#and then came Thrawn
argent-gale · 1 year
Oddly Nostalgic
I got a notification one of my blogs turned 7 yo today.
I haven't been on here in months but it got me reminiscing a little.
About how I'd eagerly await those reblog/like notifications.
About how I'd squee when I got a message notif.
I remember when I lived/breathed TWD and SW. Those fandoms injected a spark that made life so much more interesting.
I remember writing fics. Getting recs. BEING recd.
I remember chatting people overseas until legit 2 am my time on a worknight.
I'm not really involved in any fandom right now. My online fandom friends have drifted away. People I used to talk to multiple times a day have just...disappeared.
I get sad because I remember how it used to be. So fun. I remember thinking how boring my life was before I got so involved in my fandoms. Now that I'm not in them anymore it makes me sad because my life is once again dull.
I wish I could get excited over things again but I just can't.
I scrolled through my feed and saw some old "faces" and smiled remembering. I guess I should be grateful I had that time at all.
I packed away all my fandom merch and will probably sell/give it away. I spent so much money on that stuff, lol.
Anyway, just musing today.
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Mad we didn’t see thrawn in ep 3 but happy i got to finish my dumb comic (҂◡_◡) ᕤ
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foolishskull · 2 months
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closing in on the rebels
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autistic-bashir · 5 months
dave filoni when told to read a book
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klazje · 8 months
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help guys 😱😱😱😱 he got hit with the dilf beam 💥💥💥💥
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fromtheevilforest · 14 days
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Chapter five of Lesser Evil gave me Captain Roscu and now I’m obsessed with her. Thrawn and his things are irrelevant, I only want my angry blue woman. I think I can fix her
She is so angry and she doesn’t like anybody. She has a one-sided beef with half of the Ascendancy. She doesn’t like drama but she’s also the ultimate drama queen. She can’t just listen to reason and has to be screamed at (are you happy now Roscu, you made Ziinda say a bad word) (that chapter lives in my head rent-free). Despite all of that she still somehow manages to be a competent ship commander. Also I think her and Ziinda should fight each other physically and then kiss. But that is a whole another topic
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madelgard · 7 months
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the art ""date""
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autismmydearwatson · 3 months
You know what (breaking my silence on tales of the empire) I'm not bothered by the idea of Morgan Elsbeth coming up with the TIE Defenders, god forbid women do anything etc, I'm more annoyed at the implication that thrawn would just not credit her for that, because that would be EXTREMELY out of character for a guy who is known to rely on a posse of underdog women
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thrawns-backrest · 1 year
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finally got round to drawing him
let his man look cool for once lmao. also that thigh length cape is so babygirl
version with some glow and a cowlick under the cut. still on the fence which one I like better
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frc-ambaradan · 1 year
«“(...) I don’t care who C’baoth is or whether he felt justified or not. What he did constitutes mutiny.” “It did indeed,” Thrawn agreed calmly. “Shall I throw him out of the Imperial service altogether, or simply demote him in rank?” Pellaeon glared at the other. “I’m serious, Admiral.”»
Timothy Zahn, Dark Force Rising (1992)
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Mr. Thrawn being a scary boy and contemplating the defeat of his enemies
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foolishskull · 3 months
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idk guys. i blacked out and when i came to this was on the canvas 😔
bonus sketch while im still in a thrawn mood
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experiment-000 · 1 year
Ahsoka and Sabine received a comm from a planet who heard they were searching for Thrawn. They claimed to have a high value prisoner who would be the perfect bait for the Grand Admiral. They went to investigate, wondering if perhaps another of Thrawn's species had been captured (potentially for no crime other than resembling the Grand Admiral), but when faced with the prisoner were shocked to find a human man looking back at them.
The man's captors informed the pair that this man was Grand Admiral Thrawn's personal aide for around a decade. But he deserted. Thrawn would undoubtedly come for the prisoner to seek revenge for his betrayal.
Thrawn did come. He led the charge himself, blaster in hand, battling with a fury none had seen from the notoriously stoic man. When he reached the prisoner, Ahsoka and Sabine were hidden waiting to protect the man. They did not anticipate the prisoner calling the Grand Admiral by name, nor The Grand Admiral's soft response of the prisoner's name.
They waited and watched and allowed the Grand Admiral to free the prisoner. Clearly they had misjudged the situation. Once the man was free he tackled Thrawn in a desperate embrace.
They realised that Thrawn had not been baited by revenge, but by love, and that the Grand Admiral was not so irredeemable as to be unloveable.
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quietpersephone · 1 year
yes, there were many different elements of the rebellion and vital contributions from several important people at different times and in different places within the galaxy and i would never diminish any of them. they all deserve their shine. i do, however, wholeheartedley believe the ghost crew truly were the backbone of the rebellion. their actions altered the course of so many major elements within the galaxy that would eventually culminate in the empire's downfall, most notably of which is ezra and his family taking thrawn out of the game before he could land a decisive blow.
and they managed all of this not with the help of rebel command, but through their own strength of will and the friendship and collaboration of a small rag tag group of fighters. they took the empire's most formiddable military asset out of play on their own. mon mothma was never going to commit more forces to lothal, she and the rest of command would have probably never even attempted a major strike against thrawn, at least not before it was too late to matter. so the ghost crew really went out there, gathered up their disparate crew of pirates, clones and ex-imperials and said "fine, we'll do it ourselves" and they actually fucking did it. without them and their efforts i truly believe victory would have been much, much harder to achieve, if not impossible. imagine thrawn being present at any of the decisive battles of the original trilogy. imagine the seventh fleet at endor. the picture starts to look a lot more grim all of a sudden, doesn't it?
the ghost crew achieved the impossible, and in doing so made the chance of victory a reality. they are the backbone of the rebellion.
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stressedbeetle · 1 year
Lars Mikkelsen plays Thrawn so well!!!! Like the pause he does before answering Morgans question, just silently studying her. It's perfect. He's just taking his time, reviewing every possibility, every outcome. It's so him, I love it, so far I'm not at all disappointed with how they've done him. there's still time for that though, but this really gets my hopes up!!!
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