eldrichfuck666 · 1 year
I recently feel so strange about having a simblr, because I just.. I feel like I'm in a time loop, like time is non-existent thing for me and I just don't have any energy to catch up with the posts and how fast and how much is everything progressing and going. I just can't, and it's really difficult for me to force myself to catch up, I hate myself for it since I want and always wanted to be in this community, but it all feels so intense and strange for me, I just... I feel like I'm so far behind, like I need to stop being here because I'm too slow, too tired, too overwhelmed by everything maybe?.. I don't know what I'm really trying to say here, but like... I feel so out of touch or whatever.
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prossims · 2 years
✨🌈☀️send this to the ten people you’re happy to see every time they pop up on your dash/notif and wish them a good day🌟🌈💥
Awww thank you so much, dear! This made me so happy and your posts always give me good vibes as well 💖💖💖
Thank you for bringing sunshine and positivity around simblr 😁
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expfcultragreen · 17 days
Watching that post malone last meal episode....
My last meal (sin foods): a boot* of beer with a chirashi sashimi garden studded with caviar dishes, half a bbq eel, enoki wrapped in teriyaki glazed pork, cumin chicken hearts and gizzards, pate du foie gras with ruffle chips and champagne (just elegant), bagna cauda with soft baguette and quadruple anchovies, maybe a little lobster bisque, some venison tartar, a jumbo shrimp ring with cocktail sauce, and a bbq salmon head (small and crunchy, not big and musty), ceviche, cubed pork belly with hoisin dip...maybe some marrow toast...l
*the boot makes it sus
My last meal (nonsin foods): a pitcher of some beer that donates to reforestation (eg cariboo etc) with miso soup, one of those steamed vegetable buns i used to get at long hui, wakame, a big gorgeous caprice salad with organic/local/freerun mozzarella and heavy on the pesto oil drizzle, small charcuterie board of organic/local/freerun cheeses (heavy on the blues) with smoked mussels and different pickled onions etc paired with a local craft vodka, oysters and cherrystones on the halfshell with wine vinegar, lemon, cocktails sauce etc on the side...deep fried brussel sprouts, seitan tacos (soft, heavy on the guac and pico), maduros, frybread with saskatoon berry jammy syrup to dip it in, brioche toast with local organic butter and quince jam from tsaranoro with a bottle of raspberry fresh, congee with 1000 year egg and candied post-spawn salmon
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no-zoruas-here · 1 month
Light is actually a bunch of particles that are so small you can't see them, but also a wave.
what the HECK kinda NONSINS are you talkin about
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flowerkidlove · 2 years
Also? I wanna hear about your ocs n fursonas
ook?! (surprised monkey sound)
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ocs? sonas? tell you about them you say?
ok ok so i have Elliot (he/him transboy/girl/nonbinary, bicurious/"straight" (queer)) and Sekani (he/she genderfluid pan or bisexual i cant remember)!!! they came from a really bad comic i wanted to make, they were both reapers, based off of the piers anthony series, the book theif and i think one more thing but i dont remember.
Sekani was previously the Egyptian God, Anubis, but i recently thought that calling him my oc while using that name was hella cringe of me, so now she's Sekani!
Elliot died in an accident and (like the piers anthony book) since he was balanced sinful and nonsinful [idfr] he could become a reaper to either let him go to heaven or send him straight to hell
Elliot was also a big trauma dumping character and also helped trans my gender, i love him to death, but i feel bad for him too, he just suffers a lot for me! also. he has a gun. this made him cool. idk why
i dont draw them very much anymore, i can't quite get a grasp on them for some reason, mayhaps my art style changed too much and they just. don't work. i don't use them in anything, but i would like to. i know they have to change, but i'm not ready for that.
they were both previously different characters. Sekani used to be a human sans and Elliot used to be from an undertale au called "undertaile" (i found out about the porn name............) where. i think? one of the guard dogs had children with a human and also the final boss was the annoying dog?????????????????
ANYWAY Elliot came from my oc for perseverance: Emily! two VERY different characters now, but! hey, that's growth for you!
i also have an animatronic janitor horse name Plinko Horsington (he/him loveless aromantic lesbian)! he's from Security Breach and liked to flirt with customers just to see their reactions, fuckin with them! but i didn't really have much from there that i remember!
then there's Axin (she/her transgirl anthro mouse), Candy (she/her, sweet/sweets genderfae anthro bunny) and Yvonne (xe/xem nonbinary crow? blackbird? idr) they were a polycule, not much on them
i dont remember a lot of my other oc's, they didn't stay for very long in my head, so i can't talk about any of them
ok! for! fursonas!
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Axin used to be a fursona! back when i wasnt nonbinary, in! highschool! then i changed her name and made her an oc!
Flower Blue! the bunny in my icon! the icon is made by clownkiwi on here, deh good tumblr! but they're my main sona, i want to get a partial of them, i like using them as The Guy for everything!
then there's Candy Lovestruck (she/her, cupi/cupid/cupids, it/its), a lovecore based mouse fursona! cupi was just someone i needed to put a bunch of pink into the design, tho i think i need to add more details to the design!
and then theres this dog one that! i wanna make more things about, but im not ready to talk about that one i think
ok im all done now :3
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444names · 1 year
Names generated from Welsh and Old English forenames
Adhel Adnorhuw Adolcmær Adyne Aelynn Aldric Aldrion Aldwy Aldæg Alhhan Alion Allini Aninghead Anlyniad Anmod Anwulf Aradfric Arddaf Arona Arvis Arwan Arwegard Aryne Astan Augwige Aurgant Aurion Aurond Auruffys...
Beadog Beadry Beary Bebeor Beodris Beofwig Beolm Beornwen Beoruffa Beoryth Berecg Berefric Bereth Berewis Berhirad Berhtmund Berlyn Beron Bervyth Beryne Bevine Birlafyd Bleorth Blodmun Blodrys Blowac Bloyse Bradfrys Brawen Brawryn Briant Bælfrida Caderhth Cadgiefri Cadgy Cadorwulf Cadro Cadræd Cadwin Cainghed Cairawr Carno Carwynon Ceiraine Ceiriht Celafyd Celys Cemryn Ceofwen Ceofweno Ceolræ Ceorys Ceres Ciran Clenna Cleormund Coelinghn Coelyn Colcwin Conaminor Coniamed Conwacon Conwen Conwyn Cradno Crain Crawen Criceri Cynemry Cyngui Cynis Cynor Danwalys Dellis Delywen Deorce Derees Derefric Derht Deric Deriona Deweald Dewen Dewinlys Dewynifu Dilia Dreth Dryht Duffin Duffitt Dægegarno Dægen Eadoc Eadwend Eadwyn Eaffi Eagmundoc Eahmunric Eahwyn Ealia Eanwen Eardbe Earid Earnifine Earnwen Earobald Earona Earwenno Earyð Eaven Eavine Ebryhtno Ecgbeadhe Ecgbedrys Ecghervin Ecgwalhha Eilwend Eilynd Einer Einerhian Eiran Eiric Eiron Eirwy Eladward Elanna Elfwyn Elgarfri Elgarlyr Elgiefu Elhiwald Elmon Elodry Elonan Elond Elsianis Elsigan Eluan Elundan Elwelwyn Elwen Elynne Elyrht Emlyne Emunsig Eneth Eodwead Eofri Eofwen Eohstige Eorht Eoræd Estano Eswig Euline Eurganto Eurys Ffinen Flaela Fordwen Friarwy Fridhund Gantorug Garan Garand Garard Garewulf Garnwulf Garon Gavis Gerht Gewulfsig Glacerht Glafyd Gleor Glestio Glien Gline Godwulf Gofriano Gofwen Golyn Gridheuan Grugaren Grugart Gulfric Gwacen Gwald Gwarefris Gweald Gweastig Gwegberi Gwelwy Gwena Gwenber Gwend Gwenna Gwenys Gwils Gwilyn Gwine Gwingwen Gwinwenno Gwyne Hanwine Heada Headana Headmun Headwulf Heald Heale Healhine Hearfrund Hearge Hearwen Hefry Heiri Helin Helodmod Helwidwi Herawd Hered Herhian Herhth Herhtwulf Herhyn Heuan Honon Huffina Huffion Hunbeoræd Hundberon Hwynewig Iefri Iolodron Ivorht Ivoryð Iwales Jachno Kenewilig Kunys Lafan Lecolm Leorg Leorht Leoric Leortan Ligeren Listard Llacelt Llacona Llafwild Llaweard Llegwen Llelwy Llion Llyniarg Lynstan Maboys Maceolm Machald Madberic Madmund Madsiane Maelwulf Mairic Mairiono Mannan Maran Mardd Marhtmæri Marwen Megar Meine Menne Merewint Merht Merilstai Meswen Mesyllion Mialdhund Miliad Miliri Milish Millt Milwend Modmund Modylwyn Morhter Mornod Mornwenne Mwynge Mwynwulwy Myfin Myfion Nonsin Obalun Obeofa Obeorg Ohswin Olegy Ollano Orgarrawn Osfric Osganerl Osigen Osiono Oslaitt Osmorg Osmorug Osmundoc Ostan Oswearth Oswig Oswild Oswilys Owald Owearvyth Peren Perhund Plecgwiht Plegydd Pleod Plewi Plewyn Pryht Pwyne Remlyn Rherio Rhilis Rhiric Rhisige Rhonswig Rhtan Rhtmund Rhtmær Rhtno Rhtnod Rhtwig Rynflæd Scian Sciric Sciron Scmær Sexrere Siaredoc Siarno Sigen Sigend Siger Sigerhod Sigewen Staine Sulfgant Sweado Sæberyth Sæmunia Særmon Sæwigstan Sæwiht Sæwulfno Tanwen Taranne Tatwenno Teryce Torht Torwen Tosmundo Toswe Trawegar Under Urweard Waldas Waleurg Weadræd Wealana Weald Wenian Whydd Whyne Widwulf Willwyn Wilrigeal Wilyno Wineryth Winhelwyn Winnant Winwean Wionwen Wuffitt Wulfge Wulfgeth Wulflæd Wulfri Wulfsig Wulis Wulwyn Wærben Wærmeils Wærmodry Ægburwyn Ægemryn Ægmund Ælfgen Ælfgengu Ælfri Ælfrid Ælfwenna Æsceiran Æscen Æsculf Æthin Æthund Æðelbeth Æðelm
Same thing, but longer names
Adbeare Adweadhere Aenrian Aerawd Aervythræd Aetran Aetrychafric Afwige Aldard Aldarnor Aldgilstrian Aldwendoc Aldythiadwyn Alfgerecgwyn Alhiang Alhilwend Anwingui Anwulf Ardricerht Argaerhiward Arther Astian Ateron Augargn Augheald Balanghere Beadburgarn Beadiand Bealegmund Bealynfen Bearvyth Beberic Beddyl Beohtwulf Beolwenith Beolym Beorhowen Beorht Beoric Beorwenifed Beredyfion Bereweleow Berhorhtry Berhtan Berhth Berhtwulfri Berhund Berhygeth Beridherht Bleganwenys Blodwith Bloyddyth Bradhun Braine Branwig Brynsig Bælfherhiran Cadfrige Cadwearri Cadwin Cairobatnor Caradwulu Carawr Carfris Carmestri Carnebraint Carran Cartan Catwen Ceadoc Ceilyn Celadbervine Cemodræd Cendarwen Cenric Ceornog Cereoreir Cerhaf Ceriona Cerlym Cerona Cirlys Ciroslaceiri Cirwear Coelan Colbered Coleod Collined Collth Colwulf Consianto Culfgare Cynetradgar Cynewealt Cynewigard Cynfyn Cyngwen Cyngwyn Cynhanna Cynwilis Deiraine Deliald Denodre Deofmærburys Deolyne Deorhor Derhund Drynelyr Duddund Duddynmon Duffin Duffion Dufonwenne Duwend Dægberhtmuni Dægeben Dægmun Eadbeor Eadgarawen Eadgard Eadnona Eadron Eadsig Eadwigered Eadwion Eagmune Eahberht Eahmund Eahræd Eahwulf Ealdeoht Ealdgairic Ealine Eardwyn Earnian Earnwulunydi Earoswig Eartanin Earwac Earwealdwen Earwen Earwulfgard Earyce Eastyn Ecgber Ecgbere Ecgfry Ecgmun Ecgmune Ecgwayn Ecgwen Ecgwingen Ecgwynwent Eifana Eiffion Eilistan Eilræd Eilyner Einemunbenn Eirawn Eiriffyno Eirwyelwin Eirwynheald Elachafwen Elawenric Elbeard Elesyla Elgarnwenwen Elgarwelm Elhinnbeadgy Elhstan Elhstanodwr Elhstin Elhswen Ellwilrefu Elmorceir Elonstatno Elowarwen Elridwin Elweno Elwuligulf Elwynes Elyngui Emlyne Emlynnemær Emlywenine Emryhtno Emunda Enbeornwion Eodmun Eoflæd Eofriadbat Eofryn Eofwidfric Eofwiliant Eofwin Eorhel Eorilis Eormon Eormor Eorthillod Eowall Erherhunwen Erhtwulf Estanan Fflananne Ffydilys Follen Gaineth Ganmodgan Gannandbald Garadsigen Garair Gardwulf Gargarnor Garlaf Garnwena Garweald Gavenna Gerhor Giangerhiana Gladberys Gladganweal Gladwulfdelm Glegberht Glewulurysen Godricerht Godræd Gofmæri Gofrynes Gofwild Golcmær Golodwen Gructi Grugarnwen Gwalen Gweaditt Gweadog Gweald Gwealdre Gwealt Gweanwen Gwearai Gwearan Gwearwen Gwelwen Gwenfere Gwenna Gweofricbeor Gwinelræd Gwineslai Gwynan Gwynfyn Hacelwenbead Hanwen Harwyn Headbe Headgard Headmær Headoc Headwulf Healdæge Heallund Hearanne Hearwen Helgilm Heluctige Heohstig Heorychan Herecolm Hereestan Heresigenda Herhtmærbur Herhun Herynfydd Heulfryn Hlonwulf Hostafwen Hrædrædwenys Hunberemund Hundber Hunetheard Hunith Hunnesinesen Hunweadno Huwenwine Hwulfsig Hygerht Ianedund Iengen Ifithry Inetherht Iolleng Iolwynfyddan Ionanog Ionwello Ionwenys Ionwinerht Ivorgar Jacolwenia Jestyn Laconine Lafric Lechnosfric Leduddairifu Legartaith Legburht Legnord Lelwehelfsia Lesionwald Leulunden Liadno Lleofræd Llewulf Lliric Mabond Maboyd Maboys Machowartan Madwulf Malafwion Marmund Marona Matnor Meddai Melwearwyne Merhth Merhtmun Mestan Mestid Meswena Meswinesenne Miardian Monweare Mornis Munstane Mwynno Myfinewyn Nebeandbald Obaleofrice Ohstanwen Ohtmunberht Ordweadoc Orhowr Orhtrys Orhtsig Osigen Oswend Petrewulf Petrys Plechn Pledwen Pleofno Pleofnon Regarged Rerhian Rhianwac Rhildhelwen Rhilræd Rhorhowr Rhtantorgifi Rhtatedol Rhtmun Rhtmund Rhtnos Rhtremryne Rhtrugar Rhtræd Rhundbeald Ronwegn Sciaran Scmæri Sianrilstant Sigerht Sigerædwin Sighair Stafyddynina Stigen Stionwulflæd Sulferic Sweanwen Swenys Sæbeor Sæmunburic Sæmundo Sæwayn Tafwin Taldhelm Tangwarwe Tanlyn Teremun Teslyn Testige Torceina Tordic Torhtgarnhaf Tosfria Tosmundol Toswiht Trugwenric Ugheren Undbald Unnerenbeben Vanrethron Weadwealth Wenined Wigend Wigent Wigewenburg Wihtno Wihtrug Wildar Wineild Winelmornwen Wineth Wulenian Wuleodmunri Wulfen Wulfgarwen Wulfgia Wulflæd Wulfri Wulfrild Wulfwites Wulfyd Wulirwen Wynewulfrice Wærburoban Wærmorughno Ægbecgberhis Ægbeor Ægeris Ælfwen Ælfwinish Ælfwyne Ællawn Ællurht Æscmærbeald Æthealhsti Ætherht Æthufor Æðelafred Æðelwena Æðelwulf
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foxisimmer · 3 years
i've literally finished high school now??
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cowplant-heaven · 5 years
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my spotify wrapped is so gay i love it
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simder-talia-blog · 4 years
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                            The moons in August
                        🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕
Sun, planets, comets & Lilith:
🌞 🪐 ☄️ 🌚 ♀️
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eldrichfuck666 · 1 year
I love Valravn music SO MUCH. I'm so glad that I've found that heavenly music thought Spotify recommendations, and honestly, now there is way too much songs by Valravn in my Ansel playlist I- I don't really know why I'm associating it with Ansel, I feel like the energy & lyrics fit him so much I just- I'm obsessed with it honestly
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studiok2sims · 5 years
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Daphne | Miss Adventure | Apeshit
Rest In Peace my littlest angel.
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llovvii · 4 years
I found the perfect song for MatteoxAiyla and it almost made me cry omfg
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expfcultragreen · 9 months
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These are the cornerstone of my diet now, i cant explain how satisfyingly flawless they are and at nofrills theyre still cheap regularly. I think if we had to pick a format for the like baseline food item that is the minimum standard of whether a person is fed or not...itd be hard to miss with these things. Like if everyone was brought up to the standard of life enjoyed by people in jail, which, worldwide, there are people who dont eat as well as prisoners and prison is supposed to be a punishment or whatever, like, thats what its proponents say. So why are they paying for those people to eat but not innocent people?
The cheese is almost certainly not nonsinful cheese but, the cheese isnt strictly necessary / can be replaced
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rosaiika-archive · 5 years
I can't believe I posted like. Only once this week even tho I got a ton of edits on my computer 😔
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spicycrabb-apple · 7 years
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im using my cat as a mousepad
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butterflyshadows · 7 years
i have not disappeared im a lazy and I’ve had dofe,hw and dance so yeah but like I have things to post I have things to post I just need to edit them
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