#I don't know if it's the case to post this in the main tag of the game but since it's under the cut i'll try
definitionsfading · 29 days
have this weird tinhatter hunch recently but I feel like GO S3 as an experience/era is going to be as revelatory for Michael and David's relationship, as it is for Aziraphale and Crowley's (obviously in some vastly differing ways, because this is reality vs. fiction)
something is brewing but I don't know what it is. I have historically not bought into rpf rhetoric for these two because of how bugfuck crazy it can get at times, but things feel....different, lately. Michael has been openly talking so much recently about his queer-coded identity or foundational experiences in the media and he CANNOT keep David's name out of his mouth. he specifically speaks about David more than literally anybody else; his partner, his children, his other coworkers, anybody. maybe it's coincidental or nothing out of the ordinary and I'm reading too much into imaginary subtext, but I'm really curious to see how things potentially develop over the next year or two as they film and promo S3 of the show. I did mention a few months back that Michael is coming up on his second Saturn return in the next 2ish years (age 57-60), and I think that will certainly pose an interesting hinge for anything pertinent to swivel on, especially if we don't see S3 of the show until 2027.
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front-facing-pokemon · 11 months
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#registeel#and now this guy is maybe a bit less interesting. from this standpoint‚ i mean. the eyes being just dots make it a little hard to like#feel *connected* to them when they're ffp'd‚ y'know? i feel like it's kind of a reductive angle. which is why i zoomed this one and the last#one out a bit. so you can see a bit of the rest of their body. it's maybe less funny but would it really have been funny to just see 7 red#dots on a gray background and have to read the tag to know it's registeel? i dunno. maybe. maybe it would've been. but i like this more#maybe the explanation is that i'm taking these pictures myself. i personally know all these pokémon and have to ask them if i have permissio#n to take these pictures of them. but registeel said i couldn't get too close. so we settled with this. hehe yeah that's why :) hehe :)#anyway. you now have the aegis cave theme stuck in your head#hi it's me from the present. saturday morning. in yesterday's queued post i came up with the idea of maybe doing a monotype run of a pokémon#game. i don't know which one yet but i wanted to do water-type. but i was like. maybe i'll liveblog it on my main blog. yesterday#and today i came back and saw those tags as i was queuing up today's 'mons and i was like… hell maybe i could stream it if enough folks are#interested. but if anyone is then i didn't want to wait that long for the queue to get to that post bc that's gonna post on like. august 18#and class for my last semester of college Ever starts back up on august 21st and i don't. know if i want to start another pokémon playthroug#h that close to classes starting. especially not one where at least one (1) individual out there might be waiting for it So i put 'em here#they'll still be on that post but. they're here. just in case someone out there is chronically bored enough that that's something they'd be#interested in. y'never know there's a lot of folks here#anyway i will now queue up kricketot. see you then… or i guess see you whenever if you like send in an ask or a message or smth…
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fluffle-writes · 25 days
I wanna. Pick them up in my mouth and shake 'em around like a dog obliterating a squeaky toy
#you can tag anyone you feel this way about but I was thinking about Rook hunt in particular#tbh I feel like he'd picture the same - just with Vil and Neige#he wanta his oshis to be besties (he is just lime me fr) (just a liiiittle furyher frim reality)#(I view neigexVil as nore of a crackship until we get more Neige development/lore)#(our queen Vil doesn't deserve to be genuinely shipped with someone who's kinda 2D rn.#But I respect people who flesh out neige with headcanons - they write the dynamics realy well tbh)#(hopefully we get more RSA development at some point I think that'd be cool)#(plus I'd cry if TWST just. stopped. after the last NRC OB)#(I mean it'd make sense aince that's where the story is based and it'll probably end once Yuu finds a way home#- which feels close now thanks to Ortho)#(But at the same time I. have been following this since it first came out when I was about 16 - same age as the first year squad lol)#(and I feel like it'd feel weird if we stopped getting main story updates)#(Im rambling a LOT lol - probably because I'm tipsy haha)#(hope someone can relate to my lamenting of future woes though)#(Oh well - I should atop borrowing sorrow from the future and live joyfully with the now)#(I do miss my friends who've stopped being in the fandom though - and my friends who deactivated and idk how to contact now)#(sugarandmelody... zacrazyvalentine... I miss them. but we had fun#writing and stuff. and I suppose that's what matters in the end. that we had fun.)#at least - I hope they had fun too. and I kinda hope they think about me how I think of them sometimes.#have a nice day if you're reading this. I rambled in the tags a while and I understand that it's kinda long lol.#and probably riddled with typos#I'm tearing up for some reason haha. well it is what it is#I hope each and every one of my followers know how amazing they are - I hope y'all have a wonderful day - evening - or night#I wish I could hug people across the internet lol#I should stop posting on tumblr while drinky haha#tw drunk#tw drinking#i'll tag it just in case#don't wanna cause discomfort and stuff
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moodymisty · 1 year
Just saw a post of someone snooping at the fics where their gifs are used (apparently you get a notif if someone does) in xreader fics and shitting on all of them and wow, new fear unlocked...
EDIT: reblogs are off because this is starting to breach containment, but dang, didn't know so many of y'all felt the same way. I'm happy to have found such welcoming people <3 Write or read your little hearts out.
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rubberbandballqueen · 4 months
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this feels so incredibly fucking cursed
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anothermonikan · 6 months
I see too many people reblog from that amtrak blog considering they appear to very much be. not normal. about objectum people. unless I'm missing some kind of meta context here
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pardonmydelays · 8 months
IN THE HEIGHTS countdown: 23 DAYS!
song for today:
i am usnavi and you prob'ly never heard my name reports of my fame are greatly exaggerated exacerbated by the fact that my syntax is highly complicated 'cause i immigrated from the single greatest little place in the caribbean dominican republic, i love it! jesus, i'm jealous of it, and beyond that ever since my folks passed on, i haven't gone back goddamn, i gotta get on that!
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apocalyptic-dancehall · 8 months
hey!!! harkening back to this post, i drew it a while ago and forgot that i was done coloring. verrrry sketchy and messy and doodly
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wild-at-mind · 1 month
I get why people like the whole queer existence is resistance thing. I don't personally, because I think it puts a tonne of intracommunity pressure to exist in the 'right' way, I.e. the way that is 'radical' to the person currently scrutinising you. As a person with OCD that manifests in self scrutiny that I have to constantly concentrate on to avoid it becoming self hatred, I'm never going to be a fan of that. I kind of feel this way about any kind of assimilation conversation with regards to queerness really. I think it's an important conversation within irl communities who already care for each other- who shows up for others outside of their own interests and who doesn't, etc. But the internet makes things so impersonal and cold. It encourages people to make very serious snap judgements about others who they don't even know, and to encourage others to believe that about them. None of these people are in community together in any meaningful sense, or they wouldn't treat each other so ungenerously.
Anyway I had a bit of a realisation earlier- I think we have to tell ourselves our existence is inherently radical all the time because we're always getting the subtle message from our community and the wider activism community that having a good time or enjoying yourself is somehow bad, or insulting to people in dire straits. But instead of challenging that idea we say no it's OK because I'm doing activism simply by being here. I think it's fine to feel that way and in many ways existing as a marginalised person really is radical. I just want to make sure we aren't internalising the idea that we can't ever be happy or having a fun frivolous time without justifying it, and passing that idea along to others without meaning to.
#as radio 1 used to say: you only get one life- love it#i try and tell myself that when i get bogged down in the 'my misery is activism somehow' thinking#that so many people on here reinforce#i feel the 'pride is a protest' conversation constantly turns into this#because while pride's origin is in protest on the anniversary of the stonewall riot#most prides now are parties with a march and some information stalls#and...that's fine! If people have fun at it!#not everyone finds pride fun obvs its usually boiling very overwhelming and loud#ive had some shit times at pride but had a blast at my last one#it was post coming out as trans and I'd just started drinking more regularly#after abstaining for my meds for so long#i went alone had some drinks and a dance and went home#loved it best day ever#anyway the idea that in order to do activism you have to constantly disrupt#bring your 'queer liberation not rainbow capitalism' sign#i dunno...i dont think anyone really likes rainbow capitalism but the sponsers keep entry free#thats the case at my main one anyway#i struggle because i only just started having fun a bit more and enjoying things#i hate being hit with the message of 'actually this fun time is wrong '#even in the most subtle ways- but maybe im oversensitive#i will say that if misery is activism ive more than paid my dues#why do they think people wanted to get into stonewall inn anyway???#eta- i know not all prides are free and the ones that aren't still have corporate sponsors#i just don't feel it ruins pride personally#it's mildly annoying and that's all#eta: i put activism instead of capitalism in the slogan in the tags for some reason
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elisedonut · 11 months
AAAAAAAA I need a Forbidden Love pairing for mtf!Percy specifically
i have a lot for Cis!Percy because it's honestly one of my favorite tropes but i haven't really thought much for Mtf!Percy ships other then like Penny, Marcus and Oliver.
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wellthatschaotic · 2 months
when a post says "traumagenic systems only / endos dni" but you're mixed origin
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ardberts · 1 year
The First Bookstore - Ch. 2
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Title: The First Bookstore - Chapter 02 Rating: M. Genre: Romantic Comedy Chapter: 02/?? Pairing: Emet-Selch x WoL, and honestly too many more to list. Notes: I’m having a blast writing this and I really hope it shows. Also, brand new fic banner! Mask image credit goes to @magitekworks on Twitter.
There, above a building no less than two blocks from the bookstore, still shining with freshly-applied polyvinyl was a huge, white billboard with black lettering that read: “Coming Soon Just Around the Corner - Empire Books, a Galvus & Sons Brand.”
It was positively gaudy in its simplicity, checking off every pretentious, Silicon Valley design choice ever written: rounded-off edges, a serif font that a team of marketing analysts spent weeks choosing, and a completely monochrome palette save for the “m” in “Empire,” which had been replaced with a red half-mask that Nara thought looked vaguely like an evil bird. It was not warm nor was it friendly, and everything about it screamed, “We paid a lot of money for a team of psychologists and designers to tell us what poor people find aesthetically pleasing because we simply cannot relate.”
Nara scrunched her nose up at it. “Wow, what an ugly logo.”
G’raha shot her an incredulous look. “‘What an ugly logo?’ You can’t tell me you’re not worried about what this means.”
“Should I be?”
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argentinosaurus · 11 months
personally i didn't really have high expectations abt go2 but i rewatched s1 before s2 came out (literally the same day) and god the whiplash was unbearable. like i get that this is a filler season that's not going off based on what happened in the book but. man. when they said there was a mystery involved i expected a bit more sustenance. i expected to see side characters that were not just barely developed, side characters whose stories mattered, at least a little, to me, the viewer. and which made the episodes a bit more dynamic as well. don't get me wrong, i loved david and michael and i enjoyed myself most of the time they were on screen bc i love crowley and aziraphale, and i understand wanting to see them together every minute of every episode. but to me the development of their relationship didn't feel as poignant as it should have cos the plot didn't add anything to it. there were no high stakes! nothing! (yes, we've just come from the freaking apocalypse but imo if this conflict of aziraphale being a big boss in heaven and wanting to turn crowley back into an angel had been the main arc of this season - with no change to the ending - it would have been much more dramatic and enticing than what actually happened). idk, i prefer stories where the romance is nicely integrated into the other elements of the story and both are influenced by each other. in this case it felt disjointed from everything else and thus the overall effect of the climax of their relationship was diminished (for me).
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plaguerare · 2 years
even aside from being willfully gross and/or outstandingly obtuse, the sentiment of ‘i don’t care what staff says, i’m going to do this thing anyway/i wish they hadn’t clarified this, it’s more boring compared to leaving it to interpretation‘ is so fucking disrespectful to Undel.
in case anyone forgot, these are her characters. obviously i’m sure she gets opinions from her coworkers, especially those that help with working on writing the lore onsite, but since the beginning they have been hers and she’s clearly had a particular vision for everything. she made them. it is no different from you or i making up a funny little guy in our head and giving them a name, and a backstory, and a personality.
imagine if you showed your OC to people and said ‘this is my character. this is what they are like.‘ and the people acted like you’d just kidnapped their grandmother for laying out basic info about your own creation. ‘why would you say this about them,’ ‘why would you do that with them.’
obviously, those questions can have a great deal of nuance with them. but we all know what the hell i’m talking about right now.
‘well i don’t care what this person says about their characters being siblings, i’m going to act like they’re in a romantic relationship!‘
do you have any fucking idea how entitled that is? what does it matter to you if they’re family instead of lovers? why do you think the relationship between siblings is lesser, more ‘boring,’ than a relationship between romantic partners? why do you think characters’ stories are only interesting, or have meaning, or worth if romance is involved?
sure, maybe they would’ve been better off drawing this line in the sand years ago, to avoid all of this bullshit happening now. but it’s also not completely their fault that the lore very clearly states ‘brothers,‘ ‘sisters,’ ‘siblings,‘ and still the people that read it hemmed and hawed over ‘but did they really mean it in that way? what if they meant it this way?‘ how much clearer did you need them to be? what else more did they need to say to get the point across?
i guess that’s mostly a discussion of how warped the terms themselves have become throughout (english) history, and how necessary said contextual distinctions really were in the grand scheme of things compared to just making up some new words or using other words that didn’t have such specific definitions to them, but that’s bigger than here or there, and also not entirely something that can be or needs to be picked apart. language evolves and adapts, yadayada, etcetera etcetera, this is a post about pixel dragons we don’t have time for big scale world society things, moving on.
a member of staff said ‘these characters have these relations to each other, end of.‘ one member would not say something to this level of importance without the approval of other staff members, and especially not without the creator’s.
respect Undel, and respect her characters. if you can’t even do the bare bones basics of that, then i don’t know what you’re doing here anymore. try to learn some manners while you’re at it, whatever ‘it’ is, i guess.
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4ce160 · 9 months
Ajfhskfhsfks I'm tired, I made the mistake of going through my procreate app as I used to draw mostly on the iPad before losing my Apple pen, and?? holy shit I drew a ton
It's weird to look back at as I've had this perpetual artblock ever since starting university (it's the caffeine :pensive_: ), and my memory's the worst so some of these I don't actually remember making, but still?? Most of these are from 2019 - 2021-ish??. There are more but I can't be bothered to do multiple posts I'm going to sleep-
The first ones are a bunch of earlier versions of the OC that'd eventually become 4. I think I made them in 2019 - 2020 (???). Definitely heavily inspired by hyper light drifter in hindsight
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The next ones are a bunch of older transformers doodles, most of them are inspired by whack dreams I've had (the last two are just me trying to figure out how to draw Highbrow though lmao)
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timbrrwolfe · 10 months
Learning all kinds of neat
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