#I got complimented for a cosplay of something at a con once by a hisui cosplayer and felt awkward that I hadn’t read tsukihime
nadekofannumber1 · 7 months
Are there any visual novels that you are interested in playing?
Yeah, I feel like there’s a lot I want to read but I only ever have so much time. I do intend on getting through them eventually tho. Im even currently on one now along side a friend. Oddly enough I’ve done a little bit of research on VN history and watched videos on some stuff as research BC I’m also just into old video games (like if you wanted to learn about dante98(the first rpgmaker) you might want to know surrounding culture of pc98 vn stuff and the effects games like Portopia had). There’s also many interesting ways western CRPG and Classic point and click games intersect with VNs as a concept (lotta history won’t elaborate now)
TLDR: yeah.
Also the vn I’m reading is Tsukihime, I’ll prolly read more nasu works at some point after I’m done.
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