#I ended up plugging my ears bc holy shit that's not good for me to hear
newl0ndonfire · 2 years
while it’s great that being at my mom’s means I don’t have to deal with my dad’s blatant bigotry, it also means that I have to listen to her prattle on about things that are incredibly irrelevant (and I don’t care about in the slightest) in addition to being around her messes with my already fucked eating habits while she says shit that fucks with my eating more. she’s also bigoted but not intentionally like my dad and doesn’t bring it up nearly as often
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Shouting in the Wind, Part3
And here we are, at the end of what I wrote (bc this was the end of the roleplay as well haha)
 I fully intend to write some more, but uhhhh yeah. idk. I feel like it works best when there’s plot going on in the background to interact around?
 no idea. Sort of doing one for some other OCs, but that’s definitely suffering from I-don’t-know-what’s-going-on symptoms.
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rip in pieces: fuk yeahhhhhh
PI Sleuth: I don’t think that’s Morgan, but even if it is - what are you doing up so late?
rip in pieces: it isnt
oh maybe it is
Cap: oops
Should maybe try harder the next time, alright?
PI Sleuth: You should, perhaps, go to sleep now?
rip in pieces: fair
Sunshine Child: how did you get into his phone?
Best of the Beast: would u believe that i found a perfect prosthetic of his thumb in his bag
The Listener: … No.
Best of the Beast: good, cause thatd be weird
The Listener: Why did you even suggest that?
Best of the Beast: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i am vv tired
rip in pieces: fuckin’ shattered mate aye
The Listener: Please. Don’t do that.
Sunshine Child: how then?
Best of the Beast: oh so u know how its fingerprint locked and i dont have any of the right equipment to get a copy of his fingerprint with me
The Listener: Yes, because we all carry that around with us.
Best of the Beast: oh, u do? damn Ash, always prepared
so im laying there
in bed
unable to sleep
and scruff is whining about his bag and being generally hopless and miserable without him
Sunshine Child: I hope you gave him the pats
Best of the Beast: of course I did, I’m not some kind of /monster/
[pic of Scruff lying across Esther’s lap, belly up and clearly relaxed. Her other hand is resting on his belly, and his head is half crooked up towards the camera, ears flopping back and tongue half stuck out]
and im playing with summers phone bc mine is plugged into the wall on the other side of the room and aint nobody moving that far
Twin #2: #mood
Best of the Beast: and his screen lights up bc someones tryna contact him
(cant work out who bc his nicknames are weird af)
and scruff stretches across to nose at the button and it
it opens???
The Listener: He’s set his phone to open to Scruff?
Twin #1: i mean. if it works?
Sunshine Child: that’s kinda sweet
Actual Dad™: I hope you didn’t snoop too much.
Best of the Beast: what do you take me for i am /hurt/
The Plan™: …
Best of the Beast: only a little. storms ‘’looking after’’ his phone now
apparently i cant be trusted or some shit
Cap: well that’s fair
Best of the Beast: holy shit yall are terrible
here i am doing a good deed for my bro and yall
yall are accusing me of /theft/ and /misdeeds/
the slander
Twin #1: did you get anything good on him?
Best of the Beast: nah he logged out all his apps before leaving his phone n his texts are in some kinda code
The Listener: And there we have it. Esther really can’t be trusted ;)
Best of the Beast: oh got damn
Sunshine Child: nice
Twin #1: buddy got play~ed
Best of the Beast: u guys are the w or s t
im gonna go train w storm
see if i ever come back to u guys
Twin #2: you love us really
Best of the Beast: shut up u arent my real mum
Twin #1: @pi-whatever the frick
i like that youll call tooth out on her late nights but not mum???
PI Sleuth: That would be because when your mother is having a ridiculously late night, I am actually sleeping.
Twin #1: fair
Cap: hey, the city never sleeps at night, why should I?
Twin #2: do we need to look up international scandals?
Cap: ha. ha.
[Cap set her own nickname to sleepisfortheweak]
sleepisfortheweak: I don’t think I need to explain myself to you
Best of the Beast: hey cap how long did u take before challenging ure first league?
like after beating the gyms I mean
sleepisfortheweak: uh
I think I… skipped out the region for a while?
wait no that was before the last gym
is this for Storm?
Best of the Beast: yeah im tryna convince him he can do it before the others get back
sleepisfortheweak: So I don’t think I’m /really/ the best person to judge that
bc I charge on and on and on
but hey it seemed to work
until it didn’t?
Best of the Beast: gosh thats useful
sleepisfortheweak: What I’m trying to say is that he’s going to be the best judge of how ready he is
If he doesn’t feel ready, don’t push him
Best of the Beast: what if he doesnt believe hes ready?
Twin #2: kick his ass
Best of the Beast: wow youre even worse at this
sleepisfortheweak: Don’t listen to her she never did competitive battling
Twin #2: I mean true but
sometimes they just need convincing?
Best of the Beast: and how
would my
‘’kicking his ass’’
convince him?????
Twin #2: are you passing up an opportunity to beat some sense into someone?
Best of the Beast: this is storm were talking about
itd be like kicking a puppy
a cute one
one that im like
Twin #2: are you
Best of the Beast: am i waht???
dont leave like that what the fuck
The Listener: It’s happened.
Best of the Beast: what
whats happened
sleepisfortheweak: Morgan
Best of the Beast: W H A T
Twin #1: Aurora’s got it, she’s gone.
So’s Phoe, apparently?
she was on her way here by boat
sleepisfortheweak: did she forget Aurora can teleport
Best of the Beast: i swear u blessed are fckn useless
waht the FUCK is going on?
The Listener: We don’t know.
But Morgan is registering, and Hera’s spiked, I can feel it.
Twin #1: And Phoe phoned
wanting to know if we knew about it
so Aurora’s gone to get her and find the kids
Best of the Beast: why didnt u go?
Twin #1: Don’t know how long they’ll be, someone’s got to keep our job/place/etc
Also it’ll probably be a quick job and Aurora doesn’t need to worry about an extra body to transport when there’ll already be four and herself.
sleepisfortheweak: That’s good thinking
Best of the Beast: yeah ok were not going for the league then
keep us nonmarked in the loop pls?
Twin #1: I don’t know how much we’ll get to know
The Plan™: plus you have a show to prep for
The Listener: Wow, I heard /that/ exclamation all the way down the hall.
[Best of the Beast set the nickname for Twin #1 to elephant that forgets]
Actual Dad™: Are you calling your mother an elephant?
Best of the Beast: i mean.
i thought she didnt forget things?
elephant that forgets: extenuating circumstances.
I gotta go do a Thing
Best of the Beast: good luck with that!!
Best of the Beast: so no one knos anything?
Sunshine Child: nope
sleepisfortheweak: I know what it is to not be recognised everywhere I go again
it’s beautiful
also, fuck tourists
Best of the Beast: that shows you
never become notorious
sleepisfortheweak: how was I to know what would happen!!
it was a shitty coping method!! I shouldn’t be famous for it!!
elephant that forgets: the trials of accidentally becoming an elite trainer
famousness is not a thing to be taken lightly
sleepisfortheweak: yah but like. you knew what you were getting into
The Listener: I think it must be a thing in this family, because a lot of people seem to know about Esther now as well
Best of the Beast: damn
three generations in
The Listener: They don’t know you as a NightGale, though, they know you as the Tooth Fairy
Best of the Beast: ok quick question
are they talking to you about that???
The Listener: Oh, it was while we were in Azoth, you must have made an impression with your fighting I suppose.
Apparently we look alike in some way.
Best of the Beast: huh
i mean i suppose our mothers are twins
but ure far prettier
The Listener: … Thanks?
Best of the Beast: its true!
ive been punched in the face one too many times to be pretty
sleepisfortheweak: one could say you’re pretty… /striking/
Best of the Beast: …
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Twin #2: I cant believe this is the top chat here
I figured yd have more of a social convo going than that
Best of the Beast: what.
Who dis
elephant that forgets: You couldn’t keep from snooping, huh
Twin #2: I just wanted to see what’s been going on!!
Not fucking much as it happens
Do I carry /all/ the interesting of this family now
The Listener: Morgan?
Best of the Beast: thE FRICK???!
[Twin #2 set her name to The Prodigal Son]
The Prodigal Son: o shit waddup
Best of the Beast: WHAT THE HECK BOI
[The Prodigal Son set her name to Ya Boi]
Best of the Beast: THE FUCK YOU GO
Ya Boi: long story
elephant that forgets: don’t we know it
Ya Boi: oh i guess u have all been kept in the loop
more or less
Actual Dad™: Are you all safe?
Ya Boi: yeah. Yeah, were good.
tired af but well live
Best of the Beast: good
not that i cared
bc u kno
no info
left to fend for ourselves
Ya Boi: i thought kari was keeping you in the loop?
Best of the Beast: !!!
first of all fuk u
[Best of the Beast set the name for Ya Boi to proDICKal son]
Best of the Beast: i didnt even kno she was with you what teh fuk
proDICKal son: you… you told us she was coming to join us
Best of the Beast: i didnt think shed gone with u!! fuk!!
thought shed just like. gone her own way when she found out u were all hopless nerds.
proDICKal son: tried to leave her with storm
how is he, by the way?
Best of the Beast: hes good
not that you fckn care
not that you DESERVE him
[proDICKal son set her name to nope]
nope: i mean. true. ive been trying to protect him
Best of the Beast: son yaint done shit
thats my job now
Actual Dad™: Where are you right now?
Best of the Beast: not with us thats for sure
[Best of the Beast set her name to storm protector]
nope: cruise ship
aunt phoe was coming over???
so like
were here to pick up her stuff i guess
storm protector: did
did she forget that aurora can /literally/ teleport
anywhere in the world
Sunshine Child: It isn’t as though she uses that skill much, I guess?
storm protector: fair
but like
The Listener: I really don’t understand what you’re trying to get at there, Esther.
storm protector: why would she buy TICKETS on a BOAT to get somwhere in a hurry??
like those things are slow af
why not plane???
why not phone first??
sleepisfortheweak: listen if I dropped my shit and flew whenever I thought the twins were in danger, I’d never have got anythign done
Maybe she thought it wasn’t /that/ big a deal when she set out? The world will never know
storm protector: we might if morgan ANSWERED
storm protector: also neither of the twins defending themselves??? iconic
elephant that forgets: sorry, Arlette can’t come to the phone right now
storm protector: what
elephant that forgets: because she’s dead.
storm protector: ...
The Plan™: It’s true, I saw it happen.
Shot through the heart by her own mother.
Actual Dad™: Truly dramatic.
She keeled over at the table. In the middle of eating, of all things.
PI Sleuth: That may have been a little bit drastic.
storm protector: and u didnt get a video
for shame
Sunshine Child: We’re eating! it would’ve been rude
storm protector: buddy, so’s using ure phone at the table in general
sleepisfortheweak: it’s ok, I’m on good terms with Diaval, I’ll just let him know to resurrect her
Don’t think there’ll be that much change tbh
elephant that forgets: it’s ok, I can perform my masterpiece for you later
that was just the dress rehearsal, I’ll polish it for when we meet back up
also @cap fuckin’ ouch
sleepisfortheweak: hey I care
I could’ve just left you in the dirt
a corpse before your time
dead before your parents
how could you do that to us
elephant that forgets: but instead
you sell me out to the god of vampires
also you killed me??? so like I don’t think you have a leg to stand on
sleepisfortheweak: well, if it works
[nope set her name to hot shit]
hot shit: @esther, league right?
we’re coming in
storm protector: kk
ruins? or just
hot shit: nah bro clearly right in the centre of the champions room
what do you take us for
storm protector: morgan???
quit stealing phones dammit
hot shit: really?
you think this is him?
I am /hurt/
what kinda son of a snack do u think I am
storm protector: so thats Kari then
suddenly everything makes sense
hot shit: yeah ya mom thought id be more sensible than him
The Listener: More fool her, then.
hot shit: absolutely
storm protector: get out of
The Plan™: if you all kick back there for a while, we’re making our way over
storm protector: *out by the ruins
@Keone, Storm still has to do the league anyhow
The Plan™: By which I mean that our tour has its finale at the league in a couple or so days, which seems like a fitting end to this whole mess
[sleepisfortheweak set her name to sleepforaweek]
sleepforaweek: catch you in my dreams
elephant that forgets: listen if you sleep lightly enough to be woken by chat noises, you should maybe
mute the chat?
sleepforaweek: I appreciate that you thought I was asleep
elephant that forgets: just a suggestion like
Actual Dad™: Or you could turn your phone off
sleepforaweek: these are sensible suggestions
that I am going to continue ignoring
y’all aint the boss of me
storm protector: *yaint
sleepforaweek: See, you get me
Esther’s my favourite
storm protector: hot shit
hot shit: you called?
(Aurora, btdubs)
Sunshine Child: That was a little bit creepy
please don’t
hot shit: couldn’t resist
but really @tooth we’ve arrived
rip in pieces: fuck it’s good to have my phone back
why is that my name
storm protector: bc u were dead to us
The Listener: It’s good to have you back properly, Morgan
storm protector: until ure next fuckery, at least
rip in pieces: did you miss the part where that wasnt my fault?
storm protector: idk did u miss the part where i didnt care
Sunshine Child: ouch
rip in pieces: ilu tooth
ilu all
storm protector: thats sweet
whos got ure phone now?
is that scruff has he learned to type
ilu scruff!!!!
rip in pieces: Why can I not profess my love for my family
Whomst I have not seen in a couple of weeks
Why can I not do that? Why must my identity be questioned?
Why do you not believe that this is me, that this is who I am?
storm protector: cap needs to teach me how her eyebrow trick
hang on
The Listener: What is going on?
[selfie style pic of Esther and Morgan; Morgan (still in his aether uniform, hair teased out of its usual ringlets and only sort of tied back) trying to look disgruntled but failing as Esther (in a tank top that says “I flexed so hard the sleeves fell off”, with bright orange hair, her right eye beginning to swell) sprawls across his chest, clearly trying to be in the way as much as possible, grinning wildly]
storm protector: i just had to give summer The Eyebrow in person
but actually it was him, so now were bonding
rip in pieces: oh yes Tooth, you are the best and I love you and this bonding is simply the best you must never bdsfljsf
The Listener: So I’m going back to my book.
Sunshine Child: g’night! I have a level to complete
[rip in pieces set his name to a gift]
a gift:
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: Get your arse to sleep, you must be shattered
a gift: aye cap, I’m going
sleepforaweek: I’m glad you’re all safe, though
Thanks for making this chat, Esther
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Paper Rings (Richie Tozier X Reader)
WC: 3952
Warnings: Language, kinda sexual stuff at one point, alcohol, weed, tiny bit of angst at the end but not much
Summary: Y/N and Richie’s relationship through ‘Paper Rings’
A/N: The bitch is back y’all. I apologise for not having written in about 8 billion years, but I’m back. I hope you guys enjoy this, bc I really love it.
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The moon is high
Like your friends were the night that we first met 
Y/N had never been a fan of parties. Ever since high school she would always be the one to stay home and re-watch her favourite movies instead of going to parties. Unfortunately, now that she had a career in comedy writing she was being dragged to parties left, right and centre, and she hated them all. 
“Mulaney, please tell me why I’m coming to this thing? I’m going to miss Seinfeld and you know I live for that shit.” Y/N whined, tugging on the sleeve of John’s jacket while he rolled his eyes. 
“They’ve been playing episodes of that show every night since 1989, and you’ve watched each one about three times over, Y/N. I think you can afford to miss one night’s rerun.” John said, causing Y/N to let out a groan of protest. 
“It’s about the habits, John. The habits.” Y/N mumbled, and John shook his head like an irritated parent. 
“You’re coming with me to this party, Y/N. I’ve heard they’ve got this bigshot comic coming in from LA so just think about that potential opportunity before you complain again.” John said, and Y/N narrowed her eyes before caving, causing her friend to give her a victorious smile. 
The pair walked into the crowded club, and Y/N immediately grimaced at the loud music and the overwhelming stench of alcohol and weed. “Real classy joint, huh?” She muttered to John, who simply chuckled in response. 
“I’m gonna go get a drink, and I want you to mingle. Have some fun Y/N. Let loose for once!” John said, gripping Y/N’s shoulders. She opened her mouth to protest but John quickly snuck away before she could say anything. 
Y/N pouted, trying to navigate her way through the bustling club. Eventually she found her way to a booth where she saw a group of people, including one manwho was strangely familiar to her. She heard him laughing and she found herself beginning to laugh as well as she walked up to the booth. 
“Hey sweetheart! You lost?” One of the men at the booth called, and suddenly all of their eyes were directed towards her. Y/N let out a nervous laugh and shook her head, a slight smile on her face. 
“My friend ditched me. He told me I needed to mingle and have some fun, his words not mine.” Y/N said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she made brief eye contact with the oddly familiar man. He had a head of wild black hair and was wearing glasses so big they nearly covered his face. 
“Well, uh, you can come sit with us if you want.” The man spoke, a kind smile on his face as he looked up at her, and she knew she was done for.  
“Sounds good.” Y/N said, laughing lightly as she watched the men scoot along so there was enough room in the booth for her. 
“I’m Y/N by the way, in case you were wondering.” Y/N said once she had settled herself next to the very kind, very attractive man in the glasses. 
“I’m Richie Tozier, and this is Carol Feeny and Steve Covall.” As soon as Y/N heard his name she smiled, not really thinking as she politely shook hands with Carol and Steve. 
“I’m just gonna put it out here now, Steve and I are a bit high so sorry in advance if we do or say anything weird.” Carol said, and Y/N gave her a thumbs up before shooting Richie a confused look. He let out a laugh at her expression, and Y/N felt her stomach fill with butterflies. 
“This is like a normal Saturday night for them, I just tagged along because they’re my friends and I don’t want them dying or whatever.” Richie said, raising his voice slightly due to the loud music.
“Glad to know. Well, here’s to getting to know strangers at a wild party.” Y/N said, lifting her drink as Richie did the same. They tapped their glasses together and Y/N couldn’t shake the giddy feeling that washed over her as soon as their eyes met. 
Oh yeah, she was well and truly fucked. 
Went home and tried to stalk you on the internet
Now I've read all of the books beside your bed 
“John Edmund Mulaney, I need your goddamn help.” Y/N said, busting his bedroom door open and pulling the covers off his bed. John groaned, giving the girl a dirty look as she stood in his doorway, a determined look on her face. 
“What the hell do you want Y/L/N? It is Sunday morning and I am too hungover to breathe.” John grumbled, rolling over reluctantly as Y/N sat down cross-legged next to him on his bed. 
“I met this guy at the party last night and I forgot to online stalk him last night so I need to do it now.” Y/N said, and John sighed as he sat up, rubbing his eyes before turning his attention to Y/N. 
“Did you at least get his name?” John said and Y/N nodded eagerly, pulling her phone out of her pocket. 
“Yeah, he said his name was Richie Tozier.” Y/N said and John’s eyes widened as he sat up straighter, looking at Y/N with shock. 
“Y/N do you have any idea who that is?” John said, and Y/N shook her head, giving him a confused look. 
“Remember when I said there was going to be some bigshot comic from LA at the party last night? Well that’s him! Richie ‘Trashmouth’ Tozier! He’s massive right now.” John said, snatching Y/N’s phone and plugging his name into Google as the wheels turned in Y/N’s head. 
“Is this him?” John said, pulling up a photo of him to show to Y/N. She nodded, the pieces starting to fall into place. John let out a sigh, running a hand through his hair. 
“Y/N how the hell are you a comedy writer who doesn’t know one of the biggest names in comedy right now? Honestly woman.” John said, handing Y/N her phone back. Y/N took it graciously and she immediately found Richie’s social media accounts and followed him on Facebook and Twitter.  
“What can I say, I’m ridiculously stupid Johnny. I’ll go make you some breakfast as a thank you for making it very easy to stalk this guy.” Y/N said, ruffling John’s hair before leaving his bedroom with a smile on her face. 
For the rest of the day Y/N was deep in Richie’s social media feeds, and it was so bad that she found a photo of his bedside table on Twitter and immediately found and then bought all the books that were on the table so she could read them. 
As she was in bed that night watching a video from one of Richie’s specials on YouTube, she saw two notifications pop up on her phone. 
Richie Tozier is now friends with you on Facebook
@TrashmouthTozier is following you on Twitter 
The wine is cold
Like the shoulder that I gave you in the street
Cat and mouse for a month or two or three
Now I wake up in the night and watch you breathe 
“Y/N, John, so good to see you guys! Welcome to Saturday Night Live!” It was Y/N and John’s first day as writers for Saturday Night Live and they were both panicking internally as they were being shown around the studio. 
They were shown writing rooms and all the relevant things they needed to know, before their guide told them one final piece of information. “Oh, and the first host you’ll be working with is Richie Tozier. He’ll be here in about 20 minutes to discuss sketch ideas with the team, you guys included. Good luck!” 
Upon hearing this crucial fact Y/N’s eyes widened as she turned to John, who instead was sporting a smug look. “Holy shit, did she just say Richie Tozier? As in Richie from that party a few weeks ago Tozier? As in the guy I am so very into but won’t talk to because I get really anxious?” Y/N was rambling, her words and her breathing getting faster and faster as she started to pace back and forth. 
“Yes, the very same guy.” John said, sitting down at a table as Y/N continued pacing. 
“Fuck! Fuckity fuck fuck fuck! What do I do John? He’s a comic genius and I am just a lowly rat writer.” Y/N said, starting to feel light headed from all the hyperventilation. John sighed, standing up and marching over to his friend. He placed his hands on her shoulders, stopping her in her tracks. 
“Y/N, calm down. You just have to keep it professional for now, and then at the after party on Saturday night or the very early hours of Sunday morning you can get piss drunk and hopefully sleep with him.” John said with a straight face, and Y/N let out a huff. She went to respond, but a familiar voice stopped her. 
“Hey, I wouldn’t happen to be interrupting something, would I?” At the sound of Richie’s voice Y/N spun around, knocking John’s arms off her shoulders in the process. 
“Nope, not at all. You’re all good, Richie.” Y/N said, internally cursing for being so casual with him. Richie just gave John a wave before stepping into the room, closing the door behind him. 
“Please, have a seat.” John said, and Richie obliged. As he walked around to the table he passed by Y/N, stopping to whisper something in her ear. 
“It’s really good to see you again Y/N. I’ve missed you.” 
Y/N felt so comfortable in Richie’s arms, and in her mind there was absolutely nothing like it. They always fell asleep the same way; with Y/N’s head on Richie’s chest, her arm slung across his torso and his arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer to him. 
Some nights Y/N would wake up at around one or two in the morning and just watch Richie for a while before going back to sleep. Tonight was one of those nights. 
She woke slowly, the warmth of Richie’s body almost lulling her back to sleep as she opened her eyes. She took in a deep breath, shifting slightly so she could gaze at Richie without waking him up.  
He always looked so peaceful when he slept. It was something Y/N had noted since the night they first slept together, and she never got tired of seeing her always energetic husband at peace.  
Y/N was almost mesmerised by the gentle rise and fall of his chest, and she couldn’t help but lift a hand to his face and gently stroke his cheek. She felt his body stir slightly, and a gentle smile appeared on her face when she heard him let out a little groan. 
His eyes opened and he smiled almost immediately when he saw Y/N’s eyes staring back at him. “Y/N, why are you up?” He asked, his voice deep and groggy with sleep. 
“Just like watching you sleep, sue me.” Y/N said softly, pecking his lips before resting her forehead against his. 
“You’re a creep, wifey dearest. I love it. I love you.” Richie mumbled, kissing Y/N lightly in between his words. Y/N let out a giggle before dropping her head into the crook of his neck. 
“I love you too, but you should really get some sleep mister. I’ll still be here when you wake up, don’t worry.” Y/N said, melting a little when Richie’s hand came to rest over hers on his cheek. 
“Goodnight Y/N/N.” 
“Night Rich.” 
Kiss me once 'cause you know I had a long night
Kiss me twice 'cause it's gonna be alright 
Three times 'cause I waited my whole life 
Y/N had been working on this sketch for about eight hours and had gotten practically nowhere. She was almost tearing her hair out, having gone through at least ten cups of coffee in the last hour alone. Richie was performing somewhere downtown and John was out with his girlfriend, meaning that Y/N was tired and alone in her apartment. 
She checked her phone to see that it was now verging on one o’clock, and she groaned loudly, both at the time and her lack of progress. She went to put her phone down before seeing a text from Richie, causing her heart to skip a beat. 
Trash Boy: I’m outside with Chinese food, shitty coffee and the potential for a lot of cuddles. Please let me in. I nearly dropped a chow mein writing this.
She let out a relieved laugh, a smile blooming on her face as she raced to the door, pulling it open to reveal her beautiful, wonderful boyfriend. Richie seemed to be drowning in bags so Y/N ushered him in quickly, shutting the door as he unloaded all his bags onto her dining room table. 
“Ok, so I’ve got some fried rice and what I think is satay beef, honestly I have no.” Richie’s words were cut off by Y/N grabbing the sides of his face and pulling him into a deep kiss. His hands quickly found her waist while hers found his hair. When they pulled apart they were breathing heavily, and Y/N let out a chuckle when she noticed his glasses had fogged up slightly. 
“Not that I’m complaining but was there any reason for that?” Richie asked once he had caught his breath, and Y/N chuckled as her head found its way into the crook of Richie’s neck. 
“I’ve had a super long night and then you brought me the food and the coffee even after your show and I just fucking love you so much.” Y/N admitted, and Richie’s eyes widened slightly at the confession. It was the first time either of them had said those words, and it made Y/N look up at her boyfriend with trepidation in her eyes. 
“Rich I’m sorry, I hope this isn’t too soon or anything, but I really do love you.” Y/N said, her voice a lot meeker than it was previously. Richie’s look of surprised melted into one of pure adoration, and he simply leaned down and kissed Y/N, long and hard. 
“I love you too Y/N, so fucking much.” 
I like shiny things, but I'd marry you with paper rings
Uh huh, that's right
Darling, you're the one I want
I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this
Uh huh, that's right
Darling, you're the one I want
In paper rings, in picture frames, in dirty dreams
Oh, you're the one I want 
“Babe, have you seen my good blazer? The grey one!” Richie called out from across the house, causing Y/N to groan in annoyance. 
“Rich I told you it was hanging up in your closet next to your wedding suit, and if you tell me you can’t remember which one that is, so help me God you will get my shoe so far up your ass it isn’t funny.” Y/N hollered, putting her earrings in with a little more force than usual. 
“Found it, thanks babe!” Richie called back, and Y/N rolled her eyes affectionately as she straightened the skirt of her dress. Tonight was the taping of Richie’s most recent special for Netflix, and he wanted Y/N to be there in the front row. 
She looked her outfit over once more before catching a glimpse of the framed photo that sat just outside their bathroom. It was of her and Richie kissing with a disgruntled John next to them, and she gave it a tender look before making her way over to their bedroom, where Richie was trying to psych himself up for the show. Y/N wrapped her arms around his middle from behind, resting her head on his shoulder and pressing a gentle kiss to his neck. 
“You nervous Rich?” She asked and he nodded immediately, taking in a deep but shaky breath. Y/N moved so she was now standing in front of him, her arms still resting securely around his waist. 
“You shouldn’t be, honestly. You are the funniest man I have ever met, and my best friend is John Mulaney. I have so much confidence that you will go out there and make that stage your bitch, Richie, and I will be sitting there right in the front row, watching it all. I couldn’t be prouder of my amazing husband.” Y/N said, lifting one hand to cup her husband’s cheek. She noticed a tear begin to fall and she gently swiped it away, sending him a genuine smile. 
“How did I get so lucky?” Richie said, pulling Y/N into a tight hug. She let out a soft laugh as she hugged him back, rubbing her hands up and down his back. 
“Honestly Rich, you could’ve proposed to me with a paper ring and I would’ve said yes, and you know how much I like my shiny stuff.” Y/N said, and Richie burst out laughing, pressing a kiss to his wife’s temple. 
“Come on, woman of my dreams. We have somewhere to be.” 
In the winter, in the icy outdoor pool
When you jumped in first, I went in too
I'm with you even if it makes me blue 
“Welcome to the Christmas extravaganza, Toziers.” John said, ushering Y/N and Richie into the warm house. Every inch of spare space was covered in Christmas decorations, and the scent of gingerbread and mulled wine was thick in the air. 
“God this is amazing. I’m assuming Anna was responsible for most of the decoration?” Y/N asked, causing John to pull a rather insulted face that made both Y/N and Richie chuckle. 
“I’m hurt, however you would be right there. She’s always been more talented in the design aspect of things. Did you guys want a drink?” John said, and the couple nodded quickly. John laughed to himself as he went to fetch three glasses of mulled wine. 
The amount of mulled wine consumed increased greatly over the course of the night, and by about ten o’clock John, Y/N and Richie were well past it. “Hey Y/N, how much do you bet that Richie will jump in the pool?” John asked, and Y/N let out a laugh of disbelief. 
“There’s no way in hell he’d do that. It’s fucking freezing, right Rich?” Y/N said, turning to look at her husband. Instead of the shock and repulsion she thought she’d see on his face, Y/N instead saw a look of contemplation and deep thought. 
“How much are you offering, Mulaney?” Richie said, and John’s face split into a Cheshire cat grin, much to Y/N’s horror. “I’ll give you fifty if you do it, one hundred if Y/N does it as well.” John said, and Y/N’s eyes went wide as Richie stood straight up, already shedding his jacket and outer shirt. 
“Come on Y/N, it’ll be fun!” Richie said, taking his shoes and base shirt off before unbuckling his belt. Y/N let out a whine of protest, watching as her piss drunk husband stumbled towards the freezing outdoor pool. 
“Richie, don’t you dare!” Y/N shouted, but it was too late. Richie had already jumped in, and even though she knew she’d regret it, she jumped in too.  
Which takes me back
To the color that we painted your brother's wall
Honey, without all the exes, fights, and flaws
We wouldn't be standing here so tall 
Painting was hard work, Y/N had come to realise. When her brother said he needed one of the walls in his apartment re-painted, Y/N had volunteered without even thinking, which is what caused her and Richie to be spending a precious Sunday covered in sweat and blue paint. 
“I can’t believe that instead of staying at home and fucking each other senseless, we are painting your brother’s feature wall. Fantastic.” Richie grumbled, painting the wall with much more aggression than necessary.  
“Easy Tozier. I’m doing this as a favour for my brother, and if you keep complaining there will be no chance of us fucking each other senseless at all today or tonight.” Y/N said sharply, and Richie gave her an annoyed look, sticking his tongue out as a childish gesture of irritation. 
The painting took quite a bit of time, with Y/N and Richie leaving the apartment at around four o’clock. When they got home Y/N was straight in the shower, itching to get the paint off of her skin. 
“You’d better not be having a shower without me, you minx! Wait for me!” 
I want to drive away with you
I want your complications too
I want your dreary Mondays
Wrap your arms around me, baby boy 
“Mrs Tozier?” Y/N walked up to the young stagehand who had called her name, a kind smile on her face. 
“Please, just call me Y/N honey. What do you need?” She said, gently touching the young girl’s arm. 
“Its your husband. He’s really not feeling well, and he asked for me to get you.” Y/N’s face dropped slightly upon hearing that news, but she kept up the smiling front with a little less sincerity than before. 
“Where is he?” Y/N asked, and the stagehand lead her through the back corridors of the venues until she came to a fire exit door. 
“He’s out there.” The girl said before leaving, and Y/N felt confused as she opened the door, though the confusion turned into concern and worry as soon as she saw Richie. He had clearly just vomited and he was shaking like a leaf. 
“Shit, Richie. What happened?” Y/N asked, rushing forward to wrap her arms around the man she loved. His arms snaked around her waist almost instinctively, and she felt him rest his head against her chest. 
“I got a call from home… from Derry.” He breathed out, and Y/N felt all her muscles tense up. She knew Richie didn’t talk much about his childhood or his hometown, but from what she gathered it was not a good place, and clearly the phone call must have brought some stuff up in Richie. 
“Shit. Are you good, babe?” Y/N asked and Richie let out a shaky breath, lifting his head so he could look up at her. 
“I don’t know. I was fine but when I heard Mike tell me he needed me to come back to Derry I just lost it.” Richie said, wiping his mouth with the sleeve of his jacket. 
“Ok well do you still wanna do the show or not, because you don’t really look that red hot, Rich.” Y/N said with concern evident in her voice. 
“No, I’ll still do the show, but we have to go back to Derry as soon as we can after it, ok?” Richie said, an almost pleading tone in his voice. Y/N nodded, kissing the top of his head. 
“All of your problems, all of your shit, you can share it with me. For better or worse, right? And if you need it, I will drive away with you at a moment’s notice. I love you Richie Tozier. Always have and always will.” Y/N said, and when she met Richie’s gaze she was almost overwhelmed with the sheer emotion in his eyes. 
“I will never love someone as much as I love you, Y/N Tozier. You’re my world. Now let go of me so I can go do some kickass comedy.” Y/N chuckled at Richie’s words and obliged, letting go of her husband. 
Though neither one of the couple knew what their trip to Derry would have in stall for them, the sheer love between them was enough for them. 
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cravingcrazewriting · 5 years
Trigger Warning- Mentions of suicide attempt and suicidal thoughts.
youwillbefound.com is a safe haven for any troubled teens/young adults who are looking for someone to find them. This site intends on being a place to reach out to others and to find them as you wold want yourself. Harassment is strictly prohibited. If we find you are abusing this site to target and harass people who are suicidal then you will be banned firstly for a week, secondly for a month, and thirdly will be a permanent ban and removal of your account. We hope you find whatever you're looking for on youwillbefound.com and we wish you the best of luck! Have a fantastic day!
What was Evan doing?
It wasn't like him to get a social media. It wasn't like him to rely so much on people, but yet he did, for no reason whatsoever. He did meet someone who he could trust, and needed help as much as he did. It was nice. He only had a few other friends who friended him out of pity.
He was currently on his laptop, writing his therapy letter, when he heard his phone go off.
HighandAllMighty: hey dude, wuts up?
Evan made a smile. High, that's what Evan nicknamed him due to privacy issues, was one of his closest friends, he'd even call him a best friend. High suffered from Anxiety and Bipolar, and had a very hard time making friends due to all of his outbursts. On the internet, he was able to calm himself down and not act rashly, but sometimes would assume the worst and snap at Evan a few times, but when that did happen, he'd awake to multiple apologizes from High.
High admitted to smoking openly, from cigarettes to weed, mainly because the way it calmed him down and less likely to snap at people. Evan didn't really mind this, since High's parents didn't get him any medication to him. If it helped, then that was that.
AnAnxiousTeen: Nothing much, just sitting in bed. I might write my therapy letter soon. What about you?
HighandAllMighty: sweet. Honestly I'm just dazing in and out atm. Me and my family just ate and my dad is trying to start shit again. HighandAllMighty: so the usual bs
AnAnxiousTeen: I'm so sorry.. I wish I could help you.
HighandAllMighty: Nah, don't be. U should probably start your letter.
AnAnxiousTeen: Well you know I hate writing them so I'd rather not heh
HighandAllMighty: hey, can I ask u something kinda important?
AnAnxiousTeen: Sure! Ask away!
HighandAllMighty: can we FaceTime? HighandAllMighty: I know u might not want to bc of ur anxiety HighandAllMighty: it was just something I wanted to try, if you wanted to at least
AnAnxiousTeen: I'm.. not sure.. I need time to think this over. AnAnxiousTeen: My mom is still home, so I can't right now.
HighandAllMighty: I understand. It's ok
Evan was trying not to freak out.
He was scared. He was scared he'd disappoint High. Incredibly scared of the mental image he imaged him looking like and being a huge let down and not being able to say anything and make things ten times worse than what they are and-
"Honey! I'm heading out! There's a twenty on the counter! Please get something to eat while I'm gone! Love you, bye!" Heidi called from downstairs, pulling Evan out of his thoughts. A moment later a door closing could be heard.
Evan sighed and ran his fingers through his messy blonde hair. There was another complication; he had completely fallen for High, one hundred percent in love.
HighandAllMighty: ah man, I'm rlly srry. My dad is gonna take my phone. HighandAllMighty: we'll talk later, k?
AnAnxiousTeen: I understand. I'll see you when you get back!
HighandAllMighty: in one week. Bye bud
Evan laid down on his bed. A whole week?! This obviously wasn't the first time it happened, but would that stop him from missing him? No. Definitely not. It'd be a lonely week without him.
This would be a long week
~~~ It was only Tuesday.
High had his phone taken on Saturday, so they were completely out of touch for tree days straight so far, and Evan was miserable and lonely.
Evan was sitting in his room, unenthusiastically working on homework. He was sinking into a depressive state. He'd never admit to it, but there was something wrong, that he just wasn't happy. He let out a sigh, setting his pencil down and grabbing his phone. The only notifications he had was some posts from people he liked, and a text from Jared.
Jared K: U have math done?
Evan H: -Evan H has sent a picture-
Jared K: thanks
Well, that made Evan feel even more like shit. It made him feel like Jared would only miss him for his car insurance if he suddenly disappeared. Hell, his mom would have it easier if he was gone. And High.. he was just a burden to him. Fuck it, he needed to vent.
AnAnxiousTeen has posted a status update: I'm always being told that things will get better, that I'll find someway to deal with my social anxiety, but nothing is seeming to be working. No one would notice if I suddenly left, if this account was suddenly shut down, maybe except for @HighandAllMighty but if I'm being honest, I'd be doing him a favor. I wish that things were different. I wish that anything I said mattered to anyone. Because let's face it. Would anyone here notice if I disappeared tomorrow?
After posting his update, he got a handful of responses, that mainly said stuff among the lines of "I'd notice! Please don't do anything rash!". It didn't feel real to Evan. He knew how this stuff worked. After a week of his death, people would forget him. All he could think of was how thankful his anxiety held him back from another attempt.
AnAnxiousTeen has posted a status update: If a tree falls in a forest, and no one is around to hear it, does it ever make a sound?
There was a lot of debate about this one. No one saw the hidden subtext, that he fell-no, let go of the branch that was holding him and was now restrained to a cast. It made his stomach do a cartwheel at the thought.
AnAnxiousTeen has posted a status update: Sorry for all the depressing stuff tonight. I'm going offline to hit the hay early.
Well, that wasn't a total lie. He had homework to do first, then he'd probably lay in bed till sleep took him away.
And that's exactly what he did.
~~~ HighandAllMighty: why didn't you tell me how you were feeling?
High was back, early, and Evan was downright terrified.
Unlike before, he used almost perfect spelling and grammar, something he'd only do in serious situations. Evan hated confrontation, so so much.
AnAnxiousTeen: I'm sorry.. I didn't want to be a burden...
HighandAllMighty: you could never burden me with your problems. HighandAllMighty: we have to look out for each other, otherwise we'll loose us both. HighandAllMighty: I want to video chat with you. I want to see /you/. Let me help you. Please
Evan didn't really think when he answered. He didn't consider what his anxiety was telling him. He just had to make it up to High, especially with what he just put him through.
AnAnxiousTeen: Of course, just give me a few minutes to set up.
HighandAllMighty: thank you. I mean it
Evan let out a puff of air and set his phone down. His mom was home but sleeping, so he'd have to be quiet and not talk to loud, which wasn't a problem because he's.. him. He grabbed a set of dark blue headphones (he preferred them because they felt more comfortable on his ear) and plugged them into his phone. He made sure they worked okay and sent High a message.
AnAnxiousTeen: I'm ready. Can you send the request?
-HighandAllMighty has sent you a Face Time Request!-
-x Accept x or x Decline x-
Evan hesitantly hit the accept key and sat down on his bed, tidying up his shirt and hair while it loaded. Things'll be fine. They'll be perfectly okay. Just stay completely calm, don't fuck anything up, and your guys' friendship will be saved.
A minute later, the Face Time had finished loading, and on Evan's screen he was greeted to a pale skinned boy with long brown hair that went down to his shoulders, his eyes were blue but they had this brown glint to them that really made them stand out and made them so much more mesmerizing. He was wearing a simple black hoodie and the rest of his outfit Evan couldn't see.
The room Evan assumed was High's was messy, to say the least. Evan never understood how people could find what they needed in a mess. That's why he kept everything organized and clean, so if he needed to find anything, he could right away. It was an anxiety thing he couldn't get over. Evan also noticed the contrast of dark colors in High's room, that was mainly dark purple and black for the most part. Evan knew High enjoyed dark colors rather than light ones it made sense to why his room was painted that way.
Holy fuck was he hot or what?
"Um, hi! C-can you hear me o-okay?" Evan asked nervously, adjusting his headphones ever so slightly. He could hear some shuffling around so he took that as a good sign.
"Yeah, you're good. What about me on your end?" High asked, leaning back.
"Yo-you're good too," Evan nodded, confirming that he could hear him quite well. "Why did you w-want to call?"
"Well one, I wanted to see what you looked like, and two, I need to ask you a few other things, and this is the best way to see if you're lying or not," he simply said, shrugging his shoulders.
"O-okay, ask a-away," Evan smiled, shuffling slightly on his bed to get comfortable, waiting for whatever High was about to ask.
High inhaled, staying silent for a moment, before asking, "..Are you suicidal?"
Evan immediately tensed up. He hadn't put much thought into being depressed or suicidal, although he had those thoughts a lot he couldn't possibly be.. right? "I.. I don't know, a-actually... It could be a p-possibility, I do get suicidal thoughts and... a lot of self h-hate..."
High nodded slowly, picking at what appeared to be black nail polish. "Well, have you ever... attempted?"
Evan bit his lip, and he turned his gaze to his cast, although it wasn't planned, it still counted as one. He simply nodded his head. "It's.. s-scary..."
High let out a sigh. "I know the feeling all too well.. Just, wanting it all to end, but yet your anxiety is telling you not to, and you get so afraid.. I dunno, it's a reminder that you're still human I guess, attempting or not.."
"Honestly, it's m-my anxiety holding me b-back from trying a-again.. I'm scared I-I'll fail again.." Evan chuckled meekly, picking at his cast's plaster.
"Well, I'm glad," High smiled at him. "You don't know how much better you've made my life. I.. probably would've attempted again if I didn't know you.."
"Same with m-me. I'm.. so, so a-alone at school, I don't have any f-friends, and I was-well, still kinda- miserable. But, when we started t-talking, I didn't feel as alone a-anymore.." Evan admitted, blushing lightly.
"I wish I could meet you," High admitted. "I can tell no one's signed your cast still, and I really wanna fucking sign it. I.. I want to be by your side... Helping you order food, keeping you company, hell, I even know a few places down here you'd fucking adore and I know it.."
Evan smiled like a complete dork at these things. "That's s-so sweet.. You probably w-wouldn't like to meet me though.. I-I'd be so awkward.."
"Hey, don't put yourself down like that. I prefer awkward over cocky assholes any day," High said. "And like, not to mention you're a fucking amazing guy. Any girl would- fuck how do I phrase this?- well, she'd be pretty lucky to be with a guy like you," High told him, a noticeable blush appearing on his cheeks.
Evan blushed probably more than what he should've, but he couldn't help it. No one except his mom had said this type of stuff to him. "Honestly, t-thank you.."
"Okay, secondly, I need to tell you something really important. I hope it won't weird you out or anything but here it goes.. I really, really like you- and I don't mean that in the friendly way, I mean like- fuck this is harder to explain than I thought. Look.. I'm, head over heels in love with you, man.." High finished.
Evan was in pure shock. He had his hand on his mouth and felt like he could've cried. All that his mind could register was he liked him back. Holy fuck, he never thought he'd see the day his feelings would be returned. He could process words, he moved his hand away from his mouth, revealing a huge smile he was wearing and said hand anxiously ran through his hair.
"Holy f-fuck.. I.. I didn't think you'd l-like me back, so I never said anything.. Oh my god, t-this is incredible!" Evan admitted, watching the brunette's shocked expression turn into a smile.
"Holy shit, you actually like me?" High asked, and Evan nodded to him, he'd proudly admit to it, because now he had nothing else to loose.
"Does this mean we're like.. a thing or..?" High trailed off, and Evan laughed, saying, "Maybe! I t-think We should try."
High smiled at him, "I'd love to date you.. even if it's long distance.."
"Can I a-ask you something?" Evan smiled sheepishly, tugging lightly at his shirt while High responded with a "You can ask me anything you want to."
"What-what's your a-actual name?" Evan asked slowly, as stated earlier, they both kept their names a secret for privacy, but Evan was too curious to contain himself from keeping the question residing in his mind.
"It's Connor. What about you?" High- no, Connor returned his question, gazing at him with a loving gaze.
"I l-like to go by Evan.." Evan hoped that would satisfy him, because who'd want to date a guy with a name like Mark? No one, that's for sure.
"It suits you," Connor stated. "A wonderful name for a wonderful boy."
Evan flushed at his comment. "Well er- it's n-not as beautiful as 'Connor'. It, it fits you, so so well.."
"Are you calling me beautiful?" Connor teased him, and Evan just laughed.
The two ended up chatting for an entire two hours, enjoying whatever they could get out of each other's presence. They were both hopelessly in love, despite distance keeping them apart, they hoped they would one day meet in person.
That would be more than enough for them both.
A/N-I fucking love this AU so much?? I loved writing every second of it,and going over 2000 words better prove it.
Anyways I'm opening up requests! I don't have a lot of ideas so please request so I can keep updating this book! Thanks a ton!
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flyingsculptures · 5 years
50 Questions Tag
Tagged by @sadienita​, ur wonderful and ily
1. What takes up too much of your time? Stressing about doing things rather than actually doing them lolol
2. What makes your day better? If it’s been a bad day, then coming home and having a massive vent sesh with my roommate
3. What’s the best thing that happened to you today? My coworkers and I all get along, but this morning everyone was in a really good mood and joking around with each other, it was fun!!
4. What fictional place would you like to go? King Kai’s Planet in dragon ball z, that shit looks peaceful af
5. Are you good at giving advice? sometimes, depending on the topic
6. Do you have any mental illness? I do, issues with depression mostly, but anxiety as well, but things have been SO much better since I’ve gone to therapy and started medication
7. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis? YEAH BRUH SHITS SCARY
8. What musician inspired you the most? this is gonna sound lame af, but debussy. i’m a classically trained musician and playing his pieces shaped me
9. Have you ever fallen in love? i’ve been in love with someone once, but they didn’t love me back the same way. it hurt but i’m glad i’ve experienced what it’s like to feel that way about someone
10. What’s your dream date? tbh i’m a sucker for coffee dates, but only if i know the other person at least a little bit. otherwise, maybe a museum?
11. What do others notice about you? i dunno, you’d have to ask them i guess, but i’ve been told i can be stubborn and that i care too much
12. What is the annoying habit you have? sometimes i can run over the end of peoples sentences in conversations, i think. i promise it’s only bc im excited
13. Do you still talk to your first love? lol NO
14. How many ex’s do you have? two my dude
15. How many songs are on your playlist? binch which playlist, i’m a playlist QUEEN. I think my biggest one has over 300
16. What instruments can you play? i’m a classically trained pianist, started when i was 4 or 5. because i have such a solid theory base, i can usually pick up most things, at least a little bit
17. Who do you have the most pictures of? i have a ton of pictures on my phone rn of my parents when they were super young, but otherwise maybe my roommate?
18. Where would you like to go before you die? i would want to go back to ireland, but i would want to go with my family
19. What is your zodiac? both moon and sun in taurus, ascending in leo *finger guns*
20. Do you relate to it? I don’t know how much i actually believe astrology, but i do know i’m stubborn as hell, and fairly grounded
21. What is happiness to you? watching other people be stupid happy, like not in general, but experiencing something that just makes their face light up
22. Are you going through anything right now? all day erryday
23. What’s the worst decision you’ve ever made? trying to do what made my parents happy instead of what made me happy
24. What’s your favorite store? a local store called Stick it in Your Ear, they sell records and cds and stuff
25. What’s your opinion on abortion? Pro-choice, i can’t tell anyone what to do with their own body
26. Do you keep a bucket list? mmm not really, i don’t like putting that stress on myself lolol
27. Do you have a favorite album at the moment? i listen to playlists rather than albums these days tbh, so i can’t think of any
28. What do you want for your birthday? to see my KC friends, i miss them :(
29. What are most people’s first impression of you? i’ve been told i’m really intimidating when you first meet me, but once u get to know me you’ll just realize i’m a bit different (i’m NoT lIKe oThER GurLS)
30. What age do you seem according to most people? I get told a lot that i’m an old soul, whatever tf that means, i feel like i’m a living meme
31. Where do you keep your phone while you’re sleeping? my mattress is on the floor, so plugged in next to my head
32. What word do you say the most? ”listen”, i tend to start sentences with it
33. What’s the oldest age you would date? probs, like, 26? so about 3, 4 years older
34. What’s the youngest age you would date? i’m gonna be 23 this year, so 21 would be my limit. any younger and they feel like a baby to me
35. What job/career do most people say would suit you? what would SUIT me the most? ur asking me about the thing i’ve struggled w most in my life, IDK
36. What’s your favorite music genre? pretty much anything that isn’t stadium country or absolute shrieking is a genre i’m cool with, but i really enjoy post punk revival, like modern baseball (and then of course kpop lololol)
37. If you could live in any country in the world where would it be? i don’t think i could permanently live anywhere else, i’m too attached to my friends and family
38. What is your current favorite song? Making Breakfast by Twin Peaks
39. How long have you had this blog for? oh goodness, im not sure (i just checked and holy shit i’ve had it since aug 2012, dam)
40. What are you excited for? im not sure, it sounds sad but nothing much right now. i’m kinda just coasting and keeping my head down, which isn’t bad
41. Are you a better talker or listener? i think both, but since i’ve broken out of my shell i tend to do a lot more talking which i’m not super pleased about
42. What is the last productive thing you did? TAXES HELL YEAH MURICA
43. What do you want for Christmas? time, just time
44. What class do you get the best grades in? in high school it was english, college it was design and media classes
45. On a scale from 1-10, how are you feeling right now? a 6 i guess, a bit stressed atm
46. What can you see yourself doing in 10 years? bruh i aint got the foggiest, i didn’t think i’d make it this far
47. When did you get your first heartbreak? i thought it was 18 bu the first genuine heartbreak was 21
48. At what age do you want to get married? idc as long as it’s before 35 tbh
49. What career did you want to have as a child? i thought it was fun to say a marine biologist lolol
50. What do you crave now? falafel. mmmmmmmmmmm 
this was neat, it was almost like a diary entry lololol, i want to hear more from @captainlokispeople @abbyarrgh @verngyu and @cult-of-time tho of course if you don’t want to or don’t have time then all is well!!
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callistawolf · 8 years
my thoughts on 5x10
We made it through the hiatus! Well... some of us did, at any rate. How’d you guys like that episode? Here’s what I thought (my thoughts are jumbled, so bear with me): 
Felicity not buying Laurel’s bullshit story from the get go: 💯
Felicity being all around amazing and take-no-prisoners this ENTIRE EPISODE: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💀
That said....
Oliver trying to believe the best of Laurel: 😭
Oliver trying to be optimistic and believe good things can happen and being open to miracles: 😫😫😫😫
I love him so much and his development this season is 👌
Rene somehow got me to love him this episode. 
I’m still not sure how it happened
Referring to them as “mom and dad” helps a LOT though. 
Curtis was great this ep too. Holy shit. 
KC should only ever play bad guys cuz she’s a LOT more believable when she’s being menacing and bitchy.
I even liked Adrian Chase this episode wtf. 
All their scenes were amazing but the one where they “argued” (still not sure if that’s what it was) was OFF THE CHARTS and they should always be this way, even after they reunite. 
THIS is the Olicity I fell in love with.
Two strong and amazing people clashing and changing each other and growing brighter and bigger and stronger and more amazing!
The statue blowing up was 😎👍😂. In that order. 
Felicity overriding the team was awesome too. Poor Oliver. But y’all know he found it hot too. 
Watching Felicity’s pendulum swing towards pessimism and vengeance and anger while Oliver’s swings to optimism, justice and hope... GAH. I LOVE THIS SHIP. 
He will light her way. He can’t help Black Siren (cuz bitch is a lost cause yo) but he WILL help Felicity and I can’t fuckin wait. 
It’s almost a shame we gotta go through the Susapocalypse here shortly to get there. I will be plugging my ears and going “lalalalala!!! I CANT HEAR YOU” the whole time.
But it WILL end and Olicity WILL reunite and if you doubt it now then I can’t help you friend, see you on the other side. 
“Hey pumpkin”
No more statue! Time to find a new BC! (what’s that? closing the door on LL’s return? YEP. BYE!)
Oh hai Tina. I like her. Whatever. I have no reason NOT to like her yet. Come to Star City and kick ignorant male ass, Tina. Can’t wait to know you better. 
And now, a gif of my favorite moment: 
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(i swear, my life was extended, my skin cleared up, my debts were paid... this was the moment I’ve lived for, apparently... I don’t see it as Felicity punching Faux!Laurel, I see it as the Olicity fandom punching all the LL stans who’ve been such assholes about Felicity/Olicity all these years. TAKE IT, HATERS.)
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mlentertainment · 8 years
cry baby!!
(list your concert experiences and talk about how they make you feel)
strap in, i only have 3 but they’re fucking long as shit
1. Marianas Trench, March 11 2016
holy shit
holy shit
the lights were neon combinations that have forever changed certain colour combinations for me
i almost touched josh’s arm as he sang past us
my friend and i were sobbing the entire time, just from witnessing magic from all 4 boys
they did 5 people 1 guitar in person
they ripped a banner down to reveal their logo
what a bop
pop 101??? yes
the transition from onscreen angst to IRL angst was iconic
mikey fucking ayley’s harmonies good GOD
josh hangs from the ceiling being a fucking angel descended from above and he backflips like 4 times what the fuck
i got a guitar pick necklace and a matt webb poster
also i picked up some confetti
2. Twenty One Pilots, June 7 2016
oh mannnnn
left school and drove for like an hour, walked for an hour, then stood in line for 2 more
molson canadian amphitheatre?? hell yes
chef’special ruined my life (in a good way obvi)
mutemath was so loud tho :/ like my mom and i sat there plugging our ears waiting for the set to end :(((
i was suckin on a werther’s caramel as the opening music started and i still have the wrapper
i had never been able to pull off the hds opening before that night and i did it perfectly with tyler ;u;
didn’t have a phone so i witnessed everything in person (the best way)
they couldn’t do hamsterball bc of the size of the “pit” :(
and there was nowhere for tyler to emerge from in hometown so he just sorta… didn’t
but josh’s drumline left me gasping for air so it was all good
my mom was trying to get us out before trees ended so we could get a headstart back to the car mom wyd but i ended up being right next to the pit for the confetti and waterdrumming
you bet your ass i have that confetti too
we saw tyler and josh’s silhouettes in the building’s window on the way out
3. Thomas Sanders, August 23 2016
that’s right literally all of my concerts were last year
i still owe my mom money for this concert bc she spent like over $200 CAD because she didn’t read fine print and could’ve bought a general admission for herself
drove to toronto and waited next to the tour bus outside
everyone was dressed as stevonnie, rose quartz, harry potter stuff
everyone was also super sweet and we were all talking in line and stuff
there were maybe 100 of us max
it was at a bar
it was tiny
it was awesome
I met @atavanwentz through that show!
I also met Thomas himself because why the hell would you not buy a vip ticket to meet Thomas
he complimented my “lovely” bandage on my (gross) cut thumb
he hugged me three (3!) times
i gave him 2 smooth stones from new brunswick
he didn’t know where new brunswick was
the acoustic set ruined my life
Leo tap danced
jay slayed
terrence fucking destroyed me
nicole holy shit
the show itself brought me to tears
we were all crying
the message was so good
they threw t-shirts into the crowd and i gave mine to the girl next to me bc she was cute
news flash: i’m gay
down with the patriarchy
down with heteronormativity
down with sticking to the story
make your own story
in conclusion i spent an hour reliving the best times of my life thank you for reading
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