#I don’t think Tommy’s gonna get too broken up over not receiving a random Nice message from One person
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This is just funny like tommy doesn’t celebrate thanksgiving bc he’s not american you idiot. thanksgiving is literally just a day over here bc why would we celebrate YOUR countries shit? that makes no sense? do you think the world revolves around you? tommy ain’t gonna be pissed the weirdo who kept joking about him sexually ain’t dming him on a day that literally has no meaning outside your country like
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Get to Know The Author
Tagged by my bbbbyyyyyyyyy BBYYYYY @redemptionbaby (go check out her blog, it’s amazing!!!!!!)
1. What do you like to read in your free time?
Lately I’ve been sticking mostly to fanfic, to be honest - but I’m an avid reader, so I’ll read anything, really. I’m currently under a promise I’ve made to myself, not to read any book written after the 20th century and only the ones whose the author is dead.. It’s a bit macabre, but it’s been very fun to read the classics! I’m currently making my way through Jane Eyre.
2. Did you ever enjoy writing in school?
That depends, to be honest. I liked language classes, I always got a lot of praise for my writing. When I was 14, an essay I wrote in class for the misuse of internet by children/adolescents got taken to the principal and I received a small tribute for it at the school auditorium. I guess I peaked already and I’m never gonna achieve that again *sighs dreamily*
3. First fictional crush?
Mhmmm... I think it was probably... uh. Okumura Rin, from Ao No Exorcist? The otaku phase was gruesome. After I left that phase and entered the video game era, that was Ezio Auditore from Assassin’s Creed. Damn, he’s,,,,, hot.
4. What kind of characters compel you?
Usually... characters that stand up for themselves, that aren’t afraid to be judged by what they are. Do they seem weak? Tired? Misplaced, broken, overly emotional? Yeah. But do they care? No. Is that going to stop them from saving the day? No. Are they quitters? Also no. I’m huge into Marvel, so the best example I can find of it rn is: Captain Marvel, Spider-Man, Iron Man, Sherlock Holmes (BBC), Tommy Shelby (Peaky Blinders) and Captain America. They do... inspire me. I like humanity in characters!
5. What kind of narratives compel you?
Usually narratives with a strong psychological development are my thing! I really like writing about it too, since I have anxiety. I wrote a piece about it with some of my OC’s a while back and the outcome was better than I expected, so I kinda developed an appreciation for that sort of narrative.
6. Are your academic writing and creative writing at the same level of quality, or is one better than the other?
I believe they are quite equal. When we had group projects, I was always set as the writer of the essay, because my grammar is quite good and I can express myself pretty well. But I do enjoy writing creatively more, obviously!
7. Do you like to read references and put them in your writing?
I like practicing it while writing what I currently have at hand, if it matches my obligations/plans. I don’t rely too heavily on references, except when it’s for things that I don’t know well/am not familiar with.
8. What kind of environment do you like to write in?
I prefer the quietness of my bedroom. Lately, I’ve taken a liking to write in the hammock in my bedroom - because it’s beside the veranda and since I live in an apartment, I’ve got quite the view for when my eyes get tired of writing!
9. Random fact about your bedroom!
You’re more likely to find my bookshelf more organized than my bed will ever be. I organize my books by author/height decreasing order. Also, I tend to leave clothing on the floor. A lot. It’s not a good habit, so you guys shouldn’t do it. There is cat hair everywhere and I cover my PS4 with a face towel to avoid my cats’ hair to clog its exhauster.
10. Do you like to read as much as you like to write?
Sometimes I prefer to write, others I prefer to read. That is because sometimes I just don’t feel up for the writing/reading, I suppose. It’s hard to explain, but lately I’ve been really into the reading bit. But mostly fanfic. I went down on the Sherlock fandom again, those were the days.
11. What’s your most recent fixation?
Mhmmmm... RDR2 has really got me like woah, I’m somewhat new to the fandom, but lately my Marvel hyperfixation has hit me square in the chest and I’m binging all the movies all over again because I lack self control and am completely and utterly in love with Tony Stark since I have lots of daddy issues. Nice huh.
Now I have to come up with 11 questions and tag 11 and I have no idea who to tag besides @anniesburg @marshmallow--3 and @arthurmorgan-s-heart (because I really like their writing and I’m too shy to contact.)
What’s your favorite book or author? Why?
If you were to be an animal, which do you think that fits your personality?
Tell us about your biggest character crush, recent or not.
Do you struggle with anything about writing? If yes, what is it?
What’s your favorite pairing from your favorite fandoms? 
Top 5 songs that you can relate to the lyrics
When you’re writing, do you usually listen to music? If yes, what genre?
Do you prefer the quiet town aesthetic or bustling city?
At what age did you start writing fanfic and to which fandom?
Are you friends with any popular author of your fandom? If yes, how did you befriend them?
Biggest nono when reading fanfic? Could be a tag, writing style, thematic.
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