when you give Karl more attention than him. Yes the raccoon is cute and very pettable, but Poe is pettable too, damn it, look at all that hair he has!! Run your fingers through it!! Kiss his forehead!! Discover what color his eyes are and wax poetic about how beautiful they are and ask why he keeps hiding them from you!! Give him attention!!!!!!!!!!!
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eddieandbird · 2 months
Hello! I don't see if you do angst or not, but if you do, i'd like to request a fight with Eddie in front of the Hellfire club, like they're in a D&D section and start to fight over any reason (you can choose) and the reader get's upset and get out of the room and the other's be like "😳...go talk to her, man" and the rest is whatever you think is better, thank you so so much, and sorry if my english is bad 🥺💕
no worries! i gave it my best shot, hope you like it -bird
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You have an attitude during a Hellfire Club meeting
tags/warnings: fluff | hurt/comfort | 1.3k words | f!reader | arguments
If a single drop of water were to touch your skin right now, it would evaporate in seconds, or at least that’s how furious you felt at this moment. You’d been silently grinding your teeth and fiddling with your character’s figure on the table since Eddie started the session.
“Any day now, sweetheart. It’s your turn,” To you, it sounded like he was elongating your words just to taunt you.
“Skip my turn, nothing good’s happened yet,” You muttered, squeezing your figure tightly in your hand before dropping it back onto the table.
Eddie’s brows knitted together, disgust laced in his deep frown. “So you’re just going to leave the party vulnerable because we bore you, is that it?”
“Why not? Leaving people hanging isn’t completely off the table for our party, right? Or is that just towards me?” You folded your arms, unwavering from his intense glare.
“God, are you seriously throwing a fit right now? In front of everyone?” He leaned forward and spoke in a low tone as if that was going to conceal the argument with you from the other members.
“You know what you’re right. I am so sorry everyone, I’m just not in the mood for D&D tonight. So sorry I have to ditch you all,” You laid heavy emphasis on the word ‘ditch’ before getting up and pushing in your chair with a loud squeak.
The weight of your footsteps could be heard as you walked out of the auditorium. You left the rest of the Hellfire members in awe with your absence.
Dustin was the first to break the silence. “Damn… What the hell did you do, Eddie?”
“Zip it, Henderson,” Eddie snapped back, his eyes transfixed on the door. “Jesus Christ, what the hell was that?” He ran his fingers through his hair and let out a frustrated sigh, dropping his head on the table with a thud.
“That was some good drama, right there,” Gareth spoke in an amused tone.
“You’re not helping,” Eddie grumbled.
“Are you going to go after her?” Jeff asked, a slight hint of worry in his voice.
“Yeah, Eddie. You can’t let her storm off like that and not chase her. Trust me, it never ends well when I leave Max alone to ‘cool off’,” Lucas added, shaking his head.
Mike nodded “Yeah, El hates that too-”
“Okay! I get it! You guys are expert-level boyfriends or whatever,” Eddie’s eyes shot wide open with annoyance. “Just… give me a second to go find her, okay? Dustin’s in charge in the meantime,”
“Hey, that’s not fair!” Mike exclaimed.
“Argue amongst yourselves for a minute, nerds!” Eddie yelled back, already in the process of slamming the door behind him.
Eddie stomped quickly down the hallway, eyes darting everywhere looking for you.
He turned the corner and his eyes widened slightly as he saw your hand disappearing into the girls restroom.
“Damnit..” he mumbled to himself.
He stood outside the door, debating whether he should barge in after you or not. Eventually, his head got the better of him and he pushed open the heavy door.
“Hey. We need to talk.”
“Eddie, get out, you’re not supposed to be in here,” You grumbled, not giving him a second glance.
You were focused on your reflection, carefully dabbing at your tears with a tissue to not ruin more of your makeup.
“Like I care about that,” He retorted.
You caught a glimpse of him in the mirror. He stood with his shoulder slumped, back against the bathroom stall. His intense dark eyes glaring at you with frustration.
“I’m not coming back to the session, you can just kill my character off now,” You said sternly.
“Can you just look at me for a second?” He pleaded, but you remained facing the mirror, trying to avoid even the slightest glance in his direction.
He sighed and took a few more steps into the bathroom, his hands shoved deep into pockets, knuckles turning white with how hard he was clenching his fists.
“Why are you so pissed at me?” He asked, his voice soft and lacking its usual bite.
“You seriously don’t know?” You looked bewildered. “You didn’t even notice that I’ve been avoiding you all day?”
Eddie winced as you took a step forward. “What? You weren’t just busy with school stuff?” He asked sheepishly, knowing he definitely did not notice anything off about today until Hellfire.
“You ditched me on our date yesterday, ring any bells?” You gestured wildly. “You left me at the movies by myself. I had to call my dad to pick me up. I was humiliated!”
Eddie's face dropped as he was hit with a wave of realization. He pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers and let out a long sigh, his jaw clenched tightly.
"Oh, that's what this is about? I'm sorry, I really am, but you gotta know-" He took a small step towards you, his expression pained. "I had to help Dustin okay? It was a like a family emergency and it couldn't wait,"
Eddie needed to be vague for various reasons. He couldn’t possibly tell you about any of the crazy monsters he encountered that night or show you the huge scratch in his shoulder that was covered by his jacket. He could only pray that you bought it.
You wrapped your arms around yourself and frowned deeply. You didn’t want to pry if it was about Dustin’s family, that wasn’t your place. His explanation did explain some things but not enough to satisfy you.
“You didn’t even call afterwards… We didn’t talk today,”
You shook your head, pacing in front of him as thoughts swirled in your mind. “You know, it’s totally fine if you changed your mind about me, if you don’t like me anymore, it’s whatever, but you didn’t have to lead me on like this,”
"Whoa, slow down." He quickly approached you again and firmly placed his hands on your shoulders, gently stopping your frantic movements.
He looked deep into your eyes, searching for any sign that he hadn’t hurt you completely.
"Look at me, okay? I never ‘changed my mind’ about you. I still like you a hell of a lot. And I definitely didn’t mean to leave you in the lurch like that," Eddie pleaded, his thumbs rubbing your skin.
“I’m just kind of a space cadet, you know? I’m impulsive and forgetful and I screw up… a lot,” He took your hand and pulled you toward him.
You pouted and reluctantly followed his tug, your eyes refusing to fall upon him.
“But know this: I do like you. And I know I’m not really good at this whole dating thing, but I wanna make it up to you okay? I don’t wanna end things on this note,” Eddie shook his head and brought your hand next to his face. He made sure you watched as he locked his fingers between yours. “You gonna let me make it up to you?”
You pursed your lips, wanting to refuse at first, but then you nodded.
“Fine,” You whispered.
A small smile appeared on his lips, his shoulders visibly relaxing. He brought your hands to his lips, placing a soft kiss on all eight of your knuckles.
"Thank god," he breathed against your skin, his exhale warm and shaky.
He looked at you with hopeful eyes, his grip on your hand still tight.
"We can do something after Hellfire, alright? Just you and me."
You crinkled your nose as you nodded even more enthusiastically this time.
“I’m looking forward to it, Munson,” You mused.
You turned around, now being the one to tug his arm and lead him out of the restroom.
“Hey, wait, what’s going on?” He asked, his old sneakers squeaking on the hallway floors as he followed you.
“Back to the session,”
“You’re still gonna play?” Eddie let go of your hand for a moment, pleasantly surprised.
“C’mon! The faster we get this done, the faster you can take me to get some food,” You whined, walking off without him.
“You got it, princess,” Eddie chuckled, clutching his swollen heart then sprinting after you.
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Skeletons in the Closet // D. Grayson x gn!reader
Requested? Yep!
Warnings: reader is followed home at night!!! if anyone ever follows you home, you have my consent to beat the everloving shit out of them!!!! your life is far more valuable to a fucking creeps!!!
Summary: While being followed home after work, you get a call from your boyfriend. He sends in some help from a friend. Things are realized.
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Fuck. Fuckfuckfuck fuck.
With your keys clutched tightly between your thumb and palm and your pepper spray poking out from your grip, you hurried down the street with your heart racing faster each step. Another glance over your shoulder confirmed it. You were being followed.
You had to stay late at work because two of your coworkers had the flu and this was the punishment you got for trying to be nice. Fuck this. Fuck capitalism. Fuck the world and having to be scared walking to your fucking apartment.
And just your luck, the red line stop near your apartment was closed for repairs to the platform structure so that meant you had to walk an extra four blocks to get home. Fuck.
Your phone buzzed in your hand and you nearly jumped out of your skin at the sudden jolt to your system. With shaking hands you swiped your thumb across the screen and pressed it against your cheek as you kept walking.
“Hello?” You really hoped that the person on the other line couldn’t hear the pure, visceral fear in your voice but you doubted it.
“Hey. I was just calling because you never texted that you left work or got home.” Oh. Right. Your boyfriend of three months, Dick Grayson, was a perfect gentleman and he always appreciated a text from you when you got home at night, whether it was from work or a night out with friends. He didn’t care if you were out late partying. He just wanted to make sure you were home safe at the end of the night.
“Right, shit. Sorry. I just got out of work a half hour ago and…” You glanced back at the guy following you and dropped your voice. “Someone’s following me. I’m about ten minutes max away from my apartment and I’ve got pepper spray, but you should know that I-”
“Where are you?” His voice had grown frigid in the time you were rambling and you peered up at the street sign you just passed.
“Avalon and Fifth.”
Dick inhaled deeply and then said something away from the phone, as though he was talking to someone in the background. He moved back closer to the phone and started talking quickly.
“Okay, baby, here’s what’s going to happen. I’m going to put my friend on the line and she’s going to keep talking to you, okay? And in the meantime, I have another friend in the area and he’s going to come meet you. Keep walking towards your place. Don’t stop moving. Barbara will talk you through it.”
The line clicked before you could say anything and then a calm, pleasant voice filled your ear. “Hi, I’m Barbara. Dick’s told me a lot about you. Did you know he’s kind of obsessed with you?”
The sudden levity of the question elicited a laugh from you as you hurried down the darkened street. You could hear the footsteps getting closer and it made your throat close with anxiety.
“Hey Barbara, what’s going to happen?” you asked quietly.
“Don’t you worry about that. Just keep walking. You’re doing fine. Why did you stay late at work?”
“My coworkers are sick. Flu season and all that.”
“Hmmm, viruses are a bitch.” There was something in her voice that indicated more to her comment than you knew, but you didn’t have time to pry. The closer you got to an ally, the faster the steps sounded until the guy was full on sprinting towards you.
“Fuck,” you gasped as you turned to watch him barrel at you. Before he could get within three feet of you, a blur of black and blue swung down from seemingly nowhere and then Nightwing was standing over him, escrima sticks clutched tightly in his hands.
“Go,” the vigilante barked. He looked back at you and what a sight you probably made. Shaking, phone pressed to cheek and other hand gripping keys and pepper spray, and what felt like tears streaming down your cheeks, you stared back at the mask covered eyes. His chin dipped and you realized that he was inspecting you for some kind of injury. Nightwing raised his head to stare at you once more and then he jutted his chin out towards you in a silent command. The silvery white scar on his lower jar stood out under the light of the street lamps.
“Go,” he repeated. The man below him tried to sit up and the vigilante snapped one of his bludgeons down onto the man’s arm with a sickening crack, eliciting a scream from the man. You almost felt sorry for him.
You didn’t need another prompting and instead you turned, tucked tail, and sprinted the rest of the way home. You nearly forgot that Barbara was on the other end of the phone until you heard her call your name.
“I’m…I’m okay. I think. I…I’m okay.” Your hands shook so hard as you tried to unlock the door to your apartment that your dropped your keys and cursed under your breath. Scooping them up once more, you tried again and flew into your apartment.
“I’m home. Door’s locked. I’m fine. I…fucking hell. What just happened?”
“Hey, hey,” Barbara said. “Breathe with me, okay? That was a scary situation. Breathe. In two, out three. There we go.”
The fragments and pieces of your scattered brain started to knit an image together of what just happened. As the adrenaline receded, you were able to try and come to terms with the events of that night and one thing stood out to you.
The scar on his chin.
The same scar that you pressed a kiss to in thanks for coffee. The same scar you made sure to pepper with kisses when your boyfriend curled around you and fell asleep against your chest. The same scar that you looked up at when he pulled sweet moans out of your lungs.
“I’m going to kill him,” you hissed.
Barbara barked out a laugh. “Please make sure to film it for me.”
“Oh, I will.” You tossed your keys and pepper spray onto the table just as a shadow passed over the window of your living room. “It’s been nice meeting you, Barbara, but I have to go strangle someone.”
“I’m going to put your number in my phone and we will be getting coffee soon.” You gave her a final goodbye and then stalked towards the window. Your phone tumbled onto the plush cushions of the couch as you passed. Yanking open the window, you stuck your head out and glared at the vigilante standing on the far end of your fire escape.
“So this is why you always make an excuse to not stay the night,” you snapped. Anxiety had turned to rage real quick. Nightwing grimaced and raised his gloved hand to run his fingers through his hair. It was then that you saw the fresh blood that mottled his knuckles and you knew exactly where it came from.
“And also why I make sure you get home at night,” he added quietly. You crooked your finger at him and he complied wordlessly. His footsteps were nearly silent on the old fire escape and you took a moment to marvel at how such a muscular man was able to move so quickly and quietly.
“Is this it? Any more skeletons in your closet?” you asked.
“You know about my family, so no. No more skeletons.”
“I’m going to ask Barbara when we go and get coffee,” you breathed against his lips. Dick paled slightly before he cleared his throat.
“That’s fair.”
“Now get in here and get that suit off. I’m still mad at you but I could really do with a hug right now.”
He didn’t protest.
Tag List: @someoneimsure​ @perpetual-fangirl900​ @visagebrise​ @cursedandromedablack​ @alexxavicry​ @the-wayward-daughter​ @raging-trash-of-mind​ @bunny-kawa​ @khaylin27​
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hello phannies! so the lovely @antiadvil dmed me about transcripts and i happened to have captioned this (nauseating, sickening, homophobia-inducing) clip earlier. thought we could use this as an example.
a sample transcript for this would be:
(quizzical tone plays)
-[D]: Phil, where-
(record scratch sound effect)
-[P]: *laughs*
-[D]: (laughing) Do you know where- do you- do you know where you- where the- where the- where the pee comes out? (sarcastically) The pee is stored in the balls!
-[P]: I just really wanted to say it!
i plan on making a big post about accessibility in the near future. in the meantime, though, PLEASE try to caption or transcribe your content. please.
and if you want to be even more thorough with accessibility:
a sample VD (video description) for this video would be:
[VD: dan and phil sitting side by side in their office. they are sharing a pair of headphones. dan is wearing a black eclipse t-shirt and phil is wearing a dark spotted button up shirt. the outfits are reminiscent of their costumes for one of their previous tours.
throughout the video, dan has his hand on phil’s shoulder as they both laugh.
the video is open-captioned, with blue captions for phil, black for dan, and purple for sound effects]
ideally VDs/IDs are more simple than this, and i have much less practice with image descriptions than i do with captioning, so please keep that in mind. i am also exhausted, but i wanted to get this posted before going to sleep.
as with all accessibility, disabled people know what we need best, so don’t be afraid to do your own research and ask questions.
my dms are always open. whether or not you’ll get a consistent response from me, who knows. but no harm is sending a dm regardless :)
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celebratebleach · 2 months
BLEACH Anime Celebration 2024 - Theme and Prompt suggestions
Hello everyone,
It's that time of the year! The BLEACH Anime is returning in October, and it's time to celebrate it again! No idea what this event is? You can read more about it here.
In the last poll, the winner was to have a typical fandom week. I have released a new poll here for which week the event should be held in, so if you haven't already, please go and vote in that poll too!
In the meantime, I'm looking for theme and prompt suggestions. These can be anything, ranging from one word prompts to bits of dialogue to scenario prompts. Send in your theme suggestions through the asks or by pming this blog. You'll have until Tuesday 13 August to send them in.
As for how many themes/prompts there will per day, it will depend on how many suggestions I get. I may end up doing a poll for that as well, but first lets see how many suggestions come through.
I'm excited to be hosting this event again, and I hope you're just as excited to participate. Let's make this another great event! :D
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pinkaditty · 1 year
X READER smut imagines (mostly written to Cater Diamond or Asmodeus)
*tiptoes into my blog with an obviously guilty look on my face* hiiiiiii....
yea. I haven't finished the other three Side Characters for the Obey Me! Shall We Date Pervert drabbles. i knowwwww i said it'd be done in a week... and it's been a week... yeaaaaa... im sorry</3 I PROMISE!! IT WILL BE DONE SOON AWA!!!
cw: NSFW (minors DNI please, you make me really uncomfortable), choking, penetration, pictures during sex, creampie, gn!mc (your genitalia are never mentioned, only that you're "taking" and he's "giving"), not much d/s but mc does sorta lean dom here (couldn't help myself! <;3)
a/n: im hoping this will tide you all over until i can provide more content. i wrote this a few months ago, but never got around to sharing, so i hope you all enjoy! i promise, Part 3 of the Obey Me Pervert drabbles is on it's way! in the meantime, enjoy this! consider it a sneak peek of my smut writing. (can u tell im nervous)
His hips roll and snap forwards into yours, burying himself deeper with each thrust. He holds one of your legs over his shoulder, the other one holding his phone. You see the flash before you hear the shutter click of a camera. He absentmindedly muttered small praises of how much he enjoyed this and how pretty you were, and how lucky he was you were letting him do this. He sounded like he was falling apart just from being inside. You were taking it well, your fingers curling into the sheets and your eyes bleary, watching his movements, his phone's camera, and his blissed out, dazzling, drunken smile. But, while it felt good, you were admittedly getting tired of him just taking pictures, staring at you from behind a lens, not really taking in the moment. He whimpers as he continues, his arm giving out as he collapses onto his elbows, barely holding himself up, still keeping his phone in his hand. You feel the bright flash and hear yet another shutter click. You want to knock his phone out of his hand.
You watch as he gulps, panting, whining about how good it feels. His adam's apple bobs in his throat as he continues to murmur unintelligible praises. You suddenly have an idea.You uncurl your fingers from the sheets and reach upwards for his shoulders, pressing your hands into them, clenching them. He smiles as smugly as he can, as he continues falling apart, assuming you are close. Suddenly, you move your hands to his neck, wrapping your fingers around him. Before he can respond, you begin to squeeze, tightening his airway just slightly.
It sends a shockwave through his body and he drops his phone in surprise, it bounces off your shoulder onto the bed sheets. You feel as he shivers and abruptly stops his pace, his hips stilling against you, before he suddenly starts up again, his eyes rolling back, his pace more rough than before. You hear him struggling to breathe, heaving breaths as he slides forward into your grasp, gripping the sheets on either side of your head with his fingers.He struggles to speak, the whimpers coming out slow and broken.
"T-Tighter." You tighten your fingers around his neck as he asks, and he lets out a strangled moan, barely able to get any breaths in as he keeps up the pace. You watch as his eyes prick with tears and drool leaks from the corner of his mouth. He's dizzy and falling apart more than he even was before.
You release him to allow him some air, and he heaves in a deep inhale, a few short coughs interrupting his thrusts before he catches up again, faster and tougher than before. You fist your fingers in his hair to signify approval, to which he whines. He leans down to you and mumbles "Please, again. Please do it again." You oblige, releasing your grip on his roots and instead wrapping your hands around his neck again, applying just enough pressure.
"Hrk!" He clenches his jaw and his eyes roll back again, but he manages to keep the pace this time. He hits a good spot and you tighten your grip in response, moaning. He chokes and pops his lips open, his tongue lolling out. Saliva drips from his tongue onto your collarbone. "Fuck!" He coughs out, his pace going from constant to erratic. He continues to hit the sweet spot from before and you shiver, releasing your grip in favor of clawing at his shoulders. He pants, his eyes rolling back again as he continues his pace.
"C'mon, one more time…! I'm so close!" He begs, looking down at you with pleading eyes, fisting and unfisting his hands, his legs shaking. You reach up, all the pleasure going straight to your head. You clench your hands around his neck one final time.
"Gh…!" He keens, clenching his jaw again but keeping his gaze focused on you. Tears rolls down his face and he attempts to heave in a breath, only getting so much oxygen. You clench tighter and his tongue lolls out again. Whimpers barely come out from him as you keep him quiet, the occasional choking sound coming from his throat. Unable to say anything, he frantically taps on your shoulder to signify his release, his eyes rolling again. You release him as he releases into you, long, deep inhale and strangled groan leaving his lips immediately after.
His thrusts slow down, snapping against your hips at a slower pace. Your legs shake from your own peak, your whole body shivering from aftershock. Gently, he pulls out and immediately collapses next to you, panting into the pillow, his mouth wide open and tongue still lolling out as he caught his breath. His legs were shaking from aftershock and his voice was broken with little, high pitched whimpers. "Fuck…" He mumbles, blinking away his tears and waking up from his haze. "That… was amazing."
a/n: yippee! it's definitely a little unrefined, but i think it's alright! please let me know what you all think! if you have requests, send an ask! or just send one to say you like my writing, I don't mind! I'll respond to all of them!
**shameless bit that I really appreciate likes, comments, reblogs, and asks! please don't be shy to tell me what you think! im catering to you, after all!**
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miffysstash · 6 months
eddsworld | tom/reader SFW alphabet
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Tom is moderately affectionate, he’ll hold your hand in public and will hold you behind closed doors. He doesn’t like PDA in general because he thinks it should only be seen between the both of you.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Tom would like a best friend who’s chill, someone who he can be himself around whether it be a day he’s just not in the mood for anything or he’s just as enthusiastic as the others. The friendship would start with Tom meeting you through the internet on a music blog, eventually talking almost every day to the point you flew to see him.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Tom likes cuddles! He’s more laid-back when it comes to them, for example, he’ll just sit next to you and have you rest your head on his shoulder and just expect you not to question it. Tom almost always has you in his arms, but once in a while on a bad day, if you really ask him, you’ll be able to hold him in return.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Tom actually doesn’t mind at all the idea of settling down with you, before he met you the idea of getting married and living a domestic life didn’t appeal to him whatsoever. His cooking is alright, nothing special (he can make full meals though) but he might need some help to be on top of cleaning.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He would send a text saying ‘It’s over.’ with no other context, and block your number. Expect him to be at the bar more often afterwards as well as drunken phone calls.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Tom’s already committed enough to have asked you to marry him, but he’s in no rush to get married. Not in an ‘oh in case I don’t want this’ kind of way but in an ‘I wanna savor every moment of our marriage journey’ kind of way.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Tom is surprisingly very gentle. He almost always takes your emotions into consideration and never forces you to do anything you don’t want to. If you don’t want to go on a roller coaster with the rest of the group? That’s cool, he’ll wait with you the entire time and get you a candy floss in the meantime. Are you feeling upset that day because of something that happened at work? That’s lame, he’ll verbally assault your boss with you as you lay your head in his lap. 
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Tom’s ok with hugs, he’ll absolutely take them if you offer one but he rarely hugs you by his own accord. He prefers relaxed cuddles, one of his arms wrapping around you while he reads a book in the other. If he does hug you? His hugs are very long, you know something is the matter whenever he hugs you as he only does the warm act when he’s upset or glad to see you. 
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He actually said ‘I love you’ before you had even started dating, in a drunken haze, you both decided to go to the local park late at night after a bar trip. Laughing and joking about your lives, passing each other a bottle as you sat on an open field when all of a sudden Tom blurts out ‘I love you.’ Of course, he told you he was just drunk and said something stupid if you brought it up. Into your relationship, however? He drops the L-bomb once in a while.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
I don’t see Tom getting jealous very often, of course, he has his moments when he sees others staring at you for an inappropriate amount of time but all he does is glare at the person and they’ll be on their way. If they don’t stop staring, he’ll excuse himself from you and approach them himself, telling them off. He also can’t help but be jealous whenever Tord interacts with you, especially if he decides to flirt with you. Tom will pull you away from him and pull you into his room where he can cool down with you in his arms. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses are long but sweet, almost like he never wants to separate from you. His favorite places to kiss you are your lips and your neck, pressing loving trails along the sensitive skin, making you shudder which in turn makes him want to kiss you more. He likes to be kissed on the lips, you standing on your toes just to kiss him (even though he’s the shortest of his friends), he can’t help but chuckle at your prolonged effort. 
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Out of the four, he’s the best with children. He doesn’t get bothered by the screaming and crying whenever you two go out in public so he automatically wins. He can also go along with whatever they say, supporting them in the “adventures” that they tell him about. “Oh yeah, you saw a fairy? Cool kid, let’s go find it.” He doesn’t really care if you both have kids or not, if you want some? Cool. If you don’t? Cool. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Tom is NOT a morning person, so mornings are usually spent in his or your bed. His arms lazily wrapped around you as he softly mumbles in his sleep. You can never tell what he’s saying but the soft ineligible words are soothing and you now can’t fall asleep without them. When he finally wakes up, your morning is kind of like a married couple’s morning where you both get ready together while talking about whatever drifts into your minds. 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights are much different than mornings as Tom contradicts his mornings by being a night owl. They’re super chill as you both can talk for hours as Tom practices a few chords on Susan or you both watch TV while cuddling on the couch. Tom could talk to you for hours, about what? He doesn’t care, especially when you ramble because he can look at you passionately as you talk about something you enjoy/are interested in. 
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Tom doesn’t reveal anything right away, it takes him time to start being open with you and even then it’s very limited during your friendship. He’s very slow with being open but eventually, he’ll start revealing things deep into your romantic relationship, stuff like what happened with his parents and the alcohol intake.  
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Besides with Tord, he’s an incredibly patient person. He’s so used to his friends being crazy and idiots that nothing really bothers him anymore. He rarely gets angry around or with you, except when someone is actively bothering you where he gets more frustrated and annoyed than anything. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He remembers the basic stuff about you like your likes and dislikes, but especially your taste in music. He even makes playlists for you based on your favorites and will listen to them on his own time. BEWARE IF YOU GIVE THIS MAN YOUR SPOTIFY! He saves all your saved playlists to his own and will tease you with them as he plays them outloud in his room. 
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite moment in your relationship was definitely the first time the both of you kissed, he had taken you to an underground concert where one of your favorite indie bands was playing and you two spent the entire night hand in hand while they played up on stage. Eventually, the show ended and you two sat on a bench outside the building and eventually kissed, your arms wrapped around each other as the night air filled with the chirp of crickets and faint sounds of cars rolling by. 
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Tom can be protective when someone is making you uncomfortable, but all he does is pull you away from the situation or tell them off himself in a private setting so you won’t be embarrassed. He’s also protective sometimes around Tord, but will lay off if he leaves the both of you alone. He would think it’s not necessary to protect him as he wouldn’t ever look at somebody else but he can’t help but smile and chuckle if you protect him. 
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He puts in average effort, of course, he makes sure to take you out to do things you like and gets you small things here and there that remind him of you (your apartment is full of little trinkets he’s bought you here and there). On anniversaries, he begrudgingly gets help from the others to make sure he gets everything right. With everyday tasks, he tries to at least help you as much as he can.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Tom’s sometimes too sarcastic for his own good. He has his moments where he can be just as ridiculous as the other three but he’s often off to the side, making sarcastic witty remarks, and sometimes goes too far with you. He doesn’t realize he’s insulting you until he hears from his friends how upset you are in the other room. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He’s not too concerned, he knows what he likes with his checkered shit. He also uses stuff like hair gel and cologne from time to time but mainly cleans up on dates, although he always has a bit of stubble on his chin. 
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
No, he loves you, of course, but Tom doesn’t feel incomplete without you. He doesn’t view it as healthy to rely on you to complete him. When you're married, however, he couldn't imagine life without you. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
A while into your relationship, he’ll let you touch Susan and practice a few chords on her. That’s his sign of total trust and commitment to you. 
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Tom would not like someone who is downright mean and hateful, especially to his friends. He may not act like it, but Tom truly has a big heart. His friends mean the world to him and to see someone who doesn’t respect him throws him off immediately. 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Like I said, Tom is a night owl. He stays up mostly all night whether it be practicing on Susan, watching TV and drinking, or just talking with either his friends or you. When it comes time to sleep, he wraps his arms around you and lays your head on his chest. Sure, he doesn’t need you to fall asleep but you being there makes it a hell-of-a lot easier.
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@tumblingxelian asked me:
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This image is an advertisement for RWBY: Ice Queendom. More specifically, a lottery that was run through the eeo anime store!I looked to see if any of this stuff was still available, but I couldn't find much of it.
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Here's what the raffle prizes were!
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These were the sets you could win them in!
A Prize: RWBY Wall Scroll
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B Prize: Acrylic Figures
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C Prize: Collective Bottles (Bookmarks maybe?)
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D Prize: Acrylic keychains
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E Prize: Acrylic trading cards
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For every five lottery tickets, you'd get one post card (pictured on the lower left). As well, every five tickets would enter you into a second lottery to receive an art board (lower right).
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I tried to take some of these illustrations out, or find them somewhere, but I couldn't (easily). I'll keep my eyes peeled! In the meantime, there was a header image!
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Also, if anyone wants me to look for something or know if I have it, please feel free to leave a comment under my pinned post or send me an ask!
I'd like to work on compiling the RWBY Ice Queendom Cafe menu next!
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prin-does-art · 1 year
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Stucky Comic Snippet Pt 3
Don't even bother, Steve! Hi I'm back, and as you can see I'm not immune to the cliché of someone knocking on the door at just the right time. Sorry to keep you waiting, but here's the disappointing part: this snippet actually just ends here. I started making it as an exercise, to start getting comfortable with drawing digitally, so I just thought of a cool scene in my head that I wanted to see, and made it. I do plan on making some more snippets and comics regarding these two (and also other original characters) that I have a storyline for, only this snippet isn't part if it, or at least I wasn't able to fit it in yet. Thing is, like I mentioned in a previous post, I'm thinking if I should make my style simpler so I can pop more of these out, because it takes me a really long time to make "just 3" of this pages, or if I should just keep it like it is. I know I'm only one person and not a team, but alas, I guess this blog will end up being a series of snippets that I'll do my best to put in chronological order. I even thought of uploading somewhere else for that, but anyway, that's for another time. On the meantime, thank you so much for every single one of you who liked my posts, but especially those who commented or reblogged with their thoughts! I really really appreciate each and every single one of you, and it motivates me to keep doing what I'm doing. If you have any questions, feel free to send me an ask or comment and I'll be happy to answer! Or, you can comment who you think is knocking on the door and why :D Anyway hope you're doing well! 💖
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rmrsbugfacts · 2 months
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I have a bit more free time from work at the moment so I thought I would give internet blogging a go. This blog is called rmrsbugfacts but I probably wont just post facts about bugs , I just used it as a cute title really, and because I like them .
my ask feature is turned on so if you have any questions about me or bugs please don't be afraid to send them in .
For all who care the profile photo is a luna moth I raised in my free time while working in New Orleans :-] !!!!
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I unfortunately had to release it not long after, just because I didn't really have the space for it anymore :-(
enjoy the photo nonetheless :-D
author notes : i got the renfield ask blog idea off of my dear mootie patootie and friend @gerardway-is-my-babygirl so thanks for letting me steal ur bit ^.^ .
things to know about this blog:
the renfield in this blog isn't strict to the film canon (both 31' and 23') ; he is my evil mix of both of those and the book and also my numerous messed up and evil headcanons .
renfield (2023) the film does not exist in this au ; however, the book dracula and all other adaptations do exist, that fact is hilarious to me and so im deciding its true. this blog is set in 2024 , i just say its pre-canon because canon isnt going to happen . this babygirl is serving dracula and is miserable !!!
i wont answer asks immediately if i feel they'll ruin the 'flow' of the blog. im not going to answer any asks about dracula or bug eating or vampires until it comes up (trust me it will). for now this is just robert with a blog about bugs and i promise you i will try and make it interesting in the meantime, before all the murder and vampires.
ive been really thrown around mentally in the last couple of months so hopefully this can just be my silly little relax and doodle renfield blog . regular content isnt really a guarantee tho because life is shit and god hates me for some reason .
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project-bestiary · 1 month
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lil drawing i did as a warm-up to practice drawing these guys again! i’ll get to the asks i currently have soon, and feel free to send in some more in the meantime :D
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cupidspup · 3 months
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I had an anonymous person ask me some questions about pacifiers, how to get then discreetly and stuff so here's my answer!! :D
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Hi! Firstly I wanna say I really admire you asking around for advice and good job for that it's very brave! ໒꒰ྀིᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ꒱ྀི১ I'd like to say that we as the agere community are very focused on educating others but are also known to take care of others in the community and it makes me so happy that you trust me to help educate you! And to everyone who sees this yes, I am more than willing to answer any questions you may have :> this is my personal blog and safe space but I love chatting and I love helping others too! (Just know if it's advice or questions I'll answer when I do have energy :3) As a person whos nuerodivergent and has social/general anxiety i know it can be really hard and scary to do things! anywho! I'm real happy you asked and I'm happy to answer!
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Yes, I do use a pacifier! I actually have a little collection if anyone ever wants to see hehehe૮( ˃ ꒳ ˂)ა anywho! Yes it is genuinely comforting and soothing to me! I usually regress between the ages of 0-6 but usually I'm very very small. I also tend to want a reason to be quiet and just use my random noises when im small too! It also makes me feel better about myself and my self esteem! I think I look cute with it and since I live with my partner/cg/little he thinks it's cute too ૮(˶˃ᆺ˂˶) The feeling of it generally feels full if that makes any sense? Everyone uses pacifiers for their own reasons but these are mine! If you're more of a chewer I definitely recommend getting a teething ring especially the ones with water in it (please be careful!!) It's a lil difficult to puncture a pacifier but not impossible either!
Still relating to pacifiers from above ^ please don't ever let anyone shame you out of having a pacifier or a teething ring or anything really, it hurts to know you have been ૮ ◞ ﻌ ◟ ა if it soothes you and isn't a problem to anyone else then there's absolutely nothing wrong with it and at the end of the day, it's your regression not anyone else's. You don't owe anyone anything ever (of course basic mutual respect but still you know what I mean-) pacifiers and teething rings and such are all your choice! Never let that become someone else's choices for you!!
As for obtaining one!! A lot of places on instagram offer discreet packaging! I can recommend my favorite places to buy if you guys ever want recommendations!! But anywho!! When I was a minor living in an unsafe home I did one of two things: given the money to a trusted person and had them send it to their house or another person's house that I trusted OR bought it and sent it to a safe person's house! Of course I told the person what I was doing and I did it with their permission!! They would give it to me when we saw each other :3 please do not use pacifiers meant for real biological babies though!! They will hurt and possibly damage your teeth! If you do ever resort to that (which is highly not recommended) please use it very minimally, do not fall asleep with it and only use it for absolute emergencies. Same goes for other little gear such as sippy cups!
If you don't have a safe person you can tell and have some sort of situation worked out with them I am very very sorry and there isn't much I can do to help :< but!! What I can do is tell you what I did before I had any little gear! I would typically suck on the knuckle of my index finger! Just yknow, curl my finger and suck on that! Of course please don't do that too hard or bite it was only something to soothe and keep myself satisfied for the meantime! :]
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That is all I can say for now! I hope everything I said cleared up stuff for you and I hope you can get into a better household soon!! I know it can be hard but know that your regression is a sacred thing, protect it and share it with people you trust 🩷 that I'd the best advice I can give you as an adult regressor (who has many regrets 💀)
With that said!
You are loved and you are cared for, you're always welcome on my blog :]
- ꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱ Kewpie
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ele-sme · 1 year
Part two is posted, the next after this post.
Immagine this (canon ATWOW) weeks after the funeral.
Jake was with Tonowari when they heard the shouts, they quickly got to see who was shouting and after pass an ocean of people. They discovered that Lo'ak, Kiri and Spider were the reason for so much confusion.
"You can't!" Lo'ak yelled at the tiny even if older boy, who was full of bad energy and it could be understood from meters away.
"Try me!" The other boy responded back with the same amount of voice.
Quickly Neytiri and Tuk came too.
"What happening?" Neytiri asked, her tone was firm and severe but her eyes were tired and formed from all the tears she had cried in the last weeks.
Jake came closer to his family, putting himself next to his mate, he and his family were facing Spider directly.
"Spider wants to-" Lo'ak tried to tell but was stopped by a sob, Jake just now noticed that both his kids were crying. He turned his gaze to the pink tiny boy who seems to by crying too. He had only his cannula on, which was strange and dangerous.
Neytiri understating that her children were crying because of the human boy hissed at him, which maked him take a foot backwards, but he remained still.
"Your going to cut me, again?" He asked still yelling at her, he was saying it in English, which even if the family didn't notice first helped them later for inventing a excuse.
Neytiri who not aspetcted a respond putted her self as before and retracted the canines.
"Can you please told me what is happening?!" Jake finally asked.
"He wants to go away, the next time Uncle Max and Norm will come, he wants to go away from us dad!" She said, crying and sobbing, she haven't cried like that since she was five and discovered her biological mother wasn't Neytiri.
Jake ears fallen back.
"Why do you want to go away?" He asked to the boy, who in the meantime was removing some tears from his unmasked face.
"I can't stay with you anymore, i can't forgive what you guys have done to me" he yelled with all his voice making Tuk cry.
"What the fuck did we do now?" Lo'ak asked putting himself too close to the other boy.
"You leaved me there, with the fucking RDA" Spider responded.
"What should we have done? Come back for you?d...dying for searching you?"Neytiri asked with a hiss that fallen at the word dying.
"No, I'm not saying this, but you could send someone, anyone. You just gotten away!" He responded, much hate in his voice. Jake couldn't think that the same boy that was talking was the one who maked flower crowns for his kids. Who was this kid?
"We are sorry Spider but the past is past, you need to forget about that" Jake telled, his voice the only calm compared to the others one.
"Do you guys have any idea of what they put me through?" Spider asked, ignoring Jake request.
The family muted, there was only the noise of the waves and people whispering to the others in the background.
"What do you mean" Kiri asked after some time
"They putted me in machines, they hurted me, man they even shoot me in the leg once when i tried to escape, escape to come back to who? No one because you all were here making new friends." His voice now more calm and low but it was sharp. "And just now i discovered that you all think i betrayed you" he continued.
"Spider, your nose" Tuk said, pointing at the boy nose who was losing blood.
Spider touched his skin and thanked the little one.
He walked himself from the family and the clan, two days later when the scientists came he left, without saying goodbye to anyone.
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sleepingdeath-light · 8 months
relationship hcs ; yellow diamond
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requested by ; anonymous (24/04/23)
fandom(s) ; steven universe
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; yellow diamond
outline ; “hey since you did relationship hcs for white diamond could you do some for yellow and blue too :D? (separately) love your works!^^”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
as far as being in an equal relationship goes, yellow diamond is extremely out of her element — she’s used to being in a position of distinct hierarchical authority, and only having one person who she truly sees is on an equal level to herself, and that mentality does cause a lot of conflict early on in your relationship
she takes care of you, of course, and always makes sure that you’re well tended to and have everything you could possibly want or need — making use of her countless colonies and underlings to ensure that this is the case, making sure that you’re worshipped and respected as an authority figure in the same way that she is
but yellow diamond is also quite emotionally distant and dismissive at times because of how busy she is, and unless you express a need for intimacy and affection to her then she’s not going to realise that you feel neglected — but even then it’s incredibly forced and stiff as she’s just not used to being physically or verbally affectionate with you, or anyone, quite yet (just give her some time, she’ll grow to love it)
if anyone dares to disrespect you or offend you in anyway then yellow will be swift to punish them for it — either poofing or outright cracking their gem, or sending them to trial to find a ‘better’ punishment if you’re less fond of execution
she doesn’t use any pet names with you and generally just calls you by your first name (or, maybe, a slightly shortened version of it), but if you insist on calling her a term of endearment then she’d probably prefer something that sounds more formal — think ‘my diamond’ but more affectionate, like ‘my dear’ or ‘my beloved’
she’s terrified of losing you as she did pink, which makes her extremely protective over you — refusing to let you leave her sight (whether that’s in her room on home world, in her palanquin when she’s on a colony, in her ship, etc) and having you accompanied by a large collection of amethyst and jasper guards wherever you go if she’s too busy to physically accompany you herself (she cannot lose another person she cares about; losing you would destroy her)
whenever you’re making a public appearance she makes sure that your outfit is spotless — having her servants dress you in her colours and in clothes that are as practical as they are formal — and that you’re mentally prepared for everything that is expected of you well in advance (memorising dances, practising posture and poses, mastering the perfect acknowledging smile and polite nod, etc.) so that there’s no chance of either of you being looked down upon
you’re the only person aside from pink diamond who has ever been able to make her laugh — and you’re also the only one who gets to see the ‘imperfections’ that she hides from the other diamonds and their subjects, such as her sense of humour and her insecurities about her place in the gem empire
no matter how busy she is, she refuses to move whenever you fall asleep on her — taking her calls wherever she is and working around you, instructing whoever she’s talking with to stay quiet as she doesn’t want to wake you (she thinks you’re so very adorable like that and she doesn’t have the heart to disturb your sleep)
she’d get you your own pearl, or an entire gem entourage, if you asked — making sure that you got only the best cut of each because you deserve only the best — but in the meantime yellow pearl is more than happy to entertain you when her diamond is working, and in fact you’ll likely end up getting along quite well as your relationship with yellow diamond progresses
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egginfroggin · 6 months
Emmet is transported to Hisui.
He became five or six years old.
When he comes back, Ingo learns that he will now become a father.
Extremely late answer, sorry, Anon.
I feel that Arceus would get punched by a very irate Subway Boss in that scenario, I love it.
This has spawned many words in the master document, as my brain has decided to positively gnaw on this idea, and alas, nothing is finished yet, so have a bit of worldbuilding and some drawings in the meantime.
Worldbuilding and close-ups under the cut, and please click on the images for better quality.
And again, thank you so much for the ask, Anon, this was really fun! ^^
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Pencil sketches:
first doodle of the Little Guy
height comparisons to further emphasize the "Little" part of the Little Guy
a) Akari and Rei making the mistake of turning their backs on Emmet for 0.5 seconds as he notices something off-camera b) the twins continuing to talk, oblivious to Emmet's act of absconding c) the twins turning around to talk to their teeny charge d) swift baseball bat of Realization at the Emmet-shaped absence in their immediate vicinity
Pen sketches (part of a page of sketches that were otherwise unrelated, hence the numbering):
3. a very happy lil man, despite the oversized hat 4. he skrungle scribble 5. who's he looking at? who knows
Digital art:
Emmet craves violence. Akari and Rei are used to this (featuring: probably the best expressions I've ever drawn)
he's a bit older now, but still smaller than his evolved starter; Typhlosion can tell his soul is older, but he is physically small, so she abuses his lack of height to shower him in affection
an internal mess of conflicting instincts, thoughts, and emotional maturity, but Arceus's plan is set in motion, and there's nothing Emmet can do about it
Emmet got shrunk on his way to Hisui, due to the Rift's distorted power affecting him on the way out; he lands on Prelude Beach, drowning in his Depot Agent uniform now that he is teeny tiny
Arceus, panicking a little bit, communicates more directly with Emmet, urging him along on his mission
Emmet's memories are messed up, and his conduct is an odd combination of a child and an adult. By which I mean he can be disconcertingly clever and mature, but also the poutiest little guy with a habit of crying
Young age plus being overwhelmed plus stress equals one mute boi; this does not change his penchant for causing Problems
Jubilife is a lot more lenient with him because of how young he is, but Laventon, Cyllene, and Kamado suspect that he isn't supposed to be like this due to how he was found
Emmet is in an awkward position as far as finding living conditions go, being too odd for most parents to want to take in but also much too young to live on his own
Akari and Rei are assigned babysitters. Let the stressing and development of gray hairs commence
Emmet is Perfectly Behaved and causes no Problems at all, of course, why would he? Why would he?
(He bolts for the gates the moment Akari opens the door in the morning) (Ress caught him)
After sending Emmet home, Arceus shortly feels a distinct feeling of being in danger
After finding out that his brother has been shrunk and not fixed, Ingo fixes metaphorical (and perhaps literal) crosshairs on the back of Arceus's head
Arceus may be in danger
Close-ups of the digital art:
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(Program used for the digital sketches: Krita; time taken: about 90 minutes)
Thank you for reading all of this! I hope you have a wonderful, blessed day. :>
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