#I feel like I went a different way last time I played this dude didn’t show up
mzcain27 · 1 year
Why does he breathe like that oh my god
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 9 days
love love love the rafe cameron x weirdgirl!reader au!! imagine reader at the country club overhearing some mean boys making fun of her and how rafe is crazy to date someone like her :(( she stays in her room after hearing this and rafe catches her biting herself and crying (she normally bites him but after hearing this she feels like she can’t) oh my heart-
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No bc this is like sooo perfect. This is literally so her. I’ve been having a lot of fun coming up with lore for her so I’m so glad you’re liking her so far!! Warnings: (I’d like to note that weird girl is autistic coded bc I am autistic), Reader gets her feelings hurt, protective Rafe, biting 18+MNDI!! Part of this AU
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“Yeah dude, she’s like so hot until she opens her mouth.” Your footsteps come to a sudden halt, your shiny black Mary Jane’s squeaking against the polished wooden floors of the country club. There’s a group of guys about your age standing around the corner in a circle all snickering to each other.
“No, yeah, like she says the fucking weirdest shit in that creepy little monotone voice. I have no idea how Rafe puts up with it.”
“The pussy must be out of this world or some shit because I would never be able to handle that. I saw her last week on the beach collecting animal bones or some shit bro. Bet she went back to check on her kill.” The entire group starts busting up laughing just as you feel hot tears start to stream down your cheeks. You just want to leave but they are blocking the only path to the door so you suck it up and high tail it as fast as you past them.
You were waiting for Rafe to be done with his game of golf but after that? You really didn’t want to bother him with wanting to leave early so you decided to just walk the mile and a half home. If you were lucky maybe you’d run into the neighborhood cat you befriended and he would walk part of the way with you.
When you get home you rush up the stairs and into your room, slamming the door behind you. Your head is swimming with negative thoughts. You were always scared you were too weird for Rafe, too much, too different from him. So when you hear guys he hangs around saying things like that about you? It’s hard to not let it get to your head.
You kick off your shoes and practically tear off the cute outfit you spent over an hour putting together. You grab your pink fuzzy robe, and walk over to your bunny’s cage, smiling down at her with watery eyes.
“I think you’re the only one that really understands me, Lydia.” Your bottom lip wobbles as you pick her up and walk over to your bed. You rock back and forth slightly as you caress her fur, trying to self soothe. You’re realizing in this moment that maybe you really are too much for Rafe because you hardly remember how to calm yourself down without him.
You wish so badly that he was here. You know he would hold you tight and let you sink your teeth into him until your tears stopped flowing. It seems to be one of the only things that truly calms you down so you decide to bring your own hand up to your mouth and bite down on it. It soothes you a little, but it isn’t Rafe. He’s called you a few times but you just let it ring, he’s probably worried, but you’re too embarrassed to pick up.
“Baby? Are you here?” The minute you hear Rafe’s voice you want to run to him, but the words of the boys at the country club playing in your head on repeat in your head cements you in place. “Bats?”
When he opens your bedroom door and takes in the sight of you his heart sinks.
“Baby girl, what’s going on? What happened? Where did you go? You scared the shit outta me.” He rushes over to you, coming to sit next to you on your bed. He rests his large hands on your calves and rubs soothing circles on your skin with the pads of his thumbs. You whimper and shake your head, your mouth still latched onto your hand. “Batty, you’ve gotta talk to me, okay? Tell me what’s going on.”
“I was…” You pull your hand away from your face, resting it on Lydia’s back as you pet her softly, the feeling of her fur grounding you. “I was coming back from the bathroom and I heard Jake and those guys… talking about me.”
“What about you?” Rafe’s voice takes on a protective tone, especially when another fit of sobs erupts through you. He hooks his arms under you so he can pull you and your bunny softly into his lap. “Princess. Tell me what they said.”
“They said - they said that they don’t know how you put up with me because I’m so weird and that you’re probably only with me because the pussy is good.” You sniffle as your tears continue to fall and if Rafe didn’t know you needed him right now he would be on his way back to the club to beat all of their asses until they couldn’t walk.
“Hey, hey, nah, none of that.” He cups your face in his hand, wiping away your tears. “You know I love you, all your weird shit and all. I’m not ‘putting up’ with you, I fuckin’ love your weird little ass.”
“They also… they also said that - that I probably kill animals…” You start sobbing again and Rafe’s entire body tenses. He knows how much you love animals, how important they are to you. He wants to fucking rip their throats out.
“Princess… I’m so sorry they said that. They just don’t know you, aight? You’d never harm a fly. Don’t let that shit get to you. I know it’s hard, but fuck em, they don’t know fuckin’ shit about my baby.” He gives you a reassuring smile as he wipes away some of your remaining tears. His hand swipes past your lips and you turn your head slightly to sink your teeth into it. He chuckles, leaning in to kiss your forehead. “There’s my weird girl.”
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onelittlespiral · 8 months
Hey dude, I'm just a lil bro looking for a big bro to take care of me in all sorts of ways but all I'm stuck with is my lousy nerd of a roommate. Could you help me out?
FML: Fraternize
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My roommate was… chill all things considered. I don’t know, he was just the random guy that I got stuck with when all my bros decided to move into the house and I needed someone to take the lease with. Scruffy, for sure. A bit out of shape. He said he used to play soccer in high school. Cute, but that was about it. Nowadays he was just getting his degree in English. Just a guy. But I didn’t want just another guy.
I tried to be friends with the guy, but he always just blew me and my boys off. He would just say he was too busy studying or playing some video game to come out to the gym with us or hang at the frat. I finally decided I was fed up. I needed my roommate to be more than a rando in my house. I needed a bro. And the fraternity had some resources to make that happen.
They usually keep this kinda stuff for pledges who start stepping out of line, but my buddy slipped me the files that they show to help guys get in line. I don’t remember if I ever saw them myself… what ever. It was a series of videos that promised to turn any guy into a bro in no time flat. So, one night, I put the tapes on when my roommate was home:
“Hey man, I’ve gotta watch these for class, mind if I slip them on?”
“No problem, I’ll just hang out in my bedroom.”
“Actually, it may be something you would like. You should stay. Here, you chill here and I’ll listen while I cook. I’ll make enough to split.”
I turned the first tape on and went to cook up some chicken and rice. In the other room, I heard the video beginning. It wasn’t long before I started hearing my roommate responding to the commands:
You are loyal to your bros.
“I am loyal to my bros.”
When you are around them you feel relaxed.
“When I am around them I feel relaxed”
The gym feels like your second home.
“The gym feels like my second home.”
The frat is life. You are made to be loyal to the frat.
“I am made to be loyal to the frat.”
They kept pushing him in the background while I finished cooking some food. When I walked back into the room, static filled the screen as my roommate stared into space, drool dripping from his mouth. I turned of the TV and he seemed to come to his senses.
“Hey, sup bro? Got the fuel?”
Already he was much better, “Yeah man, chicken and rice.”
“Hell yeah, gotta get a good workout in before getting my homework done.”
We ate quickly and started getting ready for the gym.
“Hey, bro, you think they are still taking new pledges? I’ve been meaning to apply to your frat!”
I was shocked at how quick the progress had been, “Yeah man. I’ll hook you up with my peeps tomorrow.”
“Sweet, let me finish getting ready and we can go.”
Dang those videos were quick. Even the way he carried himself was so different. This is the bro I needed.
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The week went on and we kept working out. I hooked my roommate up with the pledge master and he quickly started falling in with the bros. We worked out, partied, did almost everything together now. I gave the rest of the tapes back to my guy who gave them to me. He said he needed them for a few guys who had gotten a little hands-y with some girls at the last party. I was fine to get them back, I didn’t think there would be any more issues with my roommate.
The year flew by until it was time for spring break. I had opted to be my roommate’s big and done all the usual hazing and shit with him. Had to keep him on his A game, I wasn’t going to go east on him. The spring break frat trip was a rite of passage for the incoming pledges. As much as I wanted to go, I had plans to visit California with my partner. We were having a great time, chilling at the beach, shopping through souvenir stores, and hiking parks. But I made sure to get updates about how my roommate was enjoying his week. It was from one of these progress reports that I got word from the pledge master:
Hey, bro. Just letting you know. Your little bro was making some girls uncomfortable at the bar. Can’t have that causing issues for the frat.
Shit man. I’m sorry. Lemme talk to him.
Nah dude, it’s good. We have a protocol for these kinds things. Just letting you know so you aren’t surprised. We’ll make sure he won’t bother any girls again.
Thanks dude. Lemme know if you need anything.
Nah bruh, relax. Enjoy your vacay.
Well as long as they have shit handled. I went back to my vacation and forgot about the whole situation. I would give him crap for it when I got back. The rest of our trip was great. I didn’t hear anything more from my bros so I assumed it all went according to plan. I was eager to get back to my roommate and prep him for full brotherhood when I got back. It wasn’t till I walked into the apartment I knew something was awry:
“Sup, bro, welcome back.”
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A deep voice echoed from the balcony. He stepped inside and was greeted by a stranger. His arms were as thick as a football, his legs as thick as tree trunks. The smell of sweat, sex, and stale beer followed him into the room. He had a fresh tattoo on his arm with the number 86 boldly displayed. The stranger walked with swagger up to me, like he owned the place. As he approached, his musk only grew more intense. It wasn’t until I noticed the glasses it all clicked into place:
“Bro… is that you?!?”
“Bruh, who else would it be?”
My roommate stood proudly in front of me. He had been going to the gym steadily but no amount of protein powder could explain the progress he had made in a week. He was also easily 3 inches taller. And the smell. I don’t know how to describe it but he smelled… virile. Like just being around him was starting to get me excited. He certainly had never been like this before.
“Looking good, right? Like the new tat? Year of our chapter’s founding, 1986. After all, I am made to be loyal to the frat.”
That line made it all click together. The tapes. They said they would handle the situation, I didn’t know they would use the tapes.
”Speaking of which, dude. I can’t believe you flaked on the frat and went on a trip with your partner. You’ve got to be loyal to your bros.”
His scent, his words, my mind was swimming in a way it hadn’t in a long time. He stepped towards me, grabbing my head. I was pulled into his pit. I tried to pull back but a hand on the back of my head held me firmly in place. I felt so aroused and so scared as I was forced to huff the scent of pure frat bro. I was… fading. I couldn’t… resist… my… my… bruhhhhh.
“I think that you should sit through the next set with me bro.”
My mind was blank as he told me to sit down on the couch. Of course, I would do anything for my frat bro. He put on a video and sat behind me.
“They said we could watch this one together.”
The video whirled to life as my roommate held me in place in his lap. A flash of color and a brief intro played. It explained that it was the last in a series of videos for brothers who were trouble makers in the frat. This last one was the most extreme. I felt a wave of guilt, knowing I had betrayed my brothers and the chapter. I wasn’t sure what I did but I knew it must be bad. My behavior had to change.
You will conform to the standard set by the frat, whatever it takes. You will be entirely dedicated to the brotherhood.
“I will be entirely dedicated to the brotherhood,” we both repeated, in unison.
Good. Since you have proven you can’t be trusted with making good decisions, your brothers have decided to make those for you. You will become the ultimate frat bro.
“I will become the ultimate frat bro.”
Let’s start on the outside. A brother works out daily, at least. Strong muscles make for a strong foundation.
As I repeated the words, they became my reality. I had certainly never been a scrawny guy before, but this was something else. My muscles convulsed all at once, then seemed to shred and burst. My muscles ached as pecs, biceps, abs all were pulled out of my body. I sweat under the effort as legs bloated and toned, bloated and toned. My back stretched out and shoulders mounded on muscle.
Good bro. Now, a brother should be cocky, with a cock to match. All the other fraternities should know how superior we are.
‘Shiiit, no other frat could even come close. We threw the best parties, had the hottest girls and… fuck the hottest guys. With a bod like this, just about no body could resist.’ As those thoughts echoed in my head, there was a sharp pain in my balls as they started to swell. My cock snaked down my shorts, throbbing with newfound power and size. A moan escaped my mouth as my cock swelled thick as a beer can. Anyone would beg for a cock like this.
A frat bro with a cock like that just needs to fuck. Your libido keeps your mind so full that you hardly have time to pass your business classes.
My swollen balls began to churn as my cock came to life. As my mind was thrust into a deep sexual haze, any aspirations I had on my pre-law track were pushed out, draining right to my balls and slowly leaking out my cock. At the same time, I felt my roommate begin to shift behind me. I felt his cock press against the small of my back, throbbing as it was thrust into overdrive. He began slowly humping against my back, and I leaned back against that massive cock. I wanted to help my bro however I could. He wrapped his arms around me and slowly started jacking me off. My mind was in pure bliss as I was kicked into overdrive. His arms felt so warm and strong, and he was pushing all my buttons till I was thrusting into his hands.
The frat is a part of you. You live, breath, and sweat the frat. Everyone who meets you will know exactly what you’re about and submit to you, an alpha bro. You put the reek in Greek.
My mind processed for a second until the smell hit me from behind and I understood. My hormones shifted as sweat poured out. It was hard work being a fraternity brother, and everyone would know that. I worked overtime as the smell of straight frat filled my nostrils. The apartment changed in response, filled with leftover beers, used tank tops, and soaked underwear. Anyone who entered would fall into an immediate haze, the smell of bros clouding their mind. My mind was… so… slow. Just… needed… FUCK.
You will keep it simple, keep it stupid.
“I will keep it simple, keep it stupid.”
My head felt like it was filled with fluff. No thoughts, just instinct.
You will listen to your pledge master, follow all he says.
“I will listen to my pledge master, follow all he says.”
It was so much easier to just trust my bros. Whatever they said went.
You will live for and serve your bros, live for and serve the frat.
“I will live for and serve my bros and the frat.”
I would do anything for my bros. Gotta keep ‘em happy.
The frat is life.
“The frat is life.”
My roommate’s cock was still rock hard behind me. His grip was edging me as moaned for release. I could dedicate my life to men like him.
Thank you for your cooperation. There will be no further issues. Now cum.
And I did. Ropes shot across the floor as all the changes were set in stone. I was just another frat dude, struggling through Business classes and fucking through the night.
And with that the video ended. It took a sec for me to regain my senses. I slowly refocused my eyes and… fuck bruh my head is pounding. Musta partied too hard last night. Shit, I was drooling all over myself, lol. I mean, I’m hot but not that hot. And fuck, I made a mess. Bro, what happened? It’s already late, I’ve got to get ready to go out tonight.
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I was going to throw on a polo and some shorts when my roommate put a hand on my shoulder. This man must’ve got a double dose of whatever I got. Bro, he was on another fucking level. He pulled me in tight, cupped my ass in his hands, held my chin, and slid his tongue in my mouth. All at once, my world shifted as the fraternity’s motto rang in my head, I will be entirely dedicated to the brotherhood. An aching in my balls told me that I wasn’t going to make it out tonight. I had my frat bro… no, my big bro right here. And he will take care of his little bro. He pulled down his sweatpants and a thick rod popped out from the waistband. He gently guided me to his cock, the true source of his musk. Our scents mingled as my thoughts were consumed by sex. The salty taste of pre coated my tongue as the tip slid down the back of my throat. My mind faded as the smell of the frat filled my nostrils. I was lost in bliss as my bro started pumping, pumping down my throat. Gone was the nerdy roommate I had:
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There was nothing left but frat bro.
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obaex · 3 months
the blind date - rafe cameron
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summary: your friends set you and rafe up on a blind date, but it doesn't go quite as you'd expected.
words: 1.7k
a/n: based on this request ♡♡ the way this has me giggling and kicking my feet in the air - ahhhh!
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“Alright lemme make sure I have this straight: unlimited access to your jet skis for the rest of the summer, your season tickets to the first two Panthers home games, and two cases of whatever beer I want?” Rafe confirmed, looking over to the driver’s seat at his friend Dylan who huffed in reply and rubbed a hand over his face.
“Yes, dude, that’s what we agreed on. Christ, it’s a blind date, not a death sentence. I swear to God if Maddie didn’t put me up to this, I would’ve left your ass to wallow at home alone.”
“I’m doing you a favor” Rafe replied, “It’s the least you could do.”
“I’m telling you she’s hot, you know you might actually be into her, did you even consider that?”
Rafe looked at him completely perplexed. “What makes you think I’m even looking for a girl? I do just fine as it is, thank you very much, plus you and I have very different tastes.” A pause. “Can I please see her insta?”
“We’ve been over this. No. Maddie said it would defeat the purpose of the ‘blind’ part of a blind date.”
“So fucking stupid” Rafe said as he shook his head and looked out the passenger side window.
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You had gotten to the restaurant early; your best friend Maddie wanted to make sure every little thing was perfect and she was practically bubbling over with excited energy at the prospect of your blind date.
“This is going to be amazing, I just know it!!!” she said enthusiastically. “He is so your type, I will be at your wedding, babes, I swear it! Ahhh!” She had pulled you into the bathroom and was fluffing up your hair, touching up your lip gloss and tugging at your dress.
“So happy you went with this one, like yes you will thank me later, you look so damn hot.”
For all her flustered energy, you appreciated her hype and as you looked in the mirror you kinda had to agree with her. She had helped with your hair and makeup and the result was truly stunning; you had just the right amount of makeup on to make your natural beauty pop. Your dress was a little more revealing than you were used to, but it did make you feel confident and who knows, the way she talked about this guy, maybe it would all work out?
“Okay, okay, enough fussing, I’m already nervous enough. Can we please get a drink? I need a drink” you said, moving to walk out of the bathroom as she checked her own appearance in the mirror one last time before following you.
“Yes, good idea, you go loosen up, I’m going to make sure they got us that table by the window.”
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You sidled up to the bar and leaned your arms on it, happy to have a moment’s reprieve from Maddie’s frenetic energy as you looked around in an attempt to distract yourself. The restaurant was really cute, coastal and modern and there was a sizable crowd between the bar and dining area. The steady thump of tropical house music played softly in the background which calmed your nerves and lifted your mood.
Within moments the bartender spotted you and made his way over. He was just about to greet you when he glanced over your shoulder. “Rafe! What’s up!” he said enthusiastically. “So sorry m’am, just one moment” he apologized as he clapped hands with the tall stranger that had walked up beside you. “What can I get you, bro?”
Rafe was smiling at the bartender and glanced at you briefly when he realized you’d been snubbed. It was a quick glance but he did a double take before he could control himself. You were… simply perfect. Your face held an expression of amusement and surprise with a clear smile that rested on perfectly glossed lips. You had an effortless air about you like you woke up every morning looking that good and then immediately every part of him wanted to know what you’d really look like in the morning… in his bed… at Tanneyhill… the sun reaching through the blinds…
What the fuck is the matter with me? he thought suddenly. And then, Fuck. Was I staring?
The bartender was looking at him expectantly with an eyebrow raised. He asked me something. Drink. A drink. What do I want to drink?
“Yeah man, I’ll have a bourbon, neat, and uh, whatever she wants” he replied, nodding his head towards you.
You smirked at him before glancing at the bartender, “Spicy margarita please, and since he’s paying, I’ll take it with Patrón.”
“Oof” Rafe said, grabbing his chest with his hand like you’d delivered a physical blow to him, “Way to take advantage.”
You laughed and tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear. “Yeah, well, I don’t believe in coincidences, and it just so happens I need some liquid courage. If a handsome stranger is offering, I’m taking top shelf.”
Rafe pursed his lips and nodded, trying to tamp down the feeling in his heart that you'd called him handsome. He glanced back towards the door to see if he could see Dylan and couldn’t find him. Good he thought, allowing himself to feel guilty for half a second until he refocused on the sight of you in front of him.
He cleared his throat. “So, uh, liquid courage?” he asked.
“I’m meeting a date here actually” you said, shaking your head, your blushed cheeks turning slightly rosier. “It’s a whole thing…” you trailed off, waving your hand dismissively.
Rafe couldn’t reason with himself why he felt so angry that you were here for someone else. Thankfully the drinks arrived which gave him a moment to process as he watched you take a deep sip of your drink.
‘What asshole doesn’t pick a girl up and take her on the date himself?’ he thought. Well, he thought he thought before he realized he’d said it out loud as you nearly choked on your drink in laughter.
You shook your head again, smiling and laughing “It’s not like that, it’s –”
“—Nah, I’m sorry, it’s not my business, I shouldn’t have said that” he interrupted, mortified that he'd let that slip.
“You’re fine” you reassured him. “It was sweet. It’s nice to know there are still decent men out there willing to keep things chivalrous.”
I would’ve picked you up he thought. On time. Walked to your front door. Flowers in hand.
His head was spinning. What the fuck is going on with me. He looked down at his drink and then drank it in one swig. When he set the glass down, he caught your look of amusement as he coughed.
“You good?” you asked, giggling.
He grimaced, “I will be” he said, holding up his empty to signal the bartender for another.
“Is my company that bad?” you joked.
His eyes darted to yours, “Quite the opposite, sweetheart” he said in a low voice that you felt from your beating heart to your fingertips to your belly and shaky knees. Shit you thought as you registered the effect this man had on you.
You blushed and met his warm gaze, realizing for the first time how deeply blue his eyes were, like sapphires. The two of you stood there, an arms-length away and it was like time stood still. You could feel your pulse in your throat, feel your body tingling like it was physically reacting to his proximity. Was he stepping closer to you or were you imagining it? His eyes left yours for only an instant to look at your lips and in that moment he had you hook line and sinker.
Suddenly, your phone buzzed on the bar in front of you and you jumped. He took an imperceptible step back, clearing his throat.
“S-sorry” you mumbled, quickly swiping open a text from Maddie: ‘Where r u?!!!!”
“I-I’ve got to…” you waved your phone by way of excuse and nodded your head towards the tables, literally unable to string a sentence together at this point.
“Yeah, no problem” Rafe said, as casually as he could muster as you moved to leave. “Try to have a good time. And, hey” he said, capturing your attention one more time “Tell this guy he better give you a ride next time, okay? None of this high school ‘I’ll meet you there’ shit, okay?”
You laughed at your little inside joke and met his gaze one more time before turning and disappearing into the crowd.
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Rafe’s next drink arrived and he slammed it back instantly before settling the tab, leaving a hefty cash tip and making his way towards the dining room.
Dylan fucking owes me he thought through gritted teeth, grimacing all the way through the crowded room, replaying your smile, the way you'd looked at him through thick eyelashes, even the way you’d smelled: like vanilla and coconut.
He was clenching and unclenching his fists as he searched the crowd, willing this godawful date to be over before it had even started. Finally he caught a glimpse of Maddie’s bright hair and Dylan’s frame at a table by the window; he moved to shift around several people when his eyes met yours, seated next to Maddie, across from an empty seat.
“Oh my god” you said, covering your mouth with your hand, stifling a fit of laughter and joy when you caught his eye.
He began to laugh too, the tension in his body immediately dissipating as he rubbed a hand over his face in an attempt to wipe away the goofy grin he felt there as he took his seat.
“What is going on, do you two know each other, what am I missing?” Maddie demanded.
“Nothing, it’s nothing, Mads” you said, giggling as your eyes danced and twinkled at Rafe.
She narrowed her eyes as they darted between the two of you. “Okaayyyyy, well YN, this is Rafe!”
“So, so nice to meet you” you said, your voice dripping with sarcasm, though you were thrilled to actually know his name.
“The pleasure is truly mine, sweetheart” he played back, a knowing smile resting on his lips that had you bursting at the seams as you two ogled each other.
Maddie and Dylan looked at you both like you were crazy as you just stared and giggled at one another before they gave up and settled back into their own conversation and you and Rafe picked up your menus.
“Tomorrow at 7:00” Rafe said just quietly enough for you to hear him as he pretended to eye the menu.
“What?” you whispered in reply.
“Be ready tomorrow at 7:00. I’m taking you out. And I’ll be picking you up this time” he said as he shot you a smirk over his menu.
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taglist: @ietss, @gillybear17, @palmwinemami, @moremaybank, @one-sweet-gubler, @m-indkiller, @diary-of-jj, @crlsummer
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bleedingoptimism · 11 months
𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙩𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚
part 1
“You look pale,” Jeff comments making Eddie snort loudly.
Of course he looks pale, he’s got vampirism, doesn't he? But then again, so does Jeff and he looks great.
“When was the last time you fed?” He asks.
Eddie sighs heavily trying to reign in his bad mood. He knows Jeff’s just worried and wants to help, and he’s grateful to have run into an old friend from high school as soon as he moved into the big city. 
Because he’d be utterly lost without him.
He doesn't know where anything is, he gets lost in the subway, and he has no idea when he’s being charged too much for a muffin or suspiciously too little for a hotdog, or where all the blood markets are.
“Like, two weeks ago,” Eddie finally answers.
Jeff looks surprised but it’s not actually that bad, people with vampirism can go up to 4 to 5 weeks without blood. 
It’s not the same as those vampires from movies and books, they still eat food and they can stand in the sun with just minor cases of sunburn. There’s also the light sensitivity, making them all look like assholes wearing sunglasses everywhere.
Also, they are not allergic to garlic. Which, thank the heavens because Eddie loves garlic, a lot.
There’re a couple of side effects that do come in handy sometimes, like augmented hearing and smell. And the healing spit is super weird but nifty. No super strength regrettably, that would’ve been awesome.
Anyways, it’s like they have super anemia or something.
“I went to a blood bar, hooked up with some dude but. I didn't have a good time, at all. I kind of don't want to go back to bars for a while,” He elaborates and when Jeff frowns worried, he shakes his head,
“No, not like that. It’s just… the dude was like way too into it, you know? It kinda freaked me out.”
“What do you mean? Don't you find it hot? When you feed?” Jeff asks him, curious. 
Eddie nods quickly, “Yes, of course I do! It can be really sexy with the right person, but this guy, he was like- like way too loud and like, he was faking it? I don’t for who, though. And halfway through it, I started getting worried I’d accidentally hired someone instead of just hooked up and I didn’t have any money, and then I started thinking about money and my dick-”
“Ok! Ok, I get it.” Jeff thankfully interrupts him. “Dude, why didn’t you say something, I know of a place. I didn’t mention it before because it’s kind of boujee and handles itself a little differently.” 
“Oh? Do tell” Eddie tells him excitedly, he loves going to new places, especially if they are weird.
“Well, it’s real private, like ‘can’t get in unless you are on the list’ private. And it’s run by this girl. Blonde little thing, super cute. Scary as fuck. Everyone calls her ‘The Boss’” he says doing air quotes.
“Dramatic, I like it.” Eddie smiles.
Jeff chuckles, “So the gist of it it’s you go there and just hang out normally, like any other kind of bar. The place is beautiful, the music is good, and the drinks are delicious. But what's interesting about this place is the hostesses,” he says and even does a little pause for effect before continuing, “Similar to a blood bar there’re people there willing to be fed on but what’s cool about it is they get to choose.”
Eddie raises his eyebrows, “That sounds kind of fun, actually.”
“Right? And it feels, safer somehow? For them?” Jeff agrees and Eddie nods and smiles at him, waiting for him to keep going.
“Anyway, the hostesses choose and then you get to go upstairs and talk through what you want to happen, just feeding, sex, talking, anything they agree to, it's on the table. I once ended up just playing a game of Uno with the girl I fed on and two other hostesses that hadn't picked anyone that night.” he finishes and Eddie laughs delightedly.
“Ok, this place sounds amazing, what’s the catch?” 
“Well, you have to pay an entry fee, the drinks are expensive and there’s always the possibility you’ll leave empty-handed. The first time is free though,” Jeff says.
“Like drugs,” Eddie replies and Jeff nods solemnly, 
“You know the hostesses can be kind of addicting.” 
That night, on the way there, Jeff tells him they have to sign a guest list at the entrance,
“No one uses their real name, not because the place is shady or anything! But because they want to leave that choice to us and the hostesses if you ever get too close with one. It's not like, frowned upon.”
Eddie nods listening intently, he feels kind of nervous in a way he hasn't in a while, but he’s not sure why.
“Also, secret nicknames are fun! I’m known as Jay there. So please don’t dox me. Or yourself.” Jeff tells him.
After careful consideration, Eddie smiles and says, “I’ll be… Strider”
“Shut up, you are just jealous you didn't come up with it yourself”
Jeff laughs, “You got me there,” he says, and then, “We are here” and he opens a big glass windowed door and vows to Eddie, inviting him in.
Eddie chuckles and enters and immediately almost runs into someone—a tall, massive guy with short curly hair and the shadow of a beard.
“Hey freak,” Jeff greets calmly, “He’s with me,”
Eddie cringes at the nickname, bad memories from high school bullying. But the dude just nods and gives Jeff the tiniest of smiles, so he figures it’s the nickname the bouncer chose for himself.
They enter and sign their name in the guest book, a girl about their age with dirty blond hair and hundreds of freckles on her nose and cheeks is there and she asks Eddie a couple of questions. Not in a weird way, but in a ‘you are new and I’m curious’ kind of way.
Eddie feels comfortable and excited as they go in.
Jeff was right, the place is beautiful. The lobby leads to a big room with high ceilings and fake candle-lit lamps. The chairs and tables are antiques and all different but roughly the same time period so they look good together. There’re old signs and posters from all kinds of drinks and different products adorning the walls. And the music is instrumental and oldie too, sounds like probably 40s or 50s.
It is incredibly boujee. But in a fun way, cozy and warm.
They get a seat at a small round table in a corner and Jeff lets Eddie look around for a while before asking,
“So? Weird right? It’s like stepping into another time,”
Eddie snorts, “Yeah, one that has no idea which time period it wants to repre- who is that?”
Jeff looks at where Eddie is looking and sighs, “Of course you noticed Sunshine,”
“Sunshine?” Eddie sighs.
“That’s what they call him. Because apparently he smells like flowers and summer and tastes like orgasms or something,” Jeff says amused rolling his eyes.
The guy, Sunshine, is probably the prettiest person he’s ever seen in his life, definitely the most beautiful man in this room. His face is a contradiction of sharp and round angles that is just absolutely perfect, and he’s wearing a black suit that clings to his body like a second skin, showing off his big shoulders and his tiny waist. He’s looking around the room with big, brown eyes that look bored as he leans against a wall like he’s above it all, he’s a fucking dream.
Eddie swallows audibly and looks smirking at Jeff for a second before his eyes drift back to the man, “Tastes like what, you said” he teases and Jeff snorts.
“Not that anyone would know, as far as I know, he’s never taken anyone upstairs,” he tells Eddie in a conspiratory tone.
That makes him incredibly curious, “Really? Why is he still here then?”
“I don’t know for sure, mostly rumors but he’s the boss’s favorite, that’s for sure. Oh!” Jeff exclaims and then nods his head to a girl sitting on the other side of the room, in a big fancy-looking chair that looks more like a throne than a simple piece of furniture.
She’s got blonde hair up in a ponytail and she’s wearing a flowery dress but there's something about the way she looks around the room, something about the way people walk around her and look at her, with respect or fear, or maybe both. She’s fucking intimidating.
While Eddie’s looking, the girl from the front desk, with the freckles, comes to sit on a small stool beside the “throne”, there’s another one on the other side that’s empty. The blonde girl moves her hand towards freckles and she kisses it and then her shoulder and smiles as she leans in closer and starts whispering to her.
It’s kind of surreal. 
“That’s The Boss, and the girl from the entrance, that’s Sparrow. She’s her girl.” Jeff explains.
“Respect for looking scary in a sundress,” Eddie comments.
And Jeff nods, “Anyways my theory is, Sunshine is actually just a bodyguard and not a hostess but the people that come here like to think they actually have a chance with him, so no one says anything to the contrary.”
Eddie snorts and nods, it makes sense. It's actually very good marketing, just like the ‘the first one is free’ thing. That boss girl is really smart with her business.
Jeff and he get a few drinks and they chat calmly, Jeff isn't looking to go upstairs tonight, he only came by to accompany Eddie and Eddie knows he should be looking around, trying to make eye contact with someone, but he can stop staring at Sunshine.
He even looked at their table at one point, and Eddie thought he was going to faint. He was scanning the room as he apparently does every couple of minutes when he caught Jeff’s eye and Jeff lifted his hand in greeting.
And Sunshine’s face completely transformed, his bored calculating expression changed into a beautiful smile that made his eyes shine. He wiggled his fingers at Jeff cutely before going back to looking like fucking Droopy Dog. If Droopy was the sexiest motherfucker alive. It was amazing to see.
Eddie’s jaw almost hit the table and he turned to look at Jeff stunned and he just shrugged,
“Sunshine was one of the hostesses I ended up playing Uno with. He’s fucking vicious,” he says smiling at the memory.
Eddie chuckles as his eyes follow Sunshine moving across the room, he just can't. Stop. Looking.
But the thing is, Sunshine is looking back now. Keeping eye contact with him obviously and unashamed. It’s thrilling and it makes shivers run down his spine.
He watches as Sunshine sits on the stool on the other side of The Boss’s throne and grabs her hand and holds it, intertwining their fingers. 
The Boss and her girl turn and look at him and the three of them start whispering, looking at him.
“Dude,” he says and turns to Jeff to see if he’s seeing what he’s seeing.
Jeff looks from him to the whispering party, “Un fucking believable, first time here and tonight is the night Sunshine is taking someone upstairs” he says looking fed up, but clearly in a joking manner.
“Is that what you think it’s happening? No way,” Eddie shakes his head as Sparrow says something that makes The Boss chuckle but Sunshine speaks up and she sobers up immediately. Curious.
“He’s looking right at you, he probably went to ask Sparrow about you,” Jeff insists.
“Maybe he’s looking at you”
“He’s seen me before,” Jeff scoffs.
He’s about to reply but their conversation gets interrupted by someone shily clearing their throat. A girl, a hostess, is looking at him with curious eyes, and shit… she’s cute and looks like a nice person but, Eddie can’t- he needs to know what those looks from Sunshine meant.
He needs him.
He looks back at the group quickly to see Sunshine and The Boss in deep conversation and Sparrow… is she glaring at him?
He rejects the girl, as nicely as possible and Jeff scoffs and murmurs ‘unbelievable’ under his breath again as Eddie turns to look back at Sunshine.
Who is walking toward them, holy shit.
“Holy shit,” Jeff says and then moves to stand. Eddie grabs his wrist and tries to pull him back.
“Wait what are you doing, dont-” But Jeff frees himself and starts walking away,
“Good luck!” He sings songs and then leaves him alone.
part 1: you are here
part 2: 👄
part 3: 🩸
bonus content: ☀️
ao3: 🌙
art: 🦇
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xuchiya · 4 months
need to know [j.yunho]
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₊˚.༄ || filth valentines m.list || hongjoong || seonghwa || yunho || yeosang || san || mingi || wooyoung || jongho || ₊˚.༄
₊˚.༄ I heard from a friend of a friend That dick was a ten out of ten ₊˚.༄
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  Yunho has been busy lately and you were not liking one bit of it. It has been weeks since you wanted to hang out with him and considering that he had been rejecting your invites; maybe it is time to spend some days without and let yourselves be on your own stories.
You can't blame Yunho for taking responsibility for his father's company so why would be a bad friend to him?
You dress up in less clothing for your stream much less by a short crop hoodie that shows a little of your cleavage then your tiny boxer shorts. A streamer of summer, that was your nickname given by your fans— Summer. You have always been a streamer for playing horror whether be a psychological or thrill chasing games, maybe sometimes by playing valorant.
    You were at first called out for dressing way too– short nonetheless you explain that you tend to be really comfortable with playing in less clothing and people see your excellence in playing. You throw on anti-rad glasses before starting your stream, “What is up my dudes! It’s your streamer– Summer and we’ll continue playing Poppy Playtime!”
 While waiting for the game to load, you read the comments, “Looking good as always …  Thank you … Playing alone today? Yeah since they didn’t want to play this one. San is too scared …  Where’s Yunho? Oh he’s currently busy— he’s been busy nowadays so I had to play this alone. “
  After the chapter ended, you were left with a heart attack and sore throat from getting sudden jump scare but overall you enjoy the whole game, you look towards at the camera, “Well that is it for the chapter 2 since the chapter 3 will be out soon and …” glancing at the time to see that you have been playing for just an hour, “aye it’s still early. Do you guys want me to play or just talk with you guys?”
  Some comments were saying to talk since it has been a while since you went live so you went with their request, “Okay okay I’ll answer some questions then …”
 “Since when did I start playing? I think it was around 3 years ago that I started streaming through the gameplays? I was 14 when I started doing my gameplays …”
“You dance? Of course, Yeosang and Wooyoung are actually my classmates in a studio we enrolled in.” 
“Where’s Yunho? Oh he’s at work, I’m little sad he has not been spending time with me like … Tell me your schedule, I got a lotta new tricks for you .. I’M KIDDING HAHAHA!”
“Do you like Doja Cat? Yes, a hundred percent yes, I’m a huge fan of hers speaking of that …” You opened your phone to show them your last song you listened to, “I swear this is my go to song when I’m feeling myself you know…” You chuckle showing them a hand gesture down to our body.  Some of your fans ask you to play the song, some of them want you to sing or mouth the lyrics, you cackle at the last one.
  “I can’t do that, it looks weird but we can still let this play and talk …”     The music plays—affecting not only your fans, not you who is feeling the actual lyrics but the one who has been watching from their phone ever since you started streaming. 
 “Do you want to know a french word? Je suis excite.. Je suis excite, that means I’m excited right? Excite probably is exciting .. Am I right?” you said your eyes were widened a little bit, looking at the comment section for confirmation and you see some were saying yes, right and correct.
 But little did you know, it meant something different else.
 Their pants had made themselves quite uncomfortable, tight and suffocating as their eyes not only stare at your gameplay but at your display cleavage. As much as they tried to not to look like a pervert but how could he— He has desires that he tried to stir away; afraid to ruin your friendship but with you said those words as if telling him that you are horny. Adding to the fact you just said something along the line of having ‘tricks’.
  “Ohmygosh I should go to sleep or Seonghwa-oppa would smack me in the head … I’ll see you guys soon.” You did your outro and the live ended.
  Yunho tucked back his phone, walking inside your shared apartment. He and you were able to share an apartment under your brother’s permission since they both work for the same company and he did not mind as long as you both had an agreement or house rules settled.
 Those words were a huge trigger to him as he had been evading your presence; as much as dumb it sounds, his dick can not cooperate with him. Whether you were in your hoodie or favourite pajamas, nothing beats when he wants you all for himself. Love you, praise you, worship you, choke you, dick you down—
  “Oh yuyu!” You were startled when you exit your room to see Yunho leaning on the counter with a cold drink in his hand, his eyes landing on your figure and all his last string snap when you just walk in with your zipper open, exposing your tits out.
  You tried to cover them last minute but Yunho was faster, grabbing your wrist, spinning you to pin you on his chest. He leaned down, voice gruff from the pain in his pants and overwhelming horniness spilling out of his body, “nice way to greet me … tits out? Do you walk around with this …” his other free hand ran up to your chest, playing with your nipple and giving it a squeeze, making you moan a little too loud but to Yunho's liking.
 “I-I thought you won’t be home … fuck! “ Yunho breathy laugh, giving your other boob the same treatment but this time adding a slap on it, your back arching in the pain and pleasure making your ass brush up on his hard dick in his pants. 
  “Feel that? you’re the cause of it … now be a good girl for me and choke yourself on my cock.” 
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“F-fuck! … Yunho– Oh my God!” your face was red and sweaty from how many hours Yunho had you pinned down on your bed, taking you from behind; had his dick ramming himself back and forth, hitting every inch of your walls then his tip knocking at your cervix several times as if trying to reach a deeper part of you to bury his cum.
  “You don’t know how long i wanted to fuck you so dumb that it makes me want to go faster and harder on you .. do you like that? Do you want me to keep hammering you down on this bed like a bitch on heat?” You never knew Yunho was into this kind of thing, rough and mouthy.
 You were crying out of pleasure as Yunho drilled his cock deeper and deeper until you clench around him that had him smacking his (veiny) hands on your ass, “Yu-Yunho— eugh fuck– I’m gonna cum, gonna cum– !” Yunho continues slamming his hips as your eyes roll back as you reach your orgasm, creaming his dick and milking him dry. Yunho chuckles, wrapping one of his hands around your throat, pulling you closer, bottomless.
  “You like that huh? You like it when I fuck you this hard?” You dive on the sheets, Yunho's pace persistent in making his dick wet and creamy on your puffy pussy. You look over your shoulders, engulfed in overwhelming bliss, you speak with assertive tone, “clap me, choke me, bite me Yunho.” 
 Yunho pulls out, leaving just the tip inside as he adjust his grip from your throat down to your hips, in spite of that he shoves back while you pulling back, “FUCK!” you cried, your fingers circling around his wrist, “Yu-yu — wait you’re going too fast.”
 He shakes his head, his eyebrows arching, tongue poking the inside of his cheek, “I haven’t cum yet and we can fuck all night baby.” He keep thrusting back and forth,leaning forward to grasp both of your nipples in his fingers, twisting, pulling them.
  Your head swirling with so much euphoria that it sent electricity vibrating down your pussy as you were reaching your second orgasm quickly, this time a little different from the last one, long strings of ‘oh’ and ‘fuck’.
  “Tell me baby, i need to know one thing …” He licks his lips, pressing you on his bare chest, continue to pound inside of you, almost nearing his climax, “come on baby, i didn’t fuck you that dumb did i? Now answer me.”
  You were breathing hastily, orgasm around the corner but you know best that if you don’t speak now, Yunho won’t let you cum, “Wh-What is it?”
  “Have you been fantasising about this one? Did someone tell you?” You nodded, your head moving swiftly, you felt his chest vibrate as he breathy laughs, “Yeah? 
“ y-yes…”
“From who?”
  Your throat clogged yet you oblique, moaning when his tip brushes on your cervix once again, your dignity slowly crashing but who could you blame? You were fantasising all of this for the longest time that you slipped out to one of your friends about your huge daydream to Yunho that one of your friends may or may not slip about him.
  “I heard .. I heard from a friend of a friend … that your dick is better than their exes.” His hip halted, pulling out— groaning at the emptiness but you were taken back when Yunho pulled you off the bed and towards your balcony; your eyes widened as he pushes you the makeshift knitted lounge chair.
  “Well one …” yunho’s lips brush on your ears warmly, “I have never met your friends …” He inserted himself back in, slamming back on your pussy, “And second well .. they’re not wrong.”
 Yunho pace didn’t falter as he locked his arms on yours, your arms pulled on your back; your chest full on display, bouncing each time Yunho hammered back. Broken groans left Yunho and you were also reaching your climax, “Fuck yunho!” 
 “Take my cum like a good girl!” Your eyes were clouded in euphoria, feeling full as he spurted all his cum inside you, painting your walls white. Your hole clenches on his dick before gushes of your juice burst, wetting his dick and the lounge chair.
  Yunho let go of your arms and replace his softening dick with his fingers, brushing them left and right as you squirt, your lips puckering
“Oh look at that, such a good girl. Keep squirting baby~” Yunho slaps, wipe your pussy letting you ride on your orgasm before he pulls away. Your knees gave out, thankfully Yunho caught you, wrapping his arms around your shoulder and at the back of your knees. He leads you both to your bathroom, setting you on the cold marble tile of your sink.
   Yunho settles you on the bathtub, warm water with bubbles of rose were floating on the water. You sigh contentedly, “Is this what I get for flashing you my boobs to you?”
  He laughs, shaking his head as he settles at the other end of the tub, “You want a princess treatment?” His eyes watch you carefully, cheek flaring. You played with the foam bubbles, “If you don’t mind me being your girlfriend then yeah, I want a princess treatment.”
Yunho leans towards you, leaving a soft kiss on your lips, "Deal."
 It was something you and Yunho had in common. Straightforwardness. Yet here you both are, in a situation you thought is just all in your head and fantasy.
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221bshrlocked · 1 year
i remember...
Pairings: Captain Rex x afab! Jedi Reader
Words: 8579
Warnings: Angst with a happy ending. Mutual Pining. Some mention of blood loss but it’s not graphic. Love Confessions due to anesthesia-like fluids. I make up some random stuff about bacta so just ignore that bit please. Sad Rex. Heated Make-Out Session. Oral (female receiving). Squirting. Oversensitivity. Biting. Slight Dirty Talk. Penetrative, Unprotected Sex (wrap the shlong before you king kong my dudes). Breeding Kink. Creampie. Rex being a gentleman after sex. 
Summary: “You’re s-safe, thank the Force.” His hold on you tightens when you hiss in pain, but you never once turn away from him, wanting to commit every moment to memory. If you survive this, you are sure you will never come this close to him again. But if you die, oh, if you die, then you would have spent your last seconds showing him how much he means to you. 
A/N: This is for @imarvelatthestars​ who is also taking part in the @cloneficgiftexchange​. I hope you enjoy this and I can’t wait for you to read the two other fics as well. Also, hi it’s nice to meet you :) This was originally going to be just fluff but my hands slipped and they went all the way so I hope you don’t mind. P.S. This is the first time I write for our dear Captain so I hope I got his character down correctly. If not, please let me know how I can write him better. As always, reblogs are appreciated. 
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It was becoming unbearable, mustering up the courage to fight every day in a war that meant absolutely nothing, that held no benefits for anyone except for those in political standings. The feeling of dread only worsened in the past few months, almost as soon as you were added to the 501st as another General. Count Dooku’s thirst for blood has increased, and you had this fear that it wasn’t only him. No, there was something much bigger playing at hand. 
Perhaps someone even. 
Shaking the dreadful thoughts aside, you scan the grounds quickly to see if any of your men were still alive. As you walk through the carnage, you will yourself to come to terms with the reality of this new life that has been thrust upon you, the recognition that it was most likely worse for your men making you wince angrily before returning to the task at hand. 
“General,” the familiar voice of your Captain shifts your attention behind you, and you nod with an exasperation you’re sure is visible to him as you head towards his equally fatigued body. 
“Any news on whether Anakin managed to get the intel?” You rub the side of your temple as you wait for Captain Rex to focus on you instead of his dead brothers surrounding you. 
“He uh, he didn’t get there in time. He thinks one of the super tactical droids destroyed everything before it self-destructed.” You can hear the disappointment in his voice, and you look into his eyes for a moment to gauge his reaction. Grief swims in his eyes as he returns your gaze, and you hate that you don’t have to look at him to know what’s going through his mind. His Force signature is a cool shade of blue, one that parallels the lines adorning his armor, and your heart clenches when you see how different it is from the normally calming purple hue often surrounding him and setting your mind at ease. You’re reminded once again of just how much of a toll this war is taking on him and his brothers, and you turn away from him out of fear of bursting into tears and making matters worse. 
If only you could comfort him beyond what’s deemed appropriate. 
If only you could tell him how you feel. 
“Don’t worry General, we’ll get them next time.” You hate that he’s trying to make you feel better when it is you who should be offering him supporting words. No words manage to part your lips, and you hum at him as you kick one of the battle droids nearby, trying to distract yourself from pushing past those hidden boundaries and embracing him in an attempt to return those affections he so clearly pushed upon you. 
Just as you walk around him, you sense a strange feeling overtake your mind, and you glance to the side quickly, not really thinking of what you’re doing as you step in front of the Captain and activate your lightsaber. The sequence of the blaster shots drives your anger deeper, and you evade them to the best of your abilities, away from Rex and yourself until they each hit the battle droid attempting to kill you. 
Scanning the area one last time, your mouth runs dry when you turn around and watch pure and utter shock display as clear as daylight on your Captain’s features. Pushing the weapon back into the holster around your hips, you smile at him to let him know that he would always be safe with you, only to tilt your head in confusion when he doesn’t return the gesture. You follow his line of sight and watch as the adrenaline of the battle leaves your body and makes way for a searing hot pain shooting through your side. Pushing your palm against your hip, you take it away and find it laced with fresh blood.
In all the time you have spent with Rex, you have never once heard him display such unadulterated fear, not when he was near death all those months ago, nor when he thought there was no escape for him and his brothers after a particularly draining battle. 
You whisper his name as you fall to your knees, but strong arms reach for you before you hit the ground, turning you over and pushing violently against the wound to prevent it from bleeding. 
“Kriff, why- why would you…you shouldn’t have-” He can’t get a single word out, and you try your best to set aside the pain shooting through your body so you can enjoy being in his arms. You feel your muscles give out, barely allowing you to reach up and caress his cheek. You don’t realize you’ve painted his beautiful skin with blood until you see tears rolling down his cheeks and stream a pink line to his chin. 
“You’re s-safe, thank the Force.” His hold on you tightens when you hiss in pain, but you never once turn away from him, wanting to commit every moment to memory. If you survive this, you are sure you will never come this close to him again. But if you die, oh, if you die, then you would have spent your last seconds showing him how much he means to you. 
“Stay with me, mesh’la.” He leans down and rests his forehead against your own, distracting you enough before he lifts you in his arms and runs to the nearest gunship. You clutch onto his shoulder like your life depends on it, unable to hold back from crying as each movement sends throbbing stabs down your spine and across your hip. You can faintly hear his apologies, and you rest your head against his shoulder to distract yourself once again. This close, you can smell his natural scent, and you shiver when you recognize how musky and sweet it is as it seeps through your senses. 
You think you hear him call for Kix, but you can’t stay awake for much longer, the blood loss and your body’s fatigued nature taking over as soon as you get on the gunship. Rex puts you down with ease, but he snaps your name harshly when he sees you shutting your eyes and going limp in his arms again. 
“Don’t close your eyes,” it’s his Captain voice, and you laugh at the demanding tone he’s aiming at you, only to cough violently and clutch at your side when your body jolts forward. 
“I thought I g-give the orders here?” He doesn’t bother to smile at you, and you hate that he knows you’re only trying to diffuse the tension. When you look up at him, you find him frowning down at you, the blue aura around him now turning even darker as he looks around to see if Kix is nearby. 
You gulp as the ship comes to life, and the harder you try to remain awake, the more tired your mind becomes. As you look around you, you find several of the men staring at you with worry etched on their features, and you feel a sense of peace wash over you at the thought of being so important to them. You can no longer keep yourself conscious, and just as you turn your head to the side and see Kix jumping into the gunship, you surrender to a deep sleep filled with midnight blue embraces and loving words. 
A bright light wakes you from your haze, and you flutter your eyes quickly to get used to the blinding rays shining down on you. You try to get up immediately but a hand to your shoulder keeps you laying down, and you look to the side to see Kix whispering calming words to you. 
“You nearly gave us a fright Commander,” he says after a while, and you look around to try and figure out where you are, only to find an extremely uncomfortable and worried Captain standing by your bed. 
“What were you thinking, hmm?” He snaps harshly at you, making you furrow your eyebrows in curiosity before you turn to Kix. Before you can say anything, Kix walks around and pushes Rex’s chest, urging him to move back and calm himself. 
“You may be the Captain, but I outrank you here. I will not have you yelling at one of my patients. Understand?” His tone is firm, and you giggle at the thought of hearing one of Rex’s men not minding getting physical with him. 
“I…feel weird.” You sigh deeply and look down, only to see several tubes coming in and out of your skin. 
“That would be the Bacta IV. You weren’t doing so well Commander, a simple bacta patch wouldn’t have done the trick.” Kix removes himself from Rex but remains in between the two of you, checking on the needles one last time before moving to the other end of the room. You watch as he makes himself busy, and whatever conscious part of your mind thinks that he’s only pretending so he can give the two of you some privacy. 
“To answer your question Captain, I- uhhh…I wasn’t thinking.” You drag the sheets down your body, suddenly feeling flushed as Rex continues to stare at you with a fiery anger you never thought him capable of. 
“Actually, that’s…n-not true. I was thinking…but- you know what I mean.” You are not making much sense, and when Rex sighs before pulling up a chair to sit next to you, you smile at you and reach for his hand. He takes it reluctantly but never once looks at you. Neither of you say anything for a while, and you slowly begin to fall asleep when he continues to rub your wrist with his thumb. 
“What were you thinking mesh’la…”
It’s a rhetorical question, or at least, you would have recognized that it is had you been more aware and less drugged. You open your eyes and gaze into his own, finding them filled with unshed tears. He looks defeated, and you frown at him while you tug on his hand to bring him closer to you. 
“Don’t…don’t cry. It makes me sad to see you cry Rex.”
He chuckles then and you smile at him, rubbing the back of his hand in return to soothe him a little. 
“I was thinking of you, and- and how it would kill me if I were to lose you. I can’t lose you Rex, I- I would not survive another day without you…I love you too much to let you go.” You’re not sure why the room is suddenly silent. All you know is, Rex’s Force signature has turned a deep shade of red and his fingers stopped drawing patterns on your skin. You think you hear Kix turn around but you’re too busy looking into the Captain’s eyes to register anything that’s not him. 
“Mesh’la,” you want to ask him what the word means, but your eyes grow heavy yet again, and you rest your cheek on the pillow while gazing into his hazel, brown orbs. Before you can say anything else, you fall right back to sleep, completely missing Rex’s reaction to your confession and Kix’s reassurances that you were stable but required to rest further. 
You dream of a time filled with peace, of longing gazes and soft caresses. Your mind fills your heart with hopes and wishes, ones you pretend are not impossible to reach. Your heart, once guarding a close-kept secret, finally feels as light as a feather, and it clenches softly when it hears revelations of a similar love, words yo uneven thought would be reciprocated as desperately. 
It’s this last sensation that wakes you again, except this time, you’re less dazed than before but much more awake. Sitting up quickly, you study the room you’re in and take a few deep breaths to try and collect your bearings. 
“Commander, you’re safe. You’re alive and safe. Breathe, breathe for me.” You look up and watch as Kix guides you through breathing techniques, and only when you’re relaxed and aware of your surroundings do you finally notice the other figure standing nearby. 
“How long have I been out?” You ask as you look down and move the medbay gown to the side to see the wound. It’s fully healed and you throw Kix a quick glance, silently thanking him for everything that he has done for you. 
“Almost 22 hours, sir. It’s quite remarkable actually, most people would take much longer to heal, even with the bacta. Then again, you’re a Jedi after all.” He checks your vitals, not bothering to mention that Rex is in the room. When he’s sure you’re all clear, he steps aside and finishes some reports on his holopad. You look to your right and watch as Rex slowly approaches you, sitting down on a chair near your bedside and slowly reaching for your hand. You’re surprised by the gesture but don’t deny him, looking back to Kix to see if he is aware of what his Captain is doing. 
“How are you feeling?”
“Like a bantha ran me over,” you laugh at your own reply, but Rex doesn’t grace you with a hint of a smile. There is something nagging at the back of your mind, and you narrow your eyes at your joined hands, only to gasp lightly when he rubs your wrist and moves closer to you. If Kix notices what’s happening, he says nothing and turns around to give you some privacy. 
“Do you…do you remember anything?” Rex asks reluctantly, and you get the sense that he wants to tell you something but is holding back out of fear of your reaction. 
“I remember walking through the battle, and…and talking with you. I remember a droid trying to shoot at you but I took him down before he hurt you. And…I remember getting shot at.” You recollect the events of the last rotation to the best of your abilities, and when you stop speaking, you notice Rex’s aura shift to a cool haze once more. 
Kriff, what was it? 
“You don’t remember anything else?” He asks yet again, and you tilt your head to the side in confusion, his tone of voice bordering that of a man who has just lost everything he ever had. 
“I- I uhh…no. I don’t.” You shake your head several times to figure out if he was referring to anything specific. When you turn to Kix to ask him if he knows what his Captain is talking about, you notice an apologetic expression on his features, one that was not aimed at you but his brother. Before you can say anything, Rex lets go of your hands, making you wish you can give him whatever answer he was searching for. 
“I see,” it’s all Rex says before he stands up and pushes the chair back to the wall. You watch as he takes a stance and salutes you, his eyes never meeting your own again as he thanks you for saving him before running out of the room. You don’t turn away from the shut door until Kix walks by and checks your vitals again. 
There is so much you want to ask him, but knowing Kix, you get the sense that he wouldn’t tell you even if you begged. He was good at keeping secrets, always has been. 
“You’re cleared to leave General, though I do suggest you take it easy for the next few days. You may have physically healed but the psychological strain will take longer to get back to normal. Will you be needing any pain medication?” Kix asks as he takes out all of the needles and tubes from your arms, and you shake your head while you look up at him, hoping that you find whatever answer Rex was looking for swimming in his eyes. He avoids your gaze altogether, and you shut your eyes in irritation at the thought of upsetting Rex. 
Maker, what was it?
You do your best to not take your frustration out on Kix as you get dressed, and before you leave, you thank him for taking care of you for the past rotation. He offers you his best wishes before returning to his seat and you make your way back to your quarters in the Jedi Temple slowly, all the while trying to figure out what transpired that made Rex ask you several times if you remembered anything, but more importantly, what you could have possibly said that upset Rex so much and made him leave without sparing you a second glance. 
You keep to yourself as you head to your rooms, searching your mind for any clue as to what has happened after the battle. When you finally make it to the privacy of your space, you remove all of your clothes and go straight to the refresher, wanting to get rid of the blood and grime that has stuck to your skin for the past day. But no matter what you do, you can’t remember anything past the battlefield, and you feel your mind almost collapse on itself when the annoyance of memory loss turns into sheer anger. 
Force above, what was it?
It occurs to you much later than you would care to admit that there was no way you can recall anything if you’re this unstable, and against your better judgment, you make your way to one of the meditation rooms instead of getting some rest as Kix suggested. As soon as you enter the quiet place, you move near one of the fountains, finding the consistent sound of water soothing to your soul. As you sit down, you take a few deep breaths and clear your mind of anything not related to the Captain of the 501st. 
As you initially thought, it’s much more difficult to focus your mind when all you can feel is guilt for making Rex feel so disappointed and sad. You recall back all of the conversations you’ve held with him, especially the ones that lasted for an entire night as you kept watch before a serious battle. You remember the snide remarks aimed at Anakin, and the jokes he often laughed at the expense of Ahsoka. You remember and remember…
But no matter what you think of, you still can’t quite figure out what happened in the past rotation. 
Willing yourself to focus harder, you decide to empty your mind altogether, even of those moments with Rex that you cherished and kept closely-guarded within your heart. 
The Coruscanti sun slowly moves past the horizon but you remain seated against the flowing waters, pleading with the Force to give you a sliver of a hint so you can fix whatever wrong you made against Rex. 
It’s only when your senses finally still do you see a faint dark red pass through your mind’s eye. You zero in on the memory, pushing yourself past your levels of comfort to seek out the desperate aura once again. 
I was thinking of you.
Your voice rings through your mind, not sounding normal to your ears, but you are confident it is your own. Clenching your fists tightly, you seek out the memory until it flashes before your eyes as clear as the searing Twin Suns on a hot Tatooine day. 
I can’t lose you Rex.
A faint sensation passes down your arm to your wrist, and you feel Rex’s thumb halt in its movement the more you reveal to him your secret. You can see his hands shaking as you pull him closer to you, the words spilling from your mouth making your heart skip a beat as realization washes over you. 
I love you too much to let you go.
The last image flashing before your eyes is the look of utter shock that befalls Rex’s handsome features, and had it not been for the soft manner in which he whispers that one word to you in return, you would think he was completely repulsed by what you just confessed to him. 
You open your eyes instantly, wincing yet again when your senses become overloaded with the sounds and scents all around you. Looking around the room, you take a few minutes to come to terms with the reality of what has transpired between yourself and the Captain. 
You had told him what you promised yourself you would never reveal to him. 
In a moment of weakness, your heart decided to reveal its deepest secret instead of continuing to keep it hidden. 
Looking outside the large glass windows, you notice how dark it became outside and curse yourself for taking so long to remember. It would be inappropriate to go to him now.
You look down to your hand and trace the skin Rex has touched all those hours ago, smiling to yourself when you recognize that your heart has already made the decision for you. 
Not caring for how mad you must look, you race outside of the meditation rooms and run through the hallways of the Temple, ignoring the strange and concerning looks from the others still awake as you make it past the gates of your home and towards the barracks of the 501st Legion. It is raining uncontrollably outside, and you nearly lose your footing a few times as you run across the grounds towards the familiar building near the Jedi Temple. You see a handful of men hanging outside the barracks, and they try to call out to you to see if you need any assistance, but you pay them no mind, heading straight to the quarters of the Captain and ignoring how soaked you’ve become in your journey to him. 
When you reach the hallways housing the Clone leaders, you slow down and move past the doors silently, praying to the maker that he was in his quarters and not elsewhere. As you reach the end of the hallway, you come to a stop in front of the large, steel doors housing Rex, and before you can think twice of what you’re doing, you push a few buttons on the pad beside the doors, waiting patiently for them to slide open to you. 
There is a faint sound of frustrated sighs from behind the door, and you nearly laugh at the sudden turn of events, but the doors slide open and reveal an extremely tired and irritated Clone Captain, one that had just gotten out of the showers from the looks of it. 
“Fives, if I have to tell you one more time- kriff, G-General!” His eyes widen in horror at the sight of you, and he walks out to the hallway to see if there are any signs of danger that led you to him. When he finds it as empty as ever, he turns back around and eyes you suspiciously. 
“General, what- what are you doing here?” Rex asks, continuing to avoid your gaze as he moves back to his quarters and tugs you along with him. You realize too late that you probably shouldn’t be found at such an odd hour in your Captain’s private rooms, but you brush the thought aside, knowing that this could not wait for another time. You don’t respond right away though, and Rex studies you slowly before moving to his dresser and taking out a pair of sweatpants and a shirt. 
“Here, change into these.” He throws the articles of clothing towards you, but you throw them back on the bed instantly, approaching him slowly to avoid scaring him. 
“Captain.” You try to catch his attention, but Rex is adamant on not sparing you a single glance, moving to the other end of the room and grabbing one of his shirts before putting it on quickly. 
“I don’t mind General,” he attempts to distract you, and you shake your head at him while following him around the small room. 
“Captain, please.”
“You’re going to catch a cold, and I’m not going to hear the end of it from Kix.” Rex ignores whatever you’re saying and rubs his temples furiously, making you wish he would just look at you instead of avoiding you as if you were just another commanding officer. 
As if you hadn’t spilled your heart out to him a day ago. 
Your frustrations nearly get to you, but you quickly come to understand that the man in front of you would continue ignoring your pleas if you didn’t cut to the chase and tell him what you came here for. 
“I remember.” 
Rex stops in his pacing, dropping his arms to his side and looking at the gray wall ahead of him. He doesn’t move a muscle, and your heart skips a beat when the hue around him turns into that familiar shade of burgundy once more, the same one that graced your sight when you told him how much you love him. 
“I remember, Rex.”
You repeat your words and watch as he slowly turns around and meets your eyes in a heated gaze. He continues to remain silent and you take the chance to step closer to him, hoping that he doesn’t get spooked by your revelation and walk away again. 
“You- you remember?” His question is laced with a faltering anxiety that you hate you’ve caused him to feel, and you close the last bit of space between the two of you, smiling at him as you reach for his hand and rub your thumb over his wrist. 
“I remember…I remember everything Rex.” 
He gulps down at you, watching carefully as you extend his wrist up to your mouth and lay the softest of kisses across the sensitive skin beneath your thumb. His sharp intake of breath sends a shiver down your spine, and before you can say anything else, Rex pushes you back against the nearest wall and attacks your lips in a desperate kiss. You moan into him immediately, throwing your arms around his shoulders just as he leans down and grabs your hips to hoist you up in between his rigid body and the solid wall behind you. 
You part your lips in a gasp and Rex takes advantage of your shock, sneaking his tongue into your mouth and devouring you without a care for anything except the lewd noises you are gracing him with. He doesn’t know where he can touch you, but as he feels your nail sink into his neck, he breaks the kiss and moans your name over and over again, giving you but a moment of respite before lunging for your mouth once again. You’re soaking wet, and you want to warn him so he doesn’t get wet as well, but he doesn’t let up once, moving down your jaw and licking the droplets of water sticking to your skin. His tongue feels hot against your already flushed skin, but you can’t find it in yourself to complain, not when you finally had him in your arms, stealing your breath with such needy kisses. You don’t realize you’re crying until he pulls away abruptly and looks at you with concern. 
“No, please…don’t stop. I’m just- I’m so happy.” You try to bring him back again but he’s much stronger than you, keeping some bit of distance between your mouth until he can ask you that burning question. 
“Are you sure I’m not hurting you, mesh’la?”
“No, gods no. I never thought you’d reciprocate my feelings Rex, and- and when I remembered the way you looked at me, I…I ran over here.” Your smile grows when you notice the soft smirk gracing his handsome features, and you lean your forehead against his own briefly to relish in the moment. 
“I love you, cyare…so damn much. I- I thought I lost you back there…couldn’t, couldn’t believe what you did for me. And then you told me why and I nearly lost my mind all over again.” He lays as many kisses as possible across your entire face, making you sniffle each time he reveals to you what was going through his mind. 
“I love you too Rex, have been ever since I joined your legion.” The sentiment manages to put a halt to his words and he looks at you for what you deem is too long before leaning down and taking your lips in between his own again. It’s much less frantic than before, but it is just as deeply felt, and you tilt your head to the side to deepen it further, whining against him when he removes the both of you from the wall and walks back to his bed. 
He lays you down softly and continues to leave a trail of kisses down your neck, swearing beneath his breath when you reach for his shirt and try to remove it off of him.
“Rex, what- oh kriff, what does that word mean?” You manage to ask in between each kiss and nip he marks your body with, whispering his name over and over again when he chuckles at you and sits up to remove his shirt. You bite into your lower lip as soon as he reveals his broad chest to you, giggling like a little girl as Rex throws his shirt aside and drags his hand up and down your body. 
“Why don’t I show you sweetheart?” The Captain descends down upon you possessively, dragging his hands everywhere with an aggressiveness you’ve never seen him display before. He has you whimpering in the span of a few minutes, and with each bit of fabric he rips from your body, you’re left wishing he would put you out of your misery and claim you. 
“Please, Rex.” You beg shamelessly, covering your eyes with your arm when you’re left in nothing but your undergarments. 
“Shh, I got you cyar’ika…I got you.” The Captain coos at you as he traces lines up and down your body, passing his fingers in between your thighs teasingly and laughing when he notices goosebumps erupt across your skin. You peak from above your wrist, only to find him studying you closely and with a hunger unseen on his features before. 
“S-stop looking at me like that.” You turn your head to the side when he drags your arms away from your face and places them above your head, making you wish he wasn’t enjoying making you flustered. 
“Like what?” He’s nearly breathless as he asks you the question, not caring for how wanton he looks as he hovers his lips above your sternum before slowly making his way down your stomach. 
“Like…like-” You can’t find the words to tell him what he looks like, mostly because you know he’ll only laugh and reiterate whatever you say in agreement and cause you to feel even more embarrassed at being the subject of his scrutiny. 
“Like I want to eat you? Like I want to devour every fucking inch of you? Like I want to mark you with my teeth and hands until the whole kriffing galaxy knows who’s making you feel good? Is that how I’m looking at you sweet girl?” He pronounces each question with a harsh bite to your skin, smiling wickedly at you as he descends between your thighs and shoves them wide open to make room for himself. 
“Y-yes…I- oh gods please Rex, just- just…”
“I hate to break it to you ner cyare, but I will never,” he growls his need for you against the edge of your panties, biting down and chuckling when you twitch beneath him and reach for his shoulder, “ever,” his voice is much rougher, and you think that perhaps he will kill you through sheer frustration, “ stop looking at you like that.” You whine his name, and as you try to ask him once more to not be so brazen with you, he shoves his nose into your core and breathes in deeply. It’s absolutely filthy, the manner in which he nudges along the damp material hiding you from him while staring directly into your eyes. You shouldn’t be surprised by how far dilated his pupils are, but as you sink your nails into his muscles, you furrow your eyebrows and will yourself to continue staring at him, wanting to ensure that he wants this just as much as you. 
“Rex…please, touch me.” You slide one of your hands up to his cheek, cupping his chiseled jaw beneath your palm out of fear of having him move away. 
“I am touching you, mesh’la.” Rex raises a curious eyebrow at you, nuzzling into your hand when he feels you settle down and whine in frustration. 
“I need more.” You hope he understands what you’re trying to say, but it seems that Rex wants nothing more than to push you over the edge of irritation, huffing out in laughter once as he leans over and kisses your inner thighs. 
“Like this?” He asks, licking the spot he’s kissed before moving to the space just below your hip and nipping it lightly. “Or like this?” He inquires with a whisper, taking the edge of your panties in between his teeth and pulling them up until he makes sure you’re still looking at him before letting go and smirking at the snapping sound that forces you to jolt your hips into his face. He must be able to see the annoyance etched on your features because as soon as you try to sit up on your elbows and give him a piece of your mind, he drags both of his hands beneath your thighs and hoists them up until you’re perfectly laid out for him. 
“Rex, if you don’t- ahhh fuck,” you throw your head back as soon as you feel the heat of his mouth engulf your wet core. He’s licking you violently through the flimsy fabric of your panties, and when you manage to look down at him through dazed eyes, Rex shoves the material aside and shoves his tongue violently against your clit. You drag your nails across his scalp before you realize how painful it might be, but when you attempt to grab anything else, Rex shakes his head and sucks on your clit before letting go altogether. 
“Don’t fucking stop…mark me baby, mark me so the whole GAR knows who fucks you like the filthy jetii’ika I know you are.” Your eyes widen in shock at his words, amazed that the normally respectful and shy Captain is capable of groaning the filthiest words ever as he goes down on you. You return your hands to his blonde hair, a zap of lightning shooting across your muscles when you feel the buzzed cut tickle your heated skin while he continues to fuck you with his tongue. 
“Rex…oh fuck, you- you feel so good. Please don’t stop…don’t stop Captain!” You don’t mean for the honorific to fall so easily from your lips, and you look down to see if it made him uncomfortable, only to find him staring hungrily at you as he pulls you harder on his face. 
“Is that what you want, cyar’ika? You want me to be your Captain…give you orders and make you cum on my face before I fuck you till you can’t feel your legs?” You know it’s a rhetorical question because he returns his attention to your engorged clit soon after, laying his tongue flat against your bundle nerves as he drools over the fingers resting just below his mouth. You want to watch him as he worships you, commit to memory the desperation filling every muscle of his body as he shows you how much he craves you, but as soon as he eases two of his fingers past your slit and rubs against your walls, you’re shutting your eyes and arching your back at the sudden flash of pleasure that takes over your whole body. 
“Cum for me ner jetii’ika,” the tone of his voice, along with the needy order, are all it takes for you to reach your pleasure, and you dig your nails into his scalp in an attempt to bring him closer to you as you roll your hips back and forth against his mouth. You can’t feel anything except his tongue and his fingers, and you manage to look down through heavy-lidded eyes to watch Rex as he makes you cum. Your body shakes violently when you see his Force signature turn into a bright cloud of red, the shade validating to you the Captain’s feelings as he continues to assault your cunt until you grow oversensitive. 
You try to push him off of you but he is relentless in his mission to pleasure you, wrapping his arms around your hips and pushing down your body until you understand that he won’t be letting you go anytime soon. You feel empty all of a sudden, but then you notice his wet fingers as they grab you through your chest bindings and you feel another wave of ecstasy slowly creep up on you. 
“Drench my face, sir.” You’re not sure what it is that coaxes another orgasm out of you, if it is the way he orders you to cum on his mouth again, or the sound of the honorific falling from his lips as he licks and sucks on your clit. You scream his name like a benediction, the sensation he was bringing upon your fatigued body driving you mad with lust. You can faintly hear him moan your name in return, and it’s only when you look down after he’s let up do you realize that you’ve done exactly what he wanted and drenched his face. You should be embarrassed, but as Rex licks at you softly with a lazy smile, you realize that he may have enjoyed this more than you. 
“Oh maker, I- I’ve never…” You try to speak but your voice comes out hoarse, making Rex laugh even harder as he sits up and wipes his face with the back of his hand. 
“That was the sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever seen sweetheart…I want you to do it again.” He drags his gaze down your body as he brings his fingers to his mouth and sucks on them, the same ones that were showing you stars not a moment ago. He looks positively sinful, and you giggle embarrassingly at him before you try to reach for the tent on his sweatpants. 
“No,” he grips your wrist tightly and falls against you, pushing you down into his bed with his whole body before reaching for both of your hands and laying them above your head. You frown at him, unsure why he was denying you the same pleasure he brought upon you. 
“Don’t look so upset, mesh’la.” He winks at you as he kisses down your neck and licks the water droplets sticking to your sternum. You sigh heavily and extend your neck out further to give him more access, the action pleasing him more than you thought it would and making him groan deeply into your breasts. “Believe me when I tell you…if you touch me now, this night will end much earlier than I would like it to.” He sucks bruises across your chest, managing to hold both of your wrists with one hand while the other moves to unbind the wrapping around your breasts. It doesn’t take much to reveal you to his eyes, and when you’re finally freed of the offending article of clothing, Rex growls before ascending upon you, not caring for how rough he’s being as he takes a nipple in between his teeth while he rolls his thumb over the other. 
“Ah f-fuck…Rex, you- your tongue is- oh kriff, I need you Captain…please. I want to feel you, want you to fuck me, hard.”
“Yeah sweetheart?” Rex soothes the love bites with his tongue, swirling the rough muscle around your hardened peak until your chest rises and falls rapidly. He’s memorizing every inch of your skin, and you notice his smile grow deeper when he sees evidence of his claim beginning to appear all over your body. You always imagined him to be possessive with things he enjoyed, but you never thought once you’d be at the receiving end of such dedication, such admiration. 
“Claim me, my dear Captain.” You plead one last time, tilting your head down to try and kiss the top of his head in an attempt to make him lose control. The gesture does the trick, and Rex ascends up your body and takes your lips in between his own, ripping the breath out of your lungs as he sucks and licks into your mouth until you could no longer focus on anything but the sensations he was ringing from your body. You whine and moan for him as he pushes you harder into his sheets, and when you tries to rest his weight on one of his arms, you throw your own around his neck and pull him as flush to you as possible. 
“I want to feel you, all of you.” You whisper the request against his cheek, kissing his jaw lightly in anticipation for what comes next. When you sense his hand moving down your body, you nip across his neck and mirror his actions from earlier, distracting him on his journey just as he did with you not a moment ago. 
“Fuck sweetheart, you’re going to be the death of me.” Rex groans against your forehead as he struggles to pull the edge of his sweatpants down his hips. It becomes very clear to him soon that you weren’t going to let up on marking his skin, and he sighs in irritation before deciding to pull his cock out from underneath the band of his pants. 
“Please Rex,” you urge him with soft pleas and wet kisses, laying your head back to look into his eyes as he pushes aside your panties and rubs your clit with the hard tip of his cock. 
“Are you ready for me, cyare?” Rex asks, furrowing his eyebrows in focus so as to not hurt you. You nod frantically at him, widening your legs even further to allow him to settle more comfortably in between your thighs. 
“Fuck me, Captain.” You breathe against his quivering lips, sighing in relief when the crown of his dick catches at your wet entrance. 
“Yes, sir!” It’s all the warning you get before Rex thrusts his throbbing cock into your cunt, and you watch with fascination as the aura shadowing over the two of you becomes an even deeper shade of red, one that mixed perfectly with his normally blue hue and created a soothing new wave to your eyes. 
Neither of you move, looking into the other’s eyes to ensure that this was actually happening. 
Rex struggles to breathe, and you massage his neck with your fingers before shifting your hips to get closer to him. The movement sends his cock gliding against your clenching walls, and you both moan the other’s name as you feel pure ecstasy take over your spirits. 
“You- you feel…” Rex tries to speak, but he loses focus of the sentence, instead moving all of his attention into committing this moment to memory. 
“Perfect.” You finish his thought, leaning up and kissing his lips once before relaxing back into the mattress and silently urging him to move. When he pulls out of you and pushes back in slowly, you realize that you’ll never get enough of this. 
Enough of him. 
And from the way he was gazing down at you, it seems that the feeling was mutual. 
“Rex, just- I want you to cum. I don’t care about me, I only w-want to feel you cum.” You cross your legs behind his back to bring him deeper inside you, the action forcing a cry from his lips that sounds awfully like your name. You giggle beneath him, pride feeling your chest at being the one to bring him to such pleasure. 
“I- I’ll be damned if you don’t cum on my cock at least once tonight, mesh’la.” The promise is accompanied with a dangerous glint in his eyes, and you gulp nervously at him, shutting your eyes to relish in the feeling of being so full. Each thrust brings about a fresh wave of arousal to your core, and you dig your nails into his back to show him just how good he’s making you feel. The delicious drag of his cock across your tight walls nearly makes you question whether this was all real, not because you didn’t expect him to feel so perfect inside you, but because he was so much better than your imagination. 
His grunts are music to your ears, and you leave a trail of kisses across face the closer he gets to his peak, wanting him to scream your name when he finally cums and claims you. It’s a battle of needs at this point, with your minds telling you to make this last as long as possible but your joined bodies screaming for a sweet release. You can feel every inch of him, every hard vein slide against your fluttering walls the harder he fucks into you. 
There is so much on your mind, so much you want to tell him, but you’re not coherent enough to remotely breathe out a string of affirmations to him, so you instead look back into his eyes and hope he can see right through you, recognize every bit of your heart that has always screamed his name since they day you met. 
“I- I won’t last much longer, cyar’ika.” He manages to confess as he thrusts become harder, deeper, more intimate. You shake your head and whisper your lack of care for what he just said, wanting him to finally mark you as his own and fill you with his seed. There’s something inherently faithful about wanting him to fuck his cum inside you, a sensation you’re aware would scream your devotion to each other but is against every rule set in place for someone like you…someone like him as well, 
But you can’t find it in yourself to care, not when Rex was finally sinking so sweetly into your pussy over and over again until you couldn’t think of anything else but how utterly divine he felt as he joined your bodies with a string of unparalleled pleasure. 
“Ner jetii’ika, I- I’m…oh kriff, where do I-”
“Inside me, please!” You cut him off, swallowing his moans as he shakes above you while bringing one of his hands in between your bodies, the sudden touch of his digits against your oversensitive clit making you arch your back into his chest and part your lips for him. He grunts several times while rubbing your hardened bundle of nerves, swirling his tongue around your own when he feels you clench harshly around him. You shudder beneath him, unable to fathom the sensations he was pulling from you so easily, so exquisitely. Just as you break the kiss to breathe, Rex growls your name in between expletives, shoving his cock into you a few times before finally coming undone. Your pleasure lasts for longer than you thought possible, the feeling of his seed painting your walls and oozing out of you somehow making you feel even more attuned to his pleasure, as if his ecstasy was connected to your own and refused to part from it. He bucks his hips into you with shallow thrusts, resting his forehead against your chest as he slowly comes down from the brief high. 
You’re both too dazed to move a single muscle, and when you try to unwrap your legs from around him, Rex hisses in surprise at feeling your pussy flutter around him one last time. He finally sits up to look at you, and you watch as the smirk on his face grows with each bit of skin he sees adorned with his touch. 
“So…all of that means ‘mesh’la’?” You break the silence and laugh along with him when he finally catches on to what you’re referring to, only to hiss in discomfort when he pulls out of you and leaves you empty. You watch as Rex reluctantly sits up and shoves your thighs apart to look at the mess he’s made of you. You want to shake your head at him, call him disgusting for being so obvious with what he’s done to you, but when you find him biting his lips and staring at you with newfound lust, you realize that teasing him may not be the best idea now. 
“Fuck cyare, you look beautiful.” You giggle as you hide behind your arms once more, making Rex tease you about your shy bedside manner when he was literally fucking you into kingdom come not a moment ago. He gets up and walks to the refresher, quickly coming back to you to clean you up so you don’t have to move much. You can’t help but look at him with adoration as he rubs every inch of your skin. He’s careful and patient with you, taking his time to caress your skin before throwing the towel aside and reaching for one of his shirts to hand you. 
“Why give me a shirt when you know you’ll take it off of me in another hour?” You ask him teasingly, laughing hysterically when he throws it aside and shoves his sweatpants down his thighs. 
Your eyes shift to his cock instantly, and you marvel at how thick and long he is…and the fact that he was already starting to get hard again. 
“To even the field,” he winks at you as he slips beneath the covers and pulls you into his side, wrapping his arm around you before dimming down the lights. 
You sit in silence for what feels like hours, drawing patterns on his beautiful, bronze chest while he rubs your shoulder and back to soothe your body. It’s only after a while that Rex finally breaks the quiet air of the room and looks down at you, waiting until you meet his eyes before he finally tells you what he’s wanted to say for so long. 
“I would rather die than let anything happen to you, ner cyare. You know that right?” He says, matter-of-factly, and you sense a sliver of anxiety fill his otherwise calm aura for a brief moment before it evaporates into thin air. 
“I know darling, and you know by now that the feeling is mutual.” It’s not what he wants to hear, that you are sure of, but you can’t find it in yourself to lie to him, wanting him to know that you care for him just as much as he cares for you. 
“I guess both of us are going to be stubborn about this.” He shakes his head and leans over to kiss your forehead before resting back against the pillow once more. 
“You bet your sweet ass.” You retort immediately, yelping in shock when he pinches your shoulder and sends you closer into his chest. 
“You haven’t even seen my ass, sweetheart.” He snorts at your comeback, glancing down at you for a moment before shutting his eyes and enjoying the feeling of having you so willing and relaxed in his arms. 
“Oh, believe me Captain, I have seen your ass…and I fucking love it.”
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jjkeverlast · 1 year
bloodline | jjk #3 (m)
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-> pairing fuckboy!jk x fuckgirl!f.reader
-> genres/aus slow burn, friends with benefits au, smut, humor, angst and college au
-> summary a relationship was the last thing you wanted, but having wild and experimenting sex? now that was something, and jeon jungkook is there to give you simply that. as long as either catch feelings... but that won't be hard for you knowing you'd never go for a guy like jungkook, although jungkook might have another opinion about you. let the (fun) begin!
-> word count 4.8k
-> warnings dry humping | grinding | oral (m. receiving) | rimjob rimjob, oh did i mention rimjob?! lmfao | oral (f. receiving) |🙅🏽‍♀️ if ass play is not of your taste, this isn't for you! 🙅🏽‍♀️ oh and we cannot forget, sub!jk :')
-> author's note hi? 🤥
masterlist for bloodline
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jungkook🙄: wyd rn [3:46 am] 
You rub your eyes, squinting as the light shines directly into your eyes. When you catch onto the text, you mumble under your breath. 
“You have got to be kidding me.” 
you: i’m sleeping [3:48 am] 
you: thanks for waking me up idiot [3:48 am] 
jungkook🙄: sorry baby [3:48 am]
jungkook🙄: go back to sleep it can wait [3:48 am]
Okay, now you’re curious, so to keep yourself awake you crawl upwards, leaning your back onto your headboard. You know this is his way of keeping your attention, by giving you a tiny taste of something he wants, which increases your curiosity. 
you: too late for that [3:49 am]
you: tell me [3:49 am]
jungkook🙄: you sure? [3:49 am]
jungkook🙄: it can wait dw [3:49 am] 
you: jungkook istg [3:50 am] 
jungkook🙄: all right all right [3:50 am] 
jungkook🙄: so remember last time when you sucked me off? [3:50 am] 
The event he’s referring to, happened not even two weeks ago. Of course you remember, and the surprise piercings he showed up with. Fuck, that nipple piercing is still deeply engraved in your mind. But then you also remember how he fleeted with an attitude, when you kindly asked him to leave after he got what he wanted. It was indeed weird. He’s not even bringing it up, almost acting as if it never happened. 
you: how could i not?? [3:50 am]
you: you do know it happened not even two weeks ago right? [3:50 am]
jungkook🙄: well excuse me for asking [3:50 am]
jungkook🙄: but [3:50 am]
jungkook🙄: fuck how do i say this [3:50 am]
you: lmfao why are you so nervous [3:51 am]
you: it’s just me dude [3:51 am]
you: we’ve seen each other naked so many times pls [3:51 am]
jungkook🙄: shut up [3:51 am]
jungkook🙄: you did something [3:51 am]
jungkook🙄: when you went down on me… [3:51 am]
You take a moment to think. Did you do something different? Not that you’re aware of— or, wait. Does he mean…
you: when i licked your perineum?? [3:51 am]
jungkook🙄: yeah why did you do that [3:51 am]
The response makes you guilty, especially since you did it out of curiosity, aching to please a man in different ways than just a blowjob. When in reality, you hadn’t even thought about what Jungkook would say to this. Yes, you made an agreement that this was strictly sex and to explore different things, but rimjobs were never a topic. Maybe Jungkook sees it as taboo, many do, which is why rimjobs are rarely spoken of when it comes to a woman doing it on a man. 
you: sorry koo [3:52 am]
you: i was just curious [3:52 am]
you: next time i’ll promise to ask before acting on instinct [3:52 am]
you: it was never my intention to make you uncomfortable [3:52 am]
jungkook🙄: woah woah woah [3:52 am]
jungkook🙄: slow down babe [3:52 am]
jungkook🙄: that’s not why i asked [3:52 am]
you: what???? [3:52 am]
jungkook🙄: i asked cause… [3:52 am]
jungkook🙄: i haven’t stopped thinking about it [3:52 am]
Your eyes open wide, re-reading his message as if it isn’t real. Jeon Jungkook has been thinking about it? He’s been thinking about your tongue elsewhere than on his cock? 
jungkook🙄: did i freak you out [3:53 am]
you: no no just didn’t expect it [3:53 am]
jungkook🙄: yeah sorry maybe this was a bad idea [3:53 am]
you: jungkook. [3:53 am]
you: you’re not the only one who’s been thinking about it [3:53 am]
jungkook🙄: i’m not??? [3:53 am]
you: no…[3:53 am]
you: was just unsure if i should bring it up [3:53 am]
jungkook🙄: i can admit that i’ve been repulsed by the idea [3:53 am]
jungkook🙄: but fuck [3:53 am]
jungkook🙄: it felt so fucking good [3:53 am]
you: you liked it?? [3:53 am]
jungkook🙄: babe i might’ve liked it too much [3:53 am]
jungkook🙄: i’ve been watching porn about it cause i was in doubt [3:53 am]
jungkook🙄: now i’m just.. curious about it [3:53 am]
Is he suggesting…
you: yeah? [3:54 am]
jungkook🙄: yeah even though it makes me fucking nervous just thinking about it… [3:54 am]
jungkook🙄: but i definitely want to [3:54 am]
jungkook🙄: with you [3:54 am]
You lose your breath for a second. Never in the months of casually fucking around with Jeon Jungkook, had you expected for him to be so open about rimjobs. So open, that he’s texting you at almost four in the morning about it. But it’s happening, and just the idea of Jungkook lying beneath you, letting you run your mouth wherever makes you wet. 
Fuck, you really wanna try this. Even though you’re not certain how exactly it plays out, you do. It’s something new for you both, and just when you had tried other things for the first time, there was great communication and a whole lot of orgasms. So, in the end you’re not too worried. 
you: fuck [3:54 am]
you: me too [3:54 am]
jungkook🙄: will you come if i asked you to rn? [3:54 am]
You don’t even hesitate before replying. 
you: be there in 15. [3:54 am]  read
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Saying you’re nervous would be wrong, it’s more excitement you’re driven by as you move towards Jungkook’s front door. As promised, you’re here fifteen minutes after your last text, his apartment only being a few miles from you. 
It’s lucky for you that Jungkook lives alone, which also explains why you mostly fuck at his place, but lately it’s been at yours. Not only did it result in Cho-hee catching you both in the act, but you had to sneak him in as well — twice! 
Finally, you bring yourself to knock, letting the excitement play with itself as you await for Jungkook to open the door. When he does, you don’t expect to see him in nothing but his black sweatpants. Literally, nothing else. 
“Hey–” Jungkook notices how your eyes stay glued on his shiny nipple piercing, smirking when you realize he’s caught you ogling. 
“Don’t say it.” Jungkook holds his hands up in surrender, chuckling when he moves aside, letting you step into his entrance. 
Jungkook stands patiently, watching you take off your shoes and coat, and that’s when you notice how long his hair has gotten. His hair curls neatly behind his ears, tucked by a headband and fuck, that has to be the hottest thing… along with his piercings you’ve grown very fond of.
You’ve barely stepped inside when Jungkook grabs ahold of your waits, pulling you so your chests knocks into his. 
Jungkook kisses you, slow, almost like a peck and pulls back. His forehead keeps itself leaned onto yours while he softly smiles. 
“Well someone’s impatient.” You comment, making his eyes roll. 
“Been hard ever since our conversation.” His hand moves down lower, onto your ass, grabbing it to push you close so you can feel— and yeah, he wasn’t kidding. 
“Shit.” You mumble under your breath and he hums in agreement. 
“Bet you’ve been wet as well.” His voice is so low, it goes straight to your core, only making it worse for you cause you haven’t even been here for two minutes and he’s already pushing all your buttons — which will result in you becoming extremely impatient. 
Instead of agreeing to his statement, you kiss him again, longer this time. He complies, opening his lips wider so you can trail your tongue on his lips as you push it in further. It’s wet, messy, warm and you really need to move to a bedroom, or you’re going to end up asking Jungkook to strip down in the middle of his hallway. 
“Come on.” He pulls you by the arm, trailing his hand down to intertwine your hands, as he guides you to his bedroom. 
Every light in the apartment is off, only his night table lamp still turned on. The room is just as you remember it… very Jungkook. Dark walls, furniture, posters of his favorite bands and white sheets. 
He decides to lay down first, sitting up right as he leans on his headboard. You join him, straddling his lap as you go back to kissing him like you did in the hallway. This time, you grind down, feeling how hard he is under you with every motion. God, you’ve missed this. 
His upper body feels hot and warm under your palms. Your fingers trail further down, tracing the outline of his abs. You can’t believe he’s this hot. Sure, it occurred to you the first time you spoke to one another, but with time it’s really made you realize how great he looks. 
Jungkook has a habit of biting down on your lower lip, always managing to make you moan when he does. The nibbling sensation afterwards has to be the best part as you’re still able to feel it afterwards. 
The more he bites, the more you grind down on his covered cock, feeling the outlines as it stretches you out, despite the thick fabric standing in the way. You need it gone. 
“Take your pants off.” You breathe out, as you pull away, noticing how flushed Jungkook looks from only kissing you. 
You help him out, pushing your hips upwards, so he’s able to take off his pants. He leaves his boxers on, probably to tease you or maybe he just loves edging himself. 
“You too.” You nod, moving away from his lap to take off your checkered pajama pants. Jungkook giggles when you whine in frustration when the edges of your pants refuse to pull down. 
“Don’t laugh.” 
“What? It’s cute.” You scoff in annoyance, finally managing to get them off. 
Therefore you return back on his thighs, your covered core rubbing more thoroughly on his hard on. Jungkook bucks his hips to meet yours, your clit pressing down on his tip and shit how come that feels so fucking good?
“Fuck—“ You whine as you pull your lips away from his. 
“Baby. Fuck, wanna eat you out.” Jungkook runs his tongue on your neck and down to your cleavage but this was supposed to be about him. 
“Not now. Wanna taste you.” You hear the gulp Jungkook does at your words. 
“O-okay.” You’ve never seen him like this, all shy before which is probably due to him trying something he never thought he would. It is something that’s slightly strange to many, you’ve been composed to it as well. Until your friend from back home had told you how it was when she went down on her boyfriend. It made you curious, looking up on the internet regarding the infamous rimjob on men. The people speaking about it were mostly women, explaining their own experiences in detail and some open minded men as well who were very open to share how it felt. Somehow as time went by, the idea didn’t become that ridiculous, only tempting. 
Thankfully, Jungkook took the same road as you, with porn of course. It could be a good thing, having visuals directly and seeing if you’re into it, but for you it was more than that. You wanted to know how it felt, for the ones receiving and giving and it sounded hot. 
There’s a certain comment you’ll always remember. 
“My boyfriend has never been loud in bed, always keeping his mouth shut, until I gave him a rimjob and he was fucking whining.”
You thought it wasn’t real. How could you when the only partners you’ve had in bed were quiet, keeping it sufficient with low pants. Until, you took a risk, in your very own bedroom floor and licked Jungkook’s perineum. The sound is still clear as a blue sky, light and choked up. It might’ve been the best sound you’ve ever heard from Jungkook, although he’s been very keen on dirty talk and making you aware of how good it feels for him when he fucks you. No, this was completely different, as if he truly couldn’t hold it in and it simply slipped. 
“Do you have lube?” Jungkook’s brows furrow at your question. 
“Lube? What do you need that for?” 
“You know, if you ask for my fingers…” You’re teasing him and he notices it when you start to chuckle before he falls for your trap. 
“No. No fingers in my ass, I’m serious Y/N.” He’s tense in his voice, certain that he would never ask for such a thing. 
“We’ll see.” You send him a wink before you move downwards, letting your tongue run freely on his exposed chest. You glance down at the nipple piercing, noticing it’s healed better than the last time and you’re holding everything in you not to run your tongue on the metal. Instead, you run it over his non-pierced one, softly biting down on the nub. The vibrations from Jungkook humming in pleasure course through, making the tip of your tongue slightly tingle. 
Reaching the waistband, you look up to make sure this is what Jungkook wants. It’s not that you don’t trust him, people can easily back out when they’re in the moment, but Jungkook only perks his eyebrow, internally asking you why you’re pausing and that's enough of a signal that he wants you to continue. 
With a swift pull, you relieve his cock from his briefs, leaving it exposed on his abdomen as you kiss and bite onto his abs. Jungkook tries his best not to move but he’s impatient himself, especially when your cheek brushes against the length of his cock. 
“Please, baby don’t tease.” 
“Jungkook, we’ve been hooking up for months. You should know by now that it’s my favorite thing to do.” He knows you’re right, since the first time you’ve gotten your hands on each other, you’ve been on a winning streak with teasing him whenever the chance stood. 
“I hate you.” He says with a smirk, all while you join in with another wink sent directly to him. 
“No,” you grab ahold of the base before continuing, “you don’t.” 
“Fuck, you’re gonna fucking kill me one day.” Jungkook breathes out, pleased by your fingers just curling around him. You haven’t even moved your hand yet it still makes Jungkook react as if you did. You and your little temptations… they might actually kill him one day, he’s not wrong. 
“Maybe,” you make the first lick, it’s long, slow and wet all the way to his tip, glistening with pre-cum. It adds a certain pride in you, even though this isn’t the first time you’ve made Jungkook wet by barely doing anything. He keeps telling you it’s because you’re a tease, but deep inside your heart, something itches which is a sign there might be more to it. You don’t have time to dwell on it too long, wanting solemnly to focus on Jungkook and every part of him. 
Enough teasing from your side, you give him exactly what he needs. Good fucking head. Lips and tongue trailing on every edge of his cock, making it all wet before the warmth of your mouth engulfs him. Jungkook grabs onto your cheek, loving how he’s able to feel the edge of his cock in your mouth while you move your head up and down. 
The strokes are slow, along with your mouth, only blowing him to get him a bit more comfortable before you run down lower. Jungkook seems more at ease, pleased with what you’re doing now that teasing is out of the question. Some part of you wants him to beg for it, or just ask nicely for you to do it yet you’re not sure he’ll ever manage to do it. 
It already took him two weeks to just admit he’s curious about trying it. 
After getting his cock nice and wet, you release it with a pop, moving downward to his balls, licking them and rolling your tongue flatly on them. 
“Ah— yes, fuck.” Jungkook moans at the touch, being overly sensitive yet loving your warm tongue on them. 
You carefully take one in your mouth, letting it rest in your mouth as you slowly suck inwardly, cautious with not using teeth. 
Jungkook fucking loves when you get all messy, not caring where your mouth is on him. His usual hookups were afraid of playing freely with his balls, focusing only on his cock which yes, felt good but there’s something about the rest too that feels completely different. So, when he met you, and you didn’t even think twice as you went down on him, running your mouth everywhere — he knew that it wouldn’t be the last time he’d see you. 
Now he’s here, months later, sprawled in his bed with you in between his legs as you do everything that feels good to him. Yes, Jungkook is a fuckboy, and yes he’s mostly known for his wonderful one night stands all over campus but fuck, you’ve always been worth more than that. Everything about you feels like a drug that he can’t get enough of, desperately aching for it. 
Jungkook tries his best to keep calm when he sees your head lower, your mouth kissing his perineum softly. But he’s nervous, too nervous to look you in the eyes as you’re about to do it. 
“Wait.” You stop immediately, removing your face from his crotch. 
“Are you okay?” 
“Y-yeah, just let me—“ Jungkook looks around, grabbing the pillow to his left and hugging it. 
“You can continue now.” He closes his eyes, waiting for that simple touch of your tongue on his rim but it never happens. Jungkook removes his pillow, looking down at you with a confused expression. 
“I just didn’t expect for you to want to hug a pillow when I’m about to eat your—“ 
“Don’t say it. Please, I’m nervous, okay? This is a big no touching territory for me. But I trust you, and if anyone does it, I want it to be you.” Jungkook has never been more certain in his tone. He definitely knows he wants to do this with you and no one else. Because, he never really got to know his hookups, until he met you. 
“It’s okay to be nervous. Just know we can stop at any moment, I won’t force you to do anything you don’t want to.” You run your hands on his thigh for comfort and the touch does help calm down Jungkook’s burning nerves that have only become worse. 
“I want to.” He grabs his pillow again, hugging it, letting you do what you’ve been curious about — the same for him. 
“Okay.” You trust him as well, that he knows, so when he doesn’t say more you return back to your previous position. 
The night lamp is helping you see only a glimpse of Jungkook’s untouched hole. It looks pretty, and without thinking twice you do what you’ve been wanting to do for months, languidly stroking your tongue on his rim, just once. 
“Nghn—“ You hear from above you, a fucking whine. You don’t continue, waiting for Jungkook to say something. 
“Holy shit what the fuck?!” He sounds speechless, too stunned about his own noise that slipped past his lips, meanwhile you only feel yourself grow wetter. 
The sound was so pretty, so gentle…
“You okay bub?” The nickname just slips out, Jungkook feeling his cheeks grow hot from it. 
“Yeah, I’m okay.” He is, it felt fucking good and you haven’t even properly eaten him out yet. 
So you do it again, a long stroke with your tongue on his rim, coating it with your saliva. The sounds from Jungkook only continue from every action you pursue onto him. You’ve become addicted to the high pitched breathless noises that escapes Jungkook’s mouth due to your tongue. 
It doesn’t even taste like anything, you realize quickly. Probably because Jungkook deep cleaned before you arrived, scrubbing as well as he can, because that’s all it tastes like, soap. You're grateful that he took it into consideration before letting you, making it much easier for you as well to enjoy. 
“F-fuck— Oh.” Jungkooks fists tighten on his sheets when your head moves sideways, letting the tip of your tongue glide back and forth on his opening. 
It sounds like his voice is barely able to make a sound, choking the last minute before he relishes into a pleased hum. He’s so loud, fuck your mind can barely stay focused on pleasing him when he sounds like this. 
The noise is indescribable, floating all over the room as you continue even though your neck is starting to cramp. You’re going to keep doing this until he finishes all over himself. 
“Feel good bub?” You question, your hand traveling upwards to tug at his balls and rub down on his perineum. 
“Y-yeah, fuck, so good. So—“ He chokes up the last sound, sounding like he’s lost his breath for a second and your core begins to ache, needing something before you’ll end up losing your mind too. 
You ignore it for now, remaining your mouth on Jungkook, shifting between circling your tongue to flattening it out. If only you could reach lower, you’d be able to maybe even enter your tongue inside of him. 
“Bub?” You stop what you’re doing, catching Jungkook out of trance as he pants, still trying to realize what exactly is happening. 
“Could you pass me a pillow?” Jungkook only hums, throat probably starting to dry out from his choked out moans that are able to strain his veins in his neck fully, as everything just slips. You’re imaging what he’d look like, brows furrowed, eyes closed, mouth gape and head leaned back on his pillow. 
Jungkook cuts off your imagination when he scoots upwards, handing you the pillow. 
“Thank you. Lift your butt.” His eyebrows shoot upwards at your question, but he’s too dazed to question it, so he obeys, lifting his hips carefully so you can place the pillow beneath him. 
“That’s good baby. Thank you.” You kiss his inner thigh, catching onto the blush on the tip of Jungkook’s ears before he disappears behind his pillow again. 
The angle is much better for your neck, feeling it strain less as you return to Jungkook’s hole, who’s now glistening in your spit. You’re aching to touch, but you stop yourself, knowing this is already way out of Jungkook’s comfort zone to have your mouth on there. 
Jungkook hums at the first touch, his hand roaming down to his cock who’s desperate for his touch, so he complies, tugging down on the semi wet skin after your mouth has been doing wonders on it. 
The pleasure only increases when he feels your touch circling around while he strokes his cock in languid motions. Shit, he might not last long. 
Somehow with Jungkook touching himself it’s made him less tense. You noticed it the first time your mouth finally explored his rim, it was extremely tight. Now, it opens up a bit and finally you get to do what you’ve been waiting for, fucking him with your tongue. 
You suck on the outside, collecting the courage before you slip it in, just the tip. 
“H-holy fuck…” Jungkook chokes out breathlessly, too overwhelmed to form an incoherent sentence. 
You let it stay, lips closing down on the outside of his hole. Until you feel the first movement, Jungkook shamelessly grinds down on your tongue. 
You hadn’t expected it. You really truly thought it would be you controlling it, yet here he is, grinding down on your face, showcasing how desperate he is for more of it. So, simply you give in, your head moving with his movements, working him up as much as you can. 
“I don’t—“ Jungkook tries to speak despite his mind being too gone at the moment. “I’m not going to last long— shit.” 
He’s truly felt this before, the sensation of something so warm and wet that’s not his cock, but he doesn’t regret it. No, frankly he thinks he might’ve become a tad bit obsessed with this sensation that it highly won’t be the last time he’ll subtly ask for it. 
Fuck, how are you so good with that mouth of yours? Jungkook truly wonders. 
The speed you use turns quicker, messier, your nose and chin now covered in spit as you rub every part you can on him. 
“Yes— baby m’ so close.” Jungkook strokes faster, the slick sounds from his cock joining the slurping sounds you’re making. Hearing Jungkook be so wet, makes you moan against his hole, sending vibrations into him and that’s the last straw for Jungkook before he comes undone on his pillow and lower stomach. 
His thighs are still trembling from his orgasm, so you caress him softly, before pushing away and meeting him eye to eye. 
You never should’ve, because Jungkook looks so fucked out. The headband hangs loosely, his long hair curling on the pillow case. The front of it is covered in sweat, along with his forehead and neck. His pupils are blown out, as if he’s high on something. He just looks extremely pretty like this. You never saw the day coming when you’d find Jungkook anything but hot, but yeah no, he’s fucking gorgeous. 
“I think I might’ve passed out for a second.” He admits, making you laugh as you grab onto the pillow his arms are hugging loosely, removing it to see his cum covered abs. 
“So it was good?” You tease, already knowing the answer but your pride wants to hear it. 
“Good? Y/N, it was fucking incredible.” 
“Maybe it’ll let you open up to the possibility for my fingers next time?” You’re hopeful, wanting to do more than just eat him out. You want to touch him places he never has, making him finish untouched. 
“Absolutely not. Nice try though.” You pout at the response and Jungkook laughs before giving you a gentle kiss. 
“Now, can I eat you out?” He’s still slightly panting yet he still wants to please you. Holy fuck who even is he? 
“You don’t have t—“
“I want to. Need to.” He moves forward, kissing you once more, slower this time. You follow his tempo, tilting your head when he does. 
Jungkook doesn’t warn you when he flips you both over, so he’s now hovering above you. It’s not that you don’t love Jungkook going down on you — you live for it, but you’re exhausted. Jungkook can probably tell by the droopy eyes he’s met with. 
“I’ll be quick.” You nod, wanting to desperately come. 
Jungkook keeps his promise, going straight down to your cunt. He’s surprised when he sees the dark patch on your thong when he’s about to touch you. 
“Did that really make you this wet baby?” Jungkook’s curious. 
“Yeah, you sound so pretty.” You’re blaming the fatigue for spilling such a personal detail. 
Jungkook’s mouth drops when your words sink in, not responding to them but putting his mouth to good use instead. 
He moves your thong to the side, his tongue now running in between your folds. You forgot how good it felt to have his mouth on you. Jungkook has always been a fucking expert when it comes to where he should touch you. 
With a few sucks to your clit, you’re already shaking, warning him you’re about to come. Jungkook continues, humming against your core as he rubs his face as deep as he can. 
“F-fuck Jungkook!” You moan loudly, coming undone all over his tongue. He really wasn’t kidding, that was indeed quick. Maybe the fastest orgasm you’ve had. 
“Good?” You hum, dropping down your legs who are shaking after your bliss. 
Jungkook settles back next to you, breathing heavily himself. 
Neither of you say anything, just staring at the ceiling in silence. 
“I should probably go.” Yet you’re too tired to move. 
“Yeah… or you could stay?” 
Yes, you’ve been with Jungkook for a while but never have you slept at his place. Whenever the act was done, you were back on your feet, grabbing your clothes and leaving to go back home. 
Now, he’s suggesting you stay which surprises you, because you’re actually considering saying yes. You’re too tired to move, heavy eyelids making it hard to protest against his idea. 
“Okay, I’ll stay.” 
Jungkook sighs, scooting closer to you so his arms wrap around your waist, pulling you flush against him. 
When it clicks for you that you’re cuddling, the only thing you can think is:
We’re so fucked. 
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perma taglist;
@sailoryooons @yoongukie-ff @kookstempo @jinsquishes @moonbeamjin @sugarwithtea @gimmethatagustd @sxtaep @here4btsfics @saweetspoiled @chaoticabstractism @ruinsofangels @pamzn @hollyweird0 @ellesalazar @dunixxd @aliceisabelx @copycat-namjesus @vsnnstuff @codeinebelle @wolfvmin @shimisushi @hobiiihope @synnfulqt @theladyblue @burnahtsw @bellaiscool @valkyrie418 @diorjgguk @guk97butterfly @tornparts @koostarcandy @starling7 @squishyfor7 @moonchildjooniee @sugaluvmyg @butterflieshee
taglist for this fic;
@jungkooksseuphoria @bloopkook @yopjm @vminsvixen @wnderkoo @i-dont-give-a-fok @mageprincess7
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© jjkeverlast 2023 [do not copy, translate or repost any of my works.]
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starsomens · 7 months
I would like to request for a Noah x reader where they’re both friends who are pining for each other.
At one point they were talking about Noah’s hand tattoos and one thing led to another, they both realised the size difference between their hands and they both went 👀👀👀👀😳😳😳😳
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"Honestly, I really want the next album to progress but I'm really glad the meeting was canceled this morning" Nick sighs as he leans back in his chair. They were currently visiting LA again after traveling. You had asked Noah if he was free to catch up for an hour or two like you all used to before their recent tour.
You had Known Nick for basically you're entire life and you were then introduced to Noah around your teen years. Of course you stuck around for their success, new members and their latest hit album and tour. You had even went on the first half of their tour with them.
“ oh yeah, did I tell you that Y/N is coming to visit after so long?” he informed his friend. “ she should be here pretty soon actually.”
“ oh, so are you gonna finally make your move?” Nicks Eyebrows danced at him,
“ come on, it’s just a meet up. We’re just gonna catch up.” Noah couldn’t help but play with his hands at his friend poking fun at him. Truth was you and him kind of had a little thing going on. A lot of people thought that you would’ve ended up together, but no one ever made a move. There were times where one of you was going to confess to the other, but chickened out last minute. Eventually, you both had kind of ignored it, and just kept being friends.
Oh, and he thought you would’ve felt too overwhelmed with his lifestyle and everything that was going on. You wouldn’t want to settle for someone who is always traveling doing work and writing, and thought it would scare you away. You were one of the most beautiful girls ever eyes and he thought You guys were dying to be with you and you would not settle for him.
You thought that you weren’t enough Noah was an uprising artist, along with the rest of the band, and you thought you were gonna just weigh them down. It didn’t help that Noah was very handsome and it honestly intimidated you into feeling as if you were not pretty enough for him.
Everyone else around you thought you would’ve made a great couple. They found both funny and annoying how long it’s taking you both to realize that you have feelings for one another.
“ I’m telling you you guys guys are running in circles. She clearly likes you and you definitely like her just make your move.”
“ we’ve been over this. I’ve already said it if it-“
“-was meant to happen you wouldn’t feel a certain way when you try to talk to her. I know you say that every time how about you just make a move I promise you dude it is going to work.”
Just before Noah could answer his doorbell ring
“ speaking of the devil herself, there she” side, feeling more anxious than he was before, since the conversation was brought up
“ make your move. This might be your last chance.” And Nick hung up the call, and Noah was face with his fears on his own. He feels his ears, lungs as he pushes himself from his desk and goes to answer the door.
Why am I nervous? She’s just a friend…. It’s not like she would want to be more than that….. even if I wanted it to be
He thought himself as he started to unlock the door. They did you who he would consider one of his best friends but also his secret love. He just wish that he could tell you that.
“ long time no see” you smile up at him just like you used to. How he missed that smile. The way your eyes would slightly squint and how your smile can brighten up any dark day. Oh, how he wished you were his so he could hold you and kiss you and stare at you all day long. Was that weird for him to think about?
“ the same to you look at you really covered in tattoos now” he teased you only seeing about three of them on your arm
“ says the one covered from neck to toe and tattoos all you’re missing or some face tattoos and you’d be complete “ you both give a giggle before he steps aside, and let you .
He watched you as you walked in. The way your hair gently flowed in the wind. Your hips swing with each step that you took.. and that ass . Noah was an extremely respectful person, especially towards women, but he couldn’t deny that you had a great ass on you, and it was one of the features that he really liked on you physically
“ so anything new going on? Aside from resting, of course.” You asked as you popped down on the sofa, making yourself at home as you would usually do
“ oh you know just working on the new album, all that junk. But we got the day off today, so just another day for me to center myself” he sat down close to you
"That sounds really productive and honestly relaxing” you kick your shoes off and fold them underneath your weight
“But tell me about you, you’re the one who’s been traveling and gotten some new ink” he said looking to your new inked skin. Out of all of the friends you were the only odd one out with no tattoos. You had finally gotten one with Nick, and once you left you had gotten one from each state you visited.
“Well, New York was obviously amazing and fluent a great artist for this one,” you pointed to the one on your shoulder “then after went to Virginia, visited some old friends of course and got this one. And finally stopped at Vegas and got this lil cutie” you pointed to a delicate design that wrapped around your wrist and went just about half way into the back of your hand.
Without thinking twice, Noah takes your hands in his and observes the tattoos. Face. You could feel your palms starting to sweat and your heart rate begin to race. You really hope you couldn’t feel how sweaty your hands were getting. You really hope you couldn’t hear how heavy you were breathing all the sudden. You had tried to convince yourself that those feelings were simply just teenage hormones, but now that you say here, again, with him in his living room. Your hands in his as he looked over your tattoos you had realize that those feelings truly did not go away…. However, you didn’t want them to go away either. Something with you hoping he would also reciprocate those feelings.
Then looked up from being much closer to your face than he had thought he was, and he giggled. He struggled to make eye contact with you know that if he did, he would say he’d regret. So, instead, he simply sat there in silence, while you looked at each other.
“They’re um….really pretty..” he said staring at your orbs. Mentally he meant your eyes, but verbally he said. “The tattoos…you found some great artists huh?”
Damn it! That was your chance! Artist? Come on!
“Y-yeah they were great, but compared to yours these are nothing” you blush trying to change the focus of the conversation
"which one is your favorite?" he asks
"I mean it would be hard to chose there are so many..." you chuckle trying not to sound nervous
"well take your pick" he said displaying his arms. You instantly look to his arm covered in a beautiful scarlet from wrist to shoulder. It was your honest favorite. You take his hand in yours as your other hand glides up his arm and trace along the beautiful design. You thought it was one of his best pieces
"this one.." you said softly. You hadn't even noticed he was now holding your hand in his. Your eyes fall down to them as you notice the size difference between you and him. How his hand encaged yours in warmth and comfort. Both your hands lining up finger by finger in front of your faces as your fingers slowly come to intertwine together. His hand lacing with yours nearly perfectly, like a missing puzzle piece finally put together.
"Y/N..." he called you and you finally snap out of your mind. Realizing the position you were in
"O-Oh Noah I'm sorry I didn't mean to do th-"
"I really like you." he blurts out
"I think..I've alwasy thought of what an amazing, smart and funny girl…I uh…lost my chance when you left to travel but I want…to want know..if you would- if you! If you feel the same way?” He asked cautiously
“…” you remain silent making Josh very nervous
“…if you don’t that totally fi-“ the poor boy was then shut up by your lips on his. It was 100%, defiantly a yes from you. His hand lets go of your as his arms wrap around your waist and brings you closer to him. You both pull back slowly and rest your foreheads on each others
“…well that took long enough” you giggle whisper
“Yeah…just pissed I didn’t do it sooner” he sighs as he rests you in his lap, feeling at home and comfortable with your weight in him
“Well we’re where now,” you smile “and you can make it up to me of course”
“And how’s that?”
“With some more kisses Mr,Sebastian”
「✨Taglist✨」 @lilhobgobbler @cncohshit @vir-tual @tdopomymind @concretenoah @misspygmypie @fvckmeorchokeme @lust-for-sacher @thescarlettvvitch @cind6547 @itsmrsfuentes @purple-lili @lma1986 @daylightlvrs @darling-arwen-rose
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valeheartsdior · 1 year
ᴅᴇ ɴᴏᴄʜᴇ
PAIRING: Richarlison x Reader x Neymar
SYNOPSIS: You were used to Rich and Ney being around you at all times 24/7 you didn’t mind swaying your hips or dancing skin to skin at clubs at 4 am. “meu amor you’re playing with fire” he aggressively grabbed your neck for you to look at him, while your back was being pecked by small love bites. Two men one girl what could go wrong ?
CW: SMUT, Obsession, Finger sucking, Sex without condom, oral, biting, pet names, jealousy etc
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“Rich you know our kitten always wants to look good beside us” Neymar chuckled
I was just adding the finishing touch to my perfectly done makeup which was my red lipstick, which I rarely wear but tonight seemed like it would be different so might as well spice it up. I was wearing a skin tight black long dress that hugged my body just right, my boobs looked big and it had a long slit on my right thigh. “I know these two are going to drool when they see me.” I smirked looking at myself one last time in the mirror as I grabbed my phone and headed towards the door, “here goes nothing.”
“Você parece uma deusa!” Richarlison howled
He took my hand and spinned me, making me feel even more powerful than i already did. Ney stood there admiring the beauty he had as a best friend.
“Richy stop” i giggled
“Let’s go the night is just starting!” Ney and Rich grabbed each side of my hand and we headed towards the limo, that Ney insisted on getting.
Neymar, Richarlison and I had been inseparable since 2015. Rich started his soccer career at América Futebol Clube MG, Ney saw how much potential he had and eventually became friends with him, now they are best of friends. As for me i had met Rich through a mutual friend then i met Ney through him. We had always been very close there was no awkward stages or privacy towards our friendship. Though they never brought girls around me i knew they had their affairs.
On our way to the club we took shots and not going to lie by the time we got to the club I was already tipsy. I knew tonight was going to be my night. Richy was being flirty as usual i felt his hand on my exposed thigh rubbing it as i sang along to a song. I felt goosebumps all over my body as he dangerously moved it higher and higher. Ney was sitting on my left singing along with me, as i felt his breath on my neck. If I haven’t done anything with these two yet i swear to my life tonight might just be the night. My mind was already racing with lust as these two did these things to me.
I quickly got out the limo, taking a deep breath before i ripped my best friends clothes off.
“Ok Y/N go in there and have fun let tonight be whatever it has to be.” I whispered
Neymar and Richarlison walked behind me as we entered the club. We went to the VIP section and there was Kylian and Son arguing about who spilled the drink all over the floor.
“Dude be more careful next time you’re already drunk!” Kylian laughed
Son and Ky both turned their attention to me as i smiled at them ready to hug them.
“There are my two favorite boys!” I hugged
Kylian making sure he grabbed me tightly “hey y/n” he smirked he made sure to embrace me as if he hasn’t seen me in years. I felt his breath on my neck oh god i think i have a kink for these men breathing on me. I slowly moved back avoiding eye contact. I knew if i gave him the attention ky would just want more from me. I could not get together with him knowing he was one of the biggest players in PSG, and i know Ney would kill me.
Ney quickly pulled you back making sure Ky saw that you were not in any way getting close to her tonight almost marking his territory. Son and Rich were chatting, I decided to go to the bar make sure I swayed my hips as i walked away. While waiting for my drink there was various men who turned their attention to me, I knew they were watching me like a hawk, i knew if one of these men trespassed there would be problems.
“Let’s dance bebe” Ney purred in your ear.
I was already feeling myself and Ney pulling me closer to him wasn’t helping. It felt electrocuting his touch the way he would move to the music. I swayed my hips slowly as he grabbed my waist moving me along with him. I swear i could feel his erection growing on me. I look up and Rich was looking at me and Ney with lust he looked like a lion, he looked hungry. He looked hungry for me.
“Ney I’m going to the bathroom” i let go of his grasp
I put myself together, god I can’t do this right now. Give me the strength to not bring them back into this bathroom and suck them both off. Why must i be friends with the most gorgeous guys. I grabbed a wet paper towel and patted my makeup. I was already feeling horny and lusted. I have to touch myself I can’t be out there with them any longer, tonight was definitely DRAGGING.
I went to the bar once again and grabbed myself yet another drink.
“There you are my ma belle” Ky said
“Hey Ky lets dance!” Y/N yelled over the music
The music was more upbeat this time Ky was touching me all over dragging his big hands over my waist and hips. I loved it i wish i was lying but how do you stop yourself from feeling? My back was towards Ky I was grinding on him letting some friction leave my body. He wasted no time to grab my hips and move me. I moaned a little from the little pleasure i was receiving, i know ky felt it too. Thank god the music was loud or else this would have turned into a whole different scenario.
“YO MBAPPÉ THATS ENOUGH!” I looked up to a very angry Richarlison heading towards me as well as Ney
“Bebe stop I’m okay we are just dancing” I put my hand on his big chest. “Relax both of you.” I warned them
“Common lets dance” I proudly smiled as I pulled both of them away from Ky.
I was dancing with both of my best friends i loved doing this. I was living a dream and I knew it would escalate quickly if I didn’t stop but I can’t we all had building sexual tension that was bound to explode one day and why not it be this day? I grabbed Neymar’s hand and placed it on my exposed thigh, the slit had gone slightly higher and you could almost see my undies, but the dark room saved you. Ney smirked showing his perfectly fine smile. My breathing was hitching his hand was squeezing my thigh. Rich was behind me pecking my neck with small kisses. The amount of lust I’m feeling right now is unbearable.
“Meu amor you’re playing with fire” he aggressively grabbed your neck for you to look at him.
You mirrored his actions and aggressively kissed him biting his lip and waiting for an entrance. The kiss was aggressive tongues were fighting with each other I tasted the alcohol in those plump lips. Rich was leaving sloppy kisses now on my back. He was now the one grabbing my thigh. He found a way to reach my panties. “Oh Richy” i moaned into Neymar’s lips. Teasing me he rubbed his hand on the hem of my panties. Rich wanted me to beg him he wanted to hear my moans in his ears. Ney’s hands were on my waist gripping them.
“Please please lets go” i mewled wanting to release some tension
“Go where my kitten?” Rich smirked along with Ney loving how you were melting underneath their touch
“Richy please stop teasing me” i cried as they kept me in a sandwhich
They both let go feeling a little disappointed but they quickly grabbed my hand interlocking with theirs.
Here goes nothing …
AUTHORS NOTE ~ this is my first fanfic and i hope you guys like it. I did leave it on a cliff hanger, i will complete second part soon. I really love these guys it kind of felt wrong doing this but our men need more fics lol. I love reading the fanfics that are on here i really hope you guys like it! <3
Please Request anything else you guys want to read !
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finalgirlfae · 1 year
slow ride, randall floyd
genre: smut
pairings: randall “pink” floyd x afab!reader
summary: a late night drive with randy floyd turns into a teenage dream.
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“man i totally forgot we went to the same junior high man.” pink spoke, shaking his head and laughing a bit. he rested his free hand on car tray, picking up the joint you had lit. you two were currently driving down the practically empty freeway, just letting the wind in your face and some music play through his car’s speaker.
“who would’ve thought that i, randall pink floyd, would you be here, smoking a joint at midnight with the class of ‘77’s valedictorian? that’s crazy.”
you giggled a bit as you watched a car zip by. you and pink never really talked but you both ran into each other while party hopping and had been smoking in his car since and he was a cool dude. “we aren’t much different.” this was the first time you ever got to talk to him for real, and in the few short hours you were getting to greatly enjoy pink’s company. he was fun to talk to and nice to look at.
“we aren’t much different?” pink asked after taking a hit. he passed it back to you and took an exit. he then began to pull into an empty parking lot behind a closed down restaurant just off the highway. the top to his convertible was off, allowing the both of you to feel the slightly chill of a cool breeze whipping past your face due to the tall green trees that surrounded you.
he rested his arm that was on the wheel on the door of the car, looking at the trees in front of you in an almost deep thought. “you are the valedictorian..never seen at parties. never seen smoking a J. never caught dead in the bathroom with a cigarette. i didn’t even know you smoked!”
“it’s the 70s. who doesn’t smoke?” you shrugged, taking another hit and letting it flow out your mouth. the air felt so nice and the soft sounds of crickets chirping was so relaxing.
he nodded. “true. but still, you were kind of distant. just far off.”
you nodded slightly, recalling your last four years at lee high and acknowledging the slight solitude you allowed yourself to live in.
“i wasn’t a complete stranger, pink. we just ran in different circles, that’s all.” you shrugged again, why did he care so much about this?
“i ran in every circle-” he began but you cut him off with a laugh.
“but never to me!” you spoke. you unbuckled your seatbelt and turned to pink fully. “i’m friends with cynthia, mike and tony. i played poker with them all the time. you were there, you never spoke to me. i kind of just thought you just didn’t like me.” there was a slight teasing tone in your voice that made him lean a little closer to you.
pink denied this, shaking his head “that’s not it. i was just scared.”
“scared?” you laughed, “of what!”
“of you!” he laughed back. “you terrified me!”
you looked at him like he was crazy. “i terrified you?”
“yes,” he exasperated. “don’t look at me like that, you’re intimidating! you’re smart and you know what you want in life, you don’t take shit from anyone and you’re talented. you’re making it out of this town. i just thought you were great and it made me realize i wanna be great too.”
how did this drive turn into a compliment session? you smiled at him, slipping out of your heels and curling your legs up onto the passenger seat. pink watched you hug your knees and lean forwards to him. “if you think i’m so great then how come you never talked to me? intimidating or not, what did you have to lose?”
“yeah right. then i’d say some stupid jock shit and just embarrass myself in front of the pretty girl.” his tone was laced with sarcasm and he turned away from you and back to the steering wheel, almost putting the car in drive.
“you think i’m pretty?”
he laughed and took his hands off the wheel, turning back to face you. he leaned closer to you, looking at your lips and then back into your dazed eyes. “i think you’re pretty.” he confirmed like a common known fact. “i think you’re really sexy too. in this, smart and beautiful way. this powerful way. you walk into a room and people stare at you. you’re captivating. what’s not pretty about that? come on y/n, you know you’re the shit. act like it.”
you put the joint down on the ashtray and looked at pink before pulling him into a kiss by his jaw, running a thumb over his cheekbone. your lips moved against his slowly and you couldn’t beleive you were kissing randall floyd right now. “i always liked you, pink.” you muttered against his soft lips. “i always did.”
“really?” he asked after slowly pulling away from the kiss. he looked you up and down.
“yeah.” you nodded and laughed a little as he moved some hair out your face, something about that gave you butterflies.
“when did you like me?”
you cringed stay the answer you had to his question. “7th grade english class, you sat at the table over and i stared at you so hard that period i almost failed the class.” you laughed recalling how mad your mom was when you told her you’re failing english because you can’t stop looking at the cute baseball player at the next table.
“well, if it’s any consolation i flunked bio twice on purpose so they’d make you help me make up lab hours and i could be near you.” he put his arm behind your head rest and smiled at you. he was being serious.
your jaw fell slightly. “really? god pink you’re such a loser.” you giggled, smiling fondly at him.
“yeah,” he nodded. “i am.”
you shook your head. “think about how much time we wasted. i literally swore i was gonna marry you in 8th grade.”
“really?” he laughed.
“really!” you scooted closer to him and he watched your movements. “i wanted to fuck you so bad when i was younger.” you whispered the last sentence even though no one was around to hear you.
pink’s mouth slowly fell open. “..what?”
“why are you so shocked?”
“man i thought you just liked me. i didn’t know you wanted to do it.” his voice was pure confusion and shock.
you laughed and shook your head, turning away from him and looking at the trees in front of the car again. “guys are so stupid.”
“seriously pink? you didn’t know i wanted to have sex with you?” you turned your head to meet his utterly shocked face.
“i didn’t! frankly i didn’t know girls wanted to have sex at that point. when we were in high school i kind of figured that out but i never would’ve guessed that you of all people would’ve wanted me like that.”
you shrugged. “i still want you like that.”
the music stopped abruptly and you looked over to see pink pulling the keys out of the ignition and tucking them into his pocket. he stared out the window at the trees like you we’re doing before.
“get in the backseat.”
“what?” you laughed a little, leaning back in absolute shock at the bold statement. you felt the need to clench your thighs, your heart was beating a bit faster and your mouth had gotten sort of dry. there is was again, that school girl pining from junior high that followed you through high school. in the back of your mind, you never stopped like him.
“what.. what do you mean?” you babbled like a complete idiot. he smirked at you.
“i mean shut up,” he leaned over to you and then pressed a kiss to your lips. “turn around,” he kissed you again, “and get your ass in the backseat so i can fuck the shit out of you.”
you jaw dropped and he smiled at you. he could tell you’d never been spoken to like how he just had. truth be told, yeah you had sex once or twice in your entire high school career, but it was just so lame and you hadn’t found anyone else you wanted to fuck. the town was small. pink however was a desire through most of your teen years, you had started liking the boy all the way in 7th grade.
you climbed over the seats until you were in the back. pink he kicked off his shoes and crawled back there to you, he then moved next to where you were sat. his hands flew to your waist and you began kissing him, excited to see what he would do to you.
“i’ve always wanted you, y/n.” pink spoke in the kiss. his lips were the softest. “even in junior high.” he placed soft kisses down the right side of your neck earning a breathy moan. “fuck i had it bad for you then.” with closed eyes you hummed at what he was saying to you. pink was good at this, he knew how to talk to you in ways that were sure to make you wet.
you gasped as his you were being pulled on to his lap and he began to suck a hickey on to your collarbone. his hands slowly unzipped your jeans, giving you time to back out before pulling them off with ease and rubbing to fingers against your clothed pussy. “i would go home from baseball practice and think about you all night. wouldn’t get any sleep, just think about you and wonder what it’d be like to kiss you, touch you, taste you, fuck you.”
“pink-” you gasped at the sudden attention to your clit. he could definitely hear his fast your heart was beating
“i would have dreams about you...” pink muttered, slipping his hands into your panties. he rubbed your lips with two fingers before gently slipping one inside you. “you’re so wet.” he went back to kissing your lips, slowly pumping and curling one finger inside you. when felt your body relax a bit more, began to rotate his thumb on your puffy clit.
it was almost pathetic how your fucked your hips to meet his hand, you could feel his smile against your lips when you did this. “need me?” pink asked, kissing your jaw. he added another finger and curled them, pulling them out and slamming them back in a little rougher than he had done before. a moan escaped your lips as he began to hit an entirely different angle, a spot that made you clench around his fingers. you put your face into pinks neck, kissing it in attempt to hide your whimpers but you couldn’t. the more you tried to hide them the faster he fingered you.
“come on, let it out baby. i wanna hear you.” he slipped a third finger inside which made you absolutely lose your mind. you whined, pulling up from his neck and tossing your head back. his fingers fucked into you at a fast pace, calloused thumb circling your clit as your hands gripped on to his red shirt. you were basically riding his fingers. it was so desperate and needy like he had said.
“i’m gonna cum.” you let out another whine, sort losing control of your body and falling forward on his chest. pink sped up the motion on his fingers, holding your hip in his hand and coaxing you through your orgasm. you wrapped your arms around his neck, hugging him as you came all over his fingers. he slowly helped you ride out your orgasm, pulling his three fingers out slowly and making you whimper at the lost of contant.
you caught your breath and leaned back, watching as pink took her fingers and licked them clean. you clenched your thighs again and moved off his lap, opting to sit next to him. the two guys you fucked before never really fingered you before sex, it was always after when they failed to make you finish.
pink moved his fingers to his lips, sucking on them to taste you. your jaw fell a little and shock. you’d never seen someone do this.
you turned to press your back against the side of the car and grabbed his collar, pulling him into a kiss. your legs spread a bit, allowing him to crawl between them. the rough fabric of his jeans rubbing against your pussy called your body to twitch a bit. pink noted it and smiled. you began to unbutton the boy’s red shirt, pulling it off to reveal his toned chest underneath.
you looked him up and down before running a hand across his chest. “i want you in me.”
he smiled at you, pressing a kiss to your lips. “soon, not yet. lie down.” pink grabbed the hem of your shirt, pulling it off and gazing at the way your boobs sat.
“you’re so pretty.” he muttered, beginning to kiss and suck your left boob while playing with the right. the way his calloused fingers rolled harshly against your nipples made you push your chest forward, wanting more from him. he kissed down your stomach, moving your legs apart and leaning down until he was face to face with your pussy.
pink took his time with you, he was in no rush. he slowly kissed up and down your thighs, nipping them at some point just to keep you excited. he brought his lips to your pussy, kissing your clit before licking a stripe up your pussy. you moaned softly and relaxed a bit, his heavy tongue was soft and slowly as he began to eat you out.
your head clouded a bit as your hand reached up to grip the seatbelt holder behind you. pink moved his face up slightly, circling his tongue on your clit before taking it into his mouth. your back immediately arched at the way he sucked on your clit. his eyes were closed in deep concentration, listening to every moan you made.
“fuck, just like that.” you moaned, reaching your free hand down to tug at him hair. you pulled his face closer to your pussy, grinding against him and showing him how you wanted to be eaten.
his hands squeezed at your boobs for a moment before gripping your hips. pink opened his lips from around your clit and flicked his tongue at it for a few seconds before sticking his tongue inside your pussy.
another moan spilled from your lips and you pushed him head up and down, using his face to get off. he thought it was so hot, the way you took control and used his face to please yourself. you came again, this time on his face and with a shiver.
you both pulled away to catch your breath, that was your second orgasm of the night in a very short time. the cool air tussled pink’s hair as he looked at you with pure lust and adoration in his eyes. you flipped over to your stomach, closing your eyes and taking a second to catch your breath again.
“we’re not done.” pink spoke. your turned your head slightly to see him from your peripheral vision. there was the russle of papers before felt hit fingers hit a small square. he showed you and you nodded your head, giving him unspoken consent to do as he said. fuck the shit out of you.
your heard him pull his belt off and saw it tossed on the floor, next the tug of his pants and boxers. finally, both of you were naked.
pink rolled the condom on to his dick, you hadn’t turned to see it so you had no idea how much was about to go inside of him. he saw your body stiffen as he mounted you.
“relax,” he leaned up, moving your leg to get a better angle of your pussy. pink moved hair from the left side of your neck, kissing slowly down your neck and back. “i got you.” he grabbed your hips, putting your legs to spread on either side of his body so he could fuck you with more control.
he lined himself up with your entrance before pushing in and making you take a shallow gasp. pink ran his hands up and down your back to try and help you relax.
“you feel so fucking good.” he muttered softly, playing with your ass. he sat in your for a second before pulling out and pushing back in again. this time you moaned a little and he could feel your body relax again.
pink began to set in at a slow pace, bringing his hips to your ass with every stroke. he let out soft groans with every other thrust he gave, quickening his pace a little bit as your pussy gripped around him.
“that feel good?” he asked in an almost teasing tone, leaning forward on your body and pressing himself against you as his hips continued to move against yours. you twitched underneath him, biting your lip in pure bliss at the angle he was hitting.
you could only let out a mumbled moan of pleasure as you closed your eyes. pink laughed a bit, pulling your hips up to bring you into doggy style. his hand went to your hair, tugging it back and beginning to fuck you much harder.
losing strength in your arms, you left your body dropped and your face push up against the mirror. he felt go of your hair and moved his hands back to your ass, rubbing it slightly before slapping it. you let out a straggled moan, “pink, fuck. do it again.” you whined, earning another slap on the ass.
you moaned loudly in pain, face now smushed against his window. pink laughed and you moved your hand down to your pussy, beginning to play with your clit. his thrusts sped up and the only thing you could think about was how good he filled you up. how perfect his cock fit in your pussy and how good he fucked you.
you felt tears brim at your eyes when he moved your hand away, beginning to stimulate your clit for you. he used his other free hand to play with your nipple. so much was happening at once and you couldn’t even warn pink before you came around him with a sigh. you felt bad, he had made you finish three times and you couldn’t even wait long enough for him to catch his release.
“ ‘m sorry.” you muttered. he laughed a little and slowly pulled out of you.
“it’s okay.” pink sat on the seat, putting his head back as you both collected yourselves slightly. you crawled over to pink, sitting in his lap and straddling his waist.
he looked at you immediately, putting his hands on your hips and drumming fingers against your skin.
“i thought about you too. you reached behind you and gently touched pink’s cock, stroking it slowly as you moved it to like you with your entrance.
you dragged the head back and forth between your folds. “i wanted to jump your bones. then high school came and i saw you in the football uniform.” you both let out a groan as you sunk on to him, ass now pressed against his balls.
you dragged your hips back and forth, bouncing on his cock. pink’s eyes fluttered close and he pressed his lips together, breath heavier than before. you decided to mimic him. you used your hand to tilt his head forward to you. he opened his eyes when he felt your thumb brush against his lips. “come on, let it out baby. i wanna hear you. i wanna hear your pretty moans.”
pink moaned at your words immediately making you give yourself a proud smile. your core and thighs burned, and your pussy felt overstimulated but it didn’t matter. he had fucked the shit out of you so now you were returning the favor.
“the girls and i used to have chats after your games, each talking about how they wanted to fuck you.” you smoothed your hands over his chest. “they said so many dirty things about you, pink. i was thinking the same things as them.” you giggled at the way his hips rutted to your body. he was fucking himself into you.
“now i’m here in the backseat of your car riding you, and you feel so fucking good.”
pink let out a broken moan. “please y/n- fucking- shit!” you let out a yelp when both his arms wrapped around you and lifted you up with ease. he pressed your back against the front seat which folded forward, immediately allowing him to climb on top of you. he threw your leg over his shoulder, slamming his hips into yours. his eyes were closed and his lips were parted, saying your name like a prayer.
“fuck i’m cumming.” he moaned. pink’s thrusts soon became messier as both of you came together. there was a moment of silence, the only sound being your uneven breaths and the crickets of the night. pink’s face was pressed into your neck and your arms hugged him to your body. he was keeping you warm on the cool night.
“…did i really just have sex with the quarterback in the back of an el camino?” you asked yourself out loud. staring at the sky.
“did i really just have sex with the valedictorian in the back of my el camino?” he muttered from the side of your neck. you both laughed and stayed like that for another moment before he pulled out of you.
“that was the best sex i’ve ever had.” pink breathed, looking around the car to find his clothes.
you smiled. “really?” he was an attractive guy so definitely had girls in bed before.
he nodded and pressed a kiss to your lips. “really. do you wanna drive around and get some breakfast?” he knew the sex was better because of the previous crush he had on you and how much chemistry you two had.
you nodded. “there’s a lake just pass the trees. wanna freshen up first?”
pink looked at you. “are you asking me to go skinnydipping with you into the lake?”
you nodded.
he smiled. “definitely.”
you two grabbed your clothes, took your keys and headed down to lake. the cool water refreshed you both and you got a good look at the sunrise. usually after sex it was kind of awkward, but with pink it was fun. the two of you swam around the lake, giving each other kisses and playing around until finally deciding to get out.
you both got dry and got dressed, smoking another joint on the way to a diner near the center of town. undoubtedly, both your friend groups were there, each nursing some kind of hangover or ache from the wild night before.
you sat in the booth next to pink, a cup of hot chocolate in your hand. you took a sip and then rested your head in his shoulder, giving a content sigh and closing your eyes.
“tired?” he asked, looking at you.
“very. you?”
he shrugged. “for you? i could go another round.”
you laughed and snuggled into him closer. pink put his hand in your thigh, rubbing it up and down before holding your hand and pulling it on to his lap. he kissed the side of your temple and allowed you to fall asleep on him whilst your friends chatted around you. it was peaceful.
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myperfectfatdads · 5 months
The Dads (Part 1)
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It’s a nice hot summer day, and all of us guys are so bored of just water or soda; they want something spicy, something different. “Do you know what sounds really good, guys?” says Mike. “What is it, man?” says John. “A nice cold glass of beer—I mean, doesn’t that just sound good?” Mike says he was right. We all wanted to at least try beer to see if any of us liked it. “We wish, but none of us are even 21 yet, so how are we going to get beer if we can��t even buy it?” says Matt. We could ask someone to buy it for us. I mean, some of us look 21; we could pass,” says Derek. "Dude, are you dumb? They check your license to see how old you are anyway, duh,” says Rick. "Yeah, that’s not going to work; there's got to be some other way,” says Matt. "Wait, give me a minute, guys. I’m going to grab something. You guys keep discussing it, and John, come with me,” says Rick. While Rick and Matt are inside, Rick goes onto his computer and goes to the dark side of the internet. "Wait, why are you going to the dark web?” Says Matt. “You’ll see, dude,” says Rick. He looks up aging pills, and there is one that will rapidly age your body, and it’s only a 5-minute drive to get them. “Let’s go get these dudes," says Rick. “Are you sure, man? It seems kind of dangerous. The two guys tell their three other friends that they are going to go out and try to get some beer, but really they go get the aging pills. "Ok, all we need to do is put one of these in someone’s drink; they’ll look a little bit older, and then they can go buy us some beer, and I think the effect should only last for a day or two,” says Rick. "Ok, whatever works, man,” says Matt. The two guys walk into this alley where there's a man in a black coat. He’s the guy with the pills. The guys give the man 5 dollars, and he gives them the pills in return. “Before you guys go, be careful with those pills,” says the mysterious man. Rick and Matt get back into the car and start driving back home to the guys. Arriving at the house, the other three boys are disappointed that Matt and Rick couldn’t get the beer, but little did they know they had something better.
Rick asks all the guys if they want a drink, and all of them reply yes. While Rick is getting the drinks, the other four guys go to lay out in the sun. Rick takes a pill from the bottle of pills in his pocket and drops one right into Derek’s drink; it dissolves almost immediately, just looking like nothing was even put in there. Walking outside, Rick gives all the guys their drinks, making sure to give the right one to the right guy. After passing out the drinks, they just have to play the waiting game. Surprisingly, Derek didn’t suspect a thing and finished his drink right away. The effects are supposed to happen fast. Within the first few minutes, Derek was already looking older. “Hey bro, are you doing okay?" says Mike. “I’m not feeling the best, actually,” says Derek. "Guys, I’m really glad to be here, but is it okay if I go lay down?” says Derek. "Yeah, of course, man, we want you to feel good. Just come back out when you feel better,” says John. As Derek gets up, you can start to see a bit of a double chin being formed, and his six pack is sure to point out a little bit. Rick thinks it’s about time and explains to Mike and John what he and Matt really did when they went out to get beer and that he put it into Derek’s drink, and he’s going to look older. I don’t know how he is, but he’s going to. "Wait, how much older is he supposed to look? "I don’t know what the guy didn’t say,” says Rick. “Are you sure this is a good idea, guys? What if something goes wrong or he freaks out?” says Mike. “I think everything will be fine,” says Rick. And right as Rick finishes that sentence, The back door opens and Derek walks out, and the pill must have worked because that didn’t look like Derek we were all used to; he looked a lot older and he was huge! Chubby's huge belly worked for sure; he definitely looked over the age of 21.
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He walks over and plops his huge body on one of the lawn chairs. Mike walks over to him and asks how he’s doing. “Never better why,” says Derek in a much deeper voice. This is weird. Why is he not freaking out that he’s an older, fatter version of himself? “It’s nothing really; hey, is it okay if I can see your license?” says Rick. "Burpppp, yeah, of course it’s on the dining room table,” says Derek. Running inside, Rick picks it up and is stunned. His photo has changed to the older version of himself, and looking at what year he was born makes Rick almost drop it on the ground. Guys Derek is 56 years old. “What do you mean he’s 56? That’s impossible,” says John. But Rick was right it says that he’s 56. “Why did you do this there’s gotta be some way to reverse it right” says Matt. “I’ll text the guy who gave it to me right now” says Rick. The man almost responds right away with saying the changes done by this pill are not able to be reversed the change is final. “Wait so doesn't that mean that Derek is stuck as a 56 year old man forever” says Mike. “It seems so sadly, hey well on the bright side it worked and we can get beer now” says Rick. “Rick you’re a terrible person you turned one of our best friends into a fat old man and all you care about is beer” says Matt as he goes to punch Rick. Hitting Rick pretty hard in the face, Rick barley getting up says Matt I didn’t want to do this and grabs a pill of out the jar and shows it into his mouth making him swallow it. “Oh my gosh why would you do that dude you made me swallow one of those pills I thought we were friends even best friends that is” says Matt. “Dude I’m really sorry you punched me I had to” says Rick. Mike grabs the pills out of Rick's hand and says, Look what you did, Rick? You see our friend Derek out there? Well, that’s not Derek; that’s a fat old man version of him, and he’s stuck like that forever,” says Mike. “Oh crap, burpppppp, I don’t feel so good,” says Matt as he grabs his stomach and runs up stairs. “Rick You did this; think about what you did; it’s messed up,” says Mike. Mike is about to fight Rick too, but then someone shouts, "Stop.The three guys look to see who it is, and it’s Derek coming back from inside. “You boys know that it is not ok to fight in this house. Hold on, you hear me,” says Derek. "Derek, come on, you're not the boss of me,” says Rick. “Listen to the Derek boys,” says another deep voice. All three guys turn around to see who it is, and it’s none other than Matt, and looking at him, the pill had definitely set in as he had a huge beer belly and a white beard; he even looked older than Derek.
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"Rick, you know better than to fight Mike, and Mike, the same goes for you,” says Matt. “How old are you, fatty?” Rick says as he slaps Matt’s gut as it jiggles up and down. "That's enough, young man,” Matt says. “I’m 58, and you know that; don’t call me fatty,” Matt says. "Well, that's what you are,” says Rick. “You know what? Me and Matt are going to go to the buffet down the street and then go to the bar to get some beer,” says Brent. “You boys can make dinner here at home tonight,” says Matt. “Can I come?” says Rick. "Rick, you’re not old enough to drink, so none of you three can come with us; we’ll be back late. Goodbye," says Brent, and the two old men leave, leaving Rick, Mike, and John all alone with the pills. (to be continued)
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earthtoharlow · 7 months
Teach Me: Sugar and Spice
Series Masterlist
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Ariel rolled over in bed and groaned softly. The last few days she had been feeling nauseous. Jack had to even pick her up from the school early because she had gotten sick in the restroom. At first she figured it was just the flu but now on day 4 of feeling sick, she wasn’t too sure.
She looked over and saw that her glass of water was empty but she didn’t have the energy nor strength to go down to the kitchen to get more. Jack couldn’t do it because he was currently gone as he was at the studio.
Just as she found the strength to get up she immediately jumped out of bed and rushed to the bathroom. Ariel had barely got to the toilet in time before she threw up everywhere.
Once she finally got it all out of her system, she stood up and went to the medicine cabinet to see if she had anything to soothe her stomach.
As she was rambling through the cabinet, a cold chill ran through her body at the sight of an unopened pack of tampons.
She couldn’t remember the last time she had her period. Any other time she wouldn’t think much of it as her period was normally irregular but with the way she’s been feeling lately she knew something was up.
Ariel closed the cabinet and looked at herself in the mirror. Before she had gotten sick she had noticed her body felt different, she couldn’t figure out what it was. If she really is pregnant then that would explain why.
She turned to the side to get a different view. Ariel could be imagining it but her stomach did look a bit rounder.
Like most women she always dreamed of becoming a mom. She likes to think that she became a mom the day she met Jayla. Once officially becoming her mom, she didn’t even think of having some of her own. Now that she could possibly be pregnant, she was scared shitless.
And she still had to tell Jack.
“I’m telling you dude, she’s acting weird.” Jack said as he leaned back in the studio chair, nervously biting on his toothpick.
Urban was quiet for a moment before speaking, “Well, did your dumbass make her mad?”
Jack just glared at him. “No! I can’t even remember the last time we argued. Literally everything has been great.” He thought for a minute trying to think if anything had changed in the last couple weeks. He had been working more lately. Finally writing songs for himself and not other artists.
“She probably feels neglected? I haven’t been home much. Maybe she just misses me and doesn’t know how to tell me?!” Jack said, biting his lip nervously.
“Hm, maybe you should—“ Urban couldn’t even finish speaking before Jack jumped up suddenly from his chair. “Imma go home.” Jack said as he started grabbing his things.
“I gotta plan a date night. Something crazy, huge display of my love for her…”
Jack ignored him as he had a phone pressed to his ear. “Hey, how soon can you guys deliver flowers?” Urban heard him say as he watched his best friend rush out the door.
All Urban could do was shake his head but smiled knowing that Jack had a huge surprise waiting for him at home. He pulls his phone out of his pocket to warn Ariel.
“The eagle has left the nest.”
Ariel giggled as she made sure everything was in place. She was so nervous but stupidly excited. As soon as she got to their shared bedroom she heard Jack call out to her, she covered her mouth to stay quiet. Not wanting to ruin the surprise and waited for him to find her.
Jack rushed through the door with flowers in his hands. “BABE! I’m home” he yelled and quickly kicked off his shoes. He frowned when he didn’t hear a reply back. Closing the front door, he stopped in his tracks when he saw a note taped to the door.
“Welcome home, baby! Let’s play a game. Kick off those new balances and go find your glasses for your first clue.”
Jack smiled reading the note, and took long strides to his office to find the first clue, it didn’t take long to find the next note as his glasses were sitting right on top.
“Woo hoo, You found me! Go to the kitchen and find the bottle of bourbon and then text Urban for the next clue. Ask nicely, or he might not come through.”
Jack immediately pulled his phone out to text Urban as he made his way to the kitchen.
“What is she planning?” He texted first, and rolled his eyes when he saw Urban read the message but didn’t respond.
“Ok, fine. What’s the next clue?” Jack wasn’t surprised when Urban texted him back quickly.
“Drinking this will help make you…”
“Huh?” Jack says out loud, just as he was about to text Urban back, another message came through. “It rhymes with Hocus Pocus, you idiot!”
A lightbulb went off in his head as he walked to the food closet and found his cases of Phocus with another clue on top.
“I can’t wait till you find me so I can give you some lovin’ but first I think something is baking in the oven.”
Jack’s eyes furrowed slightly as he closed the door of the closet and walked back towards the kitchen to open the oven door. He smiled wide when he saw a donut bouquet similar to the one he got her many moons ago on Valentine’s Day. He placed the donuts on the counter and read the note attached to them.
“You’re almost there! When you wear this everyone stops and stares with a gasp. To put me on, just fasten the clasp.
His Kentucky chain was his first thought as he quickly climbed the stairs to his dressing room where he kept all his jewelry. On top of the jewelry box was what he assumed was one last note. “To the best husband..”
Jack opened the letter and his breath got stuck in his throat as he read the next line. “…and soon to be a father of three.”
He turned around when he heard movement behind him, Ariel was standing behind him holding an ultrasound, happy tears streaming down her face.
Jack spoke first, “You’re…?” Ariel nodded.
She began to get nervous when she noticed his face start to turn pale. “Jack?”
Jack shook his head so the color could come back to his face, and he rushed over, lifting Ariel up in the air in excitement.
“JACK!” Ariel sequels holding on to him tight as he spins her around. He finally places her back down on the ground. Jack grabs the side of her face before giving her a big kiss.
After pulling away, he drops to his knees and places a hand on her stomach. “There’s two babies in there.” He said, sounding choked up.
“It’s crazy, huh?”
Jack simply nodded and pressed kisses all around her bump that the average person could hardly see.
“Thank you for making me a mother again.” Ariel said with a happy sigh, and she ran her fingers through his curls.
Jack who was still on his knees, placing feather light kisses on her stomach, squeezed her tighter. Again was the key word. After all these years together, hearing Ariel talk about Jayla like she was her own will forever warm his heart.
“I love you, I’m so happy we get to go on this ride together.” Jack said getting to his feet, Ariel wrapped her arms around his neck.
“3 down, 5 more to go.”
“There’s no way in hell 5 more are coming out of me”
Both of their blissfull laughs rung through the air as they enjoy this moment together
AN: DOUBLE THE TROUBLE!!!!! Hope you all enjoyed this let me though your thoughts
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jakeeyyxoxoxo · 22 days
A-R-T 🌙 2
Pairings: Jake Sim x reader, Jay x reader
Warnings: stalking? Creep? Obsession?
Word Count:
Song: Death of Peace of Mind
Part 1 | Part 2 |
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Chatter filled the place as the music played loudly and bodies rubbed on each other. The air reeked of alcohol and sweat, it was not very inviting. There were drunk people everywhere and blinding lights. Jake watched Y/N on the dance floor with Kaia and some other girls.
You wore a light pink cropped sweater with low raise flare jeans; flaunting your gorgeous body. And finished the outfit off with your pink air forces and matching pink Kate Spade bag.
He always kept an eye on her whenever they went clubbing; his fingers gripped the bottle. Jake always made sure to drink very lightly, the condensation from the bottle made his fingers wet. His friends chatted and laughed but he wasn’t listening.
Sunghoon, Heeseung, and Jungwon had invited them out because they hadn’t seen the pair in a while. Noticing his lack of attention, Heeseung spoke up. “You’ve been quiet Jake”, he said, “anything you wanna share?”.
At the sudden mention of his name, Jake’s head snapped toward his friends. Many things ran through his mind but his answer was simple, “Not really”.
“How’s Y/n ?”, Sunghoon asked, “Is she still modeling for that weird guy?”. Jake always confided in his friends, so when Y/n started working with Jay, it was natural for him to share his thoughts with his closet friends.
Jake really started telling them when he noticed Jay odd behaviour. He would never tell y/n because he knew that you loved your job and it paid you well. “Yup”, he sighed; bring the bottle to his lips as he sips his beer. Seeing the pained expression on his friend's face; Jungwon couldn’t help but speak up.
“Dude, I honestly think you should just tell her that you’re uncomfortable”, he stated dryly, “I’m sure she’ll respect your wishes”. Every time you kissed him and told him you were going to the study, Jake couldn’t help but think of the way another man’s eyes in on your body for hours.
The thought of another memorizing and taking in every detail about your body burned his soul. “I won’t do that to her”, he glanced at you. The alcohol has taken over, you had reached your limit. Jake thought you were cute drunk but he wanted you to be home safely. It was time to get you home.
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“Babe”, you babbled as he carried you inside, “did you see the last portrait?”. You were being carried by Jake through the apartment, you were too intoxicated to stand on your own. He smiled as you kept playing his hair while he carried you, “No love”.
“WHAT??”, you gasp; wearing a shocked expression as he pushed the room door opening. He made his over to bed, gently setting you down as you continued your muttering about the portraits. Jake didn’t pay any mind, you were mostly talking about the different colors and canvases.
The room smelt like strawberry cheesecake and the walls were a light creme colored. It matched perfectly with the pastels in the room. He made his way around the room, pulling out you pajamas while getting the bathtub ready. The water ran and the bathroom steamed up.
He could still hear you talking and giggling in the other room. “He’ll immortalize me”, you muttered. That statement caught his attention as he came back to room to get you for the bath. “What was that love?”, he asked.
What did you mean by that, he thought to himself. His eyes bore into your soul as he awaited an answer. He was aching and burning as he waited. “Jay will immortalize me”, you giggled, “He said my beauty surpasses the beauty of the universe”.
“Oh really?”, Jake asked, pressing his lips together, “Don’t you find him a little odd?”. This was probably not the right time to be asking this but he couldn’t keep it in anymore. “Who? Jay?”, you smiled.
“Not really”, you stated as your eyes began to close, “he-” you yawned, “makes me feel like a goddess- a celestial being”. Your body crashed into the mattress, everything began to fade, “like something out of the world”. You whispered as you passed out.
The male couldn’t help but wodner if you would said all this while sober, he trusted you and your feelings mattered to him. However, he would be lying if he said it didn’t hurt knowing another man made you feel thi way. Even if it was just work.
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Jay hung up an older portrait of you on his wall, just next to his collection. He smiled as he took in his work. More, he knew he needed more. No matter how much his agency demanded him get a new model or do something different, he couldn’t
It had become an infatuation; something that devoured his mind. Painting you was the death of peace of mind. “You’re in the walls I made with crosses and frames; hanging upside down”. He would paint you on every medium, every angle, every color.
You were his muse, looking at you unlocked an infinite universe of possibilities in which he could explain beauty. But only your beauty. It was his A-R-T.
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prettyjunk · 1 year
cliff burton x reader
sfw headcanons!
note: i know!!!!:( he’s so underrated and for what. plus, it’s his birthday today! so there is not a better time to write some sweet head-canons about him.
requests are open!
.✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧
one of cliff’s more important personality traits is his integrity. bro’s honest; sometimes his honesty would be so sharp it would hurt the people he’d be talking to.
but with you, it was a different case. he was cautious— thought about what he was going to say and how he was going to say it out loud, careful not to hurt your feelings. he was still bluntly honest, though.
but hey! this doesn’t mean he’s rude, or cranky. he’s actually a sweetheart with most people (if they don’t get on his way).
and obviously, he has a soft spot for you.
most boyfriends are embarrassed to be mellow with their girlfriends in public, keeping all the cheesy stuff behind closed doors.
not cliff!
he truly doesn’t give a fuck. just in general, really, he never has cared about what people might think or say about him, so as soon as you guys started dating— he’d show you off. he doesn’t have a reason not to! you’re his girl and he wants everyone to know.
and this is connected to his love language; touch. cliff is a very touchy person towards you, but he’s subtle about it. its not like he’s constantly kissing/hugging you, but he likes to keep you close; and feel that you are close to him. hand on your thigh, rubbing your back, caressing your hips, playing with your hair— the list could go on forever. he just feels more calm and comfortable keeping you close.
he asks your opinion on everything he does. if we’re being completely honest, he doesn’t really care about it— nothing you could say would change his point of view.. but he still loves to hear your perspective on anything he can get it from. it’s his way of getting to know you better, little bits of information that help him put together the puzzle that is your mind. and it truly works out!
cliff doesn’t look like the type of person that would put much attention to detail since he’s always in his own world, but he always manages to surprise you with random things he knows and noticed about you.
you often see this in the gifts he gives you. you eyed something on that antique shop you guys went to last month? he got it. you bopped your head to a song on the radio on the ride home? he found out what record that was— got it on vinyl, too.
talking about music! one of his favorites things to do with you, is listen to music. more specifically; to show you different types of records so you can both talk about it. cliff is known for having a wide music taste— from motörhead to kate bush, and loves to discuss the ridiculous minor details that each song has. you were often surprised by his random knowledge, but you were mostly fascinated. his ideal sunday afternoon was you, a brand new music album, and acid.
going back to his unmeasurable uprightness! even though he’s a very likable guy— often being remembered as the cool and nice long haired dude— he doesn’t really have much of a filter. if he thought something was wrong, or he straight up didn’t like something; he won’t hesitate to make sure everyone knows that. so you’d often find yourself having to apologize to people when cliff would randomly flip them off, or yell fuck you’s around the room.
adding his personality, he’s also very witty. cliff is a very wise dude, and he’s also kind of like a child. so the mix of both get you a very funny but also old-souled boyfriend. and he’s also a big talker, so it’s almost like you’re dating a encyclopedia. a bullshit encyclopedia, though. he keeps you constantly entertained by speaking whatever was going on in his mind— because he trusts you enough to tell you whatever he thinks of right when he does.
we all know cliff smokes a bunch of weed. even though than he sees it more like a creative tool than a drug— he also does it for fun. and when he smokes around you, he gets impossibly clingy; if he sees you laying down when he is high— he will get on top of you, and won’t stand up for hours. just laying there; tracing random shapes on your skin with his fingers and talking a bunch of nonsense— interrupting himself once in a while to tell you how much he loves you.
if you bring that up when he is sober, though, he denies it.
and a stupid little last one: he really likes to play poker with you. cliff taught you how to play in one of many dates, and it became your thing! it quickly turned into something that is inevitable each time you see each-other. he’d play it every minute of every freakin’ day— and he’s also such a bad loser. the kind of guy that would throw everything to the air when he lost, and walk away in anger. a few kisses and everything was right, though.
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nightgoodomens · 4 months
Georgia’s hashtags have once again made a “very special appearance” in the form of Mr. Anna Lundberg….. and of course Ms. Anna Lundberg, who had been starving for attention and content immediately jumps on it. Should we be expecting wedding bells in their future or is It like the song she decides to use when reposting… send her on her way and don’t let the door hit you on your way out?
Answer below.
Just FYI Georgia used the song, AL reposted it from her.
I’m starting to feel like GT takes a little bit of a piss out of AL and… I can’t blame her if that’s the case.
It feels like GT posted this lovely normal promo of The Way, I liked that she called MS her friend, I chuckled at the “thanks for the job”. It was nice and normal. She tagged AL because MS doesn’t have a (public) account and yeah she added the tiny hashtag and… a song called Send Me On My Way with lyrics like
You know what they say about the young
Now pick me up with golden hand
This is the 4th time I’m asking if GT reads the lyrics of the songs she posts. I don’t know. It’s a funky song maybe she was just going for the vibes.
What did AL do? Reposted focusing on the hashtag out of everything. Bruh. If it was a test if you’re going to make it about yourself yet again or MS then you failed.
AL has been a bit of a mess lately. She’s desperately trying to get attention and likes to make things about her that aren’t meant to be about her. She didn’t get the BAFTAs sketch, she didn’t get The Way. She’s generally not getting the experience she imagined. I guess. She’s clinging to the wannabe celebrity life, with her life goals to sleep next to a dude who met a famous man, not the fact that he’s the famous man doing his directorial debut, then reposting a pic where she’s a cardboard cutout behind a famous man just to remind people she met a celebrity instead of hey my man opened the BAFTAs show with David. She had a little snappy snap at a fan, showed she’s sad there isn’t more of her in The Way, she’s very… she feels like she won a date with a celebrity and wants to get the most out of it. You’d never guess she’s been in this relationship for five years. Her sudden territory marking and fame need is desperate. Especially since when she thought fame will knock on the door because of the photoshoot she had a completely different attitude. But nobody called and she’s suddenly all “mine!”
Meanwhile GT went to BAFTAs, kissed her dude, grabbed her •real• mate to spend the night with, slapped two selfies on social media and went home.
My guess is that GT was meant to do the wives thing to promote AL’s photoshoot. My guess is that it was meant to last until BAFTAs and The Way hence AL was excluded. Hence GT already had a buddy to sit with. Nobody called, now GT is taking a little bit of a piss.
But it’s just my loose guess. Maybe they will be playing best besties ever again soon.
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