#I feel like captain Picard Because I did everything right But evidently I still failed
harmcityherald · 5 months
To save from having shouting matches I sit and listen to conspiracy bullshit from one of my right leaning youngers. I just sit and listen, maybe shake my head here and there. Ask me directly if I think any of this nonsense coming out of your mouth is real. Go on. I dare you. But you won't do that and I'm above having a fistfight because you believe Biden killed Anthony Bourdain and you wanna defend diddy and weinstien, because of course, they are the heroes that are next on the unalive list. What an absolute pop tart.
Since 2016, I have truly heard some of the most stupid conspiracy theories I've ever heard, I'm not talking about reading about it, I'm talking about right here and now and completely in my face. I can not fathom the absolute shit I hear and they believe. Looking at you, I see exactly what they want. An idiot ready to run off and do their bidding. They are laughing at you at the same time. I thought I raised you better than that.
Its not just stupid. Its industrial stupid. Like, I have just one question for you. If the orange leader of your white power cult told you to kill yourself........ Would you?
The fact that question occurs to me should speak volumes.
You were afraid to look at the eclipse. Jewish space lasers. The moon is hollow. The ananuki. (or however you spell that lunacy.) You break out in a sweat when you talk to me. That crap has you gripped so deeply I don't know if I'm going to be able to reach you again. You are jack black in mars attacks. (just let that sink in for a minute.)
I wish you would just revert to your old self, You know the one who never read a book? Because I'm here to tell you that whatever you're reading is twisting your melon. Yeah. I miss that guy. So do your kids. I mean sure you didn't read, but your heart seemed in the right place. Now? You're a pop tart.
Pop tarts for trump.
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alanstng · 6 years
S7E25 All Good Things...
Troi, why are you giving Worf grief? He may express himself a little clumsily, but the intent was clear.
“We should discuss Commander Riker.” “Why, is he coming along?” Trooooooll.
I supposed the series finale probably had to have time travel.
It's not Riker’s feelings you need to be worried about. It's post apocalyptic Riker’s feelings. He was totally expecting to hook back up with Troi.
If you honestly believe that you've been traveling through time, surely you should be talking about this with more people than just a ship's counselor.
This really sounds like a dream, Picard.
You can tell it's science fiction because there's a giant ridiculous looking antenna in the middle of the vineyard.
You can tell the future because they both have beards.
Future LaForge’s wife's name is Leah? Are we implying that he married the woman he was cyberstalking?
Word of Picard’s medical condition is leaking out of the medical froup. The Federation needs HIPAA.
When in doubt, add a midget?
Troi didn't mention your disappearing in front of her, which suggests that at least on some level, this is all in your head.
Having Nurse Ogawa rub her belly to emphasize it feels ham-fisted. Especially since I think it's just a throwaway reference to continuity.
You’re gripping the doctor in a very unprofessional way, Picard. A little bit of finale ship bait?
The only thing your operatives could say was that “something” was happening in the neutral zone? I'm not sure your operatives are all that good.
Picard, if you really are time-traveling, this is just evidence that you didn't leave good enough notes behind. If you left good enough notes behind, LaForge would already know what was going on.
I'm not so sure about this part where even tenured college professors have maids, or housekeepers, or whatever, but I do appreciate the part where she dissed him.
Based on the way Picard is dressed, I deduce that he is the wealthiest man of this medieval village.
LaForge, why did you feel the need to ask about Data’s grey hair? I would have thought it was incredibly obvious that he was seeking to gain some artificial gravitas.
No, no one has said that you're delusional, Picard. They're just strongly implying it.
Seriously, Data, you're just going to blow off your lectures for the rest of the week? I'm pretty sure you can run tests on Picard and still manage to fit in a few hours of lectures.
They somehow managed to make Worf look younger.
And they had to dig out Troi's old uniform!
I think I have those same storage boxes.
“How is this all related to your time shifting?” LaForge literally just said maybe is a temporal anomaly in the neutral zone.
I'm trying to figure out why past Worf looks younger.
I suppose the final episode did need a scene for the Picard/Crusher shippers.
Given that the past that he's seeing is clearly different, I would definitely not trust his vision of the future.
Okay, I did not expect actual smoochies.
Apparently in at least one of the Star Trek multiverses, the klingons successfully took over the Romulan Empire. That's... surprising. I wonder if the Federation and the klingons are buddy-buddy still. Even if the Federation didn't like the romulans, I think they respected Romulan sovereignty.
Okay, apparently they're not still friends.
Is future LaForge wearing unusual contacts that give him little dots in his eyes? I guess I could see that.
LaForge keeps referring to Picard as Captain, which makes me think that Picard probably retired as a captain. Interesting that Riker ended up an Admiral.
I'm not super sold on Riker’s old man makeup.
Why would Riker by sheer coincidence have seen a report on the Devron system that morning?
Given that it's super obvious to the audience that you're talking about Crusher, why are you being coy about who the captain is. Presumably Crusher’s old shipmates would know.
Crusher’s old woman makeup is much better. It has a level of subtlety that Riker’s did not.
“So that's why you married me?.” In that context, it's not obvious if Picard is being ironic or not. Are they married or are they not? You're just torturing shippers now.
“Captain Picard?” All right, that answers that.
“So you've kept the name?” And that answers the remainder.
Is Q wearing dish gloves?
Last time, wasn't the audience more post-apocalyptic than Victorian urchin?
If Picard is going to be so surprised when he figures out where the anomaly came from, it means he had to have a hand in creating it.
Comparing Q and Picard to master and pet doesn't work very well. I mean unless the animal protection agency shows up to claim Picard.
Didn't LaForge say there was no neutral zone? And now Worf says there is one. Did we forget what happened several scenes ago?
If Riker had given you a ship with cloak? The hells? I guess maybe the treaty was void once the klingons took over romulan space.
Based on Worf's response, he's been seething about this for many years.
We're getting the band back together.
Warp 13!?
That communication with Riker looks suspiciously like previously shot footage. I guess temporarily getting rid of the beard is way too hard. Sadly, as a result it looks super poor.
The anomaly is moving backwards through time?
Does Picard somehow create it in the future, and it travels backward?
Eva proposes that the tachyon beam is the cause of the anomaly.
“The relationship between time and antitime is roughly analogous to that of matter and antimatter.” That, uh, doesn't really clear anything up, Data.
You don't understand why it's bigger in the past? You were literally talking about antitime.
It still amuses me that Tasha Yar's actress got to be in the first and final episodes.
“We are medical ship on a mission of mercy.” You’re a part of the Rebel Alliance, and a traitor. Take her away!
Signal surrender? Is there a button for that?
Calling it, the new ship is Riker.
Um, Why are the Federation and the Klingons not friendly? Why aren't the Klingons desperately begging the Federation not kill them all with their shield-cutting, punch-through-the-hull phasers?
So based on its effects, the antitime thing is just causing magic things to happen?
Is the implication that if Picard hadn't gone off half-cocked in the future, everything would be fine?
Riker and Worf for having a snit? Over Troi?
Oh, is she dead?
“I always thought we would get back together again.” Did you forget that your transporter clone planned to hook up with her? Blocking Worf is one thing, but blocking yourself?
If your goal is to not sound crazy, Picard, you're failing.
What does it even mean to turn off the tachyon pulse in the past? It was on. It will still have been on.
Okay, past Picard, You deserve a mutiny from your crew.
I don't think the little speech about how much you trust them all is going to be terribly convincing to people you apparently just met a few hours ago. Especially given that you're acting super crazy.
So in the future they refit the Enterprise by bolting another warp nacelle on to it like someone with a cheap car bolting a spoiler onto it.
“Just another day at the office?” Well, yes.
Very convenient entirely black backdrop for green screening Q in on.
“Mr. Worf, what's the date?” Why, Christmas Day.
Worf’s leisurewear is super ridiculous.
While I appreciate the challenges of paradox, I feel like maybe you should write down a whole bunch of theories about antitime and stuff, since apparently that's actually in the future. Might be useful.
“Knowing what happens in that future allows us to change things now so that some things never happened.” That is literally the definition of polluting the timeline. Which is a thing you're apparently not supposed to do.
Picard wants to play?
Somehow it seems appropriate that the series would end with a poker game.
If you are quite a card player in your youth, Picard, why are you doing a god-awful overhand shuffle?
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