#I enjoy working on things at our kotatsu table but it’s probably not great for my back lol
cin425 · 10 months
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Progress shots of my Lotus Tower!
(Please ignore the messy workspace 😅)
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ryqoshay · 3 years
Tri-Arame: A Break? No Way!
Primary Pairing Trio: YuuAyuSetsu Words: ~2k Rating: G Time Frame: Sometime during the 2nd trimester of their 2nd year? Later? Story Arc: Stand Alone
Author’s Note: How many detours will I take? How many WIPs must I start before I can finish one? Will I ever finish any of the works I started over the last couple months? Only my µ’s muse knows.
Anyway, this chapter was born entirely out of a single comment from myon as we discussed the new songs for the Nijigasaki girls. I don’t want to spoil it entirely, so I’ll include it in the followup post.
Also, the girls of R3birth have not made their anime debut, so they will not be appearing in this scene. Perhaps I may come back and make changes later if they are introduced in the second season.
Summary: It’s time for everyone in the Nijigasaki School Idol Club to have a new solo! And Yuu is going to help them all.
Movement at the edge of Ayumu’s focus caught her eye and she looked up.
“Are you alright, Yuu-chan?” She asked the twin-tailed girl beside her under the kotatsu.
“I’m fine.” Yuu offered a smile that was nowhere near its normal power.
“You’ve stayed up late every night this week.” Ayumu reminded. “It’s fine to take a break.”
“A break? No way!” Yuu shook her head. “I need to help you guys.”
“I believe Ayumu-san and I can take care of anything else tonight.” Setsuna joined from her spot opposite Ayumu. “We’ve made a lot of progress thanks to your help, Yuu-san.” She smiled, though Ayumu noted even hers was not as brilliant as usual.
The three girls had been working together for hours since arriving at Ayumu’s place after school, breaking only for dinner. The project was a pair of new solo songs for Ayumu and Setsuna for an upcoming Live being planned by the school idol club. Although, together may have been a little bit of an overstatement, as Ayumu and Setsuna had each been primarily focused on their own song while Yuu assisted as needed.
And on the topic of Yuu’s assistance, she had been helping the rest of the club as well all week. Thus, all the late nights. She had actually ended up staying at Rina’s, Shizuku’s, Karin’s and Kanata’s places after missing the last train the first couple nights and not bothering the next two. Tonight, it was Ayumu’s turn and they had invited Setsuna to join them.
“Are you sure?” Yuu seemed more than a little dejected.
Whatever Setsuna was about to say in response was interrupted by a yawn. “Mm…” She ended up humming and nodding after.
“It seems we should take our own advice and turn in as well.” Ayumu decided. “We can continue later this weekend. But for now, you and I need to rest up for tomorrow, Yuu-chan.” She reminded her friend of the plans they had with her parents. “Or today, actually.” She corrected, noticing the clock on her headboard.
“I suppose.” Yuu sighed and crawled over to Ayumu’s bed before pulling herself up and under the covers.
“I’m sorry, Setsuna-chan.” Ayumu suddenly apologized. “I got so wrapped up in our work that I completely forgot to set out a futon for you.” She stood and moved to her closet to retrieve the bedding.
“I’ll help.” Setsuna assured, sliding the table a little to make room before getting up to retrieve a pillow.
“Oh, and one more thing.” Ayumu stepped over to her plushie display and grabbed the pink rabbit before turning and handing it to Setsuna.
“… Right… Thank you.” Pink dusted the raven-haired girl’s cheeks as she accepted.
Ayumu opened her eyes to an unfamiliar sound. Soft, almost imperceptible scratches sounded from somewhere in the room. Then a sound she recognized; a page being turned. She sat up and immediately spotted Yuu setting the table, scrawling away at the paperwork for the songs they had worked on last night.
“Yuu-chan?” She murmured, keeping her volume down as she realized Setsuna was still sleeping behind Yuu.
“Mm?” The girl with green tips looked up from her work, set a hand down for support and twisted her shoulders around to face the redhead. “G’mornin’ Ayumu.” She offered a smile that was barely more energetic than the prior night.
“How long have you been up?” Ayumu asked, sliding out of bed, stepping over Setsuna and making her way to her normal spot at the table.
“Dunno.” Yuu admitted. “I dreamed up some good ideas for almost everyone and needed to get them out on paper before I forgot it all.”
Ayumu couldn’t help smiling. She loved Yuu’s unwavering support, even when it lead to hyperfocus and nigh-all-consuming obsession. And while she wished Yuu would take better care of herself, she had long since vowed to do what she could to fill in where needed when it came to her health and wellbeing.
“Are you going to be alright coming along with us today?” She asked.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Yuu nodded. “I love hanging out with you and your parents. I can take a nap afterward.”
Well, at least she recognizes she needs more sleep. Ayumu conceded to herself.
A knock came at the door, followed by Ayumu’s mother’s voice. “Are you girls up? I’ll have breakfast ready in a moment.”
The sound caused Setsuna to stir, so Ayumu was no longer worried about waking her.
“We’ll be out in a few.” Ayumu responded.
“Oh, Setsuna-chan, good morning.” Yuu greeted the other girl as she slowly sat up and yawned.
Setsuna stretched. “Good morning, Yuu-san, Ayumu-san.”
“Good morning, Setsuna-chan.” Ayumu added.
“I had a bunch of new ideas,” Yuu continued “though we probably can’t fit them all into just these songs, and probably shouldn’t try, but maybe we’ll be able to use some in the next set? Anyway, take a look at it later today and let me know what you think.” She held out a stack of sheets.
“Thank you, Yuu-san.” Setsuna accepted and slipped the pages into her bag.
The three then rotated through the bathroom to wash their faces and get ready for the day.
ScarletStorm: Ayumu-san
UeharaAyumu: What’s up Setsuna-chan?
ScarletStorm: I wanted to contact you privately so as to avoid possibly embarrassing Yuu-san.
UeharaAyumu: Yuu-chan?
UeharaAyumu: What do you mean?
ScarletStorm: I believe she mixed up some of the paperwork for our songs.
ScarletStorm: A lot of it, actually.
Oh? Ayumu crawled over to the table to check what was left there. Sure enough, much of it was for Setsuna’s solo.
UeharaAyumu: That appears to be the case
ScarletStorm: I can stop by later tonight so we can swap them.
UeharaAyumu: No need to make a special trip
UeharaAyumu: We’ll see each other again Monday morning
As soon as Ayumu sent the second message, she realized what Setsuna was probably going to reply.
ScarletStorm: I was hoping to work a little more on it tomorrow.
And there it was. Yuu wasn’t the only workaholic when it came to school idol things. Ayumu laughed lightly to herself and shook her head. She was about to agree and set up a time to meet when a different thought occurred to her.
UeharaAyumu: Perhaps we can use this opportunity to help each other?
UeharaAyumu: Look at what the other has done from a different perspective and maybe do some editing or offer some advice?
UeharaAyumu: A little like what Yuu-chan has been doing for us, but we both have different perspectives than her
UeharaAyumu: And each other
ScarletStorm: That’s a great idea, Ayumu-san!
ScarletStorm: It will a little like our Shuffle Festival from a little while back.
ScarletStorm: Actually, no, not really.
ScarletStorm: We’re not covering the other’s song, just helping them write one.
UeharaAyumu: Well there’s no reason we cannot add a little of our own influence to the other’s song
UeharaAyumu: I’ve always admired your style, Setsuna-chan
UeharaAyumu: So I wouldn’t mind seeing what influence you might have on a song that I might sing
UeharaAyumu: Then on the other side, I would like to see what I can add to a song of yours
UeharaAyumu: And on the topic of the Shuffle Festival, I actually kind of hoped I would end up with CHASE! instead of Kasumi-chan
UeharaAyumu: Yuu-chan still likes to play it on her piano every so often and I can’t help humming along when she does
UeharaAyumu: After all, it was the song that inspired me to become a school idol and her to join and restart the club
There was a noticeable pause before Setsuna began typing again. Then another pause. And another.
ScarletStorm: Thank you, Ayumu-san.
ScarletStorm: That song has always meant a lot to me.
ScarletStorm: As such, I am very happy to hear that you and Yuu-san continue to enjoy it.
ScarletStorm: That said, I also enjoy your style.
ScarletStorm: However, I believe Emma-san was a better pick than I for covering Yume e no Ippo.
ScarletStorm: At least she was then.
ScarletStorm: My time with Ayumu-san and Shizuku-san in A・ZU・NA has allowed me to experience many more facets of being a school idol than I would have otherwise on my own.
ScarletStorm: You have allowed me to expand my knowledge and skills of being a school idol.
ScarletStorm: It would be an honor to sing a song in homage to Ayumu-san’s style in exchange for her singing one in mine.
Ayumu smiled.
UeharaAyumu: I’ll let Yuu-chan know we’re trading notes for a little while when I check on her later to make sure she’s taking the break she needs
UeharaAyumu: And speaking of breaks, don’t you be staying up to late working on my song
UeharaAyumu: Both you and Yuu-chan have a bad habit of overworking yourselves and it makes me worry about you
Scarlet Storm: Thank you for your concern, Ayumu-san.
ScarletStorm: I will be sure to go to bed at a decent time tonight.
UeharaAyumu: Alright
UeharaAyumu: See you at the station Monday morning
ScarletStorm: Yes, see you then.
“Wha~?” Kasumi exclaimed, planting both hands on the table and leaning toward two of her seniors on the other side. “Ayumu-sempai and Setsuna-sempai are trading songs?”
Ayumu laughed lightly. “Just trading some influence in style.”
“And learning new ways to look at our songs,” Setsuna added excitedly “how we share them with our fans and ultimately grow as school idols.”
“Kasumin wants to grow as a school idol too!” Kasumi whined. “Senpai!” She turned toward Yuu. “Help Kasumin make her songs even cuter!”
“Yuu-senpai has already helped you a lot, Kasumi-san.” Shizuku pointed out from beside the ash blonde. “I believe what is being suggested here is a little different.”
“It sounds more like our recent Shuffle Festival.” Karin observed.
“That’s what I thought at first as well.” Setsuna acknowledged.
“But what Setsu and Ayu-pyon are doing is trading influence on creating songs, not just covering the other’s songs.” Ai spoke up.
“Exactly.” Ayumu agreed.
“Sounds fun. Ai’m in.” The blonde grinned.
“I would like to try something new as well.” Rina stated flatly. “I would like to discover new ways to connect with my fans.”
“Hmmm…” Emma considered “I enjoyed singing Ayumu-chan’s pure song during the Shuffle Festival, but I wonder how it might feel to sing a cool song like Karin-chan’s or a dramatic one like Shizuku-chan’s.”
“Or a cute one like Kasumin’s?” Kasumi asked.
“I think everything Emma-chan sings would end up being cute.” Kanata’s voice was slightly muffled by her pillow before she turned her head. “Wouldn’t you agree, Karin-chan?”
“O… of course.” Karin didn’t seem to have expected to be asked such a question.
“What kind of influence would you want to have on your song, Kanata-san?” Yuu asked.
“I already get inspiration and influence from Haruka-chan.” Kanata drawled.
“Well, this all sounds like a lot of fun.” Yuu continued. “But if we’re going to overhaul everyone’s songs, it’s going to be a lot of work. But…” she leaned over retrieve a sizable stack of sheets from her bag “I came up with a ton of new and random stuff once Ayumu and Setsuna-chan revealed their idea to me. Take a look and see if anything gives you ideas. I’ll be happy to help wherever I can, as always.”
Seven hands reached forward to take random pages and several discussions broke out among the group.
Ayumu glanced at the twin-tailed girl beside her. Looks like it might be another sleep deprived week for Yuu-chan. She worried silently. Maybe I’ll take a night in the middle of the week this time. Oh. Setsuna-chan and I are pretty far along with our songs, so maybe we can all take a break that night. Perhaps an anime movie night, so long as we limit it to only a few episodes and not an entire series.
Someone said her name to get her attention and Ayumu was taken from her thoughts and into a discussion about a possible lyric change. The next couple hours were filled with excitement and anticipation as the girls of the Nijigasaki School Idol Club began looking at their songs in a new light.
Author’s Note Continued in Followup Post
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Villainous Heroics - Chapter 15
Woo! This took so much longer than I wanted it to where midterms hit hard. Here we are, though, with Chapter 15. There's three more chapters left after this, so the story will be wrapping up shortly. Don't despair, however! I have "end game" drabbles planned for this series as well as two spin-offs that deal with mind sharing and body swapping. That's right, readers, we are FAR from done!
               Click here to read the work on Archive Of Our Own.
                  Click here to read the work on Fan Fiction Net.
                            ⍣ I have a Patreon! NOW UPDATED!!⍣                              ☪ I have a tip jar! Buy me a coffee!☪
Summary: Eraserhead is an underground hero who is constantly busy and doesn’t have time to be dealing with new villains - even if they aren’t all that villainous and make the night interesting.
Present Mic is the latest up-and-coming villain in the world and he has a point to prove to everyone out there - as long as he doesn’t keep getting distracted by Eraserhead.
Aizawa Shota is someone who soon learns that there is more to someone than the mask they show to the world - especially when it comes to playing heroes and villains.
Yamada Hizashi learns that there is more to heroics and villainy than he could have ever thought - especially in a world where some heroes still care about those lost in the shadows.
(Inspired and dedicated to corndog-patrol’s Villain!Mic AU on Tumblr.)
            <<First/Chapter>> <<Last Chapter>> <<Next Chapter>>
                                           Chapter Fifteen
Halfheartedly scribbling a thumbs-up on Ashido’s latest test paper where she had achieved a low B, Shouta glanced at his phone as it started vibrating for the fifteenth time that hour. Considering his contact list was five names long, he could safely narrow it down to the only person who would find the need to text multiple messages in a row instead of confining her words into a single text box like a sane person.
‘Eraser!!!’ ‘When were you going to tell me that Present Mic was a hero?!?!?!’ ‘He just saved me and my sidekick a bunch of trouble!!!’ ‘He’s so great too!!!’ ‘He’s really a SCREAM!!’ ‘Lol but no seriously when were you going to tell me??’ ‘ERASER HE HELPED BANDAGE MY SIDEKICKS ARM AND GAVE HER A PIECE OF CANDY’ ‘IT WASN’T POISONED CANDY EITHER’ ‘OI ERASER CAN YOU HEAR ME???’ ‘He told me to tell you hi by the way he’s so cute’ ‘Really tho is he licensed?? When did that happen??’ ‘Ah he’s leaving now but seriously check the news it’ll probably be on there.’ ‘Did you delete my number again?? It’s me!! Ms Joke!! Your fiance!!’ ‘erASER’ ‘Tell Nem I said hi’
Exhausting. Joke was utterly exhausting and Shouta regretted every day that he hadn’t killed Nemuri for giving her his number. Moving to turn his phone off, Shouta frowned as it started ringing with an annoying American song that Nemuri had chosen for herself years ago. He almost let it go to voicemail before he decided he didn’t want to deal with her in person.
“What do you want, Nemuri?” Shouta answered, pushing himself up from where he had been working at the kotatsu for the past few hours. It was really showing he hadn’t moved in a while, he mused.
“I thought you said Present Mic wasn’t a vigilante?” Right. Joke had been talking about a fight that Present Mic had showed up to help out on.
“He wasn’t last time I saw him. What happened?” Shouta shuffled to the kitchen, smiling softly as he deftly avoided Jelly’s playful jumps and nudges against his ankles.
“Joke and that new sidekick of hers, Bullseye, were having some problems with a mutation quirk villain. Some sort of large animal with a lot of teeth and not that good at laughing.”
“Not good for Joke,” Shouta muttered, frowning as he checked his coffee pot, wrinkling his nose at the cold dregs left behind. He’d need to brew some more.
“No, not good for Joke. They were waiting for backup when your vigilante came on the scene and took care of the guy. Five minutes and he was down.”
“Sounds about right. Why are you calling me, then?” Flicking his phone to be on speaker, Shouta started a fresh pot, eying Jelly’s food bowl. He could probably give her at least another half scoop for the night.
“Because you said he was still a villain last time we talked!” Snorting at that, Shouta picked his phone back up, collapsing at the kitchen table.
“He probably still thinks he is.” Really, though… Yamada hadn’t been a villain for a very long time. After their talk the other night at the man’s apartment, Shouta was almost certain that Yamada had never been a villain. He was far too kind for that.
“He keeps saving people! That’s the opposite of a villain!” Stifling a laugh against his fist, Shouta listened to Nemuri’s ranting and complaining as he kept an ear out for the quiet sounds of a happy cat and a brewing coffee pot and thought about the ‘villain’ that was Present Mic, or, rather, the hero that was Present Mic. Shouta had a feeling that this wouldn’t be the last they heard of the new vigilante and hero.
Two weeks later proved him more right than he was expecting. In two weeks Present Mic had teamed up with Nemuri for a raid that had gotten out of control, aided Kamui Woods with a building evacuation during a fire, bonded scarily well with Mt. Lady during a bomb threat, and had even managed to work together with Endeavour of all people. Although, Shouta had heard from Nemuri that Endeavour's ears had been ringing for a few days afterwards.
All in all, Present Mic was finally making an impact like he had wanted to, turning the spotlight on him and making sure the media, and by extension their world of heroes and villains, knew just who he was. And yet, here he was, hiding away on the top of a roof like he was scared of being seen.
Landing on the edge of the roof lightly, Shouta hid a sigh in the wraps of his binding cloth as he stepped forward, letting his footsteps be heard. He knew Yamada knew it was him when the man didn’t even tense or look back. Not sure what to say, Shouta finally settled on something that he at least knew would get a response. “How goes the day, hero?”
The laugh was dry and brittle, an inch away from snapping as much as Yamada was. The man still responded, though, tilting his head to look back at him, “Shouldn’t it be night?”
“Probably,” Shouta said softly as he gave a twitch of a smile at Yamada before moving to take a seat beside him, still marveling on how a man as loud and outspoken as Present Mic had such a common name. Then again, after speaking with him in his civilian life, he supposed it made more sense. Yamada Hizashi seemed scared to speak louder than a whisper. “You know, typically heroes stick around to do the paperwork that comes with the work you’ve been doing.”
“It’s a good thing I’m not a hero, then.” The words were clipped, short, and to the point. Shouta believed them as much as Yamada seemed to. “I know what you’re going to say and I’m not changing my mind. I’m not… I’m not some hero.”
“No,” Shouta finally sighed, looking down over the city that spread out around them. From the building they were on it felt like they could see their entire world awash in cool blacks and bright neon lights. “You’re not.” Shouta hated how, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Yamada relax. “But you could be.”
For once, Yamada didn’t have a quick response or a sharp denial ready. Instead he looked towards the night sky, hints of stars just barely peeking past the light pollution of the night. Silence settled around them, but Shouta noticed it wasn’t a comfortable silence. It wasn’t upsetting, to any degree, but… there was tension.
Shouta finally sighed, fingertips curling around the sleeve edge of Yamada’s leather jacket, giving it a light tug. The man didn’t move, but Shouta knew he had his attention as he asked, “What are you doing, Mic?”
“I… thought I could help. People, good people, were at the risk of getting hurt on all those occasions. I thought… I don’t know. I thought maybe I could at least make sure no one died. I thought I could help-”
“You did help.” Did he really not see that? After all of this, did he really not see that he was doing good? “Joke told me how you helped her and her new sidekick. It could have been a lot worse. Nemuri won’t stop bugging me to get your phone number for her, half the other pros thought you were a new hero, and Endeavour is still absolutely pissed - which, if you ask me, is always the mark of a good hero.”
His last line, just like he had hoped, had Yamada giving a startled laugh. Tension seemed to drain out of both of them, Shouta feeling a shoulder press against his own. He didn’t move away. Instead, he sat calmly, relaxing at the swath of warmth until he heard Yamada suck in a shaking breath, “I’m supposed to be the villain, Eraser.” Eraser? Ah, right. Yamada didn’t know that Shouta knew who he was - both parts of him.
“Is that what you really think? Or is that what you’ve been told to think?��� Because Shouta had a theory that Yamada wasn’t a villain by choice. He had started all of this to help people in his own way, after all. A man like that could never be a villain. “You keep saying your quirk was dangerous… Who told you that?”
Just as he suspected. Yamada was tense against his side once more, wound up and tightly coiled as if ready to cut his losses and run. It was almost cute that Yamada thought Shouta would ever let him leave. Maybe that wasn’t the right question to ask, though. Maybe the better question…
“Why have you been helping the pros, Mic?” If he was so dead set on being a villain, why help? “A villain would have taken advantage and taken them all down. You stopped and helped. Why?”
It felt like an eternity, but finally, finally, Yamada let out a shaking, wobbling sigh. It was a sound that was a step above a sob and Shouta wasn’t sure how to feel about the fact that he wanted nothing more than to draw Yamada over and hug him. He was getting too soft.
“Mic.” Biting his lip, Shouta pushed his embarrassment aside and slowly moved a hand up, freezing for a few seconds before setting his fingertips against Yamada’s cheek and carefully pressing until he had the man finally looking at him. Yamada looked like he was shaking to pieces and Shouta didn’t stop to think before he pressed his palm against Yamada’s cheek, thumb rubbing against soft, smooth skin. “Why are you helping, Mic?”
There was a single moment where Shouta thought Yamada would jerk away and bolt. That moment passed, however, and Shouta shivered as he felt Yamada completely relax and lean into his touch as if he was starved for it. Distracted as he was, Shouta almost missed the words Mic said next.
“Someone important to me told me that I could be a hero.” The words were whisper soft - a secret that he knew Shouta would protect. “I think he might have been right.”
Shouta had never lied. He knew that Yamada Hizashi could be a great hero, but that didn’t mean he could ignore the truth. Yamada had grown up on rough streets and knew how to fight both with and without his quirk - which was powerful on its own. He hadn’t been trained as a pro, though.
There were some pros that didn’t go to a school specialized in hero training, yes, but that meant they usually served out internships and acted as sidekicks until they had the knowledge and experience they needed to go forward. Some sidekicks spent over a decade learning from pros, and even a new pro had the force of an agency behind them. Hell, Shouta himself worked for an agency and he was underground.
Yamada had none of that. He had no idea what the common strategies or signals were, he had never been trained to keep calm in mentally taxing situations, and he no doubt had only ever interacted with panicking civilians briefly. There was also the fact that he had never been trained to deal with real villains.
Present Mic fought thugs and gangs and kept the streets safer, but he didn’t deal with smuggling rings, quirk black markets, and hostage threats. Present Mic should never have been near a raid for an underground market that dealt in trading children with promising and powerful quirks. It was too dangerous - for him and everyone else involved in the scene.
It was all well and good to call him a hero, but that did not make him a pro. At best he was a vigilante and at worst he was an idiot who was trying to get himself killed.
“Mic!” The busy and upscale neighborhood (which hadn’t that been terrifying to know this was all taking place in somewhere considered safe) was filled with nosy civilians, handcuffed villains, crying and screaming children, and the wailing of sirens. Shouta could barely hear himself think in the mess, but he knew Yamada could hear him. Yamada always heard him. “You are not just walking off after all of that! You can barely walk!”
This raid had been dangerous from the start, but, as was the case these days, they had underestimated their opponents. While all the children had been rescued and were still alive and breathing, Yamada and half of the smugglers had almost died when the man had brought down the building to keep them from escaping. Shouta himself had barely gotten out and it had taken over an hour to dig everyone out. Yamada had been lucky that he was still alive!
“You could’ve died from a stunt like that! Are you even listening to me?!” Yamada was bruised, bleeding, and limping, his glasses having been cracked during the initial crumbling of the building.
“So what if I die? You wouldn’t care. I’m a villain - and a piss poor one at that.” Yamada had spun around to meet his approach, fist clenched around his broken sunglasses as he stared at Shouta with tear-filled eyes. Shouta wasn’t sure if it was the tears that made it feel like the breath was knocked out of him or the fact that Yamada had just said those words so casually. No… he had said them so bitterly. “I give it my all and you still hate me!”
Shouta had failed. If Yamada thought that he hated him after all that had happened, then he had well and truly failed in everything. Yamada looked close to even more tears, voice sounding so defeated as he muttered, “At least let me sulk in peace.”
Shouta was moving before he was even fully aware of it, catching Yamada by the lapels of that stupid leather jacket of his and tugging him close and keeping him from running away. His fingers had gone white with how tight his grip was, but he paid it no mind, instead entirely wrapped up in how their foreheads bumped together, Shouta hearing the hitch in Yamada’s breaths as he slammed his eyes shut, unwilling or unable to meet Shouta’s own gaze. It hurt more than he thought it would. There were a million words he could say, but words had never been Shouta’s strong point, and all he could get out was, “I don’t hate you.”
“So what is it?” Yamada was quick with words like always, but his voice shook as if expecting the fall that was about to come. “What’s wrong with me?” Shouta was so tired of Yamada thinking he was worthless. He was tired of Yamada thinking that Shouta would ever let him fall. “Why all the rejections?”
Shouta was bad with words. He always had been. There had been a hundred situations where Shouta had destroyed or ruined something because he had said the wrong words. He was determined to not let that happen with this man. So instead of words that would fumble and fall flat, Shouta tightened his grip on Yamada’s jacket before pushing himself forward, lips slotting themselves against ones that were chapped and dry. The silly man probably bit his lip every moment he grew nervous.
For a moment the lips against his were still and unmoving and Shouta felt his heart drop. There was no way he had read all of this wrong. Present Mic had flirted from the start, but Yamada Hizashi had stared at him with eyes that were filled with the same emotion Shouta had constantly been feeling around him.
When he felt hands curl into his jumpsuit and pull him closer, lips pressing hard and messy against his, Shouta realized he shouldn’t have even bothered to worry.
Pulling back, because even a moment like this needed a few words, Shouta bit his lip as he looked at Yamada’s face, still bruised and dirty from the raid, but flushed with pink and holding wide green eyes that practically shone.
“If I hated you,” Shouta near whispered, “I wouldn’t have bothered putting up with all of your stupid hijinks.”
“Oh!” The exclamation was quirk strong, Shouta not giving Yamada the chance to apologize before he was pressing forward again, lips finding Yamada’s as if it was the easiest thing in the world. Yamada didn’t hesitate, this time.
Shouta would be lying if he said he hadn’t pictured this moment before. He tried not to, but when the thoughts slipped in they usually revolved around adrenaline and something fast and rough and more about actions than words. This… wasn’t.
The kiss stayed hard for only a moment before Shouta felt hands cupping his cheeks, calloused fingers resting against him and a rough thumb pressing into the scar under his eye, dragging against it like he had after the USJ incident.
Shouta wanted to know those hands. He wanted to know each dip and curve and he wanted to know what had caused each scar and callous. Shouta could spend hours kissing his way across each inch of skin, giving the man all the contact and attention he had so obviously been starved of.
He had to have been starved of touch. It was in the way Yamada clung to him like he was afraid Shouta would pull away and never return. It was in how he pushed forward with the same amount of force he pushed back, arching into the hand that Shouta had pressed against the back of his head, keeping him close.
It wasn’t rough and fast and hard, though. It may have started like that, but Shouta was becoming lost far too quickly as Yamada curled into him like he belonged there, lips moving slowly and assuredly against his, a hint of teeth pressing against his own lower lip that had Shouta shivering and fighting back any sort of noise. Yamada didn’t have the same concern, a low, soft moan leaving him when Shouta’s fingers dug against the man’s scalp.
Slowly remembering that they were in the middle of a raid scene and they were both sore and injured, Shouta carefully pulled back, almost going right back when he saw Yamada staring at him with a flushed and dazed expression.
“Come on, hero,” Shouta mumbled, indulging enough to let himself press his lips to the edge of Yamada’s jaw, skin smooth and soft as he returned the favor from so long ago and flicked at the skin with the tip of his tongue. The noise Yamada gave had Shouta swallowing roughly as he pulled away again. “Let’s get you patched up.”
“Promise not to let go?” Yamada’s voice was rough and low and nothing at all like the smooth, high tones he had as Present Mic. It had Shouta tightening his grip more than he thought possible.
“I won’t.”
“How hard would it be to have an adult get a pro hero license?” Shouta kept his expression perfectly blank and even, laid back as ever as he watched Nemuri cycle through at least eight different expressions in the middle of the staff room. When her face finally settled on a sharp smirk, though, Shouta wondered how fast he could get away.
“This is for Present Mic, I take it?” Nemuri’s voice was a purr and Shouta hated her. He still gave a single, sharp nod, however. “Well, well, it looks like my little Shou-chan finally found love! Ah, they grow up so fast!”
Shouta kept silent and, by the time he realized his mistake, it was too late. Nemuri was staring at him with sharp, narrowed eyes. Shouta stared back evenly, trying not to show any fear. She could no doubt sense it.
“Shou-chan,” Nemuri cooed, voice light and sweet and containing all the horrors of the world. “When I said you found love, that’s usually when you correct me and tell me how wrong I am.” Right. There were many ways to do this.
“There’s no use in correcting you when you aren’t wrong.” In hindsight, Shouta should have expected the squeal. “Are you going to help me with this or not?”
“Of course I am!” As usual, Nemuri didn’t seem put off by his sharp voice and sharper glare at all. “Oh you’ll have to tell me all about it. Did you two finally admit to your feelings?”
“Sure.” In truth, there hadn’t been much time. The raid had been a few nights ago and Yamada had been absolutely exhausted after having an EMT on the scene use a minor healing quirk on the worst of his injuries. Shouta had followed to make sure he got home alright, but they hadn’t had a chance to talk about… what had happened. Yamada had whispered that he would see him soon, though, before leaving, and that was more than enough. “Here’s the paperwork I’ve managed to gather so far.”
“You can leave it all to me, Shou-chan!” Nemuri grabbed the paperwork, near spinning in circles she looked so happy. Shouta had the urge to tie her up and shove her away in a closet for a few days. “I’ve witnessed a true miracle! Not only is my sweet Shouta in love, but his feelings are returned!”
“You’re lucky I still need you alive.” Shouta hated to admit it, but Nemuri was far better with loopholes and paperwork than he was. Besides, this was important. He wanted to have all the paperwork ready when he finally sat Yamada down and truly talked to him about all of this. “I’ll see you tomorrow. I have things to do.”
“Right, right, go train your secret love child,” Nemuri waved off, suddenly pausing and going completely still. Shouta was already reaching for his binding cloth as Nemuri looked at him with wide eyes. “Does Mic know you have a son?”
“I am going to skin you alive and feed you to my cat,” Shouta hissed, refusing to admit any heat in his cheeks. “I do not have a son.”
“Yet.” Turning on his heel, he decided that ignoring Nemuri was the best thing he could do. “Boo, no fun. I’ll get the paperwork to you later!”
Pausing at the door, Shouta glanced back and gave a small nod before deciding that he could be cruel, too. “Mic and Shinsou have already met. He seemed delighted that I ‘had a son.’” With that, Shouta left the lounge and closed the door, smiling a little to himself as Nemuri’s pleas and whines for more information.
Heading to the indoor gym he had been spending most of his afternoons in, Shouta peeked his head in and smiled to himself as he saw Shinsou going through his warm-up routine, focused intently as he moved through his stretches. The kid had come far since that first fight in the festival and Shouta knew without a doubt that he would make it into the hero course.
“I know you’re there, Sensei.” Kid was getting more observational, too. Shouta hated how stupidly proud that made him. “It’s creepy when you just watch, you know.”
“It’s my job to watch.” Striding into the room and over to his student, Shouta helped him to his feet, noticing the look. “You have two minutes.” It had taken months to get Shinsou relaxed enough to talk with him honestly and openly. It had then taken a few minutes to realize he had made a horrible mistake. Once Shinsou was comfortable enough to talk, he didn’t stop. Shouta almost wanted to throw him in a room with Yamada and see which one ran out of words first.
“The new hero Present Mic, huh?” Shinsou had a large grin on his face, Shouta placing a hand on the teen’s head and gently tipping his head down towards the ground. All it did was cause laughter. “Is he still saying he’s a villain?”
“Not for much longer.” Not if Shouta had anything to say about it, at least. “He was never much of a villain to begin with, anyways.”
“I thought he was that night when I first met him.” Oh? That was news to him. “He came striding in like he was one of them and the guys who had me cornered started talking about how he was always fighting against Eraserhead.”
“Well, they weren’t wrong,” Shouta snorted, nudging Shinsou along. “Come on. Second set of stretches.”
“I don’t think I was afraid of him even when I heard that, though.” Shinsou kept talking even as he began the next set of stretches, Shouta shucking off his capture weapon and joining him. “He was glaring, but he was glaring at the one that was holding that muzzle-”
“Muzzle?” Shouta stumbled out of his own stretch, eyes snapping to Shinsou. He silently conceded to Nemuri that he might have grown a touch attached when he had the immediate urge to check the kid over and make sure he was alright after an event that had happened months ago.
“Oh, I didn’t tell you that part?” Shinsou blinked, looking entirely nonplussed. “They were talking about how I’d fetch a nice price.” The fact he could say that with such a detached tone had Shouta feeling even more worry. He didn’t much like it. “He played them all, though. Present Mic.”
“Let me guess. He got rid of the muzzle and then screamed at them until they passed out?” Because he remembered the state those men had been in when Shouta had come across the scene.
“He took the muzzle and fooled them into thinking that he was helping and that he was going to put it on me himself,” Shinsou recounted, tongue poking out as he focused on a pose he always had problems with. Shouta was nudging him into the correct position almost absently, Shinsou flashing him a smile. “He had them all fooled even as he dropped that muzzle and put his headphones on me instead.”
“That sounds like him,” Shouta snorted, remembering that night clearly, now, and how Yamada had been without his headphones when Shouta had found him. “He’s not all that intimidating once you see that stupid smile of his.”
“Yeah. He had me hide behind the dumpster and reassured me the whole time. He made it seem like he was on their side right until he took them down.” Shinsou stood up from his stretch, entering a more relaxed one as he stretched his arms up, a small crack coming from his back. “He’s a pretty amazing hero when you think about it.”
“Vigilante, you mean?” Shouta glanced down to see Shinsou’s smile, wide and honest as he shook his head.
“No. I meant hero.” Shinsou laughed as Shouta rolled his eyes, fighting to hide a smile. Shinsou was right, though. Yamada truly was an amazing hero. A hero that… deserved to know the truth.
Next time. Next time they spoke, Shouta would tell Present Mic he knew exactly who he was and he and Yamada Hizashi could sit down and figure things out. It wasn’t going to be easy - not by any stretch of the imagination - but Shouta had a good feeling about where it was going to go from here.
It was time for Aizawa Shouta and Yamada Hizashi to be more than just Eraserhead and Present Mic.
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nageki-yuki-blog · 7 years
Tsukiuta Mini-Drama “Make my day” Translation
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This track is from Hajime’s solo album “Aa. Kami wo Nadete, Hoho wo Nadete, Omae wo Aishite yaru”.  It features Hajime and Shun.~
[I also want to give credit to @saikiyuuki because they helped clarify a lot of things and translate some parts, since I had trouble understanding a ton in this drama.  Thank you very much, my leader, Hajime-san~ ^^]
Hajime:  Good grief.  I was finally able to sneak away.  (Sigh)… The New Year’s gathering... No…  I guess it’s just because it’s the New Year?  There were so many ceremonies, greetings, and meetings, that it’s no wonder I’m exhausted.  And the kimono…  The fact the kimono makes one stand up straight with their head held high is something I don't dislike but, I have not worn it in a while and it makes me restless.
 For who normally has to run around from place to place nonstop, the moment someone says it’s only for New Year’s I am not good with it… When it’s nothing but strict formal gatherings, it makes my shoulders stiff.  I understand that there’s a meaning for each and every one but, couldn’t they make them just a little more simple?  (Sigh)
 Right now, the guys in the dorms are probably, sitting under the kotatsu* and being completely carefree.  I wish I could join them too.
[*table covered in blanket with heater underneath]
 Shun:  Ahehe. I have found the black king, from the New Year’s gathering, that yearns for the outside world.
 Hajime:  Oh, Shun? Why are you here?
 Shun:  Greetings, Hajime.  I don’t think you have to be that surprised, since tomorrow is…
 Hajime:  The Mutsuki’s and Shimotsuki’s ceremony for the start of the new year, right…
 Shun:  That’s right. The Mutsuki and Shimotsuki households are like the positive and the negative, the special and the ordinary… They have a relationship that is bound by fate that couldn’t be severed even if you tried.  It’s so we can exchange new year’s greetings with all the members of the family gathered.  I decided to make a visit ahead of time, and came to see Hajime’s face.  How are you doing?~
 Hajime:  Whether it’s just for greetings or not…  It hasn’t even been a week since we all separated at the dorms before the new year.
 Shun:  I guess you’re right.  But during the time that we didn’t see each other, the old year has left, and a new year has arrived.  Happy New Year, Hajime.  May the heavens shine brilliantly upon your lineage in the new year as well.
 Hajime:  Shun… Yeah, you’re right.  Happy New Year.  I pray that it will be a very good year for you.
 Shun:  Hehe… After just receiving a blessing from Gravi’s leader and the black king, Hajime, it has definitely given me more strength.
 Hajime:  Yeah, yeah. Right, the ceremony for the new year. Last year, my family went to go see the Shimotsukis, so this year I’m on the welcoming side.
 Shun:  Yeah. Meeting Hajime and walk around together during winter in Kyoto, which is surrounded by nature, sounds like it would be very enjoyable but…  Being in beautifully decorated winter Tokyo sounds great too.  Well, for someone who currently resides in a dorm in Tokyo, I guess I have gotten used to the sight.
 Hajime:  As usual, you do things at your own pace.
 Shun:  Aha.  I am always, no matter where I go, being myself. I am as I am.
 Hajime:  Hmm. Hold on.  We’re going that way.
 Shun:  Okay~.
 Shun:  Hmm~. It’s very peaceful.  I would never think this would be Tokyo, let alone a place close to the city center.
 Hajime:  All around us, it’s a quiet residential area where people don’t move in or out very often.
 Shun:  There’s also a lot of green.
 Hajime:  Yeah. I also like this garden.  It’s calming.
 Shun:  It certainly is calming.  I wonder if it’s because there are so many large trees?
 Hajime:  Hmm. That tree there, it’s the oldest cherry tree at my home.  That one’s my favorite.
 Shun:  Certainly. Even during this season when there are no flowers or leaves, it still gives off a magnificent feeling.
 Hajime:  Lying down under that tree feels good.  It’s also great when the flowers are blooming, and when it gives shade during the summer.  Incidentally, this is also where I got to know Haru*.
[*Haru also means spring, so this part also means “where I began to like spring.”]
 Shun:  Haru? Rather than meaning the season of spring, I wonder if you’re referring to Yayoi-kun?
 Hajime:  Hah, I don’t like the way you said that.  Well, you’re right.  I meant Yayoi-kun.  He would occasionally come over to my house to play.
 Shun:  Huuuh?~ I bet it would be beautiful when the flowers are blooming.  I want to see it too.
 Hajime:  It’s okay if you come.  (Sigh) Well…  It would be nice if we called Kai and the others from the dorms, and did a flower viewing.  It’s good to be lively once in a while too.
 Hajime:  I should be used to seeing this house’s garden, but to look around like this once again, it feels a little strange.  Kind of nostalgic, and kind of unfamiliar…  Even though this is a place where I used to play and hide in the thickets here and there.
 Shun:  Seems like it.  I heard that when Hajime was little, he was extremely mischievous and made his family have to search for him many times.
 Hajime:  Whose information was that?
 Shun:  Mutsuki’s princess, wait that’s wrong…  Hajime’s mother.
 Hajime:  (Sigh) She is so…  Or rather, why have you talked to my mother about those kinds of things?
 Shun:  Ahahaha~. We’ve been acquaintances for a while but…  Right now I am working alongside the princess’s precious only son, Hajime.  To be particular, since we have a connection, I wanted to make it personal.*
[*meaning that he wanted to get to know her because of their connection through Hajime.]
 Hajime:  That’s a combination that I absolutely did not want to be connected.  Shun, don’t you start asking any unnecessary questions and telling the others about it.
 Shun:  Hmmm.~ What should I do?~
 Hajime:  This time, I also want to have a thorough conversation with your parents.
 Shun:  That sounds great!  I’m sure they will be extremely delighted!  The Shimotsuki family has been huge fans of the Mutsuki family for generations.~
 Hajime:  (Annoyed sigh)  That was sarcasm.
 Shun:  I know.~
 Hajime:  (Sigh)
 Hajime:  Being peaceful is good but, this kind of hustle and bustle is also nice.
 Shun:  Oh, that’s an unexpected thought.  I thought Hajime hated crowds?
 Hajime:  I don’t hate them but…  (Sigh) I never really liked them.  I would never intentionally go out of my way to enter into the crowd.  It’s not like that now either.  Occasionally, it’s good.  Being in a place where there are many people, I have come to discover the joy of becoming a part of the scenery.
 Shun:  Becoming a part of the scenery…  Hajime has a strong presence after all.  I think it would be impossible for you to blend in with the surroundings.
 Hajime:  That’s you, isn’t it?  You stand out because you’re so white.
 Shun:  Is it really an issue of color?  See, just like I am now, I am concealing myself with my mysterious powers.~ That’s why it’s fine.
 Hajime:  That’s very ambiguous but, seems convenient.  The gazes I usually feel somehow, are certainly gone today.
 Shun:  Eh-hem! If the high quality nature of my power accompanies Hajime’s wishes as well, then that makes it even more powerful.
 Hajime:  Is that so?
 Shun:  So he just went along with it...
 08: 30
 Shun:  Hajime. There’s more people than usual so it’s very lively.
 Hajime:  Yeah. Everyone has a lot of bags.
 Shun:  I’ve never gone to one before, but You said he looks forward to the beginning of the new year because of things like New Year’s sales and lucky grab bags.
 Hajime:  The other guys also said they would be going around to several places here and there but… They invited me to come with them once I get home.
 Shun:  I was also invited.  Haha. About that conversation we just had about crowds, it’s possible that living a dormitory life surrounded by the similarly enjoyable and lively members, along with our work as idols, has gotten you used to being surrounded by a great number of people.
 Hajime:  Well… That’s true.  That’s a big possibility.  Even though I wondered what would happen in the beginning, it didn’t turn out bad.
 Shun:  Such a kind expression.  However, just like Hajime, there are also parts of me that have changed because of everyone’s influence.
 Hajime:  Hmm. Which part?
 Shun:  In my case, let me see…  Before I met everyone, I just enjoyed viewing the scenery from afar.  Now, that part must be how I was able to join everyone.
 Hajime:  Viewing the scenery from afar…  I only know how you are now, so I can’t imagine.  You’re always right in the middle of any disturbances, aren’t you?
 Shun:  Hehe. If it appears that way then I’m happy.
 Shun:  Although… I wonder if it’s okay that we both came out together…  Won’t your family get angry?
 Hajime:  It doesn’t matter.  The New Year’s ceremony is tomorrow.  There’s no need to stay inside the house.
 Shun:  It doesn’t appear that your family thinks the same way though.  The driver who brought us here, seems to be relentlessly following us from behind.  See… He’s looking at us from over there. For him to be able to surmount my concealment, he must have some serious concentration.  Hello!~
 Hajime:  Shun! Don’t wave your hand.  Seriously… Even though I said I’d be fine taking the train home.
 Shun:  They think you are going to try to escape in a second.
 Hajime:  Yeah, yeah, I know.  You don’t have any faith in me.
 Shun:  You don’t have to pout.~  If it was about anything else then that wouldn’t be the case, it’s only in relation to this situation.*
[*If this is confusing, it means Shun would have faith in Hajime in pretty much everything else except this situation]
 Hajime:  Shun.
 Shun:  What is it, Hajime?
 Hajime:  First of all, let’s lose him.
 Shun:  So we’re going to lose him first, huh.
 Hajime:  Who is the one that takes along companions*, so he can be aimless, despite being old enough to know better?
[*also means attendants]
 Shun:  Now then, my degree of trust in Hajime has fallen even farther.
 Hajime:  I might as well make it lower completely then.  Plus, if he is trying to supervise us, he won’t make the mistake of letting us escape that easily, right?
 Shun:  I see. Well then, let’s have our first fun of the new year making our big escape.
 Hajime:  Now you’re talking.  Alright! Let’s go, Shun!
 Shun:  Roger that.
[I had this translated for a while but somehow I completely forgot to post it ^^; I just recently noticed the file was still on my computer and figured out that I never posted it > <]
[btw I haven’t been translating as much lately because I’ve been trying to use my winter break time to make some cosplays~ ^^;  I promise I’ll get back to translating more when I can~]
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italicwatches · 6 years
Laid-Back Camp - Episode 01
Alright, we’ve got a fun little one. I’ve been trying to figure out where to squeeze this one in, and since I need a little more time before I can slam down some bombshells, now will work. It’s time for some more cute girls doing cute things, folks. Specifically, it’s Laid-Back Camp, episode 01! Here we GO!
-We begin, with actual camping. A crackling little campfire, marshmallows and hot drinks, a group of girls having fun out in nature. Looks like we’ve got a total of five, so we’ll presumably be meeting them properly over this episode and one or two more…
-Opening! It’s actually a quite clever little opening, with some solid editing and visuals. I’m not sure if it’s quite up to the level of some of the greats and legends, but it is really solid.
-And we’re back. On a lonesome road, with a girl pedaling along her little folding bike loaded down heavily with supplies strapped to the rear rack. No lie this is what I came for. You can do it, lonesome cycle girl! It’s through a tunnel, and she keeps going through some really pretty shots on the way. Tragically, the gorgeous mountains are lost behind some clouds today, so no perfect photo opportunity.
-Anyways then she runs into a png-haired girl sleeping on a bench. And promptly passes her by. Our proper protagonists-meeting will have to wait, because it’s time to check in and get some space at a campground. And we get the name Shima Rin! Rin who is here to camp, on her own, in the winter, on just a bike. It’s somethin’ else but really cool.
-And she plops down at a lake, where again I really have to note how nice some of these shots are. Like, usually a lot of these CGDCT shows go lazy with their background work, but this one clearly cares about getting it right. Also Rin explicitly comes here intentionally in the off-season so she’s basically solo. So out comes the tent, a tiny little one-person thing, her inflatable sleeping pad… A tiny little folding table and chair…You get the idea. But I’m also noting these because of how familiar a lot of these things are, and how careful the artists have been to really show them accurately and well. It speaks to a loving care that hobby-type CGDCT shows don’t always get the luxury of receiving.
-Episode 01! Mount Fuji and Curry Noodles
-Okay, campsite sorted, heating pad activated, and now Rin’s just going to kick back with a good book…Except it’s a little too cold to get by with just a pad and her…Does it still count as a shawl if it’s obviously a thick material intended for cold weather, or do they have to be more thin? I’m not entirely sure where the line on that goes. Anyways, seriously it’s like 5 degrees celsius, just a heating pad isn’t going to make it comfortable enough to sit and read The Mystery of Ancient Civilization X. A title that immediately tells us a lot about Rin here.
-Yeah she’s not having a good time. But a proper campfire is gonna be a pain, so she tries to hold out. ..Yeah that doesn’t last very long before she gets out into the woods and starts gathering fire materials. Dry pinecones and broken-off branches are the order of the day, as the anime even stops to give actual advice on good firewood. I am rapidly starting to see why this one so firmly got people into camping in Japan.
-Also, Rin consistently gets too many pinecones and too much firewood…And is a bit melodramatic with her wood-splitting knife. I like her already. …And then she runs into that pink-haired girl again when she goes to the bathroom. She has moved but is still just napping. Okay then.
-Anyways, fire! I will spare you the fine details of forming a campfire, though it is interesting that the advice here starts with burning kindling and adds the main wood to it. I was always taught to build the wood structure, bring in kindling, and then bring fire to the kindling. But anyways, even with all the troubles of a true campfire, Rin is comfortable at last. Now to get some water boiling, and get back to her book, right?
-Not right. Text message from a friend who gets sent a photo from the campsite. Takes photos, camps, cycles, little overdramatic, yeah I’m gonna like this girl. And all is calm, as she enjoys her day…
-Sunset comes and let’s cut miles away to a house, where another woman wonders when she’ll be returning…
-Back to the campsite after dark, where it’s legitimately pretty dark. Rin has to get out her lantern, and also has to brave a trip to the camp bathroom. This time, no pink-haired girl. Probably just day-trip—OH GOD HUMAN. THE PINK-HAIRED GIRL! So Rin has a panic and begins a wild and frantic sprint to the gate and front building, chased by the pink-haired devil!
-Okay things have calmed down and the girls are around Rin’s campfire. So let me walk you through what happened. Our pink-haired girl moved to the area just today. She went on a bike ride to try and see Mount Fuji. She got lost, then got tired, then fell asleep. She slept through the entire day, and awoke to pitch-black night without a single light to be found. And it is way too dark to dare ride back down without a proper light, especially through a series of dark tunnels.
-So, plan B. Call her folks? her phone seems, to be, gone. Also she is totally without a food and is slowly starving to death.
-…So Rin offers her a cup noodle. For 1500 yen. That’s…That’s just cruel. Especially since this girl only has 100 yen to her name. But it’s just a bad joke. So out comes the jet-boil style mini-camp-stove to get the water going, and Rin’s phone to make the call…
-Only one other problem. She moved, like, today, and so doesn’t remember the new number.
-Her own phone’s number?
-Who remembers their own phone’s number in this day and age?
-It is a cruel joke, this life.
-But okay. Food, more wood for the fire. Warmth and comfort. And Rin experiences camping with an actual other person with her for the first time…And damn, that is not a cheap cup-noodle Rin gave her. That looks really good actually, and brings this poor rookie back to life! She’s adorable.
-And also we get into her head as she realizes Rin is here on her own, despite being a tiny little thing. Which even leads to assuming Rin is a fair bit younger than she probably is. But they get to talking, and it turns out that her town’s wayyyy down at the bottom of this hill. Which is why she rode so far, only to not see any…thing…
-Look behind you.
-God. Damn. The clouds parted, the full moon came out…That’s…Fuck. I don’t know which shot I’m going to use for this episode, now. Our pink-haired girl is just awed, as she sees Mount Fuji for real, and just takes it in…And that’s when her brain finally kicks on and she remembers her sister’s cell number!
-So yeah hard cut to the purple-haired woman from before having to apologize for the idiocy of her kid sister. And then drag her ass into the car to be taken home for quite a punishment. But not without leaving Rin w ith a thank-you gift for caring for the girl, an entire bag full of kiwis…
-Oh and now that this girl has her phone back and its number, she stops long enough to give Rin her contact info. Kagamihara Nadeshiko, such a strange girl…But just interesting enough for Rin to add her. And back in the car, Nadeshiko’s already asking her sister if they have any camping supplies at home. Something has sparked, in this plucky pink-haired girl.
-As the credits play, we see her normal day, setting out for class on her own little portable bike to the station, racing to her first day at her new school…And running past two of the other girls we’ll be meeting. Because she’s so dang excited. And missing encountering Rin by like two seconds.
-Also we have an after credits sequence, the Outdoors Club. Which leads to imagining a heated tent for winter camping. Except what they’re describing is just a particularly tall kotatsu. …Not that I wouldn’t winter-camp in a particularly tall kotatsu. That sounds like the best.
Okay so far every single character we’ve met is great. This is gonna be fun on a bun. We’ll see where it goes next time, and if it stays so fun, in episode TWO of Laid-Back Camp. Wait for it!
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