#legit hysterical
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This is just funny like tommy doesn’t celebrate thanksgiving bc he’s not american you idiot. thanksgiving is literally just a day over here bc why would we celebrate YOUR countries shit? that makes no sense? do you think the world revolves around you? tommy ain’t gonna be pissed the weirdo who kept joking about him sexually ain’t dming him on a day that literally has no meaning outside your country like
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cringefail-clown · 9 months
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more of the cam cafe au, this time with strilonde family dynamic
so dave and rose are siblings and they both had their kids very young (other parents dipped out as soon as possible). they helped each other out with raising the kids while working on their careers, so the trio grew up very close to each other, roxy often acting as a mediator between dirk and hal as they were on each others cases basically since birth lmfao
gonna do the j squad next but holy shit is their family tree... complex
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stormbreaker-290 · 5 months
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get a load of this fuckin loser lmao
so the second episode was great :3 i find it fucking hilarious how many ppl hate jax now cuz the second episode made him my favorite (second only to gummigoo, rest in peices😔) so yah. sketch sheet of the the bnnuy himself
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ryansjane · 11 months
I'm sorry but these ridiculous bl titles GOTTA stop. my dear gangster oppa??? pit babe??? and here I was, thinking a boss & a babe was the most ridiculous a bl title could go...
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insextras · 3 months
It's said in charles' origin that he lost his hair as a kid when his powers activated (which is very funny) but I like to imagine that over time as he exerted more power and control over his telepathy, it just became thinner and thinner until eventually he just decides to shave it bald
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mintytealfox · 1 month
You used to teach people how to pan for gold?
I did LOL the very simplified version of it and it was always hot as frick outside so hiding the fool's gold in the cool water down in the sand felt nice LOOOL (until fall would hit then my hands would be FREEZING AH) If I am remembering right we also had this hella creepy display where you would look down the glass window and you would see this miner down there with a canary with him, I can't remember if it slowly moved or not XD but I kind of remember the sound of this motor sound down in the basement where we would have lunch in the room next to him LOOOL we even had a 'prospector pit' for the kiddos and I thought it was lame as hell LOOOOL, but fun for kids, they would 'dig' in these rubber bits to get 'gems' 🙃🤣🤣🤣 The geologist, at the time, would get so excited about his rock and gem collection lol (I remember having to fight off the mean Geese up there, those things were HORRIBLE) (AND DON'T GET ME STARTED ON THE CHICKENS THAT WOULD FIGHT ME ON THE WAY TO THE RESTROOM AAHHH I would have to run for my life through the gardens and slip through the little opening in the fence to ESCAPE LOL)
I also taught mock school at the school house to show people what school life was like in the late 1800s I had to ring the bell every hour! I actually legit hated that cause it was so LOUD when right next to it ah my ears are ringing just thinking about it ah and that heavy as hell mallet 🤣🤣 but it would be a different subject for each hour in the morning and then repeat for the afternoon.
And spinning thread (I was so bad at it oh my gosh) Talking about wool and the dying process 👍
and quilting (so now I know how to hand sew but the sewing machine still makes me scratch my head LOL)
and leather working (I would just talk about the types of leather and the process of tanning, I didn't do it myself that was for the experts. And I would only fill in when they needed an extra pair of hands 👍)
Taught some of the old dances too, but I hardly remember them now though -weeps-
and cooking in the old cast iron wood burning stove (where I got heat exhaustion cause there is a reason they would just cook outside or had a 'summer kitchen' during the summer months oh my GOSH) and I burnt EVERYTHING cause my pyromaniac self would make the fire too HOT LOL There were ladies who made THE BEST food in that thing though! like TOP TEIR BEST EVER! There is something about it that is just AHH SO EXTRA GOOOOD but anyway scraping out the ash afterwards was pretty satisfying and chopping more wood for the next day was liberating after dealing with some of the ANNOYING visitors (It was this dull as hell light little hatchet so it was all brute force and magic (finding where the log will likely split easiest) to pop those suckers in half oh my GOSH) This was also where my SEETHING, LOATHING, HAAATTEEEE for churning butter came from 😤😤 (cleaning that junk with freshly boiled water was the ACTUAL WORST, but at least I was allowed to use dawn dish soap and properly re-clean everything after closing for obvious reasons PFF)
This is only SOME of the stuff I did and had to learn so I could teach and perform LOOOOOL
//at least the laundry was fake but beating the rugs was one of my least favorite things like BRUH now all that GARBAGE DUST Is all over ME NOW AAAAAAA
lol whenever I hear 'oh man living in the 1800s would be fascinating' I say 'NO IT WOULDN'T, IT SUCKS, DON'T' 🤣🤣🤣
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Fuck Gwiles 🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽 lame ahhh ship
Pffff hahahaha, Oh man, this is hilarious.
Do you really have nothing better to do, than to try to bother someone who likes to discuss about a ship online? There is literally, no better way to spend your energy, or even your anger?
It has to be nice to have the energy to be this petty over nonsensical things, or to care about so little things that this is what angers you. It definitely seems less taxing that the rants I end up doing in my life.
Is a shame you are on anon, I am very curious; did you actually look to who you sent this ask? Or it was just because I have ghostflower on my name?
Because I can't understand why someone thought I would give a flying fuck about what the public, let alone one random person, cares about. My guy, this blog started with me doing literal essays about frames; I am not sure at one I give the impression that I care how other people would like the things I do. This isn't even getting in how most of my writing over the years has been over non canon.
So word of advice you non-imaginative and cowardly anon, try to bother someone who actually gives a shit.
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dykegirlfriend · 5 months
did you really attend school if there wasn't that one teacher that every other student was thirsting over
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hoperays-song · 1 year
Mornings at The Majestic
Johnny, trying to get ready: Hey Ry, have you seen my jacket?
Ryan, wearing it: Nope. Never in my life.
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pinkprettycure · 1 year
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sage :3
btw they are twelve years old :
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claire-starsword · 25 days
Authentic Story of the Shining Force - Saint Fencer Max - Author's comments
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Final translation notes:
Yodobashi Camera is apparently a japanese electronics retail chain, hence the label on the bag.
A volume with 40 pages only feels very weird to me, but I couldn't find any other possible translation for what he says here. Besides, the structure of this thing is already wack anyway, chapter 1 has like, 10 pages while chapter 4 has almost 30.
In any case, I get the feeling that this manga got robbed of an official publication, and this volume is an independent work of sorts thrown together by Ono. Might explain why the printing is wack and cut panels at points. Still very glad it exists, because I doubt scans of the original run would have ever surface on the internet otherwise. Actually, I appreciate this whole afterword so much, it's a lot of info I would have never found out by myself, and god knows video game stuff does not keep any track of its own history overall. Any recorded info helps.
Tao indeed appears in Tanuma's manga with the same design as here. I will not be translating that thing, but Tao's couple of appearances are pretty much all I liked from it, so here:
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Ono also refers to that manga as only "Tanuma's version", which I feel is the main way JP fans refer to it, but since the artist's name had already been mentioned, I used the subtitle as well, which I feel is the best way to specify it.
I don't know what a Game On is, nor what a Game Dome Harumi Shop is :( Those are very unfortunate names to try to google (in fact, the latter only gave me results for this very manga lol). Let me know if you know anything.
The fact Ono has worked with Masaki Wachi later however is interesting to me. I assumed through most of my notes here that some odd elements of this manga, especially Max and Cain's backstory, could be hints of things changed late in development, and brought back for the GBA version. I still think that's the most likely explanation, as at least one of the GBA-only flashbacks is very similar to unused content in the game itself. However, I eventually did figure that something else should be considered. Perhaps certain similarities between this and the GBA version are also things Wachi liked from the manga and wanted to add in the remake, since the two continued to work together somewhere. Who knows?
The wife. For the longest I've been reading her name as Sega Blue, which was an easy reference to parse, but while joking in the tags ten seconds ago I realized I was misreading it. I'm not sure if Brel is supposed to mean anything or be read a different way. Oh well. We still have the second name for an easy laugh.
That's all for this weird piece of Shining Force, thank you all for coming along with this ride. I feel this manga has quite a lot for fans to enjoy and think about, and I think it sucks that it is even more obscure than the Tanuma one. I hope this translation helps bringing it more to light, and I hope you all enjoyed!
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banyanas · 4 months
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a kitten named Doodle(r)…….
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teamhawkeye · 1 year
"i don't care about her character that much-" then why are you tagging your posts with her name so that others who like her have to see your bullshit?
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alrightsnaps · 1 year
my favourite genre of egyptian people reacting to the cleopatra documentary is others being like “but you didn't have a problem when elizabeth taylor played cleopatra!” and them being like “actually yes, we did, y'all just never give a fuck about what we have to say as long as you make money off our culture”
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So after what five days of avoiding spoilers like the plague I finished good omens season two and when I tell you I am unwell-
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mer-se · 8 months
I loveeeee having pets but the trauma that comes with having them that is inevitable . fuckin blows
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