#I guess I’m not cut out for the unsober life
ctommyisnt · 9 months
Why do people drink????? This is not fun????
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cruecifymesixx · 5 years
Love and Leather /part twenty four/
Word Count: 2.7k
A/N: anyways, that’s what I picture our girl Vanity to look like in my head at least, no one else really fit the look. Enjoy! Feedback keeps me going!
Warnings: language
Taglist: @brideofdraculana, @xstarryeyes, @aryssav, @miserablecunt, @dangerous-like-a-loaded-pistol, @inthebackofmycarlaytheirbodies, @fandomshit6000, @anntheboneless, @electradestiny, @tiranni, @venus-calum, @justjodeye, @supernaturalvikingwhore, @are-we-real, @hi-my-name-is-riley, @extremesadnerding, @thatbandchick39, @awkwrdcait, @countrygirlswonderland, @dillightfulpickle, @baiabouk, @awesomealmostdopestudent, @madsthegroupie, @martabastic, @romanticvengeance, @tashy-bear, @krazykatkay456, @terror-triplet, @shouttatthedevill, @beachystars, @slutforsixx, @rodriguez025, @kickstart-myheart-sixx, @s-outhie, @anxious-diabetic, @awkwardblackgirls, @motlycrue, @brooklyn-antiques, @shamelessobsessions, @jerseytaint, @lilytalebi, @criminalyetminimal, @motley-queen, @trapt-in-a-dream, @lunamadhatter99, @broke-n-bitchy @thanks2pete, @slowandangry, @lovesick-heart0, @keepcalm-and-beyou, @miriampraez, @teenwolflover28, @lilyhw1, @swoopygorl, @motherloovebone, @random-internet-user-4471, @yxzzie420, @falcon-arrows, @talranocchia2001, @wheresmyvodkabitch, @supersoldierballerina, @badbitch27onacopioussofa, @ggorehorror, @marshbev, @primal-screamer
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May ‘85
“Wake up!” I jolted up from my seated position as I wiped my drool from the metal counter, “Oh, c’mon! You know I don’t work late shifts!” I whined out at Ryan. Ryan was a barely twenty something dude that worked the over night shift at the diner. Not many hours,so its a side job i’m assuming. I yawned, looking up at the clock on the wall seeing it was only three in the morning.
“How do you do this every night?” I asked, him sliding me over a cup of coffee, “a lot of this-“ he said holding up his own mug, “and usually it’s busier on a Friday night.” He added on, I nodded while taking a sip. I stood up from the stool and stretched.
“You and I should hang out sometime.” He suggested, causing me to look up at him. “That’s a hard no.” I turned him down, “No, Seriously! We could go catch a movie or go to dinner.” He continued, causing a sharp head shake from me. “Are you asking me out on a date?” I questioned his motives, but he just shrugged.” Well...I think you’re beautiful, and you seem cool.” I let out a small laugh, shaking my head.
“Thanks, but no thanks. Plus, we work together. I don’t really do the whole ‘dating my coworkers’ thing. ” I told him, and he nodded, “Well...not really...I see you like what? Two times a week? It doesn’t count.” Ryan replied, making a smirk appear across my face, “It always counts. You couldn’t handle me anyways.” I found myself starting to flirt with him, harmless flirting never hurt anyone, right?
“And what makes you think that?” He asked, propping his elbow up on the counter. I smiled, putting my hand on his arm, letting my nails graze across his skin, “Because I know better than to date nice boys like you.” I told him, a smirk playing on his lips as he sucked in his bottom lip between his teeth.
“I’m only nice when I want to be.” He teased. I took my attention away from him when the bell above the door chimed, “Hi, welcome to-“
“Vanity Blackwood, you fine ass chick.” Tommy stumbled in drunk, my eyes going wide. One by one, the boys followed him in with their entertainment for the night.
“You fucking know Motley Crue?! Ryan said vivaciously, his mouth hung open. “No, never met them a day in my life.” I joked, trying to suppress the nerves with a small smile.
“Ah! Come here!” Tommy spoke loudly, pulling me into a tight hug, as my feet left the ground from his over the top hug. “You should have came to the show!” He said loudly, energetic as ever. As the smell of booze hit my face, I let an apologetic smile go Tommy’s way. “Working, T-bone.” I told him, my eyes glancing over to Nikki, “Oh fuck! This is awkward, just fuck and make up like usual.” Tommy slurred his words, pulling Nikki into his side. His dark eyes fixated on me as he studied my face. His low, unsober gaze trailed down my body picking up on every single movement I made. I felt my throat tighten, feeling uneasy as he examined me. I couldn’t fucking breathe when he looked at me like that.
It’s been over two months since the last time him and I spoke. I’m so tired of this back and forth with him, its draining. “Don’t be rude, say hi.” Tommy said, failing his attempt at a whisper as he nudged Nikki’s arm.
“You know, Ryan...how about you take all their orders, and I’ll go on break.” I said, turning my attention to him, handing him the check pad. “What? No, we can split it.” He said, confused almost.
I smiled, letting my flirtatious side be used to the best of my advantage once again. “Take their orders, and maybe I’ll consider that date of yours.” I told him, “Date?” Nikki finally spoke up, “Dude, fuck yeah! You should totally wine and dine her!” Tommy said, putting his hand up for a high five to Ryan, he obliged and gave him one.
“Guess you’re gonna have to explain how you know them over dinner.” Ryan playfully teased as I rolled my eyes, “What can I get you guys?” He asked them as I quickly went to the back.
I found myself barreled over against the wall, clutching my chest. Every second that’s past, i’ve found it harder to breathe. I didn’t expect to see Nikki. No, I expected to eventually. Not at 3’ in the fucking morning at my job, though. “Pull it together, damnit.” I said to myself as I tried taking slow, deep inhales through my nose.
How could I have given him this much power over me? I don’t think he even knows it, or cares for that matter. I feel jittery when I’m around him. I can’t sit still, let alone catch my damn breath, Nikki Sixx being the only man able to get me worked up like this, even after all this damn time.
“You good?” Ryan came in through the swinging door, handing the night cook the meal ticket.
“Yeah I’m fine.” I said with a reassuring nod, “Good, cause Vince is asking for you. He’s shorter when he’s not on stage.” I chuckled at his comment, “C’mon!” He said pulling on my hand, leading me out the door and to their table.
“Sweetheart, come sit.” Vince motioned to me, as he gently grabbed my hand away from Ryan. The booth was full so I sat on his lap, his arm wrapped around my waist. His hand slid down to my ass over the period of a few moments, but me being too overwhelmed by the entire situation, I let it slide.
“I never did get a chance to say thank you for helping me.” I looked into his blue eyes, “it’s no biggie.” I lightly mumbled with a shrug, running my nails through my hair.
“No, no I’m serious, I don’t know how I can repay you. I’ll give you anything you want, you name it.” I shook my head, “Vince, really it’s fine, I was just being a friend.” I reassured him, running my hand over his untamed mess of sweaty blonde hair.
“How did you meet them?” Ryan asked as he pulled up a chair to the table, I shrugged. “Just did.” I told him, my eyes quickly darting over to Nikki who was chatting up the girl he was more than likely gonna fuck, and pass to Tommy when he was done.
“Dude, she was our fucking waiter here!” Tommy yelled out, pure excitement in his voice. God, I wish I had even one fourth of that mans’ energy. “And then she started partying with us! And then she started fucking sleazeball Sixx over here!” Tommy shouted out, pushing on Nikki’s shoulder. I groaned, wishing that he could just zip it once in awhile.
“Oh?” Ryan said, a smirk on his face, “Didn’t take you for the partying and sleeping with rockstars type of girl.” He joked with me, my head instantly shaking.
“Not anymore. The partying part is still true, but...” I stopped, nervously laughing. “Tommy’s right, Nikki is a sleazeball.” I said, the boys instantly stopped talking and stared at me. Nikki let out a huff of hot air, then continued to try and talk to the girl,
“Someone’s jealous.” The girl spoke up, a smirk plastered across her daring & bold red lips. “Shut up.” Nikki warned his female companion of the night.
“I’m sorry? Who are you?” I asked politely, a smile on my face. “I’m-“ I quickly cut her off. “Actually, scratch that. Doesn’t really matter who you are. You won’t be here tomorrow night, and frankly, he’s not gonna remember you the second his dick leaves from in between your thighs. This will all be a figment of what you can remember by tomorrow, so enjoy it while it lasts.”
“Whoa.” Tommy and Vince whispered in unison, Mick having an amused smile on his lips.
“Is that true?” The girls eyes gleamed with hope as she looked at Nikki. He scratched the back of his head, trying to think of what to say. “Don’t worry about her beautiful, she’s just being a cunt as usual.” Nikki spoke softly to her, his eyes darting to me as he called me names.
“I’m...I’m gonna see if the food is ready.” Ryan spoke up, “yeah man, good idea.” Mick replied, waving him off.
“C’mon Sixx! I know you better than that, you probably can’t even remember her name right now! How many lines did you do tonight? Oh wait, I forgot. We’re not doing that anymore .” I spat out, my smile turning to a deep glare. Nikki rolled his eyes in annoyance. “Of course I remember her name.” Nikki spoke, but he wasn’t too sure of himself.
I waited for a response, then noticed Tommy nonchalantly whisper into his ear, “Josie...her name is Josie.” I let out a bitter laugh. “She still won’t be here tomorrow.” I added, “You don’t know that. maybe she’ll take your place, and be better than you.” Nikki said, pure ignorance oozing out of his mouth.
“Please, we both know you won’t find anyone that will put up with your shit like I do.” I snapped at him while removing myself from Vince’s grasp.
“Good luck, girl.” I gave a smile to her before walking away from the table and going outside for a quick smoke.
Nikki’s POV
I turned my head to the side as I watched Vanity leave the table, “She’s a bitch.” Josie chimed in, her eyes rolling. I brought my attention back to her and slung my arm around her shoulder. “Uh, no she isn’t.” Tommy, like always, jumped to her defense. “Just fuck her, why don’t you? She has you wrapped around her finger.” I jumped down Tommy’s throat, much to his liking. “You cheat on Heather with every girl, why not add Vanity to the list? Hm?” I growled, Tommy ignoring my comments.
“Where’d Vanity go?” I looked up at this pretentious fuck of a waiter, as he was passing our food out from the tray. “Who gives a shit?” I grumbled out as I stuffed my face with food, earning a scoff from him in return.
“So you’re the Nikki guy the girls are always talking about? Makes sense.” He shrugged when I looked up at him, sending sharp daggers through his way.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” I say while quickly standing him and getting in his face, our noses almost touching. He put his hands up, with a conceited smile on his face.
“Ah nothing man, it’s nothing. Just didn’t think you were the guy Vanity, Lucia and Tonya were always gossiping about.” He let out a chuckle, shaking his head. “They’re like little school girls talking about their crushes.” He added on.
“Seems fitting.” Vince blurted out as he sipped on some coffee, “What did they say about us? Or him?” Tommy questioned, my curiosity getting the best of me as well.
“Oh, uhm...” He began looking up, trying to remember. “Just that they partied with a group of guys a lot. Tommy was always brought up.” Ryan boasted as Tommy threw up the devil horns, “Ladies love me.” He added on.
“I think they mentioned how much of an asshole you are though, and how she shouldn’t be dealing with it, cause she deserves better.” My jaw clenched, my fists clenching. “Those your words or theirs?” I asked him, he smirked as he slapped my arm. “Maybe a mixture of both.” I was about to knock this guy the fuck out when I saw the back door open up again ,Vanity walking inside.” Don’t you fucking talk to her.” I quietly warned him as I sat back in the booth.
Josie starting going on and on about something, but I had completely zoned out. How dare this fucking pretty boy get into my fucking face and talk about my girl. I mean, she’s not my fucking girl. But fuck, she belongs to me. Everyone knows that. I’ve already made that pretty fucking clear to her.
I should apologize to her, but apologizing has never been a strong suit of mine. I know I’m a huge fucking dick to her and I also know she doesn’t deserve it, and honestly me pushing her away is my fault, I’ve always been good at that.
I glanced over at her, noticing she was reading a magazine. Maybe I should try talking to her before we leave. If she doesn’t blow up on me in the process, it’d be a damned miracle.
“I want to leave.” Josie snapped me out of my thoughts as she grabbed my dick through my pants. I smirked, looking down at her hand, “We will soon babe.” I mumbled to her, giving her a kiss on the cheek while looking at Vanity.
Tommy’s POV
Fuck! I forgot to call Heather! She’s probably freaking out! Damnit, I’m such an idiot.
“Hey man, I gotta get out.” I told Vince, a groan escaping his lips as scooted out of the booth.
I walked over to Vanity who was sitting at the counter doing a crossword in a magazine. I walked up and slapped my hand on the counter, making her jump. “Fuck! Don’t be a dick.” She said while closing her magazine, making me laugh.
“I need a phone, can I use it?” I asked her as she rolled her eyes while grabbing the phone, handing it to me. I quickly punched in the numbers and waited for an answer. But to no avail, Heather never picked up.
“Heather didn’t answer.” I said, Vanity noticing the gloominess in my voice. “Shes probably sleeping, T-bone, I bet she’ll call in the morning.” Van said sweetly as she ruffled up my hair.
“I’m sorry about Nikki, I don’t know why he’s such an ass to you. He never shuts the fuck up about you, but yet he treats you like that.” I told her, as she shrugged softly. “Don’t apologize for him, he’s a grown ass man that needs to figure shit out on his own...no matter how long it takes him.” She said, her gaze slowly moving to him. I turned around, witnessing him getting overly cozy with that chick. Too much for in public.
“You got a thing for him, don’t you?” I asked her as I watched her cheeks turn to a crimson shade. “Shut up!” She said, but then continued, “I don’t want to have a thing for him. It just fucking happened, it won’t go away, and I hate myself for it.” She explained, “Shouldn’t deny love, girl.” She rolled her eyes, “I don’t love him, I mean yeah I love him but I don’t love love him, y’know?” She added with a dramatic sigh, making me laugh.
“We’re going on tour again, we leave Uh...Sunday actually.” I explained to her, “How long this time?” She asked, as she wiped the remnants of stage makeup from my cheek, “A year, we start here and then make our way across the country and then we end some where in the U.K.” I told her,
“London is beautiful.” She said, “Daddy took me on a few business trips when I was younger. Been to Paris too.” She elaborated, I nodded and gave her a smile.
“You’ll send me postcards like the tour you did with Ozzy?” She asked, “Every new city and country, babe!” Her eyes lighted up, Vince and Mick walked up.
“Let’s go T-bone, Nikkis out in the limo waiting.” Mick explained. I nodded slowly, looking up at Vanity with a soft smile.
“We’ll see you in a year!” I leaned over the counter and gave her a kiss on the cheek, “Be safe, for the love of god!” She shouted at me, making me chuckle,
“That wouldn’t be very heavy metal of us, now would it?” I asked while throwing up the devil horns, walking out of the diner with the guys.
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