#Willful stupidity
harmcityherald · 5 months
To save from having shouting matches I sit and listen to conspiracy bullshit from one of my right leaning youngers. I just sit and listen, maybe shake my head here and there. Ask me directly if I think any of this nonsense coming out of your mouth is real. Go on. I dare you. But you won't do that and I'm above having a fistfight because you believe Biden killed Anthony Bourdain and you wanna defend diddy and weinstien, because of course, they are the heroes that are next on the unalive list. What an absolute pop tart.
Since 2016, I have truly heard some of the most stupid conspiracy theories I've ever heard, I'm not talking about reading about it, I'm talking about right here and now and completely in my face. I can not fathom the absolute shit I hear and they believe. Looking at you, I see exactly what they want. An idiot ready to run off and do their bidding. They are laughing at you at the same time. I thought I raised you better than that.
Its not just stupid. Its industrial stupid. Like, I have just one question for you. If the orange leader of your white power cult told you to kill yourself........ Would you?
The fact that question occurs to me should speak volumes.
You were afraid to look at the eclipse. Jewish space lasers. The moon is hollow. The ananuki. (or however you spell that lunacy.) You break out in a sweat when you talk to me. That crap has you gripped so deeply I don't know if I'm going to be able to reach you again. You are jack black in mars attacks. (just let that sink in for a minute.)
I wish you would just revert to your old self, You know the one who never read a book? Because I'm here to tell you that whatever you're reading is twisting your melon. Yeah. I miss that guy. So do your kids. I mean sure you didn't read, but your heart seemed in the right place. Now? You're a pop tart.
Pop tarts for trump.
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prolibytherium · 2 months
One of my all time biggest pet peeves with historical(ish) fantasy is when the writer constructs a religion with a clear bias that it's stupid and false and therefore only the Stupid People and/or commoners believe in it and all the smart/elite main characters are like, quasi-atheists or otherwise just routinely flout established religious conventions of orthodoxy and/or orthopraxy because they're Too Smart for it or etc.
It's usually an extension of assumptions that people in the past were just less intelligent than in the contemporary, just being like "I know that the sun is a star millions of miles away that the earth orbits, but this ancient religion describes it as a chariot flying through the sky" and not really bothering to learn the context and just (consciously or subconsciously) settling on 'that's a crazy thing to think and was probably believed in because they were Stupid'.
And that whole attitude pisses me off so much. People were as 'smart' 10,000 years ago as they are today. These beliefs aren't just desperate, random flailing to explain phenomena that could not directly be accounted for either, it's not like people just looked at the sun and went "Uhhh I don't know what the fuck that thing is, actually. I guess it might be a chariot or a boat or something?? Yeah let's go with that." and based entire religious practices on this. Every well-established belief system exists within broader contexts of cultural values/subjective perceptions of reality/knowledge systems/etc, and exist as part of a historical continuum of religious practices that came before. Even when not Materially Correct, they have context and internal logic, they're not always dead literal with zero levels of allegory, and they're never a result of stupidity.
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arsmentae · 2 months
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My top 3 Sanji fits of all time
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clericxhood777 · 3 months
Bruce: I'd think I would know if Jason was bi
Dick: Like you knew with me?
Tim: Like you knew with me AFTER I kissed Kon on the cheek?
Cass: Like you knew with me when Steph and I started holding hands?
Damian: Father, you may be a detective, but you are oblivious to our personal lives.
Tim: I second that.
Cass: I'm so serious, didn't the black nails gave it away? I could've sworn you walked in on me and Jason doing our nails.
Damian: I thought his two whole boyfriends gave it away.
Bruce: ...
Bruce: Okay, I get it, don't rub it in.
Alfred: Everyone knew, Master Bruce, Jason announced it at the family dinner...two months ago.
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freesidexjunkie · 4 months
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I tried to make this joke on a Facebook page a decade ago a couple years back and it flopped but I think you all understand me <3
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gingerswagfreckles · 2 months
Things "The Zionist Lobby" (Evil Jews Who Control The World) have been accused of this week for literally no fucking reason:
-Starting and perpetuating the race riots in Britian
-Trying to steal the election in Venezuela
-Starting the rumor that the Olympic boxer Imane Khelif is trans
When will people wake the fuck up and realize people are using the word "Zionist" to mean Jews and going right back to blaming us for Literally Every Bad Or Controversial Thing On The Entire Planet.
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eyes-of-nine · 4 months
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draws P instead of actually playing the game bc I suck at combat so badly
commission info
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zarla-s · 1 year
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matching sprays when you want to see how fast you and your friend can get kicked out of a server
From that one silly boykisser meme by mintpaws, though this was reffed from this take on it by beautysnake.
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crazyexmormon · 3 months
i actually think ppl dealing with religious trauma by having an edgy atheist phase is fine. I actually think maybe the kid who makes sorta cringey jokes at the expense of a cult they're trapped in should be allowed to do that. Yes I roll my eyes when I see people calling it "the book of moron" but I also remember being fourteen and seeing someone do that and how incredibly powerful it felt so I think maybe it being a bit cringe in retrospect is fine.
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carbonateds-oda · 1 year
freshly out of the pm dazai acting like a college student that’s living on their own for the first time and therefore needs to consult w their mom abt every little thing cuz they don’t know how to take care of themselves, except he doesn’t have a mom so he just calls ango and bothers him abt the randomest things
“ok, just to be sure… how do I turn on the rice cooker…I press the on button right?”
“if the box says I need to microwave it for a minute how long do I need to microwave it for? just a minute? are u sure…”
“how much medicine should I take? the whole bottle right? im jokiiiing… I already took it all I was actually just calling to say goodbye”
(he has angos contact name saved as “traitor” btw)
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jerreeeeeee · 5 months
do you think after barry died in phandalin his lich form constituted fast enough to see the rest happen. you think he was close to losing himself upon seeing his wife's nightmare all around him and no sign of her. you think he thought tres horny boys would die for good. you think he heard taako say he wouldn't leave without him
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(ln8 spoilers) jinshi thinking except for my godly looks i am just average and then his smartass goes and kills around five birds with just one brand. someone whose status is so high that even his name can't be said by anyone except the emperor jinshi branded himself with the crest of the empress vowing loyalty to her assuring her he doesn't wants to take the place of her son. one-upping his "bro" with this who refuses to let him leave the line of succession wouldn't let him become a commoner doesn't wants to let him become a servant to the royal family. only slaves get branded and if this ever got out there will be chaos in the court. gyokuyou tho considers jinshi like a brother and he did swear loyalty to her but if she ever tried to cross his family her clan's brand on his body would be enough to prove her as an adultress which would be bad for her and her clan.
and jinshi did this in front of these two people and maomao so now she is the only one who can see him naked and the emperor cannot order him to marry anyone which was something that was definitely gonna happen had he not done what he did. as a bonus he gets to spend more time with maomao after a long time and he did all this while saying the exact words: empress gyokuyou, your enemy i shall never be in front of maomao reassuring her because she once muttered i don't want to be an enemy to empress gyokuyou and he had heard her but before he could tell her that he had no intention of doing that either he couldn't because of the lishu incident. one of the major reasons maomao hadn't accepted her own feelings for jinshi one of the obstacles he promised to remove for her. even though he doesn't even know that maomao's concerns about her becoming gyokuyou's enemy had to do with his birth secret his true status. that no matter what he is the rightful successor. something jinshi himself isn't even aware of and yet without knowing that he did this to deal with it all in a single way most preferable to him: masochism
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penelopwgarcia · 3 months
comparing obi wan's to anakin's trajectory is a jackass move cause yeah, obi wan never had it easy and had plenty reasons to fall as well but he didn't have the pressure to be perfect as chosen one, he didn't have a fucking vulture preying on his relationships and overall life; he didn't have to take of a 14yo on the middle of a war when he was 19, yes he watched his mentor die but that's quite differently from dreaming about your mom being tortured to death for days and not been able to save her to then years later you have the same goddamn dream about your wife. the order you serve isn't the same anymore the republic you fought for isn't nearly as perfect and your mentor is asking you to spy on the only guy that seems reliable to you - but the same mentor lied to you before, you thought he had died, what more lies do the council are telling him now?
so yeah anakin lost many things and a lot of things happened to him but it's unfair to compare with obi wan life - who did lost many people - because they're way different. Anakin not only lost people and confidence and security he was also manipulated into slavery again and I'm so done with people treating him like a whiny baby that did stupid because he truly believed palpatine was going to help him - what evidence shows he wouldn't? palpatine preyed and groomed anakin since he was 9 and the jedi thought it was cool a child hanging out with a stranger but everyone going to point at the victim to choose what seemed the only way for him
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acgamesda · 20 days
I saw a post of people being concerned that Lucanis possession situation might be same like it was with Anders, where the man himself is slipping and spirit is taking over in aggressive manner.
But hear me out: Lucanis being so disciplined and mentally fortified by his decades with Crows that demon literally cannot control him, while Lucanis is using it's powers like any other weapon as his disposal.
What's if Lucanis is less like Anders but more like Merrill? What's then?
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focsle · 1 year
Sometimes I think people swing way too far in the direction of “one mustn’t romanticize the past” that they punch fully into the territory of “people from the past were bad/stupid and so was the way they did things and there’s absolutely nothing we should try to bring forward with us or return back to”. Progression isn’t linear. There are always things to learn from the people who came before, and not just from their mistakes. Their beauties too. Their technologies. Etc. Etc. Etc.
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ovaruling · 1 year
headlines asking me “why are so many young women getting breast cancer these days?” and pretending like dairy doesn’t exist and pretending like the CDC doesn’t report that bovine leukemia virus infects 38% of beef herds 84% of all dairy herds and 100% of large-scale dairy operation herds and pretending like BLV hasn’t been found in human breast tissue and pretending like BLV hasn’t been linked to breast cancer but ok
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