#I don’t study the dungeon before I go in on dps I want to experience it. But I’m not expected to lead then…
kicktwine · 8 months
fray is so intriguing but I’m sure he’s rolling his eyes at me constantly like Just Kill Things. Idiot Cat. You tank like a caster (Ari voice I AM A SPELLCASTER)
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kickingitwithkirk · 4 years
Regina Coeli, Regina Infernum
Pairing: Boyking!Sam Winchester x Reader x Knightofhell!Dean Winchester
Prompt: If you really wanna try it, experiment on me *Sense-Taste
Word Count: 3213
Warnings: 18+ cursing, dirty talk, flirting m/m f/m, kissing m/m m/f, oral m/f giving/receiving, p/v, p/a, dp m/f/m, grace/blood consumption, mentions of death/killing, wincest(kissing only)
**Blasphemy for content- if you are offended by religious tenets or altering of religious tenets please skip this story.
A/N: This is the original version I wrote for #bees5Ksenseschallange before realizing it was way over the max word limit. I’m linking the toned down other version too.
Edited version
Please drop me a comment, it’s appreciated.
A/N II: Latin terms: Puer Rex Infernum-boy king of hell. Regina Coeli- queen of heaven, Regina Infernum-queen of hell. Yeah, my Latin sucks
Divider: created by @writeyourmindaway​​ -I flipped original version for story.
*no beta, all mistakes are mine
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Sam entered the room without acknowledging his council walked straight to his throne throwing himself onto it.
“Get out.” He said flatly. They looked at each other confused. “Sir, you summoned us here...” The demon exploded in a cloud of fire and smoke before finishing.
“Do I have to repeat myself?” Sam kept his voice level as he raised his left hand and placed his thumb against his middle finger ready to snap the rest of these sycophants out of existence.
Bowing deeply his subordinates back out of the room as fast as possible.
“What crawled up your ass and died today Sammy?” A disembodied voice inquired from a dark corner.
“Watch your mouth or you can get the hell out too Dean.” Sam says abrasively, not in the mood for his brother.
“Hey, I’m just concerned about you. That’s the fourth time this week you’ve called in the council and blew someone up.”
Sam tipped his head back, closing his eyes against the throbbing pain he felt. He barely hears the soughing of Dean's jeans coming towards him.
When he was human, Dean generally was loud on a regular basis unless they were hunting. As a demon, his brother can move so silently even the hell hounds, with their superior auditory senses, can’t detect him.
Dean stops next to his beautiful brother studying him. The strain of ruling hell by himself was showing the longer he sat upon this throne alone.
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It had been over five decades since the Demon Curing Ritual had rendered Dean’s restraints useless allowing him to escape. After using a sigil to dispatch Castiel, he hunted Sam mercilessly throughout the bunker before knocking him out with that hammer.
Dean hauled his brother back to the dungeon and after securing him to the chair raided the infirmary searching for the blood transfusion equipment. He ignored a pleading Sam, finally begging to allow him finish the cure.
“Dean, I love you.”
He paused.
Dean’s green eyes shined with all the love he had always felt for his little brother, even before he was born saying, ”I love you too Sammy, but I like the disease,” proceeds to infuse him, pumping tainted blood until he couldn’t pass any more from his body, then sat back and waited.
The bunker's warding burned and its steel reinforced walls groaned from the pressure of an unseen power radiating outwards from the dungeon.
Receiving multiple calls of a strange glow the fire department arrived to find the multistory bunker reduced to nothing but smoldering rubble. When interviewed, the police chief decreed it to be a structure failure and the final resting place of its only known occupants, the eccentric Campbell brothers.
The inferno regions of the Underlands paled in comparison to the ferocity of the Winchester brothers as they stormed the Citadels hallowed halls.
Sam embraced his rightful place as the Puer Rex Infernum with his brother, The Knight of Hell, at his side for eternity.
Long live the Boy King of Hell.
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Dean had been standing in front of him staring for nearly an half hour when Sam's sarcasm surfaced, “Take a picture, it'll last longer,” finally opening his onyx eyes. Dean knew he was physically in pain, Sam never wore those eyes otherwise when they were alone.
“What you need..”
“You made it obvious what you think I need Dean, they didn’t help.”
“How many did you get through?” His curiosity peaked.
“All of them.” Sam's voice was strangely dissociated.
Dean blinked in surprise, “You fucked all of them?”
“Fuck and drained, including the guards watching them.”
“Damn Sammy, I’m proud of you!” Dean couldn’t contain his elation, even after all these years, of his brother embracing this life.
Before giving in to their dark sides, Sam was his complete opposite when it came to sex. His encounters were few and far between, preferring, unlike Dean, to have a connection, not just a roll in the hay.
Sam should have been flying high on demon blood topped off by all that pussy and cock, but it was having the opposite effect. He was utterly melancholy.
Dean reached out and gently cupped his cheek, running a calloused thumb over his surprisingly soft, pink lips. Sam’s eyes shifted back to their engaging multi colored hues, softening with the forbidden love for his brother he’s always felt as he gazed at Dean.
Giving into temptation Dean leaned down to taste those lips, whispering against them, “Don’t worry baby brother, I’ll find what you need to stop your pain.”
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Dean slammed the heavy ornate door of his private rooms having wasted his time on another fruitless, dead end pursuit. It had been nearly a year since he started his search with nothing to show for it but disappointment and a trail of corpses.
“You look like you need a drink.” A gruff voice called out from his bedroom.
Sam had negotiated a truce between Heaven and Hell shortly after taking over. Many of the stipulations we’re only known to the parties directly involved there was one specific item made public.
Someone was chosen to reside in the other's domain as a diplomatic hostage, anything happens to them, the truce was void and all out war would ensue on Earth.
Castiel was the obvious choice for Heaven, believing his close relationship with the brothers could be exploited. He was also granted the ability to freely go between Heaven, Hell and Earth.
What Heaven didn’t expect was his continued loyalty to the Winchesters after they became demons, informing his angelic brethren he refused to be a spy, saying he was neutral like Swedish fish.
Sam’s choice was controversial. He eventually convinced Heaven it was in their best interest for The Cage to be interred there. If it’s corrupted inhabitants were to escape, well, they’d be Heaven's problem to deal with.
Sam then eradicated all of Lucifer’s remaining followers, permitting Dean a public display of what would happen to those who challenged his reign.
Dean walked in to find the angel on his bed, casually reclining against the large headboard reading an ancient scroll.
“What are you doing in my bed Cas?”
“Waiting on you Dean.”
Dean’s talented tongue peaked out as he toed off his boots and climbed up onto the bed, crawling across to straddle the angels thighs leaning towards him, “Should've sent for me…” Castiel placed a firm hand in the middle of Dean’s chest halting him.
“I’m not here for that and have no intention of fornicating with you.”
“Come on, play with me Cas, you know you’re dying to know what it’s like to have a big cock deep down your throat,” Dean, using his whiskey roughened tone, blinks slowly as his sexy, makes women instantly wet smile graced his plush lips, “or would you prefer I slip it up that tight ass of yours, help you release those pent up frustrations? If you really wanna try it, experiment on me.”
“You're trying to provoke me only because you are frustrated,” Dean’s expression turned frosty, “but I have found information that will lead us to what you’ve been searching for,” Castiel holds up the scroll for him to read.
Dean takes the scroll from him frowning, “What language is this shit?” He asked, sliding off Cas onto the bed.
“An obscure form of an unpronounceable language. It has taken me the better part of the year and I called in several favors to gain access to Metatron. After persuading him to translate what he could of it, I have now obtained the location of the Regina Coeli.”
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“The Queen of Heaven? You want me to take the Virgin Mary as my consort!”
Incredulousness was written on Sam’s face as he looked between Dean and Cas as they sat across from him in his private receiving room.
“I can just see it Sammy, you and the blessed mother. Damn, if we weren’t already in hell.” Dean smarted off, earning “It’s Sam,” and bitchface #127 in response.
Castiel released a long-suffering sigh at his friend's inappropriateness.
“No Sam, I was not referring to her nor the ancient sky goddesses erroneously given the illustrious title,” Cas points to a nondescript illustration of a woman seated upon the throne of Heaven, “I am referring to the one true queen God himself chose to rule over all of his domains in his stead.”
“Chuck's firstborn was an Archangel girl? What’d she do to piss off dear old dad, take the family car without permission for a joyride?” Dean's joke falls flat.
“The translation was vague on the specifics but she is not an Archangel, more of a composite, created from the Light and the Darkness. The rumors indicate she took the Darkness’s side in a disagreement between them. God banished her here as punishment with the stipulation that only a descendant of the First Ones of Father can lay a claim for consort and make her their queen.”
“First Ones? I thought those were the Archangels,” Dean asked, giving Cas a confused look.
“According to the eldest demons Lucifer did try on more than one occasion. Obviously, he was not the one nor any of the other rulers that followed.”
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Traveling into the labyrinth beneath the Citadel, Castiel led them through an ancient part of the Underlands neither brother knew existed and stopped in front of a nondescript wall.
Dean cocked his head to the side scrutinizing it, “Fandamntastic wall Cas.”
“Yes, it is.” The Angel replied and walked through it.
Dean reached out his hand coming into contact with the solid surface, “The fuck?”
Castiel’s upper torso reappeared, “Coming Sam?”
Sam shrugs and stepping forward is pulled in. He finds himself in a large catacomb, torches placed statically around to illuminate it. He turns to ask Cas where they are and stops.
In the center sits a raised, polished, black marble obelisk.
Sam stands in front of it studying the carved inscriptions in the same language as the scroll. “It’s a nice piece of marble Cas.” He comments unimpressed.
Castiel did something strange. He smiled at Sam, a full on grinning like the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland smile.
Sam’s ingrained hunter’s instincts kick in before his eyes shift to their onyx color, using his demonic powers to scan the area around them searching for an immediate threat but encounters something unexpected.
“I have been waiting a long time for you.”
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Sam found himself standing in an expanse of pure white, it’s vastness of nothing surrounding him. There is the barest of sounds behind him and in what was empty space seconds ago now sits two high backed thrones. One is from illustration on the scroll, the other his. Sam wonders how he missed the fact they were matching except for color.
Drawing up to his imposing height ready to defend himself he walks towards them cautiously. Sensing no imminent danger Sam takes a seat upon his and waits for what is to happen next.
Sam's eyes snapped towards a subtle sound of feathers rustling beside him. On the throne sits a woman staring at him.
“Are you the Regina Coeli?” Sam inquires in awe that she isn’t anything like he imagined.
Slowly blinking Y/C/E, she nods once.
“Why did you bring me here?” Sam gestures to the empty space surrounding them.
“It was necessary, I have no other way of communicating otherwise.”
Sam cocked his head unable to figure out how she is projecting her thoughts to him.
Long ago he learned how to shield himself from others when one of the late Princes of Hell tried using a telepath to oust him from the throne. It had taken ages for the cleaners to remove all the bits left after Dean eviscerated them.
She dropped her chin given him a coy smile, “It is because you were made for me.”
“What do you mean made for you? I don’t understand.”
“The one who can claim me as consort is descended from the First Ones of Father and that is you.”
“The First Ones were the Archangels.”
“The Archangels were created from The Nothing. The First Ones of Father were created on Earth.”
“The First Ones...you mean Adam and Eve?”
“Adam and Lilith.”
“They didn’t have any children before God cast Lilith out as a demon.”
“Yes, they did. You and your brother are their descendants.”
“We’re descended from Cain and Abel...”
“Who were Lilith’s offspring, not Eve. It is why those directly descended from her were marked for the Apocalypse.”
Sam ponders this information a while, yet another piece of the puzzle that was their lives clicking into place.
“Lilith possessed free will, unlike Eve. It was passed on to her descendants as punishment.”
“And has led you here to me.”
“What's your name? I can’t just call you Regina Coeli.”
“Father gave me no name like his son’s, he only called me daughter.” She told him sounding sad, “what name do you like?”
“You want me to give you a name?” She nodded eagerly waiting for his answer. Sam looked at her contemplatively never having had a favorite female name, the only one that truly mattered in his life was Dean.
“I’ll call you Y/N.”
She stood up and moved to stand in front of Sam.
“Before you commit to this, know that this is a symbiotic relationship, you won’t need to feed on demon blood anymore, we’ll feed off each other.”
Y/N produces a knife more delicate than Ruby’s and runs it across her wrist leaking some of her grace, and offering it to Sam, he takes her arm and sucks on the wound briefly.
“But there’s one stipulation....”
“Whatever it is you can have it.” Sam breaths out, his body craving more than just a taste of her grace.
“All domains are mine, including the Underlands, as decreed by Father.”
Sam's eyes shifted onyx with displeasure, “Hell is my domain and I don’t play well with others who try to subvert me.”
Y/N smiled mischievously and climbed onto his lap, “I freely give it to you but remember, the others are mine and I don’t play well either. Do you agree to my terms?” she retorts in a dark, cheeky manner. Sam picks up her long braid, playing with the trailing silver ribbons tied around its end.
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Sam and Y/N stepped through the wall to find a relieved Dean and pissed off Castiel, who took his leave.
As they traveled back to the Citadel Dean couldn’t take his eyes off of Y/N. This would have normally angered Sam but she had informed him even though they were technically demons, Dean was still his soulmate so she could bond with him too if Sam wished.
After introducing her to the court, who insisted their bonding was completed in front of a witness, they retreated to Sam’s private chambers.
Dean moved in front of her, caressing her cheek and licked his plush lips, “She looks so sweet Sammy.”
Sam hums in agreement moving behind her drawing her flush against him and kissing along her neck asks, “You wanna taste Y/N Dean,” as he grips the material around her waist and lifts her dress upwards, slowly unveiling her body to his brother. Dean’s eyes dilate with hunger as it teasingly travels upward, revealing she is nude under it.
“Lift your arms,” Sam tells her and pulls it completely off, dropping it and resting his chin on Y/N’s shoulder and starts playing with her nipples as she wraps her arms behind his neck for balance, spreading her legs to give Dean access between them.
Dean dropped to his knees and looking to Sam for permission, runs his tongue over her outer lips, tasting that she’s already wet before parting them, making her quiver with pleasure.
“Dean loves the taste of pussy, he could eat you out for hours. Would you like that Y/N?” Sam moaned at her response, “He will later,” reaching down gripped his brother's short hair tugging him back roughly, “it’s my turn now.”
Sam laid back on his bed high on her grace as Y/N straddles him, pinning his arms down next to his head and leaned in brushing her lips across his in a tender kiss.
“Keep your hands to yourself till I’m done with you.”
She kissed down the long line of his neck pausing below his tattoo to tease his left nipple with her tongue before biting down making him shiver in pleasure. Sam’s cock hardened even more as her lips, light as the dusting of a feather, traversed downwards over his abs halting at the v of his hips and gripping his cock in her hand dipped the tip of her tongue into his slit, tasting precum pearling out before taking just the head into her mouth sucking on it, her tongue over moving in random patterns over the sensitive nerves underneath it.
Sam groaned in pleasure feeling the sweetest sting of the blade along the crease of his leg, his hot blood pulsating to the surface. He watched as she released his cock, lowering her head and, without breaking eye contact, licked along the flowing wound, tasting his deliciously tainted blood.
Y/N continuously moved her hands over every bit of his skin she could reach while nursing at the wound. Sam started feeling light headed from being drained but at the same time euphoric with desire as he unabatedly cums on his stomach.
Dean, writhing in his seat observing them, presses down on his cock to deny himself cumming watches Y/N using her tongue to clean Sam’s spending's as he’s still spurting.
Resting her head on his hip Y/N asks Sam something making him smile, “Y/N wants to know if I will allow you to join us now,” his eyes telling Dean to hurry the hell up and get naked.
He strips in record time, climbs on the enormous bed straddling him behind Y/N, teasingly rubbing his cock through her folds. “How do you want us sweetheart? You want Sammy’s unrelenting cock pounding this scrumptious pussy and me down your throat?” Dean strokes her throat, “How about both us in your tight cunt, ravaging it together?” He trailed his left hand down Y/N’s torso and inserted two of his thick fingers in her feeling her clenching.
“Or maybe prefer me here,” tapping his cock head against her tight little hole before slipping his dripping tip in past the tight ring of muscle making her jolt then quiver with pleasure as she pushes back till he’s fully seated in her.
“That’s it, get nice and stretched out on my cock,” Dean bit his lip moaning as she worked herself up and down on him, “ ‘cause once Sammy’s been in here, you’ll know it for a long time.
Sam, unwilling to wait any longer, grabs his self and pushes in next to Dean’s thick fingers, ramming his massive cock into her drenched cunt, forcing her to stretch around him and not stopping until he was balls deep in her. Y/N gasped silently, overwhelmed by the sensations she hadn’t felt in millennia.
“Easy there tiger, we have eternity to play with our new toy.”
Forever tags: @donnaintx
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yekulan-dothkah · 7 years
Jump Potions:
First off, I want to say I like what the jump potions offer, it’s a quick and easy way to get a second character into the game; great for roleplayers, people who have an alt on another server and want to help a friend with content they can’t do in duties, trials, or raids, the list goes on, they do have benefits. Super helpful for people looking to jump into the game if they were absent during 2.0 for example, or people who lost their account for any particular reason so they can catch up with some of the progress lost in both story and levels. Cool and positive still; but some things need to change or be taken into account before they make them “unlimited” like people are expecting come 4.1.
One problem with making them unlimited means someone could pay and have every class at 60 and never play one of them; this leaves the player with 0 experience if they never played before, for the illusion of “catching up”. No you haven’t really caught up, all you’ve done is skip learning how to play all those classes and as a result has lessened your experience with the game. “This game is stupid I keep dying.” “What does this do?” “How do I revive?” “This job story sucks, why am I doing this?” “How do I get the ability X?” “Why can’t I use X ability?” “Who is this NPC?”
I have literally played with multiple people who have said these things or similar. One example; I did the Aetherochemical Research Facility and our WHM died on the first boss halfway through, we finished the boss by a miracle and wait for the WHM to reset because neither me or the other DPS were SMN’s. “I don’t know how.” What? There’s literally a bubble that appears on your screen and asks if you want to revive back at the start, you have to click and hold OK. “Where? I don’t see it.” Did you close it? “I don’t think so?” If you did it’s a pink, brown, or yellow bubble that says something along the lines of revive at start? “I don’t see it.” ... Um... I don’t have a phoenix down do you? (tank doesn’t but the co-dps does so they start running back.) “Oh, I think I found it.” They revive and don’t go through the newly opened door after telling them to, and instead go through the whole first part of the dungeon and use the teleporter behind the boss to catch up.
That’s just one. They didn’t know about dodging AOE’s, they didn’t know about standing still so the tank could grab the laser line from the magitek bits and prevent them from eating damage, they didn’t know how to avoid the half room cleave. Later on they didn’t know that the explosion debuff on the final boss could be Esuna’d despite the new markers to signify that, they stepped on mines, they walked into more AOE’s. So I check their search info; they only had WHM to 60, and didn’t have ACN to 15 like you would have had to pre-SB, wearing a whole shire set like advertised in the purchase. If you think this is bad I have another story for you. Steps of Faith, not too bothered, even with level and item sync we should be able to skunk this boss, we got 3 new people but we’ll manage- Is that an Arcanist? They had a 70 summoner, but they didn’t have their Soul Crystal equipped. Now we did manage to complete this run, but we almost reached the last gate when I’ve cleared on the second to last before quite easily. Three new people contributes to that but we were missing a ton of damage due to not having summoner skills or traits, and watching them just cast Ruin 2 on repeat and their dots, but didn’t summon a carbuncle and then ran out of mp. I tried explaining things to them mid fight between activating cannons and dragon spikes, but they made absolutely no changes to their play style despite speaking English at the start. Maybe they only know simple etiquette in this case? But I used the auto-translate function to explain eventually and still nothing.
The list of experiences goes on, but in summary there needs to be limitations of these jump potions, currently they’re already causing problems and negative experiences for players both new and old. They take from the story, the involvement and the learning process that we all take for granted.
Make the novice grounds mandatory, and extend the learning. Perform the first collection of courses as usual rewarding the brand-new gear as it can be used for leveling other similar roles. After those courses are complete teach the basic mechanics; “The eye”, “The stack”, “The spread”, “The proximity”, “The final moments”,  “Doom” and lastly “Tether’s and their mechanics.” These are simple mechanics that have shined brightly in many dungeons; name one dungeon, raid, or trial, HW or later, that doesn’t use one of these? There’s even a huge clump of ARR dungeons that use these mechanics too. For each one they complete, reward them the Shire Gear from the boost potion until they have the whole set. It’s at most an hour long tutorial at this point, I know, but it teaches the player why they’ll “magically die for no reason” in the future, or why the dungeon is failing repeatedly. It doesn’t answer how to perform each mechanic for every dungeon; for example in one dungeon’s doom can be dispelled, and in another dungeon it’s stepping on one of three lit up platforms, but it still gets the basics across. “If you get doom, there’s a mechanic you likely have to do.” “If there’s a pulsating circle, run as far away as you can.” “If you see an big red eye, look away.” “If the boss is resistant to fire, try stepping in ice.” “If you see this symbol, spread/stack/run and hide behind something like a tank or statue.”
This is just one idea to improve quality of life for the purchaser, and the ones around them. Now maybe the training ground is removed as a requirement if the character is no longer a sprout-ling, or maybe they skip to the second half of the training so it’s shorter for people who likely know the mechanics, but may not.
Other ideas I’ve had include limiting jump potions to one per character, the first one requiring the training ground adjustments mentioned above, but the rest of your characters do not even if they’re a sprout; as these are alt’s and the other characters may be experienced. I know SE said from their studies that these boosters are mainly used by people looking to catch up, or trying to jump into the story with their friends; that’s great but you had a different player base for the study. It was noted that there were questions only the western conferences got asked about, stuff that Europe and Japan didn’t think of, and vice versa. We value different aspects and functionalities of games due to the culture around us that propagates those values. Western and European gamers in majority want fast instant gratification, where most games that come from Japanese developers reward steady hard fought progression, and more of the progression is the players skill to execute over the abilities or tools given to the user.
Take Armored Core series; a game where a perfectly tweaked mech could fly forever and never have energy problems, tweaking that required player knowledge to build, and even more player knowledge and skill to pilot properly. Look at the Monster Hunter series; sure the game can hand you all armor and fighting styles and bad ass weapons if it wanted to, but if you don’t have a clue how to use them without getting hit for every blow you land or don’t, you’re dead and not progressing anywhere. Look at the Tales series; games where the bosses can have huge unfair advantages from what I’ve seen, and only a smart player that knows their combo’s and the synergy of their party members make any progress, and the players who really know their stuff can combo a boss into oblivion like they’re a joke. Look at Dark Souls and Bloodborne; yes there are some weapons and skills you can abuse, but no one tactic gets you through every boss. If you have no skill behind the abuse tactics you still won’t make it very far before say, a boss melting you feet off in the lava it pukes, or cleaves you in half because of careless positioning, or a creature that sweats poison when you attack it up close. All games with Japanese developers that sell extremely well in Japan and less so in America, and even in Europe suffer for sales. Also, play any Drakengard/Nier game on the hardest difficulty, sometimes even just normal difficulty; skill is your only savior, not your super buffed weapon, that scrap of metal only meets the bar and makes it so the fights don’t take a millennia to complete. FFXIV is a mesh of the instant gratification mixed with skill. For example I’ve seen a new BLM and an experienced BLM in the same dungeon with the same skills, the execution of an experience skilled player puts out way better damage and utility than any new player. Can the new players still play and enjoy the game, of course, but the experienced play that has invested time and the knowledge to play skillfully far exceeds their casual or new comrades. Jump potions however take away from the player learning, this skill building that subconsciously happens over time; and can cause complications for the players new and old that might lead them not enjoy their time in the game, even going as far as to stop playing.
There’s not going to be a perfect answer that solves everything, I know this; but I hope SE is heavily weighing the pro’s and cons such an open option for jump potions, and the impact on the community. I desperately hope that SE isn’t focused solely on their revenue; the emotes, past event items, and mounts already cost absurd amount for just a single character to receive.
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dasacht · 7 years
The Second D in Dungeons & Dragons; Suggestions & Advice for the use of Dragons in 5e
Dragons for your party of adventurers will always be a major point of interest. Even if they are a friendly or neutral dragon towards the party they deserve their own plot, motives and desires as is standard with important npcs. While whelplings and potentially young dragons may not pose a threat to the party even older, more powerful dragons can fall to this and as such even your most powerful characters in the plot could be killed by the party. 
What I write to follow are my suggestions, tips and tricks from experience as to properly handling the use of a dragon to threaten your party. Most of my strategy revolves around managing attacks against the dragon per turn, maximising legendary action use and remembering that many dragons are clever enough to be ambush hunters.
And then a dragon swoops in: 
 Bad to worse is an understatement when a DM says this line. As previously stated dragons are always a priority threat and target for a party. Even a relatively young one for a higher level party can be a severe problem. This phrase should be used mid battle. Battle lines already drawn, party already thinking upon their next action and heavy hitting melee combatants otherwise invested. A party may be improperly lined for a dragons breath weapon attack (we'll get to that) forcing mid battle improve and panic.
 Story suggestions for this include Party have entered the dragons territory, fighting its minions or prey Dragon has a particular grudge against one or more party members and awaits a chance to strike Regardless I would suggest for larger parties of level 5-7 and using a young dragon. Minions should be something the melee combatants can mop up with one mid range threat to make sure they must dedicate to clearing them out. Keep the dragon on spell casters at this point. All dragons, even whites, have enough experience to know; if it uses magic or heals I have to kill it. 
The DPS race and Whack a Mole 
 As previously stated dragons need to avoid melee fighters and remove spellcasters, this is because ranged combatants should be the only reason your dragon ( if it's studied the party/ is smarter than it is arrogant) lands. It needs to minimise their use of ranged weapons and spells. 
 Also nothing is going to scare them more than a dragon getting up in their low hp, low ac faces. Ideally breath weapon then move closer. Once the ranged is down it can simply stay out of range and swoop down to breath attack melee. It's a race; can the healers keep everyone including themselves up until the melee can get the heavy hits in, free up space for the magic users. The dragon knows this, if it feels like this basic strategy fails most need to retreat to heal. 
Make a perception check. 
 More suited to your Black, White and Green dragons; their habitats support an ambush strategy, a dragon awaiting to ambush the party is difficult for the DM You have to minimise how much you lead them on to the idea one is nearby, the party will go high strung very quickly. If the party's lookout(make sure only one or two, in larger parties, do this) request them to make a perception check. If they think a dragon lurks nearby , in character and have a reason to think it, ie they've heard rumour or see it fly overhead , you can request two rolls or just make the dragon roll a contesting stealth. Black dragons hiding in murky water at dusk , green dragons blended with the canopy in the mildewed morning, piercing blue eyes amongst the intense blizzards. Dragons awaiting in ambush usually have two strategies, environment willing more, to carry out. Use their breath weapon or carry away a party member. 
In a recent campaign I had a mighty adult white dragon rise up from a snow bank and unload on the party knocking down two players and dropping as many concentration spells, this put the party on the defence giving The Entomber time to throw around other party members. The more lethal strategy is described as; 
The brackish water swells and rises up, to massive draconic claws grapple around the rogue and lift her up and up and up before dealing a brutal bite attack rendering her unconscious and throwing her away from the party deeper into the swamp before swooping down near the party, beating her gargantuan wings trying to knock back the cleric and the wizard into the quick sand pit it knows lies behind them. That is over the course of three ( at minimum) turns of combat and would spell disaster for a party but the dragon , knowing the party is searching for its lair saw an opportunity and took it. 
To quote Matthew Colville; "The earth elemental steps on your head, to make sure your dead" 
Only a very arrogant, crazed or panicked dragon would avoid going for the kill. Few dragons ever survive a party encounter and stay relevant. This could be its last hurrah it's going to flee or go feral in its last moments. It has no reason to hold back nor should it. Many dragons have fallen to a party of adventurers and many more will in the future.
If they’ve an opportunity to, they should kill a party member, this is incredibly difficult as a DM (depending on you and the player) to do. Or even better it could just declare something like the following scene:
Your cleric lays unconcious as the dragon takes it massive claw and places it directly above their throat.
She cries out, her shrill and desperate voice piercing her cavern home, the bones of her previous victims rattling upon the damp floor from her reverberations. 
“Cease this foolish venture and leave or I will end your precious half elf’s life!”
The dragon is smart enough to know, even the simplest dragons, the party don’t want to lose anyone and as such it could perhaps even just be delaying until the bundle up and it gets it’s breath weapon back. A dragon can be cruelly manipulative.
Now, I’ll make a few suggestions in regards to statistics and abilities.
Be aware that adding additional health to the dragon, such as simply maxing out it’s health. However this should only be considered based on how much damage the party can deal, their ability to heal others/potions contained and so on.
Giving a young dragon a wing attack for the hopes of increasing their threat level and manoeuvrability, as well as giving it maybe only two legendary actions or just allow it to wing attack as a reaction. This is to allow it to fly up out of the range of pesty Sentinel feat using melee combatants and target other players.
Besides these few suggestions there is something you can do to all adult and ancient dragon variants with a modifier in some form of casting modifier:
Give them the variant that allows them to cast spells. And allow them to cast these spells as legendary actions. Suddenly any dragon is far more dangerous, citation: Raishan the Diseased Deceiver from Critical Role.
If you’ve any critique let me know and I hope this has been helpful.
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