#I do not simp I would just like to clarify that /srs
Tips and tricks on how to survive Danganronpa
Ok, since a lot of people liked my post about how the mastermind of V3 could've been caught I decided to make a small guide on how someone could survive Danganronpa.
So you just found yourself and 15 other students trapped in Hope's Peak Academy. Everyone seems confused on how they got in this facility and the inability of getting out of it, but as soon as everyone gatters a black and white teddybear presents itself as Monokuma and welcomes you all to the killing game.
Now that we know the setting we are in and how dangerous the situation is the first thing we have to do is stay calm and try to keep the rest of the students calm. If we act rationally and get everyone to quiet down then we might get the chance to negotiate with Monokuma and try to get him to let us out of the school. Of course, Monokuma won't let us out until there are only two students left, but for someone who wouldn't know that it would be worth the shot since the group might start viewing them as a valuable player, being brave enough to ask things like this. With everyone thinking of us as a great person we are reducing the risk of getting ourselves killed.
Monokuma starts explaining the rules and everyone feels uneasy. Once Monokuma finishes the killing game starts and the participants are left to do whatever they want.
Now before we begin with the ground rules there is something that must be clarified. The difference between a death game and a killing game: in a death game the game tries to kill you; in a killing game the participants try to kill you. With that in mind we won't be able to 100% work togheter as you would expect in a death game such as Your Turn To Die (had to make the reference because the game is gold, go play it), therefore we can get started with the ground rules:
1. Never fully trust anybody:
This game was made so that it can evaluate the psychology of each player, making the students go against each other so that they can see them reaching their breaking points and who can keep their morals under life-threatning situations.
Of course there will be betrayals, otherwise the game wouldn't be able to go on, but the best thing to do is manipulate your fellow players into murder and make them think it was THEIR OWN ideea so that the rest of the students won't try to go against you, after all, survival is the main goal.
2. If you aren't a master manipulator but a little cinnamon roll then this rule should be your ace: find people to spend your time with!
Going alone is honestly one of the dumbest decisions you could ever make (looking at you Rantaro), so the best thing to do is find someone with strong morals and become their companion, because by doing so you will have more chances of winning than going with someone whose morals are out the window (manipulators and possible murderers)or going all alone.
If you are great at mind games then the people you want to spend your time with are:
a. mentally gray people or better known as "the mood equivalent to resting bitch face"(ex. Chiaki Nanami, Himiko Yumeno)
b. physically weak people (ex. Chihiro Fujisaki, Shuichi Saihara)
c.(female presenting people only) simps (ex. Hifumi Yamada, Kazuichi Souda)
d.(people good at keeping their image clean only) gullible people (ex. Chihiro Fujisaki, Gonta Gokuhara)
3. The most important rule, the one only dum dums don't follow: respect Monokuma.
This is literally the one rule that decides it all since Monokuma is the one supervising and controlling the killing game. Defying him is like giving yourself a death sentence./srs
The most you can do in order to help everyone as a whole is buy time by either being nice to Monokuma or by "planning a murder" and having him prolongue the time you have for killing.
4. Overanalysis is key.
The mistake killing games and death games usually make is the underestimation of the players looking into things as this can give us a big adventage.
Since the rules aren't overlyconcrete about what you can't and cannot do this gives us a chance to find gaps and use them to their full extent.
As all of us know, what I like to call the most important rule goes as follows:
→"Nighttime" is from 10 p.m. to 8 a.m. The dining hall and gymnasium are off-limits at night.
Since the rest of the rules don't talk about restrictions when it comes to our enviroment and Monokuma didn't add one yet that means we are being given control over property damage, giving us benefits I will talk about later.
Now that we finished with the ground rules, there are aspects that we need to keep in mind during trials:
A. as an "investigator"
B. as a blackened
A. as an "investigator"
When trying to find the blackened, rule 4 is a great strategy to make sure that we don't miss crucial details that could show us the blackened when searching.
Once we gathered enough proof and time is up we enter the trial room. The thing about trials is the fact that staying quiet the whole time is as bad as talking non-stop and getting participants in tight spots for absolutely no reason, therefore we should try and speak moderately, a bit higher than average since we have done the most investigating and people will want to know what we found. Communicating information isn't hard since we can either tell it ourselves or (if we are uncomfortable with speaking to "large" groups) we can have someone next to us give our thoughts on the topic.
The trick to this is that you need to look and sound trustworthy and never back on your word. If you seem confident and ready to take responsability then the group will most likely agree with you.
B. as a blackened
To be honest, it is almost the same as A., but the gimmick to this is that you have to be a good liar and keep a poker face for the entire trial (something that the SHSL Gambler wasn't able to do for some reason). If you are bad at lying then just speak only when you are asked about your opinions and such and try to get yourself as far as possible from the spotlight.
Since we know the trial etiquete it is time for the fun part: making use of everyone's talents.
Some of the most important have to be SHSL Mechanic and SHSL Inventor as the two of them have access to gear that could be used to get the students out of this building (ex. blow-torches, screwdrivers and wrenches etc.)
Some other useful talents could be SHSL Programmer (they can hack the cameras and have them blocked on the same imagery for an entire night that can be used by the students to get out of the school), SHSL Magician, Musician and Pianist are a few "ultimates" good for decoy as they would be able to get Monokuma and the cameras' attention, leaving the exit "without security".
During trials roles such as SHSL Anthropologist, Writing Prodogy(not Toko though, she bases her work on herself)and Fanfic Creator/Doujin Author are efficient as they are able to tell differences in behavior (as they need to have deep understanding of the human nature in order for their works to get them awarded as SHSLs, making them observing types that should pick up any changes in manners of acting).
Of course we have SHSL Detectives, Criminologists (Shuichi Saihara screams Criminologist and you cannot tell me otherwise)and Analysts(Junko used to be SHSL Analyst before becoming SHSL Despair from what I know)that are 100% putting their fullest in those trials and beating the living daylights out of the culprits.
To be honest, "ultimates" aren't the things you should mainly put your attention on but their wielder's competence (SHSL Princess is a seemingly useless role and yet Sonia was able to help a lot in Chapter 2 trial and Chapter 5 investigation with the things she learned by being a princess). Fixating on talent just gets in the way.
Now I am ending my rant because I am sure you can pinpoint the moment I started losing energy and I hope you are having a wonderful day!
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thetsxshibiscusanon · 4 years
Thomceit Hamilton AU Cast
Alrighty, here it is- the post about my Thomceit Hamilton AU that I took like three days to write, hoo boy-
Okay so, this is just the cast of the AU and also just going into some ship ramblings because if I got into the whole thing now, we’d be here for days- so let’s get on with it!
The Sanders Sides Characters Roles
~Just to clarify, I’m doing this TS Universe by TS Universe, because there’s a LOT of characters in both fandoms, so the cast are gonna be updated with each reblog~
Alexander Hamilton: Janus 
Why? Well, the colour theme’s for the album match Janus’ general colour aesthetic, Janus is all about taking that chance no matter what and Alex is all about not throwing away his shot, both have got that lawyer association aaaaaaaand I’m just kidding, I wanted to make a Thomceit Helpless animatic in the August of 2019- I never had any plans for this thing, it just happened. 
But yeah- dramatic snake boy lawyer meets dramatic Founding Father lawyer-
The Schuyler Sisters:
Angelica: Roman
Roman just radiates fabulous, feminist, older sibling vibes- just imagine him in Angelica’s dress but a bit more red and you’ve got it down! 
Satisfied also radiates Roman vibes- the pink-red colour scheme, the sacrifice, the longing and pining- it all works so well for him! I can also imagine him in Congratulations- especially with the lines ‘He doesn’t dignify schoolyard taunts with a response!’, ‘...Sacrifice?’ and ‘Eliza~ is the BEST thing in our lives!’ especially since I’m making Thomas Eliza here, because, in some cases, it really parallels what actually happened in the series:
Roman sacrificed the thing he most wanted (Janus/the callback) for Thomas (Eliza/his core) because he wanted what was best for him and what was right for him- and in both cases, he was wrong! My boy either doesn’t get to chase his dreams and feels miserable about it, or he gets cheated on and feels miserable about it- there’s no winning here! (Can you tell that I felt no remorse whilst writing this? /hj)
Also, I thought the line 'He doesn’t dignify schoolyard taunts with a response!’ didn’t really apply to Janus when I initially made this, but HOO BOY was I wrong-
Eliza: Thomas
Can you tell that Thomceit is my favourite ship? No? You can’t? Well I’m just about to take off the blindfold you’re wearing and talk about much of an amazing husband Thomas would be-
First though, I have to say, Thomas gives off such Eliza vibes on his own anyways- cinnamon bun that needs to be protected and has gone through a lot? Uh, yes! 
Thomas would absolutely be the type to fall head over heels for a cute guy he saw across the room (I mean we all saw FWSA, right?). He'd see Janus and be all 'Wait, frick, handsome boy- what do I do- ROMAN-' and I love that so much.
Ironically though, Hamilton was the one who really fell hard, historically at least, so the fact that in this AU Thomas falls like Eliza did but in the 'canon' Janus and Hamilton are both the actual simps is hilarious to me-
He would totally be the supportive partner he was always meant to be- assuring Janus everything will turn out fine and being sweet and caring like he always is.
On the flip side. Thomas is probably one of the only characters who would actually bite back when cheated on too. Patton is a great option for Eliza, but because Patton is associated the most with nostalgia as a character, I don't think he'd be burning any letters any time soon, he'd hold on to those memories- but Thomas would probably burn the letters as soon as he got the chance, in order to try and forget everything- to burn all the memories. Also, I just wanna see Thomas raging at Janus in First Burn- can you imagine how badass he would be? The passion and fury radiating from him in that song would be just *chef's kiss* incredible!
And here's the strongest argument I have: Eliza is the person who tells the story, of Hamilton, of the soldiers, of Washington- and who is responsible for telling us what goes on in the TS Universe?
I rest my case! (There wasn't one to begin with but shhhh)
(Also, Hamilton and Eliza had 8 kids, and we all know Thomas is the tired mother of 6 children-)
And Peggy (hah): Remus
The main reason for this is, as I'm sure you can guess, because I made Roman Angelica. I mean, how could I not make Remus Peggy? I do have some legitimate reasons though.
Peggy has always been given the chaotic younger sister energy in the fandom, basically the Gen Z child- and Remus embodies Gen Z's chaos perfectly, it's honestly kind of scary. Remus would absolutely be the sibling who's just there to vibe and cause chaos, but would totally be there to help if you wanted it.
The problem here, is that Peggy is constantly asking about the girls' father in Schuyler Sisters, and worrying about consequences- which is not a Remus thing at ALL, but I can imagine Remus asking those questions like '👀 So what's the dealio?' And then being delighted at the responses that come from the others like 'YEAH- Let's break the rules!'
Peggy was also very good friends with Hamilton historically, and we all know Janus and Remus are best friends (that's not canon, but it is now)!
So- Peggy and Remus! Let's go!
The Hamilsquad (Sides! Edition):
Aaron Burr: Logan
Logan is the most logical (hah) character to play Burr in my opinion:
Burr kills Hamilton, and Logan is probably the only Side who could actually defeat Janus in some way (Logic overcrowds the lies and reasons its way out of them), and if having a presence and some control got Janus to sink down, then what would happen to Janus if he Logan had full control?
Logan, like Burr, wants to be in the Room Where it Happened- he wants to be listened to- that's self-explanatory, but what gets interesting to me is the waiting ideology both of them have.
We all know Burr waits for opportunities- he had a whole song on it! But what people tend to forget is that Logan has also waited for chances and holds back opinions- the best example would be in LNTAO, where he admits to Thomas that he's been holding back his opinions for far too long and that he doesn't think people take Thomas seriously enough.
That 'wait for the right moment attitude' is instilled in both of them- and while Janus also partially has that attitude, he's also got a 'Leap for the chance and take it' attitude- which is why I can imagine him telling Logan 'You get love for it, you get hate for it- you get nothing if you wait for it' and 'What do you want Burr?'
He'd be the one to ask 'When are you finally going to take a stand and say "I want to be heard?" When are you going to take the chance?'
John Laurens: Virgil
Virgil's role as Laurens is mainly because of symbolism- the idea that you had these two great friends who were in it together, and one of them left (either this life or the Others) and that tore them apart in one way or the other.
Also, Laurens and Hamilton were hiding something- those letters said A LOT, and Jan and Virge act like two ex-boyfriends, like what is this-
Theodosia Sr.: Patton
This may just be my Logicality heart screaming, but I think this makes sense- Theodosia always gave off a sweet, soft motherly energy even though we never see her on screen or hear her voice. From what he heard about her, she seemed to be the loving mother character (Eliza was more the loving wife and widow figure, but she did have motherly traits for sure), and we all know Patton would rock the loving mother figure role- there isn't really much more to it.
I think that's all I can really say on the Sides characters' roles! There's gonna be more to this but this is a lot as it is, and I wanted to get this done ASAP.
So ye! I hope you enjoyed reading this and are looking forward about what's to come!
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