#I even miss the occasional wacky fandom drama
argent-gale · 1 year
Oddly Nostalgic
I got a notification one of my blogs turned 7 yo today.
I haven't been on here in months but it got me reminiscing a little.
About how I'd eagerly await those reblog/like notifications.
About how I'd squee when I got a message notif.
I remember when I lived/breathed TWD and SW. Those fandoms injected a spark that made life so much more interesting.
I remember writing fics. Getting recs. BEING recd.
I remember chatting people overseas until legit 2 am my time on a worknight.
I'm not really involved in any fandom right now. My online fandom friends have drifted away. People I used to talk to multiple times a day have just...disappeared.
I get sad because I remember how it used to be. So fun. I remember thinking how boring my life was before I got so involved in my fandoms. Now that I'm not in them anymore it makes me sad because my life is once again dull.
I wish I could get excited over things again but I just can't.
I scrolled through my feed and saw some old "faces" and smiled remembering. I guess I should be grateful I had that time at all.
I packed away all my fandom merch and will probably sell/give it away. I spent so much money on that stuff, lol.
Anyway, just musing today.
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eddiediazismyhusband · 2 months
Still with you in the wait and see approach. I need to be confident that relationship is bones and there won't be signs of it until at least the premiere.
that’s where i’m at too. i also just think someone needs to remind tim minear of what exactly his job is. his job isn’t to stir up fandom drama (and then complain about drama that he himself is partially to blame for but then refuse to directly call out the toxic ones) his job is to tell a story; but he decided that wasn’t what his job was the moment he scrapped 7b to rewrite it into whatever that mess was rather than just giving us an (admittedly) rushed backhalf of the season, and then open s8 up for NEW content.
No instead, he’s rehashing old storylines (gerrard), driving (literal) dead plotlines even further into the ground by creating new elements that there has never been any evidence of before (shannon), as well as actively giving the toxic fans he complained about the ammunition they need to continue being toxic (bt).
it feels like when he came back, he got this kind of god complex and is deciding to use 9-1-1 as his dollhouse for his wacky “masterpieces” that aren’t even that well thought out, and thinking that he needs to come up with these convoluted crazy plots to keep audiences interested, when most of the fandom have been vocal about how they miss the s2-4 era where it was just a procedural drama… not a hitchcock remake or an homage to classic b-movies.
i miss the energy of past seasons when yeah there was drama, but overall it was still a silly feel-good show; but then in s7 rather than emulating s1 and having it be a shorter reestablished character-focused season, he had it be both a character focus season (that decided to retcon and rewrite entire character traits of some people) as well as trying to cram in crazy drama plots (like listen, the cruise ship arc was decent, but it should have been focused on the storm/wave ONLY rather than the dumbass pirate plot that only took 10 minutes 💀).
so yeah, i’n trying to still remain positive and interact w headcanon/fanfiction content and posting the occasional “i hope we get this in s8”, but as far as actively speculating and teying to figure things out from photos or 2 second clips that will most likely only result in disappointment or frustration upon seeing the finished product, i’m not gonna hold my breath for anything.
Again if you wish to engage in spec and have fun with that, then by all means do! I just don’t have the mental capacity to do that healthily so i find it oftentimes more rewarding to keep my expectations low (especially after i got kinda spec crazy last season)
but also if you DO engage in spec, don’t try to gaslight and bully people, telling them that their interpretation is wrong just bc it’s not yours (meaning if someone is cautious about whether or not we’re getting buddie canon, don’t tell them they are delusional and insane bc ‘we absolutely 1000% are and there is no possibility we aren’t’ even tho it is very likely that we unfortunately won’t get buddie canon) i’ve had to make the decision to unfollow so many larger buddie blogs that i used to enjoy bc seeing the way they interact with fans’ concerns, low expectations, etc made me feel so icky bc they were beginning to sound like a certain part of the fandom (👀) and i don’t like that.
like i’m not going to go on someone’s post where they’re voicing their concerns and say “this is stupid that would never happen you’re delusional”
it’s one thing to be like “hey, i get that you may be stressed, but i look at it this way and that seems to help me” or to be like “good points, but if you look at this and this” but to actively make people feel stupid for having (objectively based on how s7 went) concerns about s8? that’s icky behavior to me idk
anyway i kinda hijacked this ask and went on alittle tangent, but no i am right there with you too on the “wait and see” of it all bc so far i have not seen anything truly promising about this season, and i honestly probably won’t until the show comes out and we actually get a feel for where tim’s brain is at this season (which…. knowing where his brain went last season doesn’t fill me with excitement)
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101flavoursofweird · 3 years
ok this may be a weird question to ask but like. how would you feel of the rhythm thief fandom was bigger? not dsmp level but like. more than the same 2-3 blogs? i dont know its just weird being in such a small one where im used to being in the big ones
Good question!
Being in a fandom with so few fans means 0 fandom drama. But despite being so small, the Rhythm Thief fandom is one of the most dedicated I’ve ever seen. There’s a RT secret Santa that’s been running since the game released (I think), and it’s the most organised Secret Santa I’ve ever taken part in. (Thank you @sleepybrainiac!) Awesome fanart and fics will occasionally pop up. In fact, there appear to have been some multiple-chaptered ones added to AO3 recently! (I really do need to make a RT fic rec list one day...) If you do produce content, anon, I’ll probably reblog it :’D
Still, I would love it if the fandom was a bit bigger. I got SO hyped when that ‘cursed’ Rhythm Thief music thing became a meme. I hope it encouraged some people to play the game— ‘cursed’ content aside :’) The soundtrack really is one of the game’s strong points. I’m not sure if an influx in fans would prompt Sega to make a sequel at this point, but it wouldn’t hurt? The game did end on somewhat of a cliffhanger with Raphael’s dad, but sadly I don’t think that cliffhanger isn’t exciting enough to draw in many new fans.
Anyone who enjoyed the Professor Layton series will most likely enjoy Rhythm Thief. It doesn’t have the same emotional beats as all the PL games... I’d say it’s about on par with Curious Village in terms of feels. Rhythm Thief may not make you cry but it will definitely MAKE YOU LAUGH— from the wacky plot, the characters and SO MANY PUNS. The characters are probably the best part for me. Raphael is NOT a complete copy of Layton— he’s more similar to Katrielle, if Kat had been allowed to show some more emotion or grief over her father’s disappearance. Sega definitely did the ‘Missing Dad’ plot line a lot better than Level 5... and Sega didn’t even FINISH that plot line. That said, Raphael isn’t constantly grieving. He’s optimistic, sneaky, funny, helpful and kind. He has the best dog sidekick (Fondue), a cute romance with Marie, and a hilarious rivalry with a private eye, Charlie. All the characters have great interactions and everyone gets a stake in the plot. (No one gets left behind like poor Flora!)
But anyway, hopefully this might encourage some PL fans to check out Rhythm Thief, or to at least watch this play through by Placlutwo on YouTube :)
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FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
Hello! Lets get right to it! 
Here are the questions:
Who the Heck are You?
What this about?
How do you roleplay Pink Diamond? 
Who can roleplay with you?
How do I roleplay with you?
What are you looking for?
Whats your roleplaying style?
What are you up to right now?
Is this Single Verse? Multiverse?
What tags do you use?
Here are some tags:
admin stuff : Roleplaying things
pd talks about shit : (Me) and my rants…
memes : For opened posts, magical anons
headcanons : Drabbles from me, other canon I have accepted as my own
space lessons : Pink Diamond is a good study! Here are some things she has learned. 
You can find my stuff there~
Who the heck are you?
My name is PD! No, I have no relation to Pink Diamond!
I am actually an ethereal being that has also existed long before Pink Diamond did-
I like sunsets, walks on the beach… Mun is of age but I won’t be doing any smut here. That does not exclude some sensitive topics but this will mostly be SFW. I’ll tag it otherwise.
Whats this about?
Literally, I have another Steven Universe RP blog, but I had been ruminating around about making a blog for Pink Diamond for awhile now; ever since the 4th season, actually.
It is inspired by a few of my own headcanons, “fandom-canons”, and my knowledge of South Korea. -Also a little bit about me: I studied abroad in South Korea for a bit! I’ll be using the cultural things I experienced there in this blog too c:
A summary for P.D’s Pink Diamond:
She is a very spoiled lead of a K-drama!
She even dies at the end!
Pink Diamond is the youngest diamond, after Yellow. She was made on Earth, though there is little record as to how and why. What is clear is that a good 75% of a continent is markedly missing (what we know is Russia).
She is very childish, preferring to distract herself with the novelties of Earth and it’s life (especially humans). Her main base of operations was in Korea.
As of the mainverse she is unaccounted for, but it is highly likely she is the originator of the “Arena Glam Rock” aesthetic. .
How do you Roleplay Pink Diamond?
Glad you asked!
I have a particular approach to canon characters. I also love roleplaying with different canon versions of my muse. B) Its the best thing about roleplaying canon characters to be honest.
In my verses, all other Pink Diamonds exist on different planes of existence.
Sometimes reality can get kind of squirrely, so they meet each other. No variation of Pink Diamond is wrong in my eyes! Everyone has their different take and it’s just part of being creative.
If any one wants to talk about their muse and character development with me, I’m always down, just message me!
However, regarding Pink Diamond as antagonist-
My Interpenetration of Pink Diamond
My Pink Diamond wants to subjugate humanity and life on Earth as a means to spread (her) influence across the Universe. (This includes Steven as of the finale!)
 She has a hint of megalomania, seeking to control everything around her.
She can be possessive, manipulative, and has different set of morals then the norm.
Of course, I do not ever support the actions of my muse. I just play a villainess sometimes, and sometimes I want to play a (less) villainess middle schooler. This disclaimer is more for you then it is for me.
While all this is true: I will
NOT be playing the antagonist of your roleplay. Mostly because I have a certain way I play antagonists and, trust me, I’m really good at it. If you want me to play your antagonist, talk to me first.
NOT be torturing your muse. It needs to be repeated.
Not allow you to disrespect my muse without consequences. Some people think it’s cute to back talk dictators? There will be consequences. We can discuss them but... It won’t be pretty. Pink Diamond is more emotionally violent then she is physically, proposing to segregating the ones who don’t do as she says.
Discuss plots with you where Pink is the antagonist
Stop the roleplay when I feel uncomfortable. And I ALWAYS have this right. I play Pink Diamond because she’s interesting and fun. I will play her how I see fit. I won’t let any one dictate to me how I should be playing my muse. K?
Who can roleplay with you?
I hate the terms “selective” and “Mutals-Only” by the way–
I will roleplay with any one who is creative and can contribute good ideas to a story.  – Any muse. Any Fandom. I also absolutely LOVE to make headcanons! Please PLEASE include me in your ideas.
How do I roleplay with you?
Memes. Opened posts. Shoot me an ask. I can plot but I prefer to be pretty spontaneous and impromptu. You can also come say hi if you want. c:
I also except magical anons. …Do people still do these??
What are you looking for?
Frequent Roleplay Partners!! Darn it, I just like making friends. I also like to see my partners rping with each other. B) Lets all just roleplay with one another. Come see the people I’m rping with! -Look at the admin stuff tag.
CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!!!! Develop your character, develop my character, heck why not both? Both is good.
More specifically:
Pre-established Relationships!
Wacky adventures across the fandomscape (sci-fi stuff, high fantasy stuff– naming actual fandoms, Dr. Who, Undertale, DnD, Marvel Universe~)
Whats your roleplaying style?
I personally use the “yes, and…” technique!
A quick lesson on improvisation: when you are writing or performing with someone else, always use the yes, and technique. All you do is go with the current scenario the person is suggesting and add small ideas to it – this keeps the flow of ideas forming. Try it! It’s great practice while roleplaying.
That being said, if you give me a random prompt and there is a 85% chance I’ll answer it. So please do. – Give me your prompts!!!! >:U
Contribute to the thread. Take it in a direction. Redirect a thread from a direction I’m taking it in. This is the way to keep me engaged in our thread, okay? Otherwise I do:
Third person narrative ONLY
Novel format (new lines and quotations) but rarely Script format (action marks and listed characters) with minimal formatting or reaction images. I do however occasionally sketch my reaction images. You can find those at this tag: sketch rp
3-6 sentences a post - which you DO NOT HAVE TO MATCH!! Just give me something to work with.
I can do longer posts if I really like what you’re writing about. /)u(\ Please don’t be intimidated, I just really like your writing.
NPCs (Non playable characters) or additional characters to the stories that push them along. I usually have 2-3 characters in an rp.
PRESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIPS (please!) come talk to me about it
Roleplaying tags- look for your tag (ask me) or your url to find your rp thread
AUS!!!!! (Alternative Universes)- Space is vast, a lot of weird things go on out there. Pink does have some other destinations of interest, let's talk about them B)
What are you up to right now?
If you’d like to see what I’m talking about in general, check out the shit PD’s talking about.
If you’d like to see what RPs I’m doing, look at the admin stuff. It’s my goal to get my partners making verses with each other, honestly.
Where can I learn more about your Pink Diamond?
Glad you asked! Check his headcanon tag. I’ll be updating it with descriptions, pictures, drabbles, and what what as they develop. c:
Is this Single Verse? Multiverse?
Officially, this is  Multiverse Blog. The main canon of this blog is canon-divergent: Pinky exists as Pink Diamond, and not as a conduit for Steven’s power. However, she can interact with Stevens, “Rebellion Rose Quartzes”, and Pink Diamonds of other alternative universes. 
In this verse, Pink formed after the formation of the Diamond Authority. She was introduced by Blue Diamond as one of her ‘protege’. In my headcanon, the Authority is about 75,000 years old, Pink is about 50,000. Pink’s court, meanwhile, is far younger and she didn’t have it as long.
Here is the list of  verses:
v: Pre-Earth
Time period between Pink Diamond’s emergence and when the Authority grants her her first planet. Pink Diamond’s first in canon experience fits snugly into this verse.
She’s found by Blue Diamond on Earth and is inducted into the Authority as a conduit for some of Blue Diamond’s objectives. They aren’t much, just keeping White Diamond engaged and making Yellow Diamond learn more patience. 
However, Pink Diamond is shielded from a lot of the inner running of the authority, she’s stunted as an effect. Pink starts to actively defy her sisters in secret: stealing their injectors, playing around with making gems, sneaking into the logs, interacting with lower ranked gems. A lot of shenanigans and sand boxing in this verse.
v: Pink Court
Blue Diamond grants Pink her own planet and, subsequently, her own court.  This verse ends when the rebellion begins. She still has her court, of course, but the rebellion brought many of her projects to an end. 
By this verse, Pink has calmed down a lot and is focusing on specializing. She is learning more about her area of choice, Astrobiology, and develops most of her contributions to the Authority. This is when she makes Rubies and Rose Quartz.
v: Rebellion
Pink Diamond was established as a figurehead over Earth. It becomes clear she has no real power, so she orchestrates a “rebellion” in a bid to get more resources to expand her small colony. However, the Authority steps in and forces Pink to abandon her holdings on Earth and retreat to the Moon Base. After several thousand years of imprisonment, Pink then decides to stage her “assassination attempt" to reclaim the Earth in a bid to release the Earth.
She defies her sisters to go to Earth, trying to negotiate with the “renegade Rose Quartz”, she calls Kappa 12, a modified Rose Quartz she uses to insight the rebellion. 
With Kappa 12′s help, Pink flees to the Korean peninsula. Pink Diamond is then free to create her grand experiment, forming this Universe’s country of Korea and shutting down the continent completely. This verse ends when the Corruption Song is used on Earth. Kappa 12 and all other gems in Pink’s are the Crystal gems. However, Steven does not exist in her verse.
v: Post Rebellion
Period after the Corruption Song but before the Modern times. Pink spends her time trying to figure out how to cure corruptions and continuing her work on astrobiology. She eventually figures out how to embed gems into Earth’s underground biomes, gradually spreading her influence. Trees begin to grow up that have gems inside of them, staying in bloom even in the Winter.
v: Pink Peach
Set in the modern verse. Pink Diamond has now taken on punk rock in her exploits. Mainly because it’s fun. 
She remains hidden from the Authority, working on ways to “out evolve” them.
Of course, I will tag my verses and AUs appropriately!
You can find the list of the AUs here: Tagged AUS
What tags do you use?
I believe in tagging. It keeps things organized, I can find it later maybe (if tumblr won’t stop breaking things).
I still tag, though, cause it makes it easier for you to find things!
My tags fall into these categories:
The way that I hash up my main verse. It just helps me organize when and where things happen with Pinky. These verses are so drawn out that many relationships often don’t carry over between them. The ones that do, of course, we can discuss. c: Ergo, this is a multiship rp. Pinky is also polyamorous, so any simultaneous relationships will also be discussed.
You can find my verses here.
Alternative Universes (AUs)
These are treated as “different universes”. Totally separate from verses.
Human AU: Pora Porum Mangjeol is a recent graduate in Bio-Engineering. However, she is an overachiever who graduated in 2 years and had a mental breakdown. Closely after, she decided to live her life and participates in the local roller derby for a few years. Eventually she would be an intern at the national science museum, but she’s slowly making her way. There is a sub-verse where Pora escapes her demanding childhood by fleeing to Mount Ebbott. In this Undertale-verse, she is bravery. You can read up on this verse on this tag: “Pora-has-a-great-fall”.
Upsidedown AU: AU where Pora Porum is Will Byers from Stranger Things. Please someone help this child...
High Fantasy: Pora Porum is a giantess trying to survive in a shrinking world. She comes from a lineage of mariner giants, who had escaped most of the poaching on land. When her clan returned her family was dismembered by mages, who use giants for their great concentrations of magic, and their ships were destroyed. Pora Porum flees into the mountains and must survive as one of the last giants.
Story Arcs
These are tags I used to sort one shot story arcs that I am doing with my admins! These might include several people over several threads in one shot scenes.
Chaos Bride Arc:
Involved admins: @thestevieststeve​​ @staterathesmol​
Pinky dabbles too much in dimensional travel and ends up sandwiched between two chaos gods. Apparently, you can find a lot of them in the Universe. Both of them want her for their own purposes and Pink, with very little resources to deal with inter-dimensional wide beings, pits them against each other.
Miscellaneous Tags
Here are a few tags I use to organize random things!
Dimensional Diablerie: This is a roleplay tag. Pink jumping through different dimensions. Development can happen. Pinky can also interact with various characters as Pink Diamond and not a human or whatever thing I decide to turn this muse into. Whatever.
Crack: This tag may sometimes have roleplay on it? All of the fun stuff and art and interactions. Theres no development here, just fun.
Dash Commentary:  This is another roleplay tag. Pinky reacting to things and characters on my dash. This is verseless but it can have some development...? (???)
admin stuff : Roleplaying things, including some references for art and writing.
pd talks about shit : (Me) and my rants…
memes : For opened posts, magical anons
headcanons : Drabbles from me, other canon I have accepted as my own
space lessons : Pink Diamond is a good study! Here are some things she has learned.
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