#when we know already that gods can exist just fine without them
thormanick · 1 year
Ok so I was thinking about some stuff and in the end stumbled upon the question “but why does Traveler care about gnosis being taken away so much though???”
And while I think they care mostly bc of the stuff they know (that gnosis is the basis of archons’ powers, and taking it away can put a nation potentially at risk) + Venti&Signora moment,
I think there’s a tiiiiiiny tiny bit more to it, specifically that I now have a newly acquired headcanon that Traveler projects their trauma on the gods a little bit (their own powers were sealed/taken away from them against their will and they don’t want others to go through it)
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leahwllmsn · 11 months
leah williamson x reader
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October, 2023
You finally tell your friends that you’ve been talking to someone you met online on a Friday night. The response you got is that they all think you're crazy, and you can’t blame them—saying that you have a tiny crush on this blonde who’s almost twice your height and likes football and country music without actually knowing if this said blonde exists is kind of crazy.
But you really do like talking to Leah and you could only hope that Leah is Leah and not some fifty-year-old man. 
“You don’t even know what she looks like,” one of your friends snorts. 
“It’s not always about the looks,” you argue.
“That’s true,” another one of your friends chimed in. “But you gotta admit, the looks matter a lot.”
You were about to correct her and say no, they do not, because yeah, sure, Leah is so freaking gorgeous based on the pictures on her profile, but what matters the most is that she’s so kind, and funny, and just overall amazing.
Instead you kept your mouth shut. A part of you don’t want to share Leah with anyone just yet. 
(And another part of you still needs the confirmation that that is actually Leah because god damn it Leah is the most beautiful woman you have ever seen and you wish that it’s really her.)
6 Oct, 9:02 pm
y/n: I told my friends about you. they think it’s weird that I’m starting something with you when we’ve never met  
y/n: it’s not weird, is it? 
leahw6: starting something huh? ;) 
y/n: shut up 
y/n: we met on tinder. what were you expecting to find? a math tutor? 
leahw6: ...  
leahw6: you’re really funny, love
leahw6: and no, it’s not weird 
y/n: good 
y/n: and for the record, even if they think it’s weird I couldn’t care less 
6 Oct, 9:25 pm
leahw6: just to be clear 
leahw6: ‘starting something’ that means you want to date me right 
y/n: how else could I mean that 
leahw6: idk maybe you were the one looking for a math tutor 
October, 2023
“Where did you meet her again?”
“Tinder,” Lia repeats.
“Yes,” Leah nods. “When we were in Australia for the World Cup… I got bored one night and decided to go on Tinder.”
“And you found her there,” Lia muses, sipping on her cup of coffee. “Wait, so she lives in Australia?”
“Melbourne, yes.”
“And does she know you’re all the way here in London?”
Leah hesitates before answering. “No.”
“Oh boy,” Lia gives her a sympathetic look. “Does she know who you are?”
“Me… as in Leah?” Leah gives her teammate a confused look. “Yeah?”
“You as in you’re Leah Williamson.”
“Oh,” realization sunk in Leah’s face. “Then no. I mentioned I like football and she said she hates it. So, I doubt she knows who I am.”
“Oh boy.”
“I know,” Leah drops her head on the table. “I’ll tell her soon but what if it’s a deal breaker?” 
“Which part? The part where you’re a famous footballer or you live thousands of kilometers away?”
Leah grimaces “Distance problem. She already said she hates football and wouldn’t dare step foot in a football game, but it’s fine! That’s not a problem because I can and will convince her to watch one of my games.”
Lia laughs. “Sure, buddy.”
“I really like her,” Leah continues. “She’s funny and witty and passive aggressive sometimes but it’s so endearing. She has great taste in music, great taste in movies and books, and just great taste overall—”
Leah’s words get cut off with Lia’s hand on her mouth. “You’ve known her for a few weeks and this is already how you act?” Lia chuckles, taking her hand away. “You got it bad, Williamson.”
Leah groans. “I know.”
“Just tell her now. If she likes you the same way, I have a feeling that she wouldn’t mind either.”
24 Oct, 4:13 pm
leahw6: can we talk ?
y/n: sounds serious 
leahw6: kind of 
y/n: are you getting tired of me already :( 
leahw6: ofc not 
y/n: oh okay :D 
leahw6: idk how to say this 
y/n: do you want me to call you? 
leahw6: oh god no 
leahw6: omg wait 
leahw6: I didn’t mean that in a bad way I swear  
leahw6: it’s just that if you call me I’ll be hearing your voice for the first time and I’ll be even more nervous  
leahw6: and I don’t think I’ll be able to put out a coherent sentence bc I’ve been imagining so much what your voice would sound like with that face and all my guesses are that you have an extremely hot voice, raspy maybe?  
leahw6: but actually no I don’t think you have a raspy voice 
leahw6: a deep one maybe and holy shit a deep voice with an australian accent? I’ll faint on the spot I’m afraid  
leahw6: no you can’t call me 
y/n: okay...? 
leahw6: I’m really sorry please ignore all that 
y/n: I won’t ignore it, it’s adorable  
leahw6: you think I’m weird don’t you 
y/n: absolutely 
leahw6: great 
y/n: it just makes me like you even more
leahw6: I live in london 
y/n: as in the one in england … ? 
leahw6: is there another london I don’t know about 
[incoming call from y/n]
leahw6: why are you calling me ?! 
leahw6: I told you I’m too nervous rn 
y/n: I don’t get it. it says that you were 2km away? 
leahw6: yeah… I was on vacation… kind of...
y/n: kind of?
y/n: so you don’t actually live here? 
leahw6: y/n if I was only 2 km away from you I would make up excuses just so I can see you everyday 
y/n: how many km is it instead 
leahw6: between us?
leahw6: google says it’s 16,904 km
y/n: ??! holy shit 
leahw6: I know 
leahw6: look, I get it if you want to stop this. not everyone is cut out for long distance
y/n: we’re like
y/n: on opposite sides of the world
leahw6: I know
y/n: do you want to stop this? 
leahw6: I don’t 
y/n: then we won’t 
leahw6: are you sure 
y/n: let me call you 
leahw6: NO 
y/n: leah
leahw6: give me a day to prepare 
y/n: you’re so dumb
y/n: but fine 
y/n: do I at least get a facetime
leahw6: FACETIME? 
leahw6: no. you get a phone call. voice only
y/n: r u catfishing 
y/n: I knew it you’re too beautiful to be real 
leahw6: ha ha 
y/n: call me tomorrow okay lee? 
leahw6: okay
leahw6: and y/n
leahw6:  thank you
y/n: what for
leahw6: for giving us a chance
y/n: leah I’d be stupid not to 
November, 2023
You're in the middle of a meeting with boring, old men in suits when your phone rings—very loudly at that. You curse yourself for forgetting to put your phone on silent, quickly pressing the red circle on the screen, but not before smiling at the caller ID.
When the meeting finishes an hour later, you immediately pick up your phone and dial Leah’s number.
“Hey you.” 
You smile at the voice on the other end. “Sorry I couldn’t pick up. I was in a meeting.”
“Oh sorry, bad timing. Thought you were finished for the day”
“Bad timing indeed,” you chuckle. “It rang really loudly.”
“Y/n,” you could hear Leah’s soft giggles. “The silent feature exists for a reason.” 
“Yeah, yeah,” you take a seat in your office chair and sigh contently. “I’m glad it rang though.”
“How so?” 
“I saw your name and my mood instantly picked up.”
Leah snorts. “You’re such a sweet talker, mate.” 
You throw her head back in laughter. “But it’s true!”
Leah doesn’t say anything after that, all you could hear is the sound of chatter and honking of cars. “Where are you?”
“I just had breakfast, I’m walking to the… office.”
“You called me when you were having breakfast? Am I that much more interesting than whoever you were with?” you ask, your tone teasing.
“Of course you are,” is Leah’s reply and you could feel your stomach flipping upside down.
“Now who’s the sweet talker?”
“Still you.”
“Says the person who couldn’t stop telling me I’m pretty when we facetimed for the first time.”
Leah laughs and you really, really love the sound. “But you are pretty.”
“But I don’t think I need to hear it every five minutes.”
“Just accept the compliments, love.”
“Okay,” you relent, a grin spreading across your face. “Who did you have breakfast with?”
“Just my team– colleagues. My colleagues, Beth, Viv and Lia.”
You go silent for a few seconds, the last name ringing a bell in your head. “Lia as in your ex?”
“The one and only.”
Leah must’ve sensed the jealousy in your voice (but honestly, you aren't jealous, you’re really not), because the next thing you know Leah is laughing and telling you that it didn’t work out between her and Lia because they were better off as friends.
“You see her everyday though,” you say, your voice less confident than before.
“And what about it?”
“You don’t see me everyday,” you pout, staring at a polaroid picture of Leah smiling at the camera that is stuck to the wall of your cubicle. Leah sent you a handwritten letter along with that picture a few days ago. Your roommate was the one who received it and it went something like this:
“Oh my god, there’s no way this is your Leah.”
“This! Is this really her?” 
“Is that Lee’s mail for me? Did you open it?!” 
“I got curious!” 
“Give me that!” 
“You never mentioned that she looks like this!” 
“I just haven’t shown you what she looks like ‘cause everyone kept on teasing me!” 
“Because she could be a fake for all we know! But holy shit, she’s soo stunning. Does she have a twin sister?”
“A twin brother?” 
“Can I have her instead then?” 
“What the—no?!” 
“Fine, be stingy like that.” 
“...I’m really fine with us like this.”
You blink away images of your roommate in your head and focus your attention back to Leah’s voice. “What did you say?”
“I said I’m okay with not being able to see you everyday,” Leah repeats. “Talking to you over the phone is enough.”
You smile. “It’s enough for me too. It’d be great to have you next to me but this is good too.”
People would think otherwise but for you, having Leah a phone call away really is enough; you'd take hearing Leah's laughter through the phone than not hearing it at all.
10 Nov, 1:11 pm
y/n: I got a dog
leahw6: ???!! 
leahw6: Y/N CALL ME OMG 
leahw6: I WANT TO SEE 
y/n: you’re more excited to see him than me :// 
leahw6: YES 
y/n: excuse me 
leahw6: WHAT’S HIS NAME 
y/n: robert 
leahw6: ROBERT? 
y/n: yes, robert 
leahw6: he's now my favourite
leahw6: SEND PICS
y/n: :/ 
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leahw6: you know you're my favourite too  
y/n: :D 
leahw6: but I think I like robert more than you OMG HE'S ADORABLE!!!!
y/n: bye 
December, 2023
leahw6:  want to hear a funny story
y/n:  what is it
leahw6:  a guy tried to hit on me tonight
y/n:  excuse me???
[incoming call from y/n] 
“That’s not funny,” is the first thing Leah hears once she accepts the call.
“Hello to you too,” Leah stifles a laugh. You sound tense and Leah can just picture the frown on your face.
“Yes, babe?” Leah learnt that the quickest way to melt away your anger is to use pet names and so for any argument (even if Leah is in the wrong), Leah would always win.
This time it doesn’t seem to work. “How is that funny again?” 
“Darling, I’m just teasing you.”
“Did a guy really hit on you?”
“Yes,” Leah answers honestly. “He bought me a drink.”
“I see.”
Leah doesn’t like how dejected you sound. So she presses the button for facetime and the first thing she sees when you accept is her girlfriend pouting at the screen.
“What are you doing?” Leah giggles.
“Is all of this funny to you?” you pout even more, your phone screen illuminating your face in the dark room.
“Did I wake you up?” Leah asks instead. She knows you like to sleep in on weekends.
“Yes, but that’s fine. You know I want to talk to you any chance I get,” you answer, shifting so that you’re now lying on your side.
“You’re the best,” Leah says as she climbs in bed, tucking herself under the covers.
“Obviously,” you scoff. “Unlike that stupid guy who doesn’t know you’re off-limits.”
Leah grins at the annoyed look you’re giving her. “Baby?”
“It’s so cute when you’re jealous.”
You roll your eyes. “Of course I’m jealous. He gets to be within your presence while I’m stuck here, freaking sixteen thousand kilometres away from you. It’s unfair.”
Leah sends her a soft smile. “But you’re the one I’m talking to every day, so who’s the real winner here?” The frown is still present on your face and Leah wants nothing more than to kiss it away—so that’s what she did.
“Leah, what the hell are you doing?”
“Kissing you,” Leah answers simply, kissing her screen again.
And when Leah hears laughter from the other end, her heart feels much lighter.
“Lee, have you cleaned your phone? That’s gross.”
“Shut up. I’m trying to be romantic.”
“Cute, but maybe clean your phone first.”
Leah rolls her eyes at you, her smile never leaving her face. “At least I made you laugh.”
“You always make me laugh,” you say, your face so close to her camera that the entirety of Leah’s screen is just a close up of your face. Leah’s heart swells in adoration at the sight.
“Did you have a good night's sleep?” Leah asks.
You hum in answer. “Now it’s your turn to get a good night’s sleep.”
You could see how hard Leah is trying to keep her eyes open.
“This sucks, time difference sucks” Leah pouts. “I just want to talk to you.”
“Baby,” you give her a sad smile. “It is how it is. We’ll talk more when you wake up.”
“Yes, captain,” Leah gives you grin, her eyes fully closed.
“Good night, Leah. Sweet dreams.”
You watch Leah go to sleep for a few minutes, the sound of her soft snores making it seem like she’s right next to you. 
That night Leah dreams that you're right next to her, holding her close and keeping her warm on the cold winter night.
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piningforstan · 29 days
Summary: You’re relieved to see your husband alive, but you have yet to learn at what cost.
Pairings: Stanley Pines x F!Reader
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: it’s angsty, the Pines are sad and not okay, memory loss, brief mention of a miscarriage
A/N: If I was a better person and had more time I would totally write a fic about this. This oneshot initially had a happy ending but it seemed right to end it where I did. Let me know if you’d want to read a happy ending, though! (Also I apologize for any inaccuracies)
Couldn’t the apocalypse have happened when your joints didn’t protest at every movement? You thought disdainfully back to your youth, when every step wasn’t hindered by bursts of shooting pain. The rumination was cut short, however, when the front door of the shack swung open.
In your time with Stan, with the shack, it had taken many forms. Becoming a giant fighting robot hadn’t been in your plans but it formed a shelter of sorts for survivors, somewhere mostly untainted with bad memories.
Dipper burst into the used-to-be foyer, followed by Mabel.
You called out their names. You’d been left behind to preside over the Shack-bot and cater to the injured — there hadn’t been time to worry about your loved ones but now that you’re watching the twins run across the room to you, you realize that there had been a significant knot in your stomach that was now loosening with relief.
“You’re alive! You’re okay!” You swept them into an embrace, pressing their bodies to you. God, they were just children.
“Grauntie —” Dipper started.
“I’m fine. I’m fine.” You studied their round faces, the streaks of tears cutting through the dirt on their cheeks. Using a thumb, you did your best to wipe away Mabel’s but Dipper slipped away.
“Grauntie, we have to tell you something—”
“Where’s Stan? And Ford? Are they okay?”
“Yes, well,” Dipper started to stammer. Mabel erupted into tears, holding the oversized sleeves of her sweater to her eyes to absorb them.
You glanced between the two twins, heart hammering in your chest. The moment wad broken by the sound of footsteps. Stan stepped into the remnants of the Mystery Shack, steered with a gentle hand by Ford. An unimaginable amount of relief flooded you. Stan, of course, was always in the forefront of your mind, but you hadn’t allowed yourself to think of anything devastating happening.
You wouldn’t — couldn’t — live without him. You refused. So you simply believed that he was safe.
And now here he was, suit torn and battered but still as devastatingly handsome as the day you met him. The protests from Dipper and Mabel faded away much like those of your joints; Stan made you feel young, breathed life into an otherwise greying existence. You untangled yourself from the twins and shot for the front door where he stood.
Ford inserted himself between you, mouth moving, but you couldn’t hear a thing. You just needed to get to Stan. Needed to feel his arms around you, the smell of his cologne (he mostly just rubbed on magazine samples, but you didn’t care). You sidestepped Ford and launched yourself at Stan, tears already overspilling onto your cheeks.
He staggered back a bit, catching himself on the doorframe as you tightly embraced him. Unable to contain your joy you grabbed him by either side of his stubbled face and kissed him.
Only a few seconds passed before Stan’s large hands were entrapping your wrists, pulling you from him. His eyes darted back and forth, and he wore an uneasy smile.
“Well, uh, that’s one way to introduce yourself,” he said.
Later, in hindsight, you recognized the signal going off in the back of your mind that something was wrong. But in that moment you’re completely consumed with happiness and relief and that must just be one of his jokes you don’t understand. “I can think of others but they probably wouldn’t be socially acceptable.”
The uneasy smile faltered. He laughed but it’s brittle and not fully committed. “You’re bold, I like that.”
Stan’s gaze flickered to Ford, as if for assurance.
Ford’s expression was grim, jaw clenched. “I need to speak with you privately —”
“Come on, let’s get you patched up and grab a drink.” You linked your arm through Stan’s and marched him towards the kitchen. He obliged but seemed reluctant, which you chalked up to fatigue. “Here. I’ll get everything. You sit.”
You stopped at Stan’s hideous yellow chair that you were secretly fond of. He stared at it. Then you.
“Here?” He asked. You don’t miss the way that he examined the room like he’s seeing it for the first time, lingering over the empty fish tank and the giant fossilized skull.
“I promise I didn’t let anyone get their blood on it or anything,” you said. You’re yapping now. Why were you yapping? It’s like you’re standing on the edge of a cliff, aware of the danger but not wanting to yield to the warnings. “I knew you were coming back. I couldn’t get rid of you that easily, right?”
You waited for him to reply. Stan’s face spasmed, uncomfortable, his arms stiff at his sides. You couldn’t remember a time you had ever seen him like this, unsure and quiet and reserved. You opened your mouth to prompt him to sit once again — what are you doing, silly? — when Dipper, Mabel, and Ford slid into view. Their eyes were wide, panicked, bouncing from you to Stan.
Hysteria crept into your tone. “What’s with this guy? Where’s the man I married?”
“Married?” Stan echoed. This is the first thing you’ve said to actually get a reaction from him.
Ford said your name. “Why don’t you come with me and let Stan rest?”
“Is this a joke? What’s going on?”
Mabel, cheeks blotchy, blurted, “Stan lost his memory! He doesn’t remember us. Any of us.” She dissolved into tears again.
A wave of numbness crashed over you. “What?”
“I’ve been trying to tell you —” Ford stopped, recollected himself. He looks older than you remember him, like whatever happened had aged him faster than natural. “Stan sacrificed himself. To defeat Bill. He gave up all of his memories for…us.”
Stan looked entirely uncomfortable with this situation and all of the weeping.
“What?” You said again. You suddenly felt like a cassette tape that’d been unspooled, and now you’re trying desperately to collect the film, gathering it in your arms to shove back inside the shell.
“It was his idea. It was…the only way,” Ford said. Even his voice was strained with emotion.
You blinked. And blinked again.
“Stan is that true?” You wheeled to face him, still clinging to the hope that this is some elaborate prank. Your grasp on any sanity slipped as you looked at your husband of over thirty years and saw nothing reflected in his face.
There was none of his child-like exuberance. His impish smile, always teetering on the edge of saying something absurd or inappropriate. The softness in his eyes whenever you’re speaking to him. It was as if you were staring into a shallow puddle, no ripples at the surface, no amount of recognition to be stirred upon from the bottom.
Something inside you cracked.
“Stan?” You reached a hand out to touch him. He let you, but it was almost worse that way. It was a gesture of kindness and nothing more; he knew you were upset and he didn’t know why but he knew that he was partly the reason.
A glimpse of the kindness that he hid beneath his hardened exterior.
You recoiled. Someone might as well have wrenched your ribcage open. Snapped your sternum in half in order to access your muscle and viscera and, finally, your heart. It hurt so badly you feared that it might break too.
“He doesn’t remember any of it?”
“I’m afraid not,” Ford said.
Dipper and Mabel, so achingly identical in their heartbreak, stood on either side of Ford. There’s enough devastation in the room to suffocate you.
“Stanley,” you say then, softly, pleadingly. “We’re your family. Surely you remember your family.”
Surely you remember how we met. Falling in love. Getting married. The adventures that ensued. Rebuilding the portal. Losing your baby, your only baby, and reconciling that you never would have children. The excitement you shared upon the news of Dipper and Mabel staying with you, how much you had fallen in love with them in such a short time period. Surely you remember that.
“Well, uh, looks don’t lie,” he replied, gesturing towards Ford and the twins bookending him.
“Let him rest.” Ford wad by your side now. How did he get there?
Everything was blurred at the edges, distorted.
The next thing you knew you’re sitting outside, in one of the ancient lawn chairs you convinced Stan to buy secondhand. You wanted to be able to watch Dipper and Mabel play when they were outside. But the small clearing had been wrecked — hell, the town that you loved had been wrecked, half of it on fire, smoke funneling into the sky.
None of that mattered, though.
Stan didn’t remember you.
But he’s alive, a small voice in you pointed out. He was alive and physically well. He might not remember you but he was going to live another day. Even if that day did not involve you or your shared jokes or brief touches, the comfort of loving the same person for half your life.
You could handle that, you thought. It was enough just to know that he was alive and in the world.
Strangely, you didn’t cry. You sat and watched ashes fall, covering the ground and the picnic bench where Mabel had performed improvised soliloquies to your delight, on the bike that Dipper bought himself — smile nearly splitting his cheeks — in order to investigate his many conspiracies. Ash coated everything. It was comforting, somehow, restorative, replacing the disconcerting scenes of Weirdmagaddeon with a blank state.
You couldn’t face going into the Mystery Shack so you slept outside in the lawn chair. No one came to shuttle you inside, but when you woke up in the morning there was a blanket folded over you.
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quipxotic · 1 month
Why can't it be both? Why can't the Wildmother's visitation with Orym be both loving and manipulative? We know the gods are looking for champions because of the current situation (see the events with the Crown Keepers), but also the Wildmother has been offering support to Orym for a while now so it's probably not just about the current fight against Ludinus.
What actually happened in c3e104? When Orym asks about Aeor, the Wildmother shows him a vision of the deaths of two of the gods to (in my interpretation at least) convey the pantheon's (and her own) fear about that situation, with the implication that that fear impacted their actions with Aeor and drives them forward now. And when that vision hurts Orym, she offers her love and some time with Will to comfort him. And then she makes his sword a vestige to help in the fight to come. All of that can be kindness and sincere love, without a demand for anything in return. But she must also know from generations of dealing with mortals that mortals given gifts and attention from a deity are more likely to fight for them than let them be destroyed.
Maybe the word "manipulation" is the problem? Maybe we should call it influence instead? After all we keep hearing that, because of the Divine Gate, the Exandrian Pantheon can't act directly in the world but they can influence people in it. So what's the difference between influence and manipulation?
Is the goddess distorting Orym's perception of reality? It doesn't seem so, in fact the vision she shows him lines up with what Bell's Hells has discovered independently. The only thing new there is how the gods felt about it, which BH could easily guess even without the vision.
Is she trying to convince him to do something he doesn't want to do? Orym has said many times he wants to stop Ludinus from releasing the God Killer and destroying the gods, which is what the gods have said via messages to their followers they want as well.
Is she being dishonest about her intentions? Given this is a vision conveyed with feelings and not words, it's hard to say this gives any additional insight as to the Wildmother's intentions beyond what we already know. But, for all that (relatively) vague messages may frustrate the person receiving them (can't help but think of FCG here), they also allow the person receiving the vision the freedom to make their own interpretation about its purpose and their own response.
But again, this is a time of crisis. Any gifts or interactions with the gods right now HAVE to come with the awareness of that crisis and how the pantheon's needs impact the interactions' timing and content. They want mortals to act in support of them right now, so this is not business as usual for the gods or the existing or potentially new faithful. I guess your mileage may vary on the manipulation vs influence divide, but for me it's a bit of a mixed bag and I'm fine with that. I can see in the Wildmother's vision both kindness and genuine love while also acknowledging (whether as a primary intent or a secondary benefit) that it also serves to encourage a goal or action that isn't about either feeling.
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satcrvz · 8 months
"what do i wear?" you ask holding up two sweatshirts that nearly looked identical.
nobara huffs before responding, "please just pick one, they look the same babe"
"i can't! am i overthinking? i'm definitely overthinking". you decide to go with the sweatshirt you were holding in your right hand. nobara calls out to you from her room, "he's literally seen you at your worst!"
you assume that she's referring to when you first saw him, when you found out that he existed. that wasn't my worst moment i was cute for a girl in pajamas.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
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you and yuuji are almost to your destination, "you know you sounded like rapunzel asking to see the lanterns when you asked me to drive you"
"oh my god shut up i did not" you say in between giggles. he makes the final turn and there you are, yuta's house.
"oh you're just going to drop me off on the curb like i'm a whore" you say while unbuckling your seatbelt.
only his left hand is on the steering wheel and his head turns very slowly to look at you, "you want me to walk you to the door like i'm dropping you off for a playdate?"
"yeah kinda," you pause to open your door and hop out "it'd be rude if you didn't stop and say hi". the minute you heard him sigh, you knew you'd won.
you greeting yuta was a blur, you can't even remember what stupid shit you did because of your nerves. all you remember was a holy shit you muttered when you saw the entry way, to call it nice was an understatement.
currently, you were sitting criss crossed on the floor with yuta to the left of you. "so wait, you have all the games?"
"yeah! you could play the resident evil 4 remake since it's still kind of trending?" he stares at you and there's a short moment of silence before he continues, "only if you want to though, you'll have the controller, not me".
you give him a reassuring smile, "yeah that's fine! beware I am going to die though". he laughs and you swear its the cutest thing you've ever heard "it's okay, i can walk you through it" shutupshutup oh my god i'm going to scream.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
"wait why are they jumping him. just make friends with them duh”
“yn, you have to fight back” the stress was very adamant in his tone. "i can't. i wasn't paying attention when they gave instructions. . ." you glance over to the chat to see a mix of yours and yuta's fans laughing at you.
he reaches over to grab the controller from your hands, but not without "accidentally" ghosting over both of your hands holding the controller.
you watched the screen and took an occasional glance at the stream. you figured you should probably figure out what buttons he's pressing, so you look down at his hands which were actually quite nice. no dirt under them, hang nails, or anything else, it almost made you forget why you looked over at them.
"there", he says while handing the controller back to you. "dude where the fuck did you go?" you'd ended up in a completely different spot from where you initially were. "hey, i put you on the right path. you ran like, too far from where you were actually supposed to be"
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
"okay guys! i think that's it for today my back is starting to hurt, and i'm sick of someone criticizing me" you're staring directly at the chat while you say this.
"i wasn't criticizing! i mean i was, but it was helpful" he continues, "this is our first time hanging out and you're already trying to get rid of me"
"whatever. anyways bye guys!" you say while ending the stream. you bring both hands up and behind your head to stretch
"i'm hungry, i think i'm going to text yuuji to come get me"
"you don't have to, i can take you back and stop and get something, if thats okay with you?"
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teehee... do we like?
my brain was cooking but my fingers were not. do y'all fw ihop? i might make ihop the stop.
didn’t proofread this 😭
tags: @saesofficialwife @k4romis @soy-garbage @sakyira @dreamxiing @swissy23 @shnzies @captaincyberqueen @fantasycantasy @chuyasthighs0 @mixzimi @milza12 @nahoye @spookyrule @4phskingdom @sad-darksoul @morgyyyyyy @smashingdollz @bubbles-the-ghost @lunavixia @gaychaosgremlin @jayathelostdragon
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actual-changeling · 10 months
I do wonder if Crowley's optimism is actually optimism. If it weren't 4 a.m., I'd do a philosophical deep dive, but since it is, I'll just try to string some thoughts together.
At the core of Crowley's questioning stands, "What is the point of it all?"—it's what he wonders as Starmaker and what he defeatedly asks Shax at the beginning of season 2. It strikes me as a very specific flavour of trauma-related existential dread reinforced by his fall and the concept of the ineffable plan.
The thing is that Crowley already knows the answer to that question; it's just not a satisfying one. Because what is the point of it all? of us? of our lives? of all the suffering and the good and the bad and, well, everything?
There is no point. It's a fact you need to come to terms with rather quickly if you grow up traumatized, otherwise, you will break. There was no point in Crowley falling, just as there's no point in anything he or Aziraphale did over the last few millennia—they just are.
It's why any meta questions focusing on God won't get anywhere, there is no answer God would ever offer us or them; there is no answer that matters, period. Maybe God has one, maybe they don't, but it has zero effect on the story or what happens to them. It's terrifying, in a way, to think about it like this, because if there's no point to any aspect of our lives, why bother? Why bother when there are so many horrible things that could happen?
And THAT is where we come all the way back around to Crowley's optimism. He has long accepted the lack of answers (though I can tell you from personal experience that you never really stop asking anyway), but he needs to find a way to live with the world as it is.
'Everything's going to be fine sooner or later' isn't optimism; it's what you need to tell yourself to not jump in front of the next train.
Crowley's optimism is dreams. Dreams of him and Aziraphale being happy and together, dreams of their cottage in the south downs, dreams of heaven and hell never touching them again.
Dreams of life turning out to be better than what he is currently living.
From the outside, it can certainly look like optimism, but I see him, I am him, and I can guarantee you that it's not. It's a tiny pinprick of light in an otherwise dark sky that may or may not be actually there, but if you stop telling yourself that it exists, there's nothing left but darkness. You're afraid of the dark and its teeth because you have been bitten by them before.
So you keep repeating it over and over and over, and maybe one day it will no longer be a lie or you will be the light, but for now this is what you got.
It is also the reason why Crowley is going to be a wreck in season 3. Finally, he thought, we can be together and happy, and in love without being afraid. He reached for the pinprick of light, thinking it to be a star, and got ripped apart by sharpened teeth instead. Crowley needs that lie, and he just got completely disillusioned.
What's the point when, after everything, Aziraphale still leaves him?
No matter how much they love each other, Crowley needs to find an answer to that question within himself, not in Aziraphale or anyone else.
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i'm here as a hater.
i watched red white and royal blue and i'm here to be a hater.
i was having such a great time on tumblr, looking over people's posts and then i went to letterboxd to leave a review and my fucking god. why are there so many people bashing this film for being a bad adaptation. worse yet, why are they queer?
i understand, trust me, i completely understand loving a piece of media and waiting impatiently with bated breath to watch the adaptation of it into another recognisable medium. i'm a mortal instruments girlie, i'm a last of us girlie, i'm a fault in our stars girlie, i'm a watchmen girlie. i get it. i do. sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe shit.
but bruv, i am also a person who works in the film industry and you have no fucking clue the amount of effort it takes to make a film let alone a film that's an adaptation of a pre-existing, utterly loved piece of fiction that is revered by so many. and this movie goes one step further. this is a cheesy, cutesy rom-com about a queer couple. how many of those do we even have? no. really. how many hopeful, easy-going, cheesy queer rom-coms have you watched? can you count them on one hand? do you need a google search to remind yourself of them?
this film is a rare commodity and fine, maybe that's not a good enough reason for you to be 'lenient' to it... but it kinda is. no adaptation will be perfect, not really, not for everyone. every piece of media has it's flaws but adaptations most of all. but this film does something that you cannot dismiss simply because your favourite scene wasn't in it. personally i so miss alex's speech before the election results are announced. i miss ellen's powerful and amazing speech when she does win. i miss june, i miss raphael and i miss leo, and the powerpoint presentations and i miss cornbread knowing alex's sins.
but none of that will ever take away from the beauty of being able to sit in front of my laptop and watch the most intimate queer love scene i have ever laid my eyes on. it just won't.
anyway.... i'm rambling. the point that i was trying to make before i got lost in all this, was that you are obviously allowed to hate on the movie but like... be kinder about it? don't hate it because it's not a straight up remake of the book. don't hate it because it's cheesy. idk man, just hate kindly, if possible.
this is a huge step for us.
i don't want the response to this film to seem negative in a way that gives the (already reluctant) studious more reason to not make queer media for queer people, you know?
there will come a time in this life where we can hate and critique queer media without worrying about all this context but we're not there yet?
so i guess, like henry, i'm also asking for y'all patience.
however, whoever fucking said that nick and taylor don't have chemistry can suck my huge ugly metaphorical dick. fuck you. they made me week in the knees.
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tommyxgrace-always · 11 months
Tommy & Ada parallels
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Political inclination
Tommy was known to be communist/socialist before the war, dreaming about changing the world. After Grace, he eventually decides to pursue politics.
Ada also shared communist ideologies and is active to an extent with Freddie. When Tommy became MP, she naturally became his political advisor. In the finale, Tommy reiterates the fact that she was born for politics in her family.
Fine things in life
Tommy liked to possess lavish and fine things. His suits for example, In s1, we see how he gets his suits done from the same place as Kimber. In s4, we hear how he gets his suits done by a tailor in London. Similarly he admired Tatiana’s luxurious car in s3 just like the look of awe he gave May’s mansion. Arrow house was decorated with the finest things - paintings, interiors, furniture and his bedroom with Grace too.
Ada’s house in s2 said it all. The interior, the furniture everything was expensive and grand. This aspect of her personality is reiterated in s5, by showing the luxurious redecoration and also her art pieces, vases etc (when finn was too scared to ruin it with his blood)
Love & Marraige
Both married the love of their life inspite of opposition from family. Ada married Freddie even though Tommy and her brothers were against a communist. Tommy married Grace even when Polly was against her.
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Both their children were born out of wedlock. When Ada got pregnant there was ambiguity about Freddie’s intentions for her. Just when Ada lost hope and decides to be practical and abort, they have a dramatic reunion at the train station. Their love for each other is validated and they look forward to have their child. Similarly Grace got pregnant with Tommy’s child, there is ambiguity about her intentions and it seems they will go their separate ways again. Just when Tommy seems to have accepted that she will sail away and decides to be practical and be with May, they have a dramatic reunion at the Derby. Their love and longing for each other is re-validated and they look forward to have a life together.
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Both lose the love of their life. Tommy takes it way worse because of his already existing war trauma. Ada is normal and emotionally stable so she carries on without getting sucked into addictions, depression and hallucinations whereas we all know how Tommy suffered after Grace.
Both end up being widowers and single parents
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They never looked for love again. Companions yes but not another love.
We see Ada interested in the Russian spy in s3 and later we see her with Ben Younger. There may be other men whom she saw which we don’t see onscreen. Tommy, we all know went from women to women. Prostitutes, aristocrats, communist, secretary, dead wife’s ghost, ex girlfriend’s ghost, you name it!!!
Ben Younger was Ada’s constant and the longest one we see with her. They seem to share a stable relationship like two “mutually consenting normal people” who respect each other, can share. Lizzie is a constant go-to for Tommy but they share an unequal dynamic where she has been hopelessly in love with him from beginning while he saw her as no strings attached buddy and had other priorities and is done with love after Grace. Thats why that relationship is chaotic and toxic but also convenient and practical for both.
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Interestingly they also have a child out of wedlock with their companions. The difference is Tommy had to marry Lizzie as a man who took responsibility of his child. Whereas Ada mentions she wasn’t planning to marry Ben, it’s seen as a bold move.
Ada and Ben’s relationship confirms what Grace fan always knew unlike a certain section of the fandom . Just because a partner is decent and good and you like them does not automatically mean you fell in love. Ada explains in a s5 scene after she hears of Ben’s demise “I didn’t love him. But I liked him. He was decent and good….I wasn’t going to marry him. God he didn’t deserve us”. This is exactly how Tommy and Lizzie were designed too. Due to Tommy’s trauma and unequal feelings for Lizzie, their relationship is more toxic in nature than Ada and Ben’s. But at the core it was companionship. Two people having a convenient partnership that serves both. Tommy also found Lizzie to be decent and good compared to him. She took care of his children and was loyal to him and his family. She didn’t deserve him. He didn’t love her either but liked her. He felt sorry for her as she had to bear the ultimate pain of losing a child.
There is so much more I wanted to cover about their bond. But this post will be too long. So will do a separate post.
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not-a-mimic · 8 months
why is it an important point that alan is very light sensitive and prone to migranes? other than being a disability rep for those of us who cannot function in broad daylight without sunglasses and explaining why the bright lights in aw1 are such a pain to look at (from alan's point of view) but like. it's important.
we see it in the flashback with alice where alan is hangover and seemingly has his sunglasses next to his bed already - a little weird right? and alice mentions them as well - because this is common. because he often needs them. frankly speaking from experience you don't get to the point where the sunglasses become a mandatory bedside fixture unless it's a really bad day often - which must be the case here. we also see then in 'herald of darkness' where "Dark shades could never save the day" and we see alan in shades. it's common for him. he does it often. mood! anyway mr champion of light being sensitive to light is just a funny coincidence right? wrong.
I also suspect that alan's tendency towards full outfits is also a part of this. no sane human wears that many layers in september, and alan specifically covers pretty much all the skin possible without looking weird.  also a lot of his article shots in rose'.... shrine have sunglasses and thick layers as well. this man is SENSITIVE sensitive to light and that's a coincidence I can't ignore in the remedy!verse.
alan was born (as stated in aw2) in 1977 - we don't know when, or where as he moved to new york later. his mother spent most of his childhood in psychiatric facilities, and his father is not only non existent but highly suspiously fictional (the only object we are told alan has of him is the clicker. the fucking clicker. tom zane's clicker that was definitely written into alan's life before he was born and was not a gift from his father proper. frankly we know the least about alan's childhood compared to all other remedy!verse protags - not knowing where or truly when he was born is important because it leaves options.
Light sensitive could be a coincidence - but we thought that about the nightmares too, and they turned out to be important clues. and hell-  *Scratch* is less sensitive to light than Alan is - only flashbangs and the super steong hand flares make him flinch, direct light seems fine unless super powered and normal flares are nothing. alan actively gets headaches from these things and obviously it hurts him. wtf is up with that? when the protection of the dark presence patches up your weakness you have a issue.
theory time:
we know alan is tied to this god damn lake. zane wrote it so - at very least alan was destined to fall in it at the end of aw1. but what if there is more? we also know that alan's darkness became at least the aw2 dark presence which. fine? an endless cycle of destroying yourself while under the impression that that's not yourself. we don't know if the dark presence in aw1 is also this same one, and if it isn't we now know there can be multiple dark entites (implied by Mr Scratch also). if it is then damn alan has issues.
I don't know if its just me but the fact that the small darkness within someone can be escalated out to being the whole larger dark presence at full power feels... off. that feels like it doesn't work with what we know of the entities- unless there was more darkness in alan then originally suspected fueling this presence. the strength of the dark presence born from him combined with the strength of his light sensitivity makes me very suspicious to how human he was originally, and how much of alan is just lake bullshit. if he was a creature or creation of the darkness forced into a human body (perhaps the 1976 awe the andersons fought back in brightfalls wasn't all it seemed. maybe the dark presence or something else was looking for a crack to escape through. maybe it succeeded, but was reborn as a human who was already showing signs at a young age of being light sensitive and also being a parautiltiarian, and a strong one at that.
maybe there was never a father because there was never a mother - linda wake may have found a child on the lake shore and adopted it as her own, not knowing the truth behind its origins. maybe the torchbearers who operated in brightfalls around that time were involved. maybe the reason alan and tom look identical is the dark entity needed human dna when being reborn as a human and zane was there at the right time. could be why other traits are shared, and zane foresaw and influenced the creation of the dark place to get what he wanted (after all it was borrowing from him his face and personality - at very least it could give him wiggle room to escape?)
alan always had... issues. darkness. a lot for a man. so what if its all supernatural bullshit? no one is looking too closely because there is supernatural stuff going on. I'm not sure this man is human, or at least his soul isn't and never was. some darkness wearing a human skin maybe, sensitive to the light but forced to manage it. I don't know, maybe I'm looking too much into this.
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not-goldy · 1 month
I do agree that JM is more mature than JK . It doesn't make it a bad thing. Jm is obviously aware of his man, and he is willing to make it work. Hence, they made the decision to serve together. No relationship is perfect. It's not always that 2 people in a relationship have the same emotional intelligence and maturity level. We also have to remember that we don't get to see everything.
I don't know if it's a virgo thing, but my ex-boyfriend was a virgo same birthday as JK. Behind closed doors, he was very affectionate with me. He would always have his hand on me or his leg on top of mine. He would rub my back and give me massages. But when we go in public, if I try to kiss him, he would be so awkward, or if I try to hold his hand. It had me questioning myself and our relationship.
The point I am trying to make is that we don't know what happens behind closed doors iI swear people that saw my ex and I in public probably thought he didn't like me that much. But it was the opposite. He was very loyal, and he was kind, loving, affectionate. I was the one to break off the relationship because he was too possessive, I couldn't have friends or go out without him. I was losing myself along the way.
So please don't judge JK or JM. We don't know everything that goes on between them. Let's support them!
Honestly for Kook I have a feeling what you see is what you get.
I know most people try to put up a facade on camera and would become a whole other person when the cameras are turned off. it's especially true for most men you see on TV.
Unless they are trying to go out of their way to be controversial, most men if allowed to be themselves on screens would be canceled every single time they open their mouths or do anything on camera.
Most cis straight men are not nice people and the ones you think are nice and unproblematic are pretending.
In my experience most men who pretend to be sweet considerate of women, who advocate for women on camera and in public are also the most vile abusive misogynistic monsters in their private lives.
They feel emasculated in the public eye and would go home and take it out on the women and children around them. Fear men if you don't already.
Uhmm, it's not just a virgo thing, I think it's a men thing.
The term toxic masculinty don't exist in the cultural zeitgeist for no reason.
Most men are simply toxic, don't know how to be anything BUT toxic and the boys are not an exception.
We've seen them address this in themselves vocalized it and gradually moved away from it and unlearn these toxic behaviors which I hope to God is not all just an act.
Jimin has had a toxic side to him Jungkook has had a toxic side to him literally every single one of them have been toxic at some point in their life and dare I say might even still be toxic in their personal lives. We'll never know.
It's just the way the male species are.
Most of them are insecure, fragile, don't know how to regulate their emotions, can't take no for an answer which is why they often don't respect the boundaries of others, (if you are a woman or they with boundaries they probably hate you) are egoistic, competitive, arrogant, prideful, can't communicate, don't know how to be vulnerable, cold, insensitive, feel the only way they can get their needs met is through violence and manipulation which is why they'll rape you than ask for sex, hate women, hate children, hate cats, scared of things they can't control, tone deaf, narcissistic, predators, and just plain cruel.
These are the default settings of most cis men and until they do the inner work heal and unlearn these bs behaviors they are quite traumatizing to deal with.
Which is also not to say male masculinty is inherently toxic. men are very different from women and express themselves differently. Their chromosomes are different their testosterone to estrogen levels are different, they're socialized differently and they behave differently. That is perfectly fine.
People who look at Kook and can't tell what's "toxic" from what's typical male nature are themselves toxic.
There's a reason people look at him and think he's quintessential straight male and they look at Jimin and call him gay. It's because Jimin doesn't behave like the typical cis straight male they are used. He's not toxic enough to qualify as cis male.
Actually, I think modern day Jimin is not what the "typical straight male" looks like or even behave like. Debut Jimin is a whole other story.
People who don't like Jungkook and find everything he does problematic should just admit to themselves they just don't like men or that they've built fantasies of what being male actually is.
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bright-molina · 1 year
invisible string (preview)
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a/n as promised, exes to lovers with chad preview. let me know what y'all think <3
“Can I ask you a question?” Chad can’t help the way the words escape him as he watches you laugh. You give him those eyes, the ones where the corners of them crinkle a little bit before they soften and you look at him like he’s the only thing that matters. God he’d missed you so much. “Were you ever planning on telling me?”
Your smile drops and you can’t bring yourself to look at him any longer. Not when you both already know the answer to his question. You so desperately want to tell him exactly what it is he wants to hear. That yeah, eventually you’d get around to calling him again and with any luck you could pretend the last ten months didn’t happen and you’d go back to existing with him as you always had.
He deserved the truth though, it’s the least you owe him. Still, you can’t help the way you want to live in this little fantasy you’ve created for just a second more. “Please don’t make me answer that.”
That itself tells Chad everything he needs to know. The fantasy breaks and you both know it. He smiles at you anyway and it absolutely rips you to shreds on the inside. “So it’s a no.”
“Chad -”
“No,” He shakes his head and looks away and you don’t know if he means to create space between you again but he does. “No, it’s okay.”
“Will you at least let me explain?” The conversation feels too familiar. Flashes of all your previous arguments appear in your head, moments you’d both stood in that exact same place. At the same time it feels different though. You’re not too sure if it's acceptance or defeat.
“There’s nothing to explain,” Chad takes another step back and when he looks at you he doesn’t meet your eyes. “You left without a word in the middle of the night and then didn’t want me to know we were living in the same city again. And that’s your right. I get it, I do, you don’t have to explain anything else”
He’s being genuine, you know that much for certain. For years you’d prided yourself on how well you knew Chad, he was your best friend before he was anything else, But now that fact hurts more than anything. You can see the way he deflates as it all sinks in and he’s accepted it. There’s not a single part of you that doesn’t want to take everything back.
“It’s not like that. I mean it is but -”
“It’s fine,” It isn’t. Chad doesn’t want to hear any kind of explanation though. He starts taking more steps back, creating more space between you and him and that explanation. Hearing it will only make him relive it all over again and he’s done that enough the last few days. He doesn’t want to do it again.
This right here, pretending the two of you are friends again and that there was never anything else, is better than not having you in his life at all. He knows with every part of him that he wouldn’t be able to take it again. He can’t lose you again. Even if it means pushing everything else aside and pretending.
You need Chad to hear you. But now he’s avoiding looking at you completely. He’s staring down at his shoes and you watch as he stuffs his hands in his pockets. You know those signs all too well. He’s made up his mind. You’ve lost him. You can’t lose him. Not again. Not any more than you already have.
“Chad -”
He cuts you off with your name said in a voice barely above a whisper. It’s gentle and quiet and a little broken. When he finally brings himself to look at you again his smile doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “It’s okay. Really. Promise.”
He has every right to not want to hear you out, you know that for a fact. But you watch as he turns to walk away and you find yourself not being able to let him.
“I never wanted to hurt you,” Fuck. It’s a terrible thing to say given everything. It feels empty and meaningless all things considered but it’s the only thing you can think to say to get him to stop. It’s the truth, no matter how badly you articulate it. So you keep going with it. “I made a mistake. Lots of them.”
Chad doesn’t turn to look at you but you can see the signs again. His head hangs low and you’re sure if he was looking at you you’d see him biting his bottom lip the way he does when he’s trying to hold his emotions back. “We both did.”
He’s gone without another word.
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mischiefprincess · 4 months
Loki's not stuck in pain and suffering while sitting on his throne
This may be controversial but I have some opinions on Loki's sacrifice and the way most people reacted to it
Like, I get people being sad bc he's techically alone but at the same time I think there was a bit of a overreaction in general about his situation, I think this has to do with the fact that I don't see Loki as a regular person anymore but as a omniscient powerfull ancient being who is beyond our understanding and who experiences time in a very diferrent way than the rest of the mortals of the timelines
People say that he's trapped there forever alone and I'm like... no he isn't...
The finale made us think that that was a very final and definitive moment but imo there's no way in hell he's not coming back to us, especially with marvel struggling with their new stories in this saga, he's not only one of the most popular characters ever but his show is literally one of the - if not the most - marvel show, they know he's popular as fuck and that people would lose their minds seeing him in the movies again and I'm so sure he's coming back, and to whomever doubts it bc in the finale he was shown holding everything together so he can leave that tree:
Literally everything is possible in fictional stories lol, it's so easy for them to create an escape, a loophole, a way to free him without threatening the safety of the multiverse, that's not a worry for me, not in the slightest
Coming back to what this post was originally supposed to be:
Don't feel so bad for Loki and his loneliness bc he literally has the whole multiverse on his hands, Tom already talked about how he's watching and taking care of the ones he loves so I think he just doesn't project himself and talks to them bc he simply doesn't want to
He doesn't want to interfere with the lives of the people living in the multiverse bc his purpose is to give them their freedom and that's what he's doing, he choses to stay isolated and he has no problem with it bc he's on another level spiritually and mentally, Isaac Bauman said it himself:
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Loki's not longer a regular being, he's an ancient force giving life to everything in existence and he's not crying or getting desperate or anything, ofc I think he's sad bc he just wanted to be with his friends in the first place, but he understands that this is for the better, honestly I think he just keeps wacth, seeing millions of lives unfolding in front of him, seeing all the paths his variants take across the multiverse, epic stories, epic adventures and literally everything in existence, when he leaves the tree eventually (I'm convinced this will happen) he'll have so many stories to share, so many wisdom to offer (Eric Martin said he's basically the wisest being in existence now and I love that so much), everything will be so exciting for us and for him
But ofc there's people that are desperate bc they know that their ship is likely not coming back (And I say this about both ships), I can see Mobius returning but that doesn't mean they'll be canon, even if Loki ends up this saga with his found family like I want him to (the same applies for sylvie)
Anyway, I just think there's no need for hysteria, Loki is not going insane bc of his loneliness (HWR spent god knows how long isolated in the citadel and he seemed fine when we saw him for the first time and yes ik Loki's mobility is way more reduced than his but I still think he's fine, he's a god, not some ordinary desperate human, he's fine)
He's taking care of his loved ones and when he comes back to us it will be so fucking exciting!!!
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whosgge · 10 months
🐰 — the void state is easier than you imagine
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Hi, lovies! I hope all of you are doing fine today! I felt like writing this post to clarify for once how the void is actually so, so, so easy. There’s no need to complicate it.
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what is the void state?
It’s a state of pure consciousness, referred in Neville Goddard’s book as the I AM state. In this state of consciousness, you are faceless and formless; nothing and everything at the same time.
Now, this is the common definition in the loa community, i’m sure you’ve read it a lot. But let’s see other definitions.
The void state is a deep meditative state, where you allow thoughts to pass through your mind without judging them. This is a state where your mind is awake but your body is asleep.
There’s a state that’s not often talked about in meditation, but that some manage to enter, nonetheless, and it’s more than just a deep meditation. It’s complete detachment from thoughts and having a floating consciousness just floating.
Emptiness, in mysticism and religion, a state of “pure consciousness” in which the mind has been emptied of all particular objects and images.
Various religions around the world describe The Void in different meanings but always as the first source of everything in creation. Sometimes said to be the origin of life and even acknowledged as the first god to have ever existed, the void is the orderless state of the universe before creation and order took place, the yawning abyss, the primordial sea, the primeval wasteland, the absolute truth, the first deity, the creator of the universe, etc.
I listed just a few definitions here, but if you google it, you’ll find more definitions for the void state. The whole point of this is to show you that the void exists either you know about it or not and there’s no such thing as “the void exists only if you assume it exists”, which leads me to the next point.
loa x void
This might come out controversial, but it’s been a while since I had my realization moment and I want to share my perspective.
We all know loa is an universal law and we manifest things all the time. The difference is that there’s a percentage of people that is aware while the other percentage is not.
I won’t get in detail about it because at this point everyone knows how to manifest, but in short:
Pick a desire
Know it’s yours/it’s done
Live as the person that already have it
“But Gigi, how is the law related to the void state?” Well, it’s not. The void state is a whole different concept, as you can see in the beginning of this post. However, you can use the law to your advantage and make your own rules. You might want to create the assumption that you wake up in the void every time you go to sleep or that you always enter the void within 30 seconds, etc. The possibilities are endless.
But it’s needed? No. Since it’s two different concepts, you don’t need self/void concept in order to successfully achieve this state of consciousness. In my opinion, all you have to do is to understand what the void state is and know it’s real.
how do we enter the void state?
Now that you understand what the void state is and know it’s real, all you have to do is to shift your awareness. Simple, right? It seems to be easier said than done, but that’s when persistence comes in.
The void state is defined as a deep meditation in some communities, but let’s not look at its definition for now, let’s just stop for a moment and understand how this state of consciousness can be achieved.
In Neville Goddard’s words:
To accomplish this seemingly impossible feat, you take your attention away from your problem and place it upon just being. You say silently but feelingly, “I AM”. Do not condition this awareness but continue declaring quietly, “I AM – I AM”. Simply feel that you are faceless and formless and continue doing so until you feel yourself floating.
“Floating” is a psychological state which completely denies the physical. Through practice in relaxation and willfully refusing to react to sensory impressions, it is possible to develop a state of consciousness of pure receptivity. It is a surprisingly easy accomplishment. In this state of complete detachment, a definite singleness of purposeful thought can be indelibly engraved upon your unmodified consciousness. This state of consciousness is necessary for true meditation.
This wonderful experience of rising and floating is the signal that you are absent from the body or problem and are now present with the Lord; in this expanded state you are not conscious of being anything but I AM – I AM; you are only conscious of being.
So, basically, he just asks you to take your attention away from the 3D and focus on your 4D (aka consciousness). It is that easy.
If you are like me and find it hard to ignore the “floating” feeling, which is only a indicator that you’re about to enter the void, don’t worry! Neville says that “through practice in relaxation and willfully refusing to react to sensory impressions, it is possible to develop a state of consciousness of pure receptivity”. That’s why persistence is the key here.
Now, let’s understand what the void state actually is. Neville says that “this state of consciousness is necessary for true meditation”. Alright, now let’s understand how a meditation works.
Meditation is considered a type of mind-body complementary medicine. Meditation can produce a deep state of relaxation and a tranquil mind.
During meditation, you focus your attention and eliminate the stream of jumbled thoughts that may be crowding your mind and causing stress.
Meditation can give you a sense of calm, peace and balance that can benefit both your emotional well-being and your overall health. You can also use it to relax and cope with stress by refocusing your attention on something calming. Meditation can help you learn to stay centered and keep inner peace.
If this didn’t make sense to you, don’t worry, I’ll explain. The void state is not different from a meditation. In fact, it’s a deep meditation. You can successfully achieve this state of consciousness through it. Maybe it will take you a bit of practice, maybe you will be able to do it on your first try. Everyone is different. But I can assure you that this is fail proof. It’s simple, easy and effective.
So stop overcomplicating the void state and go live your dream life!
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final-script · 2 years
Little Sainz | CS55
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Pairing: Carlos Sainz Jr. x Reader
Sumary: Small moments of Carlos with his little daughter.
Warnings: English is not my first language !!!There are probably many mistakes (I will correct them later), mentions of pregnancy, mentions of childbirth.
Gif: someone-worth-racing-for
Bienvenida a casa princesita = Welcome home princess
From the first moment I thought that Carlos could not stop falling in love, but it turned out that I was completely wrong.
I had fallen in love with many of Carlos' facets, but definitely none compares to his facet as a father.
Seeing him with his little princess, as he had nicknamed her since we learned that a little girl was on her way, made me fall deeply in love again.
He was a complete gentleman throughout the pregnancy, I could not even take half a step when I already had him next to me to help me even if I did not need it.
Y/N- Carlos I swear to god!, you're stressing me, I'm pregnant not sick, so for now I can move without you being stuck to me all the time.
C- I just don't want anything to happen to them.
Y/N- honey, I understand and believe me that if I need help I will call you.
The first day back from the hospital, as soon as he entered the house and after leaving the bags, he took the little girl out of the car seat and gave her a tour of the whole house.
C- Bienvenida a casa Princesita.   Kissing his little forehead.
Y/N- do you want me to prepare something?
C- I should be the one to ask that, you've done all the hard work
Y/N- I'm fine, enjoy a moment alone before I need to feed her. 
Father and daughter went to the sofa while I went to the kitchen to prepare something, in the distance I could see how my baby slept comfortably on her father's chest and I do not know if it is a little early to say it but... I think she'll be completely a daddy girl.
I could spend hours watching how small our princess looked on her daddy's chest, while he caressed her back, in an effective attempt to maintain her sleep.
Y/N- I can't believe how quickly the months passed, it seems that only yesterday we learned of its existence.
C- don't remind me, right now I hate time, I love to go fast but believe me I would give anything to make moments like these last forever.
Y/N- I think that on our part what we can do is enjoy it while we can and maybe in a few years we can give him a little brother and I will be able to have Mommy's little boy.
Carlos' eyes immediately sought mine to confirm my words.
C- I definitely don't mess about you.
Mrs.Ricciardo - Daniel Ricciardo x Reader
They Say That - Carlos Sainz Jr x Reader
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the-puppet-bracket · 10 months
Spamton propaganda:
"You know someone had to do it.
This guy's whole thing is not wanting to be a puppet anymore, but uh-oh-spaghetti-o! Dude now has physical puppet strings!"
"Making a [SPECIL] deal by placing his [#1 SALE SYSTEM] into a [CLASSIC!] body, Spamton believed he could be more than [HYPERLINK BLOCKED]. But the strings told him otherwise. He lunged at Kris in [LIMITED TIME OFFER], trying with all his [50% OFF!] to be more than a puppet."
"Spam email bot who was exposed to something that drove him mad and he spent the whole rest of his existence trying to cut his strings, only to die (maybe?) when he finally manages it."
"He is the most tortured dumpster man alive. Also, not literally a puppet, but metaphorically!!! There's some mysterious outside force controlling him and limiting what he can say and god, he desperately wants to break free, trying to kill the protagonist (his only friend in years) for the chance of ""being let loose from his strings"". In his secret boss battle, he thinks he'll be free after getting a new body but he isn't, as his new powerful body has literal strings attached. You fight him, because he thinks your soul (long story) will gain him access to freedom. During the pacifist route of the battle, you cut his strings until there's one more left, he's ecstatic, being able to break free from the narrative of the confines of the game. He decides to break his own last string, and he falls to the ground into pieces. It turns out he relied on the strings after so long, and couldn't recover without them. Afterwards, he's deshevaled, hung up by vines in the dark basement that resemble his old strings and he says ""It seems after all I couldn't be anything more than a simple puppet."" This ties back to how Kris, the protagonist of the game is feeling the effects of being controlled by the player and really shows the core focus of the game and it's characters. And that's why I entered him into this poll!
Also he is genuinely so fucking hilarious bro just play Deltarune already what the fuck are you doing the chapters that are out rn are free dawg (play Undertale first though, it's like ten bucks or something you'll be fine)"
"Spamton best blorbo. Very good blorbo. Exquisite blorbo even. He's sad and adhd and insane and weird and I love him and you should too. Pipis"
"he spamt"
"he's living in a goddamn garbage can. let the big shot win. it'll be funny. does he deserve it? that is up to viewer discretion. but he is our beloved tumblr sillyman and as such we need to pay him respect in some manner. <3
(iirc spamton is a puppet? probably. oh well if he doesn't count ignore this i'm not read up on
my deltarune)"
"frankly i'd be surprised if he's not one of the most submitted. anyway his whole Deal is about being a puppet and having other things control him and so he seeks to regain that control through either manipulating the player into murdering half the city or to take the red soul and use it to become a god. yet in his super powerful NEO form he still has strings attached to him (that he won't even notice if he succeeded in the player manipulation thing) and in either case he ultimately becomes an item you use just for stats. guy really isn't a fan of puppetteers"
"you propably knew this was coming lol
Tumblr's favorite awful little puppet desperately fighting to get rid of his strings
the pinocchio references are strong in this one
OR... so... I... thought.
"Tries to become a real boy, ends up as another puppet look guy. He's shady, he's a scammer, he's got cringefail swag and I love him"
"He's just a little fucked-up little guy"
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lawliet-ryuzaki-ryuga · 9 months
Chapter 7 ( L X Reader)
WC: 1061
-Chapter 6
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Though L had told me he was going to make more time in which we would be able to meet and just get to know one another, but given the situation that we are in, time isn’t in our favor. I’ve been watching the 24/7 surveillance footage we have on yotsoba meetings. I have grown tired of hearing plan after plan, after plan.  The Only real interaction or meet was when we would go eat. 
“Mmm i think i like the creme brulee cheesecake over your black forest cake.” I mumble as i take another bite of my slice of cake. L on the other hand is just taking chunks out of every slice in front of him. 
“ I just enjoy the taste of sugar.” L mumbles with his mouth full.
“ The point of trying cakes is to taste the flavors.”
“ I like sugar.”
“ you said that already.” 
“ Then let us discuss something you haven’t heard before Y/N/N. Tell me, how do you think Kira kills? given how much you’ve watched these recordings, i trust that you would be able to come up with a conclusion.`` L leads the conversation. 
“ Ryuzaki we said nothing about the case.”
“My apologies, I can’t help but think about anything else.” L rubs his pointer and thumb together as he rolls around the sugar sprinkles, before sucking the sugar off his fingers.
“ Fine, during the meetings theres a lot of numbers, days and ways on how one might be killed or die. There can be a few options all of which cannot be described without some type of supernatural power. One being they, Kira, speaks it into existence.. But that would require some type of God who can do such things. The Other thing is writing it down. Now this one more specifically is what caught my attention. During all the meetings, everyone had a notebook and a pen in front of them but none were used. Except for one, Higuchi . He fiddles with a pen often, and his pen is the only one that’s different from the rest. Indicating it's personal, and this item alone holds some time of significant use to him. Fiddling with the pen can express confidence or the depiction of some type of power.. But again, if he is writing it down, then how do the deaths occur? Unless something of supernatural power is in charge.” I explain before picking up a cheesecake slice and taking a small cut from the end of the slice.
“ Are you saying something of a shinigami? I have to say I’ll be disappointed, as they are nothing but some folklore.”  L sighs before staring up at me with his gray orbs. 
“ Folklore might sound crazy, but the human brain is not capable of creating or making up things, unless it was seen before. As a result I would not knock the idea, and based on how both Light and Misa reacted when they were confined was like they were no longer under some trance, dare I say even under a control of a spirit or being. Their body language in itself changed drastically, more so with light based on the footage. During his confinement I was able to see small lip movements that read “ Get rid of it.” It was moments after that when his body language changed from annoyance.. To confusion. Light’s body language is never abrupt, always calm..Light likes to articulate his movements and his responses to things. So that quick change in demeanor is what concerns me..”
“And you think that the new Kira is now Higuchi.” L states with a firmness to his voice.  
“ If I have to put my bet, I’d say it was him and Namikawa is the one who calls the shots before Higuchi does anything.”
“ I see.. But there were two kiras at one point.. Do you think that the second kira could be Namikawa Y/N/N?”
“I believe that at this very moment there’s only one Kira, which makes my theory of writing in something like a book stronger. When Light said “ get rid of it” what does “ it” refer to if not an object . As a result, if we are talking about let’s say some book, then at this very moment the second book hasn’t been possessed or hasn't possessed a person yet.. If Namikawa were the second kira, I don't believe he would be giving Higuchi some type of approval/ or direction of what to do, he would just do it himself.”
“ I agree, I just don’t see how believing in some type of power in an object or being is gonna help us solve the case. If the way of killing can be transmitted between person to person, whether it be through a book or by some type of spiritual possession, the catching of Kira would be impossible.” L argues back with reason as expected. 
“ Well it all depends, if we are looking for an object, then maybe the destruction of the object can end the killings. But if it is some type of possession of spirit that jumps from person to person. Then the goal is to look for the type of person the spirit is drawn to. But of course that would be a stretch and as you said, would probably be impossible to solve. But given that at one point Light was Kira, I find it hard to believe that someone who murdered so many people would have no recollection of any of it. Making it be that the person has control on if they can erase their memory and bring it back when needed. Which makes me think that Light could still be Kira without even knowing it anymore.."
“ Y/N/N, I have to say your reasoning on things goes beyond my reasoning. I only deal with the facts and the logical explanation of things. If it cannot be proven then it cannot be used as a fact to support evidence.  But you use evidence to create a fact, to make a logical explanation, which is interesting. But it might all be interesting to me, simply for the fact that I cannot believe in some type of supernatural power. But I will leave that to you.” L speaks in a monotone voice, not sounding too fond of my reasoning. 
“ I like the bigger picture, not the small details Ryuzaki.”
With a side glance L looks at me but returns to his cake, lifting his feet onto the chair and sitting in his weird position and finishes his cake, with not another word to me. His energy shifted from that of being open to that of being closed off. Was it my tone? No. It was that I’m challenging his logical way of thinking with a more elaborate explanation of what could be and not what is. 
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