#I didn't want to put my real name out on the internet when I was a minor
stellacendia · 10 months
Hey if anyone's interested in personal life updates I've finally picked out a new name and I'm pretty excited about it
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licensedproldier · 4 months
highlights from the brennan hank interview (aka taking notes on things that i liked or didn't know)
immediate jump off topic from hank to ask him about d20 (this happened while fhjy was airing)
"and the greatest project of all, my wonderful family with my wife isabella roland"
bonding over their children
brennan and hank's son both corrected their father's bedtime stories 💀
many elaine lee shoutouts
"his dad met my mom and fell in love" "you did that" "we did that, parent-trapped them"
was pulled out of school in 4th grade for homeschooling because the bullying was so bad....
started a company when they (he and his brother) were fifteen?? called Bootleg Adventures
hank's little awed hiss of "what" to the above piece of information
"knowledge is something that, when you share it, there's just more. there's no scarcity"
hank staring off into space slightly looking like brennan just blew his mind (we're 11 minutes in)
"we were 14 year old philosophy majors, if you can imagine anything more normal than that"
brennan unable to resist doing fun voices for the people he talks about
he wouldve loved to work at wayfinder full time and said back then hey maybe ill become a famous internet comedian or something and that's how i can help camp. now he's got texts from the staff saying how a bunch of dimension 20 fans have joined and its been a huge boon for them that way 🥺
"it's funny when a really bad plan works. dont make that plan."
"every new community-- is this too sad? no its true" THOSE THINGS ARE NOT MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE
anyway "for every new community i start with the presupposition that someone is going to pick me up and put me in the trash can" 😭
hank sniping him through the duplex door with "[when you do that] you kind of imagine yourself to be the value you're delivering rather than yourself, or that your value is in what you deliver and not who you are" and brennan going 😐 "that's a great point man"
both of them turning to do pained smiles at the camera 😭
"i think the value is in who you are" "that's really sweet i appreciate that" "but i also love that you deliver"
brennan quoting mary oliver
im starting to feel a little called out guys
robert mckee "stories are not about their premises they're about their conclusions"
brennan also staring off into space slightly thinking about what hank said
the REAL college advice brennan is giving is reportedly "put an egg in your ramen" because thats how you stop your eyes from going "matte finish"
shoutout to vanessa's dumplings for keeping this man alive
"i am ozymandias nerd of nerds, gaze upon my banner and despair"
the moment he felt like something changed was walking into C2E2 and seeing that the biggest hanging banner in the convention hall was of fantasy high. or, as brennan put it, "my dumb face"
"my friends moved in with their partners, the apartment i had with them scattered to the wind, the woman i was dating dumped me after three weeks, and i won a bunch of money on Who Wants to Be a Millionare" "wh- what???"
he taught emily, murph, siobhan, and zac how to play dnd 🥺 and was running a home game for lou at the same time
got hired at um, actually because his name was getting around for being a big dork
zac stepped down from troopers and sam liked brennan's character from a previous casting call (tim curry eating pizza) so he brought him in
its very charming the detail with which brennan remembers these important moments in his life
became a full time cast member in the same week he started dating izzy! "hard to beat week gang!"
"they told us they were launching dropout and everyone had to make a show, which, if you're been trying to make a show your whole life, that's like saying 'bad news guys, there's 24 birthday cakes in the break room and everyone has to eat a whole birthday cake'."
brennan was making a document for a market pitch on an actual-play show when he was called into office and THEY pitched HIM the idea of an actual-play show
"i guess i have tumbled through life to end up here ready to do this"
truly like. one of the guys of all time.
"some of the things that didn't make sense about you make more sense now" hank talking indirectly about how amazing he found all the moving parts of mentopolis and now getting to hear about how long and how many time he's done storytelling it makes sense
"yeah its the one skill"
"i wanted to tell stories before i was anything else"
🎉anti-capitalist rant🎉
"people used to say 'is ucb a cult' and i'd say 'in a cult, somebody is making money'"
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etherealstar-writes · 8 months
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pairings: lionesses x reader
summary: in which you're accidentally added to a random group chat, not knowing they're all actually famous footballers, and obliviously end up having many of them competing for your love and attention.
part: two
part one here
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
elton changed the name the karate kid to the imposter
elton added the REAL karate kid
the REAL karate kid
you all were annoying a random
person thinking it was me LMAO
and this username ??
i mean i'm not complaining
oh shut it
y'all got anything in your stash?
i was gonna ask the same thing.
where's lotte when you need her?
i don't have anything in my stash
i'm broke
ugghh i'm so bored
you guys got any food to eat?
the REAL karate kid
i got redbull
that is not food less
the REAL karate kid
says who?
red bull is an energy drink.
it is made up of carbonated water, sucrose, glucose,
citric acid, taurine, sodium bicarbonate, magnesium
carbonate, caffeine, niacinamide, calcium pantothenate,
pyridoxine hci, vitamin b12, and natural and artificial flavours.
thank you keira
did you just copy and paste that from google?
damn i lost braincells reading that
the REAL karate kid
didn't know you had any in the first place
shut up
if i drop you on a deserted island with
only redbull alessia, will you survive?
the REAL karate kid
why don't we test that out
i second that
the imposter
honestly it depends on
what you define food as
i mean literally anything could
be food if it's consumable
the REAL karate kid
thank you, my imposter!
idk who you are but i already love you
the imposter
you're welcome :))
why the hell is everyone in love with alessia??
this is not okay.
and why do i keep seeing videos
of you everywhere??
it's like you're haunting me
the REAL karate kid
sorry leah, i just can't help it
it's my charm
the imposter
so ....
does anyone feel like showing
what alessia looks like? 👀
were you not taught anything
about stranger danger??!
or internet safety?!
you could be a 40 year old man
wanting to hunt us down
the imposter
you were the one that LITERALLY
added me to this random groupchat
for all i know you could be the
one trying to do that to me
hey hey hey!
don't put this back on me
that's not fair
the imposter
excuse you
your name is literally elton
i will not be taking this
you could be a stalker for all i know
shut up
the REAL karate kid
you actually silenced her
i think i just witnessed love on first sight-
you're not the only one-
part three here
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bezierballad · 14 days
The whole truth (and an apology)
Hey guys. It's me again.
Hoo boy, where do I even begin?
So, as you guys have noticed, the blog about Kurophiliac and puppyfan9000, I'd taken down.
And I'm going to cut to the chase.
Turns out the screenshots really were faked.
Let's start at the beginning, where we got that anonymous confession in the server I'd mentioned.
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Basically someone (we'll get to them in a bit) confessed about the whole "proshipper server lusting after a real minor. They had screenshots and they wanted someone to make a callout because they were too scared to do so themselves.
Wanting to make myself useful, I immediately volunteered.
And so the person (named Zex) sent the screenshots.
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And once I'd received those screenshots, I made that post asking people to report both Kurophiliac and puppyfan9000. I even included a cybertip report link.
That was a stupid thing for me to do. That was a very irresponsible and dangerous thing for me to do. And that is putting it mildly.
I didn’t think about questioning the information provided, I didn’t ask Zex why they didn’t want to post the callout themselves, I didn’t even think about contacting Kurophiliac and puppyfan9000 who were allegedly involved in this "incident."
I went straight to extreme measures to take action against two people I barely knew myself without investigating further.
I took things at face value. I truly wish I hadn't.
Because, as I've said at the beginning, the screenshots really were, in fact, faked.
See, Zex had some past beef with Plato (aka Kurophiliac) and made this whole story about them being a pedo in order to frame them and ruin their reputation.
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When I'd made that post, they linked it and outright encouraged harassment of these two individuals. (Which is, honestly a really dick thing to do.)
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And the thing about them "infiltrating a proshipper server?" They were always in that server. They didn't even leave like they actually claimed to.
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Their introduction post in the proshipper server.
So, Zex if you're reading this right now... well, I'm speechless. I mean, going as far as to deliberately frame someone else for something so serious? It doesn't even matter whether the person you're framing is a proshipper or not, if you're framing someone as a pedophile when they've committed no such atrocity? That's sickening no matter what your excuse is.
As for Kurophiliac and puppyfan9000, if you two are reading this right now, well, I'm truly sorry.
I'm sorry I jumped straight to conclusions based off someone else's words, without questioning that person's intentions.
I'm sorry I immediately assumed the worst of you guys without being the bigger person and handling this like a rational person would.
I'm sorry I made you panic and put you two at risk of major reputation damage and legal trouble.
I'm sorry I resorted to the absolute worst possible way of "solving" the problem.
My intentions mean nothing because I ended up causing you both harm. Just because I was lied to doesn't mean I'm completely blameless in this. I should've investigated the situation before taking action. I should've seen those rather obvious red flags in those edited screenshots as well as in Zex's behavior. I shouldn't have taken the word of some random fucker on the internet.
Whether or not you guys forgive me for this is completely up to you. I understand either way. We can go our own ways and never speak to each other again if you prefer. Either way, I hope you two are doing alright, after everything.
And that goes for the rest of you guys. Have a good day/night.
Update: kurophiliac created a post elaborating on the situation with Zex.
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neil-gaiman · 1 year
Hi Neil!
I don't want to sound like a killjoy, but I'm concerned about David Tennant's family being involved in the second season of Good Omens (or Michael Sheen's partner Anna Lundberg in a future season three). I absolutely have nothing against them, I loved Staged just like everyone else, but this is exactly the matter for me: casting them in the series would automatically make me think about Staged or something else while I'm watching GO, and it would distract me from the plot and the magic of it. It would feel somehow like a family reunion, no matter how talented they are as actors (not to mention that there would be nepotism accusations, above all against David. I hope this won't affect the popularity rating, since season three is still hypothetical). I'm not the only one who thinks this might be an issue, from what I read on blogs here on Tumblr (and on the Internet in general) but I feel like there's a sort of tension, like people are scared to say it out loud, because some fans get the wrong idea and accuse them of hating Georgia or Anna or Ty (and that's why I'm asking this anonymously, I don't want to start a fight). I hope you get what I'm saying, it only felt fair to me to let you know whatever concerns some fans might have, and maybe even give you a perspective you weren't considering? Of course you have the last word on this, and if you think this is not a big deal, I trust your judgement.
I wish you a fantastic day! (And sorry for my English, I'm not native, I tried my best!)
Yeah. So, I find that a little creepy, not very creepy, but definitely a bit.
I thought we were lucky to get Peter Davison in Good Omens 2. (He didn't audition. We offered him the part, as I've been a fan of his since 1978, and All Creatures Great and Small. He crushes it, and is heartbreaking, funny, and still somehow the moral compass of the episode he's in.) Ty Tennant auditioned, along with a number of other actors, and got the part because he did it best. (I didn't know who his family was when we cast him. I just liked the audition tape.)
If you're hunting down family connections, David's mother-in-law, Ty's grandmother, Sandra Dickinson, is in the Audible Sandman, too, as one of the Three Witches/Fates/Eumenides etc. And she was cast in it two years before David Tennant (although probably around the same time Michael Sheen was asked to be Lucifer). (I've been a fan of Sandra's since she was Trillian in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy in 1981.)
Anyway, I'm sorry you're worried about Peter and Ty's performances, although I promise you have nothing to worry about, and I'm sorry that you worry that our possibly casting Georgia and Anna in a hypothetical and not-yet actually a real thing Season 3 might make people think of Staged and make them not able to enjoy Good Omens any longer. (Had I known people were this easily shaken I wouldn't have appeared in Staged either, in case my name at the front of Good Omens shattered the fragile illusion and revealed to people that the David Tennant and Michael Sheen who play Crowley and Aziraphale are actors.)
Starting in 2017 I was the recipient of mind-mangling quantities of Tumblr abuse for casting David Tennant and Michael Sheen as Aziraphale and Crowley, which was, many people made very clear to me, the worst casting in the whole entire utter history of casting, and something that Good Omens would never recover from, because for a start neither of them looked like the versions in people's heads, and I'd also miscast them badly because everyone knew that if you had to cast Sheen and Tennant, Michael had to play Crowley and David had to put on some weight and play Aziraphale. (It wasn't until May 2019 that people stopped grumbling.) So people worrying I'm going to cast Anna and Georgia in a season that hasn't even been commissioned in parts that haven't been written just makes me smile.
I hope this helps.
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silken-moonlight · 3 months
okay, here me out :
a seductive vampire women, who likes to get men to “hook up” at her place, pretend she’s gonna give a blowjob but actually bite and feed off of his dick (bonus points if she kills them from blood loss, maybe collecting some for later)
do either of you this what you will (though, idea would be she meets a female reader who she actually falls in love with and tries to get in a real relationship with)
I love this. My mind is wild about this. Lets get into it:
Female Vampire Seductress x female human reader
Warning: Mention of violence, sexual assault and murder. Abusive language
Don't like, don't read. Mdni as usual.
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Lethia was a huntress. She loved the chase, the rip, and the thrill of a kill. It was in her nature, in her genes, since she was a vampire. Turned around 110 years ago, in her mid-twenties, she had always been the life of every party she attended. She was popular in vampire circles and clubs, with friends all over the world and constantly changing partners of any species. Lovers for a night, strangers in the morn.
Lethia had a special way to feed and hunt...Walking into clubs, catching the attention of a man who had ill intentions for her. Sometimes they put something in her drink, sometimes they made her drunk and carried her out of the club. Since humans were unaware of the existence of vampires, it was easy. Like this, Lethia got to kill someone who was human scum and saved some other girls by doing that. Sometimes she chased them when she bared her teeth, sometimes she just attacked them and drained the men, sometimes she felt mean and bit their dick off, spitting it infront of them and letting them bleed out when she didn't feel like drinking their blood. All of them begged to be merciful, yet none of them were merciful when the situation had been switched.
She has made a Sport out of it, using the Internet and nasty Forums to find the worst men in her city. Currently she was hunting a man named Dave Cornwell. The self proclaimed 'Bitch Rider'. Filming and assaulting the girls, then sharing it with his followers. Tonight, he would be her victim. A grin adorned her face as she found him in the dark club. Currently he was trying to flirt with a girl who looked absolutly uncomfortable to be here and talked to. She slumped over, falling into his arms.
"Sorry..." she slurred, walking quickly away. The man, Dave, followed her. "Hey, babydoll, do you want a free cocktail?" Lethia turned with a big grin. "Yes! Something sweet like me, please." He laughed and slung an arm around her, bringing her to the bar. The bartender mixed them two cocktails. Lethia tried not to scrunch her nose at the disgusting smell of sweat and alcohol coming off him. "Such a pretty thing, are you all alone?" He asked her, his gaze dark and lustful. "Yep, friends left me." Lethia lied, takimg the drink. There was already a drug in it, the barkeeper was in on it. Such things didn't work on Vampires. So she drank it in one go and they went to dance.
After a moment she pretended to become drugged and he carried her out. He carried her into a dark alley and thre her onto the ground:"Such a bitch. Getting caught by the bitch rider." He said and grabber her hair with one hand, unbuckling his belt with the other. Lethia was about to attack him, but a voice disturbed them.
"Hey asshole!" You screamed, walking over, looking so scared vut putting a brave face on. "Take you hands off her! Now!" You yelled, you hands on something little and pink. Lethia saw that it was a taser.
"Two bitches tonight? I am blessed." The man said letting go of Lethia to grab you. But as soon as he was close to you, you tased him. The seemingly little taser was so strong that he fell to the ground. You tased him again so that he stayed down. You heart was running so fast, Lethi could here it from the distance.
"Are you okay?" you asked, looking Lethia up and down. Lethia decided to continue playing along, liking your attention. "No..." she said, looking up at you with her dark doe eyes. "Let's get you somewhere safe," you said and helped her stand up. Lethia clung to you, leaning her head onto your shoulder. "My savior..." she crooned as you walked with her to a car. You looked worried instead of flattered. "This is my car. We're going to sit inside, okay?" you said and put her in the passenger seat before getting in as well and locking the car.
"Can I call someone for you?" you asked while turning on the heat since her skin had been much too cold for you. "No, I'm all alone," she answered, looking at you from the side. "Okay... Then how about I drive you home?" you asked her, still trembling from the scene you had witnessed and the adrenaline from stepping in. You were so afraid your taser wouldn't work. "I would like that. I live on Forwell Street, number 23." You started the car and began to drive. "How do you feel?" you asked her softly, concerned for her. "Better... I think I'm sobering up. I'm Lethia..." she said hesitantly. It wasn't often a girl or somebody had stepped in. It was surely the first time someone was tasered in front of her eyes.
"I'm Y/N." She heard you say as she admired you from the side. You looked over at her and gave her a gentle smile. Her beautiful, curly brown hair was a mess, and the little black dress she wore left little to the imagination. "Do you want something to put over yourself? You must be freezing," you asked. Lethia nodded, hoping you would give her a hoodie of yours. You smelled so good to her; she loved your perfume. "Grab behind you. I have a hoodie there." She did that, grabbing the desired hoodie from the back row and putting it on. It smelled like you and looked so wonderful on her. Little butterflies fluttered around in her chest. You were so cute and caring.
You arrived at her home, helping her out of the car. "Can you come with me...please?" She asked and you nodded. You walked her to her apartment in the second floor. She unlocked the door, a very modern and tasteful. "Home sweet home..." She said and you giys walked inside. She slumped on the couch and you sat next to her. She leaned against you, saying softly:"I know its strange but...can you stay the night? I don't want to be alone..." She asked. You were suprised but nodded.
"Yeah no problem, I understand that you don't want to be alone." She smiled an hugged you:"Thank you for saving me..." Lethia whispered, pretending to be all sleepy. "You're tired." She nodded and leaned more against you. "YLets get you make up off the." You said and you guys ealked into the big bathroom. There was so much make up and skincare everywhere. You quickly found some make up remover and washed away her make up, she loved it. The attention was so good, so pure and honest. You cared for her hair, detangling it with a curl comb and putting oil and curl cream in it before braiding it into a loose braid. After that you took of your make up as well.
Lethia rook you into her bedroom, changing infront of you. She wanted your attention and for you to look at her body. You averted your gaze, giving her privacy. Her undead heart beat fast....you were amazing.
It only took a few more moments, she comvinced you to sleep in her bed with her, to realise she wanted to keep you. Now, that she was cuddled up so close to you and safe.
You were safe, you were good - and now she would make your hers.
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bumblebeesfromvenus · 10 months
Brick by Brick 🎄
Leon S. Kennedy x reader
A/N: The holiday season is upon us!!! This is the first fic for my Christmas event, Fi's Christmas Market ☃️ <3 feel free to check that out if you're curious who and what's to come 🤭
~ Fi 🐝
Warnings: pure, whole hearted X-mas fluff, Mentions of readers mom, healing Leon's inner child <3
Word count: 2.2k
Please don't copy my work! I put a lot of effort and heart into the things I write.
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December was finally here. The most wonderful time of the year, undoubtedly. You'd been waiting all year for this. The lights, the beautiful tunes, and the atmosphere full of love and warmth. To say you were ecstatic was an understatement, the excitement had been burning in your veins since Halloween ended.
You were itching to pull out every box filled with Christmas decorations and absolutely drown your apartment in red, green and gold. Your Christmas PJs were already laid out, same as Leon's, and you'd jump him with holiday cheer the second he came home. You'd already prepared some apple cider and a few cookies. It would be such a nice evening, you knew it in your heart.
The Christmas songs would fill your apartment, the spicy apple cider and cookies would drench the room in nostalgic aromas. You'd decorate all the cabinets and tables while Leon would hang up the garlands around the living room. It was always a dream you had, decorating your little home with Leon. And since it was you we're talking about, you also got him a little something. An early present, if you will.
There was this tradition in your home, your Mother had started it one year and from then on it was something you'd enjoyed greatly. It might not be the most festive of activities but it reminded you of home, and you desperately wanted to share it with Leon. Your Mom made a habit of building Lego sets together as a family. Sitting around the table with a cup of cider, yuletide tunes playing in the background whil you were constructing your little plastic house brick by brick.
You were a little hesitant to share it with your lover since the anxiety of it being seen as childish always gnawed at your heart. But you knew him, he wouldn't judge you for something like that. He would appreciate that you wanted to share a part of your childhood with him, you were sure of it. You had gotten yourself a gingerbread house set, it was better than a real one in many ways; more fun to make, sturdier and there was no mess after.
But what you were really excited about was for Leon to see the set you had gotten him. It was a police station. As soon as your eyes landed on the set while you were scrolling through the internet, you knew it was perfect. You had warned him about a surprise so he wouldn't be caught off guard.
Your mother had an entire village of Lego houses that she'd rebuilt every year, and you couldn't wait to start your own little village with Leon. He was actually quite impressed when your mom proudly showed him last Christmas. He didn't stop talking about it for weeks after, it was quite endearing. If you could heal his inner child at least a little with this, it would be worth it.
You'd already changed into your PJs. You would've exploded if you hadn't gotten something plaid on your body. It was a long sleeve shirt with gingerbread men and women doing holiday activities. Ice skating, shopping, building a snowman. Your name was embroided in gold on the front.
The pants were a red and gold plaid, matching the embroided. It was a gift from your grandmother. She adored Leon and said that when she saw the matching sleep attire, she just had to get it. It was him who made sure they were always ready when Decemeber was around the corner.
Even if he wouldn't admit it, there was something about the holidays that made him lower his guard and just be himself. Not a rookie, not agent Kennedy, just Leon.
The jingling of keys made you jump up from your place at the table where you had been waiting patiently. Leon stepped inside with a huff, closing the door behind him. His cheeks and nose were red from the cold as he dropped his bag on the floor.
"Hi, Baby-" he was cut off by a grunt when you smashed into him, squeezing him in a bone crushing hug. "I missed you." Your words were muffled into his chest. He chuckled before leaning down to press a kiss to your head. "I missed you too, but I was only gone for 3 days." He stroked his hands down your back. "I know, I know, but it's extra special this time! We have lots to do, come on." You beamed, making him stumble as you dragged him behind you.
"Slow down, we've got all evening." He chuckled, still letting himself be pulled along by you.
You and Leon stood in the middle of the living room, admiring your work. The space was much cozier now, decked with and lights and ornaments. "We really outdid ourselves this year, huh?"
"But we need to decorate, and we have to make a shopping list for presents too, and then I have a surprise for you, and-" You stopped yourself. Leon had just come home, and you were already bombarding him with all the things you wanted to do. You cleared your throat, a little embarrassed.
"I'm sorry, I've just been waiting all year for this." You gave him a bashful smile. Leon cupped your cheeks and pulled you in for a kiss. All of your worries faded away. The chains of anxiety and embarrassment shattered the second you felt his touch.
"Don't be sorry. You're cute when you're all excited, you know." He teased, taking off his jacket and shoes. A blush settled on your cheeks. "Your PJs are on the bed, I'll heat up the apple cider, okay?" He nodded with a soft hum and you pressed a kiss to his still cold cheek.
You squealed in excitement when you thought Leon was out of reach to hear you, but you were wrong. He smiled to himself when he saw you being so happy over something so simple. He loved you so much, you made his life brighter.
The Christmas songs were already on, and you were stirring the apple cider while humming to the melody. "What's this surprise I've been hearing about, hm?" Two big arms engulfed you, wrapping themselves around your waist. You swayed from side to side, pulling him with you. You poured the cider into some very cheesy Christmas mugs and set them down on the coffee table.
"Decorating first, then you'll get your surprise, Baby." You smiled, kneeling on the floor to start unpacking the boxes. "I can't believe you're making me wait. You've been excited about this surprise for months!" He argued playfully, of course. "Shut it and come help me with the garlands, big guy!" You huffed. You weren't tall enough to hang them up yourself, but you had your tall and strong boyfriend who would do anything for you.
And the little perk of watching his shirt ride up and his biceps flex definitely didn't go unappreciated. "S'not my fault you came out so small." He grinned, ruffling your hair as he passed you. You pouted and continued getting out all of your decor from the boxes while quietly grumbling. Maybe he's just unnaturally tall?! You're not small, you're perfectly average height! Okay, maybe you were on the low end of the spectrum, but still. To be fair, those garlands have never been up faster.
Not to shabby, having a tree for a boyfriend.
"Time for the present!" You exclaimed, already dragging him back to the table. You were quiet strong for your height, you've almost knocked him off of his feet once or twice.
You glanced over to Leon who had you pressed against his side. "Yeah, but's gonna be a pain to take down.." he sighed.
"Let me enjoy my Christmas craze, will ya?" You huffed. Leon put his hands up defensively and laughed.
"Alright, alright."
You refilled the apple cider and then went to grab the surprise. You brought out the big box and Leon's brows raised both in shock and curiosity. You heaved it onto the table before taking a seat next to him.
"Christ, Honey, what's in that thing? You do know it's not Christmas yet, right?" Leon chuckled, turning the box in all directions. "Obviously. But I really wanted to get you this. Besides, can't I get my boyfriend presents regardless of the time of year?" You smiled, leaning over to kiss his cheek. He looked over at you with a buttery soft expression.
"Have I ever told you how much I love you?"
"Once or twice." You grinned, before returning a soft smile. "Go ahead, open it." You encouraged him. Your heart was pounding against your ribcage. You really hoped he liked it. It was a bit of a risky situation since you were worried it might open an old wound. He tore into the festive wrapping paper, revealing the gift inch by inch.
You were slightly squirming in your seat, both from anxiety and excitement. He examined the now revealed surprise. His brows furrowed but you saw the exact moment it clicked in his brain when he realized what it was. His eyes lit up like the ones of a little boy on Christmas morning, and a smile tugged at his lips.
Leon looked over to you and you caught the smallest glimpse of a shimmer of tears in his beautiful blue eyes. "Baby, I.. Thank you. Thank you for sharing this with me- you have no idea how much that means to me." He said it with so much vulnerability and love that you felt like your heart was about to give out.
"Why wouldn't I share it with you? You're my favorite person. Let me tell you, my mom was thrilled when she heard about this." You chuckled, making him snort in response. His expression softened slightly, taking your hands and guiding you from your chair into his lap.
His hands wrapped around you tightly as his head fell to the crook of your neck. "I love you. You're truly something special and I don't intend of ever letting you go." His heartfelt confession sent shivers up your spine, yet your heart has never felt warmer. Your grip around his neck tightened as you pulled him closer to your chest.
"Oh, Leon.." there was a slight crack in your voice that you had tried so hard to suppress but failed. "I love you so much. You deserve the world and so much more." You whispered into his ear lovingly, you could feel him smile against your skin. You held eachother, wrapped in a warm and loving embrace a hallmark movie could only wish of replicating.
He felt safe with you. You were his great love, his home, the keeper of his heart. He meant every word when he said he won't ever let you go.
"Please don't say that."
You could feel yourself drifting off to sleep in his comforting embrace, so you decided that now was the perfect time to pull yourself from his arms. You were dead set on putting some plastic bricks together today, and if you regrettably had to leave your lovers embrace for it, so be it.
"You wanna get started on building that thing?" You grinned, leaning back so you could see his face. "Hell yeah, I do. Let's get bricking."
You were impressed with him, though. He had never done it before but it came to him so easily. "Well, I'm very good with my hands, as you know." He smirked, giving you wink before continuing to attach the blocks to eachother. "Can't argue with the truth, I suppose." You mumbled, setting a brick on top of another.
Leon had gotten the hang of it pretty quickly. Although it might be a rather simple concept, you've seen great men fall to the tiny plastic pieces (your dad). Leon was quite the natural. It felt like in the blink of an eye, he had constructed half of the building.
"How are you so fast?! That's like half of it done!" You were sitting there with your sad little gingerbread foundation done, and he was putting up walls and furniture already.
Leon didn't know how he ended up in this situation. He had just placed the last block on his very own Lego police station. He looked over his work triumphantly, but when his gaze fell on you, he made an effort to look outside the window.
You were knocked out cold, softly snoring by his side. Your brick gingerbread house wasn't finished, the blocks were thrown across the table, and you were in the middle of it, looking as beautiful as ever to him.
But what scared him, though, was that the sun was starting to come up. He hadn't noticed how late, or early, it had gotten. He had gotten so lost in this simple pleasure it made him smile a bit. Leon couldn't help but think as he carried you to bed, to finally snuggle up and let his body rest.
You had stayed with him. The whole night you had stayed. You didn't leave when your eyelids got heavy or the intervals between your yawns got shorter. You stayed, and watched him with a smile. He realized that he wanted this with you. A life with you, one that he would spend with you until the very end.
You were definitely getting promoted from girlfriend to wife next year. It made him realize what love could and should be like. He never thought it was in the cards for him, truly. But he couldn't be more grateful to and for you. He wanted to build a future with you.
And he would, brick by brick.
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anothermansjeans · 5 months
I NEEDDDD more of YouTuber y/n X Spencer 😭 pllzzzzz maybe the first time he actually is on a video? Not just by accident but doing something like a challenge or something 😭?
HEHEHEHE I AM FERAL FOR THEM YOU HAVE NO IDEA!!! i also love this concept... everyone pls feel free to send me more 🫶
cw: major fluff, competitive reader, competitive spencer, reader (sometimes) wears makeup
wc: 1.4k
You were extremely giddy. Ever since Spencer’s face was accidentally shown in one of your unedited videos, he’s been slowly coming around to the idea of being more involved with your channel. Of course, he had to be careful at times because of his job, so it started out small. You saw a trend on TikTok and practically begged Spencer to participate.
It was simple really. You would take a video of your makeup routine and then have Spencer do the voiceover without telling him the exact name of the method or technique you were doing. He was adorable with it, truly, and because of this, the internet went absolutely berserk. Comments ranged from awe to thirsting over his voice, and you didn't blame them. It was this uproar of engagement that sparked the idea of actually having him in a real video for your channel.
Spencer was apprehensive at first– he was still a bit camera shy, but after your reassurance that the people will love him, he agreed, wanting to help and support you in any way possible. When he asked about the video you had in mind and the words “trivia game” were thrown around, his eyes lit up and even offered for Penelope to go over to your apartment to be the one reading the questions so that it could be a fun game between the two of you.
When the camera was set up, ring lights on, and Penelope curled up on the big comfy chair behind the scenes, it was show time.
“Hello, lovelies!” Your intro went as usual, and as you spoke, you could see Spencer in your peripheral, staring at you with a gentle smile on his face. After about a minute of talking, you took a breath and turned your head to his. “You're probably wondering who this hunk of brains is next to me… this is Spencer, my boyfriend!”
Spencer finally took a glance at the camera and gave a thin smile with a shy wave. “Hi.”
A giggle erupted from you and Penelope, which resulted in your eyebrows jumping up. “And behind the camera is the magical woman I am stealing to be my best friend–” your words were slightly interrupted by a soft “hey” coming from Spencer, “Penelope!” You gave another smile to the camera before going on to explain what you were doing in the video. “Today we are putting our brains to battle in some fun trivia! Penelope will be reading us pop culture trivia and whoever answers first correctly gets a point. The prize is… bragging rights?” Your eyebrows pulled together. You forgot to think of that part, but a smile erupted once Penelope spoke from behind the camera.
“Oh! What if Spencer has to be in three in your TikTok videos if you win, and if he wins, he gets to tweet from your twitter!”
“Penny, you're a genius!”
Penelope was bashful as Spencer held a confused expression. “Tweet?”
“Oh boy wonder,” Penelope started, “I’ll show you the ins and outs if you get that far.”
Once again, Spencer let out a soft “hey” in response.
Noticing his semi-hurt expression, a pout formed on your lips and you gently placed your hand on his thigh, immediately feeling him relax under your touch and shift his body more towards yours. “It’s okay, baby. I believe in you.”
It was like he couldn't help himself. He leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead, causing stars to appear in your eyes and a small “eek!” to come from Penelope's mouth. The sound startled Spencer, making a blush appear on the apples of his cheeks. He cleared his throat and muttered, “shall we start?”
Shaking yourself from the starry place he sends you, you turned back to the camera. “Right! Well, Pen, we’re ready whenever you are.”
“Okay, first question. ‘Does Barry Manilow know that you raid his wardrobe?’ is a classic movie line from what 1985 John Hughes film?”
A millisecond barely went by before words were spewing out of Spencer’s mouth, “The Breakfast Club!”
You knew he was right, so you weren't too disappointed when Penelope called out as correct. “Okay, next one,” she said, marking a tally under Spencer’s name on a small whiteboard on her lap. “What five members make up the band *NSYNC?”
You were practically shouting out the answer before she finished the question, “Justin Timberlake, Lance Bass, JC Chasez, Joey Fatone, and Chris Kirkpatrick!”
“Yes!” You jumped up from the couch, only aware of your overexcitement after looking down at Spencer and seeing the complete awe plastered on his face. “Sorry…” You sat back down with a shy smile on your face, but Spencer just shook his head, folding his lips in.
“Don't be,” he started, “you're cute when you're excited.”
“Yeah, excited to destroy you,” you said sassily.
A scoff soon followed from Spencer, “oh, it’s on.”
“Shall I continue?” Penelope spoke up, trying not to interrupt their moment. She only asked the next question when both parties on the couch gave a nod. “Which member of One Direction was the first to go solo?”
And the game continued. Honestly, you thought you had this win in the bag, but as it progressed, you became increasingly worried. Who knew your genius boyfriend was pretty well-versed in pop culture trivia? It was the end of the game when the two of you inevitably tied, and Penelope was basically on the edge of her seat as she prepared to give you the last question.
“Okay, tie breaker. This is for the win.”
As much as you love each other, you were both in it to win it. You two were also too focused to realize the mirroring positions you had. Both hunched over with your hands clasped as your arms resting on your knees, bottom lip tucked between your teeth, and eyebrows scrunched together (once the video is uploaded the comments have a field day with this… you guess that's what happens when you live with someone for a while).
“The E.L. James novel Fifty Shades of Grey is based on fanfiction from what young-adult book series?”
You knew the answer… deep, very deep in your mind, you knew, but before you could even reach those depths, Spencer was standing up with wide eyes. “Oh! I know this one. It’s Twilight!” When Penelope told him he was right, he let out a loud “ha” as he looked at you and pulled your sitting body into a hug. It was an awkward hug, but a hug nonetheless.
As he was squeezing your shoulders, you moved your head up so that your chin was resting on his stomach. Your eyebrows knit together wondering how the hell he knew that, and once he came down from his high he loosened his grip and sat back down, sheepishly scratching the back of his neck. “We uh, had a case that involved the topic of vampires to come up… I was intrigued and learned a lot about the series.”
You just smiled and pecked his nose with your lips. “Your brain is insane and I love it.”
He ducked his blushed face down and Penelope cleared her throat, prompting the two of you to remember your surroundings and the camera placed in front of you. “So the winner is Spencer!”
Letting out a sigh, you gave a nod and opened up Twitter before starting a new post and handing your phone to Spencer. “It’s all yours, lover boy. Write what you want– there is a word limit, though.”
He held your phone for a moment, staring at the screen as he pursed his lips. It was only a few seconds later until he started typing away. After about a minute, he pressed the button to send the tweet, and you immediately heard an “awe” come from Penelope as she looked at her phone. Looking down at the app, you took a peek at what he wrote, and your heart was ready to burst.
@ y/ny/l/n: According to a 2013 survey, nine in ten Americans cited that love is the most important reason to get married, compared to 28% of people who said they wed for financial stability… I think I’m with those 9 people. I thought that was a fun fact :)
You knew the replies were already going crazy, but you refused to look at them. You were in for a ride with Spencer Reid.
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cupcraft · 7 months
This you can rb.
One thing I also wanted to say is I don't think some people in this fandom really understand how harmful it is to platform abusers/to defend them/to make claims how victims should act. It's been unsafe in mcytblr since the dream allegations. 100%. I remember the names of every person that said awful awful vile shit and to my knowledge they still do (though I've stopped checking by a long shot now. It wasn't healthy for me to see if people would change their mind or apologize).
There are many people in mcytblr, in any space really, that are victims. Victims read that shit you say, victims internalize that shit you say, victims remember the shit you say. Victims will not come forward because of the things you say. Victims lose trust and support networks because of the things you say. Your internet behavior has consequences and very real and very dangerous harm. I don't care if your fav "turned out to be innocent" (and in a lot of cases, that's not true actually but that isn't the point of my post). The things you said that were victim blaming still hurt people. It still hurts people now.
And so with the Shubble stuff, when I see like long twitter threads proving Wilbur's innocence. When I see replies on Stellae's posts about Illumina/stu picking apart her story. When I see the way people judge victims on how they behave and call them irrational/reckless/irresponsible/lying because X behavior. When I see people forcing victims to divulge their abuse and still harm them because they didn't bring up critique of abusers in the "right way" (thinking about Niki). When people ask victims to bare the responsibility for abusers instead of others around them (and instead of the actual accused abuser) (thinking of how people treated tubbo during the drm allegations when he is a grooming victim himself). When I see people be ablelist as a means of defending abusers, not realizing there are many of us victims who are disabled too, and there are many disabled people who are harmed by abelism like that. When I see this stuff I feel unsafe. When I see this stuff I know exactly what kind of person you are, to put your comfortability above all else. To put your fav above victims. To treat victims as drama/things you can doxx and pull apart and for entertainment. It's sick.
Mcyt as a fandom needs to do better. It always has but especially now. This is a plea to do better. To learn how to be compassionate. To think about more than yourself.
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qalijahbydior · 8 months
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Mirrors — Tom Blyth x Actress!reader
a/n: happy birthday to the internet's boyfriend!! LOL HE'S 29 already I FEEL SO YOUNG 😔🤌 anyway i decided to write since i had to post something while my story is still being written. newayz enjoy reading!
warnings : none just pure fluff
Tom has been in love with you the moment he heard you speak, it might be not the softest tone or soothing but there's something that draws him into you. He finds you pretty, hilarious, oddly funny and you give off that 'sunshine energy' He feels giddy when talking to you and do you feel the same thing? You do. You just love it when he laughs to your stories and hype your jokes especially when he listens to you. You two have always been teasing each other and that's what makes your friendship go on.
"Tom, come here! Look what I've found!" You say as you carry the ginger kitten and pat it. He came running to you and was already planning to touch the cat but you pulled it away. "Let me guess, you want to adopt it right?" he said, crossing his arms and tilted his head to the side. "Of course I do but the owner of my apartment specifically said no pets." You frowned at the thought of it. You really wanted to adopt the cat even if you just met him. Tom looked at you, scrutinizing your reaction. He then took the cat and rubbed its throat.
"You adopt it but it goes home to me, how does that sound?" He looked at you and the cat lovingly, his words made your face lit up and squeal at excitement. Him volunteering for the cat to live in his house meant having you over so he thought it was a good idea. "What, really? Are you serious?" you say as your eyes fluttered. You didn't think that he'd also like to take care of the cat that you were holding. "Yeah besides I feel like my house can use a pet since I don't have one." He shrugged, still petting the cat. You clung to his arms and hugged it "Yay! I now have a cat!" you squealed again then he looked at you, smiling.
she's so cute i can adopt a lot of cats if her reaction will be like this everytime he thought to himself
"But, I will name him. That's the condition, alright?" his tone was teasing because he knows that you already have a name for the cat. And you gladly let him name the cat, you nodded. "Alright, you name him." and just by a snap of a finger he already has a name for the cat. "His name is Miku, cute right?" he turned to you then smiled.
if loving this cat means getting even closer to you then i will love him and cherish him because he'll always remind me of you he thought as he was looking at your face, like it was illuminating and he loved it.
As for you, you thought that he's so kind to even offer the cat that you were adopting a roof to live in. Tom has always been nice to you and everything you love, you do, and you liked he liked it all too. As if he's now mirroring you. Everything he does is now a reflection of you.
"Nice choice, it is cute." you thought the name was cute but it had a hidden meaning and he knows. Miku is a japanese name and it means 'beautiful sky' it's name matches the way he looks at you. You're the sunshine and now the cat is the beautiful sky.
"I'll put the cat on my dressing room." you gently tried to get the cat from him but he refuses. "Nuuh, I'll hold him for a while. I'm the Dad after all." he said, a smirk creeping on his face. You furrowed your eyebrows and scrunched your nose as a reaction. "Let me hold him, you get to take him home later." you still tried to get Miku for him but he doesn't budge.
"No, I'll hold him first so he can get used to me." he's still pulling the cat away from you and tou seem to figure out a good way to deal with this and it's by distracting him. "Wait, let's buy something for him real quick. There's a pet shop five blocks away from here. We'll be quick we just need to buy uhhh a collar, wet food for kittens and his very own plate." You smiled as you pat Miku.
You and Tom, both carrying the kitten in your arms, went to the pet shop five blocks from your set. You had come to buy everything the kitten needed, and despite some hesitation by the shopkeeper - who warned you this was a lot of responsibility - you were confident that you could do it. The kitten meowed softly as it was carried away from the safety of his littermates and the familiar surroundings of the pet shop, clearly a bit anxious and unsure of what was to come next.
You and Tom carry the kitten back to the set. The kitten is a bit fussy and wants to explore everything, but eventually settles down in Tom's arms. As the kitten falls asleep, you can't help but marvel at just how cute and adorable it is. You have to admit that the pet shop was right, cats are a lot of work. But it's so worth it when the kitten is snuggled up against your chest, purring softly. It makes all the work feel worth it. You took your phone then took a picture of you, Tom and Miku.
you two will make such good cat parents and you know it.
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You're now sitting at Tom's couch, inside his house as you insisted that you come and feed Miku. This day went on so fast a while ago you're contemplating whether to get Miku or just leave him there but you now have him! Tom is also loving Miku as the cat always clings onto him and purrs on his touch. You asked him if you can stay at his house for a while before you go home and he agreed.
"You know what it's starting to look like you're Miku's owner and not me but either way, it seems like he really likes you." you crossed your legs and picked Miku up to put him on your lap and pet him. "We're his owner, babe. Chill. Besides I used to have a cat that's why he seemed to like me." his words warmed your heart and did he just call you babe...? The thought of the two of you owning a cat is so cute and it just fuels your feelings towards him even more.
"Thank you, really, Tom. I appreciate this so much. I love that you also love Miku." you smiled at him as he was setting up Miku's bed. "Anything for you, pretty girl." He looks at you with love in his eyes, and the butterflies on your stomach felt like they're going to explode. You felt blood rushing through your face, feeling flustered. You just bit your lower lip, stopping yourself from smiling and continued to pet Miku.
Tom has always been like this, he compliments you at the most unexpected moments and it just gets you all red and flustered. You love his compliments and he loves giving it to you. He likes seeing you smile, laugh and jolly because seeing you happy makes him happy too. Your enthusiasm is like a virus once he gets to you. And you also love making him happy, that man's happiness is just simple. You don't know how you make him happy but you just do anything anyway.
Your friendship with him has been a rollercoaster ride, it gets crazy the more that it lasts. You wanted to tell him how you feel towards him but It also scared you, the thought of losing your friendship just because of your feelings towards him scared you.
You always fought the urge to tell him how you felt, so instead of telling him you just express it. Physical touch, words of affirmation and acts of service has always been your love language. You liked being near him, you liked clinging onto him like he's going to disappear anytime.
He now sat down beside you and just looked at you as you were playing with Miku. "Y/N" he called and you turned to him, smiling. "Yeah?" his expression softened as he spoke once again. He looked like he was in deep thought before he spoke. "How come you're not dating anyone? I've never seen you go around and date someone?" he asked, he always thought of that but if ever that you really did it would hurt. Just the thought of you dating another guy that isn't him is already piercing his heart.
"I'm not interested. That's it, I'm not looking for anything because I've already got what I need. I can never ask for more." and that's how you really felt through out your friendship with him. You know that he probably doesn't think of your friendship like you two were tied to each other but it always felt that way.
"But do you like someone right now or I don't know, used to like someone?" he knows that this question might be a risk but he still asked it, desperate for an answer. Like his whole feelings depended on it. You didn't know how to answer the question because you were afraid that he might think that he's the one you're talking about. But you're going to make the most out of it
"Well, there's this friend of mine. He really makes me happy. What's for sure is I like him but I can never tell him what I feel. What if my growing feelings ruin our friendship? I enjoy what we have. I feel like I'm already tied to him but not in a bad way, you get me? This friend has been there for me since we met, and lately I've been feeling that I'm seeing myself through him. Not in a selfish way." you explained and that got him thinking of the things that he's done to you or with you these days, trying to connect the dots and see if it would make sense.
And now, it did make sense. He just now realized that he's mirroring you, too. You two are the reflections of each other
"Y/N, it's me isn't it?" he asked, wanting to confirm his thoughts. You looked down and nodded. He was so happy that It was him and you felt the same. He put Miku aside and held both of your hands, he made you face him. His ocean blue eyes looking at you.
"You know why I stuck with you the moment we met? There's like an invisible force pulling me towards you. Your smile, your laugh, your funny antics had got me. It's just so addicting that I found myself always crawling towards you. You're like a ray of sunshine that wherever you go you lighten up everything." he removed his other hand from your grip and caressed the side of your face, and you finding comfort in it. His words made your heart melt even more. You loved him the same as he's the reason why you laugh and smile.
"I never knew that you saw me like that. I now know why you always tease me and make me laugh. To be honest I feel the same, there's a missing part of me whenever you're away from me even just feets away. There's something lacking when you're not there making me laugh and it has been a routine ever since. Your presence and existence completes me." you gave him a sweet smile then looked down at your hands intertwined.
The butterflies on your stomach felt crazy. His hands holding you, his ocean blue eyes fixated on you and love just filling the room felt right and perfect. He looks at you the way he always looks at you all the time, eyes full of admiration and love. You've always tried to shake off that thought when he looks at you thinking that you're just mistaken or seeing things but now it's all clear. He loves you, likes you, adores you like you're the only thing that's meant to be adored.
And you also tried to hide that look in your eyes but now that got you thinking, did he always see right through me?
The moment feels euphoric for Tom, and he can't contain his excitement as he shares his true feelings with you. He has waited for this moment for so long, and finally, it's here. Tom confesses his love for you, and you can sense the genuine and pure emotion behind his words. Seeing your reaction, he feels beyond happy and satisfied that you now know how he feels. He feels like he has accomplished something special, and the sight of your face only makes the whole experience even sweeter.
The vacancy that sat in my heart, is a space that now you hold.
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The BRF had too much to sort out after QEll's death, it was overwhelming and H&M were the last things on their minds. They might've evenhoped that the brats will at least soften a little but it got worse. I always thought that the BRF thought treating H with kids gloves might make him come to his senses and they gave him all the time he needed but that was a wrong plan.
They didn't want additional dramas because let's be real - the overseas outsiders will never listen. Remember how M said service is universal and the Queen doesn't own the word royal? People hated her so much when she did that! I feel like the BRF uses this tactic of letting the public see through H&M rather than them doing exposé because they want to always take the high road. Could be the reason why they never cleared any rumors about anything including the children because for them, the public is smart enough to see what's happening and come to their own conclusions while H&M treat the public like we're stupid.
Also I wouldn't be surprised if they start suing the BRF if they strip the titles or do anything more because even the Duke of Windsor wasn't stripped of his titles when he was a very clear threat and traitor to the UK. We might think this is dumb but they both have done many dumb things that doesn't make sense just to satisfy their big egos. The family just doesn't want to have anything to do with them and like you said, they're probably happy with the Sussex surname because PP's family name is saved from this ugly mess.
Also Charles the Weak had always had his darling boy's back that if anything comes out, it might put him in trouble as well like the bullying case. I truly believe stern actions will only come when William becomes King because people respect him more and have always had more faith in him to move forward with the correct thing instead of being an emotional snob. Unfair to him but Charles is useless like that.
I'm sorry for this long rant and my command of English, it's my 5th language so I don't have very good grasp of it 😅 Thank you for reading and looking forward for your response! ☺️
Ask from August 21st
A theory on the BRF's handling of the Sussexes.
I don't really have much to add here except that the reason why the Sussexes got away with it was because The Queen believed the decisions made, and the terms agreed to, at the Sandringham Summit were sufficient. She (or Charles or the courtiers) didn't think the agreement needed enforcing other than the part where they demanded the Sussexes decide by March 2021 if they were going to come back or stay.
Granted, COVID helped to passively enforce some of the Sandringham Summit terms, and probably by the time things adjusted to the new normal, the BRF had other, more important things to worry about (like Philip's and The Queen's health).
And once the Sussexes made their decision (aka the only part of the Sandringham Summit that The Queen was enforcing), that's when they started making their mistakes started. Their first big mistake was accusing the BRF of using Philip's health to squash their interview with Oprah. Their second big mistake was doing the Oprah interview. Their third big mistake was telling all those lies in the interview and forgetting that fact-checkers (and the internet) exists.
I think the BRF understood immediately that the Oprah interview was a mistake for Harry and Meghan when they saw all the people (American and British) supporting them and defending them, before and after they published "recollections may vary."
And thus, Napoleon Bonaparte: "Never interrupt an enemy when they're making a mistake."
Or a proverb, if history isn't your thing: "Give someone enough rope, and they will hang themselves."
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How to Immediately Ingratiate Yourself in [Most] Jewish Communities
(*caveat that I'm an American, liberal Jew, so my experiences are not universal despite being common)
So you've just started going to shul and you're worried about fitting in with the congregation. Or, perhaps, you're moving out of the community you converted in and are worried about finding your place in a new community. Maybe you're switching shuls. Whatever the reason, you're starting in a new community and want to be accepted right away. Here are some tips for becoming a rapidly accepted fixture in the community:
If your community has a weekday minyan, go to minyan. That will show you who the real machers are in the community: the ones who make services happen regularly and who aren't shy about calling or texting people to get butts in seats. If you're Jewish, you might be Jew #10, the perennial hero of daveners everywhere. If not, you're communicating to them that possibility in the future. (No one was more excited for me to finish conversion than the minyan regulars.)
Okay but what if I'm a woman (or not halachicly male person) attending a non-egalitarian community? If it's liberal orthodox community and/or has a partnership minyan, I'd still consider going. I attended morning minyan at my Modern Orthodox shul for months before I completed my conversion because it was less awkward than going to the Conservative minyan and having to clarify that no, they still couldn't count me yet. (And I really liked the people and the post-minyan drash the rabbi would give.) They were actually delighted to have me holding up the women's side of the mechitza and welcoming in the occasional women who would come for a yahrzeit.
Do you have rhythm and/or are possessed of decently good coordination? Learn the cup song! [Tutorial] People will be very excited albeit potentially confused if it comes out that you didn't grow up going to Jewish summer camp. (I'd just tell them you saw the song on the internet and thought it looked fun.)
Are you musically talented or a semi-competant guitar player? Many communities would love to involve you in the songful parts of the service if you let leadership know.
In general, pay attention to what your community is always begging for volunteers for, especially things you can do as a non-Jew or not-quite-yet-Jew if that's your situation, and sign up for one or two things you think you'd be good at. I would say it's better to pick one thing and focus your energy on being THAT guy rather than trying to do a little of everything (voice of experience here.) Real life examples I can think of: being a greeter, arranging set-up for events, helping out with food prep such as kiddush or post-minyan bagels, running groceries to homebound congregants, delivering mishloach manot if your community does that, childcare or assisting with children's activities if you like kids, etc.
Put a fair amount of energy into remembering people's names and faces, and try to work out early who is related to whom. Bonus points if you can file away information about their lives that they tell you during your conversations with them.
If you're asked to do honors by the gabbai, try to say yes to anything you know how to do and are qualified to do halachicly. If you're not Jewish, many liberal communities will still let you open the ark or take a multi-person aliyah with someone who is Jewish, or have you read some of the contemporary English language prayers. Bonus points for if you are able to learn and perform hagbah (especially if you're left-handed/able to hagbah when the sefer Torah is heavy on the left side.)
Honestly, if you're between the ages of 18 - 35, most communities will be thrilled you're there and tripping over themselves to get you to come back. In combination with the above? You're their new best friend. If you are older than that or still a minor, they will still be very happy to have another friendly and helpful face, even if it's just that you regularly attend minyan.
Good luck and here's to becoming a beloved fixture in your new community!
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jasonshousewife · 9 months
Jason Todd x lingerie model reader? 👀
She was supposed to do her shopping, but somehow she ended up buying more than three magazines that featured the same model, It was embarrassing, but I really needed more than looking at those curves in the supermarket window. (In my country they sell those types of magazines in supermarkets, yes.)
But it was even more embarrassing how she ended up cumming more than three times with just a few magazine photos. He was completely screwed, he knew it when he put up a tent in his pants just by seeing you from afar taking a sip of your coffee.
(IDK, I WENT TO THE SUPERMARKET AND I GAVE A BI PANIC, OK? I'm incapable of writing smut so I'll leave this for you to do what you want with it. 😈)
Warning: including sexual content, not proofread! just fresh out of my brain
ohh lingerie model reader would definitely be jason's weak point lol not because he's worried bout other men (of course he wants to punch ones who dare to look at you in a weird way) but because he can't hold himself when he sees you in those pretty lacy lingeries. fuck, he knew he was screwed the moment he saw you on a magazine cover.
he'd search for your name on the internet to find out who you were, it was kind of embarrassing cause he never in his life obsessed over a model or celebrity in media, but now here he was trying to find out who this girl was- smiling so confidently on the cover with those teasing red lingeries. fuck it. he's never jerked off over a magazine photoshoot like this. he's never bought a magazine featuring woman in lingerie as a cover in the first place.
he finds your instagram and god, you're gorgeous. you look amazing in every picture, especially the one where you're smiling at the camera without make up got his heart beating again. he didn't notice you had freckles that looked so damn cute on you. he scrolls his phone with a small smile on his face before snapping out of it 10 minutes later.
and ever since he learned that you live near by- accidentally jumping into you at a coffee shop, he can't stop thinking about you. you looked even more beautiful in real life, and he feels so guilty for getting so worked up like this. He tries to forget about you, cause he's not a pervert who stalks his neighbor. he tries to get over it and live his own life without his thoughts being occupied.
but fuck it life never works his way. he saw you being with a very persistent drunk man who wouldn't take no as an answer one night on the street. he doesn't even recognize it's you, but when he turned around to check on you after chasing the man off, his heart dropped to his stomach. it was you. the girl he dreamt of for days now.
he walks you home cause he's not gonna let a girl who just went through that walk home alone just cause he couldn't handle himself in front of her. you don't notice his shyness and just appreciate his kindess.
the next time you run into each other is at that same coffee shop he first saw you in real life. a short eye contact turns into a conversation, and soon this becomes a regular thing between you. you actually got to enjoy his presence and you could tell that he's not so tense around you and started to genuinely enjoy his time with you as well. the next time he walks you home after hanging out that evening— you invite him inside.
once he was inside your house, everything else happens so naturally. you both felt the tension that was building up between you two, and your lips meet his without any resistance. you could feel his hesitation. Jason was hesitating cause he didn't want to make you think he's just here for your body. but when he feels you biting down his lower lip, he just lets go and kisses you back. he wraps his arms around your waist and pull you closer.
His hand slips under your sweater and he feels you shiver. He's fricking out inside as well, because oh my fucking god this cannot be real. YOU cannot be real. you feel so good, your warm skin already making him hard.
he tells you that you don't have to do anything if you don't want to while his cock was twitching inside his pants and his lips were never leaving your neck. and you give a weak nod.
"I need to hear your voice. do you want this?" he whispers in a soft voice. it was probably out of worry but you just wanted him so bad at this point, and you let out a frustrated, impatient 'yes'.
he must have also sensed the impatience as well, he chuckled before slowly and gently taking your clothes off one by one until you were left only in your underwear. He didn't give a fuxk if you were in those sexy lingerie or not, cause he was too mesmerized by the sight of you. the wet spot gave him a rush, heat going straight to his cock once again.
"Y/n, you're socking..." He whispered in awe. He tugs on your panties with his begging puppy eyes. "Let me take care of you, please. I won't ask for more."
you look down at him who was between your legs, and feel yourself blushing. you've never met a guy who's acting like this, begging to taste you and take care of you... and you nod without thinking. his eyes sparkle as he gently puts a kiss on your inner thighs, being extremely gentle with you to make sure he gives you what you deserve.
but when he pulls your panties to the side and finally gets access to your dripping cunt, he devours you. he enjoys the little noises you make, little whimpers whenever his tongue licks on your clit and press on it. he gently tease your folds before pressing his tongue inside, fucking you with his tongue. he feels your hand in his hair, and enjoys the feeling of making you feel this much.
"hngh, Jason..." you whine and squirm, but his huge hands are holding on you thighs and pinning you down so you couldn't escape. he's enjoying this too much to let you miss this pleasure even for a second. the girl of his dreams, the girl he's only dreamt of and got to actually adore after learning her personality, the girl who's so perfect... he's just happy that you let him do this to you. he feels you tug on his hair again and pushes his face like he's almost gonna dive into you. his nose nuzzles on your clit, and a small scream escaped your mouth.
you feel a heat gathering in your stomach, and he feels that too. one of his hands that was on your thigh move to your clit, rubbing a circle in a steady pace while his tongue was still sucking and drinking on your cunt.
"Fuck– Jason, please–"
"What do you need, princess? Do you want me to make you come?" he whispers in a ever gentle voice, whispering in a breathless voice himself. his cock was already so fucking hard and he was this close to just coming inside his pants, but he has to hold back until he gives you what you want.
"need to come, need to– oh god–"
you shiver and come on his tongue. your fingers tangled into his hair and you can only make choked out sounds as his tongue was fucking you through your orgasm. jason watches you as he feels himself getting so close to coming, and he finally pulls his tongue and hand away from between your legs. instead he pulls out his cock with one hand and starts to stroke himself.
"I'm sorry, y/n... angel... I just need to– nff... get this off my system..."
he whispered with a groan and hump himself between your thighs, making you gasp. everytime his length brushes your still sensitive pussy, you cry out in pleasure. you're still hazy from your earlier orgasm, and your brain can't comprehend anything else other than the feeling of your pussy clenching and unclenching over nothing and your clit being stimulated by his huge cock as he humps himself between your thighs.
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okay i'm gonna stop here cause i don't think i can stop myself if i write more!! hope you likes it :) maybe i'll come back later to revise this lol
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hurpdurpburps · 2 months
Astoria: Fate's Kiss Is Getting Re-released On 25 July, Here Are Some Things You Should Keep In Mind
Most people don't know it (until now I guess), but I'm the founder of, and have been running the @ls-salvation-squad project since Christmas 2021. I hardly interact with the LS community outside of the project server in a personal capacity as I've largely left the fandom around 6 months before the announcement of the app's closure.
I was pretty late to the game (pun intended), having only learnt about the app in 2020, but managed to be around for 'milestone events' such as the writers' strike and the DMCA rampage on YouTube/tumblr. Thanks to certain friends and technology, I've also had privileged access to a quasi-'insider look' into Voltage's workings (and failings) as a studio, both in real time and through secondhand horror stories of the past.
This culmination of experiences has spurred me to make my first, and last, personal opinion piece regarding LS on tumblr, a corner of the community that I haven't really interacted much with.
While I understand the sheer joy, relief and excitement that comes with revived, legal access to some of the most impressive, unapologetically queer stories to have ever graced the internet, I want to point out the ugly truths that are intertwined with the revival of this troubled app:
Buying the game =/= supporting the creators. Not a cent of your money goes towards them. Even when Voltage USA used to be a thing, barely any of it went towards the employees in general either. The writers were paid 3 cents/word, and producers were working twice as hard but only paid around half of their counterparts in other companies. AFAIK the artists have kept quiet but it would be more of a surprise if they were treated any better than their peers.
Buying the game =/= supporting queer content/community. This might come as a shocker, but homophobia ran rampant within Voltage's management. The best evidence of this can be found in their history of 'peculiar' business or creative decisions - and they've made a fuckton of bad choices. Fun fact; the first queer routes were only made possible via sheer force of will of a particular producer. I'm not at liberty to share the nitty gritty on this public platform as the stories aren't mine, but maybe if you asked some of the former staff nicely, they might give you cryptic hints.
You're gonna be paying them a THIRD time. Many of us have already shelled out hundreds of dollars on heart choices - not once, but twice. Putting the whole version on Steam/Switch had always been a valid option from the beginning of the end, but they chose not to do it. Why? Because users scrambling to make bulk purchases of tickets and hearts to record routes as a last hurrah meant a last, fat cash-in. Not to mention the fact that they're selling the game at US$30 per series, for almost decade-old content, presumably without any new additions. At this point, throwing your hard earned money at them AGAIN is just rewarding scummy management and unscrupulous business models.
Do you really need to? Our team of around 100 archivists worked tirelessly in Q1 of 2022 to provide you high quality recordings of every single route. We've gone so far as to acquire recordings of pre-LS Voltage content such as Queen's Gambit and all of the soundtracks. We've put assets up for download. There are a dozen passionate creators out there who have been updating their Ren'Py recreations so that you can scratch your itch - and all for free!!! What more could you possible want or need that only the greedy bastards at Voltage can give you - apart from seeing your custom MC name on the screen and the absolutely inconsequential choices B & C that our videos didn't cover?
Is this a call for a boycott? I guess not really, or at least I didn't consciously set out to make it like this. Dissuading others from purchasing legal access to media when it's easily available goes against my general principle about responsibly and pragmatically supporting creators. And as one 'em Gays™, I know the preciousness of possessing Queer Stories Written By Queer People.
But I was concerned at what seemed to be a wave of happiness and eagerness at news of the revival, without any mention of the absolute shit show that has led us to this very point. There's a very big part of me that's absolutely pissed at being taken for a ride. News of the revival has been a bittersweet development for us all, especially those who have poured their time, money and energy over the past 2.5 years into salvaging what was thought to be a lost piece of queer media - only to find out that all that effort might only get them a slap to the face in the form of a DMCA from the grave. So yeah, fuck you Voltage.
TLDR: You should really save your money for more ethical, indie developers who have the decency to not mock your consumer intelligence. I don't think it's a crime against humanity if you end up buying it after all, but just think about it yeah?
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6rookie-writer0110 · 7 months
Sadly, I want you
Wally Clark x Male Reader
Request: Wally Clark x male reader, reader can see ghosts and makes it his mission to help wally move on but also catching feelings for this ghost in the process. maybe angst at the end
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You just took a shower and you are in your bedroom. You are wearing just a bathrobe and you start to look for your pajamas. You take off your bathrobe then suddenly you heard someone talk to you.
“Woah! Woah!” Wally said.
You covered yourself with the robe.
“Who the hell are you!?” You yelled.
“This is my room! What are you doing here?” Wally said.
“This is my room and my house, which my family bought!” You yelled.
Wally turned around now he is facing the window.
“You can put on your clothes now. I won't look” Wally said.
You started to get dressed fast.
“You can turn around now. I'm serious but why are you in my room? You know what I'm calling the cops” You said.
Wally turned around.
“This is my house. I have been living here since 1965” Wally said.
“Wait, say that again,” You said.
You throw the pillow at him and it went through him.
“I was born in 1965 so this is my house,” Wally said.
“Not anymore. What year do you think it is?” You said.
“It’s 1983,” Wally said.
“No, it's 2024,” You said.
“That year doesn't exist, buddy,” Wally said.
“My name is Y/n. The year is real and what's your name” You said.
“My name is Wally Clark and the year is 1983,” Wally said.
You try to explain to him it's not 1983 anymore. He had to process that he is dead and hadn't moved on. You turn on your laptop
“What is that?” Wally asked.
“It's called a computer. I can find anything I want on the internet and I mean anything” You said.
“What is the internet?” Wally asked.
“I’m going to put your name and it will show me the information about you. And I can look up the old bands you like” You said.
“Wow, the internet. Oh, and my favorite band is The Police” Wally said.
“I never heard of them. Okay, I'm going to type your name” You said.
You did find information on Wally, then you start to read the paragraph...
“Quarterback Wally Clark died from a football accident. His neck snapped during the game” You said.
You look at him and he is speechless.
“I remember now, what happened to me,” Wally said.
“You haven't moved on because you are attached to something,” You said.
“What happened to my parents?” Wally asked.
You start to search for his parents.
“They passed away years ago. The house had been empty for years before my parents bought the house” You said.
“But how you can see me?” Wally asked.
“It’s a gift. I have been seeing ghosts since I was ten years old” You said.
“Oh... Can you play the police?” Wally asked.
You figured it would cheer him up. You play the music and he starts to talk about, which song is his favorite.
You and Wally start to ask questions about each other. He thinks it's dumb and cool to have a cell phone, and learned about old music and shows.
You head to the basement and there are some boxes, that don't belong to you or your parents.
“Hey that box has my name on it,” Wally said.
“I’m going to open it,” You said.
You start to open the box. Inside there are old photo albums then you start to look through the pictures. He starts to tell you stories about his family and when he was a kid.
✬ ✯ ✫ ✯
You are on your phone and Wally appears in your room.
“What are you doing, Y/n?” Wally asked.
You got startled, you weren't expecting him.
“You scared me,” You said.
“I didn't mean to scare you. What are you doing on the phone?” Wally said.
“I was doing research on how to help you crossover,” You said.
“Anything helpful?” Wally asked.
“First we have to find what you are attached to besides my room,” You said.
“You mean my room,” Wally said.
“No, it's my room. My family bought the house, we have the papers” You said.
You and Wally did go back and forth about whose room it is.
But later, you start to check every room in the house. You couldn't figure out why Wally is still attached to the house. It took a while to explain to him why TVs are flat and not huge in the back.
The last few days, you and Wally got used to being around each other. Because of him, you know some old rock bands. You talk about your day and he talks about what he does when you aren't around.
“Won’t your boyfriend be jealous you are spending time with me, not him?” Wally asked.
“I don't have a boyfriend,” You said.
“Why not? You are cute and smart” Wally said.
You couldn't help to smile at what he said about you.
“Thanks. It's hard to find someone who would actually like me and stuff” You said.
“If I was alive and the same age as you, I would ask you out. But I think you should try to put yourself out there and get your holes filled… I-I didn't mean like that… I-” Wally starts to stutter.
“I get it, Wally” You giggled.
You lie on your bed and Wally lies next to you. He started to give you advice on dating then you changed the subject to something else. Now, you and Wally are talking personal funny stories about each other. You and Wally are enjoying the conversation then you two start to talk about pet peeves, half of it you and Wally agreed on the same ones.
It was dinner time and your parents were waking late. But Wally is keeping you company, he talks about his favorite food. He starts to ask questions about your favorite food and least favorite food.
✬ ✯ ✫ ✯
You had a bad day and Wally can see that you are grumpy. You sit in your gaming chair and sigh heavily.
“What happened, Y/n?” Wally asked.
“I had a bad day from morning until I came home,” You said.
“Oh,” Wally said.
“My boss is a huge asshole and a customer was a bigger asshole. Ugh! I work with stupid people and I need a new job. And on my way home, I forgot my umbrella and it started to rain and I got soaked” You said.
Wally starts to think if he wasn't a ghost he would hug you.
“How about, you change into your pajamas and we will watch your favorite movie,” Wally said.
“I like that idea, Wally. Thanks” You smiled.
“Anything for you” Wally smiled.
You went to take a hot shower and then put on your pajamas. You put on your favorite movie then Wally sits next to you on the couch.
Later you want to bed and you stare at the ceiling. Wally would usually stay out of your bedroom while you sleep.
“I shouldn't have feelings for a ghost” You mumbled.
When you started to open up to Wally, then you developed feelings for him. You tried to deny it but that didn't work and you sighed. You finally opened up to someone but he isn't alive or the same age as you.
Wally is in the living room watching TV. Wally has developed feelings for you and he wishes that he could touch you. But he thinks that you don't have feelings for him.
Wally went with you to the attic. There are more boxes of his stuff than you found in his football jacket. Inside his pocket, you found a family picture of him and his parents.
“I think this is why you haven't been able to crossover,” You said.
“I remember when I first got that jacket. I ran home and told my parents and my mom called everyone and made my favorite meal. Then my dad hugged me” Wally smiled.
“That must have been nice” You smiled.
You and Wally leave the attic. You head to the backyard and you grab the Charcoal lighter fluid.
“If I burn your jacket then we won't see each other again,” You said sadly.
“I know. I'm going to miss you, Y/n” Wally said.
“I’m going to miss you too, Wally,” You said.
You put his jacket and the picture in the firepit. You dosed his jacket with the lighter fluid and you used matches to light it. You and Wally watched the fire start and the jacket started to burn.
“Wally, your hand,” You said.
His right hand starts to disappear.
“Y/n, I'm going to say this fast because I don't have enough time. I really like you and I know we are not from the same lifetime. But I really enjoyed my time with you and I do hope that you will find your happiness. Y/n, I'm going to miss you a lot but thank you” Wally said.
“I feel the same way, Wally. You made me happy and I'm glad you will see your parents. I'm going to miss you a lot” You said.
“Bye, Y/n,” Wally said.
You watch him disappear and you sit on the chair. Then you watched his jacket turn black and you started to cry. You wipe the tears away and sit outside for a little while.
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diakitty · 5 months
O!Ciel's real name and why not knowing it matters.
! Spoiler warning !
I want to share a thought that came to me about a year ago. Many fans of the manga "Black Butler" often wonder about the real name of O!Ciel (later, the young master) and put forth various theories on this matter. It sometimes gets to the point where people leave the fandom for a while, returning only to ask about the name reveal, completely losing interest in other, more significant events in the manga. Then I asked myself: do we really need to know his real name?
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With this ring on not, I — «Ciel Phantomhive», am the head of the Phantomhive family. (Vol. 1, ch. 2)
In this article I will mainly use screenshots with the official English translation by Yen Press, as it can be challenging to find Japanese ones. Additionally, my knowledge of the Japanese is extremely limited. However, I also consult various Japanese sources and materials available on the internet. I am aware that even the official translation may not always be accurate. Toboso puts a lot of meaning into the text, and some of it may get lost in translation. However, in the context of this topic, there should not be any problems.
First, let's touch on an equally important thing, the very essence of names. Our name is what defines who we are. It represents our identity, our individuality. When you know someone's name, it breaks down barriers and makes the person feel more open and honest. Additionally, there are charactonyms, which are commonly used in the media. Charactonym already provide the viewer or reader with some information about the character and give them a chance to reflect on the character's personality. However, if a character doesn't have a name, it becomes more difficult to read through them. Does this apply to the young master? Let's find out.
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(Vol. 13, ch. 62)
From the very beginning the young master hid a lot from us: his controversial motives and a mysterious past that was gradually revealed in the smallest details until it reached a turning point. At that moment, the reader realized that they didn't really know anything about him. It turns out that the younger Phantomhive has been deceiving everyone for a long time, including you.
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(Vol. 26, ch. 129)
Why did the young master took his older brother's name after his death?
I've often heard people make the following assumptions:
He was an unloved child and envied his older brother.
To avoid legal issues and to get the inheritance and title right away.
For Ciel's sake.
The first one can be immediately put aside. The assumption that the younger brother was not so loved in the family is refuted by the manga itself, you don't even need to dig far.
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(Vol. 26, ch. 133)
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My sweet nephews. (Vol 3, ch 10)
The young master was loved no less than Ciel. People often suggest that he is an "unloved younger son", basing their argument on the following frame:
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The young master deluding himself, succumbing to the manipulations of the demon. (Vol. 27, ch. 137)
However, no one told him that he was unloved and that they would be upset if he comes back. (Edited. I do believe there was some pressure with the whole heir thing, which planted seeds of doubt in a little child, but overall his family did loved him) He compared himself to Ciel. He looked up to him, but at the same time, he felt inferior and didn't see his own strengths. Instead focusing on his weaknesses. It was precisely because this child was not capable of loving himself that he decided that the (self-proclaimed) "weak spare" should not have survived.
The second assumption also irrelevant, because the young master had no idea of becoming the first heir and taking on the role of the queen's watchdog. He didn't let the fact of not becoming an earl get to him. Instead, he decided on what he wanted to dedicate his future to, aiming to become a worthy younger son that everyone would be proud of.
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(Vol. 26, ch. 132)
And the third assumption is the one I personally follow!
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(Vol. 28, ch. 140)
The young master suffered a lot during that time time in the cult, which greatly weakened his mental state and worldview, but he wasn't a bad child. He loved his older brother, even more than himself. That's why he decided that only Ciel deserved to be saved. He buried his true self and became Ciel, strong and invincible, the kind of Ciel that his older brother could not become.
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(Vol. 27, ch. 137)
And I think that at that moment everything we knew about the young master, his motivation and the name itself began to take on new meanings.
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(Vol 2, ch. 8)
The younger brother is gone. He disappeared forever, along with the essence of the real Ciel. Only "Earl Ciel Phantomhive" remains...
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〞Earl Ciel Phantomhive〟— is I! (Vol. 28, ch. 147)
...And that's all we need to know.
Will the reveal of the young master's real name affect anything?
...No. It will just ruin all the charm and depth of this story, nothing more. The young master rose to prominence, becoming the owner of the esteemed company «Phantom» and the queen's watchdog. He took on the name Earl Ciel Phantomhive, leaving his past behind. After all, we cannot retrieve what we have lost. I am completely sure that the name will not be revealed, no matter how much some people would want to.
Other characters whose real names we don't know.
It's funny that while going on and off about the name of the young master, everyone seems to forget that there are still many characters in this story whose names we don't know. Without going far, we have Sebastian, Undertaker, most of the circus troupe. Moreover, we don't know if they have names at all. Take Sebastian as an example — he was given a name of the young master's dog. We know that this is not his true name, as he could have served many other people who gave him different names. Do we need to know the specific names? No, it doesn't affect anything. All that matters to us is that he is now Sebastian, the faithful dog of the young master.
I can only believe that the Undertaker's name will be revealed at some point in the future. It may be very significant in the context of his background.
And that's all. While being part of the fandom, I managed to see only one person who, like me, does not consider it necessary to know the young master's birth name. Therefore, I hope that someone else will find my thoughts on this matter interesting. Thank you for reading! (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
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