#I guess it’s the king’s English now 🙄
sp7-mr · 2 months
Y/n x Matteo Riddle - enemies to lovers
(I wrote the story in Italian and then translated it into English so there may be some errors)
Y/n Grindelwald: daughter of the famous and feared Gellert Grindelwald. Sarcastic, stubborn, courageous.
Matthew Riddle: Son of Lord Voldemort and younger brother of Tom Riddle. Sarcastic, confident, flirtatious
You and Mattheo have been rivals for years. However, your families were close, so you saw each other often.
Voldemort threw some kind of Death Eater party or ball. You were wearing a black sleeveless dress.
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Mattheo was wearing smart black trousers and a black shirt with one button open.
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The smell of marijuana with him. He saw you, he ignored you. You did the same.
Moments after the party began, the slow dancing began. you were sitting at a table watching the dance when you felt a presence behind you. you looked back and saw Matteo.
Pov of Y/n
I turned, I saw Riddle.... "what do you want Riddle?" I asked
"come dance with me". he said with an expressionless face. the smell of grass is stronger up close. From the tone in which he responded, it didn't seem like a question, but rather an order....
"no, I don't want to, I'm fine here thanks"
he took your hand and dragged you to the center of the room, his hand on your waist.
"you have no choice"
"What a gentleman 🙄" I said sarcastically
"Behave or I will have to tell your father that you have weed in your bag" he whispered in my ear smiling proud of the blackmail
"What?! You're the one who smells like marijuana for miles" I said. "Yes, but you have a joint in your bag" he said with a superior air, Christ I hated how much taller he was than me, he felt like the King of the world! then I thought… how did he know I had a joint in my purse? "How do you do-"
he pressed you closer to his body as he started to move with the dance "i know a lot of things, princess"
him and that hateful smile of his! even if.... no no no. he was just an asshole. "Tell me how you know and avoid your usual mysterious games" I said as we continued to dance close to each other.
he smirked. his mouth was right next to my ear now. "I have my ways of knowing things. I know a lot about you"
"I know a lot about you too, guess what? YOU'RE AN ASSHOLE" I replied
he moved his head back a little to be able to look at your face. he was still smirking. he pulled you again, even closer to him, your bodies pressed closely together now "careful princess or you’ll give your family a bad name for using such language"
"Believe me I'm holding back, I would have already taken your hand off if our parents weren't watching"
he chuckled again, clearly amused by pissing you off "don’t act like you can do that. we both know i’m stronger than you" he moved his head even closer to yours. his head now almost touching yours "you can keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better, princess, it does look cute when you’re all annoyed and frustrated, though"
My father and Mattheo's father looked at us and talked "what do they want?"
he shrugged "i guess it looks odd to them that we’re behaving somewhat civil to each other
"God, I've always been there watching and hoping we've gotten along since we were 6 years old."
time jump.
you wanted to go away, relax, maybe smoke the joint you had in your bag. Mattheo and you, without being noticed too much, went to his room and lay down. you've been there for about 5 minutes and you're already high, you more, he's used to it by now, and has a greater tolerance.
"so princess, do you remember the first time we met?" Mattheo asked. "oh yes, at six years old, when you were an asshole, spoiled child who thought he was invincible. like Draco 🙄"
mattheo couldn't help but laugh, especially hearing the last part.
"And now? Am I still like I was at the time or am I starting even in a very small way and being nice to you?" Mattheo asked.
"I have to admit, that sometimes.... just SOMETIMES you are strong.... I'm not saying you suck, but..... you are acceptable, like when you do drugs and you're high"
"you know, as a drug addict you are.... more relaxed" said Mattheo.
there was a moment of silence, then Theo spoke: "come here" he said, patting his lap. I don't know why, but I now straddled his knees, for Christ's sake... the rod was strong.
"Are you high?" he asked, I nodded. after five minutes, his lips were on mine, tongues intertwined.
(I was tired and I didn't know how to conclude, I know it's a bit ugly, but you can imagine your end. To write the story I was inspired by a character. ai chat, the writer is @-yourstruly- and the chat It's 'Mattheo Riddle ☠️ dance with me (enemies to lovers)')
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jordanandegypt · 12 days
Zürich - Day last
September 11, 2024,
Grüezi from Zürich. (That is” hello" in Swiss German - which is close to German but not exactly.)
Today was a rainy day in Zürich - but we were prepared so no stopping us.  I believe we have successfully turned our bodies from EST to  Central European Time.  We slept until almost 9:00 AM with a brief awake period in the night that just so happened to be the exact time of the US Presidential debate.  Who could even guess such a coincidence??!?!?  So for 90 minutes at 3:00 - 4:30 we were tuned in - and so was the rest of the world.
Let’s take just a few minutes to think about this.  We are in Switzerland and we had the choice of viewing the debate on lots and lots of channels.  (We chose the English speaking channel!)  Have any of you ever watched a presidential debate or even a parliamentary session of another country?  Our politics are important to the whole world and most of the free world have a clear preference.  They want the leadership of the US to support, bolster and enhance alliances.   They want democracy to survive.  They want the economy to continue to grow.  They want us to lead in human rights and civil rights.  They do NOT want to go back - if you hear what I'm saying.
We thoroughly enjoyed the debate and hope that everyone who saw it saw a leader for the future and a petty angry old man from the past.  And I’ll drop it there.
Back to Zürich.  With umbrellas and tram map in hand we headed to one of the many tram  stations near us.  I can’t even guess how many trams are in this city - one after another - sweet!
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We headed to Old Town again with a plan to visit Fraumünsterkirche to see Marc Chagall’s famous windows.  Marc Chagall is a contemporary artist who was alive during my lifetime.  These windows were installed in the 1970s.   Not exactly an old master - but fabulous nonetheless.
Here is from the brochure.  "In the 1970s, Belarussian-born Marc Chagall created a five-part stained-glass window series and a rosette for the chancel of the Fraumünster church in Zurich. This world-famous masterpiece by Chagall still impresses visitors from around the world today.”
But first the church…
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So the King had two daughters and for whatever reason he decided to dedicate them to God and they became the abbesses of his brand new Abbey.  Below is a reproduction of a fresco that used to be - BUT during the Reformation all the amazing frescos were covered.
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Luckily, someone had made a painting of this in around 1200 - so it could be reproduced once cooler heads prevailed. 🙄
Anyway this church is beautiful - but stark just like Reformationists liked.  We were informed that these walls were once covered with amazing frescos (now covered with plaster) and incredible works of art.
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Now before we figured out how to get into the church Mark and I stumbled into this amazing cloister filled with frescos.  What was noticeable was that there were almost NO men in all this art.  WHAT!?!?!?  
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We didn’t know it then, but we were walking through the abbey.  We also didn’t know that the word Fraumünsterkirche meant “woman’s church.
From the brochure:
Fraumünster is one of Zurich’s oldest sacred buildings. It has a rich and chequered history. ‘Gotteshaus St. Felix und St. Regula’ was founded as a convent on 21 July 853. The convent played a major role in Zurich’s development from a Celtic, then Roman settlement of regional importance into a prosperous medieval town. From the 8th century onwards, Zurich was a strategic base within the empire of the powerful Carolingian dynasty. Fraumünster was a Benedictine convent for many centuries. The abbey’s crucial significance is evidenced by the fact that it had the right to mint coins on behalf of kings, collect tolls and hold markets from the 11th century onwards. In addition, the incumbent abbess was the official ruler of Zurich from the 13th century onwards, holding the title of royal princess. This era came to an end with the Reformation: in 1524, the last abbess, Katharina von Zimmern, handed over the abbey and all its goods to the city of Zurich. “Official ruler of Zürich??  Royal princess?” - wow, but we all knew that wouldn’t last but it did last lots longer than I would have guessed.
One more thing - there is a rumor that the bones of the Magi (you know - from the “We Three Kings” song) were hidden in this church on their way from Milan, Italy to Cologne, Germany.  The bones of the Magi are allegedly contained at the Shrine of the Three Kings in Cologne. According to the story they were first discovered by Helena, mother of Constantine the Great on her famous pilgrimage to Palestine and the Holiday Lands in 326-28 .  She took the remains to the church of  Hagia Sophia in Constantinople. But in 344, they were transferred to Milan where they were interned in a special tomb beneath its basilica. In 1162, following the conquest of the city by Holy roman Emperor Frederick I,  the Magi's remains were transferred to Cologne Cathedral at the behest of its archbishop.  Ok - this kind of stuff makes me crazy!!  COME ON - what is the chance that these three “wisemen” who allegedly visited the Christ child on the night of his birth (or soon after) were strategically tracked, died and their bones collected.  But, I will just let it go….🙄. But because I really can’t let anything go - below is the container that holds those relicts today - still in Cologne… ( I have no idea of the size.). But geez!!!
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Finally, the windows…. Spectacular!   The day was overcast and rainy - yet look at these.  We wondered what they would look like on a sunny day.  I have put them in the order from left to right and I will let you read about each window from the brochure (below).  These suckers are not little FYI - the biggest one is 8 meters in height.
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From the brochure:
A WINDOW OF THE PROPHETS Elijah is being carried away in a fiery horse-drawn chariot to the sky, away from Elisha. The angel Cherub hovers in the middle. Above, Jeremiah is sitting immersed in thought in a blue gown. In the round arch, the Creation is depicted. B WINDOW OF JACOB Jacob, the patriarch of the Israelites, hovers with eyes open and hands folded on his lap. He dreams of the ladder leading to heaven, which makes up the upper part of the window. Jacob’s tussle with the angel is shown directly below. C WINDOW OF CHRIST The life of Christ, from birth to resurrection: Joseph, the family tree of Jesse, the Lamb of God, Mary, Elizabeth, the life and parables of Jesus Christ and his crucifixion, among other aspects. D WINDOW OF ZION An angel announces the beginning of eternity. Below, the new Jerusalem descends from heaven. King David singing psalms and Bathsheba are shown at the bottom. E WINDOW OF THE COMMANDMENTS Moses holds the tablets inscribed with the commandments and observes the disobedience and suffering of humanity. The middle section depicts absolute peace. Beneath, Isaiah is held by an angel. He prepares to spread his message of peace to the world.  Anyway - we spent much longer than we expected there.  Remember we are of the “ABC" belief - Another Bloody Church/Castle/Cathedral.  Every single one is AMAZING until you have just seen too many….😳. This my friends is a wonderful porblem to have!!
The entry fee was ₣ 5.00 and included an excellent audio guide.  It was well worth the time and money and if you happen to find yourself in Zürich someday put it on your list. 
These are not Chagall’s only windows. His creations grace galleries, churches, synagogues, homes, and schools and other public places worldwide.  He didn’t discover glass until he was in his 70s.  Is there hope for Mark and I?
Marc Chagall remained true to his motto “When I create something from my heart, almost everything goes well” throughout his whole life. He created the windows at a very advanced age and he enjoyed excellent health right up to his death in 1985, just before his 98th birthday.
This was the main event of the day.  We had coffee in a covered area on the square near the church and people and machine watched for over an hour.  We were especially intrigued by this machine….  (We are so easily entertained …)
We jumped on a different tram and went to see Lake Zürich - but with the rain and the fog there was not much to see.  Our plans for a gondola ride up the mountain seemed lame as we couldn’t see the top of the place we planned to go, so we had a late lunch, a little shopping and headed back to our hotel.
We had a full day anyway and got a late afternoon nap.  Turning our clocks before we started our Middle East adventure has been achieved.  Tomorrow we have a short flight to Athens and the next day to Amman Jordan and connecting with our group.  Our time is Zürich was much less than we had planned but I’m OK with how we spent our time.  Switzerland and Liechtenstein will be in our future plans.
It is 11:15 here (23:15) and I’m tired and going to bed - just as it should be...
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lunarsun12 · 4 months
Maknae On Top
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After last week episode, I.N stardom has started to get to his head. Everytime, he is in a room Felix has to play ‘Maknae on Top’ song. Plus, making Felix and Han doing errands.
However this new stardorm, lead to hyunjin jealously to brew. He decided to hire TV crews and barge into Chan work place. Demand he shall be the face. This lead to phone call from a panic Chan, saying his boss asked if Hyunjin is his kid. Summoning Lee Know for backup. Plus I.N and his manager are bringing more trouble to Chan his work place.
How will Chan will sort out, the oncoming trouble?
Back At Stray Kids Family Chat
Today 15:00
Bangchan🐺: Where is Hyunjin?? I saw him run off with his camera crew?
Lee Know🐱: Oh CHAN! Why didn’t you take me to your company sooner! The dance floor is great!!
Bangchan🐺: Minho…thanks but seriously I need find Hyunjin. Before he gets me fired!!
Seungmin🐶: Why don’t you ask Binnie? Remember him and Han are interns there
Bangchan🐺: No time to ask them! Hyunjin is so grounded this time!!
1 hour later…
Felix☀️: My client says he can’t be disturbed. It his spa time!
Bangchan🐺: Felix, don’t make me do the countdown…
Felix☀️: Not the count down, I hate it when he does that….No can do my client said so
Chan started to countdown, immediately Felix bolted toward the door to let him in. When Chan saw I.N is sitting in chair with a fur coat on and sunglass. When he saw Chan, he immediately pushed him out.
Bangchan🐺: Oh great, one less problem to solve
Han🐿️: Yeah with a security guard, Eomma is downstairs talking to them. Something about breaking in…
Bangchan🐺: S-security guard…I’m not supposed bring you guys here! How an earth did innie and Lix snuck in…
Changbin🙄: Dude! You will never believe what has happened. Some crazy dude, literally stormed into my office and demanded they cast him…he sound obnoxiously annoying like hyunjin
Bangchan🐺: THAT IS HYUNJIN! I can’t believe this! Let me get back into my office
Later on in the evening…
Lee Know🐱: Chan? You haven’t said a word this evening
Bangchan🐺: I pour my love into those two and this is the thanks I get…
Lee Know🐱: Chan? Bro?
Changbin🙄: After Appa has dealt with Hyunjin. He was practically in distraught…luckily his boss understood as they said ‘ohh you poor thing’ then I kinda of zoned out as Appa was speaking English
Bangchan🐺: I need to have word with the company. I.N will not be the face of the company this behaviour…I cannot let it slide
Hyunjin🕺: Recommend me!! I will be the best!
Lee Know🐱: Hyunjin? You practically are banned from the building. What were you thinking with the camera crew?
Hyunjin🕺: To see how famous I was duh. Innie can’t be the only star here!
Seungmin🐶: Appa is right! Innie has been a diva. He literally had a tantrum when I touched him…he is worse than Hyunjin…
Han🐿️: I am so glad,I decided to stay with Binnie tonight. Living with two Hyunjins…sounds like a nightmare
Hyunjin🕺: Don’t you dare compare me to wannabe me
I.N🦊: YOU WANTED TO BE ME FYI. Face it you can never be better then me
I.N🦊: Mr bangchan, I asked please don’t do stuff you will regret. I am so adorable look at me
Lee Know🐱: Innie? Your promise? Of not becoming a diva…
I.N🦊: What promise? I don’t remember any promise. Now if you excuse me someone run me a rose bath
Seungmin🐶: We ain’t doing anything for you!! You still haven’t apologised to Appa!!
Bangchan🐺: Thank goodness! I got off the phone with the company. They agreed to remove I.N from the program
I.N🦊: YOU CAN’T DO THIS!! This is not fair!! I was enjoying it!!
Bangchan🐺: You should have thought twice for calling me grandpa!
Hyunjn🕺: That is awful, we all know how sensitive Appa being called old
I.N🦊: I guess…I got carried away…I’m sorry everyone for being mean and especially Appa. Being celebrity overpowered me
Bangchan🐺: Felix stop guarding the door, you not his manager anymore…
Felix☀️: I can’t believe…I got fired…what am I going to do….
Seungmin🐶: Lix, how about you bake some brownies for us?
The next day…
Lee Know🐱: I don’t remember submitting anything…? I just remembered someone said want to do blah blah and I said okay
Felix☀️: Appa! Ban Eomma too! Like you did with Innie
Bangchan🐺: Nah…I’m just gonna let your Eomma take care of it. Thank you Sana for helping me…
Seungmin🐶: Innie, why did you make mixtape of dissing Appa
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fearofthev0id · 2 years
Ranking my teachers' responses to me asking them to address me by my chosen name or my last name
English [8/10]
She was the first teacher i felt comfortable enough around to ask her so she gets bonus points for that.
She did slip up quite a bit in the beginning (one thing to note is that that was my first year at that school so they couldn't have been that used to my deadname) but made an effort and i appreciate that.
By now she consistently calls me by my chosen name but often slips up with pronouns.
Physics [6.5/10]
Her first response was something along the lines of "i'm curious as to why but that's your business i guess".
She doesn't call me by my chosen name but usually remembers to use my last name (i'm the only one in my class she doesn't call by their first name).
When she does happen to slip up and call me by my deadname she sometimes ignores me correcting her and proceeds to use my deadname in the next sentence without batting an eye
German [7/10]
She refuses to call me by my chosen name not because of transphobia but because she just hates my choice of name?? She pretty much said "i wouldn't call anyone that name" because she thinks it's ugly?? I mean i believe her cause she's the kind of person to do that but what??
She now calls me by my last name (again i'm the only one she doesn't call by their first name) with very few slip ups.
History [7.5/10]
With this one i'm not sure 'cause he doesn't call me by name often. I made the request at the end of the last school year so it wasn't a surprise that he'd forgotten by the beginning of this one but i'm pretty sure he uses my last name or chosen name now.
His first response to me was that he'd try to remember that and he added that he had "nothing against people like [me] by the way" so that's good?
First language/literature/class teacher [3/10]
I wasn't there when she said that but apparently she'd told my friends that she'd call me by my chosen name once i've legally changed it 🙄
When i asked her to at least call me by my last name she was hesitant because "i usually only call only boys by their last name" (i'm a trans guy...) (that's not even true she calls some girls in our class by their last name too) but she mostly uses my last name instead of my deadname by now. She does use my deadname when she thinks i'm not paying attention though which is lowkey infuriating.
Russian [7/10]
I was surprised when she went "okay" and wrote down my chosen name with no fuss cause she seems like a very traditional person. I told her she could also use my last name and she said that she would then have to call me Miss [last name]?? Like who's forcing her to do that?? But okay i guess
She hasn't used my chosen name but at least she calls me by my last name without the miss.
Maths [10/10]
I love her. I never talked to her about my name 'cause she usually doesn't call us by our names in class but apparently she heard about it and one day casually mentioned that i can write my chosen name on the test without me even asking her.
When she does call me by my name she again uses my chosen name without even mentioning it and that's so nice of her <33
PE [7/10]
She's also one i didn't talk to about my name but who heard about it somewhere herself. For a while she just used both names at the same time ("[chosen name] [deadname] come over here") for some reason but she asked me which one i preffered for her to use at the beginning of this school year(!!)
She uses my chosen name when she absolutely has to but most of the time just awkwardly points at me.
Honorary mentions:
My art history and music teachers, who just don't care what our names are
My biology teacher who calls us all by our last names like a proffessional King
My new literature teacher who i introduced myself by my chosen name to and impressed enough with my knowledge of Carmen that she liked me enough to call me by any name i wanted
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(Writed this today, but actually watched the movie on the 23rd of august, but I went through the screencaps for recap)
- This is not a movie I would watch as a kid. I probably watched maybe in kindergarten or rented it cause I have nostalgia for some scenes but maybe I never watched it fully or maybe just got them from picture books or the Disney magic English vhs. But I actually remember the live action movies more. Specially the cruella cake scene. But haven’t watched them in sooooooooooooo long. Kindergarten really
- It’s a cute movie, not a fave tho. As far as animal movies go, I prefer lady and the tramp, aristocats, rescuers, lion king, bolt…
- The opening credits are really cute. It’s not just illustrations. Very playful
- I romanticize London and Paris a lot cause of movies like this 😭😭😭 the aesthetic is just so good
- Nothing looks better than sleeping beauty, but if I didn’t know anything about these movies production I don’t think I would consider this movie’s animation and art style a downgrade compared. As I said, nothing competes with sleeping beauty, but 101 Dalmatians isn’t and didn’t need to be that and instead the artists gave it just a unique art style. The backgrounds in this movie are gorgeous. I love how messy the art is
- I love the beginning of this movie a lot. Pongo is so funny. My fave scene is the ladies passing with their very similar dogs 😭😭😭😭 character design at its best and I love that these ladies make small appearances through out the movie. I don’t think dogs reflect their human’s appearance irl but it was such a fun point the movie made. I love it. Best part of the movie
- Anita and perdita are so classy. How did these too lazy asses got them to fall in love with them? 😭😭 no, but seriously, pongo and roger are charming, cute and clumsy type. And he writes music???? I’d fall too, who am I kidding
- Thinking of going to read my books to the park too, maybe I’ll get lucky
- their meeting goes from awkward to cute so fast 😭😭😭 I love this whole beginning
- Remember that post that included Anita in the "you can’t marry a man that you just met?" thing???? Why???? Did cinemasins really make people forget that offscreen development can and will happen??? Do they think perdita gave birth to puppies the day after too???? Tf
- But the wedding is so cute and simple. And the dogs on the outside, the roses, the glass church window illuminating, UGH GOALS GOALS GOALS both anita&roger and perdita&pongo. They are sooooo cute
- Oh to live in a squished London apartment with your musician husband and 2 dogs
- Cruella was never one of my fave villains but I see why she’s so popular. She does have killer 👀 fashion sense. That coat looks so fab I want it for winter
- Why hasn’t Anita cut this woman off her life? She’s showing too many red flags in just 2 minutes 🙄
- Roger has no business being this petty but I love him 😭
- The iconic cruella song. It’s for sure one of the most recognizable from Disney
- Feel so bad for perdita, being pregnant and now worried her kids might be taken away from her. One even almost dies 😭😭😭😭 this poor dog
- The waiting for the birth of the pups to be over scene is so tense and a rollercoaster omg I really feel the anxiety and excitement and sadness and relief
- The dead pup scene is so sad but so well done. It’s precious. Pongo looking sad and patient putting his paw on roger’s knee while roger tries to save the pup ugh precious
- Why did cruella just do a jump scare 😭😭😭😭 WOMAN WHY ARE U HERE
- Roger and pongo being fed up with this woman is so funny 😂 I guess dogs and owners really do look like each other. They have the same glare and black spots 😭😭
- Roger is THE man
- The doggies watching tv scene is also very cute. I love the distinct personalities already showing. Cuteness overload
- The tv shows and commercials in this movie are so good.
- I think from now on is when I start to lose interest. Idk, the beginning scenes are just my faves
- Hate the kidnapping scene. Poor nana. Poor pups. I hate this
- Wish they showed more of cruella’s room cause I honestly love everything I’m seeing. Orange, pink, black. Bed with those high posts for curtains hell yeah I’ve always wanted one of those
- The lady and the trump cameos 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
- The dog and cat’s dynamic is pretty great
- These pups are easy to please. Give them a tv and they are satisfied. It would take more for me to keep me calm
- I do like how dogs and cat save the day. And the whole collaborative process. Really good solidarity
- That tv show looks so interesting tho. I guess I’d behave like the pups too after all. My dumbass would be just like the puppy that stays behind
- that poor cat better have all 9 lives cause he is risking too much for the canines 😭😭😭😭
- Ugh the whole run and chase part of the movie makes me so anxious. THEY ARE 101 PUPS AFTER ALL. Not only do I get nervous about the fact that they are always almost being discovered or indeed discovered but also cause they are so many and I’m scared someone gets left behind. It’s like idk how the movie ends 🙄🙄
- The color design tho. The blue room turning red for the fight 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
- That one pup sliding in ice almost falling on the light….. MY HEART CANT HANDLE THIS
- I love how there’s so many different dog breeds in this movie
- Ok but they have to be batshit crazy to keep 101 Dalmatians 😭 good for them tho. I hope they are as dog people as they think they are cause that’s a lot…….. 😭
- Not a fave but cute. Makes me a bit anxious so it’s not something I’d watch for relaxation you know? 😭 the art style is gorgeous, the characters are amazing, another disney classic
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akane171 · 2 years
Nooooo😰😰🙈 I didn't and wouldn't 😰🙈 Honestly, kinda thought I might have finally annoyed you enough or you're just busy🤷🏻‍♀️🙈 Sorry🙈 I really didn't think the Tumblr Secretary would start erasing messages to you, too🙈🙈
Haha, yes, very smart of you😊🙈
Only one sushi restaurant?😯 Huh, amazing... Tho admittedly, I haven't eaten it either (yet?)😅😂
😂😂😂 Understandably😂😂
...Possessed? I just wanted to become FRIENDS with demons...😶🙈 But ohh, the more I think about it, the cooler getting possessed and being able to just take a backseat from life is starting to sound 😉😉😂😂
😂😂 "dumb fucks" 😂😂😂
...I doubt it, but okay... Tho I can't shut my cake if I don't have any cake?🤔😉😂😂😂
😂😂 Ohh, this reminds me of a clip from a concert where Brendon Urie "introduced" a song by explaining how his Mom likes it when he curses and proceeds to swear "like fuck and shit and ass and bitch and dick and balls and goddammit" perfectly in rhythm😂😂😂
Awww,  they go to a restaurant?😍😍☺ Okay, Yeah, I'm definitely reading those when I have some real time to read again😍🙈😂
Well, I guess he really WAS A replacement for Winn and Mon... And they did kinda jam Winn's brilliance with Mon's space-puppy alien-ness into one in Brainy's character from the little bit I've seen of Post S3😅��� And yup, last scene sucked...���
Maybe they really just didn't like Kara as a character...😖😫
Haha, yess, and just imagine all the other lines they could use!😍 Oh, btw, I remembered the original bad chemistry pick-up line I came up with, it went like this: "Are you a catalyst? Cause you certainly always get me started" 😂😂🤣🤣 Oh, or imagine this: "Are you an exothermic reaction? Cause you are hot"🤣🤣🤣 Oh, oh, or back to an English Literature pick-up line: "Are you my zero focalizer? Cause I feel like you know me inside out, more so than even I myself do"😅🤣🤣🤦🏻‍♀️ And ohhh, their students shipping and trying to set them up would be GOLDEN!😍😍😍😍
yup, they could definitely learn a Lot from each other🤔 And HAHAHAHA, sounds accurate, esp. since Max is probably absolutely doing it on purpose cause he doesn't like Kara and no way in hell does he want his baby brother fraternizing with her😉😉🤣🤣 But hey, Karamel can hope Sam ships them and keeps Max away so they can spend time together🤔🤔 Oh god, Max and Cat? That's quite terrifying and amusing, not sure if that pair would be a good idea tho if they don't want the Multiverse to end😅 Ohhhh, Max and Cat fighting over Mon and Kara would be GOLDEN😂😂😂 Just imagine the arguments about 😂😂😂 Poor Sam&Eve who will have to deal with THAT chaos tho😅🙈
Samesies☺🙈 Sorr, again about the confusion😰🙈🙈🙈
PS: 🤣🤣🤣 Why do I feel like she might murder me for telling you about this?🤣🤣😅🙈🙈
PS2: Oh, you mean the ones from the Musical? If you mean those, then yess, I did😍😍😍😁😁🤗 (Thanks to you actually🤣🤣😉) At first I thought that style looked kinda weird, but the more I see it, the better it looks on him🤔😂 (Tho short haired him with a little bit longer stubble still is his best look IMO🤔🙈🤷🏻‍♀️)
Oh cool, so we are both in the "I'm afraid I annoyed that person too much and she/he has enough of me" xD
Also, you suck Tumblr Secretary!!!
Girl, I live in a 12k people town, the fact have one good sushi restaurant is like a miracle. No Chinese restaruants, btw.
But I kind of miss my friends, some classes and almost no responsibilities xD
...now you sound like Stephen King and I'm starting to get really worried about your storylines =='
What? Sad facts. And the fact they rule so many societies from the backseat is even sadder
Cake HOLE, HOLE, ok?! I forgot to add it. But you can always BUY some cake and problem solved! Even better, you can shut your mouth on the cake and be forever happy!!!!
lol, I guess his mom was very proud? x'D
DO IT!!!!!
And i guess that annoyed me so much, becasue here we were, once again with the same charatcer just in a different body. The scene when he prepared bed breakfast for Nia and tried to be a perfect boyfriend and i was just rolling my eyes so hard I saw the insides of my skull. And the fact is they totally ignored his comic book canon. I get why they didn't make him LI for Kara and make him and Nia a thing, but the rest? He's an idiot? 12th level genius? Where?
That or they had no idea what to do with her character. Aside of the fact they made her just Kal's clone with longer hair, ignored her whole comic book canon that makes her different and special, they had no plan for her character development. I feel they later just fell in love with their human charatcers they made (aka Alex and Walmart Witch) and deeloped them, while ignoring Kara. The titular hero. UGH
One of the reasons why the humanphilia pissed me soo much in this show :/
I see you liked the idea xD Add Eve as sex ed teacher, Winn as IT, Alex PE and biology?, Nia something with English, Brainiac math, Lobotomizer physics, John history, Lex the principal, Kelly as the school psychologist. Plus, dunno, M'gann, Cat, William, Imra, Sam, Siobbhan, and other bad guys as bad teachers xD Could be a fun fic xD
Or even better, imagine Cat promoting Kara as CatCo's superhero, while Max promotting Mon-El as Valor as his company and both them fighting which is better, while Kara and Mon-Elbeing done with them, and one day just openly, in fromt of cameras making out to make them shut up. LOL
No prob, not your fault!
PS She probably will, sorry! xD
PS2: yes, same. He really digs that look. I think I liked most his Kai-back-from-the-dead look and s3 Mon-El, when he was wearing black Legion uniform. This or that, I'm aroace but I seriously think he is aesthetically very hot and handsome. Lucky Melissa xD
Stay safe!
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