#I dunno... Either I need to scratch my itch by writing fics or me running on two hours of sleep is not a good idea.
nimue-hidden-lake · 10 months
So, I finished this a few hours ago I totally did not binge this or anything. I'm not gonna lie... I didn't expect to love Bungo Stray Dogs as much as I do now. But it's that good, I have nothing but praise (mostly). Also... All I will say is that these men are the end of me.
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I... may or may not have started at least crushing on a few of them (and already f/oing probably) ... Or want to. I'm not sure if I should out in the open.
Anyway would totally recommend picking the series up if you didn't already! It's worth it! Love the writing overall (characters and interesting plot) and the anime has some great animation and cinematography. Season 4 & 5 especially holy! They really went all out on those.
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lyranova · 4 years
How would your oc react to meeting Aika👉👈
Of course Anshi 🥰! I hope I portrayed Aika well I apologize if I didn’t and I can always edit this or delete it if I need too 🥺! I hope you enjoy it I had a good time writing this as I have with my other OC interactions hehe. So i will say this is kinda personal to me (not in a dark sad way though!) because I’m currently going through what Neva is in this fic except I didn’t encounter poison oak 👀 i dunno whats causing me to itch lol!
Word Count: 1,226
Warnings: None
“ Stop scratching.”
“ I can’t! It’s itching like crazy!”
“ Please stop. You’re only making it worse.” Said an exasperated Yuno. He and Neva were currently on their way to see Owen about Neva’s itching problem. Normally they’d go to see Mimosa to take care of this, but she was currently sick and they didn’t want to bother her. So She and Yuno had decided to go to Owen and see if he could help her stop scratching.
“ I know I am, but it just won’t stop itching!” Neva argued as she continued scratching her arms profusely. Normally she’d be wearing her arm length gloves but all they did was irritate her condition. Yuno sighed and shook his head.
“ You’re unbelievable.” He stated as they continued walking through the halls looking for Owen. Neva sighed suddenly.
“ You didn’t have to come with me y’know.” She muttered sheepishly as she decided to stop scratching for a moment.
“ It's the least I could do,” He told her with a small shrug. “ considering this was partially my fault.” He added motioning to her arms, she shook her head dismissing his blame.
“ It's not your fault, how were you supposed to know the bed of plants we landed in were poison oak?” She told him. The two of them had decided to take a mission together since Mimosa was sick and Klaus had taken it upon himself to take care of her. So they were sent out to take care of a ring of bandits that were hiding in a nearby forest, and once they had reached the hiding spot they hid in a small thing of bushes. Unbeknownst to either of them it was full of poison oak, although Neva couldn’t understand why he didn’t have a reaction but she did.
“ I should’ve checked before I-.” He began but was cut off as a woman with long dark hair approached them, she appeared to be looking for something or maybe someone.
“ Excuse me! Hi, sorry to bother you two but I have a question,” the woman started as she continued to look around. “ Have you seen a little old woman running around? She’s about ye big?” She added as she held her hand out to show them the old woman's height. Both teens shook their heads.
“ No, but we’ll be sure to keep a lookout and let you know.” Neva said before she went right back to scratching, the woman raised an eyebrow at her and cocked her head to the side.
“ Are you ok?” She asked with a hint of concern in her voice, her eyes watching Neva’s hands. Neva looked down and nodded.
“ I’ll be fine. I had a run in with some poison oak and we were just looking for Owen to see if he had something I could put on it.” Neva told the young woman nonchalantly, the woman's eyebrow raised slightly higher.
“ Oh don’t worry I can take care of that. Just follow me.” The woman turned on her heel and began to walk down the hall with Neva and Yuno behind her.
“ I thought you were looking for that old woman?” Neva asked as they rounded the corner and walked into a small room. The woman in front of her shrugged.
“ I’ll find hi-i mean, her later. But right now I just want to help you.” The woman turned to smile at Neva before pointing to the only chair in the room. “ Take a seat. Oh by the way,” she added as Yuno went to follow them inside. “ Boys are not allowed.” She pushed his shoulder a bit before closing the door in his shocked face.
“ Sorry about that, but since this room is so small I figured the three of us would barely be able to fit.” She said with a sheepish laugh. “ I’m Aika by the way.” She added, apparently having realized they hadn’t introduced themselves yet.
“ Oh I’m Neva.” Neva introduced herself with a small nod of her head before adding. “ I’d shake your hand, but I don’t feel like giving you the rash too.” Aika nodded in understanding before crouching down and taking hold of Neva’s arm.
“H-Hey, didn’t you hear what I just-.” Neva started to protest before watching as Aika healed the rash on her arm after only holding it for a few seconds, she then moved onto Neva’s other arm and healed that one as well. She couldn’t hide the amazement on her face as she watched the rash completely disappear. “ That’s one amazing recovery spell.” She added in awe before hearing Aika chuckle as she stood up.
“ Thank you! It was nothing really, I’m surprised you didn’t just ask one of the mages in your squad to take care of it.” Aika stated as she dusted off her dress, Neva shrugged as she pulled her gloves out of her bag and put them back over her arms.
“ Ah, well the best recovery mage we have is currently ill so that wasn’t an option. While the others…” Neva trailed off as she tried to search for the proper words. “ Well, let’s just say we don’t get along.” Aika cocked her head to the side again as she looked at Neva.
“ Why’s that? I apologize for prying.” She said with another sheepish laugh before Neva waved the apology away.
“ We just don’t get along due to personal differences. No big deal.” She stated as she went to stand up and dusted off the back of shorts and dress. “ Thank you for your help, you really saved me.” Aika shrugged.
“ It was my pleasure, at least now your boyfriend can stop looking so concerned.” Aika said with a small giggle causing Neva’s face to turn a small tinge of pink at the misunderstanding. ‘Wait. Did she just say he looked concerned?’ Neva hadn’t noticed it on his face, he looked just like he normally did, maybe Aika was seeing things?
“ Oh no, Yuno’s not my boyfriend! We’re just squad mates, nothing more.” Neva said as she waved her hands slightly in front of her to try and clear up the confusion. Aika suddenly had what appeared to be a teasing yet somewhat mischievous smirk on her face.
“ But you want to be.” She told her with a teasing tone before laughing again at Neva’s steadily growing blush. “ Don’t worry I won’t tell anyone.” She added in a hushed whisper and winked before opening the door.
“ Try to stay away from the poison oak ok?” Aika told Neva as they walked out of the room, Neva nodded before turning to look at Yuno who was leaning against the wall opposite of them.
“ Will do. Thanks again for this Aika.” Neva said before she and Yuno began to walk away. “ Oh,” she turned to look at Aika. “ I hope you find that old woman you were looking for.” Aika just laughed.
“ Oh don’t worry I will, I always do!” She told her before turning and walking down the hall. “ I hope to see you again soon Neva! It was nice meeting you!”
“ You as well Ms. Aika, please take care.”
I hope you enjoyed this @simpingforthisonedeer ! If not I can always edit this or delete it if I have too but I hope I portrayed Aika correctly 🥺💕! I also want to make this canon for Neva if that’s ok? If not I understand ☺️! I hope you and everyone reading this has a good day~!
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