#I dyed my hair again for my cousins graduation to piss my family off but also to get photos like this
kaleigh-color · 9 months
So damn pretty!
Thank you so much!!!! As a treat here’s a selfie of my hair glowing because I was going to post it anyways but I saw this and it made me smile
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I hope you have a wonderful day anon!
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canaryatlaw · 6 years
okay, let’s get this written so I can actually get to bed by like, 2 am. today was at least super productive, I didn’t get everything done that I wanted to but I still got a ton of stuff done so that’s good. I woke up to my alarm at 11:30, 15 minutes earlier than normal because I had to drop off my rental textbooks package at the UPS store, but then I realized it’s literally right on my way to PT and it’ll take me like, 30 seconds to run in the store, give them the package (postage already paid for) and leave, so I hung out for a bit then left at 12:05. Dropped the package off, went to PT. I’m kinda pissed, because my last period was like, almost cramp free for like the first time in my life, but now of course they’re back with a vengeance, and it was super uncomfortable and painful in PT, so I was ready to get out of there. As soon as I finished I ran to the bathroom and put the cramp thingy on and thankfully that helped. From there I caught the bus, took it south, then walked a bit east to go to Target. My family’s coming in tomorrow and idk how much they’re gonna like, want to eat at my apartment, but I figured I should at least be a bit prepared for such things, and plus I was running out of groceries period because I hadn’t been to the store for a while. So I ran around and stocked up on things, my mom asked if I could get some water bottles so I got a big 24 pack of them, which while checking out I put in the bottom of my cart, which of course took up a bunch of room, them piled the rest of my groceries on top of it, fitting almost all of it. I knew this would be impossible to wrangle on public transport, so I just grabbed an uber home. Because of the water bottles in the bottom, my cart thing was like, unbelievably heavy. my uber driver was a somewhat older man and he tried to pick it up and was like oh boy, this is heavy haha so we both got it in and out of the trunk, and then trying to get it up one flight of stairs to my apartment was like, the most difficult thing. the stairs each have like a little lip at the edge that hangs out over the one below it, so if I’m pulling it behind me instead of just going from edge to edge, it had to come over the lip and like, it was the worst. it took me at least 10 minutes to get it all the way up and I was super out of breath afterwards. Guess I can forget any feelings of being strong from PT exercises when I’m clearly really fucking weak. Anyway, I got to my apartment and put everything away, then ran downstairs and put my first load of laundry in. while it was being washed I decided to tackle the dishes and mess that was the kitchen, almost all of which being my doing, and since we don’t have a dishwasher (ugh) it took quite a while, but I got through it all. I ended up fitting everything into 3 loads of laundry, which believe me, was an accomplishment given how much dirty clothing I actually had. After I finished with the dishes I made a dutch baby for dinner because I do what I want, then got my final load of laundry out and dumped all the clothes on my bed to hopefully dry out because our fucking dryer doesn't work very well and leaves like, all the clothes damp. And then it was time for Arrow. very meh episode for me, I was waiting for my girl Black Siren to show up the whole time after last week’s cliffhanger with her, so them pretending like that didn’t even happen was annoying. it also didn’t feel like it advanced the plot very much, it was just like oh hey gunfight, now there’s another, gunfight, and one more, over and over again, which just isn't very interesting to me. Oh well. the finale next week better be good if you’re pulling in my girl Sara Lance, even if you’re probably killing off her father and I will literally never forgive the writers if they do that. but, you know. After Arrow was over I started dyeing my hair, because I hadn't dyed it since mid-March and I wanted it to look nice and bright for graduation pictures, especially because the graduation robes are like, red and blue (very strange choices, I know, but I’ll live) so hopefully it’ll look good with that. while the hair dye was in I started folding all the laundry on my bed. I had been hoping to be able to sort through all of it and pull out my summer clothes to switch my wardrobe over, but I knew that would take way more time than I had, and it’s not a super urgent thing (I can always just pull some summer clothes from the suitcase as needed) so I’ll put it off for now, being that I’m going to have some free time ahead anyway. Showered to get the dye out, then went back to folding clothes which took forever, and now my dresser has clothes hanging out of like, every drawer two they won’t close, lol, I have way too much clothing. And after that I started getting ready for bed and now here I am. It took me a little while between getting on my laptop and writing this, because they just announced on twitter that Jes Macallan is doing her first ever con, and IT’S IN FUCKING AUSTRALIA and like Jess and I have had this conversation so many times like worrying if we couldn’t get to her first con and what we’d do to get there, so this is legit like worst case scenario. I did entertain the thought enough to look up some flights, but the absolute cheapest I could find was like, $1350, and routed through Hong Kong, and with the massive travel time the trip would end up taking an entire week (in order to be there for the whole day both Saturday and Sunday, we’d have to leave on Wednesday to get there on Friday, then leave Monday and get back Tuesday, so that’d be a whole week away from everything, and Jess would still be teaching at that point so that couldn’t really work). AND and, it’s the weekend of my cousins wedding that I’m expected to be at, so there’s that too. Ugh, this sucks lol. but okay, it’s late and I’m tired, so I’m gonna hit the hay now. Family is flying in tomorrow, hopefully all goes well and we’ll have some fun. Goodnight my friends. Love you all dearly. 
oh, the thing I wanted to tell you about my anonymous exam ID number. we get a 4 digit number every semester to use for exams because it’s blind grading, and if you write my full birthday out (like MM/DD/YY), my number this semester was the first two and the last two digits (so 2 for month and 2 for year) and I just thought that was kind of amusing because it was definitely a coincidence. One semester my number was a 1957, which was super convenient because it was so easy to remember, lol. Okay, I done for real now. Goodnight. 
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