#I gotta fuckin do it im so tired of living nothing ever goes right and im so so lonely
sensitivegoblin · 1 year
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
Neron ‘Creeper’ Vargas x F!Reader
Request by Anon: Could you do one where the mayans are in lockdown and you go into labor. I can maybe taza/bishop or letty delivering and baby daddy freaking out and telling the guys not to look. Im not picky about the guy whoever you think fits best.
Warnings: language, mentions of birth and all the stuff that goes along with it I guess? I really didn’t get graphic with it at all, Creeper being a softie
Word Count: 3.5k
A/N: Full disclaimer I know nothing about giving birth. Everything I know I’ve learned from TV shows. So, if any of this is inaccurate in any way, that’s why lol. Regardless, hope you guys enjoy the fic! Creeper as a dad gives me all the soft feelings. Also sorry for not posting as much this week--saying it’s been a long fuckin’ week would be the understatement of the century so I haven’t really done much writing at all. Hoping to get through some more requests this weekend though! xo
Mayans Taglist: @garbinge @mayans-sauce @thesandbeneathmytoes @paintballkid711 @tomhardydallasstarsgirl @queenbeered @sillygoose6969 @sesamepancakes @yourwonkywriter @chibsytelford @gemini0410 @multiyfandomgirl40 @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @plentyoffandoms @georgiaaintnopeach @twistnet @themoonandthewicked @bucky-iss-bae​ @encounterthepast​ @rosieposie0624​ @mylittlelonelyappreciationtoo​ @mijop​ @xladymacbethx​ @blessedboo​ @holl2712​ @lakamaa12​ @masterlistforimagines​ @kkim120​ @toni9​ @shadow-of-wonder​ @petlaufeyson​ (If you want to be added to my taglist just let me know!)
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Going into lockdown at the clubhouse at 39 weeks pregnant hadn’t been on your list of things to do. Truthfully, for the last month or so of your pregnancy you’d stayed away from the clubhouse altogether unless you needed to get something from or for Creeper. He completely supported your decision, too. There was way too much smoke and alcohol and chaos at the clubhouse for you these days. Plus you needed to be somewhere with some kind of air conditioning or you turned into an entirely different person.
To his credit, Creeper did everything he could to keep you comfortable. And the last thing that he wanted to do was tell you that they were going into lockdown. You knew from the second he came home that afternoon that something was off.
“What’s up, baby?” you asked, walking over to him as he stood at the entrance to living room.
He met you halfway, gently caressing your belly before leaning in to kiss you lightly on the lips, “You know I love you, right?”
You leaned back, hands resting on top of your baby-bump, “What’d you do, Neron?”
He held his hands up in surrender, “I didn’t do anything, Mama. I swear.”
“What’s going on?”
“I can’t just tell you that I love you?”
You arched one eyebrow, “Not with that look in your eyes, you can’t.”
He chuckled, loving and hating how well you could read him. He sighed, running his hand back over the smooth skin of his head, “I love you. Promise you’re not gonna be mad at me for what I’m gonna tell you?”
“I don’t make promises I can’t keep,” you crossed your arms, waiting for the hammer to drop.
He didn’t want to meet your eyes as he said it, but somehow he managed to, “I gotta take you to the clubhouse.”
Your eyes narrowed, “Why?”
There was a long stretch of silence, “Lockdown.”
“You’re kidding me. You’re joking, right?”
“I’m not. I’m sorry, baby,” he reached and took your hands in his own, “You know I wouldn’t ask you to do this if I didn’t think you needed to.”
You sighed, watching his hands as he traced his thumb along your knuckles, “Shit’s getting that bad?”
He gave one slow nod, “Just tryin’ to keep everyone safe.”
Pressing your lips together into a thin line, you nodded. You knew that at the end of the day, he had minimal say in decisions like these. And, he was right, he wouldn’t ask this of you if he didn’t think it was necessary. That didn’t make you want to do it, though.
“Alright. Let me pack a bag.”
He shook his head, “I got you, baby. Just get your purse and shit. I got the rest.”
You chuckled, “I can pack my own clothes, Neron. I’m pregnant but I’m still capable.”
He insisted that you let him, trying to make up for the fact that you were in the position of having to leave because of him in the first place. You let him have that, standing back as he collected things to pack for you. You were impressed that he knew all of your favorite pieces of clothing, things that were actually still comfortable for you at this stage in your pregnancy. He didn’t say much as he got everything together for you.
“Grab the hospital bag, too, baby,” you said as you leaned against the doorframe.
“Yea?” his eyes grew wide.
You nodded, “Yea. You know how long we’ll be in lockdown for? ‘Cause this little one is ready to pop,” you gestured to your stomach.
“Shit. You’re right.”
You laughed, “Usually, yea.”
He refused to let you carry any of the bags to the car. You knew that he wouldn’t let you, but you still offered to. He opened the passenger side door and helped you step up into the car. You leaned back in the seat, taking a deep breath as you tried to mentally prepare for what the next few days were going to be like. The guys would do anything for you. That was always the case, but ever since you became pregnant, all of them had been extra attentive when given the opportunity. You often wondered if Creeper had anything to do with it.
When Creeper parked in front of the clubhouse, you saw a lot of familiar faces. You saw the guys, of course, but you also saw everyone’s family members that you didn’t get to see all that often. Most of them kept their families separate from the MC and you couldn’t blame them for it. But during times like this, everyone came together.
Creeper had all the bags slung over his arms and shoulders as he ran to open the car door for you. You chuckled as he held out a hand to help you out. How he managed to not tip himself over was a mystery to you. He directed you over to Bishop before scampering off to get his dorm set up and as comfortable as it would get for you.
You looked at Bishop, both of you had tired smiles on your faces. You were each exhausted for very different reasons, but there was still that level of sympathy there. He leaned in and kissed you on the cheek and you did your best to give him a hug.
“So, Neron tells me that you’re the one I’m supposed to be mad at about this?” you laughed as you gestured to the clubhouse.
Bishop laughed, nodding, “Afraid so. I’m sorry, sweetheart. I know this isn’t where you wanna be right now.”
“No, it’s not,” you chuckled, gently rubbing your hands on your stomach, “But it’ll be alright.”
“Anything you need, you let us know.”
You nodded, “I will. Thank you, Bishop.”
He shook his head, “Thank you. I can’t imagine how tough this is.”
“We’re tough,” you gently patted your stomach.
He smiled, “You guys ever find out what you’re having?”
You shook your head, “Nope. Keeping it a surprise.”
He took your hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it, “You’re truly amazing.”
Bishop offered to walk with you back to the dorms and you let him, hoping that you would get a few crumbs of information about what was going on. Creeper didn’t tell you too much these days for fear of stressing you out and negatively affecting the baby. You appreciated his concern but not knowing occasionally drove you nuts. But Bishop was keeping a tight lip as well. You asked a couple questions and he skillfully dodged them. That was when you knew for a fact that Creeper had said something to the guys. The man really did try to think of everything.
Just as you were about to walk up to the door, someone cleared their throat behind you, “Excuse me.”
You and Bishop both turned, your eyes growing wider when you saw Chucky walking by, air conditioning unit wrapped up in his arms.
“My apologies, Y/N,” he said as he brushed past you as carefully as possible, “but this is for you so I hope you’ll forgive me barging through.”
You chuckled, shaking your head, “You’re fine, Chucky. No need to apologize,” you paused as you followed him back into the room, “Where…where did the AC unit come from?”
“The office,” he replied as he and Creeper started getting it set up in the window.
“Chucky,” you shook your head, “I can’t take that from you. You’ll melt out there without having it all day.”
He and Creeper both turned around and simultaneously shook their heads. Chucky spoke up, his tone genuine as ever, “The two of you need it much more than I do.”
You smiled, resting your hand on your stomach, “Thank you. I…I really appreciate it.”
Once the air conditioner was all set up, Bishop and Chucky disappeared out of the room and left you and Creeper by yourselves. You sat down on the edge of the bed with a sigh, glad to be back off of your feet for a little bit. Creeper came and sat down next to you, gently rubbing your back. He pressed a soft kiss to the side of your head as you leaned against him. It was hot, and you were uncomfortable, and truthfully the clubhouse was the last place you wanted to be. But he was trying so hard to make it as nice for you as he possibly could, and you couldn’t fault him for that.
“Thank you, baby,” you reached and rested your hand on his knee, “for doing all of this.”
“Anything else you need?”
You shook your head, “Just for you guys to get your business sorted,” you laughed, “But really, Neron, I’m fine. Thank you.”
He stayed with you for a little while, helping you finish unpacking everything. Despite the chaos, you always felt safe with him. Even when things were falling apart, he always made you feel like he had it all together, and that was the kind of stability that you needed. He’d been your rock throughout your whole relationship, but even more so since you became pregnant. He stepped up to the plate in ways that you wouldn’t have ever even imagined. You hadn’t really known what to expect because of his involvement with the club, but he reprioritized immediately. And no one in the club was brave enough to try and stand in his way about it.
A couple days went by and you were much more comfortable than you thought you were going to be. It wasn’t quite like being at home, but you could only expect so much. All things being considered, things were going smoothly. Letty was by your side almost constantly and you had to admit that it was nice to have another woman around in the midst of so much testosterone.
You were trying to find a comfortable position to sit in on the couch in the clubhouse. Nothing really felt comfortable at this point but you still tried. You were ready for lockdown, and your pregnancy, to be finished. You just wanted to be able to hold your baby in the comfort of your own home.
Letty saw you struggling and brought you a glass of ice water, knowing there wasn’t a whole lot else that she could really do for you. You appreciated the gesture, though, and it did help a little just to hold the cold glass in your hands. You were about to thank her when a sharp pain shot through you, catching you off-guard and causing you to drop the glass. It shattered on the ground as you groaned in pain, pressing your hand to your side.
“Fuck,” you tried to take a deep breath but it was hard to breathe through the sudden surge of pain.
“Shit, you okay?” Letty was crouched down by your side in an instant, trying not to step on the broken glass that littered the floor.
“Um, yea. I’m…I’m alright,” you took a steady breath.
“Uh…Y/N?” her eyes grew wide, “Do you…do you want me to call Creep?”
The shooting pain that went through you had temporarily distracted you from the fact that your water broke. You saw the look on Letty’s face, though, and it brought you back to reality. That’s when the anxiety really started to rush through you.
“Are they even here?” you hadn’t seen any of the men in a couple hours, and you had no idea where they had gone off to.
“I’ll go get Chucky and ask,” she stood up.
You grabbed her hand before she could leave, “No! Fuck, sorry just…send someone else. I can’t be here alone.”
“Shit, shit,” she looked around and spotted the newest prospect, “Steve! Go find Chucky or one of the guys. Get them in here now.”
With a nod he took off on his mission, barreling through the front door. Letty crouched back down next to you, trying to find the right things to say to help keep you as calm as possible. You appreciated her efforts but all you could think about was the fact that you might be delivering this baby essentially alone if none of the guys were around or close to being back. Another shot of pain went through you and you cursed, squeezing hard onto Letty’s hand. She cringed but didn’t say anything, trying to be whatever it was that you needed.
Hardly a minute later, the door to the clubhouse swung open and an entire entourage came charging in. Creeper led the pack, practically sprinting over to you. The fact that most of the guys still had on their sunglasses and had helmets dangling from their hands clued you into the fact that they must’ve just gotten back from wherever they had been.
“Are you okay?” he tried to nicely but quickly take Letty’s space by your side, “What do you need? What can I do?”
“I need a fucking hospital,” you grit your teeth through the pain of your next contraction.
“I think it might be too late for that, Y/N,” Bishop said with a slight shake of his head, clearly not thrilled about having to give you that piece of news.
“What?” you and Creeper responded in unison.
“I think you can either give birth here, or in the car on the way to the hospital,” he sounded calm but his brain was racing at a mile a minute, “But I don’t think that baby is gonna wait for the whole commute. The hospital isn’t exactly close.”
“Fuck,” you leaned your head back, nails digging into Creeper’s arm for a moment as you tried to breathe your way through another contraction. You looked over at Bishop, “You sound like you know what you’re talking about, Bishop.”
“I mean, I’ve always had the easy part of things. I just had to stand there and be encouraging.”
“Well,” you waited for his eyes to meet yours, “congrats. You’ve been promoted from presidente to doctor.”
His heart dropped into his stomach and he immediately shook his head, “Y/N, I don’t think—”
“Bishop. It wasn’t a suggestion. You’re the only one who has been through this in present company. Time to step the fuck up,” you impressed yourself with how confident you sounded, because on the inside you felt like you were falling apart, “Plus,” you managed what you could of a laugh, “It’s your clubhouse.”
He was nodding but you could see it in his eyes that he was trying to get a million different thoughts in order. He looked around, trying to figure out what he needed and what had to be moved around and changed in order to get this done. People used to do this with nothing, surely they could all figure it out.
At some point the switch in his brain flipped and he started directing people, the authority shining through in his voice as he sent people off on their miniature missions. He helped you move to the other sofa, leaving the shattered glass behind. There were a million different feelings coursing through you as you watched the clubhouse get turned into a makeshift delivery room. Creeper didn’t leave your side, letting you come close to breaking his hand each time another contraction hit. Through every one he kept his voice calm and level, and if you hadn’t been so overwhelmed you would’ve made a point to thank him. That was the farthest thing from your mind, though.
Neither of you explicitly said anything, but at one point you and Bishop looked at each other and simultaneously recognized that the two of you were going to be a whole different kind of close once this was all over with. You trusted Bishop with your life, like you did with everyone in the MC, but this was going to be a whole new level.
“Hey!” Creeper shouted over the hustle and bustle of the clubhouse, “If you’re not Bishop, or Y/N, get the fuck out.”
You choked out a laugh at the bluntness of his statement. You couldn’t pretend that you weren’t relieved by it though—the last thing you wanted was an audience for this. Once everyone began filing out, he returned his attention to you, gently wiping the sweat off of your forehead.
“You’re doing great, baby,” he nodded encouragingly, “I love you.”
Everything fell away into an extremely painful and exhausting blur. Time meant nothing to you as the three of you got through the whole ordeal together. Each of you was in uncharted territory.  The two of them hid their nerves and uncertainty well, knowing that you had enough to worry about without them adding to the stress.
Bishop took a deep breath as he looked at you. He tried desperately to remember what it was like to be in the delivery room all those years ago, trying to channel the reassurance that the doctors emitted despite the fact that he was wildly unqualified, “Y/N, it’s time to push.”
You were already exhausted, sweating and crying and in pain. The thought of getting through this last stretch almost felt like too much. But when you felt Creeper bracing his hand against your back, his other hand gripping yours tight, you got the slightest bit of a second wind.
Truthfully, you almost blacked out from the pain. At one point you were certain that you broke Creeper’s entire hand and that he wouldn’t be able to ride again from the damage done. Somehow, miraculously, Bishop managed to keep his composure throughout the entire thing. Going through this with you felt like it was much higher stakes than anything he had ever done with the MC. The amount of adrenaline in his system was unreal and he had no idea how he was able to keep his hands steady. Both his and Creeper’s voices sounded extra soothing and reassuring. Focusing on that and your breathing were the only things keeping you tethered to reality as your body became overwhelmed with everything that was happening to it.
You groaned in pain, tears streaming down your face as you locked your fingers around Creeper’s hand, giving one last push. You collapsed backwards, unable to stop your crying as you tried and failed to catch your breath. There wasn’t a single coherent thought in your head as your mind and body tried to sort out everything that it was going through.
Everything else immediately faded away when you heard the sound of your baby crying for the first time. You sat upright, fresh tears in your eyes as you looked at Bishop and the baby. This time, Creeper was the one giving your hand a squeeze.
Bishop carefully wrapped the baby in a blanket and walked towards you, there was a smile on his face, “She’s beautiful.”
A sob slipped past your lips as you held out your arms to take her, a smile taking over your entire face as Bishop gently handed her over to you. You looked at her, unable to believe that you really did it. Glancing over at Creeper, you saw the tears in his eyes as well. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her, reaching out to gently rest her tiny little hand on top of his.
“I’ll give you guys a minute,” he gave Creeper’s shoulder a reassuring squeeze as he walked to leave the clubhouse.
It was just the three of you in the silence of the empty clubhouse. You sniffled, tears still staining your face as you smiled down at your baby. You looked over at your husband, “You wanna hold her?”
It was the first time that he looked up at you, the first time he was able to pry his eyes off of his daughter, “Yea, yea,” his voice was soft and you could tell that he was trying to keep his emotions in check.
You carefully handed her over to him and you could see his entire demeanor shift as he held her. From the second he cradled her in his arms he was an entirely different man. He was whispering things to her that not even you could hear. You rested one hand on his shoulder, shifting your gaze back and forth between him and your daughter.
“We did it, Neron,” your voice was quiet, a little hoarse, “We did it.”
He looked up at you, a smile on his face, “You did it, Mama,” he leaned over and gave you a quick, light kiss on the lips, “You did so good.”
“How’s your hand?” you smiled.
He chuckled, returning his gaze to the baby, “I’ll live,” he glanced up at you, “Not bad for a lockdown delivery, huh?”
You shook your head, “Not bad. Might have to keep Bish on the hook for the next one.”
His eyes lit up, “Next one?”
You leaned against him, “Yea,” you gazed at your daughter, reaching over to trace your thumb lightly along her cheek, “Think your hand can survive another delivery?”
“Anything for you,” he turned his head and pressed a kiss to the side of your head, “I love you.”
You smiled, unable to take your eyes off of the baby, “I love you too.”
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cattles-bians · 3 years
exes au part 11
post directory
obsetress: i'm about to fully fall asleep but i have been thinking about exes au danvi and like the isabel of it all and dani dating a single mom and how just like
obsetress: vi is so protective of isabel and as much as she loves dani like
obsetress: she took SO LONG before introducing her and then like
obsetress: when they broke up dani left and dani wasnt in isabels life anymore and dani was so good for isabel and viola just feels so fuckin shitty and blames herself and
obsetress: but i'm also thinkin bout soft fluffy stuff too like how much dani loves isabel and how much vi loves watching isabel w dani and
em: hey hannah what the fuck
obsetress: isabel has a nightmare one night and goes to her mom's room and dani's there too and she just curls up between them
em: do you think when they finally reconnected dani was like hey um. does isabel remember me. would it be weird if
obsetress: FUCK
obsetress: this absolutely happens
em: viola is VERY apprehensive at first
obsetress: god yeah esp after getting so hurt by it but
obsetress: viola sure cannot say no to dani!
em: i love some dani with kids tho
em: maybe too soft but do u think for at least a couple years dani would like. send isabel a bday card
em: like dead air otherwise
em: hmm idk i am chewing that one over more
obsetress: god it's hard i think dani wants to but she doesn't
obsetress: i could see dani writing them and holding onto them
em: oh that’s even worse
obsetress: even tho she really doesnt think she'll ever talk to vi again
em: what a soft and depressing thought. thank u. i resent u.
obsetress: yeah it hurts!
obsetress: but then she does! and she gives them all to isabel when she's older maybe
em: hold on i’m gonna bawl
em: sometimes my parents will be like um. do u remember this person and i’m like uh i don’t remember people i worked w two years ago let alone
em: but i think isabel does
em: i will be thinking about this all afternoon bestie have a wonderful slumber
[em note: em yells in hannahs DMs while she's asleep dot png]
em: no um. mate im still furious about the isabel of it all wtf
em: thinking about um. like ok i dont wanna use isabel as a prop but this is certainly one of those times where
em: violas been hurt before and viola's hurt other people before because she's deeply troubled and i feel like that would be one of the first times she sorta. sure she licks her wounds and feels miserable for herself but its also like uh
em: really sobering to realise This Hurts Isabel Too
em: because yknow violas very gatekeep gaslight girlboss i think shes got a strong enough sense of self that nothing really shakes that. maybe even to a deluded degree. i dont think she goes to therapy because shes like wow im fucked up i gotta get help, she's more like
em: shes really driven by her love for isabel!! gestures WILDLY
em: realised this is an au where parents get therapy and dont pass their traumas onto their kids and i want OFF this WILD RIDE im so tired of discovering things about myself through the realm of fiction
obsetress: yeah same i kept thinking about it too alfkadlsfkjdasf
obsetress: i want to reply to every single line of the isabel thing but i'm not gonna do that so let me just say: YEAH
obsetress: like isabel is her cornerstone full stop everything comes down to isabel
em: dani's probably so nervous reconnecting w isabel again. absolutely spinning her lil wheels
em: they set up a lil date and time and dani's doing her gay nervous babble abt if isabel even remembers her or god forbid resents her n jamies like...
em: im pursing my lips as i draw a line on the whiteboard between jamie's whole childhood and isabels and shaking my head Goddamn It
em: jamie lets dani babble it out n pauses and reflects on what she's saying n then jamie's like. the fact ur nervous means u care. n kids are v good at picking up when ppl care. you'll be alright.
obsetress: god yeah this bit i can just. hear it
obsetress: it's so visceral
em: viola
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obsetress: god my favorite taurus hedonist
[em note: hannah yells in em's DMs while em is asleep dot png]
obsetress: god fuck what was i thinking about isabel this morning like
obsetress: that's what i get for daydreamin between snoozes and not writing it down alas
obsetress: but just like how excited isabel is to see dani again when she does and also like, isabel and rebecca
obsetress: then i started thinking about
obsetress: rebecca and vi getting married and vi's always like i'm not gonna get married again it's bullshit and rebecca's like it's not for me but then they just
obsetress: like they live together and they share everything and rebecca looks out for isabel just as much and they get to a point and it's like
obsetress: oh. oh
obsetress: like they're both like it's the logical thing to do. it's logical and it's safe and we should have this extra layer of protection but also it's like
obsetress: they find themselves more and more excited a lil you know? and just thinking about how isabel's there and how excited isabel is and
obsetress: but god yeah what i was thinking about this morning like. one day vi has to tell isabel dani's not gonna be coming around anymore and like
obsetress: isabel doesn't really understand and she's so sad and then vi feels even shittier
obsetress: and she's like "we'll be okay. it's you and me, remember? moving mountains"
obsetress: "you me us, right?"
obsetress: the first time rebecca meets her she brings her a book as a gift and is like "this was one of my favorites" and
obsetress: OH I REMEMBERED
obsetress: so like when dani sees isabel again finally (and yknow as nervous as dani was vi was even more on edge because it's so inconsistent and is she gonna understand yknow? and the two of them just spiral––which is also another thing about the two of them in a relationship! i think they push each other down spirals)
obsetress: jamie's there too and dani's like "this is... this is, uh, jamie" and it's like you said jamie isabel parallels and so jamie's like a lil tender
obsetress: spoiler: isabel and jamie end up bonding the most
obsetress: jamie's like running around with isabel on her shoulders and then showing her all these plants and taking her to gardens and
obsetress: another tentative jamie vi alliance
em: isabel mikey hangout When
obsetress: isabel mikey hangout!
obsetress: they're hanging with isabel and she and jamie have a very spirited discussion where isabel's like "i wanna be a princess" and dani's like "why not a knight?" and jamie's like "why not opt out of the feudalistic hierarchy entirely and ditch the kingdom for the high seas?" and convinces isabel to go full pirate
obsetress: and then isabel kinda passes out with her head in jamie's lap and jamie's just kinda idly playing with her hair (vi is already like "am i... attracted to jamie in this moment?")
obsetress: and jamie's like "y'know, i should bring mikey round next time isabel's here" and viola's like "......who?" and jamie's like "my little brother? mikey?" and viola's like "right.... right"
obsetress: cut to later, when dani and jamie have retired to vi and becca's guest room: "since when does jamie have a little brother?" "she always has, babe"
em: kinda obsessed w like. violas love for isabel means her wires get crossed when the surly gardener is Good With Kids
obsetress: yeah
obsetress: mikey and isabel immediately hit it off i think
obsetress: a bit of an odd couple because i think isabel is definitely, like, her mother's daughter and mikey is............. mikey
obsetress: but i think they meet in the middle and help each other grow and play pirates together
em: viola is like. of course mikey and isabel will get along. isabel is wonderful. but jamie is quietly Sweating about the whole thing
em: so damvibecca are having their afternoon tea and their little cakes and jamie is Quietly sweating and she’s like ‘quiet is good, right? like they’re not tryna k-‘ and then there’s the sound of two 8 year olds (idk how old they are tbh) YELLING as they chase each other down the hall w wrapping paper tubes
obsetress: nervous babbling dani x quietly sweating jamie, an otp
em: isabel has gotten into the make up n given them both black eyes n scars and moustaches n everyone’s like oh no how’s viola gonna feel about this but viola is DELIGHTED
obsetress: dani's like "chill you all she's gonna––" and then viola is getting up and asking them to do her face too
em: made a parrot outta a sock and newspaper
obsetress: viola playing pirates w isabel and mikey
em: kids w their endless creativity n absolute disregard for personal property is truly a thing of dreams
obsetress: mikey gives her a paper tube and she disarms isabel, takes hers, and offers it very seriously to jamie
em: cuteeee
obsetress: rebecca's giving dani a look and dani is completely unfazed and reaching for another tea cake
em: absolutely unflappable dani clayton
em: dani and rebecca sharing a Look like hey have you ever seen her this gleeful
obsetress: there is something very tasty about jamie taylor having a direct hand in making viola so gleeful
em: takes a village!
obsetress: when viola's two big loves are sitting five feet away from them both
em: everyone changes everyone for the better
em: fucken soft ass chat over here
obsetress: everyone changes everyone for the better
obsetress: soft as hell
em: thesis statement everyone likes each other so much (jamie pretends she doesn’t)
obsetress: (jamie pretends she doesn't) (jamie might like everyone the most)
obsetress: viola registers mikey for isabel's school n pays full tuition
em: oh my god
obsetress: jamie is horrified and refuses to accept it and viola waves a hand and is like "too late, deposit's non-refundable"
em: (they carpool)
obsetress: PLEASE
obsetress: oh god and like
obsetress: flora and miles go there too
obsetress: full circle complete
em: broke: highschool au woke: guardians of primary schoolers au
obsetress: dani jamie in bed jamie's like "you don't...... think it's weird?" "hmm?" "mikey going to.... school with our boss' kids?" "why would that be weird" "i dunno" "he also goes to school with my ex's kid" "he's best friends with your ex's kid" "and that's not weird, is it?" (grumbles) "not anymore" "so why would this be?"
em: jamie’s ribbing mikey for his silly tie and straw hat but she teaches him how to tie a tie and also she keeps crying for some reason???
obsetress: oh fuck
em: mikey: can’t i just get a fake tie >:/
jamie: no because when u have a real tie you can leave it untied a little as an act of rebellion
obsetress: god it's jamie crying for me
em: i love that big baby
obsetress: so much!
em: jamies like idk what’s gotten into me i never cry n danis like. raises one eye brow and mentally checks off all the times jamie has absolutely bawled watching a movie
em: not even a sad movie
em: dani plays along
em: maybe ur getting soft in ur old age jamie
obsetress: jamie i cry three four times a day five if i'm being honest taylor
em: thinking about their weekly weekend lunch w damvibecca and hannah and owen and miles and flora and
obsetress: dfjsldkfjslfslfj
obsetress: god big found family
obsetress: you know viola doesn't like
obsetress: dani and jamie respectfully toe around whatever the fuck owen and hannah have going on but viola just does not suffer it. she's so blunt to them
em: big viola grin and all ‘owen, hannah, i assume you will be each other’s dates?’ (owen chokes on his tiny egg sandwich)
em: hannah grose is serene and unreadable as she dabs a bit off yolk off owens moustache
em: maybe even a bit pleased
obsetress: everyone is always so tense when viola and hannah get together because neither of them take shit yknow
obsetress: and everyone's like "which way is this gonna go"
em: god. peak snarky broads
obsetress: but usually they end up good. two apex predators where one is a lil vicious but the other is so confident in its status that it just chills
em: they have the Best gossip
obsetress: would love to sit in and listen as they drink tea and gossip tbh
em: viola presses owen on hannah and he goes red and viola presses hannah on owen and she does a little wouldnt-you-like-to-know into her tea
em: viola nee willoughby and hannah grose friendship is. truly something i never knew i needed until now
em: they’re both just that lil bit older than the rest of the gang too
obsetress: an important coalition
obsetress: hannah grose! hannah looking out for rebecca and that's the couple times she gets a lil testy w vi
obsetress: mikey and isabel besties but flora and mikey get along really well and isabel and miles do too i think
em: the sheer chaos of a taylor-lloyd-windgrave story time
obsetress: taylor lloyd wingrave story time
obsetress: jamie suddenly very invested in story time
obsetress: dani's like "i know this is the first time you've actually cared about story time, babe, so let me give you some pointers"
em: i was just in my head thinking fondly about like. jamie is a drop out and plays a lil dumb sometimes for fun but also prolly reads a lot especially to mikey and now i’m like. wait i’m talking to Ms Floras Two Moms herself
em: idk if i had that headcanon before i read she taught me a lesson alright but yknow what! doesn’t matter it’s a beautiful one
obsetress: thank youuuu i love it a lot
obsetress: jamie big reader is generally one of my fave headcanons tbh i'm glad it seems to be widely accepted. can't even explain why it's just nice
em: sometimes i will talk 2 ppl about my passionate drop out jamie taylor belief n then they’re like but she’s smart (it’s only happened a couple times hahsj) and i’m like these aren’t mutually exclusive!! this is my very biased experience but my friends who do manual labor for a living seem to read so much more than my friends who don’t
em: your brain wants to chew over things while the hands are workin i reckon
obsetress: yes yes yes yes yes
obsetress: i think that's also like (sighs heavily)
obsetress: symptomatic of hegemonic perceptions of the working class
em: i love when u sigh heavily it’s always a fun take
obsetress: i think jamie is v clever and reflective and like if there's one thing i've learned getting older it's
obsetress: smart doesn't matter i think the most insightful most thoughtful people are the most reflective ones
obsetress: like none of it fuckin matters just be a nice person
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wizisbored · 3 years
What are some of your favorite lines you've written for your fics? (Also I'm sorry things aren't going well right now. Sending love 💜)
right its time to go diggin im using this as an excuse to reread everything because i cant think of any lines off the top of my head even though i know theres a shitton
premptively putting a cut here because this will probably end up long as shit and you know what fuck yea to that because fuck yea to being proud of what youve made
hallelujah, first thing i posted:
If those bastards want to make her part of their shitty musical, then she’s going to make it difficult. Or at least inconvenient.
The hive is not inconvenienced in the slightest.’
- idk if this is as funny as i think it is but i find it funny
"Nobody dies with dignity, Emma. There's no honour in the thing, however you dress it up."
- wrote that to sound creepy and now i cant decide whether i actually think its true
But he’s holding her like she’s his salvation, as if it’s his life hanging in the balance.
- salvation is just a good word tbh
It’s hopeless, but she refuses to be killed by a game of fucking ‘got your nose’.
purgatory, intended to be a shitpost but now i unironically think of it as the best thing ive ever written
After a few years (or maybe seconds, it’s not clear) / it takes a moment (or maybe it doesn’t, who knows?) / An undocumentable amount of time passes. /  They might have slipped into an uneasy silence lasting millenia - or milliseconds - if it wasn’t for the jolly tune that suddenly fills the air. / for minutes or years or millenia or maybe even eons / After a brief, indescribably long nap / But the incomprehensible amount of time seems somehow shorter this time.
- 2 in one of fucking with the concept of time and hinting at an unreliable narrator, hell yea. its about the weird atmosphere, baybeeeee
“Does one day of trying the hardest we could outweigh years of not trying at all?” Emma wonders aloud. Paul squeezes her hand.
“I damn hope so.”
He doesn’t ask if she believes in Hell.
- even without context i like this line but in context it really helped set the sombre tone so i could do a full 180 at the end of the chapter
Emma wonders whether they’ve been sent to musical hell for failing to stop the musical apocalypse
- love the implication that there is a hell dedicated to annoying people via musical theatre
“You said- you told her you’d never be in a musical?”
“And then you died performing a musical number?”
“I- yeah, I did.”
“Brilliant! Now, that is stupid!”
- probably my best characterisation of death, sounds like something that would be said in a stupid deaths bit, i can hear it in his voice
teachers pet
“It’s only blatant if people know about it. So in actual fact this is secret favouritism.”
- hidgens gives absolutely 0 shits about the ethics of the situation good for him
“And if that is kidnapping, well, consider yourself kidnapped.”
- once again ethics simply do not matter
“Oh, where is your sense of adventure? Are you not curious about the results of washing baked beans?”
- this line hants me when im trying to make stew or just have some fucking beans on toast because I am curious about the results of washing baked beans
“Well, if it isn’t, and we both die, then I’ll be quite disappointed. We did spend all evening on this, after all.”
- priorities
finishing what we started, actually originally a scrapped ending idea for igtlt that i liked too much to abandon entirely
“How many bullets?” He eventually asks.
- they just know what theyve got to do
Only thing left to say is a big ol’ fuck you to… God, everyone else in the fucking world. Oh, and God. Fuck you God, you prick.
- gotta love them tto refs
wildfire, almost 20,000 words of angst that im going to read through because fuck it why not
She doesn't understand the order, at least not yet; a dog doesn't understand the first time she's called to heel. But that can change. Though, from the bared teeth of this dog, the trader guesses it may take a while.
- this is actually something i really like doing in narration, calling a character something in dialogue or comparison and then directly calling them it in the narration
He understands; she doesn't want to show weakness to someone who could exploit her, doesn't want to show gratitude to someone she hates. But the tribeswoman is tired and scared and hurt, and it's obvious. She's broken, at least for today.
The loneliness, however, refuses to wane. It settles in her chest like a physical need, a craving for closeness.
- got inspiration for this description by thinking about hugging my partner while i was stuck in lockdown
"You can say that again," the older woman mutters, shaking her head. "God-fuckin'-damnit, Lauren, why d'you never think about the implications?"
Jemilla turns to her with a questioning look. "Who's Lauren?"
"She-" Molag begins to explain, then pauses. She thinks for a moment, then shakes her head. "I don't even know."
- crossover jokes hell yea
He’s tolerable, she’s decided, at least relatively so, but not trustworthy. If she could truly trust him then he wouldn’t be involved in all this. If she could trust him, she wouldn’t know him.
The thinly-veiled threat in his grin
She stares up at the man, shaking, whimpering, pleading. Wordlessly begging for him to stop.
- gotta love reaching the breaking point
She probably looks insane, bruised and bloody and laughing quietly to herself in a cage. She doesn’t care. They can think she’s insane, just as long as they don’t think they broke her.
laughing as they rediscover half-forgotten days spent as children let loose in a world that seemed so huge and yet so small at the same time
“You know, kids like Zazzalil - scrawny little things born as Autumn died - they’re not supposed to see Spring.”
- i will see any character without a detailed fleshed-out backstory and say ‘is anyone going to make headcannons about that’ and then not wait for an answer
Maybe the pain will shock her out of her head.
im going to live twice
It feels more like a bag of broken crockery than a human.
- this was the only time ive ever had to describe something really gory and decided to make it as uncomfy as possible
she notices with a concerning level of non-concern
Paul Matthews is gone, boy. And if I catch you using a dead man’s name again, well.
- its about the ✨forced disconnect✨
It stares at him, and for a moment he sees the young man that Benny used to be, silently pleading for the agent to tell him he'll be okay.
"In my defence, that was the Colonel's idea.” The man raises his hands in surrender. “I wanted to call you Lauren. I was outvoted.”
- i will take literally any chance to make a 4th wall joke and that is a threat
“I’ll see what can be done,” he assures it, knowing full well that nothing will be.
- xander doesnt flat out abuse emma in the way mcnamara and shaffer do but hes still cruel in subtler ways
“No chance of being hurt?”
Xander nods. “No chance of you being hurt.”
-  ✨foreshadowing ✨
If only he was free, free to just get up and go find Blue and tell her - actually tell her, out loud, with words - that she’s going to be okay. If only he could say that and have it be the truth.
She holds onto that piano. Right now, as she kneels crying into the tabletop, it's all she has.
- ‘sir thats my emotional support near-complete stranger’
smoke and feathers
Irony can be a cruel, twisted bitch.
- probably the best opener ive written
There’s a sort of pathetic irony in the fact that she slipped on a stone while wading across a shallow stream and broke her neck.
The stars move across the sky, and she still doesn’t know why.
- sounds poetic and all while also being a fuck you to the chorn twist because i hate it
It seems like every time she looks away the moon goes from waxing to waning and back again, time marching onwards in one unending night, swallowing one unending forest.
Even with her limited view of the person’s face, Zazzalil can see the softness in their expression. She’s hit with a pang of longing for Jemilla.
They share those tender looks that make Zazzalil long for home.
The kind of silence only shared between people who can appreciate the simplicity of each other’s presence
aaand thats pretty much all of em. i know when you said ‘some’ you probably meant less than this but i will give a consice answer to a question when pigs fly. i was going to do the double e au too but its past 1 am now and im going to bed. thanks for this ask because whether intentionally or not you just made me read 48,860 words of fic and thats a damn good distraction when things are getting a bit shitty :)
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theshinsun · 4 years
1. as far as im concerned Kagami never left at the end of last game, that was an extended dream sequence... 2. i also totally agree with you that Kagami is prolly vers, if anything, and it was also MY PET PEEVE when people pinholed him into being a forever bottom at the peak of knb hype. 3. you keep teasing your long list of ships for Aomine PLEASE do him for the character thing lol. So far all your opinions are sending me into a realm of GOOD VALID VIBES
Omg thank you!! (I agree end of Last Game is not canon… or if it is he came right back the next year or smth I refuse to accept he just left forever. And I’m really glad to see the problem of Uke™ Kagami seems to be in decline these days… fewer people are writing for knb in general, but those that are seem to have an idea what a real gay relationship is or at least make him a fucking person and not a walking stereotype, and that’s encouraging to see). 
Also thanks so much for sending Aomine! …Strap in for this character essay tho I’ve been known to never shut up about this boy once you get me started.
How I feel about this character
I honestly… can’t even explain it anymore or even try to justify it but Aomine has had a bigger impact on me than, I think, any other character I’ve seen to date. I don’t even know what it is, I do relate to him (and project on him *cough*) but like, there are other characters out there that I have more in common with, and I like his whole arc and aesthetic but it’s nothing revolutionary, so… your guess is as good as mine. 
Whatever it is, I’ve been obsessed with this guy for over half a decade, and lately even as the KNB fandom falls into decline, my feelings are not they’re just getting stronger. His development over the course of the series is one of the most satisfying things I’ve ever seen, (that one bit at the end of the Touou/Seirin game with “I want to practice” and his later conversation with Kuroko hit me in the fucking chest every time), and I love how even though he’s portrayed as cold, uncaring and rude, it’s still understood (at least by anyone with some nuance) that that’s not what he’s supposed to be like, and underneath the distant, kind of dickish front, he’s hurting a lot. I’ve talked about the degree to which he cares about people before too, but I still have to give a mention to the ferocious level of protectiveness this guy has for his friends. I could go on about him for ages, tbh, and maybe someday I will write a for-real structured essay to try to get it out there, but the bottom line is I love this character, I have for a long time, and likely will continue to do so long into the future.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Okay here we go… I ship this guy extremely liberally, even with people he’s never interacted with (hell you could mention any random character and I could probably see my way clear to shipping them with him somehow, I’ll still try to explain my logic if I can). Prepare yourself.
Kagami (of course, AoKaga is the OTP and definitely the one I’ve devoted the most time to, they’re just the best together I’ll never get tired of seeing them figure their shit out over and over)
Kuroko (I may be AoKaga on main, but I’m still such a sucker for the tragic romance between these two, and sometimes it just hits me over the head like a sledgehammer how much I love their relationship. I’ve also got a lot of feelings for AoKagaKuro, they’re such a perfect trio and I need to invest more of my time in the OT3)
Kise (I was a bit late to the game on AoKise, but I definitely see it now. I love their dynamic and how imperfect their relationship would probably be, the complexity of it. sign me up)
Momoi (I don’t see a lot of AoMomo love anymore, but I’ve still got a soft spot for it, childhood friends are my weakness okay)
Midorima (they’re so different but that’s what makes it interesting, and I love the idea of neither of them knowing how to show/tell the other their feelings and being awkward stubborn shits together)
Murasakibara (they almost never interact but I just think they’d have such a soft cuddly relationship and be really chill together… lazy Sunday mornings sleeping in and hanging all over each other that kinda thing)
Akashi (kinda same as Akashi/Kagami, I think the difference between polished upper-class Akashi and scrappy city boy Aomine would be hella interesting… though I’ve also got some angst ideas for them as a couple, after how things went down at Teiko… abandonment and whatnot)
Imayoshi (I got pulled into this ship HARD by Lysapadin’s A Firm Hand series and now it’s no longer a guilty pleasure ship and is actually something I’ll talk about in the open, just… the power dynamic fuck me up)
Sakurai (I fuckin love the idea of an anxious Sakurai crushing hard on Aomine and not knowing how to tell him but when he finally plucks up the courage and prepares himself for imminent death Aomine’s actually pretty chill about it… plus they’d be adorable together tbh)
Wakamastu (you know it’s gotta be enemies to lovers. not just bc I’m intrigued by the love/hate relationship itself but if you look past the attitude issues these two would actually probably have a lot in common. also I’m really interested in how their dynamic might change with Wakamatsu being captain and all)
Susa (idk but there’s one throwaway line in season 3 where Imayoshi says about Aomine “actually maybe he likes you” and that’s enough for me. bring me the rarest rarepair my body is ready)
Kasamatsu (it wasn’t supposed to be SERIOUS but they got me. That moment in the Touou/Kaijo game where Aomine helps him up and “you’ve really done it now, senpai” is legit, plus these two would be such a good-looking couple, honestly.)
Mibuchi (give me the pretty boys. I have no excuse for this except maybe their interactions in my own damn fic again)
Nebuya (sometimes shipping can be as simple as hey I want them to bang right. also they’re both humongous dorks under their respective rough exteriors and I love them)
Moriyama (they bond over liking girls at first and then they’re simultaneously like wait a minute… more Touou/Kaijo ships pls)
Nijimura (I have this idea of them reuniting late into/after high school and Aomine still calls him captain out of habit and Nijimura’s like relieved and impressed to see how he’s developed since the mess at Teiko)
Himuro (they Never interact but they’d be so Petty and Snarky sign me up)
Haizaki (twisted, but I’m interested it’d be so unhealthy and awful bring it)
Hanamiya (even more twisted tbh but there is that moment where Aomine confronts him… and I’m here for hate sex just as much as your typical romance)
Inoue (who, you ask? I know he’s such a side character and no one remembers him, but he’s a big reason for Aomine’s downfall at Teiko and they seemed to be buddies before that, I’d be interested in some kind of reconciliation between them, or a romance, ya know whatever works)
And then we get into crossover territory… MOST of these are not my fault they’re just things I’ve seen and adopted for myself
Kuroo Tetsurou (someone made a moodboard for them, and now I can’t stop thinking about them in a relationship, like damn… it’d be such a beautiful mess I wanna see more of it)
Oikawa Tooru (I’ve seen art, and also the light. These two damaged angsty prodigies, one sharp as a whip the other dumb as bricks, but both of them sassy and nerdy as hell. I could see myself getting addicted to this ship if I took the time to write it out, and I just might)
Yamazaki Sousuke (can’t lie, they look good together. I’ve seen more than one art piece of them interacting and I have a Mighty Need.)
Matsuoka Rin (angry lonely talented boys finding solace in each other’s company? you know that’s my shit. also shark teeth and cop AUs hells yeah.) 
Tanaka Ryuunosuke (I don’t know where the fuck this idea came from but I thought of Tanaka trying to pick a fight with “shitty boi” Aomine while in Tokyo and then losing his shit and here we are)
Terushima Yuuji (this one is purely physical… they pretty, I have no other reason, but also this absolute fuckboy, these two would be such a train wreck and I’m here for it tbh)
Yachi Hitoka (okay picture this Giant Terrifying basketball player trying to be less giant and terrifying to tiny shy Yachi and tell me you don’t just want to see that happen. I get Legosi/Haru vibes.)
I’ll spare you the rest of the ideas I’ve tossed around, because past this point it becomes pure crack (if it hasn’t already) but you get the idea. Throw a character my way and I can probably talk myself into it that’s the power this guy has over me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
My non-romantic OTP for this character
K considering the List… it shouldn’t be surprising that I also consider this person a romantic candidate, but you know when it comes to non-romantic OTP it’s gotta be Momoi. Platonic or romantic, the way she’s stuck with him all those years and his obvious protectiveness and love for her and how (even though he claims to like big tits) he never even once starts to objectify her in any way, it’s so important to me. Momoi is Aomine’s redeeming factor when he’s at his worst, and she goes to bat for him even while he’s actively trying to shake her off and still tries to protect and help him when he refuses to accept it, even when it means they fight. (Also Kuroko saying “Aomine’s probably looking for you” after their argument puts to mind Aomine running through the rain calling Momoi’s name and that is just… pure). These two have the kind of unshakable long-standing friendship that’ll probably last them the rest of their lives, and no matter what context or form it takes, I can’t get enough of it. 
My unpopular opinion about this character
I’ve harped on enough about the fandom’s portrayal of Aomine as a one-note asshole who doesn’t care before, so let’s see if I can change gears a little bit here. 
I honestly don’t agree with… the persistent idea people seem to have of Aomine being a narcissist or obsessed with himself? Like yeah, he’s self-absorbed and egotistical, no question, this is not to say he hasn’t got those flaws and others besides… but that’s not the same as being like, physically attracted to yourself. Part of me suspects it was a “the only one who can fuck me is me” joke taken too far, so that now the idea of Aomine being in love with himself is just ingrained into the fanon culture, but if you look at the show itself, personally I don’t see it. If anything, I would think he’d have some self-loathing issues to work through (and that’s part of the reason he gave for skipping practice, he doesn’t want to be the way he is, and specifically says he doesn’t want to increase the difference between him and everyone else). But hey, that’s just my opinion. I’ll get off my soapbox now.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I mean he says he and Kagami are postponing their match, after their brief one-on-one when he gives him the shoes, and then we never get to see it… Tbh just more street ball with this guy would be great, since it’s what his whole style is based around. Even if he’s just playing by himself… or hell, maybe since he thinks no one at the high school level can beat him, we could get a scene of him trying to go up against adults. Maybe he still beats them and his despair worsens after that, but then it’d have more meaning, and at least we’ll have seen that he’s tried and is not just giving up before he’s seen all of what he could be up against in the future. Plus, picturing Aomine going five-on-one like Haizaki did against grown-ups and still slaughtering them is something I’d pay money to see. 
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comicsnas · 4 years
TG: you on your way home yet TG: hey TG: john babe youre makin me nervous TG: if you forgot to charge your phone again i swear to god im having powerbanks sewn into your jackets TG: come on TG: why cant i reach your driver either i thought maybe youre just stuck in la traffic TG: la traffique as the french say TG: hello TG: fuck. please TG: alright
TG: hey alan TT: Hey, Dave. TG: sorry to just cold open this but could you do me a solid and track john down real quick TT: One sec. TT: [coordinates] TT: He’s on the move. In the air, seems like. TT: Headed pretty straight to Washington from the looks of it. TG: shit TT: Yeah. TG: alright could you maybe give me a quick ping when he stops moving or if he goes anywhere else TG: you dont gotta do nothing else just let me know would that be ok TT: Sure thing. TG: thank you TG: you take hourly payment in bigmacs if memory serves is that right TT: This one’s on the house. TG: no the fuck it aint im sending you a burger TT: Fine. TT: We can make it Whoppers, if that makes you feel any better. TG: not recently actually i think theres something going on with bk but i sure as fucking christ hope thats not relevant right now TG: nice of you to offer though youre a real one TT: Allegedly. TT: Godspeed.
TG: rose TT: Dawon. TG: theres problems TT: I’m on my way.
Your name is Dave Strider, and you are not panicking.
She wouldn’t hurt John, is what you tell yourself, is what you have to keep telling yourself. There is something about him, and you don’t know what it is, nobody does, you doubt she knows what it is, but he actually means something to her. She wouldn’t hurt him. She can’t. You have to tell yourself that.
There was a time when you also didn’t think she would come to harm you. There was a time when you didn’t think she was going to kill people over this. Whenever there are times when you think that this is it, it’s not getting any more brutal than this, she proves you wrong.
But you aren’t panicking.
Rose says, “Dawon, sit the fuck down.”
“No,” you say, and continue pacing through your living room, John’s living room, in his house that he bought and then let you move into just a few months later. It’s the middle of the night, you’re tired out of your mind, but you’re not panicking.
“You are scaring the children.”
That gets you to stop. You turn, and your sister is sitting on the couch with Roxy on one knee and Dirk on the other, both of them looking as tired and cranky as you feel, but you know that that’s on you. Dirk picks up on your moods so quickly, you pacing around like a caged animal will make him nervous just from watching, and Roxy had to be roused from sleep so Rose could come here and be there for you. To keep you from panicking, which is not something you are doing.
Your baby brother is glaring at you while chewing on his little chubby fist, and your shoulders droop, and you just sit down right there on the floor. “I’m sorry,” you say.
“It’s quite alright,” Rose says, and starts bouncing Dirk gently. “The premiere is supposed to be when, again. Thursday?”
“Thursday, yeah.” You rub your palm over your forehead, and when you close your eyes, you feel like you pass out for a second. What if she does do something to John this time, though.
Rose hums. “She doesn’t want the movie published.”
“Well, no, of course she doesn’t,” you mumble. “And she doesn’t want her son hanging out with me, because this is fuckin’ Westside Story, but with aliens and murder.”
“It’s what Shakespeare would have wanted,” Rose says. “She’s aware that we will come for him, you know.”
It’s the we in that sentence that makes you feel more awake again, and you glance up at her from between your fingers. “Uh huh?” you prompt.
“Mhm,” Rose says. “Here is what she wants to happen, dear. The timing of this is, of course, impeccable. I have no doubt that it was in part inspired by your daring Academy Awards gear, but more than getting back at you for that, she wants the movie thwarted. She wants you to lose your steam and put it on the backburner, pack your bags, fly to Washington, and face her. Tired, scared, and angry, so she can kill you before the world will ever see what you had in store with this one. Are you going to do that, Dawon?”
You pull your knees to your chest, and press both of your hands to your face. Rose is right, you know she is, because she always is, but it’s hard to force your mind to agree. In your head, this is all about John, and you need to come and help him, protect him from what he can’t fight all alone. But maybe it isn’t. Maybe this is about you, as awful and strange as that thought may be for you. “No,” you say, muffled against your palms. “No, I won’t.”
“Atta, boy,” Rose says softly. “I realize that sleep might not be in the cards, but you will rest tonight, at least. I am staying here with you. And in the morning, darling, you will get up and you will make coffee, you will put on your big boy pants and you will go to work, and you will finish your movie. It will premiere on Thursday, and she can go choke on it.”
You sniffle and nod, feeling about half your size. “What about John?” you ask your hands.
“Oh,” Rose says, “we are very much coming to get him.”
“She’ll see us coming.”
When you look up from behind your hands, Dirk’s eyes are closed, and his head is resting against your sister’s chest. Rose is looking right at you, unwavering. She says, “Then we best put on a show.”
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ctstrophes · 6 years
have you heard of LIGHTS MAVOR? she is a TWENTY year old survivor in boulder county, who looks like INDIA EISLEY. she is OBSERVANT, which helps her as a COLLECTOR at LIONSCREST MANOR. however, she can also be VOLATILE, so i’d watch out for them. they are known as the THE ANARCHIST.
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the mess is back!! honestly i missed this kid so much!! im rlly tired to do a rlly long bio so under the cut u will find the essential info to this absolute trash bag of a kid!!!!!  right, i might redo this someday and properly do it but here we go
lights was born as angelica marino, she grew up in new york city but her family was very conservative and closed off, they never let lights do anything that was outside of the ‘normal’ or they classified it as a sin. lights had to grow up like this but she started questioning the ‘whys’ of many things from a very young age making her mother angry at her and even though her father understood the young girl he had to agree with her mom so it was all very difficult yikes!!! 
she attended an all girls catholic primary and middle school, she tried never to question her parents anymore but once she got to high school her father convinced her mother to enroll her in a ‘normal’ high school, it was still a pirvate school but now lights finally had the chance to get to know more people and to really learn about the things her parents had held her back from but oh boy that was a mistake. lights had become like a kid in a candy shop, she had learnt so much that she forgot what was right from wrong and now things that her mother had told her were sins just seemed like normal things for her but she couldn’t let her parents now she was changing and learning so instead she started deceiving them ( talk abt hannah montana living that double life) 
once lights reached the age of 17 her moral compass was more than broken, she saw wrong things as right things and probably made more mistakes than anyone else but she didn’t regret them, she just saw it as living her life, a life she always felt deprived off. her parents eventually got divorced because lights’ dad couldn’t stand her mom anymore, he couldn’t live with the strict rules and the prejudice but he couldn’t take lights with him. all of this absolutely broke the girl and made her get to a breaking point and she ran away from home. she changed her name to lights in honor of her dad who always called her his little light and thought of a new last name for herself, angelica marino was now buried six feet underground and there was no bringing that girl back. the cross she wore around her neck had now lost all meaning. 
lights started hanging around with the very wrong crowd but that was freedom for her, she was happy and she got to be a new person, one that was nothing like the girl her parents had raised. lights was now using her innocent looks and acts to get what she wanted, whether it was money from men or just anything from anyone, with some of her old clothes and that innocent smile she could about fool anyone and that’s when it got worse. sometimes people tried to take advantage of her and she’d usually be able to fight them off but one day it got too far, one day there was no other way she could defend herself other than by stabbing them with the small blade she carried around with her for safety. 
since then lights had gotten a certain rush, maybe it was the power of being able to decide whether they lived or died or maybe her brain had now become too messed up now to process that this was a very bad decision that came with consequences, consequences that she couldn’t face due to the outbreak. once the outbreak hit lights made sure to get as far away from new york as possible and ran off to boulder county. she made sure to keep an act of being innocent and clueless and pretty much scared of everything because she thought that would be easier and she’d be seen as less of a threat. 
right okay that was long but some little pointers here im sorry that was so messy and all over the place its rlly late
lights basically is just a fuckin psycho but a rlly good one bc all you see when you see light is a very scared girl who probably cries and makes herself very weak passing??
at nights sometimes she goes making bad deals with raiders before killing them ( shes gotta fuel that murder kink)
she absolutely disguting honestly pls hate her but pls love her even tho  i dont think she has a good bone in her body anymore
she still always wears her cross that her dad gave her around her neck bc she misses the only person who ever really loved her??
when she snaps she snaps for the worse and can become very violent and just overall aggressive and its bad bc its like shes not even herself anymore
lights is basically the knife emoji 
yEa if anyone wants any plots or connections with her pls lemme know, shes been at lionscrest for a good ish amount of months
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