#I don't think Jean is going to pull any punches but I also think considering Jean was also victim to riko
joyglass · 4 months
nora saying that TSC which features jean's POV is going portray kevin without putting him on a pedestal (and by extension ppl talking about how refreshing it's going to be to see jean roast kevin) is so crazy to me for multiple reasons bc 1) when has neil ever put kevin on a pedestal aside from their initial meeting. does neil expect a lot from kevin? yes. does neil put him on a pedestal? the jury's still out. 2) if anything the narrative in aftg (Neil's POV) is imo too UNsymphathetic to kevin. neil "kevin you little bitch we do NOT have time for your trauma rn) josten was telling kevin to suck up his lifelong trauma from riko like every other chapter 😭😭😭 idk why or how ppl are expecting jean's POV to be almost insensitive to Kevin's character
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windex-for-blood · 8 months
I can not FUCKING believe that Elon Musk is just...gonna get away with tanking Twitter.
He said he'd buy it as a joke, then goaded himself into saying he was really gonna do it, and then was FORCED to buy it because his mouth LITERALLY wrote a check that he had to cash.
And every single change he's made has been a disaster! Even the Elon Defence Squad has struggled to justify the post limits, or the forced verifications, or paid checkmarks.
Everybody still thinks the new name is stupid (and, by the way, if he doesn't have the common god-damn courtesy to properly recognize his daughter's name and gender, I'm under no obligation to acknowledge his fetish for the letter x). And now he's floating this stupid fucking $1 a year charge. Just like every change, he says this is about curbing spam, ND just like every other change he's made, he's lying. He's sunk BILLIONS, the GFP of several nations, into plugging the holes THAT HE'S PUNCHING IN HIS OWN SHIP, and he's trying to produce revenue quickly to attempt to bail himself out. But he's also saying he's going to pull access to the platform from the entirely of Europe! So he's going to yet again shoot himself in the mangled, viscous mass that was once his foot out of more spite and inflated pride.
And he's just going to sink Twitter entirely. It will go cemetery tits-up, and then he's going to grouse to all the tech mags that "twitter was always a losing prospect. It never had the infrastructure to pull itself into the future, and no amount of tweaking on my part was going to undo the nosedive it was in" even though every single problem has been a product of the
Elon Musk Mistake Generator 8000
And all his fucking tesla drone are going to come out and say "Yes! Even the prophet's mind-dick couldn't straighten out the problem, it could never have been fixed in the first place!"
Like, I HATE Twitter. I think it's real stupid, and have never signed up. But it would be even more stupid to pretend like it hasn't been important for the process of quickly sharing breaking information as quickly as possible. This debacle in Gaza with the baptist hospital would have NEVER taken the shape it has if we were still on pre-twitter social media. The triggerhappy dipshits in the Isreali military might have taken at least a second to consider their messaging, to say nothing of determining IF THEY FUCKING BLEW UP THE RIGHT BUILDING, if every group and individual weren't expected to be their own journalist and update the world on their activities as they happen. But as it is, they sent the stupid fucking "yeah, it was us" tweet before deleting it and acting like screenshots don't exist, and in less that 12 hours the whole complexion of western response to this latest war changed.
And withing a few years, it's not going to be like that anymore. Twitter will dissappear like a fart in a wind tunnel, and nobody with any self-respect is going to use Blue Jeans or whatever, so we'll be stuck with more languid blogging options like, god keep and preserve us, facebook. And it will be all Musk' fault, and he'll face absolutely nk consequences at all.
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Californian Dream (Pt. 06 of 11)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 2.9 K
Summary: Being part of one of the richest families of California doesn't mean you're happy. Your life is boring, and you're surrounded by meaningless people and their meaningless talk. Even during Summer, with the break you have from college, there's nothing good going on. Nothing but the new pool guy, Billy, the most handsome man you ever saw. You were successfully avoiding him, not wanting to act like an idiot in front of the guy until Billy accepts to be your date for a fancy gala you're forced to attend. The night was going well, even better when he sneaked you out to go to the beach. But a gang of criminals breaks into the party, kidnapping the heirs to the wealthiest families, which includes you. So, for your safety, your parents want you to stay with Billy, living in his apartment until the criminals are caught. And that could take weeks, maybe even months.
Warnings: Light violence
<- Previous part (05)
Next part (07)->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
{Dacre Montgomery Masterlist}
In the last few days, you have been accompanying Billy on his job. Nobody made any questions yet, so you're good so far. You're trying not to think about the beach incident too much, and since your days are now occupied with something else than the news channel, you're succeeding. But today, there's this party Billy told you about. He briefly mentioned it, and since the subject never came up again, you concluded that he doesn't want you to go. But you won't let it go that easily.
So you've been trying to convince Billy to take you to this harmless party for the last two hours, and he just surrendered after you reminded him that he said he'd take you to one of his parties one day. And the day came, even though the circumstances aren't the ideal.
But it doesn't matter now, because you're already in his car, nodding your head at the beat of the song playing, breathing in the night air. You shiver a little since the thin straps shirt you decided to wear doesn't provide any protection against the cold wind.
“Should've taken a jacket,” Billy says, glancing at you.
“I'll warm up when I start dancing.”
“So you'll dance.” He chuckles, his free hand half covering his mouth. “That's something I'd like to see.”
“Well, if someone takes me out to dance, I might.” Shrugging your shoulders, you look away from him, secretly hoping he'll do exactly that.
It takes another ten minutes until he stops, the music already banging. Billy guides you around a small house until the back yard, which is crowded already. People are dancing, eating pizza, and playing cards, all laughing and shouting. It's so different from anything you've ever been to. Those formal meetings were always silent and dull, with everything following a schedule. But this... This is just people having fun, doing whatever they want.
“So? What do you think?” Billy asks, coming closer so he can make himself heard above the music.
“It's loud!” Your answer. “I love it.”
“Come. I'll introduce you to some friends.” He makes his way through the people to a plastic table on the back of the yard. All the five people in it smile to see him, happily waving. “What's up, guys? This is...” His voice fades and he stares at you. It hits you suddenly that you can't just say your name. It would be dangerous, but it only got to you now.
“Lily!” You think fast, reaching out your hand shaking theirs. “I'm Lily.”
“Hi, Lily.” They mutter, shouting above the music. The only one who didn't seem very interested, seated further away, keeps staring at you, but you pretend not to notice.
“Is she your girl?” The guy asks, and you immediately shake your head no.
“No.” Billy says at the same time you do, and you both exchange a glance, your cheeks burning.
“I'm Chad.” The guy finally speaks, standing up from his seat and walking over to you. “A pleasure to meet you.”
You're not that innocent. It's obvious he's interested, and now that he knows you're not ‘Billy's girl’, he thinks he can make a move. “Yeah. It's nice to meet you too.” Stepping away, you glance at Billy, who has a weird expression on his face. He engages in a conversation with the others, and you try to keep up. Chad stands by your side, moving closer as if you weren't noticing.
Then, Beat It starts playing, and a smile immediately comes to your lips, and you can't help but move your shoulders and head to the beat. “I love this song.” You exclaim, and some of the guys nod.
“Come dance with me then.” Chad invites, already taking your hand and pulling you.
“No, thanks.” You tell him, standing your ground. But Chad doesn't let go of your hand, his grip tightening to the point you have no choice but to move forward.
“Alright. Let go of her.” Billy violently pushes Chad away, so suddenly it startles you. “Isn't it clear she doesn't want to go with you? Are you deaf or something?”
“What? If she's not your girl I can have my chance.” Chad raises his hands in defeat, tilting his head towards you.
“Fine. Then she is my girl.” Billy's storm voice is easily heard above the music, and when you give a glance at the table, everybody is up, looking very... Surprised. Your friends said Billy can get violent sometimes, so why do they look so... Perplexed?
“Alright. Just give me her phone when you're done running her pretty little–”
You don't even have time to react to his disgusting tone, because Billy is shoving him back, making him swallow his words and placing a hard punch on his jaw, and when he's stumbling back, Billy pulls him by the collar of his shirt, bringing his knee to his stomach. Chad jerks forward, a groan escaping his lips, before falling to the ground. Some people around are staring, the dancing long forgotten.
“If you'll get anywhere near her, I'll break your damn nose.” A kick on Chad's side, making him turn around, starting to crawl away. Billy finds you again, coming closer. “Are you alright?”
Why did he do that? You can defend yourself, even though you've never been in a situation like that. But... It makes you feel funny. Your whole body is hot, and you're trying to catch your breath. “Yeah.” Pushing the words out, you lock eyes with Billy. “...Thanks.”
“Don't bother.” He gives Chad one last look, but he's already far, limping away.
“No, I... That was really nice of you, Billy.” He always does that, as if the things he does aren't important. But this was very, very important to you. “Thank you.”
“Alright.” He nods, a hand on the small of your back, guiding you away from the table. “So, now that your my girl for the night, wanna dance?”
“Well, I do love this song.” Following Billy to the middle of the yard, you stop among the others, already dancing. But when you see how the others are moving, you notice it way too far from what you're used to. “Uhm... I don't think I can do that.” You tell him, tiptoeing to get closer to him an ear.
“I thought you knew how.”
“I can slow dance. I took classes but this... I've never been to any parties where people move like that.” Everyone is way too close to their dancing partner and you're very happy you didn't even consider trying to dance with Chad.
“Just feel the music.” He moves closer, a hand around your waist. “Is this ok?”
“Yeah.” Of course, it is. Billy pulls your closer and starts to move, and you soon follow. It doesn't take long until you're singing along too.
And when it really starts kicking in, you start moving by yourself. And it means you get closer and closer to Billy, spinning around, having his arms around you all the time. You never felt so wild, carelessly moving around, your body colliding with his way too many times, but he doesn't seem to care. And neither do you. You like it, and there's nobody else you'd like to dance with.
When Billy Jean starts banging, you turn to face him, arms around his neck as you follow the beat. Billy's grip on your hips is strong, keeping you there, close to his body. “I'll teach you how to slow dance.” You tell him when you're close to his ear. Billy makes a funny face, turning you around and pushing your back against his chest.
“I don't think that's really my thing.” He says, and you shiver to feel his hot breath on your neck.
Elbowing him lightly, you spin around, holding on to the collar of his jacket. “This was not my thing either but look at me now. I'm... Trying.” Shrugging your shoulders, you bump into Billy when a couple passes by, hitting your back. “Sorry.”
“You're not trying, you're great.” He smiles, and the proximity sends ideas through your mind. If you kissed him here... It would make sense. It'd feel right. Your eyes fall to his lips, and you want to know how they feel like so bad... Maybe it would turn you into another of his girls... But you want to try it... Maybe it's the music, or how you've been dancing together, or how amazing this crazy party is... Everything is pushing you to him, and you don't wanna fight it.
“Thank you.” You mutter, and you feel his hand on your face, fingers softly caressing your cheek. Billy never did that. Maybe he's intoxicated by the moment too. And moments pass. Soon enough they're in the past, and you don't want this to the just a moment. So you step down, putting some distance.
“What?” He asks, using his index finger to raise your face to meet his eyes again. “Everything alright?”
“Yes.” You smile, and for the first time, you notice you wish this could be a thing. Something real, solid... “I'm alright.”
“We should go home. Gotta work tomorrow.”
Billy says goodbye to his friends, and you silently make your way to the car. The ride home is also quiet, as you watch the night lights. There's this feeling, this sensation in your heart. Something you never felt before. Being around Billy has become one of your favorite things, and today, you realized just how close you wanna be. But still, you can't let this feeling grow. You're living together, and this will mess things up. Billy wouldn't fall for you, some rich kid, spoiled, stupid... The best thing to do is let it go, and hope it'll disappear with time.
“It's your turn on the bed.” He says when you're home already, in pajamas, the air-conditioning making you a little cold as you pour yourself some water.
“I know.”
“Did I do something wrong?” He asks, standing up from the couch. “You've been unusually quiet since we left the party. If I did anything you weren't comfortable with I–”
“No!” You exclaim, putting the empty glass in the sink. “That's not it. Today was amazing, I really enjoyed it.” Smiling, you look down at your feet. You never wanted him to feel bad about anything. “It was way better than the formal events I had to attempt... Maybe... Maybe you could take me to some parties, you know... When you're not with a girl.”
“I'm not seeing anyone, so... Guess you'll be my date for parties for a while.”
Biting your lip, you try to suppress the smile, but it escapes anyway. You're tired, eyes heavy, and you know how dangerous it is, how sleep pushes the words out. But right now, you don't care. You feel comfortable around Billy, even to admit the things you don't like talking about. “That's nice. Uhm... About that Chad guy. Thanks, again. Nobody ever did that for me and... I've already had to deal with guys flirting like that but nobody cared enough to stand up for me.”
“None of your boyfriends ever stood up for you?” Billy comes to the table, leaning against the it, right before you. “A pretty girl like you probably had many.”
A giggle escapes your lips, but a yawn covers it up. “Well... No. You know the options I have, so...” Shrugging your shoulders, you look into his ocean blue eyes, the kitchen light illuminating his handsome features. “I'll tell you something, but you have to promise not to laugh.”
“You know I can't promise that.” He chuckles, and you smile.
“Yeah, I know...”
“But go ahead.”
“I...” Putting a strand of hair away from your face, you lean against the countertop. “I never really kissed anyone. Well, there was this guy in my Freshman year in High School, but it was just a peck on the lips, not a real thing...” Squinting your eyes, you expect him to laugh, but a small, kind smile is everything you see.
“Why?” It doesn't sound like he's mocking you, but like he actually wanna know.
“I always thought that a kiss is something very... Intimate. I know it's silly and you probably think I'm some kind of prude.” Nervously, you pace around the kitchen, wondering why exactly you're telling him this. You never spoke of this to anyone, not even Amelia. “But to me it's something special, to be shared with someone special, and in my life, I never wanted to do that with anyone... Until now.” The last part just rolls out your tongue, and you immediately freeze, a hand running through your hair. “A-and you know, the guys I'm surrounded by are just jerks and the very thought of kissing any of them is disgusting.” You can feel his eyes on your back, as you pretend to fix the dishcloth, just to have something to do. “I'd rather die alone.”
“Until now?” Billy inquires, his voice a little darker now, stronger, deeper, echoing through your mind.
“Yeah, I just mean–”
“No.” Billy comes closer, touching your arm and taking the dishcloth from your hand, placing it on the table, away from your reach. “Tell me what you really mean. Don't dissimulate.”
Taking a deep breath, you step back, trying to put some distance between you and him, but your back hits the wall. “I just...” Avoiding his gaze, you run a hand through your hair. “From all the guys I ever met, you're the only one I ever... I ever considered kissing or... Maybe even dating, but that's just–that's just...” Shit. It took five seconds for you to admit everything you've been trying to keep hidden. How does Billy do that? How does he open your heart so easily? “I–I'm sorry. I gotta go.” You move, trying to reach the hall, eager for the comfort of the bedroom, where you will be alone with your thoughts for a while.
But you don't go far. Billy holds your arm, like Chad did, yet so differently. It's gentle, and you don't even try to resist it. You just stop, your eyes meeting his. “Don't go, just...”
“Forget I said anything. I told you, I get a little too brave when I'm sleepy and–”
You don't have the chance to finish, because his lips come crashing down on yours, so suddenly, yet so soft. One of his hands caresses your cheek, and the other finds its way around your waist, but instead of pulling you close, as he did while you were dancing, this time it just rests there, delicately. And you, who never kissed anyone, knows exactly what to do. Following his pace, slow and sweet, you move closer, your arms wrapping around his neck. When he puts some more pressure, deepening the kiss, you allow him in, your chest collapsing against his.
But the damn phone rings, so damn loud it makes you jump, stepping away from Billy, a hand on your lips.
He looks down at you for a while before rolling his eyes and moving to answer the phone. “Who's this?” He sounds annoyed, a little angry even. “Alright.” He turns at you. “Your father.”
“Oh.” Snapping out of the stupor, you go to the phone, giving Billy a small smile. “Hey, dad.”
The conversation goes on the same way it always does. How you're doing. If Billy is taking care of you, that the investigators are doing their best so you'll be able to go back home soon. But you're not sure if you wanna go back, to the huge bedroom you turned into a small apartment so you'd had a place to hide for days if needed. You're way better here, even though you don't know how things will be now.
When you hang up, you know how it'll be. Billy is used to kissing many, many girls, and that was just a kiss. At least your first real kiss was with someone you enjoy being with, and not one of those idiots. “I'll get some sleep.” You tell him, blushed cheeks as you give a little wave before closing yourself in the bedroom.
The night is restless, and every time you close your eyes you're kissing him again, over and over, until you can't think about else than his taste. And when you wake up, you know the day won't be any better. Billy went to Gisele's house today, and you couldn't go since everyone there knows you very well. And you didn't want to, because the memories you have there are many. So the day goes by pretty much the same way it always does, but this time you made yourself something for lunch.
When the evening is coming, you're just checking the news, to see if something else was found, or if the police are any closer, before starting off dinner.
You jump from your seat when the woman announces they released Alice, two days after the payment of five million dollars was made. She was found in an alley, across the state, unconscious... But that's not what shocks you, what makes you fall back into the couch, tears rolling down furiously and your whole body shaking. It's not the bruises on her face, the tiny cuts and scratches... What makes terror overcome you is that Alice wasn't set free in one piece.
You're frozen, eyes on the TV, but not really listening, the images just an indistinguishable blur. But when you hear the door opening, you set in motion, going straight into Billy's arms, sobbing, hiding your head on his chest.
“Hey.” He says, but you barely hear him above your cry. “(Y/N), what happened? You're scaring me.”
“They cut off her fingers.” You push out, trying not to stutter through the words. “They let Alice go but they cut off her fingers.”
@multific @dontxfearxthereaper @nope-thanks @nikkixostan @shinydixon @clockworkballerina @infinitelycharmed23
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acdeaky · 4 years
are you ready for love?
warning: fluff, alcohol consumption, strong language, slight angst?
note: congrats on 4k followers @writingfortoomanyfandoms​​ ! i began writing this and then fell out of love with it, but i (finally) figured out the ending and fell back in love! enjoy!
word count: 4.5k
black lives matter
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“what I'm saying is - and this is not a come on in any way, shape or form - is that men and women can't be friends because the sex part always gets in the way!” dan spoke, a little too loudly for the restaurant the group was in, trying to voice his (very out-of-date) opinion above the rest of the group. he was met with a lot of voices arguing he was wrong, and a fry from shane’s plate. “what?” he practically whined. 
“just because you want to shag any girl you're friends with, and who doesn't have a boyfriend, doesn't mean that every guy is the same!” harry perked up, practically punching dan in the arm after his comment. 
“it so means every guy is the same,” dan argued, looking over at you. “you and ben are only close because he wants to get in your pants.”
“why did we let him join?” you asked everyone else, basically pretending that dan wasn't sat a few seats away from you. 
“because he's my brother and has no other friends.” erin replied from next to you, a hand resting on your thigh which was pressed against her’s.
“that is not true.”
“oh, dan, sweetie, it is.” erin just smiled sarcastically at her brother, her eyes showing faux sympathy. 
“you all know i’m right, but you don't want to say it,” another chorus of disagreement came from the group, as did another fry from shane’s plate. “mate, would you stop that?” shane just shook his head, wrapping his arm around the back of renee’s chair and lightly brushed his fingers against your shoulder. next to ben, you were definitely closest to shane with him being like a big brother to you. 
somehow, the rest of the meal went without a hitch. dan quieted down with the unpopular opinions and everyone else enjoyed each other’s company as they finished their meals and had a few drinks afterwards. shane and renee were the first ones to leave. both of them had had long days at work, but made it out for the meal, and were now more than ready to collapse into their bed. harry and erin were next. as they paid their part and begun to leave, they dragged dan out with them, keeping him from saying something inappropriate to you and/or lucy. 
after those three left, you and lucy stayed a little longer. it had been a while since the two of you had hung out together alone, and a catchup with definitely needed. 
“so what’s the real reason ben didn’t come tonight? he's definitely not ill else you would be there nursing him back to health.” she teased, giving you a light prod to your side. 
“he didn't want to have to deal with comments from dan,” you stated plainly. “and i’m glad ben didn’t come else he would have had to deal with exactly what he didn't want to deal with.”
“yeh, that's fair. maybe we should stop inviting dan to these things.”
“maybe,” you both giggled, thinking of how much more civilised somethings would be without him. “that's too mean, though. erin would not be happy.” 
“she most definitely wouldn't be, but dan’s a dickhead.”
“oh, yeh.” the two of you sat gigging for a little longer, the few drinks the both of you had had making their way completely into your system. after chatting for a little longer (and realising you should both definitely go home), you paid the rest of the bill and left, still chatting as you got into your car, travelling back to your same apartment building.
the ride home wasn't long. luckily, the group had mutually decided on a restaurant that was close to both of your apartments, meaning it only took about ten minutes to get home. the traffic was light and it seemed that every light turned green just in time for you. sooner than you knew, you were heading out of the garage of the apartment building, heading towards the lift and pressing the ninth floor button for lucy and the tenth floor button for you. as you reached her floor, you shared a slightly emotional goodbye with each other. it took exactly 23 seconds to get from the lift to your apartment (you had counted many times) and as you swung the door open, there was ben, sat idly on your sofa with his feet up and netflix playing on the TV. 
“hello, wanderer.” he teased as he heard you pull off your shoes and collapse onto the sofa next to him. “did you have fun? was dan a dick?”
“when is dan not a dick?” you only replied, pulling your knees closer to your chest as you turned your body into ben’s. one of his hands lifted off of his thigh for you to do so, landing back down on your knee. 
“that's true. what did he say this time?”
“that men and women can't be friends because the sex part gets in the way.”
“well that's not true, look at us!” ben said, his eyes quickly flitting to you and then straight back to the TV. 
“yeh, look at us.” 
“you are woman, i am man. we no sex.” he spoke in a deeper voice, making you giggle at his ridiculous impression of a caveman. 
“i’m just glad you weren't there; another comment from him would have sent your fist through his face.” 
“oh, yeh. but erin would not have been happy.”
“she most definitely wouldn't be.” you giggled again, thinking back to the conversation you had had with lucy. “i’m actually so tired, i think i’m just calling it a night. you stay as long as you like” as you got up, you pointed to ben, giving him a look which said ‘keep it down’ which he replied with a salute. you gave the other a quiet ‘night’ before placing a kiss on his cheek and dragging your feet to your bedroom. 
as you got ready for bed, you couldnt help but think back to what dan had said. if you told erin and lucy (or even ben) that you were contemplating his words, they would have told you to stop and say that ‘dan was just being dan. he didn't mean it’. you just couldn’t help thinking about whether it was true. of course, you were close to shane and harry, but they both had girlfriends, they definitely wouldn't want anything to do with what’s in your pants. but you were also close to ben, and he didn't have a girlfriend. the only explanation for you two being close was that he wanted what was in your pants, not in your head nor your heart. 
it pained you to think of that; ben being here only to try it on. of course, ben was attractive and had sex appeal, but he was also your best friend and you weren't about to jump in to bed with him at the first chance. you have never, and will never, go about relationships like that. to you, it was unbelievable how much you let dan’s comment cloud your mind, yet you almost hoped there was some truth to it. 
only a wall away, ben was sat thinking the exact same thing. the show he was binging was still playing in the background, but in the forefront of his mind was dan’s comment. ben knew men and women could be friends without sex getting involved; he had those relationships with all the girls in the group, except her. although he wouldn't openly admit it to anyone, he had developed feelings, but didn't want to ruin what the two had by trying it on with her. so ben sat back and tried to let his feelings settle. that instantly failed when he continued to hang out with her almost everyday and talk to her everyday. it didn't take him long to realise he was in love. 
ben didn't stay for much longer; his eyes were being to strain to properly see the TV and dan's comment was still lingering in his thoughts. he quietly turned off the TV and left the room, practically tiptoeing past your room as he entered the guest room (which was almost his considering how often he slept in it). all he did was slip out of his jeans, jumper and socks, leaving on his boxers and slid into bed. just like you, it didn't take him long to fall asleep, soon drifting off nestled within the comfy sheets and only imagining what it would be like to hold you in his arms. 
in the morning, ben woke up before you (like usual) and set himself the task of making breakfast. he knew you'd be hungry this morning and, as soon as he got out of bed and put on a pair of shorts, he made his way into the kitchen and began making his famous pancakes. it didn't take long for you to wake up nor did it take long for you to smell the pancakes. 
“morning, chef.” you smiled lazily as you walked into the kitchen. 
“morning to you, too.” like usual in a morning, ben was clad in some shorts and a plain t-shirt as he stood in front of the hob. the teapot had already been filled and there was a half empty cup stood on the side next to the hob. “sleep well?”
“yeh, i guess.” ‘don't tell him’ you thought to yourself. “i just couldn't stop thinking about dan's comment last night.” 
“love, i've told you before to take no notice of him-”
“no, ben, he said something else last night. not just the men and women and sex thing.”
“well, what else did he say?” he asked, less annoyed this time, switching off the ring and giving you his full attention.
“he said that you and i are only close because you want to get into my pants.” although he asked you to tell him (and you would have told him anyway), you couldn’t help but feel ashamed at telling ben. you knew he would be mad that you let something dan said cloud your judgement about him, but you also knew that he would deny it. you wished he wouldn’t.
“you know that’s not true, right?” there it was. “you know i would never do that to you, or anyone for that matter. don’t let him get into your head; he’s a dick.”
“yeh, course.” you mumbled as ben turned back to the pan, flipping out the pancake onto a plate. as both of you ate, you sat talking about anything and everything. you were content just being here with ben, and yet you still couldn’t get those thoughts out of your head.
to ben, all you would be is his best friend; he made that perfectly clear last night and this morning. to you, your feelings would always be there, making it unfair on anyone else you dated. your heart was wrapped around ben indefinitely.
after breakfast was finished and the kitchen was tidy, you said your goodbyes to ben (even though you don’t normally kick him out this early), making up a lie about finishing off some things for work. what you really wanted to do was talk to erin and lucy; you needed to empty your head to someone.
“hey, you guys are okay to chat, right?” you asked as soon as the facetime connected to the both of them.
“yeh, of course!” “i’ve got my wine, i’m ready.” they both replied, supportive smiles already on their faces.
“okay, i’m sorry i’m bringing this up again, but i’m still thinking about dan’s comment last night.”
“which one?” erin giggled, taking a sip of her wine.
“the one about ben only being close to me because he wants to get in my pants.”
“that’s not true.”
“it’s true.”
“what?” you and erin asked lucy, who sat with a slight smirk on her face.
“ben does want to get into your pants, but not as a one time fling or being friends with benefits, he really likes you.”
“he does?”
“yeh,” both you and erin looked at each other, pure shock coming over your face and slight shock on erin’s. “he got drunk with the lads one night and came to my place instead of yours-”
“makes sense,” erin perked up, taking another sip of her wine. “your apartment is literally a floor below Y/N’s.”
“exactly; he miscounted the floor numbers and came to my door. he kept on apologising so i let him in and he just ranted about dan saying stupid things again about the two of you. then he spilt his feelings and almost broke down asking me not to say anything. i told him he should go to your place and tell you himself. he said he would and i assumed he did, but obviously-”
“he didn’t. that night he came up to my apartment and basically passed out on the sofa. i pulled his shoes off and left him a glass of water and some painkillers for the morning. that was it; he didn't really say anything at all until the next morning.” you frowned, thinking at how literally minutes before ben stumbled into your apartment, he'd stumbled out of lucy’s. 
“wow, well i knew benny boy had feelings, but i didn’t know he did that.” erin said, turning and making sure harry hadn't heard any of that conversation. 
“no one knew, i kept ben’s drunk escapade a secret. he couldn’t even remember it happening.” after that, all three of you were slightly stunned into silence. it was a minute before anyone spoke. 
“what are you gonna do?” erin’s voice was small, something that isn't normal for her. her wine glass had been discarded (though half empty) and she and lucy were both looking at you. you knew your face hadn't change. even without looking at your screen, you knew the only look on your face was disbelief. 
“i-i don't know.”
“surely you're gonna do something?” lucy gasped. 
“and say what to him? ‘hey, ben. i've just been chatting to our good friend lucy and it turns out you drunkenly told her about your feelings for me’. i’m not good with confrontation!”
“and that's why you two will never be together!” erin chuckled, shaking her head at you. 
“what do you mean?
“i mean, you're scared of confrontation and ben will never admit his feelings for you because he's scared you’ll reject him.”
“but i wouldn’t-”
“he doesn’t know that.” she was right. ben doesn’t know what you're thinking, and you don't know what he's thinking. right now, the only way to get over the situation is if you say something. yet, you couldn't help but think that ben’s drunken confession was just that: drunken and stupid.
“i need some time to think, girls.”
“just keep us in the loop, yeh?” lucy asked, pity absolutely drowning her face. 
“will do, bye.” you waved as did lucy and erin, saying their own goodbyes before you ended the call. 
this had changed everything. of course it had. you definitely didn't feel the same way you did before the call, and you definitely didn't feel the same way about ben as you did before the call. you couldn’t help but think if this had changed things, if this had given you the confidence to finally tell ben about how you feel. 
it was something to sleep on, something to cloud your thoughts for another night. 
but you didn’t get the chance to do that. before you had even managed to settle down for the night, there was a loud, and brash, knock at your door. the thought of ignoring them crossed your mind, hoping it would be a drunken fool who had stumbled across the wrong apartment.
yet, no matter how long you stayed laying on your back, staring at the blank canvas of your ceiling, the knocking did not cease. with a grumble, you made your way through your apartment and towards the front door, not bothering to switch on any of the lights on your way.
as soon as your door was open, whoever was on the other side flung themselves inside, stumbling as they attempted to pull off their shoes. you couldn’t even see who the person was, the low light of the hallway doing little to help you figure out who the intruder was.
and, just as you were about to speak up, the person spoke - though it was more of a grumble - and said, “luce, i’m sorry for doin’ this again.” ben. his voice was slurred and his actions were full of haste. the way he threw his shoes to the side and his jacket on to the floor made you realise he truly thought he was on the floor below; everywhere he was throwing things were where lucy had furniture.
then you realised something else; it was happening again. that night lucy had told you about, with ben drinking with the lads, had happened again. though, you weren’t sure if he was drinking alone or not, but whatever had happened to ben had made him feel the need to see lucy, before anything.
“i know it’s prob’ly late, but i can’t stop thinking about her and you’re the only person who knows how i feel.” came ben’s mumbling voice again. he sounded weak, vulnerable, something you’d never heard in any tone of his voice before. well, there were some exceptions, but this voice, this tone, was something else. and it scared you.
but you stayed quiet, waiting for ben to either say something again or... something else to happen, like a meteor hitting the earth, to save the both of you from this conversation.
“fuck, you moved things around in here?” he grumbled, walking around to find something to grip onto or sit on.
your head was screaming to say something, to reply and end whatever this was, yet your heart was screaming to save yourself the heartache (from what, you didn’t know).
it wasn’t until ben managed to find a lightswitch that your heart began to race even faster than before. you were met with his disheveled look, his boots haphazardly pulled off and scattered across your floor and his jacket thrown carelessly across the wood of your dining table mismatched his reddening eyes and mess of his hair.
and, as if time was frozen, ben stood against the wall of your apartment, his eyes as wide as ever and his heart thumping against the case of his chest. you were no better; at least you knew who had stumbled into your apartment, but ben was in shock. because it was you. of course it was you, who else could make ben’s heart beat as fast as you could?
which is why ben stood still, acting as if he stayed deadly still, the predator before him would ignore his very existence. but the elephant was in the room, and you could not ignore the existence of that.
“ben,” you whispered, your voice stretching out to fill the gap between your bodies. instead, it died upon it’s journey, failing to reach the only person who mattered to you at that minute. “ben, it’s okay: i know.”
that didn’t settle his nerves. the only things those two words did was set his heart racing faster and he felt like his world was collapsing in on himself.
“no,” he shook his head, finally pulling his eyes away from your glance, turning his back towards you as his hands made his hair even more of a mess. “no, it’s not okay.”
but it was. it was more than okay because somewhere between ben stumbling through your door and this moment right now, you had found the courage to tell him that you knew, that you felt the same, this it was okay.
taking advantage of his back facing you, you stepped over to him carefully. at first, you were unsure of your movements, letting your hands linger in the air just above ben’s back before you took the final step and pressed them against his t-shirt-covered skin. the muscles in his back tensed and tightened, but he quickly let the warmth and welcoming feeling of you relax him.
only then did you become more confident, letting your hands move lightly over his back, mapping every bump and dimple they found. you ventured down to ben’s hips, covering the skin of his sides before settling around his front on his stomach.
“it’s okay, ben.” you said once again, your voice falling into a quiet whisper next to the shell of his ear as your chin rested on his shoulder. both of hands met yours. they were warm and fit comfortably between yours, something you had always imagined.
“how do you know?” he tested the waters, only letting his voice be loud enough for you to hear, like this was your little secret. you weren’t sure if ben was asking how you knew how he felt or how things would be okay, but you chose the former.
“lucy told me,” you replied in an equal tone, moving your head from his shoulder to press against his back, just between his shoulder blades. “she told me about that night you went to her apartment after you had been out with the boys: she told me how you felt about me.”
“and?” he said soon after, not wanting to wait any longer for a response that could change his life.
“ben, you mean the world to me, and i was always afraid that if we began a relationship, it could ruin our friendship. but i’m not afraid of that anymore, and i just want what i want: you.”
ben had never felt so sober. he had begun the night alone and, somehow, ended it in your arms; one of the places he didn’t think he’d be for a while.
his thumb began tracing small circles on the back of your hand, letting himself know that this was real and this was happening. it also grounded you. it gave you something to focus on when you needed it. but you didn’t want it to be that; you wanted it to be something that happens regularly and often. now, that might happen.
reluctantly, you pulled your hands from his, taking your arms away from his body as you circled around him. once his face met yours, neither of you could hold in the tiny smile which threatened to appear at the corner of your lips. god, you could only imagine what his lips felt like, what they tasted like. and you imagined that they felt like silk.
your hands quickly found purchase on ben’s body once again. this time, you traced the outline of his face, allowing yourself to take your time as you moved along his jawline. as one hand did that, the other tangled it’s fingers into the hair on the nape of his neck - something that he was growing out for a role, but you enjoyed it regardless.
ben was so overwhelmed, the only place he could find to anchor himself to you were your hips. he squeezed and pressed the skin lightly, wanting to live in the moment as much as he could, just in case you slipped through his fingertips, like silk does.
you can’t help but notice that you’ve never seen him like this before, so vulnerable and open to you and your touch. of course, you had touched each other before, but not with the softness and meaning like now.
“i want you, too,” ben finally whispered, never letting his gaze falter from you. his hands seemed to grip your hips a little harder as your hands slid down from his head and onto his shoulders. “that’s all i’ve wanted since i met you.”
just then, you pushed yourself onto the balls of your feet, managing to slightly close the gap between you and ben as his head bowed lower, too. your lips met like a perfect melody, so soft and gentle and better than you could have ever imagined.
slowly, and once again, your hands traced their way up ben’s skin, circling around his neck before toying with those little hairs you had suddenly become so fond of. and, as a response, ben’s hands shifted from your hips to your lower back quicker than you could register, pushing and pulling your body flush with his own.
his hands were warm and big and better than you could have imagined. they were strong, keeping the two of you together in perfect harmony as you explored the other’s touch after so, so long.
but, then ben pulled away, keeping you pressed against his chest while looking down at you, your lips swollen and red and, god, so beautiful. he only smiled, pulling away to grab your hand a second later.
he was your personal guide through your home, taking you towards your bedroom (only after turning off the light he switched on earlier). as soon as you got in the room, ben let you go, turning to close the door as you stood waiting for him; you almost felt like a stranger, standing there in your own room with no feeling of anything but ben.
once the door clicked shut, he turned his attention back to you. while he walked forward, you stumbled backwards, only stopping when the back of your knees hit the side of your bed.
“get in,” he spoke gently, pressing a light kiss to your forehead. “i’ll be there in a second.” and so you did. since you were already about to settle down for the night when ben knocked on the door, you just sat underneath the covers again.
seeing the cast of ben’s shadow on your walls from the beaming moon was a sight you knew you would never tire of. the way he moved gracefully as he pulled off his shirt and jeans, leaving on only his boxers and turning back to you.
he was a ghost striding towards you. a vision as his body drifted towards you, so bright and beautiful under the moon, so quiet as he slipped under the covers to lay next to you; his arms open and welcoming.
so you accepted, letting yourself have this, this moment, with ben. you found yourself tucked into his side, one arm dragged across his torso with your head on his chest. his left arm wrapped itself around your shoulders, his right arm laying adjacent to yours, letting your fingertips touch and ghost along one another.
you stayed there, for a minute or two, just getting used to each other’s rise and fall of your chests and the dips and bumps of each other’s skin. neither of you had felt more at peace than in that moment.
and as you lay there in ben’s arms, the steady beating in his heart right below your ear and finally feeling content, you knew that you were ready for love.
TAGLIST: @shes-over-bored @i-barely-go-on-online​ @sohoneyspreadyourwings​ @brian-maybe-not​ @deakysbabybooty​ @1001-yellow-daffodils​ @retromusicsalad @hardcoredisneynerd​ @painkiller80​ @leatherjacketmazzello​ @scarecrowmax​ @mebeatlized @seesiderendezvous​ @alright-mrfahrenheit​ @someone-get-a-medic​ @miamideacon @chlobo6​ @teenagepeterpan​ @spacedustmazzello​ @deakysgurl​ @forever-rogue​ @xcdelilahxc​ @keepsdrawings​ @igotsuckedintothevoid​ @kill4hqueen​ @supersonicfreddie​ @laedymoon​ @inthedayswhenlandswerefew​ @warriorteam1924​ @painandpleasure86​ @boomerangbassist​ @mamaskillerqueen​ @bhxrdy​
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prettypinky · 5 years
A/n: this was literally requested by no one but I felt like writing some Billy fluff so here you go
Warnings: slight cursing, slight angst, big fluffy billy
Summary: After Billy has a "situation" at home he comes over and you take care of him ❤❤
You layed sprawled over your bed, a relaxed smile on your face as your soft and fresh comforter coated your body in a protective layer of warmth. Man, having the house to yourself was great! Especially since it was spring vacation. Mom and Dad were currently out of the city for their anniversary and your little brother had gone off with his friend and his family to their lake house and wouldn't be back for around the time your parents came back as well, leaving you all alone with the house for at least a week.
You eagerly flipped to the next page on your book, anticipating for the next scene when you heard faint little creaks outside your bedroom window. Which was quite odd considering your room was located upstairs, on the second story of your house and not to mention that it was raining cats and dogs outside. You shuddered at the sight of your window, just the thought of the heavy rain on your skin sending chills down your spine. No one in their right mind would even think to go out in this kind of weather. Convincing yourself that it must have been an animal seeking shelter from the showers, you excluded the idea of a possible intruder out of your mind and diverted your attention back to your paperback book. It wasn't long until more noise interrupted your reading, this time, the noises were light tapping on the glass of your window. Begrudgingly, you took your gaze from the tan pages of the book and towards the window. Your heart nearly stopped at the sight, just outside your window, in the roof no less, stood your soaking wet boyfriend, Billy Hargrove.
You quickly threw your book in the direction of your nightstand, the perfume and hairbrush that had been peacefully resting on top, tumbling to the floor from the sudden impact. Scrambling out of bed and to the window you opened it to let him in. Unfortunately, this wasn't anything new to you, Billy showing up at your window at 3 am whether it being a school night or not was as a matter of fact, unfortunately, very familiar to you. You knew about his life at home but what caught you off guard was the fact that he had never come over in this weather condition. The once fluffy white clouds now a menacing grey shade, making them heavier and darker, the water droplets falling much harsher and thicker than before. Whatever happened at Billy's house must have been really bad.
Although you couldn't see his face very clearly through your window, the lamp from your nightstand being the only source of light, you knew his face was filled with tears, definitely bruised and definitely in need of your assistance.
With your help, he managed to crawl in through your bedroom from your window. He held on tightly to his rib and his leg as you were able to lead him to a wooden stool where he was sat, his drenched body making a little cold puddle underneath him wherever he stood for more than half a second. You quickly slid the glass down, closing and locking the window with a satisfying click just before rushing to the bathroom to retrieve big fluffy towels and a first aid kit in hand.
Setting everything down, you brought your hands to the hem of Billy's red splotched tank top and began pulling it up. You felt your heart stop as your eyes quickly settled on his body. Black and purple bruises littered his torso, almost diverting your attention from the deep, inch long cut in his stomach. Tears stung on your eyes but you quickly blinked them away. You couldn't cry, you had to be strong. Billy needs you.
You brought the shirt up and helped get his arms and head out of the soaking wet shirt, he trembled as you did. You let the dripping shirt fall to the floor with a splat and reached for one of the towels you had brought. Extending the towel in your hands, you wrapped Billy in it, protectively draping it over his broad shoulders and holding his shaking cold body close to your warm one, his hair tickling your face. You gently kissed the top of his head, resting your chin on his shoulder. He leaned into your touch, feeling much safer than before.
Hesitantly letting go, you knelt infront of him as you popped the kit open, finally being able to take all of Billy's aspects in. One of his eyes was red and puffy from crying while the other had a ring of faint greenish yellow and purple shades forming around it, and his lip was cut open, making your eyes go back to the once pale white tank top on the floor.
"Oh baby...." You winced at the sight of your tortured boyfriend, now beginning to patch him up.
Billy's gaze fixed on you as you cleaned him up. Your hair was now falling carelessly around your face, the result of you having sprung out of bed so abruptly. All you wore was a baggy basketball jersey of his and matching white shorts. He kept staring, mesmerized at the fact that someone as beautiful as you cared about a selfish douchebag like him, the thought making his eyes slowly well with tears again. He couldn’t stop thinking about how beautiful you looked in your natural state.
You stood up, facing him. You brushed a stray strand of curly hair behind his ear before carefully slipping your hands to his sore neck, gently bringing him to you as you kissed his forehead. He closed his eyes sofly as a single tear ran down his sun kissed skin which you siftly swiped at with your thumb. You intertwined your fingers with his, helping him stand up from the uncomfortable hard, wooden seat of the white stool and onto your bed. Kneeling infront of him, you carefully slipped off his muddy boots and soggy socks, laying them gently on the floor, next to your bed. You massaged his feet for a bit before peeling his wet jeans off of his damp skin.
You stood up heading to your door, "I'll be back baby," you called out before exiting your room in a rush.
You came back with a shirt and a pair of sweats for him from your dad's room. You helped him put the clothes on, his teary eyes following your every move until you finished.
"C'mere B," you cooed, propping yourself up in the bed. He did as he was told, laying between your outstretched legs, his cheek laying over your now damp stomach due to his curls still being wet from the pouring rain. His arms numbly layed to the side. You gave his hand a little squeeze, reassuring him you were there for him. "Do you want to talk about it?" You softly suggested, your other hand gently brushing his hair with your fingers.
That’s all it took for him to break, pained sobs escaping his lips as he shook against your body. He wrapped his arms around your waist holding onto you tightly, afraid that if his grip loosened for just a second you would vanish and he would awake alone.
Your hands began to run through his dirty blond locks as an attempt for any sort of comfort you could provide.
After a few long minutes his cries stopped, allowing himself to rest his head on your chest, arms still holding tightly around your upper half.
A long silence came between the two of you until Billy's broken voice spoke up,
"He.... started drinking again...." He began, his voice raspy, "He started yelling about some random shit to me and then he....." His soft voice trailed off, not finding itself as his mind recalled the events. His body shook for a little before it erupted with now soft and barely audible sobs. You were quick to pull him in your embrace, him accepting it quickly.
You loved Billy, and you knew how his father was too. No matter what people thought of him, no one deserved to be hurt the way Billy was. The only thing keeping you from marching to the Hargrove-Mayfield residence and punching Neil Hargrove square on the face was the fact that Billy needed your attention and care right now.
"Baby, please dont cry." You pleaded, placing your hand on the hem of your shirt, bringing your index finger and thumb under it. You brought the fabric from your jersey to his face and cleaned up all the snot that had started to peek out of his runny nose.
He gasped a little at your affection, "Babe don't do that, I'm gross right now."
His words brought a light giggle to your lips. "No baby, you're not gross." You kissed his forehead, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Do you want something to eat? I've got cake in the fridge."
You knew your mom had baked that cake and had planned to serve it during dinner when they got back and you just knew they were gonna give you shit about it when they arrived home but you didn't care. Billy needed you and that's all that mattered to you at the moment.
Billy replied with a soft hum, "Alright then, I'll be back soon." You informed him, gently getting up the bed, resting his head on a pillow.
His ocean blue eyes followed you until your figure exited the compacted pastel walls of your pretty pink room. As soon as you left his eyes darted around your room and fixed his gaze on the aftermath of his little visit. The trail of water droplets and muddy footprints from your window to the white wooden stool was the first thing that caught his eye, he knew those were gonna be a bitch to clean up. The stool had a puddle underneath it as well, his drenched clothes sitting next to it. He also noticed your nightstand and the fallen articles beside it, your book had been carelessly tumbled on top, the once clean and neat tan pages now bent and wrinkly. The first aid kit was popped open, half of it's contents were scattered nearby while the rest of the half was messily thrown inside the kit. His eyelids grew heavy as he began to fill up with guilt.
All of this mess for him?
You fetched a slice of cake and a tall glass of milk from the kitchen and headed to your room. When you came back you found Billy wrapped up like a burrito in your cozy blankets, now sound asleep.
You set the food in your nightstand, a light chuckle escaping your lips. You carefully sat in bed with him, bringing your hand up to cup his cheek as you lightly pressed your lips to his forehead. As you did your ponytail slid from it's place on your shoulder, accidentally falling in Billy's face. He scrunched up his nose as the hair tickled his cheeks.
Shit. You thought as you quickly pulled your hair away.
His eyes fluttered open similar to a butterfly's wings and looked up at you, his eyebrows curved in confusion, a ghost of a smile forming on his chapped lips. "Y/n/n? Is it morning already?" His voice was noticeably coated with confusion and tiredness.
You shook your head, an amused grin on your face, "No, babe go back to sleep."
He yawned, eyeing your nightstand, "Is that for me?" He asked, nodding towards the dessert and drink.
"Yes, but you're tired right now," you began playing with his curls, "go to sleep, you can eat it later."
"But I'm not sleepy," he yawned, "I'm hungry." He mumbled, a pout naturally forming in his fainted pink lips.
"Okay, okay," you agreed, grabbing the plate off of your nightstand, sitting up. So did Billy, leaning against your chest. "Open." You commanded, referring to his mouth. He complied, a devilish grin spreading across his face as you brought a spoonful of cake to his mouth. He kept his gaze on you at all times as he chewed, his smile falling a little at the realization of all the kindness he got from you but didn't deserve.
"Yeah? Do you need anything else?" You asked, voice laced with genuine worry. Your words brought a faint smile to his face.
"No princess," he shook his head lightly, his curls swaying as he did. He chewed on his lip, looking anywhere else but you, "Why are you so nice to me?" He asked his voice breaking a little more than he would like to admit.
"What do you mean?" You asked, your brows furrowed as you brought another spoonful of the dessert to his mouth which he rejected with a shake of his head as hee sat up to face you.
"I'm known for being the biggest dick in Hawkins while you're literally known for being the most kind person in this shit hole of a town and you were even kind to me when you first met me. You're always there when I need you but I don't wanna give you any more problems Y/n." he paused waiting for your reaction but you stayed still as a statue, unable to say anything. Once he saw he hadn't received anything from you he continued, "I don't deserve y-"
"Don't you dare finish that sentence Hargrove." You warned with a stern tone, setting the food down. You only ever used his surname when he was being ignorant, stubborn or was just making you mad and it never failed to intimidate him. "Listen here and you listen good, you love me and I love you and it hurts me to hear you say stuff like that because you deserve the world and it's not your fault. It never is, it's his." You didn't need to say the name for him to understand that you were talking about his dad.
You cupped his face in your hands as you brought your mouth to his, planting a slow kiss on his plump pink lips which he returned.
"I love you Billy Hargrove and I'll always be here to protect you." You whispered against his lips as you pulled away.
Billy smiled weakly at your words, his eyes tearing up again as he wrapped his strong arms around you, enveloping you in a hug.
You're right y/n. He thought to himself, a tear running down his cheek.
You are my protector.
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bella-ca · 5 years
Y/N has always known she was different. She just didn’t realize how much. Upon her 18th birthday she gets information that will forever change her life. The stuff of her nightmares is reality. The things that go bump in the night really do exist. It’s up to her and her family to fight these monsters. Her life will never be the same. What happens when she falls in love with one such being? Will she live up to her legacy or become what she hunts?
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A/N: My muse kept telling me this story needs to be told. I love anything related to supernatural/horror beings. I decided to use the Y/N= your name format. This is a TRR love story. It is a slow burn. This is unbeta. All mistakes are mine. I hope you enjoy. Disclaimer: All characters belong ito choices by Pixelberry. I’m just borrowing them. Same with the pics they are not mine.
Warnings: violence, cursing, murder, revenge, death. By reading you are acknowledging you are at least 18 years of age.
Word count: 1608
Chapter 1
You’re running through the forest chasing another one. You hear the howl in the moonlight. You smirk. Like that is supposed to scare you. With your inhuman speed you catch up to the beast easily. You throw a dagger catching the beast in the shoulder blade. It howls in pain pulling out the knife and changing direction. You stop to pick up your dagger. You wipe the blood off the knife. The silver of the blade gleaming in the moonlight, You were surprised it touched the silver dagger. Pure silver is very painful for them to touch. It is one of the only things that can harm them. Usually you only got them back after killing the beasts. You keep the dagger in in your left hand and remove your gun from it’s holster. The clip loaded with silver bullets. You follow the trail of blood deeper into the forest. You approach cautiously listening for any movement. You have been tracking it for a while. You finally got a break after learning that this beast attacked a man earlier in the evening killing him. You caught his scent and have been tracking him ever since. You hear movement to your left and follow. You catch a glimpse of fur out of the corner of your eye. You throw the dagger catching him in the leg. He howls in pain but doesn't stop. He slows just enough for you to get a lock on him. You fire your gun twice catching him in the back. He slows but doesn't stop. He runs into a cave. Stupid bastard you think to himself. You cautiously walk to the entrance of the cave and find the beast. Laying on the floor. Bleeding out. It grabs the knife in his leg and throws it back at you. You dodge out of the way the dagger hits the floor with a clang. You smirk at the beast. “You have to do better than that.” You tell it as you aim your gun at the creature. It growled menacingly. You may kill me, but more will take my place. You hear in your mind. “You laugh then I will kill them too, until all you bastards are gone.” You aim for the heart and pull the trigger. Putting the beast out of its misery. As soon as you did it turned back into a human. You sighed pulling the body into the woods to bury it. That was the part you hated the most. Usually you could burn the body but you were afraid of the smoke attracting people so you would cut off the head and bury the body. It was dirty work, but hey you do what you gotta do.
7 years ago
“Happy Birthday Y/N!” You smile as you wake up. Your mom, dad and sister stand there. Thank you you say as they each hug you.
“Your an adult now. How do feel?” your little sister asks you.
You laugh “The same as I did yesterday.” you say taking a sip of the coffee.
“So do you have plans tonight? Your father asks.
“Well, I was going to head out with Alex and Josh. They said they want to go out clubbing tonight.”
Alex and Josh have been your best friends since you moved to Washington in 5th grade. They were like the brothers you never had. You were all very close. Your father didn't like the fact that your best friends were boys. Especially when you got older, but you told him that they were nothing more than friends. Your father was a well trained bodyguard and taught you everything you knew. He knew you could handle yourself around boys. Growing up you never got along with girls. They seemed to dislike you the second they saw you. You used to come home upset when you tried to make friends with them at school. Your mom and dad always told you it was just because they were jealous of you. You never understood why. It just seemed like they could sense something in you and they didn't like it.
As you got older, you saw the way all males were immediately drawn to you. They always told you how pretty you were. They would all make advances toward you but Alex and Josh made sure that they all left you alone. Sometimes they were a little too overprotective. You would shrug it off as them being overprotective of their little sister. After seeing how they protected you, your father warmed up to them quickly and considered them family. You were always more of a tomboy growing up. You excelled at sports. When you were about 16 you started to feel different. Your senses started to become sharper and you were stronger than most girls your age. You just thought it was puberty and all the self defense training your father was giving you was making you strong.
After finishing your breakfast, you got up to go for a run. You loved running feeling the breeze thru your hair. You felt free. It gave you time to enjoy nature and also helped to keep you in shape. After your run, you went back home and started working out in the basement of your parents home. Your father had changed into a training room for you to train in. You started hitting the punching bag.
“Hey sis” your sister Sofia called to you.
“Hey” you said back while throwing a spin kick to the bag.
“Don’t you ever get tired? She asks you rolling her eyes. She was always more of a girly girl. She stayed in shape, worked out and could defend herself to a point, but she never had the senses and strength that you had when you were her age. She was always the one chasing after the boys while you competed against them.
“I was wondering….can I go clubbing with you tonight?”
You paused and turned to look at her. “Seriously? You asked surprised.
“Umm...yeah” She says shrugging her shoulders.
“You know Dad will never allow it.” Your sixteen. How would you even get in?”
“Y/N I have been to clubs before .” she tells you rolling her eyes. “I don't know sis.” you tell her punching the bag again. “Aww come on Y/N please???” You don't turn around. You know if you see her puppy dog eyes you would say yes. She grabs your arm making you look at her. You see tears welling in her eyes as she gives you the puppy dog look. “Ugh ok.” you tell her. “But you have to be the one to ask Dad.” “Okay” she says a smile on her face as she leaves to go to school.
You smile going back to the bag. You know your father would never let her go. The only reason he let you go out at her age to parties was because of Alex and Josh. Sofia had friends but mostly girls so your dad was even more protective of her. Being your birthday, you took the day off from work. You spent the morning with your mom and had lunch with her at your favorite restaurant and went shopping with her for your birthday. She helped you pick out an outfit for the club that night. Of course you disagreed on what to get. She wanted to buy you a dress, but you felt more comfortable in jeans. When you got home you saw your dad was there. “Hey Dad your home early.” You tell him. Yeah, I took the afternoon off to spend time with your mom.” “Awww you old people are so cute.” you tell him with a smirk. “Excuse you, I am not old.” He tells you drawing you in for a hug. “You're lucky it’s your birthday or you would pay for that remark.” You both laugh. “Hey I got something for you.” He says giving you a box with a bow. “Happy Birthday Mija.” He tells you.
You open the gift and find an all silver dagger with beautiful etching on the handle with your initials on it.
“Dad it’s beautiful. I love it.” You take it out of the box and began to flip it in your hand. He taught you how to use various weapons but you always loved knives and daggers of all kinds. The way they felt in your hand. You loved practicing with them and you were damn good at it too. “Hey keep the fancy moves for the training room.” he tells you with a smile.” You grin putting it back in the box.
You were very close with your parents. They were always there for you. You trusted them with everything. There were never any secrets between you. You and your parents hung out together for a little bit before going out for a afternoon movie date. You were having a great day so far spending time with them. Little did you know the night of your 18th birthday your life would forever change.
Chapter 2
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luciisthebest · 7 years
Don't Betray Me Again
Pairing: Demon!Dean x Demon!Reader
Summary: Dean lays claim to the reader after she intentionally angers him.
Warnings: Smut (it’s awful I’m sorry), angst, language, violence.
Word Count: 1,279
A/N: I am so sorry. I’m not really sure why I wrote smut but it just kind of happened. Demon!Dean must just bring that out of me. I will be continuing the series so please feel free to let me know what you think of it.
Catch up here: Part 1 , Part 2
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“Where is he?” Dean growled dangerously.
“He left.” You croaked out still rubbing your neck. Crowley must have done a lot of damage considering how long it was taking to heal.
Picking yourself up you faced him. “He wanted to ensure that I had the proper motivation to do my job. He was displeased that you got into a fight yesterday.” You glared at him.
You were now toe to toe with him. “And what job would that be?”
“I told you, he wants me to seduce you.” That wasn’t the whole truth but you were hoping that Dean would just accept your answer. Of course he didn’t.
“Well you have done that. Quite successfully. So why would he need to motivate you, unless there’s something your not telling me.” He pushed you up against the railing.
“Crowley wants me to distract you.” You admitted cowering.
Dean started laughing.
You looked at him in confusion. “Why are you laughing?” You snapped in annoyance.
“For once Crowley got it right. If there is any way for him to distract me its with you.” He lowered his mouth to your neck. “I just can’t seem to get enough of you.” He whispered against your neck.
You softly moaned causing him to smirk. You liked where this was going. But then Dean stopped. “I need a drink.” He stayed before grabbing you by the arm and pulling you down the stairs.
“What, wait I thought…” You trailed off.
Dean quirked his eyebrow and smugly smiled. “Oh I know sweetheart.” Then he dragged you all the way down to the car.
You didn’t understand why Dean had insisted you go to the bar. He was just sitting there doing shot after shot. Annoyed, you decided it was time he started paying attention to you. Getting up from your seat you approached the dance floor.
Scanning the dance floor, you found your man. You quickly walked up to him and whispered in his ear “want to dance pretty boy?” He grinned at you and then placed his hands on your hips.
You danced with the man for several minutes before glancing over at Dean. Dean’s eyes were glued to you as you danced. You watched as he clenched his jaw in anger and took another shot. It looked like you were going to have to take this one step farther. Grabbing the man’s hand you pulled him off the dance floor and led him to the back of the bar near the bathrooms. Honestly you had no interest in him, he was a piece of shit, but he was a means to an end. Pushing him up against the wall you began assaulting his lips. Within seconds you were ripped off the man.
Without a word Dean began punching the man. He swiftly pulled out the first blade and began stabbing the man over and over. The man had long since been dead by the time Dean was done. Blood had splattered all over him and all you wanted to do was lick it off of him, he looked so hot.
“Don’t ever do that again.” Dean warned before pushing you into the bathroom. “You’re mine” he growled in your ear. He then traced hot, wet kisses down your neck.
You moaned without even realizing it.
Dean stopped and looked up at you, his eyes completely black. “If you can’t stay quiet sweetheart, I’m going to have to gag you.” You quickly shut your mouth as he continued placing kisses on your neck. He already had you pinned up against the wall and was working his hand down to the front of your jeans.
“What’s with you always fucking me up against walls?” You gasped out.
Dean smirked and then unbuttoned your jeans working the zipper down. He quickly pushed your jeans and underwear down, and hastily began pulling his boxers and jeans down. “Now, remember to keep quiet, or I’ll have to punish you later.” He lifted you legs up off the ground and you wrapped them around his waist. You could feel his hard cock resting against your wet core and let out a small moan.
With a self satisfied smirk he slammed all the way into you, burying himself deep within your pussy. You accidentally let out a scream and Dean gave you a warning look. You bit down on your lip in an attempt to silence yourself. Dean was punishing you, for teasing him. He slammed into you with such force, that it bordered on pain. You loved every second of it and quietly begged him to continue. You grabbed onto his shoulders, your nails digging in. He groaned in response and you dug them in harder.
Small noises were beginning to escape your throat. You could tell Dean was also having a hard time staying quiet. So much so that he buried his head into your neck and gently bite down on your neck. You were beginning to feel the familiar heat of your orgasm building in your stomach.
Dean began thrusting harder and faster. “Fuck! Dean I’m gonna come!” He pushed into you harder causing the coil within you to snap. Your walls clenched around him as you began to orgasm. You orgasmed so harder that you blacked out for a few seconds. Dean pounded into you a few more times before you could feel him fill you up with his cum.
You put your feet back on the ground, trying to regain your balance. Dean quickly pulled out of you and got redressed.
Glaring at you Dean said “don’t ever do that again (y/n), you’re mine. Betray me like that again and I will kill you. Now get yourself cleaned up.” Dean then strode out of the bathroom leaving you there to clean up.
After cleaning up you grabbed your jeans and underwear off the floor. Quickly putting them back on you tried to make yourself presentable. Looking in the mirror you saw your hair was an absolute disaster and you had hickies all over your neck. Touching your neck you noticed in your reflection that your hands some how had blood on them. You weren’t quite sure how it got there. Turning the water on you began washing your hands. Over the sound of running water, you heard a noise causing you to startle.
“Hello darling.” Came Crowley’s voice.
Crap, he had already found out about the guy Dean had killed. You turned and faced him observing that he had brought two other demons with him.
“Now, wasn’t it just this morning that I warned you not to fail me again? Well you did, now I think it’s time for you to be replaced and taken care of.“ He nodded at the other two demons.
"Wait Crowley, I can fix this just give me another chance.” You pleaded.
Crowley just smirked at you. The two demons pushed you into the corner. You tried to fight them off but they quickly overpowered you. Realizing that there was no to escape you attempted to scream, but right as you opened your mouth, one of the demons hit you on the back of the head knocking you out cold.
Pain pounded through your head and arms. You slowly began to regain consciousness and your eyes fluttered open. This was it you were going to die. You’d kind yourself hanging from the ceiling in chains. This was how you would finally die, like an animal, chained up and waiting for your master.
Part 4
@mogaruke, @msimpala67
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