#I don’t remember at this point but we probably were told that Fatui are Super Mega Bad Guys even before Signora showed up
thormanick · 1 year
Ok so I was thinking about some stuff and in the end stumbled upon the question “but why does Traveler care about gnosis being taken away so much though???”
And while I think they care mostly bc of the stuff they know (that gnosis is the basis of archons’ powers, and taking it away can put a nation potentially at risk) + Venti&Signora moment,
I think there’s a tiiiiiiny tiny bit more to it, specifically that I now have a newly acquired headcanon that Traveler projects their trauma on the gods a little bit (their own powers were sealed/taken away from them against their will and they don’t want others to go through it)
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clouds-rambles · 3 years
can you write something where the reader has Childe babysit their little sister Diona? Except she hates him because he's a "fatui bad guy."
Strayed a little off the request but I hope you don't mind lmao
Lol casually 1.2k words look at me go
Pairings; (Sibling) Diona x reader, (Romantic) Childe x reader
Warning(s); Mention of reader going out on a hunt
Keep reading under the cut!
You hum as you see Diona turn up at your door
“Morning Diona, I’ve got to run some errands, do you mind just sitting with Ajax?” you ask getting down onto her level. Diona sighs
“But I came here to see you” she huffs and pouts, you chuckle at her
“Don’t worry about it Diona, I’ll be back before supper and tomorrow we’ll spend the day together” you comfort bringing her into a hug “Don’t worry, Ajax has a ton of siblings so I’m sure he’ll entertain you just fine, okay?” you ask. Despite the fact you desperately needed to run these errands you could probably bribe Childe to do them for you if Diona desperately didn’t want to be without you
“Fine” she huffs hugging you back, you grin at her
“Great! You’re the best” you tell her planting a kiss on her forehead “Come on in, let me introduce the two of you before I leave” Diona nods at your words and lets you pull her up onto your shoulders and enter the house.
“So, what does your bozo boyfriend do anyways?” Diona asks attempting to not sound even a little bit interested
“Why don’t you ask him while I’m gone?” you ask “And he can tell you himself”
“Ah so this must be the sister you were telling me all about” Childe turns, his coffee cup in a hand, he uses his other hand to wave at Diona
“It’s Diona” she tells him with a pout
“Attitude and all” you jest causing Diona to attempt to kick you. You place Diona onto the counter so she stands about as tall as Childe. She leans forwards with a cock of her brow
“I feel like I recognise you…” she trails off, but you interrupt her thoughts by giving her another forehead kiss then giving Childe a kiss too
“Thank you for this Ajax” you thank kissing him again, Childe shakes his head
“It’s no problem love” he smile “Have a good day” he adds waving you out the door.
Just as you leave Diona punches the palm of her hand.
“I’ve got it!” she exclaims “That loser wine tycoon told me all about you guys!” she adds pointing to Childe “You’re one of those harbingers” she accuses, Childe raises his hands in defence
“What do you mean, I’m a toy manufacturer” he tries to argue
“But Ajax isn’t your name…” Diona trails off “It’s Tar-Tartaglia or something” she adds stumbling over the pronunciation of his alias. Childe chuckles awkwardly
“I guess I’m caught huh” he says with a close eyed smile
“Does my sibling know?” Diona asks feeling the coldness of her cyro vision beg to be let out on the harbingers face. Childe smiles and nods
“Of course they do” he replies “That was one of the first things they knew about me” he reassures remembering the memory of their first meeting, your dagger held at his neck. Diona raises a brow
“They better” she threatens and Childe finds himself chuckling again
“Is there anything you’d like to do today?” Childe asks changing the conversation, Diona shakes her head a few times. She’s not really sure what she’d want to do anyway, she barely ever gets time off work and when she does it’s usually just to hunt. “I think my brother, Teucer, left some things from the last time he was here” he offers “Maybe a colouring book or two” Diona nods
“Colouring sounds fun” she says, her guard isn’t fully down around Childe, which he finds a little amusing, but Diona finds herself settling in the more she sees your things littered about the house
“Here do you want some help down?” Childe offers, but Diona shakes her head and jumps down off the counter and bounds into the living room.
Childe looks in the spare room and finds a couple unused colouring books and some pencils. When he renters the living room he finds Diona looking at a picture of a younger you, a baby Diona, and both of her parents. Diona smiles lightly and wipes her eyes of any tears that dare leak from her eyes. She then looks at the next picture depicting a large family unit, she picks out Childe from amidst the people, she smiles lightly. She probably feels a little better knowing that he has a family too.
Childe smiles and announces his presence by placing down the books onto the table. Diona jumps a little bit and scowls at Childe, who only laughs in response.
“Here knock yourself out” he says patting the books, Diona rolls her eyes and sits at the coffee table.
It’s easily dark by the time you get home, you look a little dishevelled. You move to the kitchen and start unpacking the various meats in your bag, you see Childe walk into the room his brows raised at your appearance.
“I thought you told your lackeys to lay off me” you complain looking to your partner “I had to wipe out three fatui camps while I was hunting” you huff
“I did…” he trails off his brows raised “I should send out another notice” he adds sighing, he may be a harbinger but some of these fatui love to do as they please
“How’s Diona?” you ask changing the subject, Childe chuckles lightly
“She’s apprehensive of me” he starts “But she seems sweet, she told me about your dad over lunch” he adds looking to you, you shift on your feet looking away
“I’m glad she felt comfortable enough telling you” you reply taking off your jacket
“Speaking of, we went out for lunch,” he begins “Nothing exiting, she just had some fish and that was about it” he adds following you into the lounge, you see Diona trying to make paper aeroplanes fly with her vision
“How was your day?” you ask your sister, who smiles upon seeing you then puts on an angry face
“And why didn’t you tell me your boyfriend is a fatui?” Diona asks standing up just to stomp her foot
“Sorry” you apologise opening your arms for her to come hug you, she does “I forgot” you add with a laugh
“Why are you so dirty?” Diona asks poking at the layer of dirt on your cheek, you smile at her
“What didn’t Dad tell you about the super secret hunting trick?” you ask with another laugh “You’ve got to roll about in aaaall the mud so the boars cant see you” you add
“That’s not right” she pouts “You shouldn’t listen to Dad less when he’s drunk” she adds with another huff, you chuckle at her
“Anyway, why don’t you help Ajax with the meat? He’s horrific at filleting steaks” you ask changing the subject “And clean myself up” you add with a smile,
“Hey I heard that you know” Childe huffs from the lounge door, Diona nods a few time
“Can I stab him if he cuts the meat wrong?” she asks, you laugh and shake your head
“Maybe just freeze him a little bit, I wouldn’t want blood all over my nice wooden floor” you tell her putting her down. She sighs and goes into the kitchen
“Okay harbinger, lets cut this meat!” you hear Diona exclaim as you go to clean yourself up
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