#I did ask myself. would she bother with falsies. and then I realized it would be funnier if she did. and so it became true
millidew · 4 months
sometimes I forget dabi mha isn’t actually missing patches of hair on his head in a what-could-be-loosely-defined-as-an-edgy-diy-undercut-but-is-really-more-because-of-his-burnt-skin sort of way
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It’s Always Been Me and You: Part 1
You were at your best friend, (c/n)’s house having your weekly sleep over like you two had been doing since you were 13. After soon to be 5 years it had become ritual and it was hard to picture life without him. A few months ago you’d had a slight crush on him, but you seemed to have gotten those feelings under wraps since then.
“… (y/n)? Hello? Earth to (y/n)? Were you even listening?”
“Uhh, yeah. O-of course I was,” you stumble, lying right through your teeth.
“So that’s a no,” he huffed. “Am I that boring that even my own best friend won’t listen to me?”
“You’re not boring you just don’t have the most interesting stories to tell. Literally no one wants to hear a story about some cute girl you saw at the cafe that you didn’t even talk to. That’s like reading a novel where all the main character does is go to school, get good grades and goes home to a perfect family with little to no other human contact.”
“Well, what was I supposed to do?” he shrugged, looking at you confused.
“Talk to her. Tell her you thought she was cute, something.”
“And risk embarrassing myself?”
“Yes,” you breathed out exasperatedly. This guy is completely hopeless. “You know what your problem is? You go about life playing everything so safe. Take a risk every once in a while.“
"And do what?”
“I don’t know. Talk to someone you like or go skinny dipping, but as your best friend I’m requiring you to do something,” you said only half joking. Seriously, if he doesn’t do something with himself soon you think he might die of boredom. You can’t have that, he still owes you for all the times you lied and pretended to be his girlfriend. He can’t die before you cash in.
“Aww, (Y/N) if you wanted me to strip all you have to do is say so, you know that.” he teased, quirking up an eyebrow suggestively causing you to roll your eyes.
“Very funny. If I saw something I hadn’t seen before I’ll throw a dollar at it. You seem to forget we’ve been friends since we were 13. There couldn’t possibly be anything I haven’t seen, especially since the amount of times you walked into my stark naked claiming that’s ‘just what you usually did.’ I still have the nightmares by the way.”
“And you seem to forget exactly how much I changed in the past few years. For starters I don’t do that anymore, sadly for you.” He pouted at you mockingly, his hand coming up to graze the side of your face, resting on the spot where your neck and jaw meet.
"Yes because seeing a guy she’s been friends with forever stark naked is on every girls bucket list. How silly of me to forget,” you aid sarcastically, a small laugh escaping your lips as you flicked his hand away.
“Oh shut up,” he laughs. “You want me, love. It’s okay to admit it,” he teases having nothing else to say.
“Only in your dreams, babe.” You let out a loud laugh and he gives you a soft gaze and a smile.
“Alright. Let’s say I do risk it, what happens then?”
“Well you might just get the girls number.”
“Or get horribly burned. Girls can be cruel when rejecting guys, I’ve seen you do it before,” he countered, recalling your rejecting of other guys in his head. He imagined you saying those things to him and surprisingly it hurt more than he’d thought it would.
“Let’s make a deal. If you can take a risk that I deem worthy within the next month then I’ll do any one thing you want,” You offered, shifting to sit Indian-style. The strap on the tank-top you were wearing falling down. His eyes glanced at it, staying there a beat too long before returning his focus to you.
You had a sneaking suspicion you might end up regretting this deal the second it left your mouth and that mischievous glint in his eye came. Whenever you saw it you know one thing for sure— he was gonna cause some trouble.
“Anything? Anything at all?”
“Anything,” You assured. “So, do we have a deal?” You offered your hand to him and he took it with a smirk.
“Fabulous, so when I make you be my personal maid for 2 months don’t say anything. I might even throw in one of those cute little maid outfits, you’ve got the legs for it,” (c/n) teased. You reached out and shoved him.
“Shut up, you actually have to do it first, so don’t go picking out sizes just yet.”
The next weekend…
“Can you stop being so difficult?” You groaned, letting your head fall in your hands.
(C/n) was proving to be the most difficult person in your life. All you were asking was for him to go with you to this business party your parents were making you go to. He was already staying over your house for the rest of the weekend, so you didn’t see what the big deal was.
“Do you not remember the last time I went with you to one of these things?!” he hollered, throwing his hands in the air. “Let me jog your memory. A guy, hitting on you— me trying to be your protector. Me ending up in the fountain.”
“We were 14, for Christ’s sake! How long are you gonna hold on to that one?” Your eyes widened as you stared at him in awe.
Being this difficult must be painful.
“As long as I live,” he said, flopping down on your bed dramatically. Shaking your head you rolled your eyes for what felt like the 100th time today.
“Fine,” you said while positioning yourself so you were lying next to him, you staring at the ceiling while he looked at you from the corner of his eye. “Leave me there. Alone. With no one to talk to. I guess I’ll have to just have to talk to one of my parents semi interesting good looking 20 year old coworker’s son. I won’t really be paying attention though, I’ll be too busy imagining what he’d be like in bed.”
“You’re still a minor, in case you forgot,” he snapped at you, clenching his jaw as you spoke.
“Only for a little while longer,” you shrugged. “I wonder if he could make me cu-”
“Alright!” He cut you off abruptly. “I’ll go, just no more talk of you sleeping with a 20 year old. I’m still shocked you slept with Blake.” He rolled his eyes hard as he said my ex’s name. Blake was your first real boyfriend, you were together for a year and a half and he was with Monica for a year of that. Needless to say, you weren’t down with being just one of his girlfriends. (C/N) got so mad when you told him about it— you don’t know what he did to Blake, all you know is he never bothered you again and still cowers at the sight of (C/N.)
“Aye, that was a mistake. I didn’t know he had a whole other girlfriend at the time,” you defended, knowing you really didn’t have to. (C/N) understood what happened as well as you did.
“I told you from the jump something was off about that guy,” he started as his voice trailed off and a faint scowl appeared on his face. “He was always too perfect for you.”
“Ouch,” you winced, shifting onto your side to look at him. “Do I not deserve perfect?”
“Hey,” he drawled, turning to match my position so we were now facing each other, only a few inches apart. “I didn’t mean it like that. You deserve every good and beautiful thing in the world. Blake wanted to prove that he was capable of being the guy who deserved you. He never realized that you don’t need someone deserve someone who’s always perfect. You’d be bored out of your mind. You deserve to be loved by someone who’s genuine and means it. You deserve to be happy with someone who’s just as happy, if not more happy with you.” Reaching out, he dragged a finger lazily behind you ear and down your jaw where he caressed the skin.
“You deserve to be desired and wanted and loved.”
Your lips parted slightly as he finished his mini speech. What on earth were you supposed to say to that? Maybe you could’ve come up with a proper response if he wasn’t look at you like that. You didn’t know how to describe it, but what you did know is that it made your whole body heat up. The air around the two of you got hotter as the seconds went by.
Not sure what else to do, you laugh nervously, grabbing his hand from your face and holding it in your own. “Someone’s been doing their lit homework.” You swallowed hard. “We should uh… we should go let my folks know that you’re coming with us.”
He nodded his head, still not taking his eyes off you— clearly lost in whatever tension was in the air between you two.
You sat up on the bed, pulling him up with you, letting go of his hand that felt uncharacteristically warmer than usual.
Next day…
“Can you hurry up please? Your parents are waiting for us in the car,” (C/N) called out to you through the bathroom door. You were applying lipstick as he spoke and you rolled your eyes. “Jesus, (Y/N), wha-“
He had every intention of asking you what you were doing that was taking so long, but when you opened the door, the words died on his tongue and his jaw dropped as he took you in.
The dress was all black and sleeveless. The collar coming all the way to the base of your neck. It hugged you in all the right places, accentuating your small waist. His eyes trailed down your stunning legs to see you had on a pair of simple black pumps. Looking up at your face he saw that your hair was pinned up beautifully with a few pieces of hair falling in front of your face. You had on a minimal makeup since you didn’t feel like having to worry about maintaining a full face. Just a light coverage foundation, liner, falsies and highlighter. You also had on a striking red lipstick that caught his eye almost immediately.
“Wow, um..” His hand shot up to rub the back of his neck as he looked you up and down again, still reeling over the sight of you. “You- you look amazing.”
“You don’t clean up too bad either,” you joked, reaching out to fix the collar of his shirt. He had on a crisp white button down and black slacks, looking very polished and put together. You had to admit, it was a very sexy look for him, although something was slightly off. Eyeing him closely your thought you might know something to help. You undid his top button and his hand came up to cover yours.
“Wha-what are you doing?” He stuttered, looking at you with a bit of panic in his eyes.
“The top button makes you look stuffy. Unbuttoned you look more… relaxed,” you explained. “More…” you searched your brain for the right word. “Sexy.” Your fingertips lightly grazed the now exposed skin unconsciously. It took a moment for him to comprehend what you were saying— your light touch distracting him but, the second it did sink in a smirk appeared on his face.
“You think I look sexy?” He teased, taking the hand he was covering and using it to pull you up against him. His free arm wrapped itself around your waist. You shook your head and laughed lightly, trying to calm your heartbeat. This was the type of stuff that made you start to like him before. The boy was such a goddamn tease— the worst part was that you loved it.
“Ha ha,” you drawled. “You’re really funny y’know that?” You patted his chest and pushed him back, needing the cloudiness you were starting to feel to go away. “C’mon, hot stuff. We’ve got a party to go to.”
You moved around him, reaching into your closet to pull out your floor length beige trench coat before putting it on and tying the belt on it snug. From the corner of your eye you saw him put on his black overcoat and gray scarf.
Turning to you he offered his arm to you. “Shall we m’lady?”
Slinging your arm into his you smiled at him. “We shall.”
“Y/N! Oh my gosh, hey!” An all too familiar voice shrieked. You tensed as you internally groaned, turning at the sound of her heels clicking on the floor coming towards you rapidly.
You were dragged into a suffocating hug with the girl and it took everything in you not to roll your eyes.
“Hello, Jacqueline,” you said, plastering on a fake smile as you pulled back. Jacqueline was the daughter of your parents boss, meaning that no matter how irritating you found her you still had to play nice. It wasn’t anything personal, she was just extremely spoiled and whenever you were around her it felt like she was bossing you around. “How are you?”
“Absolutely splendid!” She gushed. “Mother just bought me these…”
Her words started to sound fuzzy as you quickly tuned her out. You’d become a master at hold a conversation where you didn’t know or care about what was going on. That girl can talk for hours. She doesn’t really need a response. She just loves to hear herself talk.
You found yourself wondering where (C/N) was. He said he was going to the bathroom a few minutes ago, but now he was no where to be seen.
You let your eyes wander briefly before finding him talking to a girl, you think her name is Lilith. You didn’t know her too well just yet since she was new to coming to these events, but she was 17 like you and absolutely gorgeous. She was wearing a simple white dress that flared out at the waist. She had a body that any man— or woman for that matter would kill to get their hands on. More importantly she was smiling at (C/N) hard. She laughed at something he said and let her hand “casually” fall on his arm.
(C/N) looked just as amused and entertained by her as she did by him. Something about watching the two of them together made you picture them as a proper couple and you felt your heart sink.
You must’ve been frowning because Jacqueline snapped her fingers in front of your face, drawing your attention to her.
“(Y/N)? Have you been listening to me? Do you want to go get something to drink?”
“Oh uh,” you shook your head, as if clearing away your thoughts, “sure.”
She promptly wrapped her hand around your wrist and dragged you to the bar where (C/N) and Lilith were standing. The bartender asked you what you wanted and Jacqueline ordered a glass of champagne while you stuck with a Shirley Temple. You’re a light weight when it comes to alcohol, so unless you wanted your parents to see their daughter cut loose while intoxicated, you were gonna steer clear of the alcohol tonight.
“How ‘bout you handsome?” Jacqueline flirted, placing a hand delicately on (C/N)’s shoulder. Finally turning around he saw Jacqueline and removed her hand before he saw you and smiled.
“There you are, love, I was wondering where you were.” He watched as the bartender placed a glass of champagne in front of Jacqueline who took it and left, clearly not liking the response she’d gotten from (C/N). The bartender placed your drink in front of you and (C/N) quirked an eyebrow. “You’re drinking tonight? With your parents here?”
“Of course not, it’s a Shirley Temple. Do I look like I belong in a crazy house?” You asked absurdly.
“Too bad, I was looking forward to seeing you get on the bar and start dancing.” He grinned down at you.
“Sorry to disappoint.” You rolled your eyes as he bumped his hip with yours.
“Oh by the way,” he started, putting his hand at the small of your back to push you forward. You came face to face with Lilith, who was watching you and (C/N) curiously. “This is Lilith. She said the two of you hadn’t really met so, I figured I should help change that.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” she said pleasantly, offering a hand to you. God, even her voice was gorgeous.
“Likewise,” you said politely, giving her a slight smile and shaking her hand, although you doubt she noticed. She was too busy watching (C/N) talk to the bartender about who knows what. You felt a spark of anger in your stomach as you quickly dropped her hand. “Well I didn’t mean to intrude on your evening-“
“Oh you didn’t!” She exclaimed. “I was just talking to (C/N) most of the night. Sorry if I seem a bit distracted. Are the two of you close?”
“Who? Me and Jacqueline?” You scrunched up your nose at the thought.
Laughing, she shook her head at you. “No, I mean you and (C/N), you two seem awfully comfortable with each other.”
“Oh, well we’ve been friends for about 5 years now. He’s my best friend, I don’t know what I’d do without him,” you said honestly. A small smile appearing on your face as you spoke.
“That so sweet,” she beamed as you took a sip of your drink. “This might seem a bit forward, but does he have a girlfriend?”
You choked on your drink as the words left her mouth. “I’m sorry- what?”
“Oh c’mon,” she begged. “You’re his best friend, you have to know if he’s seeing anyone.”
“If you want to know if he’s single so badly then ask him,” you snipped at her like it was obvious. Clenching your jaw, your body tensed up as you tried desperately to keep anything rude or snarky from leaving your lips.
“Please,” she grabbed your hand and took it in both of her. “I’d be mortified if I asked him that and he said he had one. I know he’s your friend and all, but please. Help me out here?”
You looked at her and she was giving you puppy dog eyes. For a brief second you weren’t upset that she wanted (C/N), you were upset that she didn’t want you. She’s gorgeous and clearly willing to put in effort.
You got rid of that thought as quickly as it came before you sighed. “He’s very single at the moment.”
She let out a squeal before mouthing the words thank you and giving you a big hug. She then promptly left to go talk to (C/N) again. You watched for a moment and saw that he was putting his number in her phone and vice versa. That’s when you decided you’d had quite enough of tonight and wanted to go home. You ended up sitting with Jacqueline for the rest of the night listening to her talk about some guy who accidentally spilled his drink and it almost got on her new designer shoes and handbag. You watched Lilith and (C/N) talk and laugh and felt a deep sense of sadness in the pit of your stomach.
You’d been a bit off for the past few days and it didn’t go unnoticed by (C/N), who tried to figure out what was wrong, but ultimately decided that you would come to him when you were ready.
“How long are you gonna be mad at this poor guy? He’s been walking around like a lost puppy for the past few days,” your friend Angel asked you, laughing as she took a sip of her water bottle. The two of you were sitting in the library during your lunch period. You were supposed to be studying but that quickly turned into talking about anything but academics.
“I’m not mad at him,” you argued. You honestly weren’t. You just couldn’t shake the feeling you’d had since the party. Being around him was weird at the moment since you didn’t know what it was nor how to get rid of it.
“Then can you tell that to him? He’s super out of wack.” You laughed lightly and shook your head. “Y’know I actually think that he likes you.”
“As if.” You ignored the little spur of hope that gathered in your chest.
“I’m serious!” Angel said, holding her hands up in innocence as you shot her a look tell her to stop. “Believe what you want, girlie. I think the boy has it bad for you.”
“If he has it bad for me then why did he get a girl’s number at my parents business party on Saturday,” you snapped back at her. She looked taken aback for a second before a look of realization dawned on her.
“You like him,” she whispered excitedly. “That’s why you’re avoiding him, because you’re jealous.”
“I am not jealous and I don’t like him,” you hissed at her, trying your best to defend yourself. But honestly hearing her say exactly what you were thinking was a tough pill to swallow.
“Whatever you say, Doll.” She winked at you and returned her attention to her book. Letting out a frustrated sigh, you did the same, knowing there was no talking her out of this. Also knowing that she was entirely right.
So much for getting control of that little crush.
“What do you mean I can’t come over?” You asked (C/N) through the phone. You’d texted him letting him know that you had packed you bag for the weekend and we’re gonna shower and be over in half an hour. You were prepared to get over yourself and your feelings for the sake of your friendship with him.
He was way too important to you for you to lose him over a silly crush.
“I’m sorry, love. But Lilith wants to come over and see me and I don’t think it’s a good look if she sees that you stay the night at my house every other weekend. Besides, I…” his voice trailed off and got quiet. “I don’t know, I just don’t think it’s a good idea.”
“So I can’t come over because you wanna boo love with your new girlfriend?” You said sarcastically through the phone.
“Hey, that’s not fair. You know it’s not like that. What are you so mad about anyways? Can’t you just do something else this weekend?” He offered and it only infuriated you further.
“I didn’t want to do anything else this weekend. Weekends are our thing. They have been for 5 years. I’ve never made plans on a weekend that didn’t involve you. Hell, not even when I had a boyfriend!”
“I don’t know what you expect me to do here, (Y/N)! Lilith wants to come over and you can’t be here when she does. Weren’t you the one telling me to live a little? What? Now that I’m trying to, you’re mad at me?” He seethed at you and before you could even open your mouth to respond he was speaking again. “God, you’re so clingy.”
You were gonna back down. You were gonna apologize. You were gonna cool off. Then this bastard went and called you clingy.
“I’m clingy?!” You hollered, now on your feet, pacing the length of your room.
“Yes! Always hanging around me—attached to my leg like a toddler. Can you just grow up and get a life of your own already? God, I don’t even know why I’m friends with you, anymore.” He huffed angrily.
You held your breath, mouth hung open. “You don’t know why you’re friends with me anymore?” Your voice was calm and level compared to the yelling you were just doing. You didn’t sound angry or upset. You sounded calm, cool and collected. The drastic change of tone made his blood go cold, realizing just how badly he messed up.
The line was silent for a minute. He didn’t dare to even breathe out of fear of making this worse.
“Have fun with Lilith, (C/N).”
You ended the call.
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