#I didn't even max out her height like she could have been BIGGER
vvitchering · 2 years
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I just started playing ffxiv this week and I still have no idea what I'm doing but I keep playing because I finally found a game that has a character creator that allowed me to make and play as the huge buff woman of my dreams 👌
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mushroom-for-art · 1 year
I should be writing shadow au oops, I'm sorry I am working on it slowly but these guys possessed me I wanted Syn to menace May and them chat about aus my brain is bouncing around XD enjoy! (Syn belongs to @seasidemew)
More multiverse shenanigans
May should've been working. May HAD been working, until the larger mewtwo decided to descend upon her. She could feel the warmth of his chest on her back as he leant over and into her body, arms wrapped around her his tail lightly hitting the floor as he purred quietly.
"Can I help you Syn?" She asked slightly amused by this sudden affection but also it was rather inconvenient.
"Mm…" He hummed softly, "No, I'm just glad you're so small and cuddly here." She sighed softly, feeling him give her a little squeeze like she was some plush teddiursa.
"Which world did you find out about then? Perfect or Poached?" She asked simply already aware of the many vast variations of herself and knowing those were the most recent and the only ones so far that played with her height. His tail stopped lightly thumping.
"What's poached.." She could tell by his tone he didn't know what it was and felt a bit of panic settle in.
"...oh you know..like with eggs…" May deflected keeping her eyes on the very interesting tiles on the floor.
"May. What happens in Poached." Syns arms shifted subtly to more restrain her preventing her from trying to duck or wiggle away but still remaining quite cuddly. She made a bit of a whine bringing a hand to cover her mouth as she mumbled.
"Ikindamaybegetcaughtinadarkball," she mumbles unintelligibly into her palm, his weight leans down more into her making her exhale softly in an oof.
"Careful big fella I can't support your whole weight!"
"Well I can't hear you when you're mumbling so I gotta lean closer," more of his weight presses down and she makes a slightly panicked 'ack' in response to his antics as he simply chuckled.
"Who the hell let you watch lilo and stitch alright give give a bit I can't talk like this," his weight lessens on her back as she sighs exaggeratedly before awkwardly fiddling with her hands.
"I get caught by poachers, caught in a dark ball..hence the name.."
"A, dark ball?" She audibly sucked air through her teeth at his question, hesitating on telling him.
"it's uh..type of pokeball poachers use…Darkness says the technology used is quite impressive actually, has a similar function to a master ball can capture any Pokemon instantly," she felt his weight shift, "hey I'm getting there!"
"You're stalling," His voice was a playful singsong.
"I know I'm stalling!" She emptily shouted back, "it's, not fun to talk about," her voice awkwardly quietened and she felt his weight lessen and heard a soft apology, she sighed, "the dark ball…it can enhance a pokemons original ability bringing it to it's highest possible level augmenting them to be even better than they were originally.."
"Why would that make you bigger?"
"Because I'm, not," she struggled for words, "apparently I have potential and I was meant to be tall and powerful and the dark ball artificial unlocks and forces that version of me into my most powerful state.." She didn't want to talk about the how it did that though. She felt him gently squeezing her body again but more as a hug.
He hung his head down a little besides her eyes screwed tight and she gently put her hand to his head rubbing the side of it comfortingly as he experienced new memories from across the multiverse.
"You're, yea, I see it, you're brutal.." He mumbles a bit as the new memory of the fighting ring enters her head.
"I guess so…guess being forced to max level does that..sorry about knocking you about so much." Memories of a fight began to form in both their heads as the new world grew and they became aware of it.
"Oh it's fine, it's kinda hot actually you're efficient," He chuckles, lifting his head up a bit to smirk at her playfully moving to gently bonk his head against hers to which she made a mock 'ow'.
"How come you hesitate on landing the match ending blow?" He furrows his brows at his memory.
"Because I don't want to hurt another mewtwo, not really, guess seeing your bloody bruised face was enough to get past the dark balls influence. Must have a thing for bloodied up pretty boys. Well gives you enough time to strike and then kick my ass." She laughed softly as he guiltily chuckled.
"Yeah I'm sorry, I really saw an opportunity and took it."
"Hey we were in a fight, i'd rather you won especially with your history." He hums above her gently squeezing her again.
"You, escape all that right? I don't recall seeing you again."
"Yea, I get out.. Thanks for asking, nice to know you care." He chuckled softly.
"I can care a bit!" She laughed a squeal as he squeezed her again, picking her up a bit before putting her down as he sighed softly in guilt, "I, actually learnt about the other one, Perfect was it? I'm, sorry for how I act there..I hear you saying you don't want to fight. I can see you dodging and avoiding fighting back and." He signed again, "all I can think about is how good it'll feel and how loud the audience will cheer when I take down such a big powerful opponent." She felt him squeeze her in guilt and moved her hand again to carefully hold the side of his face.
"Hey..its okay I get it I understand why, maybe I don't understand there at first but here I understand and I've hit you pretty hard and brutally before myself, I can't hold a grudge."
"You always fight like that to protect others or as a last ditch self preservation thing, it's not the same."
"What would've happened had you lost?" He went quiet in thought, turning his head away at the new suggested memories of losing and the fall out of it.
May was quiet as her hand moved once more to hold his face as he pressed into her touch knowing without him having to say that it would've been bad and although he did it for himself there was also a level of survival to it. She felt him purr softly against her hand.
"Feeling better now huh?" He hummed softly against her, "can I get back to work now ya great lug? I can feel something hard and pointy jabbing into me and I hope its that crystal." He howled an abrupt startled laugh at her joke moving instead to scoop her up into his arms ignoring her protesting.
"Oh no I think I'm going to steal you away for myself for a bit actually," He turned his head towards the general direction of the kitchen, "I'm stealing May for a bit, deal with it!" before turning to carry her out the restaurant leaving the owner quite confused.
"You put me down, this is kidnapping!" She couldn't hide the excited giggling in her tone as he carried her away.
"I just figured we should get some privacy if I'm gonna jab you with something hard and pointy." She squeal laughed into her hands as he carried her away kicking her feet in too much energy as his tail wagged behind him chuckling at her joy.
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honhonluigi · 3 years
Didn't get to ask this before, but... Welcome back! How was your trip?
Thanks! My trip...was a fucking rollercoaster. I had no clue it could be so damn freezing in the desert in late April, but now I know. I flew to Utah in the US to visit my sister. We took my parents and her boyfriend and bounced around some national and state parks there. I did Angel’s Landing at Zion, hiked around some Hoodoo formations at Bryce Canyon, saw the Arches, went to places like Dead Horse Point. Hiked a slot canyon in Capitol Reef. Drove through and camped in Monument Valley during a dust storm. Then we rounded it out with a trip to South Rim of the Grand Canyon (North Rim was closed for the winter) where we did a small section of the Rim Trail until my dad hurt his leg and we had to catch a bus back. 
Like I said, the trip was a god damn rollercoaster. There were times when really good things happened, vs. when really bad things happened. 
I loved all the sights that I saw. It was absolutely gorgeous out there. I got a really interesting book about every known death in the Grand Canyon. I saw a ton of different kinds of wildlife and plants and that was super interesting. 
But, for the most part...I hate driving and it was a road trip. I was pretty much stuck in a car upwards of 4 hours every single day and it fucking sucked. I love camping, but I’m not big on road trips. We did more driving than camping, so that bummed me out. Because of all the driving, we didn’t do nearly as much hiking as I wanted. Like...3 hikes overall maybe? I really wanted to push my physical strength to the point of collapse on this trip but instead I just sat in a car the whole time, driving to various overlooks. Angel’s Landing was the best part, because it was incredibly challenging both physically and mentally. (It’s a long free-climb up the ridge of a huge sheer, narrow rock cliff and I’m deathly terrified of heights. Seriously. If you doubt how horrifying this hike is, look it up on youtube or google images.) That was hands-down the best part of the trip, because I love a challenge. And we hiked one long but not challenging trail in Bryce Canyon. But other than that, it was nothing. I really love hiking and physical activity outdoors. I’ve been stuck inside all winter and I was looking forward to letting out my pent-up energy. But I didn’t get to. 
Not to mention, my sister pretty much ignored me and talked to her boyfriend the whole time, so I was really lonely. Plus, as I said, it was freezing fucking cold all the time. I know “desert is hot in the day and cold at night” and shit, but it wasn’t even warm during the day. It got up to 50 degrees. That was it. And at night it was below freezing. Which to people who are bigger than 5′2″ and weigh more than 86-90 lbs max I’m sure that sounds like pleasant hiking weather, but I have the physique of a chicken bone and I was fucking freezing the whole time. So even in the hikes we did, I couldn’t enjoy myself because it was too cold. Especially because the 50 degree high was at 3-5 PM, and we started our hikes at like...7 AM. So it was still cold. Either I was too freezing to have fun, or I was waddling around in three giant coats, which also wasn’t fun. We had to wake up at 4 AM one morning, and then at like 6 AM every day after. I was used to going to bed at 4 AM so that hit me hard, plus I have insomnia, and both my parents snore really loud. Plus like I said, in one place we camped, the area was hit by a dust storm and all I could do was sit in the parked van from 5 PM to bedtime. That was super boring. Also, my stupid mother insisted that we pack only five outfits for 10 days, but then wouldn’t let us do laundry while there. And she insisted that I pack summery clothes, so I had two emergency pairs of warm pants and guess what I had to wear for 10 days straight? Yuck. I was dirty and disgusting literally the entire time and I hated it. I mean, I can hack it. I’ve been in the wilderness before. But that doesn’t mean I enjoy wearing the same sweaty, dusty pants for 5 days in a row. Then my sister decided to split off early from us and do Bright Angel Trail in GC, but told us that we shouldn’t follow her because we would slow her down. (We still weren’t accustomed to the high elevation yet and got out of breath super easy) So we didn’t. Even though I really wanted to hike into the GC and check out Phantom Ranch or Hermit Camp (which is a different trail but point being, I wanted to hike in the Grand Canyon!!) So instead my parents and I did Rim Trail, which is beautiful, but is flat and mostly paved, and that’s incredibly boring terrain for an experienced hiker looking for a challenge. Then we had to cut it off early because my dad hurt his leg. And in two of the places we camped, on freezing nights, my sister said we “didn’t have time” to make a fire. Which is a really nice way to raise morale and relax after a fucking freezing day of hiking. Then I would go to sleep in the back of the van in a tiny sleeping bag every night, and wake up shivering cold several times in the night because of the freezing temperatures. 
So...as you can see. A huge rollercoaster. I was constantly bombarded with beautiful, amazing scenery and unique wildlife. The sights I saw and places I went were monumental. But every circumstance surrounding those sights was horribly unpleasant and disappointing and almost ruined it for me. Plus I got super fucking sick on the plane rides there and back. 
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