#Also this is why I get so upset About people spreading misinformation
harmcityherald · 5 months
To save from having shouting matches I sit and listen to conspiracy bullshit from one of my right leaning youngers. I just sit and listen, maybe shake my head here and there. Ask me directly if I think any of this nonsense coming out of your mouth is real. Go on. I dare you. But you won't do that and I'm above having a fistfight because you believe Biden killed Anthony Bourdain and you wanna defend diddy and weinstien, because of course, they are the heroes that are next on the unalive list. What an absolute pop tart.
Since 2016, I have truly heard some of the most stupid conspiracy theories I've ever heard, I'm not talking about reading about it, I'm talking about right here and now and completely in my face. I can not fathom the absolute shit I hear and they believe. Looking at you, I see exactly what they want. An idiot ready to run off and do their bidding. They are laughing at you at the same time. I thought I raised you better than that.
Its not just stupid. Its industrial stupid. Like, I have just one question for you. If the orange leader of your white power cult told you to kill yourself........ Would you?
The fact that question occurs to me should speak volumes.
You were afraid to look at the eclipse. Jewish space lasers. The moon is hollow. The ananuki. (or however you spell that lunacy.) You break out in a sweat when you talk to me. That crap has you gripped so deeply I don't know if I'm going to be able to reach you again. You are jack black in mars attacks. (just let that sink in for a minute.)
I wish you would just revert to your old self, You know the one who never read a book? Because I'm here to tell you that whatever you're reading is twisting your melon. Yeah. I miss that guy. So do your kids. I mean sure you didn't read, but your heart seemed in the right place. Now? You're a pop tart.
Pop tarts for trump.
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psychicbergara · 5 months
so some things to clarify before i say anything:
watcher is NOT deleting their videos or archiving their old stuff on youtube, it's still going to be there for everyone to watch!!
they will upload new content on there but only the season premieres of their shows
i think a lot of people are forgetting that they're still, essentially, a small company with a small group of creatives trying to make a living
all this to say-- i get that it's frustrating and upsetting for a lot of people (and honestly myself included at first bc im going through some financial stuff rn) and i do think there should be a better middle ground for those who cannot afford this, especially for people in other countries.
but i think a lot of us are forgetting that they are independent content creators who have to support their own staff and crew, give them livable wages, while also finding ways to be sustainable for the future. they are not a Corporate Streaming Site. a bigger budget with better quality shows costs money unfortunately so they had to find a solution that was better for them. and it does suck because this ostracizes a lot of their audience (seen from most of the backlash). so that's why im hoping they eventually find something for those who can't be able to pay in the future since most of their audience seems like they can't afford it. which i totally get in this economy 😭
we also don't know how much content they'll put out on the streaming site- if it's gonna be daily content, weekly, etc, it might change from their usual youtube schedule.
i'm still excited for them!! this is a huge step forward for them especially since they can control whatever they produce now vs having to be controlled by a media conglomerate. and eventually, i hope i can support them. i'll still be here bc i love them. but i get why people are upset about this, but again, please don't spread misinformation!! their old stuff is still gonna be on youtube. so let's wait and see y'all 🙏🏽
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bonefall · 4 months
i dont think people are upset that the erins "weren't creative" enough with Moonpaw, they're upset that she's just. not a chimera. thats just a longhaired tortie and they justified it with chimerism. which is extremely insensitive because chimerism is a real medical thing that can cause issues in every species, including humans for those that dont know, and thats like. a big thing.
like, yay some disability rep (depending on how they write it. it wont be good. ughh) but like. its not going to be considered a disability when it can be in some cases. they are just going to say "ohh shes so special!!" like some people say with autism in this age (the infantilization of it) and its gonna be. weirdddd
anyways. sorry for ranting in your inbox.
Hey. Woah. THIS is insensitive and I don't know where you're getting this from. NONE of the three types of natural chimerism are a disability and it is extremely rare that fusion chimerism leads to medical complications.
Do not spread misinformation about a genetic condition because you're annoyed about the writing team confusing a common tortie fur pattern with chimerism. THEIR mistake is ultimately harmless. What YOU'RE doing is stigmatizing.
Quite frankly, after seeing a bunch of posts and receiving several asks about this, I don't think half of the people who are getting mad actually know anything about chimeras. I sure as fuck hope it's just ignorance, and that you aren't out here trying to call the state of being intersex a disability.
But I can fix ignorance. No need to assume malice. I will explain what chimerism is, and why you should stop going around implying it "causes issues in every species."
Chimerism is when a single individual is comprised of cells from two or more fully fertilized zygotes. There are two BROAD types of chimerism;
Artifical chimeras are common with the advent of modern medicine. Ever had a blood transfusion? Organ transplant? You are a chimera. Or at least were for a while.
THIS can lead to complications and can cause disability, but it's not what Moonpaw is. She would be a type of natural chimera, which in and of itself has THREE subtypes;
Micro chimerism
Blood chimerism
Fusion chimerism
Microchimerism is so common that I could make a Your Mom joke out of it. It's caused by the passage of cells between the fetus and placenta during pregnancy. Everyone who has ever been pregnant is a microchimera.
While it can lead to complications, it can also be beneficial. Pregnancy could be considered a type of temporary disability, but no one would expect disability rep from every character who had ever given birth.
Blood chimeras are common in species whose twins typically share a placenta, such as cows and marmosets, but very rare in animals like humans and cats which usually don't. It occurs when tissue between two twins is exchanged through the umbilical chord. This type of chimera often ends up with a mixed bloodtype, hence the name.
This is the cause of freemartinism in cattle, when fraternal cow twins cause a sister to share her brother's hormones and act more like a bull. A type of intersex condition, not a disability-- so I sure HOPE you aren't trying to imply THIS should be "disability rep."
And even in the other case, would you automatically expect disability rep from a character that has two blood types?? No. Just like you wouldn't automatically expect disability rep from every character that had ever been pregnant, or every character who had ever needed a blood transfusion
And lastly, the one that Moonpaw ACTUALLY is. A fusion chimera. These are created when two fully fertilized zygotes fuse into a single individual.
These are extremely rare because you can't usually TELL when an individual is a chimera. There is no obvious physical difference between the "halves," with some cases of doctors insisting that patches are just weird birthmarks. They live their entire lives with normal health problems like non-chimeras. It mostly causes complications when DNA testing results in a false negative-- because the offspring of a fusion chimera occasionally end up being their genetic nespring.
Or, the two "halves" are male and female, causing gonadal differences. These people aren't disabled, there's nothing wrong with their bodies, but they're subjected to unneccesary cosmetic surgeries as children because they are intersex.
Can some intersex conditions cause disabilities? YES. Are intersex conditions inherently disabilities? NO. Even when you're discussing infertility as a disability, tread VERY CAREFULLY because intersex people are fighting very hard to lift the stigma over their bodies.
Speak with care. Do not equate being intersex with being disabled. They are two different things.
You can be both and sometimes one could contribute to the other, but BEING intersex IS NOT a disability.
VERY rarely, even MORE rare than standard chimeras which are already very very rare and massively underreported because they are so unremarkable, a fusion chimera will happen LATE in utero. THIS can contribute to a chronic autoimmune condition where the cells reject each other, which is a disability.
And by rare I mean one case. Literally one. Of the 50 reported fusion chimeras in the review I'm referencing, Taylor Muhl was the only one with this. 4 were discovered via congenital abnormalities (unknown if connected to the chimerism b/c they were only tested because something was already wrong), 17 had fertility issues, and the remaining 28 didn't report immune conditions or birth defects but INTERSEXUALITY.
ANOTHER condition is often lumped in with chimerism, by people who do not know what chimerism is, which is mosaicism. Mosaicism, when there are two different sets of genes resulting from the same zygote, is NOT chimerism. MOSAICISM can be a cause of disability. CHIMERISM is usually not.
(Read the review in depth, as it includes mosaic cases for the sake of completion.)
They can both be fertilization errors, but are not the same thing. Follow me, I'm only going to woefully simplify a complicated topic once,
CHIMERA = Two zygotes in one body
MOSAIC = Two bodies in one zygote
CHIMERA = usually fine
MOSAIC = usually bad
And the last possible places you could be getting the idea that chimerism "causes disability" from, to my knowledge, is 1. This study that says the loss of a twin in early pregnancy increases the chance of congenital defects in the survivors (has barely anything to do with chimerism, this link is tangential, vanishing twin syndrome does not necessarily mean it was absorbed by its sibling)
Or, 2, this study of several animals where they correlated rates of benign tumors to % of chimerism based on SPECIES. BLOOD chimeras. It's COWS AND MARMOSETS AGAIN. The study ITSELF calls for further targeted research of chimerism cause of susceptibility to cancer.
It couldn't even link new growths or malignant tumors to chimerism in the mammals of its study. WE'RE mammals.
Correlation does not equal causation. Statistics 101.
So no. That's not "a big thing." Chimerism is fine, they're just very likely to be intersex if they're a fusion chimera of a male and a female zygote. Do not imply intersexuality is a disability. Please get mad about the actual ableism in the series, not the team being clueless about tortie patterns.
Also everyone say you're sorry to intersex Moonpaw. I better see you people making intersex Moonpaw pride flag edits as penance IMMEDIATELY.
UPDATE: Anon apologized! Growth! I still think this is an important post, especially in the context of the wider fandom conversation, so I'm leaving it as-is. Please feel free to reblog.
UPDATE 2: Clarification on infertility as a disability because I didn't word myself very well in one section!
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xclowniex · 3 months
The whole "silence equals zionism" is literally a logical fallacy. It's a false dilemma.
A false dilemma, also known as a false dichotomy, claims there are only two options in a given situation. Often, these two options are extreme opposites of each other, failing to acknowledge that other, more reasonable, options exist.
There aren't only two options, be vocal in support of Palestine or be silent and be a zionist, because even being a zionist doesn't mean you support the governments actions aka support Israel in its entirety which is what these people are assuming when they say zionist.
And like, the whole argument breaks down the moment you bring up the fact that there are other options when it comes to a person's silence.
They simply have too much on their plate to do any research whether it be because they work, then look after children or are caregivers for a family member or their work takes up 90% of their time and they need the 10% of their free time to be relaxing otherwise they will burn out, + any other reason for having a full plate, and therefore do not want to speak out without having done research
They feel as if they are unqualified to speak on the situation and do not want to accidentally spread misinformation or be seen as a source on the topic
They are neurodivergent and cannot focus long enough on the topic as it does not interest them to be able to do any research before speaking out
They are scared of the negative consequences of speaking out. We have seen time and time again people get slammed for agreeing with the core idea, that Israel needs to end the war and for palestine to exist, yet if you do not word it in a specific way, you get people harassing you, and even if you word it in a way which is inline with one group and don't get harassed by them, another group of people will be upset with your wording and harass you.
Their page is not for political topics and do not want to post anything as they do not want to post that kind of content and have not in the past so it would be hypocritical to them, for them to change their mind for one conflict only
Whilst i have only listed 5 reasons, there are a billion reasons as to why. No one is entitled to anyones opinion.
And I would also like to add that just because someone doesn't speak out about what is going on in gaza, doesn't mean that they don't take actions to try to help such as signing petitions, donating money or writing to their local representatives.
It is all just one big logical fallacy.
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g0giro · 7 months
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Someone sent this to me, and I have something to say about it. Don't buy what she said on her Twitter, I explained every single detail below.
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I'm adding these pictures as well since these tweets were basically her referring to me and saying a lot of bad things about me. I've heard this meant "I wish you go kill yourself", "You don't deserve any friends" and so on, so I decided to translate it. She deleted it, and it's gone by now, but I could get a screenshot of her saying it.
TL;DR: I cut neopentane5 off and blocked her last year, I've been struggling because of severe depression since last year and she was the main reason who caused it, I vented about how I felt and what I couldn't understand her to my friend, and somehow it ended up with Neopentane5 seeing my DM with my friend and she self attacked me on her Twitter because of the DM, revealing my personal information and writing on her Twitter that I need to kill myself.
Below this is about what exactly happened and how Neoepentane5 tried to justify her actions. I explained it with all the proof that she was wrong and spreading misinformation, including some NSFW pictures she sent.
I don't know where to start, but let me talk about what happened last year between me and her.
The first reason I cut her off :
A few months ago, a guitarist of my favorite band passed away, so I was really shocked and sad, and I wanted to talk about it to someone and get comforted. There was a discord server where I, Neopentane5, and some other people were so I went there and talked about it. One of them asked me about it, but Neopentane5 just said nothing but sent a nsfw pic right below my text, completely ignoring me.
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It was really rude and disrespectful, not just because the guitarist was my favorite but it was really weird and absurd of her to send a nsfw pic when she heard that someone died. Because of this, I was feeling depressed, so I tried not to pay attention to the server and her. I muted the notifications and tried to do something else like watching movies, playing games, or going out and so on because I thought it would become better if I could ignore this.
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But she kept sending a bunch of nsfw pictures like these pictures without my consent and I was really overwhelmed and mad because of it.
This is the uncensored version of the screenshots.
The second reason why I cut her off:
Around last Halloween, I posted this to do inbox trick or treating. People who wanted to join it left likes there, and everyone who left likes on that post answered back, but Neopentane5 was the only one who didn't do anything even though she left her like. I thought she might be busy, and I asked her why she hadn't answered. She said she read it and wanted to draw something for it and would post it that night, but I didn't really mind if she wanted to draw something or not, because I was content with communicating with people by sending some candy pics and it was wholesome.
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She really seemed to draw one for it, and I didn't want to let her down by saying I didn't really need her drawing or so, so I gave her enough time and she didn't post anything about it even two weeks had passed. I was really getting upset and depressed because it felt like I was worthless and not worth being remembered or cared about. I stopped texting her and everyone back then because of my depression.
Then she suddenly texted me first unusually and it was like this.
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She just wanted to use me for translating that picture when she clearly knew that I didn't like the reboot stuff and didn't want to see it at all. She could've just googled it and used a translator, but she still decided to ask me to translate it for her. I had been feeling really down that time, and I didn't want to text back, but I also didn't want to make her feel bad so I just joked like I was all good and translated it for her. I felt I was worthless than the google translate and she just laughed it off and didn't really care about it when she should've made a proper apology. It didn't look like a person who was genuinely feeling sorry and it made my mental state worse. So I said just forget about it, and she didn't even answer back.
Other reasons I cut her off:
I had been already feeling depressed because I had always felt that I was the only one who cared about the 'friendship' she claimed to call it. Whenever I wanted to 'talk' with her, I always had to bring something interesting related to the fandom stuff, or she didn't even reply or reply very carelessly like "okay cool" a few days later when I texted her. She also didn't text me first usually, and I noticed it when I started talking with her last year. I thought I could talk about it to her and solve the problem together, so I seriously asked her to text me first sometimes and told her that I was feeling neglected because of her lack of messages. She said she wasn't just a talkative person and didn't really start a conversation first, but it was also the same for me because I wasn't a talkative one either. At least she promised that she would change and try to message me first, but she didn't. I talked about it to her more than three times, but she didn't even try hard to keep her promise and I lost trust that it would fix anything if I talked with her.
This was the last conversation when I blocked her.
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I was trying not to be rude, and I explained why I decided to distance her. If she actually cared about the 'friendship', then she should've apologized to me and asked me if we could start over. But she immediately decided to cut me off (which means she didn't care about me) and started making excuses to justify her actions.
About Neoepentane5 saying something supportive about rape:
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She tried to make her words promising about rape is okay by using the logic that she's Asian and Asian people are like that. Me, as a Korean, I don't support rape and I am against people who tolerate rape in any case. I couldn't understand how could a person be okay with rape at all and I was so disgusted by it, so I vented it to my friend because I'd already cut her off and there was no way for her to see this, a few days ago. But somehow, Neopentane5 was able to see my DM which I only intended to share with my friend, and wrote about it, making excuses and revealing my Discord name and Tumblr blog to the public, allowing her followers could easily attack me when I had no intention to expose her when I was talking with my friend.
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We used to be friends, but we didn't quarrel and the quarrel she means is the last conversation I wrote about above, where I was explaining why I decided to block her. I didn't drive a distance between Neopentane5 and her friends, in fact, there was only one person I asked why didn't they distance Neopentane5 yet. The friend she was talking about was also my friend, and when I decided to block her, I told the friend too. I was genuinely worried about the friend because they said that they also had problems with Neopentane5 before and had an emotionally hard time because of her.
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I talked about my interaction with her to my friends, not making it go on the public. Every person can feel bad and hate someone, and I needed to vent my feelings to my friends, Neopentane5 is talking about this as if I did something wrong after seeing what she wasn't able to see. About how she could manage to see my DM, my friend shared it with someone else without my consent and their friend shared it again to another, and so on. This is a wild guess, but when I talked to the friend after blocking Neopentane5 they said they already knew what happened, and in the way Neopentane5 talked in the last conversation I had with her, it's not hard to assume that she probably said many bad things about me. I don't blame her for talking back behind my back, because it's natural to vent someone's feelings to someone, but it's very disappointing and frustrating to see her attack me.
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When I said I could make her an account, she denied it because she didn't want to look weak in front of me and said it was cheap to buy a new phone number, saying it didn't even cost a single dollar.
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It was one game she bought, and I told her how much I appreciated it enough that she told me to stop praising her. However, she hadn't played it once when I asked her to play it together later. I don't know what she's talking about the 'learning new ways to use AI for me' because if she's talking about CAI, I was the one who was making characters mostly and I've never asked her to make one for me.
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I asked her to do RP with her because it looked like she was getting tired of CAI's waiting line and the limited responses. I said it was totally okay if she didn't want to do so, but she accepted it and then I made a server to invite her. She talked like she didn't enjoy it at all, but as embarrassing as it might sound, I enjoyed it and appreciated her for doing it together, and when I asked her if she was enjoying this too, she said yes and saved funny moments we had.
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I say it again that it wasn't an argument or a quarrel. I explained why I wanted to distance her instead of just blocking her without any words, giving her the last chance to apologize and to make things better again. I explained it in the last conversation I had with her, you can read about how she keeps trying to justify her careless actions toward me by saying she's just forgetful and I don't understand her at all when I was struggling because of my depression and I needed someone to show me that they cared about me, but she couldn't understand me at all. I expected her to show it to me because she said I was special and different unlike the other friends she had, but maybe I was too naive.
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I've never talked about anything related to her to the public or in my account where anyone can see it until now. Look at who decided to point me out and blame me, revealing my blog and discord account.
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It's also not healthy to write me to go kill yourself.
This is all, and it was Neopentane5 who started blaming me on the Internet first. These are her Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram pages. I hope anyone who reads this will distance yourself from her and her devotees, and it would be appreciated if you could reblog this post and share it on other websites like Twitter too.
Sorry for tagging the fandom tags, but I don't want other people to suffer the same thing I did. Thank you for reading a long post. + I edited the post since it was flagged.
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batboyblog · 2 months
Seeing the post about Jasmine, I can literally feel an ulcer grow within me. Are people actually this fucking stupid? Spreading VERY blatant and easily debunakable misinformation? Are they MALICIOUSLY trying to sabotage shit? Also the antisemitism only grows stronger. You literally have spoken in support of Palestine multiple times and yet these people start to froth at the mouth when they find out you're Jewish, these people have the reading comprehension of a fucking brick!!! And seeing the quote by Malcom X... Literally that's the most disgusting shit to act like you're a white liberal when Jews are not seen as white, are seen as lesser than white, the lack of self-awareness this person has is stunning. Sorry to make such a long post but what the fuck, seriously what the fuck is people's problem.
what the fuck is people's problem is a great question that I really wish I had an answer for.
I mean on the antisemitism front I suspect that the thrill of bullying transcends ideological views, just because you say you're a socialist doesn't mean you're also a good person. Just means you have justify your behavior through a new lens, so its fine to accuse Pete Buttigieg of being a sexual pervert like some conservative Catholic, if you're doing it as a "joke" because he's "Neo-liberal" or whatever, or post snakes at Elizabeth Warren, or or etc etc as long as you come up with an excuse its fine to be horrible as long as you do in the name of leftism! or whatever.
as to the wider question? why blow up chances to make progressive change by supporting nonsense candidates who are just unfunny versions of Vermin Supreme? hm I don't know, but I suspect that for a lot of them, politics aren't really real to them. It's like ideological football for them, the most important thing is to "be right" and "win the argument" over in reality, we have to sometimes work with people we loath, sometimes we have to put up with shitty things to get what we really want, and always always always its slow work. Listen, in 1912 Teddy Roosevelt put forward the idea of a national health service, over 100 years later we're still fighting for universal health care. Now we've made important steps, everyone over 65 those who need it most, have health coverage through Medicare, others have been added to Medicare, we have Obamacare which regulates the health markets and helps people get affordable coverage and more people are covered now than every before. But people like we're talking about would rather than was Nothing for anyone, that everyone was not covered at all, than take an answer that helps people but isn't perfect.
Just isn't my style really, idk I just can't help but think about all the people whose lives got saved by Obamacare and just, what we should have let them die? progress builds it doesn't just appear nothing just happens, so each term you move closer, but each time a Republican gets it, they undermine, undo, go backward. I mean for example, Trump literally wants to get rid of the job in government that advices all the many federal departs on how to be greener and replace it with a guy who's job it'll be to push departments to use more oil and gas.... literally thats a thing, what a perfect example of what a Republican Presidency is about, going backward. Then when we have a Democrat rather than making progress they have to undo all the damage to get to baseline and then start improving.
I also think there's a small group of cynical grifters, when Democrats/liberals/people on the left whatever we want to call them, are scared and frustrated and upset, ie when a Republican is in power and elections are years away, they invest, money, time, energy into things to try to feel like they're making a difference or that they're heard, or validated. Left wing podcasts boom, left wing groups that are good at social media boom, people can become kinda stars and make money. Now many of those people drift off to normal life when there's a safe Democrat not doing horrifying shit every day, the money dries up. So the cynical crowd 1. tries to undermine Democrats to keep that feeling of frustrated hopelessness alive in listeners so they keep toning in and 2. they want Republicans to win! of course! its good for them!
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crow-girl-cock · 8 months
Hai :7
I love you!
yes you!
click this.
now for introduction.
my name is Renée Corbeau
but you can call me ren or crow
I love crows! they feel like family to me and I hope next cycle I get to experience the life of a crow.
I have gone through alot in life and fancy myself some sort of activist by proxy of that pain, am I perfect? fuck no! I am still learning and probably operate under toxic bias still despite all the effort I have put into growth.
I'm adhd, autistic, anxious, depressive, dissociative, probably some degree of plurality.
I'm a gender non-conforming transwoman, definitely puppy coded, and severely down bad for women, especially butch women!
that being said the human body is beautiful. especially fat bodies, I'm a sucker for meat :3
all my guys, gals, and non binary pals deserve kisses (assuming that they want them)
I love gender fuckery, people who actively blur those lines are doing the lords work.
despite being very friendly and appearing slightly outgoing sometimes, I am very shy and dont have a very large social battery.
if I ever dont respond dont take it personally there are loads of reasons why this could be.
U⁠^ᴥ^⁠U U⁠^ᴥ^⁠U U⁠^ᴥ^⁠U
I am kind of a red mage when it comes to special interests, I know a little bit about alot.
(all lists are not ordered and not exhaustive)
some examples include;
from gaming~ pokemon, zelda, elderscrolls, darksouls, minecraft, osu!, space sims (elite dangerous, astroneer, dyson sphere project, hardspaceshipbreaker), roguelikes (noita, deadcells, gungeon, vagante, slaythespire)
from other media~ pokemon again, bluey, adventure time, atla, bee and puppycat, studio ghibli (nausicaa is goat), csm, bleach, dragonball, naruto, she-ra, dungeon meshi
from *gasps* real life~
space (and metaphysics), nature (it's peculiarities and the many funky adorable little guys born in it) I'm definitely a poser but skateboarding and rollerskating (I really want to get into rollerderby) philosophy (to the extent that any skid is);
(not as well read as I would like because there is so much of it, and so much of the truth is buried under misinformation, but I have deconstructed the whole western myth of how things went and painted myself a much clearer picture as to how things got so bad and am learning new things about the world all the time, please feel free to info dump about anything history related I'd love to hear it. anthropology and archaeology too obvs)
(this is my chosen field for better or worse >⁠.⁠< I am going to college for web and graphic design (2024-2026) I might extend that an extra 2 years to make it a bachelor of design and hope to one day make graphic novels, beautifully illustrated with deep thought provoking stories)
໒꒰ྀིっ˕ -。꒱ྀི১ ૮꒰՞⸝⸝- ༝ -⸝⸝꒱ა ໒꒰՞⸝⸝. ̫ .ܸ⸝⸝ ꒱ა
Kink! (definitely subject to change)
petplay, musk, intox, bondage, impact, cnc, degradation, somno, hypno, blood, knives, size difference probably more I haven't thought of
I'm poly and very t4t
I'm a switch but this hellsite has been steadily turning me into a bottom day by day heheh
but no actually
I used to be a hypersexual dom pre-transition
but E has made me alot less uncontrollably horny and far more sensitive and inclined to seek vulnerability, all my drive to dom has dissolved
also I suck at tagging and will sometimes will reblog art/random things from tags without checking bios
if that upsets you or makes you uncomfortable please see the block button for more info ;3c
.♡. .♡. .♡.
anyways since you made it this far
here have some headpats
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spread kindness please and thank you ^v^
As above, So below.
Hai :7
I love you!
yes you!
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languageshead · 1 year
People saying they are "higher needs" when you point out harmful and misinformation that they are spreading about higher needs autism.
I have noticed this quite often, it is definitely not uncommon. When you are being called out about misinformation it's much easier to say that you are a part of that community as a "free pass" to validate anything you say than come forward that you were wrong and maybe reflect a little bit about what you have said.
Whenever people say "levels are ableist", "levels are stereotyping us" and I point out that this perspective is very low needs centered and it's usually late-diagnosed, low needs people that spread this kind of information that is incorrect and harmful people always, always end up saying "I am higher needs too", "I am level 2/3" and this makes me so incredibly upset.
First, if the person is being honest about their level, which honestly you just have to believe they are and hope for the best, since a lot of people seem to be self-diagnosing with "higher needs", which I absolutely do not agree with, that doesn't make them exempt from having typically "low needs/late-diagnosed actions". Being higher needs does not make you immune to saying bullshit and to ignoring other higher needs autistics. Being autistic also doesn't exempt you from being ableist, from being an Aspie Supremacist, being part of a community does not make you immune to being ableist to your own community. The biggest example of this is how often gay men are homophobic towards their own LGBTQ+ community, how often they can be transphobic, lesbophobic etc.
So, if someone is pointing out that what you are saying goes against the majority of the higher needs autism community, you do not get to say "I am higher needs" to validate what you are saying. I never, ever assume someone's needs over the internet and to call you out for harmful misinformation about levels and the general higher needs autistic activism is not assuming your level. If I tell you that what you are saying goes against what the majority of higher needs autistics talk about, I am not assuming you aren't higher needs. I am simply pointing out that you are being harmful to higher needs autistics, whether you are or not one of us.
Second, I am honestly very surprised to see people claiming they are higher needs while clearly not participating in higher needs activism and discussions. It's clear to all of us here, as far as I am aware, that levels are needed and that they are not ableist. All of my online "friends" (I call you all friends, because I remember your usernames and always check to see what you've been posting, even if we don't really interact) are fighting to get low needs/late-diagnosed people to understand our perspective and to understand that some of us do have more needs than others and that's fine. And very honestly, if one of us, who truly knows what we go through in the autistic community, keeps spreading this type of misinformation, this makes me so incredibly sad and I honestly am unable to understand why they would do that.
And I honestly assume (I know it's not really okay to assume, but be patient with me, we're all trying our bests and a lot of us are just tired with the backlash from the mainstream autistic community), by the things these people usually say that they really do not engage in our activism and do not truly understand what we try to fight for within the autistic community. So I do not know if they are late-diagnosed higher needs and therefore do not know about us, if they aren't higher needs, if they are higher needs yet refuse to participate in our activism, if they self-diagnosed higher needs... I don't know. Anyways, in any of these cases, telling you to keep up with actual higher needs activism (like what we do here, over at Reddit etc) is not, in any way, assuming you are not higher needs. It's telling you that you are clearly not listening to higher needs autism activism.
I always try to be nice and end up being blocked because people within the autistic community cannot take any criticism, ever. Just happened right now. I put so much effort into my words (which is much harder when you have a language impairment) to try to educate people, to be nice and let them know what they are saying is incorrect and people just assume I am either attacking them, being "ableist" or any other kind of misinterpretation of my words. Sometimes I think I will lose my mind over activism. I feel so left out, I feel like I am screaming at no one. I am so done with mainstream autism activism and I am so done being ignored. I think sometimes that I need to distance myself from activism because this is so hard to cope with emotionally. But at the same time I cannot because I cannot see misinformation and ignore, misinformation makes me furious, injustice against people like me and my friends here makes me absolutely mad. I cannot ignore. Maybe this is a symptom of my own autism, I don't know, if anyone does feel free to let me know. I can't ignore this. Anyways, this post was a vent. I am always very opened to criticism and civil discussions as long as long don't keep your arguments to impact phrases(+) everyone is done listening and as long as you don't block me when I am trying to have a civil discussion.
+ I am not sure if "impact phrases" is the correct word to what I am saying, I had to google this on translator because I don't know how to say this in English. By "impact phrases" I mean very used things without any meaningful thought like "levels are ableist", "levels divide us", "levels are new functioning labels". If you actually believe these things, I am also opened to explain why I (and a lot of higher needs and allies) think this is incorrect.
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theswiftheartsystem · 6 months
Tw: very aggressive anti-endo post I’m responding to (Syscourse of course with that.) also I will most likely curse here and come off as very angry.
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Okay, so I normally wouldn’t do this, but this post genuinely pissed me the fuck off. I blocked out identifying information of the person because it’s not about this person, it’s about the general misinformation spread by these people. Please do not harass this person, this post is clearly engagement bait, which is what ultimately made me decide to do it this way.
Religious forms of plurality has existed and been known about far longer then DID has. Not just Tibetan Buddism. Which just shows you haven’t done any fucking research whatsoever. That’s pretty typical for posts like this, but still.
“Support actual victims” A lot of endogenic systems have trauma as well, but you deny them the right to exist because the trauma isn’t valid to you. It isn’t the “right” way. A lot of endogenic systems form alters to because there brain isn’t shielding them from the trauma by forming DID or OSDD, or a different form of plurality, so they fucking do it themselves. But no, they don’t fit your narrow views of plurality so therefore “to bad, so sad, you don’t deserve support” A lot of systems are Trauma-Endo, but that trauma isn’t real enough to you because you have decided “I don’t experience this, so it doesn’t exist” same fucking argument is used against queer people, people with invisible disabilities, (which DID can be, and we consider it one for ourselves personally, that doesn’t mean it is for everyone) and basically every fucking Minority.
Even if endogenic systems have no trauma, which does happen, why are you against them having a safe space??? That means they won’t be in your safe spaces because they have separate ones?!?!
I assume the persecutor thing is something to fall back on “Oh my persecutor said it, it wasn’t me!!!” As a persecutor myself, I don’t give a shit if you are a persecutor, or a caregiver, or whatever. You still are responsible for what you say and do. You are still responsible for what your alters say and do.
I assume this person is saying endogenic systems have factious disorder or something, but guess the fuck what. People with factious disorder deserve safe spaces too. Factious disorder is a real fucking disorder not just a quirky thing to call people. They deserve help and therapy with factious disorder, like you deserve treatment for DID.
Also as a final thing to add, it’s funny how sysmeds complain about how endogenic systems go on tags for them, when they don’t want to see it, and then purposely try to make upsetting post and using the tags used by the community so they see them and get triggered.
Endogenic systems have done nothing fucking wrong to you by existing.
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anti-endo-safe-space · 4 months
what I've come to understand from endos:
you don't need trauma to be a system, but no one is claiming to be a system, but system isn't a medical term or related to CDDs cause of the google definition of system. you can be a system from autism or bpd or any disorder (this feels so much like saying tourettes can come from anxiety and ADHD and autism, which it cant. you either tic or you don't, it's either tourettes or one of the few other causes. even if you only tic when in pain or stressed, that's still ticcing and it's actually quite common. sorry, side rant.) no one is trying to claim you can have DID/OSDD without trauma or that it's not a disorder, but also a person says it's like LGBTQ+ and a fun identity and this person says they're an endogenic DID system. you can be traumatized and have it affect your system, but your system just didn't form from the trauma (you're...so close to it. plenty of systems actually don't always identify with CDDs despite being diagnosed, it's normal.) anti endo traumagenics lead a miserable life full of hate. trauma is to systemhood and plurality like dysphoria is to being trans (feels like what transID folks say about race and stuff, completely ignoring the nuances of what a "social construct" really is. a gender identity is VERY DIFFERENT from plurality even if plurality existed outside of CDDs.) endo systems are treated so purely by people and it's honestly disgusting how many people are anti endo and it's all cause their plurality forms from something other than trauma even if they do have trauma. it just isn't fair how many system spaces only care about traumagenics. (hm wonder why, almost like cause it's OUR SPACE to talk about OUR EXPERIENCES and endos not being formed by trauma is inherently DIFFERENT and should not be directly compared even if the experience of plurality is the same.)
Like to be serious now, our experiences as traumagenic/CDD havers is always going to be different. So to act like we MUST share a space and be accepting of endos is just...wrong. Of course we are going to not want endos interacting with us when we are talking about OUR EXPERIENCES. Even if they SEEM SIMILAR by the idea of being plural, they function entirely differently. If plurality truly exists and is not just misguided and misunderstood then...our experiences are inherently different. So WHY would you be obsessed with being accepted by traumagenics or be angry when traumagenics so much as say endos dni or assume that every anti endo, endo neutral, endos dni, whatever else is someone flat out hating you. We personally put endos dni on our trauma posts because our experience as a system is tied to something that they can never understand if they are truly not traumagenic. we don't ultimately care if we have endo or pro endo followers or even to care enough to say it's fully not possible. seriously. endos act like we are the exact same except for in our source of systemhood/plurality. when even the idea of our alters/head mates would be entirely different altogether if plurality existed in the way they say it would. but instead I see endos acting as if we are one in the same just with different origins and that's...not right??? Our experiences will always be vastly different from endogenics. It's one thing if individuals are participating in both communities or sumthn, whatever. but endos so often encroach on our community and when we get upset about it, they wanna bite back. Like why just you use such similar terms and names? Why must you be accepted in our spaces when a lot of us trauma survivors are not in a space to accept such a thing (especially with people denying systems altogether, misinformation being spread, us having literal triggers that can be caused by endos)? Why do you NEED to exist within our space??? Why have endogenics ALWAYS done this to an extent??? Why do you NEED to have us be pro endo or okay with endos especially when many of us are dealing with our own issues and are mostly anti endo just for the fact that we feel like our experiences are being "taken" in a way which can happen when you're literally traumatized???
It feels like they forget the nuance of being a trauma survivor and a traumatized system and shit also means many may not want to interact with you or want to validate you as an endogenic while claiming the same or similar experiences, using terms we use to describe our experiences as trauma survivors and traumagenic systems, and often stepping over boundaries and trying to say our experiences are the exact same . And that's okay. The fact is if you are truly plural in an endogenic way or willed your system into existence or whatever, your experiences will NEVER be like traumagenic systems. Cause we never asked for this (even if we are okay with it or pursue functional multiplicity) and the way our systems function are based around trauma and survival, not whatever reason you have. It will ALWAYS be inherently different. And endos don't seem to get that. They seem to forget that we have our systems from trauma and will not function the same way at all and sharing terms and community space as if we are so similar is just inherently wrong. Cause if they truly are plural from not trauma, then their alters, their everything would not function at all like us.
TransID Mention
Don't have much to comment on unfortunately (low social battery), but we agree. If somehow they do actually exist, NOTHING about them is similar (this isn't us saying they exist, we firmly believe they do not exist).
Plurality is nothing like LGBTQ+, nothing at all. Anyone who claims it is seems to be fucking TransID's and sorry but they're opinions don't count here with their fucking "transtraumatized" "transramcoa" "transplural" bullshit.
Again we just want to reiterate, we don't believe you can will a system into creation or anything but just commenting on this. (took us a while to even post it because it took some time trying to figure out if it was pro-endo or not, we've had a lot going on irl sue us)
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saltminerising · 9 months
S from Shadow here. First of all, I want to apologize for my part in the thread killer list. I know the list did damage to the entire UMA community and I think everyone in it deserves an apology for my idiocy. I also want to clarify some things about my role in the thread killer list, because there's some misinformation about me being spread around that I want to clarify.
I did not end up helping with the list. That was all D. I pushed for a longer time for skins to be considered thread killers. 2-3 hours was ridiculous at the time and I pushed for longer. The only thing I did was suggest a spreadsheet and offer to code it.
The reason I did in the first place is because I genuinely thought I was helping the community. I know it sounds dumb, but at the time I thought it was the right thing. I didn't stop to consider the effect it would have on the artists and if I had thought about it for even one second, we wouldn't be here today.
I understand now that what I said and offered to do was stupid and harmful. I'm sorry for all the damage I caused to the UMA community as a whole. I have edited that post where I offered to code the spreadsheet with an apology. I don't expect everyone to forgive me, I just want people to understand there was no malice.
I don't stand for art elitism. I think it's made the art community a toxic place and I try to go out of my way to encourage other artists. I feel like people have been assuming I was trying to be elitist when that wasn't my intent. I understand how what I said could be interpreted that I was and I want to work on that.
I am not friends with S, D, or RW. I don't think I'd really talked with any of them before this and I haven't talked to them since. Please stop calling us buddies. I don't know about the relationship between S, D and RW but I don't know them. I would really like if people would stop acting like I'm as bad as them. They all doubled down on the thread killer list being right, I didn't. They're full ass adults, I'm a minor. If the minor in the situation can admit they were wrong, the adults in the situation sure as hell can. Instead they've chosen to double down and I don't think they'll change their minds.
I've asked SMR to pause posts containing me. You're allowed to hold me accountable and be upset with me for my actions, I get it. However, it's messing with my mental health and that's why I've asked SMR to delete posts mentioning me. As horrible as you may think I am, I don't think what I did was egregious enough to justify severely messing with my mental health.
The idea of the thread itself is flawed. It's fundamentally "I hate this art, so I'm gonna go get another artist's art I like more!" This was inevitable. This thread was always going to be a clusterfuck and Aeq should have just locked it when this issue started. Something similar is probably going to happen again in this thread. The entire idea of this thread is doomed to fail.
Once again, I'm sorry for the damage I caused the UMA community and I understand I'm going to have to face the consequences of encouraging the thread killer list to grow. I just want people to understand my side and understand I didn't do it with malicious intent. I don't speak for S, D or RW. I don't know what their intentions were. I just wanted a chance to apologize and explain my intentions. I feel judged without the chance to explain myself. Thank you for taking the time to hear me out
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My Thoughts On Game Theory
So, a little side tangent away from my other posts, I don't like Game Theory. This post I am making is going to serve as an explanation on why, and a place I can direct people towards to easily explain it. Side note anyone reading should not use the information here to harass either Game Theory or the other person mentioned in it.
That aside, awhile back a video was uploaded by a channel I follow named Inside A Mind titled How I almost worked for Game Theory, with a later addition of "edit now I do." The video goes over how he was approached to join Game Theory, and he talks about a Gravity Falls hypothesis video he came up with which now exists on Film Theory.
Why am I bringing this up? Well in the video Inside A Mind talks about some email exchanges he had with MatPat, these exchanges contain information that shows blatant dishonesty in his theory crafting. In this conversation MatPat talks about brushing aside contradictory information that basically debunks the theory that is being crafted. He specifically used the Mario Is Mental videos as his example stating that in the Mario Power Tennis shoe grinding scene was focused on on for a reason, and how he purposefully left out information about anything good Mario has ever done. "You control the story. Don't feel like you have to talk about everything. Focus on the strongest evidence and brush aside some of the weaker moments or parts THAT MAY CONTRADICT WHAT IT IS YOU'RE trying to prove. For good example, look at the MARIO IS MENTAL series of videos--- I really focus in on that shoe gridning moment and AVOID ALL MENTION OF THE GOOD THINGS MARIO HAS DONE THROUGHOUT THE SERIES, In that way, I'm able to direct the viewer focus to what is going to be most compelling for the overall story I'm trying to tell."
MatPat has made various theory videos over the years that have spread blatant misinformation about games such as Mario, and this shows that a lot of it is straight up intentional. This has majorly messed up people's perception of the lore of games like Mario, and it even comes off as irritating when he talks about how loves the lore of games when he won't even properly represent it. It's not just Mario, it's also Sonic, Pokemon, Megaman, Undertale, Minecraft, and yes Fnaf as well.
It's also annoying how people will believe his claims with no questions, and when challenged they say "it's just a theory." MatPat himself has tried to also use the "it's just a theory" defense and claim it's all just fun speculation. However, this defense is invalidated because 1 he has already stated that he ignores lore to create his theories, and 2nd how he gets so upset over criticism of his theories. Prime examples include criticism over his Sans is Ness theory, his recent Game Theory: Why You HATE My Theories (FNAF) video, and most notably his Mario is Mental theory. He basically tries to have his cake and eat it too.
It is also just straight up obvious on how he ignores actual game lore, countless people have pointed it out before. Heck several of my lore posts I've made either outright debunk MatPat's claims, if not throw major monkey wrenches into his theories.
Edit, I also have to note in his earliest videos MatPat actually did partake in the process of change his hypotheses(what his theories actually are), when presented with evidence that contradicted it. He didn't do it often but he still did it. I also think some of his theories might hold water, the Banana War to be precise.
Anyways I hope this serves as an explanation on why I don't like Game Theory videos.
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dollopheadedmerlin · 2 months
Wtf happened to Yaelokre??
So confuses by the state of Fandom right now. I know some people think creators should never be involved in Fandom and, whilst I do NOT hold that stance myself, I sometimes see where they're coming from with stuff like this.
Like I get the creator venting and complaining that people are making rules around their work and misinterpreting the story and spreading misinformation, but also like??? That's just kind of something that happens? Instead of seeing people calling the Harkers gods as misinformation, see it as a headcanon or a theory! Like, it can be disproven later on when more details come out, but I don't see how confirming they're not gods in a vent post was preferable to just casually explaining what they are in a lore post or in lyrics.
Then there is the cricket system?? I never saw any of this but it sounds to me like it was similar to the dabloons meme on tik tok a while back. I do not see how anyone could find anything wrong with this? Is it not just some light rp and a sly reference to the story? Idk maybe I'm missing something or people were spamming it but it just seems like a bizarre thing to be upset about.
But this honestly isn't about the creator, it's about how weird the fan base is. They like are trying to follow the "rules" of the Fandom, when the whole point of Fandom is that there are no rules.
Like yeah, are there corners of Fandom you may dislike or disagree with? For sure. There's stuff in Fandom that I'm honestly like morally opposed to, and I'll vent about it on occasion or block people or talk about why I think it SHOULDN'T be done. But I can never tell someone what they're ALLOWED to do with fiction.
I fell like people are just riding the high of being in the early stages of a fan base that has a very direct communication method and influence with the creator, so they're policing it. Trying to perfect their understanding of an unfinished story and "explain the lore".
I don't want the lore explained to me, I just wanna listen to some tunes and look at pretty art (also low-key getting fashion inspo from those characters haha). Do people not know how to enjoy things without it being a competition anymore?
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luesmainblog · 11 months
for those wondering why i have been mostly quiet regarding israel and palestine: most of the pro-palestine stuff i come across is dismissive of hamas' horrors, blatantly antisemetic in parts, and generally conflates the israeli population with their government. or worse, treats them as a monolith; it is true that there are many israelis mocking the people their soldiers are destroying. it is NOT true that all of israel doesn't care and is just totally cool with what's going on. i will share what i find of israel's atrocities, but i will not make my jewish followers feel unsafe for shit they had nothing to do with. most of the stuff i've seen that *does* acknowledge the horror is jewish bloggers who have spent much of their life advocating for palestine, now having to struggle against antisemetics coming to them, furious that they DARE to be upset at the lost israeli lives. as though they are not allowed to mourn for both sides. as though they are not allowed to be horrified by what has happened; that they can ONLY be worried for palestine and how the attack was the perfect excuse for israel to double down. i refuse to send even more hatred their way by spreading their grief further into the void; you never know Exactly who's following your follower's followers. i am glad, at least, that nobody i follow was outright celebrating. but i know that people WERE, and now they're trying to act like that never happened. so incase this wasn't clear, cheering on the deaths of Israelis does not fucking help palestine.
I am truly disgusted with the blatant racism and colonialism that manifests israel's very core. it is an attempt at a violent ethnostate, intent to not only destroy the people it seeks to replace, but fully erase them from history. i am also disgusted with the way that the left is happy to celebrate genuine terrorism if it's committed "for the right side", as if parading dead bodies and raping people does fucking ANYTHING good. as if that doesn't fuel the israeli government's chances for propoganda. as if it hasn't traumatized your jewish neighbors. there are no fucking winners in war. free palestine and protect your muslim AND jewish friends in this time, they are BOTH getting their shit kicked in by ignorant people who want to take out their anger on some random kid in ohio. we are all posting in anger here. but let's check ourselves before we post; misinformation and antisemitism weakens our voices. Edit for clarity: this post is for my mutuals. I am specifically asking my mutuals to think carefully about what they post; i am aware that i've been too quiet, and i am trying to remedy that. i am also warning my jewish and muslim followers that if you've been using my blog as a safe spot to not think about it for a little bit, you're gonna wanna block the tags below. 'horrible things' will usually do it. i am also venting about how every jew i follow is getting hit with the "die you stupid zionist" shit from coward anons who can't tell the difference between supporting israel and just being fucking concerned for your family over there. it's fucked.
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etherealspacejelly · 8 months
my parents dont get my autism or my transness or my aroaceness
they dont get that im not trying to be rude or selfish or whatever but they think i am
they dont get dysphoria
they keep asking me if i have crushes or a boyfreind
they dont get that if the foods bad ill refuse to eat it
they dont get sensory issues or food issues
they dont get that the internet is a safer place to talk about my emotions than they ever will be
they dont get how much effort i put into trying to be normal for them
they dont get anthing
they keep trying to force me to spend time with them playing board/card games which i hate and they know i hate
they keep messing up my pronouns
one of my dads "insprational" speeches was your not flat, you'll never be flat so give up.
when i first came out my mum said "why cant you just be a lesbian instead of nonbinary or whatever?"
they say i cant call myself trans bc i don't want to be a boy
they dont get how much periods suck even tho they dont hurt
theres probably more but i cant remember it rn
any advice would be helpful
maybe ill run away and live somewhere better for me but i can think of a place
hey anon. unfortunately im not sure how to help you with the autism or aroace stuff myself, even though i am aroace and autistic my mum doesnt really understand either of those and i havent been able to reach that point yet. we have just taken to not talking about it, which is much easier now that i have moved out.
however! i do have something for you that might help! i made a powerpoint about transness for my mum that did help to convince her that being trans is a real and valid thing to be.
i cant link to it on here because it would reveal my full name publicly but you can just make your own! i included facts about the percentage of trans kids that experience anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts, and how gender affirming care significantly lowers those numbers. all of this was taken from the trevor project website!
i also included some stuff about transgender people across history and in different cultures.
i finished it off with a slide about the transgender genocide currently taking place in america and spreading to the UK.
you could make versions of these for autism and aspec people too!
im very sorry that you are experiencing so much invalidation and misunderstanding from your family, i understand how that feels. i hope this technique can help you to teach them a bit about your identities. most of the time when people say mean things about an identity, it is simply because they are misinformed. getting angry and upset is perfectly understandable, but it may make them feel even more antagonised and justified in their bigotry. explaining things to them calmly and simply, with graphs, diagrams, and real data can work wonders.
good luck!
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anarchywoofwoof · 10 months
I'm in high school right now. I live in a red state, and because of that, I hear a lot of people express pro capitalist or anti trans sentiment. Everytime I hear it it makes me feel so hopeless and small. Do you have any tips on how to not feel so bad when I hear that stuff? I'm so tired of it.
before i answer, fyi: this is why i don't have "minors DNI" all over my tumblr, btw.
not because my blog is an inherently safe place for toddlers and preteens. probably not so. but neither is tumblr as a whole, so...
however, i don't blog anything X-rated or too NSFW specifically so younger people don't feel awkward following me, because this is honestly how you learn and find some sense of goddamn community in the world when you are isolated in a red state and have no one to relate to without being told you're too young to understand.
to answer your question anon... get ready, because you asked.
first things first, you need to know that it's okay to feel upset and tired when you're constantly faced with these types of opinions or people. it's a natural response to an environment that feels hostile.
but, here's something important to remember: no matter how it may appear at times, you're not and will never be alone. even in the reddest states, there are communities and individuals who share your beliefs and will stand with you.
it might take some searching and some serious stepping outside of a comfort zone for you, but look for local or online groups that align with your values. this could be LGBTQIIA+ organizations, leftist reading groups, or environmental activism communities. connecting with like-minded people, even briefly, in passing or virtually can be a powerful antidote to feeling isolated.
also, remember that small actions can make a big difference. maybe YOU can start a club at school or in your community that focuses on social justice, environmental activism, or supports LGBTQIIA+ students. sometimes, simply having a space where you can openly discuss your views and feel supported can be incredibly empowering. you have no idea who you may attract in the process who feels exactly the same as you and just didn't know what to do.
educating yourself and others is another thing that you shouldn't take for granted. knowledge is a form of resistance. read up on the issues you care about. books, documentaries, podcasts – there's a wealth of resources out there, i've shared a lot of them on this blog.
and when you feel up to it, spread this knowledge in ways that feel right to you. it could be as simple as recommending an article or documentary or podcast to someone who appears to be misinformed, or even something like writing an article for your school newspaper, or putting up posters, flyers, etc.
remember to practice self-care and set boundaries. it's okay to step back from conversations or situations that are draining. protecting your mental health isn't just therapist speak, it's revolutionary behavior. nurturing yourself helps you stay strong and continue fighting.
last and most important thing, dear anon - hold on to hope. change often feels slow, especially in the thick of everything going on today, but it does happen. there are tales all throughout history where high school-aged people have been at the forefront of social change. your existence, your resistance, and your voice are already contributing to that change.
take care of yourself. thank you for being here.
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