#I died and came back when Yoongi lit the cigarette
Haegeum bitch, Haegeum.
First off all, Min Yoongi is a fucking genius.
The parallels between Daechwita and Haegeum MVs are quite literally bookhshawbakhow.
Daechwita is set in the Monarchy time period. Both the Yoongi's were power hungry. The thing though, King Yoongi (Yes I will be referring to him just like that, bear with it.) was born into it. Also, I have read that having a scar, is supposed to be associated with criminality (Someone said that on the internet when I searched up Scars and Koreans, please I swear). King Yoongi having a deep scar on his FACE nonetheless, something that a diplomat has to show to the public as a leader, is a lot.
The other Yoongi in Daechwita, he fought his way up. Dug his way up from hell, came up to the top, right from the bottom. Common man-hardened-from-fight- Yoongi craves power. He craves freedom from the oppressive rule of the king. Daechwita is set in the time of a king, in a time where the society is so setback, that the only people who are born into the power, who are influential right from the beginning are at the top. I like to believe, his lyrics reflect that too, I am no good with korean though. Yoongi who fought challenges and says that he has outshone the oppressive rulers and whatnot, and that he will continue to do so, even if that means spitting in the face of the rules that keep him binded.
Haegeum now, god.
Haegeum, I like to believe, is set in a time where the people have way before realised their freedom and have acted on it. But the thing is, here's the thing: It's too much.
Haegeum, according to me, is set in a time where everyone is racing to be at the top, to a point where there IS no top.
Second, the two Yoongis is each video.
The King and Police Yoongi both have scars. Though, the scar that police Yoongi has, is lighter. Or rather, somewhat more healed than the King. There are two sides to power, the darker side (The King) and the "Virtuous" side (The Police) who only step in after the poor, or rebels (Tropical shirt Yoongi) start posing a threat to the set of oppressors that control a particular sect of living.
In the end, just like Daechwita where the want to overthrow the oppressive rule won, in Haegeum, the want for greed, power, overthrew the constraints of the society.
Lastly, Yoongi coming back to the place where he started it all in a police car, that was sent to bring him in, I think it's a message of how the rebellion has spread to all levels, irrespective of the 'Right' or 'Wrong' side.
Also, in both the MVs, the King, the Police and the Common Man, all played by Yoongi also show how we're are own chains that are very, very opposing to what we actually want, what we are for the people, and what we are for ourselves.
It's a cycle of greed, corruption, want to rule, power and the need for fiery victory, but goddamnit, if I am gonna go out, then I will go out with a bang and I will do it all over again if I have the chance to.
Also, I do not encourage smoking, but I will pay Min Yoongi, in both cash and tangerines to smoke in my face UwU.
That is all, thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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out-of-jams · 3 years
Vesper || jjk
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↠ Vesper↞ “There’s a first time for everything.”
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Word Count: 2k
Warnings/Genre: doberman hybrid!kook. human reader. explicit language. fluff. PG 13. one shot.
This fic is apart of The Hybrid Collab hosted by @jeonggukkiepabo​! A special thank you to Anna for bearing with my idiotic forgetfulness, aka me writing this and then forgetting to post it over my hiatus. 🥴 ᵖˡˢ ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ʰᵃᵗᵉ ᵐᵉ  (also it’s a lot shorter now than it had been when i’d written it bc sfw lol)
All works here are purely fiction. Everything I write is my intellectual property and therefore belongs to me. ©out-of-jams. Do not copy or repost without permission. That is illegal and you are stealing no matter if you give credit or not
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Cold – adjective.
Definition: freezing your fucking ass off.
You were well acquainted with the word– all but became one with it– what, with how absolutely balls cold out it was. The line to get into Vesper was stretched all the way down the sidewalk outside of the building, and extended out of sight around the corner. Sounds of city life echoed through the streets, cars zooming in between traffic and music leaking out of the bars.
From the crack in Vesper’s backdoor, the beginning’s of a hip-hop song filtered from the expensive sound system. It was loud, eardrum-rattling so, and you closed your eyes, leaning against the brick wall off to the side. A cloud of white left your parted lips as your warm breath hit the biting chill in the air. It was too bad that you were nowhere near drunk enough for the weather not to bother you.
Why you’d chosen to follow your friends out in sub-freezing temperatures was a mystery. You hated clubs, how packed to the walls they were, filled with writhing bodies so close together like sardines. It made you feel utterly claustrophobic, but it was your friend’s birthday and so you couldn’t opt out of following along with the group’s plans for the night. Not that you were ever able to say no to them when they insisted on dragging you out to the place.
Vesper was a popular club that you were sometimes forced to go to, located in the heart of downtown that catered to not only humans, but hybrids as well. It wasn’t the first establishment to do so, seeing as how hybrids integrated into society more than a decade ago. No longer were they as discriminated against as they once were, back when they first came about.
No one was 100% certain on how they’d even come to be; some sort of radiation exposure. The first hybrids had been humans, before they changed, morphed. Due to some sort of exposure to radiation, their cells had multiplied and transformed over the course of a few weeks until half of their genetic makeup resembled animal genes.
While the blatant racism had died out over the years, some, the more elitist members of society, still discriminated against hybrids. Looked down at them because they were born to be ruled more by their animal instincts than their human counterparts. Treated them as less-than because they weren’t completely human, when they were really just misunderstood.
Because of the fact that they were more tapped into their animal side and therefore behaved that way, hybrids used to be seen as beings who could be let loose into society. Who could not “control themselves.” So they took them as pets, tried to tame and sell them.
Shaking yourself out of your thoughts, you fished a cardboard box from the inside pocket of your coat. The sound of you tapping out a white cigarette was in time with the beat of the song pouring outside, and blended in with the cars honking out past the alleyway. Normally, you weren’t one for smoking. But after the stress of college finals week on top of the feeling of the walls closing in on you back inside Vesper, you’d asked one of your friends for their carton in hopes of calming your racing heart.
“Shit,” you murmured as you scoured your pant pockets for a lighter and then groaned when you failed to find one.
Because of course, your luck was anything but lucky and you really didn’t feel like trying to part the sea of sweaty people back inside in search of one. Pursing your lips, you let your head tip back against the brick wall behind you and let your eyes flit over the light polluted sky like it somehow held the answers to all of your life’s problems.
“Need a light?”
The addition of a new voice had you jumping away from the wall with a startled squeak. Hand pressed to your chest as if that would somehow restart your skipping heart, you whirled around. Standing in the now wide-opened back doorway into Vesper was a familiar face. Well, as familiar as a practical stranger could be.
Beneath the single, flickering light in the alley, his black t-shirt with SECURITY printed in white glowed in the surrounding darkness. It stretched itself over his broad shoulders, the bottom tucked into the slim waist of his pants. Your gaze slowly slid up his tanned neck, past his coral colored, pouty lips, sharp jaw, and the straight bridge of his nose. His wavy, dark hair was parted a little off-center, the sides falling over his forehead until it threatened to hide his stare from your view.
Finally, your eyes met his. Framed by long eyelashes, they were a bright, inhuman shade of lilac. Not all hybrids were equipped with the features of one, like a set of sensitive, animal-like ears or even a tail. If a human and a hybrid got together and had children, those kids would end up possessing more human cells than animal. Therefore, their appearances mirrored that.
But they were never completely indiscernible.
Just like every other time you’d ever laid your sights on him, your pulse skyrocketed and your stomach fell through the floor. And also like every other time, you pushed the feeling away and refused to acknowledge it. Because harboring a crush on a man who you’d only conversed with occasionally was a bad idea.
Especially when they were as handsome as he was.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” Jungkook apologized shyly. His voice wasn’t too deep, nor was it high; lying right in the middle. Switzerland
“No, it’s alright.”
It was notalright, if only because the man made you feel flustered.
The only time the two of you really interacted was whenever he’d be scheduled to man security at Vesper’s entrance checking IDs. A small comment about the weather here, a compliment given with a flash of a smile with the reddening of cheeks there. Hell, the only reason you even knew his name was because it was etched onto the heart of his shirt.
“So,” Jungkook began, still standing in the doorway like some kind of club guardian. “Need a light?” He nodded his head at the unlit white stick tucked between your fingers, his parted hair brushing across his eyebrows with the movement.
“Oh. Yeah, you have one,” you asked.
He answered your query by pulling a lighter from the back of his pants pocket and finally slipped away from the door, leaving it open a crack so the two of you wouldn’t get locked out. The music flooding out from inside quieted down to a barely-there whisper. Pressing the cigarette between your lips, you almost faltered when he stepped close to you.
Jungkook’s body heat practically swallowed you whole as he entered your personal space with a cute smile pulling up at the corners of his lips. His two front teeth were a little too big for his mouth and you would’ve suspected his animal counterpart to be a bunny or rabbit of some sort if it wasn’t for his job. The small mammals tended to be pacifists and you doubted working as a security guard counted towards pacifism.
The lighter came to life with a clickand a tiny burst of flame, and you watched from beneath your lashes as he lit the end of your preferred cigarette. As soon as you felt the heat of the smoke sear itself into your lungs, a thought came to you.
“Wait,” you began, lowering the white stick from your lips to dangle from your cold fingers. “Doesn’t the smell bother you?”
Jungkook’s cheeks puffed up beneath the weight of another smile and he stepped back from crowding you to lean a shoulder against the brick wall. “My roommate, Yoongi, smokes. So I’m used to it.” He tapped a finger to his nose.
“If you’re sure,” you said hesitantly.
“I’m sure.”
Humming, you resumed your position of leaning against the brick, your shoulder only a few inches away from his. Hybrid’s tended not to wear perfume or cologne because of their elevated sense of smell, but Jungkook must have been wearing some. Or perhaps it was just the scent of his laundry detergent that drifted from his body like an invisible cloud.
It was comforting. In a way that you couldn’t quite understand.
Glancing at him out of the corner of your eye, you took a slow drag from your cigarette and made care to blow the resulting smoke away from him. “Ditching work?”
He was looking out past the alleyway and towards the busy street beyond. Jungkook’s side profile was stunning even in the near darkness. “Technically, I amworking.”
“Oh?” Your voice was filled with amusement. “Expecting someone to pop out from the darkness like Batman and attack the club?”
He snorted, his tongue darting out to wet his soft looking lips. “Batman would never attack a club.”
“There’s a first time for everything.” Shrugging, you sneaked a peak over at him again to notice him already looking at you. His violet hued eyes glowed brightly as they roved over your features appreciatively.
“How about a first date then?”
You sputtered, choking on nothing except air at his blunt words. “I–what?”
Jungkook broke eye contact for a moment, your reaction coaxing a light shade of pink onto his cheeks. “I like you. And I know we don’t really know each other, but we always end up running into each other, which is why I want to change that.” He looked back at you, expression soft. “If you’re interested, of course.”
“I..,” swallowing, your mouth opened and closed in shock before your tongue finally let the syllables slip. “I would like that very much.”
His answering grin lit up the shadows lingering in the alleyway.
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ktaebwi · 7 years
Hwa Yang Yeon Hwa The Notes (Her) - Full Translation
KRN - ENG © ktaebwi Do not use for commercial purpose. Credit properly when reposting & re-translating.
Download PDF: MF | Dropbox
T/N: Pronoun “they” will be used in parts where there is no gender-specific pronoun or not enough context to guess. The notes are the same for all versions except for the right entries of some members in each version. L - Hoseok, Jimin. O - Yoongi, Jungkook. V - Namjoon, Taehyung. E - Seokjin.
Seokjin 15 August YEAR 22
It was after getting out of a jammed crossing and starting to speed up when I came to a sudden stop, unknowingly. The car behind beeped their horn and passed by, someone was hurling curses, but amid the noise of the city, I didn’t hear anything. There was a small flower shop at the corner of the alley on the left. I didn’t stop abruptly because I saw the shop. It was more like I discovered the shop after stopping my car.
When the owner - who was organizing papers at the side of the shop currently under interior construction - approached me, I had no expectation. I had already gone around several places but even the florists had no idea about the existence of the flower. They only showed me flowers with a similar color. But I wasn’t looking for something with a similar color. The flower had to be real. After I told the owner the flower’s name, he looked at me for a while. Then he said even though the shop hadn’t been officially opened yet, he could deliver the flower to me, and asked me. “Why does it have to be that flower?”
As I turned the handle and got back to the road, I started to think. The reason why it had to be that flower. There was only one reason. Because I want to make that person happy. Because I want to make that person laugh. Because I want to show them the me that they like. Because I want to become a good person.
Seokjin 2 March YEAR 19
There was a damp smell in the principal's office where dad led me into. Ten days after returning from the US, I was told yesterday that due to difference in school system, I would be held back a year. "Please look after him." Dad put his hands onto my shoulder and I unknowingly flinched. "School is a dangerous place. There have to be regulations". The principal looked straight at me. The wrinkled skin around his cheeks and mouth quivered whenever he talked and inside his tanned lips was a whole dark red. "Doesn't Seokjin here think so?" I hesitated at the sudden question and dad immediately squeezed my shoulder harder. His grip was so strong that it made my neck muscles throbbed. "I believe he will do well." The principal continued to look me into the eye and dad's grip slowly getting stronger and stronger. I clenched my fists at the bone-breaking pain. My body was shaking and breaking out in a cold sweat. "You have to tell me. Seokjin needs to become a good student." The principal looked at me with a smileless face. "I understood." I narrowly squeezed out an answer and for one moment the pain was gone. There was the sound of dad and the principal laughing. I couldn't lift my head up. I looked down the dad's brown shoes and the principal's black ones. I didn't know where the light was coming from, but they were glinting. I was scared of that glint.
Seokjin 11 April YEAR 22 (E)
I came to the sea alone. Inside the viewfinder, the sea was wide open and blue as ever. Even the sunlight dispersing on the water, the wind blowing through the pine forest, they were still the same. The only thing changed was that I was alone. One press of the shutter button and the scenery in front of my eyes flashed, for a moment, that day 2 years and 10 months ago appeared and quickly vanished again. That day we were sitting together in front of this day. Tired, empty-handed, hopeless, but we were together.
I turned my car around and stepped on the accelerator. I drove through the tunnel, passing the rest stop. Somewhere near the school where we used to go to, I opened the car window. It was a night in spring. The air was warm and cherry blossoms were fluttering about on the trees ranging along the school walls. I left the school, crossed through the crossroad and made a few turns. Not far away, I could see the lights from the gas station where Namjoon works at.
Yoongi 8 June YEAR 22
I took off my T-shirt. The me inside the mirror was nothing like me at all. The T-shirt with 'DREAM' written on it wasn't my type in any way. I hated the color red, the word "dream", and even the way it clung tightly onto my body. Annoyed, I took out the cigarette and looked for my lighter. There was nothing in my jeans pocket, so I looked through the bag and realized. It was taken away. It was taken from my hands just like that. I was left with the lollipop and this T-shirt.
I ruffled my hair and stood up, but then heard a sound signaling a message came. The moment I saw the name with three words on the phone screen, everything around me suddenly lit up and my heart dropped with a thud. I read the message and snapped my cigarette into two. The next moment, I was smiling in the mirror. Wearing a tight red shirt with 'DREAM' on it, I was smiling like an idiot.
Yoongi 25 June YEAR 20
All of a sudden, I opened the door, went to the desk and took out a bag from the bottom drawer. I flipped the bag and shaked it, and a piano key fell out with a thud. I threw the half-burned key into the trash can and lied down on bed. My seething heart did not cool down, breathing a mess and fingers stained with soot.
There was one time I came back to the house, now a ruin because of the fire, after the funeral ended. I entered my mother's room and saw the piano burned to the point of unrecognizable. I sank down next to it. As the afternoon light pierced through the window and died down, I just sat there. A few keys were rolling around amid the last rays of light. I wondered what sound they would make when I pressed down. I wondered how much mother's fingers had touched them. I took one of them, put into my pocket and left the room.
4 years has passed since then. Our house was quiet. So quiet that I was going crazy. After 10 o'clock, my father would go to bed and everything must be done with bated breath afterwards. That was the rule of this house. It was hard for me to endure that silence. It was not easy to match the time and follow the rule, the formality either. But what I couldn't endure even more was that, despite of it, I still continue to live in this house. Taking the pocket money my father gives, eating with my father, listening to his scoldings. Even though I talked back to him, went astray and caused trouble, I didn't have to courage to leave him, leave this house and be alone, to really put that freedom into action and not just pure words.
All of a sudden, I sat up from the bed. I took out the key from the trash can under the desk. I opened the window, letting the air of the night harshly rush in. Everything happened today flooded in as it they were carried by the wind, slapping at my face. I threw the key into the air as hard as I could. It had been ten days since I last went to school. I heard they expelled me. Who knows, maybe now I would be kicked out of this house even if I don't want to. I listened carefully but still couldn't make out the sound of the key falling to the ground. No matter how much I wondered about, I will never be able to know what sound that key made. No matter how much time passes, that key will never be able to make any sound again. I will never play the piano again.
Yoongi 7 April YEAR 22 (O)
I stopped walking at the clumsy piano sound. At the empty construction site in the middle of the night, there was only the crackling sound from a fire someone had lit in the drum can. I could tell it was the song I used to play, but I didn’t really have any thought. My drunken footsteps wobbled. I closed my eyes and walked even more mindlessly. Heat from the fire became stronger and the piano sound, the air of the night, even my intoxication fade away.
At the sudden horn, I opened my eyes, narrowly escaping a passing car. Amid the glare of the headlight, the wind from cars passing by and the chaos of my intoxication, I staggered helplessly. A driver was spitting out curses. I stopped, about to curse back when I realized, I could no longer hear the piano sound. Amid the sound of the blazing fire, the sound of the wind, the noise left behind by cars, there was no way the piano sound could be heard. Seems like it stopped. Why did it stop? Was someone playing the piano?
With a snap, sparks of the fire in the drum can surged towards the darkness. I stared vacantly at it for a while. My face flushed from the heat. That was when I heard the sound of someone slamming down the piano keys with fist. Instinctively, I turned around. In a second, my blood was running wild, breath growing ragged. My childhood nightmare. It was like the sound I heard at that place.
The next moment, I was running. My body turned around on itself not on my own will, running towards the music shop. Somehow it felt like this had repeatedly happened countless of times. Like I was forgetting something really urgent.
The music shop with broken windows. Someone was sitting in front of the piano. It had been years but I still could recognize him at once. He was crying. I clenched my fists. I didn’t want to get involved with someone else’s life. Didn’t want to comfort someone else’s loneliness. Didn’t want to become a meaningful person to someone else. I didn’t have the confidence that I would be able to protect that person. Didn’t have the confidence to be with them till the end. I didn’t want to hurt them. I didn’t want to get hurt.
I slowly moved my steps. I was about to turn around and leave, but unknowingly, I came closer. And pointed out to him the wrong note. Jungkook lifted his head and looked up at me. “Hyung.” It was the first time we met after I dropped out of school.
Namjoon 30 June YEAR 22
With somewhat a weird feeling, I looked at my hands pressing the open button as if it had a will of its own. There were moments like this. Moments that even though it was clearly the first time, I feel like it had repeatedly happened countless of times. Right before the elevator door closed, it opened again and people crowded in. I spotted someone with hair tied up by a yellow rubber band. It wasn’t because I know that person would be here that I pressed the open button, but I felt like that person would definitely be here. I slowly stepped further to the back. I lifted my head up as my back pressing against the cold elevator wall, the yellow rubber band coming into my view.
A person’s back speaks up many thing.  Among them, I can only understand a few. Some I can vaguely guess and some are ultimately left ungrasped. I was suddenly struck with the thought that you can only say you know a person when you are able to read everything from their back. If so, maybe there would also be someone who can read me from my back. As I looked up, our eyes met in the mirror. For a second, I avoided the gaze. When I looked up, there was only my face in the mirror. My back was no longer seen.
Namjoon 15 May YEAR 20
I walked across the storage classroom, which had become a hideout for us who had nowhere to go, and set upright a few chairs. I picked up the desk that had fallen down and wiped the dust with my palm. The fact that it’s the last time always make people sentimental. This will be the last day I come to school. We have decided to move two weeks ago. Who knows, maybe I would never be able to return here. Maybe I would never be able to meet the hyungs and dongsaengs again.
I folded the paper in half, put it down on the desk and picked up the pencil, but I didn’t know what to say, only time passing by. As I was scribbling down some useless words, the pencil lead broke with a snap. “You must live on.” The lead broke and before I knew it, I was scribbling down on the paper, smudged with what looked like fragments. In between the black lead power and the scribble scattered messy stories, stories of poverty, parents, dongsaeng, my move.
I crumpled the piece of paper, put it in my pocket and stood up. A cloud of dust rose as I pushed the desk. I was about to turn around and leave, but went to breathe onto the window and left three words. No farewell would be enough, no words needed to be said to convey all and everything. See you again. Rather than a promise, it was a wish.
Namjoon 11 April YEAR 22 (V)
I was groping around some T-shirts when Taehyung reached out from behind and grabbed one. It was a T-shirt with the same printed quote as the one I was wearing. Taehyung laughed sheepishly, taking off his torn shirt. Under the dim light hanging on the trailer box, for a second, I saw his bruised back. Hoseok looked at me in shock. Taehyung looked at himself in the mirror wearing my T-shirt. And he laughed.
“Dude’s doing some graffiti or something, got caught by the cops while running around. Had to get him out so I was late.” I pretended to smack Taehyung and Taehyung in turn made an exaggerated expression of fake apology. Yoongi-hyung, who was sitting at the corner of the trailer, slowly approached and tapped Taehyung’s shoulder.
Hoseok 31 May YEAR 22
Breath suddenly stifled, I avoided the gazes as an instinct. My breath was shaking after dancing for a while, but it wasn’t the cause. I was struck with a thought of how they looked like my mother. No, it wasn’t a thought, wasn’t a recognition, nor was it something I could explain or describe. I couldn’t look straight at the face of the friend whom I had known for more than ten years. We learned dancing together, failed together, fell into despair and cheered up together. We lied down on the floor covered in sweat, throwing towels and joking around. As if touched by a sensation I had never felt before, I scrambled to my feet. As soon as I turned around the corner, I leaned against the wall and stood there. I tried to calm down my unsettled breathe, but there came a sound saying “Where are you going, Hoseok-ah.” A voice, maybe it was a voice. A voice calling “Hoseok-ah.” A voice that I can’t even recall well now, that goes back to when I was seven years old.
Hoseok 15 September YEAR 20
Jimin’s mother walked across the emergency room. She checked the name on the headboard and the IV bottle, then took out the grass leaf on Jimin’s shoulder. I felt like I should tell her why Jimin was rushed to the emergency room, how he had a seizure at the bus stop, so I hesitantly approached her. Only then did Jimin’s mother spot me, she looked at me for a while as if to figure something out. I didn’t know what to do, so I hung back. Jimin’s mother only said thank you and turned away.
The next time Jimin’s mother turned to me again was when the doctor and the nurses started to move the bed and I followed them. Jimin’s mother said thank you again and pushed my shoulder. More correctly, she slightly put her hand on my shoulder and took it off. But suddenly, an invisible line was drawn between me and Jimin’s mother. It was a clear and solid line. Cold and firm. It was a line that I eventually couldn’t cross through. I had lived at the orphanage for more than 10 years. I could tell it through with my body, my eyes, with the air. In an unguarded moment, I stepped back and fell to the floor. Jimin’s mother stared down at me with a blank look. She was a petite and beautiful woman, but her shadow was big and chilly. That shadow casted on me falling down to the floor of the emergency room. When I looked up, Jimin’s bed had already gone out of the emergency room, no longer seen. Since that day, Jimin didn’t go to school anymore.
Hoseok 25 February YEAR 21 (L)
I danced without taking my eyes off my reflection in the mirror. The me in there soared up without touching the ground, free from all the gazes and standards of the world. Nothing mattered to me but moving my body to the music, putting my whole heart into my body.
I first danced when I was about twelve. Maybe it was around the time of the talent show in a field trip. I followed my friends and stood on the stage. Among what happened that day, I could still remember the applause and the cheer. And the feeling of being myself for the first time. At that time, I was only thinking of moving my body to the music and having fun. It was ecstasy, and it was not until much later did I learn that that ecstasy didn’t come from the applause, it came from somewhere inside me.
The me outside the mirror is hung up by many things. I can’t lift my feet off the ground for more than a few seconds, I smile even when I hate it and smile when I’m sad too.. I take medicines I don’t need yet still collapse anywhere. So I try not to take my eyes off myself in the mirror when I dance. The moment I can truly become myself. The moment I can throw away all the weight and fly. The moment that makes me believe I can become happy. I keep my eyes on that moment.
Jimin 3 July YEAR 22
I eventually lied down on the floor. After turning off the music, everything around me became quiet, nothing heard save for the sound of my breathing and the thundering of my heart. I pulled out my phone and played the choreography video I learned by day. Hyung’s movements in the videos were smooth and accurate. I knew it was the result of countless hours, sweat and practice, and it was greed to someone who didn’t have much like me. But understanding and desiring were different, so I often sighed. I stood up all of a sudden again. I could mimic his turns but my steps were still messed up. I kept making mistakes at the part where we changed position and match the formation. We decided to match it tomorrow, but until then, I wanted to do it properly, one way or another. Rather than a joking “Pretty good” compliment, I wanted to be acknowledged as a real and equal partner like when I danced with hyung.
Jimin 30 August YEAR 19
While Hoseokie-hyung was on the phone, I played around, kicking the ground coated with hyung’s shadow. He chuckled and made a face that said “Park Jimin has grown so much.” It took two hours to walk from school to home. Less than 30 minutes by bus and can even be shortened to 20 if I take the main road. But hyung always insisted on taking the path that has us go through a winding alley, passing a low hill and crossing the footbridge. After getting discharged from the hospital, I transferred to another school last year. The school was far from my house and there was no one I knew. I thought it was okay. I thought it wasn’t any big deal, after all, I had already changed school several times and who knows when I would be hospitalized again.
But then I got to know hyung. It was not long after the new semester started. He casually approached me and walked with me for two hours. Not until much later did I find out our houses weren’t in the same direction. I couldn’t ask him why. I hoped for the shadow that walks by my side, the two hours walking together under the sun, to last longer even just a day.
Hyung was still on the phone, I kicked his shadow again and ran away. He ended the call and started chasing me. The ice cream melt under the sun and the sound of cicadas tingled in my ears. Suddenly, I was scared. How many of these days are left?
Jimin 28 September YEAR 20 (L)
I stopped counting how many days I had been in the hospital. It’s something people do when they want to leave or when they have the hope of leaving. Looking at the trees and the grass outside the windows, people’s outfits, seems like it hadn’t been that much time. One month at most. Sometimes I saw school uniforms as well, but now even that didn’t really stir up any special feeling. Everything only felt so dull and hazy, maybe because of the medicine. But today was a special day. A day that must be written down on the diary if I had one. But I didn’t keep any diary and I didn’t want to cause trouble while writing such thing. Today I lied for the first time. I looked into the doctor’s eyes and pretended I was depressed. I said, “I don’t remember anything.”
Taehyung 25 June YEAR 22
I slowed down on purpose and listened carefully to the small sound of someone running behind me. Today was the third time we ran into each other at the convenience store. If there was any difference, it’s that they ran away as soon as they saw me. They strolled around the empty lot behind the convenience store and hid away right after I showed up. They thought they were hiding well, but their shadow was stretching out to the front of the empty lot. I giggled. I walked away pretending I didn’t see anything, and they began to follow me.
I entered a narrow alley. This was the only place in this neighborhood where the street lamps weren’t broken. The alley ran long with the street lamp standing somewhere halfway. When the source of the light is ahead, the shadow stretches behind. So right now my shadow would cast behind me. Maybe it would even reach the feet of the person who had been following me with bated breath. I soon reached the street lamp and my shadow immediately hid under my feet. I began to speed up my pace. Leaving the lamp behind, now my shadow started to cast in front of me. Soon enough, another shadow that wasn’t mine appeared on the dusty cement road. As I stopped, the person stopped and stood there as well. Two shadows of different heights standing still side by side.
I spoke. “I’m gonna wait until you come here.” The shadow jumped as if surprised, and held its breath like it wasn’t there. “I can see you.” I pointed at the shadow. Soon. the sound of footsteps began to approach me, stamping on purpose. I laughed.
Taehyung 29 December YEAR 10
I took off my shoes, tossed my bad and entered the room. Dad was really in there. I didn’t think about how long it had been, or where he just came back from. I simply just ran into his embrace. I have no memory of what happened next. Was it the alcohol smell that came first, was it the curses, or was it the slap. I had no idea what was happening. There was the alcohol smell and there was the ragged, foul breath. His eyes were bloodshot, beard grown coarsely. He slapped me in the cheek with his big hand. He slapped me in the cheek and asked what I was looking at. And then he lifted me into the air. His eyes were terrifying, but I was too scared to cry. It wasn’t dad. No, it was him. But it wasn’t. My feet were trembling in the air. The next moment, my head crashed against the wall, body slumping down to the floor. It felt like my head was bursting. My vision went in and out and soon darkened. The only thing left in my head was the sound of dad panting.
Taehyung 22 May YEAR 22 (V)
I was walking through the pine forest when I saw hyung taking the call, lagging behind. It happened a lot lately. He would make the call somewhere far away so others wouldn’t be able to listen. I purposely slowed down my pace and hid myself towards the sea. Hyung didn’t see my and walked straight past. “He’s only a year younger than me.. I don’t care. It’s not something I can take responsibility for anyway. Please take care of it yourself.”
Something cold ran down my spine. Like the whole world had just collapsed, like I was floating in the middle of the deep sea alone. I was scared, terrified. I was miserable and pathetic. I was angry. Angry and couldn’t stand it. I wanted to do something bad, anything. I was always scared. Dad’s blood was flowing inside me. Who knows, maybe I inherited his violence gene. It felt like from inside the shield I had wrapped up so tightly, something was piercing through to come out.
Jungkook 16 July YEAR 22
I stood by the window, plugged in my earphones and slowly sang along to the song. It has already been a week. Now I could sing along without looking at the lyrics. I took out one earphone and practiced with my voice. They said they liked it because the lyrics were beautiful, but the lyrics were embarrassing, so I just scratched my head. The sunlight of July was streaming through the big window frame. The green leaves were fluttering and shining, probably because of the wind, and the touch that the sunlight left on my face felt different each time. I closed my eyes. I looked at the yellow, red and blue tingeing behind my closed eyes. I don’t know if it was because of the lyrics or because of the sun, but something was rising from inside my heart, tingling and burning.
Jungkook 11 April YEAR 22
At last, my wish was granted. I purposely bumped into the thugs on the street and was beaten as much as I wanted to be. I kept smiling as I was beaten, and so they beat me up more, calling me crazy. I leaned against the shutter door and looked up at the sky. It was already night. There was nothing in the pitch black sky. A single clump of grass stood not far away. It was lying flat from the wind. It was just like me. I forced myself to laugh to stop the tears from falling.
Under my closed eyes, I saw my stepfather clearing his throat. My half-brother was chuckling. My stepfather’s relatives were either looking somewhere else or talking about useless stuff. They acted like I wasn’t there, like my existence was nothing. In front of them, my mother was flustered. She pushed herself from the floor, making a cloud of dust rise in the process and coughed. It hurt, like someone was cutting into the pit of my stomach with a knife. I climbed up to the rooftop of the construction site. The city at night was stretching with frightful colors. I climbed on top of the banister, spreading my arms out and walked. For a moment, my legs wobbled and I almost lost balance. Just one more step and I would die, I thought. But if I die, everything would be over. No one would be sad if I disappear.
Jungkook 25 June YEAR 20 (O)
I stroked the piano keys, smearing my hands with dust. I put some force into the tips of my fingers and the sound that came out was nothing like what hyung had played before. It’s been 10 days since he last went to school. I heard he was expelled today. Neither Namjoonie-hyung nor Hoseokie-hyung told me anything, and I couldn’t ask them, as if I was scared of something. That day two weeks ago when the teacher opened the door and entered our hideout place, there were only hyung and me here. It was parents visiting day. I didn’t want to be in the classroom so I blindly headed to the hideout. Hyung didn’t even look back, he just kept playing the piano and I moved two desks together, lying on top and closed my eyes pretending to sleep. Hyung and the piano seemed different but at the same time they were also one, so much that I couldn’t even think of separating them. Somehow listening to him playing the piano made me want to cry.
Feeling my tears about to fall, I rolled over, but then the door was slammed open and the piano sound cut off. I was slapped in the cheek, staggering backwards and ended up falling down. I curled up to endure the abuse, but then the voice suddenly stopped. Looking up, hyung was pushing the teacher’s shoulder and standing in front of me. Over his shoulder was the teacher’s stunned face.
I pressed the piano keys. I tried to mimic the song hyung used to play. Did he really quit school? Will he never come back? Hyung said a few hits, a few kicks was just common to him. If I hadn’t been there, would he not stand up to the teacher? If I hadn’t been there, would hyung still be playing the piano here?
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flakandforay · 6 years
화양연화 HYYH The Notes: V Version
Seokjin  15 August YEAR 22    
After coming out of the busy intersection, I came to an abrupt stop as I was about to pick up speed. The car behind me blared its horn and someone spat out curses yet it went unheard in the noise of the city. I took a right turn to an alley corner to see a florist shop. The shop didn’t seem to be opened yet. It wasn’t that I suddenly saw the store but rather it was if I discovered it afterwards.   
Inside the florist shop, there was construction still being done and the owner was organizing his documents. At that time, I had no real expectations. I had already travelled to several places, but not one florist knew of the flower’s existence. I could see a flower that had similar colours. However, I wasn’t looking for a flower with similar colours. The flowers had to be real. The owner looked at me for quite a bit when he heard the name of the flower and said that the florist shop isn’t officially open but he could deliver it to me. “Why do you need this flower?” 
I thought about it again as I turned the handle and got back on the road. I have a reason for needing that flower. There is only one reason. I want to make the person I give it to happy. I want to make the person smile. I want to be seen as a good person. I want to be a good person.   
2 March Year 19   
I followed my father into the principal’s office where it smelt damp. it has been 10 days since I came back from America. Based on the different school system, I heard that I will be entering one year later. “Please take care of my son.” My father placed his hand on my shoulders to keep me from moving. “The school is a dangerous place. There is a need for regulations.” The principal looked straight at me. As he talked, the wrinkled flesh around his cheeks and mouth sagged, and the interior of his lips was dark red. “Don’t you think so, Seokjin?” I was startled at the abrupt question and my father put in more strength in his hand on my shoulder. The grip was strong enough to make the veins pop out on his neck. “I believe you will do well.” The principal looked at me with such tenacity while my father’s hand on my shoulder gradually increased in strength. My shoulder felt it would break from how tightly my father’s grip was on me. My body was trembling and I broke into cold sweat. “You must always talk to me. I think you will be a great student, Seokjin.” The principal looked at me with an unsmiling face. “Yes.” I could barely squeeze out an answer, I wanted to disappear at that moment. I could hear my father and principal’s laughter. I couldn’t lift my head. I just stared at my father’s brown shoes and the black shoes of the principal. I didn’t know where the shining light was coming from. I was scared of that light.   
Yoongi   8 June Year 22 
I took off my t-shirt again. I looked in the mirror and it was not like me at all. The cotton shirt that was not my type had the word ‘Dream’ on it. No matter how you look at it, the red colour, the word, dream, the shirt didn’t fit me at all. Out of frustration, I pulled a cigarette and looked for my lighter. Since it wasn’t in the back pocket of my jeans, I looked inside my bag. (They) took it away. (They) took it from my hands without any constraint. (They) threw back to me were candy bars and this t-shirt.  
I messed up my hair and stood up when I heard the sound of a message. My heart began to beat faster as at the moment, my hand phone screen lit up brightly with a name that was 3 syllabuses. I broke my cigarette to check the message. In the next moment, I was laughing at the mirror. Wearing the tight t-shirt that had ‘Dream’ written on it, the red colour, I must have looked like an idiot.
25 June Year 20
I opened the door of the bottom drawer with a pop and firstly, took out the bag that was placed inside. I turned the bag inside out and a dusty piano key fell out. I threw the half-burned piano key in the trashcan and laid down on bed. The fire in my heart wouldn’t cool down and so my breathing was ragged, and at some point, soot was smeared over my fingers.
After the funeral, I went back alone to the house that was set ablaze on fire. I entered my mother’s room to see the piano that was burned so badly, the shape was unrecognizable. I hesitantly sat down. I sat there for some time until the sunlight that entered through the window died down. Several keys rolled around in the last of the light. What kind of sound could be heard if I played the keys? I thought about my mother playing these keys a lot. I put one of them in my pocket and left the room.
From that moment on, 4 years has passed. The house has been quiet. Just like it was meant to be quiet. It was past 10 and so my father would have been asleep, afterwards everything held its breath. That was the rule of the house. It was hard for me to endure the silence. it also wasn’t easy to keep up with the stipulated times, regulations and forms. No matter how you looked at it, it was hard to be patient. Nevertheless, I couldn’t stand living in this house. After receiving pocket money from my father, eating with him, I got scolded by him. Rather than not talking to my father and go astray, I lacked the courage to abandon him and the house, to make freedom into reality and not just in words. 
I suddenly rose up from bed. I pulled out the piano key from the desk with a tissue paper. I opened the window and the night air rushed in. The wind that came in slapped me with the strength of whatever happened today. I threw the piano key in the air. Today I haven’t gone to school for 3 or 4 days. I heard the news of getting expelled. Now, I don’t know if I want to be kicked out of the house. I listened hard but I couldn’t hear the keys hitting the ground. No matter how much I have been thinking about it, I couldn’t imagine the sound the piano key would have made. No matter how much time has passed, the piano key would never make a sound again. I will never play the piano again.
Namjoon 30 June YEAR 22
I looked a bit strange as I pushed the open button of the door as if my own hands had a will of their own. There are these kind of moments. Moments that I felt have repeated for numerous times, though it was the first. The elevator door close before they opened again for people to push their way in. Among them, I looked for the person who tied her hair with a yellow rubber band. I didn’t press the button knowing that the person would be there, but I thought the person would certainly be there. I moved back, one step at a time. When my back hit the cold elevator wall, I looked up and saw the yellow rubber band.
A person’s back tells a lot of stories. I had known a few of them. There were some that I could guess yet there were some that were left alone after everything is over. I thought that you know someone when you can read everything just from his back. Then, wouldn’t there be someone who would know me just from reading my back? As I lifted my head, our gazes met in the mirror. In a flash, she avoided my eyes. This kind of thing happens often. When I lifted my head again, I only saw my face. I couldn’t see my back.
11 April YEAR 22
I was looking for a t-shirt for a while until Taehyung reached for a t-shirt behind me. It was a shirt that had the same printed letters as the one that I was wearing right now. With an awkward laugh, he removed the ripped shirt. In the faint illumination of the lights that hung from the trailer ceiling, I momentarily caught a glimpse of his bruised back. Hoseok looked at me with a shocked expression. Taehyung put on my shirt and looked at his reflection in the dirty mirror. Then he laughed.
“This punk. He arrived late after getting caught by the police for doing graffiti.” I pretended to hit Taehyung and he pretended to be sorry. Yoongi Hyung who had been sitting at the corner of the trailer, slowly approached Taehyung and smacked his shoulder.
Hoseok 31 May YEAR 22
I reflexively turned my gaze away from the breathtaking wind. After dancing for a long time, often, I am out of breath but it is not that context. I thought I was similar to my mother. No, it wasn’t a thought or a perception, it couldn’t be described or explained. I couldn’t look at the face of my friend that I had known for 10 years already. We learned dance together, failed together, been frustrated and gained strength together. We slumped to the floor that was covered in sweat, we threw towels at each other and cracked jokes. It felt like a bothering sensation that I hadn’t felt in a while, and I hurriedly stood up. As soon as I reached the corner, I leaned back against the wall and stood there. I made an effort to calm my breathing. I could hear, “Where are you going, Hoseok-ah?” The voice. Nevertheless, I thought it could have been a voice. The voice calling, “Hoseok-ah”. A voice that I couldn’t recall now. It was a voice that brought me back to when I was nine years old. 
25 February YEAR 21
 I danced without taking my eyes off my reflection in the mirror. The me in the mirror had his feet off the ground, lifted up and was free from the standards and looks of the world. My body moved in sync with the music, there was nothing important, nothing that made my heart beat in my chest.
 The first time that I danced was when I was 12. It must have been a talent show incident. My friends were pulled onto stage. I could still remember that day when I heard the applause and cheers of joy, I have never felt so confident. Then again, that was when I moved my body to the music and had fun doing it. I would only learn much later that the joy was not a joy that came from the applause but from within me.
The me outside the mirror is weighed down by many things. The feet that have leave the ground for a seconds, when I hate, I laugh and when I cry, I smile. There was no need for me to take my medicine since I could collapse anywhere. And so, when I dance, I try not to take my eyes off the mirror. The moment I can be my truest self. The moment where I could throw away everything and I could fly, the moment where I believe I could be happy. I protect these moments. 
Jimin 3 July YEAR 22
In the end, I sprawled onto the floor. I turned off the music and my surroundings went quiet, all I could hear was the beating of my heart. I pulled out my hand phone and played the choreography dance video that I had learned in the morning. Hyung’s movements were so smooth and accurate in the video.  That was the result of his countless hours and sweat of practicing, and now since I wasn’t anywhere near as him, I was jealous. However, understanding and hoping are different and so I sighed often. Again I stood up. I imitated the turn as he had done it but I kept twisting my steps. I kept on making mistakes at the parts where we have to match the flow. We decide to match again tomorrow but until then I wanted to be seen as serious. Rather that a playful phrase, I wanted to be complimented as ‘better than expected’, I wanted to be recognized as someone who was equal and serious, one that could match with hyung.
28 September YEAR 20
I stopped counting the days since I was hospitalized. Counting is something you would do when you want to get out or there is hope of getting out. The trees and leaves were far outside the window and based on the clothes of people, I think that not much time has passed. At most, a month tops. Sometimes I see myself wearing the uniform though it was nothing special.  Maybe it was because of the medicine, everything looked boring and dull.  But today was a special day. The kind of day you write in a diary. However, I didn’t have one and I didn’t want the problems that come with writing in one. Today was the first time I lied. I looked at the doctor’s eyes and pretended to be gloomy. “I don’t remember anything.”
Taehyung 25 June YEAR 22
I deliberately delayed my steps as I sensed to the small steps that was following me. This was the 3rd time already at the convenience store. If there was something different, it was that today they ran away when they saw me. They hung around a vacant spot behind the convenience store but as I turned up, they hid themselves again. They hid themselves well but their shadows were reaching to the front of the store. I let out a laugh. I pretended that I didn’t see but they began to follow me.
I entered a narrow alley. This is the the only place in the neighbourhood without a broken streetlamp. The alley was long and the streetlamp was somewhere in the middle with my shadow stretching. The shadow now stretches behind me. It could have been stretching all the way to the person who was following me with ragged breath. I started walking a little bit faster. As I passed the streetlamp, my shadow disappeared beneath my feet. Not long after, a shadow that wasn’t mine appeared on the cement floor. I stopped walking and so did the movements. The two shadows of different heights stopped side by side.
I said, “I’m going to wait until you come here.” The shadow behind me leaped out of shock. Then it became still as if it wasn’t here. “I can see everything.” I pointed to the shadow. The footsteps became nearer and deliberately were noisy. I laughed.
22 May YEAR 22
I passed by a pine tree forest as Hyung picked up a phone call and started to lag behind. Nowadays, there were more times like this. He moved far away so that he could pick up the call where others couldn’t eavesdrop. I deliberately slowed down ad hid myself off towards the ocean. Hyung wouldn’t be able to see me when he passed by. “He’s only one year younger than me. No, I don’t really care. Anyway, I’m not going to be the one taking the responsibility, just do whatever is best.”
Something cold slithered down my spine. It felt as if everything in the world crumbled and crashed with a bang. It felt as if I was floating alone in the deep ocean. It was scary and frightening. I was miserable and insignificant. I was angry. I couldn’t contain my anger. I wanted to cause a scene. I wanted to smash something, to hit something, to wreck myself. I was always afraid. That my father’s blood would run in me. I thought that maybe his violence was what I inherited. It seemed that something was stabbing my tight defenses.
Jungkook 16 July YEAR 22
I stood at the window and sang a bit to the song playing in my earphones. It has already been a week. Now I don’t need to see the lyrics to sing along. I took out one side of my earphones so that I could practice listening to my own voice. (someone) said that they liked it because it was beautiful but it only made me scratch my head in embarrassment. The July sunshine entered the big window. The green leaves of the trees flew and shone in the wind and everytime it fell on my face, it felt different. I closed my eyes. I sang while looking at the yellow, blue and green colours behind my eyes. Whether it was the lyrics or the sunshine, something tickled and stung my heart.
11 April YEAR 22
In the end, it turn out just like I wanted. I deliberately ran into the thugs on the street and got beaten up till I was satisfied. I laughed while I was getting beaten up, and they called me a crazy maniac. I leaned against the shutter door and looked at the sky. It was already night. There was nothing in the pitch-black sky. I could only see a clump of grass in the distance. It was on the side of the wind. It was just like me. I felt like I was going to cry so I forced myself to laugh instead. 
I closed my eyes and saw my stepfather clear his throat. My stepbrother kicked me and laughed. My stepbrother’s relatives looked elsewhere or began to talk useless things. It was as if I wasn’t there, like my existence didn’t matter. In front of them, my mother was at a loss. I tried to stand up but instead dust rose and I coughed. It hurt as if I had been stabbed at my solar plexus. I went up to the roof of the construction site. The night city stretched out in a terrible colour. I climbed up on the railing with both of my arms stretched out. I had one leg out and I almost lost my balance. I thought I could die with just one step. If I died, it will all end. No one would be sad without me.
Credits: BTS Love Yourself 承 Her Album ©
trans by: maxine ☕️ do give credit if you’re using my translations 🌊
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mickelbackk · 7 years
Warnings: drugs, alcohol, gang, mafia, smut
I’ve never really written any fanfiction before but I’m trying with this so I hope you like it! Please leave me feedback.
Plot: You really didn’t think you would have fun at the party until you ran into that group, your life flipping upside down.
Chapter One
You took one last look in the mirror, fixing your pastel purple hair quickly before turning off the light and making your way out. You weren’t usually invited to parties, only going to a few in your teenage life. But, considering you were closer with most of the people at your job, you decided to go. You quickly grabbed your bag and keys, heading out to drive to his house. Once you got there, you saw an array of lights coming out of the house with loud music blasting through the open windows. You parked on the side of the road and let out a small sigh, remembering how your friend wanted to introduce you to a group of his friends. He knew that you had gone through a pretty bad breakup a couple months back and he also knew just how lonely you were so you were excited to meet whoever these ‘friends’ were. You slowly walked up to the door, fixing your lacey crop top as you went. You slowly opened the door to be bombarded with large crowds of people, most of them having an alcoholic drink in their hand while some were just dancing and partying, probably already too far gone to drink anymore. You let out a shakey breath as you made your way through the crowds of people, recognizing a few faces. You just wanted to find your friend so you could meet these mysterious men. Your eyes traced the entire room before seeing his smiling face in which you immediately ran towards him, trying your hardest not to get trampled by the crowds. Why was everyone here so god damn tall? When you finally made your way over to him, he quickly gave you a hug and greeted you. “Y/N! I’m so glad you could make it! The guys are in the kitchen, go say hi to them! You’ll know who they are.” As he yelled over the music, you tried your hardest to take in everything he was saying. You nodded before quickly and nervously making your way to the kitchen, also wanting to get a drink. When you entered the large kitchen area, you saw a group of very attractive Koreans all standing in a circle, being quite loud and routy. You couldn’t help but smile at them. You decided to quickly grab a drink first, picking up a Sprite out of the fridge before slowly making your way over to them. When you got closer, they all stopped what they were doing to look at you. “U-Um…David said that he wanted to introduce us.” You tried your hardest to not show how nervous you were so you quickly took a sip of your Sprite, giving them a small smile. Suddenly, one of the taller of the men with purple hair quickly grew a smile at you and reached his hand forward to introduce them. “Oh! You must be Y/N! I’m Namjoon.” You quickly shook his hand before letting the rest of the group introduce themselves. There was a shy boy who was standing behind the man named Taehyung who perked your interest but you quickly let your eyes follow along the other members as they introduced themselves. Even though you were nervous, it all immediately left you as the group began talking again, asking you questions about yourself and cracking jokes about various things. Your eyes quickly trailed around all of them as they spoke until you had met eyes with Jungkook, knowing that he had been staring at you this entire time even if you acted like you hadn’t noticed. When your eyes met, he quickly averted his as they landed on the ground. A small frown grew to your face before looking back to the other members, seeing that a few of them had noticed the youngest boy’s reaction. Little did you know that they all knew each other way too well and they knew what was going on even if you didn’t. You and the group talked for around a half an hour before the conversation died, this being your opportunity. “Hey, do any of you guys smoke?” You hadn’t realized that this question would excite all of them before they all quickly yelled an array of “yes”. You let out a laugh before pointing in the direction of the front door. “I brought some bud with me, did you guys wanna go on a drive?” And just like that, you were all practically sprinting out the front door and over to your van. You heard the boys yelling in excitement at your hippie van, it being orange with a large smiley face painted on the side of it. You giggled as you unlocked the doors and opened up the back door, letting it slide open only to reveal the windows with curtains over them and couches instead of car seats. The entire bus smelled like nothing but incense, weed, and cigarettes. As you walked to the driver’s door, you heard a small voice behind you before seeing him walk to the passenger side door. “Shotgun.” When you got into your van, you looked over to see Jungkook sitting next to you while putting on his seatbelt. There was something about this boy that you just couldn’t figure out. You quickly started your van with a loud grumble escaping into the air, the machine barely functioning with how old it was. The entire drive, you were simply playing the radio as you heard the rest of the group in the back talking away. Except one, Jeon Jungkook. He was dead silent the entire ride. Luckily, your excuse for not talking was the cigarette in your hand. Once you pulled into the parking lot of a closed business, you quickly turned off your car before crawling into the back. You \turned on your speaker before beginning to play a Pandora station, The Mowgli’s coming on immediately. It was your favorite band and really didn’t think anyone knew of it until you heard Jungkook yell excitedly as he crawled his tall body from the front with much more struggle than you had. “I love this song!” You quickly cracked the window that was next to you, the curtain just barely moved from it before lighting up another cigarette and packing the bong you had in the back. “I was surprised when you guys said you smoked, you don’t seem like the ‘stoner’ type to me.” You quickly put the cigarette in your mouth, using both of your hands to grind up the bud. “Not everyone who smokes looks like a hippie like you, Y/N.” You let out a giggle as you heard Jimin speak from in front of you on the couch, you and Jungkook being the only ones sitting on the floor due to the lack of space. It was true and you would admit it. With your pastel hair with a few dreads and braids through it and a bandana tied up on top, light blue loose ripped jeans and a floral top being covered by the odd colored cardigan you were wearing, everything about you screamed hippie trash. You quickly lit up the bong with the cigarette in one hand before passing it around, it going around everyone at least three or four times. When you all settled into your seats, having all of them get a drink from your cooler you had, you quickly began to speak. “We should play some games! Truth or Dare anyone?” You let out a small giggle before seeing their excitement about the small game. Despite these boys exterior they were still children at heart, luckily you were the same exact way. You let out a hum before pointing your finger at Jin. “Jin! Truth or Dare.” You would never admit it but you loved truth or dare. You could always come up with the best responses for everyone. Jin thought of a moment before speaking, seeing the excitement and worry in his face. “Dare.” You quickly thought to yourself, trying to remember anything he had said to you or what you had found out about him in this night. You smiled to yourself before speaking, deviance in your voice. “I dare you to finish this mostly packed bowl.” You had heard Namjoon and Jungkook joking with him about how he was a light weight so you figured this would be the most fun. Everyone in the bus began to yell excitedly as Jimin took the bong from your hand and handed it to Jin for you. An array of words came from the boy’s consisting of “Do it!”’s to chanting the poor boy’s name. You couldn’t help but laugh at them as they all gasped as soon as he lit it. Poor Jin couldn’t even finish it in one hit. When he was finally successful, you all cheered him on before hearing Namjoon speak up, excitement in his voice still. “Your turn, Jin.” The boys had gone around a few times doing awful dares and you finding out way too much about them before it made it to Jimin. The pink haired man slowly looked over at Jungkook before speaking, his voice showing just how much interest he had in messing with the youngest. “Jungkook…truth? Or dare?” Jungkook immediately grew nervous at him being pinpointed, literally everyone in the bus staring at him including yourself. He swallowed the lump in his throat before speaking, his voice quiet from his nerves. “Truth.” Jungkook definitely would have said dare if you weren’t there and all of the boy’s knew it. But, luckily, Jimin was fully expecting his answer. “Is it true that you have a crush on Y/N?” Your eyes grew a little wide as you looked over at Jimin before back to Jungkook. The young boy looked down at his hands in silence, obviously trying to figure out how he should answer it. If he lied, they’d all know. A small sigh escaped into the air before you heard the boy’s voice, having an odd sense of confidence behind it. “Yes, I do.” All of the boys began screaming as you quickly averted your attention to your cigarette to hide any signs of flush that had quickly come onto you. You had thought he was cute when you had first met him, but the thought of him thinking you were actually attractive made your heart feel like it could explode. The questions went around a little longer before it came back to you, seeing Yoongi staring directly at you. “Y/N, truth or dare?” The only thing that went through your head was ‘I’m not a pussy’ as you quickly responded with dare. With how baked you were right then, you probably would have done anything that was dared to you. A small grin grew to the black haired boy’s face as he spoke again, obviously somehow having this planned out in his head just like Jimin had. “I dare you to make out with Jungkook for exactly one minute.” Your eyes grew wide as you stared at Yoongi, your body freezing. Regret quickly sunk in as the boy’s in front of you began to scream in excitement, laughs echoing through the van you were in. It wasn’t until you met eyes with Jungkook that you felt your heart beating in your ears. Could you really make out with him? You didn’t even know how old he was or anything about him really. You let out a heavy sigh before tossing your almost finished cigarette out the window.
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yuumeeg · 7 years
Yoongi x Reader Angst
I really liked this part of the bts highlight reel and I just wanted to write an angst.
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader Warnings: SUPER angst with Character death and strong language
Song recommendation: The Beach by The Neighbourhood/Colors stripped by Halsey
The night wasn’t brightly lit up like the numerous street lamps all along the road and the moon was hidden behind the clouds with the stars. If he just wasn’t so stubborn this would have been the perfect night to cuddle but all hope was lost. “Will you please just listen to me Yoongi!” It was around midnight when you were chasing the boy with the warm toned brown hair the the cigarette packet in his pocket. “Can’t you just leave me the FUCK alone!?” “I will, that’s fine just please stop overworking yourself… you haven’t been sleeping..” It almost came out as a whisper due to your hurt and pain. “Who do you think you are?! My mother? No so just go back!” He shouted back harshly making you stop in your tracks. Was it really worth it? Would he ever stop and listen. In realisation you looked down at the floor almost apologetically. “Got nothing to say to me!? Good. Now get the fuck out of my sight, I’ll see you at home.” “What? After you drinking like an alcoholic and shouting in my face when I’m trying to help? I think I’m gonna stay at my mums for a while…” When he first took you to look at the stars that night when you got bored and decided to call him, you would never have thought that this could be the way it ends. A single tear ran down your cheek but your hair covered it and by not looking at him, the waterworks that were happening at your eyes were hidden from his vision. “Thank God! Now I can get some quiet without my you nagging me all the time.” By this time, he had already crossed into the other side and was now running off into the city.
Living at your mums for a while gave you an insight on how broken you was that night. Although you missed him like hell, nothing would go back to how it was. It was until one night that your head felt dizzy and you had fallen to the floor, hitting your head on the wooden floor boards in the apartment. You felt paralysed. You couldn’t move and everything went blurry. Later that night you were sat in a hospital bed with your mum by your side discussing your condition with the doctors until your phone began to ring. Being to weak and fragile to get up, your mum answered and looked up to you in order to get approval. “Oh hi Yoongi, this is y/n’s mum, everything okay?” The room stayed silent for a while until your mum spoke again. “She’s in hosp—” You looked at your mum with worry and she only replied with a simple groan of annoyance. “I never knew what you saw in that boy, he’s riddled with problems.” “Why what’s happened? Is he okay?” Even after what had happened that night, you still cared about him. “He hung up on me! Can you believe that!? I guess he never cared.” A sudden shock wave of pain rushed over you and you held your head in your hands and cried. So never cared after all? Why did he call in the first place? Was it to tell me he never wanted to see my face again?
Minutes turned into hours and it had gotten pretty late so your mum went home, promising to visit you tomorrow and just as you were about to put something your head to the pillow, the door burst open. Quickly, you turned your head to look at the intruder. Yoongi. “Are you okay?! I’ve been worried sick! I came as soon as I can!” That moment was the first time you had seen him so panicked. “I didn’t know you were coming.” Was that all you could say to him? Yes he left you and never bothered to call the whole time you were at you mother’s. “Jesus Christ, I was worried sick! As soon as I heard you were in hospital I tried to come as quick as I could.” Still stood by the doorway, he stared at you, begging you to answer back to him. “I’m surprised you came.” He didn’t know why you acted so calm. Didn’t he shout at you and then not even care that you left to live with your mum? “Why are you so calm?” “Because Yoongi… I don’t know how to say this…” Without knowing what came over him, he began to tear up. He couldn’t read minds and know what you were about to say but he could only imagine the worst. “I don’t have much time left Yoongi.”
A moment of silence filled the entire room and time almost seemed to stop for a second. “What do you mean you don’t have much time left?!” “I’ve been diagnosed with Friedreich’s Ataxia Yoongi. I’m not expected to even live a week. I’m sorry.”
The doctors were correct. The death of y/n came as a shock to most, but it had hit yoongi the hardest. He didn’t come to her funeral. It was too hard for him and even after many years, he blamed himself for everything.
60 years later and Min yoongi died peacefully in his sleep, reunited with his love.
This is bad yes I know and I am open to suggestions and how I can improve since this is my first.
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