#hannah plays ffxiv
vvitchering · 2 years
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I just started playing ffxiv this week and I still have no idea what I'm doing but I keep playing because I finally found a game that has a character creator that allowed me to make and play as the huge buff woman of my dreams 👌
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astrxealis · 2 years
okay i lied i'm not going to sleep Yet
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plantb0t · 2 years
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So anyways If you've been wondering what I've been doing for the past few days.
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jamesfalt · 3 years
jul 18, 2020
me, deadpan: who woulda thought that a girl like me....would double as a super staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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hollowtones · 4 years
hey i just had a dream where you got a 2000 viewer raid and started crying on stream :(
I had a dream they remade FFXIV again to look & play like RuneScape and they added a plot-critical character who was a talking cow. It only spoke in French because of a localization bug. My friends Penny and Hannah were in shout chat in some area arguing about soup recipes. 
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hanajimasama · 4 years
20 Question Tag
Tagged by the ever amazing Wife of Cracker. @one-piece-dumpster-fire
Tagging @basilisa-scorpii @eireduchess
1. What do you prefer to be called name wise?
So many people (online friends and the 1 person I know in person that called me it at work once XD) call me Pumpkin now, which is cool. I am a Pumpkin. Hana is fine too (since thats my name well Hannah is the correct spelling but eh)
2. When is your birthday?
Halloween! I wish aha. I’m a cryptid I don’t have birthday.
3. Where do you live?
England -unenthusiastic cheer-
4. Three things you are doing right now.
Listening to the Final Fantasy Distant Worlds CDs, Thinking about more FF fluff I could write and about to carry on playing FFXIV (this is my life)
5. Four fandoms that have really quipped your interest
One Piece, Final Fantasy, The magnificent  7 (2016), Pokemon.
6. How’s the pandemic been treating you?
Eh okay. I’ve lost so many days to Animal Crossing and Final Fantasy. But I’ve been holed up in my room for like most it. 
7. What’s a song you can’t stop listening to?
Answers - FFXIV Heavensward
A Place to Call home - FFIX 
Dragonsong - FFXIV Heavensward
I am so hooked on these songs. Final Fantasy just have such a beautiful OST T^T
8. Recommend a movie.
That’s tough. Theres so many I love watching. I’ll recommend Pan Labyrinth becuase it’s so spooky and cool! Also Brotherhood of the wolf. SHIN GODZILLA.
9 & 10. How old are you? School/Occupation/other?
A Fossil. aha i’m 30 ;__; what happened to my 20′s? WHERE DID THEY GO?! I work in retail, which is soul destroying XD I’m trying to make hats/bonnets but I need to sew and not make  a mess of things. 
11. Do you prefer hot or cold?
Neither. Hot kills me. Cold is only good if I’m inside and I’m cocooned in blankets. Autumn is good. Not too hot not too cold.
12. Name one fact about you that others may not know
Erm. I used to do gymnastics? I’m currently learning Japanese?
13. Are you shy?
Yes? Anxious af around new people.
14. Preferred Pronouns
15. Any pet peeves?
Nail biting. 
‘But they’re family’ as an excuse to forgive someone for being jerks. 
When people borrow things and don’t look after it! 
16. What’s your favorite ‘dere ’ type?
Croco-dere.. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ I just like my sand husand okay.
17. Rate your life
7..could be worse. Could be better.
18 & 19 What’s your main blog? Side blogs?
This is my main: Hello. My side blog is SandPumpkin which is for all my OP stuff since I actually started to write for it and stuff. So just to keep some things seperate.
20. Is there anything people need to know about you before getting to know you?
I am horribly awkward and nervous. I’m bad at keeping conversations going!
I am here if anyone needs me though :)
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The Secret of Shadow Ranch Game VS Book
Howdy folks!
I’ve decided to check the differences between the book and the game. I had no internet yesterday and I was bored. Fortunately this was kinda fun.
I’ve got two pages of differences so stick your heels down and settle in your saddles, it’s gonna be a long one.
I would say spoilers but the games kinda old and the book is ancient so i really don’t think there are spoilers at this point. Also it’s not in perfect order because from going back and forth from book and game. This isn’t a criticism of the game just a note of the differences.
It’s a lot and if it’s hard to read don’t be afraid to ask about parts
Bess and George arrived a week before Nancy in the book. In game they arrived after she did
Shorty’s last name is Steele in the book not Thurmond(like in game)
Uncle Ed and Aunt Bet got the ranch as repayment for a debt(two months prior). In game they simply sold the store they owned and brought the ranch(three months prior). Both were shopkeepers before though
When Nancy arrived in game Dave Gregory took her to the ranch on horseback. However in book, Nancy rented a car that overheated and Dave came out to fix it. The girls were guided to Shadow Ranch in car by Dave also in car. It was seriously hot and there was a sandstorm, also Shadow Ranch is practically two hours from the airport in Phoenix. The cars were used to get around multiple times afterward.
Sabotage in Game: Possible unmentioned things(?) - Rattlesnake bite- Water Pump explosion- electricity
Sabotage in Book:-Unnamed sabotage-windmills-trashed house and missing dog-missing palominos- electricity and water pump wrecked
There were also other acts of sabotage but the horse wasn’t “apart” of them. That sounds confusing but it makes sense in context.
Uncle Ed and Aunt Bet were present throughout the book. Absent in game due to Rattlesnake bite
In the book the rattle of a rattlesnake was dropped into Nancy’s knitting bag with a warning to leave Shadow Ranch alone. Which she ignored.
Also she was trying to knit a sweater for her dad during the course of the mystery. in the game there is no in progress sweater. Side note: the sweater was meant as a birthday present but in a later book when they had a birthday party for Carson(first in a while apparently) she didn’t even give him the sweater.
Hannah actually answers when Nancy calls her in book.
Like half of the cast for the mystery
Alice Regor- Bess and George’s little cousin
Ross Regor-Alice’s father and the cousin’s uncle. Artist and bank president
Bud Moore-Young hot cowboy who dated Bess during the mystery
Mrs.Thurmond-The real cook of Shadow Ranch(not Shorty)
Walt Sanders- The real foreman of Shadow Ranch
Tex Britten- Young hot red-haired cowboy. Very unlike in game Tex. No sister. Dated George instead of Mary.
Dave Gregory- Young hot cowboy(same obviously). Much more hostile to Nancy. Not shy and bashful. Isn’t nice to Nancy until much later. He’d thought she’d interfere with his finding the treasure but realized she wouldn’t. Was a total dick. Not Cowboy/Southern Charm. From New York so that check out.He’s sweet for the rest of the book.
Apache Chief- The handsome guard dog of the Rawleys’. Usually called Chief.He’s a large black german shepherd and a very good boy. Chases after the phantom horse and goes missing for a bit. Returns and helps solve the mystery.
Al Diamond- Boss of the Bank Robbers. Real Mastermind.
Sid Brice- Accomplice of Diamond and Shorty Steele.
Shorty Steele- regular cowboy and dumbass accomplice planted at Shadow Ranch to get rid of the Rawleys
Mary Deer- A young shopkeeper that literally tells everyone about the Valentine Treasure. Set the bad guys on their hunt unknowingly
Sheriff Curtis- Just Sheriff Hernandez with a different name
The game cut out a subplot mystery involving Uncle Ross Regor. Six months before Ross Regor went to the bank to get some papers he needed to work on. Unfortunately he came during the robbery and the bank president was kidnapped by the robbers so that they would not be identified. He falls under suspicion because other robbers disappeared and it made it look like he was one of them. He wasn’t. Nancy and the three cousins found him starved but alive near Dirk Valentine’s treasure.
Mary Yazzie doesn’t believe in the Valentine treasure. Mary Deer does.
In book Shorty left canteens empty and could not be trusted to fill them. In the game he mostly was.
The final encounter with the criminals stands in a similar rock formation/hide-out sorta deal but instead Diamond threatens to blow up Nancy, the cousins, Uncle Ross, and the treasure. It’s too late to keep it so he decides to destroy it. Nancy stalls for time until Dave saves them
The final encounter in game is pretty much just Nancy tricking Shorty into falling through a hole. Then she steals the phantom horse and rides off.
The girls go to a barbecue and square dance with the handsome cowboys. There she announces she found the treasure. Unfortunately, Game Nancy doesn’t get to square dance.
 In the book Dave is a direct descendant of Frances Humber Dale. Sheriff Humber intercepted a letter from Dirk to Frances and learned of a meeting spot of the lovers. He went and hid with his gun. Dirk arrived and was subsequently shot and killed by the Sheriff. He went home and told Frances as she was lighting an oil lamp. After hearing that her lover was killed she fainted; Frances then had become extremely ill. When she got a bit better her father sent her to Buffalo, NY to fully recover. She continued to stay with relatives after fully recovering. She married a man called Mr.Dale and had two children with him before dying at a young age. Later Dave and his family moved from Buffalo to Phoenix and heard of the treasure. Hearing of Frances’ descendants, an old friend of her’s sent Dave some of Frances’ things. It’s pretty likely that Frances never fully knew what belonged to her and her heirs. Dave Gregory’s father died and left him to take care of his younger brother and sister. Dave didn’t have enough money to raise and pay for their education. He began to work at Shadow Ranch to earn some money until he found the treasure.
In the game Dave is only distantly related to Frances Humber. His great Aunt was her cousin. Frances left Shadow Ranch in perfect health and taught in Ohio before dying. She never found love again and never went for the treasure. Dave’s brother is dead broke and sick so he needs the money to help him out. Instead of being shot by the sheriff, Dirk was captured and hanged.
There is a horse named Choo-Choo in the book. The others went unnamed but the fact that Choo-Choo wasn’t mentioned is a crime.
Bob, Tillie, Frank, Dandy, Cookie, Clyde, Don, Pako, Zeke, and Ace are to horses in game.
Fun fact Dave refers to Nancy as “cookie” in the book. But like in the cooking sense
In game Nancy had a steady back home but in the book she didn’t. However there is a set of “Miss prints” that were published that mention Ned even though he is first introduced 2 books later. Somehow Nancy knows he’s in Europe.
In the game the ranch lost water and electricity separately. In book, it happened at the same time. They did try to break the water pump separately but were caught and couldn’t finish. So they ran and cut the electricity; Effectively cutting both water and power. The spring house used electricity.
Nancy makes sure to check her girth/cinch before getting on a horse. In the game we had to make her so she didn’t end up upside down.
The phantom horse usually arrived seconds after a special whistle by Dirk as it had done so in life. In game the horse just appeared.
Shadow Ranch is near Tumbleweed. No town is mentioned in game but Mary Deer’s shop is located there.
The cake in game was a recipe from Shadow Ranch. In book it was Nancy’s own recipe. Also it’s chocolate.
Phosphorescent powder was used on a white horse in game. In the book the criminals used phosphorescent paint on filmy Japanese silk on a black stallion to create their phantom.
In the book Dave talks to the Rawleys and offers to split the treasure with them once he finds it. Uncle Ed and Aunt Bet refuse to take any of the treasure but thank him for telling them. He offers some to Nancy and she also refuses. In the game the Rawleys split it with Dave.
The treasure in game is entirely heart-shaped gold pieces. In the book the treasure included the heart-shaped pieces with bank notes and jewels. The gold is handed over to the state government but he does get money from the bank notes and jewels for him and his siblings.
The “green bottle in the cellar” wasn’t found by the cellar in the book. As mentioned above, Frances had found the bottle and the letter. When she went to read it her father told her about killing Dirk. Because she fell ill so soon after she couldn’t continue the hunt. In game, she didn’t want to find it anymore so she gave the hunt to Dave’s aunt. Who then gave the hunt to Dave.
In game Nancy discovered the phosphorescent powder when her gloves started to glow. In the book, the dog started glowing. After biting the horse, the paint stained his teeth. This was discovered when “floating phantom specks” where found in the living room. Poor Chief was just trying to play with his ball in peace and accidentally scared everyone.
Tex doesn’t have a sister. However he does have a 15 year old brother named Jack who went on a date with Alice Regor.
Obviously the Hardy Boys weren’t involved at all.
Sure there are a bunch of things in common. All of the clues are more or less the same. The book features some incidents that were caused by nature. Also features less annoying puzzles. Anyway, this was fun and tiring. I’m gonna go play FFXIV. I will do one for Secret of the Old Clock but that will take me a bit because the game is based off of four books and not just one.
I know there’s a lot of little details but hey I’m a mystery fan. What kinda fan would I be if I didn’t look into the little details?
One last time, if you need clarification or have questions, I’ve got an ask box.
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9qp · 6 years
to any1 that wants to chat but doesn’t use twt or something - feel free 2 add me on disc hannah#9749   also if u play ffxiv (im on famfrit) or overwatch I Will Play With U . Thank u for tuning in to my ted talk
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caelsonata · 7 years
Cael Sonata Character Sheet (Introduction Post)
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Hello, and welcome to the Golden City. I’ll guide you through the character creation process and get you started on your journey. From now on, your adventures will be stockpiled in this archive. Before we begin, you must select a name you’d like to go by. Please type your name below.
Name: Cael Sonata
Nice to meet you Cael Sonata! Next, for the purposes of this archive, we are going to need you to state your location.
Location: Golden City
Thank you, Cael Sonata of Golden City. To better understand you and give those that come across your archive a better picture of the type of person you are, we’ve prepared some questions below. There are no right or wrong answers, but we suggest that you answer them honestly. Let’s begin.                                                                                                    
What are your aspirations in life and what are you doing to achieve     those aspirations?
Yeesh, straight to the deep stuff I see. Well, my dream is to have writing fiction be my profession. I want my work to extend across all forms of media, from novels, to short stories, comic books, television, movies, radio, video games, etc. My work mainly focuses on women and minorities. As a child who grew up in a very ethnic city, I noticed that there weren’t a lot of characters in mainstream media that were relatable to my friends and I who weren’t minor characters or stereotypes.  As an adult, I still see the absence of representation and not much has changed since I was a child. I want to create media that my nieces and nephews as well as others will enjoy and be able to see themselves in. I’d like to bring women and minorities into lead roles that mean something. To achieve these dreams, I’m currently studying at San Francisco State University, where I’m majoring in Broadcasting and Electronic Communication Arts with an emphasis in Writing for Electronic Media and honing my writing skills as a freelancer and working on personal projects. I recently self-published my first short story, “Danita’s Revenge,” on Amazon, and it felt like an important first step to being able to make a living doing what I love.
What are you obsessed with?
My obsessions? Well, currently I’m really obsessed with Final Fantasy XIV – as you can probably tell, I’m really into role-playing games. I’m a gamer by nature and love a night in relaxing and playing something on steam like FFXIV or Stardew Valley. I’m also really into gardening. My partner and I have a plot at a community garden that we take care of throughout the week and use to grow fresh produce to use at home.
Another thing I really enjoy is cooking. I love looking up recipes and experimenting with different ethnic dishes. I make a mean Japanese apple curry, and my Filipino bulalo is to die for.
I’m also a lover of long-form fiction, but comic books currently have my heart. Rat Queens by Kurtis J. Wiebe is my obsession. Hannah, Violet, Dee, and Betty are a refreshing group of bad-ass, foul-mouthed fantasy characters, and the adventures they go on are thrilling and hilarious. Wiebe was spot on when he described the concept as, “Lord of the Rings meets Bridesmaids.”
Who are your favorite writers?
I know it’s really cliche, but J.K. Rowling is my favorite writer. Her world-building skills and attention to detail are top notch and something I really admire. Another one of my favorites is Kari Luna. Her writing is very intimate, creative, and easy to read. I hope to see more good things from her in the future. Finally, there’s Kurtis J. Wiebe. Wiebe writes progressive works with no fear, which is very refreshing and something I’d like to replicate in my own work. These three have written great works that have inspired me to work on my own projects.
Who are your favorite fictional heroes?
I’ve consumed so much media in the form of literature, comic books, video games, and so much more that I’ve had my share of exposure to some pretty great heroes. However, there are two that have really stood out, the first one being the new Ms. Marvel, Kamala Khan. Ms. Marvel is such a fantastic comic book and Kamala Khan is a great character. She’s really fun and very relatable. My second favorite hero is Xena, Warrior Princess. I feel like I can’t say much about Xena that hasn’t been said already. She fears nothing and her determination and drive to help those that need it is godly. These two have influenced the way I go about writing my own heroes.            
Which talent would you most like to have?
If I could have any talent, I think that I’d like to be able to draw. Not just draw, but be a full-fledged illustrator. Being able to bring my fiction to life visually is a dream of mine. I’d love to see some of my work as comic books or graphic novels one day and being able to illustrate them would make that dream a lot easier.
Wow, Cael! You seem like a really interesting person, I’m sure those that come across your archive will be entertained. Now that we understand what type of adventurer you are, you’re just about ready to get started on your journey. There’s one last thing that we have to do first, though, before you go. It’s time to roll your stats! Your stats are determined on a numerical scale between, 0-10. 0 being garbage and 10 being absolutely outstanding! That’s right, before every adventurer starts their journey they rolls stats’ that will help them on their adventure. All you have to do is simply say “Roll” and your beginning stats will be determined. If you’re ready, let’s get underway!
A die is rolled.
Cael Sonata’s beginner stats are currently being determined. Please wait…
Stat roll complete.
Health Points 24/24
Magic 0
Speed 4
Writing Skills 7
Research Ability 8
Focus 5
Productivity 6
These look like some good stats, Cael! You’re really good in some areas but could use some work in others. However, don’t be discouraged! The best adventurers didn’t start at the top – they honed their skills and worked their way up, and I have faith you will be one of them! Welcome to the Golden City, Cael Sonata. Your journey starts here!
Follow my WordPress for my content.
Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash 
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freedomhasfangsa · 3 years
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1. Alias / Name: Hannah! o/ 2. Birthday: 22nd March. Aries Squad represent! 5. Hobbies: Honestly, I don’t really have that many interesting hobbies. It’s just writing, read, crochet, gaming and netflix. Very much a homebody, me. B> 6. Favourite colour: I like pink and purple. 7. Favourite book: Beyond the Deepwoods. I can’t even begin to tell you how much I loved that book as a kid, and I still read it on occasion when I’m feeling down. It’s so very, very, very good. I suppose for more of an age appropriate one, I really enjoyed Of Mice and Men and True Grit. 8. Last played song: Beauty’s Wicked Wiles from FFXIV. I am obsessed. 9. Last film / show: ... I’m a sucker for really, really shit TV, I’ve been binge watching it for the past few days. Nyehehe. 10. Recent reads: The Sister’s Brothers. I’m trying to get it finished before the 17th so I can make a start on Butcher’s Crossing. 11. Inspiration: Honestly, I can draw inspiration from a multitude of places, some of which surprise me. It could be an image on pinterest of an outfit or a place and my brain goes 👌 good soup. A huge majority of the time my inspiration comes from music. And not just one genre either. Many. From country, to house, through to metal. It’s a trip, honestly. 12. Story behind URL: Mel and I were watching Westworld and Dolores told Maeve: You’re all copies of me. And I remember mentally shaking her like, FRIEND I HAVE AN IDEA. So now we’re matchy matchy and all is sweet and fabulous and I love it so much.13. Fun fact about me: Despite having grown up by the seaside, I can’t swim very well. I can do some semblance of a doggy paddle, but that’s about the most of it. Sometimes I like to line everything I have up when I’m stressed and then put it alphabetical order if it’s applicable. It makes me feel much, much better.
Tagged: @iniziare​ thank u friend B> Tagging: u guys. B>
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