#I feel like this coord is so simple it's barely a coord
sainte-melasse · 1 year
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Dress : Mallory Velveteen OP by Victorian Maiden Headdress : Metamorphose Temps de Fille Shoes : MollyPolly on Taobao Brooch : Antique cameo
*~~ Be an angel and don’t reblog this on a kink/nsfw blog ~~*
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retphienix · 4 months
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Well that was a pretty fun time :)
I still feel like the scan objectives are just, pointless, utterly pointless.
For most of them it was simple- go to the planet, scan, leave.
But for 2 of the scan sessions it just didn't spawn enough things to scan, or worse, the water one split the scans up RIDICULOUSLY between ground level and 300000000000000 tiles under the sea, it was annoying, not fun.
Anyways, not a big deal in all truth.
I really enjoyed this- moreso after I put a couple mods in place to alleviate the crafting/storage issue and give me a touch more to invest in during the scanning distractions.
But with those? I had a blast. WAY more of a good time than I expected- genuinely :)
The RPG mod is REALLY fun. Overpowered. But really really fun.
For most of the gameplay it wasn't overpowered- but holy hell if for the Glitch orb and final area I was a god, it was unfair, and kiiiiiiiiinda killed some of my fun because there wasn't any challenge anymore.
But! It was ONLY during those segments that it hit- because it was at that point that I unlocked the final version of my class weapon and the final version of the soldier class weapon is Buuuuuuuuuuuuusted lol
It's REALLY FUN, but it's TOO STRONG and made the final boss a joke that I didn't even get to pretend to be stressed over x.x
But I'd say I got far more good out of that mod than bad- I got a LOT of fun from grinding it out and exploring my options, 10/10 experience.
Anywho. Starbound.
I'd love to have some grand statement to say but I kinda don't have anything flowery to say.
The dev is a shitter for what he did.
The game looks aesthetically pleasing.
Scanning was a bad quest objective and the pre-fab locations are far more fun and should have been the vehicle for orb coords- not scanning nonsense.
All of the dungeons (save for the water one) are VERY entertaining- there's even some variance so you don't get bored doing 6 of them! :D
Crafting/storage is balls without a mod to improve storage- but is perfectly fine with a mod :)
The "crew" is barely skin deep- hell it's barely got skin- these aren't even cardboard cut outs- they're paper masks.
BUT. I WANT to like them- because their single note personalities are fun! They don't even get enough to say or do to actually sell those single notes- but I LIKE THEM LET ME LIKE THEM- the final scenes painting it like these are my beloved crew of friends is funny because they really REALLY don't get so much as a flashlight let alone a spotlight- LET ME LIKE THEM, GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That one genocide lady is just. What a lazy turn lol.
"She's VERY smart and VERY talented and she had her whole family and planet attacked by pirates that were suspiciously lacking in human members and she wants to CLEANSE the universe as it's the only (final) SOLUTION" yeah yeah cry me a river and go fuck yourself- would 2 seconds of writing have been too much to grant her a more interesting character?
Come onnnnn.
There's a good amount of "things" to play with, but a lot of it doesn't feel.... impactful/rewarding enough to do, I guess is what I'd say?
Like I could farm and cook foods that buff me, but I failed to care. Just bring meds and fancy bandages if normal med kits aren't enough (kits were enough).
Pets are a thing- it just takes a lot of pointless setup to be able to heal and reuse them so I caught some and just never used them, what's the payoff? I have a guy who dies and needs healed? I'll just avoid damage and keep shooting.
Mechs are a thing, not really sure why. I LIKE them but it's such a self contained bit of content- you can do mech stuff to get mech parts to do mech stuff- I have a similar issue with entire sections of content in Warframe- I can do Railjack to improve Railjack to do Railjack (I love Railjack but MAKE IT COHESIVE- MAKE IT WORTH DOING FOR THE OTHER GAMEPLAY!). I do like that you can just start using your mech wherever but it's really not necessary and it's so awkward in some ways- like it's genuinely annoying to mine with.
Vehicles are a thing, not really sure why. I didn't even bother buying one despite having the money lol
Space bases are a thing- REALLY not sure why- I bought one but never bothered building it out because it didn't appear to have any payoffs beyond "a place to make" which is nice! It IS nice! But it's another feature that either lacks payoff or fails to convey what it's payoff is because I couldn't find it.
I LIKE that these things are here- but I wish there was some more interconnected functionality in all this.
If I push the discussion too far I'll just be asking for a different game.
Starbound was far more entertaining than I thought it would be after hearing some critique later in its life.
It VERY MUCH earns the critique- there's a lot of "Why?" in what features are here versus what basic QOL or features or quest design or NPC interactions are missing.
But you slap all that is here together and you still get a nice final game. Not a perfect one, but one I enjoyed plenty :) One I'd gladly play through again in coop (probably with the RPG mods because it is really fun >:) )- and Maaaaaybe- MAYBE- a game I'll come back to to build out a base and enjoy just making more outposts in the stars (not that THAT has much payoff if we're being honest lol).
Game pretty good 👍
I'd give it a "We really thought this was a Terraria killer when it was announced, but what's here is still pretty nice" out of 10 :)
Also a "Get fucked for taking advantage of young artists" out of 10. Probably more that on principle- but you don't really get much of an idea on the game itself from that rating lol.
Oh yeah wait:
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My final stats for the RPG growth mod :)
The soldier's class weapon is OP as hell once you get it maxed out, and I say that both as a positive and negative lol
Also my fashionbound (it needs work but I'm not some player with hundreds of hours to actually make that x.x lol)
Fun time :) Pretty good game with unfortunate events surrounding it and bizarre design decisions (still baffled at the lack of QOL around chests in a game like this lmao)
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foosybit · 1 year
Mayoi in PriPara Outfits Part 3
This is the last suuuuper long post of me wondering what pripara outfits mayoi might wanna wear ! If you're somehow here without coming from part 1 or 2 (since again, i wont be tagging this....) here should be a link to part 1 and also part 2 (sorry again foosybit followers for triple posting)
Please congratulate mr placeholder for coming this far, he's really putting the best work out there im so thankful he's here with us. also there'll be more brands other than holic trick now (even if it's still the main brand) so i'll be naming the brand in all of them
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Gaarmageddon Red Dia from Love Devi !! a card theme was present in an outfit i would die if i didnt draw it. no original masc version cuz it's literally a card wonderland theme so say hi to pathetic pushed over vermilion mayoi. also at this point i was admittedly getting quite pooped from all the drawing so unless i really wanted to see something i just didnt do it lol
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Hello ninja association again, no brand for this one cuz it's actually from a merch line so idk if it even exists outside the merch line ?? Which. Lets slow down a bit lemme tell u my shock when i find out that not only is there boypara but theres a ninja idol boy with partially yellow hair ???!?!!?!???! shinobu come pick up ur little bro he's out here performing in a wrestling ring !!!!!! so of course i listen to all the grand total of 2 songs he has and try to find all the images i can of ushimitsu (name of the ninja boy) and find this silly merch line where he gets to work at the ninja monja (which i believe is established as a thing he actually does if the wiki trivia section is to be trusted cuz as i said im nowhere near learning about him thru the show or stage play or whatever)
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what the hell look at this dam ninja i am literally nowhere near learning anything about him considering im not even at episode 100 yet meanwhile the episode featuring ushimitsu just barely came out recently on the pripara yt but hes so my fav and hes also the blue one in a duo that works at ninja monja which is just like dorothy west i love dorothy west i love dressing pafe someone any pripara enstars fans out here do u get me do u feel me do u understand that by me saying this u can already guess i like 2wink and souma do u understand how it all connects AAHHHRG i might explode if i keep talking so lemme stop here while i can
back to the drawing, shinobus having the time of his life spinning that omelette good 4 him and mayois been delegated to rice ball duty lol loser
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Lady Pirate from Holic Trick !! say hi to origin of mr placeholder !!!! hiiiiii !!!! uve been working so hard how does it feel to be home u better cherish it cuz ur coming back later, luv u mr placeholder. but ya self explanatory why i chose this outfit
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Gothic Lace from Holic Trick !! hes such a pretty boy thats all i have to say for this
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Adult Jumper from Pretty Rhythm (the brand in pripara) !! such a sweet and simple coord i dont think it needs a second version :]
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Aromat Card Aroma from Love Devi !! it looks like the original has tarot cards but a card's a card in my book so they got the symbols. honestly it's mostly just me vaguely tasking inspiration from the original to create my own outfit but whateva im near the end and im having fun and i really liked this one so woohoo !!!! also that dress length is supposed to go to the ankle, it's just scrunched up rn hehe
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Moonlight Purple from Baby Monster !! Last one !!!! I think the pripara characters deserve to have bigger hats dam !!! I think this is a very pretty outfit hehehe he's bound to get little shorts like these some day (me hoping and praying) !!!!
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not one that i did cuz im too exhausted from all the drawing but i thought u needed to see this and imagine ninja association, kitty kitty meow meow ninja mayoi is so real in my head
wahoo thanks for going thru the whole thing !!! I feel like u can reeaallly obviously tell which of mayoi's aesthetics are the ones i like the most lol are any of us surprised that my favorite 5star of his is his feature scout ^_^ BTW!! if any of u want me to draw any enstars character in any pripara outfit I WILL SO DO IT !!!!!! or even aikatsu outfit hehe cuz i'm also quite attached to that :] altho i may take a while cuz college is about 2 start orz rip my free time !!
one last thing b4 y'all leave !! ya as i just implied, i actually watched a bit of aikatsu (enough to get to the second protag is all i remember) i just ended up with a greater attachment to pripara cuz it was my very very first anime, but yea yurika's eternally flickering flame go listen to it and imagine it's mayoi maybe even wearing his fs trust me on this one u have to experience it please please please please heres the full version too (no shade to the vers w ozora i just think yurika fits mayois voice more), anyway im on my knees begging for this to be what his solo ends up like just cover the song it'll be fine no one will notice trust me mayoi u gotta sing this
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suppuration · 1 year
experiencing that "adhd urge to tackle cleaning my bedroom in one whirlwind effort" phenomenon this week
a majority of that effort has been the result of an epiphany that i was getting in "clothing hoarder" territory, with how much i own vs how much i wear. my partner and i split the bedroom 50/50 and i do not exaggerate that a third of my side was packed solid with clothes
it was bad enough that while going through stuff, a solid fourth of it was stuff i had completely forgotten i have, and another fourth of it was stuff i liked enough to buy multiples of so i had a backup when the first one got too worn out (some things, the item was either so cheap and/or i was so in love with them that i had as many as six extra)
i was tired of never having space to even use my side of the room to do more than sleep and use my laptop. of owning a ton of clothes i didn't even necessarily like enough to wear, and a ton more clothes that don't even fit. of owning more crap than i can handle owning
so i formed a rudimentary plan and ran headlong into it. it's been messy, but it's made it lower stress to not have too much structure to my approach beyond a simple "finish one step to completion before moving onto the next." (i would put "simple" in air quotes, but punctuating that would've been awkward. anybody with executive dysfunction can relate to the difficulty of forming and adhering to a granular itinerary)
most of this is rambling, but it might be helpful idk. so far it's looked something like this:
pulling everything out and sorting by like items. putting all duplicates in one bin, and making decisive cuts on which extras i actually need to keep. taking a cursory walk through my definite "yes" pile to see what coords i can make with them
it's made it much gentler for me to have a "yes" bin, a "no definitely not" bin, and a bin for "still thinking about it." (and a fourth bin, but that's the trash can, LOL.) not having to think about it in a black and white "decision now" mentality lets me focus on being brutally honest about whether i love each thing, and whether it's past its prime. yeah i have the skills and tools to repair many types of garment damage, but do i love the item enough to spend the time and effort?
i think the hardest thing has been trying every single thing on to make sure it still fits, and fits in a way i like. it's cruelly hot here. there are some winter things i can barely stand to touch right now, let alone put on my body. i have promised myself that i will revisit the off-season bin when it's on-season... but i did suffer through the fall clothes since that's a majority of my clothing, and it's my favs
having that "maybe" bin has also given me the ability to distance myself from the items and marinate. i looked through my maybes one day later, and found making a concrete yes/no was much easier. like the off-season bin, i have promised myself that i will revisit the "maybes" in six months to see if my feelings on them have changed
which, i cannot emphasize enough. clearly label every bin and bag while you're pruning--and date it!!! that way you'll know the last time you went through that particular bin. i didn't have any lingering receipts or anything to go by, but i know that some of these stored clothes have gone untouched for literally a decade. be kind to yourself and never let yourself say "etc, stuff, or misc" either. if you do that, you will have to open it to know what's in it, every single time. if it's a mixture of things--like scarves, belts, ties--write each thing on it. i also don't recommend a blanket "accessories" label on any "yes" bins for the same reason
it's taken me three days to get this far, and i'm just past halfway going through things i think, but i think i've gotten my clothing possessions down by 30-50% with my first pass over everything
once i have all my definite "no"s culled, i am going to make a second pass over everything in my "yes"es to see if they're all still definitely "yes"es. same with the "maybes." i know i can shrink it all down further, but i need to trim the fat before i can work with the meat, to sound like a butcher for a minute
it's been exhausting and very time consuming, but it's also long overdue and i have multiple spoon-adjacent energy restrictions working against me. sometimes the best self-care you can give yourself is getting rid of what you don't need anymore, so you can appreciate and focus on what you do need and love
(yeah, part of it is me looking for stuff that's in good enough condition to see if i can get a resale shop to take it, money is getting that tight... but god i am drowning in belongings and i cannot stand it anymore nefeysfnstksfnstksfnstksfnstnm)
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noblesandsstories · 4 years
The Paranormal Research Journals of Doctor Jaime Anderson: The Electrical Lavender Mouse
The 5th of September, Around 9 P.M.
My official investigation of the attraction center Amped Up Arcade was meant to be just that, a simple investigation so I could see for myself just what was happening and figure out what to do from there. However, I had theorized that a place recorded to have held so much suffering may require more immediate action. 
The facts of the case were very blurry, but a concrete fact was Amped Up was founded by two gentlemen: Mr. Issac Kingston and Mr. Kevin Stilmen. Kingston was in charge of the advertising, publicity, and the overall look of the place while Stilmen focused on the inside, keeping the building up to code and maintaining the arcade games and attractions. The place boomed and ran smoothly for a few years. But soon the place fell into a small pit where they needed to be more cost efficient, resulting in them cutting corners, which resulted in a slight loss of business. 
In the end, that was not what caused the biggest issues. The biggest problems were the missing children reports that began piling up. Kids would suddenly disappear from around the building, and police investigation led to partial remains of the kids being found all around the city.
Kingston was already pushing the idea of closing the place and starting again somewhere else, however Stilmen was against it.
Then about 15 years ago, almost to the day, Stilmen’s daughter went missing. Her missing persons report was barely out in the public for 48 hours when they announced the building was closing to the public and the two looked for a different location. Stilmen came into possession of the property; however, he refused to do anything with it, allowing it to fall into disrepair. 
Over the years, there has been a handful of reports of paranormal activity happening inside the building. Most of them were just the sounds of children and strange electrical phenomena from inside, but the most believable report was of a blood curdling scream that would be heard, if only once in a blue moon.
I personally dismissed them as hoaxes (as they usually are) until an acquaintance of mine told me that I should look into it.
That was how I had found myself in front of the building after getting the city’s mayor to allow my investigation. The building itself was quite large for an attraction in a medium sized town, and that wasn’t even including the outdoor area for the go carts. One could only assume it had grown over time. Most of the windows were boarded or were covered by tarps or sheets in an attempt to keep people from poking around. The brick of the building didn’t show much in terms of damage, but I figured that conclusion would be better left till I got inside.
One thing was for certain however. I could feel the presence of lost souls, and I wasn’t even in the building yet.
It took me a few minutes to bust the doors open at the front, since there was no key to get in from the outside and the hinges were rusted almost beyond repair. Once I entered the front lobby, I decided to start with my usual investigation procedure. I activated the calming rune on my arm so if I met any wary or benign spirits, they would not view me as an immediate threat. I began to explore.
From what I could see of the interior, the building looked to be well in order. Besides some rather tattered looking decorations and chipping paint, the place looked like it was still decently well kept. No signs of cobwebs or extreme amounts of dust.
I decided I would check the front offices before I went deeper into the attraction center to see if I could find a map, blueprints, or anything else helpful for my investigation. There were two main offices directly across from each other, one with Kingston on the door and one with Stilman. I figured that the information I would most be interested in would be in the latter of the two.
The door was unlocked, and on the desk, there were a couple of notes that seemed to track things that needed maintenance. In fact, there was a giant binder full to the brim of nothing but maintenance complaints. I was not all that surprised, since I understand how hard it can be to keep a large place that has a good deal of people coming in and out up to code. But I was interested in the numerous reports of electrical issues. I only skimmed through the papers, but it seemed like there would always be weird phenomena that would occur where the power would cut off randomly for only seconds before coming back on or the power surged and people would end up getting slightly shocked by the machines. According to the notes to the sides, they could never find out what was going on and even Stilmen was stumped.
I quickly erased the idea that it was anything paranormal related as I would have felt any disturbances that could cause such results. As I flipped through more papers and through the desk’s contaminants, I did not find anything else on the power issue beyond the usual complaint and confusion. 
I did, however, find a series of notes that talked about another interesting thing that brought amusement to the attraction, their robots. Mr. Stilmen had a talent for engineering, and would build, design, and operate robotic animal puppets. This was the one thing that they never cut back on when they started lowering expenses. Looking at the notes, it seems like Kingston wanted to assign a mascot for the attraction. But he was not fond of all of the robots they had so far and pushed Stilmen to come up with something. I couldn’t find out what they agreed on.
After searching a little longer and not finding anything else helpful, I went and looked at Mr. Kingston’s office. However, the office was completely empty. There was not even any furniture. 
(That did not entirely phase me, as Kingston* had almost completely removed himself from the attraction center all together by the time the place had closed.)
I moved on from there and just decided to wander my way around. I activated my wrist compass’ charm. This allowed me to be able to track any spirits that have a simple amount of power.
The compass started to glow faintly and then a small spear of light, acting as the needle, started to spin before pointing in a direction.
I went down the hallway attached to the lobby and found that the direction my compass was guiding me towards was the arcade. The arcade was a well and large room that was practically packed with arcade games of all kinds. Of course, none of them were on, as the power coords on all of them were unplugged. 
I followed the cords and upon inspection, realized that all of them connected at some point to the far outside wall. The outlets were in fact more like multiplugs (very heavy duty, in fact) that came from cut out holes in the wall. I knocked lightly on the wall, and sure enough, it sounded hollow. There were probably passage ways of some sorts throughout the building so that they could keep the wiring out of sight of the guests so they would not get damaged or tampered with.
I was quite impressed with this discovery, but before I could start searching for an entrance to these passages, I sensed a presence. In fact, I sensed quite a few. How odd.
I slowly scanned the room from where I stood, hoping to spot some sign of who (Yes who for it was not powerful enough to be a what) was with me. I ended up looking around for a small while before I caught a glimpse of someone small tucking to hide behind a machine. 
I quickly glanced at my wrist and saw that this was not who the compass needle was pointing to. Nevertheless, I slowly strode over to where I saw the person. I was a few feet away, but before I could get closer,  I heard the distinct crackle of electricity.
I quickly turned its direction and saw a purple streak of lightning hit an arcade game on the far end of the row of games I was in. 
The game sparked to life for a second, flashing frames of pixels and notes of digital music, and then the purple lightning went into the next game and the next, distorted speakers and bright strobes of color making its way down the line rapidly towards me.
I could quickly tell that whoever it was was not pleased to see me and that they definitely meant to do harm. I moved away from the machines and made a bolt to the archway that led to the next room, hoping to get away from the electrical machines. As I crossed the room, I was suddenly having projectiles thrown my way. Prizes from the ticket booth and tokens where chucked my way as I ran. I glanced over to see what looked to be the apparitions of children, looking as if they were on the warpath. (Obviously they were doing no damage, but it truly is the intention that counts.)
I was no longer being battered by their vicious attacks when I got out of the arcade and into the next room, however, I was unsure if the electrical being was able to pursue me in their stead.
Looking around, I was in what seemed to be a giant playground that consisted mostly of suspended tunnels that had translucent plastic bubbles made for windows and there were a few slides. There were also many places for children to climb up in many different manners. All in all, it looked like a hamster pen. 
Getting over my initial confusion, I promptly started looking to see if there was anything electrical off the bat. There were two security cameras and light fixtures on the ceiling, but I could view nothing else.
I turned back to the way I came in to observe the behavior of the lightning, but it was nowhere to be found. The arcade was as dark and silent as before. The only sign of anything happening was the items strewn about on the ground.
It didn’t need explaining to me that whatever that purple lightning was was what my compass was most likely pointing to, unless there was another being of similar power, which I highly doubted. 
In my experience, children's spirits are harder to work with, especially if you are not trained to work with them. They can be very emotional and one wrong move can greatly upset them. Another issue is that they seem to have a great struggle trying to explain what is wrong and what they are feeling. However, it is balanced out with the fact that not many children stay behind in our world, and usually when they do it is for a simple reason that usually caused or led up to their deaths.
To see what appeared to be a good handful of children that all were immediately aggressive and/or terrified is very concerning. This means that all of them were either killed or were here before they died. By the quick glances I got, they all could not be any older than 10 years of age. So now the question is, how do I help them?
Their instant aggression shows that they are not very trusting of me, probably because I’m a stranger and an adult. But that means it will be difficult trying to find a way to figure out what they need to pass on. I decided to keep investigating the building to see if I could find any clues as to what may have happened. 
The playground area was a bit smaller than the arcade and, at first glance, definitely seemed to be the most unassuming place so far. I wanted to see if I could find any more signs of the passageways in the walls, so I went about checking the perimeter of the room, careful as to not get close to the doors of the arcade, just in case. It was then I felt the presence of another soul in the room; however, I did not address it. 
I instead observed that there was a hidden opening, no more than half a foot wide. Upon pearing in I saw what looked to be a door that would lead into the wall. The opening looked like it could keep most full grown adults out and since there was nothing else there, no child would stay around it long, as long as the door stayed shut and locked. It was also positioned behind other equipment in the back, therefore it would be almost unnoticeable unless you were practically in the playground. 
As I was investigating, I could feel the soul creep closer to me and by the time I had finished my observations from above, they were only a few feet away. I started to slowly move, causing the soul to freeze in their tracks. I walked slowly around, pretending I was interested in something or another, keeping my back towards them. I slowly made my way to one of the benches on the opposite side of the wall from the playground and sat, leaning my head back and closing my eyes. 
 After a minute, the soul began creeping closer to me again. This time when they were only about a few feet away, I quietly addressed them.
“You really needn’t try to be so sneaky. I promise I don’t mean any harm.”
I felt the soul flinch at my words and quickly retreat behind the plastic slide in front of me.
“Don’t be scared,” I cooed softly. “I’m not going to do anything. Look, I even have my eyes closed. You don’t have to come out if you don’t want to. I understand that strangers can seem threatening.”
The soul stayed in their place, and for a small moment it was completely still. And then the soul came out from the slide.
“Can you see me?”
It was such a small voice, one that could only belong to a child.
“Yes I can.”
“I don’t know. I’ve always been good at seeing people.”
I felt them come only a hair closer.
“Nobody has ever seen me after I died. Are you a ghost hunter?”
That was an alarming statement. Children ghosts rarely ever fully knew that they were dead. This meant that either they were told or that what ever had killed them made it hard for them to deny what happened.
“No. I’m a ghost helper. I help ghosts find a way home.”
“So, you can help us leave?”
“Yes, indeed I can.”
“It depends. I will need to know more.”
“Know more about what?”
“I need to know more about you and your friends and what happened.”
By this point, the child had crept over and was only about a foot in front of me. I slowly opened my eyes and looked down at the child.
“Would you be ok with that? Me asking questions?”
The child sat for a second and then gave a nod.
“If you want, I can show you where everyone is.”
“That would be nice. Thank you.”
The child gave me a small smile, and then proceeded to lead the way. We left the playground, and into the main hallway. Across from the doors, there was another hallway, but there were signs indicating that it was only for employees. The child went down this hallway anyways, and kept going until we came to a door that was labeled “Maintenance Room.” 
Before I even opened the door, I could feel the amount of spirits inside. Once I did, I noticed that they all were sitting down, almost in a huddle. Upon seeing me, their eyes went wide and they all tensed up. The child who led me quickly glided over to where they were, while I decided to sit down at the door.
“Don’t worry, don’t worry! He said that he could help us go home!” At his pleading, the other children still seemed to be nervous about me being there. The child then walked back over and sat beside me. “See look! He’s not hurting me!”
I smiled warmly. “You’re alright. I promise I don’t want to hurt you. I just want to talk about what happened to you.”
One of the children, a young one at that, started to burst into tears.
“Oh, no no nononono, I’m sorry.” I quickly backpedaled. “You don’t have to think about it. I’m sorry.”
Suddenly, one of the lamps in a different corner of the room flickered before a trail of electricity moved over to the children. Once it was almost among them, it shifted form and went up the upset child.
The new apparition was that of a robotic mouse that was about the size of a large rabbit. Her spirit glowed a faint lavender hue. A protection spirit. 
“Shhhhh, it’s ok, it’s ok. You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.” Her voice was different from other spirits, having more of a robotic sound to it. Almost like she was talking through a voice changer of some sorts. But even then, it was far more comforting than I could have possibly been. Once the child was calmed, she then turned towards me. 
She stared at me for a bit, like she was assessing the situation. 
After a moment, she spoke.
“Is it true that you can help them?”
“Yes. I can.”
At that, she moved away from the children and closer to me. The child that had sat beside me moved over to where the others were and watched the events unfold. She stood before me, looking deeply into my eyes.
I gave her a smile and explained, quiet for only her to hear, “I know practically everything there is to know about helping ghosts move on. All I need to know is more about how you ended up this way and from there I can determine the proper technique to use.” 
She gave me a curt nod, sat on her hind legs in front of me, and took a deep breath before she whispered, “Murder. They were all murdered by a man from this place.” Her voice trembled slightly.
“Are there any objects that they could potentially be attached to?”
“No, no. It’s just...them.”
I nodded and then gave her a smile. “Thank you. That’s all I need.” I stood up and slowly walked over to where the children sat. “Now the question is, who wants to go first?”
The hand of the first child I met popped up. I smiled and gave him a nod. “Ok then. Wait a moment while I get ready.”
For privacy purposes, I went to the father corner of the room, which was hidden by a table and some boxes of spare parts. As I took off my coat and began folding up my sleeves, I heard the faint whispers of goodbyes from the children. I sat down and waited for them to come over when they were ready. As they came over, I motioned for them to sit in front of me.
“May I take your hands?”
They gave me a small nod and put out their hands. I took them in mine, and positioned them where the child’s were on top.
“Are you ready?”
“Will it hurt?”
“Not at all. It’ll be like falling asleep.”
The child gave me another small nod.
“Now, close your eyes for me and just relax.”
Once I felt he was calm, I activated the wings tatoos on my back and directed the power to my hands. Soon the child started glowing faintly.
“What’s your name?”
“Well, Jack, what do you want to do when you leave?”
“I want to go find my little sister. She got left on the playground alone and got scared. I was going to help her out.” His spirit started to dim slightly.
“You’re a very good big brother Jack, but I’m sure she’s home and safe now.”
“You mean it? She’s okay?”
“Absolutely. Now relax. Remember, like falling asleep.”
Jack took a deep breath in and as he exhaled, his spirit completely faded away into a small light. Using a small amount of power, I moved it towards me and sealed it into a bead on my holding charm. This would make it easy to transport their spirits outside, where they can be let go and carried away into the next place beyond.
After a moment to make sure his spirit was secure, I spoke out, “Who ever wants to go next can come over?”
And just like that the process repeated until all of them, besides the lavender spirit remained. (I later looked into a list of all of the children that went missing and matched the ones I met here to that list, which I will have at the end of this entry.)
I could tell she was practically besides herself with emotion, witnessing the children she’s cared for finally being freed from this place. She was completely silent and stared at the spot where they were all once huddled together.
“Are you ready?”
She paused and then spoke slowly. “Is there anything else you have to do now?”
“I have to take what’s left of the spirits outside so they can completely leave. But that can wait until you’ve been helped.”
She didn’t respond for a small time, then she turned to me. “Go ahead and take care of them. Then come back for me. I have something to show you.”
“Very well then.”
I picked up my coat and was putting it on when a thud came from the halls.
I looked to the spirit, only to find she had gone back to her lightning form and zapped into the wall.
I braced myself and quietly slipped out the door (which was left ajar) and peered into the hallway. While there was no sign of a physical presence, yet, I heard the sound of movement from the direction of the lobby. It was then brought to my awareness that spirits in the charm (which I had looped into my belt) were reacting in a manner of fear. As I quickly added another seal over the charm to keep them from accidentally slipping out, I began to think of a plan.
I had no means of defense if whatever was there was a physical threat and not supernatural. This meant that I would be in trouble if the encounter got confrontational. I would have to try to avoid that by all means necessary.
As I looked across the hall, into the room with the playground, I noticed a lavender glow, though I couldn’t see where it was coming from. After checking to make sure the hallway was empty, I quietly slipped in.
I was partially expecting to see the lavender spirit, however the source of the glow came from behind the hidden opening I had found earlier. When I went to look in, I saw that the door at the end had been opened. 
He shouldn’t be able to get me in here.
An echo of a whisper, barely audible to the point where most people would ignore it, not realizing it wasn’t just a random thought in their head, but a memory of sorts. What they were hearing was someone’s thoughts and/or words right before their death. Echos rarely occur for no reason, mostly being triggered by a similar event or the presence of someone who was present before the spirit’s demise.
By the sound of it, she was being chased by someone. 
I decided that it would be best to follow the echo, instead of risking getting caught by whatever was now here. I managed to squeeze into the opening and began shuffling towards the door. As I got to the end, I heard the unmistakable sound of heavy footsteps. I turned around and through the sliver of the opening, saw a tall figure, who was definitely not dead.
Come on sweetheart, it’s not safe back there!
I had nearly missed the faint voice of an adult male in my attempt to stay out of sight. As quietly as I possibly could, I opened the door a hair farther and slipped inside, shutting it behind me. 
The passageway was barely 5 feet wide in total and had long thick wires running along the floor’s edges. The floor itself was about an inch or two below the level of the building. The light was only bright enough to illuminate the immediate area around the door.
However, before I could observe it more, it bolted down the hall, and I had to nearly sprint to keep up with it. Once I was about where the arcade would be, I noticed the amount of wires had nearly doubled. So much so at some points there were wires across the center which were torn from the amount of times they had been walked on.
The air itself became damp and there were a few times I could have sworn I saw moss. The farther along I went, the more I started to hear dripping from the roof.
Eventually the light came to a stop at a tiny opening that was at the corner of the building. From there on out, the passage was almost more of a crawl space. But here I could see where all the wires led to. There was a small chain of older power generators that was connected by various cords.
The arcade machines were powered by the generators which were connected to the main power system by vast amounts of wiring. Between the age of the generators, the leaks in the roof, and the constant treading on the wires, the place was almost beyond hazardous.
And it was at that, everything clicked.
I’ve got to hide.
It was then I saw the faint ripple of a figure in the light. It quickly moved into the crawl space. I was so focused on following the girl’s spirit, that I didn’t sense the pursuer until they were almost on me.
“You’re not supposed to be back here.”
I spun around and came face to face with the monster of this place, whom I had seen many photos of in my research.
“Mr. Stilmen. It's a pleasure to make your...” He cut me off with a growl.
“Don’t be smart with me. You’re trespassing on my property and you need to leave.” Before I could reply, he raised a gun and pointed it in my direction.
“I’m doing no such thing. The city gave me permission to investigate these grounds for activity.”
“What activity? The place is closed.”
“I understand that. I just was trying to look into the mysterious activity and the children that were murdered.”
He growled, “No kids died. They went missing!”
“No. They were killed, you can’t deny that to me now. I’ve seen enough.”
“Seen what? What could you have seen that would suggest that?”
“I’m going to go out on a limb and say that you were suffering from depression. Your wife did die from childbirth and not only that, you lost the baby too.”
“It must have hurt you then. To see so many young children not pay heed to their mothers. I mean, technically, it was a child that took your wife away.
“The first time was probably an accident. That’s how it usually starts. But then you got carried away. And soon you had a lot of blood on your hands. Figuratively, of course.  Not only that, but what were you going to do with the remains? Well you had to dump them of course. But I’m sure you know how that went.”
He gave a small chuckle before tightening his grip on the gun. “And how did you figure all of that out? Huh?” It was hardly there, but I caught the slight waver in his voice.
“I pity you Mr. Stilmen. You really are a man who is followed by misfortune. But that will never excuse you for what you did.” 
“SHUT UP! That’s enough talking from you!” He screamed, pain laced in his voice. And then he pulled the trigger.
I braced myself for the hit, but instead a bolt of electricity struck the bullet and shocked his hand, making him drop the gun. 
A lavender girl stood between us, small sparks coming from her hands. As soon as Stilmen looked at her, his face went pale.
“Y-you… you can’t be…” His eyes held a look of surprise as he moved a half step towards her, turning his head in an attempt to get a better view of her face. “Penelope?”
“Daddy…” she choked out. I didn’t need to see her face to know what she felt, her voice was full of pure grief. “Daddy…” 
“Yes? Sweetheart, what is it? Whatever it is,” his words tumbled out, a faint shake in his voice.
“Daddy… please stop it.” Despite her originally trying to put on a brave face, she began to start sobbing. “I don’t want you... to hurt people... anymore. I just want you… to be… happy again.”
At her words, he broke falling to his knees with a sob. I then walked a bit closer to her, but to the side.
“You didn’t mean for her to know. But she eventually found out didn’t she?” I channeled my power into the air and space around me.
The echoed footsteps of a young girl running towards us soon played. It then turned to sloshing as she came closer from where the tunnel had a small layer of water. A faint figure of a girl came running into the area, and then stopped, breathing heavily. In her arms she held a robotic mouse close to her chest.She appeared terrified for her life. She then turned her head, as if hearing someone calling for her.
But instead, she slipped into the crawl space.
There was a sudden loud pop from the generators. And then...
A blood curdling scream. Loud enough to be heard from outside of the thin exterior walls. 
As the vision faded, the man sat there in silence with nothing but pain and grief. He then choked out, “I couldn’t get to her fast enough. Once I got there...” He looked up from the ground to Penelope, who was now crying. “I’m so sorry. Let me make it up to you. Whatever you want, I’ll do it. I promise.”
“All I want,” she whispered,” is for you to get better.”
“I’ll do it then. I’ll turn myself in. I’ll answer for my crimes,” he rambled. 
Then she gave a faint smile. “Thank you.”
Stilmen went along with the police with full cooperation and as they were loading him in the car, I saw his face. His expression was that of pure relief, as well as sorrow as he looked back to the old amusement building.
Once everything was said and done, he was probably going to hand it over to Kingston for him to do with it as he wished. But before they drove him away, he had one wish.
“Dr. Anderson… Can you take care of Penelope for me?”
“It would be my honor. Don’t worry. She will be in safe hands.”
Afterwards, of course, the police wanted my full report; however, as you may know, I have a strict policy regarding the privacy of my patients so I gave them a very short statement.
“I found him as I was walking and I managed to talk him down.”
After a while, the police gave up on me and began to prepare to scout the building.
I asked the person in charge to allow me a few minutes inside to grab some things, so they would not be considered evidence accidentally, and while they were more than disgruntled about it, they gave me permission.
By that point, the sun was starting to rise, and even with the windows boarded, the building was a bit more illuminated.
I made my way back to the area with the generators, this time using the official door that was in the back wing, next to the maintenance room. When I arrived, I saw Penelope sitting on the ground. 
“I was hoping you would come back in.” She looked up at me and gave me a small smile. “I’ve been thinking about...me… moving on.”
I smiled back towards her. “Yes. I was wondering about that myself. How do you feel?”
She hesitated, and then replied thoughtfully, “I don’t think I’m ready to go. But I can’t stay here. There is no reason to, and besides, they will probably tear the place down eventually. I don’t know where I want to go.”
“Hmm, well…” I hummed, pausing briefly. “You could come stay with me.”
Her face lit up instantly. “Really?”
“Yes, of course. There is always space in my home for more. And you won’t be the only ghost, or child, on the premises. Not to mention, if the need arises and if you wish to, you can travel with me sometimes for work.”
She sprung up to her feet in a jolt of lightning, laughing cheerfully as she zapped across the room. 
“I’ll take that as a yes?”
“Yes! Yes! I want to go with you!”
I chuckled as she ran up to me, returning her hug in earnest. “Now, means of getting you out of here.” I looked off to the side in thought.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I can’t keep you in the charm, and it’s hard for a spirit to move on their own. It’s a lot more helpful when a spirit is connected to something, like a book or a tool.”
“Well… if it helps, I’ve been sleeping in something like that, but I don’t think I can move it.”
I instantly knew what she was talking about. Ghosts don’t exactly sleep, per say, but some of them need to rest in order to recharge their power. But if she was resting in something, that meant…
“What were you sleeping in?”
“Oh, it’s with... my body.”
“Alright then.” I pulled out my flashlight and set it on the dimmest mode. “Would you mind going back into it and exert a small amount of power through it? That will cause it to glow slightly.”
She nodded and then, turning back into a volt of electricity, she went down the wires into the crawlspace. Then there was a faint glow from just inside.
I used my flashlight to make sure I didn’t accidentally grab the wrong thing and began reaching for the glowing object. I tried not to focus on the mass that was next to it, and I managed to just grab it.
I could feel Penelope’s excited presence within it as I pulled it out. And once I brightened my light, I saw a small lavender mechanical mouse.
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deerlyloved · 3 years
under cut: a story of mei’s friends coping with her death, at least until...
There was no average time for how long it took people to grieve. Every mind processed loss differently, mourned differently, so there was no way to actually tell how long it would take someone to get better ‘usually’. 
Maybe it was a few weeks, a month, a few years, never. Everyone did it differently. So when the entire unit was placed on mandatory bereavement leave for an undisclosed amount of time after the loss of Private Amari, they all found themselves at different points at different times, coping entirely differently.
Jonas couldn’t bear to look at his workspace, and more often than not he laid in bed or on the couch when he was dragged out by Ana, who’s only understanding of how to grieve was to help others around her. She was the eldest sister, so she saw it as her job to make sure everyone took care of themselves while she barely stopped to take care of her. Get Jonas up, make him eat, calm Rea down, call Icka and get no response, find Kro, offer to cook H something and get no response.
Clockwork. The unit always, always ran like clockwork, even when things were the most chaotic and unorganized. Rea didn’t wake them up anymore, so Ana did it instead. After an hour, she’d go knock on the captains door and pretend she didn’t notice how shaky he looked when he opened it and pretended to be annoyed with her. They rarely saw hide nor hair of H anymore, but that was expected, right? So Ana left food outside their door three times a day, talked to them through the walls, reminded them that the others would always, always be there for the Kayojin, and that they could stay on the unit or leave at their own will.
Kro’asha didn’t skitter through the vents because most of them passed Amari’s room, so Ana fetched things here and there that he had stashed… before. 
Iggy was contained. Major’s orders. He was getting some great treatment, but apparently it was hard for the not-dog to rebond with someone like he did Mei. Ana got it, she’d feel the same way if she were a poor little alien canine.
The carpet was singed from the dogs last outburst before he was deemed a health hazard.
Karen disappeared. The moment they got back to base, the android disappeared, took a ship out of the Citadel and had gone completely off the grid. That made plenty of sense too, of course, Mei made Karen so of course the robot would be similar to her. Maybe it was good that they had left… the witty comebacks would have sat heavy on their hearts.
Her feet slid against the carpet as she carried a mug out to the living room, leaning over the back of the couch to offer it to Jonas. The man was curled up, silently watching a movie on the TV. He sighed, though, and took the cup offered to him with a quiet thanks.
“No problem, Jonesy.” Ana replied, teasingly, though her tone made the real hollowness of her words stick out like a sore thumb.
They both went quiet again, and they stayed that way for a few minutes before Jonas spoke up this time. The engineer leaned forward, setting the mug of cocoa down and locking his hands together. “I think we need to clear out Mei’s room.”
“Wow, first thing you’ve said today and you’re already off to a bad start.”
“No, no, I…” Jonas sighed and rubbed his face roughly before he spoke again, “Ana, it’s just… It’s just there. Full of everything that she was, and would be, and it’s like a fucking ghost just staring all of us down. I think it’s why H doesn’t leave their room. Hard to look across and see Mei’s room, ya know? And I…” He scanned the room around them, “I don’t think we should trash it, just… I think we should pack it up. Get rid of all the little ghosts that she left.”
“You wanna just erase our friend out of our lives?” Ana scoffed, “No. No! We’re not just going to pack everything away! Mei belongs… She belongs here! She can’t just get pushed in the back of all our minds!”
“She won’t be!” Jonas retorted, “It’s impossible to forget Mei even if you want to, and none of us want to, Ana. We also don’t need constant reminders that she used to be here, and now she’s not. I’m not saying today, or tomorrow, just… Eventually. Eventually we need to accept that it’s okay to put all her stuff away and move on.”
“I’m sure Icka’s gonna have a ton to say about that.” Ana mumbled to herself.
“If she ever comes back.”
“I…” She had lost this argument, she already knew it. Even if she didn’t want to admit it, Jonas was right. They didn’t need to leave Mei’s books out, or her shoes, the cat keychain she had imported… Those could all be put away, for their sake, and they wouldn’t stop thinking about Mei.
…But there was no way in Hell she was going to be the one who presented the idea to Rea.
The man was a bit of a hard-ass before he started the grieving process, but now? When he could be bothered to interact with his friends at all, he never followed schedule. He’d show up, ask how they were, then leave. Headed back for the training room. If you asked him anything between that, whether a general question or a request, you were going to get told to do it your own damn self.
Everyone grieves differently.
Rea worked, and got frustrated, and didn’t want anymore responsibility because he knew, knew, knew that he was the reason Mei died.
Jonas couldn’t work, and he was quiet and sleepy because he never slept anymore, hard to when all he could think about was how he could have stopped it from happening. Maybe if he’d just moved the sensors here, or made them stronger, or gone further up with the metal, or…
Icka formally resigned from her position as a medic and unit psychologist and went back to her home planet. She never talked to the unit anymore. Sometimes you just need to get as far away from your issues as possible.
H was mourning in their own way that was certainly frustrating for the rest of them. Ana cared for others to never think of her feelings. Kro’asha left the duplex and spent most nights in the general bunks so he wouldn’t have to see Mei’s things. Karen left the CCF entirely. Iggy bit people.
Clockwork. The unit ran like clockwork. Get Jonas up, make him eat, calm Rea down, call Icka and get no response, find Kro, offer to cook H something and get no response.
 Get Jonas up, make him eat, calm Rea down, call Icka and get no response, cry in the bathroom, find Kro, offer to cook H something and get no response...
Get Jonas up, make him eat, cry in the bathroom, calm Rea down, call Icka and get no response, cry in the bathroom, find Kro, offer to cook H something and get no response, cry in the bathroom.
Get Jonas up, cry in the bathroom, make him eat, cry in the bathroom, calm Rea down, cry in the bathroom, call Icka and get no response, cry in the bathroom, find Kro, cry in the bathroom, offer to cook H something and get no response, cry in the bathroom.
Cry yourself to sleep, then get Jonas up, then cry in front of him, then make him eat, then cry in the bathroom, then…
Ana was given mandatory meetings with another therapist as opposed to the grief counselor the unit was talking to already.
Three months, fourteen days, Kro’asha rejoined the duplex. Four months, three days. Jonas got up and made his own food. Five months, sixteen days, Rea woke everyone up at 7am. Seven months, eight days, Ana went through and packed away everything of Mei’s. Seven months, twenty days, H came out and joined them for dinner. Eight months, nine days, Icka called the unit.
Nine months, ten days, Karen sent them coordinates.
“Mandatory bereavement leave is mandatory.” Rea said as he followed his friends through the docking bay of the Citadel ship, “If they know we’re leaving for a possible mission, we’ll get added therapy, and I don’t think any of us want that.”
“Maybe you don’t, but I think Icks could use it.” Jonas replied.
Icka didn’t reply. The avian had come back just to investigate the coordinates sent, and she was certainly not the same alien who had left. None of them mentioned it.
“Listen, as far as we know, this is Karen just inviting us out to their cool new house!” He said, “No need to go worrying, okay?”
“When is anything that simple when it comes to an Amari?” Rea replied.
“He has a point.” Ana said as she stopped in front of a ship and turned, “This is the one we got, real clunker, but it’s not for fighting anyway so if we get in trouble… We’re thoroughly fucked.”
“We should not get in trouble.” H pipped up.
“Yeah, ‘cause Mei--ehhhhhhhhsnevermind.” Jonas quickly pushed past Ana to clamber onto the ship.
Everyone boarded quickly, got settled even quicker, and soon enough the on-leave unit was off with a rented pilot. “So, where are you guys headed? These are kinda in-the-middle-of-nowhere coords…” She asked.
“A friend invited us out to them, we figure they’ve either decided to go all mad-robot on us finally, or they have some cool party planned.” Ana replied.
“Cool, cool, but uh… Why on this place?”
“What place?”
“Do you guys not know?” The pilot cocked an eyebrow, leaning up to flip down a holographic screen that projected the area they were headed to, “It’s some little rinky-dink dwarf-planet set up, real seedy place. Mercs love the area.”
“Sounds like Amari territory…” Rea grumbled.
“Yeah, well, just be careful out there, it’d be a shame if I had to go home empty handed. Major’ed be all over my ass…” She sighed, her long, curled ears flicking.
The trip didn’t take much longer until the on-leave-unit saw the planet in the distance. The cities built on it clearly took up most of the area, the geography was all over the place but mainly seemed to be plains and hills, and as they approached the ground and actually broke the cloudline into the city it became very clear that this place was, in fact, ‘rinky dink’. The buildings were in poor condition, the streets were packed, the ships parked in the bay all looked stolen or like they were about to be hauled off for scrap. Rea sucked in air and sighed.
“Alright, we’re going to stick together out there, no need getting lost. H, try and stay somewhere in the middle, you’re incredibly small.”
“Kro’asha is smaller than me.”
“That’s why he’s going to be jumping on my shoulders. We aren’t that close. So stay close to me.”
The group unfurled themselves from their seats and piled out onto the streets. It definitely smells like a city, despite how cramped and busy it seemed the air was clean, the water was clean… Good ol’ Citadel influence.
“Coordinates are up ahead, a little to the right.” Rea announced as he led the group through. He was certainly an intimidating figure, and the crowd seemed to begrudgingly part for him as he walked through with little concern for who was in front of him. 
“What, in the apartments?” Jonas asked from the back of the group, “Shit, Ana, you might be right, Karen’s inviting us to their house.”
“Never that easy.” Rea retorted as he cleared a path towards the clearly labeled apartment complex, opening the gate and letting his friends file through. “No one make a scene, okay?”
“Yeah, ‘cause I was planning on doing some fuckery.” Jonas replied.
“I mostly meant Kro’asha and Icka, but I do appreciate the energy.” 
“Can we please just go inside?” Icka replied, a harsh tone to her voice. That was definitely knew for the group, and all of them seemed to share the same discomfort as they nodded and walked quickly for the entrance. As soon as they had all filed in, a young alien at the front desk turned to them, and went pale. Their hands were webbed, but they still typed at the computer in front of them quickly as they stared at the group with large, completely pink eyes. They almost looked like a frog, honestly.
“Karen Amari is in 247, they’ve been expecting you. They said you’re late.” They said, motioning for the group to head towards an elevator.
“This is terrifying.” Ana stated.
“We are on time, I don’t know why Karen said we’re late.” 
“Focusing on the real issue as always, H.”
Still, despite the obvious discomfort that the building held, the feeling that they were walking into a trap, the unit persisted. What else were they going to do, ya know? They’d already made it all the way out here, and knowing Karen, they’d kill the whole group if they never showed up.
The large group managed to cram themselves into the elevator, then down the narrow, twisting hallways that led to Karen’s apartment. That they somehow got… The Amari’s really were an enigma, weren’t they?
H was the first to spot the door, stepping over to it and giving a simple knock. Before they could rapt their knuckles against the wood a second time, though, the door swung open to reveal Karen, staring out at them all. Their stickers and bow had been peeled off, and they seemed to have acquired some new… stains that definitely-were-not-blood… But it was Karen.
“Hello, H.” Karen replied, “It’s nice to see you, I’m glad you all made it, I’m going to need as much help as I can get with this.” The android stepped back and motioned for them all to come in, “It’s easier to have familiar faces here, reduces time spent in a natural state--”
“Karen, I’m begging you, begging you,” Icka said, “To please, those above, not waste our time mumbling vagueness and incoherent sentences, and just tell us why we’re here. I came a very long way, and I’d like to get back to my pottery and mourning in peace, thank you.”
“I see grief has left its mark on you.” Karen replied quickly, “A shame that it was all for not.”
“Charming as always when it comes to opinions on emotions, K.” Jonas murmured.
“All for not, because you had no reason to grieve. Mei is alive.”
Nine months, eleven days, and Karen had gone fucking insane.
H was the first to reply with a grimace and a firm shake of their head, “No, she is not.”
“Yes, she--”
“No, no, Mei died in my arms, she is not alive. You can’t tell me she is. You can’t make me believe that. You can’t.”
Ana reached a hand out to put on the Kayojins shoulder with her own grimace, “Karen, you should come with us, okay? You obviously aren’t doing well out here, and… Listen, I know it’s easier to believe--”
“Would you like to see her?”
The silence that overcame the group was deafening and instant. H’s breath hitched, Icka’s feathers puffed, Rea simply closed his eyes and shook his head almost disappointedly. Despite their pleas, how desperately they wanted to not fall for something so impossible, H spoke up, breathily, “Yes.”
“Over here.” Karen turned and walked towards the other side of the apartment, where the walls had been carefully cut to reveal the apartment next door. They walked through the gap they had clearly created, and stood off to the side to reveal a large room that was clearly better taken care of than the rest of the building. A soft lighting shone into a covered box that was connected to different canisters and boxes with long, thick hoses, and Karen carefully stepped over them to reach a screen just on the other side of them.
“She took the idea from her father, he wanted to use Talvak genetic research to help heal injuries, but never perfected it before his death. She had an endless supply of Talvak DNA, however, which made it easier.” Karen was intensely staring at the screen as they typed in various things, “The base idea was there, but Mei also never finished the project before her death, which left it in the very capable hands of me, her firstborn.”
“I don’t know why I was expecting a response.” The android murmured before carefully pushing the curtain that draped the box off to the side of it’s rod, revealing a UV light shining down on a metal capsule. The top of it had a glass window, though the group was too far away to see inside, wires and the likes connecting it…
“Come here, H.”
They were moving without a second thought, nearly stumbling over to the robot and hopefully moving to their toes to peer into the container in front of them. They had an aching feeling that it would be empty, that they wouldn’t see whatever they were expecting… Mei, or someone like Mei, or...or… Something. Anything to remind them of her. But they still looked, just in case, just in case Karen hadn’t truly lost themself in the grief.
And wouldn’t you know it…
Black hair, pointed ears, sharp features… No scars, but still so very much Mei Amari, and H’s heart skipped a beat, their breath stopped. This couldn’t be real, could it? No, no, she was dead, so very dead, and she didn’t look like this when she died, but here she was and… And she looked just like her old pictures. With her dad. 
H spoke in Kayojin, and the unit each had their own hopes as they crept forward.
It was… a loud few minutes.
Finally, Icka lurched forward and grabbed Karen’s shoulder with a frantic look in her eyes and a wide, sharp-toothed smile, “How. How did you do this? Is that her? Really her?”
“Mei was careful to have a constant digitization of herself both mentally and physically. She often scanned and mapped out the salient features of her brain, and then stored and copied that information state into a harddrive that just so happens to be me.” Karen explained it like it made sense, like it was absolutely nothing.
“The day before the mission, she uploaded, and using what DNA I had from her I was able to facilitate a regeneration of a biological body with the information I had. Of course, I also needed her actual body so I… Listen, is it important? She’s here! And I broke intergalactic law, so I would rather not tell you every detail.” The robot gently removed Icka’s talons, “I spent months perfecting her body and keeping it alive, and her brain was no help, always trying to rebel against the process. I tried releasing her once,” Their yellow hand brushed up against an obvious dent in their chassis, “It appears that when initially released, she’s reverted back to her Talvaa instincts until her brain can properly cope with what’s happened.”
“So… You… You brought us here to make her remember us?”
“Correct. Step back please, all of you. Please be warned, she is very naked, and given her last physical scan was after her amputations… While she can’t walk, she’s still very fast.”
It’s an odd thing, standing back so a robot can open up a metal box that contains a reconstructed version of your girlfriend. But H did it, nervously, hopeful, hands clasped as the lid raised with a hiss and Mei sat straight up with a cough and a sputter, leaning right over the side of the container with a dry heave and a shudder.
“Mei.” Karen called.
Mei flinched away from the noise, snarling as she jumped back further into the box she sat in. Everything about her seemed wrong in that moment, the way her body moved, the look in her eyes, and that’s why H stepped forward. They couldn’t help it, they saw Mei and she looked so scared and the last time she had looked like that… It made H’s stomach churn, and when they stepped forward Mei’s head snapped towards them.
It was a tense few seconds, silent seconds, and Rea also moved forward to put a hand on H’s shoulder, just in case… Listen, he didn’t want to boot a friend he’d missed for months across the room, but he would if she was about to bite someone.
Thankfully, that moment never came. The confusion and fear on Mei’s face slowly faded, and she blinked rapidly before she shook her head and looked back up at H. Then, a smile. A stupid, crooked, fanged smile as the Japanese woman leaned forward and motioned for H to come forward.
“Shit, I feel like I died.” She joked as the Kayojin stumbled forward, throwing their arms around her as soon as they could and pulling her into a tight hug. “Least I don’t…” Mei tightly hugged them back with a grin, “Least I don’t look like death, right? ‘Cause I know my ass looks great naked.”
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venus-says · 4 years
Kiratto Prichan Episodes 103-104
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Disneyland is looking a bit different.
Season 3! Oh my Lord, I can't believe I'm finally here. I wish I could come here and be a little more excited because I was watching this and I was having a lot of fun, but at the same time, I couldn't really care for much of what was going on at the same time. Weird, I know. But I think this is a sign we're in the path for me to start enjoying Prichan again, it's just the spring cleaning of my feelings for last season that is taking too long.
A fun thing I noticed here is that I didn't really feel the change from S2 to S3 as much as I felt the change from S1 to S2. I think at this point I'm more used to the weirdness in this show so when a rich corporation comes around and builds a huge theme park out of nowhere and now you can interact with virtual mascots without entering a digital world I just buy it as it is. XD
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The dynamic for this season also doesn't seem to change much from season 2, I mean when you look at it the Princess Cup thing is pretty much the Jewel Collection but with the Daia Fests integrated into, and now to win you gotta win the most of this seasons' gimmick cord instead of the gimmick coord being like your entrance number for the final contest. It's a simple thing, and it was presented in a fun way so I'm curious.
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Like I said there weren't that big changes in characters, so there's no much point in doing a section to talk about Kiratts and Meltic and what changed for them because it's pretty much still the same. I just don't get why Anna seems so blood-thirsty with this rivalry between the two groups now, but in Episode 104 she seems fine to be loosing, so I think this is more a thing of an external influence rather than what Anna truly feels so I think I'm okay with this sudden change.
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The new toy gimmick of this season is the PritamaGOand I really don't like this thing, it feels like they've been downgrading from season to season instead of upgrading in terms of things that were supposed to make Prichan easier. However I do like the mascots thing, it feels a bit weird because it's one mascot for the whole team but it feels like KiracCHU and Melpan only have a connection to Mirai and Anna, but since this is still only the beginning of the season it is understandable that this would start with the centers.
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And since I'm talking about the mascots let'stalk about the new characters of this season.
I had no opinion on KiracCHU before and I don't have an opinion her now. But I'm really disappointed at Melpan because from the promo images I was "OMG I LOVE HER, SHE'S MY DAUGHTER", but GOSH SHE'S ANNOYING!!! I hope this is just a very bad first impression and that she gets better as time goes on because I could barely stand her. The other character that didn't really leave an impression on me was Meganii, he's supposed to be quirky and all but to me he's just whatever, and I already got that the joke about him will be "what's his relation with Meganee?" and from what was shown I already know this will never be explained and it will grow old very fast as a joke (in my case it already did).
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The other new set of characters is Alice, Eve, and their mascots. I love them both, Alice is a lot of fun, and I love how despite looking more serious and everything Eve is just as much of an air-head as Alice is.
But I have a few problems, first is their age, like the girls be here looking like they're in the same age range as Anju but they want me to believe they're in the same age as Mirai and the other girls, which I believe is mentioned in episode 103 that is 13 or something? And like, Alice lives alone in a camper that is also how she works to make a living for herself, this doesn't sound like a life of a 13-year-old. This show can throw me some absurd things and I'll buy it but there are some things that are just ridiculous, especially when they already have adult characters that are also idols in this show, they don't need to do this.
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Another thing they didn't have to do was make Alice's backstory so easy to figure out. Like, they could've said that Alice was born in Japan without mentioning that she was baby her father found in the back of a giraffe. Like, it's so obvious now that Alice and Eve are sisters, it'll take all the joy of the confirmation whenever it happens. Of course, there are things yet to be revealed like how did they get separated, but the show is somehow trying to imply that Luluna has something to do with it because of that shady scene at the end of Ep104, and I'm not here for it. I already said this and I'll say it again, we don't need villains to have conflict in idol anime. This really bugged me and not even Luluna's gorgeous human form can make me overlook this fear I'm feeling.
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I think the only thing left to comment on is the music. I like the opening song, it's not my favorite but I do like it, and I love the visuals. The ending song is shit, I'm sorry, but it is very gorgeous visually. I'm still not sure how I feel about Kiratts' new song, I like the chorus but everything else is just more of the same, but I was never much of a fan of Kiratts' songs so it's not surprising. But I call bs in that explanation thing that they've done for the new song, as fun as that escape room thing was I don't buy that they learned the new song subconsciously from that, they could've just been blatant about it and say they had a new song, this is one of the cases were explaining things too much is worse than leaving us in the dark. But I do like their new coords, I think it's my favorite Kiratts group coord from all seasons so far.
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I think that's all I had to say. I have a few complaints bout some minor stuff like they treating dessert pizza like if they were discovering electricity when sweet pizzas have been around for ages, but I rather don't waste either mine or your time with those things. What did you think of these episodes? Share your thoughts with me in the comments. Stay healthy, stay safe, never stop resisting, thanks for reading, and until the next time. See ya~
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beauetjoile · 4 years
Using a Pattern Collection
I have an entire file storage box filled with sewing patterns. Some for cosplay and others for making outright adorable clothes with. Here are some useful ones and how I intend on using them.
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Let’s jump right into accessories with these two, both Simplicity patterns from the same line. Numbers 8154 and 8020 respectively. I have no intention of using either of these as given. 8154 looks like underwear but actually isn’t presented that way. There was a period of time on the fashion runway where underwear designs were a thing and I think they they were oddly trying to go for that for steampunk enthusists? Honestly, I’m not sure. I bought it just for the bloomers. Same with 8020. Loved the hat pattern and that’s why I bought it. When they’re on sale for $1.99 each you can buy a pattern for literally one thing and not feel bad about wasting much.
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Here are a pair of vintage patterns. Both Simplicity with 8465 and 8785. One a collar pattern that seems to have gotten a recent reprint and men’s accessories. Sailor collar and ascot? yes, thank
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Butterick historical pattern B4952 I got because I HATE having bare upper arms and wanted a way to cover up a jumper skirt without having to wear an undershirt. Imagine view C with A’s sleeves. Aw, yes. And Simplicity 8285.... uh. huh. Well, this pattern is not nearly as detailed as it looks and isn’t a bad base for a pirate lolita but you need to customize it in order to make it work. The dark fabrics in view A hide A LOT. I got it merely as a place to start before changing the whole thing. Again, a $1.99 purchase so not a lot lost here.
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I know, I know, but this 0903 Sew Simple is a good base pattern for 98 cents! So many lolita dresses have this very same silhouette (see earlier Sheglit reblog) so shortening the hem, adding pintucks and layering on details will make this adorable. I got the McCall’s R10311 for the coveralls (I have ladybug denim material OMG) but look at that blouse. LOOK AT IT.
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This R10229 McCall’s dress pattern made me squeal. Imagine adding a bit more volume in the skirt. It had to have. Next to it is a vintage Simplicity pattern 9907 that reminds me of early 00′s salopettes in the bodice. Just ignore the pencil skirt bottom. 
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Two more Simplicity patterns. The vintage 9755 jumper and 50991 blouse. I can never have too many jumper patterns as far as I’m concerned and the blouse in view B was super cute. Just needs a bigger bow.
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Again, another jumper pattern but this one is 7903 McCall’s, one that is designed to be trimmed for anyone with a short torso (like me) and a vintage Simplicity 8191 night gown pattern that I already used and I love it. The previous owner write in as a note “make back yoke wider”. Don’t know why. Seemed fine for me, but maybe it was an individual’s need.
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Another vintage night gown pattern, this one from Butterick 3960. A lot of lolita dresses are using this form. Again, ignoring the lower half of the pattern next to it, this 4483 Simplicity pattern will make good base for a great layered coord. Maybe with cape sleeves...
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Lastly, we have a pair of historical patterns. This M6097 McCall’s gown would make a great aristocrat coord by shortening the bodice and starting the skirt at the waist. The B5509 Butterick apron pattern is perfect as view B is a nurse’s apron and once shortened will be perfect for a medical coord I have planned.
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okaywowcool · 8 years
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hey again! i’m back with another trend guide for you guys, this time it’s how to wear platform shoes!
shoes pictured are from here, btw! let’s get started!
platform shoes are big in lots of alternative fashion styles right now, but have been a thing since the 60s. they have waxed and waned in and out of mainstream fashion since then, but certain subcultures like goth and j-fashion have kept them alive.
like heels, platform shoes give the illusion of elongating the form and lengthening the legs. because of their size and versatility (as they come in all forms--platform heels, platform sneakers, platform oxfords, platform sandals, etc) they can be introduced into all sorts of different styles and can be more comfortable for lengthy wear. they also can be more stable to walk in than heels of the same height, giving you added drama but with more comfort.
platforms can have any sort of attitude that you might want for an outfit--they can be soft and sweet, harsh and dark, super femme, ultra formal, athletic and casual, and every other thing you can think of! however, there’s no denying one thing: platforms are are a bold choice, simply due to their size and the added height they give the wearer. i don’t see this as a bad thing, though, and i’m not going to tout the same advice you’ll read at a million other fashion blogs and magazines--there is no body type or style that is simply not allowed to wear platforms. platforms are for tall people, fat people, all people.
i also think that platforms can kick ass in any outfit they’re put in and i wear them more often than i don’t, but i understand that they can be intimidating if you are a beginner and you’re concerned about your outfit looking unbalanced. so we’re going to largely talk about how to balance platforms here, but as soon as you master these ways, i suggest you try them on with other normal outfits you make and use them to spice up just about everything!
we’re also going to use a more simple platform to keep things consistent between these styling options and make the transitions more obvious, so hooray for black TUK creepers!
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one easy way to achieve balance with large shoes is to bookend your outfit by adding volume at the top as well. this can be done in many ways, i’m using my go to floppy wide brim hat (yes! i know i use them a lot but they’re so damn cute!!!) but you could also coord a similar look using any sort of volume on top. other suggestions would be large sunglasses or a fancy headband or any other larger hat/hair accessory.
you could also use your hair style or makeup to add emphasis here to balance out your chunky shoes. a large bun or other voluminous updo (double buns, a tall ponytail, etc) would help to balance things out. if you are someone with really voluminous hair you could also just use your natural hair to balance out larger shoes. you could also take this opportunity to wear bolder makeup, like an extreme cat-eye or heavy smoky eyeshadow to draw more attention to the top of your look and balance out the bottom.
for the bulk of a look like this, keeping it simple would be best. wear more form fitting attire, like skinny jeans or a pencil skirt, and keep the accessories more minimal to make sure that your top focus and platforms are what’s stealing the show.
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this look, in principal, is very similar to the bookending idea, though instead of a large head accessory it is a large top. for this example i used a large furry coat that i would die to have, but when i wear this look IRL, most of the time i am wearing a large top (like a sweatshirt, flowy crop top, or a sweater), a mini skirt, and either leggings, socks, or tights. this amount of volume on top is best resolved with a smaller echo of the same volume in the shoes, either through chunky heels or any type of platform shoes. this top can also come in different varieties, like an oversized jacket or windbreaker with shorts for a sportier look. the possibilities are honestly pretty much endless!
for the rest of the outfit, good options are leggings, tights, socks, or even bare legs to keep the lower half of the outfit sparse and ready for the impact of the shoes, and then accessories can be really whatever you want. with this badass coat, i thought a bold lip and some big sunglasses would go perfectly, but all options with this silhouette would work.
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for those who prefer a lot of layering and details, you also have the option of wearing several more impactful pieces to make the platforms feel more at home in the outfit. good options for this are bold pants, like harem pants or drop crotch pants, and midi and maxi skirts. long layers help to keep the flow of the outfit and give you sort of a “column” silhouette which will feel balanced as long as the strength of it is maintained throughout.
so, hopefully all of these are helpful starting points for making outfits with platform shoes that feel integrated. for more information on balancing outfits, check out part 2 of my coording guide. you can also check out more of my how to wear guides!
if you have any questions about this or would like me to do a trend guide for something you’d like to wear but aren’t sure how to start, feel free to send me an ask! good luck!
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venus-says · 5 years
Kiratto Prichan Episodes 65, 67-68
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The best duo has arrived!
Suzu and Ring Marry's debut arc! Probably the things I was more excited about since the beginning of this season after all yall know I love these two.
I don't have a lot else to put in the intro this time so let's dive right into it! (Just as a reminder though, I'm watching with the French subs even though I don't know French so my thoughts may not reflect as well what was shown on screen so bare with me please).
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Episode 65 is Suzu's debut, and I've gotta say I didn't enjoy this episode quite as much as I did in my first time I watched it. I think I was just so excited about the episode back then that I blindfolded myself to the problems this episode has.
The major thing that bugs me the most is Suzu's trauma. I didn't like most of Miracle Kiratts participation in this episode as well, but Emo, from all people, managed to save that up at the end when she gave the most important lesson (IMO) while doing something that Suzu loved, so I don't have as many issues as I have with Suzu's backstory.
We gotta be honest here, her trauma is dumb. I think even for a kid is pretty dumb. I would understand if she was angry at it, or even frustrated at the whole situation, but even in those cases I still don't think it'd be enough to make her stop singing. Besides, that judge said both her dance and singing were cute, so it doesn't make sense that she stopped singing for that but not the dancing.
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Regardless of all that, I love Suzu's performance. The song is a bang, the stage is also pretty cool, and the coord is gorgeous as well, I love everything. The thing that impressed me the least was the yattemita that looks way too simple and cheap to me, but honestly, everything else is so good I don't even care.
In summary, a mixed episode, but the performance elevated it quite a lot so, good job I guess.
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Episode 67 was a bit weird, I don't know if it was my brain trying to shut off since it was a bit late when I watched the episode, but I had this feeling in the back of my head that something was off there even though I was enjoying the episode.
I guess what threw me off was how sudden this all felt? I don't know, I feel like coming from 3 episodes that had no mention of Suzu and Maria getting together when we get to this episode and in the first five minutes we're already seeing they discuss this, it feels a bit weird. It may also have been the ending of the episode that I thought it was a bit odd, but honestly, it didn't bother me as much so I doubt this was the feeling I was having.
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In any case, these were the only things that I saw as problems, this is a very solid episode and I was having a great time with it.
Also, we got double performances so that's a huge plus, especially being able to see Maria's song (that I still can't remember its name) again, it made my heart warm. Also, I just remembered, another thing I didn't like was when Daia split herself in two to give two separate jewel chances to the girls, like CMON, I thought they would learn from season 1, no one likes this split-screen for the special stage, STOP BEING COWARDS AND MAKE GROUP JEWEL CHANCES TOO.
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My frustrations aside, Episode 68 is my favorite of this bunch. I love how it picks from the last episode and it escalates things up and, even when it stumbles, it keeps itself always on a high place.
I gotta say, I was a bit scared when I saw they were using the trope of sending a character overseas in a way to resolve a conflict, but I was gladly surprised they didn't go that route. Seeing Maria trying the most to look like she's moving on so that Suzu can go chase her dreams in the US even though it hurts her so much is just great, it gives some complexity, and extra seasoning to a character that most of the time is just one thing and can be interpreted as boring or as a flat line character. Great job.
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Having Meltic StAr to appear trying to aid Suzu is also great, we know Suzu has a strong bond with the Meltic girls and seeing that being used makes me happy because is a sign that the writers are aware of the relations they created in the past and that they aren't just gonna be thrown in the trash in order to force interactions with the boring main trio. I especially like the extra attention they gave to Sara since she's the perfect balance of a cool style and personality that live in harmony with her love for cute things and she's someone who, I feel, can help Suzu a lot with her issues.
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Now to the stage, first I'm a little disappointed at the coords, the color scheme they were going for didn't work as well with me, I also don't like those horrible buff sleeves. But that aside I was very pleased with the performance. The first time I heard it I wasn't liking it but as the weeks went on and I would see videos of people playing prichan I started to appreciate it more and now I love this song, even though Suzu's rap seems a bit off in some verses.
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I wish we had an explanation on the name Ring Marry though. Naru just goes there and name them that way and it's a bit weird. Hope we can get some insights about this someday.
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And this was Prichan! Officially back in the blog. Just like I've said on the Aikatsu post I won't be waiting for English subs, from now on I will watch the episodes either raw or in the French subs so that I can keep posting weekly instead of pilling up a bunch of episodes and having to catch up on them later.
If everything goes right Symphogear is next so stay tuned! See ya~
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venus-says · 5 years
Aikatsu! Episodes 112-118 & Movie
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Wait, did we just traveled back on time? I thought this was Akari’s gen. 👀
I'm back for more Aikatsu! and I'VE FAILED MYSELF. ToT The streak was broken and I failed to deliver the daily post. I did watch almost everything I had to watch yesterday, but I was SO EXHAUSTED by the end of the journey I could barely put two words together to form a sentence.
But I'm here now so let's do this. Since it's a bunch of stuff I have to go through, and I still have another marathon to run today with Precure, Prichan, Friends and NINE MORE episodes of OG if I want to catch up, I'll try to hold myself to make very short and simple comments.
In any case, 112 is an episode that leads to the movie, which was something very cool since most anime movies are completely disconnected from the show's continuity and we rarely see events from the movie taking place on the anime itself. In fact, the movie even uses some scenes of episode 112 on it which was kinda cheap but at the same time pretty interesting to see.
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At first, I thought I was gonna make a separate post for the movie, but it ended up that I didn't have a lot to comment on. The movie was like a huge episode of the show which I liked because I barely saw the time passing as I was watching. I feel like the plot tries too hard to be dramatic and emotional to give the movies some sort of conflict to work on, but I ended up liking it a lot. If I have a criticism to make would be the mix and match of stock footage of old performances we've seen during the Ichigo show, I think we could've gotten by without that and give some extra time to look more at Mizuki and to have a full performance of Kagayaki no Etude. I also don't like the new PRs they made for the movie, I think out of the three only Akari's one is decent. But overall I had a blast, and I also quite liked the movie-only character they introduced so, I consider it a victory.
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Back to the show, Episode 113 we see Hinaki trying to get her first PR, and it was a very good episode. I think she's the first character we see that got rejected by the brand designer and it adds more to her evolution and growth as a character. I also like that we got to see her creativity when the clothes got ruined by the juice and they made that super-quick makeover right there, that was also very cool. Though, I don't like that they reused the same performance of Good morning my dream in that same horrible coord of always when I know that by this time the game had already released a new coord from ViVid Kiss that she could've used and that would have impressed more.
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114 follows up as our regular Christmas episode. This was a good episode, but probably the weakest from all the OG series, you know? Aside from changing the music they performed, they didn't bring anything new to the table so I was quite bored with it. Hello, Winter Love isn't my favorite music, but compared to We wish you a merry Christmas it was quite refreshing to watch. I don't like Hinaki's PR, it's probably the worst out of everything ViVid Kiss has put out, but I'm willing to give it a pass since I don't really care as much for this episode.
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The show progresses with a New Year episode that was pretty fun, I wasn't expecting much since I didn't have a good experience with Juri in her first couple of appearances, but this episode worked and I was very pleased with it. Akari's dad is the star of the episode without a doubt, he was so funny and he showed that is possible to geek out about anything in this world and I just love it. I feel like they tried to make something to comment on the relationship between children and their parents but they don't explore this at all so I don't know if this was really what they were going for.
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Episodes 116 and 117 are like a mini-arc for Akari and Sumire where they try to find/polish new specialties, things that can help them to stand out in the crowd. I like Akari's choice to try to be a weather forecaster because it's something so out there and not idol related, it's a very fun idea and I loved everything about it.
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But in terms of episode, I think I liked 117 better, I think Sumire's conflict between what she wants to do and what the industry tells her it's the best use of her skills and her beauty is a far more interesting plot point to follow and the episode does it very beautifully. I think they could do more if they made her lose there and put her down a little so that later on, we get a more strong emotional climax for her, but the episode as it is remains pretty good and I can't complain about it.
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118 is the episode that introduces Miyabi, and like I've mentioned before this is the only episode of season 3 that I've seen before.
And as far as introductory episodes go, 118 is pretty good. I like the idea of the exchange program as a way to bring new characters to the cast, which is a far better option than a transfer student or just someone that was already at the school and that apparently is a big deal, but for some reason, we've never seen before. Though this scares me because it means said characters can be easily forgotten once their exchange period ends and I like Miyabi a lot, I don't wanna see this happening.
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Miyabi's conflict in trying to find her true potential is a good one, and I like that the answer they come up to ease her heart and push her forward is that she's one-of-a-kind idol and she shouldn't let be hold back just because she can't find other idols who are like her. Also, Usubeni Day Tripper is the best song ever and this performance makes the value of the episode rise even more and this is definitely my favorite out of the seven included on this post.
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And that's it for now, if everything goes right there's more Aikatsu later today. See ya~
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