#I feel a need to point out that I don't actually NEED Yo Han and Ga On to be canon
amethystina · 29 days
I'm waiting so excitedly for your updates, old and new, I can't begin to tell you! You are the fandom treasure! And as I'm waiting and biting my nails I wanted to ask something, what do you think about the final scenes of episode 8 where Gaon has dinner with his professor and tells him he chooses Yohan's side. How come Yohan knew where to find them and the precise moment to come in and pick Gaon up, was he following them or did he and Gaon had a deal?
And what's with leaving his car to stand next to Gain and look at professor? I love this scene so much but I don't know if I understand its message right. Was it posturing, laying a claim on Gaon or what? I tend to feel that Yohan was possessive of Gaon when it came to professor and his police friend and I think I feel some of it in this scene but I'm not sure, I just don't have a clear grasp on it. Would love to know your thoughts!
Aww, thank you so much, sweetheart! This is definitely the first time I've been called not just a fandom treasure, but the fandom treasure. Thank you 💜
Ah yes, the "Ga On runs off with his new sugar daddy" scene. Or, as I sometimes like to call it, the "You just don't understand, dad professor — I love him" scene.
I'm joking, obviously.
(... or am I?)
I would say that Ga On and Yo Han made an agreement beforehand, yes. They probably talked about Ga On's choice to switch sides and while Yo Han would no doubt have loved for Ga On to continue on as a double agent (feeding Professor Min intentionally faulty information) Ga On is way too honest for that. So he probably insisted that, no, he'll call Professor Min, meet up with him, and just flat out tell him that Ga On's spying mission is over. He's now going to elope work with Yo Han instead.
And I find it hilarious to think that, most likely, Yo Han was just sitting in his car, perhaps scrolling through his phone, waiting for his newly acquired sugar baby to finish telling his semi-father figure that he's going dark side. Because Ga On gets up and starts walking before Yo Han drives up, meaning that it's not like Ga On saw the car coming and went "oh, better wrap this up now." It was probably the other way around, where Ga On leaving the table was the signal for Yo Han to come pick him up.
So yes, they definitely had an agreement, especially since Ga On seems to know in exactly which direction to walk, even before the car shows up, and doesn't look the least bit surprised by Yo Han's arrival.
They planned that shit.
As for the fact that Yo Han gets out of the car? Well, buckle up, my darlings, because I think we should take a detour to discuss intent.
Now, intent isn't necessarily important when you want to interpret a scene, but I like the extra nuance it can offer. And by intent, I mean what the scriptwriter/director might have intended with a scene. Why is this scene here? What was the plan behind it? How is it supposed to impact the overall story? How does it tie into the rest of the plot?
Which is never something you can say for sure, of course, unless there are interviews expressly stating it, but, a lot of the time, we can guess.
The intent behind this scene, in its simplest, purest form, is to show that Ga On is switching sides. And, with that in mind, it makes sense that he crosses that road to Yo Han's car (if you know me and my metas, you know how much I love lines, characters crossing said lines, and the symbolism of that) and stops to stand next to Yo Han. It's a very simple yet effective way to show Ga On's choice and where it will take him.
Into Yo Han's arms.
NOW. Intent is very useful because, depending on how skilled the person writing is, you can hide a lot of subtext and leave room for a lot of interpretation with a cleverly formulated intent. That's how censored shows get away with so much, because they can point to the perfectly reasonable, heteronormative intent behind a scene and pretend that there aren't also a lot of subtler nuances to the reading.
And, if they're extra bold, they also add hints in the presentation and execution.
The scene where Yo Han invites Sun Ah to the house is a perfect example of this, where the intent is to make her feel lonely, like an outsider, as she's invited to observe this warm, comfortable family. Not a bad tactic as far as manipulation goes, I have to say. So, in other words, very reasonable intent — makes sense with what they're trying to achieve.
The fact that it ends up looking more like Yo Han is proudly showing off his doting, doe-eyed househusband who's passively-aggressively and not-so-discreetly staking his claim is... well, that's just an accidental side effect, isn't it? Not intent at all.
And that's true. It's not intent that makes it look gay.
It's the presentation of the intent.
(Sidenote: To be a fly on the wall when Yo Han and Ga On came up with this strategy. Because, clearly, they were both in on it and, I mean, how did that conversation go? Inquiring minds need to know.
Like, how did they go from: "We need to throw her off balance. We'll invite her to the house, show what she's missing out on, but also give her hints that she could have it all, if she's willing to surrender" to Ga On going: "I'll cook a fancy dinner. That'll make her jealous."
I mean, he's not wrong but, like, Mr. Sugar Baby. What? x'D
Also, imagine Yo Han's face. Transcendent.)
Anyway. Intent can also ruin a story. I think most of us have read a fanfic and gone: "... that character wouldn't do that. This makes no sense." That could be a sign that the author's intent is clashing with the characters or the story they're trying to tell. Or, put more bluntly, that the author is so focused on forcing an idea that they don't realise that they're going against the logic of the story or characters' personalities. Things happen because they want them to, not because it makes sense, meaning that the intent isn't tied to the story or characters, but what the writer wants. This is badly planned intent.
And, most of the time, readers can tell when the intent is off, even if you might not be able to put your finger on it while you're reading. But if you're feeling a niggling doubt at the back of your mind, wondering why this scene is here, what this scene even means, or why this character suddenly seems to act so strangely, it could be that the writer didn't plan it well enough.
That's not to say that a reader must always know the intent behind a scene. Ideally, the story should be good enough that they don't have to stop and think about things like that. If the intent and internal logic are sound enough, it should just flow naturally.
Because, when it comes down to it, pretty much all scenes in a story have an intent and that intent should be in harmony with the characters' personalities and how they would choose to behave. And I don't mean that there can never be conflict or that characters can't disagree — I mean that all scenes should have a reason for being there. It doesn't have to be a deep or complex reason, but there should be a reason that ties into the overarching plotline. And characters shouldn't be forced into a scene they have no business being in. Intent is very important from a crafting standpoint.
And intent is one of the things that makes The Devil Judge such an absolute joy. Because while there is always a perfectly reasonable — and very heterosexual, we promise — intent behind most scenes, they often choose to present the scenes in a way that leaves room for a much queerer reading. Now, that can happen with almost any story, but what sets The Devil Judge apart is that it seems to be entirely intentional.
The presentation is by no means subtle or accidental.
Like, they didn't have to make Ga On shuffle up in a soft, comfortable sweater and greet Sun Ah like a caring househusband, but they did. That was a conscious choice.
And this scene you mention, with Yo Han getting out of his car when he's picking Ga On up, falls into a similar category in my mind. The surface-level intent is clear — show that Ga On is switching sides — but he could simply have said so. He could have borrowed a car and driven himself. Yo Han didn't have to come pick him up. And he certainly didn't have to get out of the car.
But he did.
And that might be what you're picking up on when you're saying that you're not sure if you're understanding the message correctly. Because in a drama this clever, that puts so much effort into details and, again, intent, it feels almost a bit odd to leave this gaping hole, doesn't it? Yo Han stepping out of that car should mean something, right?
And, once you've gotten this far, you've got a couple of options to choose from to fill in the blanks. Either you can assume that it was just something the creators chose to do because it looked/seemed cool and therefore might not mean much at all. And considering that this drama does that a couple of times, this could honestly be the case. Maybe they just thought it would be more effective to have Yo Han to step out of the car? To really hammer it home to Professor Min what's happening?
Your other option is to bring in the harmonisation between intent and characters. Because, if the writer is good and their characters consistent, you should be able to pick up on secondary layers of intent, running parallel with the main one. Because while each scene has an intent, each character IN that scene also has one (though perhaps it would be more comfortable to call it purpose at this point?).
In other words: If "it looked cool" isn't the answer, could we find it in the character's behaviour instead? What is their intent, based on their personalities and previous actions? Does that give a more satisfying answer?
What reason would Mr. Kang "Abyss" Yo Han have for stepping out of that car?
I, personally, think that the answer is pretty simple.
He is absofuckinglutely staking a claim.
He's stepping out of that car because he's a Possessive, Dramatic Bitch and wants to rub it in Professor Min's face. He wants to show that he's won, that he's turned the spy Professor Min sent, and that he's, quite literally, taking Ga On away.
Yo Han is basically going: "Thanks for the sugar baby — I'll make sure to ravish savour treasure him."
So while the main goal of that scene is to establish that Ga On is switching sides, the intent Yo Han adds with his actions leaves room for a very gay reading. In fact, I'd argue that doing so only makes the scene more believable, since Yo Han's actions are otherwise kind of... unnecessary? He has no reason to step out of the car and make himself known, unless it's for the dramah.
Again, the presentation of the intent is where the magic happens.
So, why this long, godawful rant about intent, you ask? When I could just have answered the question right away?
Because while I know that I'm preaching to the choir in terms of this drama being gay as hell, I just want to highlight the importance of intent and how it can change the reading of a scene. I think intent — or specifically the harmony between characters and intent, and the various layers of intent — is absolutely fascinating, especially in this drama.
Especially if you want to argue that it's gay.
Because there is, in fact, some scenes where I just... I can't. The intent and characterisation don't match at all — unless you add a queer element. Like, this drama is so clever. Not perfect, mind you, but so clever. And so careful with especially Yo Han and Ga On's characterisation. Very little is left to chance.
And so, if you keep everything I've said about intent and characters in mind, and I ask you to explain the intent behind this one, singular shot, can you do so without making it gay?
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I'm not joking when I say that this scene, right here, was the one that definitively made me go "oh fuck, this is gay gay."
Because in most others — if not all — I can find that safe surface-level intent which means that the people behind this drama can claim plausible deniability. Of course it's not gay! Look at this perfectly reasonable, heterosexual intent!
Except this one.
There's no explanation for this. Ga On has no reason to look this jealous unless his jealousy is the main intent behind this shot. There just isn't. And it's only made worse by his huff and the way he clenches his jaw a couple of seconds later. Not even the argument that Sun Ah is their enemy so letting her fix Yo Han's tie might be dangerous can justify this, since that's not a look of concern or alarm — that's jealousy.
The intent is jealousy. Plain and simple.
And that's why intent is important. Because, if push came to shove, the intent behind this one, singular screenshot could, theoretically, be the only evidence you need if you wanted to defend a queer reading of this drama.
Because there is, quite frankly — in my humble opinion as the fandom treasure — no other way to explain the look on his face in a drama this meticulous and obsessed with details.
In this scene, unlike all the others, the queerness isn't just in the presentation anymore — it's in both the intent and presentation.
So, if you want the scene that says "this shit's gay, fam"?
This is the one.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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mazeinthemiroh · 1 year
Hii, I was wondering if you could do a stray kids headcanon with like a foreign s/o. Of course you don't have to do it. Don't feel pressured and please take care of yourself ❤️
stray kids with a foreign s/o
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genre: general, fluff
warnings: none
please like and reblog if you enjoy! feel free to request anything <3
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it doesn't make a difference to him tbh
he's just happy with the person you are and doesn't mind where you come from at all
he's technically a foreigner too so you guys relate in that way
just as he talks about his beloved australia with all his heart, he could listen to you go on forever about your home country. he wants to hear everything: what your childhood was like, what traditions you have, etc...
just loves learning about his favourite person sm :(((
lee know
you guys actually bonded over sucking at each other's languages
learning other languages is not a strong point of minho's. and when you can barely speak his language when you first met him, it was like a match made in heaven
you would think this would be an awkward affair. but not at all! you both were laughing over the situation and using the limited vocabulary you both had to joke around with each other
very cute stuff
since then, you both have taken a lot more interest in learning each other's language, and communicate very well together <3
changbin loves variety in his life and you provide that for him
he notices when he is travelling, other than relaxing and taking time to unwind, he enjoys learning about the local customs of the country his visiting
culture is something he recognises as important and will be happy to learn about yours
especially loves it when you cook or teach him how to make a traditional dish from your country!
i mean he doesn't care where you come from
this hopeless romantic? no way is he gonna let anything as trivial as what country you come from come in between you guys
he loves you for you
you can come from a different country. a different continent. hell, you could come from a different planet and hyunjin wouldn't care
he defends you regularly because sometimes the media aren't too keen on him being with a foreign partner. but he doesn't care. why should any of that matter?
he likes how open you are about your culture
wants to hear different stories from your country and learn what life is like over there
is very interested in the type of music your country provides as well as any traditional dances you may have
will beg you to teach the dances to him; he's a quick learner and will master it quite quickly most of the time!
just loves how passionate you get about your country
he views learning about your culture as a very important part of being your boyfriend
he wants you to know that he appreciates your background and he's so enthusiastic about embracing your differences
will buy gifts relating to your culture
also attempts to make different cultural recipes to really get into the spirit of things. even the hard recipes he gives a try, and while he's a little worried he might ruin them, felix, of course, ends up cooking them to perfection!
spends a lot of time trying to learn your language
he's quite studious in nature anyway, so it's not really a chore for him
he wants to learn to communicate with you in a way you're comfortable with
is the type to totally take you off by surprise though. perhaps if you don't know he's been studying hard to learn your language and he just comes out with a couple of phrases he has learnt like it's no big deal and you're just like?? when did you learn this????
you being foreign adds a new vibrance to his life that he didn't know he needed
similar to changbin, jeongin likes variety and he likes new, different things
he feels you can teach him a lot and open his mind to a whole different culture and way of life
you inspire him so much, knowing that the life you have led to get to and settle down in south korea hasn't been an easy one for you
this is why he values you so much as his partner even more!
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villxinmiixx · 1 year
their darling with anger issues and an itching problem hcs
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characters; all for one, shigaraki tomura, gigantomachia, dabi
♡ extreme anger issued reader, the reader itches their body when they get mad
♡ genre; extreme fluff, comfort, sort of cringe, idk i was mad and needed comfort from my villains <;/3
♡ extra; ooc all for one?
♡ note; i got angry from something and now im writing about it, also sorry for not posting fics!! ;( been really unmotivated and didn't know what to write even though i had a lot of drafts and asks with ideas already.
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﹫ ALL FOR ONE; he thinks it's adorable when you get pissed off, and admirable when he sees you letting out your anger on a poor not-so innocent soul. he supports the whole idea of you killing someone (that's actually guilty of something) when you're angry. but he quickly realizes you're similar to tomura when you start itching your neck, your wrists, your arms, your calves, your scalp, etc.
ㅤwhen you start doing that near him he'll come to you and put his large hand on top of your head, pulling you closer when he put his other hand on your waist, and tug you into his embrace. smelling your hair and telling you to breathe slowly.
ㅤhe found out you have this problem when you were itching like crazy over not being able to do your hair right.
ㅤ“sweetheart, are you alright? ” he came up to you with a concerned face ( or a molded face with slightly frowned lips ) while he took your wrist to stop you from itching the side of your face. “huh? oh yeah! im fine, don't worry about it hunny! something just bit the side of my face and it was itchy. hehe ” you made up an excuse.
ㅤhe could practically feel your heartbeat going faster due to the tension. you smile while you grew nervous. you don't wanna make him worry, he's already too busy trying to make plans to end hero society. you don't wanna be a burden to him.
ㅤall for one lifted you up from the chair you sat on and hoisted your butt using his arms while your own was wrapped around his neck, your chin laying on his shoulder.
ㅤ“i know something terrible happened in your past for you to have this issue but i assure you i'll be with you every step of the way, and i want you to be beside me when i put japan onto it's knees. ” he told you in his soothing deep voice, you started tearing up. you pushed your face onto your husband's shoulder, feeling actual care coming from him.
﹫ SHIGARAKI TOMURA; whenever you get frustrated over the smallest things he'd look at you dumb founded before telling you to calm down while he wrapped an arm around your back and rubbing your forearm... as you itched away the skin on your wrists.. ( without him knowing )
ㅤhe only realized that you had an itching problem after dabi pointed out that you have one. “yo, shig. didn't know your bitch has an itching problem like you back then. ” “the fuck are you talking about, dabi. ” “yo ass don't know? she itches her skin each time she gets mad. ” your boyfriend stared at the black haired lieutenant. the fucking hell is this burnt fuck talkin' about?
ㅤhe didn't exactly know what to do; should he trust dabi and talk to you about it or just play it off as some weird joke. again, he didn't know what to do or should do. so he just checked up on you at random, ( surprisingly ) most of the times you weren't angry when he did. so of course he decided to just play it off as a weird joke dabi said.
ㅤbut one day he catched you itching your arm furiously as you screamed at an PLF worker for making an idiotic decision, he screamed at your name and you stopped itching and yelling at the unfortunate worker.
ㅤyou turned back to your normal nature clasping your hands and saying “yes, dear? ” flowers decorating your aura. “follow me. ” he said you gladly followed after shooting a quick glare at the person you were yelling at awhile ago.
ㅤwhen you and tomura were in a more private area you asked him if he needed you to help him with something.. or something - but he shook his head and placed his hands on your shoulder blades. “whenever you get pissed and start itching yell out my name, i'll be here to calm you down. ” “wh- what are you talking about? ” you start laughing off what your dearly beloved boyfriend told you, a sweat dropping from your face.
ㅤ“[your/name], you know what i'm talking about. ” his grip on your shoulders tightened. “hey you don't need to worry i'm fine! i don't have an itching problem! ” you smile warm heartedly. he took your arm and showed the red scratch marks on it. “eh- i swear it only happens sometimes, it's oka- ” before you can countinue your sentence he pulled you into a hug. mumbling comforting words in your ear, telling you it's okay. everything will be okay.
﹫ GIGANTOMACHIA; he didn't notice that quickly since of course, he's large and your height is not that able to compare to his. he found out when you were itching both your arms so strongly to the point you started bleeding, the smell of metallic and the sound of itching made him wonder. he looked around but there was no one there, it was just you and him. he examined you more and realized you're the reason why there's a metallic scent in the air and the sound of itching.
ㅤ“master... what are you doing? ” he asked, you stopped itching. “ah, machia i thought you were still sleeping. ” you smiled up at him rubbing your arms and pulling down the sleeves of your clothing. “master.. ” he frowned, while your sweat dropped. he lifted you up using a finger and laid you on the palm of his large hand.
ㅤ“master, you may always tell me if you have a problem you and master all for one know more than anyone i can defeat your enemies if any of you told me to. ” even when gigantomachia had a terrifying appearance, he's a sweetheart at times.
ㅤyou held his chin with your small hands are kissed his nose “thank you, machia. but i'm alright, really. it's just a small habit, it won't affect me that much. ” you smiled at him, a blush formed on your cheeks knowing he cared about you and would rather die than live alone if you or all for one left him, all alone.
﹫ DABI; “compress stop protesting, my bitch managed to hit more idiots than you. ” your boyfriend smugly smirked at his co-worker, while compress stared at him and sighed.
ㅤyou started itching your knees and legs out of frustration from not being able to full combo a song in pjsk ( project sekai ) a few minutes later you started itching your neck and the side of your face.
ㅤdabi started getting concerned, so he stood up from the comfortable sofa and went towards you. your boyfriend's arms snaked around your waist, placing his hand on your hip before he lead you to his room. dabi entered the room, his hand still on your hip while he turned the dim light on.
ㅤ“you okay, baby?” dabi asked, settling you down on his messy bed. your boyfriend's hands on the sides of your arms awaiting your answer. “i'm fine i just got a bit frustrated is all!” you replied, a sweat dropping down your face. dabi's lazy eyes stare at your face then slowly descended to your neck, he leaned into you and started kissing your neck and collarbone. a small blush appeared on your features, your face still frowning.
ㅤwhen dabi was finished kissing your neck, he pecked on your lips. “let's go to sleep early. how's that sound, doll?” he asked. “okay.. ” you said before dabi fixed your position on his bed. discarding his jacket, shirt and pants leaving him in his boxers. dabi placed himself beside you. you automatically wrap one of your legs on his waist and bundled up on his chest. your head laid on his masculine arm while his hand entangled itself in your hair, he put his free hand on your lower back moving it up and down.
ㅤnight's like these weren't that rare, but it didn't happen all the time either. so you enjoyed every second of it, and so did your lover. he cares, it's obvious. when later that night while you were asleep he put ointment on the places you've been scratching.
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beautifulchris · 11 months
take care
wc: 0,8k
pairing: demigod!jisung x gn demigod!reader
summary: a pair of adhd kids ended up in the same school and got brought to camp together
genres: fluff, little angst, demigod!au, camp half-blood!au, classmates to friends!au, mutual pining!au, son of apollo!jisung, child of hephaestus!reader
tw: physical injury, infirmary
notes: idk why but i’m kinda obsessed with apollo x hephaestus children; anyway enjoy ! i'm reposting the works i posted while shadowbanned, please don't mind me
networks: @kflixnet @k-labels @whipped-kpop-creators
permanent tag list: @badwithten​ send ask/dm/comment to be added!
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Publié à l'origine par han-jisung
It all started in school. You were the hyperactive kid, couldn’t stay still for more than a couple minutes, and Jisung was the comical one, always cracking jokes, playing music and dancing in the hallways.
He was usually fun to watch until he destroyed your science project a mere week before the due date. Sure it was accidental, and he apologized, but it had been so much work, so much sweat and tears poured into that project for months.
You were fairly pissed off.
He proposed to help you rebuild it, but you had dismissed him with a wave, feeling humiliated enough. Plus, it would’ve felt like cheating.
Let’s just say twelve hours of sleep in seven days is not nearly enough but you ended up with the best grade.
You were so exhausted in your next class, free of all the anxiety surrounding your science project, that you fell asleep.
Jisung, the guy responsible for your drastic lack of sleep that you avoided all week —which turned out to be a not so difficult feat after all— took advantage of your sleeping state. He wrote an apology letter and asked your classmate to slide it under your arm.
At the end of class, after mutturing a few curses about how stupid you were for not being able to stay awake —you need to be more gentle with yourself!— you spotted the letter.
It was surprisingly neat, compared to all the times Jisung wrote on the board. It wasn’t the usual sloppy I-do-not-care writing, it was more of a I-make-efforts-please-forgive-me type. You could tell he was trying, and since your project was a success… You decided to forgive him.
At eleven, it was easier to forgive and forget.
A few weeks later that same year, four classmates tried to attack Jisung and you while you were in a classroom alone —nothing weird, you were just the last ones to leave— until your science teacher stopped them.
It was ugly, your classmates disintegrated and turned out your favorite teacher had goat legs. Definitely a normal day in your chaotic life.
Your goat teacher brought both of you into camp half-blood, where you got claimed by Hephaestus while Jisung got claimed by Apollo.
You only saw each other occasionally, being in the forge with your siblings most of the time, and him tending to the injured campers in the infirmary. Not that you became friends of course.
Although, more and more often over the years, you ended up in the infirmary because of some stuff exploding, fire erupting —no, you weren’t immune—, pieces of metal flying and knocking you out.
Yeah, the infirmary was the third place where you spent the most time in, beside the forge and cabin nine.
Wait. No, actually, Jisung deplorably said you were spending more time in the infirmary bed than your own. You had your appointed bed at this point.
Jisung always took care of you, not without complaining, though. Not about having to stitch you up or change your bandages and stuff, no. About how you had to be more careful.
He’s nag about how some injuries can never fully heal. You’d argue that it wasn’t intentional.
He’d joke and say that you don’t need a reason to come see him. You especially do not need to hurt yourself. Which was essentially right.
You talked a lot when you weren’t passed out, and you had learned lately that he was dreaming of owning a lyre.
After doing some research (read: asking Kevin from the Athena cabin), you had everything you needed to make one. You thought you could repay him this way, even if it felt like not enough.
This time he didn’t see you there for weeks.
After mustering up your courage, you entered the infirmary. Jisung was here as usual, humming while tending to a Nemesis kid’s wound. When he finished and saw you, he rushed to your side.
“Hey, what is it?” he asked as he examined your body for any damage but it was all old scars. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, this time,” you sheepishly smiled.
You took the package that you previously put against an unused bed. Jisung hadn’t even noticed, his attention solely on you. Realizing that, his ears turned a shade of pink.
“It’s for you.”
He stared at the package in your hands. “For me?”
You nodded. “Open it.”
You resisted the urge to bolt away when he took the gift from you. As he opened it, you tugged nervously at your overalls’ suspenders.
“I usually forge weapons but I, uh, made you—”
He beamed. “A lyre! Oh Gods, Y/N, you’re amazing! This is the best gift ever!”
He started playing right away, making everyone stop and stare. The melody was smooth and pretty.
“It’s even tuned! Thank you so much Y/N, how can I ever repay you?”
“Ah no, see, this is me repaying you. But if you want to thank me so badly, you can play for me from time to time.”
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thank you for reading! if you enjoyed, here’s the masterlist <3
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ofgentleresolve · 2 years
8 for mana, 11 for patrick, 7 for lee, and 3 for any muse!
@voxvulgi || another munday meme i am late on 😅 ( multimuse opinion corner prompt. )
8. do you have multiple verses? ( i accidentally answered 8 on the canon muses side instead of the ocs RIP I'M SORRY SARA 🥲 )
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you know, for someone who's been my muse for a while, i actually?? don't have as many aus for that are currently running. i mean, if we include her previous incarnations...like for example, she did start out as an ace a*ttorney oc initially so technically she had an aa verse. she also did have a vigilante verse at one point too, BUT i took that one down bc as she is now, it doesn't make sense for mana to resort to violence 😌
i would say she has more verses ( much like calum ) in the fact that i can play her at multiple points in her canonical timeline....it's simply that for example, mana before she comes to terms with daniel's passing is different enough from her main verse that i would need to make a distinction between the two versions of mana.
tldr; not really, but also low key yes fjskldjfls
11. what’s something that you don’t get to express with your oc often?
with patrick in particular, it's anger. like he's a mellow person to begin, but you know what they say- the nicest people are also the scariest people to piss off...and that very much applies to patrick. like much of what happens, his default is sadness and composure. HOWEVER, after felicity is truly dead, there is a moment where he confronts his biological dad and let's just say, his bio dad says some things that like, makes patrick completely lose it for a moment :/
i will say though, i guess his au version ( myungdae ) does show anger over the situation he’s been thrown into and can’t really get out of...but since he has so many things to juggle in his life, there hasn’t really been a space for him to actually express that without feeling some kind of guilt 🙃 so uh...i guess eventually i’ll get to explore anger there as well, since he’s repeatedly pushing that down along with almost every other emotion he’s been feeling 🙃
7. are they canon divergent?
YEP. in their canon, K ( i gave them the real name ga-ram ) actually dies in the middle of the series and i was SO SALTY about that since they were such a fascinating character to me along with the world building...lots of potential lost by axing him :’(
and since there didn’t seem to be a ton of content exploring him in the fandom and bc i wanted more content of them...i decided to write it for myself <3 the nice thing about them too is that because he wasn’t explored heavily in the devil judge is that i can take him in any direction i want...and it can’t be considered ooc 😌
big shout out to alex ( @jeoseungsaja​ ) for recommending the show to me!!
3. do you have any npcs you’d like to talk about more?
i’d say robin from lam’s story, but that’s kind of a messy topic for both me and him...i think for now i’m content with displaying her through lam’s eyes at the moment 😌
oh!! but i WOULD love to talk more about ga ram relationship with yo han ( the MC of the devil judge ) since i do?? have a few ideas about what their relationship looked like and how it grew over the years!!
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minty-marshmallow · 28 days
Once Upon a Crime [Spoiler Warning]
So, this is a retelling of Little Red Riding Hood I assume? I love how overly dramatized Japanese dramas are lol, like why is this woman crackling like that haha?
What a strange lady, and why use magic that you're not even good at lol. Something tells me this was a set up though. So, who is this lady? Why is she out here in the forest like that? Oh, so it's Cinderella.
Little Red is quite observative and smart though.
[I also just realized this is a movie and not a series lol]
Yo, is she crying or laughing? (actors/actresses who can't really cry are annoying to be honest lol but whatever) Wait, she's supposed to be ugly? The actress is so pretty though.
OMG, the step-sister just killed the pigeon like that!? That's crazy!
So the dresses will run out of magic before the shoes do though. I wonder if that will be important? Maybe, it will play out with how the original fairytale goes, and that's how the prince finds Cinderella.
Why is the mouse man laughing like that? That's so ominous. Dang, that just scared me lol what did they hit? Oh...shit they hit a person...is he dead? I mean I guess that's what you get when you let a mouse drive a carriage.
Well, he is dead, but they didn't kill him. So I wonder who did? Poor Cinderella does have a good heart she wants to report it but Little Red doesn't want her to miss the ball. Also why she gotta make an evil face like that?
Well, their dresses really stand out, don't they? I guess the witch didn't get the dress code memo haha. Oh, Margot isn't there, I wonder if she committed the crime? What woman that disappeared?Also, the prince is quite handsome.
Oh no, the body was found and they're probably going to be accused. Little Red is right though, they can't just leave because that's just like seeming guilty.
Well, at least they are doing a pretty good investigation I suppose. Naw, that's too easy of a theory for a movie bruh lol. I don't think Anne did it. Plus, we're not even halfway through the movie yet.
So Han wasn't even really a good guy, he was kind of a jerk. So Anne was sneaking around though lol, but I told you she didn't do it. I don't think the Prince did either though. Okay, so he threw the crown away...so what lol. [I love Japanese shows they're so funny to be honest]
Aww, he really loved the maid. I wonder why she left though? The king says it wasn't because of him, so I wonder why. Look, Little Red does have bad timing but she's got a point. They need to move on with the actual investigation, not try and fix their father/son relationship at the moment. It's good that he didn't give him the mirror. I feel bad that his own father accused him of killing Hans though. I genuinely feel like he wouldn't do that. I mean he might have been upset about being blackmailed and stuff but I don't think he seems like the kind to kill.
Oh, evidence is piling up against him though. Oh is that creepy person that snuck in, is that the missing maid? Hold on, why is the stepmother trying to divert the blame back to the prince? Didn't she want Anne to marry the prince? So why is she trying to put the blame back on him but discounting this lady's testimony?
Lol, that was so quick. Little Red is smart though. But also I think she's just lucky too because she just happened to find the bramble from his clothing. Anyway, I hope that the creepy lady is the maid and that she and the prince can get married.
Okay, so they didn't solve the murder and he's just letting everyone go. Their magic is about to run out lol. I wonder if the prince is going to end up with Cinderella or the maid? If the stepmother doesn't shut up about her daughter Anne...good grief.
So she did leave her shoe like in the story. So, the magic doesn't run out if it's not on her person? Oh, wait...the shoes will last for 24 hours. I forgot that part.
Ah ha, I knew it! I said I thought Margot did it. However, she says it's an accident. Okay, so someone hit her and then set her up to make her look like the killer. This is very interesting.
Well, Little Red didn't lie. She never said she would help her. Margot just kept spilling out the truth. That's a piece of a glass slipper, right? Plus I knew she didn't actually kill Hans.
Wait, what did she figure out? Because I'm kind of confused.
Aww, the prince came to find Cinderella just like in the story. Okay, look in the back of my head I was wondering if Cinderella killed him. Now, I'm bout to find out how and why. Well, I mean I still don't think she intentionally meant to kill him. She didn't want her hair cut and the dude was really creepy. However, I guess it was worse to try and cover it up.
I feel bad for Cinderella though. She did kill him but I don't think she meant to. Aww, I'm glad it was Remi and I'm glad that the prince and her got to reconcile and get married.
So, they gonna make this into a series or what? lol I'd like to see more.
0 notes
technitango · 3 months
3, 4, 17, 24, 25
feel free to answer what you like if you don't have time to do all and lmk if you're open to receiving more asks like this!
thank you so much for the ask, sorry it took me awhile to get to, and of course i am always up to receiving asks like this ;; <3
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
Ah so I actually have a lot of details that I tend to reuse throughout my fics. I realized at some point when re-reading my works that I focus a lot on hands? I’m constantly describing the way characters clench their hands into fists, or their hands feeling cold and clammy, or their knuckles going white from tension. I also like to use a specific descriptor to do with taste with things that don’t really have specifically to do with taste, like comparing emotions to taste, if that makes sense? Some other things that are characteristic of my fics are a character feeling unmoored or uncertain, overwhelmed by their emotions, and needing another character to ground them. The way I write, at least from my perspective, can sometimes feel a bit flowery or not very straightforward, but I really try to find a balance and still have my fics be accessible and understandable, for the most part (hopefully that’s the case). 
4. What detail in [insert fic] are you really proud of?
Since there wasn’t a specific fic in the ask, I just picked one myself. Not to overly brag but I’m really proud of the entirety of my The Devil Judge Yo Han-centric fic, The Devil In Me. I haven't revisited it in awhile, but the last time I did I remember having a surprised moment where I was like, wait, I wrote this??? Haha. There’s this particular small scene that I like:
“Yo Han looks at himself in the mirror and he hates what he sees. His reflection whispers at him, smiling crookedly.
You're a monster.
"I know." He says back.”
The fic doesn’t get a lot of love on ao3, probably because of the sibling incest tag, but I think it deserves more love than it gets, if I can be so presumptuous to say so. 
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
This is a great question, because I have an AU I’ve wanted to write for The Devil Judge for a long time, which is a Blade Runner AU! Except it would be entirely self-serving and probably not that many people would be interested in it. But it’s always sitting on the backburner of my mind, maybe one of these days I’ll get around to it~
24. Are there any easter eggs in [insert fic], and if so, what are they?
To be honest I don’t think I’ve put any easter eggs in my fics?? At least, I’m 99 percent certain. 
25. What other websites or resources do you use most often when you write?
Hmmm, aside from the source material I’m taking from when I’m writing fic, I rarely use other resources. Every now and then when I’m struggling to find a word, I might use google to figure out exactly what I’m looking for. If my fics require research about something I’m not super familiar with, I’m up for doing some digging through google to make sure I’m getting details accurate, at least to the best of my ability. 
0 notes
user743838485 · 1 year
Your Life In Rosewood Part 3
Today is a new day. You go to the bathroom and clean up before getting dressed. You throw on blue jeans, a blue/burgundy tank top, and burgundy vans. You make your way downstairs for breakfast. You make the decision to drive to school today so that you wouldn't bump into Alison of her minions. As you drive down your street you slow down when you see Emily walking alone.
"Now would be a great chance to get to know Emily, go ask if she wants a ride, stupid." You say in your head.
As you wind down your window, you see Emily walking up to it.
"Hey, you were looking lonely so I was wondering if you wanted a ride?" You asked her.
"Yeah sure, thanks." She replies.
Here I am walking down the street when a car pulls up near me. Now usually I would just keep walking, but when I walked near the window I saw a familiar face.
"Hey, you were looking lonely so I was wondering if you wanted a ride?"
I was surprised to see her again, especially down my street.
"Yeah sure thanks."
As I got in the car, a captivating scent rush towards my face.
"Wow, your car smells good." I comment.
"Yeah it's Armani."
I gave her a confused look at why she would use a men's cologne. She tilts her head at me and gives me a look.
"It's my brothers, I have to drive them to school every morning." I nod. My head to hear response.
As we start driving I realize I don't actually know her name. Weird.
"Hey not to be rude or anything, but what's your name?" I ask hesitantly.
"Oh right sorry, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Y/N." Y/N replies.
"I can't believe she didn't know my name. Well what did you expect, she clings to Alison. She probably makes Emily avoid me."
You say to yourself. You have at least 2 minutes till w get to school. You begin to come up with questions to ask Emily, that will give you an idea about Alison.
"So em- is it okay if I call you em?"
"Yeah, what's up?" She replies.
"I was wondering are you close with Alison?" You say shaky.
"Yeah why?" She says curious.
"Well it's that. You and her seem really close but you're so different from each other." You say regretting it already.
"So your saying, we have to be the same to be friends?" She says sternly.
"No, of course not. What I mean is, your two very different people. For example, you are nice and Alison, not so much."
"Ugh,what did she say to you. I'll deal with her." You look at Emily before looking back to the road.
"She didn't do anything - I was just curious whether or not you two were a couple?" You reply.
"What no, why would yo- , never mind just drive. I'll deal with her when we get to school."
When she says that, you obey her while feeling a little bit of relief. At this point you find out that Alison is a very jealous friend and all she needs is to see you kissing Emily for her to crack.
You and Emily finally make it to school. You see Emily's friends waiting for her by the entrance.
"You can come and hang with me if you want?" She asks you.
"Won't your friends mind?" You reply.
"Well if they have a problem with you then, they can go suck a fuck." She says seriously. I laugh at her words and she laughs back.
"Hey Em. Who's this?" Says a girl witch chocolate brown hair.
"Oh, hey guys this is Y/N. Y/N, this is Aria, Hanna and Spencer."
You walk closer to Emily and greet them all.
"Hey Han, have you seen Ali?" Emily asks.
"No. I thought she would of came with you." Hanna replies.
What happens next surprises not only me but all of the girls. A light silver Ferrari pulls up with Alison in the front seat.
"Hey guys- what is she doing here?'
0 notes
booksfromblackwood · 3 years
Tumblr media
Is anyone still around in this fandom? If so, I thought I’d post the first chapter of an old fic that I re-wrote last year! Let me know if anyone’s still around, and if you’d be interested in reading more! Hope everyone reading this has a great day! :)
Han has left the chat.
Three Days Before The Disappearance
.Sam.Giddings. added josh_wash, ashleeeeey, xXGamerChrisXx, TheOriginalMatt, HanButterfly, BethWash, Mike_Munroe, EmilyD_, and _Jess.Riley_ to the chat.
.Sam.Giddings. named the chat Info For Tomorrow.
.Sam.Giddings.: Hey guys! Just to keep everyone updated on our travel plans for tomorrow! I know it's going to be a long day for everyone so it's vital we stick to the plan and stay in our groups where possible!
ashleeeeey: Okie-doodle!!
TheOriginalMatt: How are you so organised, Sam? You're a lifesaver!
HanButterfly: Hi!!
BethWash: trust sam to be more prepared than those of us organising the trip lol
xXGamerChrisXx: Since when was 'okie-doodle' a thing?
EmilyD_: Thanks Sam x
xXGamerChrisXx: And thanks so much, sam!
.Sam.Giddings.: So quick reminder of everyone's groups:
_Jess.Riley_: I'm stoked!!
ashleeeeey: That's rich coming from someone whose username is xXGamerChrisXx! :P
.Sam.Giddings.: Ash, Chris, Matt, and myself will start the journey first tomorrow morning.
xXGamerChrisXx: You wound me!
Mike_Munroe: Thanks for the plan, Sam!
TheOriginalMatt: Excited to see everyone tomorrow! This is going to be a killer weekend for sure!!
.Sam.Giddings.: Em, Mike, and Jess, you guys are next.
ashleeeeey: You're so dramatic!! XD
Mike_Munroe: Team Two here we go!!
xXGamerChrisXx: Made you smile, though! ;-)
josh_wash: what about us
.Sam.Giddings.: I'm just getting to that!
ashleeeeey: True :)
xXGamerChrisXx: You guys are already there and are therefore irrelevant! :P
.Sam.Giddings.: Han, Beth, and Josh, you guys are there already!
josh_wash: thanks cochise i feel so appreciated
BethWash: lol thanks chris
Mike_Munroe: So, what are we all up to?
BethWash: i found cake
xXGamerChrisXx: Browsing reddit like a nerd XD
ashleeeeey: Listening to Sam's rundown of tomorrow unlike sOmE pEoPlE *coughcoughChris*
EmilyD_: Honestly just packing my final things with Jess. Mike's mostly watching the TV.
xXGamerChrisXx: :-(
.Sam.Giddings.: So, tonight we should all make sure our bags are packed and that we have our passports and tickets ready!! Set your alarms for the right times (depending on your group) and make sure to sleep early too (especially if you're in my group since tomorrow will be an early start for us)!
ashleeeeey: :)
TheOriginalMatt: 5am gang where we AT?
HanButterfly: Beth where are you rn? Because I want some of that cake!!
.Sam.Giddings.: So Team One (myself, Chris, Ash, and Matt), we need to be up by 5:00am and be ready by 5:30am for the taxi to the airport!! Matt and Chris, yours is going to be at Chris' place at 5:24 for some reason so make sure to be ready!!
BethWash: the lodge kitchen bcos where else would there be cake han lol
.Sam.Giddings.: We'll meet up at the airport when we arrive! Once we re-group, we'll check in, probably eat some breakfast whilst we wait, and then catch the 8:30 plane!!
TheOriginalMatt: Sweet!
ashleeeeey: Can't wait! :)
josh_wash: yo matt you surviving the puns
.Sam.Giddings.: Team Two - you guys don't have to be up until around 9:00am since your taxi is at 9:20 and then your plane is at 11:30!
HanButterfly: Josh would you like me to save you some cake before we eat it all? :)
EmilyD_: We'll need a little longer than 20 minutes to all get ready but sure x
TheOriginalMatt: Just about! Myself and Chris have mostly been playing on his PS4 so I've been distracting myself with that! XD
josh_wash: yes please!
josh_wash: i feel for ya bro, a whole evening with chris' puns can prove fatal
josh_wash: you die of cringe
Mike_Munroe: Poor ol' Chris XD
.Sam.Giddings.: Once we arrive and get our bags, we need to catch the 2:30pm train and then the 4:20 bus! After that we have to take the 5:40 bus (I sent you guys screenshots of the route yesterday) and get off at Blackwood Pines ready for our hike up the mountain (with a little help from the cable car, of course)!
xXGamerChrisXx: I'm being BULLIED guys :(
ashleeeeey: Aw, poor Chris! :P
josh_wash: jk XD
TheOriginalMatt: I like how Sam's still here typing all we need to know whilst we're talking about cake and puns XD
.Sam.Giddings.: Team Two, you guys need to catch either the 5:30pm or the 6:00pm train depending on when your stuff arrives. After that you'll need to get the 7:50 bus and then the 8:40 bus to Blackwood Pines (you have to specify you want it to stop there or the driver won't stop) before you head up. Remember to lock the cable car station once you get in, Mike!
josh_wash: oh gosh tHE CAKE
Mike_Munroe: Gotcha' Sam!
HanButterfly: No worries, Josh! I managed to save most of it from Beth!
BethWash: rip my chance at a third slice of cake
_Jess.Riley_: Really, thanks Sam! We're all packed and ready to go! Xx
HanButterfly: It's really going to be such an awesome weekend! I can't wait :D
ashleeeeey: Thank you so much for inviting me! I've never been on something like this before!! :D
TheOriginalMatt: Yeah, thank you so much guys! I can't wait either, Han!!
.Sam.Giddings.: Have we got rooms sorted out for the lodge, guys?
BethWash: ash take the plans away from sam so she can have time to relax lol
EmilyD_: I'm with Mike in the room away from everyone like agreed right x
ashleeeeey: I'm trying but she won't let me! XD
HanButterfly: I mean if needs be we can sort out rooms once we're here! If not maybe we just sort out the first night rooms since it'll be fairly late when everyone arrives and then we can adjust them as needed as the trip goes on!
BethWash: lol poor sam will be up all night organising at this rate
.Sam.Giddings.: Sounds good, Han!
Mike_Munroe: Great idea, Hannah!
BethWash: em, yours and mike's room (upstairs guest) may not be ready first night so is it possible for you to share a room with jess til we get a chance to sort it out tomorrow?
EmilyD_: That's fine, hon. Thank you again for the trip and for letting us use the upstairs guest room x
josh_wash: how about for the first night emily and jess share beth's room and then beth sam and han go in hannah's room
josh_wash: mike can go to the small room downstairs if he's alright w/ that and matt can room w/ me
xXGamerChrisXx: Yo dude you forgot ash
ashleeeeey: It's alright, Chris! I can find somewhere!
EmilyD_: Ash you're honestly lovely but I'd kinda' like to be with either Jess or Mike if that's alright xx
ashleeeeey: No problem, Emily! I wouldn't want to intrude! :)
EmilyD_: Knew you'd understand xx
josh_wash: why dont you and ash share a room cochise
xXGamerChrisXx: I thought I was rooming with you and matt?
josh_wash: bro please just think for a minute here
ashleeeeey: I'm not sure.
xXGamerChrisXx: Beth, han, and sam, is there any room with you guys?
ashleeeeey: I'm really sorry to be a bother!!
.Sam.Giddings.: Of course you can room with us, Ash! We'd love to have you with us! :)
BethWash: im with sam
HanButterfly: Of course!!
xXGamerChrisXx: Thank you to the only valid washington kids right now!
josh_wash: -_-
xXGamerChrisXx: I see what you're doing, josh. ha ha, we've had our laugh, now please stop before this weekend.
Mike_Munroe: Rough subject, huh?
josh_wash: bro chill you know i was just joking
ashleeeeey: I'm really sorry!! Please don't get upset with each other!
xXGamerChrisXx: No ash it's alright! i promise i'm not actually mad! :-)
josh_wash: he acts mad over text to get his point across but he literally just sits there with a blank expression irl XD
TheOriginalMatt: Is Sam still there, Ash? Haven't heard from her in a while!
TheOriginalMatt: Gotta check up on my plane buddy for tomorrow!!
_Jess.Riley_: Did you guys get window seats or middle isle seats? I got a middle isle and the others got a window!
BethWash: she hasn't drowned in her notes has she lol
TheOriginalMatt: We got two sets of window seats! Though I don't know which of us is actually going to be at the window and which one will be window isle!
ashleeeeey: She's just brushing her teeth! Her mom came in and brought us a load of vegan snacks for the trip tomorrow and now I'm even more excited!!
ashleeeeey: Speaking of which, I'm probably going to head to sleep in a minute! Though I'm not sure how much I'll actually get since I'm so excited!!! :)
xXGamerChrisXx: Sleep well, ash. see you in the morning :-)
ashleeeeey: Night, Chris :)
ashleeeeey has left the chat.
_Jess.Riley_: Well that was cute!
xXGamerChrisXx: People say goodnight to eachother! that's a normal human interaction!
_Jess.Riley_: You know full well it's cute when it's you two
.Sam.Giddings.: Ash told me she logged out so I came to say goodnight!
josh_wash: w/ jess on this one bro
HanButterfly: Goodnight, Sam!
BethWash: night sam!
josh_wash: dont let the bedbugs bite!
TheOriginalMatt: See you bright and early tomorrow!!
.Sam.Giddings.: See you at the airport/lodge, guys!
xXGamerChrisXx: Night!
.Sam.Giddings. has left the chat.
BethWash: its cute because you like eachother chris
xXGamerChrisXx has left the chat.
HanButterfly: Aww, don't tease the poor guy!
TheOriginalMatt: Chris says goodnight, as do I! Can't wait to see you all tomorrow!
BethWash: night guys!
TheOriginalMatt has left the chat.
josh_wash: night!
Mike_Munroe: Make sure to save me a slice of that cake, Han! I gtg!
Mike_Munroe has left the chat.
HanButterfly: Goodnight Mike :)
EmilyD_: We'd best be off too. See you all in the morning.
_Jess.Riley_: Night x
EmilyD_ has left the chat.
BethWash: night
HanButterfly: Goodnight x
josh_wash: night xxxxxxyzqvp
_Jess.Riley_: Ha ha, very funny. Get that one from Chris?
josh_wash: lol night
_Jess.Riley_ has left the chat.
BethWash: PLEASE can i have some more cake, han?
josh_wash: you guys can literally just talk if you wanted
HanButterfly: Nope! Gotta' save some for Mike~
BethWash: you wont shut up about that for the rest of the evening now, will you?
BethWash: lol
HanButterfly: :P
josh_wash: you guys gossip in the kitchen
josh_wash: imma head to bed
BethWash: night bro
HanButterfly: Sleep well!
josh_wash has left the chat.
BethWash: please?
HanButterfly: No :P
BethWash: ugh night sis
HanButterfly: Night, Beth! XD
BethWash has left the chat.
HanButterfly has left the chat.
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amethystina · 2 months
Hello, I hope you're doing better.
I just wanted to tell you that since I read the latest chapter of Who Holds The Devil you have revived in me some ideas and scenarios I had in mind about the show.
Like what if everything worked out for Yohan's plans after episode 12 (when Gaon left Yohan and Elijah) without K or Soohyun dying? What would happen then?
Yohan will definitely leave after some point to Switzerland with Elijah because he already planned it for her treatment, even if he is not a criminal in Korea or presumed dead. But how long will it take him to leave?
And what will Gaon do? Will he start dating Soohyun or keep whatever they have between them as it is? If he dates her, will they work out or realise they were better together as friends and family but nothing more? ( I personally believe that when they start dating at the beginning, everything will seem perfect. But as time goes on, they will realise that it won't work out between them as they took a very long time to get to this point, and that it was too late.)
Will Gaon stay in contact with Elijah? (Maybe.) Or Yohan? ( I doubt it.)
Will Gaon miss them? Will he ever realise that Yohan loved him or that he had some kind of feelings for Yohan?
Basically, what would've happened if all the baggage from the last episodes never occurred. After the rejection on Gaon's part in episode 12, I believe Yohan will want to stay away from Gaon but I could be wrong.
The latest chapter reminded me of all these ideas and questions I had, but now we have a lot more baggage and issues to work through which makes me even more excited to explore what will happen next.
I trust your storytelling abilities as they have not once failed me for all this time I was following this fic.
Take care of your self, and when you feel better come back with a new amazing chapter as always.
I'm doing better, thank you 💜
Wow. Yeah, that's a lot of thoughts! And very interesting ones! And I think some of it depends on exactly how Yo Han decides to finish his plans. Like, killing people on national television would still make him a criminal, so I'm guessing that's not what he does? But he still gets his revenge somehow?
But yeah, he'd definitely still go to Switzerland since that has clearly been a part of his plan for years. And I think he'd actually go as soon as possible. Maybe he'd give Elijah time to say goodbye to Ga On, but that depends on what terms he and Ga On are, I'd say. If we assume that none of the baggage happened (including Soo Hyun dying, Ga On attempting to murder Yo Han, etc.) I think that Yo Han would keep his distance from Ga On, yes. Out of sheer pride and self-preservation, if nothing else. And Ga On has Soo Hyun so he wouldn't seek Yo Han out, since he knows that Soo Hyun doesn't like Yo Han and he wouldn't want to upset her.
So, sadly enough, I think Yo Han and Ga On would drift apart. Maybe they'd still cooperate somehow to take down the baddies, but, as horrible as it may sound, Soo Hyun's death actually brought them closer together. Even Ga On trying to kill Yo Han did in some ways since, from that point on, they're forever tied together what with Yo Han carrying the scar Ga On gave him. And without that? With Soo Hyun there to plead with Ga On not to do something dangerous? Ga On wouldn't chase after Yo Han. And Yo Han wouldn't chase after Ga On since he's already been rejected and is too prideful.
So I think that Yo Han would leave for Switzerland with Elijah and Ga On would stay in touch with her, yes, but not Yo Han. Maybe he'd try a couple of times, but Yo Han wouldn't respond. And, eventually, Ga On will stop trying because who is Yo Han to him anyway? Just his weird boss who he lived with for a while — and kind of wanted to take care of because he seemed so lonely — who was also a terrible influence on him. So, clearly, it might be for the better that they don't talk anymore.
(You keep telling yourself that, Ga On)
As for Ga On and Soo Hyun, I think they would start dating, yes, and I think they'd be pretty happy there at the beginning. If in a pretty boring and uneventful way. Like, there's not really much passion between them, is there? But they'd be content. It'd be safe and sweet.
I'm not sure if they'd notice that there's something wrong, though. I think that both of them have been waiting for this for so long that they'd be determined to make it work, even if that means ignoring the warning signs. I honestly think they'd both pretend everything was fine long after the point where it's not. And that both of them would silence the niggling doubts by saying that this is just how all relationships are — there will be dips. Nothing is perfect all the time. And it's not like they're arguing or anything.
It's just a little dull, that's all.
In short, I think they'd be stuck. Not in a way that makes them genuinely unhappy, but they certainly wouldn't be honest with themselves or each other, either. Which isn't the worst way to live, but it's also not the best one.
And I think that Ga On would miss Elijah and Yo Han, yes, though he wouldn't be honest about why he does. He'd just say it's because he cares about them and it's sad that he can't talk to them as often — or at all, in Yo Han's case. And, in a similar vein, I don't think Ga On would try to explore his feelings for Yo Han, or Yo Han's feelings for him. Because Ga On would be able to tell that danger lies in that direction and he'd rather remain in denial.
But he would think about Yo Han a lot. And probably do a doubletake every time they mention Yo Han or show his picture in the media. And he'd ask Elijah about how Yo Han is doing. He'd find himself cooking Yo Han's favourite food, even if he's not there to eat it. He'd miss the house. He'd miss the quiet nights reading.
He'd still wear the watch.
And all that longing would only make Ga On double down and be even more determined to make things work with Soo Hyun. Because the alternative is just too scary. He doesn't want there to be another explanation as to why he misses Yo Han. He wants his safe and happy life with Soo Hyun.
Everything else is shoved aside, pushed down, and ignored.
And, eventually, I think Soo Hyun would notice that something is wrong. But she doesn't know what and, even if she kind of hates herself for it, she's too afraid of the answer to ask. Because she doesn't want to lose Ga On and, deep down, she can tell that he is slipping away from her, slowly but surely. Just from the fact that his smiles are a little too hollow sometimes, and he's often staring off into space, lost in thought. So she tries her best to help him, as always, but, for some reason, it doesn't seem to work as well as it usually would.
But of course it'd eventually come crumbling down. And — since I'm a dramatic bitch — I suggest it'll do so when Yo Han and Elijah eventually drop by for a visit (mostly Elijah's doing, of course, with Yo Han reluctantly agreeing). More specifically the moment when Ga On comes face to face with Yo Han again for the first time in months — maybe even a year? — and everything he's been trying to suppress rushes to the surface and hits him like a freight train.
Because he's been living comfortably with Soo Hyun, sure, and he loves her dearly, but there's not much of a spark. But the one he had with Yo Han? That's been just a softly glowing ember since they parted ways?
Turns out that seeing Yo Han again — and being faced with all that intensity and enticing hint of danger once more — is all it takes to ignite it again. To turn it into a wildfire.
All of a sudden, Ga On is reminded of what real attraction feels like.
And the fact that it's not aimed at his girlfriend is definitely going to be a bit of a problem.
... aaaaaand maybe I should stop now. Because I'm not sure if you actually wanted me to answer what I think x'D
Anyway! Yes, very interesting things to ponder! And I think there are several ways to go, depending on what angle one wants to take and what happened during those last episodes. Like, if Yo Han and Ga On reconciled after their breakup, I think some parts would obviously play out differently. But, if they didn't? I'd go with something like what I said above.
But, again, that depends entirely on what you want to accomplish. Trust me when I say that there are always ways to tweak what happens to your liking but still make it feel in character and realistic. I'm somewhat of an expert on that, I've been told xD
Thank you so much for sharing, anyway! It was a very fun thought experiment! And I do hope to be able to get back to writing sometime soon. I'm actually feeling better than I have in a long time, but I think I'm going to make a separate post about that. We'll see.
I hope you have a great day! Take care 💜
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cosmicdreamt · 3 years
"'Ey, Neff, uh..." For the first time, they're actually looking a little sheepish as they speak. "... yo, I just been thinkin' about all that shit you said just the other day, 'n', like-... did you really mean all that? I mean... eh, don't get me wrong, between paparazzi and people on social media, I'm used to the compliments, but, like-... I dunno, I ain't-... used to that kinda attention. Especially not from someone like you. Like-... I gotta figure this out. But, again... you really mean all that?"
Neff blinks, and it’s the only amount of time she hesitates before giving her answer.
“Of course I did. Why wouldn’t I mean it?”
Head tilts, and she gives them a gentle smile.
“I’m all for hyping you up, but I’m not gonna say what I don’t believe is true. I really do find you admirable. Like, I know it must be hard - even if it’s something you enjoy - to do everything that you do. You’re more than just a pretty face on the walkway and in front of the cameras. Most people, when they reach a certain point of wealth, they forget what it’s like to be someone of lower status. But you? You never forgot where you started, and you even give BACK. GENUINELY. You don’t do things for the publicity, you do it because you CARE. People see Yeong-Hui Han and see someone unreachable. A successful model making it big in all types of businesses, someone of wealth and status and in a world beyond what we feel we’re capable of. But when I see you? I see the person that likes frogs, that has their own struggles, that cares about their friends and makes time for them no matter what. That and....other personal things I don’t have to get into right now.”
There’s a playful smirk tugging at the corner of her lips. They’d know exactly what she was implying.
“So, yeah. I meant everything I said. And I especially mean it when I say I care about you. A lot. Maybe more than you’d ever understand. And I want to be here for you the same way you’ve always been here for me, okay? You need anything, you come to me.”
Her hand reaches to cup their cheek, giving it a gentle caress of her thumb.
“You’re a person, too. Just like everyone else. You deserve to be taken care of with more than just riches and publicity. And now you have me to do that for you.”
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hadesgirl1015 · 4 years
Something in Between pt.4
A/N: Alright, warning. Word barf! It's been over a year since I last updated this story. Classic writer's block and a cruel thing called life and adulthood. Sorry if it took that long. I'll try to come up with the next part as soon as I can, but for now I hope y'all enjoy this. It's angsty though.
It's been a couple of weeks since you last convinced (or at least tried to) Sebastian to give Hannah a chance. So far, you could say they get along pretty well.
You felt bad not being able to see Sebastian or have a decent conversation with him, but you need to settle a lot of things before moving away. You would send him a text here and there, but nothing more. He would try to call but you couldn't answer because you're at an appointment. You would call back but he would already be filming.
Ok, so, you don't feel bad. You feel terrible. The longest ever you had no contact with Sebastian was 7 hours. That was because he was on a flight to London and you were not with him because you got the flu.
But you figured this is good "practice" from being away from each other.
Oh my gosh! You thought to yourself. It's not like we're dating. Get a hold of yourself Y/N!
You decided to visit the set of TFAWS. It's your last week in the U.S and dropping by wouldn't hurt. You thought so, at least.
"Yo Pringles!" a voice from behind you called out as you were walking towards the trailers. You didn't have to wonder who it was as. Only one person calls you that.
"It was one time Mackie! Let it go." You said with a mix of amusement and irritation im your voice.
"And miss the chance of teasing every single time? No thanks." He said coming up to arms open for a hug.
You hugged him but of course slapped his arm real hard when you ended the hug.
"Ow! Seriously woman!"
You blew him a raspberry.
"So what brings you here? Aside from the obvious." He said with a teasing grin.
You gave him a look before answering, "To say my goodbyes in person. You know. The usual."
"So you're actually leaving, huh?"
"Yup. I guess I am."
"He didn't say anything?" Anthony asked with a curious look.
"About what?" You asked eyebrows furrowed.
"I guess not" he said under his breath "Well it's great you dropped by at least I got to see you too."
"It's great seeing you too Mac."
"Should I go tell him?"
"Oh no! You don't have to. I'm going to his trailer anyway and I'll just tell Hannah. I don't want to interrupt any ongoing filming."
"Suit yourself. Anyway, Godspeed young one." With that he left you and you made your way to Sebastian's trailer.
Weirdo. You mumbled to yourself and thought he didn't hear
" Right back at yah, and love you too!"
" Don't forget to always have his things ready like the essentials and stuff, yours too, like an emergency kit. Just in case if there's sudden filming in secret locations. You know, Marvel stuff. And-"
" Y/N!" Hannah said in a high voice with a slight amused and teasing look.
" He'll be fine. We'll be fine. So just try chill, we don't want panic before or during take off."
"Thanks, Han. It's just-" you couldn't continue what you were going to say and just sighed.
"I know, babe." Hannad said and gave you a long and tight hug. "Are you sure you don't want to see him? I mean he can just go to your place before you leave."
"I'm not at my place anymore. I shipped most of my things and sold the rest. There's no reason for me to stay there anymore."
"Are you sure? Do you really not want to see him?"
NO! I really want to! You thought to yourself but you couldn't risk it.
"Yup! It'll just make things harder. And besides what needs to be said already has and I said my goodbyes to the others, so yeah." You said with a heavy heart. Once you and Hannah let go from the much not so needed but needed hug, you gave her an envelope.
" Give this to him? Please? But make sure he reads it when I'm gone. "
"What's the point i-" you cut her off by giving her hand a squeeze.
"Alright" she signed. "I swear, the both of you are mean to be." She said shaking her head.
" What are--- Anyway, thank you. I guess I'll be seeing you around?" You told with a bit of sadness.
With one last hug from Hannah and a look around the trailer, you stepped out of the trailer that held memories, and that's all they'll ever be.
Sebastian ran as fast as he could in hopes to catch you in the trailer. He knew something was off when Anthony was being extra on set today. Okay, it was normal but he was extra animated and he spoke in a voice that was higher that it was supposed to. Turns out he was trying to keep his word of not telling Sebastian you came by but excited because he really wanted you and Sebastian to see each other.
"Where is she?" He said said the moment he opened the door to his trailer causing Hannah to jump off her seat, nearly causing her to spill her coffee.
"Gods! Seb! I almost burned myself." She chastised.
"Sorry, but where is she?" He said frantically looking around the trailer.
"If it's Y/N you're looking for, well she's not here."
"Wh- what?" He asked surprised and still catching his breath. "But- but, Anthony said she-"
"Yes. But Seb, she already left." Hannah said with a deep sigh.
"What? How long? Where? Maybe -"
"Half an hour ago.' Hannah said sadly. Sebastian was about to reply when Hannah spoke again. "I know you want to go after her, but we both know she's probably packed and sleeping somewhere else where no one can find her before her flight. Plus, you can't just leave set Sebastian."
Sebastian was on the verge of tears. How could he lose you? How could you come over and not say goodbye? How could he not stop you?
"I'm sorry Seb. She wanted you to have this though." Hannah gave Sebastian the envelope.
Sebastian reached for it and held it in his hand. It had his name written on it with your delicate handwriting that he recognized immediately.
With a sad smile he thanked his assistant and walked over to his reading chair and sat staring at the envelope in his hands.
Without a word Hannah left the trailer to leave Sebastian with his thoughts.
At the sound of the door closing that was when Sebastian's walls came crashing.
Something In Between Masterlist
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brokenfoolishdreams · 2 years
Ley´s Release Corner Jan´22 Boys-Edition (2/3)
DISCLAIMER: This is all my personal opinion and most of the impressions are after first listening. So please keep in mind that my opinion can change and that I respect other opinions too. My rating is just based on how I like the song and has nothing to do with hate or anything else against an Artist. When I don't like a song it doesn't mean I don't appreciate the work and effort that are put into it.
Feel free to let me know what you think of the releases and now let's dive into Kpop:
Title: Find you
Album: Rewind (Single)
Artist: Bz-Boys
Released: 2022.01.07
At this point I just gave up and googled to find some of the comebacks. And this was one I first didn´t plan to include but I liked this way too much to not inculude it here. The Lyrics tell a story of how you want to find and stay with someone you´re not together with anymore. The MV is like the most ones of smaller groups but I really liked the cheography. It´s a pretty good song which reminds me a little bit of Monsta X which is one of my favorite groups so I´m very excited to see more of this.
Rating: 7,5/10 (Instrumental: 7/10; Vocals: 8/10; Rap: 7/10; Lyrics: 7/10; Cheography: 8/10; MV: 7/10; Overall-Vibe: 7,5/10)
Title: Blessed-Cursed
Album: DIMENSION: Answer (Album)
Artist: Enhypen
Release: 2022.01.10
I´m a little bit ambivalent about this. Enhypen is like SF9 always very close away from me liking it. They come closer with every song though. This one has really potential because I like the rocking sound of it. So I hope it will grow on me over the time (note while editing this: it actually did so I bumbed up the score from a 6 to a 7) because I don´t know what exactly it is but right know there´s something missing for me. I liked especially the start but at the half of the song I started to get a bit bored. The MV and the cheography are okay too but again for me a little bit boring as well. I don't really understand why I feel like this right now but maybe it's just because I already have seen so much these days or because my expectations were too high because it's HYBE and I really love the MVs from TXT. Maybe I will like it more later.
The album is a repackage so the most songs doesn´t really count as 2022 songs which makes it hard to rate the album cause if only the title, "Polaroid Love" and "Outro: Day 2" would count the album would get a bad rating. I mean I don´t really need the Intro, Interlude and Outro for listening purpose but they´re okay for what they are. "Tamed-Dashed" was the last title and it was the same like with "Upper Side Dreamin´" - it just don´t reach me like it should. "Just A Little Bit" is a chill song I don´t really have an opinion on. "Go Big or Go Home" is more energetic and together with "Blockbuster" and " Attention, please" one of the songs that carries the album for me. "Polaroid Love" to be honest wasn´t really my type.
Rating: 7/10 for Cursed-Blessed (Instrumental: 8/10; Vocals: 7/10; Lyrics: 6,5/10; Cheography: 6/10; MV: 6/10; Overall Vibe: 6/10 )
Rating: 6/10 for DIMENSION: Answer because it features a few songs I like but they're not really 2022
Album: Illusions (EP)
Artist: Kim Yohan (WEi)
Release: 2022.01.10
I discovered WEi just in the end of december 2021 while checking out the comebacks of 2021 and liked the few stuff I saw. "DESSERT" didn´t disappoint me and now I really have to check them out when I have time for that. The MV is really pretty and reminds me of a mix of other MV´s but don´t ask me which ones because my memory is reaky bad. The cheography is matching the song´s mood very well and the song stucked immediatly in my head. The lyrics are about someone who is irresistible like a sweet dessert.
The EP has a few more songs I liked so much. Especially "SELFISH" surprised me with how much I love it and it´s really my favorite of the EP. "BAD" is pretty good as well with little bit more rap in it and really fits my recent taste. "Landing on you" is a chill song and "STAR" is a ballade and both are okay too but doesn´t really feel special. I look forward for his works in the future because he seems like a really talented person.
Rating: 7,5/10 for DESSERT (Instrumental: 7/10; Vocals: 7/10; Rap: 7/10; Lyrics: 6/10; Cheography: 7/10; MV: 7/10; Overall Vibe: 8/10)
Rating: 7,5/10 for Illusion for having very good songs
Title: Marvelous
Album: Marvelous (EP)
Artist: MIRAE
Release: 2022.01.12
I just discovered MIRAE right after WEi. What should I say if you like 4th gen you like them. Marvelous is probably a typical song but it makes fun to listen too. I haven´t figured out what´s the MV exactly try to tell me but I love how they use that astronaut/Mars theme. The cheography is also really powerful (I highly recommend to watch the Cheography video because oh my goodness it´s full of killing points you can´t regonize in the MV). The lyrics fitting the MV and the general mood of the song. I know I say that a lot but this group has very good potential and I hope that they will develope more in something that they can call their own sound in the future.
"Future Land" is the most rap heavy song, but also a very upbeating one, of the EP and as you probably already know most of the time this are the songs that get me. "JUICE" is like the standard 4th gen popsong but it gets me every time. And "Final Cut" sounds familiar too but it´s such a good-mood maker I really like. "Amazing" sounds a little bit more different to the normal stuff and it also makes a good mood so it´s very enjoyable. And finally with the song "Seven Pages (Dear my friend)" I expected a sad ballade but it just continued the mood of the rest of the album and let you go with a good feeling which I really liked.
Rating: 7,5/10 for Marvelous (Instrumental: 7/10; Vocals: 7/10; Rap: 7/10; Lyrics: 6/10; Cheography: 9/10; MV: 7/10; Overall Vibe: 8/10)
Rating: 8/10 for the EP for putting me in a really good mood when I was having a hard time.
Title: Devil
Album: Devil (EP)
Artist: Max Changmin (TVXQ)
Release: 2022.01.13
"Devil" sounds so familiar and I don't know why because it has a very unique sound in kpop. I would describe it as a rock sound with a touch of gospel but I´m very bad at putting songs into genres. It's a song you can vibe with or be annoyed by it. Sadly it's the second for me. It's just not my style and it feels too long. But his Vocals are really something. And the MV fits the lyrics and vibe of the song very well.
The whole album reminds me of some songs that already exist but not really kpop like, you know? "Maniac" has more an oldies vibes while "Fever" more reminds me of something that Imagine Dragons could have done but a little more jazz-like. "Alien" is chill and vibey while "Dirty Dancing" is the first one I didn't immediately associate with something else. "Airplane Mode" is very calm but I think it's my favorite of the EP. I really wish I would like his songs more but sadly I don't.
Rating: 5,5/10 for Devil (Instrumental: 5/10; Vocals: 8/10; Lyrics: 5/10; Cheography: 7/10; MV: 7/10; Overall Vibe: 5/10)
Rating: 5/10 for the EP because it doesn't bother me but didn't amaze me either
Title: skinz
Album: Instinct, Pt. 2 (EP)
Artist: OnlyOneOf
Release: 2022.01.14
I don´t know what to say. It left me speechless. The message is really important but the MV is too much for my pure heart. And the song has a really special sound that is hard to like. I don´t know why but it gives me an anxious feeling so I think I can´t listen to it very often.
"suit dance" is way more normal than the title. It still has it´s own sound. None of the other songs actually do sound like anything else. So OnlyOneOf becomes really rememberable and I appreciate that. "gaslightning" became my favorite of this EP because that´s a song I actually can enjoy. "ultimate bliss" is more of a vibey song but the whole EP is very hard to rate for me.
Rating: 3,5/10 for skinz (Instrumental: 3/10; Vocals: 6/10; Rap: /10; Lyrics: 8,5/10; Cheography: /10; MV: 5/10; Overall Vibe: 4/10)
Rating: 4,5/10 for Instinct Pt.2 because it's not my style but very unique
Title: Villian
Album: Villian (EP)
Release: 2022.01.17
Ah yes Drippin. I heared a lot from this group but I can´t remember that I listen to one song from them although I´m pretty sure I did. But I think I really liked this one. And especially the MV I´m a huge fan of the dark vibes and the powers and the aesthetics. For my personal liking the song could be a bit more powerful and the rap could be longer or just not in it. I hope that I will click more with their sound in the future. Unfortunately Trendz also has released a song named Villian this month so I had the direct comparison and somehow it doesn't feel special anymore. I think I would have like it even more if I wasn't used to Trendz song (because of that the song gets a 0,5 point bonus from 6,5 to 7).
"7Villaz" is just the intro of the album okay for that purpose. "Switch" has a popping sound and I´m not sure if I like it or be annoyed by it. "SHY" has a more happy but kinda chill vibe while "Delusion" make it to be my favorite. "Remember" has the happiest vroom vroom I know. I think I have to listen to the album more to make my opinion on it.
Rating: 7/10 for Villian (Instrumental: 6,5/10; Vocals: 7/10; Rap: 6/10; Lyrics: 6/10; Cheography: 5/10; MV: 8/10; Overall Vibe: 7/10)
Rating: 6/10 for the album because nothing is bad but not really outstanding as well.
Title: 1,2,3
Artist: AB6IX
Release: 2022.01.17
1, 2, 3 now let´s dance. It´s a good mood maker. The song is about to confess to someone you like and I really like the idea of the MV. It´s parted in 3 steps of how to senerade someone.
The rest of the EP are solo songs. "VENUS" is from Donghyun and has a chill vibe but tbh it´s not my type. "CONSOLATION" from Woojin on the other hand has a lot of rap and I really like it. "CRAZY LOVE" from Woong is a beautiful love song and "IN YOUR EYES" from Daehwi is a calm ballade that sounds beautiful but felt a little bit too long.
Rating: 7/10 for 1,2,3 (Instrumental: 7/10; Vocals: 7/10; Lyrics: 6/10; Cheography: 6/10; MV: 7/10; Overall Vibe: 7/10)
Rating: 6/10 for Complete with you for having solid songs but nothing special
Title: Just Breath
Album: Restore (EP)
Artist: Jinjin & Rocky (Astro)
Release: 2022.01.17
A subuint with Astro´s rappers and what should I say... This is a whole mood. The MV is pretty funny and the song is just reflecting the current situation very well. It doesn´t sound like everything else and I heard that Jinjin and Rocky produced this EP all by themselfs. It´s pretty refreshing and the song has a funky vibe which I usally don´t like but I don´t know why but I really enjoyed it this time.
The whole album continue with this mood and I really really like it. "Lazy" featuring Choi Yoojung is very relateable too. "Lock Down" becomes easily my favorite. "Complete me" has a happy vibe and "CPR" is a pop ballade which shows their vocals very well.
Rating: 7/10 for Just Breath (Instrumental: 7/10; Vocals: 7/10; Rap: 7/10; Lyrics: 7/10; Cheography: 6/10; MV: 7,5/10; Overall Vibe: 7/10)
Rating: 8/10 for Restore because it has it own sound and is very relateable and refreshing
Title: Chronograph
Album: Chronograph (Single)
Artist: Victon
Release: 2022.01.18
I don´t know why but I feel like I should like this but simply don´t. The song is about how love make you feel like that the time flies by but paradoxwise this song is shorter than 3 minutes and feels like forever. The rap part sounds different and I really like it but sadly it´s not enough to make me like the song. Hopefully I will like the next releases from them more.
"Want me" is more my style and the english version is okay for what it is but since I didn´t like the korean version this can´t save it either.
Rating: 6,5/10 for (Instrumental: 6/10; Vocals: 7/10; Rap: 7/10; Lyrics: 6/10; Cheography: 6/10; MV: 6/10; Overall Vibe: 6/10)
Rating: 7/10 for the Single because Want me is playlist worthy
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rfassholes · 7 years
[PLATONIC} HC where MC time travels (from the future) and they meets the RFA guys and gal and they end up feeling protective over them for no reason? like ?? they don't feel any romantic love for this MC they just "oh hello stranger that I suddenly want to keep safe" ?? and it turns out that this MC is their future child and they were just curious to see how their parents were in the past. But when MC returns to her timeline the RFA's memories about them are deleted for their own safety though.
I’m really sorry if this one was short; If you’d like me to add more, please request it with specifics! I’m sorry if that sounds stupid, considering your request was detailed. I just c o u l d n ‘ t write for some reason. Anyways, I hope you like it even if they’re short!
As a child, you were always told that your dad was an amazing veterinarian, but you could never go with him to work
However, you were given the opportunity to go see him at any point in his life, so you instantly thought of his college years
He always was kinda quiet about those
You ended up on a uni campus when you had gone back and recognized it as the one your dad had a diploma from
Walking around, you were able to get ahold of his class schedule and decided to attend a lecture he had that day
Once you got to the lecture hall, you looked around trying to find a kid with bright blond hair
Yoosung was texting under the desk on his phone when you walked over to sit by him
However, instead of walking, you ended up tripping quite badly and hit yourself on his desk and bolted up asking if you were okay
“Would you like me to go get ice or something?” “No, it’s alright; thank you, though” “Well, we’ve got a few minutes until the professor shows up.
What’s your name? I’m Yoosung Kim!”
Wait shit
Do you say your name?
Well, his memories of you are going to be erased anyways
“Uh, I’m MC. MC Kim. Nice to meet you, Yoosung” He smiled quickly and responded before taking his phone out again, “Pleasure’s mine!” “Who’re you texting?” “Just some friends. We’re throwing a party in a few days, and we’re still planning”
The professor walked in before you could ask any more questions and now you had to sit through it
Oh well, your dad was probably going to be taking notes the entire time so it’d probably be boring
Nope, he continued texting
That is, until the professor was telling him off and you could see him still messaging the chat
Tch, and you thought you were bad
When the professor walked away, he spoke again “Sorry if that scared you at all. I’d just rather pay attention to my friends than biology. Maybe I could give you my number, so I know that you’re okay? You hit yourself pretty hard on my desk” “Sorry, I don’t have a phone, but you’re quite nice for asking if I’m alright”
After the lecture ended, you gave a goodbye and walked around just a bit more before you had to go, wondering about that party he was talking about
Okay, if your dad was a fairly famous actor, his life had to have been somewhat interesting
After all, he mentioned a motorcycle gang and you knew he used to smoke and drink quite a bit
When you traveled back, you wound up on a movie set and were able to find him easily from that white ass hair of his
Figuring you had to fit in, you took a water bottle from a PA and decided to go bring it to him
“Oh, thank you” “No problem” “Woah, who’re you? Don’t think I’ve seen that cute face around here”
Oh hell no
Seriously, Dad?
“Uh, um, I’m sixteen” “Alright? Oh. OH. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to-“ “Mhm. Anyways, I’m MC, Hyun” “How did yo-“ “Oh, um, bye! Have to go!”
You practically ran away, not noticing you took the water bottle with you
When you turned back around to make sure no security guards were following you, you saw him staring at you
Even though he wouldn’t remember this, the embarrassment still felt like it would matter
Walking quickly back over, you saw that he took out his phone and started texting, but you were determined to get it over with
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to-“ “It’s alright. I was just worried you were feeling sick or something” “No, it’s alright. Thanks, Dad”
This time you actually ran
Once you were back to your time, you couldn’t look at him for a solid three days
Your mother was staying up again, running up numbers for the café, and you were curious as to how she was still working
Let alone alive
You had also heard that your family friend, Jumin Han, used to be her boss
That alone had you have so much respect for her
So when you were given the opportunity to go back to the time where she worked under him, you were excited to see her
That is, until you were asked by a dozen people to get coffees in an unfamiliar room of cubicles and doors leading to offices
You ended up borrowing some paper from a random woman and went around to get all the orders
It was kind of similar to what you did in the café sometimes, anyways
Dropping off all the coffees, you had four left that were for one office
When you went to find the number, you stopped at the placard by it that read ‘Jaehee Kang’
You were trying to balance all the cups when you twisted the doorknob ad you practically fell into the room
While trying to regain your balance, you ended up spilling a two of four all over yourself and you were trying not to yell out
Sure, you had spilt a few when you were running around the café, but this shit b u r n e d
Jaehee, on the other hand, was trying to help you the moment you stumbled through the door
She couldn’t stop the cups from tipping, but she grabbed the other two before those got dropped and set them on her desk
“Would you like me to get some napkins?” “Yes, please”
She was back in barely a minute along with some burn cream and an ice pack
“I’m really very sorry that you got hurt. It’s my fault for needing so much caffeine” “Don’t worry; it’s my job” “We haven’t had new interns here in a while, so thank you for helping out. Do you want the ice pack? It should help a bit”
You only nodded and tried to set it where you had gotten burned the most
“Maybe instead of getting everyone food, would you like to help me edit some reports?” “Sure, Mo-Ms. Kang” “Jaehee is alright; what’s your name?” “MC Kang” “There’s some pens on my desk. You can grab one and read through the green one, MC. Also, make sure you don’t keep the ice pack on it constantly. You might wind up with other burns”
You ended up staying there for a couple of hours and she told you to leave after it hit eleven pm
“Have a good evening, Jaehee” “You, too, MC. Stay safe tonight”
Your parents were very hush hush about your dad’s old work and you slightly suspicious to say the least
When you were given the opportunity to see him on the job nearly twenty years ago, you instantly agreed
You kind of regretted it now, considering you were in the middle of a forest at night
It was odd to walk around by yourself when you barely see the moon from under the trees
A little voice in your head said that you were being tricked since you’d been walking around for a couple of minutes with no sign of the red-head
And then the shouting started
“Well, I’m sorRY, MARY. We can’t all be perfect when it comes to beating the shit out of people” “You’re lucky I had my taser, dumbass”
You tried to go by the voices but ending up falling over a rock and getting your ankle wedged between it and a log
“Do you think someone else made it out?” “Always check for good measure”
Two figures with swinging flashlights were walking towards you while you were trying to roll the log away
“Not an agent” “Yeah, not an agent. Were you trying to listen to us?”
That was the voice that sounded familiar out of the two so you tried to face them as best you could
“No, I was on a hike” “At two in the morning?” “Yeah” “Do you need help? It looks like you might’ve twisted something”
The other person in a garish looking outfit started speaking
“You know we can’t bring someone back” “But they look like they’re in pain” You decided to butt in, “It’s ‘cause I am, dumbass”
One person handed their flashlight to the one in the leopard print and walked over to help you roll the log away
When they offered a hand to help you up, you recognized them as your dad and gratefully took the support to get up
“707, you can’t take them back to the bunker with you” “Watch me” “Bu-“ “Their ankle is either rolled or sprained. Do you want them stumbling around these woods at this time?” “Well, no, but you have a jo-“ “And that job is to help others”
He helped you stand up properly to walk and started leading you towards a brightly colored car, much to the dismay of the other walking behind you two
You were driven to a bunker that you recognized from pictures with a blindfold over your eyes for safety measures
Your ankle was wrapped up and your few scrapes were cleaned before he offered to drive you back to wherever you were from
“Just a few miles from here should be fine. I’ll find my way back” “You sure?” “Yep” “I’m glad we were in the woods, or else you’d still be stuck there” “Probably, thank you again” “No need”
He was the one who ended up driving you to a random intersection after driving for a few minutes
When you were about to shut the door, he spoke again, “Hey, I didn’t catch your name” “I didn’t throw it, Saeyoung”Jumin:
Being from an extremely well off family, you were curious as to how your father used to run the company
Your grandfather had only died a year or two ago and that’s when you got more involved with it
You could watch him be the big boss whenever you went to the office building
But what about when he was only the heir?
Granted, he was a director, but it still intrigued you when you had the chance to go back in time to see him
You were now standing in a hallway of what looked to be the upper stories of an office building that you easily recognized
While you were walking around taking in how the building used to look, a white cat ran past you
Only assuming it was the one from the photo albums, you followed the cat as best you could
“El-Elizabeth?” you called to the cat while it was sitting at the end of the hallway
Even though in your time this cat had died around four years ago, you still cared about it from the slightly-blurry pictures your father had showed you
At the mention of its name, the cat perked up and walked to you and you were allowed to scoop it up in your arms
Walking back through the hallways trying to find the door marked ‘Jumin Han’, you were stopped by two people in all-black suits
The first one spoke in a downright disgusting tone, “Now why is a hot piece of ass like yourself in this hallway? Did Mr. Heir dump you out here?” “No, piss off”
The second spoke with a much more business-like tone after glaring at the other
“Why are you smuggling the cat of the heir of this company?” “I’m MC Han, and just returning her”
The man didn’t want to take any chances at the name Han, so he escorted you to an office and stood outside the door while you knocked
A person called through the office, “Who is it? Did you find Elizabeth the III?” “I have your cat, Mr. Han”
At the mention of cat, the door flew open with your father holding it open
“Please come in, as you were the one to find my life mate” “Your what now?” “My Elizabeth the III” “Right”
You crouched down to let the cat out of your arms and stood back up before stepping in cautiously
“I’m indebted to you for finding her” “Not really. She was just in the hallway” “Yes, but nobody else found her. Could I ask your name?” “It’s MC Han” “I’m sorry; are you a relative?” “Not yet- I mean, not quite” “Are you a person of my father’s?” “No” “Very well, how may I repay you for bringing her back?” “You really don’t ne-“ “Yes, I do. Please answer my question” “Well, there was a guard that was harassing me earlier”
His head snapped up to you since he was sitting down to pet Elizabeth “Which?” “The one with the blond hair outside the door”
Calling once again to the outside of the door, Jumin spoke coldly, “Smith, get your ass in my office”
Seeing your father swear wanted to make you laugh, but you maintained a straight face
The guard from earlier stepped in looking around the room anxiously “Is everything alright, Mr. Han?” “Not for you. What did you tell MC earlier in the hallway?” “I asked why someone as good-looking as themselves were standing alone and if you had kicked them out” “You do realize how inappropriate that is, yes?” “Yes, Sir” “Good”
He stood up from his cat and adjusted his coat sleeve before standing right in front of the man and slapped him across the face
“You’ve thirty minutes to gather anything you have before you’re fired. Have a day”
This time, you actually laughed after the man had quickly left the room
“ ‘Have a day’ really, Da-Mr., Han?” “Well, I didn’t want him to have a nice day”
You started laughing again while he looked slightly confused“Thank you, Mr. Han” “Thank you for bringing my Elizabeth and informing me of a corrupt employee” “I’m not sure if they were corru-“ “They harassed you. That’s enough” “Well, have a good day, Mr. Han”
He gave you a simply goodbye before you left and went back to your time
When you sat down for dinner, you tried to stifle your laughter at the memory of your father bitch slapping a security guard when he sat down across from you
“Is everything alright?” “Yes, just please let me know if you ever slap someone” “Sure thing?”
Look at me actually doing two requests in one day (even though they’re like a week late I’m sorry) I hope you enjoyed these, though. I hope you all have days!
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amethystina · 2 months
Hey! That ask you answered about protective Yo Han reminded me of this gem from the script book. I don't know if you're interested in anything script-related, but in case you are, here it is. A slightly different way the scene in E3 was supposed to go, when Yo Han came to the factory and attacked the man who put a bomb in the painting. (Also, 'forced' means 'Yo Han', all translators use this word instead of his name for some reason).
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Personally, I loved the "do you know who you hurt?", the madness "increasingly" filling Yo Han's eyes, and him glaring at K when he asked if this was about Ga On. I'm amazed that he got so protective of him so quickly, it's just E3. To think of what he'd do post-canon... thank God (and you, of course!) for your amazing story. I can't tell you how much I'm waiting for everything you're going to bring down on us.
Hope you're doing better!
I haven't gone out of my way to look for the script, no, but I do read the little snippets I might run into on Tumblr and such. So I'm not NOT interested? But also too lazy to go look for it xD
And, tbh, I don't want to accidentally mistake something that was written in the script — but then taken out — as something that actually happened in canon. I have a really good memory but I don't always remember WHERE I read/saw/heard a specific fact so there's a chance I might mistake it as a part of canon even if it's not x'D
But, all that said, I am FASCINATED by this new information, not going to lie. I think that the increasing madness was still captured pretty well in the final version, but the "Do you know who you hurt?" Oh yes, I'm into that. Because while it COULD still just mean that Yo Han is referring to himself, I like that it leaves room for speculation. Very nice.
Though, at the same time, I feel like I have to be a responsible person and point out that, most likely, the reason why Yo Han reacts so violently as early as episode 3 is probably because of Isaac, not Ga On. Like, at that point, I think Yo Han is still struggling a bit with separating the two. Not that he ever mistakes them for each other, obviously, but it's probably a little disorienting until he gets to know Ga On better and can see all the differences more clearly. So it wouldn't surprise me if some of that protectiveness is because Ga On looks like Isaac, at least this early. It brings back very bad memories, and all.
But post-canon? That protectiveness would be for Ga On only. And, as always, Yo Han would hold nothing back.
And we will be exploring that a bit in Who Holds the Devil, yes. Not quite on the level of "I'm going to bring the entire country to its knees," but hopefully still enough to satisfy everyone's need for protective Yo Han ;)
Thank you so much for sending me this! I hope you have a wonderful evening 💜
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amethystina · 3 months
Your metas are as fantastic as your fics! I have two questions about the show that I'd love your input on! First what do you think You-Han thought about Ga-On in the bus scene in the first episode beside what you mentioned already? Yeah he doesn’t care for heroics much but he's also so dismissive of humanity and its cowardice and greed, and here's Ga-On risking his life twice for strangers including a criminal, doing the opposite of what people Yo-Han condemned for the fire did. Was any part of him impressed? And second, I'm confused on this, did adult Yo-Han realize that making Sun Ah jump from the window was a shit move or did he think it was ok since she was a thief and tried to set him up and he thought she likes him for his money? And did he ever realize that she had real feelings for him fucked up as they were? He's so dismissive all the time of her it's hard to say, but he also seemed to be offended when Ga-On asked if he was playing with her feelings. Thank you again you're the best.
Thank you so much! I had a lot of fun writing those metas and I'm a little sad that I haven't had the time to write more because I have so many scenes and concepts I'd like to explore. But it's difficult to find the time in between everything else.
ANYWAY. Moving on to your questions!
To be honest with you? Aside from what I've mentioned already, I don't think Yo Han felt or thought much about Ga On during that scene except how he might be useful to him. Like, sure, maybe some small part of him was impressed by Ga On's quick response, but even if he'd take note of Ga On acting unlike most people would in that situation (and unlike the people during the fire) he's also jaded enough that he'd probably explain it away as naïvité. That Ga On just doesn't know better. Or maybe even that Ga On does it because he wants to be heroic. Which obviously isn't true — Ga On's actions are genuine and not just for show or to get attention and praise from others — but Yo Han doesn't know that. Because he doesn't know Ga On at this point. So I think he's just... neutral.
Also, I think Yo Han was too busy with other things to really stop and consider his own feelings about Ga On's actions. Like, I think he focused more on "Oh, this young man is very idealistic and reckless — how can I use that?" rather than just admiring Ga On's bravery.
Like, he's already way, way past reacting to the situation and has gone straight to plotting how it can be useful to him. Especially if you consider that this is the day when his revenge plan is finally being set in motion. He's probably razor-focused on that, not Ga On or whatever he's feeling about said young man.
It's just too soon for him to see the goodness in Ga On and actually give a damn about it? (but he certainly will later — and then he'll start yearning) At this point in the story, I think Yo Han would view Ga On as any other piece on the board — and a pretty insignificant one, at that — that he simply needs to figure out and control.
Well, except for the part where he looks like Isaac xD
If Yo Han had any true emotional reaction to what Ga On did that day, it's probably directly related to Isaac, not Ga On as his own person. Because, again, Yo Han doesn't know Ga On yet. Maybe Yo Han even saw some parallels between the two in that moment, considering how heroic Isaac was during the church fire. Like, not only does Ga On have his face, but he'll brave danger to save others, too.
But, all in all, I think Yo Han just... didn't care all that much about Ga On? Or, well, he cares, of course (enough to intervene and stop the bus) but Ga On really isn't all that important to him here. So I don't think his thoughts and feelings about him were all that significant, either, except, again, in what ways Ga On might be useful to him and how he reminded him of Isaac (which Ga On would no doubt hate if he knew xD)
As for Yo Han and his relationship with Sun Ah, that's a bit trickier. Their dynamic is very, very intriguing and I can't quite decide how I want to view it, but I think I've settled on "playmates" xD
Because Sun Ah is the closest Yo Han has come to finding an equal. Someone who can understand his games, can play by his rules — but also invent her own when she feels like it — and keep him on his toes. Someone who can challenge him and push him to stretch his limits.
Which I think Yo Han found to be pretty fun at first, but he eventually realised that maybe having an equal who's exactly like you isn't necessarily a good thing — especially judging by his behaviour towards her. Like, he enjoyed their games, sure, but he didn't like when she started making assumptions, trying to weasel her way into his life, or tell him what to do.
Because that's what Yo Han does and he clearly doesn't like it when the shoe is on the other foot xD
(Like, for real: if you think about it, Sun Ah used very similar methods when she attempted to woo Yo Han as Yo Han used to woo Ga On (including the kidnapping). But those are methods that don't actually work on Yo Han because he's, well, Yo Han. They did work on Ga On, though x'D)
I do think that Yo Han was genuinely attached to Sun Ah to some degree (the moments after she shoots herself in front of him show that), but he's also pretty flippant about her feelings for him, yes. And I think that's because he thought those feelings were based on a foolish childhood obsession she couldn't let go of. Which, considering his unsentimental disposition, probably made him view them as pretty superficial. Kind of like you'd patiently nod along when a child declares that they're going to marry their cool, older cousin when they grow up? The feelings are real, but they're also founded in something that's not, so he doesn't take them all that seriously. If that makes sense?
And yes, I think that adult Yo Han intellectually knows that he shouldn't have made her jump out of that window when they were kids, but he also doesn't regret doing it x'D
Because it's all a part of the game. I mean, no matter what Sun Ah says, I don't think she jumped out of the window because she loves Yo Han — she jumped because she wanted to prove that she could. Basically calling him on what could have been a bluff, but they're both so stubborn that of course it wasn't a bluff. But she couldn't back down at that point, could she? She didn't want to, because that would mean he'd win and could say that she didn't love him as much as she claimed.
It's all just a big mind game, basically, where they're constantly trying to outsmart each other and call each other's bluffs.
Even the part where he's so dismissive of her feelings, I'd argue. Because, clearly, she enjoys chasing him and so the fun would end if he gave her what she wants. He's playing hard to get, basically, just because he can. Just because he wants to see what will happen if he does.
Which I think is why he reacts the way he does when Ga On questions him, because Ga On clearly doesn't understand the rules of the game. If Sun Ah didn't want Yo Han to use her feelings against her, she shouldn't have given him that as a tool for him to use. And she's smart enough that she wouldn't do something like that by mistake so that's basically permission in Yo Han's eyes. Nothing is sacred, and all that.
But, at the core of it, I also think that Yo Han's dismissiveness comes from the fact that he doesn't actually want her the way she wants him. He never did. He finds her entertaining and probably feels a certain kinship to her since she, again, is the closest he's found to an equal — someone just like him — but that's not as important to him. He's more focused on his revenge and taking care of Elijah (and securing himself a doe-eyed sugar baby). So yes, he likes the games and the challenge she presents, but she's not what he's looking for.
And he kind of gives up on that whole thing entirely after she killed K, threatened to kill Ga On, and just threatened Elijah in general. That's when things stopped being fun and there's no coming back from that.
Basically, I think that Yo Han and Sun Ah are very similar in how they think and behave and while that makes them equals in many ways — and means they can play a game that is quite literally on another plane than we mere mortals may understand — that's also their downfall. It would never actually work between the two of them because they're too similar. The push-and-pull would never end and, sooner or later, they'd tear each other apart.
If you compare Sun Ah with Ga On (because of course we have to) he manages the most vital part — which is to challenge Yo Han intellectually — but is also caring and responsible enough to back down when things are about to escalate beyond what's manageable. He'll go soft and warm and basically ask: "Is this really what you want?" And, sometimes, Yo Han actually seems to realise that "Uh, no, it's actually not. Let's try that again."
Which makes a huge difference not only for the longevity of their relationship, but also how much Yo Han ends up wanting it. Because, clearly, despite all the darkness and sharp edges, he does want love and softness. And, deep down, I think some part of him always knew that Sun Ah couldn't give him that — but Ga On can. And so that's who he chooses to woo.
(not me turning almost every ask into an opportunity to gush about Yo Han and Ga On and how they're perfect for each other)
ANYHOW. I hope that answers your question on some level? Tbh Yo Han and Sun Ah's relationship has too many nuances for me to sufficiently summarise it here (much like Yo Han and Ga On's relationship) but my suggestion is to see them as playmates. Like, just assume that almost all of it is a part of them trying to outsmart each other. And there are no rules because they're both certifiably unhinged.
So yeah! Thank you so much for asking! Though I must say: it might just go to my head if people keep asking me for my opinion on stuff like this. Like, does this mean my opinions actually matter? Oh my xD
Take care, darling 💜
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