#I do what I can :)))
lestatscock · 3 months
All that talk about boypussy and whatnot is apparently doing irreperable damage to my dysphoria. I looked in the mirror this morning and felt genuinely fine. I cannot stress enough that this. Does Not Happen to me. Ever. But seemingly, it happened today.
Keep up the good work miss Cock. I salute you 🫡
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anxiousapplepie · 9 days
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Build me up Buttercup, part 4/5 [part 1][part 2][part 3] [part 5] I like to think I have a pretty good imagination. The things that play in my mind when the vibes grab me could be the stuff of movies, etc etc you've heard it all before And then I actually have to try and draw what I imagine, and my appreciation for dance choreographers and art directors and comic makers dramatically skyrockets XD
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misc-obeyme · 2 months
idk if you do this, but i need help finding a barbatos/f!reader fic. i don’t remember if it was on here or ao3, but i can’t it on either platform. it was a mommy kink fic, and barb sucked on the reader’s tits while she jerked him. i can’t find it and i NEED IT
I do sometimes look for things for people if they're trying to find a fic or fanart, especially if it's Barbatos related.
I hadn't read this particular fic myself so I didn't remember it (not a huge mommy kink fan lol), but I did a little ao3 search and found something that fits.
I admittedly didn't look on Tumblr but that's mostly because Tumblr's search function is not great. If you remembered who wrote it, it'd be a lot easier for me to find.
Anyway, this was what I found on ao3: very NSFW link MDNI!!
If that's the correct one, it was very easy to find. You just need to choose Barbatos under the Characters to Include, then type Mommy Kink in the "other tags to include" field. It gave me 5 results, 4 of which were Kinktober compilations.
If that isn't it, then I'm afraid it may be lost to time... because if it's on Tumblr only, I'll never find it unless you can give me the username of who wrote it. Then it's just a matter of searching their blog archive!
Anyway, if that isn't it, let me know and I will wade through the horrors of the Tumblr search in an attempt to find it lol.
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sweetie-rose · 1 year
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I just love the croco mom theory so much
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reginaldubel · 25 days
fuck yeah bro. you're like. the best brother ever.
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I was wondering if you knew any more misconceptions or fan theories that were going around in the Evillious fandom? I’m looking to make a video on it so I wanted to see what kind of stuff the fandom came up during it’s peak. Also, thank you for your hard work. You’re one of my inspirations of getting into translating
Oh, anon, there are TONS of misconceptions that have gone around the Evillious fandom. It might not be as big an issue as it used to be, but misinformation has always plagued it.
Here's a few more noteworthy bits from what I and a friend of mine can remember (and dig up) under the cut, though bear in mind many of these are from before my time. You should be able to verify these for your video by looking at very early versions of character/location/etc pages on the Story of Evil and Evillious wikis (the Story of Evil wiki was one made for the Daughter of Evil series specifically, and was abandoned very early on) as well as old forum posts and user articles. Focus on things dated to 2013 or earlier, as most of (not all) the worst misconceptions were cleared up after that point:
People thought Clarith was a Venomania descendant. I assume you already saw the discussion on this, but in short, it was people jumping to conclusions based on some poorly worded translations.
It was believed for a while that the girl in Blood-stained Switch was named IR, and that she was split into two halves--one half becoming Elluka, and the other half becoming Irina. From what I could gather, this misconception was almost entirely based on some off-the-wall theorizing by a person on NicoNico Douga, which was mistaken for being mothy's own commentary based on a misunderstanding of how NicoNico Douga comments work (the splitting in half bit, at least; people thought her name was IR because a different commenter mistook her for IR, and I guess at the time the wiki didn't know that was Irina's name in the Lust novel).
It was believed, back when "Levianta Catastrophe" was called "Levianta Fire Disaster", that Full Moon Laboratory was about Elluka. Specifically, it was believed that she had killed Irina (this bit at least I don't blame them for because I think Irina killing Elluka was supposed to be a minor twist), and then became ruler of Levianta as Ma. As ruler, she created the Department of National Research, and performed a bunch of illegal experiments. She cast the Clockwork Secret Art as a "cleansing" spell, which backfired and blew up the country.
People thought Levianta was a Japanese inspired country, and that it was where Tailor of Enbizaka took place.
People thought Irina was using a variant of the body swap to control bodies (specifically that it was an "incomplete" version of the spell). This was based on a mistranslation.
Before fans really understood the presence of actual, literal demons in the series, it was believed that the voice talking to Kyle through his hand mirror in Praeludium was Prim, feeding his ego or brainwashing him or something.
Due to some slightly more understandable confusion, people thought The Last Revolver was about Gumillia, and (less understandably) that Julia had tasked her with retrieving the Venom Sword from her assassination target (who they thought, for no reason I can discern, worked for the Freezis Foundation).
Note that there are some misconceptions that are, genuinely, a result of mothy retconning (a lot of albums, for example, give false information, though they're often told from the perspective of characters who are lying or misinformed) or pulling twists that people didn't see coming. However, I'm pretty sure the examples I gave above are your garden variety "someone mistranslated and someone else leapt to weird assumptions".
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working as a customer service person in healthcare after having worked in a toy store is really interesting. like for example, when people were rude to me at the toy store i had like 0 tolerance bc it was a toy store. and their rudeness was totally uncalled for. versus working at a doctors office, people who call you are often in pain or worried about their health and so while i don't appreciate ppl being rude, it's way easier to forgive it and not condemn them for it (usually, sometimes ppl just seem like total assholes). on the other hand, it's way more emotionally difficult to say no to people at a doctors office. it's not a big deal to tell a customer that we're out of stock of a certain product or that they cant use an expired coupon. meanwhile it feels very bad to tell someone who is in pain that the doctor is booked for two weeks out, or the doctor won't be able to get to their disability forms for a few days, or they have to deal with their insurance company before they can get the mri they need, etc.
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frenchfrysplash · 11 months
girlfriend: honey.
me: what
gf: I can feel Imogen and Laudna taking root in my personality
gf: this feels like your fault somehow
me: :D
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sagau-my-beloved · 2 years
Venti, in his archon outfit, covered in blood, begging on knees.
What more could you ask for?
(Loved the new fic)
That was my whole thought process
I went, looking into the very depths of my soul, "What is the most attractive thing I can write about" and here we are
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sibillascribbles08 · 1 year
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Off Colors Casey Jones Jr.
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marcholasmoth · 7 months
OSRR: 3411
i'm hoping i'll get more than two and a half hours of sleep tonight but no promises lmao. gotta get used to a new mattress and all that. plus i'm top heavy so things that are extra squishy make me feel like im sinking head-first. womp womp.
at least my back isn't hurting! i think it might actually be aligned.
i'm so glad joel and i got a new bed.
this thing is so goddamn comfy.
and today at work was super busy. in the six hours met and i were there, we sent out SIX fyi's AND prepared a high-level briefing. fucking batshit. sophia said to us, "i feel like the world holds itself together until you get here." i couldn't agree more.
after all that and after getting back to town, i went to market basket to get snacks and stuff for the first time in a while. i got some gluten free things for mer.
also before i left work, i gave the card i got and some babka to my coworker who is jewish and celebrates hanukkah. since it starts tomorrow and i wont see him, i wanted to give him something to celebrate to let him know i appreciate him. when i told him i got him babka his eyes got real big and he got real excited. so i'm glad i could do something for him. he's cool. he deserves good things.
i'm working on appreciating the little things that i do that i think are "small," things i'd hope someone would do for me. keeping snacks on hand for everyone including those with dietary restrictions, giving a small gift to celebrate a holiday that might not be shared by everyone, offering to take over when someone is visibly stressed, bringing someone flowers and a balloon and get-well-soon care packages. i often don't realize that these things that i do, don't get done by many others. but for me it's second nature, it's just. i feel like it's something that should be done to ease the burdens of others or to lift them up. and honestly, im glad to say i do this stuff at all sorts of points in the year, not just around the holidays at the end of the year. the qualifications of "little" that i have are different from that which others have. but i'm glad that i can do them.
plus it makes me happy to do things for others to help them feel happy, too, or to help them feel better.
i just do what i can, yknow?
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Tell me about your favorite recipes (food or alcoholic)
Hmm. For food, it would probably be this shrimp and zucchini dish I found randomly online. It's pretty easy, but it's delicious. You mix olive oil, garlic, oregano, salt and pepper in a bowl, then brush it over sliced zucchini. You cook the zucchini in the oven for 10 minutes, then add the shrimp and brush the rest of the mix over them. Then you add parmesan cheese, cook for another 7 minutes or so, and drizzle on some lemon juice. I love it, and my family loves it. If you want, you can also add sliced or diced tomatoes, that's really good too.
As for drinks, I'm biased, but I like the spiced wine recipe that I use, which can be found here. I don't have all the ingredients that he used, but it's fairly easy to substitute, and it turns out so good when it's done.
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rachel-974 · 1 year
Sometimes I always feel like I did something clumsy or something... I don't know why but I seem to be annoying people a bit... This belief haunts me... I'm a real person not a fan looking to show off... It makes me angry and sad at the same time.
How to socialize with someone who has the same passion as you? 💔
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x-adoringvoid-x · 2 years
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I give them the ego they deserve
(I don't really reblog, so please do not feel obligated to reblog. I just wanted to mention because I felt bad when people interact with me in ways that I'm not good with responding too.
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5town · 2 years
How would you sort each of the 4Town members into Hogwarts Houses?
first and foremost before i answer this ask! i don't support j/k/r in any kind of way. i'm trans. h.rry p.tter is my special interest, and even then, i really don't talk about publicly, if at all.
please understand my blog is not a safe space for t3rfs or those that support them in invalidating or oppressing trans people in any way.
if you want to consume h.rry p.tter related content; i highly urge you consider supporting some trans causes:
Black Trans Lives Matter Carrd
Trans Right are Human Rights
i'll keep it real simple! because i've already done this in my head for the boys but basically:
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Robaire - Slytherin
☆ not only does robaire have green as his color already, he's a very ambitious guy! he's going to go on from 4*TOWN to have a successful solo career, he's the leader of the band, he's good at seemingly everything; he's got slytherin written all over him.
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Jesse - Gryffindor
✦ jesse is ambitious like robaire, but he has more of an outward and courageous flare to him that robaire has but certainly not like jesse does. jesse is a father, and while this caring / paternal nature may make him seem like hufflepuff, he's willing to do whatever to protect his loved ones.
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Aaron Z - Ravenclaw
⍟ z's friendly rivalry with robaire makes me want to put z in slytherin, but to be the sole choreographer of 4*TOWN? feels ravenclaw to me. he's the one that comes up with all the choreo, he's athletic and still pushes the band to be their best in that category, in my hcs! i assume he's also one of the most logical in the band
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Aaron T - Hufflepuff
✪ similarly to robaire, his color does match the house color of hufflepuff, but it is certainly not the only reason why t is a proud badger. even though t can seem malicious with his pranks, they're all in good fun to make his friends smile. i feel that he can be pretty defensive when it comes to his bandmates and will fight for them and their well-being.
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Tae Young - Hufflepuff
⋆ almost a staple hufflepuff to me. taking time out of his day to take care of animals (doves specifically) seems to be one of the most caring actions. while not as logical as z or as ambitious as robaire, he still cares for his friends the same way that t does. being the youngest, he can get doted on but i don't think he lets it affect his ego.. too much!
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coolyo294 · 2 years
if nobody got me I know coolyo294 got me
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