#I got those photos framed at her house btw haha
ayselluna · 1 month
Doing selfies with Astarion as your boyfriend
So I made Astarion in Sims4 and had him be my boyfriend with my character on Sims and I can't get over with how cute the selfies we made are!
Just look at this adorable vamp!
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I imagine him always into taking pictures and even making me take his "Instagrammable photo" for some posts. Like who wouldn't want to see his gorgeous face right?
And of course as his girlfriend, I'll always be proud and happy with all the pictures we took. FRAMED FOR LATEEEER haha
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He's probably okay with some wacky pictures too coz like he'll still look fucking handsome! Look at him showing off his fangs!
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I wish I made him have more of those laugh lines tbh, but he's up for another upgrade soon! I just didn't had the mod yet at this time. haha
I also upgraded his house btw. He needs his space lol. Guess we'll be moving in together soon! XD
forgive me for my delulu era haha
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vixenofthemist · 7 years
Todomomo Kids Appearance and Personality
Bc I realized in the original todomomo kids post I never described what they look like
Hajime is the oldest sibling, and he looks like a male Momo, with a more Shouto face
He’s hair is black (or red I haven’t decided yet but leaning more towards black) and he always keeps it short and very tidy. He always styles it by combing it (IT LOOKS LIKE THE HORIKOSHI SKETCH WERE BEST JEANIST COMBED SHOUTO’S HAIR)
He always looks a little bit stern and serious, but in the inside he’s a huge nerd
A perfect mesh of Momo and Shouto’s personalities tbh
He’s as serious about being a hero as the two of them, but he also geeks out on the inside and super liked helping people with homework
On hero duty he’s def stopped to help a kid with homework
He’s known as the Homework Hero lmao
His hero name would probably just be Hajime lmao
And since he has Momo’s quirk his outfit would probably be…. revealing <.<
But he would prefer it to be like a suit or something bc it looks nice (tear away suit??? Detachable sleeves, pant legs, etc?? Idk yet)
He helps his little sister with her homework a lot, and tries to help Haku but they have different methods of solving problems so always end up getting into small arguments about it
When he first became a side kick, he worked under a hero who he had interned under instead of his parents (even though Momo wasn’t subtle and left flyers for her hero agency around the house in hopes he’d pick the one she worked at lmao)
And in his first official villain fight it ended up being really strong so Shouto was requested as backup, and the entire fight Shouto was just like “that’s my son, look at him fighting his first villain I’m so proud :’)”
And afterward, Shouto insisted on taking pictures to commemorate
Hajime was so embarrassed lmao he was like father please we are both professional heroes and this is official business please put your phone away there are civilians watching
It was all over the news lmao
Hajime was so embarrassed and Shouto had the headline framed
(Hajime is also dating Izuocha daughter)
Haku is the middle son, and he got all the good looking features of his parents
He got Shouto’s white hair, Momo’s smile, Shouto’s blue/green eyes (and possible his heterochromia, still considering this) and best of all Shouto’s ABS physical appearance and Momo’s lower lashes
His jaw is more sharper than when Shouto was fifteen tho
His hair, when not styled, looks like Shouto’s, except it leans more towards having Momo type bangs on one side (they’re as long as the rest of his hair tho)
And when he styles his hair, he gels those bangs up in like a wave like swoosh, and he combs the rest back…(IDK HOW TO DESCRIBE IT EXCEPT TEDDY LUPIN ISH HAIR)
He also has light blue streaks that he dyes into his hair, because he wants to be like his aunt Fuyumi :’)
Haku knows he has good looks and FLAUNTS IT (jokingly ofc)
School field trips have definitely happened where someone tells him they can’t see past him to the view (bc all the kids inherit the tall height from Shouto and Momo)
And without skipping a beat you bet Haku said “I am the view” while posing with his hand on his hip and an overly flirtatious wink
Haku has such a different personality from Shouto at first sight, that a lot of tabloids have gossiped that he’s an illegitimate child from an affair blah blah blah, the usual dramatic tabloid gossip stuff
But…. Haku literally looks like Shouto the most besides Fujiko, so like the tabloids are basing it solely off his personality
And his personality is like permanent bouncy Momo, where he’s happy and excited to help people, with some added traits of his own and some that are from either of his parents, just combined with his more expressive personality (it’s a little hard to explain his personality rip)
He’s best friends with Kamijirou daughter, and they have very similar taste in fashion (ripped jeans (fashionable ripped ofc) denim/military jackets, graphic tees, etc etc)
Haku got his ears pierced for his fifteenth birthday, and Momo almost fainted when she saw them (Haku convinced Uncle Kaminari to take him to get it done lmao)
He got grounded ofc, and so did Uncle Kaminari
He was more rebellious when he was a young teen, but he mellowed out as he got older and at 17 he’s pretty “chill” (haha get it he has an ice quirk) and very laid back
He’s still very joky ofc, but it’s more of a mature joking/flirting
No one can ever tell if he’s flirting or joking btw
Not even he knows
He has a crush on TsuyuToko teenager whose his age, and KiriMina daughter has a crush on him (it’s the Mina in her lmao)
He often helps KiriMina daughter with homework, and she never learns anything bc she’s spending the entire time gazing at him lmao (I’m leaning towards pairing him with her, but the Tsuyutoko child is still in development so his relationship status is as well till I figure everyone out lol)
Haku’s #1 with grades in class, and he’s so serious about schoolwork that people claim his personality does a 180 whenever homework is brought up and he gets so serious and focused (it’s also why he doesn’t notice KiriMina daughter obvious staring lmao)
At the end of every test however, as soon as the teacher says times up- Haku always throws his hands in the air and creates snow confetti and party poppers out of his hands in celebration while everyone cheers at the test being over
His hero name is either going to be Fullbuster (bc his quirk is like Gray’s powers lmao) or Ice Maker
Speaking of his quirk, Haku loves his quirk so much
It’s so useful for both jokes and serious situations- perfect for him!!
He wants to be a search and rescue hero, and figures his quirk is quite useful for that and fighting villains if needs be
He’s interning under Shouto, to help learn more about his ice powers and combat stuff, and when the media heard about it they were super interested
Because Shouto and Haku interacting is only seen rarely in the eyes of the public, and they’re eager to see how Shouto treats Haku (they want to see if anything happens to feed their gossipy “Haku is an affair child” theories)
Everyone’s so surprised bc Shouto’s so supportive of Haku and they get along so well???
And Haku’s the only one who appreciates Shouto’s (terrible) dad puns so gosh dang it Shouto’s going to say them more often now Haku’s around!!! (He says them with a straight face and that’s 70% of why Haku laughs lmao)
And when they’re patrolling, they have a game of who can say the most subtle ice related things in an interview without being caught
And it’s only figured out when they’re being interviewed together for the first time, and they just both decide to not hide it anymore and just let all the ice puns fall
Momo has that interview recorded
And in another interview, during Haku’s first couple weeks of internship, a reporter asks Shouto what he thinks of Haku, and Shouto being Shouto assumed they were referring to what he thought of Haku’s potential as a hero, since they refereed to him as “Your intern Haku” (they didn’t want to say son in case it’s a sensitive topic for Shouto… the media is really focused in on Haku being from an affair tbh, poor Haku he has to deal with this shotty media gossip his whole life :’( ) but so Shouto’s answer really baffles them bc it’s it what they’re expecting yet
“Shouto sir, can you tell us what you think about… your intern Haku?”
“Hm, well, Haku has great potential. He’s always had great control over his quirk, and he’s getting the field expierence he really needs and it’s boosting his potential even further. Like I’ve always said, I have no doubt he’ll make a great pro search and rescue hero.” “Errr, that’s great- but Mr. Shouto sir, we were wondering more what you thought about him as… you know…. a son.” “Why didn’t you just say that then. Whatever. To answer your question- *tabloids hold their breathe- this is the moment they’ve been waiting for*- Haku’s a great son, always has been and always will. Ever since he was born he’s been nothing but a pleasure to take care of.” “Al-alright.. uh uh, what do you think about the rumors that he isn’t your son?” “What? That’s a rumor?” “Yes sir, it is.” Shouto turns, looking behind him at Haku, who is in the background literally making cranks out of ICE to leverage some buildings up. Shouto turns back. “Do the people who believe that rumor know how quirk inheritance works?”
Needless to say, Shouto squashed that rumor once and for all :’)
The youngest Daughter, Fujiko looks practically identical to what Shouto as a girl would look like
She has the half red half white hair, the usual facial expression, his personality- all of it!
She does have Momo’s eyes- onyx color and shape!
But that’s all she has looks wise from Momo at least until she’s older
And she also has both of Shouto’s quirks, which she’s a natural at using
Shouto dotes on her so much and Momo adores her
She’s still pretty young (only like 12-13 ish) so she hasn’t gotten into U.A yet, but when she does eventually attend, she wants her hero name to be Miss Half and Half LMAO
Fujiko isn’t as developed as her two older brothers sadly so this is like, pretty much as far as I’ve gotten with her :’(
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atpeacewithme-blog1 · 7 years
*November 28th, 2016
Hey. It’s been a while. Give me a minute to catch up and read what I told you last. Okay wow. Well where to start. lets see…… Well Beauty and the Beast went… well. it was odd. Two nights before opening night a mom/co-director yelled at the director in from of the whole cast and took her children out of the show. one of them was a lead role. we has to switch around role but we made it work. opening night was great but then Frank (The Beast) got horribly sick and couldn’t come in for the next show so our Gaston (Justin) stepped in as Beast, our feather duster (Pearl) stepped in as Gaston, and a tech girl stepped in as feather duster. It was rough but we made it work, that was closing night. I was in a small ensamble concert with a couple friends June 9th 2016. We sang a choral piece we did last year called can’t think of a fake song name so I am putting nothing lol. It is such a beautiful piece. I went to a shrink for the first time and got medication for my Bipolar Depression. I joined band CLASS for senior year playing Mellophone and that is exciting. I started practicing in May during my lunch and then went to all the summer lessons even though I didn’t really need to because they were doing music I wouldn’t have to do but I eventually to tested on that so I am glad I went to those. I got my senior pictures taken July 11th 2016 and most of them turned out horrible but I really wish we can still order them because come on they are my senior pictures. John took me to a fair July 13th for my birthday and I did some stuff for the first time. JULY 15TH 2016!!!! I took my drivers test and passed, went home to make sure we had everything for the dmv, went to the dmv, didn’t have everything we needed, went home to get my social #, went to dmv, went home because we didn’t have the little blue card, went to dmv, FINALLY got my license. I wore a really cute outfit that day with a cute skirt. a guy commented on my skirt as i was coming out of my car going to the fun group I am in bus for a weekend thing. It was fun, scary because one of the 2 girls (Cerena/Kirsten) were there, but fun. GOT MY CAR JULY 21ST 2016!!!! Here I said what kind of car I have. HER NAME IS GEM!!!I went to a week long trip with that same group and that was also VERY scary because both of those girls were there. some stuff did happen towards the end with them but it didn’t really matter because I did have a fun time. Sport I am in camp was too hot. we had people passing out left and right. the last day we had to take our water breaks inside because it was so bad. I could really feel a difference in myself because of the medicine that I was taking for my depression and that is great. I got out of bed more and hung out with friends and my boyfriend!!! the rest of the summer was pretty fun :) *Rrrrrriiiiiinnnngggg* now time to talk about the beginning of SENIOR YEAR. pf course my schedule was messed up it always is so lets forget about the first few days. I started off perfectly. doing ALL of my work and having an A+ in every class. on September 10th my school had there first football game and my dad let me go out with John afterwards. we parked across from the new pier in my town because the water was nice and I didn’t get home until sometime after 12 because…..well…. lets just say I did something else I never did before. ooh Marie invited me over for Rosh Hashanah and I felt so honored haha. I tell Marie every single little detail that goes on between me and John and she did the same thing to me about her and her boyfriend.Sep. 24th the sport I am in went to their first competition of the season and we won 1st place :) Since I am captain I accept the award with the “co- captains” (they are not really co-captains but idk what else to call them without giving it away. oh well.) and do the salute with them and that was so cool and fun. here lets see if I can write the salute down, this will be difficult. (1-2-3-4-1-2-step-forward-fist and arm point to sky- fist and arm point forward- armdown-look up-arm up and point like pointing to stars and drop it to the right for 5-6-7- look straight ahead- arms sharp low V- right hand salute left hand on hip, 1-2-3-4-right hand fist- arms in fists by my sides) Oct. 8th was our second competition and we got second BUT we went up 4 points, which is a huge jump!! Oct. 14th was Senior night and I felt beautiful out on that field, and yes I did ALMOST cry. Homecoming was nice, I went with Marie’s little brother and I felt beautiful again. The sport rally thing was soo much fun!!!! Oct. 23 was our next compitition because the one on the 22nd got rained out and we got i think it was 5th. we went up maybe half a point. Oct. 29th was John’s 20th birthday. I got him a picture frame with a collage of 3 photos of us. when he opened it he hid behind my shoulder and started to cry. I didn’t know what to do. I asked if he liked it and he said yes thank you so much I love it. I thought that he couldn’t be crying just because of my gift what was going on and all he said was “sorry, it;s just, my birthday is always very stressful.” I still don’t know what happened that day. but I had a great time with him and I hope he also had a great birthday. Oct. 30th was trick or treat and this was the first year i WASNT going door to door. instead I was at my friend Hunter’s house doing his haunted trail. I was the first person the the people walking through would see, I was in the asylum. sadly an hour in it started to thunderstorm. my friends were next in line to walkthrough.I was so upset because I was having an awesome time. Oct. 31st I dressed up as a Disney villain for school and that night was the halloween Parade and since I am the only sport captain I get to walk in the front all by myself!!!. I messed up a couple of times but that is because I was so nervous that I would mess up and the girls behind me would make fun of me.. which I think they did. anyway that night was still fun. My school’s first time going to a big sport’s competition was Nov. 5th and it was a long bus ride and we had to be there at like 4am.  sadly we took 6th out of 8th but we moved up a little more than a point which is the good thing. I was behind on a lot of history work because everytime I had a college visit or a guidance appointment it was during third period. luckily I have a teacher who is still letting me make up all the work im missing. Nov 5-13th we had off for a teachers convention (this is including the weekends btw) and this whole week we were in PA and I looked and my 2 top colleges Seton Hill <3 and West Chester. they were both so beautiful. both so very different. but both so beautiful. Seton Hill is still my top school. Nothing else really has happened since then. I finished my first draft of my college essay today, yesterday I applied for the community college near me, and started on the applications to the other schools I want to apply to. hopefully Ill apply soon. Tomorrow (later today(it is 3am)) starts a few new clubs I joined so I am excited for that, and I believe this year’s musical’s info is coming out either tomorrow (later today) or tuesday (tomrrow). being sport captain is so so so so much fun but very stressful because I know the 4 years do not like having a 3 year tell them what to do. I hear the whispers I am not dumb. but i am putting on my brave face and ignoring it because that is what I have to do. oh and one last thing. Justin is like in love with me and keeps flirting with me. I told him to stop many times and then he does, but then starts up again, the last time he did it was very recent and John said he is getting real tired of it so I hope Justin really does stop this time because I want to be FRIENDS with him because he is a nice kid, but that is all i can and WANT to be, friends. okay now I think you are all caught up. Till next time. Peace.
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