#I feel like I'm not made for friendship. eternal loneliness? yes
eldrichfuck666 · 1 year
I recently feel so strange about having a simblr, because I just.. I feel like I'm in a time loop, like time is non-existent thing for me and I just don't have any energy to catch up with the posts and how fast and how much is everything progressing and going. I just can't, and it's really difficult for me to force myself to catch up, I hate myself for it since I want and always wanted to be in this community, but it all feels so intense and strange for me, I just... I feel like I'm so far behind, like I need to stop being here because I'm too slow, too tired, too overwhelmed by everything maybe?.. I don't know what I'm really trying to say here, but like... I feel so out of touch or whatever.
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artsy-hobbitses · 1 year
So you already have ttb anime opening songs list. Do you have a ttb anime closing songs list as well?
Follow up from here for those curious!
SEASON 1 (Pre-War) Ending: Fukisusabu kaze no naka de by WAG (Gensomaden Saiyuki)
Running along the edge of the cliff We decide not to look back Not speaking even one word Always without repentance Looking up at the sky The pouring rain falls down And as we wonder if it had let up It starts falling again on our heads If we stir up our emotions, We can easily determine our dreams Determine our love, Our friends, our lives In the midst of the raging wind Can I really throw away my pride? The colors of regret and truth Make my heart dance In these revolutionary days, I Always want to stay with you!
I feel like I don't need to explain the reason behind this choice on the account of it sounding like a Badass Ikemen Quartet and the HYSTERICAL amount of MegOP in. If you want men enthusiatically belting out Gay Subtext devotion-in-love-and-friendship rock type themes, Saiyuki's been doing that since the early 2000s. This theme is so Barricade Boys I'm slapping it on any modern iteration of Les Amis de l'ABC. (Also I have Lambros on my mind and it WILL NOT STOP just imagine them, Hotrod and Bee on vocals)
SEASON 2 Ending: Uso by SID (FMA Brotherhood)
Say, the sky we saw that day, That scarlet sky Do you remember it from that day? We made a promise and a vow While the early summer wind circled us And we clung close together Your forced smile Holds elongated shadows I pretend not to notice and continue on All the while waiting for you To deliver some news at the table Empty nights and mornings that will never arrive I could see them from a mile away Say, the sky we saw that day, That scarlet sky I'm sure you'll remember it one day While holding the promise we couldn't keep We take our first steps down out own paths
A narrative follow-up from the blow-out between the Rebellion in Season One, who are now divided into the Decepticons and the Autobots. Do you remember our promise and what we fought for? I'm sure you will some day, says OP, even as we walk different paths now.
SEASON 3: Ending: Mind Game by Tamaki (Tiger & Bunny)
I daydreamed in a corner Of the city stained ash-gray And somehow I started pondering My raison d'etre But I never know myself & dreams & truth anymore, anymore… more… In this wretched world, I asked myself, "Just what can I do?" Because I got the feeling that your smile taught me that Pain like discovering the light touched me: Yes, that's the feeling I got In order to attain an ephemeral dream by their own hands, All people lose sight of even eternal truth The one who gave light to the indelible, sad tomorrow Was none other than just one (I want to believe) We can share both the past and the future, always!
Rung (Past) and Sari (Future). Also fourth stanza is very Sari to Isaac. Also Drift/Ratchet, as Drift defects to the Autobots this season.
SEASON 4 Ending: Every Heart by BOA (Inuyasha)
Tell me babe How many times I've shed my tears? Every heart Every heart is not a gentle one Why can't I I can never share my loneliness? Every heart doesn't know what to say or what to do Was afraid of darkness cause I felt like I was left alone So I prayed for help to a distant million stars Round and round the planets revolve around the sun And they always seek after love and peace forever more Growing, growing whoa baby we can work it out Look up at the sky, every heart is shining on today
'Every heart is not a gentle one' feat. Sunstreaker/Sideswipe's blowout, Windblade and Starscream's sort-of-relationshing angst (as Starscream tries and fails to show her that the man she believes still lives inside him---that hopeful senator from the past---is dead, when he UGH falls into the trap of being a Decent Man)
Also a lonely LONELY season feat. Mirage with Hound Missing and his Ironhide-induced crisis.
Last stanza hitting the 'Autobots rebuilding On Griffin Rock And Finding Reasons To Hope For Tomorrow Even As It Gets Ever Harder' mood.
SEASON 5 Ending: Alone by Mikuni Shimokawa (Gensomaden Saiyuki)
All of the people coming and going Bear heavy burdens, Searching for tomorrow Within the heat haze wavering in the distance Feelings like sand Falling through my hands… Back then, the words that pierced my heart Suddenly started to throb with pain, but… I've searched for pieces of myself, counting the endless nights all the while. These feelings are becoming so certain I almost lose myself Right now, without fail I will walk forward However far
Because I REALLY wanted to end on this BEAUTIFUL note and it's my series kfhsdgfjsdgfjsfh but seriously:
First stanza encapsulates how the war has affected everyone, Decepticons and Autobots alive, who are now working together and genuinely had always wanted a better tomorrow for everyone.
"I've searched for pieces of myself" stanza, like literally 85% of the cast is in goddamn pieces at the moment and are holding on by their Nakama Thread. It's everyone--Megatron, Mirage, Starscream, OP himself, RUNG, the Lambros, Drift, YOU NAME IT.
This version of the song will be used over the finale itself which will show rebuilding efforts/how the cast is doing post-war. Stuff covered will be, among others:
Sideswipe waking up from his coma and his garbled proposal to Strongarm
Windblade visiting Starscream in prison as she tries to comfort Starscream who's messy snotty crying in happiness that she finally managed to pass a bill to outlaw the creation of new CCs so no child will ever go through what he went through.
OP reading/writing with Megs who's in prison.
Laserbeak and Soundwave helping Ravage with his physical therapy as he slowly regains use of his legs.
Wreckers and Springer visiting Kup's grave with Dakshi who is now Springer's dog.
Hound introducing Mirage to his parents
Prowl front row at Jazz's concert.
Bee and Co finally get their degrees.
Lightbright exploring the universe with her new Titan
A decorated mural of the Autobots and Decepticons who died in the final battle against Unicron.
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oven-thermometer · 3 years
SFW ABCs of Death
Warnings: made up Nephilim traditions, angst, fluff, nothing else really.
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
The only affection you should expect daily are small gifts or words of encouragement. Physical affection like hugs or kisses are reserved for behind closed doors where no one can see the walls he's only ever let you behind. And those walls aren't even the tall ones.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Most his "friends" are ones from work. The Makers are probably the ones he's still the most connected to, really. He's sarcastic, reserved and he looks like he doesn't care at all when in reality he's one of the most loyal friends you could ever come across. He let's very few beings call themselves acquainted with him, but if he calls you a friend he will fight tooth and nail to keep that.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Once you two have been in an established relationship for a while he'll realize just how cut off he's made himself. He was aware to an extent but he wasn't aware how far into his bones the loneliness had seeped until one day you waddled up to him and asked if you two could lie down on the couch. You didn't look sick or particularly upset so that wasn't the issue - this dumby really said "Why?" in response. You had stumped him. When you told him you just wanted to cuddle he short circuited but obliged.
Now he loves them! He'll prefer to be the big spoon, it makes him feel like he's protecting you. But again this still only happens rarely and in private.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
The amount this man wants to buy a house and live as peacefully as he can is infinite. He wouldn't mind his siblings there either, as much as they annoy him. As long as you're their he couldn't care less where he is really. He's really good at cooking and cleaning too I'd imagine. Realistically though, it will take years for the Council to let him have his freedom - he'll stay with you for as long as he can though.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He'd distance himself from you all of a sudden. He'd be cold and would stop all forms of affection, always brushing you off with 'I'm too tired' or 'Why are you so clingy?'
He needs you to hate him and he needs to forget why he ever loved you, that way he doesn't feel it as much.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He'd be very slow to even think about such a commitment - humans hold this ceremony in high regard yes, but for Nephilim it's an eternal ritual that bonds souls. Whether it was between a group or just two, the intensity of the chord created between beings can never be severed no matter how much anyone wished it. That is how it had been and if Death was going to get married to you, he'd want you two to do this ritual (with your full knowledge and consent).
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Physically? He treats you like a sculpture made of glass that had been dipped in pure gold. You're worth more to him than his own life and if he ever hurt you he wouldn't forgive himself.
Emotionally? Well. He'll tease you, make fun of you and will be as blunt as a rock - but he hardly actually means any of it. It's just in his nature. Fret not though, he is always there if you need a shoulder :)
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
His hugs are firm and feel bone-crushing at times. Others are gentle, those occur when he feels like his sanity has been stabbed with rusted daggers and left to rot. He gives you a minimum of one or two hugs a day.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Like with the marriage thing, the L-word is also something he takes slow. To be fair, there probably isn't one singular word to express 'love' or 'adoration' in the Nephilim language if you think about their soul bond. So you'll probably have to inform him of the true meaning behind that word, and he realizes it kind of perfectly describes how he feels about you a lot of the time. He doesn't outwardly express this though, gotta keep up those walls y'know.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He's comfortable enough in your relationship that he doesn't really get all that jealous - but he can't help himself from getting a bit salty when he sees you get too close to his stupid brother or when his sister keeps touching your face when teaching you about makeup. He hates himself for it - he knows you love him, so why does he feel like this?
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
I'm a devout believer in young!Death being the kind of guy that romanced every single woman in his sights and killed their hearts afterwards. Add that to the things he hates himself for will you?
Due to this, he knows exactly how and where to kiss. He prefers giving angel or bunny kisses especially, they seem so intimate to him. If you want to make his non-existent heart flutter give him a kiss on his collarbone, forehead or even the edge of his mouth. That's reminiscent of when he still wore his mask 24/7.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Dislikes them mostly and doesn't really want them. He's raised his fair share of children and he doesn't care for it at this point.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Death never sleeps. Be it because of eons of uneasy nights or the raging nightmares that lie beneath, he cannot sleep. You almost always wake up to Death staring down at you, his amber eyes searing a hole through you. He likes watching you sleep, it relaxes him and makes him calm. He's always the first to get up, regardless of whether you're still asleep at a certain time or not.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
He enjoys reading with you, watching odd human shows or watching you do your own thing at night. He's simply content being in your presence, that's all.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Take a wild guess.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
This man has the patience of a God. It seems as though sometimes he can get easily irritated by people and their antics but other than that his lifetime of training has formed him into the master of patience.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
His mind is like a steel trap - which is both a blessing and a curse depending on how you look at it. He will remember each mannerism, dislike, like and memory concerning you. And for that sole reason, for a moment, he's glad that he cannot forget.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
He has many cherished moments, but his absolute favorites are the nights he takes you on rides with Despair, the silver moonlight making your hair look like it's made of pearl, not that he would be surprised. The chill night air running down his spine makes his senses crisp. This, sitting behind his beloved, staring at the vast expanse of Earth, is where he wishes to stay for eternity.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
If you met during the apocalypse, he wouldn't let you out of his sight. Need the bathroom? Sorry he's sending Dust with you. Wanna walk on your own? You're gonna get ambushed by demons. No.
This would continue afterwards as well, but it would be far less intense. He's protective but not irrational. You're relatively safe now, so he simply keeps track of where you should be. He has your entire schedule mapped out into his head and if you don't come home at the right time or if he doesn't get one of those "texts" during your lunchbreak he will respectfully chew you out once you get home.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
This man gives his all to almost every tasks he sets his mind to, you think he's gonna skimp on dates or gifts? Due to his memory, he never forgets an anniversary or birthday and because he usually gives you small gifts, he has a good idea of what you like and don't like regarding that.
He'll help out with chores and things you need assistance with whenever you ask - but you're an adult and unless you're asking he's not going to baby you and do everything for you.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Whenever he's having a particular bad day, he will be extremely reluctant to tell you or let you help. Your presence helps yes, but it doesn't always quell the storm that threatens to tear him apart from the inside out. As a result of this, you begin to feel like you're not helping at all - you feel useless. You want to help but you also want to respect his boundaries.
If you ever bring this up with him he will reassure you that if it were not for you the storm would have taken over a very long time ago. It was a storm but there's a reason those bad days don't cloud over the rest of his life, and that reason is the fact that he gets to hold you every night. The fact that you have gifted him the memories of your existence.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
It's a running joke that Death smells terrible and I couldn't agree more.
Let me explain, I don't think the base of Death smells like anything actually. He doesn't bleed or sweat, so he doesn't smell like anything at all. Although, he is covered in blood, guts and viscera almost all of the time and that is what makes him smell so bad, since there aren't many baths where he goes.
After his life calmed down slightly though, you helped him regain some control. You showed him the wonders of shampoo and deodorant. And now he gets to feel slightly better about himself, even if it does nothing to really fill the idea of self-love in the slightest.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Death has been alone for eons, and as he looks back on those lonely and trauma-ridden years he decides he's gotten quite used to this part of his life. He would in fact feel incomplete without you, as he doesn't want to go back to how it was before. You make him feel content.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He often thinks about surprising you at your work. Showing up with flowers, another gift, or just a free offer to skip the rest of the day and come with him. Hearing that lovely chirp in the back of your throat when he shows you his hand to take is what gets him up in the morning.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Death isn't a particulary picky partner, but if you're someone with no sense of boundaries or personal space he's gonna have to have a talk with you. Just give him time, he'll let you in don't you worry.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
The only time you ever saw Death sleep, was the night you gave him a back rub. You could feel the cold muscles beneath his skin, and how rigid they were. This was another memory with you he'd be sure to cherish and keep in his soul, as one would a precious stone. He slept only for a few hours, but in that time you had crawled beside him to gently tuck yourself in the crevice of his body. When he was fully awake he didn't intend on moving. You were fast asleep, and oddly enough, you were smiling while unconscious. He let himself relax here, paving feather light kisses all over your face. As you woke with light giggles he felt his empty heart burn.
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