#I dunno I like baking with my pals and family it's fun
some-pers0n · 5 months
for th ask game. mint
Yippeee I love baking cookies!! They'd be fun to make with ya methinks
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brokenmusicboxwolfe · 2 years
My mood hasn’t been great lately, somewhere between curl up in utter despair and frustrated “Hulk smash” rage, but geez, what I whispered into Daniel’s unsuspecting kitty ear as I lifted him out of the way to bake tonight’s sculpting chore surprised me.
“Death comes for us all baby. No mercy, no comfort, and always way too soon. If I go first you all will have to fend for yourself, so get ready just in case darlin’” 
Good thing cats don’t speak English, ‘cause I sure don’t want my beastie pals feeling like I do lately*!
* By lately I mean the last ten damn years, exactly actually. Every time I think life can’t get tougher, more hopeless, and lonelier it does. I’d like death to keep their distance thanks, since I don’t have the energy to deal with the whole dying thing, but you know how it is. The older you get the faster the clock ticks and the more you realize that, sucky as it is, you need to accept that your life can’t really get better at this point. It’s all about enduring and surviving by the skin of your teeth as long as you can. Life becomes a kind of endless battle with death that you can never win, only postpone your defeat. 
Honestly, I’m worn out all the time now, and have to really force myself to keep fighting. Much as I love my beasties, I’d love even more to have friends to hang out with or family that loved me or a day free of deep worries or, oh I dunno, a little tiny bit of fun. Or maybe just a full 8hrs of sleep FFS! Existence has gotten to be a slog, wearing me down in ways I never have the time to recover from before something else crashes into me.  
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brw · 4 years
Reed and Sue for the character ask please?
Sexuality Headcanon: I definitely see him as asexual!! Despite being almost 50 in canon he’s only ever really been with one person, Sue. He was only shown to have one girlfriend previously and even then their relationship for the most part seemed fairly one-sided so! Also despite being one of marvel’s oldest characters I could probably count all the times he seemed attracted to people on one hand fdcbfvhjvfbhj. he is an ace king <3
Gender Headcanon: A man but only by association <3 jk kinda but um i am fluid abt this! i definitely have written fics about him being trans or nonbinary so! but also it’s not a constant and i have plenty of cis-ish reed stories so yeah cdbdcbhjfcj.
A ship I have with said character: Him and Sue ofc is a big one :> one of the best classic marvel couples, if not the best! but ofc DoomReed is also a banger + him and Ben make a cute best friends to lovers dymanic fjhnfdv
A BROTP I have with said character: Him and Ben 2: the electric boogaloo vfjhfjfvjdv but um yeah! they have a very sweet underrated friendship??? like i’ve said, why don’t they hug more! they’re best friends and more people should remember that abt their dymanic reed is way too polite to ben jfc i’ve called my friends idiots (affectionate) at least 100 times. BUT aside from that he has a very nice dymanic with the other marvel scientists (tm), honestly “Atomic Knights Of The Round Table” how much more nerdy can you get jfc. definitely want to see some flashbacks to them playing DND cdddfhfvhfh. and finally him & jen! i find it very cute and sweet how close Reed is to random people tbh, he’s a human capybara.
A NOTP I have with said character: I dunno if I really have one? I haven’t seen anything that really made me go “ew” with regards to Reed. Most stuff is OK conceptually. I guess at a stretch (lol) that au where Natasha/Black Widow had a crush on him was kinda weird. But that’s about it dcbfdhjdfvdh
A random headcanon: IDK why but I see him as a clothes hoarder. One of those people who’s wardrobe is 80% stuff he borrowed and then never gave back from others bhcfdhbfvdh. When he does buy his own clothes they’re absolutely awful and garish <3 so he just ends up taking others. Perk of stretching; everything fits. I also think he could be good at baking but only when extremely stressed out idk why cfdchfdfdvhj.
General Opinion over said character: Legend <3 get’s a bad rep for sure. Just an autistic stretchy man who loves his family very much and is a good dad. I hope he’s having a good day. One of the Comfort Characters (tm) for me. Do wish his funko pop could like. stand up and not fall down BUT ASIDE FROM THAT. 10/10 a perfect character for my wants and needs. 
Sexuality Headcanon: Bi sapiosexual <3 /hj
Gender Headcanon: Similar to Reed I don’t have anything strong however her and reed have strong t4t vibes and I like the idea a lot tbh. Easily could be marvel’s trans milf representation if they were not cowards! but um yeah fchjfcdhfdhj. nothing strong but a lot of nice concepts <3
A ship I have with said character: Yet again, her n Reed! They’re very sweet and the fact that they’ve been going strong as long as they have is an achievement! BUT ALSO her and alicia have strong Gal Pals (tm) energy so that’s also fun. I also rlly like BenReedSue for her I just think she deserves to have two handsome boys love her a lot.
A BROTP I have with said character: Her and Jan Van Dyne have such a nice cute friendship! I definitely liked when you can see them go out for lunch n stuff and gossip about their pet scientists and kick ass together they should do it more often. They’re good friends! I don’t think it’s been on panel much but I would also like to see her friendship with Wanda! They obviously talked at least once bc Sue copied her opera gloves look for a bit so they obviously are close enough that Sue felt comfortable to do that, so I’d like to see more of them too! I think they’d have more in common than realised. and OFC her and Alicia again. Very sweet and nice. I like how much they care abt each other and look out for one another.
A NOTP I have with said character: Her and Namor <3 get that shit away from me
A random headcanon: NO idea why and I think this may be a latent piece of canon in the back of my mind that I cannot recall but I think she plays guitar, specifically base and is pretty decent at it. I also think that the few movies she starred in in Ye Olde Days have become cult classics now :>
General Opinion over said character: Wife <3 one of the most powerful marvel characters in universe and i’d like everyone to remember it! More than capable of kicking ass. should be allowed to go feral more often. Also deserves to be drawn as the 50 year old she is jfc stop making her look Vaguely 20 she is the same age as Reed and Ben and I will maintain this until the day I die <3 sufferer of Eldest Daughter Syndrome but we can’t all be perfect. Marvel keeps nerfing her by having her be written by D*n Sl*tt and B*rne because if they let her be the 50 something y/o milf capable of taking out the Avengers in 0.5 seconds she’d be too powerful for them to contain.
send a character!
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Holiday Magic Part Two
Summary: Christmas is a magical time of the year. Bucky and Y/N meet under odd circumsta
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Words: 1,672
Warning: slight angst; fluff
A/N: This is part two of my submission to @caplansteverogers Christmas Challenge. Thank you for being patient and understanding stuff happens out of our control!!! You’re a gem!  
New Year’s Eve 2017 (6:00 p.m.)
Time Square was abuzz with revellers. People crammed together, trying to keep warm in the arctic New York weather, anxiously awaiting the famed Crystal Ball to begin its descent. Most partygoers are decked out with 2018 hats, plastic glasses and horns. Even at this early hour, confetti litters the street and sidewalk. Musicians ready their voices to perform, in spite of the frigid temperature.
Tony suggested an impromptu gathering. Nothing glamorous. GQ casual. Everyone gathered around the common room and murmured. Steve spoke up.
“What???!!! Are you feeling alright, Stark?”
“Yes, Father Time. I wanted to celebrate with only the team. Why do you find that so unbelievable?”
Nat couldn’t resist. “It’s so not like you Tony. What gives really?”
Sipping on what is undoubtedly an expensive bottle of bourbon, Tony responded “Listen, the past year was shit for the Avengers. Guess a fresh start is in order. Food’s on the way; alcohol’s already here. Even Capsicle and Popsicle have their Asgardian whatever the hell it is.”
Wanda clapped her hands. “Well, I love the idea of a team only gathering. Small and intimate.” Turning her gaze towards Bucky, “Of course we can bring a date?”
Y/N had become an important part of the team. Bucky was a totally different person when she came around. Everyone loved her. Nat and Wanda were ecstatic for another female amongst the sea of testosterone.
“I don’t see why not? Will Y/N be joining us tonight, Popsicle?” The brooding super soldier nodded ‘yes’, leaving the room.
Sam prodded Steve. “What’s wrong with Barnes? Trouble in paradise?”
“Naw. I’ll go check on him.”
Sitting on the floor, head in this hands, Bucky wondered why Y/N agreed to spend New Year’s Eve with him.
“Bucky, tomorrow is New Year’s Eve. Do you have any plans?” Y/N hoped they’d spend time together, ringing in a new year.
Shrugging, “Nope. Why?”
“Why? Because I’d love to spend the evening with you. I mean if you want.”
“Okay. See ya at 8?” Kissing his cheek, Y/N rushed towards the elevator. “Call you when I get home. Byyyye”
Raising his hand to knock, Steve caught a glimpse of Bucky on the floor. His door was slightly ajar. “Buck, what’s going on?”
“She’s a great gal Stevie. Y/N’s a real peach. Wonder why she’d waste her time with me?”
Steve leaned against the wall, “Pal, you gotta give Y/N credit. The woman genuinely cares for you. Why don’cha give her chance?”
Bucky raised his head, “M’sorry man. It’s been years since I’ve felt this way ‘bout a dame.” His eyes welled up.
“Are you falling in love with her? It’s only been a few weeks.”
“I dunno if it’s love, but when we’re apart, my heart yearns for her. Am I wrong for feeling this way?”
Rubbing the back of his neck, Steve sighed. “You’re not wrong. Take your time and get to know her.”
“Get to know her?” Bucky scoffed. “What do you think we’ve been doing? Hell, I’m familiar with her whole family!”
“Calm down Bucky. It’ll be fine. I’m gonna shower and get dressed for the party. What time is Y/N gonna be here?”
“Eight.” He exhaled sharply. “Guess I better get dressed. Thanks for talking me down.”
“Anytime pal. See ya later.” Steve made the trek to his room across the hall. It was obvious how Bucky felt about Y/N. He also knew she shared the same feelings.
After showering, Bucky dressed in a pair of stone washed black jeans, a pale blue button down shirt and ankle boots. His damp hair was pulled into a neat man bun.
Opening the nightstand drawer, Bucky rubbed his calloused fingers across a black velvet box. Y/N had a thing for dolphins. He purchased a silver dolphin necklace with miniature diamond eyes. “M’gonna give this to her tonight.”
Bucky put the necklace on the top shelf of his closet and locked the door. Sam managed to creep in his room snooping from time to time.
New Year’s Eve (8:00 p.m.)
Y/N took one last look at herself in the elevator mirror. Hair, makeup? Flawless! Her tattered blue jeans hugged her curvaceous frame. Paired with a cream, back out midriff sweater and black flats.
Bucky waited nervously in the hallway. The elevator was slower than usual. Finally, Y/N turned letting her gaze fall on the fine specimen in front of her.
“Hey Doll. You look, wow!”
Kissing his cheek, “Why thank you Sgt. Barnes. I must say you clean up well.”
Offering his arm, “Shall we?”
Tony kept the menu simple and self serve; Hot, Mild, Atmoic, Lemon Pepper, Tereyaki, and Bourbon glazed wings, Spicy Smoked Potato Salad, New Orleans style coleslaw, Garlic Parmesan wedge cut fries, Chicken Bacon Ranch casserole, Twice baked cheddar biscuits. The desserts were to die for: New York Style Cheesecake in chocolate, strawberry, tequila and caramel.
Confetti, 2018 hats, horns, plastic glasses, and feather boas were on the ready. After feasting on delectable delicacies, the time had come for copious amounts of alcohol.
Y/N, Nat, and Wanda enjoyed extra strong martinis, dancing around the room. Tony, Steve, Sam, Bucky, Thor, Bruce and Viz engaged in a rousing discussion on traditional New Year’s Eve traditions.
Once in a while, Bucky would stop talking to take in the angelic sight before him; Y/N with her head thrown back, giggling like a teenager.
Steve nudged his arm, “Y/N’s having a blast.”
“Yeah, Stevie. M’happy she’s here with us; with me.”
Bucky loved the sound of her laugh and blinding glow of her smile. Taking a break, Y/N grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. She felt a pair of strong hands on her waist.
“Hey Sarge. I missed you.”
Kissing the top of her head, “Missed you too. Having fun?”
Swallowing the refreshing clear cold liquid, “Bucky, I’ve NEVER had this much fun on New Year’s Eve!!!!” Pushing up on her toes, Y/N grazed Bucky’s lips with a kiss. “Thank you.”
Wanda pulled her back onto the dance floor. “C’mon girl, let’s paaaarty.” Bucky froze, relishing in the unexpected kiss.
New Year’s Eve (11:58 p.m.)
In preparation for midnight, everyone donned some form of 2018 wear. Bruce poured champagne for an already inebriated bunch.
Bucky held Y/N close to his side. The time had come to start the countdown……
10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..1…..HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!  There were hugs, tears, and kisses!!! Steve offered the toast. “I don’t know what the year holds for us, but dammit we’ll be together as we were meant to be!”
Slurring a few words. Sam started a somber chorus “Auld Lang Syne”
♫♪♫Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne.
For auld lang syne, my jo,
For auld lang syne.
We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.♫♪♫
Bucky chose this moment to slip away with Y/N. “Why are we leaving Bucky? Is something wrong?
“No Doll, jus’wanna spend some time alone with you.” Opening the door to his room, “Ladies first.”
Taking in the sight in front of her, Y/N was transformed into the 1930’s. Bed neatly made, two hanging bookshelves, bedside lamp and nightstand. Nothing fancy but it all screamed James Buchanan Barnes.
“It ain’t much but m’okay. Guess old habits die hard.” Bucky never fancied extravagance. Plain and simple, like him.
Chuckling, Y/N motioned towards the closet. “What’s in there?” Turning the handle, unable to open it. “Why do you have your closet door locked? Who’s in there?”
Bucky brows drew together. “What? No one! Sam’s on the nosey side. Don’t want him messing with my stuff is all.” Part of that was true, part wasn’t!
“Excuse me while I use ‘the little girl’s room’ Sarge.”
“Sure thing doll. I’ll be here waiting for ya.” Tipsy, Y/N swayed into the bathroom, locking the door.
Wasting no time, Bucky unlocked his closet door, taking down the dolphin necklace, hiding it under his pillow. Hearing the commode flush and water running, a bead of sweat trickled down his forehead. “Shit, that was close.”
Kicking her shoes to the side, Y/N joined Bucky on his bed. ”Penny for your thoughts Sarge.”
Digging deep into his reservoir of courage, Bucky opened his mouth. “Y/N, since the night of Tony’s Christmas party, I can’t get’cha outta my head. I care for ya a lot.”
Laying her dainty hand atop the metal coolness, Y/N fluttered her eyelashes. “Sarge, I feel the same way. I can now laugh without wanting to cry. You’re good for me; we’re good for each other.”
“I, uh saw ya liked dolphins. Here’s something from me to you.”
Gasping, Y/N carefully opened the box. “Sarge! Oh my gosh, it’s breathtaking. Would you please put it on me?”
Standing in front of a floor length mirror, Y/N admired the necklace. Her smokey grey orbs glistened with tears. “Sarge, I love it and truth be told, in 5 days, you’ve managed to crawl into my soul and take root.”
Bucky lifted her chin. “2018 is our year. I’ll protect’ya with m’last breath. Y/N Y/L/N, would you do me the honor of being my best girl?”
Y/N scooted to his lap, getting a better angle on his soft lips. The kiss deepened as tongues fought for dominance. “Does that answer your question?” Bucky laid back on the bed with Y/N nestled against him.
2018 began where 2017 left off; filled with holiday magic for a promising new year so richly deserved, filled with endless possibilities.
TAGS: @caplansteverogers  @omalleysgirl22 @rebelslicious @pegasusdragontiger @suz-123 @debzybrazy @love2rhyme @shy2shot @papi-chulo-bucky @magellan-88
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basicvulcanqueen · 8 years
The Scientist
warnings: none/cursing
summary: Keanu develops a friendship with a girl and eventually it progresses, but not without some serious shit on the way lol
Chapter One, The Spot
   In a corner of the world often overlooked, there was a park. Commonly named, remotely located in the small town of Dayton, Tennessee, only a small city of locals and some others even knew of its existence. Behind the park was a short, grassy path, overgrown in the summer, making poison ivy a definite if you traveled to the spot in shorts. Walk back far enough, and there is a bridge, train tracks above you, and a creek deep enough to swim in ran as far as the eye could see.
   There was also an overpass, all four lanes of the highway running across on the right side, graffiti plastered all over the bridge and the under passage. Most of it was vulgar, middle school shenanigans, but along the posts of the train tracks, there were several, colorful, interesting paintings. It was sort of like a town treasure, everyone loved to hang out under the tracks, the adrenaline rush as a train rushed overhead, all other noise cancelled out over the roar of the engine, and the shaking beneath you.
   I'd done the paintings my first year in high school, finding the spot after theatre rehearsal one day. My nana rarely let me take the car, but when she did, I made every excuse to stay out. She didn't mind; she trusted me, I stayed out of trouble. I kept my grades and my actions in order, my flaws? Graffiti and cigarettes. I had friends all over the county, willing to buy me smokes as long as I paid for them, so despite Nana's concerns, I had them on hand at all times, never once asking her to buy them for me. That made her feel a little less convicted.
   It had been several years since I'd returned to the spot, now well into my twenties, 22 to be exact; I was driving the same exact car I used to keep out late in my teens, a birthday gift from my Nana and Papa, the nostalgia hitting hard every time I was in the drivers seat. As a grown woman, life had been a struggle. I'd dealt with depression, and bi polar disorder, driving away all of my friends. I spent my time with my mother, staying in the cottage behind her house. I'd stayed there all of my life, the solitude and peace of being at home. Comfortable. The woods surrounded me at night and it was always dark and mysterious, and I loved it. I was buried in the trees, the gushing waters of the creek behind the house comforting my slumber. I loved my small town.
   I came from a family of strange traditions and simple living. We lived modern, sure, with our technology and our video games, but as for our way of life, we were old fashioned. My mother had turned me onto cast iron skillets, and I'd become a little bit of a chef, loving to cook and bake as much as my mama did. As for heat, my mother and stepdad had bought a wood stove for their home, and I'd done the same. We cut our wood, tending to the horses and several outside dogs, as well as indoor pets and a few chickens.
   My brother bred and sold rabbits, making petty cash for silly high school things, basketball and girls being his only worries for the moment. We really were plain, but we were all so different. We all had goals, and aspirations, but we were simple to please, loving the smallest of things. I worked part time in a 24/7 dinner called Pete's Pies and Other Things, reading and exploring in my spare time. I often spent my days in the woods, journal in hand, listening to the sounds of the forest. That was my favorite place to be. I'd just recently gotten a puppy, a Belgian Sheppard named Nero. He was named partly after my Trekkie fandom, partly after the Roman Emperor Nero because I was a history fanatic, driving everyone in my family crazy with my fun facts and my knowledge and opinions, and if I was anything, it was definitely opinionated.
   Relationship after relationship, I was finding myself unsatisfied, lacking connection, and solitude being my safe haven. I couldn't find anyone I could truly connect with, and when I had, they were all significantly older than me. It drove my family nuts, my fascination with older men. I'd been thrown out of school my senior year for dating a teacher in another district. It was bullshit, the teacher kept his job, and I got my GED. I was fine, by myself. I didn't mind it. I never had, I could always occupy my time with something else, reading, writing. I had a world full of adventuring to do.
   I'd found myself chilled by the fall, the autumn air creeping in through the slight crack in my drivers side window. I faithfully ashed my cigarette, my curly black hair thrown in a loose ponytail, Kansas blaring through my speakers. I was in my usual autumn attire, my leggings, black, baggy black cardigan. I'd recently purchased my first belly shirt, white with a tiny alien on the breast pocket, hardly showing any skin, more visible than anything was the hourglass tattoo on my stomach, the left side covered halfway to my hip, the right side occupied by a turtle, beneath it, the entire world on his turtle back, the branches filled with birds and the initials of several loved ones. My body was covered in tattoos, my parents more than encouraging about my body art. I got several compliments on my work, oogled by most pig headed men because how often do you see a mulatto female covered in tattoos? Apparently not very often.
   I drove to clear my mind, no particular place I was heading. I loved to drive, especially with Nero at my side, when the sun was setting. I'd roll up a blunt or two and just drive, making my way to my favorite secluded places, letting Nero out to explore the terrain. He'd go on my hikes with me, and I'd pack the two of us treats and water, that way we could spend all day doing what we loved. He was laying in my backseat; I kept a blanket spread out for him, since his black fur would be everywhere if I didn't. I don't know why I found myself turning into spring city, the road narrowing as I came out by the middle school, just minutes away from the park. As I pulled into the parking lot, the only car I noticed was, undoubtedly, a fucking Porsche, with New York tags, sleek and beautiful, but too fancy for anyone around these parts of town. I gave it no second thought as I grabbed my bag, tossing my lighter and cigarettes, along with my water inside.
   It was a short walk to the trail that led back to The Spot, Nero never leaving my side as we made our way back, the cars passing by on the highway coming to a slow as the traffic from the day died down. The lamps that lit up the park gave great passage as we made our way back, the weeds and ivy mowed down now that it was fall. Nero led the way, sniffing out anything peculiar, perking up when he realized the beauty ahead of us. He quickened his pace, leaving me before I turned the corner of the wall/post that my balloon painting was on, not even noticing Nero standing near the rocks by the post, lapping at the crystal clear water. He went on to explore the surroundings, keeping close, as I took a seat, digging in my bag for my metal Star Trek tin, removing a blunt and lighting it, feeling finally at ease after a long day of work and nonsense. I'd made decent enough tips, more than any of the other servers, and I had the next two days off work, which I was thrilled about. I was going into relax mode, knowing after I returned home, I could start a fire, make some coffee, and read until the wee hours of the night, accompanied by Nero and the peaceful repetition of nightly crickets. Nero had gone out of view, but I could hear him, playfully prancing around the area. I don't know how I didn't hear the human footsteps approach, but Nero did. He bolted around the corner, sniffing out whoever it was, and I stopped in my tracks, quickly dubbing out my smoke and putting the unfinished blunt into the tin, replacing it with a lit cigarette. Nero wasn't alarmed for long, I quickly heard whoever it was tell Nero, "Aren't you a good boy? Where's your owner, pal?" And I quickly stood up, Nero returning to my side just before the man rounded the corner, and much to my surprise, I was greeted by the face of a celebrity. I almost thought I was seeing things, but sure enough I recognized the jet black hair, and the deep, penetrating brown eyes on the gorgeous face of none other than, Keanu Reeves.
   I took a step back, Nero nudging at my hand to pet him, forcing myself not to stare as he smiled at me, his face perfectly visible in the lamplight. He spoke up first, taking a step towards me and reaching out his hand. "Beautiful dog you have there, I'm Keanu, didn't mean to sneak up on you like that." He laughed it off smoothly, and I shook his hand, surprised at his friendly, welcoming demeanor. "Thank you, he goes everywhere with me. I'm Raven. And this is Nero." Nero sat at his feet, letting Keanu pet him, happily accepting the affection. I was a mess in my head, unaware of how to react, really. I had never encountered anyone famous in my life. Lowly stage actors, and film extras, once or twice, but never anyone as famous as him. What the hell was he doing here? In the middle of nowhere? As if he was reading my mind, he asked me if I was from the area, and I nodded, saying I'd lived here all my life, however my house was 20 minutes away on the other side of the county. "What brings you here?" I asked politely, resuming my seat, and he joined me, Nero laying between the two of us.
"I dunno, really. I wanted to get out of the city. My mom knew a photographer here, and I saw a picture online of the area, and I just... wanted to see it for myself. I've never been here. I wanted to work up some inspiration for a project I'm working on, and I figured this would be the place to start. I'm staying at a place called The Holiday Inn, it's in Dayton." I nodded, chuckling at the coincidence. Pete's was directly in front of The Holiday Inn, I was there almost everyday. "I work in Dayton. At the diner right in front of your hotel." He smiled, saying he was planning on making a stop there tomorrow for breakfast. I mentioned I was off work, and he sighed dramatically, causing us both to erupt into laughter. We talked for the better half of two hours, well into the sun going down, before we made our way back to the parking lot, Nero leading ahead of us, the night air cook around us. He looked relatively normal to be so gorgeous, in his long black coat, and his dark jeans, his grey boots and white shirt reminding me all too much of the many part he had portrayed in his career. It was like, for so long of seeking adventure, I'd met someone who had a life full of journeys and discoveries. It was odd, how well we hit it off, being from two totally different worlds. I lit up a cigarette, offering him one, and he accepted, using my lighter. He offered me his cell phone, saying he would like to keep in touch, and so we exchanged numbers, parting ways with a casual hug. He asked me to text him when I got home, so he knew I made it there okay. I said I would. I waved before getting in my car, my music starting up as I fished for my tin in my bag, Nero taking a seat up front as I lit my blunt, driving into the night, the 20 minute drive home exciting as I drove with Keanu in my taillights. He followed behind me until he had to turn off for his hotel, honking his horn, and I did the same. I couldn't wait to get home and tell my mom about the day I'd had.
   I had managed to sneak some proof, a quick picture of Nero standing next to Keanu, his hand placed lovingly on his head, a grin on his face. My mom was going to be so shocked. I was excited to return home, but disappointed to see all of the lights off at my mother's place, so I drove past, onto the gravel driveway that would be paved eventually, leading to my cottage. The space opened up, the creek running behind my house, through an orchard. My cottage was three bedrooms, flowers and plants of all sorts growing wildly around the house, my stepdad always joking that my house looked like something sort of like a fairy tale. I'd always kept up my garden well maintained through the year, but it was getting colder now, and all I had left were a few buds here and there, along with my weeping willow that took refuge in my front yard, always casting the most ominous shadow on my house. Nero and I made our way inside, my first objective to start a fire in the woodstove. I grabbed my lighter from my bag, shooting Keanu a text that I'd made it home ok, and sat my phone down, determined to get my fire started before I replied. The house was quiet, so I turned on my stereo, a treasure I'd found at 20 in a yard sale, the hits of the 80's,90's and today playing softly throughout the house and I piled wood atop my ever growing fire, and I took a minute to have a seat in front of it, having a cigarette as I watching the crackling flames. My phone vibrated on the table in the living room, and I retrieved it, a message from Keanu.
   K: Glad you made it home safe. What are your plans for the night?
   R: Just started a fire, I'm going to make some coffee, curl up with Nero and read. Anything exciting on your end?
   K: Not a thing, sounds like a fun night. Started a fire?
   I sent him a picture of my woodstove, and he sent me a text back shortly, amazed at the fact that I lived alone and used wood heat. He said he'd never met anyone who relies on it for a source of heat, which is always weird to me. It's always been my favorite form of heat. It's cozy, reliable, and if my power ever goes out, at least I'll be warm. Plus, cooking on a woodstove is ideal. The quality of the food is incredible.
   K: You'll have to show me sometime. If you're up a little later, care if I give you a call?
   R: I'll be up for a while, that's perfectly fine with me.
   K: Alright, I've got a conference call with a realtor in 15 mins but after that, I'll call you. :)
   R: Looking forward to it!
   I took the time to change clothes, the room next to mine serving as a storage room for nothing but my clothes, considering I had so many. I was devoted to thrift shops, finding 50 cent and dollar treasures everywhere I went, a collection of clothes, shoes, books, and all sorts of handy items, mine for a low price. I'd fallen in love with the beauty and the history of the things in thrift shops, some of my favorite Star Trek memorabilia purchased at several different thrift shops. I had Star Trek sheets, posters, paintings, figurines, and even a landline phone. I'd purchased lots of strange knick knacks over the years, including a Japanese tea set, several Buddha figurines, some handmade windchimes made of spoons, some very cool, wooden end tables, 5 of them to be exact, all under ten dollars from thrift stores.
   My mom and I had a crazy huge library of movies, dvds and vhs tapes, and we added onto it every other Tuesday when I got paid. We were all about home entertainment, being content with our lives. And we were. Simple, loving folk. We enjoyed our things, and spending time with each other. We did that more than anything. My mom and I had a rocky start growing up, but now, we have become best friends, the two of us enjoying the silly little hobbies we had. My stepdad went through a phase where we stockpiled can goods and nonperishable items, because of the economy, and now, we've done it ever since. We have an entire storage room in my basement dedicated to all things survival. A year's supply of canned goods, 10 adult survival blankets. Cases of water stacked to the ceiling, from years of preparation. We'd always taken advantage of our resources, so when we saw 4 folding cots at a yard sale, we bought them, and slowly over time, had bought up enough for all of us, taking measures to preserve the lives of our animals as well, stocking dog food and jugs of water for them. It seemed crazy, but the way we saw it, you could never be too prepared. We stocked up on toiletries and medicines, cabinets full of first aid equipment, antibiotics, mild pain relievers and Tylenol, of course, along with several other over the counter medications, both human and pet friendly, we were set there too.
  My stepdad, John, had kept in mind when building both their house, and my cottage, the need for shelters, especially underground. The land our house was built on had belonged to my family for generations, several houses being on the same exact land before it. Although none of the original houses remained, one cool feature was able to be used in the construction of our homes. A bomb shelter, ten foot underground, connecting the space between our houses. An enclosed area roughly the size of a tennis court, it had 5 separate living quarters, big enough for two cots and a wardrobe on wheels. There were solar panels connected to the kitchen in the shelter, so we would be able to cook and still have power for hours out of the day, along with a plethora of generators from junk yard trips and trades. He was the smartest man I knew, and he had taught us everything he knew.
I was killing time, waiting for coffee to finish brewing when I received a facetime request from Keanu, throwing the lights on in the kitchen nook and accepting, greeted by his face, smiling at me from his hotel room.
"So that's what your house looks like," he said, giggling at my table for two and all of my memorabilia. "I have so much crap. I'll give you a tour if you want. There's so much house I feel like I'm useless. I don't even take up half of it." He laughed, sitting up as I showed him my closet room, turning the light on to the basement staircase and descending it. "Woah, where are you now?" He asked, and I switched the view so he could see the space in front of me. There was the stockpile room, off to my left, and to the right, the hall that led to the bomb shelter, and that definitely struck his attention. "That's probably the coolest thing ever," he said, wowed at the time we had put into everything. I promised to show him one day, but I definitely didn't feel like walking all over the basement in the dark. I made my way back upstairs, listening to Keanu talk about the penthouse he just purchased in New York. He was planning on taking a vacation there next, he said. He was tired of California. He wanted to see what the bustling world of NYC had to offer. I told him that would be amazing, I'd always dreamed of going there in high school, being on the stage, taking the subway to work. But I told him, I never planned on leaving my little town. That seemed to disappoint him, but he quickly recovered when he asked me if I had plans for the next few days. I told him that I was off work 2 days straight, and he asked if I'd like to take him hiking the following day. He wanted Nero to come, and I quickly accepted. I told him I knew a great place, that I'd take my camera because the leaves would be changing and it would be a real sight. He agreed, and kept talking about how excited he was. I was excited too.
   We made plans to meet for breakfast, when he asked where, I offered jokingly to cook, and he encouraged it, so I said I would text him my address, and he was going to come to my house for breakfast the next morning. I cooked on Saturdays, my mom and stepdad would be joining, along with both of my brothers. He said that was perfect, that it had been a long time since he had a nice, normal breakfast. I assured him we were not normal, but told him I was thrilled to spend the day with him. He yawned loudly two hours into our facetime, and I immediately did the same, saying we would both need our rest for the next day. I quickly sent him a text with my address as I stoked the fire, putting more wood on it for the night, crawling into my own bed for the night before hanging up the phone. Nero climbed into bed, settling himself in next to me as I set my alarm for the next morning, peacefully drifting into sleep after the best day I'd had in a very long time.
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