#I got really nostalgic making myself choco
milkyruins · 2 years
## teacher!lee felix x teacher!reader, SUGAR FIXES AND MISTLETOE KISSES
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summary: as you come under a lot of stress, your fellow teacher and coworker felix swings by to cheer you up with a drink every day. your third graders get some... ideas and create their grand plan to make you two fall for each other, one kiss after another.
genre: fluff
content warnings: mentions of stress, cursing, invasions of privacy by your third graders, using god's name in vain, peer (?) pressure by the kiddos
wc: ~1.7k (woah...)
a familiar blondie popped into the doorway to your 3rd grade classroom.
"felix!" you practically sprung up to greet him. you winced at how obviously enthusiastic you were to see your workplace crush, but he didn't seem to notice.
felix greeted you with his blinding smile as he sauntered in. "teach!" he teased, placing down a steaming mug. "i swiped you something from the teacher's appreciation breakfast." upon further instruction, you noticed the heaping cap of whipped cream on top. your eyes widened at the nostalgic, homey scent.
"hot cocoa?" you guessed. the kindergarten teacher nodded enthusiastically.
"peppermint hot choco. the best kind."
a smile tugged at the corner of your mouth. "i really appreciate it, felix. i've been so busy with planning the lower school assembly that i couldn't make it."
felix grimaced a bit. "yeah, you've seemed busier recently."
"but," your eyes lit up. "i have some wonderful student helpers this year. they've been loads of help."
his expression softened. "that's great." he paused a bit before continuining. "need any help with anything? i can make myself available to plan with you or set things up; i'm also happy to bring you hot cocoa more often."
your heart warmed at his consideration. you flipped through your planner, noting everything that still needed to be done. "actually, there doesn't seem to be much in terms of logistics. i'd really love your help setting up for the assembly though. that would be amazing, lix." your eyebrows practically shot up. everything grew hot. "shi- i mean, sorry, that wasn't intentional."
felix giggled a bit. "you're welcome to call me that. although i have to admit, the only person who really calls me that is olivia."
this only helped to fan the flames that were scorching your face further. your gaze latched onto the fine grain of your desk. damn, there were a lot of eraser shavings.
as you finally regained a sliver of composure, you turned to face him again.  pointing at the clock sitting on your desk, you spoke "i think i have to kick you out, sir. class starts in five for us."
"imagine starting class at 8:30. kindergarten can't relate." he flicked his hair, which was slowly starting to grow into the prettiest mullet ever. you laughed with him for a bit, before shoving him out the door.
he stopped in the doorway. "i think i'll stop by more in the mornings. you're going to need the sugar fix!" you couldn't tell if he was talking about the hot cocoa or his sweetheart self.
"i'll look forward to it then."
as felix continued to deliver you hot drinks and casual banter in the morning (and you got more comfortable with calling him lix, as he insisted it was okay), a strange murmur rose from your third graders. when these morning chats began, your third graders looked on, moon-eyed and curious. you heard them mention you and "mystery teacher" during break time every once in a while.
but then, the third graders began to conspire. whispers of your involvement swept over the entirety of the third grade class.
yoomi, the sweetest little student of yours, waddled over to you during recess. "teacher l/n, how long have you and teacher lee been married?"
you laughed it off, cringing internally. "we're not even dating, little love."
your student pouted. "you're lying!" then she sprinted to join her friends on the monkey bars, anxious to spread the (fake) news.
when retelling this to felix the next day, he almost collapsed onto the floor in a laughing fit. after barely managing to catch his breath, felix responded. "your kiddos are so cute!"
you brought your hand to your forehead, mildly frustrated. "you don't care about the dignity of your professional career, lix? or your love life?"
felix chuckled some more. "there's no love life to tarnish, teach." he stared wistfully at your kiddos, who were starting to file in for the day. "plus, what harm is it? they seem to be enjoying themselves."
indignation fired you up, boiling your blood. "but they might not be able to concentrate on my teachings if they see me just as the epicenter of a crazy romantic drama! what about their future academic careers? they-"
felix leaned over your desk to grab your hand, effectively startling you into silence. you didn't realize how loud your voice grew until the a hush ran through the room. he squeezed it softly.
"y/n, you're a fantastic teacher. you're caring, smart, and always put your kiddos first. they could never forget that. okay?"
you exhaled slowly. "thanks, lix. but..." you motioned towards your conspicuously intertwined hands which the children absolutely ate up. his eyes widened as he released your hands. felix scratched the back of his head apologetically.
"i should probably head out, right?" with that, he promptly exited. you might have been imagining things, but his freckled cheeks seemed to be extra red.
oh holy mother of jesus, take the wheel.
you ran around the auditorium, giving instructions, answering questions, and trying your best not to lose your fucking mind. but honestly, it wasn't as bad as you thought it would be, thanks a certain someone, who was currently helping your kids open a really stubborn door. why didn't anyone think to replace these ancient storage closet doors?
you paused to watch felix tussle with the door some more. was he going to be okay doing physical labor in that nice button up and tie? well, he proved you wrong by opening it gracefully. but soon afterward, he and the kiddos were met with a torrent of dust bunnies.
you began to laugh, catching your crush's attention. he gave the helpers some last instructions before making his way over to you. "something funny to you?"
"n-no" you managed between giggles. he cocked his eyebrow at you playfully. you guys joked around some more. despite the stress of... everything, really, being around felix put your heart at ease.
as you two were immersed in your separate world, your third graders became to initiate phase one of their master plan to put you two together. all eyes were on yoomi as she walked towards the almost-couple with burning purpose.
"teacher l/n and teacher lee," she began, pointing at the wad of tangled christmas lights by the door. "can you two help us with that?"
you grinned. "absolutely." you turned towards felix, eyes set ablaze by a challenge. "lix?"
he teasingly rolled your eyes at your shenanigans. "sure, let's go."
the entirety of your third grade class held their breaths as you walked towards the absolute mess that was that string of lights. when you two finally arrived in front of the lights, a cheer erupted from your helper pals.
you quickly spun around, confused by their reaction. a very helpful student pointed above both of your heads, where a haphazardly-taped mistletoe hung. definitely the work of your third graders, no doubt.
"shit." you whispered, careful so that none of your students could witness your potty mouth.
you turned back towards felix, who was clearly stupefied.
yoomi, carefully tucked behind the menorah display, yelled. "now fall in love, lovebirds!" a chorus of giggles sounded as they waited for their otp to kiss and subsequently fall in love.
all you could hear was the rapid drumming of your heart. did this mean you really had to kiss your workplace crush in front of your kiddos? what would this do to your relationship? your professional career?
he slowly approached you and grabbed a hold of your hand. your kiddos held their breaths as he leaned in-
and lifted your hand towards his lips. you combusted on the spot.
"is that enough?" felix asked your helpers, who nodded, accepting their bitter defeat.
as they turned back to their original assignments, felix dragged you out of the auditorium and into the empty teacher's lounge.
"are you okay?" he asked, worry scrunching his brow together.
you nodded slowly, trying to regain your composure. "yeah. thanks for..." your heart squeezed at the thought of his princely hand kiss. "being considerate with me."
he shook his head. "it's the least i could've done." and paused, looking down. "and i'm sorry that i totally disregarded your concerns earlier this week. your kiddos are getting out of hand." 
"it's fine. i'll talk to admin about this eventually, but we should probably head back."
as much as you needed to be back in the auditorium, helping with set-up, you couldn't get yourself to move when he was looking at you like that.
he took a step towards you, averting your gaze. then another. you could see each individual freckle now and it was driving you crazy. "can i... can i ask you a stupid question?"
your breath caught. "always."
felix reached for your hand, rubbing his thumb against your knuckles. "i know this isn't proper of coworkers, but i have to ask or i'm going to go insane." he took a long breath. "i really like you. always have. can i kiss you, for real?"
you willed your brain to stop short-circuiting on you. "go on then." you breathed, tugging lightly on his tie.
and he was all too eager to fulfill your request.
the feeling of his lips on yours felt like fireworks. and you did the thing you always dreamed of-- you greedily carded your hands through his luscious blonde locks, lapping up the quiet moans he let out with every tug and pull.
when you separated for air, you began to giggle at the sight. "lix, your hair."
his usually well-tamed hair was an absolute mess. "ah, i'm so sorr-"
he kissed you again, this time soft and sweet. "don't apologize. i really enjoyed it."
a whole heat wave flooded over you. "should we head back then?" you needed out now before you fully melted.
"wait." you looked up at him. he shot you a hopeful, doe-eyed glance. "does that mean you like me back?"
you chuckled at him. "yes, lix, i do like you back. it's impossible not to, really."
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patamon · 2 years
tagged by @komawo THANK YOU SM, I am soooo honoured to be included and I’m so sorry for the delays!!!! And omg of course you fit into the Tumblr community, I can’t believe you would even question this! 
hot or cold shower: hot shower, my self-care practice is to drench myself in a hot shower and question all my choices in life
texting or calling: calling, so I think working from home has really soured my attitude towards texting or any text-related form of communication like emails, chats, etc...I can’t begin to tally the time and energy wasted on the back-and-forths, the typos, the waiting for people to respond, the misinterpretations and misunderstandings, the passive aggressive tension...like honestly, just press the little phone icon on MS Teams and we can resolve this 3-day email chain in 10-minutes, it’s not that hard.
earbuds or headphones: earbuds, got my first Air Pods this year and I’m not going back!!! If you have an iPhone, nothing will make more sense than Air Pods, I promise you.
paperback or hardcover: paperback, there’s something very nostalgic about the feel of a paperback book in my hand. It takes me back to a simpler and more innocent time, where all your life’s toughest questions could be answered in a satisfying concluding chapter of the book you’ve been working through.
More below the cut (because this got kinda long lol)...
matte or gel: I have no idea what this is referring to but my mind went to nails…like gel nails or the….other type idk. So my answer is idk...
12 hr clock or 24 hr clock: 12 hour, 24-hour clock is too complicated for my brain
blue or green: blue, favourite colour 💙 Only reason why I picked Team Mystic in PoGo
sunsets or sunrises: I wish I could say both but am I ever up to actually see a sunrise? 🤣
tulips or orchids: orchids, I grew up with orchids all around me. Even now, there are orchids everywhere in our abode because my mother loves tending to them. It’s actually kinda cute to see her tend to her hobby.
candle light or moonlight: moonlight 🌝 not only is moonlight prettier, but it doesn’t stoke my anxiety and give me constant fear that everything in my home would be burned down lol
sci-fi or horror: sci-fi, me and my anxiety cannot handle horror anything, nope.
pen or pencil: pen, I WANT TO MARK THAT SHIT DOWN IN PERMANENCE! Plus, I love Muji pens
pandas or koalas: pandas, #teambamboo
gold or silver: gold, it pops more when I incorporate gold into any projects I’m working on, silver kinda blends into the background, unless I’m using a dark background but I rare use dark backgrounds.
sneakers or boots: sneakers, comfy and practical 😊
denim or leather jacket: neither because they’re both uncomfortable, but out of the two, I would say denim
pink or purple: pink, esp pastel pink
choco or sour candy: sour candy, I used to hate sour, but the older I get, the more I crave sour things. I don’t know what that means…am I Hydrogen ion deficient or something?
deodorant or perfume: perfume, deodorant makes my skin feel all weird. Maybe I’m allergic
drive-in theater or cinema: cinema, I do miss going to the movies. I haven’t been as often since COVID lockdown and would really like to go back on a regular basis. Also, I’ve never been to a drive-in theatre but imagine it would be too distracting with everything around me. I really want to immerse myself in the movie….that’s why I enjoy going to the cinema a lot
pastel blue or earth tones: pastel blue, favourite colour pt. 2 💙 💙
lemonade or fruit juice: lemonade, goes back to my sour thing
past or future: As cliché as it sounds, I do try my best to live in the present so…neither?
Tagging @tangledupblue, @digitalworldbound, @reliablejoukido, @sluggybasson107, @places-people, @ri-ships-takari, @stoppingtosmelltheflowers, @ahiddenpath, @tohjofalls, @animegenork
and anyone else who wants to do this!
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argumentl · 3 years
The Freedom of Expression Ep 51 - Amazing technology - 'Human with modified skull'
K: Hi this is Dir en grey's Kaoru with this week's  episode of The Freedom of Expression. Joe, Tasai, welcome.
T: And thank you too.
J: Ta-da! We are wearing it.
K: Hahaha
J: We are wearing it. This is naturally cool, isn't it?
T: Yes.
K: Um, if we don't say anything the viewers won't understand.
J: Uh, Tasai, could you explain?
T: Um, so this is another Tokyo Sports T-shirt collaboration. We are putting one out.
K: It was a hoodie before, right? 
T: Yes, that was a collaboration with Don Quijote. This time we've collaborated with the store Hardcore Chocolate in Higashinakano, to create this really cool tshirt.
K: I'm wearing it too.
T: Oh, thank you. Its a Core-choco × Tokyo Sports collaboration.
K: The back is nice too.
J: Yeah, I mean, I can't see it myself though. What is written on it?
T: Its past Tokyo Sports headlines. The black is pro-wrestling headlines, like 'Inoki's grand KO defeat'.....'Hansen...near murder' etc.
J: Wow.
T: These shocking headlines are...
J: All over?
T: Yes, all over it. And as for the front, Joe, could you turn around?
J: Yes.
T: Those are copies of Tokyo Sports tied up with string, just on the verge of being thrown away, giving a kind if melancholic feel.
J: Ahh, this is cool too.
T: Its very Tokyo Sportsy.
K: Are the white and back versions different?
T:  Yes, they are different.
J: Ah! They are different?
K: The white one has 'Matsui' written on it.
T: Matsui's wedding.
J: Oh yeah.
K: This black one says, 'Brody'.
J: Pro-wrestling?
T: Yes, its mainly pro-wrestling. And the white is showbiz...
J: Sports and showbiz? Oh, so it is.
T: 'Elvis lives' and so on.
J: This is great...ah..'The Monster with 21 faces'!
K: Its nostalgic, isn't it?
T: Yeah, this type of thing.
J: Ahh..of course...Ah, shocking photos.
K: 'Discovery of Kappa'....'Madonna had hemorrhoids' haha.
K, J, T: Hahaha.
J: Does it really matter? haha.
T: Haha, that was about one time a long time ago when Madonna came to do a show in Japan. She requested a bidet toilet, so we reckoned maybe its because she had hemorrhoids.
J: Just from that? You put this headline with it?
K: Your info is thin!
T: Haha.
J: Right?! Zero fact checking! Guess after guess!
K: Incredible. So, there are two of these.
J: What should we do with them?
T: Well, I thought we could make them presents for the people who always watch The Freedom of Expression.
J: Ohhh! *claps*
K: There is black and white.
J: One of each?
T: Yes.
K: The size is S.
J: S?
K: Joe is wearing M, I'm wearing XL. Anyone who wants a big one..
J: Please but it.
K: Yes. For people who want S...um, what should we do...you could leave a comment on my Twitter..
T: With your thoughts on this show.
J: Of course.
T: Yes.
K: Yeah.
T: And we could choose one from those.
J: Leave a decent comment..
T: Like which was your favourite episode or something?
J: Ahh, you know how to do this!
K: Joe, its just that you're always drunk.
J: I'm always drunk, haha. When I see Tasai, Im learning how to conduct myself.
T: Excuse me brother, thank you very much.
J: Your stocks will rise with this tshirt. Yours and Tokyo Sports' stocks.
T: I hope so.
K: Everyone will be cool wearing this.
J: They really will be cool.
K: Please buy it, really.
J: If someone wanted to buy this, where do they get it from?
T: Probably online. You can buy it on Corechoco's site.
J: I see.
K: Ok, so today's story is a Tokyo Sports selection.
J: Its a Tokyo Sports day today.
T: A Tokyo Sports produced story...
The headline is 'Will we rise up in 2021? - Amazing technology, human with modified skull'. As for the content of the story, it asks what new technology will appear in the year 2021, and its by our science writer Hisano, who wrote about some of the things he'd heard.
J: Oh, so he's done it properly?
T: Yes. So firstly, well, we hear a lot about this A.I. deepfake problem at the moment, don't we? Like changing faces without permission, and making these made-up sexy images which cause harm, for example. *1
J: Yeah, its the basis of fake news, right?
T: We are hearing about that more and more, thats the first thing. Secondly, there is apparently this idea called, 'Trans-human' where people power up their own body with technology, and Hisano wondered whether Trans-human technology with develop a lot during this year. Specifically, well, there is actually someone doing this in Spain, Manel de Aguas. He peeled back the skin on his head and attatched self-mafe fin shaped devices to his skull. The fins contain a bone conducting oscillator and temperature sensor, so he can tell if the weather is hot or cold through vibrations in his head. So, this is a way to catch very small atmospheric changes that regular people wouldn't normally be able to sense.
J: I see.
T: And there are pictures of him, so please take a look.
J: If you go to the Tokyo Sports website?
T: Yes, you can see it there. Furthermore, well, there are quite a lot of other examples, like a 'trans-human' using prosthetics, or having an IC chip implanted into your hand to use for the train etc. On top of that, France has plans to make a conscription army like this. The name  of the project is 'The Bionic Soldier Project', which is a really cool name. They would be like super strong soldiers who never got tired and didn't need sleep, and who could heighten their sight and hearing with medication, and would have communication equipment embedded in their brains to connect directly to wireless  netwoks. Bionic soldiers..scary, right?
J: Yeah. Its like the end to the era of traditional fighting.
T: Research has been going on even longer America, in their Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, where paralyzed patients have had chips embedded in their brain, and have successfully been able to control drones with their thoughts. They've already done that. Even bedridden people can control drones. Technology his also being developed to go without sleep for 48 hours by running electric currents through the brain. This is not the talk of dreams, we are closing in on these things. There is also a plan by Nasa, a mission to redirect asteroids, where a robot spaceship would grab an asteroid, carry it over to the moon's orbit, and dig up minerals from it. Its like the world of Gundam. What do you think of this for 2021?
J: So, like these might become a reality within this year?
T: Yeah, some of them, as far as the technology goes.
K: It'll be like Robocop.
T: Yeah.
K: Its incredible, its like the world of 'Terminator'.
J: Yeah, it is.
T: In reality, controling a drone with the brain is aleady being used in China with toys.
J: With the brain..?
T: Like, controlling it with your thoughts by just imagining it rising. And in Japan..
J: You have to operate it.
T: In Japan they can be controlled with radio waves *2, but in China they can already move drones around using brain waves. Like, its technologically possible to attatch a bomb to a drone and make it fly somewhere and explode...its scary.
J: If technology advances this far, people won't need to study for exams and stuff, will they?
T: Thats right.
J: With a chip embedded...we talk about preventing cheating these days, but you would have all that data within you, or you could just go outside and remotely update.
K: Or you could send questions with just your eyes and get answers back.
J: Yeah, its like already at the point where you don't have to bother with tests or exams.
K: And it would mean no more back entrance admissions.
T, J: Yeah.
J: Yeah, like whoever has the money.
T: They might starts scanning people with metal detectors when they do exams to see if they have chips or something in them. Like, have you got a chip in your brain?? If it beeps, you'll know they have a chip.
K: They could put the people who have chips inside like anti-vibration shields..
J: Yeah, like to stop the transmissions.
T: Oh, yeah.
J: We're already getting to this point in time.
T: Do we even need to study anymore?
J: Yeah, like the era of people using their brains is ending.
K: We don't even really need universities and stuff anymore
J: We don't! Cause you have have access to all the information in the world in your head, whenever you like.
K:Yeah, if you have it ???*3
J: Well, there's also the issue of whether this kind of thing will be permitted by law. Like how far..
K: Yeah, it wouldn't be allowed immediately.
J: Yeah, like how far can human ability be harnessed in this way. I mean, there is the problem of genetic engineering too, but..thats where we are at now.
K: Well, there might already be people like this out there.
J: Well, yeah, the technology is there already.
K: You don't know whats going on in other peoples' heads.
J: Well, yeah. Eh, what if Kami is one of them?
K: No, I don't think he is. Absolutely not.
J: Haha
Kami: No, gods are different. But the bionic soldiers who don't need sleep, never get tired, and use medication to improve their sight and hearing...they've been around in Nishinari for a long time.
K: In Nishinari?
J: Haha
Kami: People who look like zombies, there have always been tonnes of them. There is also an article about a 'robot girlfriend to go for a walk with you', which Gifu University made, I'm interested  in that. I'd like to support Gifu University with that.
T: I see. Yeah, its a robot girlfriend who holds your hand and goes for walks with you, made by Gifu University.
K: What did Kami say earlier about women, doesn't he have woman trouble?
J: Oh yeah. Kami, don't women like you, being a god?
Kani: Thats a whole different story. Um, this is just a hand holding robot, but I'd like them to try harder with more in-depth research on this.
K: In-depth research? Haha
J: I don't know what he means by that. Kami!!
K: I mean, if they've been able to make the robot to this level, Im pretty sure they can also manage 'in-depth' research. haha.
J: They just won't announce it as university research, they stopped at holding hands.
Kami: Ah, I see. I wanna support deepfake technology too.
K: Ha, you wanna support it.
T: Well, this type of technology was originally invented for mens' pleasure. New technology can even start from such places. Like videos...
K: Ah, yeh, popular people from videos turned up a lot in this erotic stuff (*Sorry if I got this wrong*)
J: Ahh, yes, necessity is the mother of invention. Technology increases due human desires.
T: Yeah, thats it.
J: Well, this could be used for evil ways, or for more interesting ways. There are various ways to use it. Kaoru is there any kind of technology that you ever wanted to invent?
K: That I wanted to invent?
J: Like a specific type of robot or anything like that?
T: If you had a chip in your brain though, and you didn't have to study, what would you do?
K: But if all this stuff becomes normal, I think on the contrary, will might start to want to do things in more detail again. When you can get anything effortlessly, you will start to want to do those things that don't come effortlessly.
J: Ahh, hand made things will become nostalgic.
K: Our sense of value would change. People will want to go out and do things...if you can get everything you need without ever going out. And with food, it will be all there, ready as soon as you open the cupboard, right?
J: Yeah
K: Like, wouldn't you feel like going out instead?
T: Yeah, you'd want to go out and see live performances and stuff too.
K: People were told not to go out on New Years eve, but so many people still went out. haha
T: Oh, yeah.
J: Yep, human mentality just goes like that.
K: People will still go out. So, I think thats the direction it will head.
T: A.I. is pretty popular in human competions at the moment, for example with Shōgi, but in the end, what people really want to see is a human competing with another human.
J: Yes, I think thats true.
K: Yeah, its those natural variations
J: Thats it, we need those. Its that type of thing  that is impossible to calculate.
K: A computer couldn't come up with this type of thing. (*holds up Tokyo Sports tshirt*)
T: Haha
K: Its a product of wild fantasies.
T: Hahaha
J: Yeah, that would be impossible.
T: If we let A.I. do this kind of thing we would have lost. Tokyo Sports would be finished.
K: A.I. couldn't make this.
J: Its incredible.
K: 'Human gives birth to frog'.
J: Haha, A.I. could never write this.
K: It probably couldn't, right?
J: Only some bombed out person could do it otherwise.
K: It was worth making, naturally Tokyo Sports.
T: Oh, thank you.
K: So, everyone, please buy one of these tshirts. We have a black and white in size S here, so please send a tweet. Ok, we'll finish here this week. Please subscribe, thank you very much.
*1, 2 Not sure its exactly right.
*3 Couldn't figure out
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vreugd-madelon · 5 years
A Series of Unfortunate Events Review
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A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket is a 13 part series, consisting of 2,433 total pages. It's a Young Adult series. I listened to these books on Storytel in English. I've read these books when I was young in Dutch, but as I recently saw the show on Netflix I became nostalgic. I enjoyed the show so much and I wanted to re-read the series, so I did. I've yet to obtain them in physical form, but that will also happen in the future.
This is the story of the three Baudelaire children, who become orphans as their house burns down with their parents inside. This is their tragic tale, as they travel across the country. If you can't stand tragedy and misfortune, you shouldn't pick up this series.
Warning for Misforture, Arson and Death.
#1) Bad Beginnings - Rating: 5 Stars. This was an amazing story. I do like what they had done as it really feels like Lemony Snicket is reading to it you, as it makes references as to it being an audiobook. The story is told with an entire cast of people, and there are background noises as well to round out the entire recording. Think of people chattering in the background or the soft thud of a dropped stone. The ominous presence that the book creates is very real, almost tangible.
#2) The Reptile Room - Rating: 3 Stars. This recording is very different from the first. The entire cast and background noises are gone, but it doesn't nessissarrily make it worse, just different. But the couching of Mr. Poe is unbearable near the end. It was only when we were first introduced to Uncle Monty that my enjoyment began to wane. I dislike the voice used for him. I dislike the character and his mannerisms as it makes him come across as a stupid man.' There is one odd question that rose through my mind as I listened; Does Uncle Monty have a permit/license to keep all the exotic animals?
#3) the Wide Window - Rating: 4 Stars. I liked this books a little more than the last. I did greatly enjoy the voice of Lemony Snicket, who narrated this. The annoying couching of Mr. Poe isn't present, and I don't dislike that the background noises have disappeared still. For the characters, there is only one dislike, Aunt Josephine. While in the Netflix show she has a redemption arc. This is present in the books. Even near the end she is willing to give up the children, but it doesn't help her. One thing I do like is the surroundings and the atmosphere, especially with Hurricane Herman approaching. It does feel completely ominous.
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#4) The Miserable Mill - Rating: 5 Stars. This books is one I enjoyed more than the previous too. The only think I disliked is the voice given to Sir, the owner of the Lucky Smells Lumber Mill. It's so robotic and unpleasent. A thing I do like very much is that Violet and Klaus switch their usual gifts. Violet reads a book which helps break the hypnosis, which is usually Klaus' thing. Klaus on the other hand invents a make-shift fishingpole to save Charles from the saw, while that is more Violet's gimmick. It's nice to see such a progression within their characters, as it shows that they have learned from one another.
#5) The Austere Acadamy - Rating: 5 Stars. I do like this book. The feeling of the grim and dark place that these books are set in really comes through here. Vice-Principle Nero is horrible. Carmelita Spats is annoying. The Quagmire Triplets become true friends in the short amount of time with the bodulair children.
#6) The Ersatz Elevator - Rating: 4.5 Stars. I was only familiar with the Netflix show about this book. From my memories of my childhood, I don't remember anything. The show deviates a lot from the book, and somehow it was nice to not know what the next step was in their adventure. There is one small thing that bothered me and that is time in combination with the Ersatz Elevator, it just doesn't seem right to me. It seems like too much time is happening than it actually is. Like a day is 30 hours long instead of 24 hours. Besides that, this book was amazing.
#7) The Vile Village - Rating: 4.5 Stars. I enjoyed my time with this book. But there are still a few things that I dislike. First off is Jacques Snicket and his ending. This is the first time he is ever mentioned, and his death is supposed to be really impacting, but I couldn't care less. In the Netflix show we spend more time with him, so it's more impactful. I love the note to the editor in this one.
#8) The Hostile Hospital - Rating: 4 Stars. I liked this one the least. While it is the one with the highest stakes yet, especially in the way of plot progression. We do see very little of Count Olaf, but there is a still an ominous prescense that lurks around, that he is behind everything. I loved the atmosphere of the hospital and it's not one I want to end up in.
#9) The Carnivorous Carnival - Rating: 5 Stars. I enjoyed this one greatly as we see much progression; not only in the story, but also in background en character development. We see Sunny interest in cooking unfurl for the first time as she adds cinnamon to hot choco. We see more of V.F.D. and what they represent. There were some minor questions that I asked myself while listening; like how does the rollercoaster work exactly without rails. I felt sorry for the lions who got burned alive. The book ended with a dramatic cliffhanger, and the PS. was very interesting and stood out from all the others.
#10) The Slippery Slope - Rating: 5 Stars. I know this book takes place on Mount Fraught, but the amount of cliffhangers is surreal. Almost every chapter is one, and I wasn't able to read it all in one sitting, so I was anxious to continue on. At a certain point Lemony Snicket tell us that he didn't know what happened to the white-faced women after they left Olaf's troupe, but yet the story is written in such a way that he knew what every character was saying in a particular moment. Weird. We see more and more of Sunny's ingenuity in cooking.
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#11) The Grim Grotto - Rating: 5 Stars. One character in this book annoyed me, but I later grew to miss him. And that is Captain Withershins. He is a chubby man with a mouth like a gatling gun, as he always talks on and on. Yet at one moment he disappears with Phil, and I began to miss him, just like Fiona does. Another nice progression in character is Olaf, who almost dispises Carmalita as much as me. I like how at the end the lives begin to turn around as they meet Kit Snicket.
#12) The Penultimate Peril - Rating: 5 Stars. I loved this one. In my opinion is this the best one of all. We come to know so much about the characters, the backstory and the future that is ahead. I loved the characters, especially the Denouemont brothers. If a character was in the lives of the Baudelairs adn they are still alive, they make an appearance here. Too bad they all... well I shouldn't spoil the ending.
#13) The End - Rating: 3 Stars. This one is just an Excessive Ending. It goes on an on, and while most is about the habbits of the islanders and back background of certain characters. I feel that little else happend. Most of the character aren't present, mostly due to the remote location, but it makes the book feel empty. The pacing is suddenly very slow, mostly because of the many descriptions. I can now understand why Netflix made this last book into a 1 parter instead of 2 parts.
I have a few concluding comments about the series as a whole. 1. I like the people used for each book. They do really fit and they are able to put up a wide range of voices. Most of the series was narrated by Tim Curry. 2. Each book begins with a little song, which are always fitting to each book. They are well produced. 3. At the end of each book we get a note to the editor. A small snippet of what is to come in the next part of the series. It is written in universe which is a really nice touch. 4. Each book has 13 chapters, where in the last one the bad becomes worse. 5. I love all the covers. In the beginning they resemble the original books, but the other are more like the Netflix show. 6. Characters overall feel rounded and diverse. And seeing that there are a lot it's very difficult. I think this also has to do with the return of many of them in book 12.
If you have any questions send me an ask here on tumblr or tweet me. If there are any books that you want to recommend, be sure to let me know! Tell me as well, if you like 1 post about a long series like this one.
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benefits1986 · 6 years
Cheap Massive Cheat Day Cravings
In between prepping for Christmas hapag so that my lola won’t have to stand in her kitchen for more than 8 hours, my tita and I are kind of heading our Noche Buena kagulo which meant making sure that our family of about 50 or 60 would have a good time. 
That said, I am revisiting the good food and the comfort food that might inspire me to come up with something edible and hopefully memorable for this Holiday bilang I am trying to be a scrooge no more. Hah. I even chanced upon a long skirt that has been with me since 16 years old earlier today. The maroon skirt I wore to my cousin’s debut matched perfectly with my blue cropped top and my white tie top, so in essence, I already have two options for our Noche Buena kung tama sa theme ‘yung outfits ko. Else, will use it na lang when we go to Tagaytay (pilit talaga natin ‘yang Tagaytay kahit hindi makatao ang traffic for sure) this holiday. 
So, anyway, sharing the list of the cheap food that really makes me happy these days. I noticed that ever since I embarked on my mindful eating journey, ang dami ng natanggal sa cravings ko na swear to heavens, pati ako gulat. Iniisip ko nga noong una even up until now kung todo pigil with gigil lang ba ako pero no, mumsh. Happy ako sa food choices ko at God’s grace and God’s plan nga siguro ‘yan. 
Make me eat like a tamagochi on a shoestring budget with these: 
Isaw Baboy with Spicy Vinegar 
Scramble (with extra milk powder; no choco or strawberry syrup) 
Sweet Corn + Cheese Rings 
Clover Bits (must be bits tapos akin lang buong lalagyan na tagpipiso) 
Boy Bawang 
Popcorn (Chef Tony’s and Kettle Korn) 
Chichacorn (eto ang hindi ko talaga tinitigilan up until now; para talaga akong tamagoching ginutom ng 3 days; tapos usually magshe-share ako ng food; pero ito, mga once or twice lang ako magtatanong, tapos pag ayaw, kakainin ko talaga siya until maubos; deadliest craving ko ito to date) 
Nagaraya (all flavors masaya kaso pagkatapos ang pimples ko may pa-jamboree, mumsh) 
Burger Machine Sansrival (because ang weird niya since elementary, pero gusto ko pa rin siya) 
Sweet Corn (apaw sa butter dapat) 
Yakisoba Beef Pancit Canton (because masarap ‘yung noodle mismo, must add sriracha, sesame seeds and nori tho) 
Jollibee Burger Steak 
Jollibee Pancake Sandwich 
Siomai (Siomai King Japanese Siomai, Nathaniel’s and Siomai sa Tisa sa Cebu. ‘Yung Siomai sa Tisa, jusko, hindi ko pa rin makalimutan lasa niyan until now and mamahalin ko sino mang maghandcarry ng Siomai Sa Tisa from Cebu to Manila. Mga 50 pieces, sapat na) 
Sonyda/Potdog Fishball, Squidball, atbp finds (sauce is spicy oil na lang unlike before na sweet and spicy tapos may toyo and spicy oil) 
Sonyda Fried Chicken and Pancit (pinatawid ako nito nung college days ko sa SM Manila ata and sa Rob Manila) 
Takoyaki (very onti ng sweet sauce, maraming bonito flakes, maraming nori, may onting mayo, maraming spicy, and if may floss, damn girl, loveeet) 
Mr. Bean Taho (pag super cheat, may sago kasi chewy; buti na lang talaga eto ang benchmark ko ng taho, kasi hindi ko na siya kine-crave masyado; medyo mahal ang Mr. Bean compared sa iba, pero, silkiest ever siya kasi, so hindi na ako mag-explain, judge ninyo na lang) 
Japanese Pancakes (matcha, plain; actually, pancakes talaga masaya ako) 
Waffle Time (OG na nung nasa Ortigas pa ako, sa Tektite, Canadian Bacon ang usual go-to ko, pag wala, ham and cheese. Super panawid sa sulit ng Waffle Time) 
Plato Wraps (nagmahal lalo siya, pero cheap pa rin compared sa direct and indirect competitors nila) 
Auntie Anne’s (oweeerrrrm. Hindi na ako masyadong mahilig sa matamis, pero this is worth every calorie na hindi ko naman balak iburn ng bongga. Simple lang saka masarap kasi gusto ko ‘yung freshly made siya tapos may crunch.) 
Cinnabon (I love cinnamon and soft dough. Again, one of the few sweets na love ko pa rin until now. Sabi nga ng marketing ng Cinnabon, intentionally nilang nilalagay sa gitna ng kawalan ang mga Cinnabon kasi mas nagke-crave ang mga customers upon smelling it randomly. Totoo naman. Gets me most of the time.) 
2go Bangus (may kanin na may unting tutong sa ilalim tapos maraming maanghang na sawsawan na may tiny bit toyo)  
Chooks to Go Liempo (dapat yung fried pa. Hahaha. Syempre kanin ang laban.) 
Tahong (kahit anong luto basta fresh, game na game na game. In Puerto, hindi nga ako masyadong nagkanin pero mga naka 2 kilos ako ng tahong on my first meal nung tour day namin. Jusko. Buti matibay tummy ko, though I took Diatabs na right after my meal para sure.) 
Palabok (bihon noodle dapat with tinapa and chicharon; super hirap na makahanap ng legit palabok na makikita mo yung mga sahog; pinaka fave ko is ‘yung bata pa ako sa karinderya sa palengke) 
Tupig (para sa traffic ng NLEX at para sa tutong na minsan mainit-init pa, damn girl) 
Buko Pandan (yung hindi ma-condensada at hindi super lapot; yung Nathaniel’s) 
Gyoza (yas, yas, yas; pero ‘yung totoo, best gyoza to date ko is spicy gyoza sa Sensei Sushi. I died.) 
Pork Floss (Eng Bee Tin; 250 for mga 10 pieces ata. ‘Pag hindi ko ito binibili ‘pag nasa Binondo ako, dalawa lang yan: wala akong pera or nagskip ako ng craving) 
New Po Heng Lumpia (still the best ever fresh lumpia; mataas ang calories ng non-vegan version pero kasi super sarap; tapos halos maubos ko na ‘yung isang boteng sauce) 
Sincerity Chicken + Lumpiang Shanghai + Oyster Cake + Raddish Cake + Crab Fried Rice (kaya ‘pag nasa Binondo, kelangan may kasama ako na at least one kasi damn girl, sad ako ‘pag “incomplete” order; mura siya for at least 2 or 3 people; I really need to go to Binondo naaaaaaaa before the super Christmas rush.) 
Puto Pao 
Leche Flan Duck Egg (must be duck egg kasi mumsh, jusko, heavenly)
Pure Ube (because my lola’s version is the best; ang hirap mag-settle sa madadayang version na may extenders)  
Pork Buns, Lava Buns, Curry Buns (basta ‘yung buns na super sarap sa South Supermarket; buti na lang meron sa South) 
Alfajores (got this from my friend Gella, pinaglihian niya, so nagpauwi from Baguio; I got myself one and the rest is history) 
Kinilaw (hindi naman ito cheating pero swear, nung nasa Siargao tours ako, pansin ko halos makalahati ko na yung malaking plato kasi walang masyadong may gusto ng kinilaw though nasasarapan both locals and foreigners; baka raw ma-queasy tummy sila) 
Atoy’s (may sapi ang Atoy’s; walang pagiimbot akong kakain ng sobra-sobrang kanin kasi ang sarap; best budget food sa BF Par lalo na pag may gala sa Rue or Tav kasi sure na kahit pataboin nyo mga alak, makakauwi ka ng ligtas) 
Maty’s BBQ + Tapang Kabayo + Pancit Bihon (damnnn. Buti malapit lang sa amin pero best to go here ng past midnight kasi ang init tapos ang gulo ng kalsada. Sulit pa rin!) 
Potato Corner Truffle Fries + Sweet Corn Fries + Mojos + Camote Fries (mahal siya pero pasok pa rin naman sa category ng cheap) 
Dokito By Andoks (shit; midnight snack craving; thigh part na bagong luto or init check lang baka stale na ‘yung gravy minsan) 
Calamares sa Daan 
Bopis sa Daan 
Flying Saucer sa Daan 
Sago’t Gulaman (basta sure na hindi sasakit tiyan ko, go lang kahit yung seal ng tubig e kayang-kayang buksan ng walang alinlangan; tapos basta ‘yung yelo e hindi naman pinapatong sa kalsada mismo) 
Goto Batangas (pinaka matindeng craving na hindi mo pa nilulunok, alam mong clogged artery in the making kakalabasan mo pero ansarap pa rin e kasi weak me basta lamang-loob ang usapan) 
RBX (another panawid nung aking kabataan; mura pa rin until now; ‘pag may budget, Seafood na Super Spicy pero paontinaan ang toyo kasi ang alat masyado pag usual timpla; pag petsa de peligro yung ham and bacon ba yun, basta may ham or may bacon or both; super spicy rin) 
Kenny Rogers Side Dishes (shiiiiitttt. sobrang saya ko ‘pag pumipili ng side dish everytime I go to Kenny. I can skip the chicken at times pero gusto ko iuwi lahat ng side dishes) 
Kenny Rogers Corn Muffin (isang box of six is like heaven to me) 
Nacho King (hindi ako sure kung meron pa nito, pero shit, ang sarap na, ang nostalgic pa) 
3M Pizza/Lotsa Pizza na Pure Beef, Hawaiian, Bacon (hindi ko na nga lang masyadong kinakain ‘yung crust these days kaya ‘yung tatay ko or kapatid ko sila kumakain nun after magalit sa akin bakit ayaw ko raw kainin) 
Bacon (enough said, may masarap na high-class bacon, pero wala akong paki, basta bacon is lifest) 
Delimondo Corned Beef, Luncheon Meat +++ (mukha lang siyang mas mahal, pero swear mura siya kasi bigger portions and solid 'yung lasa niya. Hunting down calderetang corned beef pa for months na pero kelangan ko na yatang pumunta sa HQ nila para matapos na ang mahabang craving na ito.)
Footlong (I can not remember anong brand pero pag nakita ko siya sa grocery, basta medyo mapayat siya.) 
Purefoods Bacon and Cheese Nuggets (I can finish one bag in one sitting in under 15 minutes.) 
Longganisa (oweeeeem. Longganisa rouses the kanin queen in me.) 
Saba Spicy Squid In Can (with vermicelli and kanin, kagulo na, sobrang cheap find na happy me) 
Mackarel In Can Spicy (eto pa isa)
Sardines Spicy (eto paaaaa; usually, pag petsa de peligro na tapos kelangan bumili ng dog food, sardinas na lang ulam namin) 
Daing Na Bangus (kahit sale pa yan or maarteng klase, shit man, give it meeeee) 
At sa totoo lang, ngayon Pasko, puwedeng-puwede na sa akin yang mga food na ‘yan. Sabi nga ng dad ko, kahit medyo swanky or super mura, parehas saya ko sa busog lusog finds kasi totoo naman. Hindi naman ‘yan sa quality lang ng ingredients and all the stuff, pero nasa satisfaction levels siya, for me. 
Ang sarap tuloy bilhin lahat ito tapos tignan ko kung kaya ko siyang kainin lahat in one seating. Or sama ko tatay ko pero ‘wag na lang kasi baka ‘yung mabuting lagay ng BP niya e malihis pa ng landas. 
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bentchcreates · 7 years
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Three reviews in one post? Yes. Heehee. 
No particular reason to group them together like this except they’re all #romanceclass books and I read them when I went on hiatus last month. (It was only for two weeks. I’m being dramatic! heh)
I have a ton of writerly things to do and was supposed to just release reviews for these when I finished the others, but having unleashed book thoughts and book reactions ate away at me, so here you go. :P
I’ve provided buy links if you want to check it out. :) XOXO
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Choco Chip Hips by Agay Llanera
I have to be honest and tell you that I impulsively bought this (and read it right away) because of the cute cover. Also, because everyone was raving about this on Twitter and I wanted in on the fuss. I’m glad to report that it didn’t disappoint. Agay never disappoints.
Jessie’s story is a coming-of-age that is unique to me in that she wasn’t some lost school girl set out to find herself. She knew who she was from the get go and had a firm grasp of her personality and identity as a baking champ. Yet she still discovered a lot more about herself. She changed not because her old self was something to get rid of, but more because her true calling was still waiting for her to accept it.
+ Chapter titles are delectable. I might’ve also gained a few pounds just imagining the food Jessie and her dad have made in their bakery.
+ Not romance-centric but the romantic parts were kilig-worthy! Dave was such a gentleman, too.
+ The dance parts were written beautifully, especially the final performance. I felt like I was really Jessie, breaking free from the loneliness and yearning for her mother, and through dance, finally connecting with her after so many years.
+ Shout-out to Kim for being the bestest friend even when her and Jessie’s opinions didn’t align.
Amazon Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/Choco-Chip-Hips-Agay-Llanera-ebook/dp/B011NTXSZ0
Print edition is available at National Bookstores (PH Only)
Author blog: http://agayisagirl.blogspot.com/
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Keeping the Distance by Clarisse David
This is my first Clarisse David book and now I get why she’s on most people’s 1-click list. First few lines at the beginning of this got me hooked, trapped and reeled-in!
The development of the characters, as well as Melissa and Lance’s romance were on point too. Somewhere in the middle, I found myself eagerly waiting for goody-goody Melissa to break and unleash her inner rebel. Her father was suffocating! I get where he was coming from but jeez, let her breathe a little. Melissa as pretty enough to worry any parent, sure, but she was smart enough not to get herself in big trouble, too. Okay, granted she did get tangled up with trouble (called Lance) but that’s beside my point. If anything, Lance changed to a better, more responsible student because of Melissa. Her father should know that! (Obviously, I have very strong feelings for this but that’s because Clarisse wrote this so well and she got me so invested. Haha)
+ I must commend the sense of place Clarisse put in this book. I have never been to Iloilo but now I want to go there and retrace Melissa and Lance’s steps, marvel at the beauty of a city that’s new but familiar to me.
+ Convenience store slurpees made me nostalgic with my own hs/college days.
+ Lance was believable as a bad boy with a heart of gold. His POV was rich and it really made me root for him for Melissa.
+ The secret date (the very first one!) was handled authentically. Anyone who’s had panic attacks because of fear of being found out will know exactly what I’m talking about.
Amazon Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/Keeping-Distance-Heart-Iloilo-Book-ebook/dp/B01MYB5E2C/
Print Book is available from the author.
Author Site: http://www.clarissedavid.com/
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The Hometown Hazard by Dawn Lanuza
When I started reading this, I was actually expecting for Jules to track down her exes for breaking in her parent’s house. By Chapter 4, still no past relationships were being mentioned so I checked the synopsis and realized I confused this with another Dawn Lanuza book, The Boyfriend Backtrack. For three chapters, I was in a limbo where I was enjoying the story and the flow of Dawn’s writing, while at the same time getting utterly bewildered because I was waiting for something else entirely! >_<
Anyway, I wasn’t really planning to read a mystery solving romance duo but this got me turning pages in wonder and excitement as Jules and Kip unraveled the big mystery. As layer upon layer of the secrets hidden from them are peeled off, so are the walls they’ve built around their hearts. Their age-gap should have been a non-issue because they weren’t really that far apart, but the fact that they have a non-romantic (and even completely innocent!) history together makes it all messed up for Jules. Dawn’s superb writing walks the reader through it, though, and I loved how their witty banter warmed their hearts into a happy romance.
+ The mystery (and secrets, all of it!) coming together at the end made me scared the book will suddenly get darker at 75% in but it was handled well. Heavy as the issues might have been, it didn’t leave things on a cliffhanger and the resolution was satisfying.
+ I found a little quirk: Kip couldn’t have whipped up architectural plans for construction in just the one month Jules was gone especially since he had a ton of personal issues to deal with, but I’m letting it go. The scene on the bench by the beach made up for it.
+ Jules’ annoyance of all the inconveniences she was coming back to in her hometown was so relatable. Her love for her hometown in spite of it, more so.
+ I imagined Kip to be a Kiddie Meal upgraded into a Super Meal throughout the story. Good job. Haha!
+ I loved that by the end it didn’t go the easy and inconsistent way where “love fixes everything” and instead offered a more probable outcome where things are still crappy, especially for Kip, but at least they have a love to cherish, and someone to help them go through with the crappiness of life.
Amazon Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/Hometown-Hazard-Dawn-Lanuza-ebook/dp/B01A6SY3NU/
Print book available from the author.
Author Site: https://dawnlanuza.com/
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